Vox Populi, our weekly live chat begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 5 hours ago
c u soon pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
See ya then! AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey glenn! How are you doing? AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Ad–same old, same old, how about you? glenn 2 hours ago
glenn, Ad everyone ok? pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
PPO–Doing okay, how about you and Fergie? glenn 2 hours ago
Doing fine, in Stage 3 or 4 of keeping myself busy this week. AdLib 2 hours ago
Still hermits, still alive – just, but not listening to our Trump clone Morrissey here who wants to repopen pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Ad–Are you done with your honey-do list? glenn 2 hours ago
PPO–Does your PM have as much of a “plan” that the TLB does? IOW, no plan? glenn 2 hours ago
This is like watching a slow motion collision, as Trump tries to re-open the red states with his paid Nazi army. AdLib 2 hours ago
That’s it, glenn. NOt a clue, but chucking money everywhere. One thing the gummint is doing, mostly thanks to the States, is that the curve has leveled and new cases in Victoria are in single digits. pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
So, guys, can you tell me how this is going to work? Just like that, everybody goes back to work; no one gets sick; the stock market soars; small businesses reopen again to record crowds? Is that how it works? glenn 2 hours ago
glenn – Not yet, still have several things left but getting things done each day. Planted mellon plants and yellow and orange peppers yesterday. AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–At least your cases are going down. I really don’t think we have leveled the curve yet; but who knows? I don’t trust one word the TLB says regarding the numbers. Actually, I don’t trust one word the TLB says, period. glenn 2 hours ago
We will find out years from now how Trump and McConnell have really looted the Treasury to make the wealthy wealthier. and just $1200 for the people. AdLib 2 hours ago
glenn, not a chance. Until the vaccine is produced and everyone gets jabbed, crowds must still be avoided. Our fools are touting the ‘herd’ immunity’ rubbish – that if we all get it in a small way, we’ll all survive. Except NO one has any immunity to this new bug. pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
glenn – This isn’t going to work. Europe is already opening up and people will not go out because most people aren’t suicidal. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–they’re “ironic Nazis”, dontcha know? They’re trying to show how Dem governors are acting like Nazis….you know trying to keep their citizens safe. That’s what Nazis do, you know. glenn 2 hours ago
Ad–sounds like the start of a good garden! glenn 2 hours ago
I still don’t understand that we are in a world recession, yet the Dow keeps high. Weird pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Ad–I think we’re finding out now how the TLB and the turtle have looted the Treasury. The problem is no one can seem to stop them at this point. glenn 2 hours ago
And here’s the thing about only Red states opening, most of them have tiny economies. So Trump’s fantasy of a zooming economy is mornoic. Without the East and West Coast on board? Without LA and NY and Chicago? This is just plain stupid. AdLib 2 hours ago
and now the fool is inciting anarchy pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
PPO–Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Let’s all get sick, so we can keep infecting one another. More republiscum “logic”. glenn 2 hours ago
glenn – Uh…yeah. Ironic swastikas are not quite a thing. But unironic nazis calling themselves Dr. are. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–Of course it isn’t going to work. Just like “trickle down economics” doesn’t work, nor do any republiscum governments work; but that doesn’t stop them from rousing up the stupids. glenn 2 hours ago
glenn, lets all get sick, then the survivors will be immune, sorry about the 10% that didn’t make it, but they were old, colored, homeless. A neat Final Solution, eh? pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
glenn – Already have corn, tomatoes, broccoli and brussel sprouts planted too! AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad, you lost me at sprouts and Broccoli! then again, no one else would want them, so you’ll be ok!

pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
PPO–Yeah, isn’t that amazing? Wall Street keeps making money, and Main Street is unemployed. After all of this over, anyone using the Dow as an indicator of a strong economy is full of shite! glenn 2 hours ago
Paging Dr. Kildare, Paging Dr. White, Paging Dr. House! pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Ad–Bingo! The TLB and republiscum’s plan is just plain stupid. Hopefully, in November, we’ll fix stupid. glenn 2 hours ago
PPO – China’s GNP has crashed, first time since the 70’s I think that it hasn’t grown. 10% of US workers unemployed. Money just gone out of consumers who are faar from ready to spend again. What Trump and the greedy are overlooking is when “opening up” doesn’t bring the economy up, there will be another Dow crash at the daunting reality of being in a real bad recession. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–whoda thunk we’d have categories of Nazis now? Ironic and unironic! What a concept! glenn 2 hours ago
glenn – In the midst of chaos like this, the crooks like Trump and McConnell betray the country and steal with both hands. AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–Makes my blood boil. WTH does “liberate” mean? Have I ever told you all how much I hate the TLB? glenn 2 hours ago
PPO – Check out my new article today. Trump is ot doing this as a one-off. DeVos’ family and others like The Kochs are probably funding this astroturf “rebellion” and establshing Trump’s fascist army…to get very ugly when Trump is “cheated” out of re-election. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad, if the Dow can’t see we’re already in recession, they have blinkers on. And I’m starting to think that trump and mcconnell don’t care if they are defeated in Nov. They have made their pile, and I am worried that the US will be so glad to get rid of them, they won’t be prosecuted to the full wrath of the American people. pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Ad–puleeze–When the Dow crashes again, it will be the Dem governors’ faults. They didn’t open up quickly enough; they opened up too quickly; they wore the wrong color tie; maybe even wore a tan suit. But, it will be the fault of the Dems when the economy crashes again, and COVID-19 runs rampant again. glenn 2 hours ago
bare arms, glenn, bare arms! pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
glenn – It’s kind of magical thinking, that as long as the wealthy are showered with trillions, all will be well. This is a consumer driven economy and with money once again being drained from the nation and the 99%, this recession will get very ugly over the Summer and Fall. And Trump will be getting even more insane and dangerous as the election becomes more obviously out of his grasp. AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–Yup. Not only steal, destroy any shred of integrity in our government, and pack the federal courts. Just what republiscums have been working towards for many years. glenn 2 hours ago
…glenn, and then leave it to the Dems to make the hard decisions to fix the US. Again pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Ad–we MUST defeat the TLB and every republiscum possible by a landslide. Anything else will bring on just the kind of chaos and ugliness the TLB thrives on. glenn 2 hours ago
Everybody got their $1200 smackeroos yet? pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
PPO – Heh! I was never big on brussel sprouts, they are unpleasant when steamed or boiled but my wife has always grilled them and my daughter loves them. I like them too. As for broccoli, always like it on my salads but not as much cooked. AdLib 2 hours ago
I forgive Cubby Broccoli, but only because of the Bond Movies! pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
glenn – Never more obvious how sick our economy is when mass deaths grow and the Dow goes up. AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–That’s a big worry. If the TLB and the turtle are not prosecuted to the full extent of the law; then all of this shite will happen again. glenn 2 hours ago
PPO–I’m with you, everything else except the brussel sprouts. glenn 2 hours ago
glenn – Sure, Trump will blame the Govs but that wn’t change anyone’s mind. People will be unhappy with him as they already are and they will want to punish him at the polls in Nov. AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–Yes, the Dems will try to fix the US, and the republiscums will whine and holler and lie and spin. Hopefully, they will not have enough power to do anything. glenn 2 hours ago
If the Repubs are not decimated in Nov, something is seriously wrong. pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
glenn – I think a Blue Tsunami is on the way, in an economic disaster like this, a majority of voters always wants to “throw the bums out”, and the party in power is the GOP. Or the Nazis. It’s hard to tell them apart. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–Brussel sprouts are the “in” thing nowadays. All of the younger generation is coming up with many different ways to cook them. I still don’t like them. glenn 2 hours ago
Oh, BTW, I felt a bit seedy last week. I think it was Covid 13, but it could have been 14. pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Very few people have gotten their $1200. glenn, did you get it? AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–Well, it only goes to show the inequality that Bernie has been talking about for years. The Dow is rising, but everybody else is either unemployed or dying. IOW, the rich get richer, and the rest of us live on their crumbs. glenn 2 hours ago
glenn, smother them in the hottest sauce you can bear. You get the ‘nutrition’ but not the ammonia pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
PPO – You know Cubby’s family invented broccoli, right? “Broccoli. Cubby Broccoli.” AdLib 2 hours ago
DUH pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Ad–I hope the TLB gets punished so badly at the polls in Nov! glenn 2 hours ago
glenn – To revive the rule of law in this country, I think it’s vital to prosecute Trump and all of the crooks arund him including McConnell, Barr, Pompeo, Kushner, etc. AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–Problem is, I don’t like hot sauce either!

glenn 2 hours ago
Ah, how about a strong cheese and garlic sauce? pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Ad, for sure they all need to be prosecuted, but will the new Government budget for the billions it will cost? Point to ponder pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
PPO and Ad–yeah, if we don’t have a blue tsunami in November, there is something seriously wrong! The Nazis/GOP have to be defeated all over again! glenn 2 hours ago
Ad–I agree. We need to have as many Congressional hearings and lawsuits as necessary to put those bastards behind bars, or six feet under! glenn 2 hours ago
PPO – Thankfully, Trump can’t corrupt elections in all states or even all swing states because we don’t have a nationalized system. Also, thankfully, Dem governors are now in place in nearly all swing states and they won’t stand by to let the election be corrupted. But in states with Repubs in charge and electronic voting machines, the vte will very possibly be tainted. AdLib 2 hours ago
glenn – I didn’t know that, brussel sprouts are cool with the young folks? I’ve got 6 planted, I could make a fortune! AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–I do love cheese and garlic. It’s the texture of Brussel sprouts I can’t stand. They seem to grow bigger and bigger as I chew, and I just can’t beat to swallow them! I feel the same way about lima beans. glenn 2 hours ago
Ad, probably. Hopefully not enough cheating to deny JOe. I’m glad Bernie endorsed Joe at last pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
PPO – It hopefully wasn’t COVID-666. AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–It would be worth every penny to prosecute them! So what if the deficit goes up? We’ll get it down again with a responsible Dem president; but those evil people have to be prosecuted! glenn 2 hours ago
What do we think of the latest Press Sex Doll, er, Secretary. pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Ad–Yeah, the republiscums are going to pull out all the stops to suppress/taint the votes for sure. glenn 2 hours ago
agree glen, and there’s always RICO! Heh Heh pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
PPO – Any amount of billions would be a valuable investment in returning the country to the rule of law. And we can always seize all their ill gotten gains, we may make a profit as we did with Manafort! AdLib 2 hours ago
I see they dug up Kellyanne Cacophonix for a quick outing. Pathetic pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
PPO–Oh, I’m sure it was only COVID-1 if you only felt seedy. For heaven’s sake, where does the TLB find people like SmellyAnne? glenn 2 hours ago
Ad–No, I haven’t gotten my check yet, and I have direct deposit. I checked today and don’t have it. glenn 2 hours ago
Shady Palms, glenn

pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
glenn – Roasted properly, the sprouts are so tender. AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO – Yep, there will be cheating but it can only be a little without exposing itself and the ones doing the rigging. And the election in November will be a huge majrity against Trump and his crime family, the GOP. AdLib an hour ago
Ad–Oh yes. My daughter, and my older granddaughters think they’re the best thing since sliced bread! They made them six different ways during Christmas and kept trying to get me to eat them. I wasn’t a good example for my youngest granddaughter, but I truly hate Brussel sprouts. BTW, I like broccoli better when it’s cooked than raw. glenn an hour ago
Maybe Florida will turn blue this time, seeing all the Magats are at the beach again! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
No checks to anyone I know, I’ve also heard the majority of the money for businesses went to big companies and people in Red states. How does Trump think that could possibly help him in the election. Red states are already voting for him and he can’t win with just them. AdLib an hour ago
PPO–I think the latest press sex doll is just adorable….and so informative when she told us we have the best testing system in the world! That’s why we’ll be able to reopen the economy soon! glenn an hour ago
HAs it been proven that the USA warned Israel about a possible pandemic last November? pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO–There you go..RICO or income tax evasion! glenn an hour ago
glenn – That’s very cool! And I agree, I don’t like raw brussel sprouts either. Resisted them at firs too but the roasted sprouts are pretty good. AdLib an hour ago
Ad–Saw a chart which showed exactly what you say…the majority of the money went to red states. There doesn’t have to be any “logic” for the TLB to give to only his base. As long as he “owns” the libs, that’s all that counts. His vindictiveness knows no bounds, and any time he can punish Dems, he will. glenn an hour ago
PPO – FL is one state the cheating may work for Trump but Biden has been leading there for a while. GA too, they cheated last time around so sorry to say but I think cheating could work there again. But not in MI, WI and PA which Trump needs to win. AdLib an hour ago
And if Biden can win AZ too, that will cement it as a purple state. AdLib an hour ago
Ad and PPO–you all are very kind, but I won’t eat brussel sprouts roasted; I won’t eat them toasted; I won’t eat them on a dish; I won’t eat them with fish. I won’t eat them AT ALL! glenn an hour ago
With you there, glenn. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Ad–yeah, cheating is the only way the republiscum are going to win many states. And woo-hoo for Wisconsin! glenn an hour ago
glenn – She is such a shallow moron, she’s less effective with each ridiculous tweet she puts out. She started without any credibility and has only gone down from there. AdLib an hour ago
Ad–there you go–I’m sure that’s how she got her job…by going down! Ewwww! glenn an hour ago
Alright, my friends, don’t know why, but I’m tired and need to toddle off now. Love chatting with you all; take care, stay safe, and hopefully, we’ll chat again next week. glenn an hour ago
PPO – It’s in the Israeli paper that Trump warned them of CV in November. That and the fact they had ordered thousands of masks from Taiwan for WH personnel while Trump was telling the public they didn’t need masks, is damning. AdLib an hour ago
Did anyone else see this on Twitter: “Hannity on Cuomo: “If he keeps using these press sessions as public venting sessions..”. ROFL Snort, Giggle, guffaw! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
good night glenn, don’t get nightmares about Giant Sprouts coming after you! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
glenn – Definitely RICO cases against Trump and his family and so many other crimes including fraud, insider trading, tax fraud…they all need to go down. AdLib an hour ago
PPO–you just had to put that in my mind, didn’t you? G’night! glenn an hour ago
heh heh pinkpantheroz an hour ago
OK, then, Ad. I’ll also let you go. Stay safe. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
glenn – That nasty vindictiveness is what will bury Trump in Nov. Peeople won’t forget being neglected out of spite. AdLib an hour ago
Take care PPO! AdLib an hour ago
Ad, Biden better keep pounding that into the people pinkpantheroz an hour ago
See you pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Yikes – VERY late to the game! Sorry to miss everyone. Try again NEXT week. Hugs, Adlib. Talk to you soon. choicelady an hour ago
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