Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib4 hours ago
I might be a bit in and out at the start of Vox but will be fully here shortly after. Then again, I may be on time so place your bets!
AdLib4 hours ago
Tryi g to see from yacht club ok so far
4 hours ago
Hi Ad and PPO!!
2 hours ago

Good evening CL
2 hours ago

PPO how are you
2 hours ago
Hey, TW!!! Did you get my email?\
2 hours ago

CL yes I sent you a response
2 hours ago

CL you may not have had a chance to look at it yet
2 hours ago
I think PPO dropped off again. OK – I will check it out when we are done here. Thank you.
2 hours ago
I did reply just a couple of hours ago. That’s the one to which I’m referring.
2 hours ago

PPO you’re back
2 hours ago
PPO isn’t showing up on my “log in” list. Do you see him?
2 hours ago

CL I was on a call for a bit didn’t see it I will check it out after the session.
2 hours ago

2 hours ago
No problem on the email. I apparently have a shadow PPO!
2 hours ago
TW – I’m going to log out and back in – the whole thing is wonky on my end. BRB.
2 hours ago

Last message from ppo something about yacht club
2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Well, it’s no better, but it’s fine. Are you and PPO going to get together this year? Ad and I will see him in San Fran in July. Not sure if he’s going to Boston again or not.
2 hours ago

CL if he comes back this way I make it a point to get together.
2 hours ago

I spoke with Ad earlier today and he said he may be a little late he’s at a game for his daughter.
2 hours ago
That’s so nice. I’m glad since Fergie died that he’s still coming this way, stopping at favorite places and going to Ireland.
2 hours ago
Ad is her greatest fan! No clue where they’re playing tonight. I’ve met her. She is a lovely young woman.
2 hours ago

CL I really enjoyed meeting him
2 hours ago
2 hours ago

Murph is in the house
2 hours ago

CL we all attended my son’s soccer games as well so I understand what it’s like to be the parent of an athlete
2 hours ago

So what do you think of today’s announcement regarding Georgia
2 hours ago
I find our “addresses” beside our names are more to do with where our internet server is than where WE are. I know Murph isn’t in St. Louis. I’m not in Fair Oaks. Very odd.
2 hours ago
I’m he-e-ere.
AdLib2 hours ago

Ad the Vox Master has arrived
2 hours ago
Just reading through the comments…so far…done.
2 hours ago
Hi Ad
2 hours ago
TW I think I’m very pleased the judge said Ms. Willis had done nothing wrong but peeved he thinks it “looks bad” and Wade (?) has to go. Dumb.
2 hours ago
Hi Ad!!! How was the game?
2 hours ago

CL well I’m just glad she’s still on the case. And I have a feeling there will be hell to pay and the devil is coming with her.
2 hours ago
They split the games, my daughter didn’t play much today, she should tomorrow.
AdLib2 hours ago
TW – LOL!!! I think you’re correct. She is very calm, but I believe smoke can be detected coming from her ears. And I don’t blame her.
2 hours ago
Well, I am glad she gets more tomorrow.
2 hours ago
Ad – PPO was here momentarily, but he’s dropped off. Hope he comes back.
2 hours ago

CL did you see Jared just got another big deal, talking about graft and corruption.
2 hours ago
No – I had NOT seen that Jared enriched himself further. Dayum. What this time?
2 hours ago

CL deals in Albania and Serbia
2 hours ago
TW – for WHAT?
2 hours ago

CL not sure yet but it’s big bucks.
2 hours ago
TW – I never saw a man with less talent get more money… That’s disgusting. And they have the nerve to talk about HUNTER???
2 hours ago
I think Judge Mcafee did exactly the right thing, he had to disconnect Wade and the relationship issue before the trial began. And Willis did deserve a slap on the wrist for doing what she shouldn’t have in hiring him.
AdLib2 hours ago

CL well that is what they do.
2 hours ago
I find myself in a time when I should be quite pleased….in my professorial days I was often the target of relative disdain by colleagues for my position that the U.S. was, in fact, a mess, and not a beacon: unfinished at best, irreparably unworkable far more likely.
2 hours ago
Ad – they started seeing each other AFTER he was hired. He doesn’t work for her or the county. There was nothing inappropriate about their relationship.
2 hours ago
Murph – I think our country CAN be workable, but right now it’s like pulling teeth to make things operate as they should.
2 hours ago

CL like I wrote in the comment section of a Times piece women always have to pay a higher price for the same things we men do.
2 hours ago
TW – thank you for saying that.
2 hours ago

CL I think we all know if the shoe was on the other foot this wouldn’t have been brought up.
2 hours ago
BRB – someone is running our outside water. Want to make sure it’s friend, not foe.
2 hours ago
CL – Even so, it’s the appearance of impropriety that prosecutors and judges have to avoid completely. Unless they’re on the SCOTUS.
AdLib2 hours ago

Murph times have indeed changed
2 hours ago

Ad can’t argue with that.
an hour ago

The age of Trump aka The Age of Total Corruption local and world wide.
an hour ago
Ad – well, that’s the point. It is far worse elsewhere, her actions were fine, but appearances. Dumb.
an hour ago
Why does one side – law and order, Constitutionalists, Dems – have to be purer than Caesar’s wife but the RW get to be corrupt to the bone and walk away?
an hour ago
The NYT declared that the Willis trial will now not take place before the election. That isn’t a fact at all. If the duration of pretrial and trial time would make it run past the election, Willis and Jack Smith can cut the prosecution into two and proceed speedily with the most powerful charges then follow up with the rest. No way Willis or Smith will accept defeat to Trump’s crooked delay tactics.
AdLiban hour ago
The Supreme was a faulty mechanism from the start and its fundamental faults have never been publicly considered or privately debated in a consequential fashion. It has mucked up so much so often and yet we have never had the courage or determination to recognize that
an hour ago
Trumpian corruption sure has shown us how many flaws we have.
an hour ago
CL – Yes, hubris is can be such a self-destructive thing when a person is in a position of power.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – I don’t think we can point to individual corruption since we saw the breadth of it in Nixon then Iran-Contra. It has been slowly growing to be systemic. And we NEVER ridded ourselves of the 1940s pro Nazi filth. It also grew. Integration, Roe, Obergefell just made it obvious.
an hour ago
I AM COMING TO BELIEVE THAT….neraly everyone at a crucial spot in the criminal procedures involving Trump is doing everything they can duck, swerve, avoid and cover….so that they are not the fulcrum shifting the momentum to the election. Let the People Decide! Sounds good in principle….in fact the People is an Ass.
an hour ago
CL – So true and I think part of the problem is with the MSM. They make “her emails” or “too old” a huge meme for Dems but Trump declares he will destroy the Constitution and be a dictator and they breeze right over that. The MSM makes it this way, this double standard.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – I think the People are less assey (new word) than they were. I think they’re ready to reclaim stability, decency, peace.
an hour ago
This problem w the MSM began in the 1970s with mergers and then w Reagan the ending of the fairness doctrine. Investigative reporting now is tabloid window peeping. They aren’t honorable. Journalists have NO clue how to be good.
an hour ago
CL…maybe…but I have deep doubts
an hour ago
Murph – Congress has the power to modify the SCOTUS, enlarge it, require ethics rules, and restrict it from ruling on any issues it chooses but the two main commerce matters in the Constitution. And end lifetime appointments. Ridiculous in an alleged democracy to create “kings of justice”.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – you are personally surrounded by the worst of the worst. I am trying to look nationally because MO seems hopeless.
an hour ago
Ad – we can and will make those changes IF we elect enough Dems.
an hour ago
Anyone have thoughts about whether or not two more GOP will leave before the end and flip the House Dem?
an hour ago
Ad…they have the power…..presume they do, then why has this not been tackled…..? And…can the court overrule any action aimed at altering its makeup and structure?
an hour ago

Sorry got knocked off for a minute
an hour ago
Murph – we lacked the votes. The first thing that has to go is the filibuster AND the personal, Tubervillian, holds on things.
an hour ago
CL – Nixon was terrible but he didn’t control the whole party, instigate a seditious attack to overturn an election, or openly admit he sides with our main global adversaries while attacking our allies. Trump is Nixon exponentially multiplied.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – just so you’re OK!
an hour ago
Ad – that was my point. It WAS systemic in his administration, but by NOT holding him accountable, Reagans’s disgusting perfidy grew, and we got arch conservatives like Newt to support that. And it went on from there. Reagan embraced the Religious Right also. Disastrous.
an hour ago
Ad….imagine…one of the side effects of Trumpism is a reassessment of Nixonion of the Nixonian plot.
an hour ago

CL no problem just a little glitch
an hour ago
Murph – I confidently believe that Jack Smith, Fani WIllis, Judge Chutkin, the NY and GA judges, and Alvin Bragg are committed to trying Trump before the election. I bet most if not all accomplish this too.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph I believe we are seeing the results of some of the things Paine wrote about coming to bite us in our rears.
an hour ago
Murph – the guy who came out and admitted Reagan committed treason by bargaining w Iran to hold the hostages was a one day story. Time to dig more deeply into it.
an hour ago
Tw…I agree…Pain ended up as a pariah because he challenged the model so effectively.
an hour ago

Murph for example this little quote:“How easy is it to abuse truth and language when men, by habitual wickedness, have learned to set justice at defiance.”—Common Sense, on the King of England’s Speech
an hour ago
TW – this IS our Second Revolution. Payne is increasingly relevant. Our modern soothsayer is Timothy Snyder. He has the same economy of language and ability to spot tyranny at 100 yards.
an hour ago
Ad…..I hope you are correct but I do not expect that the momentum that feet-dragging (odd Iknow!) is very, very powerful.
an hour ago
TW, Powerful.
an hour ago
CL – Good point. When the corporations took over, which are never run by liberals, and turned news divisions into profit-driven departments, that was the end of the press as a whole serving the people. The NYT is disgusting garbage now, WAPO is crappy. Most news outlets are openly corrupt IMO. They’re supposed to serve the public and deliver news, not promote propaganda and claim it’s just giving the Repubs equal treatment. Facts used to matter, now the appearance of a faux equality is the excuse for their corruption.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – Trump will not win. He is toast, short or long term.
an hour ago

CL I’m feeling that way. I believe there is a lot on the line here and people are failing to see that if they elect Trump they are voting for the end of democracy as we have known it.
an hour ago
CL – Exactly! Dems need to win big this year and we can fix so many of these serious breakdowns in our democracy.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph I’m coming to believe Mr. Paine was a man ahead of his time.
an hour ago
TW – I actually think they DO know it. The votes across the nation have been consistently 71% for sanity, rights, and Dems.
an hour ago

Ad I agree Dems really need to get the vote out.
an hour ago
CL…I pray you are correct.
an hour ago
TW – I am old enough to want to be quiet, not involved, but I’m not able to do that.
an hour ago

CL I do see from time to time some folks are realizing what they have to lose. I just hope more of them show up to let Trump known he’s not wanted.
an hour ago
Murph – the people are telling ME, I’m not telling them. They see what incompetence is happening w the MAGA party. The GOP is gone. They aren’t accepting it.
an hour ago
The power that comes with money, the attraction to tyranny, the desire for dominance have crushed the spirit of equality again, and again, and again.
an hour ago
Murph – but we are fighting back. Look at the vote for choice in OHIO! I think the MAGAs take their dominance for granted, but look how many state houses and governerships flipped blue.
an hour ago
Murph – No, the Constitution grants Congress the power to make rules binding the SCOTUS. COngress has changed the size of the SCOTUS multiple times. They are the check over SCOTUS unchecked power. SCOTUS has no constitutional authority to dictate to Congress what rules are placed on them unless specifically mentioned in the Constitution. Including jurisdiction. COngress could declare a rule that SCOTUS is prohibited from ruling over Constitutional rights already posessed, for example. Which they should. Rights should only grow, never be subtracted by a court.
AdLiban hour ago

CL when people think that Johnny Depp and Amber Heard’s divorce was more important than what is going on in the country we have a problem
an hour ago
TW – I think those things coexist. People can and do multitask. I think they will. The evidence is there. We need to build on it.
an hour ago
I do not say that is not possible Dems to win out in big elections…they could….but I am increasingly worried that the system itself is fundamentally unstable and easily titled toward the rule of the elites with necessitates weakening those in the middle and lower level cohorts.
an hour ago

CL you make and interesting point, I wonder how people would respond if it was put to the test as to which is more important and have to explain why.
an hour ago
Murph – No matter how long a trial is delayed, unless the judge is a Trump troll like Cannon, they eventually run out of delays and the trial date happens. As in the E. Jean Carroll cases and the Engoran case.
AdLiban hour ago
But we KNOW that. And we have a president who just set up a price gouging commission. It took 40 plus years to get this messed up. It will take more time to fix it.
an hour ago
TW – I am merely anecdotal here, but I know a lot of people who were interested in the Depp-Heard case as an issues of gender fairness. Then they turned around and fought for other issues, too.
an hour ago
Ad…I get your philosophical drift in this….I suggest the forces favoring corrupt elitism are using every niche and cranny to disable the government’s operation.
an hour ago
I saw a poll of Haley voters in MI, 50% said they would vote for Biden. Haley got 26% of the vote, that means 13% of MI Repubs will not vote for Trump. How can any party’s president win when 13% of their party’s voters vote against them? They can’t. Trump will lose this election bigly.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad I believe there are some in the House who want to change things, but they have been over run by the idiots like Jordan and Gaetz Green and the idiot doing the impeachment of Biden and interviewing Hunter. They don’t want to govern they just want retribution for perceived wrong doings not doing their homework because as you’ve said before all they want is power.
an hour ago
Murph – they always HAVE, Murph. From the Robber Barons on, they fought to suppress democracy and controls. They didn’t get decimated by the New Deal, but we have had periods of regulation, break up of monopoly, etc. and when we had good leadership, they were sustained. We CAN do it again.
an hour ago
Anyone remember the breakup of ATT? And now it’s back. We had conservative presidents who are only too happy to allow such monopolies. We need to be wiser.
an hour ago
Murph – Don’t disagree that the plutocrats have an outsized influence on elections but I don’t think it is enough to overpower the majority because they have lost and the majority has voted overwhelmingly for Dems in every election for the past 8 years, since Trump won in 2016.
AdLiban hour ago

CL I will admit I have a blind side when it comes to domestic issues such as that. Especially when it seems to me there are far more important things going on. But, I take your point around gender fairness. So perhaps I should be focusing more on the press as they were the ones playing this up.
an hour ago
Biden is the PERFECT person because he will break up monopolies and reinstate regulations. And it will be far better for prices and for us.
an hour ago
I argue on Twitter all the time, TW, that we should make picketing, boycotting media a MAJOR issue. We did it to get Rush off the air, and it worked. We need to fight as hard for democratic principles.
an hour ago
Murph – True, the corrupt elite are using their power to slant elections as best they can but it isn’t enough and hasn’t been enough year after year for 8 years and counting. Maybe they can cheat a certain percentage their way but it’s not enough to outweigh a strong majority voting for Dems and democracy.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad I guess it comes do to knowing if democracy is strong with the people.
an hour ago
Ad – I agree they can’t stop the Blue Wave. Trump himself is the core of the disillusionment. When the Glorious Leader is so flawed, we can act strongly.
an hour ago
I wonder about rhe underlying rule of “monied powers” why have no real national identity or loyalty for whom the gathering of gold is all that really matters….consider their power in the gun debate for example – how easily the national outrage is pushed aside even when the bodies of dead children are the totems for reform.
an hour ago
TW – democracy is strong with those who’ve been harmed. MAGA think they got what they wanted and are not changeable. But there’s a HUGE ‘worried middle’ who see Biden and even Harris as temperate people working for them. LOOK at the popularity of ACA now! The old fear mongering isn’t working anymore.
an hour ago
TW – True, the obnoxious and hostile minority of Repubs in The House have helped terrify other Repubs of Trump’s wrath. They are selfish cowards, afraid to stand up against what they know is wrong. Multiple accounts of Repubs in Congress privately saying they hope Trump dies or is put in prison but nearly all are more afraid of losing their power in government than standing up to an absolute enemy of the country.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – the NRA is nearly dead thanks to its internal corruption, and without that voice, gun humpers are having a really hard time of it.
an hour ago
It is insights like these that tell me how far we have fallen….” but nearly all are more afraid of losing their power in government than standing up to an absolute enemy of the country.”
an hour ago
CL…how are gun bumpers having a hard time….they do not seem to need the NRA now….the gun movement has its own life.
an hour ago
Hello Harleigh.
an hour ago
Allow me to say that with so many dioceses in the Catholic church declaring bankruptcy, they are also losing power. The entire religious right is hemorrhaging members rapidly. What we see in public from them is not power but desperation.
an hour ago
Hi guys!
an hour ago
Hi Harleigh!
an hour ago

Harleigh is the house
an hour ago

CL are you saying the churches are losing money? Oh my.
an hour ago
I gave up religion, episcopal, when I was 12 because its all bs…. 63 years ago!
an hour ago
CL – This is my proposition to anyone who uses anything other than facts to support their proposition that Trump will win. Facts. Not polls but indisputable facts called election results. 8 years and running, Dems have overperformed constantly and Repubs have underperformed. Despite the NYT polls predicting the opposite. Remember the Red Wave that the MSM all declared was coming in 2022? They are wholly untrustworthy when it comes to the truth about the prospects of an upcoming election. Dems have the majority behind them because facts show that they do. Facts matter and the trends that those facts illustrate matter, that is reality, not feelings.
AdLiban hour ago
Hey Harleigh!
AdLiban hour ago
Harleigh – the Episcopal Church is the OPPOSITE today of the religious right. Ordained women, LGBTQ clergy and bishops, not your old church! I left after you, but it was the refusal to ordain women, and look at them now!
an hour ago
All of the mainline denominations are embracing every kind of diversity and justice. They aren’t what they were at all.
an hour ago
I’m in democrat central for floriduh, Ft Lauderdale. Most of floriduh is magat land
an hour ago

Harleigh just what do they see in Trump in your neck of the woods?
an hour ago
an hour ago
Who here thinks Jack Smith will not allow Trump to escape a criminal trial before the election?
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…hope your interpretation is on the spot….muy fear….the victories you name are real but beneath the surface the power of money drives t all and monied powers favor systems that are fundamentally undemocratic and authoritarian and those powers continue to work at electoral integrity to create results that will serve them. They will not give up.
an hour ago
Harleigh – what’s the word on the Senate race? I see ads from the woman Dem, and she is ahead of that death mask corrupt POS.
an hour ago

Ad does dog with a bone count for an answer?
an hour ago
Ad – if humanly possible, Scott will pin Trump to the floor.
44 minutes ago
The magats of floriduh love liars and thieves like Stinky Spanky, Scott, Rubitard, deSewer…
44 minutes ago
Murph – agreed on money most of the time. But large conservative donors are pulling OUT of MAGA races including Trump’s. He is BROKE. Having Lara Trump as vice chair is the death knell. She will direct the money to Trump legal bills and totall screw the down ticket races.
43 minutes ago
Harleigh…..florida and Missouri are twinned in that regard.
43 minutes ago

CL If Drump is pinned to the floor the Drump lovers will cut the floor out and say he was nailed to the cross and therefore is our savior and should be worshiped and will rise on the third day.
42 minutes ago
lol murph
42 minutes ago
Trump’s declaration he has all the votes he needs is a joke. He has no money to assure that.
42 minutes ago
CL – I feel like we’re in a modern day edition of The Emperor’s New Clothes. 8 years of elections proving a growing majority votes for Dems and yet the MSM and many who accept their conclusions believe neither party has a consistent majority. And on top of this, more and more polls and stories about Repubs refusing to vote for Trump again. There was the MI poll I mentioned and the anecdotal evidence in real life of a moderate Repub I know telling me she won’t vote for Trump no matter what. This looks to be around at least 10% of Repub voters. No candidate can survive the abandonment of 10% of their voters. Zero.
AdLib42 minutes ago
TW – LOL!!! Yes, but they are pissing off the faithful with that crap.
41 minutes ago

CL when did Trump say that? If he has all the votes he needs then he is admitting he will commit voter fraud. Trump loves telling people what he will and how he will cheat.
40 minutes ago
CL……I have read of the scenario you describe re. money but what I do not see is the evidence in support of the matter. Monied powers support those who have the power to direct more money their way…..and are drawn to do so….that certainly seems to say that support, even indirect support, for reform and progressive thinking stands on thin ice.
40 minutes ago
I hope some of Spanky’s trials actually get started
40 minutes ago

Harleigh just heard Spanky’s trial will start the middle of April
39 minutes ago
Spanky and the RNC are running out of money and support
39 minutes ago
Murph – True indeed, the plutocrats are growing their games to bypass democracy and they will never stop. But they’re not there yet to be able to thwart a solid majority. Which is why the Dems need to win unified control this Nov, kill the filibuster (or at least kill it regarding civil right issues), and install the changes and guardrails that prevent plutocrats and the next potential Trump from overthrowing our democracy.
AdLib39 minutes ago
The anti Israel protests are fizzling out, and Schumer’s challenge to Netanyahu was HUGE. Biden’s call for a case fire was huge. OMAR commended Biden for that. So the Undecideds will not hold against Biden.
38 minutes ago

Murph Citizens United is proving to be the banned to our democratic process.
38 minutes ago
TW – Absolutely! Ravenous dog with a bone, Smith is not someone who would accept defeat to Trump. He will use force of will, with Chutkin’s support, to make a trial happen.
AdLib37 minutes ago

Ad you make good points about the polls, But far too many people believe them because they don’t truly understand how they work and they’re a snapshot in time and but the time they are posted things have change a whole lot.
36 minutes ago
CL – Great point, Lara Trump controlling the RNC is a death knell to downticket Repub wins.
AdLib36 minutes ago
One thing about money, Murph. Turns out that the megabosses don’t all dislike Biden. There is much to be said for stability over the roller coaster of rapacious greed that can crash and burn. The rise in the stock market is mostly in INDUSTRIALS thanks to infrastructure. The day of the FIANANCE capitalist is waning. This is important. Biden represents stability, predictable returns. It has many historic roots where the magnates of industry moved away from the freebooters to the center.
35 minutes ago

Ad was watching MSNBC the person who is heading up the RNC is the same person who smeared Kerry with the Swift Boat lies.
35 minutes ago
CL – Seconding all your points about how Biden, Schumer, and the Dems are fed up with Netanyahu and the mass murder of innocent Palestinians.
AdLib34 minutes ago
Ad I agree that the path the Dems need to follows the one you lay out and that if that path is followed with success the results will me an immense alteration of the political and social structure…something the monied classes will do anything to stop…..they cannot allow the changes you refer to into the world of power.
33 minutes ago
There is a mythic “wildcatter” notion about capital – that today is Musk. But he’s losing hugely because he’s a terrible manager. Everyone sees that in the industries he owns, and they are moving toward far greater stability letting him crash and burn (along with his cars).
33 minutes ago
Naziyahoo is a war criminal. He continues the slaughter to keep his own ass out of prison.
33 minutes ago
Harleigh – 78% of Israelis want him and his rigid rabbinical right supporters GONE.
31 minutes ago
CL…your argument is compelling…..I live in fear of the power of relentless money making that seems to have no great goal than the amassing of gold.
31 minutes ago
Netanyahu cannot survive that.
31 minutes ago
hope you’re right cl
30 minutes ago

Murph the thing about big money and politics is it’s always been there. I thinking about a scene from the HBO or Showtime series Rome, where Ceaser is talking with Anthony and telling to spread some money around in the common area of Rome for that’s right votes.
30 minutes ago
Murph – we have had that since the 1970s. The hollowing of US manufacturing for the short term quick buck was very successful – until it wasn’t. Stability has LONG TERM profitable returns, just nor spectacular ones. And after letting the freebooters run amok (mortgage crisis), capital is moving back to the stability and away from the lure of high but very shaky returns.
29 minutes ago
TW – A huge reason polls don’t work well broadly nowadays is that there are now novel factors affecting elections that polls can’t incorporate. The Dobbs decision and IVF/Contraception/Morning After Pill threats and potential bans is energizing women who don’t usually vote. Trump Exhaustion is reducing Repub support for Trump. Even in the MI primary, when Haley had already quit the race, 26% of Repubs voted for her. Why? Becuase they don’t like Trump and wanted to make that statement. The polls are skewed for these and other special factors that polls can’t incorporate. And polls are based on the previous election similar to the current one. So they use 2020 as a guide but Roe was overturned after that and Trump’s criminal and civil trials have happened after that. Trump will lose by bigger margins than MSM polls will ever show.
AdLib29 minutes ago
TW….what strikes me is how unified the agenda of Big Money seems to be……existing as its own political entity using power structures like parties as tools. There is an international alignment of these powers.
28 minutes ago
TW – Didn’t know that, the Swift Boat fraudster is now the head of the RNC. That garbage BS won’t fly in 2024.
AdLib28 minutes ago
Murph – I think there’s less unity globally with capital than there had been.
28 minutes ago
CL and Ad …. good counter points to my worried scenarios.
26 minutes ago
Ad – the complete collapse of assertions about Biden on ANY level have all been aired. There’s nothing to Swiftboat him on, AND there’s no money for those ads since it’s all going to Trump’s LEGAL bills. That alone makes the trials a success.
26 minutes ago
Murph – Oh yes, there will be end-of-the-world howling by the plutocrats and millions in lobbying against them passing voting rights, Citizen United reforms, abortion rights, immigration reform, etc., but Dems have seen the country’s and their own futures at the breaking point now, they know that if they pass all of these bills the power of the plutocrats to take power will be rolled back and Dems will be safe.
AdLib25 minutes ago
Murph – I urge you to take a long weekend in Chicago and talk to pols there. Pritzker is adored, and I can’t ever recall THAT happening when I lived there. The Dems are in array, and I think you need to get out with optimists who are not surrounded daily with MAGA.
25 minutes ago
Whatley has been nailing the RNC coffin by asking people if they are better off now than 4 years ago. what a moron.
24 minutes ago
Ad – following up on my travel plans for Murph, note that Pritzker, an AMAZING governor, is rich as anything and a DEM. Things are changing.
24 minutes ago

Harleigh I saw that, talk about being out of touch. Wow
24 minutes ago
Harleigh – yes, we’re better off. No more bodies in freezer trucks and mass graves. Yup. Better!
23 minutes ago
Illinois is not the locus of my worry…..the electoral college, the structure of the national legislature were established to instutionalize government by the few over the many and money is what greases the gears intuit machine.
23 minutes ago
Murph – no, that was not my point. It is to get some fresh air and different conversations, different viewpoints.
22 minutes ago
CL – A very important point you make, that Trump’s syphoning off of money from the GOP/RNC to legal bills and judgements will leave Repubs and Trump without much in their war chests for the campaign this year. Dems will have a huge financial advantage on top of representing where the vast majority is on all the issues.
AdLib22 minutes ago

Murph the sad thing money has always been a problem in elections. The candidates need it to run and the backers want something for their investment. How does one run a campaign today without it and not being co-opt by it.
21 minutes ago
But Murph – we got Obama, we were close with Hillary, and Biden has his own base far, far bigger than Trump’s. It’s not politics or money as usual now.
21 minutes ago
cl hope so
20 minutes ago

Ad Trump has a long history of getting other people to pay his bills.
19 minutes ago
An article at The Hill said that over 30 Repubs wrote a letter to Johnson that he needs to bring the Senate Ukraine bill to a vote and Johnson has now flip-flopped and said The House will now put together a “lend/lease” funding bill for Ukraine that still strays from The Senate bill. Johnson is proving to be more feckless than even Kevin McCarthy!
AdLib19 minutes ago
TW – on a state level, our wonderful Old Guard said they took a lot of corporate money (from people, not the corporations) and told them to go eff themselves on any given issue. And still they came to support these folks – liberal, making real change, progressive. There are ways to do it that require the candidate to have a spine. And our folks did. EVERY YEAR Sheila Kuehl took her $2500 from the Payday lenders. And every year she vote against them. And still they came.
19 minutes ago
Spanky is gonna have to sell a lot of his shit
18 minutes ago
CL…..I think Obama’s win set in motion the mess we are now living with….in a fair contest progressive victories like the Obama presidency would have accelerated progressive social change…..but the other side is working tirelessly and at whatever cost is required to turn all of that on its head…..they know that this is a fight to the death….
18 minutes ago
Murph – well, of course it did. But the RW did not long succeed because at its core it’s weak and corrupt. WE aren’t defeating it so much as it’s committing suicide. Our job is to keep that going.
17 minutes ago
Murph, hopefully the deaths of the telebangicals
17 minutes ago
Harleigh – Leticia James is champing at the bit to seize Trump’s properties in two weeks when the decision is supposed to be execurted. I hope she does just that!
AdLib16 minutes ago
NEVER underestimate the power of social media for revealing the truth. It’s making a difference.
16 minutes ago
Murph – the telebangicals are losing support rapidly. Pretty soon they’ll have to sell their many private planes on E Bay.
15 minutes ago
CL…and social media is also very good are befuddling and misleading.
15 minutes ago
Ad – NOBODY stops AG James. I can’t wait!
15 minutes ago
cl hope so
15 minutes ago

Murph when Obama said that Citizens United was wrong I didn’t realize at the time how true that would be.
15 minutes ago
tl – most of us didn’t either
14 minutes ago
CL – To add to your quote, “No one stops Leticia James, War Crimes Prosecutor Jack Smith, or a fuming Fani WIllis.
AdLib14 minutes ago

CL we’re going to have to be very vigilant around social media especially with what some folks are doing with AI.
14 minutes ago
Murph – I watched Black women use social media to totally stop Tara Read in her tracks. They did HUGE research, showed photos of where the accusation was to have occurred, targeted idiots such as Chris Hayes, and absolutely got proof out there. Sure it can mislead and befuddle – but in the hands of competent people, it’s the thing you cannot unsee, cannot ignore.
13 minutes ago
TW – AI is definitely scary.
13 minutes ago
Side step a bit….the SCOTUS was identified by the Monied Powers as the key to control of the forces that shape government and law in the Obama Years and., I think, they set about creating an engine that would create fortress court that could take on the forces seeking progress….they are also massively in support of the electoral college structure and of the oddly out of step power of states to over-rule federal priorities….all of it leads to splintered governance which is a goal.
12 minutes ago
Have you seen the photos – AI generated – of Trump with happy Black people around him? I hope someone recognizes the Black people and they sue his ass.
12 minutes ago
CL did you know that I am one of the few persons with a penis that Tara Reed didn’t accuse of sexual assault?? LMAO
11 minutes ago
Harleigh – I knew your name wasn’t on her list! Good on you, Ad, Murph.
11 minutes ago

CL the ending of Ex Machina scared the crap out of me as she was looking at the walk , don’t walk sign. I know it was fiction and I know we’re still a ways off from what was in that movie but we’re getting closer every day.
10 minutes ago
She didn’t accuse my husband either. All good.
10 minutes ago
cl hahahaha
10 minutes ago
Trump and the MSM rooting for him may think he’s escaping criminal prosecution but they are all wrong. Wishful thinking and ignorance of the commitment that Jack Smith, Leticia James, Judge Chutkin, and Fani WIllis have to prosecuting him before the election is self-delusion. Fani Willis just experienced an attempted murder of her career by Trump, if anyone thinks she’s not whipped up to take him down now, they don’t know what a strong woman is all about.
AdLib10 minutes ago
Friends I must be away…tomorrow is dedicated to Kunce…..who cannot seem to get past his :not enough” support no matter what we do….still time, but worried.
10 minutes ago
See you all next week.
9 minutes ago

Murph good seeing you tonight.
9 minutes ago
Murph – sorry to hear that about Kunce. I hope your ties to the Black community might jog people into being more proactive for him. I’d really like him to win. I will send more money soon.
9 minutes ago
Take care, Murph – see you soon.
8 minutes ago
later murph
8 minutes ago
Keep up the good work Murph. Kunce deserves that seat and to beat that weasel.
AdLib8 minutes ago
thanks to one and all……thanks choice for the support for Kunce…..he is such a fine man….outstanding really and he has clearly been identified by the powerful as a threat.
8 minutes ago
I think this new 30 day delay for the Bragg trial is the last one and Trump’s first criminal trial will begin in April.
AdLib7 minutes ago
Well, let’s get DNC to fund the state apparatus better so you can do ads. They were great at the beginning, and they should be great now. He’s WAY better than Hot Foot Hawley.
7 minutes ago
Ad – from your lips to whoever is listening’s ear.
6 minutes ago
hawley is a coward and a klown
6 minutes ago
Harleigh – absolutely correct about ol’ Josh.
6 minutes ago
Also in April, the SCOTUS hears arguments in the Trump declaration that he is immune from any prosecution. Even if they delay a decision until the end of the session in June, I think that trial begins by August and ends in late October, just before Election Day.
AdLib5 minutes ago

Ad it seems to me the SDNY has some explaining to do about the doc dump when it was asked for by Brag a year ago.
5 minutes ago
Well, dear friends, I think I need to move on. Cats are hungry, and you know the old saying: if the cats aren’t happy, NOBODY’s happy. See you all next week!
5 minutes ago
night cl
4 minutes ago

CL take care.
4 minutes ago
TW – remember SDNY is a cesspool of corruption. That is the starting point. G’night all!
4 minutes ago
I’m gonna go to bed folks. later
4 minutes ago

Take care Harliegh
3 minutes ago
TW – SDNY is where so much pro-Trump (and Russia funded) corruption came from in 2016 and even recently. Not surprising they undermined the Bragg prosecution but this was their last trick. Their bag of tricks is empty now.
AdLib3 minutes ago

Well it’s mean an you. You clean the sink, I’ll clean the bar.
3 minutes ago
TW – And we can drink up all the unfinished drinks!
AdLib2 minutes ago

Why the hell not.
2 minutes ago

I’ll call in a min
2 minutes ago
Won’t be able to chat tonight, have to let my wife rest/sleep now, she’s beat. Catch up with you later!
AdLiba minute ago

No problem, will see you next week.
a minute ago
Sounds good! Have a great weekend!
AdLiba few seconds ago

You as well take care.
a few seconds ago
WIll do!
AdLiba few seconds ago
AdLiba few seconds ago
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