Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib3 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib2 hours ago
2 hours ago
You’re here on time but you win first place!
AdLib2 hours ago
We two, we happy two, we (small) band of brothers.
2 hours ago
Heh! Perfect!
AdLib2 hours ago
How are things with you? Any Kunce news?
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey TW!
AdLib2 hours ago

Hey everyone well another Friday and Trump has proven once again he is a complete and total idiot.
2 hours ago
The black vote in this state and the poor farmer vote in this state could shake things up…but neither seems motivated to vote.
2 hours ago
Sharks and batteries and UFOs, oh my!
AdLib2 hours ago
Murph – Way too early to figure out who is or isn’t motivated. There’s still time, generally lower info people don’t start taking the election seriously until Labor Day.
AdLib2 hours ago

What Frump forgets about the sharks is they see him as one of them so he would have not problem.
2 hours ago
We have had several;,additional briefings re efforts to intimidate those working for Dems have been helpful.
2 hours ago
TW – Just saw a new Rasmussen poll, more voters are concerned about being electrocuted then eaten by sharks than saving democracy.
AdLib2 hours ago
Murph – Any specifics about the intimidation?
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad a Rasmussen poll?? You know you can’t trust a Rasmussen poll.
2 hours ago
Hey CL!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey all – good to see you!
2 hours ago
TW – It was just a joke, of course!
AdLib2 hours ago

CL is in the house let the party get started
2 hours ago
Rasmussen is always a joke.
AdLib2 hours ago
Hi, Ad, TW, Murph!
2 hours ago
Ad….there are specifics in terms of who is being targeted, how it is being done and the strategy the messaging.
2 hours ago
TW – I come bearing THOUGHTS of libation and snacks. That counts, right?
2 hours ago
CL….better than coming empty handed….sort of…..
2 hours ago
SOmeone commented today that the SCOTUS 5 have legalized bump stock machine guns just before Trump loses another presidential election.
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad I know the late Jay Servin swore by thier poll but he was a republican operative
2 hours ago
Murph – I am horrified that oppressed people in MO can’t even find it in them to vote. OMG
2 hours ago
Murph – Sounds like they have a lot of info on these terrorists. Have they been speaking with the FBI?
AdLib2 hours ago
Murph – empty handed but not empty brained. I visualize snacks.
2 hours ago

Ad Thomas doesn’t know what the hell is talking about
2 hours ago
Murph – dayum.
2 hours ago
TW – Thomas is a glorified peep show dancer and no smarter, put a quarter in to see him dance for you.
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad a show I wouldn’t waste a quarter on
2 hours ago
It’s kind of shocking how calmly we’re accepting that the Supreme Court is corrupt and bought.
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad – that image makes me cringe. Black slaves made to perform for the master, and Thomas does it on his own. Gag.
2 hours ago
Folks….I need to take a call…could be a while….some trouble at a campaign event.
2 hours ago
Got it Murph, come back when you can.
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad – there is no other way to take SCOTUS corruption. Buckle down, suppress the fury, plan.
2 hours ago
Good luck, Murph.
2 hours ago
CL – Sorry for the mental image but all Thomas brings to mind is being a prostitute.
AdLib2 hours ago

Murph do what you have to do
2 hours ago
Ad – same difference sometimes.
2 hours ago

Ad, well if we look up the definition considering what he has done, it fits.
2 hours ago
CL – Yes, at this point we can solve that problem by electing a Democratic congress aqnd WH then putting in ethics laws, term limits and expanding the court.
AdLib2 hours ago
McConnell and Repubs sit back and smile at how they’ve corrupted the SCOTUS so it is just an arm of the RW. McConnell will wake up in Hell one day very soon.
AdLib2 hours ago
I saw polls out today showing Biden well ahead in the swing states of PA, WI, and Mi.
AdLib2 hours ago

All for what it’s worth wrote to my senior senator Ed Markey about the courts and recived what I consider a standard form letter on what he is trying to do regarding court reform. Have yet to hear from Warren or McGovern.
2 hours ago
Ad – problem w being part of a rational Christian community is not believing in hell. But I sure wish I did sometimes.
2 hours ago
Right now I suspect – hope I’m correct – that the Dems are playing their SCOTUS cards very close. No use telegraphing the game plan for next year. We ALSO have a Project 2025, but it’s to SAVE democracy and the nation.
2 hours ago
TW – Disappointed to hear the weak and non-existent replies from your Senators. Back when Feinstein was in office and flirting with Trumpers in the Senate, I wrote her a tough but legit letter and just got back a patronizing form letter too.
AdLib2 hours ago
Pro tip – when you get back form letters one of two things is going on: the member is an ass. OR something’s up they can’t really talk about yet.
2 hours ago
CL – I’m with you on that, don’t believe in Heaven or Hell but just making a point. McConnell will only be remembered by Dems as a crooked, anti-democracy vandal and wholly forgotten by Repubs.
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad well he did thank me for writing. As an aside he has propose adding 4 justices which I guess is part of his Judiciary Act Bill S.1616 to expand the court which I believe he proposed last year I think.
2 hours ago
Ad – yup. He does not get that he is driving himself into obscurity.
2 hours ago
CL – I don’t see why Biden and the Dems wouldn’t make SCOTUS reform an election issue after all they’ve done just this term. Repubs and Trump ran on corrupting the SCOTUS to outlaw abortion, why hesitate to play the SCOTUS reform card?
AdLib2 hours ago
TW – that statement on adding 4 justices is HUGE.
2 hours ago
Ad – because people basically don’t get it. Nobody has been charged w a crime, nobody has done something in public view. WE get it. Most people are oblivious.
2 hours ago
CL – Good point about responses from reps. In Feinstein’s case, she was clearly in decline and hiding it.
AdLib2 hours ago
TW – Then you did get a decent response from Markey.
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad – she was never one to answer her own mail, so her staff always did. No one can tell at what point she faltered.
2 hours ago

Ad yeah I suppose one can say that. I’m really disappointed in Warren she hasn’t replied at all.
2 hours ago
TW – she thinks voters are beneath her. I have a lot of trouble with former Republicans turned Dem. They never got rid of the elitist disdain.
2 hours ago
Is Murph REALLY back or just his icon?
2 hours ago
CL – McConnell only had one game, acting as a quiet saboteur of our democracy. Now that the MAGA game is about openly hateful and vicious spite for democracy, justice, etc., and being the Minority Leader, he is bewildered about how to keep clowing up the checks and balances.
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad – Mitch isn’t the brightest bulb. I’ve given up expecting ANYTHING from him.
2 hours ago
CL – I never liked Feinstein. I tolerated her but resented her war monger mentality which I always thought was a huge departure from her being SF mayor.
AdLiban hour ago
I never saw her war mongering. People tell me that – never saw HOW that was true.
an hour ago

McConnell is nothing but a damn stone cold racist on the first order.
an hour ago
CL – McConnell is now pretty much powerless. His mental and physical issues aside, MAGA can’t stand him and he is in the minority and has no real power. Dead Man Walking indeed.
AdLiban hour ago
CL – Oh yeah, Feinstein was a war hawk, supporting military action more often than not and pumping up the military budget higher and higher.
AdLiban hour ago
Under Bush whem we reupped the NDAA under Obama where everyone screamed it meant American citizens were subject to horrible things, that was total BS thanks to Feinstein. The GOP had written a draconian measure she amended to protect everyone in the USA. So I see her differently from you.
an hour ago
Ad – so who didn’t push the military budget?
an hour ago

Have MSNBC in the background and Jeniffer Ruben said Trump has a broken brain, a very good description of Trump
an hour ago

Okay who here believes Trump will actually show up for the debate with Binden?
an hour ago
TW – Breaking news! Trump has a broken brain! Film at 11!
an hour ago
CL – Not saying Feinstein didn’t do some decent things too but she was not a Progressive in terms of being a heavy military spending advocate.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – I think it’s possible. After yesterday’s Kim Jung Un reception in Congress, he will be emboldened to believe he can best Biden. And when he fails, he is incapable of recognizing it. So good chance he might actually show up.
an hour ago
CL – Feinstein was an early supporter of Bush’s push for the fraudulent Iraq War.
AdLiban hour ago
Again, I ask who did NOT vote for the military budget>
an hour ago
Ad – so? So were dozens who believed the lies we didn’t know were lies until later.]
an hour ago

CL well I guess it will be a good night to pop a couple of bags of popcorn.
an hour ago
Supposedly, Trump did debate prep yesterday or today so it does seem like he will debate Biden. Also saw him promoting the debate, boasting that it will have as much viewership as the Superbowl, a sign he’s planning on being there.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – every night is good for popcorn.
an hour ago
Ad – Trump’s delusions may be our salvation.
an hour ago

Ad Trump did debate prep??? You mean he was standing in front of a mirror yelling at himself and promising not to get in the water with sharks.
an hour ago

CL I have to agree about every night is good night for popcorn
an hour ago
CL – Excellent summary of what’s going on with Trump’s belief he can win the debate and best Biden. Which he can’t but no one in his bubble would tell him. And don’t forget, the moderators won’t necessarily toss softballs at Trump either. And no audience, mikes cut off after time expires so he can’t do what he did before and try to interrupt Biden constantly. I’d bet on Biden heavily. And you know Biden is being prepared with some great jabs at Trump. How often will he call Trump a convicted felon? Many times, I predict, get Trump frothing and screaming.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – Trump hollering into the void until the void hollers back. I think he will find an excuse at the 11th hour as he did on testifying in NY.
an hour ago
CL – Many Dems opposed the Iraq War, around half Dem Senators but not Feinstein. And a majority of Americans and people around the world didn’t believe the WMD lies either. But Feinstein did.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – I live for Biden’s ability to logically and dispassionately drive Trump into total meltdown.
an hour ago
Hillary did, too – and said later truthfully that Bush lied to her. Well, he lied to Feinstein, too.
an hour ago
TW – Supposedly, Trump’s debate prep was being briefed by Rubio and other Repub idjits.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – Rubio HATES Trump, toadying or not – and I wonder if they’re prepping him to fail.
an hour ago
Remember how may tyrants from history have found their end in the assault from former allies. Huey Long comes to mind…
an hour ago
CL – Bush’s lies were obvious to anyone who didn’t want to believe them. I never believed the BS claims of WMD, the bogus UN speech by Colin Powell or the photos of pipes claiming they were important equipment to create nuclear weapons. It was all so obvious lies and manipulation. If a majority of Americans and people around the world figured it out, can’t give Feinstein a pass.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad no dobut Biden will call him convict which will cause Trump to go low and mention Hunter but Biden will handle what ever Trump throws at him. He is one tough old bastard. Trump is a total and complete degerate and if it was to get really down and dirty I be fine if Biden said he never cheated on his wife ever.
an hour ago
Ad – we didn’t immediately realize the lies. I remember wondering what was the truth. If HILLARY fell for it, can’t really fault anyone else.
an hour ago
TW – very good synthesis of Trump v Biden.
an hour ago
CL – So you think Trump’s fear of being humiliated will win out over his ego that makes him think he can beat Biden and do so in front of a Superbowl-sized audience? You coud be right.
AdLiban hour ago
Yup – at least until June 26… I think he will cave as he did on testifying. There are enough functional brain cells to move into the CYA mode.
an hour ago
CL – Rubio is spineless and not very bright. He’s kissing Trump’s behind because he’s a coward like the rest of the GOP.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – the guy who shot Huey Long was very much a Rubio. They are the most likely to want out like a battered wife who FINALLY slits her abuser’s throat.
an hour ago
TW – Agreed, I think Trump gets dirty and nasty as Biden keeps branding him an unhinged convicted criminal but even so, I don’t see how Trump wins by attacking Biden’s last surviving son who was an addict and finally cleaned up. Just can’t see it but I agree, he’ll try.
AdLiban hour ago
I am back…..trying to organize a rally tomorrow….one of the things impacting our efforts is the growing awareness that the Cori Bush vs. Wesley Bell congressional race may be an effort to create chaos in the black community turning many off to even wanting to vote.
an hour ago
Ad – Trump’s handlers won’t let him attack Hunter but to insinuate Biden used him to profit from Hunter’s work – the Comer allegations.
an hour ago

Ad Rubio believes Trump is really considering him as his running mate. What a stupid, idiot clown face fool.
an hour ago
P.S.Bush is the incumbent and a mess, Bell seems more competent but has funny money supporting him.
an hour ago
Murph – shit. Sorry to hear that. But they have to pick, and I hope they do so wisely.
an hour ago
CL – That’s not true. Check the polling from the beginning of Bush pushing the Iraq War, the majority of Americans and people around the world never believed that weak BS, I never did either. Bush was seen as a weak, feckliss and lying person from the start. Did you ever see him as credible?
AdLiban hour ago
I have friends in In who are reporting the sudden reappearance of trump flags and banners……..little sign of that here.
an hour ago
Ad – that came AFTER the vote, those polls. We didn’t have time to react before the vote.
an hour ago
Murph – Oh, lordy I hope not.
an hour ago
CL – I think that’s a very likely proposition. Trump is a coward and deep down fears being seen as a loser so he could bail on the debate. However, one other aspect is that I think Trump realizes he’s on a trajectory to lose and he needs a bit of a gamechanger. As a desperate criminal trying to avoid imprisonment, he can’t afford to lose. So maybe…he debates out of desperation?
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – I do think his cult, squelched by the felonies, are probably going to rise again SOMEWHAT to defend him, but the NUMBERS are way smaller.
an hour ago
Ad – we could all go nuts trying to figure out Trump. The fact we can’t speaks well for our collective and individual mental health.
an hour ago
CL – Not true. You’re mistaken. I was part of the very vocal majority in this country lobbying our reps not to vote for the Iraq War. In fact, I distinctly remember that the week before the vote, a poll was released showing a majority of Americans opposed voting for the Iraq War.
AdLiban hour ago
CL – Marco Rubio is a nobody, he can’t take down Trump.
AdLiban hour ago
Well, we all opposed the war in GENERAL terms, yes. But we didn’t have the knowledge of the falsification of facts about the Ur production at that time. We opposed it because we opposed Bush. We got supportive evidence later.
an hour ago
Trumps birthday…three years younger than Biden…..so today the right wing news kept showing images of Biden in Europe seeming to wander away from his hosts, European leaders, into a field…..of course they cut out what he is heading toward….a droup of U.S. soldiers who goes over to greet….the interaction shows how on top of things he is……meanwiho;e Trump spent the day being rescued from his own coherence.
an hour ago
Ad – the guy who murdered Huey Long was no different. One never can underestimate fury and the sense of betrayal in anyone. I doubt anyone in his camp will take Donnie out, but IF someone does, I will NOT be surprised.
an hour ago
CL – Yep, Trump always works on projection so he will surely respond to being called a convicted felon with calling Biden an unconvicted-as-yet felon. Biden crime family, etc. But Trump will be frothing at the mouth over this while Biden will just be firm and the difference in demeanor will hurt Trump more than his accusations against Biden.
AdLiban hour ago
THE single thing different now is the rotten media in corporate thrall.
an hour ago
Ad – totally agree.
an hour ago
Well…I am going to run….things certainly feel chaotic here.
an hour ago
Murph – The mojo isn’t going to return to Trump, I doubt you’ll see the flags and all out for him like in 2016 and 2020. MAGAs would never admit it but I think even they suspect Trump is going to go down in flames again.
AdLiban hour ago
I do recommend everyone listens to msnbc.com//ultra part 2. Maddow is showing who carried the America First fascism into the post war era. GREAT stuff.
an hour ago
Murph – very best wishes to all. I hope the Black community vote wisely in Bush’s district. Hope it does not impact Lucas.
an hour ago
CL…love Maddow….followed her first effort in Ultra 1 and will do the same with two.
an hour ago
It’s really good. First part leaves one hanging – but you can google the Drew Pearson column she references and find the whole story. VERY sad.
an hour ago
CL – If I could post copies of my posts at HuffPo back then and many others, I could show you the widespread beliefs of me and many who weren’t believing any of the Bush BS about Iraq. He was a liar from the start and wholly untrustworthy and the idea that we were attacked by Saudis who trained in Afghanistan never justified invading Iraq.
AdLiban hour ago

All I can say this election is as important as it gets. I truly feel democracy is on the line and if Trump somehow wins it over.
an hour ago
Oh, I know a lot of us were deeply suspicious of Bush. But the general populace was not sure what to think, and I am not sure, thanks to Hillary’s story, that even Congress knew. \
an hour ago
CL – I would be surprised if Rubio didn’t bow to Trump at every opportunity, he wants to be his VP, he’s not even thinking about sabotaging him.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – I am looking at property in British Columbia. One cannot be too careful.
an hour ago
CL – I saw Maddow this week talking about Ultra Part 2, fascinating period of time, I’ve already read up on a lot of it.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – not now, Rubio isn’t. But there are lines that get crossed that do damage to even True Believers. If not Rubio – someone just out of prison for J6. NEVER underestimate the fury of betrayal, and Trump has betrayed EVERYONE.
an hour ago

Ad Little Marco is no going to be Trump’s VP it will be Dug from ND he brings way more to the table and here is a plot for you. If Trump wins and he won’t but if he does and Doug is VP Trump will be screwing thing up for 6 months then Doug and other will spring thier plan to declare Trump incompentent and use the 25th admt. to take him out and make Doug for ND President. How’s that for a plot line?
an hour ago
Ad – what Maddow has found is amazing. I studied this period of history and LIVED some of it. We were scared in the 50s. Now we know more about why.
an hour ago
TW – my money is on JD Vance as the choice. He has ties, deep ones, to Thiel and his billions.
an hour ago
CL – I won’t say it’s impossible but I find it very unlikely. There have been 1/6ers who have gotten out of prison and are right back at his rallies. People who are part of a cult don’t turn against the cult leader in most cases.
AdLiban hour ago

CL I’m still working on her first series eveytime I start to listen I get involved with something else. Her stories get my creative juices flowing and I start writing.
an hour ago
It’s the people out of prison who have lost everything who might turn on him.
an hour ago
TW – maybe your writings will be Part THREE of the series!!!
an hour ago
TW – Heh! You’re a good writer! However, can’t say I believe that there is any plot to dethrone Trump. Watch these people, listen to them, they are almost solely motivated by fear of Trump and bow to his every word. As I mentioned to CL, we need to accept that Trump is a cult leader and cult members bow to the leader out of devotion and/or fear. Not a spine among any in the GOP.
AdLiban hour ago

CL Vance doesn’t have the money and connections Doug has. Doug has direct ties to Balmer former president of Microsoft and a few other folks plus he is far more pratical than anyone else in the filed we shouldn’t let his somewhat quite demeanor fool us. Also he has more moeny than JD which is what Trump needs and wants.
an hour ago
Ad – I don’t disagree, but it takes only ONE utterly disillusioned, violent person to change history.
an hour ago
TW – that’s interesting. I had not know this about Doug.
an hour ago
CL – I’m not saying I know everything about that period but I have read a bit and watched multiple documentaries about then but am looking forward to listening to Ultra Pt 2.
AdLiban hour ago

I appreciate your kind words about my writng but Rachel is a story teller on the highest level.
an hour ago
CL – I think you and TW are on target, I think JD Vance and Burgham are the most likely suspects.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – totally agree about Rachel!
an hour ago

Ad me reasoning on the potential of dethorning Trump is steeped in it is how those with ambition got to be in charge by working through others and quietly working to do them in.The old power behind the throne thing.
an hour ago
JD doesn’t have money, but his money man Thiel does. Burgham I know NOTHING about other than he looks like a rabid ferret.
an hour ago
While I wouldn’t shed a tear if the morning news announced Trump died of a heart attack in his bed (with buckets of KFC around him in bed), I don’t want him to die or be assassinated. I want him defeated and imprisoned because that is the best way to kill the MAGA movement. As a loser/convict in prison, the cult dies because the cult leader is defeated. If he dies, MAGA will continue on like cults do, with him as a martyr who no doubt will be reborn like Jesus.
AdLib43 minutes ago

CL from what I read about Burgham he started a software company that did pretty well sold it to Micorsoft made a budle and became a major player in the company also went to school with Ballmer
42 minutes ago
TW – I will pay more attention to Burgham. Ad I KNOW the forces behind Project 2025 will not die, but the vitality of MAGA rests 100
41 minutes ago
Rests 100% in Trump and can’t survive him.
40 minutes ago

CL JD has money not the kind that Trump needs or wants. Trump needs billionaires not millionaires.
40 minutes ago
Tw – it’s not JD’s money, it’s Thiel’s money Trump covets, and JD can deliver Thiel.
40 minutes ago
TW – I follow your logical reasoning but my proposition is that the way things were are not the way things are anymore. There is no power that trumps Trump in the GOP. By having the rabid support of the majority of the GOP who see him as a god-like figure, he is untouchable. SOme Repubs may be dreaming of taking down Trump but they’re all too afraid of him and his cult army. And if anyone was going to do it, the time was before these primaries because after his defeat in Nov, as he brings down all Repubs who bowed to him, Trump’s opportunity for power is over.
AdLib39 minutes ago

Cl when Trump is defeated project 2025 goes back into the filing cabinet .
39 minutes ago
CL – I think Thiel and all the other lunatic billionaires including Musk will support Trump anyway because they know they’ll have influence over him while they would have none after Biden’s re-elected.
AdLib37 minutes ago
TW – according to “Democracy in Chains” about Buchanan, the economist who created the ideology for Project 2025, the belief is deep. ALEC embraces it, Center on National Policy religious right embraces it, and many other groups. NOT sure Project 2025 goes back in the files or is circulated to find a new Donald.
37 minutes ago
Ad – Thiel has made clear he won’t readily support anyone but Trump, and JD can get them connected. With the murmurs today from corporate CEOs about finding someone other than Trump, he needs what billionaires CAN be delivered.
36 minutes ago
Do we know what elected pols are thick with Elon (aka Eldon, my pet name for him based on the ONE homeless guy I wanted to punch.)
35 minutes ago

CL agree completely with you on were the ideology of Project 2025 came from everytime I hear with the Repbulicans what to do I can find some sort of reference to it in Democracy In Changes can’t thank you enough for suggesting that to me.
35 minutes ago
TW – that is a damned good book. She did a solid with that.
34 minutes ago
CL – Yep, one lesson we’ve learned over the decades is that evil is never defeated, it’s just halted at times. Project 2025 will remain a goal for these extremists. However, as I’ve said, if Dems win Congress and Biden is re-elected, Dems need to toss the filibuster and pass voting rights reforms that will permanently disintegrate the extremist MAGA and theocrat agenda by ending gerrymandering and making mail in voting the law of the land. If America and every state can be brought back to having fair elections, these radicals won’t win seats because there won’t be all these districts that are safe for lunatics.
AdLib34 minutes ago

Cl also there is alot of things they are promiting that come from Jesus and John Wayne especially around this Christian Nation BS they keep pushing.
33 minutes ago
The one fun fact – Buchanan HATED the religious right. And ALEC folks such as the Kochs do, too. That isn’t a solid alliance but a fragile one.
33 minutes ago
CL _ How can JD deliver the CEOs who have no idea who he is? He just got elected to the Senate in 2022, he has no weight to throw around.
AdLib32 minutes ago

CL the only god the Kochs have is the almighty dollar, and their version of divine right of kings.
32 minutes ago
Ad – JD is FROM Silicon Valley corporations and is well known there. Thiel is his mentor, and he knows the other moneybags.
31 minutes ago
CL – Elon has already announced his support for Trump and has met with him a week or two ago. Musk is a dictator in his own mind and wants Trump to help him be a bigger one. Musk is evil and a real threat to the free world.
AdLib31 minutes ago
TW – that’s a good description of the Koch family.
30 minutes ago

Ad JD Vance can’t deliver anything. As CL said his money backing comes from Theil and I believe his net worth is maybe 8 million nowhere in the leauge as Theil and the Kochs.
30 minutes ago
Ad – could not agree more about Eldon.
30 minutes ago
Tw –
30 minutes ago
TW – Theil (sp?) is JD’s mentor.
29 minutes ago
CL – Vance worked for Theil, that’s his only real connection, he isn’t a billionaire and is not seen as a peer by Silicon Valley CEOs.
AdLib29 minutes ago

CL yes
29 minutes ago
Theil MIGHT tell Trump – take JD or I withdraw. But with Musk in Trump’s camp now, maybe that no longer matters.
29 minutes ago
CL – Very good points, dueling billionaires fighting over owning the president of the United States. This is what Trump has brought us to.
AdLib27 minutes ago
Well with all this speculation on Veep – who actually adds value to Trump then? Doug is virtually unknown outside of his circles. He MAY be the one, but I am at a loss.
27 minutes ago

Ad correct he made money from his book and working with or for Theil but he doesn’t have what is required to be any real influencer.
27 minutes ago
Who can bring money AND votes
27 minutes ago
Ad and TW – I really hope you’re correct that JD is a one termer. He’s a total ass.
26 minutes ago
CL – Historically, VPs have next to nothing to do with a presidential candidate winning or losing unless they can bring their purple home state over but OH is a corrupt Repub state, so Vance offers no advantage. Only a terrible pick like Palin makes a difference.
AdLib26 minutes ago
Ad – and we can see how well Palin did.
25 minutes ago
TW – Right, JD was NOT a player in Silicon Valley, just an employee of Theil’s and you’re right, the money he does have is mainly from his BS book.
AdLib25 minutes ago
Glenn Youngkin totally lost influence over many issues esp. choice. I can’t think of anyone in a purple state who has clout.
24 minutes ago

CL if Theil dumps Trump because he dosn’t take JD it won’t matter Trump has Musk, it’s almost the same as having Theil, don’t forget Theil and Musk worked together in developing paypal.
24 minutes ago
CL – Exactly! If Trump chose MTG for example, that VP pick would make a difference, but only helping Biden. If he picks just about any of these weasels (yes, looking at you Tim Scott even though you haven’t got a prayer of being picked), it won’t help Trump gain one single vote.
AdLib23 minutes ago

Ad his BS book I bought when he had a soul.
23 minutes ago
TW – yes, Eldon changes the money part. So who has the votes part?
23 minutes ago

CL ???
22 minutes ago
TW – JD grew up in a middle class suburb of Cincinatti, had NO contact with Hillbillies anywhere. Wrote the book out of fantasies, but coal mining is 300 miles away. Shit I know more about coal country than JD does!
22 minutes ago
CL – You’re right about Youngkin, he pretended to be a moderate but the policies he’s backed, especially the abortion ban, have revealed him to low info VA voters. Remember, he was planning on jumping in late into the Repub primary but after seeing Trump gain a huge margin, he chickened out.
AdLib21 minutes ago
TW – if no Veep is needed to bring money (Elon takes care of that) than what candidate brings VOTES to Trump? I can’t hink of a one.
20 minutes ago
Thank you, CL! Vance is a liar and a fraud and so is “Elegy”. It stunk to me back when it came out.
AdLib20 minutes ago
CL – I think TW’s point is that no VP brings in votes so Trump may opt for one that brings in money and out of all of them, Burgham is the only one who could.
AdLib19 minutes ago
I spent time in VA, WV, and SW OH coal country. Talked to people and drove the “Coal Heritage Trail” which I heartily recommend everyone AVOIDS since it’s effing dangerous w ungraded roads and sheer drop offs on one side and tailing mounds on the other waiting to slide. Guess I’m glad we did it, but I would NEVER do it again.
18 minutes ago
And think about this, Trump is sucking most of the money in the GOP into his own pockets…even if most is going to lawyers and judgements. But that means Repub congresspeople aren’t getting that money, Dems should have big campaign money advantages across the country in this election.
AdLib18 minutes ago
Ad and TW – OK, that makes sense.
18 minutes ago
Ad – I read that Biden has 150 offices in key states and Trump has ZERO.
17 minutes ago

CL at the moment from my view Burgham can bring money and votes, as there a level of resonableness and sensability about him from what I read the people in ND love him and he has some resonable common sense around himself. But, if Trump gets back in it won’t matter because democracy as we know it will be dead on day one.
17 minutes ago
CL – That sounds scary! Have to admit, I’ve never had any motivation to visit Coal Country. I know historically how much poverty and oppression is in many areas there, hardly a vacation destination.
AdLib16 minutes ago
TW – but if they invoke the 25th w Burgham, would he follow Project 2025?
16 minutes ago
With Burgham as Veep I mean.
16 minutes ago
CL – Yes, I saw that too! Biden has many strategic advantages both in campaign money not going to pay lawyers and judgements and reaching out to all communities and spending on ads and field offices and personel. Biden will win for many reasons but a strong financial base and infrastructure are among them. I mean, how else do you have GOTV if you’re Trump and have no field offices to GOTV?
AdLib14 minutes ago
Ad – my ex and I were driving back to Buffalo from Charleston WV and decided to do it. We were historians of US basic industry, and we didn’t know coal, so it was a good opportunity. NOBODY told us it was so dangerous. It was interesting yes, but terrifying.
14 minutes ago

CL that’s a good queston on Project 2025. I don’t know if Burgham is down for that. But we’re in some scary times in my opinion. I have to say I honestly don’t know if he would be for doing what 2025 calls for. To me that is more of something Trump wants, and folks like the Kochs.
13 minutes ago
Trump lives in fantasy land and thinks his God called campaign will just deliver automatically for him.
13 minutes ago
TW – Remember, VPs have zero power. It’s irrelevant want sensibilities any Trump VP has, they will have no power and no influence over Trump.
AdLib13 minutes ago

Ad that is right. And princes didn’t become kings until something happened to the king.
12 minutes ago
Ad – the issue isn’t VP power w Trump but the power of the VP to invoke the 25th with the Cabinet when – not if – Trump goes insane. THEN the VP becomes the president. And at that point, who knows?
12 minutes ago
TW – exactly. The VP “prince” wouldn’t be the first one to “discover” a need to remove the King.
11 minutes ago
CL – The 25th will never happen to Trump. He won’t win but in an alternate Earth where he did, remember that he is only going to populate his cabinet with yes men and women, loyal to him above all else, including the country and Constitution. So, as unlikely as it is for the 25th to be used against any president, it would be impossible against Trump with a MAGA cabinet.
AdLib11 minutes ago

CL for me the oddity of this is I could see once Trump is sworn in he doesn’t select a cabinet just declares himself dictator.
10 minutes ago
Maybe – unless Trump goes totally batshit nuts in public. Then they may not have a choice but to invoke.’
10 minutes ago
TW – well, there IS that. Didn’t think about his not having a Cabinet. Very likely possibility.\
10 minutes ago
Then maybe the Veep borrows a few goodies from Vlad?
9 minutes ago

The answer is defeating Trump at the ballot box.
9 minutes ago
CL – I think you’re right, Trump has always taken or stolen whatever he’s wanted, no doubt he thinks the same about the election. I’ve heard that instead of field offices, he’s spending his money on many lawyers across the country to throw monkey wrenches into the election, disputing voting roles and ready to dispute votes from Dem areas. His scheme seems to be accepting that he’ll lose and planning to overthrow the election successfully this time.
AdLib9 minutes ago
TW – I think that will happen. Trump is losing ground, and anyone not voting will draw down from him more than from Biden.
8 minutes ago

Ad I agree with you on Trump and the lawyers and what they are trying in that area it’s has Mark Elias(sp) and his firm very busy.
7 minutes ago
CL – Agree with that. About 15% of Repubs don’t seem interested in voting for Trump. His dictator act isn’t what indie voters want to see, I think Trump loses even bigger this year than in 2020.
AdLib7 minutes ago
Ad – the insanity is that in 2021 he controlled the means of power. Now he does not. He has lost ground HUGELY with the military and there is scant sympathy for him anymore. The traditional protective protocols for the Capitol will be enacted not absent as on J6. he has NO possibility of winning.
7 minutes ago
TW – Mark Elias is VERY on top of the election manipulations tactics. MAGA folks are ideological, not bright, and Elias has so far won EVERY case. We owe that man everything.
5 minutes ago
Have to disagree with both of you, he’s putting his cronies into his cabinet in that alternate reaity where he wins. Kash Patel, Boris Epshteyn, Stephen Miller, none of these toadies will ever turn on Trump and support the 25th. In fact, if a Trump VP dared to invoke it, he’d be thrown in jail immediately as any dictator would do, for sedition.
AdLib4 minutes ago
TW – True, so glad we have Mark Elias and Democracy Docket doing all they are and the many others out there fighting against this scheme to overthrow our democratic elections.
AdLib3 minutes ago
Ad – that could be. But they also could be interested in protecting themselves against his obvious deterioration. We don’t know.
3 minutes ago

The major thing I hope the dems take from this is the need to get their act together and start pushing for major reforms because as you’ve pointed out Repugs won’t stop. This election has to be the one where they (Dems) don’t go back to doing business the nomral way because they won it’s time for some major changes and then need to make it happen.
3 minutes ago
It gets scant coverage, but one bulwark on voting and elections has also been Holder. There are many wise people winning cases out there.
3 minutes ago
CL – With you on all you said. Trump may be the imaginary president to Repubs and MAGAs but he has no power now over the government and if he does as we suspect and tries to overthrow the election, Biden is not going to take that sitting down. If they try another 1/6 it will be ugly for those trying to commit that insurrection.
AdLib2 minutes ago
TW – pushing for major reforms got squelched by Manchin and Sinema and then the narrow control of the Senate and the loss of the House. Getting DOWNTICKET people elected is AS important as having Biden-Harris
2 minutes ago

CL yes it did, but neither of them will be back in the senate.\
a few seconds ago
OK – I have two cats pounding on the door demanding dinner. My overlords speak. See you next week! Have a good one, as they say around here. Good talk, good company, good night!
a few seconds ago
CL – Toadies are toadies. They leave their spines at the door and I don’t think people like Stephen Miller ever had a principle or ethic to ressurect, just like Trump. If it wasn’t ever there in the first place, there’s nothing to reach down and retreive.
AdLibin a few seconds
Bye CL!
AdLibin a few seconds
Shall we chat?
AdLibin a few seconds

Take care CL
in a few seconds
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