Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib18 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib16 hours ago
Hey TW!
AdLib16 hours ago

Good evening everyone
16 hours ago
Why doesn’t anyone plant coke in mu house?
AdLib16 hours ago
AdLib16 hours ago
I can’t believe how the MSM robotically pumped up this non-story.
AdLib16 hours ago
TW – Everything okay?
AdLib16 hours ago

Ad you want Diet Coke??
16 hours ago
Murph – You there?
AdLib16 hours ago

Ad things are fine. Granddaughter with her Aunt.
16 hours ago
TW – If it will make the media keep talking about me for days, sure, I’ll take Diet Coke too even if it causes cancer.
AdLib16 hours ago
I am here…..just stepped away for a moment
16 hours ago

Ad what’s a little cancer?
16 hours ago
TW – A nice break for everyone and fun for Auntie.
AdLib16 hours ago

Hey Murph.
16 hours ago
TW – A study just came out showing Asparatame, which is in many diet drinks including Diet Coke, causes cancer.
AdLib16 hours ago
I had guests from Friday morning to Tuesday morning last week…..wonderful….but still missed you guys.
16 hours ago
And considering how much Diet Coke Trump drinks…the timing may be interesting.
AdLib16 hours ago

Ad Having here her is great for everyone and she loves it. It’s her break from the family.\
16 hours ago
Murph – Hope you all had a wonderful time!
AdLib16 hours ago
Ad….did you know that writing about what causes cancer, causes cancer?!
16 hours ago
Murph – I did not know that. And not knowing about what causes cancer also causes cancer I hear.
AdLib15 hours ago

Ad well I stopped drinking soda a long time ago now it flavored bottle water.
15 hours ago
So yesterday, PPO, CL and I met in SFO for lunch and had a fantastic time. Realy woud like to find a way for both of you to join us next time.
AdLib15 hours ago

Ad How is PPO and CL doing?
15 hours ago
Ad…wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. We spent a great day in Hannibal and the nearby Miss. river towns….rich in history and Twain is always fascinating. We had tickets to an interactive “theater” experience with a Mark Twain “impersonator” who was astounding.
15 hours ago
Ad…..to you, PPO and CL….”Salut! Salut! Salut!”
15 hours ago
TW – We never really drank soda growing up, never had it in the house for my daughter but we did have Izze drinks and flavored sparkling water along with juices though she mostly prefers water as my wife and I do. And iced tea.
AdLib15 hours ago

Murph sounds like you had a good time.
15 hours ago
We did.
15 hours ago
I confess….I am a soft drink junkie!
15 hours ago
TW – PPO is doing very well. He’s on an around the world trip, going to the East Coast after SFO then the UK then some Europe then somewhere in Asia then back home. 6 week trip!
AdLib15 hours ago
The GOP as a Cult of Victimization is ever more apparent.
15 hours ago
And CL was doing well though still working through her vision issues but in great spirits!
AdLib15 hours ago

Ad use to drink a lot of soda at home and in my house then wife switch to flavored water and I started drinking it gave up soda. I will have one every now and then but usually ask for bottle water. Of course I will take a cold brew when I can get one.
15 hours ago
PPO…doing it right!…A Celebration of His LIfe and His Wife.
15 hours ago
Murph – I would enjoy doing that too. The romantic view I have of MO is of all those things, the river towns and of course, Mr. Clemens.
AdLib15 hours ago
CL….what an extraordinary champion…..a warrior for the truth.
15 hours ago

Ad where on the East Cost is he going? NY?
15 hours ago
Murph – When I was a kid, I had sodas occassionally but I loved 7-Up and Orange Crush.
AdLib15 hours ago

Murph I totally agree with your statement regarding CL.
15 hours ago
Murph – The GOP has become a parody of itself now, the victimhood, racism, fear mongering over imaginary threats, it’s all so exaggerated now. I think most people see that though their slavish cultists will drink the Kool-Aid until their lying on the ground breathing their last.
AdLib15 hours ago
Ad…..Hannibal is interesting….there are two streams of experience…..one is focused on the innocence of Tom Sawyer…..the other is a far more complex culture of slavery, segregation, poverty and cynicism re. the “greatness” of America. Twain was fantastic….wrote so much about so much.
15 hours ago
Can you believe the OK official who says they can teach about the Black Wall Street massacre but not mention the issue of race? It’s like a parody of racists but it’s real!
AdLib15 hours ago

Ad saw that on MSNBC I just laughed. These fools I think are starting to realize the whole they’ve dug for themselves and can’t get out of it.
15 hours ago
TW – It helps me to think of soda as drinking a mass of liquified sugar. Still, I do have it occassionally, on flights for example as a guilty pleasure.
AdLib15 hours ago
TW – PPO, CL and I shared drinks over lunch, PPO and I taking care of the IPO on draft and CL having white wine. We had a very nice time.
AdLib15 hours ago

Ad if I was flying soda wouldn’t be my first choice. I’m would be willing to pay the crazy price for small bottle of scotch.
15 hours ago

Ad a good beer is always welcome.
15 hours ago
Here’s something CL and I were passionately debating then, I mentioned the WAPO article describing how the DoJ, Garland and the FBI waited a year until after the House’s 1/6 committee exposed so much criminality to start their investigation of Trump, a year later. CL believes they were working on it all the time prepping the case and that the WAPO reporting is incorrect. What do you guys think.
AdLib15 hours ago
Murph – Exactly! The pub-like place we have lunch was one of Fergie’s favorite places in SFO so we meet there, thinking of her. Then PPO travels to other places that were special to her and them.
AdLib15 hours ago
I agree with CL….given how astute she is on matters juridical this is not surprising…..
15 hours ago
Hey CL!
AdLib15 hours ago
Hi – yes, WaPo ignored the sealed indictments from LONG ago that Garland had on the consigliere. Smith is opening them, acting on them.
15 hours ago

Ad, well according the reporting it seems like there were competing forces in the DOJ on how to proceed. So I’m not sure if they were doing what CL thinks. In any case I’m just glad they are moving forward. I know many are concerned that Trump will drag this out but that was his plan all along. So as long as Jack nails his fat butt to the wall I’m happy.
15 hours ago
Hey Ad and TW. Hope others get on tonight, too.
15 hours ago
Hello….CL…..we were just tossing out accolades in your direction.
15 hours ago

CL is in the house.
15 hours ago
TW – PPO is going to Buffalo then to Boston! Maybe you two could hook up!
AdLib15 hours ago
MURPH! Once again you’re here but on the “dance card”. Great to see you. YOu and TW missed a LOVELY time with PPO yesterday. It was such fun to see him.
15 hours ago

Ad If he is going to Boston that is a possibility. Give him my information and phone and perhaps we can meet up.
15 hours ago
Hey TW. That would be very cool to meet up., PPO is a wonderful man as are you.
15 hours ago
CL….so I have heard via the Vox grapevine…..
15 hours ago
Murph – Teain remains a beloved author for me, that mixture of wisdom and humor in the face of poverty and racism, he was an artist of a writer and so original and clever in his writing.
AdLib15 hours ago
TW – I think you’re doing the flying thing better than me! Scotch beats soda any day!
AdLib15 hours ago

CL it would be nice. Just need a date and location. If I had to guess he would be staying downtown and one of the hotels in Boston. It would be good to meet him.
15 hours ago
I just don’t drink enough alcohol, that’s my conclusion.
AdLib15 hours ago
Ad….his political insights and social critique often nested in “entertaining” witticism.
15 hours ago
TW – I will pass your info along to PPO. That would be fantastic if you two could meet too!
AdLib15 hours ago

Ad thanks I would look forward to it.
15 hours ago
Ad – I think your consumption level is perfect. I adored the wine yesterday – I drink rot gut at home so it was much adored. But I’m usually 2 glasses a day. Interestingly I did not feel it. So it was gentle on my tongue and my body.
15 hours ago
Here is an interesting sideline…..there was a meeting of farmers/ornamental flower growers/botanists re. the drought we are experiencing. Ended up in a shouting match with the science oriented climate warming camps vs. the inane, insane, apologist blamers.
15 hours ago
I enjoyed the trip to and from Sacramento – love the train. However, going back, I missed the 3:30 by TWO MINUTES. The platform in Richmond did offer benches and it was MUCH warmer than SF had been, so no hardship.
15 hours ago
Murph – There are writers who I think tell good stories and write in creative ways but Twain is among those who inspire and set an example of insight, wit and vision that makes other writers try to chase. Dickens is like that for me too.
AdLib15 hours ago

Murph for some reason I find that funny.
15 hours ago
Ad….Dickens and Twain were soul mates although Dickens was far darker than Twain.
15 hours ago
Ad – WHO in the ag world would not accept SOME aspects of warming? They see it before their eyes. Doesn’t matter if man or God did it – you gotta do SOMETHING to keep your livelihood.
15 hours ago

Murph I have to say I’ve not read any of Twain’s work. I know his is witty but never quit cared for his writing.
15 hours ago
Sorry – that was Murph’s story about the climate deniers.
15 hours ago
CL – Glad you got to enjoy some lovely wine yesterday (hard to believe that was just yesterday). I do like drinking socially but just don’t drink much on my own. I have a very full liquor cabinet I should try making not so full, in a modest way of course.
AdLib15 hours ago
Murph – The sad thing is that no matter how hard the climate deniers argue and how the Repubs in MO fight to make Climate Change worse by doing nothing or increasing pollution, the farmers and the deniers will still suffer from it just as much.
AdLib15 hours ago
Murph – Dickens lived much more harshly. He and his mother were in one of the British workhouses. Twain was pretty middle class. I’ve been to his home, and it wasn’t at all fancy but was nice. I was pretty horrified to learn from his bio that they had a slave. I rather imagine he’s the model for Jim.
15 hours ago
15 hours ago
CL – That’s good to hear! The next BART train came pretty quickly. Someone left an unattended bag on the AirTrain at SFO airport so they locked down that train but only a few minutes until the next. They take that unaccompanied baggage thing very seriously.
AdLib15 hours ago

Murph I have to say it’s a bit confusing to me how farmers can be climate change deniers when the evidence is right there in front of their eyes with shrinking water supplies and dried up crops.
15 hours ago
Sorry – problems at the door I need to tend. Hope to get back. Lovely to see you!
15 hours ago
Murph – Dickens was darker but he still had a sharp wit and both saw the big picture on their society and the human tolls and challenges of their times.
AdLib15 hours ago
CL….it is hard to believe how many who live at the mercy of environmental factors are willing to shut their eyes in order to feed their sense of victimization.
15 hours ago
A Christmas Carol is quite amusing and no doubt was seen even more so as light and clever in it’s era.
AdLib15 hours ago
Give Dickens his due on humor: ““You may be an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of underdone potato. There’s more of gravy than of grave about you, whatever you are!”
AdLib15 hours ago

Ad as I said I’m working my way to reading authors I was supposed to in school and finished a Tale of Two Cities a couple of years back. Considering some his other works but my list of books to read is long.
15 hours ago
CL….Twain did live some of his young life in some comfort…but when’ his father, a rather bleak man, lost his position as a JP, the family lost everything and ended up living with two other families as charity cases….and as Samuel C”s awakening to the horrors of slavery and the injustice of the emancipation process he was tormented by it. His autobiography conveys much of this.
15 hours ago
TW – I love David Copperfield, such a wonderful epic adventure and eye-opener about the travails of the poor and struggling. It was a template for so many stories in the world of literature.
AdLib15 hours ago

Murph well that is something I didn’t know about Twain.
15 hours ago
Ad…do you know the story of the “Christmas Carol”…..it is fascinating….Dickens wrote it as a serialized story for a weekly newspaper….and it has often been hailed as the “blueprint” for celebrating Christmas which had been, up to then, a rather bleak religious feast only. So much of what he features in the story was manufactured for the tale. And of course, the theme of damnation/resurrection based on the treatment of the poor was a hard slap at the mercantile classes.
15 hours ago

Ad Copperfield is the next one Dickens books I plan to read. I’ve started Hawthorne’s House of the Seven Gables.
15 hours ago
TW….I was vaguely aware of the fuller story of Twain’s life but that day in Hannibal filled in a lot of the lacunas.
15 hours ago
Murph – What is perhaps a little scary about this mentality, where farmers whose lives are reliant on the weather are so brainwashed into putting tribalism above everything else, are willingly destroying their future and their family’s future in continuing to farm their land. People can be brainwashed to sacrifice their livelihoods, their futures, their freedom (ask the 1/6 MAGAS) and their lives (consider the Lone Wolf mass murderers and the one who just stalked Obama’s house). Human beings can be brainwashed to endanger their lives, families and financial stability. That is sobering.\
AdLib15 hours ago
In many ways Dickens and Twain had the same MO…use a fictional story to transmit the reality of a hard, harsh world across all classes.
15 hours ago
TW – BTW< loved A Tale of Two Cities, read it in High School and it has stayed with me.
AdLib15 hours ago

Ad many of those books I was suppose to read in HS and part of the summer reading list. Never did either. So, will make up for now.
15 hours ago
Ad… mental distortions that seem to accompany those who self righteously rail against “the lies” launched at them by their enemies who oppose their True America are inherently self destructive.
15 hours ago
Murph – That’s very enlightening about Clemens. I know he was disgusted by slavery but CL’s note that they had a slave when he was young and the family was doing better, inspiring the character of Jim perhaps, is very interesting.
AdLib15 hours ago

Ad and Murp, was watching a reporter interviewing a Trump supporter asking him questions if he still supported Trump with all that is going on, the T.S. said he would and then added Trump could stand on the WH steps and shoot someone and he would still support him. What a fool.
15 hours ago
Ad…one the most impressive sites we visited was a “set of cabins” like those lived in by emancipated blacks who worked in Hannibal and on its farms and lived lives of quiet desperation and oppression ….Twain apparently was a crusader in this.
15 hours ago

All, what I will never understand is Trump has been caught in so many lies and those who support him refuse to see the truth.
15 hours ago
Murph – That is an excellent synopsis of Dickens and A Christmas Carol. Yes, I did know about it being a serial and what you point out is part of what so impressed me about it, writing a condemnation of greed in the midst of the poverty so many lived in, as portrayed as noble in their poverty and making Scrooge the man of wealth as the one who is “ressurected” as a compassionate, more “godly” man, was simply brilliant and as hopeful and optimistic as Dickens ever was.
AdLib15 hours ago
TW……Plummeting IQ’s and Loyalty to the MAGA Messiah go hand in hand.
15 hours ago
Ad…I think that one of the after affects of the success of the serial…written in five acts to match the 5 editions immediately prior to Christmas which were smash hits brining Dickens to the attention of publishers in a way that he had never imagined.
15 hours ago

Murph, I suppose that is best explanation one can provide. Because it will never make sense to me. Especially when they can see he lies like a fish.
15 hours ago
Murph – It seems like hatred and fear are the mind worms, if they can be activated enough by RW mouthpieces, they burrow through all barriers of conscience, justice, and compassion and turn these “victims” into The Walking Mad. They hate and deny reality, sometimes seeming like zombies, acting on instinct instead of any shred of reason.
AdLib15 hours ago
Ad…Hatred and Fear have been the primary tools of so many who have served the agenda of chaos and darkness……Trump and his cohort have joined that club.
15 hours ago

Ad, mind worms, the walking mad, I like that.
15 hours ago
TW – This is the documentable mental illness that the brainwashing of the MAGA crowd has accomplished. They are programmed with hate and revulsion of specific things they’re told are the enemies of their tribe and they simply hate them without any need for reason. I have seen some of these MAGAs in interviews and even when confronted with the obvious ridiculousness and contradictions of their programmed opinions, they hesitate and struggle to explain things that don’t make sense like it’s their responsibility to their tribe to defend madness. And I suppose it is.
AdLib15 hours ago
Ad…….the five acts……Prelude (Stooge, Crotchet, the Nephew at Stooge and Marley’s accounting house and the walk to the mercantile exchange and home with which displayed all of Ebenezer’s meanness)…..The Visit of Marley and the Promise of Three Spirits with the First of Christmas Past appearing then….The Second Spirit of Christmas present…..The Third Spirit of Christmas Future….and then Salvation as a result of the rebirth of kindness and charity in his heart….OF NOTE….THE VERY SMALL ROLE THAT CHURCH PLAYED IN THE STORY…..AND THUS CONDEMNED BY RELIGIOUS AUTHORITIES.
15 hours ago
Murph – I’ve only seen in movies what slave quarters and emancipated slave shacks looked like.They were always represented as pretty barren and cold, a very hard life for anyone who had to live in either.
AdLib15 hours ago

All, the jobs report came out and another good one, not as many jobs as last month but still a strong growth. Also, people are starting to see the results of Bidens plans for infostructure taking place and for some reason they’re still made at Bidden.
15 hours ago
AD….PENCE experienced that madness first hand when confronted by a group at a rally that blamed him for unlawfully certifying the election. His explanation was spot on and completely rejected by the crowd.
15 hours ago
TW – Yes, that’s what I was addressing, the brainwashing of these people to where the thoughts planted in their minds are gospel and nothing, no argument, fact, principle, hypocrisy, whatever, is capable of changing their obedience to their brainwashing. That’s why it’s called brainwashing and it happens in all cults which the GOP blatantly is now.
AdLib15 hours ago
TW…did you notice how the financial sector responded to that report…..sell offs, and doom and gloom predictions.
15 hours ago

Murph the finance people are like the MAGA folks good news is never enough for them.
15 hours ago

Murph that is what happens when the only goals is profits and more profits. Milton Freedmen is rolling over in his grave.
15 hours ago
Murph – It is a wonderful turn of events when a talented artist who may not be so commercially recognized, comes up with a brilliant idea that is faithful to his type of writing and vision, and magically strikes a popular chord that brings him or her to huge success. I think Dickens will always be more broadly known as the man who wrote A Christmas Carol by most people than any of his other works.
AdLib15 hours ago
Prigozhin and Putin….a fantastic special on MSNBC……Modern Russia as a creation of the Mafia, Intelligence Services, and the Plutocrats…what an insightful study!
15 hours ago

Murph my only advice to Prigozhin is never enter any building that has more than one story.
14 hours ago
Murph – Very nicely done! Yes, the church has always been of a mind of dictators as an entity that is quick to brand others as enemies simply for presenting a legitimate opinion of them or disputing their dominance over thought…ask Galileo about that too.
AdLib14 hours ago
Ad….it is certainly true that Dickens is most know for the Christmas Carol…..as to the rest of his works….this list from Publisher’s Weekly is most thought provoking….
14 hours ago
TW – It is the mission of the MSM to keep Biden weakened so that 2024 will be a horse race. They have unfairly attacked him for so many things (this cocaine BS is the worst of them all) despite his overseeing a record recovery and the best economy in the world right now. It is a perverse game driven by greed. Biden’s approval should be in the 60s at least but the MSM hammers him while ignoring how much good he has and continues to do.
AdLib14 hours ago
I saw a followup interview with Pence about that experience of being challenged by a crowd for unlawfully validated the election results….he seemed surprising ruffled that his very sensible explanation was rejected out of hand….he should be most wary and be warned.
14 hours ago
Ad….your take on ALL of the MSM is spot on. Friendly progressive leaning channels are every bit as critical as the right wingers…..all for the sake of the horse race I think. Yes, I agree with you.
14 hours ago
Murph – Pence has to be a torn man. He knows he enabled the worst of Trump then when asked to commit a crime against the Constitution, he was faced with a choice of becoming a criminal or obeying his oath and not going down in history as a seditious VP. Now he’s running without any constituency, knowing MAGAs and Dems despise him. All I can guess is that he figured there would be a big payday for him in running a futile race because otherwise, his career is over and no one would hire him for anything anyway.
AdLib14 hours ago
Good Gawd……make sure you find a way to watch that special…Revolt from Within: The Rise of Wagner….what it says about Prigozhin and his forces is eye opening.
14 hours ago
Murph – I read something smart today, someone said that Wall Street can quit being “surprised” every month by jobs and economic numbders and start recognizing that the economy Biden has helped build is strong and resiliant. The reason they keep being surprised is that they keep trying to talk the country into a recession to help Repubs and help billionaires use the chaos to make even more money.
AdLib14 hours ago
Ad….good analysis of Pence’s strategy….I would add that he may also hope to rescue some of his dignity and place in history…doubtful.
14 hours ago
Murph – I’ll have to check out that MSNBC special on their website. Sounds right on the money.
AdLib14 hours ago
Ad….yes, I find the financial sector’s “surprised reactions” transparent and venal.
14 hours ago
I have not read Our Mutual Friend. Now I have a new item on my to-do list.
AdLib14 hours ago
Ad….I will be interested your take on “Our Mutual Friend”
14 hours ago

I’m back, lost my connection and I’m using an older laptop and it takes a bit longer to reconnect.
14 hours ago
Pence only pursued the VP job with Trump because otherwise, his political career was over. Now it really is fully over for him so he makes this last desperate attempt to sweep up money but I doubt it’s going too well for him. On Fox TV next season: “Everyone Hates Mike”.
AdLib14 hours ago
I’m back. No crises like homeless crises. OMG. There is no such thing as good sense on the streets.
14 hours ago
Is CL still here…I see her name in the user list….but not her…..oh, there she is.
14 hours ago
I meanwhile remain invisible in these list.
14 hours ago
Yup. I’m back. I don’t care how demented the GOP are, the trickle down is in my yard.
14 hours ago
CL…they know who go to do they not?
14 hours ago
Murph – you are invisible. Stealth.
14 hours ago
One of the homeless women came to wish me Happy Mother’s Day on that day. I thanked her but said i did not actually HAVE kids, and she said, truthfully, “Well – all of us.” So yeah. She’s right.
14 hours ago
Murph – Pence isn’t seeking to rescue his dignity, he just said to a reporter that he disagrees that the wealthy should pay their fair share of taxes. As I said, everyone hates Mike and he keeps reminding everyone that they’re right to do so.
AdLib14 hours ago
Welcome back CL and TW!
AdLib14 hours ago
Ad – LOL! You are spot ON. Nobody likes Pence, and he is good at reminding us why.
14 hours ago
TW – Using a phone modem to connect to the internet on that computer?
AdLib14 hours ago

Ad Pence has to know he has no chance at all. Why is he putting himself through this? Is it his way of doing penance for his dogged support for Trump the four years he was VP?r
14 hours ago
Hey TW – sorry about the slow connection. Computers have their limitations.
14 hours ago
CL…I have been recommending Revolt from Within: The Rise of Wagner….on MSNBC…extraorsdinary…what it says about Prigozhin and his forces is eye opening.
14 hours ago

Ad, I’ve come close to taking a hammer to this machine. Waiting for mine to be fixed hopefully will have it back next week.
14 hours ago
Murph – I will take a look. I’ve been following Maddow’s Msnbc.com//dejanews. It’s VERY on point about today recapitulating the 1950s.
14 hours ago
CL – That’s wonderful that she said that to you, your being like their Mom!
AdLib14 hours ago
Ad…..I agree that pence still is as he has been…but the dignity I refer is very narrow and reference his desire to be disassociated from the lawless electoral takeover represented by the mob and by legislative efforts to steal the election.
14 hours ago
Ad – I’m always glad if I can help, but I know NONE of them take my advice.
14 hours ago

CL not a slow connection this laptop has the a tendency to just reboot itself for no real reason and since it’s an older machine it takes a bit to get back up.
14 hours ago
TW – LOL! A computer with self direction? My idea of hell.
14 hours ago

CL that’s why I say be afraid of AI be very afraid.
14 hours ago
TW – As I mentioned, Pence has nowhere else to go and nothing else to do. Repubs don’t want him, Dems don’t want him, this is a futile and pathetic “campaign” of desperation.
AdLib14 hours ago
TW – I totally agree about AI. Although if it would do my cooking and cleaning, I’d be OK. \
14 hours ago

Ad he should do what Jimmy Carter did, go out and build homes for Habitat of Humanity
14 hours ago
Ad – do you think a man who resembles a hard boiled egg really thinks he has a chance to be president?
14 hours ago
TW – Pence has no humanity, so right there he’s locked out of a path to his better self.
14 hours ago
Murph – I saw that. And news today that allegedly, Wagner Group hobbled Russian forces communication. May be accurate or propaganda but I thought there would have to be some Wagner people who would continue attacking the Russian military.
AdLib14 hours ago

Cl, three movies for you on AI The Forban Project, I Robot and Ex Manca oh and Termninator1 and 2
14 hours ago
Question – weren’t the Wagner folks the ones who committed the most horrific of the atrocities against people in Ukraine?
14 hours ago
TW – I will send my best thoughts to The Computer Gods that your computer is fixed and back in your hands ASAP.
AdLib14 hours ago

Cl, well if he worked for them he might develop some after all isn’t a good Christian?
14 hours ago
May I go back to the meeting I mentioned a while back…..a large group of farmers mostly with state agricultural authorities to address our drought…..when the authorities tried to suggest that Mo. is part of a world wide shift (i.e. global warming) there was outrage. When a member of the science team suggested that the audience members compare rain and snow falls from their childhood with those currently many started yelling “Lies”, “Fake Science” “Liberal Propaganda” as if on cue…which of course they were.
14 hours ago
TW – I saw the Forban Project, I Robot, but not Ex Manca. Did see Terminators 1 and 2 and remember as a lobbyist I’ve also seen THE terminator in person. Stood with him at a press conference. The man has flawless skin on his neck. Tan, no pores, no hair, smooth as a baby’s butt. And he’s an idiot.
14 hours ago
Murph – But Pence is only destroying whatever goodwill the majority of the country might have given him on 1/6 with his racist/theocratic/pro-billionaire campaign. It’s doing just the opposite, shoveling manure on his one shining moment. He will be remembered as a failure after crashing and burning and being flatly rejected by his own party in this primary. And he should be.
AdLib14 hours ago

Murph are you serious??? They won’t believe their own eyes what is happening to them. My goodness.
14 hours ago
CL – If none of them take your advice, then you are like a Mom to them.
AdLib14 hours ago
Murph – the ONLY time I ever got climate deniers to shut up was agreeing God might be doing it, but that we were made stewards of the earth and were being challenged to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. They actually had no comeback.
14 hours ago
CL….Wagner Group is know world wide for atrocities as a tactic….one of their unit symbols is a sledgehammer…..not the old Soviet Symbol…but representing a favorite means of execution….smashing the bones in the extremities to bits leading to death inducing shock. AND filming it for broadcast.
14 hours ago
Ad – Exactly my Mom status. I give practical, not middle class advice. Still, nobody does anything. And there it is.
14 hours ago

CL perfect description of Arnold.
14 hours ago
TW – Pence isn’t a good human being like Carter. Instead of building homes for the needy, Pence will spend his free time building tax shelters for the wealthy.
AdLib14 hours ago
CL….rational deniers? Amazing.
14 hours ago
Murph – I had heard that about Wagner. I cannot root for them v the Russian Army for those reasons. The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy.
14 hours ago

CL Ex Manca is the one the really scared the crap out of me with it’s ending.
14 hours ago
CL – I trust a fly’s discernment on what Pence really is.
AdLib14 hours ago
Murph – I didn’t say they were rational. I just made an argument they couldn’t actually rebut.
14 hours ago
Ad – the fly knows.
14 hours ago
TW – Don’t forget War Games. Shall we play a game?
AdLib14 hours ago
CL…..I have had similar discussions with the faith focused but what I often get is that “God is in Control…HE has a plan……This is HIS judgment.” In other words, there is nothing I can do.
14 hours ago

Ad only if it’s tick tact toe
14 hours ago
CL – Yes, we shouldn’t root for the Wagner monsters to win more power, they are the most horrible of all the Russian thugs. but I do root for them to be in a continuing conflict with Putin and the Russian army.
AdLib14 hours ago
I have sworn off all Apocalyptic films. Too much like life. I am in search of a good comedy with no dark side.
14 hours ago
Friends, I need to head to bed…..heed the need to slumber….
14 hours ago
Ad – that’s a good balance: hope they each off the other. I can live with that.
14 hours ago

Murph God does have a plan, it’s to tell the fools who won’t do anything about Climate Change that they are on their own. And his isn’t going to destroy them like he did with the great flood.
14 hours ago
Good night, Murph. Lovely to see you! Next year in Marienbad maybe we ALL can get together with PPO.
14 hours ago

Murph take care.
14 hours ago
TW….sharp take on the false piety.
14 hours ago
TW – they think they will be Raptured, so they don’t give a damn.
14 hours ago
Murph – The meeting you describe sounds like the preface to the disaster that will be coming to MO and many farming states, especially those that don’t prepare at all for the growing droughts and crop damage from extreme weather.
AdLib14 hours ago
Good night, Murph – I’m heading toward sleep, too. Long, stressful day. Hope your weekend is good.
14 hours ago

CL yes to good ole rapture play. Not going to happen.
14 hours ago
My fave button on a prochoice escort: ” When the Rapture comes, will you REALLY go away?”
14 hours ago
CL – Arnold has done so many steroids, no wonder his skin is like that.
AdLib14 hours ago

CL that’s funny.
14 hours ago
I thought steroids gave you acne. His skin was lovely. He’s still an idiot.
14 hours ago
CL – That is brilliant, setting Climate Change as an act of God. Love it!
AdLib14 hours ago
TW – I loved it. Even some of the Catholics who aren’t into End Times, sort of snorted at it.
14 hours ago
Ad – Well, if you begin where they are – God is challenging us – you at least get past the angry denial.
14 hours ago
FYI, the film is Ex Machina.
AdLib14 hours ago

CL well Catholics have their own issues.
14 hours ago

Ad good catch.
14 hours ago
TW – they do, but they ARE really good on care for God’s creation. They have been with us on climate change.
14 hours ago

Ad it still scared the crap out of me.
14 hours ago
AdLib14 hours ago

CL well that’s good to know. It’s the rest of the fools who refuse to see what is right in front of them.
14 hours ago
AD!!!! That is AWESOME advertising!
14 hours ago

Ad that is priceless and timely.
14 hours ago
I thought it was pretty funny too. Why didn’t I think of that?
AdLib14 hours ago

Ad I’m sure that went over the heads of many.
14 hours ago
No doubt! Especially those farmers in MO whose fields are drying up.
AdLib14 hours ago

Ad and they will be first in line seeking help from the Biden administration.
14 hours ago
OK, I’m following Murph’s suggestion and heading for a snooze. Had a wonderful time yesterday, but it’s taking the whomp out of me more these days. So I will hope to see you next week. Be well, you two. TTYL. Good night!
14 hours ago
And how about FL? All of our predictions are coming true, tourism is down by double digits, teachers and professors are leaving and not enough are coming in, crops and constructions sites have shut down without immigrants to work them, students are leaving the state to go to college in bigger numbers, FL is going to be in massive trouble with 2 years.
AdLib14 hours ago

CL take care.
14 hours ago
Do you want to call me or shall I call you?
AdLib14 hours ago

I will call you in a sec.
14 hours ago
Ok. Just messaged PPO about meeting with you if he can when he’s in Boston.
AdLib14 hours ago
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