As sad as it it is to say goodbye to our Yabberz Mascot, the Gnome.

THE NEWS GNOME: Mascot for All who Believe in Fact Based, Civil, Discourse!
THE NEWS GNOME: Mascot for All who Believe in Fact Based, Civil, Discourse!

It is Fantastic to have a new home that is ready for occupancy on DAY 1!

We, Yabberzis (Yabberzites?, Yabberers?) owe a great debt to Milissa and Mike Horton who founded and supported Yabberz in 2014.

Melissa Nguyen Horton
Mike A. Horton

They will be missed……and, I for one, hope that they will stop by The Planet now and again to post, to update us, and to comment……

For the rest of us, I firmly believe that The Planet is going to be a fine home. I want to offer a big round of applause to AdLib and Kalima, two of the Founders of this Site, which is 10 years old, for their efforts to create an Updated 10th Anniversary Planet POV.

It will take a bit of work to get used to posting here but the WordPress Platform offers extraordinary features AND is perfect for the kind of interaction that we from Yabberz have come to value so much. AND, the standards for posting articles and making comments are just as high here as they were at Yabberz.

So, this is my first post on the new site. I have been a Planeteer for 6 years but this was still new to me. I used the three resources that are found in the FAQ here to get to know the site and then I dove right in.

  • A short video (6 minutes) that gives you an overview of the Word Press Posting System WordPress and Gutenberg, #4: How to Create WordPress Posts
  • A PRINTABLE PDF that takes you through the process step by step: I printed it up and boy is it great!
  • A longer video (19 minutes)that provides a step by step demonstration.

Let me point out one really unique feature at the Planet. The COMMENT page…..indicated by the Megaphone. It’s Nickname is: “Time Out for Off Topic” It’s the page for short comments on whatever is striking your fancy at the moment: Short News Stories, Thoughts on the World, A Wonderful Video or Image….a free floating place to express yourselves…Love it! It is really a perfect spot if you want to share something but do not want to go through the extra steps involved with Writing a Post/Article or think that the topic is not broad enough to even be a Post…..

One megaphone icon. Simple illustration of one megaphone vector icon for any design blue

Lastly….The Planet is always AWIP…A Work in Process…..AdLib, our fearless Admin and resident Blogging guru and site designer, wants to hear from you and that aforementioned Comments Page (TO-OT, Time Out for Off Topic) is a great place to let him know what you think of the Planet. You can also message him (or any other member of the community). There is a group of Yabberz Community Members who volunteered to be Beta Testers and they will be giving the site a very careful test drive as well.

And so it begins…..

Welcome to the PlanetPOV Community my fellow Planeteers.

If I can be of any assistance…just let me know using the message system and I will do my best to be of help. MurphtheSurf3

Previous articleWelcome to the New PlanetPOV!!!
Next articleThe Cynical Charade of “Pro-Life” Politicians
Proud to be an Independent Progressive. I am a progressive- a one time Eisenhower Republican (from 1965 through 2004)who is now a Democrat. I live in a very RED STATE and am a community activist with a very BLUE AGENDA. I was a professor of history, and am now a researcher and gentleman farmer. My political positions are mixed - thus my preferred identification as a Progressive Independent. I am conservative on matters of military intervention, in regard to abortion, immigration, the public school system, gun rights, taxation, voter ID. But I am a traditional conservative, a Buckley, National Review, Eisenhower Republican..... I am a liberal on matters of health care care, funding education, taxation (yes one can be both liberal and conservative on this), civil rights, and alternative energy development/climate change.

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Alrighty, I’m here. Sort of. Still figuring it all out 🙂

Gross Ryder
Gross Ryder

Thanks Murph, I have logged in here and will be participating in posts on Philosophy, Religion and Culture.


Hello Murph, I decided on the Standing Man for now. may switch to the Tuba Jesus pic later.


Hi All. Too bad, Bah Humbug Jake is here…


Damn, I thought we were hiding perfectly behind the refrigerator.

Welcome to PlanetPOV, Jake!

Nelson humphreys
Nelson humphreys

It’s worse than you think. Nelson is heat too. Ha ha ha (evil laugh)

Mike Pope

Oh no…..LOL!! Welcome Nelson.


This is my 1st post and so excuse the lack of content as I trying to see the format… Sorry to Yabberz go but time marches on.


No worries, feel free to explore! And welcome to PlanetPOV, OldShooter!


Having been a member of POV and Yabberz (gypsy46) it’s great to see my favs like Murph also see the PLANET POV as a new home. Welcome and keep up the fight, gyp46


Great to see you too, gyp46!


Been awhile I know, been battling zombies on other platforms, They are nearly indestructible machines driven by fear and hate yet I think I can see light ahead.


Now you know why they’re known for eating brains. Glad you’ve kept yours safe!


That according to many (safe brain) is questionable!


I think therefore my brain is delicious.

Amalek Revival
Amalek Revival

Hopefully BBBuckshot and Yadja will rejoin us here.


Hopefully not!

Dajuan Candle


Bud Fields
Bud Fields

My, oh my. Medium. Facebook. Now a whole planet! It will take me a little time. There are many friends I do not want to lose track of, or communication with, so here I am. May the discourse be civil, the writing pointedly accurate and fair, and the friendship rich and treasured. I look forward to learning, growing and sharing with each of you here.

Now. Let the letters fly across the universe! 🙂


Welcome to The Planet, Bud!

You said it so well, all I can do is reply, “What he said.”

Very pleased to have you here!


Well how the heck can one follow this, I’m breaking out the dictionary, haha, well said my friend.


Just so you know I will be joining shortly. Working on post that will I will put up later.


BOO! Hello everyone I made it! So I will keep this one and the Facebook one, but in all honesty I can’t stand the medium one. They are too picky. So I am subscribed there too, but I will drop it soon because I can’t see me posting and can’t keep up with all you rug rats on that site. BTW this is WordPress for which I love to work with. I lost my other account and don’t even remember the email addy I had there because i had it for years. So when I tried to recover I was stumped. So I had to start over which is fine because I get to use this user name and email. 🙂 One thing though WordPress puts you through the ringer in order to join. lol


Welcome to The Planet, Ghostolini! Glad you braved the wilderness of WordPress registration to join us!

Great to hear that you like WordPress-based sites, you should know your way around here pretty quickly.

So you know, our regular hang out for posting comments about anything at all can be easily reached by clicking the Comments button at the top of the right hand column. The post there is called Time Out For Off Topic, where no comment is off topic.

So go a-haunting around the site and explore. Happy to have you here in the…ectoplasm.


I believe WordPress does a complex registration in order to stop spam. It is not the worst registration though that two step verify on some sites can just about ruin your day.

Maybe i should of made my first post a comment instead since it is not real large in content for an article and is mostly a tip? /shrugs


Good point, that makes sense.

Really appreciate your thoughts on your post. I scheduling it because I like the discussion it starts but it is a bit short for a post. What I’ll do is move it back to draft status then you can go back to it and copy and paste the text it into a comment on this post.

It is a great topic for discussion!

Amalek Revival
Amalek Revival

My eyesight now has problems with the captchas that require you to identify pictures with fire hydrants. Some of the pictures show large portions of a city so I assume there are fire hydrants in them. Wrong.

Dahlia Swan
Dahlia Swan

I read about the site on Medium and remember you from Yabberz. Howdy Murph 🙂


Hi Dahlia, welcome to The Planet! Happy to have you here!

Dahlia Swan
Dahlia Swan

Thank you!


Howdy howdy…. made it!


Hi Pamela! Welcome to PlanetPOV! Feel free to click everywhere and check out the site! One helpful hint, you can go to the main hangout here by clicking the “Comment” button at the top of the right hand column (one of the 4 buttons there). That takes you to Time Out For Off Topic, where you can post any comments about anything or reply to anyone else.

Otherwise, comments on specific articles of course appear on those article pages.

Welcome to The Planet!

Dajuan Candle

Thank you, Murph, for the invite and the welcome. It is much appreciated. I will check out the “how to” videos and become more familiar with the WordPress operating platform upon which this ship sails as time and opportunity allows.
And a hardy-howdy-doody to you too.


Hi Dajuan, it’s been great to see you joining in on the Weekend Music Thread already and having you here!

Please feel free to click wherever you’d like and explore the new site, many of the folks who have been here are also figuring it all out as you are.


Dajuan Candle

Y’all left the light on. I found the door open. Here I am.

Thank you for your welcoming words. I do like the new view.

Does it cost to be a member? I’ve noticed that being a guest comes with limitations. I can’t even access my profile.


Hi Dajuan. No, membership is free and you are a full member. If you are not able to access your profile, that would be an issue.

To figure out the issue, we need to first make sure you’re logged in. An older window might show you’re logged in when you’re not. So to test, click on the Home menu item at the top to refresh the page. Make sure your login name then appears in the upper right corner. If it says “Login/Join” instead, click on it and login.

Then hover your cursor on the Members menu item and click My Profile in the drop down menu. If you don’t see your Profile page come up, please let me know what you see, that will help me fix this. Thanks!

Dajuan Candle

I signed out and then back in. Same result. I clicked on home page, there it’s says in the top right-hand portion of the screen “Howdy, Dajuan Candle”, so I’m signed in. I click on members/profile and am told “you are not allowed access”. The address is . I did this three times, same result. I can sign in, but I can’t put up a profile picture. Under the sideways G sign I’m listed as a guest.


Dajuan, I think I solved the issue, very sorry about this. Could you try again and let me know if all is well now?

Dajuan Candle

Whatever you did worked. I’m now a member. I did the Gravatar sign up and everything. Decided to go with Uncle Samuel Jackson as my AVI, and other stuff. I feel like one of the bunch now. Thank you for your efforts.


Great Gravatar choice! You are officially a member now (you were before but there was a glitch, glad it’s fixed now!)!

Mike Pope

Murph, Yabberz members have displayed a passionate hunger to continue our years-long conversation together, no more so than during these last couple of months since the Announcement. I have high hopes that the Planet will be able to satisfy that hunger.


Misapope, we’re very happy to have you and other Yabberz folks joining us here on the launch of our new site. As Murph has shared, the folks who have been here have very similar sensibilities as the folks from Yabberz so I do think there’s a natural fit. The new design had both Planeteers and Yabberz folks in mind, we’re still working on a bit here and there but overall, I think you and other Yabberz folks will come to feel very comfortable here.


Thanks for the info about PlanetPOV. I believe others will also follow as it appears this site is a more poster-friendly one than Medium.


Hi Jerryab, pleased to have you at The Planet! Indeed, the focus here is to promote conversation and a sense of community. Of course everyone is free to cross post at Medium or anywhere else but the quality of conversations here are where we hope we stand out.

Again, welcome to PlanetPOV!