Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib4 hours ago
Hey TW!
AdLib2 hours ago

Hey Ad here is the link to the Kunsher story it seems it is true:
2 hours ago
Checking it out right now…
AdLib2 hours ago

So the SC is taking up the CO case it out to be interesting
2 hours ago
Looks like the story is just about a report the Dems made on Kushner, I don’t think it’s going anywhere from here…until next Congvress.
AdLib2 hours ago
Yep, saw that by how could they justify taking that case but punting on Trump’s immunity motions in the 1/6 case?
AdLib2 hours ago

You may be right on that, but it’s a small piece of good news on Kushner but we’ll just have to wait and see if anything comes of it.
2 hours ago

Well what faith I USED to have in SC has been gone for some time now.
2 hours ago
It’s a start. The Senate should pick up on it or at least a Dem House in 2025 should run with it.
AdLib2 hours ago
Same here. But with all these terrible decisions, multiple decisions coming up on borth control and abortion, SCOTUS will re-elect Biden no matter what they do.
AdLib2 hours ago

You know what’s funny when Trump was in office Fox News could stop praising his economy now with the economy going gang busters with month after month of job growth they are looking at the damn fine print of the Jobs report to complain about a misplace period if they can find instead of the how the economy growing.
2 hours ago
Did you see video of Biden’s speech today? Well done. He needs to keep the angry and principled tone.
AdLib2 hours ago

Just clips I will look it later to watch the whole thing MSNBC have been playing pieces of it.
2 hours ago
Fox is so screwed though, wait until the Smartmatic decision and the other civil suits come. And being tied to MAGA and Trump will tank them after they lose in Nov.
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey CL!
AdLib2 hours ago

CL is in the house!!
2 hours ago
Hello, My fave people! How are you in the shiny New Year?
2 hours ago

CL doing fine on a Friday night.
2 hours ago
Great to start the New Year with both of you!
AdLib2 hours ago
Same here. I have not seen the whole of Biden’s speech, but what I saw was great.
2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib2 hours ago
2 hours ago

Ad speaking of Smartmatic the My Pillow Guy is sucking pound water he is just about bankrupt
2 hours ago

Murph is in the House
2 hours ago
TW – my heart does NOT bleed for Pillow Guy.
2 hours ago
AH…AT LAST….I have had a challenging time signing in…but…kept at it….and it was worth the wait!
2 hours ago

Break out the Beer, Murph is here!!!
2 hours ago
Beer!…..What is your fav Brewskis?
2 hours ago
Murph – for a brief, shining moment, I think you were listed as “Guest 309” /. Why is anyone’s guess
2 hours ago
Is it OK if I stick w wine? Beer has wheat that has gluten, and it kills me.
2 hours ago
I hate to admit this but….before the Pillow Guy was known by his true colors….I bought two of his pillows….the best I have ever had……sorry!
2 hours ago
TW – Giuliani and Lindell are both drowning in debt but after the new demand from AG James for $340 Million in the NY civil suit, Trump will be joining them in the poor house.
AdLib2 hours ago
CL….you have pierced by Mystery Personal….309
2 hours ago

Murph don’t be sorry if they work they work, the pillows didn’t make him take a nutty for Trump
2 hours ago
Murph – What do you use those pillows for now?
AdLib2 hours ago
Murph – Bed, Bath, and Beyond had those pillows LONG before 2016, and i did NOT like them. Glad to know you got your money’s worth. It’s OK. Buying things BEFORE we know what an asshat the owner is remains totally OK.
2 hours ago
TW…what is this Kusher story?
2 hours ago
Nice to know you, 309. Makes you sound like a James Bond ally.
2 hours ago
Ad…for sleeping….they really are too good to toss out.
2 hours ago
Shredded foam “pillows”. Basically, garbage pillows sold as “The Best Pillows Ever!”.
AdLib2 hours ago
CL…Bed, Bath, and Beyond…..gone…..I loved those places.
2 hours ago

Murph it just a write up that some Dems in Congress may look into the Saudi deal but I don’t know if it’s going to get much play I Just thought it was interesting that it’s come back around after no mention of it.
2 hours ago
Ad…but they worked, and still are working for me….so on this one count, the man gets a kudos.
2 hours ago
Ad – LOTS of pillows use shredded foam. If Murph likes them, so be it. They weren’t cheap, Target crap. So he bought them BEFORE Lindell went nuts. All good.
2 hours ago
TW…that story seems so obvious to me.
2 hours ago
Murph – Ouch! Kudos for Lindell?
AdLib2 hours ago
Murph – I did, too. Lots of good stores…gone.
2 hours ago
Ok….I am not putting Lindell forward for either praise or kudos.
2 hours ago
CL – Even terrible people can get lucky.
AdLib2 hours ago
CL….I KNEW you had great taste.
2 hours ago

Murph you would think so, but this Congress are so in the bag for Trump they refuse to see what is real corruption and going after nothing stuff with Hunter
2 hours ago
All – think of “My Pillow” as what my late ex used to say: even a blind pig can find an acorn once in awhile. Lindell did one thing well. ONE.
2 hours ago
So I asked TW about this, what do we think of a SCOTUS that punts on hearing Trumnp’s immunity claim in the 1/6 trial but takes up the CO decision to remove Trump from the ballot?
AdLib2 hours ago
CL….Blind Pig and Acorn hunting….quite the image.
2 hours ago
Murph – it Lindell isn’t the proverbial blind big, don’t know who is.
2 hours ago
And BTW, the SCOTUS just ended a hold on a law in ID that forces women to die if they need an abortion to save their lives/
AdLib2 hours ago
CL….once I got to “know” him I repenting my pillow purchase but still snuggled with them.
2 hours ago

CL not a fan of Lindel but he did have a good story about turning his life around, but then he went off the deep end for Trump and is losing his wealth and maybe his company he is so in dept and I don’t think Trump will give him a second thought in any way of helping.
2 hours ago
Ad – SCOTUS did not punt on immunity but referred it back to establish legitimacy. I am hoping they will uphold CO.
2 hours ago
Ad…what is that about Scotus and an abortion law?
2 hours ago
CL – I like the analogy, maybe we should just change the GOP’s nickname to “The Blind Pig Party”/
AdLib2 hours ago
TW….why do any of Trump’s associates hold onto any hope that he will give a rat’s ass for them……is he Svengali?
2 hours ago
TW – when has Trump EVER cared about the people who sacrificed for him? I know someone like that. Nothing is every enough for them, and your exertions on their behalf are their due, so no thanks is required.
2 hours ago
Murph – “Supreme Court allows Idaho to enforce abortion law against emergency room doctors ahead of hearing case”
AdLib2 hours ago
GOP….becomes BPP….I like it.
2 hours ago
Ad – I’ve been calling the GOP the “Blind Pig Party” for quite some time now.
2 hours ago

Murph that’s the point isn’t it. He is just out for himself and those who support him fail to see that. Doesn’t make any sense to me.
2 hours ago
CL – It is a bit unkind to blind pigs but at least they won’t see it.
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad – we take their ignorance of the corruption as gospel. We’d NEVER try to hurt a blind pig.
2 hours ago
I saw a piece written about this ID abortion decision that said if it stands in the SCOTUS, states can make all kinds of laws outlawing treatment for all kinds of people based on their RW agenda.
AdLib2 hours ago
AD…I read the story…..what does it mean when it refers to “the Court” …..was there a vote…
2 hours ago
Murph – A judge in ID put a hold on the law going into effect and SCOTUS knocked down that hold. It bodes poorly for their decision and in the meantime, allows ID to kill womenm who need an abortion in the emergency room to save their lives.
AdLib2 hours ago
So the ID law is in effect while SCOTUS waits to announce a decision.
AdLib2 hours ago
Ad….but what does “the court” refer to……all members, some members, a split, a single judge…
2 hours ago
All – I have read, not sure of the validity, that because ID has done this today there are NO – NONE, zilch, nada, nobody – OB.GYNs in Idaho. NONE!!!
2 hours ago
This is insane. I do think that the SCOTUS, unintentionally and because of their corruption and extremist views, will meaningfully help Biden get re-elected.
AdLib2 hours ago
Not sure who handles birthing except Midwives in ID who are not empowered to do anything much.]
2 hours ago
CL….are you saying that the OBGYN’s have walked away?
2 hours ago

CL no OBYGN doctors in Idaho, wow that’s not good.
2 hours ago
Murph – that is what I’ve read, yes. NO doctors for women in female maters or birthing. NONE.
2 hours ago
Ad…how do you see SCOTUS giving Biden the edge?
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Murph – I don’t know how many SCOTUS judges decided to kill the hold on the ID law, the articles don’t say as you pointed out.
AdLib2 hours ago
Tw – that is a horror. My neighbor was going to birth at home. Had a complication, had to go to the hospital w the midwife and doula. She got GREAT care, and her sone was fine, but in ID those hospital resources DO NOT EXIST.
2 hours ago
Ad…..I wonder if this was automatic procedural action that can be reviewed by the judges….
an hour ago
Her son. Sorry.
an hour ago

CL that’s right out of a dystopian novel
an hour ago
Different topic……just looking for your POV….How do you see the SCOTUS review of the 14th Amendment going?
an hour ago
TW – ID is a gorgeous state. I will NEVER even visit there.
an hour ago
CL – Wow! We need to confirm that but it sure makes sense that no OB-GYN who wants a long and comfortable career would stay in any Red state with all these extremist laws hanging onver their heads. Move to a Blue state, at least they would be safe from going to prison for caring for their patients.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – I cannot get a read on the 14th from SCOTUS.
an hour ago
CL Me too.
an hour ago
All one would have to do, is move to WA on the state line and still get a lot of patients.
an hour ago

Murph my hope is they will do the right thing but I have a better chance of hitting one of the lotteries that get to a billion dollars by not buying a ticket.
an hour ago
CL…Washington State is an odd won….ultra conservative to the East and ultra liberal to the West.
an hour ago
One point that I’ve long made and someone on MSNBC made tonight is that SCOTUS has never yet ruled for Trump. So we can keep the hope.
an hour ago
Murph – very true, BUT the laws are on the side of docs.
an hour ago
Murph – If SCOTUS decides to prevent access to Plan B pills, upholds the ID law and others like it around the country, protects Trump from being thrown off the ballot, etc., it is going to piss off and excite the anti-Trump/anti-MAGA Dem base and turnout in Nov will push Biden way over the top. If they decide to allow Trump to be thrown off the ballot, then Trump will blow up the GOP and their election hopes. Either way, we will prevail.
AdLiban hour ago
TW…..I read today that if the court does not accept the Colorado action it becomes a major challenge to the entire states rights orientation that the GOP so seems to favor…another shattering point.
an hour ago
That West-East split in Red, Blue is WA, OR, CA all the way to the Mexican border.
an hour ago
Ad…yours is a prediction that I find reasonable and a source of hope
an hour ago

CL I’m wondering if Just K will give Trump’s lawyer who implied that he owed Trump for getting him on the court a piece of his mind if he writes and opinon.
an hour ago
an hour ago
CL – I have seen stats about a boom in abortions in the states near anti-abortion states. And I saw somewhere that infant mortality is spiking.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – NO justice owes to the original sponsor. Trump’s idiotic attorney should get reprimanded in whatever K writes. He has NOT upheld Trump on any point. And there is NOTHING any of Trump’s people can do to him. Life tenure exists for that reason.’
an hour ago
Ad…why would infant mortality spike?
an hour ago

Murph if the SC rules in favor for Trump then the 14th section 3 is done
an hour ago

CL yes she should I think she should be called before the bar and have to explain herself.
an hour ago
Ad – CA is soaring. I live 2 blocks from PP’s clinic, and Saturday mornings are a zoo. And for those desperate young people who can’t come here? Yeah – infant mortality AND maternal impacts are soaring.
an hour ago
Murph – No, it’s not automatic to overturn a hold on a law while it’s being considered by SCOTUS. This was a decision by the radicals on the court. The practice is supposed to be allowing or ending a hold based on the prospect of injury if it is or isn’t upheld. In this case, it’s insane because it says, “You can kill women in the meantime.” Totally against precedent and legal principle.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – she should. She’s a nasty piece of work.
an hour ago
CL – Exactly, I’ll bet there’s a boom in OBGYNs moving to WA.
AdLiban hour ago

CL I did some quick spot research on her while she has a law degree and is licensed I thing I pleaded with the Walmart greater I could get the equal of what she has for a law license
an hour ago
Murph and I have discussed strategies to get abortion patients to WA from ID, but frankly it no longer matters to doctors there. There are none. Now it’s strictly about the girls and women. Disgusting.
an hour ago
TW – She is appalling, and I would not want her as a Walmart greeter!
an hour ago
Murph – I agree, it would be an intrusion on states rights under the Constitution to prevent them from running elections as they decide, as long as they abide by the Constitution. And kicking Trump off is abiding by the 14th Amendment. So if the provisions of the Constitution that disallow, through amendment, a president running for a 3rd term, how could SCOTUS stand to prevent such a candidate from appearing on the ballot if amendments can be ignored?
AdLiban hour ago

CL she is indeed a piece of work.
an hour ago
Sorry…I had to step away to get a Kunce call…I will go back and catch your certainly excellent insights.
an hour ago
TW – I think Kavanaugh now will have a big problem if he votes to keep Trump on the ballot after his lawyer basically said he “owes” it to Trump for putting him there.
AdLiban hour ago
Did you see the interview w her where she was asked bout how pretty she is, and she said it’s EASY to be smart and HARD to be pretty, and she preferred pretty. My rejoinder is that no, it’s NOT easy to be smart, and she had proven that. She isn’t.
an hour ago
The entire SCOTUS has to decide is they are autonomous or Trump sycophants.
an hour ago

Ad I agree with you on that. So, it will be interesting to see what he says if he writes an opinion.
an hour ago
Murph – There is an exodus of OBGYNs in all Red states that have banned abortion so without those doctors being plentiful and available, it’s easy to see how women are getting less care and child mortality is rising.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – Did Habba get her law degree from Trump University?
AdLiban hour ago

Ad child mortality rates have always been bad here in the US we’re will behind a number of countries.
an hour ago
My SIL in DC is an attorney, has worked w Kavanaugh some years before he was on the fed bench. She thought he was very good then. Maybe he will reclaim her respect now.
an hour ago

Something close to it. Some small school in NJ I think didn’t rank that high.
an hour ago
CL – Only an idiot like Habba wouldn’t know that being smart is harder than just being born pretty.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad No Habba got her education from two marginal schools but REAL ones.
an hour ago
Here in Mo. there has been a definite decline in ObGYN availability with a nearly complete absence of young doctors.
an hour ago
Ad – Habba THINKS she’s smart, so that’s easy.
an hour ago
an hour ago
Murph – with the pending “death sentence for abortion” MO laws, no do will come there.
an hour ago
No doc.
an hour ago

So MO ID and others are going back to good ole days for child brithing.
an hour ago
CL – I’ve lost too much money betting on Republican extremists, liars, and sexual abusers (which Kavanaugh is) finally stepping up and doing the right thing. But as I say, if they rule to throw out the 14th Amendment, they will be whipping up voters against them and Trump and make enlarging the court a very mainstream agenda.
AdLiban hour ago
There are three state legislators here who are putting forth a bill to revoke licensing from med schools that have a “pro-choice”curriculum
an hour ago
Ad – NO telling how they will vote, but the outcome you have predicted well.
an hour ago
CL – As for Habba, I offer this: “The Dunning-Kruger effect is defined as the tendency of people with low ability in a specific area to give overly positive assessments of this ability.”
AdLiban hour ago

Murph now that is just plain stupid.
an hour ago
Who is Habba? I missed something.
an hour ago
Murph – I would say my MO born grandfather would be rolling in his grave, but unfortunately, he’d agree w all this. He was an America First person in the late 30s, early 40s.
an hour ago
TW, if stupid makes these people look Ultra-Maga then…what the hell.
an hour ago
Murph – Habba is Trump’s vapidly pretty but insanely stupid attorney.
an hour ago

Ad do you think she still has lemon juice on her face thinking she is invisible and no one can see her?
an hour ago
And possibly his current squeeze.
an hour ago

CL I wasn’t going to go there but you open the door. I believe so.
an hour ago
CL…aha….Habba…got it.
an hour ago
Murph: “Addressing the Supreme Court’s looming 14th Amendment decisions on whether Donald Trump can be disqualified from state ballots for engaging in insurrection, Habba decided it would be a good time to remind people of just how much Trump has done for Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh. “I think it should be a slam dunk in the Supreme Court; I have faith in them,” Habba said on Fox News. “You know, people like Kavanaugh who the president fought for, who the president went through hell to get into place, he’ll step up.”
AdLiban hour ago
TW –
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…Habba be very, very, stupid….me thinks.
an hour ago

Murph she is and all the stupid people are telling her she embrassing them.
an hour ago
Habba forgets, and it’s important, that once someone is appointed for life, they cannot be threatened. As we see from Thomas, they CAN be bought, but they CANNOT be threatened because they can’t be removed.
an hour ago
Murph – Habba-Dabba-Don’t is such a moron, what she said is more likely to corner Kavanaugh into not keeping Trump on the ballot or he’ll look like Trump’s puppet.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – you nailed it. K. is likely to want to prove to stupid Habba that he’s an autonomous actor.
an hour ago

Ad well he is Trump’s puppet but you’re point is well taken I believe he will take the opportunity to give Trump a message.
an hour ago
CL…..except by impeachment…..I wonder if any of those shady Justices are considering. the possibilities of the Dems “Going Trump”on them if Biden wins, and the Dems take the Congress……and they have been co-conspirators.
an hour ago
Ad _ I am SO stealing “Habba – Dabba – Don’t”. Thank you.
an hour ago
an hour ago
CL – I think Habba just repeated what she and others are saying to assure a scared Trump and he probably wanted her to repeat it publicly to pressure Kavanaugh, mob-style, but as you say, Trump has no recourse against Kavanaugh no matter what he does. And just the appearance of taking orders from Trump’s moronic lawyer should push Kavanaugh the other way.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – it is not out of consideration that they know they have to follow the law to avoid impeachment. Could be a deterrent to stupidity.
an hour ago
CL…I think that Thomas is in a particularly weak position.
an hour ago
CL – Glad you liked it! I like Murph’s version too!
AdLiban hour ago
Ad and Murph – BOTH names are good!
an hour ago
Thank you, very much.
an hour ago
I will liberally steal from you both.
an hour ago

This would be a good time for Thomas to retire.
an hour ago
CL…as long as it is “liberally”
an hour ago
Thomas is clearly corrupt, Alito is too, and Kavanaugh will look like a dog on a leash if he goes along with violating the 14th Amendment to protect Trump. Whatever they decide, we’ll still beat Trump but our side will be whipped up and outnumber the MAGAs by even more than 2020. There is no win for MAGA and Trump at this point, whatever SCOTUS decides hurts Trump and helps Dems overperform once again.
AdLiban hour ago
Side bar….if you have not seen Wonka….I recommend it…..saw it twice with two different sets of friends…audiences of all ages seemed to really love it.
an hour ago
Could I briefly change the topic? I’d like to know if anyone has had the RSV vaccine and if you had any fairly long lasting symptoms of body aches and brain fog? Both Greg and I have had it, a month apart, with those symptoms.
an hour ago
Murph – thanks for the tip. I would suggest anyone who wants a gentle, feel good film should see “Jules”. It’s utterly charming, and despite MOST people’s interpretations, it ends VERY happily.
an hour ago
CL…I have had RSV as have 11 of my other senior friends and NO side effects.
an hour ago

CL that’s the latest COVID shot right
an hour ago
Murph – thanks. We are both having aftereffects that aren’t wonderful.
an hour ago
BTW…CL….I have a hard time imagining any fog having much of an impact on your brain.
an hour ago
CL – That’s not good to hear. Are the symptoms lessening at least? I have not had RSV, I’ve had flu and Covid shots this Fall but not that. I see ads that recommend it but just didn’t do it. Now I don’t think I will.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – no it’s NOT COVID but the RSV virus.
an hour ago
Murph – thank you, but it did!
an hour ago
CL…woof! Hard to imagine….you are one of the very sharpest tools in anyone’s shed I think.
an hour ago

CL okay, no I did get the latest COVID just had a sore arm for a day.
an hour ago
We both got RSV last year (2022) and had it for three months. So we GOT the vaccine, and have had muscle aches and brain fog since. I’m much better since I did it a month before Greg. He did better FINALLY today.
an hour ago
TW – RSV is a respiratory anti-virus shot, they recommend it for us older folks.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – I was NOT in good shape for about 2 weeks! Barely remembered my address!
an hour ago
an hour ago
CL – So glad to hear you and hubby are getting better…finally!
AdLiban hour ago
The CDC says that RSV most common side effects after RSV vaccination reported from clinical trials included pain, redness, and swelling where the shot is given, fatigue, fever, headache, nausea, diarrhea, and muscle or joint pain.
an hour ago
I am glad we got the RSV, but i did NOT enjoy the after effects.
an hour ago
Murph – all of the CDC effects are true, but we had it for WEEKS, and that they don’t discuss.
an hour ago
We are getting better.
an hour ago
CL and that seems very significant….
an hour ago
There are times, like with the lottery, you want to be the one in a million. But not when it comes to side affects from medicine. I have had my share I’ve reacted to very badly.
AdLiban hour ago
AdLiban hour ago
Have we any thoughts on the Biden “save democracy” speech today?
an hour ago
Ad – That’s very true. This is NOT the moment to be unique.
an hour ago
Murph – heard just a bit of it. WOW!!!
an hour ago

It’s one of the reasons I don’t get the flu shot even though I should had a bad experience and said never again.
an hour ago
TW – everybody is unique. If you reacted to it, don’t do it.
an hour ago
If Biden and his team can be that sharp, and that pointed, constantly putting forth the theme then they will have served us well.
an hour ago
Murph – Biden’s speech was brilliant, full of energy and principle. This is EXACTLY what I was hoping for in Biden’s campaign. Taking on Trump head on, hammering him as the fascist he is and how, once again, this election is about preserving our democracy or letting a madman and his radical, pro-dictator followers destroy it.
AdLiban hour ago
What I want this coming year are stories like the ones NYT and WaPo did – interviews in the diner with people who have BENEFITTED from Biden policies. I want HUMAN stories of success and gratitude.
an hour ago

Murph if he wins reelection (and I believe he will) do you think he will server the full four or 18 months and hand the reigns over the Harris?
an hour ago
TW – I definitely understand your reasoning on flu shots.
AdLiban hour ago
CL and Ad…I join you in your reception of Biden’s speech……
an hour ago
TW….I do not see Biden stepping down unless his health compels him to do so.
an hour ago
TW =yes, Biden will go all four years, hand it to Harris, and I hope by then we will have FINALLY gotten to the place where electing a Black woman for president isn’t scary. As you know, I’ve had my beefs w her here in CA, but I am certifiably impressed with her work as Veep.
an hour ago

All Uncle Joe certainly has a record to run on Trump’s got nothing.
an hour ago
CL…happy to see your updated assessment of the VP.
an hour ago
CL – Absolutely! Dems and Biden should not be afraid to be ardent optimists, bragging about all the good things that they’ve brought to the country since Trump’s departure. Brag about jobs, Wall Street, the economy, manufacturing. infrastructure, real gains for workers including unions, etc. They need to be loud and proud about their accomplishments AND talk about what they will do with a unified government in 2025.
AdLiban hour ago
BUT GUYS…..doncha know about the FBI fake out…..also know as the January Siege of the Capital….
an hour ago

Ad one of the things that will be happening and furthering Biden is a lot of the building and manufacturing will be taken place this year and people will see what he’s brought and start feeling the benefit from it.
an hour ago
Murph – she has done a great job as the voice on the ground for every policy. She goes to states and other nations to explain what we’re doing AND show them how to benefit from it all. That’s what a Veep should do and be.
an hour ago
Considering that Reagan never handed the reigns over publicly after coming down with an actual and severe case of dementia, even if Joe slows down some over the 4 years, I think his cabinet and staff and Kamala will pick up any slack and all will be handled just fine. I don’t think he steps down unless forced to by major health issues.
AdLiban hour ago
I was in a diner two days ago and ALL of their staff were wearing Trump buttons that said….”Trump….Our Only Hope….” with his face in the background. I walked out and took three friends with me. The owner, someone I have known for years, told me that my business was no longer important to him.
an hour ago
Murph = I know Richard Hofstadter’s “Paranoid Style in American Politics” but our experience takes the cake.
an hour ago

Murph have to give you credit.
an hour ago
Murph – I am so sorry about that. Insane.
an hour ago
TW…CL….and AD….Big Thumbs up on your three most recent comments. Brilliant.
an hour ago
VP is a thankless job and one where you can’t step into the spotlight because you can’t upstage the President. I think Kamala has done so well, just as Biden did as VP and the way you know that is by the lack of talk and criticism about her…by most of the media. The RW attacks her when they can but that’s to be expected.
AdLiban hour ago
I know two of the serving staff….they told me today that the boss has made the buttons a requirement for employment.
44 minutes ago
Good thoughts on Harris…..kudos!
43 minutes ago
See, this is why we need reports “on the ground”. We need people in Bumfuck Iowa to SAY that when Harris came on (infrastructure or whatever) she helped them see how to make it work for Bumfuck. That’s what DEM Veeps do. Pence’s job was to gaze adoringly at Trump while personally resembling the back side of an egg.
43 minutes ago

I never understood the admiration people have for Trump he has no real accomplishment other than the tax cut and those who support him weren’t in the class who could benefit from it, so their blind faith in him makes no sense to me at all.
42 minutes ago
Murph – This is what a dying cult looks like, they get more extreme, reject all but fellow cultists and howl louder and louder about their cult. The final days of MAGA as having power are coming in November. Once Trump is crushed again, their demise will accelerate.
AdLib42 minutes ago
CL….where exactly is Bumfuck Iowa? Any connection with Shithead Mo.?
41 minutes ago
Murph – “Our only hope”? For what?
AdLib41 minutes ago

This idea that Jan 6th was the FBI and Antifa doing is write out of a fiction novel.
41 minutes ago
TW….Trump is a Demagogue with a Cabalistic following……logic, reality, common sense have little impact on their infatuation.
40 minutes ago
TW – SO why aren’t MAGAs thrilled about all the 1/6 convictions? Isn’t that Antifa and FBI plants being sent to prison?
AdLib40 minutes ago
Tw – to understand the Adoration of the MAGAts, you need to defer to cristofascism. They do not care about a man’s personal corruption. If he’s the “Key Man”, he will make sure followers get all they need. His personal behavior is irrelevant. They use corrupt King David as the model. As if.
40 minutes ago
Ad…no those who have been sent jail are victims of plot to lay the blame on the blameless….jeeeeezzzz, pay attention, woodya?
39 minutes ago
Ad – the discrepancy between “J6 are political martyrs” and “J6 were antifa and BLM” is going to burst one fine day.
39 minutes ago

Ad my point exactly
39 minutes ago

Now you know whey these folks flunked logic class because it didn’t make any sense to them
38 minutes ago
TW…and they have never had a bit of use for history….
37 minutes ago
CL – It’s no coincidence that kings and queens were religious icons as well. The two go together, religious extremism and political fascism. It’s all about domination, the “chosen” and “superior” ruling over the “inferior” and using their power to enforce their domination on the present and future. MAGA is identical to religious cults.
AdLib37 minutes ago
TW – the problem is we took logic out of schools along we Civics, and MAGA is the results. Oh, along with DSA.
37 minutes ago

Murph you’re correct.
36 minutes ago
Ad…both Hitler and Stalin created state religions that allowed them to harvest aspects of the established faiths without any loyalty to them.
36 minutes ago
Murph – So why don’t MAGAs identify all those people of color on 1/6 and let the FBI know to arrest them…whoops…guess there weren’t many Antifa on 1/6 who weren’t white men with MAGA hats.
AdLib35 minutes ago
CL…to a great extent we have taken real learning out of schooling across the board….
35 minutes ago

Murph the more they keep trying the ban books the stupider they’re going to get.
34 minutes ago
CL – MAGA is rife with contrary views that make no sense. A cult is about killing critical thinking and creating vessels of propaganda that the Cult Leader can pour into their heads and have repeated verbatim.
AdLib34 minutes ago
Ad – Michel Foucault spoke at Standford U in about 1979, and I went to hear him. He noted that the Biblical “sheep and Shepherds” dynamic devolved to the Divine Right of Kings. From there yes, The Chosen. We screwed it all up royally. And we are paying now w the “born again” view that once you have taken “Jesus into your heart” you are eternally forgiven AND CAN DO ANYTHING YOU WANT. Now the Divine right of Kings can be YOURS. You are exempt from consequences.
34 minutes ago
Ad…you clearly have drunk the Lib Kool Aid……yep, yep, yep….just ask my Maga Maggot neighbors.
34 minutes ago
CL – That is one fantastic explanation!
AdLib33 minutes ago
Murph – You should nod with them, “Yeah, so glad the FBI is putting all those Antifa and FBI plants in prison!”
AdLib32 minutes ago
TW…sadly, banning books is having more of a symbolic impact than a real one….the fact is that very few young people read at all…..and far few read serious work.
32 minutes ago

CL yes and they need to bring them back, Civics, logic, reading
32 minutes ago
CL…as always you have a unique and well constructed understanding of the place of faith in power structures.
31 minutes ago

Murph this is what they don’t get about banning books, the kids can download them on their phone and they will never know it.
31 minutes ago
Ad – most of it is his. Some of it is mine. He died, and I saw I needed to carry his work on into issues such as state torture a la Abu Ghraib. I saw this in Buffalo from the anti abortion zealots who TOLD US in the 1990s they were born again and thus could do ANYTHING THEY WANTED. We see it today in the 1000 plus cases of critofascist and MAGA child sexual abuse cases. The Divine Right of Kinds will be MINE! God says so!
30 minutes ago
What do you folks think, is MAGA imploding? I saw national approval of MAGA is at an all time low, like 17% or something like that. And after Trump’s trials and convictions dovetailing through the entire election year? Then after he loses? I think MAGA should pick out a comet they think has a space ship on it and all “beam up” to it.
AdLib30 minutes ago
TW…they can download them but there is little reason to do this from their perspective…..young people are not particularly interested in serious thought.
30 minutes ago

Ad they can’t blow up fast enough for me.
29 minutes ago

Murph I see your point but there are some who do want to be educated and we need to find and encourage them.
28 minutes ago
CL – It’s been true throughout history, the fabrication of the myth that royalty or a group is superior and everything they do in the pursuit of power and wealth is justified. Dominionism is rooted in the same, “We’re superior so we were given the right to do whatever we want by God.” Always the same, permission to give oneself the right to be monstrous.
AdLib28 minutes ago
Ad…MAGA here is alive and unwell in the Show Me State.
27 minutes ago
All – I had an epiphany two weeks ago that while we RIGHTLY have come to understand the weirdnesses of America because of its Great Sin, slavery, we MAY have overlooked the powerful role of evangelism. From the 19th C,. Great Awakening that instilled ignorant ideas of the Bible on the frontier, we are paying a huge price in our sense of “religious freedom” which those descendants believe is theirs and theirs alone. HUGE dichotomy in the First Amendment – the right to religious belief never considered what to do about those for whom SHOVING IT DOWN PEOPLE”S THROATS was a commandment. Evangelism of this corrupt type PLUS its defense of slavery are, I think, inextricable parts of America that are corrupt to the bone.
26 minutes ago

Ad sadly the Show Me State is turning into the Slow Me state.
26 minutes ago
TW…some…..and that worries me…..you know that text books are passed…..in Mo. text books are dinosaurs…it is all “on line” (and generally awful) or in handouts or class room discussion/lecture.
26 minutes ago
Murph – Oh, I don’t mean MAGA won’t continue to dominate in very Red states, just that the national power and popularity is greatly ebbing. And the result will hopefully be a federal government that passes laws that protect women’s rights to their bodies, elections and democracy, protection of civil rights, whether MAGA states like it or not. Think of the Civil Rights Act days, when the Feds forced states to follow the constitution and equal rights. That seems to be the path ahead.
AdLib24 minutes ago
CL….I accept your analysis of Evangelical Contamination…..at the same time…..even here in Mo, those churches have shrinking numbers of worshippers and contributors….the ideology remains without the need for ‘Church”
24 minutes ago

Murph that is a problem.
23 minutes ago
Ad and all – after the CRA and VRA in 64 and 65, liberals thought that was it. Done. Go on from there, never mind the RW. Now we see what festers when we don’t ride herd. Murph – the RW cristofascists ARE declining, and it’s why they are so violent and adament – this is their Last Stand. But even when we win, we are FOOLS if we turn our backs on them. They never gave up after the CR Movement. They never will.
22 minutes ago

Cl that is what they seem to be going for as far as education goes, turning it into religious indoctrination.
21 minutes ago
Ad…..I respect your vision re. Mega……and I generally accept the worthiness of your vision….still in a world where fact and fiction exist on common planes without much discretion I worry a bout how MOST will find their way.
21 minutes ago
CL….interesting perspective that feels true.
20 minutes ago
CL – Because of the caution of the state controlling religion, it is a tough issue for the US Gov to pursue. I think the way the evangelicals are rejected is gradual, as it has been happening, as generations eschew them while extremists act more and more outrageously then at some point, there will be a popular sensibility to wall them out of decent society.
AdLib20 minutes ago
If you want to know the RW persistence, I have been stalked SIX times by the RW. Three times it was serious. the other three merely annoying. They are dwindling in numbers but ratcheting up in danger. They are part of American history, and they will NOT go away.
20 minutes ago

Ad now that is interesting individuals states having their own state religion in direct violation of the first amendment.
19 minutes ago
Ad – the decline of the religious right was FAST. “Walkaways” were THE biggest movement in American religion for years. PRRI’s survey in 2020 found RW denominations and affiliations had declined from 24% of the population to 13% in a decade. Mainline Protestantism, the Social Gospel folks, had SLIGHTLY grown. The RW will not go gently. Trust me that Armageddon is DESIRED by them. This isn’t going to end well.
17 minutes ago
CL – That is definitely the most important political lesson from the 60’s/70’s, no matter how many wins we have, the bad guys will never stop trying to take them away. We have to protect our gains, they will never stop attacking them. Who would’ve thought we’d lose abortion after 50 years!
AdLib16 minutes ago
TW – can you elucidate the “state religion”?
16 minutes ago
All…I was at a meeting a few weeks back when the chair asked a “pastor” to offer an invocation to start our meeting…..talk about hate speech…….several minutes in……one of the quiet women who belonged to our group…..looked up and said: “The Jesus I know would never have offered that pray….enough….let’s get on with the meeting…..” and the meeting got going…..a flurry of motions and reports and actions….the “pastor” slinked out. The chair suggested that offerour apology for the rude reception we gave the “reverend.”That same woman looked him in the eye and said….”I was going to wait to the next meeting to ask for a vote to vacate the chair but I think this is just the right moment…….
15 minutes ago
Ad – the single biggest error the liberals made was to assume everything we gained in the 60s-70s was permanent. NOTHING is permanent.
14 minutes ago
13 minutes ago

CL I was reacting the comment on how it seems people in states are starting their own religion and seemingly trying to get it adopted as the state religion. I might have read too much into the comment. But, I will say this, I can envision some states attempting to do that if they could figure out how to make it work.
13 minutes ago
Murph – I know it’s not as easy but you have to remember that you live in the midst of MAGAs who are in a far smaller minority in the majority of the nation. They will only be left with pockets of local power in Red states. MO is unfortunately one of those places but most states and a majority of the population is nbot majority MAGA.
AdLib13 minutes ago
TW – I think you’re correct. I had not seen it that way, but you’re right.
13 minutes ago
Ad…and yet we have women like the one I wrote about a few. moments ago…….so there is hope.
12 minutes ago
Murph – if you decide to leave MO, there are great spots in IL who would love you!
11 minutes ago
Gang…I just looked at the clock….goodness…bt can we ever jaw!
11 minutes ago
CL – I hate to hear that you’re still dealing with threats though glad they’re dwindling. Of course they’re getting more extremist, that’s how the cycle works when cults are losing power and popularity, they get more and more desperate. Be careful though, as you say, they will not fully go away.
AdLib11 minutes ago
LOL!! Yes, we can. OK – I’m definitely slowing down. See y’all next week. This has been boffo, and we will pick it up again. Love you guys!!!
10 minutes ago

Murph I wonder, if that will change when Trump loses the election. Will the scales fall from their eyes when they see their hero has no clothes or will they look for someone to take his place which will be a long time coming.
10 minutes ago
CL…..In my late 70’s a move is daunting esp given what I leave behind….besides my crusading soul continues to call me to arms.
10 minutes ago
CL – Glad to hear how quickly the RW is losing followers. But as you say, they won’t go quietly.
AdLib10 minutes ago

Take care CL
10 minutes ago
TW…the core will embrace the “we have been robbed….again” mantra but I do wonder if their numbers will be much reduced…and that would be good.
9 minutes ago

Murph you’re correct there will always be those who will say that. But as you say their numbers will dissipate.
7 minutes ago
Well, the sidewalks have rolled up here in bohunk junction, America….and my bed awaits….This has been OUTSTANDING.
7 minutes ago

Murph take care.
7 minutes ago
Murph – That is a great story! And you are in MO and there are still many there who are good people. Who knows, if Dems win unified control this year and gerrymandering, vote by mail nationally and other democratic issues are resolved, MO may have a bit more momentum to get past this MAGA nihilism.
AdLib7 minutes ago
Night Murph, have a great New Year Weekend!
AdLib6 minutes ago
AD…I THINK THAT THE PRAYER WAS SO OFFENSIVE THAT EVEN MY CHURCH LADY ASSOCIATE HAD HAD ENOUGH….and that level of obnoxiousness may be what is needed to drive a fundamental change.
5 minutes ago
Murph – It sounds like “the prayer” was just hatred and bile. No one who is truly Christian would welcome that or identify it as a “prayer”. Good for herand hopefully she made an impact on others there.
AdLib4 minutes ago
4 minutes ago
AdLib3 minutes ago
Perverting religion has been going on since there was religion.
AdLib3 minutes ago

Religion has been used for all sort of trouble making.
2 minutes ago
Good. night…friends….see ya next week….
2 minutes ago
TW – Yep, religion was the original politics.
AdLib2 minutes ago
Night Murph!
AdLiba minute ago

Take Murph
a minute ago

Well looks like we once again close the bar down.
a few seconds ago
Yep! Up for a chat?
AdLiba few seconds ago

Yeah give me a min will call you.
a few seconds ago
AdLiba few seconds ago
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