Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey PPO! AdLib an hour ago
You figured out our time travel scheme here in the US. AdLib an hour ago
yes, Ad, glad to be here. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Have you healed up from your injury? AdLib an hour ago
And are the regattas completed or continuing? AdLib an hour ago
last one next week. yes, face is back to clark Gable proportions! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Frankly it’s Scarlet? AdLib an hour ago
Hey TW! AdLib an hour ago

Good evening everyone! twilson117 an hour ago
Hi, TW pinkpantheroz an hour ago
So can we sue for false advertising when we see “Justice” Clarence Thomas in the future? AdLib an hour ago
I’m sitting in the Race control tower at my club, so I may have to dash away now and again pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Multitasking like a pro, PPO. AdLib an hour ago
Hey Murph! AdLib an hour ago
Greetings fellow Voxers! MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

And here we are the end of another week of total idiocy presented to us by the GOP aka Putin Bad of Useful Idiots. twilson117 an hour ago

Murph how are you!!! twilson117 an hour ago
murph! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
TW…..and PPO and Ad….Howdy doody! MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

So folks what are the odds that the VP will break the tie on KBJ? twilson117 an hour ago
TW – We have Thomas exposed as being a self-serving, crooked SCOTUS judge, RW Senators using well worn racist memes of criminality to smear the first African American SCOTUS nominee and Trump still not being prosecuted. AdLib an hour ago
How am I…the Mo Senate passed a redistricting bill that DID NOT REDUCE the number of Democratic Leaning Districts and thus did not increase the number of GOP leaning. That still leaves a 6-2 split but the right wingers were pushing for a 6-1. AND, they voted to limit the powers of the Sec. of State to control the electoral calendar. That is what I was working on last week. A small, very small really, victory of sorts. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Ad sounds like the end of another fruitful week for the Repugs. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – I think KBJ is a shoe in, whether one or two Repubs join in or stay with the KKKaucus, they won’t stop her joining the court. Now…maybe we can get one more pick for Biden to repmace Thomas? AdLib an hour ago
replace AdLib an hour ago
Thomas needs to go, otherwise the Supreme Court is totally compromised pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Murph – That is a win in any case, it’s all relative and in MO, that was likely the best win that could be had on redistricting. AdLib an hour ago

Murph in today’s environment small victories like that are still a major accomplishment. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – The whole facade oif the GOP is in tatters, how can they even be competitive in polls anymore. All they do is lie, cheat, steal and oppress. How is that a winning platform for the indies who decide elections? AdLib an hour ago

PPO makes me wonder if he was really in the hospital for flu like symptoms or just trying to get away from wife and drum up some sympathy twilson117 an hour ago

Ad it’s the fickle finger fat Trump** at work. twilson117 an hour ago
PPO – It bothers me that many Dems are just asking that Thomas recuses himself from 1/6 related cases. HE VOTED TO HIDE HIS WIFE’S SEDITIONIST TEXTS! You shouldn’t get to continue being an alleged “justice” after that. He is as corrupt as he appeared when he was first accused by Anita Hill. AdLib an hour ago
Now we are pushing back on efforts by the state legislature to reduce support for pre-natal care for mothers/babies, medicaid services for new borns and mothers and the food support program. Having eliminate abortion as a viable option they are making it clear that they are just anti-abortion (for completely political reasons) and not pro life. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Impeach Thomas? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – Thomas could have faked an illness to avoid the spotlight after the texts were released but I bet he was really ill. He could’ve just hidden from public view as he always has without going to the hospital. He’s out now but no one sees him. AdLib an hour ago

Ad there you go spoiling my dream. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – The bigger picture seems that they want to keep minorities poor and under their thumb by forcing them to have babies and be impoverished due to it. AdLib an hour ago

Murph why not?? twilson117 an hour ago
How can the GOP get away with it? Feed a fervent base with the lies they crave that justifies their anger, hatred, fear and anxiety and they well support them until doomsday. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW…well with the GOP poised to retake the House and Senate….? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad….yes, that is the agenda at work as well….kept poor, sick and hopeless they are unlikely to rise up either as mob or movement. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – I don’t know. The GOP has already shown that they don’t give a flying fig about the integrity of our democracy, they only vote to seek more power or block the power of the majority. Would impeachment of Thomas, which will be doomed to failure from the start be wirth the investment of focus and political capital by the Dems? Seeing most are calling just for Thomas to recuse himself, I think they’ve already decided that it’s not beneficial politically to try and impeach him. But he should be impeached and thrown in the garbage bin of history. Instead, maybe Dems could put momentum behind enlarging the SCOTUS to 13 to take away Thomas’ power, along with the rest of the Christo-fascists on the SCOTUS. AdLib an hour ago

Murph I have to agree this election cycle looks bleak. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad…I agree with your assessment of an impeachment option. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW…yes, bleak….and I think that that barring a miracle or a revolution this will be our last competitive election for a long while. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Ad I don’t know if the country would be in the mood for an impeachment trial of a SJC. Not saying he shouldn’t but don’t know if it would fly. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – But history shows these fascist movements hit a peak then recede in popularity. They only have so much time until the majority of Americans have had enough and turn on them. AdLib an hour ago
Ad, but fascist autocracy makes majority action null and void by disenfranchising, imprisoning, deporting or killing the dissidents. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Look to Russia to see where we could be heading. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

It would make a lot of sense for Congress to pass a bill to put standards in for the SJC which they have the right to do. twilson117 an hour ago
TW…such a bill would be killed in the Senate….it is insane that such a standard was ever permitted in t he first place. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph I think Putin is constantly looking over his shoulder checking to see anyone besides his security team is following. twilson117 an hour ago
TW…the price of being a dictator is constant vigilance…agreed but one can be vigilant for a long time if one has the re sources to do so. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph, perhaps it will but it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t move on it. And if they kill it, it provides more evidence they are for corruption up and down the political spectrum. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – I am very concerned about this but the recent poll I saw on the election in Nov between generic Dems and Repubs still isn’t favoring Repubs. They’ve either leaned Dem or are neck and neck. With the 1/6 hearings blowing up Trump and his cronies as proven traitors to our democracy, more indictments likely and inflation hopefully receding by Nov, Dems could keep control of Congress and hopefully, have a net gain of at least 2 seats. If so, that will change everything, the filibuster can be killed, voting rights put in place and the SCOTUS enlarged. None of those will be automatic but much more possible than today with the Manchin/Sinema backstabbing. AdLib an hour ago
TW – Agreed, I think Dems know that too, just too much madness going on in the US and world right now to add a SCOTUS impeachment on top. All I’m hearing from Dem pols is for Thomas to recuse and rarer, for him to voluntarily resign. No talk of impeachment from Dem pols. AdLib an hour ago
Ad…yours is the best scenario…..one can hope…but Dems have managed to under-perform far more than meet expectations and only very rarely exceeding them. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
sorry guys n gals, got to go See you next week! pinkpantheroz an hour ago

Murph, I agree having the resources is a major thing, but let’s not forget the Roman empires were taken out by their Pterion Guard after being paid by someone with enough money to make it worth it to them. twilson117 an hour ago

Take care PPO twilson117 an hour ago
TWO HOUSEKEEPING ITEMS: First, Choicelady had her eye surgery but it did not go as well as expected, she has been having a rough recovery and can’t be here tonight. I hope she knows we’re sending her all our best thoughts! AdLib an hour ago
I agree with you both re. impeachment….it is not as if the risk would worth it considering how off kilter the court is now. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
SECOND HOUSEKEEPING NOTE: PPO is going to be traveling to SFO in July and I thought…is there any interest in having a PlanetPOV meetup in July in San Francisco? AdLib an hour ago

Ad thanks for the update give her my best. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad…..so sorry to hear about choice lady…..please give her my highest regards. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Ad I would love to but our Granddaughter is scheduled to come out this summer. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – True, if we can’t prevent this fascist overthrow of our democracy, it will be very hard to get out from under it no matter how many elections we have. We have one last chance to stop it this Nov. AdLib 44 minutes ago

Also after her visit I need to go home to Syracuse it’s past time for me to mend things with my dad. twilson117 44 minutes ago
Murph – I have no doubt that if Trump was re-elected, the tyranny Russians are living under now would be a template for what America would look like. AdLib 43 minutes ago
Ad…I would love to meet up but it is just not possible MurphTheSurf3 42 minutes ago
TW…there is nothing so noble as the effort to heal familial wounds. MurphTheSurf3 42 minutes ago

Ad and Murph Trump’s** election has done serious damage to the democracy. twilson117 41 minutes ago
TW – Yep, if only the Dems could gain a net of two Senate seats in Nov, a SCOTUS reform bill should be passed to enlarge the court, install ethics rules, limit lifetime terms and have a way to take action against them for violating rules short of impeachment. AdLib 41 minutes ago
Ad…I could seriously see a secessionist movement develop…..imagine the NE and the California, Washington corridor as part of Canada. MurphTheSurf3 40 minutes ago

Murph I wouldn’t go calling me noble yet Father and son relationship have their issues. twilson117 40 minutes ago
Murph – I know, Dems really underperformed in Congress in 2020. Had we gotten two of the seats we should’ve gotten, the world would be a very different place now. AdLib 40 minutes ago
TW – I will send your thoughts along to CL. AdLib 39 minutes ago
Ad…that agenda would be a fabulous one and because of that I see the GOP pulling out every dirty trick, and going to the mattresses for funding. MurphTheSurf3 39 minutes ago

Guys help me understand something, what I’ve been reading it seems many of Trump’s** picks aren’t doing so well right?? twilson117 39 minutes ago
Murph – I will share your thoughts with CL. AdLib 39 minutes ago
TW…trying is virtuous in and of itself. MurphTheSurf3 39 minutes ago
Thanks Ad… MurphTheSurf3 38 minutes ago

Murph I’ll take that. twilson117 38 minutes ago

Ad thanks twilson117 38 minutes ago
TW – Of course, that’s very understandable and so glad you get to see your granddaughter again this Summer! AdLib 38 minutes ago
TW – Mending things with parents is a big thing, hope it all goes very well. AdLib 37 minutes ago
TW….yes many of Trump’s picks are not doing well…when they falter they are replaced by more acceptable choices who are tied into the right wing’s goals and methods but not as overtly radical/insane. MurphTheSurf3 37 minutes ago

Ad speaking of daughters how did your daughter do in the tournament? twilson117 37 minutes ago
Murph – Sorry you wouldn’t be able to make a meet up but I know you have so much on your plate. AdLib 36 minutes ago
Ad…and that plate seems to be growing. MurphTheSurf3 36 minutes ago

Yes Murph you do seem to be carrying a heavy load. twilson117 35 minutes ago
Murph – Yes, I don’t think it would be secessionist exactly in Dem states if a Trump dictatorship was installed. Maybe more like states exercising a kind of civil disobedience, ignoring fascist laws and SCOTUS decisions and just doing as they choose. AdLib 35 minutes ago
And the environment here is increasingly toxic. MurphTheSurf3 34 minutes ago

So Murph how are you holding up? twilson117 34 minutes ago
Ad….states’ rights are only of importance if the federal government respects them. MurphTheSurf3 33 minutes ago
Murph – Oh yeah, the Repubs would do their worst if they saw Dems would pass laws to prevent their last hope of overturning our democracy. But it’s an inspiring fight that I think most Americans and Dems in Congress would embrace. AdLib 33 minutes ago
TW…holding up…yes, that is the word…..I am a very small fish and I know what I can do and what I can’t. So…..I will do just that. MurphTheSurf3 33 minutes ago
Ad…the end of the United States…. MurphTheSurf3 32 minutes ago
TW – Right, Trump’s pick of Mo Brooks was failing so he betrayed him and chose the more popular Repub…and now Brooks is flipping on Trump’s sedition! AdLib 32 minutes ago
Boy…this is such a cheery conversation….. MurphTheSurf3 32 minutes ago

Ad have to be honest I didn’t see the Mo Brooks reversal coming. twilson117 31 minutes ago
TW – My daughter and her team essentially won their tournament! There was no official championship game but they had the best record and she got 3 wins in 3 games she pitched. AdLib 31 minutes ago
It was not that long ago when Barack Obama stood on a state in Chicago and proclaimed that “Change had come to America.” Yes….but there was another change, a shift to the far and deep right, that was just around the corner. MurphTheSurf3 30 minutes ago
Ad….Congrats to the team. MurphTheSurf3 29 minutes ago
Murph – And vice-versa, Fed laws and SCOTUS rulings only work if states follow them. If Feds and SCOTUS are viewed as traitorous tyrannies, civil disobedience by states will follow and the power struggle will cause a lot of problems for Repubs. AdLib 29 minutes ago
Will the military obey the orders that would surely have to be issued? MurphTheSurf3 28 minutes ago

I’ve been meaning to say this; there were things I thought I would never see in my lifetime. A Black Man on the SJC, more than one Black Senator, A Black President a Female VP who is Black and now A Black Female SJC. Everyone of them the first in their families to reach the honors they have been entrusted with. twilson117 28 minutes ago
Murph – Actually, I’ve brought up two positive scenarios. Dems could rescue our democracy in Nov and the polls don’t reflect the typical advantage to the party out of power. Secondly, I think blue states will pull a Ukraine if a fascist Trumpist Repub autocracy steals the fed government. AdLib 27 minutes ago

Ad glad to hear that about the tournament, I’m sure she’s happy. twilson117 27 minutes ago
TW…and all of that is the Change that Barack spoke about, supported and pushed forward….but that second wave of change, an unexpected one, is upon us as well. MurphTheSurf3 27 minutes ago
Ad…I regard your two plans as possible…..and the first would rescue the ship of state, but the second would introduce a level of chaos that would rival the Civil War. MurphTheSurf3 26 minutes ago
Murph – True but only in a way. The GOP has actually shrunk, both by reasonable people leaving and COVID killing many more of them. So while they have such nutjob extremists, they are actually a small minority of voters. AdLib 26 minutes ago

Murph yes, it is. I agree the change we are about to go through will no doubt determine if the longest democracy will stand or change into something else. twilson117 25 minutes ago
Ad…which is why they are rewriting the rules such that minority rule can triumph. MurphTheSurf3 25 minutes ago
Thanks Murph, very proud of how well they’re playing. They beat a team twice that went to Nationals last year so they have a shot at that themselves. AdLib 24 minutes ago
I look to the historical experience of those states that followed the path to autocracy…..and the power of the majority was thwarted at every turn until chaos overwhelmed it all. MurphTheSurf3 24 minutes ago

Murph say more about that. twilson117 23 minutes ago
Ad….it is so interesting how those at Vox live their lives in multiple arenas and with vim and vigor. That is not so usual very often. MurphTheSurf3 23 minutes ago
TW…about what? MurphTheSurf3 23 minutes ago

The historical experience path to autocracy twilson117 22 minutes ago
Murph – Nope, the National Guard in states like CA and NY will not turn against their moms and dads and families. Consider how red states are now violating Congress, the Constitution, SCOTUS, etc. to take rights away from trans people, women, people of color, etc. You can’t solve non-compliance with armies. AdLib 22 minutes ago
TW – It is stunning to see how, despite the ongoing racist pushback, that people of color are achieving incredible successes despite them. AdLib 21 minutes ago

Ad yes it is. \ twilson117 20 minutes ago
TW – Thanks, they’ve already won more total games than they did in the whole season last year, shortened as it was by Covid, so they’re all very excited and the season officially starts tomorrow. AdLib 20 minutes ago
TW…that path is remarkably similar from country to country…..to say more I would have to say a lot. But a look at Italy’s descent into fascism prior to WWII is a good place to start (not as radical or as crazed as Germany’s and more applicable to the U.S.) MurphTheSurf3 19 minutes ago

Ad so the tourney was just a warmup for the season? twilson117 19 minutes ago
Murph – There would be an ongoing conflict and tit for tat between states and the Fed tyranny but the Feds can never win, anymore than Russia can win in Ukraine. Those in very Dem states will stand up to fascist Feds very insistently. AdLib 18 minutes ago
Will the National Guard be able to stand up to the US military. MurphTheSurf3 18 minutes ago
Murph – I think chaos is the only transitional state from tyranny to democracy. There doesn’t seem another way. But there will be no peace for fascists, not in blue states. AdLib 17 minutes ago

Murph Ok I got it. Those countries that went down the Fascist realized it wasn’t something they really wanted and went toward what I’m calling a modified form of democracy. twilson117 17 minutes ago
I know this is a frightening conversation but it is one that needs to passed around. MurphTheSurf3 17 minutes ago
TW…what allowed that shift to the path of a new democracy….was the loss of national integrity when their nations were conquered. MurphTheSurf3 16 minutes ago

Murph I’m thinking those “true Republicans” need to come out and take their party back, even form a new one if need be. It would be a bit of a mess for a hot second but I think they could root out all the nut jobs. twilson117 15 minutes ago
Murph – I think we already have our answer about how the military will respond. Even under Trump, they rejected any possibility of being used to kill fellow Americans. I think the most likely resolution to a fascist takeover of the US would be a military intervention to take them out of power. The military doesn’t think like or like fascists. AdLib 15 minutes ago
Ad….given how federalized the nation is….consider banking system for example, or the power grid, or the waterways…..and the issues become very critical very gast. MurphTheSurf3 14 minutes ago
TW – Yep, the tourney was a warm up for the season and it really seemed to solidify the team. I can watch them on streaming this weekend, hoping they kick some butt! AdLib 14 minutes ago
Ad…but if the military leadership has been purged….which a solidly radical GOP government could do, then the question of a constitutional response is in doubt. MurphTheSurf3 13 minutes ago

Murph and Ad some tough points to consider. twilson117 11 minutes ago
Murph – The problem is, any sabotage of the national infrastructure would hobble the dictator and turn more people against him. The US isn’t accustommed to tyranny unlike countries like Russia that are oppressed into accepting its return. And no way the banking system, grid, etc. would be sabotaged by a “president” who doesn’t want an armed revolt coming to the WH. AdLib 11 minutes ago
Ad….given what I have witnessed in the last two years…..your scenario is possible and so is mine. We are standing on the razor’s edge. MurphTheSurf3 10 minutes ago
Murph – Trump did purge some of the military leadership but the troops are trained never to follow unconstitutional or illegal orders. Especially when it comes to attacking their own communities, friends and families. A military state just wouldn’t work in the US with a volunteer army that is sworn to ignore illegal orders. AdLib 10 minutes ago
Ad…I hope that your confidence in the military is well founded. Friends, I need to wish you all a pleasant night……..and Ad, another shout out to CL. MurphTheSurf3 9 minutes ago

Ad I think one of the less discuss issues is how far down the ranks does some of this go. There are a lot of people in the military who are just waiting for the word. twilson117 9 minutes ago
TW…your last comment….chilling…. but…..Adieu! MurphTheSurf3 8 minutes ago
Also, unlike any other country I’m aware of, the 2nd Amendment and the over-abundance of guns changes the dynamics of a dictator taking over the nation in a violent way. I always think about this when I see other nations like Russia oppress their people. They can’t own guns, they can’t be on a level playing field with tyrannical forces. But Americans can. AdLib 8 minutes ago

Ad Also, there are flag officers who may just be willing to subvert the constitution, look at Flynn, and I have to think there are more like him. twilson117 7 minutes ago
Night Murph! Get some rest this weekend! AdLib 7 minutes ago

Take care Murph twilson117 7 minutes ago
TW – Yes, there are many Trumpers in the military but there are many who are not. You can’t rally a military to commit war crimes if they stand against a majority of the military and Trumpers are a minority. The majority of the military voted for Biden in 2020. AdLib 6 minutes ago

One last comment then I need to bug out as well, it sounds like your daughter’s team will be in the hunt so that has to make her feel good. And I know you’ll be rooting for her and the team. twilson117 5 minutes ago
And the military leadershop up and down the line is professional and loyal to the country, not a president. Not enough traitors in leadership to allow for a war crimes military. AdLib 4 minutes ago

Ad agree, maybe we should start next week’s discussion with that. twilson117 4 minutes ago
Thanks TW! I’ll share your positive thoughts with her! She’ll like that! AdLib 4 minutes ago

Ok I’m going to bug out want to catch up on some of the news thank the tech gods for DVR’s. twilson117 3 minutes ago
Sounds good! Have a great weekend! AdLib 3 minutes ago

You tool twilson117 3 minutes ago
Thanks! Night! AdLib 2 minutes ago

You too I meant twilson117 2 minutes ago
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