Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 hours ago

Good evening Ad
2 hours ago
Hello my dear friends!
2 hours ago

CL it’s so good to see you here. Hope all is fine with you and you’re in good spirits.
2 hours ago
Hi, TW – it’s lovely to see you. This has been a very hard Autumn for me, but I’m here, I’m OK, and I can SEE much better now. The rest is survivable.
2 hours ago
Don’t know where Ad is. He’s usually front and center.
2 hours ago

CL I understand it’s been a stressful time for you. Just hope you are doing okay.
2 hours ago

Yes he is usually front and center, but I believe he will be on shortly.
2 hours ago
I’m Ok enough. Ad probably said my ex had died in late October, and I will NEVER be OK with that. But I will carry on.
2 hours ago

Yes Ad told me I’m sorry to hear about your loss.
2 hours ago
Thank you. We were not married any longer, but we remained close and caring. My husband was really OK with that. He’s been a brick through this all. And now HE has pneumonia though a very mild case, so naturally I’m a basket case worrying about HIM.
2 hours ago
This growing older things stinks. Needs work, IMHO.
2 hours ago

Well I hope he gets better soon.
2 hours ago

Yes old age does present us with a host of problems.
2 hours ago
He just found out the cough he’s had for a week is pneumonia, so we just got antibiotics. In a week he should be fine.
2 hours ago

Well it’s good he got that under control.
2 hours ago
As I am STILL waiting for the “joy of home ownership” to kick in, I’m waiting for those “happy Golden Years” we were promised. It all seems to be a blend of obligations. I am not happy about that.
2 hours ago

Murph is in the house.
2 hours ago

Murph how are you?
2 hours ago
TW – he will be fine. It’s a mild case, and he’s doing OK.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
At last….I have been trying to sign in for 15 minutes….keep getting kicked off…..BUT I am glad to be here now!
2 hours ago
Murph – it’s a GOP plot, you know. Awfully glad you’re here.
2 hours ago
Hello to CL and TW…..two of my very favorite people in the universe.
2 hours ago

Murph I trust you are doing okay
2 hours ago
As you are ours.
2 hours ago
I live in a state where GOP plotting is 7 days a week.
2 hours ago
Murph – that’s why we worry about you, dear friend.
2 hours ago
Doing ok….very busy……GOP here are now pushing to make it a capital crime for any Missourian to have an abortion or to aid in it.
2 hours ago

Murph ever time I read something about Trump and what he is planning I always wonder what they are planning in your neck of the woods.
2 hours ago
Murph – I saw that. I have no words.
2 hours ago
Thanks for the worry……did I tell you all that I sold off 2/3 of my land?
an hour ago

Murph some people just refuse to learn don’t they.
an hour ago
TW…..not only refuse to learn but rejoice in their ignorance.
an hour ago
Oh gosh! I don’t know if I’m happy or sad about that sale!
an hour ago
Hey, where is AD?
an hour ago

Murph you sold 2/3 of your land?? Wow that’s a surprise.
an hour ago
Murph – the celebration of ignorance is the new mode. I don’t get it.
an hour ago

Don’t know where AD is haven’t spoken with him this week.
an hour ago
CL…..I got an offer related to roadway and water control development and I saw no reason to hold on to what I will never use again.
an hour ago
Both – I just looked at my emails. I have nothing from Ad about tonight.
an hour ago
Murph – I get the reality. I am just sad for it.
an hour ago
OK…..Ad thought I was MIA and e mailed me this week….so not like him.
an hour ago
I talked with Ad last night for a bit via email. Not today.
an hour ago
CL….what reality? My land…..? I started small and added on as the Co-Op matured…now it is gone….so back to small.
an hour ago
You do know after this past month plus of loss, anyone MIA scares the living daylights out of me.
an hour ago

As I said I haven’t heard from him either, hope he is okay.
an hour ago
Murph – I know, but the dream of the coop and your farming just seemed so perfect. And then the wolf finally came, and there you were.
an hour ago
CL….truth….I need to be more diligent in alleviating concern…….
an hour ago

Ad is in the house.
an hour ago
CL…thank you for those thoughts…..there are very few of my former friends left.
an hour ago
AD>>>>AD>>>>>AD>>>>>AD….not MIA
an hour ago
Well the morning of Oct. 29 I called my ex as usual. No answer. No answer. No answer – and though I felt stupid, I called for a welfare check, and… the worst HAD happened. So I’m gun shy.
an hour ago

Ad you had us worried for the moment.
an hour ago
Hooray for Ad!!!
an hour ago
Hey all! Sorry for being late! Had a short in house electrical, still haven’t fixed it.
AdLiban hour ago
CL….your ex on October 29? I think I am missing vital info
an hour ago
Ad….you generate enough volts in your writing to power the house…doncha think?
an hour ago
Ad – do you need to fix it so you don’t burn down????
an hour ago

Ad, I’m telling you this now so you can be prepared for it, there will be a certain individual very close to you who will inform you that you are no longer allowed to have tools.
an hour ago
Just caught up. First, very happy you made it CL. I know you’re working through this terrible loss. You’ve been in our thoughts.
AdLiban hour ago
TW….FOTFLMAO……(falling on the floor laughing my ass off!)
an hour ago
Murph – my ex husband, to whom I was still quite close, was found dead the morning of oct. 29. The doc said it was heart, but I was totally unaware he had heart problems. I’m still in shock. Spent two weeks in his house – I now am the owner – getting his research transferred to various archives and his “stuff” moved out. I can’t believe he’s gone. But he is.
an hour ago
Murph – Glad you made it too. MO Repubs really think they’re not overplaying their hand by making abortion a capital crime. How do they think they can call themselves pro-life when they’re pro death?
AdLiban hour ago
TW!!!! Yes, I can see that in Ad’s future. I know that certain someone and stand with her in solidarity!
an hour ago
Oh….Choice Lady…..I am so sorry…you are the mistress of complex but very meaningful relationships….it is n wonder the loss touches you so deeply.
an hour ago

CL well when I was told I was more than happy to comply.
an hour ago
Ad – Thank you all for that. It may seem odd I remained close to my ex, but he was a good person, just not a great husband. And my great husband has been very supportive. I’m getting back on my emotional feet.
an hour ago
Ad……the Mo. legislature is marching to the tune of the Texas AG Paxton’s drum.
an hour ago
Murph – Hope you got a good deal on your land, when it’s sought for a road or public works, they usually pay a good dolar for it.
AdLiban hour ago
AdLiban hour ago

Murph all I can say is may the Devil take them all and then realize he made a bad deal and God is laughing his ass off.
an hour ago
Murph – Heh! Guess I was so brilliant today I overloaded my breakers.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – why are the scummiest of GOP the new “go to” role models today?
an hour ago
Ad….yes I did ok…..there were other options that they could have gone after if I dug in my heals….I had a figure in mind and they came very close.
an hour ago
TW – that is a superb way to look at it! Devil got the dregs. Cool!
an hour ago
CL….because the base on which they stand is swamp land populated by Marsh Creatures….these people really are repugnant.
an hour ago
Murph – so glad you got at least close to your price!
an hour ago

Murph I have to believe your high fiving sprinting senator is supporting like it he won the state lottery.
an hour ago
CL- Not a danger issue, either a short in the wiring or a breaker went out. Too dark now for me to try that now, will try tomorrow. Replaced two other breakers and an outlet in my futile attempts to fix it, back and forth to two hardware stores to find the right parts. Oh well…
AdLiban hour ago
TW…say a bit more about your comment about “my senator”….I may be missing something.
an hour ago
Murph – sent money to Kunce today. What are local reads on the race there? Hawley is just the Biggest Loser I’ve seen so far, discounting Trump, of course.
an hour ago
TW – Not using tools? Doesn’t that eventually happen in all marriages?
AdLiban hour ago

CL this group of Trump sycophants are really getting to be beyond stupid.
an hour ago
CL…thank you…..he is still behind but not by much…..if we have a fair election he has a good shot.
an hour ago

Murph good ole Josh I would think he is jumping up and down with joy for what is taking place in your state.
an hour ago
Ad – well, if it doesn’t work tomorrow, I have a GREAT electrician, and I bet he’d come down there. It’s only about a 5-6 hour drive each way, right>
an hour ago
Murph – My hope is that Paxton FINALLY gets convicted and sentenced in his April criminal trial. TX has proven their legislature is wholly corrupt, letting him off to wreak more criminal havoc as they did.
AdLiban hour ago
TW…ah the senior senator…..yes, I am sure that he is celebration beastly behavior.
an hour ago
Murph – why do people want that useless little man, Hawley? I don’t get it.
an hour ago

Ad yes it does and those of us who understand that it means we have time for other things accept it with joy without showing it.
an hour ago
Ad…as one who has had to master a lot of do it yourself tasks…..ones I generally hand over to pros are those that could kill me….like……electricity.
an hour ago

Murph is he up for reelection?
an hour ago
CL – Sometimes people can remain strongly connected when they split up. Takes a certain chemistry to live together but that doesn’t mean there can still be so much in common.
AdLiban hour ago
Hawley is up for reelection and my man is taking him on.
an hour ago
All – I have a friend who built her own home w her own hands EXCEPT on electrical. People told her that ‘electricity is like water’. Her point, a solid one, is that if you make a plumbing mistake you get wet. If you make an electrical mistake, you get dead.
an hour ago
CL…smart lady.
an hour ago

Murph when I was young my dad handed me a wrench and said this is a pipe wrench, I looked at him and said Ok, what am I’m supposed to do with it? He just took it and walked away.
an hour ago
Murph – That sounds good, that they came close to the figure you wanted. If you had tried to sell your land without a buyer already interested, especially land you have no need for, it could have been more likely the price you could get would be much farther away. This sounds like a case of good timing.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – we had a great life. Some things changed for me, he couldn’t deal w them. But that didn’t change what we DID have in common. He was part of my life for 42 years. That’s not nothing.
an hour ago
TW….what a GREAT vignette….made me laugh.
an hour ago
TW – LOL!!!
an hour ago
CL – I can only imagine how much an electrician’s house call would be traveling hundreds of miles. And then I call him part way, “I fixed it!?
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…add to your observations that there are those here. who would be happy to see me lose out in such a sale. MODOT and MOCON are pretty much independent.
an hour ago
Ad – you have a serious point there. Maybe you don’t really WANT to call Jeremy, but he’s simply freaking amazing at all things electrical.
an hour ago
CL…..my heart is warmed by your description of the different but still deep relationship transformed in change.
an hour ago
Murph – As a homeowner, I have learned to do so many things I never imagined I could do. Including working with electrical, installing garbage disposals, stove tops, repairing tile, on and on. Skills that remind me how annoying a house can be when it chooses to be.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph dad was good with plumbing, electrical wiring wood work. When he mustered out of the Navy he wanted to be a license plumber, but that was in the 50’s and that wasn’t happening for him. So he found a regular job and did a lot of side work. He was well known among the professionals by the quality of his work.
an hour ago
Ad…..I have done a lot of that plus all of the farming related tasks…..electricity still scares me though.
an hour ago
Murph – love doesn’t always die when life alters. I really do miss him. Living in his house for two weeks as things were being removed and the night silence prevailed was just AWFUL. But I’m here, safe, with Greg who loves me and life that goes on. I will be OK. But I never will not be sad.
an hour ago
TW…your father sounds like an admirable role model……
an hour ago
CL – That’s actually not so unusual that people come apart because one can’t cope with how the other grows into their own. But as you say, all of the things in common still remain.
AdLiban hour ago
CL….you are SO profound….you really, really are.
an hour ago
TW – that’s the “paper ceiling” of bias that held SO many people back. And yet he prevailed, was known for his care and good work. It’s not enough, but it’s powerful in the affirmation of who he was.
an hour ago

Murph he was, but we had our differences later in life.
an hour ago
TW….not surprising….as I imagine your intellect and wealth of observation could be grounds for some discord.
an hour ago
Murph – I recognize that you have folks who would have been happy to see things not work out for you with selling your land. Good thing it was a government entity, they might have tried to sabotage a deal with a private party, knowing how petty and spiteful MAGAs are.
AdLiban hour ago

CL yes, I have no doubt had he been able to get licensed things would have been different, but for things worked out fine.
an hour ago

Murph that’s a story for another time.
an hour ago
Ad…precisely……I was fortunate that the state commissioners charged with those two departments are persons of integrity.
an hour ago
That is the story we white people forget – the power of carrying on when the society has tried to stomp out your life and livelihood. That’s the courage of being adults in a bigoted world. My hats off to your father and to you for carrying on his determination.
an hour ago
TW…I wish we lived close enough to be able to have such a conversation.
an hour ago
CL – We do have a couple of electricians we can call, I’m giving it one last shot tomorrow replacing different breakers, if that doesn’t work, probably a wiring problem and I can’t invest the time that it would require plus I don’t have one of those voltage measuring devices which would probably be needed. Handling electricity is not so daunting when you know how to turn off the main power feed on the box. You can always double check by trying to turn on lights and plug things in that the power is off. I always leave a light turned on where I’m working, if it’s off, the power is off…unless the bulb goes out!
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – you DO know we could probably arrange a longish weekend in Chicago or nearby so we could all meet. Having lost someone so close, I think I want to seize the day every time i can. We should think upon this.
an hour ago

CL I believe it is what gives people the will and way to find ways around the obstacles placed in front of them.
an hour ago
TW – I do so agree!
an hour ago
Ad……best of luck in all of that……makes me nervous but you are one very smart cookie.
an hour ago
Ad – we always keep a lamp on for that very reason. Having spent three days with zero electricity last January, that was a good thing – could see when it was back. That and the HEAT!!!
an hour ago
CL……the thought is a good one…..complex for a number of reasons on my side of the wall…..
an hour ago
Well, complexities aside, see what would make it work for you – someplace closer such as St. Louis or other factors – and let us know.
an hour ago
CL….I would enjoy something less ambitious….a Zoom discussion among the four of us…..when I first came to the Planet a standing joke was the cocktail party background that we played with.
an hour ago
Talking about prinipled people, what do you all think about the growing Hunter Biden charges? My read is that, as usual, Repubs attack legit investigations and indictments when it affects them or their cronies like Trump so they can commit the wrong they’ve accused Dems of and claim it’s just “getting even”. None of the charges against Hunter are EVER prosecuted, especially not IRS related charges AFTER all taxes and penalties have been paid fully, as they have been with Hunter. In the end, he will be able to appeal any sentencing if the Trump-appointed judge and Special Counsel continue to pervert justice in this political way.
AdLiban hour ago
I MAY be coming through MA in April. The memorial for Tom is April 19, and I have his ashes he wanted distributed in a couple of locations in MA and RI. If that’s the case, Greg will be with me, and we might make something work then.
an hour ago
CL….my life is still not fully mine…..I have a lot of people who depend on me and what I do……I have not spoken of this but I have become a medical caregiver in the last two years. I have 15 clients.
an hour ago

CL that is what I don’t understand, the government was made whole with him paying the back taxes and penalties so I don’t get what they are doing at all.
an hour ago
Ad – there has never been an instance i can find when someone who paid his taxes w interest was then brought up on THAT single issue for criminal prosecution. This is selective enforcement of the law. It’s disgusting.
an hour ago

Murph you are clearly a man of many hidden talents and suprises.
an hour ago
Ad…a good summary of the Hunter Mess…..given how really dirty so many of the GOP are…..it makes me retch….Biden Crime Family…..Slanderous…..Trump Crime. Family….Established fact.
an hour ago
Well, is there some reason we can’t come to YOUR area then? I can see how you might not be free to leave, but let’s think of the possibilities.
an hour ago
CL – I would be down with getting together in Chicago, Boston, NY, wherever. I build up points on my credit card to use on flights so wouldn’t be a stretch at all. What say everyone else? Where and when would work for you?
AdLiban hour ago

The idiot in Congress who is trying to find dirt on Joe and his son is the lowest form of scum going.
an hour ago
Ad – Murph can’t leave his area easily, but we COULD think going to HIM.
an hour ago
CL..is this selective enforcement an effort to establish the independence of the DOJ from the President?
an hour ago
TW The House GOP are the most rancid idiots I’ve ever seen since Joe McCarthy.]
an hour ago

CL have to agree with that.
an hour ago
Murph – the DOJ is independent from POTUS. What the GOP are dong is Trumpian – weaponizing it against Hunter and thus POTUS.
an hour ago
CL…I appreciate the notion but it would be complicated……I live in a tricky place…..my preference is do what is wise and pragmatic…….
an hour ago
CL – Paying all back taxes, penalties and interest IS essentially settling any IRS matter. How can a prosecutor claim harm was done when all that’s been requested to settle the matter has been provided? And precedent shows NO ONE has ever been prosecuted in such a case as far as I’m aware. This couldn’t be more obviously a political persecution.
AdLiban hour ago

CL I agree with you on that, I have no doubt that Trump is on daily calls with Jordan and company plotting this all out.
an hour ago
Murph – then we will let you set the standard of our meeting IF we can and YOU can.
an hour ago
CL..so why the effort to hold Hunter Uber-Accountable?
an hour ago
CL…thank you…gracioius.
an hour ago
There is a lot of animosity remaining in place here….part of my willingness to part with land was a desire to trim down my profile.
an hour ago
Murph – it’s not even about Hunter. It’s the baseless effort to ‘prove’ that Joe Biden is corrupt and Hunter facilitated the corruption. ZERO evidence, but they are determined to assert that and impeach Biden EVEN THOUGH the allegations are about a time when Biden was not in office.’
an hour ago
CL….I get what the GOP game is in the House…what puzzles me is why the government is playing into that with its expanded charges.
an hour ago
Murph – If anyone doesn’t know the GOP game of accusing Dems of what they’re guilty of, they should have seen Lara Trump declaring that Biden is running, yes Biden, in order to avoid prison. There is no shame in their obvious and outrageous projection of their evil on non-evil people. Like Joe and Hunter. Hunter was messed up for a while but not evil and greedy like Trump’s family who have gained billions while working in the WH, unlike Hunter. That is an obvious crime yet Dems have for some reason, let Ivanka and Jared off the hook along with Trump in monetizing classified info and the WH.
AdLiban hour ago
TW…I meant to tell you how much I enjoyed your Libraries Essay…Trump DimWits Indeed.
an hour ago

CL I’m convince the only reason Trump wants Biden impeach is so he can play the what about you game during the election.
an hour ago
The DOJ per se is NOT going after Hunter – it’s that damned special counsel appointed by Trump. If Garland fired him, there’d be hell to pay as a ‘cover up” and if the doesn’t fire him, there’s this corruption of an ‘investigation’. There’s no good way out here.
an hour ago

Murph thank you for that.
an hour ago
TW – that’s EXACTLY why the House GOP are trying to impeach Biden – to “even the score”.
an hour ago
Murph – I understand completely and the concept of getting together would be more secure not for you to do so in your own state, considering the MAGA nutjobs keeping an eye on you there.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…..your Hunter vs Trumpers analysis is spot on.
an hour ago

CL, but that means they will have to try and impeach him twice.
an hour ago
CL…thank you for that clarification….of course I knew about the Trump appointed counsel but I had not connected fully with the impact of that and how it limits Garland.
an hour ago
Dems haven’t let Javanka off the hook – they freaking lost the House just as that was getting rolling. Can’t do it now. The GOP will hold the House by TWO votes and push their stupid shit again. But I’m wondering if some of the GOP in purple districts might vote AGAINST impeachment.
an hour ago
The bottom line is that Trump wants Hunter Biden prosecuted in the ballpark of when he is so he can “both sides” this. And you know, he’s right, I am not going to vote for Hunter Biden either for president. What does any of that have to do with Joe Biden though? If we’re going to damage candidates for what their relatives have done, Trump is in even worse shape!
AdLiban hour ago
CL – Can’t the Dems in the Senate hold hearings and require testimony about the exploiting of the WH Jared and Ivanka and Trump are guilty of committing?
AdLib44 minutes ago
Ad -Hunter Biden is the “evidence” that Joe Biden is corrupt. The GOP have made up crap they cannot prove just to do this work of smearing POTUS.
44 minutes ago

CL what I’m wondering is if the Repugs do bring charges if the Senate will just declare it null and void and not hold a trial at all which I found out they can do if they want to.
44 minutes ago
Ad…you “grok” my life here……one of the reasons I have taken on care giving is that it replaces my co-op profile as someone of value in the community and creates a new alliance system.
43 minutes ago
Ad – I’m not sure the Senate has jurisdiction, but I have heard there is conversation about Jared and Ivanka as a subject of exactly that. DOJ also has them in their cross hairs along with the seditionist House members.
43 minutes ago
TW – that’s freaking brilliant of the Senate.
42 minutes ago
CL – Right, I get that but it doesn’t quite work with reasonable people, which represents the majority of non-MAGA voters, to condemn Joe for what his son did. This is a dishonest propoganda campaign to smear Joe just as Trump tried to do with Ukraine. I think Joe should step into this strongly and make that point, “They have to construct false attacks on me because they can’t find one truthful reason to criticize my character!”
AdLib41 minutes ago
“Unlike my opponent, the 93 times criminally indicted and court determined rapist, Donald Trump.”
AdLib40 minutes ago
Ad…..I get your point…….but I wonder if Joe doing as you suggest (as right as that might be) would play into the GOP effort to draw the Prez in.
40 minutes ago

CL I was checking to see if the Senate had to accept the articles of impeachment and found out they do, but they could decide not to hold a trial which would end it. But, there is still the fact the house impeached him but I have to believe no trial because the Senate viewed them as being a bunch of dimwitted nitwits it would go a long way to getting many of them booted out of the House.
40 minutes ago
Murph – I grok, my friend.
AdLib40 minutes ago
Ad – first the House GOP have to figure out what they are trying to prove since the story changes w every member and every 5 minutes. Then the WH could push back. But they are not even organized in the GOP on message or issues. Makes it hard.
40 minutes ago
Ad…I knew you would get the reference.
39 minutes ago
CL – The Senate can call hearings on issues regarding legislation, including anti-corruption legislation. They could subpoena Jared and Ivanka for testimony along with all kinds of people around them. And they should. I heard rumblings of Senate Dems starting something like that up but not much since then.
AdLib38 minutes ago
We used to say in federal court cases against the religious right’s anti abortion violations that it was doubly hard to fight them because their attorneys were SO DUMB our attorneys had to make THEIR case first in order to rebut it. There is a power of exhaustion in gross stupidity.
38 minutes ago
Ad – i do think the Senate is considering this seriously.]
37 minutes ago

Ad I did see something about the Senate looking into Jared and Ivanka they’re not out of the woods yet.
37 minutes ago
P.S. what I am doing as a caregiver is to manage the meds, deal with. insurance and medicare/medicaid, represent clients to their medical providers and help them understand what is going on in their health lives.
37 minutes ago
Murph – that is a powerful role you have. Thank you for taking it on.
36 minutes ago

Murph that’s not only smart, but noble.
36 minutes ago
Thank you all…..when the co-op died my hours opened up. I have background in this and it did not take me long to get up to speed. It is providing purpose, some income and a shield.
35 minutes ago
Murph – Maybe but he could twist it into what should be a main strategy of his, pounding on Trump as a criminal who has lost or had to settle numberous fraud cases already and is facing criminal cases for comitting crimes using the power of the presidency to overturn elections and our democracy. Hammer the hell out of Trump as a criminal and would-be dictator. The evil he would perpetrate if re-elected using his own words and threats. That is a winner. And all they can do is say, “But Joe is bad because Hunter didn’t pay his taxes on time!” Not quite a level playing field.
AdLib35 minutes ago
Murph – that’s really great to read!
35 minutes ago
Ad…..I like your approach….take no prisoners….go for the jugular.
34 minutes ago
34 minutes ago

Ad I would think Uncle Joe would have his ad team working on some really powerful and true ads that would hammer away at Trump on this.
33 minutes ago
TW….I hope that is so……
33 minutes ago
TW – I guarantee, if the Repubs in The House impeach Joe Biden with no evidence for what his son has done, Biden’s poll numbers will spike upwards as Bill Clinton’s did when Repubs did the same to him over unacceptable grounds of lying about an affair.
AdLib33 minutes ago
Is there anyone over the age of 35 who doesn’t fear being smeared because of the actions of their kid? That charge – Biden should be impeached for Hunter’s acts – would strike fear in the hearts of even some MAGA w juvenile delinquent kids.
32 minutes ago
And I doubt Repubs will have enough votesd to vote for impeachment. They may have the votes for an impeachment inquiry but if any of the dozen Repubs in Biden districts votes to impeach with zero evidence, they will go down in flames next Nov.
AdLib32 minutes ago
CL…I am willing to bet that being raised by a Mega makes it more likely that you grow up to be a maggot.
31 minutes ago
Murph – I see Maddow here and there use “grok” too. She had to be a sci-fi nerd, like us, of course.
AdLib31 minutes ago
Murph LOL!
31 minutes ago

Ad yes maggots become annoying flies that get swatted down don’t they?
30 minutes ago
It is all quite an image…….and quite fitting……pests who feast on garbage.
30 minutes ago
Ad…Heinlein was a closet fascist but he was still quite talented.
29 minutes ago
Murph – they said they’d ‘drain the swamp’ even though swamps are important ecosystems. Theirs is the toxic waste dump and creepy crawlies that eat flesh. Gag.
29 minutes ago
BTW, did you see the idiotic hearing Trump’s lawyer had in front of the state SC trying to make the case that the Constitution and Amendments don’t need to be followed on the 14th Amendment and other constitutional restrictions on running for office?
AdLib28 minutes ago
CL…..I suggest that we adopt a stance of cleaning up the junk yard and cleaning up the cess pool.
28 minutes ago
Ad – never EVER forget that no matter the university, SOMEONE had to graduate at the bottom of the class. Those went on to be Trump lawyers.
27 minutes ago
Yes, I heard the Senate Dems were turning to look at Jared and Ivanka but nothing more since they mentioned that. And why just now? They’ve been going after Hunter Biden for more than 2 years!
AdLib27 minutes ago
Murph – good slogans!
27 minutes ago
CL….what do they call the med student who graduates at the bottom of his/her class……??????? “Doctor”
26 minutes ago
Ad – the sheer weight of treasonous people in America has slowed all out systems down. The financial corruption of Jared and Ivanka had to take a back seat to insurrection.
26 minutes ago
Murph – Yup. You may be dumb as a brick, but you’re still entitled to the name even if you passed the boards by ONE point.
25 minutes ago
Murph – If this is as serious as all Dems say it is, an election to either save or lose our democracy, why shouldn’t Biden stomp the pedal to the metal on Trump’s criminality?
AdLib25 minutes ago

I think it’s pass time that someone start looking at Stone, Bannon, they are up to no good.
24 minutes ago
Ad…..I am with you on this…….as I believe that this is a pivotal moment in our history (which I line up with the Civil War Era and the Great Depression) I just want the campaign to be a very sharp and nuanced one.
24 minutes ago
AD – BECAUSE Biden isn’t a prosecutor. Do NOT ask a president to do what he cannot legally do and what, until conviction, he can’t legitimately SAY. Biden was picked to follow the rule of law not assert criminality before trial. We want him to uphold our system of law and yet ignore it and point fingers. He is doing it in useful ways – but don’t expect him to descend to their level. Biden is LEADING in major non-Trump purchased polls. He’s doing the right things.
23 minutes ago
Murph – AMEN.
22 minutes ago
Ad….subtle analysis.
22 minutes ago
TW – Smith and Garland brought on new attorneys to look at the co conspirators.
21 minutes ago
I’ve mentioned this old film before but this was a propoganda film made in 1933, a US still in the throes of The Depression, that presented a fascist president as a panacea, that would cure all our problems. And…it was financed and had creative input from…William Randolph Hearst. Never doubt that a meaningful portion of Americans support fascism and see it as a quick fix for all the problems they fear…like democracy, racial equality, the loss of White Supremacy, women’s rights and equality, etc. “Gabriel Over the White House is a 1933 American pre-Code political fantasy film starring Walter Huston as a genial but politically corrupt U.S. President who has a near-fatal automobile accident and comes under divine influence—specifically the Archangel Gabriel and the spirit of Abraham Lincoln. Eventually he takes control of the government, solves the problems of the nation, from unemployment to racketeering, and arranges for worldwide peace, before dying of a heart attack. The film received the financial backing and creative input of businessman William Randolph Hearst. “
AdLib21 minutes ago

CL yes that is correct forgot about that. Makes me wonder if they are quietly going about their work.
21 minutes ago
Here in Mo. the Trumpistas are handing out bumper stickers that say “In November 2024 WE THE PEOPLE are going to return the government to the People.” They really believe that and as a codicil that folks like me are not among the People.
20 minutes ago
Murph – Better a closet fascist who writes fiction then one who intends to make it reality.
AdLib19 minutes ago

Murph really? None of these folks have bother to read any of the Federalist Papers have they?
19 minutes ago
Ad – and did the fascist under Hearst win? NO. And why NOT? Because FDR built back a robust economy and didn’t descend to the gutter trying to fight such propaganda. That said, I LOVED Obama’s “rapid response” team that pushed back IMMEDIATELY on every accusation against him. THAT is something we need again. A nation full of Jen Psakis.
19 minutes ago
TW…..the words “Federalist” and “read” would throw them for a loop.
18 minutes ago
Murph – yup, especially the “read” part.
17 minutes ago
CL – Excellent point that is empowering. Whether it’s doctors, politicians, lawyers, college professors (like Turley), many people who are in any profession were at the bottom of their graduating class and are relatively incompetent. And they can’t help but prove it if you pay attention to them.
AdLib17 minutes ago

Murph these folks have no concept of what the hell they are doing. Talking about giving away your freedom. What a bunch of nitwits.
17 minutes ago
As a member of the Obama Campaign Primary Teami in two states I learned the value of the rapid response stratagem.
16 minutes ago
Guys – I’ve been up since 4 am with hubs’ coughing, and I’m fading out. I am SO HAPPY to be back. I can actually SEE and reply again. And drive! I can drive! So I will catch up with you next week, but the siren song of pillows is calling me. Good night to you all. Ad best wishes with you electrical work!
16 minutes ago
CL…it is clear that you back to being in rare form….sharp and connected.
15 minutes ago

CL you take care it’s so good to have you back.
15 minutes ago
Good night, dear friends! Until next week!
15 minutes ago
CL…a toast to you as you exist for the moment.
15 minutes ago
Murph – Right, just Biden and Dems saying, “This is an existential crisis” is far too passive. If there was a fire in a building, would we yell, “The building appears to be on fire. It is critical that all of you inside recognize that this is a matter of life and death and you should work towards exiting the building as soon as possible. Shouldn’t they yell, “FIRE! GET OUT NOW OR IT WILL BE TOO LATE! GET OUT!” Urgency is not communicated through thoughtful sentences, the mode of expressing urgency needs to be…urgent. And emotional.
AdLib14 minutes ago
Murph – To MAGAts, “the people” is just a term for “us, the ignorant, racist minority”.
AdLib13 minutes ago
The MAGA Movement is fueled by uninformed emotionalism…..our side may be informed but it comes across as dull
12 minutes ago
Ad……those folks handing out the bumper stickers certainly operated from that world view.
11 minutes ago
CL’s point (Bye CL!) is a very good one. We shouldn’t also be like the editorial this week panicking that Trump’s tyranny is coming and we should be afraid, we need to be confident that we can fight and overcome Trump and his fascism. We should be rallied, not buried in fear.
AdLib11 minutes ago

Well, guys I’m a little out of steam so I’m going to call it a night for myself. Take care have a good weekend.
11 minutes ago
TW…..your boiler was plenty hot tonight….steam aplenty. Thanks.
10 minutes ago
Okay TW. Get some rest and have a great weekend!
AdLib10 minutes ago

Take care.
10 minutes ago
Ad……in the dark days of the Obama run, and there were a number of them…words like yours (in tone and temperament) steadied us and pointed the way.
9 minutes ago
Murph – So, with MO Repubs going way overboard, do you think they can overreach to a point where they lose races like Hawley/Kunce? Or is too much of the state brainwashed solidly into the cult?
AdLib9 minutes ago
Ad…never underestimate how depraved the deprived can be…..I think we need to fight the good fight but the odds are not in our favor……but they also point to a tight race…….Kunce has said that we have no choice but to wage a war for the truth and for integrity. Noble.
7 minutes ago
Murph – When fighters, soldiers, etc. are trained, when top athletes are trained, they are instructed to keep a lid on their emotions, don’t get desperate or emotionally driven, come from a place of confidence and execute your mechanics as you’ve trained. That’s what Biden and Dems need to be doing, display confidence that we will defeat these enemies of our democracy and the people of this nation while nailing them as the zealots they are.
AdLib6 minutes ago
Ad…I agree.
5 minutes ago
So you would say that the cultist MAGA mentality in MO can’t be broken by Repubs going so far over the line that it’s outrageous? Not surprised if that’s the case though.
AdLib4 minutes ago
That is a good summary. I fear that there is no “too far over the line” among the zealots who organize and drive the cult. Well, I have rounds to do tomorrow morning so I had best call it a night….but this has been great…..Don’t get zapped but, at the same time, remain your highly electrified self!
2 minutes ago
Always brings me back to the importance of Dems winning all of Congress and the WH in 2024, which is absolutely doable, ending the filibuster at least on constitutional rights, and passing voting rights bills that end gerrymandering and voter suppression. That is one way to force even red states like MO to have fair elections at the very least and so many Repubs seats will be lost in many states with such fairness, Repubs would lose power for at least a decade…until they finally pull back from extremism.
AdLiba minute ago
Heh! Don’t be shocked if I’m still around for Vox next week!
AdLiba minute ago
Get some rest, Murph, you’re doing such meaningful work!
AdLiba few seconds ago
Your platform is a smart one…..and, I agree, doable. Not shocking st all. Thanks for all you do for us here every week. Murph
a few seconds ago
Absolutely, same to you!\
AdLibin a few seconds
Good night.
in a few seconds
AdLibin a few seconds
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