Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib3 hours ago
Helloooo? Anybody home?
an hour ago
Hi CL!
AdLiban hour ago
How are you feeling and seeing?
AdLiban hour ago
Hey Ad! How are things?
an hour ago
Better than Rudy Giuliani’s nest egg.
AdLiban hour ago
Well, the seeing part is going well. The FEELING part may have just taken a turn. Greg had pneumonia, and I’m suddenly scratchy throat, fatigue, stuffy nose. Hope it’s JUST a cold, but…?
an hour ago
All is well over here. You doing good?
AdLiban hour ago
Who isn’t better than Rudy tonight?
an hour ago
AdLiban hour ago
Have you taken a Covid test?
AdLiban hour ago
When does the offspring come home again?
an hour ago
Hey TW!
AdLiban hour ago
No, I’ll do the test tomorrow if I don’t feel better.
an hour ago
an hour ago

Good evening everyone, I hear Rudy is looking for a long term loan with reasonable interest rates.
an hour ago
CL – She’s home and she’s actually working over Winter Break, had her first week of interning this week. She’s having a great time being back in Cali.
AdLiban hour ago
Some one on Twitter said, “Rudy placed a call to
an hour ago
TW –
AdLiban hour ago
Sorry – to Trump saying, “Look, I just want to find $148 million dollars…
an hour ago
Rudy’s new theme song, “Brother, Can You Spare 150 Million?”
AdLiban hour ago

I also heard somone told Trump Rudy was calling and Trump said Rudy who??
an hour ago
VERY fine. She’s amazing. She was amazing at age 7 and is amazing now. SO glad she’s back.
an hour ago
TW – Perfect.
an hour ago
I heard Rudy’s lawyer was so pissed at him sabotaging the case, they were turned awa y from each other in court and no talking to each other.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – we should calculate how much that IS in dimes.
an hour ago

Now the only thing left to do is figure out where that 10 inch Crossfire material is at, Ad do you have it?
an hour ago
TW – Trump is now saying he doesn’t even know Giuliani but thinks he might have been the coffee boy.
AdLiban hour ago
Did you see Rudy’s lawyer? He’s got a shaved head except for a very odd merkin on his forehead. With legal talent like that, I’m amazed Rudy’s case didn’t go to capital punishment.
an hour ago
CL – She’s so happy to be back and has been having such a fun time since she got back. Happy for her.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – I am SURE there are other copies of that file. The only issue is to whom did Trump give it?
an hour ago

CL I saw that, no wonder Rudy lost the case who in their right mind would hire a lawyer with such a dumb ass hair cut.
an hour ago
TW – not to raise stereotypes, but dumb ass haircuts generally reflect dumb ass minds.
an hour ago

Well I have a pile of papers here in my office I just check I don’t have it so I guess I’m safe,.
an hour ago
TW – Yep, doesn’t everybody have at least a little classified raw data on Russia between the couch cushions?
AdLiban hour ago
TW – I never figured you’d be the drop source. But it will be fascinating to see where that document binder went.
an hour ago

CL well what can I say Trump and Rudy don’t seem to have the best and brightest around them.
an hour ago
Ad – I don’t because I vacuum regularly.
an hour ago
I’ll bet Rudy’s lawyer reaized he wasn’t getting paid. Just like his other part time job as Trump’s pool boy.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – the MAGA crowd exhausted the Best and the Brightest MONTHS if not years ago.
an hour ago

In Rudy and Trump’s case the thought when folks were talking about B&B aka best and brightest, they thought Bed and Breakfast
an hour ago
CL – My vacuum stopped working, found top secret data on Russia all clogged up in the rollers and just thought, “Not again!”
AdLiban hour ago
Well, they ARE folks who like their comforts and for whom intellect is something you hire, not something you do.
an hour ago

Ad I knew you had it. Trump just called and said he wants it back.
an hour ago
Ad – well, you just need a higher duty vacuum. How can you keep up with stolen intel docs with a crappy vacuum?
an hour ago

CL perfect description of the rich and lazy.
an hour ago
And don’t forget, the DC court just ruled that Trump can be sued for damages in the actual 1/6 attack! How many hundreds of millions will he be hammered with from all those in Congress and the police who were threatened and injured?
AdLiban hour ago
TW – that seems to be the standard today.
an hour ago
TW – With the Trumpers, it’s D&D. Not Dungeons and Dragons but Dumb and Dumber.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad gives new meaning to the phrase, “here comes the judge, here comes the judge, lordly lordy, here comes the judge.”
an hour ago
There is a huge discussion on Twitter about whether the women will recover anything, and it is my understanding that, fraud aside, yes , the courts have many powers. I brag on my finding RW extremists moved to avoid judgement when the Pro Choice Network sued them, and our attorneys slapped a lis pendens on their property meaning they couldn’t sell it until they paid the fine to the court and to our clinic. There are LOTS of options to get them to pay.
an hour ago
I should replace my Trump vacuum, I should’ve known better by the company’s catchphrase, “It sucks.”
AdLiban hour ago

Ad wasn’t that a movie? Matter of fact wasn’t D& D a recent movie?
an hour ago

Ad yes big time.
an hour ago
TW – Absolutely! Here come da judge! There are a mountain of civil cases no one ever talks about that are going to bury Trump and no pardon power can even be dreamt of to save himself.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – You do have to pay attention to advertising slogans. They reveal quite a lot.
an hour ago
Plus I am absolutely convinced that SCOTUS will uphold the finding that Trump has NO executive privilege and that the impeachment does not render a criminal trial double jeopardy. He is such a weenie!
an hour ago

CL I was having a similar conversation with a friend earlier today, and it seems clear to me he will not get away without paying something.
an hour ago
CL – Alex Jones is doing his criminal best to avoid paying out the judgements against him but he has a cashflow to pay for lawyers to keep sabotaging the payout. Giuliani just has a case of hair dye he bought on Black and Dripping Friday.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – People read mysteries about hidden accounts and think no one can unearth property and investments . That’s BS. It’s complicated, but even I have done it. Follow the paper trail – there always is one.
an hour ago
TW – Yep, both were movies but Trump is sicker than fiction.
AdLib44 minutes ago
Jones was just denied protection under corporate bankruptcy, and trying to file personally is “movement to avoid judgement” which is invalid. Jones is toast.
44 minutes ago

Ad speaking of pardon power, the only time I recall hearing about a president pardoning himself was when Trump planted his fat ass behind the Resolute Desk. So it makes me wonder if the President really as to the power to pardon himself. Along with what’s to stop the congress from modifying that part of the consitution?
43 minutes ago
Rudy’s bravado is all Rudy has left. But as Trump defamed Carroll twice, so Rudy better watch HIS mouth or go back to court for Round Two.
42 minutes ago
CL – Here’s my legal argument to SCOTUS on Trump’s immunity. “You realize that if you say a president has immunity for any crimes he commits, Biden could come down here and shoot you all?”
AdLib42 minutes ago
I seriously think there is no such power, but off to court we shall go.
42 minutes ago
Exactly. When MAGA said the Veep had the power to throw out the election, they have all been asked, Then Kamala Harris has that right, too? OMG – split a gut laughing at their horror!
41 minutes ago
Think of it, if SCOTUS declared immunity, which they wouldn’t, a president could pull a Rambo, kill all opposing SCOTUS and Congressional opponents and then just go back to the WH and enjoy a milkshake.
AdLib41 minutes ago

CL I agree with you. I don’t think a president can do that. But, it seems no one is willing to raise the question, all the reporters just seem to go along with it without asking the question.
40 minutes ago
There you go – perfect world of utter lawlessness.
40 minutes ago
CL – Yes, Jones hasn’t won in any of his sneaky schemes to avoid paying but he has the money to delay, delay, delay. Rudy doesn’t.
AdLib39 minutes ago
It’s also NOT true that if there is an ongoing criminal or civil case against a candidate that DOJ has to stop work w/in 90 days. NO! One cannot open things in that period, should not discuss it out loud (now know as “Pulling a Comey” about the laptop) but if there is an active investigation and trial, none of that applies.
39 minutes ago
Well, I think Jones MAY have played out his last argument. Not sure he has any others.
38 minutes ago

Ad I saw an article last week there is an offer on the table to settle one that he would be stupid not to take. But this is Alex Jones so…..
38 minutes ago
CL – And I think they absolutely should sue Rudy again and they’ll probably have the same situation as Carroll, the judge will decide a quick summary judgement in their favor and another $100M against Rudy.
AdLib38 minutes ago
You know that I help homeless folks. If I see Rudy or Alex on the corner with a cup, they get NOTHING.
36 minutes ago
I might even steal some of their cash and send it to the folks whom they harmed.
35 minutes ago
There is NOTHING in the Constitution that even nudges at presidential immunity BUT there is a section that addresses pursuing legal cases against a US Officer which includes the President. It only goes one way so I get annoyed at MSNBC and other pundits who claim SCOTUS could agree on immunity. Not even those corrupt shills could find any grounds for immunizing all ex-presidents from criminal prosecution for life. Well…except for Thomas and Alito.
AdLib34 minutes ago

What I keep coming back to is all these people who are not lawyers or constitutional scholars believe the constitution embeds them with powers they don’t really have. And because the vast majority of people in our country have barely read the constitution or have done any reading around it such as the Federalist papers or the debate on the constitution they think and believe their are powers there that aren’t.
34 minutes ago
I don’t know who says that on MSNBC – but no way will SCOTUS say he had immunity.
34 minutes ago
CL – Exactly! The practice is to not START investigations within 90 days of an election, has nothing to do with continuing a prosecution. And anyway, it’s just a practice, not a law so Comey didn’t get prosecuted for breaking it.
AdLib32 minutes ago
TW – I don’t know if settling with Jones makes sense, he’s a weasel who doesn’t play honestly with anyone. What good is an agreement with him?
AdLib31 minutes ago
BRING BACK CIVICS! We had a section by section review of the Constitution, and I never forgot it. I’m devoted to the laminated 8 1/2 x 11 four page version because it lets you see the relationships of sections. Available in most bookstores in those racks w other such things. Most useful version ever.
31 minutes ago

Ad he is that for sure.
31 minutes ago
There are ways the courts can garnish bank accounts, put liens on property or worse – lots of ways to collect money.
31 minutes ago
CL – I have an idea for a new set of memes. What does Rudy’s sign say when he’s on a street corner or freeway offramp begging for money? “Will drip for money.”
AdLib30 minutes ago

CL one of the lawyers said that are looking at a number of avenues to prevent Rudi from running away from his obligations. Let’s not forget, they want to get paid as well.
29 minutes ago
LOL!!! I think there’s a fertile field out there for such things, Ad!!!
29 minutes ago

28 minutes ago
We give way too much attention to TV shows about hidden assets when in fact they are pretty accessible and can be locked down by courts.
28 minutes ago

CL have to agree with you on that. The commentators always seem to be on the doom and gloom side.
27 minutes ago
TW – What it seems like to me is that whenever the “liberal media”, which is owned by conservative corps anyway, see an opportunity to game a situation so that it will worry viewers, they know that will get them to watch more often for follow ups on those worrisome stories. It’s a corporate game of putting greed over our democracy. Legitimizing all kinds of BS from Trump, his cronies, or other Repubs so they look like real threats is cynical and manipulative. And I feel they hide behind “We’re just objective journalists who give both sides to viewers.” What’s the other side to comitting crimes? Justifying crimes. Period.
AdLib26 minutes ago
And there is always “asset forfeiture” used on drug dealers.
26 minutes ago
CL – It’s scary how little most Americans know about civics. Scary. And a great opportunity for a fascist like Trump to exploit.
AdLib25 minutes ago
Ad – since Rachel and others LOVE the Smith move to SCOTUS and agree they are likely to uphold Smith, I look to the individuals doing the broadcasting, too. We have way too many Crisis Pimps in the media and politics. The “God ain’t it awful, we’re doomed” types. They aren’t happy unless they’re miserable and wish us all to be, too.
24 minutes ago
Rudy’s sign, “Can you spare $9.11 for America’s Mayor?”
AdLib24 minutes ago

Ad all the more reason that a forum like this is important. Helps to open the mind and discuss things and get clarity along with doing our own research and bouncing ideas off of each other.
23 minutes ago
Oh, Ad – that is GOOD. That’s perfect!
23 minutes ago

Ad that was good.
22 minutes ago
I realize having served as a subject expert for a couple of federal cases, I do understand things I otherwise might not. But basic knowledge of our system would quell a LOT of our naysaying garment renders. I’m sick of it. YES – if, heaven forefend, Trump got back in, the system would itself be destroyed. NOTHING would count. But today it works.
21 minutes ago

Ad just read that Oklahoma passed law forbidding the teaching of DEI in schools, that’s where my granddaughter lives. Not a happy grandfather right now.
21 minutes ago
CL – You nailed it with “Crisis Pimps”. That seems to be the norm at CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, etc. Of course Fox and the other RW outlets are like that 24/7 but I don’t expect it to be like that with these others. But they’re all bottom line, it’s about the money more than journalism or democracy for any and all of them. I mean, Trump has openly said he will use the power of government to go after the media and yet they still pump out that a poll here or there showed Trump ahead of Biden. This week, a poll came out showing Biden ahead by 4% in swing states, not a word about it in any of those sources because it doesn’t help the crisis pimping.
AdLib20 minutes ago
BTW the Congressman who says there were FBI “ghost buses” at J6? He doesn’t get that it drives another nail in Trump’s coffin. Trump, not Biden, directed the FBI that day. If a hundred agents showed up – they were collaborators not provocateurs. NOBODY was at the Capitol without Trump’s OK.
20 minutes ago
TW – Of course, I agree about with your kind words about Vox and The Planet!
AdLib19 minutes ago

CL people are too caught up in what I call dumb as crap like Johnny Depp and Amber Heard divorce, there was so much press on that and people knew more about that than what was going on in their own cities. So when they wake up one day and find out the Constitution has been suspended and we’re under martial law, they will say how did that happen.
17 minutes ago
Ad – exactly. It’s the same shit that attends the moves of mainline Protestants and their interfaith allies against cristofascism. NOBODY talks about it because the narrative that the RW is all powerful is all they know. The Religious Right has drastically fallen to 13% of the population, and that is why they are ramping up on control. This is their LAST STAND. But does this get reported? Noooo. Nothing about Dems and liberals in general is being properly covered.
17 minutes ago
CL – The problem is the dishonesty of these so-called “news” papers and channels, they’re all about revenue-earning entertainment, not news. Are there really only four or five things that are news Americans need to know every day? Repeated on show after show all day? So much is ignored that they don’t think will generate fear and eyeballs.
AdLib17 minutes ago
TW – You know how I felt about my daughter attending school in a red state. Too many potential threats to them and their safety.
AdLib16 minutes ago
I’m pretty done with MSM. And I’m pretty angered that we could organize to get Rush off radio stations but won’t do that to get media to uphold democracy.
16 minutes ago

Ad as we’ve discussed before, Profits over truth.
15 minutes ago

Ad not much I can do about my Granddaughter.
15 minutes ago
Ad – I wouldn’t send a kid I love to a Red state for both life and health AND because they’d get a crap education.
15 minutes ago
CL – Someone posted a tweet from Charlie Kirk on 1/5 bragging about all the buses his org and another paid to rent to bring people to 1/6. And the buses weren’t all yellow.
AdLib14 minutes ago
TW – where IS your granddaughter?
14 minutes ago
Ad – nope. Lots of white buses arrived. Bought in 1999 during Y2K when the UN was dumping them.
13 minutes ago

She is in Oklahoma in a small town called Paradise not far from Ft. Smith.
12 minutes ago
I will hold her in my heart, TW. This isn’t a good time to be female in OK.
11 minutes ago
TW – The average American loves conflict as entertainment. The “news” corporations know this and exploit it. Like blasting out polls that show Trump ahead, ridiculous this early on and before all the criminal and civil trials we all know are going to hammer him. The news jerks are pumping it up now because they’re afraid that later, once Trump is convicted, their ideal “neck-and-neck” scenario will evaporate. They’re damaging the country too by not seeing their journalistic responsibility as more of a priority than appearing unbiased abd both-sidesing things.
AdLib11 minutes ago

CL well she’s 17 has a good head on her shoulder and seems to be doing okay. Seeming focus on her school work and other activities.
10 minutes ago
I am a child of Murrow, Cronkite, and that ilk. I can’t believe what our contemporary media have become.
9 minutes ago
CL – I’ve shared that fact with others. The collapsing of support for the Religious Right and RW madness is what has them so desperate right now to steal away people’s rights and ability to vote before power slips through their fingers. And part of the psy-op isto act like they are the majority and have more power than they really do.
AdLib9 minutes ago
TW – I’d have little worry about any grandchild of yours. But I’d worry FOR them.
9 minutes ago
TW – Your granddaughter is remarkable, she will get through it all stronger and smarter but don’t know if a majority or minority of students will do so with her.
AdLib8 minutes ago
That is exactly correct – the weaker the Religious Right become, the more virulent they get. They are terrified of losing authority, but they are, relentlessly, inexorably because people are sick of their hate.
8 minutes ago

Appreciate both of you saying that. She is pretty strong willed young lady.
7 minutes ago
CL – Yes, for all those reasons I wouldn’t let my daughter go to a red state for college. My primary concern was her safety in these pro-rapist (not pro-life) states but also, poverty, lack of healthcare, unfunded social services, all threaten a safe and productive environment.
AdLib6 minutes ago
May she, in Spock’s immortal words, “Live long and prosper”.
6 minutes ago
Ad – all excellent reasons to keep her safely in Blue states.
6 minutes ago
CL – TW’s granddaughter loves books, is a budding poet, is her own person even as a teenager. Very impressed with her.
AdLib5 minutes ago
SO, any doubts that the Smith/Chutkin trial against Trump won’t be completed before election time?
AdLib5 minutes ago
My dear friends – i do think something is “coming on” in my exhausted body. I think I need to go to bed and hope I sleep it off. I do do that, so keep the hope. I want to hear more about your granddaughter, TW. But for now I think I’ve hit the wall and need to bid you both good night.
4 minutes ago

Ad I believe it will be the one to render the first guilty verdict.
4 minutes ago
I think the SCOTUS will dump the immunity motions quickly and the Chutkin case starts no later than May, Trump is a convicted felon by August…just in time for the run up to the GE.
AdLib4 minutes ago
Rest well, CL and take care of yourself and hubby. So sorry he’s going through this!
AdLib3 minutes ago
CL – You need to stay healthy!
AdLib3 minutes ago

Take care CL.
3 minutes ago
Good night all – it’s just inevitable this time of year. SOMETHING will get you. Both of you – stay well. Hold your breath until March, you’ll be fine. Hugs to you both.
2 minutes ago

2 minutes ago
Got my flu and covid vaccines back in October, I hope I’m good.
AdLib2 minutes ago
Shall we?
AdLib2 minutes ago

Well Ad will give you a call in a sec.
a minute ago
Sounds good!
AdLiba minute ago
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