Vox Populi, our weeky live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
6 days ago
Hey TW!
6 days ago

Hey Ad, saw you tried to step in last week be I’m guessing you thought better of it consider the circumstances
6 days ago
Actually, I pulled out my phone at the wedding reception to take some video and it was still on the browser on Vox so it looked like I was on but I wasn’t. Very fun wedding!
6 days ago

Good to hear you had a good time.
6 days ago
Sorry I missed last Vox but Trump remains indicted on Federal charges for the first time with more on the way!
6 days ago

And I’m sure you wife was very happy you were paying attention to what was going on their.
6 days ago
You offered great advice, my friend!
6 days ago

I’m relative sure you wife appreciated you paying attention to family.
6 days ago
Trump may be holding steady in the GOP primary polls but he is slipping as expected in General Election polls, I think it’s very likely he ends up losing by 6 points, or as he would say, “yugely”.
6 days ago
6 days ago
Hey CL!
6 days ago

Besides you earned a whole lot of wife credits that you can use later.
6 days ago
Hey – it’s just the three of us. Again. Good to see you, gentlemen!
6 days ago
TW – Can I cash those in for an electric scooter?
6 days ago

CL is the house and now the party is officall.
6 days ago
Nice to see you too, CL!
6 days ago

Ad No but you can use them for a lot please forgive me’s
6 days ago

CL good to see you hope all is working out for you.
6 days ago
The only thing that slightly annoys me is the devious attempts of RW plutocrats to mount 3rd party candidates like the phony No Labels. But They are now being exposed as a RW front so they’re scrambling to hire PR people to fight back the exposure.
6 days ago
It’s fascinating reading manly advice on dealing with wives. It’s quite accurate, I say from a wifely point of view. Good going, lads!
6 days ago
TW – So they’re not like Skee-Ball tickets?
6 days ago

All I think Trump is hearing the slamming of Jail doors in his sleep.
6 days ago

6 days ago
Tw – could we pipe that sound of jail cells slamming into Mar a Lago and his room? Very subliminal and all…
6 days ago

CL working on it.
6 days ago
CL – I was overly optimistic that the timeframe of being in TX might mean I could hop on Vox last week after the reception but not realistic at all.
6 days ago
That should be Anonymous’s next tech effort, doncha think?
6 days ago

Ad no they are not like Skee Ball tickets, you have to be very practical when you cash them in.
6 days ago
So…would the Secret Service protection prevent Trump from going to prison or would they set up a suite at a country club prison for him?
6 days ago
Where in Texas? That time difference DOES lure one to poor assumptions.
6 days ago
Did you see DeSatan is asking the RNC to rule out any candidate who is under indictment? Won’t happen but very amusing.
6 days ago
Ad – if he is convicted of espionage, doesn’t he get drummed out of the government via the 14h A and barriers to those who have fomented rebellion against the USA
6 days ago

CL you’re in Texas with your client?
6 days ago

Ad I didn’t see that about DeSantis, he’s got some nerve, now that will really tick Trump off along with his angery horde.
6 days ago
Tw – No – she’s in the greater Dallas area. She’s not a client just someone we’ve tried to help. But hubs was born in Fort Worth and discovered family in Marble Falls. Hill country – very nice
6 days ago
CL – In Houston, 2 hours ahead, wedding was supposed to start at 6pm, 4pm PDT so I thought it might be possible it could all be done in 3 hours. That was not very realistic.
6 days ago

CL sound like you had a good time.
6 days ago
Ad – No. Thats “guy time” wedding. Bride time is three or four days. I went to a wedding in Ohio two years ago that had the ceremony for over an hour in the morning, a break, then the reception at 6 pm that went on to whenever. In between the family and wedding party did photos etc. That was considered a short day.
6 days ago
CL – Hate to say it but as Maddow has said, very possible they use the Agnew-type deal with Trump, he makes a plea deal before conviction including a stipulation that the 14th Amendment applies and he can’t run for office. But in the 1/6 case, I think he needs to go to prison to prevent anything like that happening again.
6 days ago
TW – I am in CA. We were in TX in 2018 for the second meeting of my hubs and his found family. He has two brothers, an aunt (now 93) three cousins plus niece, nephew, cousins he has yet to meet, and we’re still sorting it all out.
6 days ago
Ad – I am totally in agreement. He HAS to go to prison . He tried to overthrow America. You don’t get a pass on that.
6 days ago

CL families can be and interesting challenge so to speak.
6 days ago
TW – DeSatan is as much of a rodent as Trump, cheating or rigging the primary to steal it is what he’s all about. Meanwhile, Gov. Newsom and that TX Sheriff may be getting DeSaster indicted for human trafficking so his own provision could lock him out of winning the nom if it was approved…which it won’t be.
6 days ago
Ad – I actually fear DeSantis more than Trump. He has done more utterly fascist things. Trump is about Trump. DeSantis is about crushing democracy.
6 days ago

Ad, I hope Desatansants roasts in hell and the devil laughs at him when asks for water.
6 days ago
CL – Exactly, been so long, I forgot about adding in photo time, dances, speeches, etc. 4-5 hours in the end.
6 days ago
Howdy doody!
6 days ago

Murph is in the House@!!
6 days ago
CL – I am so happy for your Hubby! To have family like that suddenly in your lives, how wonderful!
6 days ago
Hey Murph!
6 days ago
Well, Greg and I got it done in about three hours – but we’d both been married before so it wasn’t an extravaganza. Well, neither were FIRST weddings. I can’t believe what brides do these days. Yikes!
6 days ago
6 days ago
Ad – We found them August 3 2017 and were meeting most of them by August 30. They were and are wonderful.
6 days ago
Unfortunately, both his brothers have cancer they both are younger than Greg. We THINK they will be OK, but we had to postpone this year’s reunion because of it. We don’t want to lose them. They are both great guys.
6 days ago

Well as far as weddings go, mine was suppose to start at 3 and guess what, my bride came walking down the aisle right at 3 as planned.
6 days ago
Ok…skimmed the conversation and I am sorta up to d a te.
6 days ago
CL – I think DeSaster would be horrible in a different way than Trump but either would pull down our democracy into an autocracy. Trump though is eroding in the GE polls and this is just the beginning. DeSaster is doing even worse in both the GE polls and the GOP poolls, 4/5 of Repub women support Trump over him. DeSaster has such an obviously repulsive persona, he makes Trump look like a better option!
6 days ago
TW – it’s good to have a woman in your life who does what she says. No fuss, no drama. Cool.
6 days ago
Ad – no argument on how awful ANY GOP candidate would be.
6 days ago

CL I am truly a fortunate man.
6 days ago
The Trump flags that were making a comeback are starting to disappear again.
6 days ago
Murph – your buffet of issues is rancid GOP politics, weddings, and found families. Doors 1-3. Take your pick or spin the wheel.
6 days ago

Murph are they beginning to see their emperor has no clothes now that he’s been indicted?
6 days ago
CL…I read the convo over and I choose…weddings!
6 days ago
TW – I think DeSaster hit his high water mark in his last election. Not only does he look like a total loser in the GOP primary (he’s fallen to 12% in NH polling while Christie is around 8%, I think DeSaster will come in at best 3rd place there), I think he will be poison in the next FL Gov election. His approval in FL has nosedived and almost upside-down in polling.
6 days ago
Murph – LOVELY topic. I have a question – does anyone actually KNOW a “Bridezilla”? I read about them but never met one.
6 days ago
CL – I remember and so happy it has all worked out so well with everyone getting along and happy to be in touch with you and Hubby.
6 days ago
TW….I think there are a variety of elements at work. For ex…..the story from his false promise to provide “food for everyone” at his campaign stopping FL. really hit a number of those I know between the eyes…the guy “welched”- who’d a thunk it.
6 days ago

Ad his little Hitler routine can only take him so far. It won’t work on the national stage and it will be the end of him in FL.
6 days ago
Ad – it has been wonderful. I was a walking zombie as hostess for the in gathering last year, but it all worked fine.
6 days ago
CL…her in Mo. Bridezillas are for real……
6 days ago
CL – Sorry to hear about Hubby’s brothers! Hope all is going better for them. Father of the bride at this wedding had cancer surgery just months before the wedding and is doing well.
6 days ago

Murph, now that is interesting considering he’s is well know for that. But I’m guessing they finally saw the real Trump.
6 days ago
TW – I would’ve guessed you and your wife would have made your wedding perfect!
6 days ago
Murph – I could NOT believe he did that and, as they say, “right in front of God and everybody”. Remember when he took a veteran’s purple heart and pocketed it? Signed a little boy’s MAGA hat then tossed it to the crowd? He is just RANCID in his treatment of his followers.
6 days ago
TW….there was something about him stiffing a crowd of supporters and right their faces that really hit a sore spot.
6 days ago
Ad – that is good news. Cancer sucks. Glad he’s doing well.
6 days ago
CL…YOUR MEMORY! WoW. Impressive.
6 days ago
Murph – it’s just like what he did w the buses in the freezing cold. He bussed people TO his rally then let the busses go. Old people had to walk over a mile to the cars. He’s just disgusting!\
6 days ago

Ad, I had no part in the planning. My job was to show up everything was taking care of by her older sisters. It was driving her crazy and I joked about eloping and she was all for it. But we didn’t because her family would have buried in places no one would have the body parts.
6 days ago
Murph – you mean my collection of Evil Trumpisms? Those things matter. They’re personally hurtful to gullible supporters who can’t EVER get back the things he took.
6 days ago
CL….and yet that story, cold walks by his people, did not seem to hit as hard as the newest one…I wonder if his base is, at long last, open to hearing the truth?
6 days ago
TW – LOL!!! Yes – know your ‘audience’ before you do something such as elope. Wise choice you two made. Glad you’re still with us.
6 days ago
Murph – Once the next two indictments come and news about all of them fills the airwaves and online chatter, I think a lot of Repubs will sour and be discouraged about Trump, far more than at this early stage. Fulton County indictments coming by August, maybe sooner and Jack Smith’s 1/6 indictments also expected by Fall. Too much for poor “victim” Trump to keep howling about all these cases being hoaxes/illegal/witchhunts/etc. The house of cards will collapse from the weight of all these cases intersecting in the media day after day. And I think he will STILL be the GOP nom because they are such a hollow and corrupt party, all they have is their cult leader, as dasmaged as he will be.
6 days ago
CL…Evil Trump is the real Trump…maybe his disciples are having awakening.
6 days ago
Murph – I think there is a thing such as the “last straw”. Doing that was vile, and it hurt the restaurant, the crowds, and his cred.
6 days ago
Ad…I regard your summary as prescient.
6 days ago
Murph – I do think there’s an awakening. If you know he stole high level documents AND stiffed his followers, somehow there’s no room left for admiration.
6 days ago

Murph let’s hope that the people are seeing Trump for what he really is. A low life grifter who cares for no one, only himself.
6 days ago
CL…and it came off particularly badly in a Hispanic crowd where such an offense against hospitality would be particularly hurtful.
6 days ago
And did you see the fake “hearing” Gaetz, MTG and other traitors in the House held to push the BS that the 1/6 insurrectionists were patriots being oppressed now? They are de facto a party of the deranged and the only solution is dominating them politically, they have lost all reason and are a cult, no convincing them to be reasonable in any way. They need to be crushed politically.
6 days ago
TW…your hope is my hope.
6 days ago
I have decided that when the GOP Trumpites screech that the Dems and Biden and deep state are all conspiring against him, our reply should be, “If they’re really that powerful, then they SHOULD be in control.”
6 days ago
As – that fake hearing was despicable.
6 days ago
Ad…the “faux hearing” was kabuki theater…..pantomime in the shadows….
6 days ago
CL – Like many other have said, I had a kind of out-of-body experience in our wedding, I couldn’t believe something so monumental in my life, which I had helped plan and prepare for, was actually happening. I ate next to nothing and it all seemed to fly by so fast and dizzying.
6 days ago

That so called hearing was beyond stupid.
6 days ago
Murph – do you think the fact his supporters were Hispanic was part of the reason he stiffed them?
6 days ago

Murph pantomime in the shadows I like that.
6 days ago
TW – Yep, DeNazi just doesn’t play well outside of the Nazi-lovers in FL, can’t take that on the road in the rest of the US.
6 days ago
Ad – that is the reaction most people have to their own weddings. Stunned. Not unhappy but awed by the massive change it makes in your life.
6 days ago
CL….no he is an equal opportunity offender…he stiffs everyone….but I think they took it them very, very deeply.
6 days ago
Hey – DeSantis AND Biden will be here next week. Biden in the Bay area, and DeNazi right here in Sacramento. This will get weird.
6 days ago
Murph – yes, he does stiff everyone. And yes, in the Hispanic community that is disgraceful.
6 days ago

Murph have to say I’m surprised it hit them that way because Trump is known for that, but perhaps because they say in real time and it wasn’t being reporting out.
6 days ago
Trump is the abusive father so many of these MAGA cultists want. Their hatred includes self-hatred so their leader forcing them to freeze to death, stealing from them, announcing he’ll pay for their lunches then running out or using their donations to his charity to pay for paintings of himself only affirm their perverse love for abuse from Daddy mentality.
6 days ago
TW – I think the people who get stiffed by Trump just don’t believe the news stories until it then happens to them. “He can’t really do that to us – we’re his fans!” Well, they found out.
6 days ago

Murph what I mean by reported out, it was coming from the papers because they where showing him in the restaurant live when he did it.
6 days ago
TW – But it is impressive you and your wife made the wedding happen on time. The one last week was late, like most seem to be. Can’t remember if mine was.
6 days ago
TW – he is beyond caring what the public think. He thinks God chose him, so who cares?
6 days ago
Did any of you see the story of the teacher here in Mo. who was awarded a plaque for outstanding service to her middle and high school students at a school board meeting…..after getting the award she was asked to say a few words….her words were few. Thanks for the award. I will not be returning to the classroom in Mo. I am the subject of many of the books you have banished from our library and I am a member of those groups you now say we cannot mention. I feel badly but I have no choice. My partner and I have an obligation to each other. ….apparently her students are outraged.
6 days ago
Murph – Thanks!
6 days ago
Murph – no I didn’t see that. She was brave to do that, and I just BET her students are furious she was driven out.
6 days ago
The story is only being reported locally….small town stuff…..and given that the right wing controls so much of our media I suspect the story may not have legs.
6 days ago

Ad I had little to do with the wedding planning it was all her sisters and the minister who married us was a very punctual and told us it will start promptly at 3
6 days ago

Murph that’s and incredible story. I tip my hat to her for standing up for her values.
6 days ago
TW…I only know about the story because I have contact with a family in that town.
6 days ago
Murph – Yes, I saw the video of the speech by that teacher and in the end, I thought it was devastating. Teachers are fleeing MO, FL, TX, and other red states because on top of being treated poorly in salary and respect, they now face abuse from many RW parents who have been programmed to hate them and judge them as an enemy as they’ve been programmed to hate journalists, PoC, immigrants, etc. Why on Earth would any decent teacher stay in any Red state knowing that they can be sued, imprisoned, abused and attacked simply for trying to be a good teacher? Red states will become educational deserts and the voucher systems for private schools will eventually bankrupt these state’s education budgets.
6 days ago
Murph – you might send the story to one of the national LGBT organizations. They would contact her and ask if they could have it go national.
6 days ago
TW – I am all for those managing a wedding to be very firm about everything happening on time and as planned. That is a great situation for that kind of discipline.
6 days ago
AD….where did you see the story…..I would love to catch up on it….of course it might also be that your story and mine are about two different people. since think this kind of thing is likely happening all over the place. I read a report today that the number of open positions in Mo. schools is 18 percent hight this year than last year and last year was 12 percent higher than the year before.
6 days ago
CL – That story about the teacher in MO was circulated a bit on Twitter, I saw the video there. It was pretty powerful, when a teacher being held up as excellent explains what a nightmare her life has become because she is simply trying her best to teach kids.
6 days ago
CL….good idea….I will follow up…
6 days ago
Ad…twitter…that makes sense. I have been told that she was very cool and calm and did not make a scene.
6 days ago

Ad the minister who married us was a long time friend of her family and he and his wife viewed my wife as the daughter they never had. So when he came to part of the vows until death do you part, he changed it until divine termination by God. Which I understood to mean if I did anything that would make my wife upset he would come back from the dead with the full wrath of God with him.
6 days ago
There are two or three folks on Twitter who have compiled lists of people convicted of sexual abuse of kids and general corrupt acts. Of those charged and convicted in the past 203 years, there are over 1000 and every last one of them is a GOP/MAGA supporter. They are often clergy or youth pastors, have access to kids under benign guises, are cops, GOP party officials, elected officials. Not a freaking drag queen to be seen. I did security for the 1999 Region 9 Drag Queen event since Operation Rescue was in town. The LGBTQ community had helped us at the clinics, I returned the favor. It was a hoot. They are not gross or inappropriate AND this was an adult only event. The anti gay, anti trans hype is beginning to falter Peopel are getting that they aren’t the problem in America. Not at all.
6 days ago
TW….WONDERFUL anecdote.
6 days ago
The world of hate is narrowing BUT it’s also energizing. Not a lot of people, but those True Believers are potentially deadly a la Tim McVeigh.
6 days ago
TW – That minister was so clever and funny! That’s the rare “good threat”.
6 days ago
TW – that is hilarious! I’d heed that if I were you! He MEANT it!
6 days ago
CL – I think that could make a devastating political ad to support LGBTQ and condemn the RW trying to destroy them, an ad displaying the many cases of abuse from Repubs and RW religious leaders while NONE that I’ve seen have been from LGBTQ folks or Dems.
6 days ago
Ad – agreed.
6 days ago

All, these people who think they want another civil war, haven’t a brain cell between them. They believe that if it was to happen they would somehow be in charge or have the things they want. But they will be the first ones lined up against a wall and shot.
6 days ago
We had an interesting event here a couple of days ago…some one or some ones, went through an area where there are are (were) a lot of MAGA banners/flags…..and using some kind of incendiary device set a whole bunch of them on fire……..no one claiming credit….no film so far.
6 days ago

Ad, Cl, I have going on 53 years this September.
6 days ago
All – have you seen the meme with the “Meal Team Six” as they call the fat, cammo clad wannabe warriors saying “Civil war? Bring it on” It is next to a photo of active troops captioned, “The hell you say!”
6 days ago
TW – Congratulations!!!
6 days ago
Murph – hmmm. I will not even ask…
6 days ago
CL – But I don’t think Biden and Dems have been aggressive enough to condemn all the Repub pols who have been openly hateful and threatening violence. The Repub pols who held that phony “hearing” to portray 1/6 seditionists as patriots should be personally attacked. Those who have posted tweets and such calling for violence, sedition and attacks should be hammered in the press by Dems AND the FBI. There should be an announced policy of Zero Tolerance for hate speech and inciting violence, both are crimes and anyone pushing them should be excoriated and investigated.
6 days ago

CL thanks.
6 days ago
Hey….I saw a cartoon today that had Trump as Golum in the Lord of the Rings clinging to his “boxes” stroking them while saying “My precious, my precious”
6 days ago

Ad people burning MAGA flags, now that’s very interesting.
6 days ago
And this comes from a big believer in the 1st Amendment and free speech. Hate speech and incitement is not covered by the 1A.
6 days ago
Ad…I find myself agreeing with your sentiment in this…time to hit hard and fast.
6 days ago
Ad – I think Biden has surpassed the REST of the party in condemnation. I want to see more Dems speaking out – you have some but not enough. But it’s on US as rank and file to keep our voices out there locally and on social media. It’s also critical we smack down any local news outlets, print or electronic, that don’t tell the truth.
6 days ago
CL….agreed…..there has to be a sense that there will be consequences for such behavior.
6 days ago
Ad – hate speech MAY be covered. It entirely depends on what is said. The seond there is a “true threat” it is not. And actions cannot occur that cross legal lines. Lots of true threats occurring.
6 days ago
TW – This is stochastic terrorism practiced by the MAGAs and the GOP. They whip up the fervor for a civil war, attacking the government, etc., not because any of them have the guts to actually stick their necks out and risk their lives and futures by physically committing these acts, their intention is to whip up their unstable MAGA followers to commit horrible acts. The Tree of Life mass murderer was just convicted this week, think of all the madmen “lone wolves” they have let loose on our nation that we now have come to accept. There was a bomb threat at the courthouse where Trump was being arraigned, we’ve come to accept this as “normal”. It’s not normal in a sane society. These Fifth Columnists are being allowed too much free reign, the FBI and the Dems should make that part of their mission, to stamp out this growing violence and threat of violence in our democracy.
6 days ago

All the think I cannot phantom is how these nuts think destroying democracy will somehow be a good thing. What makes them think autocracy will be better? They don’t seem to understand that at some point they will become to be seen as enemies of the state sooner or later. If they read some books instead banning them they would realize that.
6 days ago
Murph — You think it was DeSaster supporters or Dem-friendly folks who set the Trump flags on fire?
6 days ago
Ad – I don’t think anyone accepts these violent acts as normal. Lots of people aren’t touched by them, but more and more are. I think it is the least well covered story by media – what happens to someone who is unharmed but evacuated for a threat from which they run in fear? That’s part of what’s losing MAGA its support. It’s coming home to people.
6 days ago
TW – That is fantastic! Congrats on such a successful and wonderful marriage!
6 days ago

Ad thanks I’m still working on it.
6 days ago
Ad…no idea….I only know of this because of contacts with the state police….I had not thought of the possibility of De Folk going after Trumpets.
6 days ago
TW – spot ON. Same w the Left and the similar “blow it all up and we’ll fix it” crapola. Get an autocracy, and everyone’s freedom is doomed. It won’t suppress JUST Black and Brown, women and Libtards. It will tell EVERYONE what they must do, when they must do it. So much for kicking back and going fishing – you WILL show up and work for the glory of the State.
6 days ago
What happened to Murph?
6 days ago
I am here.
6 days ago
CL – Exactly, any actual attempt at a “civil war” between the MAGA Meal Team Six and actual US forces would be over in a day. That’s all a psyop, they don’t really want a conventional war, especially after seeing all the 1/6 MAGAs imprisoned, they want to rile up mentally ill MAGAs to commit violence and even assassinations which they are blatantly calling for. Enough! This is not protected speech, the FBI needs to crush these anarchists whether citizens or GOP pols.
6 days ago
All – that is fascinating to think DeSantis and his goons did some of the dirty work in FL.
6 days ago
Murph – I saw that “My Precious!” Trump cartoon or a similar one. He absolutely is Gollum!
6 days ago

CL that’s my point exactly. These people have forgotten why this country was formed in the first place. Of course we could have done without the enslavement part.
6 days ago
Ad – you can be sure that a little of the MAGA J6 push back that J6 had FBI infiltrators was accurate. They did not provoke. They also could not suppress – the WH stomped on the FBI and refused to let them plan a response. Trump ran the whole thing. But there are FBI everywhere in the RW groups. I know this. I’ve worked w them.
6 days ago
I want promote the Gollum Trump image as I think it might be the most telling from a number perspectives.
6 days ago
CL – Hateful speech may be covered by 1A but there are definitions for illegal “hate speech” that is de facto or intended to encourage violence that is not protected and should be slapped down.
6 days ago
Ad – LOL. That would work. Where did Murph go?
6 days ago
Still here, CL.
6 days ago
Ad – yes, the hate speech is clearly defined. It crosses the line w threats to identified people.
6 days ago

Murph I can see Trump over his documents, saying ‘my precious, my precious.’
6 days ago
Murph – you’re not showing up on the “check in list”! Youve been made a phantom. Glad you’re still here.
6 days ago
TW….it rings true for me…..he is enlarged/enhanced/glorified by his “possession” of those instruments that demonstrate his importance.
6 days ago
TW – Has anyone seen the photo of the boxes in the bathroom with the caption “Bed, Bath, and Beyond Reasonable Doubt”???
6 days ago
CL…how odd……I cans me but others cannot….
6 days ago
At least I can’t see your link, Murph. I see you in the conversation, not on the list.
6 days ago
CL…Beyond Reasonable Doubt…LMAO
6 days ago
TW – I don’t think the MAGAs think about it that way. They want an autocracy in a fantasy way, where “their enemies” are denied power forever and their cult will have power over all the non-white non-males for the rest of human history. They don’t actually have any idea how they would destroy the society they depend on anymore than they thought out how ending Roe would lead to Dems winning power in more states and most national elections. They are just simple-minded morons who hate and want their hate materialized as power over everyone they see as enemies. Their thinking stops there.
6 days ago

CL yes I saw that. But what got me laughing was when Kevin said a bathroom door can lock. Who would have thunk that bathroom doors lock.
6 days ago
CL – What I mean is that the MSM treats this daily occurance of outrageous incitement of violence as more of the same and to be honest, so does the FBI. I think the FBI needs to be beefed up with personnel and a WHite Nationalist/Domestic Terrorism task force built up.
6 days ago
Barbara Kingsolver is saying she understands the rural rage because, and she is not wrong here, urbanites laugh at rural people, dismiss them. The problem with that is most MAGA people aren’t rural folks. They are smaller city folks, fairly middle class, not well educated but successful. It’s hard to pinpoint who they really are. But they dread loss of white power and superiority, and they want absolutes that create false security.
6 days ago

Ad, that is because they have no conceptual idea how autocracy works. If they are not part of the ruling class they are SOL. But as you said they are to stupid to see and understand that part of autocracy.
6 days ago
Ad – I totally agree. Greg and I work w them on hate crimes. They need more people.
6 days ago
Here is an example of right-minded thinking….. There are four large creeks in my area which play a very important role in irrigation….for the first time in recorded history….all four are bone dry…..the Mo River is at its lowest level ever along with the Merman R. No one will speak of or to this who is on the Trump right. They live in a perpetual state of denial even as their farms fail.
6 days ago
Murph – Even if it’s not happening now, I expect the intense DeSaster supporters and the Trumpers will soon be in political and even physical combat as the primary rolls on and the attacks between the two intensify. That will be like watching WWE wrestling with plenty of popcorn on hand.
6 days ago
Murph – yikes! I had no idea it was that bad there.
6 days ago
CL…good analysis of the MAGA crowd makeup.
6 days ago
All – good point, Ad – I think the “civil war” will start from within those RW fascist ranks.
6 days ago
Ad….you may be correct, but De BadSanta Clod really does not have much of a presence here.
6 days ago
Murph – obviously you live with MAGA farmers, but the people I see on TV are insurance agents, car salespeople, small business types, and in cities – middle management, white collar rolks.
6 days ago
CL – Yes, that seemed obvious, that Trump locked up the FBI and other government entities from protecting the Capitol on 1/6. It was clearly part of the plan. Stop the Congress from counting electors and abuse the system to sieze power. We still have no idea how close we came to the coup succeeding and being in an autocratic nation today.
6 days ago
I will let you know how trun out is for DeSantis – some local bigwig is hosting an event at $3300 a head, so it will be small.
6 days ago
CL…..Mo. has a large limestone aquifer as a safety net…..it provides a false sense of security for many….esp. those who desperately want to believe that all of this “science stuff” is crap.
6 days ago

Murph so they rather lose their farms instead of asking for help because of their belief in Trump
6 days ago
Murph – do you all still use pivot irrigation out of aquifer resources? Cuz that’s disastrous.
6 days ago

Murph so are they blaming Biden for the rivers drying up?
6 days ago
TW – lots of them say it’s “God’s will”. To that I reply, that doesn’t mean you stand around and do nothing. You are commanded to be a good steward of the earth and all that’s in and on it. Get cracking!
6 days ago
For those who are not familiar with the term…. Pivot irrigators, also known as center-pivot or circle irrigators, are rotating machines that water crops using sprinklers. The irrigation method is highly efficient and irrigates crops in a circular area around the system’s pivot point. Yes….they are extremely wasteful and yes, they are common here.
6 days ago

CL God also said to them I gave you brains not trains you fools. Use your brains.
6 days ago
CL>…”God’s Will” What a cheap excuse that really is.
6 days ago
CL – I am done with the focus on the hurt fee-fees of the MAGAs for being looked down on. When do those whose families have been victims of racism and slavery get treated with such kid gloves by the other side? If you’re not white and male, being disrespected is something you’re supposed to get over and pull yourself up by your bootstraps, etc. These snowflake MAGAs whine about how they’re disrespected by the rest of the country, well, look at them rallying around hate, fear and oppression. Screw them, they deserve to be looked down on until they see the rest of Americans as equal.
6 days ago
Figures. They lose more water than they efficiently can apply I’ve read. I think they should be banned, but fat chance
6 days ago
Murph – The Mo River may run dry but at least they’re outlawing CRT and drag shows in MO.
6 days ago
Ad…now that’s looking on the bright/right side of things!
6 days ago

Ad, but that’s the important stuff right drag shows, book banning, CRT not making sure they have water for their farms.
6 days ago
Murph – It does seem most likely that someone who would burn Trump flags is an anti-Trump Dem-supporter. But…that vicious rivalry between Trump and Ronald Duck is going to be heating up.
6 days ago
CL…I regularly ask those I know well in my age group to think back to their childhood and recall how much snow and rain Mo had in a type winter, spring, fall…..60 years ago the average snowfall was 11 times what it is now and the average rainfall was 16 times.
6 days ago
Ad – no disagreement there. However, I have roots in NE and MO, and I basically LIKE those people I’ve known. I don’t get the fear of others but I will tell you a story that bears on it. I was teaching in Sydney, Nova Scotia in 1990. It’s thousands of miles from Detroit, but for WHATEVER reason, some of their TV news comes from there. There are a few Black families – up the underground RR of course – who ae long time settlers and part of the community. The moment they got Detroit TV and news of crime, etc in Detroit, white Sydney resident began to fear their Black neighbors. No ACTUAL reason. But that. i am NOT making this up – a long time resident of Sydney told us that.
6 days ago
If D-man gets to be a real threat I am sure you are correct.
6 days ago
Look, DeStupid outlawed immigrants in FL and the farms and construction are failing. In MO, owning the libs on Climate Change is more important than recognizing that CLimate Change-caused droughts are harming farmers and the future availability of potable water. Hate and greed for power are self-destructive in the end.
6 days ago
Murph – the 100th meridian, demarcation of dry and wet, is steadily marching East. It’s now 120 miles further east than four decades ago. Not in your neck of the woods yet…but soon.
6 days ago
Ad….the grapes of wrath and the bitter wine they produce.
6 days ago
Yep…..the grim reaper marching in our direction.
6 days ago

Murph and those Trump supporters actually believe he will fix all their problems.
6 days ago
TW…without a shred of evidence in support of that expectation.
6 days ago
The FL politicos aren’t up for changing the DeSantis laws on immigrants but are begging them to stay. Sure. Right. Live and work where the cops will pull you over for being Brown, and you will have harassment, no rights, worse – but stay and keep our white owned businesses flourishing. Oh, take out work permits for you? Oh, golly gosh, we can’t do that. But stay – we promise to be nice. Until you’re arrested and deported.
6 days ago

Murph I know MO is the show me state, but really what has Trump shown them that is of any real use other than hate?
6 days ago
Murph – The climate denial you see in these MAGA farmers in MO is a game not based on reason. They see the Dem “tribe” as having climate change as a belief so they just kneejerk dispute it to own the libs. At the same time, they don’t deny the droughts, they just throw out lame “other” explanations like “Gid’s Will”, not because they really believe it but they need to have a different answer than “the libs”. Like Ivermectin and on and on, they just have to have “answers” that don’t make them agree with “the libs”.
6 days ago
TW – hate is all they want.
6 days ago

CL you can’t by milk and bread with hate. You can’t water you fields with hate, all hate will do is take you to an early grave.
6 days ago
Ad – I said above, if it IS God’s will, it doesn’t mean you do nothing about it. We are commanded to mitigate disasters, harm. So…GET CRACKING and begin to be wise about how you farm, how you live.
6 days ago
CL….Fl is hurting for lack of workers, but right stand is also the courageous one and political realities are all that counts right now…long term, an incompressible disaster.
6 days ago
TW – they think, TRULY think, that if they hate Black and Brown and other people enough, they will be rewarded for driving them out. Look at MTG saying people moving to GA from Blue states can’t vote for five years. They insist they will come out just fine. Their enemies will be crushed.
6 days ago
Murph – agreed.
6 days ago
CL – That story about white people getting Detroit news of crime becoming more racist is very enlightening. I don’t “hate” the rural folks feeling disrespected but at this point in history, with the future on fire, the priority to me is to put out the fire first and protect the future from destruction. Then, we can have a more just society that is more respectful for all Americans including them…though those who lust for power through the RW will always corrupt and whip some of them up against progress and equality.
6 days ago

All, what all these folks who are living on hate and false promises of Trump and those who want to be like him fail to realize that when they have nothing, those they put their trust in will not recognize any of them when they come calling for help.
6 days ago
Murph – Bingo on The Grapes of Wrath.
6 days ago
CL – It’s too late for FL on immigrants, they have already moved to GA and other nearby states that don’t have aggressive laws against immigrants and they will move again if those states adopt them. They may not be as well educated but they are smart and they know that assurances that the hammer being held above their heads to crush them will never come down on them is BS.
6 days ago
All – I have moral questions about whether, if the crap hits the fan, I help MAGA people who are the grasshoppers to my ant instincts. We did take in one guy who was borderline sovereign citizen. I stood firmly on my principles, and trouble followed him so the guys asked him to leave. But he made me uncomfortable. Not fearful, but sad. I didn’t get to know him much, but I am sorry he was followed here and he himself was harmed by someone who stole the other guys’ bikes. Maybe not his fault. It has to be his consequence. We cannot attract harm.
6 days ago
CL – Absolutely. One can believe misfotune is God’s will and still take steps to address and improve it. One doesn’t undermine the other. It is those who are too mired in victimhood who sit by while the fire burns down the house they’re sitting in.
6 days ago
Well, dear friends, I am heading to bed soon. I got about 4 hours of sleep. I am starting to get cross eyed with weariness. So same time next week? Have a lovely weekend and good week ahead.
6 days ago
Night all!!!
6 days ago

Cl you did what you could and this is all anyone can do.
6 days ago
Well….I seem to have disappeared from the check in box
6 days ago
I am now an official Ghost Voxer
6 days ago

Murph yes you did but you’re back.
6 days ago
But it is still time for me to head to my bed……
6 days ago

Murph the Surf Ghost Voxer has a nice ring to it.
6 days ago
Personally, I think there are so many that need help that MAGAs don’t need entitlement to be at the front of the line. LGBTQ, PoC, women, those living in poverty but are still not hateful like MAGAs, so many people need help from those who can afford it and government, no way do I feel obligated to put MAGAs at the front of the line when it comes to consideration.
6 days ago
TW…kind of catchy…..MTSGhostVoxer
6 days ago
Wasn’t Ghost Murph a movie?
6 days ago

Ad I wouldn’t know.
6 days ago
Ad….a silent film in the early days
6 days ago
Murph – Ah yes! Scary!!!
6 days ago

Wow both of you are movie buffs.
6 days ago
When you hear a sound but see no one in your house…but the land is suddenly newly plowed! It’s Ghost Murph!
6 days ago
TW – We’re just joking.
6 days ago
6 days ago

Ad newly plowed it’s Ghost Murph has a nice ring to it.
6 days ago
BTW, I saw someone reporting that Meadows had flipped on Trump to avoid prosecution but haven’t confirmed it. Have either of you heard that from a reputable source?
6 days ago
On these high notes….I must say adieu! It has been fun.
6 days ago

Ad really??? Medows flipped, I hope that is true.
6 days ago

Murph take care.
6 days ago
Night Ghost Murph!
6 days ago
Not positive the Meadows story is true but it sure seems likely, jack Smith has Meadows dead to rights. Can’t imagine he wants to go down for Trump.
6 days ago

So it look like we closed the place down once again I will give you a call in a minute.
6 days ago
Sounds good!
6 days ago
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