Vox Populi, our weekly live chat begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 4 hours ago
see u then
2 hours ago
Don’t forget to say “Hi!” or “Presidential Harassment” when you arrive!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hi, Ad something went wrong with my keyboard!
2 hours ago
Pelosi gave Trump the Clap!
2 hours ago
All good now?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Heh! Love it!
AdLib 2 hours ago
seems so
2 hours ago
Trump is a social disease.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Loved the women in white
2 hours ago
Right now, the Trump situation feels like it’s just one or two pulls away from the end of a game of Jenga. Like it’s all about to collapse on him and bury him.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Like many, I didn’t suffer through the speech – just looked at exerpts later.
2 hours ago
I feel the FBI is closing in on the lesser Trumps first.
2 hours ago
Apparently they are in NJ now at Kushner’s gaff.
2 hours ago
And you saw Don Jr.’s attempted diss of them? Not one was wearing a flag pin? These Repubs are such morons, thinking that wearing a pin means they are or aren’t a douche.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib 2 hours ago
hi dear glenn
2 hours ago
Trumps youngest wore white! 

2 hours ago
Good evening, gents. How are you all tonight? I’m cold. We had four days of glorious weather, and now tonight, it’s down in the 40’s again. YUK!
2 hours ago
Hey Harleigh!
2 hours ago
stay warm, g. more nasties on the way, it seems
2 hours ago
Same here, we officially boycotted the SOTU at The Planet and will next year too. Usually we hold a live chat like this during it but I feel so much cleaner and farther away from having an aneurysm by not watching Trump lie and con everyone.
AdLib 2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Hey Harleigh!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–love your analogy of the Jenga game. Hope it’s true. I want to see that SOB in the oval office go down so bad!
2 hours ago
hey guys
2 hours ago
PPO – I actually thought Mueller could have come out with indictments today, they often come on Fridays.
AdLib 2 hours ago
yes glenn – the whole rotten pile collapsing in a heap
2 hours ago
glenn – Sorry to hear that, I thought it was warming up!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–glad you boycotted the SOTU. I cannot stand to watch the lying bully live; I always have to wait until he’s done ranting, then I read about his rants. The man is a moron.
2 hours ago
Ad, I bet the trumps were shiting themselves as well, expecting Mueller to drop something on them
an hour ago
me too glenn
an hour ago
an hour ago
Thanks glenn! Each morning I wake up, I’m prepared to hear the political ceiling has caved in.
AdLib an hour ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–me too. I was hoping for some good indictments today–most notably, lying bully jr. We did get a “limited” gag order, though.
an hour ago
Hey Murph–how goes it?
an hour ago
Hello all……missed you all last week….important meeting….co-op board trying to lure me back….not successful, but I gave them the evening to work on it.
an hour ago
glenn – I just saw nothing to gain except higher blood pressure from watching the SOTU. We all know he’s a fraud, liar and bigot. Why participate with a pig rolling around in his own filth?
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–did you watch any of the Whitaker hearing today? What an arrogant ass! The contempt the lying bully’s nominees/people have for our government, our constitution, and the people of the United States just boggles my mind.
an hour ago
I watched the entire SOTU because I wanted to see how the Dems would handle it all….rather well I thought.
an hour ago
PPO – Yep, the Trumps can’t be sleeping well at night now, especially with the SDNY coming at them and their money while Mueller has them in the Russia crossfire.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–exactly. That’s why I never watch him live. At least when I read it, I can handle it better.
an hour ago
Also watch three hours of the hearing today…..the man was clearly auditioning for an ongoing role in the Trumpverse by dissing the Dems.
an hour ago
Murph–you’re a better person than I am. The Dem women were fantastic, and the Pelosi clap will go down in history! She is amazing!
an hour ago
I knew Whitaker reminded me of someone – Uncle Fester!
an hour ago
Murph – The co-op turned on you when you were sincerely trying to help them. As McConnell repeats endlessly, there’s no lesson in the second kick of a mule.
AdLib an hour ago
The clap seen around the world.
an hour ago
Pelosi gave Trump the Clap on National TV!
an hour ago
Ad…that is how I feel….lots of people hurting because of Trump policies but they cannot come to terms with that so I see no real change in the board to lure back into the muddle.
an hour ago
Murph–how did you watch that hearing without throwing something at your TV? Especially when the arrogant ass told the chairman his time was up. OMG! I wanted to throw something at my computer when I read that.
an hour ago
Glenn…Naylors half smile of contempt was an effective response…..but it was nauseating.
an hour ago
glenn – Yep, watched most of it and for the most part, I thought the Dems did a good job on calling Whitaker out and cutting off his stll tactics. I do kind of wish Nadler had said to him, after Whitaker smartmouthed him with, “Your 5 minutes are up”, “Who do you think you are and where do you think you are? At least try and act mature for the rest of this hearing and we’ll pretend you are.”
AdLib an hour ago
Murph, glad you declined to rejoin the coop. YOu owe them nothing, in fact its vice versa
an hour ago
PPO….I do owe them nothing and they provide no compelling reason to rejoin the effort.
an hour ago
Murph – All Whitaker seems to do in life is try and audition for things he fails at when actually doing them. Loved when the one Dem nailed his work history, being involved in frauds and shady “charities” that kept changing their names.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–Strong woman, our Madame Secretary. All without saying a word!
an hour ago
Ad…and the GOP frantically trying to keep his roles in shady operations off the record.
an hour ago
PPO – Hey, I like Uncle Fester! Whitaker reminds me more of a bald Mongo from Blazing Saddles. “Mongo like!”
AdLib an hour ago
Glenn…Madam Secretary?
an hour ago
Better, Ad!
an hour ago
Or Ming the Merciless from Flash Gordon.
an hour ago
The poor GOP desperate whinging request for Trump’s tax returns to be left alone!
an hour ago
an hour ago
Ming wouldn’t stoop to be a epube
an hour ago
Ad–That’s exactly what I thought the response should have been too. Who do you think you are? At least the congresswoman (forget her name) put him in his place. Whitaker reminded me so much of Kavanaugh during his hearing. An entitled asshole who thinks the shit coming out of his piehole doesn’t stink! Any asshole who disses the committee(s) asking questions should automatically be disqualified and held in contempt of Congress.
an hour ago
an hour ago
Ad how did you get your pic to show up….I am doing something wrong.
an hour ago
Murph – Just make sure you’ve copied the image location, the URL should end with a .jpg or other image format.
AdLib an hour ago
Ah! Ad, I had the same difficulty.
an hour ago
PPO–I know, our “poor, misunderstood, picked on” person occupying the Oval Office. He’s so “harassed”, isn’t he? Why shouldn’t he show his tax returns? Did you see Pelosi’s answer to why the Mueller investigation is going on so long?
an hour ago
Murph – You can’t expect anything to be different when they remain Trump cultists. What happened before would just happen again.
AdLib an hour ago
yes, glenn. priceless ripose!
an hour ago
Video from today’s hearing:
AdLib an hour ago
an hour ago
Ad ….. I am afraid that you are correct….. having invited me to their meeting their pre meeting chatter was all about how good Trump was at the SOTU. They are fortunate I stayed.
an hour ago
Murph–it just blows my mind how these people can’t see through the lying bully. Are they that dense, or are they just too afraid/ashamed to admit how much they were duped?
an hour ago
Murph, it is truly incredible how they can still idolize that cretin after he’s shafted their very livelihoods
an hour ago
Murph – I think the one time Whitaker jumped out of his seat was when the Dem began listing the frauds Whitaker’s been a part of. And what about that weasel Repub who kept trying to run interference for him? Whining that Reps couldn’t ask the questions they chose to? What a dick!
AdLib an hour ago
Glenn and PPO….my neighbors are prime examples of those whose filters blind them to reality.
an hour ago
Well, Whitaker is still only ‘acting’ isn’t he, like trump? He’s better off trying to con people into time-travel, cryptocurrencies, Bigfoot dolls, and toilets designed for “well-endowed men.”
an hour ago
glenn – I thought a number of Dems slapped Whitaker down but one of the new Dems, seemed startled and poorly prepared.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad…the ranking member seems to have been assigned that role…throw his body in the way.
an hour ago
Ad–well, of course Whitaker jumped out of his seat when his frauds were exposed. How dare anyone question him? Again, although I didn’t watch the hearing; I did read enough about it to come away with how much his sense of entitlement was showing. It is going to take a long time to reverse the damage this administration has done; just look at the co-op members. It’s going to take a long time for them to realize the damage the lying bully has done to this country.
an hour ago
Ad there was a similar new GOPer whose spent almost all of her time stating how stunned she was by the hearing’s tone. Of course she blamed the Dems but it was an odd interlude nevertheless.
an hour ago
Murph – It’s too bad but you can’t help people who don’t want to be helped and those convicted to following Trump like a cult are doomed to be victims.
AdLib an hour ago
glenn, it is rumored here that US will go into a big recession before the next election. Maybe then it will sink in
an hour ago
Murph , yes, the Rank Member, I’d call him.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad…that they are. Wait til they get their Income Tax returns.
an hour ago
Murph–do you see any time when those filters will be removed? I’m not optimistic about that. What I do hope for is that the rest of the country just starts ignoring them, and going about the business of moving us forward again. Of course, for that to happen, we have to get the lying bully out of office.
an hour ago
glenn – I’m pleasantly surprised by what seems like widespread rejection of Whitaker’s performance. Yes, it was a great audition for the human plague, Trump, but looks like most are on the same page about how horrible Whitaaker is.
AdLib an hour ago
Really, can the World survive 6 more years of this shite? I don’t think so. McConnell and his cronies need to be outed pronto
an hour ago
Glenn…everytime I see what appears to be a crack in the stoney facade it seems to get plastered over by Fox et. al. So…..maybe not….these are folks who still declare that Obama was not a citizen with a sense of righteousness evident.
an hour ago
Ad–as I said, I didn’t watch the hearing; but that’s a shame that a Dem was poorly prepared. Dems need to be at peak performance during these hearings. They cannot afford to let the witnesses hijack the hearings, as Whitaker tried to do today.
an hour ago
Murph – Repubs are such parrots. They all seemed to start with, “It’s a shame to see our friends across the aisle make this all a political game and not deal with the real issues”. Said the party that abandoned dealing with any real issues for 2 years.
AdLib an hour ago
ANy comments about Bezos’ skewering of the Nat. Enquirer? Nice to have money and a thick skin
an hour ago
PPO – The world economy is already having issues. Don’t know if it will be a big recession but momentum is slowing everywhere.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–that’s good to hear about the rejection of Whitaker’s performance. And, make no mistake about it, it was definitely a performance. A performance designed to whip up rightousness
an hour ago
PPO…I am glad that Bezos stepped up but it is a shame that this kind of response needs to happen….freedom of the press is endangered when things like this emerge I fear.
an hour ago
Murph – I can tell you I got hit badly by the change in taxes and I’ve seen many on Twitter and elsewhere, including Trump voters, freaked out that instead of getting the refund they’ve been counting on, they owe money. This was a gimmick created on purpose, because it was an election year, they purposely screwed up the withholding so people would get a tiny bit more in their paychecks but lose their refunds after election year.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad. …where did you get the scoop on the Whitaker reviews.
an hour ago
OOps, A performance designed to whip righteousness among repubs regarding Dems’ right to question witnesses. I do have a question, though. Isn’t there another person nominated as Attorney General, so what happens to Whitaker if Barr is appointed AG? Does Whitaker still have a job?
an hour ago
I pray for the day that Americans become like the post-war Germans and say to each other: “What did we do”? But sooner, and without the War and genocide, please.
an hour ago
PPO – I think that the momentum is clearly for replacing Trump and after another 2 years of that madman, all the crimes of his and his family that will be out in the public and a solid alternative in the Dem nom, as long as we can beat back the Russian trollls, Dems should take back the Senate and the WH.
AdLib an hour ago
in 2020.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad…and a tax accountant has told me that the elimination of a number of deductions that hit the middle class particularly hard to create some padding to soften the cost of the cuts for the rich.
an hour ago
Hope so, Ad.
an hour ago
Ad–Repubs are such hypocrites! The real issue is whether or not we are going to appoint someone to a highly sensitive job within the government who lies to Congress, and treats Congress with contempt. What is more of a real issue than that? If I were a Dem, that would have been in the beginning of my questioning.
an hour ago
PPO – I’m hoping the SDNY see this as blackmail and kill their immunity deal with Pecker and AMI.
AdLib an hour ago
an hour ago
Murph – Saw Joy Reid on All In and she said that the reviews around the MSM have been mostly negative about Whitaker.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–the American republican people will never learn that tax cuts never benefit the middle class. I wish that they would finally learn that trickle down economics is nothing more than repubs pissing on us and telling it’s raining!
an hour ago
Hmmmmm….Joy is offering an impression….I wonder how a fuller survey will turn out.
an hour ago
glenn – Whitaker has less than a week left, Barr will be approved by next week then Fester is out on his bald butt.
AdLib an hour ago
telling us it’s raining.
an hour ago
Now, can we all agree that Collins is an utter lying fool?
an hour ago
PPO – I think those days are far away. It will take many years and success of Dems being in control to budge at least some of Trump’s cult members away from embracing a madman who hates the people they hate.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–then I’m glad that Dems hauled his arrogant ass before congress this week.
an hour ago
Barr may be very interesting. I have been doing a lot of reading on him. I think he is a bit like Roberts…and institutional legacy means a lot to him.
an hour ago
Collins needs to be dumped on her lying butt……she is a con artist…..
an hour ago
Murph – I didn’t realize that they had completely eliminated unreimbursed job expenses and credit for dependents! Those are huge middle class tax breaks.
AdLib an hour ago
Yes, Murph,
an hour ago
PPO–I pray for that day, too. Personally, I just don’t get why it hasn’t happened sooner.
an hour ago
Ad….that is correct. You know was really hit. COPS! And are they pissed off…
an hour ago
Does anyone have any comment on AOC’s performance this week? Pistol!
an hour ago
PPO–Collins said what she thought sounded good at the time. As Murph says, she is a lying con.
an hour ago
PPO…I am beginning to realize how smart she is….a firebrand, yes….but there is depth there.
an hour ago
glenn – You can’t argue with a plague. The Trump GOP needs to be purged from government as fully as possible and once Dems reinstate sanity and a working government, many Dem opponents will gradually soften on their resentment. As they get better paying jobs and lower healthcare, they may still be bigots but their motivation will lessen.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–as to your opinion of Barr. Does that mean that you think he will work based on the constitution and not right wing talking points?
an hour ago
Ad, I wonder what will happen in future years when the living ex-pres…. oh hang on. Trump’ll still be in jail! OK then
an hour ago
Glenn…I do not see Barr as a follower.
an hour ago
glenn – I’m so pleased to see that AOC’s 70% marginal rate on income over $10M is supported by 70% of Americans! Dems need to come hard at the wealthy in 2020 and tax them hard to finance universal healthcare and infrastructure.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO….Trump in jail…now there is a wall I can get behind.
an hour ago
Ad–ouch! There are no more credits for dependents?
an hour ago
Murph – Watching Whitaker, I can’t see how anyone but Trump cultists coud like the way he behaved.
AdLib an hour ago
My tax accountant friend sent out warnings to all of his regular clients about the pitfalls in the new tax structure for the middle class…most of them ignored him…
an hour ago
Ad…but it is to those cultists that he was appealing….just as Trump does.
an hour ago
PPO–I love AOC. However, the right wing drivel now being circulated is that her green deal plan will ban air travel. I kid you not; that’s why my neighbor told me tonight.
an hour ago
PPO – Susan Collins is Dead Senator Walking. Her career is over now! Kavanaugh voted to let lower courts reject SCOTUS rulings and end Roe v. Wade. And her “deal” with McConnell never happened but she voted for the tax cuts. She’s so over.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–that’s good to hear about Barr. Only time will tell, of course, but perhaps we can have some sanity.
an hour ago
Dear Lord, glenn! No honeymoon period here, then? Wow.
an hour ago
Ad….Maine is so odd…..a very blue state that has elected red-heads to key posts.
an hour ago
Murph – I didn’t know that, cops were hit hard? Teachers were too, they put money out of their own pockets and can no longer deduct it.
AdLib an hour ago
Well, folks, Its time for me to say sayonara. Try your best to stay sane, please. Cheers!
an hour ago
Cops typically buy their own uniforms, shoes, holsters, second guns, etc. Hundreds of dollars a year.
an hour ago
You will go broke underestimating AOC. She is a natural, brilliant, a little rough here and there but that will settle down. She is a force to be reckoned with.
AdLib an hour ago
Goodnight PPO
an hour ago
Ad–yes, I think AOC’s tax plan is brilliant. Repubs can complain all they want and make up stories, but if repubs truly want to “make America great again”, then we need to go back to the tax rates that were in effect under a republican president, Eisenhower.
an hour ago
Ad…I must agree….AND Pelosi has assigned her to committees where she will be mentored.
an hour ago
Ad–Love Dead Senator Walking!
an hour ago
glenn – Nope, there are child tax credits but I think they get eliminated past a certain income level.
AdLib an hour ago
Any thoughts on the Virginia debacle?
44 minutes ago
VA is a hot mess. I like one suggestion that the Lt. Gov resign first, since attacking women is worse than anything, then Northam appoints a Dem in his place, then resigns.
AdLib 43 minutes ago
Murph–even if your tax accountant friend sent out warnings, there wasn’t much his clients could do about the new tax laws. They have to ignore him or admit they were duped by republicans, and that isn’t going to happen for a long time.
43 minutes ago
Glenn…he was warning them not to presume that they would have extra cash but to budget with reality in mind. Apparently many fell for the dazzle hard sell.
42 minutes ago
Murph – Right! Wonder how it hits other professions in the middle class. No one is getting more refunds back this year in the middle class.
AdLib 42 minutes ago
Ad–As you know, I don’t have to worry about those, but I’m glad to hear the child tax credits are still in effect for certain income levels.
42 minutes ago
Murph–thanks for the clarification.
41 minutes ago
glenn – The Green New Deal isn’t an actual change, it’s just a referendum that Dems can support to say this is what they want. She is smart, it can’t fail since it’s just a roadmap.
AdLib 40 minutes ago
Should the Lt. Gov in VA resign?
AdLib 40 minutes ago
Ad–I like your scenario for VA, but will Northam resign? From the little I’ve read of the mess there, he is refusing to resign. If he’s refusing to set up your scenario, then I’m all for it.
40 minutes ago
I think so.
AdLib 39 minutes ago
Ad–I know that, and you know that about the green new deal, but all any repub will think or know about it from now until eternity is that AOC wants to ban air travel. Bet on it.
39 minutes ago
Now that another woman has come out to accuse Fairfax of rape, he’s got to go. Two allegations, one from a woman who’s a Dem? You can’t continue after that.
AdLib 38 minutes ago
Ad….that scenario is one I have read of as well and it makes sense…….I have very mixed feelings about dumping the gov and AG for cause…..one of the folks I most respect in St. Louis is a community organizer and his held a number of posts in city government over the years. 10 years ago it came out that he had been a gang banger in a notorious gun and drug smuggling crew…..he admitted this…spoke of his conversion….asked others to keep all of that in mind and then decide if they want him gone. The black community which would have been most affected rallied behind him saying there has to be room for conversion and redemption.
38 minutes ago
Ad–Yes, the Lt.Gov should resign, as should the Gov, but not until he sets up scenario you described. I don’t care what political party you belong to; blackface is wrong, and sexual harassment is wrong.
37 minutes ago
glenn – The pressure is building on Fairfax, a joint statement from the Dems in the VA House and Senate saying Fairfax needs to resign. He’s going to have to resign, you can’t be an accused rapist and hold office unless you’re an old, rich white man.
AdLib 37 minutes ago
glenn – Sure but it’s the older dinosaur Repubs who will be the only ones to believe the Repub BS about AOC. The upcoming generation and the middle aged support it. The haters are a minority.
AdLib 36 minutes ago
Ad–it certainly is a mess. You can be an accused rapist and be a supreme court judge if you’re a middle-aged entitled white man, too. It’s not limited to old, white men.
35 minutes ago
Glenn…I posted this to Ad re your conversation. Ad….that scenario is one I have read of as well and it makes sense…….I have very mixed feelings about dumping the gov and AG for cause…..one of the folks I most respect in St. Louis is a community organizer and his held a number of posts in city government over the years. 10 years ago it came out that he had been a gang banger in a notorious gun and drug smuggling crew…..he admitted this…spoke of his conversion….asked others to keep all of that in mind and then decide if they want him gone. The black community which would have been most affected rallied behind him saying there has to be room for conversion and redemption.
35 minutes ago
glenn – The impact on the middle class, after they discover what these tax changes are, robbing them to make the rich richer, will look like the “let them eat cake” attack that it is.
AdLib 34 minutes ago
Murph–What you are describing about the former gang banger is a little different than what’s happening in VA. From what I’m reading, the governor at first denied the blackface, then just made it worse by subsequent statements. He hasn’t “converted”; nor has he apologized, from what I have read. If I’m wrong, please let me know; I’m always willing to be corrected.
32 minutes ago
Murph – Had Northam handled this differently, he could have gone a long way to repairing the damage. Admitting it then debying it then saying he did it as Michael Jackson was self-immolation. He needed to accept it and profess apologies, do a listening tour/town halls with the black community and enlist them to make black issues at the top of his agenda. It could have been addressed somewhat but now, if he stays, he will be the Living Dead and could endanger VA for the 2020 candidate.
AdLib 32 minutes ago
Good point glenn, you can be a younger elitist white man too and be a rapist in the SCOTUS. Or an old one in the WH. But if you’re black, forget it. Not saying he should be able to continue ike white rapists and bigots, just saying they should be removed from their positions as well.
AdLib 30 minutes ago
Ad–just as repubs were warned what a con man the lying bully is; they were also warned that these so-called tax cuts were no such thing. But they keep believing the lies, and for the life of me, I can’t figure out why.
30 minutes ago
Glenn…..the thing is that the picture on the yearbook is not him and since he did not buy a book he says he never saw it. I would not be surprised if yearbook staff pulled this on him as a prank…apparently Northam was a “lib” in a very conservative southern school….reading this in Va. newspapers. I think he panicked when it first came out and then he told a story on himself when he did dress up but as Michael Jackson…there has been very little hub bub about that. Northam appears to me to be legit but his leadership may now be too damaged.
29 minutes ago
Ad–I agree completely with your take on Northam.
29 minutes ago
glenn – Yes, I was saying that too, Northam not only was discovered to have worn black face and had a Klansman on his yearbook page, he lied repeatedly about it. He is so toast.
AdLib 29 minutes ago
glenn – Think of Repubs as a mob, just what they tried to accuse Blue Wave Dems of being. They project. They are a mob, unthinking, blindly hateful and followers.
AdLib 28 minutes ago
In the Va papers it seems clear to me that black leadership has been very quiet about the gov and AG both of whom have very progressive agendas….remember that the GOP appears to be the source of the stories….they know how small the hold on power is for the dems.
27 minutes ago
Murph–I think Northam’s leadership to way too damaged. He didn’t show leadership by panicking; he could have handled it much better by doing something like Ad is suggesting. He damaged himself and he should resign for the good of his state, and his party.
27 minutes ago
Glenn…I get your point but again there is a wider context and black leaders in the state seems to get this…..
26 minutes ago
Murph – I don’t believe Northam’s claim that he isn’t one of the two people in the photo, I don’t know if he is but he lies. Also, the yearbook editor said that the way things were done, each student provided their own pictures in an envelope and that’s what was used for their page. Most likely that Northam did indeed submit that photo and I don’t believe him that he never saw the yearbook page.
AdLib 25 minutes ago
Murph–if that is so, then let Northam begin to work with the wider context, and show leadership along with the black leaders. Let him do town halls, etc., and answer questions about what comes next. But his belligerence (or at least that’s the way I see it) seems to be getting in his way. Are you saying the black leaders in VA are supporting Northam?
24 minutes ago
Ad….given the advances in identification today…..if he was in blackface that would be known….the person in the outfit is a different matter. I read the editor’s comment. I do not buy it. I know something about this from direct experience and it would be very easy to change out photos…
23 minutes ago
Glenn…your approach seems both reasonable and necessary if he is to continue. Same for the AG
23 minutes ago
Murph–seems to me we are going to have to agree to disagree about this. That being said, I always enjoy your take on the issues of the day, and respect your opinion immensely.
22 minutes ago
Glenn….it is the silence of black leaders….and the willingness of many to meet with him one on one and as groups.
22 minutes ago
Murph, no question that racist Repubs are the ones feigning outrage at the blackface photos, they are trying to destroy all the Dems they can. But it doesn’t mean it’s not true. Northam’s first response was to say he was in the photo and he apologized. Then he said he wasn’t in the photo. He didn’t dispute that he chose that photo for his page in his first response. Would you really not remember if you were or weren’t in an abjectly racist photo? I think he did it like many dumb and young white guys in HS and college who grew up in an area where black people were seen as “the others”.
AdLib 22 minutes ago
Ad – I think my response to Glenn about the course of events pretty much agrees with yours….
21 minutes ago
So, now that I’m being so reasonable, it’s time for me to sign off. Had two doubleheader soccer games this week (well my granddaughter did; I just watched), so I’m beat. You both take care, and hope to chat again next week.
21 minutes ago
Take care glenn, hope your granddaughter did great!
AdLib 20 minutes ago
So, I guess we shall have to all wait and see…but I always like a debate with other smart and reasonable folks like you all. So, until next week…….
20 minutes ago
Same here, pal! Have a great weekend!
AdLib 20 minutes ago
Ad–actually, she did pretty well. Scored twice in her JV games. I even have video of one score!
19 minutes ago
AdLib 19 minutes ago
My daughter has softball games tomorrow if it doesn’t rain.
AdLib 19 minutes ago
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