Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 4 hours ago
Hey TW! AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey Ad how is going? twilson117 3 hours ago
Not bad considering the U.S. is now a theocracy. AdLib 3 hours ago
How are you doing? AdLib 3 hours ago
Yeah I see that. By the way good article. twilson117 3 hours ago
Thanks! AdLib 3 hours ago
Doing ok, wife is not she got her second booster yesterday and it’s knocked her for a loop. I have yet to get mine, frankly forgot about it. twilson117 3 hours ago
I see that MI has a ballot proposition they’re applying for to make abortion a right. It’s a trial balloon for many other states. AdLib 3 hours ago
Well here in MA it still is even with a Republican gov. twilson117 3 hours ago
Sorry to hear that! Which company’s booster did she get? AdLib 3 hours ago
Yes, thank goodness for that. I don’t suppose an anti-abortion Repub could get elected Gov there. AdLib 3 hours ago
Moderna twilson117 3 hours ago
Hey Murph twilson117 3 hours ago
BTW, I have a gaggle of Boston college students in town that my daughter is hosting, only a few staying with us though. AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey Murph! AdLib 3 hours ago
Well that’s got to be fun for you and your wife not to mention your daughter. twilson117 3 hours ago
Hi…i cannot seem to get to the article: “The Theocratic Takeover…..” I click in, on, and around and nada. ???? MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago
And hello, by the way. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago
Moderna seems to have a bit more side effects. I took Moderna’s on the first three, last one was Pfizer and no side effects. AdLib 3 hours ago
My daughter has been keeping them on the run each day so we barely see them. AdLib 3 hours ago
Well hopefully she feel better tomorrow. twilson117 3 hours ago
Murph – That’s odd. What happens when you click on it? AdLib 3 hours ago
We have another family in our “neighborhood” that has never been vaccinated and COVID is taking the family apart one by one and still they will weaken their stance. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago
Murph so they refuse to get the jab?? twilson117 3 hours ago
Looks like we lost Murph for a moment twilson117 3 hours ago
Murph is back twilson117 3 hours ago
TW…that they do, or do not. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago
TW – Did you have any issue accessing the Theocratic article? AdLib 3 hours ago
Ad…got it to open, stubborn little bugger. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago
Murph – I think I need to do a little memory refreshing on the site after we finish Vox. AdLib 3 hours ago
Murph that old saying horse and water will never go out of favor twilson117 3 hours ago
Murph’s popping in and out. AdLib 3 hours ago
Murph – Are they becoming hospitalized? AdLib 3 hours ago
Popping in and out as I access our brilliant article Ad. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago
Yes, hospitalized and gravely ill. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago
Oh pshaw! Thanks Murph! AdLib 3 hours ago
Murph have you had a chance to look at the article Democracy Devouring Itself? twilson117 3 hours ago
TW…I have not but it is on my list. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago
Murph good enough. twilson117 3 hours ago
Ad some good points around the Theocracy issue. twilson117 3 hours ago
Murph – So Ivermectin for them? AdLib 3 hours ago
Thanks TW. The main thing is taking action so it is kind of devastating that Biden seems passive about this and even appears to have made a deal with McConnell to put a rabid RW anti-abortionist on the Fed Bench in KY/ AdLib 3 hours ago
Ad, I don’t associate ivermectin with COVID…am missing something. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago
Hi all – great to see you because I sort of can. Where is PPO? I thought he’d be here to say hi before he hits the skies! choicelady 3 hours ago
Hi choice…..I am DYING to hear your take on the horror story we are now living. MurphTheSurf3 3 hours ago
CL is in the house. How are you it’s been a bit glad to see you hear. twilson117 3 hours ago
Murph – That’s what the RW think is a miracle cure for Covid. Horse parasite paste. AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey CL! AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad Lib….in that case I encourage them to ladle in on and in. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
CL – Same here, was hoping PPO would be able to join us before our meetup next week. In any case, we’ll report back here next Vox. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad I don’t know what to make of the deal other than I wouldn’t trust McConnell with a rattle snake. twilson117 2 hours ago
Murph – I haven’t seen any studies yet about how Covid deaths have lessened Repub voters and how that might make a difference in close elections. AdLib 2 hours ago
The Magats seem to have quietly abandoned Trump and enthusiastically embrace the supreme court in my neck of the woods. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – It sure seems like Repubs are clearing their throats over Trump now and sneaking away to support DeSantis and the SCOTUS. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad….when the legal eagles on the right are forecasting criminal charges…..game over. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Who thinks that the 1/6 testimony this week finally was the stake in the heart of Trump politically? AdLib 2 hours ago
Welllll – I have to tell you I’m going to have to miss PPO and you. I am caught in a critical legal mess with a woman who is fighting for return of her son after a disastrous CPS debacle, and it is of the essence her attorney finds one in CA who can evaluate how screwed she got. If we didn’t have a holiday Monday I would be done with the attorney search. But I can’t even do it until Tuesday, and it can’t be put off. So I am heartbroken NOT to be able to come into the city. I hope you and PPO can meet earlier and have coffee before lunch. I feel awful about it – and Greg, too since he wanted to meet both of you. I am so sorry, but the fate of an autistic boy rests on my diligence. choicelady 2 hours ago
Ad DeSantis is gaining on Trump** in the polls, but there may be some other contenders now that Trump** is losing steam twilson117 2 hours ago
I think that the GOP Stalwart that she was made her a most effective drum major for the march away from Trumpland. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – Sure seems like it. And Trump has got to be biting his tiny fingernails now, throwing bottles of ketchup at the wall. I think he may be too much in denial to accept what we’re all seeing now, until he is indicted, then it will probably register. AdLib 2 hours ago
Choice….you are a Joan of Arc! MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
TW – I see Trump like those inflatable doll/balloons people made, all kind of collapsing, deflating, shriveling, and dying. choicelady 2 hours ago
That’s disappointing news on all fronts, CL. AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph – maybe, but it means I’m screwing over Ad and PPO. And it makes me sick, but I really HAVE to do this. choicelady 2 hours ago
Ad….I am so tempted to get buttons with the Orange Crusaders face on them overprinted with :Lock Him Up! MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Ad – I am so sorry. Everything went south this noon. She is in TX, and her attorney needs a CA lawyer – i can’t afford to let the TX lawyer do the work. She costs too much! choicelady 2 hours ago
CL I see Trump** in ways I cannot say in polite company but the inflatable doll works for the moment. twilson117 2 hours ago
CL….ok Joan…….really I mean it……you really are one of my heros. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
CL – Lunch absolutely takes a back seat to such a critical situation. We’ll do it another time. AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph – I prefer to be thought of as Boadicea the warrior chief. She fought back the Romans and did NOT burn at the stake either! choicelady 2 hours ago
CL….strong image…the balloon man as a king Macy;s T-day parade balloon. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
I actually think Trump is more likely to announce he’s running for president to howl about how he’s being politically prosecuted like Navalny in Russia! AdLib 2 hours ago
Boadicea works for me, CL….probably a bit coarser than Joan but the back story is better. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Ad – I hope so. I do love PPO and always love seeing you, but I just am sick with the need to get this woman free from her 3 year nightmare and her son’s “Babylonian Captivity”. choicelady 2 hours ago
Murph & CL you do know the women you’ve chosen had bad endings right. twilson117 2 hours ago
CL – How long is PPO in town? We could try a different day, my ticket has no charge to change. AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph – I think NOT burning at the stake is always good. choicelady 2 hours ago
So? Do you think Trump will run for 2024? AdLib 2 hours ago
I think just a couple of days, but I can’t guarantee when I’ll be done. If we can’t find a Northern CA bar certified attorney to review the docs, I start the damned search in Southern CA. I already have a migraine. choicelady 2 hours ago
TW….women who lead, women who change the world, women who model principled bravery…..often meet sad ends….they are just too threatening. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph you’re right about that. twilson117 2 hours ago
Murph – I have indeed peeved the right to the point I’ve been stalked – seriously threatened by strangers – five times so far. They don’t like uppity women, nope. choicelady 2 hours ago
Murph but they do make a major impact. twilson117 2 hours ago
CL – I thought she was all set up, the lawyers she had stepped off the case? AdLib 2 hours ago
That’s a bit worrisome, CL. AdLib 2 hours ago
CL while I don’t know much about the case you’re working on, my money is on you. twilson117 2 hours ago
Ad – her attorneys in TX are fine. The monster’s attorney insists she was convicted of child abuse (she wasn’t) and while the judge can perfectly well read the documents, a certified Juvenile Court attorney is the ONLY one that speak to how her rights were utterly violated rendering the custody invalid. So I’m the one hunting the CA attorney. I discovered – if anyone cares – there are a lot of “Lincoln Lawyers” now practicing out of who knows where. No offices, only a phone. Makes me wonder how qualified they are… choicelady 2 hours ago
So, looks like the once outside the box thinking of a number of folks here about enlarging the court to 13 is the main solution to stopping the SCOTUS from delivering the final blow to democracy in their next session. AdLib 2 hours ago
Thanks TW. choicelady 2 hours ago
I’m ALL for “Federal Court Modernization” meaning improving access at the appellate level, having four more justices to equal the numbers of districts. MANY reforms could be made to enhance access. choicelady 2 hours ago
CL – Is this a result of Covid or have these virtual lawyers been so plentiful before? AdLib 2 hours ago
To enlarge the court will require ending the filibuster which means having such a large majority that the two Repubs in Dems clothing are nullified and the GOP can be mowed over. A Tsunami election. Is that possible? MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Of course I wouldn’t be advocating doing anything awful to the existing 6 by outnumbering them or anything… choicelady 2 hours ago
Ad, something needs to be done. I just feel bad for KJB, she is walking right into a major cluster f***k. twilson117 2 hours ago
Ad – I THINK it’s COVID, but the dreadful attorney we did hire here, great reputation, basically operates out of his house and trunk of his car. That was preCOVID. choicelady 2 hours ago
CL…just nullify them…..and maybe launch an investigation of Thomas and two liars re. Roe V Wade. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
TW – I suspect KJB is tough, far more than she reveals in public. choicelady 2 hours ago
And Congress can pull the reigns back on the SCOTUS which right now, takes on any cases it wants but Constitutionally, is limited on many fromts including election-based cases. The scope of cases CAN and should be limited by Congress. Then they won’t be able to take the case they announced on giving gerrymandered, undemocratic state legislatures king-like power over elections and overruling election results. AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph – I think all three of those creeps deserve investigation and dismissal. The one I hate -Alito – I want to get dirt on. choicelady 2 hours ago
CL I tend to agree with you she is clearly more qualified than most of them. twilson117 2 hours ago
Ad – that’s a super idea. choicelady 2 hours ago
Damn – I can actually SEE tonight. Miracle! choicelady 2 hours ago
Murph – We just need to win a net 2 seats in The Senate and maintain The House. Not even a Blue Tsunami, just a Blue edge. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad – looks as if we will get more than two and hold what we have. This could be very cool. choicelady 2 hours ago
My question remains: to do what needs to be done we need big majorities in the House and Senate – I know that technically just a handful of seats are needed but the case will be much stronger if there is wider national representation. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Ad for the court expansion to work then need to keep the house and increase the Senate so there is a lot that needs to happen but I am in agreement now court expansion is needed or something major needs to happen to get those conservative justices to back down. twilson117 2 hours ago
CL….I wasn’t going to tell you but I have been secretly prayer for you as we typed…..prayer works! MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
I think stressing the return to calm, to a functional economy, to an admin that is trying to do things for us on inflation and other issues, and who has reduced the deficit, improved jobs, and raised wages – all those bread and butter issues – would help. In the Rust Belt they have ACTUAL manufacturing going in, NEW build. NEW jobs as well as related tech ones. That is from infrastructure as impetus and opportunities for new markets. choicelady 2 hours ago
TW – I think the other liberal justices are exhausted from not being able to discuss legal precedent and principles with the extremist majority and always being on the losing end…along with the majority of Americans. KJB may help energize the others to hold out for what I hope will be a Blue Wave that allows The Senate and House to pass judicial reform and expand the court. This can’t go on, this will be Russia/North Korea/Iran or a mix of them in a couple of years. AdLib 2 hours ago
Thank you, Murph – it does seem to help!!! choicelady 2 hours ago
CL – I am hoping a UFO will take all 6 of them away and anal-probe them for the decades it takes to reach their home planet. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad – that’s a nobel wish. choicelady 2 hours ago
noble. choicelady 2 hours ago
CL…Most welcome My Lady……virtual bow! MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
CL – I agree! I think we could win 3 or more net seats and even see Evan McMullen take UT as an indie, beating Mike Lee who did poorly in his primary. AdLib 2 hours ago
If you remember the Lysistrata Ladies from the Obama campaign……I am seeing that kind of energy starting to emerge…..again. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
One thing is clear…..the GOP has no rabble rouser, tent preacher to replace Trump. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
I would like to add on messaging – we never have to “codify” a SCOTUS decision. Never in 400 years has the common law not been equal to legislative law. We aren’t going to “codify” Roe. We ARE going to overturn Dodd by passing a prochoice law as the Civil Rights Act overturned Plessy v Ferguson. We cannot get into the Federalist Society mindset that court derived law is not absolute. They want to kill it because courts are the little guy’s access to justice. DO NOT LET THEM DO THIS. choicelady 2 hours ago
Well there will be a new jobs report out next week that should shed some information how things are going. As to inflation, sadly it’s a byproduct of economics but eventually it will subside but in the mean time it will continue to make things difficult. twilson117 2 hours ago
Murph – I was going to ask about the Lysistrata Ladies! That is very fine! choicelady 2 hours ago
Ad – the numbers of GOP denouncing Trump is growing daily, and it is letting me breathe. choicelady 2 hours ago
Choice- a brilliant and succinct piece of legal education. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – That just isn’t true. We do not need massive wins in Nov for this to work out. We need to hold the seats we’ve got and generally, it looks like we will. Then we just need to gain two more seats. AdLib 2 hours ago
In The Senate. AdLib 2 hours ago
Thanks, Murph. I wallowed in hadnwritten law records for colonial MA long enough to get a feel for “originalism” after the Revolution and before. Might as well be used for some good – never did finish the damned dissertation. choicelady 2 hours ago
Ad….there is a difference in narrowly passing reform legislation, and having a broad mandate. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
I will take the narrow if I must but I have more confidence in the staying power of the reform if the wave is large. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – I want a broad mandate. I’ll take what we get if we win ANYTHING. I think we will hold what we have and win at least OH and PA if not a lot more. choicelady 2 hours ago
That’s senate I mean. choicelady 2 hours ago
TW – Yes, it is still a heated race for Dems to hold The House and add a net of 2 to The Senate but it is not an outside chance, it is very viable. Polls released this week showed generic Dems up +7 over generic Repubs for Congress. The SCOTUS killing Roe, the extremism of Repubs in league with them and the 1/6 hearings with the possible indictments of high level Trump/Repub figures could enhance that lead. I don’t think Trump would be indicted until after the elections though. AdLib 2 hours ago
CL….I wondered if you might have dabbled in the life of a doctoral diss. It is a different world. I did. And unlike many, my work has aided me throughout my years as a professor and then activist. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Cl I think Alito, and his newly form acolytes may be in for a rude awaking, I have no proof of that just a gut feel. Something tells me they may have overplayed their hand. twilson117 2 hours ago
I knew that of you, Murph. I did not finish because I got way too far into the weeds of legal detail. It’s taken years to clarify decent threads, but I have. I never should have taken on such a huge topic. But every single thing I learned has been useful the same way – I taught as adjunct for Cornell U’s Labor Studies program and find it all adds value to activism, analysis, and advocacy. choicelady 2 hours ago
Ad, I frequent remind GOP associates who have awakened to the evil that is Trumpism that they need to widen their scope to include all of those who empowered, enabled and covered for him. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
tw – I agree about overplaying their hand. How the mighty are falling! choicelady 2 hours ago
CL – So true. The Koch types saw taking over the SCOTUS as the “trump” card to taking over our country if all else (like treason) failed. But the SCOTUS has no mechanism to enforce their decrees and they’ve now overstepped their authority. They need to be reformed badly and these idiots on the SCOTUS have made the taking away of their power a major campaign issue. Blowback happens and especially to the greedy and ignorant. AdLib 2 hours ago
CL….I must say that I regard you and your work as head and shoulders above mine. Truly heroic and I am not blowing smoke. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Ad…I like the tone in your response to CL….moral outrage and a plan of action. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – At this point, with a minority oppressing the majority, I don’t think the principle of having a big mandate matters. The house is on fire, if we elected Dems to have the power to put out the fire, they need to just turn on the hoses and let the Repubs whine about putting out their pretty fire. AdLib 2 hours ago
Oh poo, Murph – you’re changing many things I could never do. Just so we all “keep on keepin’ on” I think things will begin to bend toward justice. I SO admire your work there, where its’ not safe and often deeply unfriendly. I at least have CA! choicelady 2 hours ago
Side note- don’t you just want to slap Alito in the face…that smug, condescending sneer is galling. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
I second Murph – SCOTUS is in for a rude awakening. choicelady 2 hours ago
TW – You beat me to it! I just wrote the same thing, I think the Alito radicals have all overplayed their hand and Nov will be their comeuppance. They will howl like a kicked dog but their power will and must be taken away. AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph – I have never detested anyone more than Alito. choicelady 2 hours ago
CL….I will stop throwing roses in your path though you have earned every petal. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – Excellent point, it is the whole web of authoritarianism and hatred of Americans and the Constitution, the whole GOP with a few exceptions, and the SCOTUS, that must be defeated and stripped of power. AdLib 2 hours ago
Who hear thinks there will be some dirt on Thomas bad enough it would force him to resign? twilson117 2 hours ago
Alito showed his hand in Roe – he claimed, quite wrongly, that abortion was always illegal. NO. Then he cited Matthew Hale, the 17th C. English barrister who hated abortion AND women and used that as evidence. That was Hale’s PERSONAL OPINION, not English law. When a sitting judge LIES… I learned today the EPA case was premised on a lie, citing a regulatin as onerous but that does not exist! And yet they treated it as fact. When the court is that political and that untruthful, it has NO credibility. choicelady 2 hours ago
Murph – Thanks! I think it can be more effective for Dems to run on fighting for democracy and majority rule than against Trump and the GOP. AdLib 2 hours ago
Oh I hope we dig enough on Thomas! choicelady 2 hours ago
I agree, Ad – run FOR things not against the old bozo. choicelady 2 hours ago
Dems must be seen as the Party of the People, all the people…fighting FOR them with them. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
TW – Unfortunately, the new normal for Repubs is to never care about shame and Thomas, who sexually harassed women and lied under oath about it, has no shame. He will never resign, even if there was video of him with the 1/6 insurrectionists and chanting, “Hang Mike Pence!” The only path to taking away power from Thomas’ and the other five betrayers of the Constitution is to enlarge the court to 13, limit the scope of cases the SCOTUS can review and change things like lifetime appointments and apply a rotating membership to the SCOTUS. AdLib 2 hours ago
Cl didn’t Gorsuch write the opinion on the EPA? So tell me this how is that not a conflict of interest considering his mom was the former head of the EPA and she tried to dismantle it back in the day and was booted out because of something around money of some sort? twilson117 2 hours ago
Nearly 10 PM here…I wanted to share something with you all….you know I went to school in the UK for six years as a kid and have kept lots of contacts there. One of the is still a consultant to the British General Staff, the strategic think tank for Britih military action. He wrote to me that the events of last weeks NATO meeting are reshaping Europe in ways that would have been thought impossible a couple of years ago. Having an enemy that you name and see makes for strong alliances. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Agreed, Alito has such a punchable face and after dissing Obama at the SOTU, I think he proved that he’s a reprehensible narcissist, racist and elitist. AdLib 2 hours ago
TW – I have only just heard that. Thanks for the confirmation. Yes – they ALL have conflicts of interest they utterly ignore. It’s disgusting. It’s going backwards to the “extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice” mentality where ANYTHING you do for God and Country is fine. Lie, cheat, steal – all good for the Cause. choicelady 2 hours ago
Ad – don’t hold back. Tell us how you REALLY feel about Alito! choicelady 2 hours ago
Ad..I like your SCOTUS reform goals. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Ad – I second Murph. choicelady 2 hours ago
Murph which explains why Putin bombed a shopping center. twilson117 2 hours ago
CL – Let’s face it, four of the six flatly committed perjury in their hearings. They are criminals and yet they remain judges! They have zero moral authority to make decisions for the country. All four should be in prison instead just like others who commit federal perjury are. AdLib 2 hours ago
TW – I think you’re correct. choicelady 2 hours ago
TW…I had forgotten about Gorsuch’s familial bias. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
I think raising perjury is important. We tend to let lies slide in the country (for white people anyway). Time to hold them to their words. choicelady 2 hours ago
Choice….you know how tentative and soft pedaling our AdLib is…..NOT MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
CL – Yep, Dems need to run for things, not against orange has-beens or traitorous turtles. AdLib 2 hours ago
Other than that, Alito’s okay. AdLib 2 hours ago
LOL!! I know, Ad is just the withdrawn, silent type isn’t he? choicelady 2 hours ago
CL I remember that but didn’t put it together because of the last name, she must have been using her maiden name when she was appointed. twilson117 2 hours ago
Ad – well, I’m sure he must have SOME decent qualities? choicelady 2 hours ago
Can Congress investigate SCOTUS…..call the liars into a Q and A session and demand an explanation for the flipped positions in voting? MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
I can just see Alito thinking, “Well MOM said it was OK…” choicelady 2 hours ago
Murph – I think they do have the powers of impeachment. choicelady 2 hours ago
TW – So true, Gorsich has a screaming conflict of interest on the EPA ruling due to his mother but he doesn’t care anymore than Thomas ruling to hide presidential records that revealed his wife scheming to overthrow our democracy. I know Biden and Dems don’t want the SCOTUS to be called illegitimate now so Repubs can ignore them later but they are. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad good question. twilson117 2 hours ago
Sideline…I got to meet Lucas Kunce yesterday in a session for “old soldiers” like myself….it was a strategy brainstorm and he popped in. I really respect him. I am going to work very hard for him. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Does anyone know if that came up in Gorsich’s confirmation hearing? twilson117 2 hours ago
What do we think about Biden thinking it is tactically better not to come out fighting hard against the Roe ruling because he thinks it could hurt elections in Nov? And his deal with McConnell to nominate a radical anti-abortionist as a fed judge in KY so McConnell wil not block his US Atoorney pick in KS? Why make that horrible deal against abortion now? AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph I am VERY embarrassed to say I do not know who Kunce is. Can you elaborate? choicelady 2 hours ago
Murph – Putin too has overreached and brought about the exact opposite of what he thought he would gain, a destruction of NATO. Now, gaining two new and strategically located partners and far more unity and strength, Putin and Russia are in greater trouble that they can’t invade their way out of. AdLib 2 hours ago
CL…yes Congress can impeach a justice- only happened one time and it failed- but I am asking about the more usual summoning of people from other branches to explain themselves. I have not seen many judges appear but is it kosher? MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Ad – both of those assertions are wrong. Biden – at least on Twitter where he doesn’t get filtered by the quisling media, has been VERY strong for affirming the right to choose. And the story about KY is bunk. That’s been put around by RW agitators trying to get us all mad at him.] choicelady 2 hours ago
Ad I not sure about his strategy at the moment, but, I think the Abortion fight will move forward with or without him. twilson117 2 hours ago
CL…Kunce is running for the Dem primary for the U.S. Senate. I think he can successfully take on Greitens. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – I see most judges just getting hauled to court not Congress. Then they get dethroned or whatever it’s called. choicelady 2 hours ago
CL – Alito’s one redeeming quality is that he can do a striking impression of a horse’s ass just by sitting there. AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph – THAT is exciting! choicelady 2 hours ago
CL…I think it is calledl “disrobed” MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
See, Ad – everyone has a good side even if it’s the BACK side. I will agree he does that impression very well. choicelady 2 hours ago
Cl say more about the KY and McConnell story twilson117 2 hours ago
Disrobed is good enough. Thank you. choicelady 2 hours ago
Murph – Yes, Congress can indeed hold hearings and question judges but with the 1/6 committee happening, I doubt they would, they’d be too worried of the optics that Congress was trying to persecute the other branches. The irony is, that’s exactly what Trump and SCOTUS Six are doing. AdLib 2 hours ago
CL..wouldn’t it be peachy to see Thomas and Alito disrobed! Gross! MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – It’s the good fight, working for Kunce. I’m pulling for him! AdLib 2 hours ago
The story started floating BEFORE the judge who is stepping down even announced. The sources for it are either JDs or their ilk on one side or bots and clear conservatives on the other. I just don’t see Biden doing that. choicelady 2 hours ago
Murph – My EEEEEYYYYYYSSSS. Ick. choicelady 2 hours ago
Ad…thanks for the clarification re. congressional enquiries and judges. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
CL…you are REALLY BACK TO YOUR USUAL FINE FORM TONIGHT!…So happy to see that. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
CL – I thought that Biden judge story was bunk but apparently, the person Biden wants for the KY US Attorney is a Fed Judge and she will not agree to take the position until a conservative judge is named to take her seat. That is the anti-abortion extremist McConnell wants there. AdLib 2 hours ago
CL thanks for the clearing that up. I read it and it sounded strange to me, I couldn’t wrap my head around Biden making such a deal like that knowing full well Mitch would not honor it not after what he did to Obama. twilson117 2 hours ago
LOL! Murph – I’m just happy to be able to SEE, period. I dragged out an old pair of glasses, and they are better than the new ones. At least for now. It’s lovely to have sharper focus. Seeing everything through a haze was making me VERY cranky. Just ask my poor husband. I try to give him a “duck and cover” warning when physical limitations make me cranky, but I don’t always realize it until I’ve BEEN cranky. It’s nice not to need to be. choicelady an hour ago
Sorry CL, but it is true. Here’s the story from Slate that explains the deal: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/07/biden-mcconnell-chad-meredith-abortion-kentucky-judge.html AdLib an hour ago
I saw that. I simply don’t believe it, and Slate has been too wrong too often for me to trust it. choicelady an hour ago
Not saying it couldn’t be true – but it’s so stupid a deal with so few benefits for Dems that I just don’t see it. choicelady an hour ago
Dem Rep. John Yarmuth of KY confirms that Biden informed him about this: “Biden intends to nominate a conservative, anti-abortion lawyer to federal judgeship, Kentucky Democrats say” https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/30/politics/biden-federal-judgeship-kentucky-conservative-anti-abortion-lawyer/index.html AdLib an hour ago
From CNN too, CL. AdLib an hour ago
Another side note……as Missouri runs headlong into its perceived future as the New Gilead, one of the Handmaids in the Mo. House made a powerful speech at a meeting at the state capitol that lays bare how the state is cutting support pre and post natal for the pregnant. It is getting a lot of notice. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Maybe – but they’ve had ‘sources’ before who turned out to be wrong. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – why am I not surprsed? choicelady an hour ago
CL – What would be clebver for Biden is to accept the deal but give the okey doke to Dems in The Senate to kill the nom. AdLib an hour ago
Oh that could work. Yup. choicelady an hour ago
Ad are their any other corroborating stories we can check? That really seems like a crazy thing for Biden to do. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – agreed. Well, let’s all write to the Prez and say – don’t do it. It’s not worth it. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – Yes, I heard about that speech. MO is indeed looking grim. And as the father of a college-attending girl, I think the colleges in all these anti-abortion states are going to see female students abandoning and choosing pro-choice states for college. AdLib an hour ago
What bothers me about this is that it’s been around as a story longer than the resignation. That makes me think something stinks about it. choicelady an hour ago
Murph are the folks in MO out of their minds or just plain batshit crazy? twilson117 an hour ago
Ad…very good insight…re. women in college. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – Yes, I’ve seen the story, which I originally doubted, as confirmed by many legit sources. What is defining is that the Dem reps in KY have come out saying they oppose this deal. Has to be true or that makes no sense. AdLib an hour ago
Ad – LOTS of colleges are discovering rejections. Small, good schools in OH long known for liberalism are at risk. choicelady an hour ago
TW…both of your statements are true…..out of their minds and batshit crazy. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – What concerned parent is going to send their daughter to a college where she could be raped and forced to carry the baby and have the rapist in her life forever? AdLib an hour ago
CL…HOW INTERESTING….A BOYCOTT! MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph this is why I hate religion because of stories like this. Religion and its constructs make people do really dumb stuff. twilson117 an hour ago
Well this past weekend I got totally piled on and trashed by a bunch of people who accused me of somethng without telling me what. Turned out they made an assumption of something I did NOT say, but they all believed it. I had to block about 15 people because of how nasty it was. Over something I DID NOT SAY. And that’s happening so often these days I question whether the Dems in KY weren’t fed the story and now believe it. choicelady an hour ago
CL – I think it’s just beginning. To be frank, I didn’t want my daughter attending college in a Repub state for this very concern that has indeed come to pass. AdLib an hour ago
Ad…that point is outstanding….Ad and CL I am sending a note to several still active colleagues in higher ed to see if their institutions are being affected. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – it’s true though not necessarily coordinated. They’re like Ad -parents don’t want their daughters to be at risk. Voting with your feet and pocketbook is very powerful. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – that’s an interesting survey. Let us know what you learn please? choicelady an hour ago
CL…I am going to suggest to my contacts that informing students of their concern is really a duty. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Agreed, Ad.\ choicelady an hour ago
CL – I appreciate what you described and I have replied to many people in Twitter sho spread propaganda about Dems but like in this case, I always check multiple sources. There are quotes from the Dem pols in KY that Biden spoke to them about the noms, as is typical, and they are strongly upset that he is going ahead with this anyway. But who knows, the backlash may stop it. AdLib an hour ago
CL…I will share what comes back to me….. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad – I do think if he’s even remotely entertaining the idea, we should pile on with our opposition. choicelady an hour ago
Sorry logged myself off some how twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – I guarantee you that applications and likely enrollment in colleges in anti-abortion states will drop. I’m a typical parent, even Repub parents won’t want rapists to be able to choose the mother of their child and make it their daughter. AdLib an hour ago
TW – I do that pretty regularly. Not sure how. choicelady an hour ago
Well friends…..it is time to go…..as much as I am invigorated by these exchanges my all to tired body calls for attention. So I shall step away shortly ….but notjust yet. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
CL – Knowing that Biden is a bipartisan dealmaking type of ex-Senator, it makes sense that he would try to make a “good faith” deal. AdLib an hour ago
Cl it might have been because my statement about hating religion twilson117 an hour ago
But McConnell has no good faith, he lies and cheats. AdLib an hour ago
Glad you’re still here for a few minutes Murph! AdLib an hour ago
My dear friends – I’ve been up since o dark 30 with no nap and am fading out. LOVELY to be back and able to keep up. Keep the hope I can keep doing it. Ad I will miss you and PPO like crazy. It makes me sick to lose this chance to see you both, but please give him my love and Greg’s regards, and we will hope for another meeting soon. Huge to you both. Good night TW and Murph. Hope to see you next week! Happy 4th even IF it’s less meaningful this year. choicelady an hour ago
Cl God is okay but religion, well that’s another story. It’s what has people acting crazy. Like Bobert saying the church is suppose to be telling Congress what to do. twilson117 an hour ago
This “war” against the theocrats, racists and authoritarians has hardly begun. They are all in for big trouble! AdLib an hour ago
TW – I have it on good authority God no longer smites. Gave it for Lent one year. Never picked it up again. Kind like smoking. You’re good. choicelady an hour ago
Good night! choicelady an hour ago
CL….hooray for you and your recoverly….you are BACK! MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
CL – So glad you’re back! AdLib an hour ago
Well another great discussion. twilson117 an hour ago
And I even wonder if Dem Gov candidates like Crist in FL and Abrams in GA may get pushed over the top because of this overreach on Roe. AdLib an hour ago
Ad I can see Abrams winning but Crist, I don’t know. twilson117 an hour ago
Fetterman looks like he’ll beat the hated-by-all Oz. Tim Ryan has a shot in OH. WI looks better, UT too. We could do this! AdLib an hour ago
TW…..I happened to be in a group where a Evangelical Minister was tooting his horn about he and his ilk had lifted up the cause of ending abortion to the Lord and HE had answered them….I then asked how the Lord would be responding to all the pain, suffering, neglect and misfortune that will be created by HIS answer to their prayer. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph and what did he say? twilson117 an hour ago
In the latest polls, Abrams is tied with Kemp and Crist had a 1% lead over DeSantis. Not a lock for either but Roe could push them into the winner’s circle. AdLib an hour ago
TW…I am a philosophical Christian with a sprinkle of Buddhism…so that evangelical and I are not on the same page. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph a friend and I were talking and he reminded me there is no real punishment mentioned in the Bible about abortion. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Not to be simplistic but anti-abortion originated from racism so it’s just a game for them to hide behind “pro-life” when they really don’t care about life, especially of those who are PoC, as you can tell by the anti-child policies they support through the GOP. AdLib an hour ago
TW….he minister said he would pray that I would be enlightened. I laughed and said: :Is that All you’ve got? Weak, weak, weak. Shame on you fleeing into that old catchphrase..” MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph twilson117 an hour ago
Murph great answer. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Because, as I mentioned, it is a BS crusade. They refuse to talk about the women who will die, commit suicide and the suffering and poverty this will cause because it’s all about power and greed, they’re frauds like the man they worship as the second coming, Trump. AdLib an hour ago
TW….the reason for that is the Hebrew understanding of the level of maturation needed for the fetus to be considered a person…very late in the last trimester. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – And I heard but don’t know this personally, that the Catholic Church won’t give Last Rites unless a baby has taken a breath. If true, the Catholic Church confirms that life doesn’t begin until birth. AdLib an hour ago
Ad….and we live in a time when people are abandoning churches with the anti abortion crusade turning off as many as it turns on. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph right which is why I vaguely remember something about if a man caused a women to lose her child during a certain time he was to be stoned. Like I said I remember it vaguely. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Yes, so true. The generations coming up eschew churches and the numbers have now flipped, a majority of Americans don’t go to church now. AdLib an hour ago
Murph what gets me are these folks who want to ban contraceptives. twilson117 an hour ago
It’s harder in a digital age to worship the 2000 year old fables that have now become preached as truth. I don’t know that even the men who wrote the Bible believed people would ever take it literally. AdLib an hour ago
Ad….the reason why the Catholic Church takes that position is that the Last Rites address the matter of the sinfulness of the person passing on and that is not applicable to the just born. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
And doesn’t it make sense to also get propositions up in all of these states that require men to put up a substantial amount of money in a trust to pay for the baby they’re legally the father of at the moment of conception? Maybe $50k? $100k? AdLib an hour ago
Guys look, if God couldn’t explain to Kirk why he needed a starship, then why does he need a religion? twilson117 an hour ago
Well….I think that I need to leave as I am falling asleep at my keyboard but it is so good to chat….speaking of which we should do a face to face at some point in the near future. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Exactly, “the just born”, so that baby isn’t having sinful thoughts while it’s an embryo because it hasn’t been born yet. AdLib an hour ago
Ad now that is some good out of the box thinking. I like it. twilson117 an hour ago
Thanks TW! AdLib an hour ago
Murph I’m not too far behind you. twilson117 an hour ago
Take care. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Yes! We should set up another Zoom-type chat and invite others too! AdLib an hour ago
Murph you as well, Ad I’m out take care. twilson117 an hour ago
Maybe we could try on a Vox night? AdLib an hour ago
Ad…would it not be wonderful to have Choice in on the fun. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad…I like the Vox idea. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Yes, Choice and glenn would be great to add into the mix! AdLib an hour ago
Harleigh if he could make it. AdLib an hour ago
Glenn! Yes! MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Everyone from Vox really. AdLib an hour ago
And so to bed…. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Night Murph! AdLib an hour ago
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