Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib3 hours ago
Hi there!
AdLiban hour ago
an hour ago
I like it when you’re early. How are things?
AdLiban hour ago
Two words “Valentina Gomez” my new stir in the firmament of Missouri greats.
an hour ago
Oh, she is a cartoonishly bad piece of work.
AdLiban hour ago
Did you see the MO AG is showboating that he’s suing NY State for prosecuting Trump? I mean, idiocy reaches such new lows, it’s beyond predciction.
AdLiban hour ago
That she is…….I read about her commentary on Juneteenth…..this morning and ended up at a meeting with her there…..GAWD awful.
an hour ago
Our statement government has very few sharp tools in the woodshed.
an hour ago
Really? What was this meeting that this freak attended?
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – MO state government resembles a mental asylum.
AdLiban hour ago
Missouri is taking up the “cause” of 10 commandments in every classroom and adding a “Plain wooden cross” to it because America was founded as a “Christian Nation”
an hour ago
Murph – Will the crosses be burning?
AdLiban hour ago
The meeting was a rally which basically crashed with her setting up a platform immediately adjacent and holding a rally of her own.
an hour ago
Of course, because our faith is burning within our hearts.
an hour ago
I often wonder how the GOP cope with Jesus riding into Jerusalem on an ass……and not an elephant.
an hour ago
Wait, so was it a Kunce rally that she invaded?
AdLiban hour ago
Hey TW!
AdLiban hour ago
TW….we are having a pregame chat.
an hour ago

Good evening gents
an hour ago
CL let me know she may not make it tonight but will try.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph are the folks in your state talking about puttng up the 10 commendments in class rooms?
an hour ago
Valentina Gomez, speaking as an immigrant from Columbia, attack blacks for daring to put “Juneteenth” on the national calendar…..nasty piece of work running for Sec of State here.
an hour ago
Murph – I saw another article about the brain drain in MO and other southern states, people are moving away, college kids aren’t coming back and doctors and teachers are exiting.
AdLiban hour ago
TW…the bill has been put forth with an addition….a plain wooden cross.
an hour ago
Gomez said that black people celebrating Juneteenth should leave this country.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph which version of Christianity are the fine folks of your great state considering praciting?
an hour ago
I had a haircut a few days ago. The stylist is a very nice, and rather bright, person. We have had a number of long and substantive conversations. She needs a hysterectomy (pre cancerous precaution) and cannot get it in this state because she is not “medically eligible”….I told her to go to Il. I can recommend a surgeon. She is taking me on it.
an hour ago
TW….”Why, the saints here believe in the true Jesus, blond and bleed, and thus the true cross. So of course they are the only real Christians.
an hour ago

Murph also which version of the Ten Commmandments will they post? The Exodus, Deuteronomy or Leviticus also how will they handle the division that might come about with those who go to your schools but may not be so-called Christians?
an hour ago
TW…..they damn well better convert or just put their heads down and keep their pagan mouths shut.
an hour ago
How many of the Big Ten can Trump show that he honors……sinner.
an hour ago

Murph but I thought MO was a state that believed in religious freedom.
an hour ago
TW….you are free to be almost any version of Christian…..that is just good enough for all
an hour ago

Murph normally it is but it sounds like some folks in your fine state may have a different view on that.
an hour ago
“Fine state”?…..Missouri? Fiend state maybe.
an hour ago

Murph, fiend, fine, fo fum
an hour ago
TW….very big of you.
an hour ago
So I think we can agree that we are already dealing with The New Confederacy which is now a collection of likely suspect states which are enforcing misogyny and theocracy.
AdLiban hour ago

an hour ago
TW….The Stars and Bars are flown quite often here…for real…..
an hour ago

Ad you are so right on that.
an hour ago
TW….thank you, kind sir.
an hour ago

Murph at some point all we can do is laugh
an hour ago
AdLiban hour ago
My Man…..
an hour ago

Murph the stars and bars fly once again, they didn’t get it right the first time so the believe they can this time around?
an hour ago
Hawley remains ahead of Kunce but the lead is shrinking…..I really want Lucas to pull the rabbit from his hat.
an hour ago

Murph what are the folks in you state saying about Run-away-Hawley?
an hour ago
TW…I know people who have flown the flag and when quizzed have no real idea of what it re presents….the most common response? “White people have rights too.”
an hour ago

Murph white people have rights too? When didn’t they have rights?
an hour ago
TW….there is not much conversation. To a large extent people are Locked into an affiliation and move as tribal members…..unthinking, ritualistic, and mastered by group think.
an hour ago

Murph sounds like they have had their brians eaten by zombies
an hour ago
TW…..if you live in a Southern state and Mo is a southern state, now more than ever, the notion that white people have robbed, and persecuted is a matter of faith.
an hour ago
I saw Hawley trying to be righteous grilling the Boeing CEO. And he didn’t run away until the end.
AdLiban hour ago
Some of our political leaders and zombies.
an hour ago
Murph – They’re zombies but their repulsed by the scent of brains.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph now I get it, zombies attack in packs never alone always in packs
an hour ago
Both comments…..Ad and TW….spot on.
an hour ago
Murph – A proposition: Eventually, sometime in the future, the economy will decline again, a normal cycle, and when it does next time, I think many Red states will severely collapse financially because they have gutted their economies and driven out population that delivers the tax base. What do you think?
AdLiban hour ago
an hour ago
And let’s add to the mix, Climate Change which will worsen the droughts in many Red states like MO that are farming states. That too will contribute to the collapse of many Red states.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph so the ideal envirnoment for the folks in your state, is to have freedom of speech, which they have, freedom of religion which they have, to exercise their right own as many guns they can which they have, freedom of religion which they have. So if they already have these freedoms what the hell are they bitching about?
an hour ago

Murph if they want Christianity practice in the schools, which version of Christianity do they want practiced?
an hour ago
There are always consequences to actions. Sometimes they are beneficial, sometimes they are destructive. As Red states oppress and drive out professionals and the educated with their theocratic domination, when tough times come again, they won’t have the people they’d need to help them turn things around.
AdLib44 minutes ago

Ad there is no such thing a climate change, it’s just a made up theory by those commie libs.
43 minutes ago
Ad…..our rather wet spring set off a lot of celebration from the right as it seemed to be countering all of that “climate change” nonsense.If the weather continues as ipredicted the gains won by those showers will dry up……these people are not long range thinkers.
43 minutes ago
The first sentence in the First Amendment (it’s first for a reason: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”
AdLib42 minutes ago
Ad…..they are bitching about the attack from the left that threatens all they hold dear…so the best defense is offense.
42 minutes ago
TW….which version of Christianity….the churches that are the fullest and best funded are the evangelical fundamentalists.
41 minutes ago

Ad these folks are taking that as a suggestion, one they feel they have a right to ignore.
41 minutes ago
TW – As FL is drowned again by floods, DeSantis can smirk that no one can say it’s because of CLimate CHange because that phrase is not allowed to be spoken or written by anyone in government then. I have a mental image of water rising from a storm over his head as he looks for Democrats to blame.
AdLib40 minutes ago
Ad….when that line can be ignored as it is now being dealt with there are no real standards, no historical perspectives.
40 minutes ago

Murph like the Mega church whose main pastor was molesting a 12 year old girl for years and just finally resigned? That kind of church?
40 minutes ago

Ad I just wonder if DeStupid still has his white go-o boots cause he is going to need them.
39 minutes ago
TW….I am less focused on pastors and more on those in the pews who are the ones who generate the willingness to have wolves for the flock.
38 minutes ago
Murph – The three of us here are reasoned and know that rainy years come and go along with droughts but these morons can’t think past right now and need to believe CC isn’t real. There has been a La Nina system this year that has led to a lot more rain around the country but an El Nino system is replacing it and droughts will return…worse than before.
AdLib38 minutes ago

Murph they want more of their kind sitting in those pews I take it.
37 minutes ago
Ad….STOP confusing this discussion with well reasoned, fact supported, perspectives….typical LIB!!!!!
37 minutes ago

Murph good one.
36 minutes ago
TW….the evangelical desire for neat, simple answers creates an environment where the truth has little chance of winning the day.
36 minutes ago
Murph – Yeah, poor victim Repubs and Christian extremists, always howling about what victims they are and using that BS to justify assaulting others’ rights the way they’ve lied about it being done to them. I see the same pattern over and over. Like Trump bragging he’ll use the Justice Department to go after his enemies because he’s lied about being held responsible for his crimes as “weaponization of government”. They accuse Dems of the crimes they intend to commit so they feel they have cover to commit those crimes.
AdLib35 minutes ago
Ad…..very accurate summation.
35 minutes ago

Murph but what the evangelical folks in your state fail to understand is the simplicity of Jesus’s sermons was ladden with complexity that required them to understand.
34 minutes ago
The evangelical approach is to adopt positions where scripture is required to support their values….distortion and deceit follows….
33 minutes ago
TW – It’s a grade school mentality. When brats lose games they whine that others have cheated and kick the gameboard over. When they win, they brag that they’re the best. It’s a bratty child’s way of looking at the world solipsistically, that is, the “game” is only fair when I win otherwise it’s an attack against me.
AdLib32 minutes ago

Ad the old I win you lose mentality.
31 minutes ago
TW – Every week there seem to be multiple preachers and Repubs arrested for molesting children or young women. And out of the other sides of their mouths, they insist we need the Ten Commandments in schools. How about they go a week without breaking them or worshipping someone who has broken all of them before trying to insist others should follow them?
AdLib30 minutes ago

Ad yeah and they say they were tempeted by the child. As I say if they believe that I will give them a great discount on some toll booths and couple of bridges.
28 minutes ago
TW – Yes and the ridiculous nature of Trump, the GOP, and maybe 35% of this country fully invested in the mentality of a bratty 8 year old who says, “It’s only fair if I win!” would be laughable if it wasn’t so dangerous.
AdLib28 minutes ago

Murph the evangelical approach, that’s interesting.
27 minutes ago
TW – Nothing makes me angrier than adults preying on children and what makes me even angrier is having the gall to throw the blame on the child to claim, “She tempted me”. Disgusting and sick people, all of them.
AdLib26 minutes ago

Murph from my reading and understanding the evangelical approach always seem to be at the point of a sword, spear, or gun. Great way to get converts: not.
26 minutes ago
TW….evangelism has historically distorted Christianity because it promotes the cause of the down-trod with whom they cannot identify.
25 minutes ago

Ad right with you on that.
25 minutes ago
Let’s not forget, Trump was close with Jeffrey Epstein, a credible claim of him raping a child was being pursued by the girl and her family but was dropped after they received scary threats to kill them.
AdLib25 minutes ago

Murph you have to help with as what comes to mind is the last Roman emperor went about coverting people to Christianity at the point of sword just can’t remember his name.
22 minutes ago
Can we agree that there is a huge percentage of Americans (and people around the world) who have real mental illnesses that make them able to support or commit terrible crimes as long it’s under the umbrella of their tribe. Look at the glee and affirmation of the justice system Repubs had when Hunter Biden was convicted then they frothed at the mouth and screamed, “Injustice!” when Trump was convicted. The hypocrisy of Repubs is not by chance, it is a vital part of their twisted mentalities.
AdLib21 minutes ago
So what do we think the SCOTUS decision will be on Trump having immunity?
AdLib20 minutes ago

Ad I can agree with that statement.
20 minutes ago
Before I forget…….The three largest Vet Organizations in this area are hip to hop with each other and the MAGA movement. are being challenged by their youngest members who have taken up the position that no one who disrespects those who gave lives in combat are chumps, losers, and not true Americans cannot represent the nation…..the response from leadership here? A move to expel them.
20 minutes ago
OK…..on the immediate horizon…what happens at the Pres. Debate next week?
18 minutes ago
Murph – Sad to say that’s the outcome I thought you’d explain. Cults don’t allow for independent thought or questioning even a word or loyalty to the cult leader. I think now most Dems have caught up with the concept that we are not dealing with an opposing party, we are dealing with a cult and the only way to beat them is to beat them, you can’t talk them out of their cultism.
AdLib17 minutes ago
Ad…that is my reading as well.
16 minutes ago

Ad to your question on immuinity for Trump, I’m think 7-2, 7 no 2 yes the yes votes Alito and Thomas.
14 minutes ago
My guess about the debate. Trump tries to act like he’s a calm non-lunatic, says lots of nasty things and non-stop lies about Biden but as the debate wears on, Biden’s attacks on Trump along with the moderators asking at least a few difficult questions for him, gets him angrier and angrier and by the end, he will have lost the mask and exposed the hateful monster he is. Biden will be solid, calm, thoughtful, perhaps a little slow-paced but he will conduct himself professionally with perhaps a few exceptions when he lashes out at Trump righteously.
AdLib13 minutes ago

Murph the debate next week, Trump proves what a total ass he is once again.
13 minutes ago
If Trump has immunity from prosecution……I suggest the Biden call in the CIA and have them get a plan together featuring “extreme renditio” to protect the nation from the greatest threat since the Cuban Missile Crisis. The T-Bomb
12 minutes ago
TW – But 7-2 deciding what? That Chutkin has to hold hearings on all charges to decide which crimes are protected as official acts and which aren’t?
AdLib12 minutes ago
If so…Judge Chutkin could hold a mini trial, hearings that end up laying out the charges and some convincing evidence of Trump’s crimes. That will damage him too.
AdLib11 minutes ago
I think that a key moment in the debate may come when Trump cannot keep himself from trying to use his silenced mic to respond to Biden. I would not be surprised if he were to walk off the stage.
10 minutes ago
Murph – Agreed though after having listened to the SCOTUS hearing on immunity, I only heard Alito talking about the idea of full immunity for presidents. A majority only spoke about whether there would be immunity in the case of official acts.
AdLib9 minutes ago

Ad I beleive that will be what happens once the SC decides, and to your point yes she will go through it with speed in the manner you suggested. Question have you been talking to Katit Phang because she said the same thing to a college law professor while she was covering Ari show.
7 minutes ago
Murph – What Biden would almost have to do in the very unlikely case that The Corrupt 5 declare the president is immune from prosecution, is arrest the SCOTUS members who declared he is entitled to complete immunity and hold them in a military prison until or unless they agree he shouldn’t have the freedom to do such a thing.
AdLib7 minutes ago

Murph my money is on he will screen at the moderators demanding they turn on the mic beacuse he will be totally unhinged when Biden rips him to shreds.
6 minutes ago
Murph – Very good points. I can see Trump blathering despite his shut-off mike and walking off the stage out of narcissistic frustration. But…I think he knows he’s losing to Biden, the only reason he agreed to Biden’s debates and rules, so I think a good argument could be made that he thinks he needs to be seen as winning the debate.
AdLib5 minutes ago
TW – Heh! No, I missed Katie Fang today, I avoid Ari’s show like Fox News. But it’s very nice to hear she said the same thing today!
AdLib3 minutes ago
TW – Good point too, it seems Repubs believe they score points with their hateful base by being nasty to the “establishment” moderators. I think it’s pretty much certain that Trump will insult the moderators. He’s already claiming that it will be 3 against 1, poor little victim Trump thinks moderators who ask legitimate questions are just as much his enemy as Biden.
AdLiba minute ago

Well guys I’m cutting out. Been up rather late and need to get some rest. So you guys do me pround and talk among yourselfs and be bad.
a minute ago
I read your comments…all…and wish I could reply….well put and insightful but I have a call I must return in re. to the campaign….apparently we are going to be having an on line meeting. We have three big events tomorrow…I wonder if there are security concerns…that has been a hot topic.
a few seconds ago
Get some rest, TW! Have a great weekend!
AdLiba few seconds ago

Same to you. Later.
in a few seconds
So long TW…..
in a few seconds
I will let you all know what is up.
in a few seconds
Go take care of things, Murph. We need Kunce to win! See you next time! Have a great weekend.
AdLibin a few seconds
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