Vox Populi, our weekly live chat aboput the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib6 hours ago

Hey CL! How are things?

AdLib2 hours ago

Well….I’m here


2 hours ago

Hey, Ad – how are YOU?


2 hours ago

That’s a good thing! Still on Twitter?

AdLib2 hours ago

Doing fine! Better than Bannon.

AdLib2 hours ago

Yes. It’s getting weird, but I’ve MAGA proofed my site, so it’s OK


2 hours ago


AdLib2 hours ago

Better than Bannon!!! That’s the new norm, and it’s worth holding onto.


2 hours ago

Did you see that troll posting that got everyone in the Bragg case all whipped up until he posted he’s just trolling?

AdLib2 hours ago

Hey Murph!

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – yes. And to me it was obvious that’s who posted it, but it got the MAGA crowd all fired up – only to deflate like a bad Macy’s Thanksgiving balloon. They thought they really had something…


2 hours ago

Hello…logged in the fasted in man weeks….did you do something to the process, Ad?


2 hours ago



2 hours ago

Murph – Ad made it Murph-friendly.


2 hours ago

CL – The troll literally had in his profile that he was a shitposter!

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph – Just cleared out all the site’s caches before Vox. Maybe that helped?

AdLib2 hours ago

I missed the Bragg trolling thing? What happened?


2 hours ago

Everyone wants to believe what is harmful to the other side. Thus, NOBODY reads the background on shit stirreres


2 hours ago

Hey PPO!

AdLib2 hours ago

PPO…howdy do!


2 hours ago

Ad….whatever you did…one click did the trick.


2 hours ago

Hi all! 1 month to go!


2 hours ago

Murph – this morning a shit stirrer posted his cousin was a member of the Trump jury and told the poster they were going to find Trump guilty. Well…all hell broke loose until his falsehood was revealed. Quite a day!


2 hours ago

Hey TW!

AdLib2 hours ago

PPO!!! – See you soon, indeed! TW – how are you!\


2 hours ago



2 hours ago

Hello TW….getting a crowd…exciting


2 hours ago

Hey everyone sorry for being late, short power surge here so had to reboot everything


2 hours ago

PPO – are you happy with your new place? WE SO hope you are.


2 hours ago

PPO how are you?


2 hours ago

You’re not late at all, TW!

AdLib2 hours ago

TW – as one who often shows up 20 minutes or more in, you’re GOLDEN!


2 hours ago

I’m well, thanks. New pad is SO convenient to shops and the yacht club. Enjoying it a lot.


2 hours ago

PPO – That is lovely news. I am so glad you like it and find it living up to your wants. GREAT!


2 hours ago

Thatshitposter is in for a big grilling from the Feds!


2 hours ago

PPO – when you can – PHOTOS please!


2 hours ago

Soon, cl, still a few boxes to move!


2 hours ago

PPO – yes, shitposter MAY have broken laws but definitely interfered w the process


2 hours ago

Since I have an audience….let me share a briefing we who are working on the Kunce campaign in a significant way….had to attend. We gathered at the HQ with the canidate himself. and two attorneys. We have all been advised to abandon most of our on line social networking because of the “on line Lynch mobs” that seem to be forming. The doxing of the Trump jury is a warning to all.


2 hours ago

Well it seems Alex Jones is liquidating his prersonal funds so the Sandy Hook victims will start to get some compensation for his lies. He fake crying was true case of extremely bad acting.


an hour ago

Murph – OMG!!! That is horrible. May I suggest burner phones and new ID for your new email?


an hour ago

your opinions, please – is Drumph really any chance of going to jail? I’d love even a week or two for violating the gag orders.


an hour ago

Murph – I have never been doxxed due to hub’s diligence about our privacy day one. For 20 years I’ve been OK. BUT you need new ID, new phones, new email – all with phony addresses etc. I get this. Please take care.


an hour ago

Murph – A sorry state of affairs that people merely supporting a non-MAGA candidate have to hide from threats but that’s where the US is today.

AdLiban hour ago

CL…..yeah….I am still digesting the meaning of the briefing……we are gathering again on Tuesday to brainstorm tactics.


an hour ago

Murpy – yes, I think Drumph is going to jail.


an hour ago

Murph the Trump troglodytes will resort to all means of debasement to support their criminal leader. His meeting next week should be interesting I just his lawyer will be with him I guess to make sure he doesn’t say something that will cause the judge to throw him in jail immediately.


an hour ago

TW – For such a self-proclaimed Alpha Male, Alex Jones sure cries an awful lot like a five year old. So happy to see him liquidating his assets and the families he viciously attacked over Sandy Hook will start getting some compensation.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad yes they will but it can’t replace what they really miss. Their children. I think Jones is getting off easy.


an hour ago

Jones is a bully and a coward, just like his master. He FAFO once too often and deserves to go to jail as well as go broke.


an hour ago

Murph – taking a clue from the RW. Burner phones, phony addresses. New email, same thing. Confidential messages? Get a service that has :draft: and put messages into that for people to retrieve without actually SENDING them. Everyone needs the password to the site. Do that verbally or by snail mail. NOTHING on line. Been there. Done this.


an hour ago

Cl….the thing is that options re. screening identity when one lives in a small community are few. I am consulting with an attorney as well. One of our leaders made the point that all of this could be a way to drive people away from the campaigns and involvement and our ducking dodging plays into that. Both sides are making good/valid points.


an hour ago

PPO – I am more confident than ever that Trump WILL receive a sentence that incarcerates him, whether in a prison or under house arrest, all of the above will destroy Trump. Losing his freedom is his biggest fear according to Mary Trump. ALl of his threats of vengeance and attacks on the trial, the verdict, and the judge after the verdict makes it seem absolutely necessary that he suffer imprisonment.

AdLiban hour ago

CL….I may need your counsel on this.


an hour ago

Murph – if you want to talk about this, remember I’ve lived through several rounds of stalking and got help w LEOs in local. state, fed levels on how to protect myself.


an hour ago

Going to send you my phone via email. Hugs to you.


an hour ago

Ad….won’t he appeal whatever sentence he gets and as he is also going to appeal the verdict are not the courts likely to put it all on hold pending judicial review?


an hour ago

Murph you and everyone else need to take all the precautions you can reasonably do given the IT resources may be scant.


an hour ago

TW – Of course, no amount of money will ever make their grieving go away but there will be at least a little feeling of justice that the cruel monster who attacked them and their children’s memory after they suffered such a horrible loss will have paid a price.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad yes there is some comfort in that. Plus he may be off the air which would be a great benefit to the world.


an hour ago

Ad and TW – when the villain is brought low, that’s some relief for the victims. I want him penniless and groveling.]


an hour ago

CL…hah……what the campaign is talking about is sending all campaign communication and all staff info through a third party “post office” that scrambles everything unless you have access codes.


an hour ago

CL agree completely.


an hour ago

Murph – Yes, the sentence will be put on hold pending Trump’s appeals but the point is to have that Sword of Damacles hanging over his head, knowing he is bound for imprisonment eventually for his crimes to try and scare him out of continuing his ranting. No, it won’t stop him but the fear that he is going to be imprisoned eventually will weigh on him and I think, make him go out of his mind.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad, I think he’s already gaga!


an hour ago

TW – Yes, he’s having to sell off his interest in his show!

AdLiban hour ago

Glad to see Bannon heading for the hoosegow. Showers are mandatory there!


an hour ago

PPO – Trump has already gone MA-GA-GA!

AdLiban hour ago

Ad Trump is losing it one can see it clips that are being played. It wouldn’t surprise me if he has a stroke soon.


an hour ago

Ad MA-GA-GA nice one.


an hour ago



an hour ago

And yes, PPO, Bannon is prison bound on July 1 and will be in prison until just a few days before the election! So that monster will be taken off the chessboard during this conspiracy to overthrow the election once again.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad, Bannon probably has plans and schemes alreadyt to go.


an hour ago

Ad I saw where Bannon was trying to play the tough guy by saying Who says I will show up.


an hour ago

TW -Trump has had two interviews in the past two days, with Fox News and with Dr. Phil-Fraud. And in both, his replies to questions were jarringly edited. He has lost it!

AdLiban hour ago

PPO – But Bannon won’t be able to oversee his schemes and that will make a big difference.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – Bannon tried to play the tough guy coming out of the hearing but it’s all a coward’s swagger. He is clearly afraid and way overcompensating to cover it up.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad…to be sure I understand….you believe that his media allies had to edit his statements to bring some sense to them?


an hour ago

Ad agree his TGI isn’t working.


an hour ago

Ad, the whole coup crew are all blustering windbags. Sadly, the great unwashed believe all their crap.


an hour ago

And Trump referred to how he was going to beat Biden in the debate, of course it’s more likely he’ll bail for one BS reason or another but if his hubris wins out, Trump will be triply obliterated in the debate by Biden, the modersators asking him about his quotes, and his runaway dementia-mouth.

AdLiban hour ago

I would actually love for the debate to happen, to see him trashed and humiliated by real questions need in real answers.


an hour ago

Murph – Yes, it seems crystal clear, the edits in those two interviews are harsh and jumpy, like he was babbling on crazily. When Fox and Dr. Phil The Fraud, two huge Trump supporters, have to edit him so harshly that it’s jarring, it means his rants had to be really crazy.

AdLiban hour ago



an hour ago

Ad isn’t that what bullies and blow hearts do, all hat and no cattle.


an hour ago

PPO – Yep, there’s a reason Trump said in 2016, “I love the uneducated!” All con men do, so much easier to con the ignorant than those who know what’s true and what isn’t.

AdLiban hour ago

What we all see is true. Trump is toast. What we need to see is that there are others, far more rational, who support Project 2025 and fascism. We need to identify them NOW to watch for them Jan. 21 2025 on.


an hour ago

Good point, CL. ANd the Supreme Court needs to be cleaned up as well.


an hour ago

PPO – they are part of the genuine “deep state” of fascist symps.


an hour ago

PPO – Same here, I’m hoping Trump’s ego overrides all the aides around him and he debates, he will destroy himself. And, most importantly, Biden and the moderators will no doubt bring up his conviction and sentence which, unfortunately, a lot of indie voters STILL don’t know about but may learn about via a big public event like a debate.

AdLiban hour ago

CL these wannabe Fascists have no idea what that truly means if they did they be in need of adult diapers.


an hour ago

TW – Bingo! Bullies are cowards. Look what a whiny B Trump has been since being found guilty, never seen such a petulant crybaby! “Everyone’s against me! Everything’s rigged against me! Poor me! Wahhh!!!”

AdLiban hour ago

Ad, yep, especially when all counts were unanimously guilty by 12 jurors. Not one dissenter.


an hour ago

I do not know how deeply the pro fascist and pro communist movements were in the 1930s that both opposed FDR. I’ve studied that period of history and not found the answers. But we are reliving it. I am listening to Maddow’s msnbc.com/ultra Part 2 starting next Monday. Hope she has answers.


an hour ago

I am reading along….frankly, the sanity is a nice respite.


an hour ago

PPO I agree or SC needs some major work starting with Thomas and Alito getting the boot.


an hour ago

And now that Trump’s sole platform is revenge and destroying our entire governmental system so that he can use the power of government to get revenge on all of his perceived enemies, what indie voters are going to choose that platform over Biden’s as they tune into the race?

AdLiban hour ago

TW – problem w proto fascists and proto communists is they never see themselves as targets. And yet they would be.


an hour ago

TW and all – we got rid of Abe Fortas on EXACTLY these issues of monetary favoritism. We need to bone up on the process.


an hour ago

All the another good jobs report. Saw the reporters at Fox news praising it .. which I couldn’t believe but Marie was her usual negative self she just can’t accept the fact the economy is much better under Biden than it ever was under Trump.


an hour ago

CL – You are right, Trump is toast. I saw that Biden is setting up over 100 offices around the country, especially in swing states. Trump has been setting up…zero! Instead, he and his overthrown RNC are spending their money hiring lawyers because I think even Trump knows he’s going to lose so his game is about using thousands of lawyers to sabotage and overthrow the election results.

AdLiban hour ago

CL the country needs a mandatory crash course in Civics


an hour ago

PPO – I hope there is a debate so Biden can say to tens of millions of voters, “It wasn’t me who got Trump convicted of crimes he committed, it was 12 regular Americans.”\

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – not sure Trump has lawyer money left after his own lawyers suck it up. He may want to ratfuck the election results, but he quite possibly can’t.


an hour ago

Here is a side bar….I went to a D Day Memorial event two days ago that involved a presentation, a prayer service, and a dinner….arguments kept breaking out featuring comparisons of how Biden was approaching his take on the sacrifice of the armed forces vs. Trump who disdains them. Spits and spats.


an hour ago

TW – CA has a ballot proposition mandating a course in personal finance for every HS student. Fine – but first let’s get civics as a mandate?


an hour ago

CL there are enough billionaires under his spell that he will not want for dark money. Pity.


an hour ago

CL yes it should be.


an hour ago

PPO – I’m not sure billionaires want to pay for humiliation.


an hour ago

CL restorng CIVICS…how radical!


an hour ago

Murph ain’t it rad?


an hour ago

Murph – i can’t see how ANYONE could think Trump honored the fallen at Normandy or anywhere.


an hour ago

Murph now that sounds like it was interesting.


an hour ago

CL, Epstien’s little black book perhaps?


an hour ago

CL when I considered that studied effort to gut history and civics instruction in the schools…esp in the red states I marvel at how ham-fisted it has been and how unquestioned and unopposed.


an hour ago

Love the billboards of the D-Day cemeteries with trump calling them losers.


an hour ago

TW….fascinating…..it got very personal.


an hour ago

CL – Trump definitely won’t have the money for his campaign that Biden will, as you say, all the money he gets goes to lawyers and judgements. Don’t know how accurate the story is about the army of lawyers is but just the fact that they’re making that the focus of the campaign, sounds like they don’t expect to win in a fair election.

AdLiban hour ago

Donnie says he’d “declassify” it. It isn’t classified. It’s sequestered by the courts over which he has NO authority. He’s IN the little black book WAY more times than most. Not thinking it will see the light of day anytime soon.\


an hour ago

Ad = MIGHT be missing the Heritage links here, but DJT has no money anymore. HOW is RNC going to challenge voting outcomes when every dime they’ve raised has gone to Trump who SPENT it?


an hour ago

I have a call that I need to handle…back in a short while….hopefully.


an hour ago

Murph –


an hour ago

CL – Don’t forget, Epstein was arrested (and killed?) while Trump was president. If he wanted Epstein’s black book public, he would’ve done it then.

AdLiban hour ago

Love you guys, but I am suffering once again from major sleep deprivation from last night and fading fast. Think I’m packing it in and aiming for some Zzzzs. Will see you next week. Hugs to all.’


an hour ago

CL take care.


an hour ago

Love and hugs backm CL. Cant wait to see you.


an hour ago

Ignoring the current “polls” about the race, who here thinks Trump will lose by a solid margin?

AdLiban hour ago

Ad Drumpf is going down.


an hour ago

TW –

AdLiban hour ago

Ad, I reckon it will be a Biden Landslide, MAGA is imploding and surely the fence-sitters will go for better economy and more jobs. Women, especially, IMO will back reapplication of Roe v Wade.


an hour ago

And what are the odds Trump has a public meltdown of epic proportions?

AdLiban hour ago

PPO – Great summary!

AdLiban hour ago

Ad, he already is, and folks are getting sick and tired of the constant barrage of trump insHannity!


an hour ago

Ad from what I’m seeing in clips and reading he on clearly on the bridge of exploding.


an hour ago

Now, imagine it’s election day, Biden is declared the winner. Trump now has to face going to prison and being prosecuted in all the cases corrupt judges have stalled…I think he goes full blown Hitler but his minions don’t show up to fight the insurrection this time. Thoughts?

AdLiban hour ago

Agreed, Trump is already on the edge of a full mental breakdown. Imagine how he will be after being sentenced, especially if it includes some kind of imprisonment. Then days later, he’s centerstage at the RNC, he will be Hitlerian in his mad speech there I’ll bet.

AdLib44 minutes ago

I don’t think it will get to that, Ad. The Gov’t will be ready this time for any shenanigans.


44 minutes ago

Back for a moment…..I need to go to a meeting in the morning…..something is up…..apparently things have taken a very quick and very negative turn……Will share what I can.


43 minutes ago

Will the RNC dare to let him rant live? I don’t think so.


43 minutes ago

Take care, Murph!


43 minutes ago

PPO – Who in the RNC would dare stop Trump from speaking? I think he goes insane there.

AdLib42 minutes ago

We live in interesting times, for sure. Anyway, that’s it for me. I’ll try again before July. Cheers all.


41 minutes ago

Ad I believe it’s a forgone conclusion Trump will go on a wild tangent at the Convention how could he not.


41 minutes ago

My bet is the whole RNC will be like a Nazi rally. They’ll all be spitting fire about revenge and the evil that a majority of Americans represent and vow to imprison all their enemies, to be in sync with Trump. It will be scary, that’s my bet.

AdLib41 minutes ago

PPO looking forward to seeing in July.


40 minutes ago

See you soon, PPO!

AdLib40 minutes ago

Ok….another call….blow back re. the D Day event……local vet organization seems to be moving toward endorsing Biden….or rather refusing to back Trump


39 minutes ago

Murph – That’s great news! So vets may not like being called losers and suckers is what you’re telling me?

AdLib39 minutes ago

By a convicted criminal who lied his way out of serving?

AdLib38 minutes ago

Murph the Vets aren’t going to accept what Trump has done and how he has dishonored their service.


38 minutes ago

Ok I have to bug out, haven’t been feeling all that good today so I’m turning in early take care see you next week.


36 minutes ago

Ad….that is true but the behavior of the Trumpistas apparently was even nastier than I witnessed in side bars….may have been an eyeopener……One of the leaders of the group put the motion forward with these words….”My buddies were not suckers. They were not losers. They put it on the line. Three of them died. I cannot turn my back on their memory for a man who only thinks of himself.” That quote was sent to me by the secretary of the group.


36 minutes ago

Consider all the demographic groups that won’t vote for Trump. 15% or Repubs who are still voting for Haley in primaries, most women, most people of color, most young voters, many vets, most who don’t want a criminal in the WH.

AdLib35 minutes ago

TW..get well….please…..Best to you.


35 minutes ago

Wow, that’s powerful, Murph. I have to think that represents many vets who may have voted for Trump in the past.

AdLib34 minutes ago

I am still waiting for the flood of flags….and if anything, there are fewer of them.


34 minutes ago

A big problem with polls is that they have to extrapolate out the small survey groups they test. The thing is, there are so many unique situations, as with vets, as with never-Trump Repubs voting for Haley, that polls can’t capture what millions ov the voting pool will do. I think from now on, we see a descent into madness by Trump and Repubs and the silent swing voters will shift hugely to Biden.

AdLib32 minutes ago

Ad….I believe I know the answer to this question….but…How Secure is the Planet? I think very much so because you are vigilant and membership is small and vetted. Yes?


31 minutes ago

Ad..your polling thoughts ring true.


31 minutes ago

Yes, the membership is vetted, no one gets to post who I don’t approve. And we have multiple layers of security. Even so, especially in Vox, I delete any comments that might identify members.

AdLib30 minutes ago

Another call…..things are popping…….thanks for the confirmation Ad.


29 minutes ago

I think the disparity between polling and all of these factors that can’t really be polled is why Dems have outperformed polls for the past 8 years and Repubs have underperformed. It’s very consistent, that polls wrongly favor Repubs more than they should.

AdLib28 minutes ago


AdLib28 minutes ago

And another call….I need to see what is happening…..referneces to my running the co-op are creeping in. Hmmmmm


27 minutes ago

Would the MAGAs be out of the co-op?

AdLib26 minutes ago

????? Say more


26 minutes ago

No MaGa’s in the co-op as far as I know.


26 minutes ago

If you considered going back to it, you couldn’t do it with MAGAs still in it, that’s the reason you left.

AdLib26 minutes ago

The MaGa’s were not really in it…they just undermined it and then walked away….termites


25 minutes ago

I am long past the co-op….I am a retired planter….but apparently there is some appreciiation for my approach to organizing as that which arises from philosophy.


24 minutes ago

I know it’s hard to be optomistic in these times but as with your co-op, it is possible that MAGAs are on the retreat numbers-wise around the country. And when Trump loses, faces more convictions and prison time, that could doom the MAGAs to come apart not with a bang but with a cowardly whimper.

AdLib23 minutes ago

Ad…..very good….profound. I will share it. I think the awfulness of these people is starting to sour much of their contact with the uncontaminated.


22 minutes ago

Movements like MAGA flame out eventually, they often go nova like I think is happening now before becoming a black hole. Maybe this is happening now but we’re too close to see it?

AdLib22 minutes ago

That would explain the missing flags and the smaller crowds coming out for Trump.

AdLib21 minutes ago

I think the majority of Americans are so exhausted of Trump and his insanity. That’s something the polls will never show.

AdLib21 minutes ago

But I think the election results will.

AdLib21 minutes ago

Wise….well I am off to expand some contacts….good thoughts….one of my friends was on the edge of becoming a Magat and his wife told him that if went in that direction, it would be without her…..why? Quote: “I would not want those people at our dining room table with our kids.”


20 minutes ago

We can’t underestimate the wives and daughters taming the MAGA beasts in their homes. Night!

AdLib18 minutes ago

Yes…..Good-Night that started off badly.


18 minutes ago

Right! Stay safe!

AdLib18 minutes ago

I will do my best….Good night.


17 minutes ago


AdLib16 minutes ago

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