Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib11 hours ago

Hey TW!

AdLiban hour ago

Hey Ad, how did your daughter’s team do did they take it all??


an hour ago

Unfortunately not. She pitched very well but she wasn’t batting and the batters went ice cold. They only had to win one of two to win Regionals. only scored 1 run in each game.

AdLiban hour ago

Lost both.

AdLiban hour ago

How are things your way/

AdLiban hour ago

Sorry to hear that but the real question is did they have fun and enjoy the moment?


an hour ago

Well…they didn’t enjoy that day, the odds were in their favor, undefeated, they expected to win so they were pretty dejected.

AdLiban hour ago

Hey CL!

AdLiban hour ago

Hey CL


an hour ago

Hey, good friends. How are you?


an hour ago

Doing so well I’m flying my flag right side up.

AdLiban hour ago

Oh, Ad – I am so sorry to learn D’s team did not prevail.


an hour ago

We nasty liberals are indeed flying ALL flags right side up.


an hour ago

I received a text from PPO he’s going to be in Framingham this July so I’m hoping we can get together, my Granddaugther is here at the same time I will find a work around so we can get together.


an hour ago

Hey TW – how are you?


an hour ago

Ad, I understand about the dejection, but their young and they will get over it.


an hour ago

CL – It was a tough day, they had their eyes on going to the Nationals but the batters were too anxious and couldn’t settle down. Wish my daughter was batting, she often hits in clutch situations. As a pitcher, she’s used to performing under pressure.

AdLiban hour ago

tw – that is boffo if you and your granddaughter and PPO can all get together.


an hour ago

Ad – I wish she’d been a batter. She is indeed great under pressure. I’m sorry. So near – and yet so far.


an hour ago

TW – That sounds great! CL and I will see PPO in July in SFO.

AdLiban hour ago

CL I think she would get a kick out of PPO.


an hour ago

Yep, the team knows they were the ones who gave away the title, they beat themselves. Well, they did win the Conference championships and as I bragged before, my daughter pitched that win.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – he is fun, isn’t he? That lovely Irish humor.


an hour ago

Ad then PPO must be coming from CA to MA that would see the logical way coming from down under right?


an hour ago

And I think PPO will get a kick out of your granddaughter, TW.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – she IS very, very cool is your daughter…


an hour ago

CL is one helleva a great person.


an hour ago

TW – Yep, PPO is making an eastbound journey with stops along the way.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – yes. I think he might have a Buffalo NY stop between. There is family there. Then on to you.


an hour ago

SF to Buffalo to Boston to Dublin is his usual route.


an hour ago

I’m envious you get to see him IN Mass and that he gets to see you when I could not. NEXT YEAR!!!


an hour ago

So…after Alito exposes himself as a MAGA, shouldn’t Dems be making reforming the SCOTUS (and adding 4 more to drown out the corrupt ones) a campaign promise that’s repeated loud between now and Nov?

AdLiban hour ago

Ad It will depend on the schedule her auntie my daughter has planned for her. I get very little say in the arrangements. My daughter flies out to get her and take her back and I get to go broke while she is hear, some how that’ suppose to be a good arrangement.


an hour ago

As – I think court reform is essential, but FIRST we have to elect majority Dems.


an hour ago

TW – What else are grandparents for than to spoil their grandkids…then have to eat instant ramen for a month.

AdLiban hour ago

CL he has a brother in Milford MA who is an retired priest.


an hour ago

TW – she plans, you spend, she enjoys, you go broke. Yup. That’s the way of life.


an hour ago

CL yep and life is all good.


an hour ago

TW – Yes, it is.


an hour ago

CL – Agreed but part of the campaign for unified control in DC could include campaign promises like reinstating a woman’s right to choose, voting rights protection, and stopping the out of control and corrupt SCOTUS.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – I had forgotten Milford was the place.


an hour ago

Ad yes that is truly what GP’s are for.


an hour ago

Ad – I think that IS the Dem platform.’


an hour ago

All – I am reminding people of Abe Fortas, the SCOTUS judge who got sent to oblivion due to financial crimes. We did it before. We can do it again for Thomas and Alito.


an hour ago

I think the trick is to quietly put your nest egg in a Swiss bank account then by the time your kids have their kids, you shrug and say, “We can play board games at least.”

AdLiban hour ago

Ad –


an hour ago

CL – Glad you agree. Trump and the Repubs have no platforms, just fear mongering and threats of retribution, Dems and Biden can really set themselves apart by having a national platform of what they promise to do if given unitary power.

AdLiban hour ago



an hour ago

Alito is a coward he blamed his wife for the upside down flag, we all know he did it.


an hour ago

Ad – well, it’s not unitary power so much as simple advantage. Unitary power is Trump as Dictator. Or Dick tator however we interpret it. We must need a clear majority.


an hour ago

Alito is the WORST justice i’ve ever read. He writes such BS, and he needs to go.


an hour ago

CL – I don’t know, I think those days of both parties having a modicum of shared principles is over. Look at the slavish weasels in Congress including Johnson scuttling down to NY to kiss Trump’s…bottom…and attack the rule of law as he wants them to. And look at MTG’s high-school-mean-girl insulting last night. The GOP is no longer a party, it’s a cult of frightened and disturbed cowards.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I want the Congressional folks in NYC to be impeached on violating the separation of powers AND interfering in a STATE trial without any federal issues. That is the epitome of ‘high crimes and misdemeanors’.


an hour ago

Ad clow show all the way with matching outfits all they needed was the big shows and clown shoes.


an hour ago

TW – they looked like a white guy amateur a cappella Barbershop quartet.


an hour ago

Ad as long as states keep electing fools like MTG and Grabby Bobert it’s going to get worse


an hour ago

TW – Absolutely! Alito is a bald faced (and headed) liar. He leaked the Dobbs decision to successfully manipulate the rest of the court and lies about it. He’s lying about this too. I think it was Alito himself who turned the flag upside-down to crow about his support for sedition against his Dem neighbors. But to lie and be an utter coward, blaming his wife for what I bet he did and coming up with such a BS story, he is so exposed for the little, petty, hateful, and corrupt garbage he is.

AdLiban hour ago

CL well there were clearly singing the right tune for Frump.


an hour ago

OK – have to say my vision still sucks, and I will hang in as long as I can focus. Not sure why it’s deteriorating again, but it is difficult to read and reply. See the doc next week. Sigh.


an hour ago

CL – No, unitary power means Dems control Congress and the WH. A unitary president however is indeed a dictator as Trump wants to be.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad we know Trump wants to be a dictator he has said it himself.


an hour ago

Ad – what REALLY bothers me about the Alito flag is that an upside down flag is a naval distress sign. He has corrupted it. Now will anyone pay attention to one?


an hour ago

Ad – OK. I accept your definition of ‘unitary’.


an hour ago

CL for someone who is suppose to be relatively smart has no understanding that doing that is only supposed be in time of real distress what an ass.


an hour ago

CL – How is it not obstruction of justice when a klan of Repub Congresspeople travel to a trial that’s underway and declare it to be a fraud and attack the people Trump can’t due to the gag order that is trying to protect a fair hearing. They are all traitors, happily displaying it because they think if Trump wins, our democracy will be overthrown and they will benefit as part of the dictatorship. How is that not traitorous?

AdLib44 minutes ago

TW – all our standard “understanding” of symbols has died under MAGA.


43 minutes ago

TW – The matching outfits made them look so ridiculous, how desperately they bow to Trump to be VP or be among those he picks to be oligarchs. It’s truly disgusting.

AdLib42 minutes ago

Ad – it IS a violation of the Constitution for Congress to meddle in an ongoing trial ESPECIALLY when it’s local, not federal. They need to be impeached themselves for it.


42 minutes ago

Ad – yesterday they were in different colored suits and ties. We mocked them back to the dressing room.


41 minutes ago

TW – But part of the way we stop the election of weasels like Gaetz and MTG is for Dems to win both houses of Congress and the WH and pass election reform that includes outlawing voter suppression and gerrymandering. If MTG or Gaetz were in districts that weren’t gerrymandered and they had to appeal to indie and Dem voters, they’d be gone quickly and someone more moderate and reasonable would be in their seats.

AdLib40 minutes ago

Ad the only of the group who has a remote change is the gov from ND he has what Trump needs money.


40 minutes ago

CL – Very disheartened to hear that, after all you’ve been through and all the time has passed getting to this point, that your vision isn’t staying strong. I’m also a bit mad at the doctors.

AdLib39 minutes ago

Ad MTG got mocked really bad by the gentle lady from Texas


39 minutes ago

So did you see that amazing ‘gotcha’ over bad polling in DE on the Senate primary? Angela Also brooks was 8% behind the leader BUT won with 18% of the vote over him. Polling sucks. Votes don’t.


39 minutes ago

CL I saw that


38 minutes ago

Ad – the docs are GREAT. I JUST read that it may be a COVID issue – I will talk to my retinal guy next Thursday.


38 minutes ago

TW – I love Rep Jasmine. SERIOUSLY do!


37 minutes ago

CL – But at the time, less than 2 weeks after 1/6, it was adopted by MAGA as the symbol of Stop the Steal which was Roger Stone’s psyop from 2016. Alito knew what he was doing, joining the MAGA insurrectionists. And really, if your spouse put up a Trump flag, which is what the upside-down flag meant, would any of us just let it stay up if we didn’t support Trump’s sedition?

AdLib36 minutes ago

CL she is not to be messed with


36 minutes ago

So any predictions on the Trump trial?


35 minutes ago

CL – You’re right, it is obstruction of justice for these Repubs to use their position to try and taint a criminal trial. They should be impeached but that’s a long line of Repubs and SCOTUS judges (and don’t forget Canon and the 5th Circuit judges).

AdLib34 minutes ago

TW – everyone expect Jasmine Crockett to be Cori Bush (who IS dumb as tow posts). Rep. Crockett is an ATTORNEY, and she is freaking brilliant AND funny. She is like the Black women who raised my up in my understanding. LOVING her in Congress and as heirs to the women who made me who I am today.


34 minutes ago

TW – on the trial – I do think he will be found guilty.


34 minutes ago

I see Trump got to make his son’s graduation. After claiming they judge wouldn’t let him. But the great dad he is didn’t stay around left for a campagin event talking about screwed up priorities.


33 minutes ago

Ad – I have NO doubt Alito knew what it MAGA-meant. But it has a real meaning, and I worry it will be ignored in the future.


33 minutes ago

TW – Good point but Burgham is such a dead fish as a person, he may bring money but he would further weigh down that ticket. IOW, let him be Trump’s VP candidate.

AdLib33 minutes ago

TW Barron’s graduation is the ONLY one he’s attended ever. Not sure Barron is happy about that.


31 minutes ago

Ad heard an ineresting comment about Burgham, he will be quite and just wait for Trump the kick the bucket so he can ease into the big chair. Makes me wonder what he knows about the art of posion.


31 minutes ago

CL – Yes, saw Alsobrooks continue to affirm our shared confidence that polls are worthless nowadays. Of course they came out with another pro-Trump poll from the NYT which is so spiteful towards Biden because he won’t give them an interview…after they’ve been slanting attacks against him for years.

AdLib31 minutes ago

CL – Glad to hear that the docs are great. I am very cautious about docs, seen too many of them screw up on family members.

AdLib30 minutes ago

Ad we know what to do with current polls, subsitute if yoiu run out of toliet paper.


29 minutes ago

All – who is Burgham? New name to me/


29 minutes ago

TW = Most of MAGA is a decent TP substitute!


28 minutes ago

CL he is the Gov. billioniar Gov. of North Dakoda


28 minutes ago

TW – OK, got it, but how did HE weasel into the mix here?


27 minutes ago

I am planning on donating to many candidates for the GE, kind of saved up until primaries are over but one person I already contributed to is Jasmine Crockett. She is brilliant but brings that bold, everywoman attitude when it’s needed. She is very well educated and quite smart even though she talks very earthy sometimes. If MTG charged her, I could see her knocking her out with one punch.

AdLib27 minutes ago

Ad – I am covering candidate in the five battleground states AND people such as Crockett. It all matters. Whoever gets any of our donations is worthy.


26 minutes ago

CL – I too think Trump will be found guilty of most charges despite MSNBC, CNN and nearly every other greedy network pumping out talk to the contrary. How about Katy Tur being outed as a pro-Trump stooge?

AdLib25 minutes ago

CL he was on the debate stage got there by giving out $20 gift certificates if people contributed 5 bucks to help him make the cut. He didn’t say much and dropped out early becuase he couldn’t make the final cuts. It’s his money that puts him play not his poitical chops.


25 minutes ago

I invited Sherrod Brown to Tom’s memorial. No reply. And I still love Brown. He Knew my ex, but I don’t care if he didn’t either come or write. I am not someone who need personal strokes to vote for somebody.


24 minutes ago

CL – I kind of think that Alito is making himself toxic in the SCOTUS, right alongside Thomas. Some chatter on MSNBC today that the other Repubs may start backing away from their positions.

AdLib24 minutes ago

Well – I CANNOT vote for Sherrod Brown since I don’t live in OH, but I do fund him.


24 minutes ago

CL Brown is one of the few good people in the senate


23 minutes ago

Ad – they all ‘go too far’. Fatal. But whisper “Abe Fortas” and see how they scramble!


22 minutes ago

CL – It would be a longshot for Brown to be in town and be free to make it when he’s up for election too. Still, would’ve been a nice tribute if he could have.

AdLib22 minutes ago

Ad – absolutely. I wrote months ago, and life is what life is. But he liked my ex, and I would have loved that he was there. But I don’t take it personally.


21 minutes ago

Regarding Alilto, I did write to all my Congressional reps both senators and my Congressional Rep wanting to know what they are going to do about alilto


21 minutes ago

CL – With you on that. I haven’t made my list yet, need to soon, but also including Kunce in Mo even though it’s a tough slog for him.

AdLib21 minutes ago

Tw – “Abe Fortas”….


21 minutes ago

CL did Abe Fortas resign from the bench


20 minutes ago

Ad – we don’t even know if the MO polls are accurate, so I do give to Kunce because of Murph. And the wicked hope the polls suck there as much as anywhere.


20 minutes ago

Cl if I’m correct about that he had far more honor than Alito or Thomas could ever have.


19 minutes ago

TW – yes, in the 60s, over undue outside MONEY influence. Channel him on Thomas and Alito.


19 minutes ago

TW – NO question Fortas was more honorable, but he had the same problems. So let’s remind people of that.


19 minutes ago

TW – That is fantastic! There should be an organized push by some Dem entity to get voters to contact their reps about doing something about Alito, Thomas and the corrupt SCOTUS. They need to be reigned in and Dems can not only enlarge the court but they can bar the SCOTUS from making decisions in a variety of areas. I would like them to wall off civil rights and disallow SCOTUS from removing civil rights from the people in any decision.

AdLib18 minutes ago

Ad it will be interesting to see what they have to say.


17 minutes ago

Sad that we look back and think how quaint it was for Fortas to be pressured to resign yet in this era, two SCOTUS judges aupported an insurrection and still do and the idea of them being pressured to resign is a joke to them.

AdLib16 minutes ago

CL – After seeing 20% of Repubs STILL refusing to vote for Trump in primaries, no matter what happens in the criminal case, I think Trump will lose by a bigger margin than 2020.

AdLib15 minutes ago

Ad yes it is. Losing the courts is putting the country on the pathway of losing our democracy.


15 minutes ago

And how about the debates? I think Biden is right to have designed and pressured Trump into accepting debates in formats and moderation that I think will only expose Trump’s insanity to those who haven’t been following the race so far. Though the odds of Trump bailing for BS excuses is very likely, then he will look like more of a coward.

AdLib13 minutes ago

Ad – i am rooting for the same results as 1972 only with a GOP loss and a Dem victory.


13 minutes ago

I wrote a piece about Kittie Britt and her proposal about wanting a federal data base to essencitally track pregnat women.


12 minutes ago

Ad – I think Biden was genius on the debate challenge. Rumor has it Trump is already finding excuses to weasel out.


12 minutes ago

CL – I don’t know if it will happen but I could imagine that as Trump’s insanity is made clearer and clearer to the low info voters, there could be history made in Nov as Dems win seats that were unthinkable.

AdLib12 minutes ago

TW – Britt is an ass. That is demented thinking.


12 minutes ago

CL it was a piece of genius by Biden’s people


11 minutes ago

Ad – I agree, and I think we need to make the most of it IF we win. No asshat faux progressive demands for the impossible.


11 minutes ago

TW – I saw a new article was posted by you for publishing today but I was running around all day! Is that what it’s about, the Handmaid’s Tale future Britt wants for America? And what about the Chief’s kicker who made that misogynist,religious-extremist speech at that graduation? Even the nuns pushed back on him! I mean, speaking at a graduation for a school wanting to educate women, run by women, and telling them they’re fools for wanting to be educated and have careers? I think the unbridled insanity of where the GOP is now will only make the Dem victories in Nov more plentiful.

AdLib9 minutes ago

Go Benedictine Nuns! They handed the asshat his ass. Do NOT mess with the nuns. They are liberated, woke, and still carry rulers in their purses.


7 minutes ago

CL – Before Biden challenged Trump to debates, I was fine with there not being debates. But the more I heard these moronic low-info voters claiming they didn’t know who to vote for, the more I realized Trump needs to be exposed to these types for the monster he is well before people start voting. So I think, like in 2020, Trump will lose the debates hugely and taint himself to the voters he needs to win over.

AdLib7 minutes ago

Ad it’s in that vein, it’s more along the lines of a fincitional story I thought up in my mind which means it could be considered a bit bonkers, but check it out when you get the time.


6 minutes ago

Ad – if Trump actually shows UP for a debate, I will be sore amazed.


6 minutes ago

CL – And no hanging onto the filibuster! At least not for any civil rights issues. That is one area that is absolutely not the place for a minority to deny what the majority wants.

AdLib5 minutes ago

Ad I have some opening pragraphs and then the story which I entitled: The Tale Of Two Teenage Girls And The Federal Abortion Tracking System.


4 minutes ago

CL – That kicker came in and kicked at the nuns’ main purpose and they kicked him back right between the goalposts.

AdLib4 minutes ago

Ad – this last rally that had a couple of thousand (NOT the 10K Trump insisted) was OVER within a short time. By about 45 minutes in, the ENTIRE crowd was gone. Trump is NOT pulling in huge numbers of loyal fans.


4 minutes ago

Ad – do NOT eff with the nuns!


3 minutes ago

TW – I’m reading it over the weekend, this week got away from me. And I’ll publish it on Sunday, a great day for folks to read!

AdLib3 minutes ago

SO do we think Trump will bail on the debates or will his ego, thinking he can crush Biden, win out?

AdLib2 minutes ago

TW – Looking forward to reading it!

AdLib2 minutes ago

OK, dear guys – my eyes are getting blurry. I see the doc next week, so maybe they can help here. See you – literally and figuratively – next Friday. Hugs to you both! I need to lie down with drops now. Miss you!


a minute ago

Ad you know me, your the editor and publisher I’m just the lowly writer trying to have some fun and the expense of idito like Britt.


a minute ago

CL – Exactly! I was thinking, when I saw the video of that jerk’s speech, “Isn’t he attacking the very reason they’re having a graduation?”

AdLiba minute ago

It sounds like a great read!

AdLiba few seconds ago

Shall we chat?

AdLiba few seconds ago

It could be better I just reviewed it. Maybe a follow up later.


in a few seconds

Yes give me five minutes.


in a few seconds

Sounds good!

AdLibin a few seconds

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