Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Khirad! AdLib 2 hours ago

I’m like Odin with literally one eye open. … But still, does somebody have a number for Psaki? Khirad 2 hours ago
Psaki is Number 1. AdLib 2 hours ago

The soulless gingerless minions.. Khirad 2 hours ago
The GOP could change their mascot to a minion. AdLib 2 hours ago

Again, I’m on one lens and I’m blind so bear with me, I’m gonna have a cancer stick and a cuppa chai Khirad 2 hours ago
Hey PPO! AdLib 2 hours ago
Ok Khirad! AdLib 2 hours ago
Hi, Ad. Just dropped in for a sec to comment on the remembrence. Thank you all so much. pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Absolutely, PPO. AdLib 2 hours ago
We love you, PPO. Talk soon. choicelady 2 hours ago
Hey CL! AdLib 2 hours ago
Hi Ad. We should know that Paddy Moloney, one of the founders of the Chieftans, a wonderful Irish music group, also died this week. I think PPO knew him. This is just a bridge too far I believe. Not fair at all. choicelady 2 hours ago
That’s terrible to hear. Nope, death has no concept of the word, “fair”. AdLib 2 hours ago

I’m gonna do my best to read. Khirad 2 hours ago
Nope. While death has not been a stranger to my life when younger, it gets more “dense” as I get older. Hard to unpack one’s feelings. choicelady 2 hours ago
Thanks Khirad, sorry you’re dealing with this. AdLib 2 hours ago

Anyone heard about Austria? Khirad an hour ago
CL – Yes, and perhaps the frequency and nearing of it does that. AdLib an hour ago
Khirad – The calls for resignation in Austria? AdLib an hour ago
Hi Khirad. Yes please. Ad did a beautiful tribute to Fergie. What’s afflicting your eyes? I empathize since I have macular degeneration AND cataracts. This is horrid to hear about you. choicelady an hour ago
Hey TW! AdLib an hour ago
Hi TW! choicelady an hour ago

Anycase that whole right wing thing in Europe is taking a left turn Khirad an hour ago

Hello everyone!! twilson117 an hour ago

My right lens fell out and I have no backup. My frame just fell apart. Khirad an hour ago
Khirad – YIKES. I’m sorry. That sucks. choicelady an hour ago

Hey folks what am I missing with PPO? twilson117 an hour ago

Luckily, the eyes are not a part of the body and don’t fall in Kyrsten’s fine ass body of concerns Khirad an hour ago
Khirad – So you have a monacle? Like Mr. Peanut? It’s classy! AdLib an hour ago

I’m doing a monacle or getting a patch like that super dude. Khirad an hour ago
TW – Fergie passed away this week. There’s a post you can add a comment to. AdLib an hour ago

At least I’m left eyed. Khirad an hour ago
TW – PPO’s wife, Fergie, died this week. Then Paddy Moloney, founder of the Chieftans also died, and I gather PPO knew him. Too much. Too hard. choicelady an hour ago

I played with Paddy and have a picture of him wit me Khirad an hour ago

I’m so sorry to hear that. Ad please let me know where the post is. twilson117 an hour ago
So, is the SCOTUS going to follow the 5th Circuit and twist themselves into a pretzel to allow the Texas anti-abortion/mob rule stay in effect? AdLib an hour ago
Khirad – I hope you can get new specs soon. I have surgery in March that should help but am on eye injections every six weeks. Without them I’d be blind, but let’s just admit it’s not my fave thing. choicelady an hour ago
Ad – there is no longer any telling w SCOTUS. choicelady an hour ago
TW – You can find it on the Home page under Faetured Posts. AdLib an hour ago

One of my dear friends from FB died. It was like I talked to her a week before. Oy. I know I’m only 41 but… Khirad an hour ago

Ad ok I will add my thoughts. twilson117 an hour ago
Khirad – i started losing beloved friends in my 40s. It doesn’t make it easier as I get older. choicelady an hour ago

I never even got to meet BITO – … Khirad an hour ago
CL – I’ve never seen multiple members of SCOTUS howl about being called political…just before they speak to a Republican crowd at a Republican event. AdLib an hour ago
Khirac – I adored Bito – we shared a powerful alliance in both having picketed during the Eastern Airlines mess c. 1989. I wore my “strike shirt” when he passed. I miss him still. choicelady an hour ago
Khirad – Fergie faithfully posted in the music thread, she posted just three weeks before PPO shared the terrible news. It’s surreal. AdLib an hour ago

I’m just trying so hard not to be political… just trying to chill out. I’ll write about it later, as when I write about Germany… no hyperbole Khirad an hour ago

CL seems the SC doesn’t like the being pulled into the polticial area when they make political decisions. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad – have you ever had a picture of PPO and Fergie? I have zero clue what they looked like. choicelady an hour ago

Some prefer to be anon. I’m most open. Khirad an hour ago
Khirad – it’s so damned difficult these days to tangle with key issues and NOT be political. choicelady an hour ago
And there was KQuark, the brilliant scientist and co-founder of The Planet who passed away as well. He put together a very popular graphic. I will post it in a sec. AdLib an hour ago

I got banned again on FB for nothing. I was bemused. Khirad an hour ago
Ad – KQ is who brought me here from Huffington when they lost their damned minds. He was wonderful. A man among men. I miss him as well. choicelady an hour ago

KQuark – I still have a few of his songs. I liked his songs. Khirad an hour ago
Check this out from KQuark, from 2012. “Periodic Table of Dangerous Elements”:

AdLib an hour ago

Yes! Khirad an hour ago
Khirad – I will ALWAYS treasure your wonderful travelogue about your trip to DC. You went places most of us don’t even know exists. choicelady an hour ago
Oh Ad! I had forgotten KQuark’s Periodic Table!!!! choicelady an hour ago

Does the DC still exist, because, I destroyed the computer. Khirad an hour ago
CL – No, I don’t have photos of PPO or Fergie. I will ask PPO if he would want to share some. AdLib an hour ago

KQ called what the fuck is the Brazilian’s name? He’s a fucktard to this day. Khirad an hour ago
Ad – if you have Khirad’s trek to DC, I’d love a repost. Now I have family there, the incentive to be better informed is very high. choicelady an hour ago
Khirad – I say this knowing many wonderful people are on Facebook. Facebook is evil. AdLib an hour ago

We know FB is evil and I love getting banned. Khirad an hour ago

I ‘ve tried my best to get people to come here to just read my posts… to no avail. Khirad an hour ago
Ad – I couldn’t access my old Facebook but started a new post a few weeks ago with ONLY my dearest family and friends. I’m not accepting anyone else. Pretty sure I got banned, but I do like following my family. choicelady an hour ago
CL – Yes, KQ was like everyone here, a unique and remarkable person. He campaigned so hard, here and around the web, for the ACA. He needed heart surgery badly and when it passed, it saved his life and gave him more time. AdLib an hour ago
Ad – I worked my ass off for ACA in no small part for KQ. I was delighted when he got the surgery – made every effort worth it. choicelady an hour ago

Just tell me … his whole table still works… Khirad an hour ago
CL – Yes, KQ’s table was one of the most looked at posts at The Planet and people have kept discovering it year after year. Some of the players may not be on the political stage but it remains a brilliant work. AdLib an hour ago
KH – yes it does. A few “elements” are dead (no loss) but most are still exactly as he wrote them/. choicelady an hour ago

ACA sucks, I don’t have to pay 2,000 for a spider bite and have a doctor I LOVE. Khirad an hour ago
Khirad – it SUCKS but you are using it ok? I’m confused. choicelady an hour ago

The Middle Class … no offense – but fuck that. Working poor. Khirad an hour ago
Here’s one of Khirad’s posts on his DC Trip: https://planetpov.com/2010/12/06/mid-atlantic-trip-part-9-dc-at-the-museum/ AdLib an hour ago
CA has never dropped ACA as many other states did under Trump. People have blown up the enrollment this year – they love it. choicelady an hour ago

Sarcasm CL, with the rich worried about choice of doctors. Fuck you, I had no choice at all. Khirad an hour ago
Khirad – It’s like trying to convince someone who loves fastfood to go to a real burger joint. AdLib an hour ago
OK – missed that. Yes, ACA does give choices even in old CA. choicelady an hour ago
BRB choicelady an hour ago

Or Vincenzo on youtube saying there’s a real pizza joint at the same price point as Dominos? Khirad an hour ago

It’s like Burgerville vs. In’n’Out – fightin words. I’m feisty and my eye is fading. Khirad an hour ago
CL – That’s the difficult thing, the ability to follow, chat and share with family and close friends is a great service but the insidious nature of Facebook is to use that aspect to draw people in to steal their privacy and data and manipulate them so they will use the site more often. Hene, their intentional collaboration with promoting racist and other extremist propaganda. They are evil and they do steal your privacy. AdLib an hour ago

Please read my take on Germany, because, Germany has never affected anything… Khirad an hour ago
CL – know you worked hard to push for the ACA and KQ was one of those motivations. We’ve literally een lives saved and extended because of it. AdLib an hour ago
oh – no doubt, Ad – so I’m being VERY circumspect about what I follow and read, what info I gave. I would love them brought to the mat for what they’ve done,. choicelady an hour ago

This is a time where my astigmatic dumbass has to bow out. Hail Satan, Khirad an hour ago
Ad – after March 2013 the first thing I noticed were LONG LINES at CVS. These were people who FINALLY had health coverage and could get their meds. Did not bother me to wait – it was a celebration! choicelady an hour ago
Good night, Khirad! choicelady an hour ago
Anyone know where Murph is? Is he OK? choicelady an hour ago

Sorry for not jumping in I was just reflecting on what all of you were saying about the ACA. twilson117 an hour ago
CL – Social media sites know too much about all of us, whether we post info or not. They see who we’re connected to or mentioned by and raid those we know to get data on us. AdLib an hour ago
CL – That makes sense but is a funny result from the ACA. Of course more people are in lines at CVS, they could afford to see doctors and get prescriptions. AdLib an hour ago
CL – Murph said he had something tonight and wouldn’t be able to make it but would be here next week. AdLib an hour ago
Isn’t Krysten Sinema looking like she has sold out to Pharma and corps? She doesn’t care about her voters, the Dem Party, nothing but herself. AdLib an hour ago
Tw – I was a solid supporter in CA of the old single payer written and promoted for years by state senator Sheila Kuehl. You might remember her as “Zelda” on “Dobie Gillis”., She went into law and is arguable one of the most brilliant state legislators EVER. However, she spoiled me on single payer because NO ONE ever did the deep dive into costs, coverage that she had done. Every plan after that sucks a wad. They won’t update hers because – Dem, not Socialist. I'[m done with fantasy. ACA borrowed heavily from her plan (I’ve read them both) and that’s why I like it. choicelady an hour ago

I just dropped $170 on scripts today. I’m in the donut hole with one of my meds and have say it sucks. twilson117 an hour ago
I think the assessment that Sinema doesn’t care about re-election is correct. She’s lining her pockets and won’t run in 2024. She’s not term limited, but she is ACTING like one. Get the grift and get OUT. Ugly bitch. choicelady an hour ago
Damn TW I am sorry. I will say check the formulary at Walgreens, Walmart, and Target to see if you can get your same med there. They have a large selection of prescription meds for $5-9 per 30 or $10-12 for 90. Worth a check, choicelady an hour ago
TW – That’s messed up. One of our more occassional Planeteers, Funksands, was completely screwed up by the ACA, he didn’t qualify for government funding and was paying thousands a month for coverage. Another donut hole in the ACA that needs to be fixed and oprobably would be with the reconciliation bill if not for Sinema and Manchin. AdLib an hour ago

CL I suppose I have a funny view about health care, in this manner, if folks have and it’s reasonable, then don’t you think it’s one less thing they have to worry about and can be a productive employee? twilson117 an hour ago
TW – Have you checked to see if the pharma company that makes that medicine has a discount coupon? AdLib an hour ago

So if the government can provide assistance for, then what right to politicans have to yell it’s too expensive? Replacing employees gets expensive when they leave and go to work for someone who provideds better health care. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – absolutely, but the plan has to be seriously comprehensive. EU folks pay LOTS in taxes for theirs. We aren’t so willing. Even CA ACA had premiums not folded into the tax rates per se. We need someone like Sheila to do the micro assessments of what it really costs. No one so far has done that. choicelady an hour ago

Ad, yeah I did but there are a lot of strings attacjed/ twilson117 an hour ago
CL – I haven’t fully figured out Sinema. She is harming her value even if this is all about selling out, by becoming very unpopular in the country. How does that make much sense? And she wants to lose the spotlight of being a Senator? She seems too narcissistic for that. I wonder if she is just deluded into thinking the polls are all wrong and she is seen now as a McCain-type “maverick” by shunning her party loyalty? AdLib an hour ago
Tw- those who yell are way past reason. Nancy MacLean’s “Democracy in Chains” shows why. There is a concerted effort to make working people as miserable and underpaid as possible. The FAR RW philosophy is that the working people need utter desperation to get the crumbs of pay and benefits not the largesse of a Great Society. choicelady an hour ago

CL I know that. But I also know if they really want to fix it they can find a way. There are far too many folks who just want to play their power games. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – All but one western nation in the world would agree with you that providing healthcare as a right is good for business and the country. The pharma sold-out US. AdLib an hour ago
We will never get where we want to be until voters actually VOTE for liberals. Not airhead progressives, but solid, policy savvy liberals. choicelady an hour ago

Ad yeah I know and we live in the country that you’re referring to. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad – do note that johnson is trying to kill NHS. It’s a shadow of its former self. NO cutting edge drugs are covered. My eye injections would not be. They follow Maggie in thinking privatization is the way. choicelady an hour ago

Ad so what are the gas prices at out your way? I noticed today they’re up and I mean up. twilson117 an hour ago
CL – It’s such a problem of American short-sightedness. Other countries pay for their healthcare through an employment tax, Americans howl at paying less upfront and instead get financially destroyed when they have a health emergency. Pay less now or more later, that should be the selling point for a Kuehl type single payer. AdLib an hour ago
Ad – there is or was a large segment who voted GOP who believed, pre COVID, that they’d never get sick so didn’t care about insurance. choicelady an hour ago
CL – Yep, the poor need desperation and the wealthy need wealth and power. That’s “The American Way”. AdLib an hour ago
CL – And we won’t even get the chance to vote in legit liberals if Congress doesn’t pass the election laws to protect our democracy while Repubs are in the act of ending it. AdLib an hour ago
I think Sheila’s plan was workable. M4A is NOT. Medicare reimbursements are sucky. We cannot run a system w an across the boards 40% cut in everything. Consider needles (big demand now). It is L400 steel made by a few outlets in the USA or even overseas. A 40% cut to reimbursements leads to a 40% cut in wages of steelworkers who make those alloys. Then those who shape them. it’s unsustainable. choicelady an hour ago

It’s an interesting paradox. The wealthy complain about the poor but howl and doing anything constructive which would elevate the situation, and when the do do somthing yell they don’t get enough credit for doing what they should have done in the first place. Not to mention if their were not poor, they would go out of their way to create them. twilson117 an hour ago
CL – Yes, the Tories have been strangling NHS for years and increasing privatization. It has already been hobbled and Boris is hoping to hammer the stake through its heart, with great approval by Tories and Pharma. AdLib an hour ago
Ad – I know, though Garland is deployeing attorneys (a new set) to bring these discriminatory laws.court chalenges via the VRA against these choicelady an hour ago
TW – Gas is nearly $5/gallon out here. I noticed that those with power in the oil biz kept prices down for Trump and haven’t been doing much to lower them while Biden is in office. The Repubs are trying to push inflation as disaster and oil entities are trying to help. AdLib an hour ago
Tw – the Rw dream is the 1890s. No labor protections, no income tax, no regulation, no concern for the horrific living conditions of the poor. When Bush et al. said they wanted “to go back before Roosevelt” they didn’t mean Franklin. They meant TEDDY. choicelady an hour ago

CL you nailed it. twilson117 44 minutes ago
I was in a small town mid CA, Willows, where gas was low $3.00 mark. Everywhere else it was $4.00 plus. choicelady 44 minutes ago
CL – We’ve now seen that Repub voters will unhesitatingly walk right into a Covid buzzsaw and die as faithful soldiers to the Repub authoritarian cause. Look at the oense who have suffered through Covid, come out and double down against vaccines. AdLib 44 minutes ago

Ad I saw prices in the 3 – 3.50 which means it will get to the 5 dollar range soon. twilson117 43 minutes ago
TW – It is such a simple and cynical ploy that is now cemented in the GOP. The wealthy need incentives to work, the poor need desperation. It is of course BS but it is the dishonest rationale pushed by the pols owned by the wealthy. AdLib 42 minutes ago
Ad – I honestly think the numbers of the rabid GOP followers is falling. Trump is NOT the choice for 2024. What concerns me is the rise of a respectable, quiet follower of James Buchanan (see “Democracy in Chains”) who will seem reasonable and rational and garner a lot of their support. Did you see a TX scholl disrtrict calmly told teachers if they had a book on the Holocaust they HAD to have “another point of view”????? That wasn’t said by slavering anti semites but by rationally speaking ones. choicelady 41 minutes ago

I agree, but I also see or shoudl say sense there is a major change coming about how work gets done that will have a significant impact on the workforce going forward. What do you think. twilson117 40 minutes ago
Ad – that phrase: why do the rich need incentive but the poor need desperation – is from Ellen Goodman’s column in 1981 about Reaganomics. I have used it often because it points up the insanity. choicelady 40 minutes ago
CL – I read about Garland doing that, I hope we can see a string of lawsuits before too long against these anti-voting laws. I also read that Garland is concerned that giving long sentances to 1/6 seditionists could intensify their sedition. I have a problem with that kind of thinking if that’s accurate. AdLib 40 minutes ago
TW – it is the Rise of the Working Class that thrills me! 100,000 union people are out on strike, and workers are voting w their feet about taking back their shit jobs. This IS how change actually happens! choicelady 39 minutes ago
Ad – remember a lot of the laws have been proposed, not yet passed. I imagine the first test will be TX. choicelady 38 minutes ago

CL I have not counter to what you are saying. It seems to be a natural process whether the rich like it or not. twilson117 38 minutes ago
TW – the rich are sore amazed! choicelady 37 minutes ago

CL I don’t know why they would be, all they have to do is read their history. That is if they’re not in Texas where they are going about rewriting and banning all books which don’t have a Pollyanna view of the world.

twilson117 36 minutes ago
CL – Lots of good stuff in this comment about Trump and TX. I think you’re right about more Repubs souring on Trump The Seditionist, less than 50% want him to run again. But here’s where I differ, the energy in The GOP are the nutjob, racist extremists. They have no interest in supporting a moderate-type candidate, even if it is a guise. They need upfront, outright racism, insurrection and hatred, they’re addicted to it. I think any non-insane candidate would lose too much of the vote in a primary. And if he beat the insane candidate that the nutjobs want, they will abandon the party in that election. The GOP is not a political party anymore, it is a fascist movement and its main supporters will only support someone who is plain about being that. AdLib 35 minutes ago
Tw – nobody gets hurt more than RW idiots who bury their heads in the sand. choicelady 35 minutes ago

CL it makes it easier to run them over with a lawn mower. twilson117 34 minutes ago
Ad – no disagreement about the slavering racist fearmongering of the GOP. But evidence points to a massively declining number of people. They aren’t helping themselves when they die from COVID nor when they follow a guy who says, “Don’t vote 2022 and 2024 to own the libs.” The insanity is their undoing. choicelady 33 minutes ago

Ad I think more attention needs to be paid to Steve Bannon. He bears watching. twilson117 33 minutes ago
TW – I think there’s an ebb and flow and I’m pleased that right now, the workers have the leverage and are not desperate to work for low paid, overworked jobs. But the pendulum will swing back, after enough companies smarten up and raise wages and improve working conditions, once demand is outweighed by supply, they will try to backslide. So it would be great to solidify the advantages for workers now. AdLib 33 minutes ago
Tw – I have only a reel mower. Will that take care of my neighborhood? choicelady 33 minutes ago

CL yes it would, because it will cause more pain. twilson117 33 minutes ago
Yes, good call CL about Reaganomics. It goes back to then and before since Reagan wassupported to deliver this to the wealthy. AdLib 32 minutes ago
One observation of low wage positions is that LOTS of people are going on their own, working in gig work rather than shit work,. And it’s achieving what is desired. Wages ARE rising. Conditions are improving. choicelady 32 minutes ago
CL – That’s true. It is so discouraging to many people though that Repubs get to support then pass these laws and DoJ and others can only be reactive later. But it is the way it works. AdLib 31 minutes ago
TW- Bannon is the Quisling of our day. That said, he’s also stupid. He’s about to “go through some things” that his patron can’t help him avoid. Dumb cluck. choicelady 31 minutes ago
We are back to the civil rights movements of the late 1950s;. and I have every confidence with the change in DOJ support, we will again win. It’s hard. But we will win. choicelady 30 minutes ago
CL – Can I say that I LOVE that Trump thinks threatening to keep his sheep from voting for Repubs unless they bow to him is wonderful! I hope that mentality sticks! AdLib 30 minutes ago
EVEN with this SCOTUS we will win. choicelady 30 minutes ago
Trump is THAT stupid he is sticking it to the GOP for not having total fealty to him not realizing the Dems are the ones cheering him on! choicelady 29 minutes ago
TW – Yes, I would like Bannon to be arrested for refusing to appear on a subpoena from Congress. First step is to get him in prison, then I would hope the DoJ may have the goods on him to keep him there. AdLib 29 minutes ago
Ad – I think there’s a ton going on behind the scenes that Bannon doesn’t see. I’m fine with that. choicelady 28 minutes ago
CL – I think Biden and Dems in Congress deserve some props for the current power that workers have. The Covid relief bills helped many keep a solid footing during Covid then come out of it strong enough to say no to this job because many others are available. AdLib 27 minutes ago

CL I believe Bannon is dangerous. Trump** is an idiot and for reasons unknown to me people are following him, but I agree those who will wake up and move from him will be the money people. But I think they will move toward Bannon and others like him. I will admit he is getting full of himself and needs to be pulled down. He caused a bit of haovc in Europe before they asked him to leave. twilson117 27 minutes ago
Bannon and Trump do NOT realize that Trump has no power. None. Garland took on Trump’s suit to exert Ex. Privilege over immunity from E. Jean Carrolll’s suit. Why? To kill it. Judge just ruled Trump has zero case. He lost. She can sue his ass from now to next year. choicelady 26 minutes ago
CL – But it is uglier and more internationally driven, this insurrection and racist Trump movement. I think protecting civil rights can prevail but it will be harder now that propaganda machines are brainwashing millions with lies and hatred daily. AdLib 25 minutes ago
Ad – i don’t think the money people will move to Bannon but to a Libertarian type. Not sure we even see that person yet.’ choicelady 25 minutes ago
CL – I sure hope so but I am exhausted from waiting for the behind-the-scenes stuff to get in front of the scene. AdLib 25 minutes ago
I think the whole global right is trying to win, but it’s not working very well. They are too corrupt to endure long. i am not happy Miss Mussolini won, but she has a very limited and very small arena of influence. Those people are NOT going away, but they aren’t growing in numbers either. choicelady 24 minutes ago

CL slightly disagree with you on Bannon. He knew from the get-go Trump** was and idiot and could be minipulated, he was one of the main people doing it. twilson117 24 minutes ago
I don’t think Bannon is a charismatic enough figure to build the global dictatorship he dreams of. He’s effective to a point but as you mentioned TW, Europe quickly shut him down. The destruction of Trump’s image as a leader will bring Bannon down with him. Without Trump as the cult leader, Bannon is on a smaller scale and too many other madmen will be vying to be the next Trump. AdLib 22 minutes ago
Ad – it’s been 6 MONTHS. It won’t happen fast because it can’t. An airtight case has to be made first because we get ONE shot at conviction in court. If he is exonerated he will be worse than ever, They cannot indict until the evidence assures that conviction. We HAVE to wait. And they never telegraph their moves because that gives aid and comfort to the target. choicelady 22 minutes ago
TW – I don’t disagree at all, but Bannon himself is critically arrogant and stupid about it. choicelady 21 minutes ago

Ad they shut him down in Europe beacause he was not adding any value to what they were already doing. He was just there to get the inside dope on how do to do what he is doing here. He will never be out in front, he wants to be the power behind the throne. Which what he was for a time with Trump** twilson117 20 minutes ago
I hate to pull out, but my shoulder separation is acting up. I am totally with my best friend’s mother who at about my age said, “It’s not the years I mind. It’s the maintenance.” I have to go cold pack it so I can sleep, which I’m not doing. Hope to see you all next week. Hope PPO can join us again. I miss him and Murph a lot. choicelady 20 minutes ago
CL – The money people may support Bannon to the point of bringing them more power and money but be cautious with him. The wealthy have become such sociopaths, they haven’t stood up with one voice to stop the ongoing insurrection movement by Trump and the GOP. Some have backed away but many haven’t. They want Trump back and cutting their taxes and giving them power over the country. AdLib 20 minutes ago
Okay, feel better CL! Have a great weekend! AdLib 19 minutes ago

CL all those who work behind the throne are that way. twilson117 19 minutes ago
Ad – if they can find a calm, personable, well spoken front man, Bannon is out. He’s vulgar and icky looking. They want a Ron Paul who isn’t Ron Paul. Not sure who that is, but that REALLY scares me. choicelady 18 minutes ago

CL have a good weekend. Ad I’m about to leave in a few. twilson117 18 minutes ago
CL – It’s been 10 months since the insurrection, nearly a year, time to move at least a little. AdLib 18 minutes ago
Take care Ad and TW! g’night! choicelady 18 minutes ago

Ad I’m really sorry to hear about PPO’s loss. Even though I don’t know him that well I hope he is doing okay. twilson117 17 minutes ago
TW – Bannon tried to setup a school for insurrection in Italy and had it seized and was kicked out of the country. So, while he does piggyback others to steal from them and usurp their power, he is being rejected. AdLib 17 minutes ago

Ad you’re correct about what he did in Italy, it made for good reading. twilson117 16 minutes ago
Appreciate the sentiment, TW, I’m very sorry about Fergie’s passing as well. It’s so odd how close you get to people on a site like this, how well you get to know who they are as they share their views and even music with you. I will miss her greatly. AdLib 15 minutes ago
At first, I was very concerned that they originally allowed Bannon to buy that haven for extremist teaching but finally, the state and a judge stripped him of all of that. I was so glad that they did. AdLib 14 minutes ago

I read about that, if I recall there was some major fraud involved in that deal. Something about a forged set of papers I think? twilson117 13 minutes ago
I don’t recall the details, if it was fraud or forged documents but considering it’s Bannon, it all makes sense. AdLib 12 minutes ago

So has your daughter been telling you about the fall colors here in MA? twilson117 11 minutes ago
Not yet, she’s busy with school but will ask her this weekend about it. Are the colors fully on display now? AdLib 8 minutes ago

They’re starting to come out. Not suprised she is burried with class work. But my guess is she will notice it where she’s at. It sort of sneaks up on you. twilson117 7 minutes ago
Right, I would think it will be very pretty around Waltham. AdLib 6 minutes ago

Yes it will. twilson117 6 minutes ago
Then she flies back home for a week for Thanksgiving. AdLib 5 minutes ago

Well I have to go. I give you a call next week. twilson117 5 minutes ago
Sounds great, look forward to it! AdLib 5 minutes ago

Take care have a good weekend. twilson117 4 minutes ago
You too! AdLib 4 minutes ago
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