Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib3 hours ago
Hi Ad— Am I the first one here tonight? How are you doing?
2 hours ago
Hi Glenn. It is you and me….
2 hours ago
Hey Murph! Good to see you. How are you doing?
an hour ago
I am ok.
an hour ago
an hour ago
You know same old same old.
an hour ago
And so it goes for all of us in our “golden years.”
an hour ago
You are living in Florida, I believe.
an hour ago
Yes for sure. Yes I am in Florida. In deSatan land. The man is a menace. But I keep reading more and more about how he is not like outside of Florida. I can’t believe the people in Florida for voting for this idiot but what do I know? Anyway yes I am in Florida.
an hour ago
Of course, I am in a similar boat here in Misery, uh Missouri.
an hour ago
Did you see Trump’s posted video on his vision for a real America posted on his website?
an hour ago
Frightening……very direct statement re his blueprint for creating a democracy-proof Trump State.
an hour ago
Yes I feel like your candle here on Vox is the small light that you and I hold up to the darkness in our states.
an hour ago
I have had that candle forever, and boy are you correct…how often it seems that the candle’s light is very feeble indeed.
an hour ago
Hello choice……..glenn and I are having a fine time.
an hour ago
No I didn’t see his vision. But I’ve seen enough of his clips of his rallies where he’s going to retaliate against everyone who ever said anything against him. I’m just waiting for his indictment. In fact I really wasn’t going to come on here tonight because I really don’t have anything to say until he is indicted.
an hour ago
Hey! Hi glenn and Murph – what happened to Ad?
an hour ago
Ad,,,is MIA
an hour ago
I did see his “vision for America”. YIKES!
an hour ago
Hey CL. Don’t know what happened to Ad. How are you doing tonight?
an hour ago
Well, if he wrote me to handle it, as he does, today has been chaos, and I didn’t see it. Not that it needs a Mommy.
an hour ago
glenn – I’m fine. Ad had to have set this up, so that’s proof of life, but don’t know where or how he otherwise is.
an hour ago
CL…we are an independent bunch.
an hour ago
Will follow you wherever you wanna go CL
an hour ago
Glenn….I know I would as well.
an hour ago
I checked email – he did not write, so this is a tad worrisome.
an hour ago
an hour ago
And here I thought I’d follow you two!
an hour ago
Honey if you’re going to follow me you’re in deep trouble!
an hour ago
I just dropped Ad an e mail and a text message.
an hour ago
LOL – glenn, you’re the PERFECT person to follow! You’re both calm AND wise.
an hour ago
Thanks, Murph. I did have the pleasure of talking via Twitter with PPO this afternoon. He is in good shape.
an hour ago
CL— thank you.
an hour ago
So is anyone interested in whether NYC is going to indict and if so will there be a perp walk and manacles?
an hour ago
Nice to know that PPO is doing good.
an hour ago
CL….no perp walk or manacles….but I think he would have to appear or have to deal with a bench format.
an hour ago
Hey all! Sorry!!!
AdLiban hour ago
Don’t think there will be a purple walk and manacles but I sure am looking forward to the indictment. I’m getting tired of waiting for somebody to indict this son of a bitch.
an hour ago
Bench warrant.
an hour ago
Got sidetracked with an email!
AdLiban hour ago
Perp walk
an hour ago
glenn – he is moving house, closing out where he and Fergie lived, to move to a condo or some such in the ocean front area where his social live is. I am VERY happy for him doing this. Even though closing up your house is VERY stressful.
an hour ago
Ad…there you are…..hope all is well….we have a reward posted on milk cartonsfor you.
an hour ago
Whew! Glad you were all right AD.
an hour ago
AD!!!! We’re thrilled you’re OK. Perfectly all right. I got sidetracked by a slow cooker corned beef. We all have to tend immediate priorities
an hour ago
CL….I miss Fergie….and cannot imagine how hard, and how brave it is for PPO to move on.
an hour ago
I’m hoping Trump does something really stupid that will result in his total shame and embarrassment.
an hour ago
Damn! I can’t believe I got so distracted!
AdLiban hour ago
Men do far less well when they lose a life partner than women.
an hour ago
It’s nice to see that PPO is moving on. I know how hard it is to sell the house that you lived in with your long-term spouse. It’s very stressful. While you’re looking forward to a new life you’re also sad that you were best other is not there with you.
an hour ago
Now, have you all heard that Trump is likely to be charged by Bragg next week? He’s meeting with SS, NYPD and other law enforcement to put a plan in place to deal with potential MAGA terrorists.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – AMEN. He showed us photos of her two years ago. She was lovely, and I can’t but think this was devastating. But he’s doing well and moving his life to greater involvement with people he really likes.
an hour ago
Ad…given your record of faithfulness….a momentary pause is absolutely ok with any and all of us.
an hour ago
CL – I would very much prefer to get sidetracked by corned beef than crafting an email to softly let down a guy I’m cutting from my softball team. No fun.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – Yes, there will be MAGA terrorists. But do remember they are Meal Team Six not, mostly, fit and intelligent people. I think the trouble will be minimal. FAR more worried about DC,. Can you imagine all the good ol’ boys in NEW YORKI? The homies will flatten them just by walking by.
an hour ago
CL— Ha ha. Trump doing something stupid? You mean more stupid than usual? I don’t think he’s capable of shame or embarrassment. Otherwise that would’ve happened a long long time ago.
an hour ago
Thanks Murph! I owe you all a mug of green beer.
AdLiban hour ago
DC is a lot more scary and vulnerable.
an hour ago
Ooo Ad – I’m so sorry you are making team cuts. Ouch!
an hour ago
CL – I kind of think of Trump’s indictment as a honeypot for MAGA terrorists. It will attract them to come out and possibly commit crimes that will get them imprisoned. And maybe some of the 1/6 MAGAs who have escaped prosecution will pop up?
AdLiban hour ago
OMG folks. I’m sorry but I keep falling asleep. So I’m going to call it a night. Good night and take care.
an hour ago
Glenn….thanks for keeping the home fires lit…
an hour ago
CL – He’s a very nice guy, he just can’t play well and most of the team have registered their complaints with me about how he is dragging the team down. I feel the same way but I hate to “fire” a nice guy…even though he plays so poorly.
AdLiban hour ago
Night glenn! Sorry I missed you earlier!
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – I had not thought of the indictments that way – a lure. VERY interesting. I’ll put big city cops/NY State police up against Meal Time Six any day of the week. I’ve worked with them. They aren’t fools.
an hour ago
Good night glenn! So glad to see you, however briefly!
an hour ago
Ad…..as one of those who has gotten cut from teams…yeah, it stings, but when well handled is quite understandable.
an hour ago
So what do you think will actually happen once Trump is indicted? Will the other indictments follow quickly? I think GA indictments will follow pretty soon. What about Jack Smith?
AdLiban hour ago
In a few cases I stayed connected to the teams in support roles…mostly where I had good friends.
an hour ago
Ad – you are the master of kind rejection. He will survive.
an hour ago
What is pissing me off is that the really BIG STUFF is in the DOJ’s yard and I am intensely frustrated by the lack of action.
an hour ago
CL – The only concern is if the NYPD protects the MAGAs or only arrests and harass the counter-protesters.
AdLiban hour ago
The building blocks on federal serious stuff are all pretty much in place. So I see this as a domino – NY to GA to DC, BAM, BAM, BAM!
an hour ago
CL…I will be relieved….of course, given how Trump’s appointments have corrupted the judiciary my worry remains high when it comes to appeals.
an hour ago
Murph – This is one of those cases where the player has no awareness of how poor a player he is so he is bewildered why he isn’t allowed to play the positions he wants to, like woud be done on a 10 year old’s softball team.
AdLiban hour ago
I don’t think the NYPD is THAT stupid. Any hint of favoritism, and they are in deep muck. You are HONOR bound to protect your DA and prosecutorial staff. They win your cases, validate the arrests. Trump has lost favor, too. I think they will do the right thing.
an hour ago
Murph – The irony is, the more I let him play, the more the other players grow frustrated with him. And me, I suppose.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – to date, SCOTUS has not upheld a single Trump legal plea. Not one. They are socially ultra conservative, but on Trump? Not at all.
an hour ago
Ad…..ah, yes that kind of player, who denies obvious realities, is very hard to reason with.
an hour ago
Murph – Don’t you think that once Trump is indicted by NY AG and Fulton County, he may feel freer to jump in on at least the documents case?
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…could be so…but that would leave me wondering why the DOJ needs a lead off by state authorities.
an hour ago
Ad – I think the documents will be counts in an overall indictment, not a separate case. He’s going to have an indictment list longer than a CVS receipt.
an hour ago
CL….longer than a walmart receipt would be my wish.
an hour ago
Murph – states often go first. In various federal/state hate crimes cases, the state always goes first. It improves convictions at the federal level.
an hour ago
Murph – LOL!
an hour ago
CL…given that the cases are quite different I wonder if the hate crime ex is apropos.
an hour ago
CL – Yes, that’s what I’m thinking. Garland has been dragging his feet, proven by how the 1/6 committee did so much more while DoJ was spinning its wheels and focused on the 1/6 MAGAs. But I like Jack Smith, he’s hit the ground running and is going after the top Trump people rapidly. He’s bringing in Trump’s lawyer and already has the court waiving attorney-client privilege.
AdLiban hour ago
There is a time honored issue of proving crimes HAVE occurred in order to get the top perp. What they did w Gotti. What they do in complex cases. NY and GA strengthen the federal indictments EVEN when those specific issues are not on trial federally.
an hour ago
Murph – Fortunately, the NY and Fulton County cases are state cases and the feds Trump appointed have no jurisdiction.
AdLiban hour ago
It establishes “pattern and practice”. It’s important to the high level federal charges. Esp. GA – proof of voting outcomes tampering. Lays the floor for Garland to charge seditious conspiracy on that issue.
an hour ago
Murph – ALL federal/state crimes let the state go first.
an hour ago
CL – Good point about the NYPD’s closeness with the DA’s office. Hopefully, that will affect the NYPD’s sympathy with MAGAs, some of them are MAGAs for that matter.
AdLiban hour ago
In any case this will focus a lot of unwanted and wanted attention on Trump and Friends….depending on how approach the issue of “spotlighting”.
an hour ago
Murph – Dealt with many parents like that too when my daughter was in rec ball. Such tunnelvision, parents would be in such denial thinking their kids were phenoms when they weren’t so talented. And some of the parents would get a bit psycho about it.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…..I hear so much from so many teachers in high schools about psycho parents who are raising psycho kids.
an hour ago
Garland has NOT been dragging his feet but laying the ground to prove the charges he’s making OCCURRED. There had to be a division of labor – it’s too massive for just DOJ. They took the activists to show what was done in the Capitol. Cannot charge seditious conspiracy unless you prove first that it OCCURRED. The J6 did the groundwork on Trump per se, and now Smith has that to prosecute, and he’s going for the top consiglieri. This is, as a longtime federal and state court watcher, a masterful structure.
an hour ago
Murph – I do believe Garland is so strongly an institutionalist that he has been a bit gunshy about pursuing the indictment of a former president. How could the DoJ be behind on progress against the 1/6 committee otherwise? But I think other indictments dissolve that concern, DoJ won’t be the ones who make history, Alvin Bragg and the NY AG office will.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – Garland is THE mastermind behind closing EVERY loophole. This is ahead of where we were on Watergate by MONTHS.
an hour ago
CL…you and Ad have a much better handle on this matter of Trump focused prosecution than I do…….maybe the result of living in this authoritarian oasis.
an hour ago
an hour ago
CL – Really? It sure would be a better, more compact and easier to win case to try Trump for the documents case alone. It’s a slam dunk. He broke the law, the evidence was found and obstruction has been factually proven. Slam dunk.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – Yep, parents can be psychos before they have kids but when a parent feels they need to live through their kid, that their kid has to be seen by everyone as exceptional when they’re not, they can go even more psycho.
AdLiban hour ago
My candidate, Lucas Kunce, is continuing to make the case for governmental reform via his website, e mail communication, and appearances before democratic groups……he is a rather lonely voice……..the rich scion of the Busch family has disappeared entirely.
an hour ago
I doubt the federal courts would waste time on something that has a very low sentence relative to conspiracy. Go for the whole thing.
an hour ago
Ad…and there is the dynamic that parents see everything as either a criticism or approbation of themselves in any matter related to their daughers and sons.
an hour ago
Did you all see that Michigan dems in their state legislature have repealed that state’s so-called right to work anti-labor laws.
an hour ago
I do agree, from unfortunate engagement with my own granddaughter, that parents live through their kids meaning the kid reigns superior over everyone and everything.
an hour ago
CL – I think Garland has messed up in handling Trump as he has. That is, his office could’ve been gathering evidence like the 1/6 committee did while prosecuting the MAGAs from 1/6. He could’ve brought Jack Smith in at the beginning to do this and remember, the only reason he brought Jack Smith in was his worry that once Trump announced his run for president, that he would look partisan by investigating Trump. If Trump didn’t announce for president, I doubt Jack Smith would be in this position.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – YES!!! I am thrilled RTW is DOA in Michigan!
an hour ago
CL – I’ve read articles that announced we are now past the Watergate timelines, that’s okay though, this case is far more complex than Watergate but I do think Garland has not been as aggressive as he should’ve been.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – he encouraged J6 to do their part, he did his part, states did their part. This isn’t JUST Trump but the entire conspiracy that involves a man I know too well in the Council on National Policy. This is bigger than most people realize, and if you can get a solid division of labor to gather evidence and witnesses, the ultimate indictments will move MUCH faster. Garland is handling this perfectly.
an hour ago
I know a very dedicated woman who runs her high schools computer based instruction credit recovery program for students who have failed to earn credits toward graduation in traditional class settings and she constantly complains that parents cover for their kids constantly and constant critiques of any effort to promote real standards of instruction.
an hour ago
No – Watergate went from June 1972 to July 1974 BEFORE a single person was indicted which came AFTER Nixon’s resignation.
an hour ago
Murph – I am rooting for Kunce as you know. And the Buschit Busch fraud disappeared of course, she played her part and chuckled all the way back to her estate.
AdLiban hour ago
As always, I find ad/choice debates SO interesting.
an hour ago
Ad – I have learned that there were a number of GOP who voted in the Dem primary to ensure that their candidate, the B lady, won.
44 minutes ago
Murph – Yep, that is a natural feeling, parents living through their kids and taking things that happen to them.
AdLib43 minutes ago
Ad – also remember this is NOT about Trump and a small circle of people but thousands OUTSIDE the White House who have had to be stopped. They are decimated now. Obviously not everyone, but cutting the head off the resisters’ Hydra was critical. They provided evidence as well as being a threat. They have been neutralized. Always the McVeighs around – but the momentum is WAY down. That’s very important.
43 minutes ago
ad….I remember when adults stood together to promote the long term welfare of young people. No more.
42 minutes ago
CL – I feel a little differently about Garland, I am concerned that taking the amount of time he has could cause a problem with primaries coming next year but I am confident that Jack Smith is going to bring an indictment by Summer in concert with Garland and that is good. But which charges will still be waiting?
AdLib41 minutes ago
Side note…ain’t Hakeem Jeffries fantastic….oh, please let him be our next Speaker.
41 minutes ago
I would urge anyone with some time on their hands (as if!) to follow IN the courtroom, a federal trial of some complexity. It is fascinating to see how DOJ works, even at the local district levels. I worked the Western District NY and the Eastern District CA. The MAGA trials have been spot ON tactically and are moving as they should be.
40 minutes ago
CL…..I bow to your considerable experience, knowledge and good sense. May your statements be prophetic.
40 minutes ago
Murph – he is indeed and yes, I hope he’s our next Speaker. I know McCarthy personally, not well of course, and am not remotely surprised at how awful he is.
39 minutes ago
Murph – I’ve seen some awful stories about parents who are too vested in their kids but what’s worse than parents who overlook their kids being deranged and help and support them before and after doing shootings? L
AdLib39 minutes ago
Ad…and there are more and more of those kind of parents who have been raised by equally dysfunctional parents themselves.
38 minutes ago
Ad – Jack Smith IS Merrick Garland. He was picked precisely to ruthlessly hone in on Trump thus removing Garland as a political target AND getting someone whose global track record is impeccable. GARLAND chose him, and it’s freaking brilliant.
38 minutes ago
Murph – Exactly what one would’ve expected, Repubs ratf*cking the Dems by voting for their stalking horse Busch to be the nom.
AdLib38 minutes ago
I can tell you both that the Trump Fires are burning much higher and hotter of late….much petrol being poured on the embers.
36 minutes ago
Murph – what do you mean “Trump Fires”?
36 minutes ago
CL – Very good point, this is indeed a highly widespread conspiracy, led by Billionaires with MAGA nutjobs as their footsoldiers and Repub pols as their puppets. Very widespread and needs to be pulled up by the roots.
AdLib36 minutes ago
The Trump Fires refer to a number of things…..heat around his perceived persecution, places for rebels to rally, backgrounds for rallies and propaganda preachers. That which had seemed to be flaming out has come roaring back.
34 minutes ago
Murph – Selfishness and egotism isn’t new, parents who live through their kids has been going on forever. I was a coach for many years and the interesting thing was, when my daughter played Little League, the rest of the players were boys and the parents were all fine. When she switched to girls softball, I saw mostly good parents but always some nutjobs. So the parents of girls were more crazy. Can’t explain that.
AdLib33 minutes ago
The core player is Koch on the secular side with ALEC. They laid out the alternative state legislature plan in FEB. 2020 in a presentation to the religious right, Counsil on National Policy. It’s on video. When J6 asked for evidence, I sent that video and asked them NOT to overlook this. We shall see. The leader of CNP was a former CA state sen. and assembly member, Ray Haines. He’s one of the most despicable people I’ve ever known. Disgusting.
33 minutes ago
It’s a rats’ nest.
32 minutes ago
CL – I do have to strongly disagree with you about Jack Smith Is Merrick Garland. The whole concept of the Special Counsel is that he is absolutley not working with the AG, he is fully independent and not a partner with the AG. Jack Smith does what Jack Smith chooses to do and it’s completely unrelated to what Garland might or might not want.
AdLib31 minutes ago
Murph – Do you think MAGAs will act out in MO once he’s indicted?
AdLib30 minutes ago
Ad….having been a teacher at the secondary level in the late 60’s and 70’s in a number of settings, I found parents generally supportive of teachers and coaches as a way of their supporting the long term welfare of their kids. Over the years that experience is getting rarer and rarer.
30 minutes ago
CL – It had to be Koch driving an overthrow of democracy, isn’t that his primary purpose in life?
AdLib29 minutes ago
CL….your points about Koch, ALEC etc….point to the very deep roots of a long term conspiracy to bring down democratic rule and replacing it with autocratic rule.
29 minutes ago
Ad…..the gatherings of trumpistas, with guns very visible, and flags a-flyin have definitely increased.
28 minutes ago
Ad – you miss my point. Garland PICKED Smith. Yes, Smith is independent, but that was Garland’s goal. It’s damned strategic and very wise.
27 minutes ago
Murph – ALEC and CNP are the MOST dangerous force in America today.
27 minutes ago
CL….I do not know them as well as you do…but I take your judgment on this as Gospel.
26 minutes ago
Murph – Going through Little League, rec softball, travel softball and now college NCAA softball with my daughter, I see most parents as total heroes. They put up with a lot and are there to support their children. It’s only that 10% of parents who personalize things, who feel rejected when their child isn’t treated as special or more talented and go nuts. Most parents are pretty good in my experience.
AdLib26 minutes ago
Ad…you have been fortunate in that.
26 minutes ago
Ad – yes, Koch bankrolled James M. Buchanan, a Libertarian who makes Ron and Rand Paul look like flaming liberals. Nancy MacLean’s “Democracy in Chains” is about him, Koch, and this movement. It’s the MOST scary book I’ve ever read.
26 minutes ago
The CNP offshoots have been stalking me since 2010. I have to know what they’re up to.
25 minutes ago
One of the signs of how wearing it is to teach/coach is the ever turning revolving door as adults come into and out of roles as teachers, coaches etc.
25 minutes ago
Murph – What’s interesting though is that the MAGA numbers have shrunk, the dregs are left who are more radical and hostile but if you saw how few attend Trump Rallies and his speech at CPAC, it’s clear his popularity is waning. Latest poll showed DeSantis just a few points away from Trump, that requires many MAGAs to change lanes away from Trump.
AdLib24 minutes ago
Ad and Murph – my mother was 6th grade teacher in a Chicago white suburb for 20 years. She left because of the toxic parents. That was 1976.
24 minutes ago
Ad……the MAGA masses have shrunk, yes, but the fervent core remains.
23 minutes ago
Ad – you nailed it. What we see at the virulent level, the ground troops, is NOT the real problem. It’s the higher ups such as Koch and company. They are fearsomely dangerous. \
23 minutes ago
CL – Again, Garland did not bring Jack Smith on as part of a plan, he did it only in response to Trump announcing his run for president and Garland even publicly stated that. I’m very glad he chose Smith, that was his excellent decision but if he had wanted to expedite the investigation with a special counsel, he could have done it far sooner as was done in Watergate.
AdLib22 minutes ago
The fervent core if being fed by the financiers and masterminds…….they are their shock trips, modern day brown shirts.
22 minutes ago
CL – You always make me smarter.
AdLib21 minutes ago
CL and AD….and you both leave me in the dust so often…..so very impressed so often.
21 minutes ago
No – Garland did this for his own reasons. He knew what happened in 1944 (see Maddow’s podcast on msnbc/ultra) and found a way to eliminate the chaos of that failed attempt to indict and convict Nazi supporters in Congress. He MUST have planned this before Trump’s declaration because Smith would not have read what he needed to leave ICC and come home without solid prep. The timeline is too short for that to have been the prompt for the establishment of Smith as Special Counsel.
20 minutes ago
On another topic….where do you both see the War in Ukraine heading?
20 minutes ago
Murph – Coaches should just be coaches but the finances of schools don’t allow for that in all cases. The compromise can be on either side, where a good coach makes a poor teacher and where a decent teacher becomes a coach and ruins the experience for the players due to a lack of knowing how to coach.
AdLib20 minutes ago
CL – Toxic parents in 1976? But disco hadn’t even started!
AdLib19 minutes ago
Smith, of course, has not eliminated Trump whining about “persecution”. But Smith is, to most Americans, an enigma. I quite love it.
18 minutes ago
Toxic parents caused disco. It’s a fact.
18 minutes ago
Ad….of course, if one looks at school systems that are particularly successful….sports teams IN schools is very, very rare……sports are for out of school clubs
18 minutes ago
Murph – that’s why I’m thinking that Trump indictments could be just the honeypot that we need to draw out the MAGA extremists and get them arrested for acting out on their madness. Just hope no one innocent is hurt in the process but if we could send these nutjobs to prison and clean society of their ilk, that would be a double win from indicting Trump.
AdLib17 minutes ago
Murph – sports in my school was a sideline, not a feature. Sure, we had pep clubs etc., but it was indeed extracurricular.
16 minutes ago
With Poland and Slovakia now sending jets to Ukraine along with a major commitment to rearm ground troops, I hope that the soon to be launched offensive punctures holes in the russian lines tipping the scales toward armistice and peace negotiations.
15 minutes ago
Ad – there is talk in intel about indicting 1000 more MAGA zealots. I’m all for that.
15 minutes ago
CL – just as the Tea Party was a Koch and other plutocrat driven seditionist movement, the plutocrats use their dimwitted army to fight democracy for them because the plutocrats are too few. Stop them and the seditionist movement shrivels away.
AdLib15 minutes ago
Murp[h – Amen on Ukraine! The word is that MIGs are far better than US planes. Ukrainian pilots are already up to speed on them.
14 minutes ago
How does on stop the right wing plutocrats?
14 minutes ago
CL…Russian MIGS are far better than U.S. Jets?
13 minutes ago
Murph – my question. I danced in the streets when the younger Koch brother died. Hoping Karma chases down this one. Does anyone know of offspring?
13 minutes ago
Murph – not better, just familiar to the Ukrainian pilots. No training time lag.
13 minutes ago
CL…sadly one does need to be in the blood line to inherit the mantle.
13 minutes ago
CL – Just saying, had Garland immediately brought Smith on once the Trump seditionist investigations began, that case would’ve moved much faster because Garland could’ve focused on other aspects while Smith rode herd on 1/6 and Trump’s sedition.
AdLib13 minutes ago
CL….ah…your reference is to the MIGs in Allies’ hands. Ok.
12 minutes ago
Ad – No. It would not. We HAD to get the ground work laid that seditious conspiracy had actually occurred. You can’t indict Gotti for bank robbery until you prove the robbery occurred. With the Oath Keepers and now Proud Boys indicted for SC, that’s done. Could NOT happen faster.
11 minutes ago
Think of J6 as a Gotti trial.
11 minutes ago
sorry i’m late!
11 minutes ago
11 minutes ago
PPO…..welcome to the debate….so glad to see you…..
11 minutes ago
So glad you’re here!
11 minutes ago
Murph – Not sure about where things are with Ukraine. Great to see that NATO is holding stronger and stronger to assist, planes are now on the way to Ukraine. But the current battles seem like a quagmire, I think we may have a better idea in a month or so. Russia needs to be defeated in Ukraine! And glad that the ICC has indicted Putin on war crimes. They can’t arrest him but the message it sends around the world is invaluable.
AdLib10 minutes ago
Hey PPO!!!
AdLib10 minutes ago
CL and Ad have been exchanging volleys re. the efficacy of the DOJ in prosecuting the Trumpistas.
10 minutes ago
Ad – to get to Gotti, they had to roll his henchmen. When Sammy “The Bull” Gravano rolled, THEN they could convict Gotti. Took a couple of years.
9 minutes ago
Catching up. BTW Migs are crap compared to US planes. But simple to service
9 minutes ago
9 minutes ago
This march on Trump is more complex than any issue in our nation’s history. I’m in awe of how well the case has been constructed.
9 minutes ago
I really miss having people as informed and clear as you folks around me….
8 minutes ago
Hope you all enjoyed St. Patrick’s Day. (Hate the use of Paddy!)
8 minutes ago
PPO – yes, MIGs are not good, BUT in addition to ease of service, Ukrainian pilots already KNOW them. This is SUPER help to them.
8 minutes ago
Murph – Most student athletes who want to play in college and get scholarships can only achieve that by playing in travel/club sports, colleges don’t follow HS teams much anymore, maybe football and basketball a bit but mostly, it’s the club teams because they know most talented players are in club/travel.
AdLib8 minutes ago
I had corned beef of course. It was excellent. Got it quite reasonably at the Outlet Market, and it was the leanest and best I’ve ever had.
7 minutes ago
PPO….I am Irish on three sides of my family with the fourth side being Scotch AND generally thought of St. Patrick’s day like Christmas with Santa.
7 minutes ago
CL, right, the US planes my be a bit overwhelming in capabilities and complicated instrumentation. but boy will they cuse mayhem!
7 minutes ago
PPO – My dog is wearing a kerchief with shamrocks on it.
AdLib6 minutes ago
I regret to report I’ve virtually not Irish at all.
6 minutes ago
Good dog!
6 minutes ago
I’ll adopt you, CL!
6 minutes ago
Ad…the club team development is healthy…now if we can get schools to disassociate…….a local school here is cutting teaching positions as they are building three new athletic facilities.
6 minutes ago
Thank you, PPO – my ex was VERY Irish. We used to hang at the “Ireland’s 32 Club” in Pawtucket, RI. Loved every minute of it.
5 minutes ago
Had Beef & Guinness pie with mash and veggies. Yum!
5 minutes ago
OMG that sounds good. Hubs now is not a drinker, and we don’t eat mash. I miss that sort of food VERY much.
5 minutes ago
CL – Agreed that so much of this plan to overthrow democracy needed to be learned about but no excuse IMO that the 1/6 committee had far more info and more subpoenas bringing info and testimony than the DoJ. yes, they need to build their case but that is part of how you build it.
AdLib4 minutes ago
We also spent time at Trinity Theater in Providence RI. It seeped into my pores.
4 minutes ago
Never mind. I’m salivating at the prospect of TFG doing the perp walk. I’d love it if they let Hillary put the cuffs on. I’d pay to see that!
3 minutes ago
Ad – where do you think they GOT the info they presented? Their investigators weren’t FBI. They obtained the info with the DOJ. Think it through. It was a cooperative effort. Pretending DOJ didn’t have it is just not true.
2 minutes ago
PPO – HRC would pay to DO it!
2 minutes ago
Well, friends…this has been a rich experience tonight and I thank you all for being a part of it….PPO…love the idea of Hillary cuffing Donnie
2 minutes ago

2 minutes ago
g’night, Murph
a minute ago
I think I need to go, albeit I will miss more talk with PPO, but we’ll catch up soon. My eyes are giving out! TWO WEEKS to what I fervently hope is new, usable glasses! This straining to see is making me nuts.
a minute ago
Good night all! Love to see you here!
a few seconds ago
CL – You are absolutely right, this case of Trump overthrowing the election and ordering the attack on 1/6 is immense and complex. Far more than Watergate or really any case against a politician in American history.
AdLiba few seconds ago
Thanks one and all….Love this place….a weekly highlight…..and of course the place IS the people…that would be you all.
a few seconds ago
be safe and careful, CL.
a few seconds ago
glad I spent a few minutes. See u soon, Ad.
in a few seconds
Murph – Oh, there are downsides to the club thing, especially when parents put their very young kids in it.
AdLibin a few seconds
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