Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib4 hours ago

Hi glenn!

AdLib2 hours ago

Hi AD, Am I the first one here? How are you doing?


2 hours ago

Quite an eventful week in the news.

AdLib2 hours ago

You are indeed the first, you get your pick of all the appetizers!

AdLib2 hours ago

I’m doing very well. How are you doing?

AdLib2 hours ago

Hey TW!

AdLib2 hours ago

Good evening everyone.


2 hours ago

Glenn how are you


2 hours ago

Yeah no kidding. Go stormy! I don’t know whether she shredded the defense attorney or not but she certainly held her own. And now I don’t have to call the treasonous lying bully the TLB anymore. Now I can call in the orange turd. Or Captain von shitzinpants.


2 hours ago

CL is in the House!!!


2 hours ago

Hi – glenn!!! TW and AD!


2 hours ago

Lovely to see you all.


2 hours ago

Good to see you


2 hours ago

Oh goody! Can I have some artichoke and spinach dip? I’m doing OK.


2 hours ago

Hey CL!

AdLib2 hours ago

TW I’m doing OK thanks for asking.


2 hours ago

Sorry I spend by you a week plus ago. It was a dash to do what I needed, and a dash back


2 hours ago

CL – How are you doing?

AdLib2 hours ago

glenn – you may have ANYTHING you wish.


2 hours ago

CL so good to see you! How are you doing?


2 hours ago

Ad – I came home with a nasty cold, but otherwise pretty OK


2 hours ago

Thanks CL. Maybe I’ll have some wings too.


2 hours ago

glenn – I’m all right. My ex husband died in October, and I just got back from his memorial and scattering his ashes. Other than all the emotions around that, I’m find. How are you?


2 hours ago

glenn – Stormy was fantastic and really got the best of Trump’s lawyer. They tried to wreck her by slamming her for working in porn but I would think the jury ended up giving her much respect and credibility after she spun that lawyer dizzy.

AdLib2 hours ago

CL hope you’re not sniffling too much. Nothing worse than a summertime cold. I know it’s not summer time yet but it’s warm here


2 hours ago

So what does everyone think of the trial?


2 hours ago

glenn – Wings are good. I was just near the Buffalo Anchor Bar. I’d have picked up some for you.


2 hours ago

TW – I think Trump is toast.


2 hours ago

glenn – Here ya go! Extra chips too!

AdLib2 hours ago

glenn – started as a chest cold, worked its way up. I’m better now.


2 hours ago

Yes he has been buttered on both sides.


2 hours ago

CL I can imagine how your emotions were all over the place. I think you are a very strong woman to be able to deal with all of that.


2 hours ago

CL – Sorry of course about all you’ve been through the last two weeks and now this cold. It’s Spring, that cold had no business being out!

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – A few years ago after the big revelation about Stormy, she was here at Gold’s Men’s Club. The HUGE turn out by WOMEN nearly gave the guys heart attacks. i didn’t get there, but it was packed with women there in support of her.


2 hours ago

AD yeah stormy was fantastic. I think the lawyer thought that she was going to get the best of her because after all she’s just a porn star. But I think stormy smarter than all of them put together.


2 hours ago

CL the weather here in the northeast is a bit chiller than what you’ve become used in sunny Cal.


2 hours ago

CL that’s interesting. Glad to see women are supporting her.


2 hours ago

Thanks all – it was a good/bad trip in emotions, but Greg was with me for most of it, and he got to see more of where I’d been, what I’d done before we met. The spot where I scattered Tom’s ashes was lovely. I have good feelings about it all.


2 hours ago

CL – Yep! I think Cohen will hammer the last nail in his conviction beginning Monday and after he’s convicted and his invitation to bribery from oil execs and his growing insanity, I think the Trump Train derails into a very deep canyon by Nov.

AdLib2 hours ago

TW – since I had lived in MA and RI for several years, I came prepared. Was NOT prepared for the 80s in Ohio I returned to for three days!


2 hours ago

glenn – Agreed about how strong CL is but you’re a member of that club too.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – from your lips to God’s ear – that’s EXACTLY what I want to have happen to the Orange Turd.


2 hours ago

Ad – glenn IS a member of the Strong but Incredibly Nice Women’s Guild.


2 hours ago

CL your husband sounds like a great guy. Not too many guys would go back with their wives to support Her in honoring her ex-husband. Hang onto him!


2 hours ago

CL you know well how the weather changes here in the Northeast so it’s good you were prepared for it. If I recall there were a few rainy days when you were here.


2 hours ago

glenn – I do love him, Glenn, and he was a brick. Among many other things, he kept me from falling into the mill pond where I scattered the ashes and nearly fell in.


2 hours ago

CL – That’s a great story about Stormy. I’ve followed her on Twitter and have regularly been impressed with her wit and parrying the MAGA monsters who come at her. Due to that, I wasn’t surprised she got the best of a seasoned lawyer who made the mistake of going after her.

AdLib2 hours ago

TW – It wasn’t too bad there, but on my way back from Buffalo after dropping Greg off at the plane, I ran into a downpour in Erie PA that would have given Noah pause.


2 hours ago

AD I know they’re right wingers but some of them are saying that the prosecution really doesn’t have a case. Or if they do they can’t prove it. What do you think of all that? I love your scenario. Let’s bury the orange turd before November.


2 hours ago

glenn – So true, it felt like Trump’s lawyer had that entitled mentality, “She’s just a stupid, sleazy porn star, I can trash her without breaking a sweat.” Stormy then proceeded to dump her in a garbage can.

AdLib2 hours ago

CL yeah we’ve had some of those, but today was a nice day.


2 hours ago

CL – That’s wonderful to hear that Hubby helped make it a positive experience. Really happy about that.

AdLib2 hours ago

TW – lovely to know you had good weather.


2 hours ago

Thank you AD and CL For the compliment. You can’t see me blushing


2 hours ago

CL yeah I should get out and enjoy.


2 hours ago

It was a good experience. North Andover at an old mill then a little bit of the ashes to Demarest Lloyd Beach in SE MA. Good trip overall.


2 hours ago

Ad I see we have the emojis back.


2 hours ago

CL you covered a big portion of MA too bad we couldn’t meet but you were on a tight schedule.


2 hours ago

CL— Lol! I think we have a lot more in common than we know. You sound like somewhat of a klutz. Not trying to insult you just trying to tell you that I am the same way.


2 hours ago

TW – if Greg didn’t have such a tight schedule to fly home so he could repack and fly to San Diego, we would have taken the time. Next year we hope to amble through NE and see you.


2 hours ago

CL – Consider that over 20% of Republicans voted for Nikki Haley in a primary this week. Over 20% voted against Trump for a candidate who stopped running. I have never seen such a large percentage of a Repub or Dem primary use their vote to declare they won’t support the clear nominee. No way he can win losing even 10% of Repub voters, even not getting 5% would make him a loser. Then add on a criminal conviction which I think is coming, he will be Dead Orange Turd Walking.

AdLib2 hours ago

CL well when you get close to coming out next year let me know.


2 hours ago

Glenn – not denying that! I should have sat on the little bank but tried to stand and slid. He grabbed me, helped me back up. The Pond isn’t deep, but it is mucky. Glad i didn’t fall in!


2 hours ago

TW – will do!


2 hours ago

CL – An embarrassment of riches, having such wonderful and strong people on The Planet.

AdLib2 hours ago

AD— oh I like that. Dead orange turd walking.


2 hours ago

Ad – I’m not sure I can shake that image: “Dead Orange Turd Walking”. Yuck.


2 hours ago

So for me, next trip is family reunion in L.A. then a day in SF with Ad and PPO. Nice to contemplate!


an hour ago

CL— yeah I’m glad you didn’t fall in either. I fallen once or twice into a Mucky pond and it’s not very pleasant. I was a lot younger than so I could shake it off.


an hour ago

Anyone wants to join us in July w PPO? We’re here for it.


an hour ago

Trump asking all the Oil big whigs for a billion bucks for his campaign and he will gut all of Bidens programs.


an hour ago

glenn – yuck! Glad I didn’t. Nasty!


an hour ago

glenn – I’ve seen a majority of pundits really complimenting Bragg’s team of prosecutors for presenting and building a verystrong case and reinforcing ahead of time what Michael Cohen will be testifying to. Cohen is the key, he will testify that Trump said all he did to commit the crime, The prosecutors have been brilliant in using very credible sources to backup everything Cohen will say aside from Trump’s conversations with him, which will fit perfectly into everything else.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – the man I think just proposed a quid pro quo demand that is illegal. NOT that we need ANOTHER trial, but he just never quits, does he?


an hour ago

AD— Yeah isn’t that amazing? People voting for someone who isn’t even running any more. And 20%! That’s a lot of folks.


an hour ago

CL Granddaughter will be her Jun and July and I will be broke onces she leaves.


an hour ago

TW – You’re right about the emojis returning from Capistrano. Nothing I did, it’s our chat app people fixing it. Thank you Chat Gods!

AdLiban hour ago

CL sounds like you have some lovely times in front of you.


an hour ago

TW – that’s grandkids for you. Eat you out of house and home among other expenses!


an hour ago

glenn – we do, and I wish you could join us for the July visit w PPO.


an hour ago

Ad – how nice the Chat Gods got the emojis back!


an hour ago

CL well she the on grandchild and of course she’s supposed be spoiled.


an hour ago

glen and all – “orange turd” was Stormy’s insult for Trump, replying to an attack on Twitter saying she was being flushed down the toilet, not my phrase, just sayin’.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – well, of course!


an hour ago

Twitter has been making up Daniels’ sayings: It was the worst 90 seconds of my life. And so on…


an hour ago

CL— ain’t that the truth? The did orange turd walking just can’t help himself.


an hour ago

glenn – nope. Lies are all he knows.


an hour ago

That’s dead orange turd walking. I’m using voice to text so it doesn’t always get it right.


an hour ago

glenn – the meaning was clear even if the words weren’t.


an hour ago

TW – Thanks to this corrupt SCOTUS which was protecting their own bribing, it’s not prosecutable for Trump to offer to sell the presidency for a billion to the oil industry. Congress needs to make more stringent corruption and bribery laws, this is ridiculous that a candidate can openly ask for bribes and offer quid pro quos.

AdLiban hour ago

TW— you may be broke when she leaves but I bet you’ll be a happy and proud grandpa too.


an hour ago

glenn – i agree that TW will have a very find time!


an hour ago

So…softball update. My daughter’s team is undefeated in NCAA Regionals and plays tomorrow for the Championship! Send your good vibes to her and her team!

AdLiban hour ago

fine time.


an hour ago

Glenn yes I will. She’s doing good in school so there is that.


an hour ago

Ad – OMG absolutely! I am SO happy for her!


an hour ago

CL— there is nothing I would like better than to join you all in California. But I can’t be away from dialysis that long. I will be with you all in spirit though.p


an hour ago

glenn – maybe we will find a way to come there sometime soon. EVEN in FL. You are worth it.


an hour ago

Ad you have mine


an hour ago

glenn – AmI wrong or is the only reason Repubs voted for Haley knowing that she isn’t running anymore and can’t win, is a statement that they won’t vote for Trump in Nov?

AdLiban hour ago

AD— sending all the good vibes I can muster.


an hour ago

Ad – where are they playing tomorrow?


an hour ago

CL— Wow that’s a sacrifice for you all to come to Florida. It would be amazing though.


an hour ago

Ad I suppose we can say there are some Repubs who have a conscience and know what four more years of Trump will be. The country will broke as hell and he will be saying the economy is just fine.


an hour ago

And another funny thing, Trump and Repubs have been promoting RFK Jr. (and the worm in his head) thinking that he would pull votes from Biden. Their pollsters must have told Trump in a panic that he’s drawing votes more from Trump so now, after applauding and promoting him, Trump is attacking RFK Jr, claiming he’s not really anti-vax!

AdLiban hour ago

glenn – years ago a small group of anti hate crimes advocates used to propose buying a motor home and tracking baddies. “Road Trip” was our operative slogan. Well, let’s think about doing that for FUN now?


an hour ago

AD— no I think you’re absolutely right. I think those people voted for Hailey because they wanted nothing to do with Trump. According to some of the articles I’ve read that reporters did exit interviews that’s exactly what they said. I’m wondering now if Trump gets convicted will the republican party keep him as their nominee? When is the Republican convention? Do all the delegates that he supposedly won in the primaries have to vote for him? After all the elections could’ve been rigged.


an hour ago

TW’s granddaughter is amazing, she loves books and reading!

AdLiban hour ago

CL— There you go. A planet road trip


an hour ago

TW – your granddaughter sounds perfect.’


an hour ago

glenn – we shall think upon it. Why not?\


an hour ago

CL – They’re playing in Bellingham, WA (where I am right now). Beautiful up here!

AdLiban hour ago

20 minutes from Vancouver in Canada.

AdLiban hour ago

That is lovely. I have spent much time there and love it a lot.


an hour ago

Appreicate all your kind words about my Granddaughter.


an hour ago

glenn – If my daughter’s team makes it as far as Nationals, they’re in FL so if they’re not far away, maybe I could see you then!

AdLiban hour ago

TW— you’re absolutely right. If that dead orange turd walking gets in Office again we will probably be living in an upside down world. Megas don’t seem to have any sense of reality lately.


an hour ago

Ad and glenn – that would be boffo!!! You could meet!


an hour ago

AD— That would be wonderful. You’re welcome anytime.


an hour ago

Glenn which is why it’s crazy that people what him back in office.


an hour ago

TW – Agreed, I think many Repubs are just exhausted and fed up with Trump madness. If even 5% of Repubs don’t vote for Trump, it will be a landslide for Biden.

AdLiban hour ago

All – when the MAGAts say, “Are you better off than four years ago?” the answer is HELL YES! How could they forget?


an hour ago

TW— I know I will never understand it. Never ever ever ever. And now it’s even worse than ever. He lies at every turn, falls asleep in court, and I guess shit his pants. Unbelievable that somebody that wealthy or supposedly that wealthy, doesn’t do something to fix that. Or maybe he just doesn’t care. I don’t care do u?


an hour ago

Ad did you see the article about the Repug rep who wants to impeach him for holding up arms for Israel? What makes it laughable is Regan did the same thing when he was in office for essentially the same reasons.


an hour ago

Greg and I have family who have been and remain registered GOP precisely to vote AGAINST Trump. SIL stood in the rain for 6 hours as a DC delegate to vote AGAINST him in 2016. The people such as our in laws are growing exponentially.


an hour ago

Glenn it is indeed baffaling.


an hour ago

TW – They would have drawn and quartered that old Reagan. But the guy who wants to impeach him voted AGAINST the funds for Israel. Make it make sense.


an hour ago

glenn – Very interesting area to explore. My thought is that if Trump is convicted, if polls reflect what polling has already shown, that 60% of voters won’t vote for him if he’s a convicted criminal, I think the GOP will tear itself apart. They may try to replace Trump but Trump will rally his MAGAs against them and threaten to take them with him if they don’t make him the nominee…and MAGAs represent the majority of Repubs. TW and I have discussed this possibility, I would love to see it come to fruition. We need Trump and the current GOP crushed.

AdLiban hour ago

Cl it is becoming Barzzro world for sure.


an hour ago

CL— That’s good to hear that people like your in-laws are expanding. It just fries me that the media never focuses on people like your in-laws.


an hour ago

TW – Gop disintegrating, Dems in array. Could not be happier.


an hour ago

The thing is, FL is a big state so no idea right now where Nationals will be and no guarantee yet that her team will make it there. But hopefully, yes to all the above!

AdLiban hour ago

BIL worked for DOJ, SIL for a major law firm. Both are pro immigrant and pro BLM. REPUBLICANS!!!


an hour ago

glenn – I think that based on Dems overperforming in all elections over the past 8 years, the polls showing Trump competitive are just as flawed as they’ve been all these years, maybe more so. Add in the assault on women’s rights to Trump being an adjudicated rapist, committing financial fraud, selling the WH to oil companies and threatening to be a dictator. Nope, I don’t believe this race is or will be close.

AdLiban hour ago

AD— yes. As the old saying goes, we live in some interesting times. It’s going to be interesting to see the GOP tear themselves apart. Because they’re almost going to have to have all kinds of fights if Dead orange turd walking is the nominee. And yet if they try to nominate someone else they have to tear themselves apart to do that too. As I said interesting times.


an hour ago

Folks – I love you all, but the remnants of this awful cold are visiting me. Hacking my lungs out. So I’m going to cut this short and hope I’m bright-eyed and bushy-tailed next week. I need cough syrup and a lie down. Take care of yourselves. I think the good guys are winning, but we must keep on keeping on. Hugs to all. Be well, glenn! You and Ad may have a date! Bye!’


an hour ago

Take care of yourself CL. I hope to see you next week


an hour ago

CL take of yourself get some rest.


an hour ago

And did you hear about that twit Britt (who gave the Repub Stepford Wife response to Biden’s SOTU? She just announced she’s introduced a bill in the Senate TO REGISTER ALL PREGNANT WOMEN IN THE U.S.! This is literally the plot of Handmaid’s Tale!

AdLiban hour ago

Tell me women aren’t going to kick the GOP off of the planet.

AdLiban hour ago

AD— I live in the West Palm Beach area in a little town called Lantana Beach. So if you’re anywhere near West Palm we might be able to get together. I would really enjoy that


an hour ago

Ad you have to be kidding me for real????


an hour ago

TW – Yep, I saw that lame attempt to impeach Biden for saying Israel can’t use US weapons to violate international law. Uh…what’s the high crime or misdemeanor? These Repub morons are as stupid as they are desperate to please Trump who no doubt keeps telling them to impeach Biden one way or the other.

AdLiban hour ago

AD— Once again I hope your predictions are correct. I just can’t believe the race is that close. It just doesn’t make any sense.


an hour ago

“Sen. Katie Britt Introduces Bill to Create Federal Database of Pregnant People”


AdLiban hour ago

AD— You have to be kidding! She really did introduce a bill like that? Are you sure you didn’t read it in the onion?


an hour ago

Ad I think Murph is knocking at the door.


an hour ago

I am here at long last.


an hour ago

glenn – That sounds great! Hopefully they make it to Nationals and hopefully it’s near Lantana!

AdLiban hour ago

Hey Murph!

AdLiban hour ago

AD— are usually don’t cuss this badly but that’s just Unfucking unbelievable.


an hour ago

Murph is in the house.


an hour ago

Murph! Glad to see you!


an hour ago

glenn – Here’s the story in Salon too: “Katie Britt is back at it, pushing a bill to launch a pregnancy tracking federal database “


AdLiban hour ago

Sorry to be so late but I would stop by and say “howdy”


an hour ago

Ad that is just plain stupid beyond belief. Just damn stupid.


an hour ago

Hey Murph!Glad you made it! You missed CL.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph— how was your camping with Kunce going?


an hour ago

Murph better late than never as the saying goes.


an hour ago

Campaign with Kunce


an hour ago

Glenn, we are slogging away and the race is likely close but the odds are not on our side….


an hour ago

My predictions have a pretty good track record. I think Biden wins by at least 3% but 5% is definitely possible which would be huge for a presidential election.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph— When is the election? Are you working on this for the November election? Do you think that if Trump gets convicted it will change any Republicans minds about voting for Republicans?


an hour ago

Murph – Does the abortion proposition figure into your calculations in Kunce getting a bigger turnout in MO?

AdLiban hour ago

Where’d Murph go?

AdLiban hour ago

AD— boy that would be great! I would love to see him defeat him by even more. 50% would be nice. LOL


an hour ago

Murph is back, \


an hour ago

He Murph where did you go?


an hour ago

glenn – Indeed but a bigger percentage win for Biden could mean Dems keep The Senate and take The House. We need that very badly.

AdLiban hour ago

I got bounced off…


an hour ago

November is our Election Day as well.


an hour ago

Murph – You sure you didn’t login to a bounce house?

AdLiban hour ago

Well gents. I hate to do this when Murph just got here. But I’ve got to go I can’t keep my eyes open any longer. Take care everyone. Happy Mother’s Day to your wives if you have them.


an hour ago

Murph your guy is up against Hawley right? Is McCaskill supporting him


an hour ago



an hour ago

Glenn take care see you next week.


an hour ago

Just got a news alert from the NYT that Clarence Thomas is decrying the “nastiness” against him, meaning the news that he has sold himself out. What a fellow turd.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad truth will hurt


an hour ago

TW…correct Horror Hawley is the incumbent. McCasskill has endorse but efforts in re. to the campaign have been lackluster.


an hour ago

Murph – But I was asking if the abortion-rights prop in MO will help women turnout more and favor Kunce?

AdLiban hour ago

Thomas is a crybaby…he has done similar whining in the past.


an hour ago

Murph is that because folks don’t start taking things serious until after the summer?


an hour ago

Murph – So true, what’s the saying? A hit dog howls? Thomas has been nailed for being a crooked and corrupt sellout so of course he’s “howling”.

AdLiban hour ago

TW……there is a presumption here that GOP are bound win..given the state has turned redder and redder….there is support for that notion.


an hour ago

Ad….abortion rights is talked about but in whispers.


an hour ago

TW…summer will bring a sense of urgency with it.


an hour ago

Murph as we’ve discussed people just refuse to recognize that losing democracy in favor of autocracy will not be a pleasant experience.


an hour ago

Murph – There is a phenomena, especially in red states, where women keep their intention to vote against Republicans to themselves so polling is inaccurate. Look at all the red states that have approved abortion rights propositions. With a Senate and presidential race coinciding, who knows?

AdLiban hour ago

TW- so many assume that because they are that side of the street that they will be victimized every bit as badly as those opposed.


an hour ago

Ad…we are counting on that being the case here…..that support for Kunce is greater than the numbers show.


an hour ago

I am growing more confident that we will break the back of Trumpist Authoritarianism in Nov. Trump has become so loud about it, MAGAs and Repubs even in Congress feel so bold about announcing it in public, I think they’ve gone so far out that many Repub voters are recoiling and whether not voting or voting Dem, will abandon them in a shocking way.

AdLib44 minutes ago

Ad…again I endorse your prophecy…..


43 minutes ago

Murph – I think it probably is. Many in Red States who aren’t voting Repub this year are keeping their heads down, not telling pollsters, and will just vote in secret against Trump and the GOP.

AdLib43 minutes ago

What scares me is how many rational, responsible people I know who are pretty bright have fallen for the line “Trump has his problems but Biden is far worse…old and weak.”


42 minutes ago

Murph I was just wondering, what is the mood of the younger generation in your state?


42 minutes ago

Murph Biden is old and weak??? Well he may be old, but weak not as much as Trump is.


41 minutes ago

TW…the young here are not energized at any level…..the disconnect between young people and the reality of lived civics is very significant. Knowledge of history, of law, of government is both shallow and tainted.


40 minutes ago

Murph – I don’t know, that’s just the same reverse justification we’ve always seen from people who are tribal yet try to justify their lack of reasoning. They start from the conclusion they want then just backfill justifications, as weak as they may be. These are “follower” types, they don’t decide anything, decisions are poured into them by Fox, Trump, etc and they try to act like they have reasons which they don’t.

AdLib40 minutes ago

People do see what they want to see…..so what is clear to folks like us is clearly false to them.


39 minutes ago

Ad…good summary.


39 minutes ago

Murph what’s the unemployement rate in your state?


39 minutes ago

Murph – By definition, anyone trying to argue that a dictatorship under a rapist, racist, convicted criminal is better than a”weak” Biden who simutaneously is accused of controlling the entire nation’s judicial and prosecutorial system, is not rational or reasonable.

AdLib38 minutes ago

What is interesting here is the lack of public support In the flying of his banners, attendance at events, and willingness to volunteer.


38 minutes ago

Murph also what are the job opportunities for those who will graduateing from college soon?


38 minutes ago

TW….3.3 percent.


37 minutes ago

Murp unemployment 3.3% that’s lower than then national rate.


36 minutes ago

TW…as the percentage shows there are plenty of jobs but credit for that Is given to Trump support for big business. IE….the tax breaks.


35 minutes ago



35 minutes ago

Murph – Some bullet points: Trump’s rallies are fewer and at smaller venues than in 2016 or 2020. Trump owes over half a billion in judgements and his company’s finances are managed by the state court so he has little cash. 20% of Repubs just voted in a GOP primary for Nikki Haley to show they won’t vote for Trump. Trump is looking like a beaten dog and his reputation as a tough guy is being trashed in the current criminal trial. 60% of Americans said they won’t vote for Trump if he’s convicted. Dems have overperformed in ALL elections since 2016. None of this points to a Trump win in Nov.

AdLib35 minutes ago

Murph a relatively high numver of College Grads?


34 minutes ago

Ad….as always your ability to capture essential truth is admirable.


33 minutes ago

Murph – Again, I think that is the result of people choosing an outcome first then trying to justify it. They must be able to say Trump was the best president and the best candidate so they start from there then give credit to Trump for Biden’s achievements like the low unemployment rate and the stock market records and they try to pile the blame for Trump failures on Biden, including trying to blame him for COVID quarrantines…even though that was under Trump.

AdLib31 minutes ago

TW…..I suspect the number of students going into higher ed is not esp. high except the direct career tracks which the community colleges handle well.


31 minutes ago

Ad…all true…..the blinders are very tightly in place.


30 minutes ago

Murph – I don’t think college enrollment has fully recovered from the COVID dip but its at least nearing that.

AdLib30 minutes ago

Ad a 2 year degree is a good thing to have especially if it will get your a job and it usually does. In reality most jobs requiring a 4 year degree don’t really need it.


30 minutes ago

TW – Yes, the truth is that a 4 year degree isn’t actually a guarantee that a particular person is smarter or will be more adept at a particular job, it’s a lazy filter than businesses use.

AdLib29 minutes ago

Murph year 2 degree is a good thing to have especially if it will get your a job and it usually does. In reality most jobs requiring a 4 year degree don’t really need it.


29 minutes ago

Ad…the most significant problem with college admission here is how much attending costs and how much debt students carry into their working lives…huge and overwhelming….I know a college recruiter who says that there is plummeting confidence in how worthwhile it is to go the college.


28 minutes ago

And the flip side is that not having a 4 year degree will prevent young people from getting hired for many white collar jobs. So while it’s a very flawed requirement, someone could get a 4 year degree and barely avoid failing whie a bright kid could get a 2 year degree and be valedictorian.

AdLib27 minutes ago

TW…your point re. the “need” to have a 4 year degrees accurate…awareness re.that is growing.


27 minutes ago

Murph – What you say is true but with qualifications. Biden’s new SAVE program makes the amount of student debt irrelevant. The amount a student pays is limited to 10% of their discretionary income and after 20 years, all debt is dissolved. No matter how much debt there is. Biden has figured out a solution and it’s available right now.

AdLib25 minutes ago

Do either of you have any thoughts re. the Trump Campaign Plan tour do less “get out the vote” and more “blocking illegal voters


25 minutes ago

Murph from my viewpoint the only illegal voters are the Trump voters.


24 minutes ago

Ad…..and that solution is unknown to most…….including those promoting college admissions.


24 minutes ago

Meanwhile, Ivy League schools’ “sticker price” is now over $90k a year, $360k for 4 years. That is insane. Of course, few students pay the full price but even half that amount is ridiculously high.

AdLib24 minutes ago

Ad…and why is that the price tag?


23 minutes ago

Murph – I’m only a dad with a college student, why do I know about it and a college recruiter doesn’t? He/she really should be aware of this very important development. BTW, under the plan, if you don’t make over a certain amount per month, you don’t have to pay anything.

AdLib22 minutes ago

Even if you owe $360k.

AdLib21 minutes ago

Ad as we’ve discussed that is unwarrented. There isn’t any real reason college tution should be that high.


21 minutes ago

Ad……it may well be that the recruiters know that providing that info will be seen as standing against the GOP


21 minutes ago

Murph – Because they raise full tuition every year and now it has topped $90k.

AdLib21 minutes ago

Again, any reaction to the “leaner” GOP plan for the next election.


20 minutes ago

Ad the tution at Clark University is $57,440 per year.


19 minutes ago

Murph -That may be the case but it’s a bit crazy, don’t you think? Not offering a student critical information they need to decide on which school they’ll go to? Sorry, don’t mean to be criticizing this person but if they’re so worried about the politics of helping students avoid crushing debt, maybe they should rethink what they’re doing.

AdLib19 minutes ago

Murph leaner GOP plan?? Frump is going on a diet??


18 minutes ago

Ad…..all of life is tainted by politics.


18 minutes ago

Murph – Just heard about that new directive from Trump and it seems very obvious what the scheme really is. Change the RNC strategy from spending money on GOTV so Trump can siphon it off for his legal bills and instead have the GOP find volunteers to act as a Trump army to bring chaos to election day. But it’s a massive mistake, Biden is financing operations in most states to GOTV. Another reason I think Trump goes down in flames.

AdLib17 minutes ago

TW….apparently there will be few campaign offices, few employees, and fewer resources for local campaigns. Trump has told the RNC that he will drive the voters turnout and all they need concern themselves with is taking on illegal voting.


16 minutes ago

Murph – But I think there’s no excuse for someone “malpracticing” in their career because of political concerns, can’t just write that off to politics.

AdLib16 minutes ago

If I were a Trump Leader, the lack of response to calls from Trump and his designates to come to events, protest, and harass …tepid.


15 minutes ago

Ad Trump sees the RNC as his perpetual piggy bank. He will suck it dry and blame them for any reason he wants when he loses the election never mind they won’t have any money to do anything.


14 minutes ago

Murph – But you see the lie in that Trump claim. He is not the vehicle to motivate non-MAGAs to vote for him, he only chases after MAGAs with his outrageous speeches and tyrannical vows. Trump needs indie voters and yet he needs to spew MAGA hatred. I think it’s just a ploy for Trump to raid the RNC treasury then hope he can whip up MAGAs to help him overthrow the election when he loses.

AdLib13 minutes ago

My goodness….10:40….This is fun and valuable but I need to get these weary bones to bed.


13 minutes ago

Hey Murph good to see you here again as always.


12 minutes ago

Ad….your read on the Trump strategy seems sound to me.


12 minutes ago

Murph – Adding to my bullet points, Trump called on his MAGAs to turn out across the country and at the NY courthouse when the trial started. They never came out, aside from a handful of miscreant MAGAs. There was one outside the courtroom today. One. That ain’t a loyal cult following willing to do anything for their leader.

AdLib12 minutes ago

Take gentlemen! Hah….a word rarely used these days.


12 minutes ago

Ad…good examples that Trump may be a paper tiger.


11 minutes ago

Glad you made it and stayed up, Murph. TW is staying up even later his time but he is a superhero whose power is not needing lots of sleep.

AdLib11 minutes ago

We’re going to crush Trump in Nov. Watch what happens.

AdLib10 minutes ago

TW…..Wide Awake Man!


10 minutes ago

Captain Caffinated!

AdLib10 minutes ago

Oh, Ad I do hope you are so, so, so, right.


10 minutes ago

Ad I don’t know about super power, just an internal act of rebellion for having to good to bed early as a child.


10 minutes ago

TW…great response but I still like Captain Caffeinated!


9 minutes ago

Murph – You know I have a pretty good batting average at predictions (because they’re based on data of course).

AdLib9 minutes ago

Murph I sort like as well, considering how much coffee I do drink.


9 minutes ago

Ad, I do…and I accept that my perspective is shaped by the sad bent that life has taken here.


9 minutes ago

Or shorter, Captain Caffein?

AdLib8 minutes ago

with those good works…good night


8 minutes ago

Murph take care


8 minutes ago

You too TW


8 minutes ago

Murph – I would have used a laughing icon because that was a good line but I didn’t want you to think I was laughing at the situation.

AdLib8 minutes ago

Sleep well Murph! Let’s get Kunce elected!

AdLib7 minutes ago

Ad, very genteel of you.


7 minutes ago

Good closing words. I have a day of Kunce activity set for tomorrow.


7 minutes ago

Murph, never trust an emoji is my policy.

AdLib7 minutes ago

Excellent! Get some rest and keep working for a Kunce win!

AdLib6 minutes ago

Add….wink, wink.


6 minutes ago

AdLib6 minutes ago

So what do you think, TW?

AdLib5 minutes ago

Good convesation. Can I give you a call?


4 minutes ago


AdLib4 minutes ago

Give me a minute.


4 minutes ago

AdLib4 minutes ago

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