Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events (and there have been at least one little one I can think of) begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 2 hours ago
This comedy video mashup of Pulp Fiction and the Kavanaugh hearing is pretty damn funny!
AdLib 2 hours ago
CU Soon, Ad.
2 hours ago
See you then!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Murph! What a 48 hours! I was emotionally spent yesterday! You?
AdLib 2 hours ago
And depressed this morning until Flake’s turnaround.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Howdy. I am early…..good lord….what a roller coaster ride. Had lunch with a local judge. His perspective- the GOP recognizes that SCOTUS control is worth any gambit since it has emerged as both legislature and executive in a world in which gridlock governs the other two branches. Only someone with nothing to lose, like Flake would do as he did.
2 hours ago
hi all. Tell me the news – has the committee bowed to FBI investigation?
2 hours ago
It did. And so has the Senate as a whole and so has the President.
2 hours ago
WOW!!!!!!!! I saw Kav do his dummy spit and wondered when anyone there would grow a pair. Great News
2 hours ago
That’s the thing though, this shoving an attempted rapist onto the highest court in the land is so vicious and immoral, their conviction could be their downfall. If the FBI supports ANY of the claims against Kavanaugh, Murkowski and Collins are out and the GOP is more destroyed than it was.
AdLib 2 hours ago
let it be so, Ad.
2 hours ago
I think Collins and Murko are history anyway
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Evening, gents! Murph! You’re here early!
2 hours ago

Hey peeps! Are we all ready to “burn down the mission,” yet?
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
With great news, glenn.
2 hours ago
PPO – Jeff Flake made a smart maneuver, he voted to pass Kavanaugh from committee to a full vote in The Senate, satisfying Repubs, but declined to vote for Kavanaugh unless the FBI had a week to do an investigation. Very smart threading the needle.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Glenn….I am…..needed the sanity of the Planet….after a day of crazy.
2 hours ago
PPO – You mean Muro and Collins are “no”s or “yes”es?
AdLib 2 hours ago

Hey P, Ad, glenn,Murph, and Jenuine! How goes it…besides the obvious.
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph–good to see you. Yeah, it’s been two days of crazy, hasn’t it? I think Flake is just covering his ass; he’ll still vote to seat Kavanaugh.
2 hours ago
Hey FD!
AdLib 2 hours ago
FD–Going well, how about you?
2 hours ago

Ad, a great idea for tomorrow’s music thread would be a tribute to women everywhere. What would we dogs ever do without them? 

Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
I think Collins and Murko will hunt with the hounds and run with the hare and then toe the GOP line. All bluff and bluster. No more confidence in their integrity
2 hours ago
I do not understand Flake’s motivation entirely…..his rep is one of a real conservative, with strong family/faith roots….he is leaving the Senate, he says, because he cannot stand the environment any longer….so maybe this is last stand on the moral high ground.
2 hours ago
FD – The Repubs, especially in the Senate but the House too, are going down! If Kavanaugh gets confirmed anyway, women will turn out like a tsunami in Nov and if not, Repubs will stay home out of discouragement. Heads we win, tails they lose.
AdLib 2 hours ago

Me neither P. all sound and fury…signifying nothing.
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
Ad–Flake may have delayed the vote for a while, but I’ll be very surprised (and pleased) if Flake, Collins, or Murkowski vote No on Kavanaugh. I’ll also be very surprised if the rapepublicans do anything with the information the FBI uncovers, good or bad.
2 hours ago
Ad, but, but the SCOTUS! it will be biased for a generation
2 hours ago

2 hours ago
FD – As for the music thread suggestion, done! We did a similar theme not too long ago but it couldn’t be more poignant this weekend!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hiya X!
2 hours ago
Hey x27! Great to see you!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Murkowski….won reelection against the GOP candidate and owes her political life to independents, tribal peoples, and democrats….Collins is in a state that despises its GOP governor and is very pro choice….
2 hours ago

I guess Mango Moonshot has now asked for an FBI investigation. Gee, what took him so long?
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
Hello, X.
2 hours ago
FD….Mango moonshoot…..gotta luv it.
2 hours ago
Chief of Staff with a baseball bat, methinks, FD
2 hours ago

I am sick and tired over politics in America…but I cant stop watching,I need a 12 step program
2 hours ago

Or Jeff Flake!
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
PPO – I think Collins especially but Murkowski too, want to vote for Kavanaugh and have been looking for cover for doing so but without cover, they can’t vote for him without losing their seats in 2020.
AdLib 2 hours ago
X–We all need a 12-step program, but in its absence, we turn to the Planet for sanity and just some good talk!
2 hours ago

LOL glenn
2 hours ago
good idea, glenn.
2 hours ago

Great ad. Not a simple “Ladies Night,” but a real praise of le femme!
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago

Brett doth protest too much,me thinks
2 hours ago
I hoe Prof. Ford, God Bless her can say ‘Je ne regrette rien!”
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Ad–I don’t believe that any rapepublican will vote against Kavanaugh. Their dream of a conservative court, plus McConnell’s bullying and bluster, will win out in the end.
2 hours ago

Mango Moonshot has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it Murph?
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago

Woman are fired up! it is the year of the woman!!
2 hours ago
Murph – I think it’s a few things with Flake. Ego is one, he saw this as a chance to be the only Repub who could appear superior with regards to morality. Also, word is he is interested in running for office, Gov or President in the future. Also, he and Trump are enemies, Trump destroyed his career and he might not mind slapping back at Trump before leaving the Senate. And lastly, maybe there is some semblance of conscience in him.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad, can the Law Association do anything?
2 hours ago
Ad. Those motivations also make sense.
2 hours ago
Had lunch with a local judge. His perspective- the GOP recognizes that SCOTUS control is worth any gambit since it has emerged as both legislature and executive in a world in which gridlock governs the other two branches. Only someone with nothing to lose, like Flake would do as he did.
2 hours ago

“womMEN I mean
2 hours ago
Ad–won’t it take more than one rapepublican No vote?
2 hours ago
PPO….Bar Association rescinded their endorsement….that is about it.
2 hours ago

P, the American Bar Association has strongly recommended an FBI investigation, but they have no power to force one.
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
glenn – Unless the FBI is crippled from doing their job, I believe that they will corroberate the women who have come forward and blow up Kavanaugh. Why else was he so determined not to agree to an FBI investigation unless he’s scared there are bad things that could be found out?
AdLib 2 hours ago
OK, pity they can’t pull his licence pending, or something
2 hours ago

They can if Kav is found guilty of perjury…which he clearly is.
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
Hope Mrs K will be ok tonight
2 hours ago
Ad…I suspect that at the least they will show how much of a debauched brigand he was…and that may well do it too.
2 hours ago
Murph–I think his “your” judge’s perspective is spot on. The rapepublicans don’t care one whit about public opinion, what’s good for the country, or whether or not Kavanaugh disqualified himself with his testimony yesterday. All they care about is having that 5-4 conservative majority for the next 20-30 years.
2 hours ago
Glenn…and that judge is a dyed in the wool lifelong GOPer.
2 hours ago
Murph, but that qualifies him more with this mob!
2 hours ago

Sadly true glenn. They’re souless, spineless slugs!
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
PPO – Not necessarily. The Constitution does not specify what the size of the SCOTUS should be, it has changed multiple times. A Dem President and Congress could enlarge the SCOTUS by two seats, using the legit rationale that the blocking of Merrick Garland and the ramming of Kavanaugh into place has harmed the legitimacy of the SCOTUS. Dems could make the SCOTUS have 11 members, with 2 new picks for the Dem President, liberals would control the court 6-5.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Did you all see O’Connell on the floor of the Senate….acting as the wounded defender of the heroic victim….Judge K?
2 hours ago
Ad–I think the FBI is already crippled in their job. First of all, only a one-week investigation? How many agents will the FBI assign to this task? Secondly, the lying bully has said they can only investigate “credible accusers”. Besides Dr. Ford, whom do they consider “credible”? Even I have my doubts about the woman Avenatti represents.
2 hours ago
Murph – And AK Gov came out opposing Kavanaugh and native born Alaskans oppose him. Murkowski hhas a lot of cover to vote no.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad…but that creates yet another precedent smashing precedent…..court packing was an idea that even FDR could not sell.
an hour ago
Ad–do you think the Dems really have the spine to do that? I don’t.
an hour ago
Ad…that she does…..
an hour ago
who is this Coons person?
an hour ago
FD – Definitely! Women will and are saving this country, we can certainly dedicate a music thread to recognizing that and them for doing so!
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–Yeah, I saw O’Connell. The worst one, though, was graham yesterday. OMG! What a drama queen he was!
an hour ago

Viva le femme!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Ad, can the FBI trace the money trail to the paying off of Kav’s loans?
an hour ago
Glenn….that hizzy fit was a staged bit of drama……and queen is precisely the right term.
an hour ago
glenn, gaydar set to 11!
an hour ago
PPO – Sure, Kavanaugh could be disbarred if any of these charges are proven against them. Wouldn’t stop him from being a SCOTUS judge but he could then be impeached by Congress.
AdLib an hour ago

sure P. That’s one of their specialties.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Murph–Rapepublicans are packing the court right now, with the ramming through of Kavanaugh, no matter what!
an hour ago

Kav is a real ferret face. Frank Burns incarnate!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
My judge friend says that if K fails to be confirmed it will be because there is evidence that will likely lead to his being forced off of the federal bench entirely.
an hour ago
glenn – Yes, it needed two Repubs to delay the vote a week and have an FBI investigation, Murkowski came on board soon after Flake announced what he was doing so that was that, Mitch the Bitch didn’t have enough votes to proceed after that.
AdLib an hour ago
A Real MASH character.

an hour ago

There’s no statute of limitations on sexual assault in Maryland.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
I don’t care one whit if graham is a closeted queen. In fact, if he is, I wish he would come out. Murph, I think you had the better term, “staged bit of drama.” That was for an audience of one.
an hour ago
Glenn…he was chosen for the role because no one does it better.
an hour ago

Yep P! A real life ferret face! 

Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Murrph – Agreed, because showing Kavan-augh! as having lied about his portrayal of himself, drinking and assaults, any of that, makes him a criminal for lying to Congress and that provides cover for at least 2 Repubs to vote against him.
AdLib an hour ago

If Graham is a closet queen, he’s a self loathing one. My daughter told me there are a lot of self loathing gay men.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
glenn, the GOP is so uptight abut sex. Most people if someone comes out there days, just say ‘Meh’ and get on eith life. No biggie anymore.
an hour ago
Glenn….I too do not care about his orientation but he has been engaged to a trophy fiance for…well forever……
an hour ago
PPO and Ad–I truly think that Kavanaugh will be seated on SCOTUS. I only hope Dems can flip the Senate, as well as the House, so that impeachment proceedings against him can be begun immediately. The charge should lying to Congress.
an hour ago

Exactlt P. Unless one is republican.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago

They call that a “beard,” Murph.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
glenn – FWIW, I’ve seen ax-FBI investigators on tv today, they say a week is enough time to do the job. They have thousands of agents, any number can be pulled in immediately from other assignments to get this done. And I wonder how motivated these Trump-branded “enemies of the state” would be to get the goods on Kavanaugh?
AdLib an hour ago
FD–oh, no doubt graham is a self-loathing human being, and I’m not sure it’s only from being a closet queen.
an hour ago

Oooh, great point ad.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Ad, then watch PapyaPuss excoriate the FBI for the ‘Witch Hunt’ !
an hour ago
Ad….you know that the FBI wants to take K down because in doing so they take T down and his GOP sychophants.
an hour ago

A culmination, glenn? His little hissy fit was quite entertaining I thought. McCain is rolling in his grave, I’m sure.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Oh, the irony, Murph!
an hour ago
Murph – I think if Kavanaugh is put on the SCOTUS, after Garland being blocked for a year, the justifications would be there. Having an attempted rapist as the deciding vote on the most important social issues? And as polarized as Repubs and Trump have caused things to be? To save Roe? I can see it successfully argued and worth it for Dems to break one precedent after Trump and Repubs doing so with anandon for 4 years.
AdLib an hour ago
I always thought of McCain as Graham’s daddy
an hour ago

At this point in the game, it’s only the hard core Trumpies that aren’t sick of this twisted bread and circus of an administration and congress.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
glenn – I think that if a Dem candidate runs on expanding the SCOTUS after Roe is killed, yes, I think Dems would be forced by their voters to do so.
AdLib an hour ago

so did Graham, Murph! 

Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Ad–I hope you’re right; that the FBI will go all out to prove Kavanaugh is a serial sexual predator. However, from what I understand, the FBI is not supposed to draw any conclusions, just present the evidence. And, just as yesterday, the evidence will not sway rapepublicans one bit. They will vote to seat K no matter what. Look, if Kavanaugh’s hysterical, partisan, lying, bullying performance yesterday didn’t change any minds, I’m not sure anything will.
an hour ago
Will Rosy keep his job?
an hour ago
Ad….the framers defined the need for regular constitutional conventions to fine tune and fix the core document but that never happened…our flawed instrument gets more and more out of whack time and again until there is a rending crisis…like the civil war, or the great depression…..I think we are heading in that direction.
an hour ago
PPO – Not really, the money trail thing isn’t part of what the instructions on the background check for the FBI include. That would probably require a criminal investigation, this is just a background investigation.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–Exactly what I was going to say next. The lying bully will only say that it’s the “deep state” lying again. It will be all the Clintons’ fault, dontcha know?
an hour ago

It’s simply unwise to lay everything down on a centuries old document. Problems have crept up that the framers couldn’t possibly have foreseen.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
When K. went on his rant at the start of his opening remarks about the “conspiracy” anchored in the Clintons I found that by itself disqualifying.
an hour ago
They say you don’t hear the bullet that kills you. Mueller is VERY quiet just now, isn’t he? Hee Hee
an hour ago
Murph – I thought Kavanaugh was acting and just let his hysteria take over, he cried and screamed…imagine if Dr. Ford did that, she’d be destroyed by the same Repubs who were praising Kavanaugh for it.
AdLib an hour ago

Mueller…..The Silencer!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Ad–Once again, you are the voice of hope, and I am still the cynic. However, I like your scenario of expanding SCOTUS, and promise to not be too much of a cynic.
an hour ago
And then when the GOP have control…they expand SCOTUS….43 justices somewhere down the road.
an hour ago
glenn, you’re not the only one trying not to be too cynical, but it’s tough right now.
an hour ago
glenn – Yes, Dems could first attempt to impeach a proven-guilty Kavanaugh and if they fail, then expanding the court would be the only way to take his power away.
AdLib an hour ago

I think 13 is a good number! Ha!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Murph–exactly. Aren’t judges supposed to be objective? Kavanaugh really showed his ass yesterday, yet not one rapepublican mentioned how disqualifying his partisan remarks and his screaming about whirlwinds are.
an hour ago
Hey, Ad, don’t give the GOP the idea to expand sooner and stack SCOTUS even more!
an hour ago
Murph – Exactly! The FBI should be very energized to take K down to take Trump down a notch…especially if he is indeed proven to be lying to Congress as we know he has.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad and Murph–Personally, I think K needed to smile more yesterday. He would have been so much more “handsome” if he had done that. And his screeching voice–just sent shivers down my spine. Not only because of what he was saying, but in the screeching manner he was sayng it.
an hour ago
glenn – The only people who need to be convinced are Murkowski and Collins that they can’t vote for Kavanaugh because Dr. Ford’s or other women’s claims of being sexually attacked are validated.
AdLib an hour ago

Exactly glenn. The SC has never really been impartial, but it was usually ignored, for the large part. Now, the GOP is just being downright blatant about it and how peachy keen they are with it.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Glenn….I hated his smile during his first hearings….seemed so studied…so fake.
an hour ago
Arrogant shit
an hour ago

The GOP has a number of punchable faces, but Kav is the king of punchable faces. There, I said it!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
The court has become the surefire instrument to shape policy and the wealthy/powerful have provided the funds to ensure generational control…Citizens United was the keystone in this.
an hour ago
Nah, He’s third in line. McConnell and Ryan both need a good slapping
an hour ago
Just slapping?
an hour ago
Murph – Good point. Include the Electoral College in the list of things messed up because of the lack of changes in The Constitution. But another concern now is that the Kochs and other billionaire extremists want to open up the Constitution to change so they can strip Americans of rights and prevent their taxation. SO opening up a Constitutional Convention is a dangerous prospect. But a series of Constitutional Amendments would make a lot of sense.
AdLib an hour ago

That’s a real toss up for me P.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Full power backhanders can be devastating
an hour ago

with a lead filled glove, Murph!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Murph–I should have identified my “smile” remark as snark. I was just using that as what rapepublians say about women when they get too emotional. I think the most compelling part of Dr. Ford’s testimony yesterday was how she got Kavanaugh to demonstrate exactly how he would have done what she said he did. His belligerence, entitlement, and bullying came through loud and clear to this woman!
an hour ago
Ad…..our foundation document was an interesting experiment which has been copied by……well no one….why? It is crap. When you separate the executive from the legislative as our does gridlock is hard wired into the structure…
an hour ago

Great point glenn!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
FD–and yesterday, Kavanaugh demonstrated quite a few of his punchable faces.
an hour ago
Murph – Agree 100%. Kavanaugh did multiple things yesterday that disqualified him. His partisan conspiracy theory insanity, his hysterical temperament, his rudeness to the Dems, his refusal to answer questions and of course his lies.
AdLib an hour ago
Glenn….ah, yes.
an hour ago

He should have “Privileged Snot,” tattooed on his forehead.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Ad….and he was the handpicked choice of the Federalist Society, a constitutional front for the monied powers.
an hour ago
But the GOP have blinkers on, or virtual reality rose covered lenses, and will probably vote for the weasel anyway
an hour ago

no doubt about it Murph!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago

oh they see him for what he is P, they just don’t give a squat!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
PPO…they know what they are doing…walking the path their masters want them to take….
an hour ago
glenn – It may seem a longshot but again, imagine an America where Roe is dead, the ACA is killed, Trump is put above the law and states are prevented from prosecuting him ever. In that environment, I think Dems running on expanding the court to save America would be extremely popular. It can’t be allowed to stand if K is put on the SCOTUS.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–So what you are saying is that once again, it’s up to women to save the rapepublicans. I respectfully disagree that it should come down to only them. I just can’t understand how every man in the rapapublican party could sit there and listen to Kavanaugh disqualify himself with his partisan rants and his lying. It just astounds me that he got away with that!
an hour ago
Ad….in such an America how could the dems win?
an hour ago
The public have had 2 years of Drumpf to inure themselves, glenn
an hour ago
Murph – Yep, that’s just the way it would have to be but maybe that would be better. If the balance of the SCOTUS changes from time to time because it’s expanded, isn’t that better than lifetime appointments that are immutable over decades?
AdLib an hour ago
Term Limits for all public offices and SCOTUS
an hour ago
PPO – Dems can always expand it by more if the Repubs are first to do it. So be it, if that becomes the way things go. At least that means if Dems win power, they can have the court with them. SCOTUS screwed Obama again and again. More incentive for voters to keep Repubs out of power.
AdLib an hour ago

i agree P. And public financing of all federal elections.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago

No more corporate money trough!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
glenn – Very funny! Agreed, white conservative men get to act hysterical. Had Dr. Ford displayed any such hysteria, she would have been destroyed.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–Holy shit! If we come to an America like you describe, I think we’d have another civil war. I do hope it doesn’t come to that. I can accept overturning Roe v Wade, we can fix that and the ACA. I just don’t think the lying bully being put above the law and states prevented from prosecuting him. That would be a catastrophe and I’m not sure even Dems increasing SCOTUS numbers could fix that.
an hour ago
And don’t forget all, there used to be a filibuster rule for confirming a SCOTUS judge. You needed 60 votes before this year. That radical change has caused this situation and rigs the SCOTUS. So Dems have every legit reason to unrig it by expanding the court.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–sad but true that we have come to accept lying as a fact of life. As long as you’re a rapepublican, that is.
an hour ago
Perfect point from Twitter: “Kavanaugh spent four days at the White House being #coached. What he did Thursday was follow the #trump game-plan. Deny, deny, deny and yell LOUDLY while asking idiotic questions in response to questions. SAD!”
an hour ago
PPO–Yes, that is exactly what Kavanaugh did.
an hour ago
FD – Maybe you’re like me, I imagine punching a variety of Repub pols in the face to get my frustration out. Especially Trump, McConnell and Kav.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I can’t remember with all of the shit we’ve had to process this year. Was it Dems who changed the 60-vote rule?
an hour ago
Worth hopping on a plane to see, Ad!
an hour ago
glenn, I think it was McConnell to screw the DEm Scotus nomination
an hour ago
SO….what do we predict is the likely result of the week’s investigation?????
an hour ago
FD–I like your idea of public financing for federal elections, but how would it work?
an hour ago
glenn, TAX the SHIT out of the 1% !
an hour ago
Murph – Have to agree, I’ve liked Parliamentary government better because at least the party that has the majority’s support has the ability to move on what the people want. That can be bad but when the tables are turned, real change can happen.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad….and in Parliamentary system the executive cannot hide.
an hour ago
Murph–my prediction is that nothing changes, and Kavanaugh is unfortunately seated on the Court.
an hour ago
Murph – But K claimed Trump had consulted and searched more than any president in history for a SCOTUS nominee. You mean he was lying?
AdLib an hour ago
Ok Glenn says that Kavanaugh still gets in. Others?
an hour ago

Does the pope shit in an ivory bowl?
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Ad…..K and T lied….of course…..birds of a feather…..
an hour ago
glenn, maybe, but will his ‘colleagues’ want anything to do with him?
an hour ago
Ad–Kavanaugh lying? Say it ain’t so!
an hour ago
My vote is that K is out and T names someone else just as repugnant and the GOP puts him on the express train to confirmation….
an hour ago
glenn – The reality is that women make up a majority of voters, a majority are liberal, they are most harmed by laws and policies that oppress them (as opposed to men) and too many men are misogynists who support misogynist Repubs. I’m not saying that men aren’t marching alongside women in taking back power from the monsters, just that it is women who are leading because they are the ones most attacked and at risk.
AdLib an hour ago
And most motivated!
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–still, I’m curious. How would it work? Would there be a finite “pool” of money? What happens when that runs out? Would every candidate get the same amount? Who determines the amount and who gets the money? Do candidates in larger states get more than those in smaller states? Would it be determined by state population? Amount of state land mass?
an hour ago
I’d like that, Murph, but any follow up would be after the mid terms. Now, if only the FBI could keep delaying the investigation……
an hour ago
FD–he does? Why is it ivory?
an hour ago
Let’s say the GOP lose both the House and Senate in November…what will they do….PUSH EVEN HARDER TO GET THEIR CHOICE INTO THE SCOTUS ROBES….no matter what the cost….control of the court is worth it.
an hour ago
Murph – In such an America, Dems will be raging and flooding polling booths (while swamping pols with protests). Look at history, the more a majority is oppressed, the more inevitable it is that they revolt and take power. Especially in a more open society.
AdLib an hour ago
glenn, not sure myself. Here in Oz, here are no PACS as such. Each party gets an allocation of taxpayers money do do with what they can, and do their own fundraising as well.
an hour ago
Ad–and we appreciate those men who march with us. Thank you.
an hour ago
Ad…..which is why the GOP will push their choice onto the court…that gives them the safety net they need.
an hour ago
PPO – I think SCOTUS judges should have a 10 year limit. That allows a variety or future presidents to have SCOTUS picks reflecting their support by Americans.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–That’s what I fear as well. That the “lame ducks” will fight like hell to get one conservative on the court, and especially Kavanaugh.
an hour ago
PPO…Oz….much like most of the enlightened democracies in the world….we are not one of those any longer.
an hour ago
Ad, much more reasonable than lifetime appointments.
an hour ago
glenn – All that I listed are more likely than not to happen with Kavanaugh on the SCOTUS and yes, a revolution of some kind, not necessarily violent or anything, will happen. I think this Nov will be a mini revolution.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–so who decides the allocations? Are they equal for every candidate? You say the money comes from taxpayers; is it a separate tax or does the government just take a percentage of it from the total treasury?
an hour ago
In 1789….life expectancy for men was 54…..life long meant something entirely different then.
an hour ago
PPO – I was hoping a Dem brought up that K was coached at the WH for days and that it was public knowledge that Trump wanted him to come out angry and defiant. Call the player on the game.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad…they all get coaching.
an hour ago
Ad–not only SCOTUS judges but Congressmen and Senators too. I also think we could decrease our deficit tremendously by putting all of Congress on Social Security, and not the lifetime pensions they now get.
an hour ago

Sorry folks, had a phone call. I gotta go, but you folks take care and keep your spirits up.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
glenn – It was Repubs, with the Gorsuch nomination that trashed the 60 vote rule on SCOTUS. The point of course was to keep extremists like K off the court.
AdLib 44 minutes ago
Not really sure, glenn. I know that smaller parties only get refunded their election expenses if they get a certain percentage of the vote. Strict rules apply to where the money can be spent, like posters, ads, etc. I think the Party can direct more moneys to marginal seats , less to the ‘blue Ribbon’ certain seats.
44 minutes ago
Seeya FD! Take care!
AdLib 43 minutes ago
See You, FD
43 minutes ago
Ad–I this November will be a mini-revolution and will prevent much of what you laid out. What do you think of the theory that’s being pushed that if Kavanaugh doesn’t get out on the court that it will motivate republican voters to turn out in higher numbers than Dems?
43 minutes ago
Murph – I think Dr. Ford and the other women will be validated by the FBI and some of K’s lies to Congress will be exposed.
AdLib 43 minutes ago
What do you think they will find?
AdLib 42 minutes ago
PPO–It’s an interesting concept; but it requires a huge change and much nuance. Which in today’s political climate in the US, is impossible.
42 minutes ago
glenn – If K is seated, I think the odds of Dems winning The House and The Senate go up.
AdLib 42 minutes ago
Ad–I’m confused. Trashing the 60-vote rule was designed to keep extremists off the Court? Or the 60-vote rule itself was designed to keep extremists off the court?
40 minutes ago
Murph – Again, if Repubs shove K or another extremist down America’s throat, impeaching K or expanding the court will gain lots of support.
AdLib 40 minutes ago
Ad–I hope so. I’m going to be pissed at fellow Democrats if they don’t get out and vote like there’s no tomorrow. Because, if K gets on the court, that may well be the case. Or, at least happy tomorrows.
39 minutes ago
Ad….as I noted earlier….they will find that he has lied a number of times misrepresenting himself as a young person time and again…and that this creates a fog around all of the claims….there will be too much chaff in the air for him to continue. He will withdraw hoping to hold onto his current court and the next GOP Choice will step in. Despite the likely electoral results the GOP will get that person through to ensure their command of the Supreme Camp for a generation.
39 minutes ago
Ad….the court can rule that such an expansion is unconstitutional…..it would take an amendment of the constitution to do this.
38 minutes ago
glenn – Repubs number much less then Dems, many have left the GOP. As motivated as they may or may not be, as long as Dems and indies are motivated to elect Dems, there will be a blue wave because Repubs simply don’t have enough voters to beat them.
AdLib 38 minutes ago
Murph–I hope if Kavanaugh returns to his current court that a judicial review is begun to see if his rulings were based on law, or his partisan opinions.
38 minutes ago
Hope that blue wave comes in Nov, not 2020
38 minutes ago
Glenn, who does the review? Ultimately…the Supremes.
37 minutes ago
Ad–I’m still hanging on to your hope.
37 minutes ago
Murph–it’s still worth a shot. I would think the Supremes would want to at least keep the illusion of non-partisanship.
36 minutes ago
Let me go a step further….I would not be at all surprised to find the GOP actively undermining Trump once they have the court….Pence would be a better agent of their masters will.
36 minutes ago
Glenn….why would the care. What can be done?
35 minutes ago
glenn – The 60 vote rule, aka the right to filibuster a SCOTUS nominee, was meant to prevent one party from putting up an extremists. The thought was that bipartisan support should be the case. The Repubs blew that up with Gorsuch. If K is voted in, he will be the first SCOTUS judge in the history of the US who was put on ONLY with partisan votes.
AdLib 35 minutes ago
Murph, isn’t there enough to oust Pence and Ryan? I can’t imagine two less worthy people
35 minutes ago
Ad….ending the supermajority rule was the plan all along to get them to the goal…control of the court.
34 minutes ago
Murph – I agree with your prediction and it’s great to see it!
AdLib 34 minutes ago
Okay, gents, it’s time for me to go. Murph, I’d love to stick around and discuss your last post, but I’m getting pretty tired and not sure I can put any more coherent thoughts together. G’night all. Have a great weekend. See you next week.
34 minutes ago
good night glenn. Sleep well
34 minutes ago
Murph – The number of changes to the SCOTUS has changed multiple times in US history, no Constitutional issue here, nothing in the Constitution and plenty of precedent.
AdLib 33 minutes ago
PPO…..it is only Pence who matters now and they will not bring him down…he has enough distance to hold on.
33 minutes ago
How about if K is voted in, Avenatti and maybe Dr. Ford file criminal charges against him in MD?
AdLib 32 minutes ago
ad, would it prevent his being seated?
32 minutes ago
Ad…..sorry….but those changes took place with the cooperation of the court and the approval of the parties in power…..and the changes put into place from the outside have actually been relatively minor….the biggest changes (mostly in regard to the scope of the court’s authority) have happened as a result of court action.
30 minutes ago
Murph – Which is why expanding the court is not so radical after Repubs killed the supermajority rule. Dems have a legit argument to say they have rigged the system and it will not stand. Yes, Repubs will say, “Don’t touch our rigged game!” but the majority will support a takeover of a Kavanaugh controlled SCOTUS.
AdLib 30 minutes ago
Murph – Porblem is that Pence doesn’t own Trump voters, Trump does. Repubs have no spine, they would bever undermine the leader of the GOP who controls the cult. Trump will run in 2020 and be destroyed.
AdLib 29 minutes ago
Ad…..our crummy constitution makes the court the last arbiter of a law’s standing….and a GOP dominated court is not going to validate the action you outline.
29 minutes ago
Well, folks, great chat as always, but I’ve got to vamoose. Take care
28 minutes ago
Ad….all the GOP need is for Pence to hang in for two more years so they can finish packing the federa courts…and then it will serve them to have a Dem prez they can beat like a Pinata!
28 minutes ago
PPO – I think a criminal filing could indeed prevent K from getting the votes to be on the court but if seated, a criminal case that ends in conviction would assurehis impeachment. Never forget, Repubs never stop playing a game because they lose. Neither should Dems, if K is forced on the court, Dems should keep working to remove him.
AdLib 27 minutes ago
The coming bruising of the big money economy created by a trade war, and the collapse of the trade treaty structure is going to motivate the GOP to dump Trump.
27 minutes ago
Murph – There is a baseline fact, there is no mention of the SCOTUS composition in The Constitution and no matterhow skewed the court is, if they can’t point to anything in the Constitution that addresses something, it can’t be unconstitutional.
AdLib 26 minutes ago
The court can declare anything it wants to…there is NO check on its power except an amendment and even those have been altered by SCOTUS interpretation. Money is speech!
25 minutes ago
Money is speech. Corporations are people. Personal guns are the core of the 2nd amendment…and so much more.
24 minutes ago
Murph – Nothing will ever make the Trump cultists turn away from Trump, that’s very plain at this point. He is their id. If the economy blows up, he will blame the Dems or solar energy and they will lap it up and cheer him. Trump will run in 2020 and after the Mueller report is out, whether Trump is impeached or not, he will be so tainted and damaged with indie voters, he won’t be able to win even with Putin’s help.
AdLib 23 minutes ago
As long as the SCOTUS is controlled by the GOP in the way that we are heading…..nothing that the GOP’s puppet masters do not bless will pass its muster.
23 minutes ago
Ad…and my point is that the damage will be done and that a Dem victory in 2020 will be a Phyrric one
22 minutes ago
Murph – I don’t have high opinions of any of the conservatives on the SCOTUS but I don’t think there are enough of them to declare something unconstitutional that isn’t anywhere in the Constitution. Roberts knows that if the public loses complete faith in the SCOTUS on his watch, it will be a disaster for them and him. And expanding the court to reverse the fraud they would perpetrate would gain more than enough momentum, to restore egitimacy to a corrupt SCOTUS.
AdLib 20 minutes ago
Hate to be a bummer but I have long been a proponent of the theory that our constitutional structure is the cause of much of the pain we have experienced across our history.
20 minutes ago
Ad…I do not see a single GOP member of the court who will do the right thing in this. Not a one and why should they care. Really? Legacy is overrated.
19 minutes ago
Murph – Speech is in the Constitution, guns are too as are rights of people. There has to be something in it to expand the meaning of it. There is nothing to expand to cover expanding the court.
AdLib 19 minutes ago
Ad…that does not matter….the court is its own arbiter of what is or is not in their purview.
18 minutes ago
I came to this conclusion with the Citizens United ruling…..out of thinnest air….with the Bush v. Gore ruling as the other pinion in my sad hypothesis.
17 minutes ago
Murph – I don’t disagree with having a low opinion of the conservatives on the SCOTUS but there isn’t a track record of the Roberts Court creating something from absolutely nothing. Yes, they expand and sometimes distort something in the constitution to cover something they shouldn’t or dispute something they shouldn’t but name me one case where they just invented some constiitutional right or prohibition from thin air.
AdLib 16 minutes ago
Bush v. Gore was an obscene ruling but it was an awful expansion of tort law, not invented from thin air.
AdLib 14 minutes ago
Well, it is late…a very focused discussion….you have a higher opinion of the court than I do…..and again it is Citizens United capping Bush v. Gore that are at the core of my case. Good night. We will see you next week.
14 minutes ago
See you then Murph! Glad you could make it earlier tonight!
AdLib 13 minutes ago
Night x27! Hope to see you next week!
AdLib 13 minutes ago
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