Vox Populi, our weekly live chat begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 4 hours ago
Hey PPO! AdLib 2 hours ago
hi ad, just seting up see u soon pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Seeya then! AdLib 2 hours ago
Welcome back, PPO! AdLib 2 hours ago
Well, an ‘interesting’ week, eh? pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
funny little notice about difficulty connecting to server. OK now pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Trump loses two big fights and the Epstein case will hang over him heavily. AdLib 2 hours ago
Really? What did it say? AdLib 2 hours ago
Diverted by ICE raids pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
just that. ‘Difficulty connecting to server, please retry.’ pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Trump loses on citizen question and Acosta resigns. And if he does go through with the ICE raids on Sunday, it will blow up in his face. AdLib 2 hours ago
still using fear to divert pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
That’s weird! When you first returned to The Planet or in the texting box? AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO – I don’t think it’s working anymore. Trump has cried wolf too many times, I think all but his cult followers just tune him out. AdLib 2 hours ago
nope. dialogue box. I went to get Fergie a coffee and when I returned it was in the lower right corner in small print pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Oh, not a big issue, sometimes the chat box disconnects when there is a long pause between activity. AdLib 2 hours ago
love that the Saudi Ambassador’s emails are same as Britains ambassador! pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
ok. all i did was hit enter and it went away pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
That is pretty funny! Deep down, I think Trump is feeling sorry for himself. I also think his pollsters have told him he’s not going to win re-election unless something tilts the election to him. AdLib 2 hours ago
Trump knows he’s looked down upon, for good reason, and always has been by others. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad, the world knows he is a total putz. but Russia will get him over the line. Again. If we don’t consolidate behind a solid opponent. pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
I think Russia will try hard but…might China try to help the Dem because of Trump’s beligerent tariff policies? AdLib 2 hours ago
he looks down on everyone else as a defence, bluff, bluster, bully, whatever it takes to get his way. Tough bananas to anyone in his way. pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
And we do need to come together behind the Dem candidate but I think that won’t be an issue. Even if it’s milquetoast Biden. AdLib 2 hours ago
But I don’t think it will be Biden. He’s fading already and he’s only had one debate! By the time the first primary rolls around, he is likely to be underwater. AdLib 2 hours ago
But Biden has the limelight because he’s well known. I worry that a better one will shine brightly enough to beat him pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
sorry, won’t shine pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
I’m confident that by the time the primary is over, whoever beats Biden will have built very high name recognition and will have had to have shined brighter. Namely Warren or Harris. AdLib 2 hours ago
I think it will come down to one of those three and I think Biden is the weakest of the three. AdLib 2 hours ago
For some reason I can’t quite nail, I’m favouring Warren to Harris. Kamala’s messages are a bit too plastic, or her delivery is. pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Hey glenn! AdLib 2 hours ago
Hiya G! pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Evenin’ gents. How is everyone tonight (or this afternoon?) glenn 2 hours ago
I’m also favoring Warren between the two, she has the goods when it comes to policy and she can appeal to the everyday people in the Rust Belt/Swing States. AdLib 2 hours ago
Doing well, glenn. And you? AdLib 2 hours ago
Finest kind, glenn. Having a smile at trumps discomfort trying to distance himself from his bosom (oops!) buddy Epstein pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Doing well, Ad. glenn 2 hours ago
PPO–glad to hear it! Bosom buddy, indeed! LOL! glenn 2 hours ago
Trump’s downfall seems to be gaining momentum. And being linked to Epstein as that case gets worse will help bury Trump with women voters. AdLib 2 hours ago
My dream ticket is Warren/Harris. I would also love to see a Warren/Buttigieg ticket, but I don’t think that would ever fly! glenn 2 hours ago
Just saw someone in Twitter complaing that spent a year convincing ICE they were an american citizen, but will STILL VOTE FOR TRUMP!!!!!!! WTFH? pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Ad, she’s a woman as well! pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
glenn – I haven’t thought about a VP for Warren but the VP’s job is to prosecute the political case for the president and Harris can do that well. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–I’m not so sure about the TLB’s downfall. The man has been getting away with this shit all of his life! Yeah, I know he’s in a bigger spotlight now; but still almost 40% of Americans still support him. And, still a large percentage of them are women, from what I can read. glenn 2 hours ago
Of course, I’ll fully support the nom even if it was Biden, but I don’t think he’s got the momentum to stay out in front until next year. AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad, glenn – is the USA in any way ready for a joint Female POTUS/VP? Somehow I doubt it, sadly pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Ad–agree about Biden. I will support him, but I don’t want to see him get the nom. I’d really like to see him drop out; but I don’t think that will happen. glenn 2 hours ago
glenn – Remember, I was the one assuring folks that there would be a Blue Wave in 2018? That same voting base will come out even stronger in 2020 and despite all the crooked ploys and manipulations by Trump and his cronies, we will really outnumber him in the Swing States and maybe even new purple states like AZ! AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–What’s really sad is that you even have to ask that question. After all in our more than 240 year history, we’ve had only males. Surely, we’ve come so far as to see how much men have fucked it up, so to paraphrase someone,”What do you have to lose by voting for an all female ticket? glenn 2 hours ago
God, hope so, Ad. McConnel nees his ass handed to him on a plate, or at least be shunted to the Opposition in a Dem Senate. Please some Dems are dropping out to attack the Senate pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
PPO – On one hand, I’d have a hesitation that going from no woman in the top offices to two might be too much for some men…but the more I thought about Warren taking on Trump and Harris slapping down Pence, it seems vary workable. In 2008, many questioned if America was ready for a black president. I think precedents are less relevant in extreme times. AdLib 2 hours ago
Titally agree, glenn, but is the US hoi polloi ready? When women vote for Trump despite everything? pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Murph! pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
glenn – Biden will have to be beaten, the Dem Establishment and even non-Trump Repubs are pushing him because they know he will be a squishy middle of the road president. But the Dem base decides and aside from the skewed SC primary, Biden will likely lose the first 3 primaries and be damaged goods by the time SC rolls around. AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Murph! AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–I sure hope you’re right, but I look at the TLB and all he has gotten away with in his term in office (and in his life, for that matter), and my pessimism comes straight to the forefront. Also, if the Dems don’t get their act together and quit dicking around with investigations, subpoenas, and if/when people are going to testify, I’m afraid that even some Dems and a lot of independents will turn on the Dems AGAIN. After all, the economy is good, right? glenn 2 hours ago
Hello Glenn, PPO and Ad…. MurphTheSurf3 2 hours ago
Hey Murph. How are you? glenn an hour ago
glenn, the economy is good only because the deficit has blown to kingdom come. That may cause a crash , then what? Dems have to fix it. Again! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
glenn – In ordinary times, an all woman ticket might be asking too much of the electorate but against Trump, I think it won’t matter as much. Obama won as Bush and Repubs were seen as toxic, that was a big leap for voters. I don’t think any big number of potential Dem voters would defect to the madness of Trump because they were too afraid of solid women politcians. AdLib an hour ago
Glenn….very busy……very rainy spring, and cool, followed by a very hot summer and dry…wrecking havoc on my gardens if I do not tend to them each and every day…..then there is the political stuff…and I am editing a book for a friend…. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
so not busy, eh, Murph?

pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO–You and I know that, but will many voters? Many of them (voters) only know that they have a job (or two) and don’t care one whit about immigrants, sexual harassment, or how many times the TLB has broken the law and shredded the constitution. glenn an hour ago
Here in Missouri and nearby Illinois…Dems are very concerned about a “leftist” ticket….Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas…all the same…Of course maybe these states do not count but that too is a huge problem. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad–I definitely agree with you that we are not living in ordinary times, and extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, so I’m hoping that if Warren gets the nomination, that she goes for Harris, or even another female for her VP. Then watch the misogyny begin for the repubs! They wouldn’t be able to contain themselves! glenn an hour ago
Hoping Amy takes down McConnell! His approval rating is around 17%. And her launching ad was brilliant. AdLib an hour ago
Murph–WOW! You are a busy man. But, except for the political stuff, it keeps you out of trouble, right? glenn an hour ago
Wouldn’t that be grand, ad! till too long to wait for me! Ah, well, just as long as it happens, barring hanky panky at the polls. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO and Glenn….always looking on the bright side, ay? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
glenn – Trump didn’t get away with winning the 2018 election, keeping the House, stopping the investigations into him, adding the citizenship question to the census, preventing Dems from getting his bank records, building his BS border wall, stopping the ACA,etc. So he isn’t getting away with everything. AdLib an hour ago
Murph, the other side is way too dark for me. Too many boogiemen! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO….I live on the dark side so I have lots of flashlights! MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph–It is a huge problem. However, Dems politicians need to start getting the message about how what is perceived as too “leftist” is actually centrist, since we have drifted so far to the right in the last 30 or so years. And Dem voters need to realize that if they sit out another election, then we have another four years of the TLB, and I’m not sure the country can take that. Those states do have low electoral votes, but put them all together, and they do count. glenn an hour ago
glenn – Don’t mean to be a broken record but to answer your legit concerns, look to the 2018 elections and consider if Trump won a majority then or was successful in scaring voters to support him and his people. AdLib an hour ago
Talking about flashlights, are your neighbors with the low wattage bulbs enjoying the yuuge sales of stuff to Ghyna? pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Murph–after seeing the TLB “elected” to the presidency, and still sitting in the oval office, my bright side is becoming dimmer and dimmer. glenn an hour ago
Glenn….I remain in a state of utter astonishment regarding the pervasiveness and intensity of ignorance (sadly, on both sides of the political spectrum). That is a huge hill for the Dems to climb and an easy slide down for the GOP. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – As you say, the penchant for voters in those red states to worry about a “left” politician is less reflected in states Dems can actually win. SO I accept that concern is out there among conservative Dems in southern states but those states are going to Trump anyway most likely. In swing states, all the top Dems poll as winning against Trump. AdLib an hour ago
Put Megan on the ticket! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
glenn – Against a RW, anti-woman Trump/Pence ticket, maybe two women running could be like Kryptonite to them. And oor Pence, will “Mother” allow him to be alone on a stage debating a woman or will she need to hold his hand throughout? AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I love your optimism, and I hope you’re right, and I don’t mean to sound like a broken record either, but I just have a healthy dose of skepticism right now, watching the Dems turn their 2018 victory into a mess right now. I’m still hopeful that these investigations turn around public opinion, at least among independents, but I’m not optimistic. That’s why I need you to point out the brightness to me. glenn an hour ago
glenn – Good point and I think whoever the Dem nom is will work hard to re-define the “left” label as supporting the majority of the country. All the alleged “left” policies are almost all supported by most Americans. They just need to hear that enough and affirmatively. The will of the people is not left or right, it is what democracy is all about. Something like that. AdLib an hour ago
Murph–well said. I still cannot believe the TLB got “elected”, let alone is still sitting in the Oval Office tweeting out lies, misogyny, hatred, and racism. glenn an hour ago
Murph – I don’t think it would be fair to say the ignorance is equal on both sides of the fence. The remaining Repubs in the GOP are delusional, most Dems handed the House to the Dems in 2018, they came out and won an historic victory just last year and they can do it again next year. AdLib an hour ago
Sanders is a diluter. is there any way to get him out of the race without too much upset to his real followers? pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Ad–I know, right? Perhaps “Mother” will have to sit in for Pence. Speaking of that, did you read about that politician in Mississippi who won’t let a female reporter travel with his campaign because he’s afraid of being alone in his truck with her? What a putz! glenn an hour ago
glenn – I too am very disappointed with Pelosi’s gaming of her leadership to run cover for Blue Dog Dems and attack the true Progressives who demand impeachment. Voters didn’t elect Dems to have Pelosi protect Trump from impeachment. But we can’t lose sight of the more singular focus that there will be in 2020, stopping Trump by replacing him. That will be 100% effective despite Pelosi so I think Dems will be highly energized to take bac the WH. AdLib an hour ago
PPO–There you go! Megan on the ticket! She’s used to kicking balls! glenn an hour ago
PPO – It’s actually a good thing that Bernie is in the Dem primary and not running as an indie. I’m fine with him staying in the race until he realizes he can’t win. Last time he endorsed Hillary in the end. He’ll endorse the Dem nom in the end because it’s either that or support Trump and despite my issues about Bernie, he’s not going to provide aid and comfort to Trump. AdLib an hour ago
PPO–Good question. Bernie needs to park his ego, just as Biden needs to do, and put his efforts into helping Dems win across the board. glenn an hour ago
Isn’t it incredible that some of the major countries in the World have crooks, fundamentalist nuts and conmen running them? Don the Con, Boris the Bad and Morrissey the Hillsong preacher? pinkpantheroz an hour ago
glenn – Yes, I saw an interview with the woman reporter who seemed so sensible and professionally dismissive of that misogynist. AdLib an hour ago
Megan? AdLib an hour ago
Ad…I do not disagree but it points to more and more partisanship…..further…..even in those blue states I have little confidence MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad–Yup. We need to stay focused on getting the TLB out of office. glenn an hour ago
PPO – That’s why it’s up to the US to turn things around and light the way for the world to return to liberal democracies. AdLib an hour ago
Ad, Megan Rapinhoe, Heroine of the USWST winners of the World Cup pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Ad–Megan Rapinoe, the Women’s World Cup soccer star. glenn an hour ago
The one who remarked that if they won, she wouldn’t be visiting the fucking WH! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Murph – Agreed, sharp partisanship will continue but with a Dem back in the WH, the madness reversed and ended, the census done fairly and empowering more voters (who will more likely be voting Dem), the toxicity of the GOP could keep them out of power or at least the WH for some time…long enough to build the safeguards needed to prevent another Trump from taking office and abusing power. AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I agree with your stirring sentiments about returning to liberal democracies. If Dems win the presidency in 2020, how long do you think it will take to restore our own liberal democracy? We need to take the Senate in 2020 too… glenn an hour ago
OH!!! Yes!!! Megan would kick Pence to the curb if she was the VP pick! Can you imagine Pence having to debate a strong, successful, confident lesbian? He better wear his Depends. AdLib an hour ago
Ad–What safeguards would help prevent another TLB? glenn an hour ago
Ad, he would cry illness and run away, like Gorka did to that correspondant that challenged him pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Ad–Pence will need Depends and Mother holding him up. glenn an hour ago
glenn, number one is to nullify Citizens United. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO–We’ve been trying to nullify CU for years now. With the Supreme Court that the TLB has managed to put in place, not so sure that will be so easy. glenn an hour ago
glenn – I think it could be pretty quick to wipe out all of Trump’s Executive Orders, will take a while to re-staff all the agencies Trump has decimated but it will be done and with a hopefully Dem controlled Senate, the courts can be swung back for the most part. It may take the first term to accomplish a lot of that (and repeal the tax cuts and fix the ACA as it’s transitioned towards Meidcare for All or some kind of Single Payer). But Trump’s destruction can be turned around as Obama turned around Bush’s destruction. AdLib an hour ago
glenn, maybe not, but it is the root of almost all the evil that pervades DC right now. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Murph–speaking of the Supreme Court, that’s another argument for you to use with your Dem friends who are too afraid of being too “leftist”. We need Dems in office because there are liable to be many SCOTUS nominations coming up in the near future, not to mention many federal court appointments. The TLB and the repubs have been stacking the courts as quickly as they can. We need a Dem president and Senate to reverse some of that damage. glenn an hour ago
glenn – We need a number of new election and president-related laws passed including mandatory 10 years of taxes submitted, clear restrictions against profiting in any way from the presidency, restrictions on removing DoJ employees including FBI chiefs, Independent Counsel law that has him/her report to Congress and the people, anti-nepotism laws, etc. AdLib an hour ago
Glenn…the problem at its core is that you are knowledgable, interested, and engaged. Very few are. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
glenn – I’m back to promoting my support for enlarging the SCOTUS to 11 and outnumbering the RWs, making the legit claim that two seats were wrongly awarded to Trump. AdLib an hour ago
Ad–It may not take too long to re-staff all of the agencies. Most of them are running with minimal staff and with acting heads. So, that could be turned around fairly quickly, I think. The rest will take time. However, those are not safeguards to prevent another TLB. They’re just fixing what he broke. glenn an hour ago
Ad…those laws are great…remember McCain Feingold. or Warren’s Consumer Protection Office? Reforms in….and out the door. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
PPO–Agreed about CU. glenn an hour ago
Then CU can be overturned, the pre-clearance for the Voting Rights Act can be brought back and Roe v. Wade can be protected. AdLib an hour ago
All so very good, Ad. So it is vital we win 2020. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Ad…your note about what a Dem can do in the WH depends on a Dem House and Senate (and a lot of state governments as well)…quite a lot to hope for. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
glenn – I think a lot of the staff that has left under Trump in many agencies would happily return under a Dem President. AdLib an hour ago
Murph–Yes, I am more engaged than most, I think. However, I think it’s a point we have to make over and over and over again; that we shouldn’t allow repubs to stack the courts. The only way to prevent that is to elect a Dem president and Senate. glenn an hour ago
PPO….how are things in OZ re. the drought….reports I read, as a kindred farmer are truly worrisome. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Glenn…their eyes glaze over….the excuses begin……the arguments based on gut feeling with little sense to back it up ensues….. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – That’s apples and oranges. The Consumer Protection agency is overseen by the Executive Branch but the laws I mentioned have no Executive Power over them to smother them. Like requiring 10 years of tax returns be provided publicly, that would not be under presidential power, it would be specifically worded to exclude that. AdLib an hour ago
Fundamentally, I keep coming back to the failure of representative democracy on many levels….beginning with a constitution that was never meant to function as it does…and which resembles a jalopey made up of ill fitting parts. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph, Pretty dire in some areas. Queensland is usually sub-tropical, but suffering now. Farmers selling sheep because no fodder. Australia is so bloody vast that it is storming outside right now hailstones ! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
McCain Feingold was legislative….and the Congresses that passed them undid them. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
PPO…..this is all record setting I believe…..what is the plan Down Under. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad–I like those safeguards. When you’re talking about clear restrictions about profiting from the presidency, wouldn’t we have to amend the Constitution, specifically the emoluments clause to make that happen? Which then calls for a constitutional convention, right? glenn an hour ago
Ad–yup, that’s why I think we could get many agencies re-staffed fairly quickly. glenn an hour ago
Of course our GOP Gummint has no plans for these ‘seasonal’, ‘once in a century” happenings. They just want to destroy the water tables mining for coal! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Murph – Not necessarily, a Dem President can reverse all the Trump EOs, change the rule on DACA, end the family separation at the border, end the Muslim ban, restore all the agencies that have been harmed, etc. The Dem Pres would need a Dem Congress to pass some clean government laws but that could very well be the case. And ending the tax cuts could be forced through on Repubs with a tough President. AdLib an hour ago
Here in Mo. we are experiencing all kinds of records re. weather….which is linked to climatic shifts that have been at work here for a decade. Our last really hard winter (essential for ridding the soil of parasites, insect larvae, fungi) is 17 years past and each year things are a bit worse…and yet those who should be the most aware and the most worried buy the “climate change” lie mantra whole. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
How is New Orleans doing? pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Ad….more improvisation to be undone by the next wave of reactionary leadership. Legislation has become a non starter on both sides of the aisle. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – What laws Congress undoes can be redone. We just have to accept that this is an ongoing struggle and that’s okay. AdLib an hour ago
Murph–I guess we just have to keep fighting the good fight. You are correct, though, how can we educate voters, at least Dem voters, to think with their heads and not their guts? It is a dilemma. glenn an hour ago
Ad, it is sickening, all the same , too see the ongoing damage the current bunch are causing to your great country. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Ending tax cuts….I can write the text of the next set of memes from the right on this…..maybe because I swim in stupid soup every day I am just much more pessimistic. For a representative system to work, the vote needs to be competent at the ballot box and we are very far from that reality. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
glenn – No, the emoluments clause already establishes that government officials can’t profit from office, Congress only needs to define the details which are Allowing Trump to steal from us taxpayers. AdLib an hour ago
PPO – New Orleans is bracing for the Hurricane, no news yet but NO streets were flooded already. AdLib 44 minutes ago
Ad, oh, it hasn’t hit yet? Wow, God help them! pinkpantheroz 43 minutes ago
Given how much Trump and his cadre of thieves and incompetents has been able to do despite much of it being stunningly brazen …..I have come to realize that government works for those who know how to work it and that is those in power. MurphTheSurf3 43 minutes ago
Murph – Again, just because we’re in a phase now of undoing progress doesn’t mean the pendulum doesn’t swing back and we can do more an better when Dems regain control. AdLib 43 minutes ago
Ad–I know I’m getting old, but it seems to me that this ongoing struggle against the extreme right wing has been ongoing for too many years. We elect a Dem president who puts decent policies into place, and the rwnj’s react to the nth degree, and we keep having to drag the country back to sanity again. It’s part of the reason I’m so pessimistic about politics, especially now. With the rise of social media, right wing media propaganda outlets, and the TLB, I just want to say STOP! glenn 43 minutes ago
Ad…I see all of this as a long road of slow but steady decline….recall that I was stunned by how uninformed Obama voters were about why they were voting for him. MurphTheSurf3 42 minutes ago
PPO – Yes but while it looks naive now, we thought Bush had destroyed our country like no one before…and Obama brought it back. AdLib 42 minutes ago
Murph–we certainly are far from the reality of competent voters, if even Dems are saying we are too far left! glenn 42 minutes ago
Glenn….I join you in your pessimism. MurphTheSurf3 42 minutes ago
Murph, trump threw away the ‘President for Dummies’ book and ignored every rule, custom, convention and has stolen the country blind. Because he did it so blatantly, no one can get around how to politely stop him! Gloves off, for Crying out Loud. Scrag the Mongrel! pinkpantheroz 41 minutes ago
Ad….Obama’s legacy is a fading memory….and his acts in government are nearly all in a rubble heap……the rich and the powerful were not served by his agenda so they ensured that leadership that followed would undo him. MurphTheSurf3 41 minutes ago
Well, gents, I’m once again so glad I have you all to keep me sane. I’m checking out now. Take care, and hope to see you all next week. glenn 40 minutes ago
Murph – I know you’re feeling discouraged, especially surrounded by Trumpers as you are but that is not the way the rest of the country is. Again, you were not so positive about the 2018 elections and I understood that but we won a record victory. Trust in the momentum. AdLib 40 minutes ago
PPO…the problem is that power, real power that can be exercised has been vested more and more in Oval Office….. MurphTheSurf3 40 minutes ago
Glenn…take care….spirited discussion…. MurphTheSurf3 40 minutes ago
good night, glenn pinkpantheroz 40 minutes ago
Illinois is Blue…..and I see the same patterns there, north and south. MurphTheSurf3 40 minutes ago
Murph–I’ll try to keep my pessimism in check if you’ll try to do the same! glenn 39 minutes ago
G’night! glenn 39 minutes ago
I’ll away also, guys see you next week pinkpantheroz 39 minutes ago
2018- the House of Representatives….I was pessimistic…..but that is the one element of government that is most open to grass roots movement because of who they represent and how that body is structured……the rest from the Courts, to the Executive to the Senate are much more hidebound. MurphTheSurf3 38 minutes ago
Take care PPO…do not breath in too much dust. MurphTheSurf3 38 minutes ago
I too am off. I have calls to return….still trying to save our one planned parenthood clinic and stopping Monsanto/Bayer from destroying our ground water. MurphTheSurf3 37 minutes ago
Take care, Ad. MurphTheSurf3 37 minutes ago
glenn – I know, I wish a victory over the terrible people out there was permanent but it isn’t and that’s the way things are. We have to work hard to return sanity and decency to the country then be backed up by the next generation to continue the fight. At least now we know it is an ongoing battle, we thought we had won permanent victories in the 60s and 70s and took a break, not knowing these crooks would be trying to steal away our progress. We do what we have to do, citizenship is a responsibility and a democracy has to be eternally protected. AdLib 37 minutes ago
Night all! AdLib 36 minutes ago
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