Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 hours ago
I regret I won’t likely be on tonight. Just learned after three years of being impeccable in my actions, I have COVID. Not serious. Not awful, but I’m very tired. Keep vaxxing, masking, and avoiding idiots. Obviously I failed to do one of those things, and it was not the first two. Be well everyone! I will miss you, but it’s supper and bed for me.
2 hours ago
Oh no!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hate to hear that! Please rest well and treat all your symptoms.
AdLib2 hours ago
You will be missed!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib36 minutes ago
CL! How are you feeling?
AdLib35 minutes ago
I have enough oomph to come for a bit. GLENN!!! How are YOU!
35 minutes ago
CL – You are amazing! Covid better be shaking in its boots!
AdLib35 minutes ago
Sorry to hear that Choice lady won’t be with us tonight.
35 minutes ago
Ad – I don’t feel bad at all. Just REALLY easily tire. I forgot I’d ordered grocery delivery for around now, so I might as well have fun with friends while I wait.
35 minutes ago
glenn – CL is here!
AdLib35 minutes ago
Oh choice! You are with us tonight. Good to see you
34 minutes ago
glenn – I didn’t think I’d survive dinner, but I’m enough OK to be here and to see YOU. How are you doing these days!
34 minutes ago
CL is in the house.

AdLib33 minutes ago
CL— I’m doing OK. I know how you feel about being tired. I hope you get over your symptoms soon.
32 minutes ago
CL – That’s good to hear.
AdLib32 minutes ago
For those who haven’t had COVID, so far it’s really not bad. I’m double vaxxed, triple boosted, and it’s like a bad cold. But it DOES turn everything I cook and eat into not very interesting food. Has the “back beat” of an unwashed gym sock. That’s EVERYTHING. We can smell it, taste, and don’t like it. Bummer
32 minutes ago
OK friends here’s my wish for tonight. That the treasonous lying bully gets indicted and convicted before I die. I’m not planning on dying anytime soon, but at the rate the government is going regarding his indictment I’m not sure.
31 minutes ago
I NOW have learned this version of COVID is more transmitted via contact than air. So break out the hand sanitizers again!
30 minutes ago
CL— That is a bummer.
30 minutes ago
CL— Never put mine away.
29 minutes ago
CL – That’s awful but the upside is that you can save money buying inexpensive, flavorless food.
AdLib28 minutes ago
Ad— Is Twilson joining us tonight? He’s usually here by now.
28 minutes ago
Yes CL, You can turn flavorless food into gym socks!
27 minutes ago
glenn – We need you to stay healthy and around! And while I had hoped at least Fani Willis in GA would indict Trump this month, I think she will by March. And the DoJ will most likely follow by Summer at the latest, IMO.
AdLib27 minutes ago
glenn – Your wish should be fulfilled. Garland didn’t recruit Jack Smith for nothing. Garland has had to lay the groundwork that a crime – seditious conspiracy – WAS committed. He got convictions, and now Smith, having Garland’s folks get the foot soldiers, is going for the consigliere. Pence, NHS guy, top people. They will roll on Trump. Then, slam dunk, Trump himself. Without this layering, a good attorney for Trump could say – no case; never proved there was a crime. We are now about 6 months ahead of Watergate. We WILL see Trump indicted and convicted.
27 minutes ago
CL – That is valuable to hear. I am usually pretty good about washing my hands after being out but will be more diligent now.
AdLib26 minutes ago
Ad – about flavorless food, yes. Crusts of icky bread would do fine. Everything has a taste, but the taste is all the same. So, really – why bother?
26 minutes ago
Ad— I am trying my best to stay healthy and around. I really do want to see the SOB indicted and convicted.
25 minutes ago
glenn – Tim let me know that he wouldn’t be able to make it tonight, he’s in the middle of an article he’s writing and on a tear.
AdLib25 minutes ago
glenn – I think you will get your wish.
25 minutes ago
CL— I’m hoping you’re right. I just don’t have much patience left in my old age.
24 minutes ago
glenn – with the exception of Ad and I don’t know who else, those of us getting on DO wish to see the perp indicted and convicted. He will be.
24 minutes ago
Ad— Sorry to hear TW won’t be with us tonight. I always value his point of you.
24 minutes ago
His point of view.
23 minutes ago
CL and glenn – Jack Smith’s hitting Pence with a subpoena is an announcement that he’s nearly ready to indict Trump. You work an investigation like this from the bottom up, can’t get any higher than Pence and Meadows so I think he’s pretty close to indicting Trump.
AdLib23 minutes ago
glenn – And I want to celebrate Trump’s indictment with you, CL and all our Vox regulars. I think that time is nearly here.
AdLib22 minutes ago
Ad— As I keep saying I hope you’re right. Do you think Pence will ignore the subpoena?
22 minutes ago
glenn and Ad – Pence is fighting the subpoena for idiotic reasons. He will lose and lost queickly.
21 minutes ago
Ad— I’ll bring the chips for the celebration.
21 minutes ago
I have the popcorn!
21 minutes ago
glenn – We have a lot of mutual admiration here at Vox, I think everyone here is so valued by everyone else, when anyone isn’t here, they are truly missed.
AdLib20 minutes ago
I can’t believe Pence is trying to protect the treasonous lying bully after the TLB tried to have him killed. What a wuss
20 minutes ago
I’m bringing the champagne! It will be a party indeed!
AdLib20 minutes ago
Ooops = my grocery delivery just announced its imminent arrival. I will see you all next week. Frozen food waits for no Vox. Hugs to everyone here and coming later. Have a great holiday weekend.
20 minutes ago
CL— With lots of butter?
19 minutes ago
So good to see you for such a short time see you hope to see you next week enjoy your
19 minutes ago
Pence is putting up a half-hearted fight against the subpoena. He wants MAGAs to think he’s fighting to protect Trump but Pence knows he’s going to have to testify and I’d bet he’d love to help knock Trump out of the nom after trying to get Pence hanged.
AdLib18 minutes ago
Yes you’re right AD. We have a lot of smart people here on vox who have smart opinions.
18 minutes ago
So true. It’s not like you can easily find people so well informed and reasoned about politics and society as have gathered here.
AdLib17 minutes ago
There is no way Pence has enough influence with the maggots to sway them not to vote for Trump. And I don’t think he has any influence with independents either.
16 minutes ago
And everyone here is open to others knowing something they may not. Kind of cool.
AdLib16 minutes ago
Yes I agree. Vox is a very special place with very special people.
15 minutes ago
Agreed, Pence has no constituency. Neither the MAGAs or Never-Trumps like him. But Pence’s political career would otherwise be over so I think this is a ploy to fundraise and pocket money, fully accepting he hasn’t “a prayer” of beating Trump or DeSantis and winning the nom.
AdLib14 minutes ago
But I think DeSantis is going to disintegrate once the primary begins and Trump turns all of his nasty guns on him. DeSantis is a truly unlikeable, hateful person, he lacks the likeability Trump has with the MAGA crowd and indies will not vote for him in big numbers in a GE.
AdLib13 minutes ago
Repubs are in a massive dilemma. If Trump loses the primary, he will take much of the GOP with him out of the party. If he wins while being tried as a traitor and criminal, which will likely be happening during the next year, Trump will be radioactive as will all Repubs. My preference is Trump loses the nom and tears the GOP into pieces as he splits from them.
AdLib11 minutes ago
I have to tell you about a conversation I had with one of the other residents here at the assisted living. I’m not sure that she has it all together because she says some very bizarre things. But anyway somehow or another we got to talking politics. There was another lady at the table with us to just to give you background information. Anyway I try to give this woman facts about the difference between Republicans and Democrats and how Democrats are so much better for the economy. And every time I gave her a fact she would say I don’t believe it. How can you deal with someone like that.? She came to me the next morning and said she hoped I wasn’t mad at her because I was trying to keep my voice as level as I could but it’s very frustrating talking to someone who doesn’t believe anything you say. So we agreed not to talk politics again. Because there’s not much sense in my mind talking to someone like that about politics.
11 minutes ago
I hope DeSantis disintegrates into sand. I can’t believe that people are going along with his agenda with the book banning and all of that. It makes me so glad I’m not teaching anymore. And yes I hope Trump takes the maggots with him too.
9 minutes ago
I talked about the other woman at the table because she agreed with everything I said. And she kept saying to the other woman whose name by the way is joy and is the most joyless person I’ve ever met
7 minutes ago
The irony is that someone who you think may not be all together, is a Republican. Of course she is. In order to continue believing that the party she has supported her whole life has not been a lifelong mistake, she is reduced to simply saying that she only believes things that support her POV. That is not unusual and understandable for someone like her who is older and can’t put together grounded arguments to support her position. And the bottom line is that once someone walls themselves off from reality and simply tags everything that doesn’t fit her opinions as “untrue”, there is no way to have a respectful or constructive conversation with them.
AdLib7 minutes ago
AD— so true so true. And the other problem is she votes. When we were talking, Marco Rubio’s name came up and she had no idea who he was. That’s what I was dealing with and that’s why I got so frustrated. Now I know just to shut down when she starts talking.
5 minutes ago
Yes, I look at the fascist regime of DeSantis in FL and am truly bewildered by how he could win re-election, someone as hateful of his voters and spiteful of democracy. I do think some monkey business is going on in FL elections. They were one of only two states that refused to allow independent election monitoring.
AdLib5 minutes ago
Heh! “Joy”. Sounds like everything about her is ironic. Hey, is that her last name? Joy Ironic?
AdLib4 minutes ago
Oh I hope you’re wrong about the monkey Business here in Florida.
4 minutes ago
Ha ha. Good one.
4 minutes ago
OK my friend. I thought I would be able to stay awake until maybe Murph came on, but I just can’t make it anymore. Love chatting with you and getting some optimism regarding the TLB. Take care and have a good weekend.
3 minutes ago
I learned that not so long ago, that there are simply some people who are out of reach to have political discussions with because they treat politics like religion, it’s only about faith to them and anything you say that questions their political faith has to be desperately batted away as blasphemy.
AdLib2 minutes ago
Yup. I am learning that too. Good night
2 minutes ago
Same here, my friend! Always thrilled to have you here, really love the way your mind works!
AdLib2 minutes ago
Night! Have a great weekend!
AdLib2 minutes ago
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