Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 5 hours ago
Hey TW! AdLib 3 hours ago

Hey Ad, well finally got my last COVID shot yesterday. It was the new and improved version. twilson117 3 hours ago
Good to hear! I got mine last Friday but also with my flu shot, I was a bit under the weather the next day and a half but my wife was fine. AdLib 3 hours ago
I think this booster is going to prove to be very valuable to have had. AdLib 3 hours ago

I was asked if I wanted a flu shot as well but said no. I had a real bad experience with flu shot many years ago and vowed I would never do it again. twilson117 3 hours ago
This is the first Winter after Covid has basically been accepted as not terrible to catch. AdLib 3 hours ago

Agree with you on the booster. The area where she jabbed me is a little sore but not effects yet. Maybe tomorrow. twilson117 3 hours ago
I think it was the flu shot that made me feel a bit bad but who knows, just a lot for my immune system to acclimate to. AdLib 3 hours ago

I’ve been meaning to ask how is your daughter doing? twilson117 3 hours ago
Which one did you get? We got the Pfizer which seems easier on us than Moderna. AdLib 3 hours ago

The Moderna keeping it uniformed twilson117 3 hours ago
Thanks for asking, she’s doing well. Has a friend in town from LA this weekend so she’ll be having fun. I told her to get her booster but you know kids, I’ll have to keep on her to get it. AdLib 3 hours ago
I had 2 Modernas then two Pfizers. Two pair, bet you beat me with 4 of a kind! AdLib 3 hours ago

Yes I know kids it took a long time before my daughter got any of the shots. For some reason she was against getting them but according my wife she fully vaccinated. twilson117 3 hours ago

Wow you wanted to make sure you were cover by both companies. twilson117 3 hours ago
So, Bannon sentenced, Trump having more charges lined up against him and losing in court, and Biden’s numbers still rising, higher than most recent presidents in an off year election. AdLib 3 hours ago

Yes, the gods are finally paying attention. I was hoping for a year for Bannon and the 200k fine. 6500 is chump change for him. twilson117 3 hours ago

Actually I wanted to see Bannon get two years in Rikers. twilson117 3 hours ago
That’s good to hear your daughter is fully vaccinated now. Some non-MAGA people didn’t get them out of suspicion or fear and I understand that but when the concrete risk of getting it and dying horribly is enough of a possibility as it is, 400 a week still dying, it should overcome reservations. AdLib 3 hours ago
After my 2 Modernas, I made an appointment and didn’t realize until the shot that it would be Pfizer. Since I had no problem that time, I just scheduled us at the closest CVS and all they had was Pfizer. Some say getting a booster of the other one could be better but I don’t know. Just glad I got it. AdLib 3 hours ago

Murph is in the House ring the bell. twilson117 3 hours ago
It was a Trump appointed judge who sentenced him so I guess we were just lucky he didn’t give him probation. AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey Murph! AdLib 3 hours ago
My understanding is that sentencing guidelines for defying a congressional subpoena is 1-6 months and up to $200k fine. So, very low on the fine but not bad on the sentence. AdLib 3 hours ago
Hi guys! I just read your vaccine stories…..got both of mine today at a Walgreens in the Il. 13th district……Georgia never called for my help. They might yet but…. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago

Well he is not in jail judge is holding locking him up until he gets a decision on an appeal which I think he will lose. twilson117 3 hours ago

Well it’s good to be vaccinated as winter is coming. twilson117 3 hours ago

Murph so no trip to Georgia. twilson117 3 hours ago
Hey TW….would you send me a quick e mail so I can recover your e mail. Somehow my yahoo account has sabotaged by e mail list so I am having to rebuild it. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago
Murph – Glad to hear you’re boosted! You’re doing good work in IL, hope GA is taking care of business there. I just think about people who see such messed up, mealy mouthed people like Kemp and Walker as people they want to vote for and wonder, don’t they see how terrible they look for supporting liars and assholes? I guess grabbing power “trumps” everything else for them. AdLib 3 hours ago
TW – From what I read, Bannon has no legit issues to appeal on, it’s just going to be throwing his BS at the wall and hoping Trump judges give him a pass. But he has no real good items to appeal on. AdLib 3 hours ago
Ad….your reading vis a vis Georgia is spot on I think…..I know that one of the tactics being taken in GA is to revisit Obama’s win as a travesty and Hillary’s loss as a victory for truth, justice and the american way……sickening. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago
To protect TW from having his email scraped, I’m going to delete it now but you’ll still see it in your Vox window so make sure to copy it down now, Murph. AdLib 3 hours ago
glenn!!! AdLib 3 hours ago
How are you doing glenn? We’ve been missing you! AdLib 3 hours ago
glenn – Were you okay after Hurricane Ian? AdLib 3 hours ago

Glenn is in the house, how are doing Glenn? twilson117 3 hours ago
I already sent the post so I have TW’s e mail….with a nod to both of you. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago
Murph – Perfect! AdLib 3 hours ago
Glenn….how are you my friend……it has been a while. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago

We lost Glenn twilson117 3 hours ago
Hey Glenn…would you send me a quick e mail so I can recover your e mail. Somehow my yahoo account has sabotaged by e mail list so I am having to rebuild it. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago
So, in keeping with my feeling that Dems will outperform the polls, as polls keep showing a slight edge to Repubs in The House races, actual early voting numbers show more Dems voting at this point than in 2020. AdLib 3 hours ago
She’s back! AdLib 3 hours ago
Ad….dear Lord I hope you are correct. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago

Looks like Glenn’s connection keeps dropping her. twilson117 3 hours ago
Murph – The pretense of hateful people has been thrown aside, they are now openly hateful, racist, anti-Semetic, etc. and bask in their evil. The irony of course is that many of these types believe in the Antichrist coming which Trump fits the best description of it, and when the Antichrist came, they voted for him, follow every order he gives and are still giving him their money! AdLib 3 hours ago

Well, what do you think the odds are Trump will actually show up for the Jan 6th committee on Nov 4th? twilson117 3 hours ago
Maybe, Ad….you could pass on what I sent to you to her….and give her my e mail…I would appreciate it. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago
Ad your “AntiChrist” insight just adds fuel to my bonfire. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago
Murph – I’m anxious too, the numbers seem to be encouraging but I have no patience for watching much cable news which, even MSNBC, is doom and gloom fear mongering about Hell likely to come. WHy did Biden’s numbers just go up another 3 points or so if Dem numbers aren’t going up too? AdLib 3 hours ago
Hi everyone started out on my Kindle but just wasn’t working out so I’m using my phone and using the voice feature thank you all for being so for asking about me I am hanging in there I was OK after hurricane and we didn’t get any damage at all I am I am living in a assisted living facility because my kidneys are in really really terrible shape and I have to go to dialysis three times a week and it’s too hard for me to live at home and get this all and do that so other than that here I am if it wasn’t for my kidneys I’d be in good glenn 3 hours ago
TW – If we were doing a Trump Testimony Pool, my bet would be on Trump insisting he wanted to testify live but adding on even more unacceptable conditions then blaiming the 1/6 committee for being dictators who wouldn’t agree to let him speak. Any bets on that? AdLib 3 hours ago
Ad….I have taken a leave from all of the news channels….I am doing work in the real world….donating as much as I can (and maybe a little more)….and worrying enough without news talk gasoline. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago
I’d be in good health glenn 3 hours ago
And of course waiting for Trump to be indicted and thrown in jail like everyone else glenn 3 hours ago
glenn – Sorry you’re having to go through this but for what it’s worth, my mother has been in that situation for a while now and she has actually been feeling better and doing better than before she started dialysis. Are you finding, aside from the exhaustion right afterward, that it’s helping how you feel? AdLib 3 hours ago
Glenn….THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING ALL OF THAT WITH US…I must tell you that it saddens me……you are such a kind, good, fun person…such burdens should not be at your doorstep…still I am glad you are getting help in handling it. Is the residence in which you live homey? MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago

Ad I know what you mean they just seem to take a gloom and doom view all the time. I saw that the deficit dropped, don’t remember the number it flashed pass me before I could write it down. twilson117 3 hours ago
Add the dialysis is helping a little bit but my doctor says it’s going to take a while but it is helping but as you say I am exhausted when I get home and I go three times a week Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays so Fridays I’m usually exhausted. Murph thank you for your kind words. I will try to remember to email you tomorrow glenn 3 hours ago

Ad I have to agree with you on that. It’s what he does. It’s how he has always done business always changing to rules to work in his favor. twilson117 3 hours ago
Glenn…I have walked with a number of people through the limbo that is dialysis. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago
Murph – Being in CA, not as much on the ground work to do here against Repubs, we’ve nearly exterminated them politically, but I have been focused on donating to candidates more than I ever have. And many candidates, mostly Senate and Gov candidates but a couple House Dems including of course, Nikki. AdLib 3 hours ago
I think the odds are zero to zilch that Trump will show up for the January 6 committee it’ll be something you know somebody did him wrong and they just don’t understand him I just don’t get it anyway I don’t think he’s going to show up. glenn 2 hours ago
As you all now I live in a place where Trump was/is adored and now there are new flags everywhere….Oh God! MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
glenn – I have the champagne on ice, I am very confident that Trump will be indicted before the end of the year, Jan at the latest but I think earlier. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad….a nod of thanks from Nikki to you….wonderful person…..as are you! MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago

Ad can you arrange for Kevin to dropped in the Labria Tar Pits? twilson117 2 hours ago
Hey Murph new new flags for Trump? I read something Bill Mayer said the other day and it was kind of like it doesn’t matter what Trump does or what any Republican does they are going to vote for a Republican because they hate liberals and what liberals stand for so much in some ways it makes sense. glenn 2 hours ago
TW – SO much great news during the past 2 years and so obvious that foreign countries who are enemies like Saudi Arabia and Russia are trying to help sabotage Dems winning, along with pro-plutocracy corporations, I am kind of pissed off at voters who whine about gas prices or inflation without seeing anything else that’s helped tem AND that the Repubs have ZERO platforms to reduce inflation or gas prices. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad— I wish I had as much confidence as you do that Trump will be indicted. glenn 2 hours ago
Glenn…..TRUMP 2024 SAVING AMERICA AGAIN! Yep….. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Also if he is indicted do you think there will be any consequences? glenn 2 hours ago
Glenn…i agree….they actually hate sensible conservatives too….a lot and are intent on purging the GOP Ranks of them. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
glenn – It seemed gradual with my mother but after a while, her increase in energy and mood was very noticeable the day after treatment. AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph so sad to hear that oh but read what I said about Bill Maher they don’t really care what a Republican does as long as they have an R by their name glenn 2 hours ago
Ad you being pissed off…is where I am….narrow minded narcissists who believe that only their needs count. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago

All, if the Reps take the House and Senate the country will be on the Road to Perdition and our current form of government will be dismantled and we be on the pathway to nationalism and autocratic rule. twilson117 2 hours ago
glenn – Agreed, one way or another, there is no way Trump would appear in front of the 1/6 committee with the landslide of criminal and civil suits falling on him. Though, I could imagine him pulling a stunt, showing up to allegedly be questioned but making a long BS statement full of lies and accusations then just walking out of the hearing. AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph— when Mayer said that it made a lot of sense since I’ve been spending as you know the past couple of years trying to figure out what in the hell makes these people tick and now I guess that’s as good an answer as any. glenn 2 hours ago
TW…completely agree. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Ad…your scenario is very Trumpian. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – Thanks but all props are also donated to Nikki, she looks to be doing a solid job in this campaign and we need her in The House. AdLib 2 hours ago

Murph what is really sad is all those folks in your area who worship Trump actually believe they would be better off under a nationalistic form of governance, but fail to realize they will be kicked to the curb . twilson117 2 hours ago
Ad— hearing about your mother gives me hope that my dialysis will help me. glenn 2 hours ago
Nikki has the leadership gene. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
TW – You mean Kevin McCarthy? Sure, we could throw him in the La Brea Tar Pits and see what happens but I think the Tar Pits would complain about having something truly nasty being thrown into them. AdLib 2 hours ago
TW….twas always so…..so many people vote against their own self interest because they have been gulled, cullied and bamboozled. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Sorry didn’t mean to do that emoji. Anyway in someways I really don’t feel any different on the days that I don’t have dialysis or the days that I do. I’m able to get around with my walker and pretty much function like a real human being so I’m hoping it will get will only get better. glenn 2 hours ago
McCarthy makes Boehner look noble. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Glenn…you are handling this like a champ! MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Ad— yeah Trump grandstanding sounds like about what he want to do. glenn 2 hours ago

Ad wow even La Brea won’t take him. Dam! twilson117 2 hours ago
glenn – Exactly, we’ve been saying it here for many years that the gOP is a cult, now it’s not an insight, it’s a fact. Nothing, not even betraying the top secrets of the US, matters to their supporting their cult leader. Nothing will change that aside from a new one trying to take his place. AdLib 2 hours ago
glenn – I had been critical of Garland moving slow and seemingly afraid of indicting Trump. Now, I don’t see that he is avoiding this nor that Garland can avoid indicting Trump without handing our democracy to tyrants in 2024. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad….it has been nice working in Central/Southern Ill. where being a Dem is not the equivalent to being a servant of the dark side. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
TW— because those people know actually nothing about governing or government or how our government actually works they think that Trump is going to ““ save them. If God forbid Republicans are able to change our government so much I wonder if these people will see what happened or will they blame it all on Democrats still. glenn 2 hours ago

Murph what are your friends in Georgia saying about Walker and Warnock? twilson117 2 hours ago
Ad…what has changed your mind? MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Thanks Murph I don’t have much choice in some ways it’s either go forward and with a good attitude or just crawl up in a ball and whine so that’s where I am but thanks for recognizing it. glenn 2 hours ago

Glenn I totally agree with you. twilson117 2 hours ago
glenn – I think Trump will be indicted and convicted. But, I can’t imagine him being sentenced to any incarceration. t the worst, I think he could be sentenced to home confinement but I don’t know that even that would happen. I’m more focused on the NY AG shutting down his org and taking his money. That would be prison for Trump in any case and once convicted and trashed in politics, he would be worthless to his cult that leaves him for a DeSantis or whoever. AdLib 2 hours ago
TW….my friends are generally furious…..the neck and neck competition esp. among black voters is absurd and, sadly, speaks to my ongoing critique of the lack of real education of the black voter such as that which was required in my days with SNCC. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Ad— I hope you’re right about Garland. glenn 2 hours ago
glenn…a champion attitude from a real champ! You, crawling, nope, can’t see it. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago

Murph it is a shame. I see where Warnock took the gloves off with his latest TV add. twilson117 2 hours ago
Murph – Yep, MAGAs are a mirror of Trump, he gave them permission to be selfish, hateful beasts like him. All of them are insecure narcissists who want to control what intimidates them which is most Americans, books, LGBTQ, PoC, Jews, women, etc. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad— The sad part about what you said about Trump being indicted is that once Trump is indicted his cult followers won’t give up on Republicans and like you said will probably follow DeSantis who in someways is much smarter than Trump. Of course it doesn’t take much to be smarter than Trump. glenn 2 hours ago
Ad…agree with your assessment of the Trump fortunes in the courts of law…. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
glenn – It should give you some hope. I thought when my mother started dialysis it would begin a decline but it has been just the opposite. AdLib 2 hours ago

Glenn you beat me to the punch. I see DeSantis as Trump lite but he is far meaner and far more devious and dangerous. twilson117 2 hours ago
All right my friends this is about all I can take I am falling asleep as I’m talking. So good to chat with you all and thank you for your kind words. Hopefully I can get back to a regular schedule on vox. Take care everyone. glenn 2 hours ago

Glenn take care. twilson117 2 hours ago
Ad— that’s good to know about your mom. glenn 2 hours ago
Ad….a friend of mine, gay, in Mo. and a person of wealth has withdrawn his support from every group affiliated in any way with Trumpism. He is encouraging others like him to do the same. And yet, the gay community here, as a whole, is walking very softly through the political mine field. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
good night my dear Glenn! MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
glenn – Good to hear though that your status quo is solid. I think over time it could definitely improve. AdLib 2 hours ago
Good night everyone glenn 2 hours ago
Murph – Because of how busy the Grand Juries are that the DoJ are using and the key players and high profile people they are bringing in to testify, this has all the earmarks of a massive but comprehensive prosecution of Trump. And seeing how confident and aggressive the DoJ has been with the Mar-a-Lago documents case, it seems clear to me that they have so many predicates to indict Trump on and that they’re going to. AdLib 2 hours ago

Murph your friend is in dangerous territory considering the current political climate. twilson117 2 hours ago
Ad…your analysis is compelling. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – At least you’re getting a little refill of sanity by being in a Blue state and seeing what are really what a majority of Americans are like, as opposed to the MAGA-rot in MO that you see so often. AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph – And there was an article today or yesterday that prosecutors in the DoJ say they have all they need to prosecute Trump. AdLib 2 hours ago

Ad if you can find it can you send a link? twilson117 2 hours ago
TW…yes, he is, but he is very rich with wealth independent from his connections. He has been one of those “conservative LGBTQ folks trying to walk the line and has decided that he is being played. So, he is withdrawing his involvement. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – “Some DOJ prosecutors believe they have enough evidence to charge Trump with obstruction in the Mar-a-Lago records case” https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/some-doj-prosecutors-believe-they-have-enough-evidence-to-charge-trump-with-obstruction-in-the-mar-a-lago-records-case-report/ar-AA13bRLY AdLib 2 hours ago
TW – Link is above on DoJ having enough evidence to prosecute Trump. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad. Illinois is Democratic in the North and GOP in the South with a mix in between…the real world in many ways and a place where the two sides are battling over real issues.n MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Ad…will look at the link. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago

Murph yes, those with the means have the ability to extract themselves from the situation. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if there is a quiet exodus of wealthy individuals leaving the country. twilson117 2 hours ago

Thanks got it. twilson117 2 hours ago
TW…sadly many of the wealthiest are major backers of the madness that is Trumpism….my question…will those backers still be served by that movement in the days to come. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
TW – But DeSantis doesn’t have Trump’s celebrity BS to court indie voters, Trump was a showman/conman/snake-oil-salesman. DeSantis has failed repeatedly in his stunts, the latest failure was today when one of the ex-convicts who registered and was arrested by DeSantis’ Election Police, had his case thrown out as the rest probably will too. Add that to hid illegal kidnapping of immigrants to MA, DeSantis would lose IMO as a national candidate. He is the embodiment of hate and indies won’t support that as a majority. AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph – Yes, and so IL is like a “real” state but sanity can rule in a state with competing parties, it dies a terrible death in Red gripped states. AdLib 2 hours ago

Murph those who are wealthy and backing Trump I believe will drop him if they MAGA Usurpers regain control of the House & Senate. There will be a rash of bill pushed through that will turn this country into a failed stated. They don’t realize free enterprise cannot work with out democracy. twilson117 2 hours ago
Ad…..De Santis has made many enemies in the tourism business for many reasons…so say my friends in the Disney Organization. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Ad…and one of the things that happens in such sane and real states is that there are actual candidates who win with true bipartisan victories and actual co sponsored legislation. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago

Ad I believe the people who count meaning the very rich will throw Trump overboard in the Repubs take control of the House and Senate. They don’t need him. They will support DeSantis or Hawley or any Republican senator who will do their bidding. They want control. It will be like the Roman Empire in it’s last days. twilson117 2 hours ago
Murph – The problem for these pro-plutocrat millionaires and billionaires is that they are 100% clueless of what a takeover of our democracy will look like. This country has never had tyranny that prevents upheaval. If Repubs thought the George Floyd protests nationwide were scary, when all women, all people of color, all LGBTQ, all people who aren’t Christian fundamentalists are all assaulted with tyrannical rule, the U.S. and the economy will explode. There is no “winning” an overthrow of democracy in the US, not when there are a majority in states that will fight back. And the pro-tyranny wealthy will be in the sites of an angry majority of Americans. There is no winning this fascist war in the long term, they are too greedy to see that. AdLib 2 hours ago
TW….the question is….how much control does Trump have over the electoral base…he seems to have actually proved that he could should someone in a public setting and get away with it. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
TW – You said it before me, right on target. A democracy and a working capitalist system in the US can’t work under a tyranny. These selfish jerks can’t envision what the U.S. would really be like under a tyranny. Remember the chant, “No Justice, No Peace?” That will be more the norm. AdLib 2 hours ago

Murph I believe he has some control especially with those who like the tough guy approach to everything. You know Hulk smash type. But I think those who have ideas about how they want to govern will win out they just need someone to do what they tell them. I don’t know if you remember the TV show Incorporated it would be something along those lines. twilson117 2 hours ago
Where are those women, people of color, LGBTQ, and non fundamentalists right now when they could be major players in keep the U.S. from going down that path.all women, all people of color, all LGBTQ, all people who aren’t Christian fundamentalists MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – Exactly, Disney is just one of many corps that do not want a DeSantis presidency. Other companies and corps that know they would lose valuable employees if they bowed to DeSantis’ demands to be anti-LGBTQ, anti-POC, anti-women, etc. will not want him to have the presidency to enforce such fascism. AdLib 2 hours ago
Why does a working capitalist system need to operate in a democrat setting. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – Yes, I can only imagine how energizing it is to spend time in IL after being in MO for so long, to see an actual democratic state where pols know they need to campaign to serve all of their constituents, of their party and the other party. AdLib 2 hours ago
TW…I think that Trump is quite willing to bring the rafters of the GOP crashing down without any concern for the damage. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
TW – But if Trump or DeSantis was to win the WH, they wouldn’t need to pander to the wealthy, they would use our government, laws and the budget to force them into supporting their tyranny. And the MAGA soldiers would be empowered. The wealthy would lose all of their power in the case of a tyranny and that too would help destroy our economic system. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad…one of my friends is part of the Lake Buena Vista Corp which is the mother corp for the Disney conglomerate. He tells me that DeSantis’ stripping of tax incentives from WDW has enraged them. They are going to drop a lot of bills into the state’s lap for roads, sewage, trash, water etc AND DeSantis and his supporters are persona non gratis at every Disney function and there are a lot of them. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Keep in mind, Repubs are openly bragging about refusing to raise the debt ceiling if Biden doesn’t agree to slashing SS and Medicare. They are thrilled at promoting the destruction of our economy to exercise domination, this is the MAGA mentality. This is why they would destroy our economy under a MAGA tyranny, they don’t care how much they destroy, having the power to destroy and exercising it is the whole game to them. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad….I wonder if the mega rich GOP backers understand what you understand.. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Ad….zealots do not care how many houses they burn down just so long as the flames attract admirers and syncophants. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – I think all of those people you mention are going to be coming out to vote in numbers that defy the polls. Registration is way up, especially for women but no doubt by LGBTQ, Jews, PoC, non-evagelistic Christians, many get the terror that is being waved in front of their faces and could be inescapable if Repubs aren’t stopped in Nov. I think they are voting now and will be on election day. AdLib 2 hours ago

Murph the best way I can answer that is take a look at Russia, Brazil, Venezuela a lot of the countries in Africa, China Sauda Ariba. Very little free flow of ideas innovation, all the money is tied up in weapons of war. Such countries are always scared. Think of Greece and the Peloponnesian wars. twilson117 2 hours ago
Ad…..Oh, you powers that Be….may your prophecy be on the mark! MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – That’s what I would have thought about BVC, it will however fall as a burden on the people who live in that county, the taxpayers who DeSantis doesn’t care about as his indifference to skyrocketing housing and insurance prices prove. AdLib 2 hours ago
The nations you name are good examples of how totalitarianism smothers life in all its forms. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago

Ad yes they would and in doing so would destroy the economy and make us a country no one would want to do business with. The uber wealthy will still make money but our economy would crash. twilson117 2 hours ago
Ad,,,but many of those in those counties are wealthy and many others are closely associated with Disney enterprises and they are reacting very strongly against government interference by a show boater. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – I woud think some of the MAGA backers are prepared with their jets and safe-house vacation homes for what could follow an overthrow of our democracy but I think a majority are self-deluded into thinking the US can be oppressed like Russia or China. The George Floyd protests were tiny compared to the uprising that would come after an overthrow of democracy and the installing of a tyranny. But they don’t understand blowback anymore than most wealthy and powerful until it’s too late. Putin is learning the hard way right now too. AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph – So true about zealots and I would just add on, as long as they are also attacking and harming those they see as enemies. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad….perhaps there will be enlightenment by the masses but so far the only masses that seem to be on fire are those burning the MAGA candle. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Ad…living in Mo. I have come to know zealotry at a very persistent and comprehensive level. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago

Guys we are one of the largest trading partners on the globe. A fact you both know. But if we end up with Nationalist form of government that many want, how long to do you think the thinkers and creators will stay here. twilson117 2 hours ago
I think the story on why capitalism in the US wouldn’t work under a tyranny is based on the fact that Americans have never been conditioned to being controlled and oppressed by a tyranny. Hell, you can’t even ask morons to wear masks to save their lives without nationwide protests and violence. Taking away democracy and rights from all Americans? As I said, these moron MAGA millionaires look at foreign countries with autocracies and think you can just do the same thing in this country. It won’t work. AdLib 2 hours ago
TW…..how long can the u.s. economic machine chug along strangled by the mad leadership that is emerging. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – Yet, it would be the homeowners and taxpayers in those counties who would see their taxes skyrocket. I do recall though, Disney found a provision that DeSantis missed that said if he did what he did, the state would be obligated to pay for the costs. The last I remember, DeSantis started getting very quiet about instituting his fascist plan. AdLib 2 hours ago

Ad it would last for a while but eventually crash because I believe the talent we have would seek to go elsewhere if they could get out of the country. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad…very interesting connection to the anti-vaxers, anti-maskers….will similar venal response arise among those on the other side of the social and political spectrum. Not convinced. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad….the Disney corporate leadership is much smarter than DeSantis…..in fact, there are indications that the very positions that Disney took which made them a target for DeSantis wrath have been reinforced and expanded….a very sharp “FU” from Mickey and Mini. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Once again, I remind you to think about George Floyd protests. It is n absolute that under a racist and fascist tyranny, there will be more George Floyds, there will be more women dying from not having abortions, more victims of militia and other shootings. It will eventually become such chaos because the MAGAs are extremists who will use power in office and support from those in office, to unleash cruelty and violence like we haven’t seen before. The people will only be able to take so much and then, if a MAGA president uses the Insurrection Act as Trump tried his best to do, a military takeover of society will set the streets on fire. This will not work out for them, no way that it can. AdLib an hour ago
Murph – You have become a reluctant expert at zealotry because of being wise and living in MO. AdLib an hour ago

I also think there is the possibility of the country breaking into fractions if democracy fails the nationalism is embraced. We have the model for that, the Civil War. It was the economic powerful north against the southern farmers and slave owners were there was little manufacturing. It could happen again. After all what states are the biggest receivers of federal welfare funds? twilson117 an hour ago
Ad….I hope I live long enough to see the uprising of the just and the sane. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad….with zealots at the door one has to know how to be with them and how to handle them….I am not great at this but good enough it seems because of allies in the farming community. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – In a tyranny, many startups, entrepreneurs and talented people who help make companies successful will go to Canada or elsewhere. There will definitely be a migration by those who don’t want to be trapped in a tyranny. Great minds will go, people of any race, religion and women who want to be independent in their lives will flee or fight. Slavery is not an option for most people. AdLib an hour ago
TW….an interesting idea of a splintered union but I think the geography works against it succeeding…..patchwork of red and blue states. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph yes Disney is on DeSantis radar screen for their DEI work. Hell, companies use to attend their version of Diversity Training years back. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad…glad you mentioned Canada…The True North, Strong and Free…… MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – You’re not convinced that there were people on the left who came out for George Floyd protests that swept the nation and the world? Or the Million Woman March? Yes, Americans are not the most aggressive about protesting wrongs but push any group too far and they push back. AdLib an hour ago
TW…..but Disney has not changed that training one bit…..again a big FU from Mickey and Minnie. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Ad you’re correct they won’t stay here. But, if we get a DeSantis he will close the boarder to keep people in. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad…..but the american taste for protest movements seems both fickle and shallow. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph I wasn’t sure they were still running it. twilson117 an hour ago
TW…they are and pretty brazenly. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph I used to doe DEI training before it was called DEI. But I stopped but that’s a tale for another time. twilson117 an hour ago
My goodness….look at the time…having too good a chat here…well bed calls….returning to Ill. tomorrow…GOTV beckons. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Thanks to you both for the energetic chat! MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Take care Murph twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Disney has a huge number of employees and execs who are LGBTQ, especially in the entertainment production side. And many people of color, many Jewish folks, on and on. The enemies of DeSantis populate Disney very much so pandering to him as much as they did was already risky. Now, being ordered to fall in line as racists and bigots or be punished, Disney would cease to operate properly if they did and all those folks quit. Disney is smart, they are diverse, they don’t have a choice and DeSantis and MAGA don’t understand that about many coprorations. AdLib an hour ago
Get some rest and keep up the great work, Murph! AdLib an hour ago
TW – You make a great point, under fascism, I could absolutely see Blue states with a majority of Americans including CA, NY, MA, etc. just practicing civil disobedience to fascist decrees and in essence, seceding from being controlled by a tyranny. There would be balkanization, very possibly. AdLib an hour ago

Ad I don’t want to sound so dishearten but I just don’t like where things are going, The push for nationalism is scary, it’s not what I want for my granddaughter who by the way just turned 16. twilson117 an hour ago

The current form of the Republican party are clearly the do-nothing party all they want is power and revenge. You see what MTG said about Kevin right. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – Same here, I am very concerned. As I’ve been saying all year, there is one sure escape route to save our country and democracy, Dems must win at least 52 seats in The Senate and keep The House this year. That’s it, anything less and we will swirl down the drain with our democracy, slowly or quickly. With that majority, a voting rights bill must be passed that ends gerrymandering, protects voting and that would de-fang the GOP and MAGA, their power would drain away as they lost elections and seats everywhere…until they could win back a majority of Americans with a more reasonable platform. That’s it, IMO, we’ve got a shot now or it will be hell. AdLib an hour ago
My daughter is 19, I would not want her living in this country if it turned fascist. We’d do what we could to get her into Canada or somewhere sane. AdLib an hour ago

At this stage moving out is not an option I can take or afford. But my granddaughter could move if she chose, but she is so close to her mom I doubt if you would leave. But who knows as she gets older maybe the travel bug will bite her. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – I used to think how astute we are here about seeing the GOP for the nakedly greedy and power-mad fascists that they were. But they used to hide behind being patriots or Christians or some other BS and lie about how they would make better lives for people. Now, the facade is gone, they’re coming right out and saying they only want power, they only want to use it to harm the majority (like ending SS and Medicare) and they only want monsters like Walker elected because they can be puppets that allow their elite to rule. It’s all context now, it’s printed on their label. Doesn’t take a genius anymore to figure out who they are anymore, they brag about being monsters…and people vote for monsters willingly! AdLib an hour ago
Moving out of the country isn’t something I would be anxious to do, my instinct is to stay and resist and fight however we can. But if this became a theocratic tyranny? Where women were controlled in every state and pressured to be inferior and powerless, no way I would want my daughter living her whole life under oppression. AdLib an hour ago

You said it some time back it’s all about power for them. Look at the legislation they’ve been passing. If the SC rules in favor of that redistricting case that would allow state legislators have the final say it over. twilson117 an hour ago
We can’t forget that the religious extremists would be part of such a MAGA tyranny. Some of their leaders are already announcing all Democrat pols will be killed by God after this election and that they must take over the country for their monstrous vision of God. AdLib an hour ago

Theocracy doesn’t work. It’s just another form of tyranny. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – I think the revolt by the majority would be launched by any combination of Repubs stealing control of Congress, the SCOTUS supporting that case and giving state Repubs control over election results and killing or breaking basic programs like Social Security and Medicare. AdLib an hour ago
Right, just pointing out that if tyranny succeeds, this country will become a religious theocracy, run by cynical autocrats who believe in nothing but need the religious extremists to be part of their force to oppress. AdLib an hour ago

Do not disagree with that assessment. twilson117 an hour ago

The question I ask myself (among others) is democracy is so bad, then why has it worked for us for 246 years? And what would one replace it with? twilson117 an hour ago
I really do think though that CA would just not accept any pronouncements from a theocratic president and Congress. Or NY or MA. It will become civil war though hopefully, more of a civil disobedience based one where the Blue states just refuse to accept SCOTUS rulings (which SCOTUS has no way to enforce) or tyranical “laws” made by an autocratic MAGA president and Congress. AdLib an hour ago
Good question to ask. I think Democracy as we’ve known it has had too much good faith carrying too much weight for too long. A better democracy would get rid of Electoral Colleges, gerrymandering, dark money (and better yet, have public financed campaigns) and law enforcement that requires holding the wealthy and powerful responsible for all of their acts, moreso than those who aren’t. This could actually be fixed relatively quickly with a Dem dominated Congress. AdLib an hour ago

I’m considering getting Sheldon Whitehouse’s book he wrote on the dark money making its way in to congress. twilson117 an hour ago
I really like him, I bet it’s a great book. He’s brilliant and a constant foe against dark money. AdLib an hour ago

Hey I’m going to have to go, all of a sudden my head is pounding and feeling achy I think I’m have a reaction to my COVID shot. Damn I thought I would miss it. Guess not. See you next week. twilson117 an hour ago
Feel better! Get some rest, pal! AdLib an hour ago
You guys still here? MurphTheSurf3 41 minutes ago
I am. AdLib 41 minutes ago
TW gone? MurphTheSurf3 41 minutes ago
I don’t know but as you see above, sounds like his Covid shot was making him feel a bit poorly. AdLib 40 minutes ago
How about you? AdLib 40 minutes ago
Ah…..well, I just thought I would share a phone call from the folks in the 13 campaign…..apparently the gloves are off in the race….airwaves- tv and radio with internet support trying to smear my candidate. MurphTheSurf3 39 minutes ago
So a whole campaign just came out against her? AdLib 38 minutes ago
All Repubs have are lies, fear and hate. What else? AdLib 37 minutes ago
Ad….yep….I am going to a mid morning meeting to brainstorm our response..and the Valentine Campaign here has virtually conceded. MurphTheSurf3 36 minutes ago
Really? I saw a twitter post by someone promoting her this week. One. The only one I’ve ever seen. AdLib 35 minutes ago
Valentine that is. AdLib 35 minutes ago
One twitter post….yep, that would be the kind of energy she can generate…..low watt…..she is phoning it in. MurphTheSurf3 33 minutes ago
Heading to bed….though you might find the scoop of interest. MurphTheSurf3 32 minutes ago
Yes, very interesting, will be sending another donation to Nikki. Sleep well! AdLib 31 minutes ago
Thanks. MurphTheSurf3 30 minutes ago
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