Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib4 hours ago

Hey Ad well he’s gone.
an hour ago
AdLiban hour ago
Santos Clause is going from town!
AdLiban hour ago
Now he has nothing to bargain with prosecutors to reduce his prison time.
AdLiban hour ago

I don’t know about calling him Santa Clause, perhaps the vanishing Brazilian fake volleyball player and overall liar??
an hour ago
Well, I guess The Housedecided he’d been naughty and not nice.
AdLiban hour ago
Now Repubs only have a 3 seat majority and usually, dozens of Reps quit in the new year.
AdLiban hour ago

Clearly naughty as the rat he is. It seems Chunkuan has handed Trump a major slap down on his immunity claim
an hour ago
Yep, in the same day, a Fed civil judge and Fed criminal judge shot down his preposterous motion of immunity.
AdLiban hour ago

Well we know his favorite color is orange so he should feel at home in prison, although his new outfits won’t be tailored made just off the rack, wait he may be put on the rack that would be nice.
an hour ago

I will download both documents later for a little midnight reading.
an hour ago
It is kind of funny to consider that he will be a convict in prison by this time next year, very likely. Don’t think his fellow inmates will be too entertained by his lies and laughable macho act.
AdLiban hour ago
The civil case judge’s ruling was pretty brief. Haven’t read Chutkin’s fully but it seemed brief too.
AdLiban hour ago

There is so much there to unpack but I’m going to leave it alone.
an hour ago

The civil was 63 pages the Churkin’s is 48 will make for some good reading.
an hour ago
Oh, someone must’ve just posted the final pages of the civil judge’s decision.
AdLiban hour ago

Yeah Ali V is talking about it and has a copy have TV on in background
an hour ago
But those decisions along with the CO judge’s declaration in the 14th Amendment case that Trump was responsible in the sedition on 1/6, he is in deep trouble and it’s just a matter of time until he’s convicted.
AdLiban hour ago

From the discussion it sounds like Chutkin wrote a good response that will sway the Appeals and SC
an hour ago
Right. And Chutkin really made it so simple that Trump was acting as a political candidate just the same as Biden could have.
AdLiban hour ago
There was nothing Trump did that could even be considered a presidential duty. He’s trying to claim that he was just insuring that the election was not corrupt…and that’s not even a power or duty of a president!
AdLiban hour ago

The 14th Amendment case is going to end up in front of the SC and they’re going to have a decision to make and it will be a whopper no matter which way it goes, hopefully in the direction they tell Trump to go pound sand and stop bothering the courts with his dumb crap.
44 minutes ago

There is nothing he did while sitting behind the Resolute Desk he did that was presidential the four years he was screwing up the country.
43 minutes ago
It’s hard for me to imagine the RW nutjobs on the SCOTUS finding against Trump on the 14th Amendment but Icould imagine they just want to cut all ties between themselves and Trump because of how he tarnishes them. So, not positive.
AdLib43 minutes ago
I know judges won’t go there because it’s not appropriate for them to address but what he should have done during the insurrection that was presidential, sending troops to put it down, he didn’t do. So it’s clear, he didn’t have any sense of acting as president that whole day.
AdLib41 minutes ago

Well, I would think that since they want to call themselves originalist’s they would kick his fat ass to side and tell him he can’t run.
40 minutes ago
At the same time, they’re RW idealogues so I could also see them protecting Trump to help him and the extremist causes.
AdLib39 minutes ago
I wonder if Santos and Trump could be cellmates in prison. It would be a new remake of The Odd Couple.
AdLib38 minutes ago
Trump as Oscar Madison and Santos as Felix Madison.
AdLib38 minutes ago
Felix Unger!
AdLib37 minutes ago

Oh that would be really funny.
37 minutes ago
“Can these two men live together without driving each other crazy?”
AdLib37 minutes ago

36 minutes ago
AdLib35 minutes ago
AdLib35 minutes ago

Listening Ali on what Trump is trying to do in Georgia and Trump is desperate .
35 minutes ago

That was a great show.
34 minutes ago
Very desperate and far fetched. He will lose on every ploy, especially telling the GA judge that Trump can’t be tried because it’s “election interference”. And suggesting a 5 year delay if he’s elected is stripping the people of their right to have a tinely trial, That’s a legit issue that can’t be swept aside.
AdLib33 minutes ago
I loved that show.
AdLib33 minutes ago
Any judge would know that letting Trump avoid prosecution by running for office would signal any and all criminals to just run for some office to avoid being tried. The precedent would be ridiculous.
AdLib31 minutes ago

Yeah I don’t think he’s going to win that in Georgia. Gives a new meaning to Georgia on my mind doesn’t it?
31 minutes ago

AdLib31 minutes ago

The Georgia judge has to know that Trump is going to appeal this no matter what.
31 minutes ago
So I watched the debate and while DeSantis and Hannity took turns shouting over Newsom and framing questions in such a Repub-slanted way, Newsom got in some great knockout punches on DeSantis. And then today, his top SuperPac guy quit! DeSantis is so over!
AdLib29 minutes ago
Right, all the judges know that Trump’s game is to stall and appeal endlessly but that game has an end. And Chutkin made a quick decision so it can go to DC Appeals then SCOTUS in time to hold the March trial date.
AdLib28 minutes ago
Both the DC Circuitand SCOTUS will act quicker because of how the clock is ticking and how big these decisions are.
AdLib26 minutes ago

I saw some of the clips on Chris Hayes show and Newsom just nailed his butt to the wall and there was nothing he could do about it. If Desantos had any sense it would drop claiming family issues or some other fake excuse.
26 minutes ago

I believe Mike Johnson is on a very rope.
24 minutes ago

Very short rope
24 minutes ago
Yes, it wasn’t wall-to-wall domination by Newsom but he got some huge shots in on DeSantis who just kept doing his rehearsed rants about people coming up to him and telling him how great Florida is and how terrible CA and Biden are. And he kept talking over Newsom as a srategy that made him look desperate.
AdLib24 minutes ago

We will wake up one day and read Florida is doing it’s impression of the Lost City of Alantis.
22 minutes ago
I think Johnson’s speakership is safe, repubs are terrified about having to pick another speaker that could take months and tear them apart. I think he’s safe because of Repub fears of what would follow but he can’t do what he promised the MAGA nuts so they will get hysterical as budgets are passed without getting MAGA things passed.
AdLib21 minutes ago

We are in the time when those who really hate democracy are feeling empowered to make their view clearly known and believe they will be able to overthrow it and replace it with total anarchy.
20 minutes ago
Heh! Yep, much of South FL will be chaos as the ocean rises and storms destroy homes over and over…and insurance doubles year after year or isn’t available. FL is racing towards destruction and DeSantis just wants to ban books and yell at Disney.
AdLib20 minutes ago

I’m not sure I agree with you fully on that, but it does suggest we need to wait and see how he handles the next few weeks as we march to another shutdown.
18 minutes ago
Yes, so true but it could and has inspire more people to stand up and push back and outnumber the MAGA dictatorship cult.
AdLib18 minutes ago
Seeing how Johnson had to fold to pass the CR, I think we’ll see the same thing. He’ll first try to pass a MAGA bill then will quickly fold and put full budgets up for votes. Biden is sending his Ukraine/Israel funding bill to The Senate next week, it will pass then go to The House. Johnson will have no choice than to put it up for a vote or be attacked as anti-Israel which no Repubs can afford to be tagged.
AdLib16 minutes ago

What do you think of the news that Israel had information about the attack and did nothing about it?
16 minutes ago
It’s stunning but similar to what we’ve already heard, that Netanyahu and his ruling parties ignored. Just reinforces that when things finally settle down, Netanyahu will be thrown out of office like a drunk from a bar.
AdLib14 minutes ago
Netanyahu is despised by at least 70% of Israelis. He’s done, the people just don’t want to do it at this point in fighting with Hamas (or bombing innocent Palestinians).
AdLib13 minutes ago

I hope Netanyahu is thrown out and they finally settle on a two state solution it’s the only way that some level of peace will come to that part of the world.
12 minutes ago

I know people feel he should do what he can to crush Hamas but, that could drag on but we’ll have to wait and see.
11 minutes ago
And now that the Kochs are backing Haley, imagine if somehow Haley beats Trump in the primary? He would go insane, his one shot at avoiding prison would be taken from him, he would tear the GOP apart and I think Haley would lose bigger than anyone could imagine right now.
AdLib11 minutes ago

Haley v Biden, would be interesting.
10 minutes ago
The problem with the two-state solution now is that Hamas’ terrorist attackhas really turned Israelis against any accomodation of Palestinians. Pushing for it now would probably be quickly crushed. They want revenge now, like a majority of Americans after 9/11. It will take years to even try and start down that road.
AdLib9 minutes ago
Haley would lose hugely because Trump would take his MAGA voters away from the GOP, maybe run as an independent out of desperation to win the presidency by hook or by crook. And he is just the crook for that strategy.
AdLib8 minutes ago

I understand that, and how long were we in Iraq?
8 minutes ago

Yeah Trump would take his acolytes with him and try to run against the both of them. It would be interesting but not healthy.
7 minutes ago
Exactly. How long in Iraq? Until we could put in a government compliant to the US. And in Afghanistan far longer because we never could take over there. Same story with Gaza, no way to simply take it over with 2 million people who won’t accept being dominated.
AdLib7 minutes ago
It would be great for Dems if that happened. Haley and Trump would split Repubs, nearly all Dems would vote Biden, he would win hugely and Dems in Congress would too.
AdLib6 minutes ago
Then…after Trump loses, I think he flees or tries to flee because prison will be inescapable by then.
AdLib4 minutes ago
And he’ll whine that he’s a victim of a Dem weaponized judiciary that Biden controls like a dictator…while being senile somehow.
AdLib3 minutes ago

Well, there is a part of me that believes, Trump may be sideline by his health. I don’t think he can keep up with everything that is going on without having some major health situation. He is getting further and further out their and off the rails as things continue to not go his way with the courts.
3 minutes ago

Well, it doesn’t look like anyone is popping in at the last minute I will give you a call in about 5, that is if you’re up to it.
a minute ago
That is a possibility but as long as Trump is desperately driven each day to escape prison, it could sustain him until he loses. If he does have a health issue, it would be unpredictable what happens next.
AdLiba minute ago
Sounds good. Will email Murph tomorrow to see what’s up, he’s been gone for a while from Vox.
AdLiba few seconds ago

That would be good. He may be very busy with his campaign work. Give me a few will call.
a few seconds ago
AdLibin a few seconds
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