Vox Populi, our live weekly chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey PPO! Glad you made it!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Thanks for the assist, Ad. See you shortly
2 hours ago
See you then!
AdLib an hour ago
i like the new floor!
an hour ago
Hi, H! Wha??
an hour ago
lol hey ppo…. brb
an hour ago
an hour ago
There’s nowhere like the Australian Parliament! Tony Abbott gave us the “suppository of all wisdom”, now Nationals MP Michelle Landry has offered up the “Anals of History”.
an hour ago
Isit as goofy as trump?
an hour ago
Nope! No one here is THAT goofy. Actually trump has screwed Oz over with the new Al and Fe tariffs. We export $US400 Million pa!
an hour ago
trump doesnt have a clue he’s so unbalanced and has sundowners. lol
an hour ago
doesn’t drink (sez he!), so what’s going up his nose?
an hour ago
old age dementia is the best guess. very unstable.
an hour ago
hey guys!
AdLib an hour ago
hi ad
an hour ago
Sorry, was wrapping up some stuff. Like my investment in Jared’s real estate!
AdLib an hour ago
yes! must be. Because he’s clean forgotten what he told the bipartisan meeting mid week and licked NRA ass yesterday!
an hour ago
Hi Ad. Shedding all that steel and Al stock?
an hour ago
lol jared is going down
an hour ago
Selling steel and aluminum and buying heavily into bomb shelters and apple stands.
AdLib an hour ago
If his papa in law wants him gone, he must be very toxic! Mueller, where are you?
an hour ago
I think Trump knows Jared is about to be buried by Mueller and like any loyal father-in-law, he’s saying, “Jared who?”
AdLib an hour ago
Just made the coffee in the WH, that guy What’s his name?
an hour ago
they are already exposing insiders for their stock selloffs just before trumpfs announcement.
an hour ago
What about Fake Ivanka and her Fake factorys?
an hour ago
Trump’s 1st border wall contract is with a one man “company” with a history of not paying its subcontractors. I can see Trump saying…… Not built well enough. Won’t pay!
an hour ago
Ivanka looks like she was made at a factory.
AdLib an hour ago
it gets worse by the day
an hour ago
She has been totally remanufactured from the chassis up1
an hour ago
It may seem tired to use “the most” so often but this is undoubtedly the most corrupt WH in our history. Everyone is on the take and double-dealing.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad, the galling thing is that they’re not even attempting to hide it
an hour ago
Ivanka looks like a Chinese knock off of a human Barbie doll that just doesn’t look quite real or right.
AdLib an hour ago
and its so blatant the corruption
an hour ago
PPO – Yep, it’s all coming down from the human corruption at the top.
AdLib an hour ago
compare the teenage one to now. Is it really the same Ivanka?
an hour ago
stepford model 1701!
an hour ago

an hour ago
They feel so free because the Repub Congress is protecting them from investigations but…hey…Mueller? He’s authorized to pursue any and all criminal acts he comes upon, just needing Rosenstein to give a thumbs up and he’s not going to protect Trump after Trump’s tried to destroy him.
AdLib an hour ago
Just heard that Don the Con has signed off on a $4Billion deal for 2 x 747s! Didn’t he claim that the 3.7 B quote gefore the election was way too much? And how can a 747 cost as much as a fucking Aircraft Carrier?
an hour ago
And it seems so obvious that Trump’s tariff announcement was a desperate, knee-jerk act to exercise power and upset and distract the public as the walls collapse in on him…and it only made more walls collapse on him. It is scary to think he could be just as impulsive about attacking North Korea if Mueller indicts him. Then the 24th Amendment will come into play.
AdLib an hour ago
its just all so whackdoodle
an hour ago
Ad, he’s made no friends in Australia with the tariffs. Forgot of course that they hurt friend and foe alike. Oh, yes, anyone not American is the foe
an hour ago
PPO- Boeing then came out to say, “Oh, Donald is SUCH a great negotiator! He saved American taxpayers a gazillion dollars in this deal! We were so screwed to get only $4 billion for only two planes, well played Donald!”
AdLib an hour ago
he shit on the NRA for a day! lol
an hour ago
PPO – Not to mention Canada! These tariffs smack down Canada hard, they’re the #1 importer and exporter of steel with the US.
AdLib an hour ago
Harleigh – Now Trump’s shitting on the survivors of school shootings and many of them will be voting this Nov and many more by 2020.
AdLib an hour ago
The guy’s a total fool. Congress needs to act, before Wall St collapses and Dems have to dig out yet again
an hour ago
it only makes sense when you see who dumped stock before the announcement
an hour ago
They will be one issue voters and represent millions of new voters. Enough to make the blue wave even bigger and take The Senate back. Heay, Cruz could lose in TX!
AdLib an hour ago
looks like a blue wave is coming
an hour ago
Wouldn’t it be lovely to swamp Cruz and the other nasties with a Blue Wave
an hour ago
Do you think Trump will either postpone indefinitely or have huge exemptions for the tariff now that everyone around him except for Decrepit Ross is telling him it’s insane?
AdLib an hour ago
Ad, he may have to grant exemptions to everyone except China.
an hour ago
he’ll do away with most of his bullshit, same as guncontrol and everything else.
an hour ago
The Manafort trial is going to be in September and between now and then, many more indictments. Trump and the Repubs will be radioactive by Nov, no one but that 32% of voters who are Trump’s followers will be voting for them.
AdLib an hour ago
Hi guys–sorry I’m late. I’ve been arguing with a rwnj regarding trump’s “success” with the black unemployment rate. He/she (can’t tell from the “handle”) claims “the black unemployment rate has gone down for the first time in 10 years” under trump. I’ve given him/her statistics showing that’s not true; but in usual rwnj fashion, he keeps deflecting, denying, and insulting me. Anyway, how is everyone tonight?
an hour ago
hi glenn… squisin trolls is fun
an hour ago
Gun Amnesty in Australia allowed 58,000 illegally held firearms to be surrendered this month no questions.
an hour ago
Harleigh–yes, it is.
an hour ago
PPO – But that would be such a slap in the face to China that they would retaliate. AND…it is against WTO rules to play favorites in tariffs so doing that would bring sanctions on the US. Unless he backs off completely, he will have sabotaged his short term economic bump that the tax fraud cut was supposed to deliver.
AdLib an hour ago
Hi glenn.. Good for you. Baffle ’em!
an hour ago
Hey glenn! Harleigh???
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–it would be so nice to be able to do that in the US, but it ain’t ever gonna happen here. We have 2nd Amendment rights, dontcha know? I am encouraged by the few gun nuts I see who are smashing their ARs to bits.
an hour ago
glenn – You are a true optimist, trying to reason with the unreasonable.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad I realise that, but it shows the fundamental difference between the USA and the rest of the World, almost. Ah well, the young, new voters may swing the pendulum back toward common sense about firearms
an hour ago
PPO–I’m trying my best to not baffle him/her with facts, but s/he just can’t seem to understand them pesky ole facts! Or, s/he is choosing not to understand them. I’m pretty sure it’s the latter.
an hour ago
PPO – I think that if it was passed here, many would turn in their guns for money and gun deaths would plummet. We’d need a principled Dem Congress and President though to do that. And the more I see of the DCCC going around the country trying to sabotage Progressive Dems to clear the way for their corporate Dems, I don’t know that a Dem controlled Congress would necessarily do that.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad, no, just play with their paranoia with inconvenient truths. Great fun to see them in pretzels!
an hour ago
The DCCC needs to be beaten in the primaries, they are Repubs-Lite and would prevent any real change from happening or do their best to stop it.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I was replying to Harleigh, who was telling me that squishin trolls is fun. At this point, I’m not so much optimistic as determined to get the last word. We’ve been going on about this for two days off and on now. I really am having fun, though; it’s helping me to hone my on-line debating skills.
an hour ago
This is what puzzles me the most, Ad, about Democrats. Why can’t they have a coherent battle plan, instead of this constant infighting? Sigh
an hour ago
back… pc restarted by itself. lol
an hour ago
Ad–I agree with you about the DCCC. I’m worried that, once again, Dems are going to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.
an hour ago
Updates! Harleigh
an hour ago
Hey Murph!
an hour ago
Hidee Ho!
an hour ago
Hey Murph!
an hour ago
glenn – As long as you’re looking at it as good exercise, that’s healthy. But expecting to change minds made of cement can be frustrating.
AdLib an hour ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib an hour ago
Hello to Glenn, Harleigh (who I have sadly missed of late), PPO and the inimitable Ad Lib.
an hour ago
Ad–I’m torn between frustration and laughter at this point, because s/he is so predictable.
an hour ago
hey murph
an hour ago
PPO – I do think it’s possible to have sensible gun control in the US, it’s clearly reaching a turning point. As you say, having this new wave of young voters will bring us closer and closer to that.
AdLib 44 minutes ago
Understatement of the Week: “A word that one would probably rather not see in reference to the guy who can launch nuclear missiles at the push of a button is “unglued.””
44 minutes ago
Well, it certainly is good to know that trump hasn’t turned into a Dem overnight. As one headline I read today says, “It’s all right boys, trump is back on the leash” referring to his meeting with the NRA.
43 minutes ago
glenn visit the Hill regularly for the latest in rwnj conspiracies….. many cooked up in russia.
43 minutes ago
Harleigh–funny you should mention The Hill. That’s where I’m having my “lovely” discussion with the rwnj.
42 minutes ago
42 minutes ago
‘m banned from newsmax… LMAO
41 minutes ago
PPO–the sad thing about that statement is that we have always known trump was “unglued”, and I’m not referring to his hair!
41 minutes ago
Harleigh–curious–how do you get banned?
41 minutes ago
PPO – Because unlike Repubs, Dems aren’t authoritarians or mostly the same ethnicity and gender (GOP = White Males). Dems are more of a coalition of many different types and groups, unfortunately including the corrupt, conservative, corporate minded, bureaucratic types. They want what Repubs want, the wealthy to get what they want and tip them with millions for campaigns, they just have less severe stands on social issues. So Dems need to beat the Corporate Dems who still control a lot of the party.
AdLib 41 minutes ago
too many facts and then a bunch of them all complain to the site mods.
40 minutes ago
Ad–You mean the old quote, “I’m not a member of an organized political party, I’m a Democrat”.
40 minutes ago
I believe it’s a Mark Twain quote.
39 minutes ago
Harleigh……confusing them with data…no wonder they want you exiled.
39 minutes ago
Ah, OK I understand now.
39 minutes ago
Harleigh–Murph beat me to it!
39 minutes ago
glenn – We just have to keep the DCCC and DLC-types from trying to push out Progressives from running in Dem primaries. They will end up disappointing the majority who want change, they want status quo because they have a lot of power now. Changing the status quo threatens their power and that comes first to these greedy, selfish pseudo-Repubs.
AdLib 39 minutes ago
glenn…not Twain…Will Rogers….much the same just later.
39 minutes ago
Murph–thanks for the clarification.
38 minutes ago
glenn – Exactly! Will Rogers said that!
AdLib 38 minutes ago
Ad….I tell all committee and pac callers that I no longer support them….I support individual candidates who I believe in with my limited funds.
38 minutes ago
Murph, ya beat me on that!
AdLib 38 minutes ago
Ad–That’s why I think we need to get much younger Dems to the forefront. Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, all have to go, IMO.
37 minutes ago
Glenn….I am a fountain of trivia! Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle….splatter.
37 minutes ago
37 minutes ago
Fortunately, the DCCC can only spread themselves so thin to so many candidates and the grass roots is doing more for candidates than those anti-Progressive haters.
AdLib 36 minutes ago
Surelt, glenn, we need a couple of old bulls to remain?
36 minutes ago
PPO…sadly those Bulls are generally bullshitters
36 minutes ago
Sadly true, Murph!
36 minutes ago
Ad–and that’s the key–the grassroots. Those young people in FL have certainly energized a lot of their peers who can vote. Good on them!
35 minutes ago
PPO–which old bulls would you recommend to remain? Murph–good observation about those old bulls!
34 minutes ago
Glenn…I am so impressed with those young people…..Douglas is a fine school as measured by ratings I trust but, my goodness, the upper classmen and women we are seeing are courageous patriots (in the best sense of those words).
34 minutes ago
floriduh is mostly red and the movement is in broward/ ft lauderdale…deep blue like me
33 minutes ago
glenn – I am with you on that! As Millenials take more of a presence in elections, Repubs will go down the tubes. From a Salon article: When it comes to Trump, Millennials are disproportionately not happy with the president’s performance compared to older generations. Nearly two-thirds of Millennials (65 percent) disapprove and just 27 percent approve of his time in office.
AdLib 33 minutes ago
Don’t know them well enough for an opinion, glenn.
33 minutes ago
glenn – These teens have ALREADY made a difference, look at public opinion swing aggressively, all the corporations taking action and the NRA running around in a panic. And when all these pro-NRA Repubs get crushed in Nov? Things will change even more (especially with Dem control of Congress).
AdLib 31 minutes ago
we sure hope so ad
30 minutes ago
Murph–me too. What also shows is how much a well-rounded curriculum can accomplish. From what I’ve read, Douglas has a curriculum which insists that students begin debating in MS, it has an active HS newspaper, of which David Hogg is the editor, and it also has a good theater arts program, which is why so many of those kids are comfortable on camera. This curriculum also shows that putting all your curriculum “eggs” into passing standardized tests gets you students who can (mostly) pass standardized tests and not much else.
30 minutes ago
As has been said before, GOTV and keep up the pressure so Dems don’t grab defeat from the jaws of victory
30 minutes ago
I just came from my usual Friday Night watering hole….and it is pretty clear that there is movement among the Trump Now and Forever wherein the doubts are now being spoken……my favorite quote: “If I saw a garage that had so many crappy mechanics they either got pushed out or they quit cause they hated the garage owner or the management,I sure as hell would not take my car there again.”
29 minutes ago
Ad–yes, those teens have truly begun a grass-roots movement.
29 minutes ago
glenn – Yes, The Dem Party needs the energy and optimism of younger pols even though I have a lot of respect for many older Dems. The time called in 2016 and since, for different and inspired voices. It was surprising that such and older and established man as Bernie could attract so much excitement from Dems but if you have a genuine younger Dem, like a Robert Kennedy, campaigning passionately out there in 2020, Trump would be destroyed.
AdLib 28 minutes ago
Glenn…excellent insights into what makes Douglas students excellent. I called the school today to express my respect and admiration for the administration, faculty and staff for the ways in which they have clearly empowered their students.
27 minutes ago
Douglas is in a very blue area is the main reason theses kids have the support of the community and parents. live here. Douglas is maybe 20 min from me.
27 minutes ago
Oh, PLEASE!!!! No Bernie! Sorry, but he has been more of a hindrance than a help. Sorry if I ruffle feathers
27 minutes ago
Of course, here in GA, the legislature is punishing companies like Delta because of their business stance. I’m of two minds about the punishment, which is the GA legislature denying Delta tax breaks on fuel. Delta makes enough of a profit that they don’t need fuel. But the reason for the punishment, according to our “esteemed” Lt. Gov., is because Delta took away the NRA’s discounts. And, if conservatives are hurt, by god, then they’re going to fight back.
27 minutes ago
bernie blows
26 minutes ago
I can easily see David Hogg and others running for and winning political offices in FL and on from there.
AdLib 26 minutes ago
glenn, read somewhere that only 17 or so NRA members have actually claimed the discount! So no problems economically for Delta, and much positive publicity for millions
25 minutes ago
Harleigh–very true as to the demographics, but, sadly, it is what makes the teens so much more “acceptable.” If it were black teens, no matter how articulate, no matter how much passion they displayed, I don’t believe they would get half the air time and/or credit. Which, once again, is very sad to say.
25 minutes ago
ad as a state rep in tallahassee but it will be a few years.
24 minutes ago
oops, Delta makes enough of a profit that they don’t need tax breaks on fuel.
24 minutes ago
Murph – I think the best we can hope for is that those Trump voters disillousioned with him just don’t vote. It still seems a big step from that to voting for a Dem though some will.
AdLib 23 minutes ago
Ad…I agree…or they vote for another fringer.
23 minutes ago
Ad, Will any ‘un-gerrymandering ‘ happen before November?
23 minutes ago
Well I’m gone… fallin asleep. have a great week folks….
23 minutes ago
Cheerio Harleigh!
22 minutes ago
Bye Harleigh….best to you of the Sunshine State…even the blue folk.
22 minutes ago
Murph–the curriculum at Douglas is exactly why repubs are pushing so hard to take critical thinking out of schools. Remember, the TX GOP put in their platform a few years ago, that they didn’t want schools teaching critical thinking. The reason? Because it would “allow students to question their fixed beliefs and undermine parental authority.”
22 minutes ago
PPO–I agree. Bernie blew it. Did you see where his son is now running for office in VT?
21 minutes ago
Bernie is the wrong candidate for 2020. I supported him and what he was campaigning for but that was then, when it looked hopeless for any Dem to try and beat Hillary in the primary (and it was). So Bernie, not expecting how competitive he’d become, ran as the only candidate starting out as a genuine Progressive. I was very unhappy at his reaction to the revelations about Russia supporting him though, he didn’t react as someone with principles and condemn it, he blamed Hillary which is what unprincipled Repubs like Trump do.
AdLib 20 minutes ago
glenn, no, didn’t see that.Hope he’s his own man and not a Bernie Puppet.
19 minutes ago
Glenn….precisely….we fight that battle in the school district in which I live….last year we successfully fought back against the effort to require that all students take a course in “Biblical Literature” – one of the arguments……”providing an indisputable resource for the process of informed decision making.”
19 minutes ago
glenn – I think it is illegal, a violation of the 1st Amendment for GA Repubs to have attacked Delta over free speech. Delta should sue, they would win.
AdLib 18 minutes ago
PPO–they’re trying in PA. The state supreme court has redrawn the map there. Dems brought the congressional maps to the court saying they were unconstitutional. The court gave the repubs (who hold the legislature) so much time to redraw the maps. The repubs refused, so the courts redrew the maps. It’s my understanding that the maps that the court drew up will be used in Nov., although the repubs are still fighting it. And, they control the legislature.
18 minutes ago
Gee murph, is that mindset still there? Back to the Inquisition (which no one expects!) 

18 minutes ago
Ad, that’s a start, anyway.
17 minutes ago
PPO – Good question, we’ll see if the SCOTUS will stand up for our democracy in the gerrymandering cases now before them, or pull a Citizens United and kick our struggling democracy further down into the gutter.
AdLib 17 minutes ago
Well, better get to my Sat Arvo shopping. Great chatting to you all. Take care till next week
16 minutes ago
Seeya PPO!
AdLib 16 minutes ago
Murph – “Informed decision making?” So if there’s a quiz in biology about whether humans live to 800 or snakes can talk, they will be well informed?
AdLib 15 minutes ago
Ad–legal scholars and pundits are mixed in their reaction as to whether Delta should sue. One legal professor opined that it’s a matter of free speech–that Cagle (the Lt.Gov.) was just asserting his free speech rights by punishing Delta. Others agree with you and me, that Delta is being punished for a private business decision. There is also the sticky wicket of whether Delta is entirely a private business, given that they are receiving tax breaks.
15 minutes ago
Ad and Murph–those bible thumpers are sure determined to enact sharia law here in the US, aren’t they?
13 minutes ago
ad…..my greatest concern was that the their version of Biblical Literature has no room for questioning and pretends that there is absolute consistency from book to book or even within the books.
13 minutes ago
glenn – I remember and was pretty upset at Texas Repubs (and elsewhere) insisting on critical thinking being removed from schools (not like they teach that a lot as is) because it was disrespectful and programmed with religious dogma that they would be expected never to question. I forget, how did that work out for ISIS?
AdLib 13 minutes ago
Ad…..I made the same comparison….Christian Zealots and ISIS Zealots.
12 minutes ago
Ad–the gerrymandering issue is one of the reasons turtle was so determined not to let President Obama’s choice onto the Supreme Court. I worry about that issue. After all, it looks as though the SCOTUS is already determined to destroy labor unions.
12 minutes ago
Ad–well, it’s a mixed bag on how it has worked for ISIS. The true believers still are martyring themselves for the cause.
10 minutes ago
Glenn…agree here too….remove all organized resistance to world order that you wish to impose (representing the imposition as what the “American People” want)
10 minutes ago
glenn – I understand those sides of the argument but free speech doesn’t extend to government action and since the first statement from Cagle, the legislature has acted officially to make that law. That is not free speech, that is government making a law to restrict free speech. And corporations are people according to the SCOTUS, Delta has the right to give money to candidates as part of its free speech and that can’t be blocked (right now), nor could actual free speech. So many good reasons for such a suit to be pursued, even if at a minimum, the SCOTUS decides corpoations aren’t people.
AdLib 9 minutes ago
Murph–except the “American people” have shown in poll after poll that they want a separation of church and state.
9 minutes ago
glenn…wrong American People.
8 minutes ago
Ad–I agree, and many scholars agree with you. I wish Delta would take it to court; it really would be interesting to see the answer.
8 minutes ago
Murph – And for the religious extremists, Christ’s thoughts and words are buried beneath the anger of the Old Testament. They don’t want kids growing up following the words of Jesus, Jesus was a Progressive!
AdLib 8 minutes ago
Jesus road into Jerusalem on a donkey…of course they don’t trust him.
7 minutes ago
Murph–yup. Why are being led by the religious nuts and the NRA? If Dems don’t show up en mass to vote in November, it’s only going to get worse. Especially if we get pence as president.
6 minutes ago
Ad and Murph–LOL!
6 minutes ago
glenn – Yes, PA is beating down gerrymandering and trying to have true democracy there which Repubs are fighting against like vampires seeing sunlight.
AdLib 6 minutes ago
Glenn…GOTV for the Dems is not their strong suit…..unless hey have a dream candidate at the top of the ticket…ala Obama. vs. McCain…and then they blow it two years later because Obama is the Miracle Man.
5 minutes ago
Well…this has been fun…again…I look forward to Friday Night Gab with you guys.
4 minutes ago
Ad–PA is really becoming a battleground. I sure hope that the new court-drawn maps are the ones used in the Nov. election. I see repubs dragging their feet on letting people know that their precinct has changed, not to mention the voting places. The only way for repubs to win is to keep cheating and lying.
4 minutes ago
glenn – My point is that ISIS was and is a group of insane, religious people who use absolute adherence to their beliefs as an engine to cause such disgusting acts against innocent human beings. They are always seen as an enemy by the religious Christian extremists in this country who want the same power here.
AdLib 4 minutes ago
Same here Murph!
AdLib 3 minutes ago
Ad…did you publish the brilliant post we spoke of at Yab….I have not been there much….if you did I will find it and promote it with an intro by me….
3 minutes ago
Funny you should say that, Murph. G’night to you, and I’m out the door right behind you.
3 minutes ago
Murph – Yes, I posted it a little while back.
AdLib 3 minutes ago
Glenn…..Cheaters and Liars…..that’s the crowd.
2 minutes ago
Night glenn! Stay warm this weekend!
AdLib 2 minutes ago
Ad…missed it. Did it get much action.
2 minutes ago
Nite Glenn.
2 minutes ago
Not that I saw.
AdLib 2 minutes ago
I will repromote it….you deserve a following there……
a minute ago
Ad–I agree. It’s always amazing to see the similarities between the xtian extremists here and the ISIS extremists there, yet neither one of them can see it. It’s like my husband always used to say about Muslims and Jews; they’re alike in so many ways but can’t see it.
a minute ago
Out the door now. ‘NIte, gents. As always, great chat!
a minute ago
See you soon, Ad.
a few seconds ago
Thanks Murph!
AdLib a few seconds ago
Glenn….Muslims and Jews…so much alike but unable to see it. Absolutely.
a few seconds ago
glenn – Overly religious types aren’t about the religion, they’re about power.
AdLib a few seconds ago
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