Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm. Hope to see you then!
AdLib3 hours ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hi Ad, just checking in for 7.pm see u then
2 hours ago
See you then!
AdLib2 hours ago
Go Joe! GReat SOTU speech. MAGAs in panic.
2 hours ago
AdLib2 hours ago
Biden destroyed the “feeble” meme.
AdLib2 hours ago
And the lemon-sucking Speaker! Pathetic response as well from a nobody.
2 hours ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hi TW!
AdLib2 hours ago
Glenn, TW! Hi
2 hours ago
Good evening everyone PPO Glenn good to see you
2 hours ago
Johnson was wincing and nodding all night. So amusing. And MTG got burned.
AdLib2 hours ago
How are you doing, glenn?
2 hours ago
Good evening AD And PPO And TW. Best line of the night I know you know how to read. Uncle Joe just killed it.
2 hours ago
I’m doing all right. Same old same old.
an hour ago
And the Stepford Wife who gave the GOP response was so awful, even Repubs attacked her.
AdLiban hour ago
Hey Murph!
AdLiban hour ago
Murph is iin the house
an hour ago
By the way, Today (Sat) tomorrow nd Monday will be 104 F ! Hot!
an hour ago
How are you all doing?
an hour ago
an hour ago
Hello ….all…..Glenn…where’d ja go.
an hour ago
Will you be on the ocean, PPO?
AdLiban hour ago
Hey, hey the gang’s all here!
an hour ago
cl XXX
an hour ago
Hey Murph!
an hour ago
Hey CL!
AdLiban hour ago
CL is in the house we have a full crowd Yahoo!!
an hour ago
Hey PPPO….TW….Ad….Choice……
an hour ago
Great turnout tonight!
AdLiban hour ago
LOVELY to see everyone!
an hour ago
Hey CL
an hour ago
Hi PPO – how are you?
an hour ago
But we lost Glenn!!
an hour ago
GLENN is here!
an hour ago
I am fine, glenn. How are YOU?
an hour ago
I guess there is nothing like a fire up and ready to go Biden to bring everyone out.
an hour ago
The SOTU was BLAZING last night!
an hour ago
an hour ago
I was sceduled to be in the Race Control Tower, but it is too hot, so they cancelled today’s race. Sitting in Air conditioned comfort for 30 more minutes!
an hour ago
CL yes he was.
an hour ago
PPO – what IS your temp there?
an hour ago
I am here Murph. Can you hear me now?
an hour ago
39 Degrees C for next 3 days!
an hour ago
PPO – I trust your new digs are air conditioned, yes?
an hour ago
Trump and the Repubsare are freaking out that Biden blew up their propaganda about him. And the CNN poll showed a 64% approval of the speech and a huge boost to 62% approval afterwards.
AdLiban hour ago
PPO – I do Celsius – OMG!
an hour ago
Yes, DG. New pad has air.
an hour ago
CL I’m hanging in there. Same old same old
an hour ago
PPO – Why only 30 min in the A/C?
AdLiban hour ago
glenn – I am so glad. LOVELY to see you.
an hour ago
Gotta deliver charity stuff.
an hour ago
Trump got a crony to put up a $91 million bond for him but Carroll can contest it.
AdLiban hour ago
CL thanks. I’m glad I feel good enough to be here tonight.
an hour ago
PPO – Very cool! But only for 30 min!
AdLiban hour ago
Ad Trump up to his normal ways get someone else to ball his fat ass out of trouble
an hour ago
Ad – it was Chubb Insurance that has offices in Russia. Not thinking this will fly with the overseer.
an hour ago
glenn – we’re glad, too.
an hour ago
Chubb – very suspicious. Can be appealed, and hope it is.
an hour ago
Glenn good to see you
an hour ago
CL – Trump appointed a top exec at Chubb to something while in the WH so he “owes” Trump.
AdLiban hour ago
PPO – with Trump there’s always something. Gilda Radner defined the meaning of life.
an hour ago
Ad – yes, the Chubb guy was on some kind of economic commission. Probably part of the billionaire tax cut.
an hour ago
And Carroll can object, considering it’s not Trump’s money and if he defaults, it’s Chubb who pays her.
AdLiban hour ago
CL don’t know much about Chub Insurance, sounds like they’re a bit on the shady side would that be correct?
an hour ago
TW yeah ain’t that the truth? Big fat lying bully never pays for anything. I hope that Caroll will appeal it.
an hour ago
TW – Chubb is an old firm I ran into during the 70s as major insurers of the nuclear energy installations. BIG, old firm. Not any more shady than any other.]
an hour ago
There was a “call out to assemble” among the Trump Cadre to gather at an open knoll in a heavily traveled are,,,,,,to “show the colors”….usually gets a couple score….today….four people, four.
an hour ago
TW – Chubb’s a big and older insurance firm. Still, Trump greased the exec with an appointment and now is getting money back,
AdLiban hour ago
Thanks TW. I’m glad to be here.
an hour ago
Murph – LOL. FOUR? A whole FOUR???
an hour ago
The troops were disheartened it would seem.
an hour ago
Murph are you saying the shine is dimming of the Trump supporters in your area?
an hour ago
I’m beginning to get the impression that the MAGA base is starting to wake up. Hopefully this will spread.
an hour ago
PPO I agree with you
an hour ago
Murph – But knowing MAGAs are liars and can’t count, they probably told everyone it was 40,000.
AdLiban hour ago
TW…it comes and goes.
an hour ago
Do we dare hope this was a turning point for MSM who now cannot logically claim Biden is impaired?
an hour ago
Murph well according to Trump for people would be a huge crowd!
an hour ago
CL so Chubb is an old firm well not sure to make of that
an hour ago
glenn – since in Murph’s town it rivals the 2017 inauguration in DC, yeah – they will drag out the sharpies and enlarge the crowd w stick figures.
an hour ago
Murph let’s hope it goes and goes far far away.
an hour ago
Should say four people
an hour ago
TW – Chubb has always backed problematic clients.
an hour ago
PPO – Lots of anecdotal evidence that MAGAs have grown weary of giving their money and time to Trump and his act. Murph pointed out some of them have lost contact with family members who have disowned them since they went MAGA. Maybe that’s weighing on them too.
AdLiban hour ago
I have already shared with a few folks here how the speech last night has resulted in one of my former associates who slept rather nastily with me several years back over Trump….wrote me a nice note and ask to meet and chat….so stunned was he by the speech.
an hour ago
CL interesting sounds shady to me
an hour ago
Did anyone else see granite-faced Melanoma doing her contracted meeting with the Hungarian President? Put Easter Island statues to shame
an hour ago
CL – Agreed, the “feeble” meme is now dead and Trump and Repubs are panicking.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph have to say that was really interesting.
an hour ago
As much hatred as Trump walks around with, Melania may have him beat. She is a horrible human being.
AdLiban hour ago
I loved that Biden was one of the last people left In the chamber last night…reminded me of his practice of holding open office hours on the train to and from DC and Delaware……as long as there was someone wanting to chat, the door was open.
an hour ago
TW – Chubb gets rich off covering high risk ventures. People pay premium prices for coverage AT ALL when other, reasonable, companies will not. They build “risk pools” with very LITTLE companies to share the load and everyone gets rich. They’re the kinds of companies that will insure chemical trains as in E. Palestine, OH. There is a high risk market. Chubb leads it.
an hour ago
CL can the Trump folks even draw stick figures they can be complicated to do.
an hour ago
Ad I’m really not sure that that ant AD really not sure that anecdotal evidence will translate into votes for Biden.
an hour ago
PPO – Melania is not a happy woman.
an hour ago
TW – I am giving them the benefit of the doubt.
an hour ago
Our best hope is that they stay home.
an hour ago
CL, yes I reckon the premium for that bond woll be in the 10 million range.
an hour ago
CL…despite the millions she rakes in every year for just saying with him.
an hour ago
CL you’ve just given me the true definition a carpertbager
an hour ago
PPO – that’s why Chubb does it – $10M is chump change.
an hour ago
TW – yup.
an hour ago
Murph perhaps you’ll be able to talk some sense into him. I know you can be very persuasive when you want to be. And the good news is that facts are on your side.
an hour ago
CL well Trump is know for finding those who are kissing cousins to pond scum.
an hour ago
glenn…he was at a trump bar last night.and his eyes were opened to how really awful his fellow trumpsters are
an hour ago
Murph as to your friend, that was quite an admission on his part.
an hour ago
glenn – I think there is about 5% – 15% of Repubs who won’t vote for Trump and that is death to his campaign. Those who just won’t vote for him or Biden, those who vote 3rd party and those who will vote for Biden. Dems are maybe 97% behind Biden (the purist lefites may protest vote against him or not vote).
AdLiban hour ago
glenn and all – Murph knows how I see him. A man of solid principle who is kind to his community members whoever they are. He has an unerring sense of speaking truth without insult, shaming, or denunciation. That’s worth gold in today’s harsh times. He will do well with this man.
an hour ago
TW…he reached out to his kids, who are grown, and who had the audacity to question their father’s blood loyalty to the Orange Man.
an hour ago
AD I agree about Melania I swear to god that woman has some thing sticking up her ass that is just bothering her. And even when she smiles I don’t think she’s pretty.
an hour ago
Thank you so very, very much Choice….I am truly edified when persons like yourself and our community members are so affirming.
an hour ago
Murph well that’s what we do when we grow up. Don’t know why parents don’t get that when we taught them to be that way.
an hour ago
That’s interesting about Chubb. Leave it to the lying bully to find a shady company to back him.
an hour ago
Glenn I think he has shady companies on speed dial.
an hour ago
glenn,, they ain’t doing it for love!
an hour ago
Murph that’s good news that your friend is finally seeing the light.
an hour ago
TW…I knew this “kids”….they had a dad who was wise until his association with MAGA soured h is brain.
an hour ago
Now, as to the Jack Smith cases against Trump, I have a proposition. Smith is brilliant, I could imagine him splitting up the charges against Trump to prosecute the worst charge before the election and the others to follow. Doing so, he can slash the amount of time for prep and trial time and assure Trump is prosecuted for the main 1/6 charge before the election. He can then include all of the unnamed conspirators for Part Two of prosecutions. No way Smith lets Trump escape prosecution before the election.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph, it is nice to know that a former pal is reaching out. Knowing you, you will welcome it.
an hour ago
Glenn…I do hope so…for him….he is a good guy al though we often disagreed there was no animosity until he was Magnetized.
an hour ago
AD I hope you’re right about the number of Republicans who won’t vote for the lying bully. Do you think that Biden will be able to bring any Hailey voters to his side?
an hour ago
Murph that is the weird thing about Trump supporters and those who follow him he’s like the pied pipper.
an hour ago
Murph maybe if your friend hears it from enough people like his kids and you he will be reasonable.
an hour ago
glenn – I think Melania has the hardness and selfishness of a woman who’s been in the sex trade pre-Trump and a golddigger since. All about taking and selfishness, how else could she be a match for Trump?
AdLiban hour ago
PP)…thank you….I will try to be kind….but I have a lot of anger and resentment in my craw over. his behavior …..he was a crucial figure in the dissembling of the Co-Op…. still….he seems sincere.
an hour ago
Sorry to have to leave early. Next week will be Summer time, yes? I hope to see you all then. Working on my July dates. Cheerio
an hour ago
Cheers PPO…. good sailing.
an hour ago
TW – I learned, over the years, that even Lefties have covert racist tropes they savor and believe. Trump unleashed them on the Right and Bernie did it on the Left. They offer followers the “right to be asshats” without impunity. It’s very liberating for the asshats.
an hour ago
Good night PPO nice chatting with you
an hour ago
PPO – have fun! Stay cool!
an hour ago
glenn – Absolutely, I do think many Haley voters will vote Biden. Anecdotal evidence of a variety I’ve seen on the news and online saying they would.
AdLiban hour ago
Seeya PPO!
AdLiban hour ago
AD good point about Melania being in the sex trade. That does explain a lot.
an hour ago
PPO take care
an hour ago
glenn – It all fits together with her and knowing Trump has a thing for sex workers, ask Stormy Daniels about that.
AdLiban hour ago
So, check out my Jack Smith theory above, what do you think?
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – to be TOTALLY fair to Stormy, she’s a porn star not a sex worker.
an hour ago
Hey….I just got an e mail with an image……it shows a yard and had this question “what’s missing”? Then a followup e mail popped in with a photo of the s are yard festooned with MAGA flags…flags missing in the later photo……the message read…..The flags will not FLY…they will FALL.”
an hour ago
AD I do hope that anecdotal evidence turns into real action. I do know that people say one thing and do another especially Republicans.
an hour ago
Ad – I think I read Smith is following your train of assessment.
an hour ago
AND…in a week, the Fani Willis case against Trump et all will be back on track and you know she will pour her fury at him and his lawyers into pushing this case forward before the election.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – Twitter stories all over the country are of rabid followers who now are no longer following him.
an hour ago
AD yeah we already know how stormy feels about that.
an hour ago
CL…..do tell.
an hour ago
CL – What’s the difference between a porn star who has sex for money and a sex worker? Stormy slept with Trump for money, didn’t she?
AdLiban hour ago
Last time I was in OH the yards w Trump signs were bare. People who’d been all in since 2015 now have NO signs at all.
an hour ago
AD I like your jack Smith theory. But with that one judge that’s on the lying bullies payroll it seems don’t know if you’ll be able to get it done before the election. Sorry I can’t remember the judges name right now
an hour ago
Ad – I don’t think she took money from Trump. He paid her for her silence LATER. Not then.
an hour ago
glenn – All of the Repubs who say they won’t vote for Trump may not keep their word but if even 5% of Repubs don’t vote for him, he will get crushed.
AdLiban hour ago
Sorry for that last garbled post. Don’t know if Jack Smith will be able to get anything done before the election because of that judge that’s in the lying bully’s pocket.
an hour ago
Glenn…is that Cannon.
an hour ago
AD that is my fondest hope. That the lying bully gets crushed so bad that even his cronies cannot say that the election was rigged. Because you know that’s coming
an hour ago
glenn – The 1/6 judge, Judge Chutkin would be the one involved and she has little patience for Trump. The docs case in FL has Cannon as the judge and she is doing her best to stall. But the 1/6 case won’t be stalled once the SCOTUS admits Trump can’t have immunity for all crimes.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad to borrow from Conan the Barbarian, I want to see Trump crushed, she all his MAGA supporters driven before me and hear their lamentations
an hour ago
Murph that’s the one.
an hour ago
TW I like your con in scenario
an hour ago
Glenn it serves multiple purposes.
an hour ago
BY the way….I loved VP Harris’ presence during SOTU last night…she literally had his back.
an hour ago
glenn – My bet is that Trump will be found guilty in the Campaign Fraud case that starts this month then the GA case and maybe a slimmed down 1/6 case. Not counting on the Cannon docs case but that could happen. He will be a convicted criminal 3 times over at least before the election.
AdLiban hour ago
Well Trump has been endorsed by Orban….what can go wrong?
an hour ago
Did you see how MVP Harris gave Johnson the side eye several times.
an hour ago
TW- Love it!
AdLiban hour ago
AD yes I hope the cases just keep rolling along and the lying bully is found guilty in all of them.
an hour ago
CL…I did, I did.
an hour ago
Murph – I thought Kamala looked very presidential as VP last night.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph for such an an ole man he seemed pretty spry to me and took it all the idiot repugs that were sitting on their hands last night and the response, I don’t know what in God’s name that was suppose to be.
an hour ago
Listen – I think Trump should depart before his plan is confiscated and head to Brunei. The Sultan is an autocrat, they know each other, both adore riches, and he could do MAL Pacific with NO trouble.
an hour ago
Well all I am about running out of steam. It was so good to chat with all of you tonight. Hopefully I’ll be able to make it again next week.
an hour ago
Murph – Don’t think Trump being endorsed by a dictator is going to help bring the indie and Biden voters he needs to come over.to him.
AdLiban hour ago
I found the Speaker’s efforts to find an appropriate response painful.
an hour ago
Lovely to see you, glenn. Soon again I hope? Hugs to you.
an hour ago
Green…..how is your health……
an hour ago
I think of you often, Glenn.
an hour ago
CL – My prediction is that after Trump loses, he runs away to Brunei, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Hungary, etc. Maybe that was what he was arranging with Orban?
AdLiban hour ago
Murph his expressions went from pain, to great pain, to extreme pain as he knew everything Uncle Joe was saying was true. I have a feeling he is asking his God is this job worth it.
an hour ago
Murph my health is about the same. I go to dialysis three times a week and usually takes me the rest of the day to recover. But on the days I don’t go to dialysis I feel pretty good. Thanks for asking. I think of you all often too and I always read the archives the next morning when I haven’t been able to make it to Vox. I always love your discussions
an hour ago
Murph – I think Johnson’s Oval Office meeting was a horrible eye opener for Johnson. He was treated well, he liked Biden and Harris who were kind, and now he’s stuck in a moral cesspit – good guys he opposes, and bad guys he supports. I saw close ups that made me think he was asking God for deliverance. Like NOW. From this morass.
an hour ago
glenn – I’m so happy that you made it tonight!
AdLiban hour ago
Good night all
an hour ago
Glenn good to see you here.
an hour ago
TW – Johnson looked like a baby that has gas.
AdLiban hour ago
Glenn…you have the right stuff….for sure….strong and serene, accepting and courageous. So much to be admired.
an hour ago
Good night, glenn!
an hour ago
Ad nice way to put it. I did see him clapping on the slide.
an hour ago
CL…johson’s political philosophy is painfully naive…..he tens to see things from the perspective of a religious zealot…absolute good and evil.
an hour ago
CL- Not sure I agree that Johnson has a conscience. He’s said and done some pretty awful things and supports Dominionist takeover of our democracy.
AdLiban hour ago
TW…I wonder if some of that pain was frustration…he seemed as if he wanted to react positively a number of times but was chained to his chair.
an hour ago
Murph – when zealots discover the “others” are decent people, it’s a major existential crisis for them.
an hour ago
Johnson is a Christo-fascist. Not a lot of redeeming qualities in those types.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph as I aways say when you interject religion into your politics you’re just asking for conflict. Well, I don’t always say that but it’s a lot better than what I really want to say about Johnson and keep it clean.
an hour ago
an hour ago
an hour ago
CL – I doubt Biden and Harris were the first “non-fundies” he’s ever met. I just think he’s totally overwhelmed as Speaker, has no control and just walks around helpless.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – when someone lives, as Johnson has, entirely in the bosom of the faith, suddenly discovering there are GREAT differences among people from what you’ve always believed is a TOTAL life changing thing. I deal with this almost daily. I am not saying Johnson will change. I do say he’s suddenly confronted for the FIRST TIME with the fact that people different from him are decent. Trust me on this – it’s life changing.
an hour ago
Trump and MTG lead Johnson around by the nose, Biden and Harris have power and principle behind them, he’s just a loser and looks likes he knows it.
AdLib44 minutes ago
Boehner was asked by a local reporter if he had any thoughts on what has happened to the speakership….his answer….:No place for amateurs of the faint of hear.”
44 minutes ago
Of course they aren’t the first non fundies Johnson has met, but they ARE the most POWERFUL.
44 minutes ago
Look at Murph’s impact on his community member.
44 minutes ago
CL….the jury is still out….but hope springs eternal.
43 minutes ago
CL – But Johnson has been in the House for at least two terms, he’s dealt with principled and respectful Dems there. Biden and Harris can’t be the first ever.
AdLib43 minutes ago
You know Biden is SOOOOOO human……
43 minutes ago
Johnson will likely opt for power and money over kindness and compassion, but – it has changed him already. That’s obvious to those of us who deal with this all the time.
43 minutes ago
Ad – Johnson never met Biden or Harris in person, one to one, before this meeting.
42 minutes ago
CL – But as I mentioned, I don’t think Johnson really has any power. He’s dominated by Trump and the MAGAs in The House. He’s just a hapless fool.
AdLib42 minutes ago
CL what you’re saying about Johnson almost sounds like he’s having a crisis of faith, oh I whish I could say I felt bad for him, but forgive me I don’t he made his choice and now he has to live with it. I would say he is in Hell, but the Devil kicked him up to the other place between heaven and hell.
41 minutes ago
oh, I agree he has no real power. I’m looking at him as a person. He got gobsmacked by liking Biden and Harris.
41 minutes ago
CL and TW – It would be amazing if a fundie like Johnson suddenly found out that what he’s believed all these years about Dems being evil servants of Satan were lies.
AdLib40 minutes ago
Ad they are lies and he knows it.
40 minutes ago
TW – he will have to make his peace. Decency on earth or fantasy about heaven? Power and acceptance by MAGA, or begin unravelling the MAGA snare? We will see. My money’s on his weak capitulation to MAGA, but last night…he wasn’t so sure.
39 minutes ago
Do you think SNL will open with a parody of Britt’s speech?
AdLib39 minutes ago
CL he has a long way to go.
38 minutes ago
Ad – if SNL doesn’t they’re fools.
38 minutes ago
So are we confident Biden and Dems will crush the Repubs and Trump in Nov?
AdLib38 minutes ago
TW – or he has an epiphany and LEAPS into reality.
38 minutes ago
Ad…more hopeful but not confident….people are so uninformed, ill informed and m is informed.
37 minutes ago
Ad – I do think so. They guy who has never predicted a presidential outcome erroneously since 1984 says Biden will win this BIG TIME unless something really exceptional happens. I don’t think he means terrorist attacks or anything.
37 minutes ago
Repubs have nothing to run on but fear mongering about the border and now Biden and Dems can say, “You voted against fixing the border, that’s on you!”
AdLib37 minutes ago
Just got a post for Occupy Democrats that said before Biden’s speech 45% of the people polled supported Biden’s policies after the speech it went to 60%
36 minutes ago
After last night? WAY more hopeful.
36 minutes ago
CL – That’s good to hear. You have to qualify these things, Biden needs to stay healthy and we can’t afford a new gloobal or national disaster. Barring those, I think Biden and Dems ride a big Blue Wave.
AdLib35 minutes ago
CL you’ve been around folks like Johnson, do they really have epiphanies that change their hard core religious beliefs?
35 minutes ago
TW – Biden’s approval leaped up to 62% after the SOTU. All such good news and damning for Trump and Repubs.
AdLib34 minutes ago
Biden performed that speech just as I had hoped, forcefully and loudly to dispel the “too old and feeble” memes. He did great!
AdLib33 minutes ago
I live in a state where two major rivers used to be freight highways….one has no barges and other other only two lanes when the first used to. have four lanes and the second had 8. Our principal water source, the aquifer has fallen 30 percent in 10 years. It never really snows when it used to snow 40 plus inches a winter on average……and hardly anyone believes in climate change.
33 minutes ago
Ad the folks over at Fox and et al don’t know what to do as everything they were predicting came crashing down around their fat stupid heads and they are scrambling roaches .
33 minutes ago
And he gave as good as he got. He took shots at the hecklers that landed. He was reflexive and lively and spot on the humor not the anger.
33 minutes ago
Murph – Do you think the Klansman-Nazi Repub candidate for Gov of MO will win?
AdLib32 minutes ago
Murph – And of course the MAGAs there blame the Dems and jewish space lasers for the drying up of water there.
AdLib31 minutes ago
Ad…..the GOP as a party is moving to neutralize him but resistance is building.
31 minutes ago
Murph things have really changed for your state. And Repugs haven’t done much to improve the situation over the years, but as you’ve pointed out a lot of them love the idiot Trump. Go figure.
31 minutes ago
Murph – I never, living in IL, remember the Mighty Mississip being low save for ONE year in the early 50s. Scared me then. Terrifies me now. Hubs and I were on a Viking cruise Fall 2018, and water on the Rhine was too low for our boat. Worse now. MAGA ignores it at their OWN peril. I don’t get it.
30 minutes ago
TW – Yep, Trump and Fox News all expected Biden to mumble and fall off the stage. Instead, he beat up the Repubs with one arm tied behind his back and smiling. Their whole strategy totally blew up!
AdLib29 minutes ago
TW…….and more changes, most bad, are right around the bend.
29 minutes ago
Ad yes and he’s on a roll now. Has always had the fire in the belly
29 minutes ago
CL – That humor Biden used expressed confidence and control. The worst thing that you can do to a bully is laugh at them.
AdLib28 minutes ago
Biden is who he’s always been. Yeah a bit more soft spoken fighting the stutter, but that’s IT. Brain cells firing, activism engaged, policies clear – and humor always present. ‘
28 minutes ago
CL….the river droughts are such an “in your face” that when they are so easily ignored I chant “there are none so blind as this who refuse to see.”
28 minutes ago
Murph – But how do they stop that Klansman from running? I don’t think they will be able to.
AdLib28 minutes ago
Murph yes states like yours are doubling down on DEI, denying health care, ripping schools apart with their stupid books bans, focusing on making sure everyone has as many guns as they want. It’s the Pandora box of all the nasty things, and hope is in short supply.
27 minutes ago
Has Trump said much today about last night?
26 minutes ago
Murph – in 2014 I went to Omaha where my folks had lived for years and spread my mother’s ashes in the Missouri River. I fear they’re still there. Can’t accept the diminishing water levels in the West and floods in the East. I always wanted to live to be 100 just cuz. Not so sure of that anymore.
25 minutes ago
Murph I think Trump was too busy kissing Orban’s backside.
25 minutes ago
Ad….the GOP here have made it so easy for the ultras to run for office that all they can do is go to court……a pretty weak case from what I can see.
25 minutes ago
Murph – I don’t see MAGAs avoiding their lemming mentality, they will follow the anti-climate-change corporate propaganda right off the cliff into total and unsurvivable drought.
AdLib24 minutes ago
Murph – Oh, YEAH Trump has blow up the internet with his screeching! All over the map about how Biden is a psycho, and HE, Trump, is the funny, gentle soul not Biden. It’s bizarre.
24 minutes ago
TW…..the area where I live is losing talented teachers, administrators rapidly……such is the result when educators are seen as the enemy and treated as such.
23 minutes ago
CL…ah….it is not being covered it seems….blow up, you say?
23 minutes ago
CL it seems to me when your opponent is trying to make themselves out to be what you demonstrated, it’s admission they know they lost. Am I right on that?
23 minutes ago
Murph – when I was young, MO was considered pretty backwards. Then it flourished, and now it’s backward. Sorry.
23 minutes ago
Ad…..lemmings at least have their senseless instincts as an excuse….what is the GOP’s
22 minutes ago
TW – That’s what I’m saying too. The MAGAs will be fiddling with culture war insanity as their home states burn down. Destroyed by Climate Change but at least saved from DEI.
AdLib22 minutes ago
Murph – he could not access Truth Social at ALL last night. The company HE owns! So on Twitter he ran amok today with attacks on Dems, Biden, the world, etc. He’s lost it.
22 minutes ago
Ad – Well, just so they’re white as they drown and die of thirst simultaneously.
21 minutes ago
CL…missed it all…well, I did not miss it, I just never saw it.
21 minutes ago
Murph – How can they use the courts to prevent someone from running for office?
AdLib21 minutes ago
Murph – I am addicted to Twitter. That’s where I saw it. You, wisely, are not. Explains your greater capacity for rational thought.’
20 minutes ago
Ad….they are trying to keep him from running under the GOP banner…as a party member.
20 minutes ago
CL……you are among the most rational thinkers I have ever known.
20 minutes ago
Murph I’ve visited your state twice, once for a conference another for a some training came out one night it was dusk and the sun was setting, one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen so I can understand the draw. Just never thought the people were the way they are.
19 minutes ago
Murph – it’s a front.
19 minutes ago
Murph – We’ve discussed that this would happen, teachers, young people who are tolerant, LGBTQ, immigrants, PoC, and especially women will be evacuating red states along with corporations that want to be able to hire the best talent. It is slowly gaining steam and will get to be a bigger and bigger issue.
AdLib19 minutes ago
TW…many good people here with warped sensibilities.
19 minutes ago
CL……Front, Back and Sides. You are the real thing.
18 minutes ago
Ad….I think your projected scenario is coming to pass.
18 minutes ago
TW – my grandmother’s family were progressives and abolitionists from IL. My grandfather was from Albany, Gentry Co. MO. He turned out to be a racists, anti Semite, America First person. MO has a long history of regressive politics and people. And then every now and then, good ones.
17 minutes ago
Murph – That seems pretty corrupt. And wouldn’t it turn a lot of MAGAs against the GOP? They want the Klansman.
AdLib17 minutes ago
Murph- thank you! I hope you know I think and feel the same about you!
17 minutes ago
CL…and Truman was not really one of them…..much over-rated and over-appreciated.
16 minutes ago
Ad…you nearly summarize the mousetrap.
16 minutes ago
Most welcome Cl and my thanks to you…….I so value our connection.
15 minutes ago
Murph – I don’t know much about Truman, frankly. I do know he desegregated the military – good, and tries to national the steel industry, probably well meant but stupid. And that is pretty much it.
15 minutes ago
It’s so absurd that the states that are the poorest, least educated, least insured, least economically successful have been run by Repubs for decades and yet the voters keep electing them to continue destroying their state and their lives.
AdLib14 minutes ago
‘Likewise, Murph!
14 minutes ago
CL sadly people have problems with those who do not display sheep like behavior and want to think for themselves and ask what they consider hard questions, that for them questions their beliefs or would cause them to think.
14 minutes ago
CL…..Truman spent much of his time in office in the shadow of FDR which led to a lot of ill considered action.
13 minutes ago
Ad – you go to those Red states, and dirt poor people will tell you they support the GOP because “those” people “don’t get summpin we din have.”
13 minutes ago
It seems like tribalism will nearly always win out over self-interest.
AdLib13 minutes ago
Murph – I can see how that would be.
12 minutes ago
Ad it is tribalism.
12 minutes ago
CL – Tribalism and ignorance are quite a deadly combo.
AdLib12 minutes ago
My dear friends…falling asleep at the computer…..going to a meeting of the Kunce campaign crowd in the AM to consider how to pivot off of SOTU.
12 minutes ago
Tribalism is EXACTLY why the Religious Right favor the OLD Testament and shun the New. They love that SMITING. Love and inclusion? Wussy liberal shit.
11 minutes ago
Good night, Murph. Love you! Have a good weekend.
11 minutes ago
I see it as being exponential. As Red States keep restricting freedom and opportunity, greater amounts of people will flee or avoid moving there and the declinging population will worsen everything quicker.
AdLib11 minutes ago
Take care Murph
10 minutes ago
As always look forward to next week….when are we going to find a way to have a town hall? I am a tech-trog so I cannot offer much but me…still…I would love to see US face to face.
10 minutes ago
I think I, too shall shuffle off to whatever. I will see you all next Friday!
10 minutes ago
Night Murph! Get some rest and keep up the good work!
AdLib10 minutes ago
See you later, CL!
AdLib10 minutes ago
CL take care.
10 minutes ago
I am still here.
9 minutes ago
Yes, Murph, I will figure it out. Take care.
AdLib9 minutes ago
Ad…brilliant you!!!!!
9 minutes ago
AdLib9 minutes ago
Up for a chat, TW?
AdLib7 minutes ago
Yes will give you a call in a few.
7 minutes ago
AdLib6 minutes ago
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