Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then! AdLib 3 hours ago
testing….. pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Hey PPO! AdLib 2 hours ago
Roger that, AdLib 2 hours ago

Good evening Ad Lib twilson117 2 hours ago
Evening, TW. How are things your way? AdLib 2 hours ago

Things are ok snow melting was kind of warm today. twilson117 2 hours ago
That’s good. Been crazy hot out here. AdLib 2 hours ago

How did your daughter do in the softball twilson117 2 hours ago
She ended up doing well. Her first game was a little rough but then she won her first official college game as a starter. AdLib 2 hours ago

Good for her, Hey PPO twilson117 2 hours ago

Well it looks like there is a lot to discuss tonight. twilson117 2 hours ago
I heard Boston ended mask mandates in public places today. AdLib 2 hours ago

Yeah, well it seems like most of the states have. I still carry one with me when I go out, which isn’t that often. But I have it just in case. twilson117 2 hours ago

Murph is in the house hey Murph!! twilson117 2 hours ago
Yes, I’m going to continue wearing my N95 to be safe. That new strain of Covid is starting to gain traction. AdLib 2 hours ago
I got on VERY easily tonight. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Hey Murph! AdLib 2 hours ago

PPO you’re back twilson117 2 hours ago
Those who come early get to share the appetizers before they’re gone. AdLib 2 hours ago
Hi TW and AD….hey you guys were trying to reach me a few weeks back……I am open to such conversations. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
You there PPO? AdLib 2 hours ago
Hi PPO. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – Great, we’ll set that up. AdLib 2 hours ago

That sounds great Murph twilson117 2 hours ago
So…is Trump finally going to be taken down? AdLib 2 hours ago
Do the appetizers those delicious little hot dogs in a sweet sauce. Really bad for you but yummy. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago

I hope so Ad twilson117 2 hours ago
Trump MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Murph – Yep! But these are no calories. AdLib 2 hours ago
Trump’s power broker allies and big money folk have gone quite quiet. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago

Ad I want to know who ate all the nachos twilson117 2 hours ago
I think the momentum is finally reaching critical mass. AdLib 2 hours ago
TW – More nachos coming! AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph – McConnell and Pence had their moments in breaking with Trump, I think the writing is getting clearer on the wall now. First time I’ve felt that way. AdLib 2 hours ago

Murph I read this morning he Trump** he had 370K of his campaign money funneled into Trump Tower. twilson117 2 hours ago
Ad…I think that is an accurate reading. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago

Ad I keep seeing PPO trying to get in then disappearing. twilson117 2 hours ago
TW – Such a constant onslaught of crimes by Trump, makes it hard to focus on particular ones for a sustained period. I mean, he staged a coup and not so much talk about that as there should be. AdLib 2 hours ago

Ad you’re right about that he really got slammed yesterday. twilson117 2 hours ago
TW – PPO is mobile right now so he may not be able to get the best signal. AdLib 2 hours ago

Ad I see twilson117 2 hours ago
The only question mark to me, as CL and I often debate, is what Garland and the DoJ will do. AdLib 2 hours ago
TW….the man has never had any fiscal discipline. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago

Well with the latest on the discover of classified information and it was referred to the DOJ we’ll be waiting to see if something does happen. twilson117 2 hours ago
Trump now has 3 of many cases moving forward, the NY criminal and civil cases and the DC case suing trump for damages for 1/6 just got the go ahead from the judge to continue. AdLib 2 hours ago
TW – It sure is hard for DoJ not to prosecute Trump for stealing classified documents, especially since others have been aggressively prosecuted for that. AdLib an hour ago

Murph, you’re right about that. I was reading where he was being disposed and asked how he did financial projections his was he did mental projections. twilson117 an hour ago
And it will prove one way or another if the DoJ truly believes no one is above the law. AdLib an hour ago

Ad let’s hope they do especially with all he had to say about Hillary twilson117 an hour ago
I am back…got a call from the campaign office. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – Yes, in that depo, Trump said his worth can go up or down based on how he feels. He’s such an obvious con man and crook, I have a problem with media folks who think they’re being fair by not calling him out accurately as a con man, liar and crook. Instead of saying he illegally stole classified documents, some said “improperly took”. No. When someone commits a murder, are they described as “improperly dealt with someone”? AdLib an hour ago
TW…yes, theft by any other name is still theft. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Ad I hear you on the media aspect twilson117 an hour ago
TW – Hillary mentioned in her speech this week that Trump and Fox were getting close to slander. She should sue them. AdLib an hour ago

Murph I was wondering how do folks feel about Hawely? twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – What’s going on with the campaign work there? AdLib an hour ago
Ad…the key is proving malice….which I think she could do…. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Hawley is not liked but he is a Trumper and that is still a major advantage here. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Well, I do hope Hillary takes some action twilson117 an hour ago

On a similar not, Sarah Palin got trounced. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Now that Durham has directly stated that the documents don’t show Hillary spied on Trump, anything Fox or Trump says to push that lie sure seems like malice. AdLib an hour ago
Ad…right now a lot of the work is a round registration and absentee voting. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad….and Fox is now mute on the Durham “allegation”. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – Palin did get properly rejected but I do agree with those who ask, who paid for her lawsuit. That would be interesting to know because I don’t think Palin did. AdLib an hour ago

Murph, have they invoked more restrictions on voting there like other Repub States? twilson117 an hour ago
Palin was, is and will forever be a grifter. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph she had a great teacher in Trump** twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – They need to be, she put them on notice for slander AND Fox News even reported what Durham said about Hillary not being proven to have spied on Trump. So they will prove malice now if they promote it further. AdLib an hour ago

What are your thoughts on the 75million win for the Sandy Hook parents? twilson117 an hour ago
Did you see her patest photo? Palin is looking bizarre: https://twitter.com/MikeSington/status/1493714907883139072?s=20&t=sSaydYLyX8qJigUfEBqmyw
https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3NwYWNlX2NhcmQiOnsiYnVja2V0Ijoib2ZmIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH19&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1493714907883139072&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwidget-b.flyzoo.co%2Fchatrooms%2Fchatroom%3Fxto%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fplanetpov.com%252Fwp-admin%252Fplugins.php%253Fplugin_status%253Dall%2526paged%253D1%2526s%26url%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fplanetpov.com%252Fwp-admin%252Fplugins.php%253Fplugin_status%253Dall%2526paged%253D1%2526s%26idWebsite%3D53f264e0684ea81a905e562d%26mode%3Dfalse%26id%3D5409fa15684ea8126cbd2fec%26mobile%3Dfalse%26gcn%3Dnull%26w%3D1263%26h%3D491%26hs%3D491%26fzla%3Dauto&sessionId=f1533b3ee0a748f13068db3131ec62aaba2eb178&theme=light&widgetsVersion=2582c61%3A1645036219416&width=300px AdLib an hour ago
TW…..no new restrictions but the gerrymandering is working to dilute the impact of the three metro areas here by shifting sections of those cities into the suburbs that are Red. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Ad that’s funny twilson117 an hour ago
What a photo! MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph gerrymandering is always tough twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – I would think there will be a lawsuit against the MO gerrymandering, Dems have been mostl challenging the corruption of that. AdLib an hour ago
Maybe the poison inside here is seeping to the surface. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – I think you’re right, Palin’s distorted personality is finally distorting her looks to match. AdLib an hour ago
Ad…lawsuits are being put forth but the judiciary here is so RED that the only real chance of a judicial block is on the federal level and that seems unlikely. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Why can’t these people just go away? twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Why is a fed case unlikely? AdLib an hour ago
TW – Because they’re like cockroaches, they thrive on nasty stuff and never fully go away. And they multiply quickly unless they’re (politically) exterminated. AdLib an hour ago
Ad….I don’t see the DOJ pursuing cases that will sap their resources and even if won will not change the landscape. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Hey Harleigh! Good to see you! How are you feeling? AdLib an hour ago
Howdy Harleigh. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – But wouldn’t such a gerrymander decrease the number of blue House seats from MO? AdLib an hour ago
getting better thanks Harleigh an hour ago
Harleigh – That’s very good to hear! AdLib an hour ago

Murph I’ve said it before, these people do not understand what they are giving up if they keep moving toward an autocratic from of governing. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad….it could…..I see your point but I am having a hard time accepting the so-close-to-the-vest approach that the DOJ has embraced. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Harleight, glad that things may be looking up. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Ad cockroaches is an app description. twilson117 an hour ago

Hey Harleigh twilson117 an hour ago
hey all Harleigh an hour ago
Biden says he has confirmation that Putin is definitely going to attack Ukraine, Kyiv in particular. I think that’s true and if so, the world should sanction and crush Russia’s economy so the people rise up and protest against him. AdLib an hour ago
Ad…..I agree…this is a crossroads moment with Putin…..his absurd dream of restoring the Russian empire has to be punctured. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Agreed, the DoJ hasn’t been so aggressive but independent lawyers like Marc Elias are. AdLib an hour ago

Ad I think Putin is biting off more than he can chew with the Ukraine invasion. twilson117 an hour ago

And if he is successful all the surrounding countries are in for trouble. twilson117 an hour ago
TW…Putin has 70 percent of the country’s armed forces at or near the borders….what he might not be t aking into account is that he has solidified NATO in a manner that undermines his gains. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – I think you’re right. Up until now, Putin has been ableaten and extort the world to allowing his crimes but we’re in a vaery different situation now, with autocracies threatening our and many other democracies. I think Putin is trying the same tactic and is overconfident, the blowback will be massive. AdLib an hour ago
Ukraine is loaded with tons of natural resources… that’s what Putin wants. Harleigh an hour ago
I agree with the take that the three of you are taking in re. to Putin….there is something rather desperate in all of this it seems to me. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Agreed, Putin actually believed that he could tear NATO apart by doing this. Putin is as brilliant as all bullies are, they just use power and the threat of it to get what they want and that hand is always overplayed the last time they try it. AdLib an hour ago
yep Harleigh an hour ago

The surrounding countries like Hungry, Poland etc who have gone to a from of autocratic rule need to worry because Putin will come for them next. His dream of bring back the former USSR is just that a dream. twilson117 an hour ago

Harleigh is that why Hitler invaded them in WWII? For their natural resources mainly oil? twilson117 an hour ago
Harleigh – From what experts like Mike McFaul have been saying, Putin wants a legacy of putting the USSR back together. he feels the West screwed Russia when the Cold War ended and he wants to reverse it. As McFaul pointed out, look at all of Putin’s attacks, they have been against any ex-USSR country that moves away from Russia or just towards democracy. AdLib an hour ago
Ad….even those East European nations that have re-embraced a more totalitarian model are lining up behind NATO in ways that are a shift in the paradigm……slightly off to the side….my Brit friends are saying that there is a lot of jabber now about reintegration with the EU. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – Yes, you nailed it! Putin’s dream is to carve a massive place in Russian history as the man who re-conquered the USSR countries and used an iron fist to rule them all again. AdLib an hour ago
And let’s remember that life in Russia is not particularly good….there is strong streak of resentment among the folks on the street….that worries him….it is why he has not completely crushed his oppositon, though he has come very close. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Yes, especially because a country like Hungary that has essentially ended democracy and has an autocrat in place, is so much easier to take over when you have on man to take down to end the government. AdLib an hour ago

We clearly need to be paying attention to the geo-political developments as they will have major impact on everything moving forward with China playing a major part in all of it. twilson117 an hour ago
tw Hitler defeated all the countries around him esp the ones with resources. I had no Idea Ukraine was so bountiful until reading about it lately. Harleigh an hour ago
A Trump side note….I get e-mail from two right wing groups under an assumed identity….they are planning a day of prayer at our county seat for the “Whole Trump Family” who are being so horribly victimized. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
yes I’ll feel a whole lot sorrier for Spanky and his fambly in prison for decades. Harleigh an hour ago

Harliegh I recall from my reading Hitler wanted the Ukraine for it’s oil, but he made the same mistake Napoleon did went in during winter. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad…Hungary…I wonder if the headman there is feeling comfortable about of this…..I think not….he wants to be in control not controlled. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – I watched a video from a Dem Congressman, Chris Murphy, who said interest rates in Russia are now at 9% or so, unemployment is high and inflation is much higher than what it is in the US. So sanctions will just flatten the Russian economy. AdLib an hour ago
Ad…..and their currency is not widely traded/used…an economy the size of California’s. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph are you serious??? Praying for the Trump** family because they’re being victimized? How much did they want you to contribute, and did you check the fine print to make sure it wasn’t coming Trump** himself? twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Not surprising, there is no actual belief in principles ot the law by Trumpers, they think the only legit laws attack those they see as their enemies. They are unprincipled, small-minded children. AdLib an hour ago

Murph Obran, Tucker’s best friend clearly wants to be in charge of his country not dictated to by Putin. twilson117 an hour ago
TW….oh yes, I was asked to contribute to their defense fund and was instructed as to what I was to bring, how I was to act and what I would be saying. Three of our local rabid bible thumpers are going to “pastor the day of prayer for the Trumps, which is them, for the nation….” Their quote. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Harleigh – You and me both! With Trump imprisoned for at least some of his crimes, the fuel gets cut off for the GOP and they will founder as everyone in it tries to grab the reigns. AdLib an hour ago

Murph, religion and Trump** not good medicine at all. twilson117 an hour ago
tw my grandfather on my mother’s side fought in WWI and WWII. WWI he rode a horse in artillery units. Tanks and big guns have a rough time in mud but can really make out if properly equipped on frozen ground. Hitler attacked unprepared to win a winter war. Putin is prepared. Harleigh an hour ago

Murph I’m old enough to remember when folks like the ones you’re speaking of thought Obama was the antichrist. twilson117 an hour ago
TW…one of the icons making the rounds right now is an image of Trump on a cross with a crowd radical dems at the foot of the cross..and yes, one them is Hillary. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – That’s what I was thinking, Orban probably worries that Putin could easily sweep him aside and take over the autocracy he’s built there. AdLib an hour ago
Murph – And as poor as their currency is regarded now, with sanctions in place, cut off from SWIFT, their currency’s value will really crash. AdLib an hour ago
TW…..people I know here are unabashed in expressing their hatred of Obama and the horror of his 8 years…..his win radicalized many of them. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph well, I can only guess those people see Trump** as their savior and protector from folks who look like me. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – Multiple articles recently about how tied together the RW Christian sects and the MAGA/White Nationalists are. AdLib an hour ago

Ad I’m just laughing my ass off right now, these folks are just bat shit crazy. twilson117 an hour ago
TW….one of my neighbors had a series of one liners about Barack that basically came down to….”whats that Nword doing in the White House and not cleaning toilets, serving coffee, washing floors….” MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Hi all – sorry I’m late. Today is our anniversary so we went out. choicelady an hour ago
happy anniversary cl Harleigh an hour ago
Thank you, Harleigh! How is everyone? Did I miss PPO? He said he’d try to drop by. choicelady an hour ago
CL..right on cue we are starting to take on the RW Churchers and theirs ties to MAGAism. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Harleigh – Putin does seem prepared to fight this war but I don’t think he recognizes how the Russian people may turn on him because of it and the damage it does to them and their economy. My understanding is that most Russians see Ukraine as a friendly country and many have relatives there. AdLib an hour ago
CL….happy anniversary……… MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph, because he was educated and knew how to win at politics is why he was in the WH. Oh by the wasn’t trying to flush classified information down the toilet like their dumbass hero Trump** twilson117 an hour ago
Hey CL! AdLib an hour ago
Murph – the RW church people were the cutting edge of what we have now. Blame Reagan. choicelady an hour ago

Cl Happy Anniversary twilson117 an hour ago
Thanks, Murph. We got married two days in a row. First on the 17th at County Hall so I could get on his health care plan then on the 18th for fun. So we long ago gave up going out twice. Got to be too pricey! choicelady an hour ago
Ad….and Ukraine has been a source of economic and social balance for Russia….in war that will be lost….and the bitterness that will remain will poison their relationship. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Thank you, TW. Hi AD!!! choicelady an hour ago
CL: https://www.funimada.com/assets/images/cards/big/anniversary-1.gif AdLib an hour ago
TW…flushing…good comeback. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Putin’s dreams of being the new Czar overshadow all good sens. choicelady 44 minutes ago
Sense. choicelady 44 minutes ago
CL….I am sure that you and your “significant other” are quite the team. MurphTheSurf3 44 minutes ago

AdLib 43 minutes ago
Murph – we met over hate crimes issues. Only good thing ever came out of that! We have collaborated on bills and issues many times. We are indeed well known rabble rousers. Greg is VERY good at passing legislation. choicelady 43 minutes ago
Awwww – thank you, AdLib. That’s so lovely! choicelady 43 minutes ago
Murph – I am very good at mobilizing support for said legislation. We are good team. choicelady 42 minutes ago
CL…Dynamic Doers, Powered Up Partners…….stand in aw of them… MurphTheSurf3 42 minutes ago
My pleasure, CL! AdLib 41 minutes ago

Murph et al I’m thinking Putin bought in to Trump** crap about Biden being slow and thinks he can get away with what he is doing. But, he should know better because he’s faced off against Joe before. twilson117 41 minutes ago
well I’m conkin out. later folks. Harleigh 41 minutes ago
TW….good insighrs re. Putin and Trumpin MurphTheSurf3 41 minutes ago
Good to see you if only for a bit, Harleigh. Be well! choicelady 41 minutes ago
Night…Harleigh. MurphTheSurf3 41 minutes ago
TW- people underestimate (not Bush’s “:misunderestimate”) Biden at their peril. choicelady 40 minutes ago
CL…Biden seems more and more confident to me. MurphTheSurf3 40 minutes ago
TW – I think it’s a case of Putin learning from his behavior. Being a war monger and invading and threatening countries to get what he wants has always worked, so he thinks it always will. I really do think he’s in for a massive and damaging surprise if he goes ahead with war and I think he will. AdLib 40 minutes ago
Ad…agreed. MurphTheSurf3 39 minutes ago
Murph – Biden is pissed. He’s got THE best economy in decades, and even today Chuck Todd did his hand wringing over Biden’s ‘weak’ performance. choicelady 39 minutes ago

Ad agree with your assessment. twilson117 39 minutes ago
CL….I have very little respect for controversy mongers like Todd. MurphTheSurf3 38 minutes ago

Cl Todd is the reason I stopped watching his show on Sunday. twilson117 38 minutes ago
The world is really coming together against Putin, he thought this would terrify countries and make them kneel to Russia but the rest of the world (except China) seem more defiant to stop and punish Putin now. This may indeed be Putin’s bridege-too-far. AdLib 38 minutes ago
CL – They did have a poll out this week that saw generic Dems ahead by 8 over generic Repubs for Congress. AdLib 37 minutes ago

All, it seems to me the media (like Todd and others) bend over backwards to find something wrong with how Bidden is doing. Their push not to be seen in the same light as Fox is getting old. twilson117 36 minutes ago
Ad….a word about China…..China and Russia have a history that is highly adversarial with their borders as a constant source of tension….I think Chinese leadership is playing nice right now with making any commitment or offer approval. MurphTheSurf3 36 minutes ago
RW – Todd is just the most superficial person NOT on FOX. choicelady 36 minutes ago
CL…apparently there is no love lost between Todd and the headliners on during the weekday nights. MurphTheSurf3 35 minutes ago

China is going to be a force to be reckon with for the moment. twilson117 35 minutes ago
Murph – That’s true but more recently, Russia and China have been kind of protecting each others’ dictitorial backs. Some pundit said China may be supporting Putin and hoping he succeeds at taking Ukraine because they may want to do the same with Taiwan. AdLib 34 minutes ago
TW….yes China is a force, but not one necessarily aligned with Russia, in fact, I think that is very unlikely. MurphTheSurf3 34 minutes ago
Ad – this is GREAT news about Dems v generic GOP. GREAT news. I’m not a fan of Liz Cheney, but I’m thrilled she’s outfunding her opposition. I hate her policies, LOVE her dedication to democracy and want her to stuff it up their noses. choicelady 34 minutes ago
CL…good take on Cheney… MurphTheSurf3 33 minutes ago

Ad I agree with your assessment about China and Russia, China is out for China and have the patience to wait Russia out. twilson117 33 minutes ago
Ad…it is certain that China and Russia are using each other in t his moment. MurphTheSurf3 33 minutes ago
Todd is frequently trending on Twitter for the latest stupid or partisan BS he’s blathered that Sunday. I think Todd is like a Howard Stern thing on MSNBC, they know he is despised but people tune in to see what stupid think he’ll say next. AdLib 33 minutes ago
Ad…..clips from Todd are regularly featured on Fox and in right wing on line and print sources. MurphTheSurf3 32 minutes ago
CL – Did you see how Trump is trying to twist the arm of the OK Gov. to pass a law preventing Dems from switching to Repub to vote for Cheney in the primary? They are so casual now about trying to corrupt elections, it’s totally out in the open. AdLib 31 minutes ago
Murph – you’re far more conversant with contemporary global politics. I don’t get why any nation has imperialistic drives after the fresh hell of colonialism the past century. It’s too damned much WORK. choicelady 31 minutes ago

Todd made a mess of Meet The Press which why I stopped watching twilson117 31 minutes ago
Ad – is the law preventing GOP from switching to vote for AOC in the Dem primary? I’ll bet NOT. choicelady 30 minutes ago
CL – My understanding is that Putin is single-minded about going down in Russian history for re-uniting the USSR. AdLib 30 minutes ago
Chuck Todd is the MOST superficial person on NON FOX air. choicelady 30 minutes ago
CL….imperialism in the 21st century has many of the potential payoffs as in the 19th and 20th and those are appealing…..but the wider lessons seem to be set aside…hubris. MurphTheSurf3 30 minutes ago
Ad – I think Vlad wishes to be Czar. choicelady 30 minutes ago
Murph – rats. No learning from the past, eh? choicelady 29 minutes ago
CL – Trump is trying to get the Gov in OK to support changing the law there so people can’t easily switch parties, so Dems or indies can’t switch to Repubs for the primaries. AdLib 29 minutes ago
Putin’s Party (and he is a founder)…the name says a lot: All-Russian political party “United Russia” Всероссийская политическая партия “Единая Россия” In short:United Russia MurphTheSurf3 28 minutes ago
Ad – well, in principle I don’t actually disagree that the other party members shouldn’t rat f*ck with our primaries. But if it’s Trump, I hate THAT on principle.\ choicelady 28 minutes ago
CL – I don’t think NY would put in a law like that to prevent anyone from switching parties in a primary so yes, if Repubs want to vote for AOC, they will still be able to. AdLib 28 minutes ago
Murph – is “United Russia” their equivalent of “America First” – all fascists, all of the time? choicelady 27 minutes ago
CL – I think you’re right. Czar Vlad is his fantasy but it will never happen. AdLib 27 minutes ago
Other states aren’t so venal, Ad. choicelady 27 minutes ago

CL after WWII the US starting flexing it’s imperial muscles and in many cases made a mess, just look at Central America. twilson117 26 minutes ago
CL – Repubs think that only they are entitled to ratfucking Dems in primaries, when Dems try it, they should be locked up. AdLib 26 minutes ago
A GOP operative I know here says that he finds efforts to change the law to make switching parties hard to do is a sign of how worried the GOP is……he thinks that many of their strategist are sensing that the Trump Herd could bolt if they do not think they are doing enough for their man, and moderate GOP will wake up to the madness in their own party and want to be Dems into office as a catalyst for change. MurphTheSurf3 25 minutes ago

CL Valid borrowed Trump’** phrase Make America Great and changed it to Make Russia Great. twilson117 25 minutes ago
As far as the religious right goes…Back in the early 90s I saw, first hand, the role of the Dominionists moving to evangelize in Russia, Latvia, Estonia, and Ukraine to bring them into the US Dominionist orbit. Two brothers, Paul and Rob Schenck, were leaders of Project Rescue, allies of Randall Terry’s Operation Rescue. They were on the cutting edge of shoving the Slavic WHITE nations into the ultra right religious orbit. They weren’t alone, but they were seminal. choicelady 25 minutes ago
TW…U.S. emergence into imperial moves is a sign of exactly how enticing it is. MurphTheSurf3 24 minutes ago
TW – “Make Russia Great”? We couldn’t have some original thinking here? choicelady 24 minutes ago
Did you see that Dan Patrick in TX wants to end tenure for universities and allow college professers to lose tenure, pensions and their job for teaching CRT? The blatan hateful and aggressive is disgusting, how it’s so open now. AdLib 24 minutes ago
CL…United Russia….Russia First…..yep. MurphTheSurf3 24 minutes ago
Murph – I don’t see, w Obama or Biden, a single imperialistic colonial move. choicelady 24 minutes ago
Patrick will lose this – conservatives NEED tenure and while they might be anti CRT, they know it’s a slippery slope. choicelady 23 minutes ago
CL…you REALLY know your religious Right territory. I learn so much from you. MurphTheSurf3 23 minutes ago

Ad they think they have a free reign to change everything to the way they want it to be. twilson117 22 minutes ago
Five days a week with these asshats in my face tends to give me some insight. choicelady 22 minutes ago
Murph – That’s very interesting and could be the way it works out. I don’t know though that anyone should worry about Trumpers bolting from the GOP, they have stolen it away from the rest of Repubs, that is their party now. Moderate or genuine conservative Repubs won’t reclaim the GOP, they will need to either stay with it and be unprincipled, become an indie or a Dem. AdLib 22 minutes ago
CL…..I agree re. Obama and Biden….the imperial call however was very much a part of the Dem l landscape for many years. MurphTheSurf3 22 minutes ago
Escorting at clinics in the third hardest hit city for anti abortion zealots gave me HUGE sets of information. choicelady 21 minutes ago

Cl, religious right, left or center, it’s all worrisome when you can brain wash people into thinking it’s God’s will they do stupid stuff. twilson117 21 minutes ago
The Schencks are twins. Rob was the secondary one, Paul the primary one. But now Rob is ascendant. He is very dangerous, and I have data and reason to think he was the trigger for Bart Slepian’s murder. Kopp did it. Rob set it in motion.’ choicelady 20 minutes ago
Ad…the operative is my age and has been in the trenches for 50 years…I think that what he is describing is an unhappy herd with the potential to stampede. MurphTheSurf3 20 minutes ago
CL – But combining the book burning and banning, the “Parent’s Choice” domination of teachers and teaching, cameras in classrooms, anything that mentions slavery being an evil by white people, LGBTQ, or anything that makes white racists “uncomfortable”, why would decent teachers choose to teach in FL or TX? AdLib 20 minutes ago
When a school board recall run on RW concerns succeeds in San Francisco there is great cause for concern. MurphTheSurf3 19 minutes ago
Ad – “left”:religion isn’t into brainwashing or rules, rites, rituals. That’s us, that was Rev. Dr. King, that was all the good folks who were civil rights and anti war – they value free thinking. But the RIGHT has a credo you cannot challenge. And it’s become, thanks to Reagan, entrenched in politics. It’s dangerous as hell. choicelady 18 minutes ago
CL – I always regard you and good ol’ SueInCA as very learned about Dominionism. AdLib 18 minutes ago

Murph I agree with you on the school board issue. twilson117 17 minutes ago
Ad…I actually wonder if there are going to be many willing to be teachers given how they are treated, what is expected of them, and how much it takes to get into a classroom and even more to stay. MurphTheSurf3 17 minutes ago
Murph – the challenge to the school board was from DEMS (hardly any GOP live in SF now). They were abominable fools. I’m thrilled they were ousted. There is, in CA, a lefty movement for pietistic reform from people who are “progressive” but without ANY intellectual or policy substance. These three were absolutely useless on education issues and entirely performative. The liberal families w kids ousted them and GOOD riddance. choicelady 16 minutes ago

DeSantis wants cameras in the classrooms watching teachers. twilson117 16 minutes ago
Dear Friends…..nearly 10:30….quite a night…but the morning beckons…so adieu until next week. MurphTheSurf3 16 minutes ago
Damn – I need to catch up with SueinCA – she volunteered for us some years ago. LOVE HER. choicelady 16 minutes ago

Take care Murph twilson117 15 minutes ago
Good night, Murph – be well. Hope to see you next week! choicelady 15 minutes ago
CL…you have more info on the school board than I do……thanks….still….how did those three get elected…..worth knowing. MurphTheSurf3 15 minutes ago

CL pietistic reform?? Please explain further. twilson117 15 minutes ago
Murph – Right, I think your operative is right about what the case really is but I would suggest that the nutjob Trumpists are so heavily funded by Koch, Mercers, Theil, etc. that the moderates won’t be able to unseat them from holding power in the GOP. The reasonable Repubs are the ones who will need to leave the party and start a new party or go Dem or Indie. AdLib 15 minutes ago
Murph – That’s not what happened in SF. The three board members who were ousted were nutters, they made renaming schools more important than opening schools amidst Covid because Lincoln and Washington were bad guys according to them. They also made elitist and racist statements about Asians. They were nuts! AdLib 13 minutes ago
Ad….yes….to your analysis….but one of the points he makes is that some Big Money is based in doctrine, but even more is based in efficacy in governing. It is those funders who are likely to withdraw because this kind of chaos is not good for their bottom line. MurphTheSurf3 13 minutes ago
Night Murph, have a great day tomorrow! AdLib 12 minutes ago
Ad….again more detail….helpful……how did they win election? MurphTheSurf3 12 minutes ago
You guys keep pulling me back in…….with a nod to Puzi! MurphTheSurf3 11 minutes ago
TW – CA politics tackles tiny behavioral issues such as the proposed bill to do away with cigarettes that have filters. Why? They aren’t biodegradable. Nothing about smoking – only about a TINY fraction of landfill issues. The school board insisted on changing school names taking away former presidents INCLUDING LINCOLN for…something. They renamed a school named for Dianne Feinstein who did more for LGBTQ rights than anyone other than Harvey Milk and George Moscone. That’s performative. Gin up some “scandal” and make a “stand”. But how to get kids back in classes and get health environments for teachers and kids? OMG no. They had no clue. REAL discussions on racial equity? No clue. We are performative because we lack all substance.\ choicelady 11 minutes ago
CL – Left and right in religion is much the same as in politics. The Left believes in principles, respect for others who are different and equality while Repubs and RW religion is all about domination and power over those who don’t share their beliefs. AdLib 11 minutes ago
Murph – I have NO clue how they won. I saw what they did. They got bounced. And they cannot blame the GOP because there ARE no GOP in SF. It was parents with legit complaints about their showmanship uber alles. choicelady 10 minutes ago

Ad when you have the kind of money coming in that the Mercers, Koch and Theil and any other billionaires can put into their pet causes it’s an up hill battle. twilson117 10 minutes ago
CL…good summary. MurphTheSurf3 10 minutes ago
Welll….this time for real…..night! MurphTheSurf3 9 minutes ago
Murph – There is already a teacher shortage and in TX and FL, I think it’s going to get very bad want to teach in either state and risk losing their career at any moment? AdLib 9 minutes ago
Ad – well, there are religious “left” who suck and are the Squad clones in faith communities, but they tend not to last. People are tired of hyperbolic performance artists over genuinely compassionate and thoughtful people. choicelady 9 minutes ago
G;night, Murph! choicelady 8 minutes ago
Murph – Disagree, the wealthy want chaos, that’s when they can rob the people the most, look at the Covid chaos, they all got hugely wealthier. AdLib 8 minutes ago
A principal friend tells me that they have NO substitute teachers and that more and more teachers are taking every sick and personal day they have. He sees a future dominated by computer based instruction…which is barely effective at best. MurphTheSurf3 7 minutes ago

CL I get it, instead of working the issues that are real issues, go off on some side issue as if it’s really important and taking a no backdown stance. twilson117 7 minutes ago
Ad – the fear in TX and FL is when GOOD teachers leave, they’ll let the night mechanic at Big O Tires fill in with his pro gun, pro God, anti Black mantras to teach history by day. choicelady 7 minutes ago
TW – that’s increasingly where we are in CA. If you want SUBSTANCE in the authors of your bills, find a person of color who isn’t a JD or Bernbro. choicelady 6 minutes ago
CL – But even the extreme religious types on the Left don’t want authoritarianism or rampant Trump-like crime and chaos. AdLib 6 minutes ago

CL just when I thought dumbing down America couldn’t get any worse. twilson117 6 minutes ago
My LEAST fave mantra from even justice oriented advocates is that we “have to support so and so to SHOW SOLIDARITY”. Not if the bill or proposition SUCKS we don’t. choicelady 5 minutes ago

CL you brought up a good point. twilson117 4 minutes ago
Ad – no they want to BE the authoritarians on the Left. I’ve battled these folks since college. Anyone who is the ONLY one with the purity and true answers is the one to run away from. They are egomaniacs. choicelady 4 minutes ago
CL – I’m afraid that is exactly where all of this is going. Kids educated in TX, FL, etc. will be indoctrinated into racism, authroritarinism, Qanon, etc. and lack a complete education as good teachers flee. They are happy to have ignorant sheep but soon, having a diploma from TX or FL will be worthless. AdLib 3 minutes ago
Ad – I think, if I know most TX families, they will rise up against this. I have family and friends in TX, and even the no so liberal ones think this sucks. choicelady 2 minutes ago

Ad I’m not so sure about that. But you’re concern is justified. twilson117 2 minutes ago
CL – Agreed, that is how Repubs think, conformity brings power and that is the only way to show loyalty to the party. There are purist Bernie Bros and such who are similar but that is so few of Dems. AdLib 2 minutes ago

Look all It’s time for me to go so see you all next week. Take care. twilson117 2 minutes ago
Ad – what better way to FINALLY kill off the Confederacy than to let it commit suicide? My friends who were in Waco had their half Jewish sons at an Episcopal private school. Pretty soon the only kids in TX/FL public schools ill be kids of color. You piss of Mama? You will live to regret it. choicelady a few seconds ago
Good night, TW – see you next week. I think I will follow suit. Good night, Ad – see you next Friday! choicelady a few seconds ago
CL – I have TX family too but the cult of Republicanism among many Texans is not negotiable to them. Even when their guy tries to overthrow our democracy, they feel they must follow him 100%. Dems are better than that, we argue because we respect different points of view and reason. Repubs are The Borg. AdLib in a few seconds
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