Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib an hour ago
see you in a few
an hour ago
AdLib an hour ago
Back now! Well, how is the Roy saga going? Has Hannity finally blown it?
an hour ago
I think HemRoyd just screwed himself, when asked if he dated teens he said, “Not Generally” and “I always asked their parents for permission.”
AdLib an hour ago
Droit de Seignior – Boss Fella has first legover, eh?
an hour ago
And Hannity is in deep shite, as it sets in that he’s defending pedophilia.
AdLib an hour ago
please let it happen that InsHannity gets the chop
an hour ago
I’ve seen a movement starting to boycott Hannity’s advertisers.
AdLib an hour ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib an hour ago
But the entire Fox Network is complicit
an hour ago
Evenin’ Ad, how are you? And, PPO, how are you?
an hour ago
hiya glenn, how are you, dear lady?
an hour ago
I’m doing well, PPO, and you?
an hour ago
Indeed PPO, just a continuation of the sexual abuse environment at Fox News.
AdLib an hour ago
Like an old sofa spring. Less a boinnng, rather a creak!
an hour ago
Doing well, glenn. And you?
AdLib an hour ago
C’mon, guys, how else can a good ole boy tell if a girl is “unsullied” unless he catches her young!
an hour ago
I wonder, if Murdoch senior went away, would anything change there? With his sons, probably not
an hour ago
glenn, ask her brother!
an hour ago
Same ole, same ole with me, Ad. Doing well.
an hour ago
PPO–good one. Or her cousin!
an hour ago
fer sure, li’l buddy
an hour ago
see the rats are abandoning the SS Moore
an hour ago
It is kind of shocking to think that a majority in Alabama would support a child molester because he’s a Republican.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad, they are even tweeting that they’d vote for a ped Republican sooner than a Democrat! 

an hour ago
an hour ago
Michael Moore is repeating right now on Bill Maher what I’ve been saying, Dems shouldn’t waste any time on trying to get Trump voters to change, put all the mooney and energy into getting Dem and Indie turnout.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO – Yes, that’s what I’m saying. The GOP has no morality anymore, it’s just tribal now, us against them in all cases.
AdLib an hour ago
makes sense, Ad. The swing voters are the ones we need to convince with the Dem message. What is that, BTW????
an hour ago
Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO.
AdLib an hour ago
don’t have cable
an hour ago
Sorry, Ad, I meant what is the DEm Message?
an hour ago
You know, my fav columnist in the local Atlanta paper has an interesting comparison today. When people who are considered “liberal” or “elite” or “Hollywood” like Louis C.K., Kevin Spacey, Roy Price of Amazon Studios, Harvey Weinstein, Mark Halperin, and others, are just accused of sexual misconduct, the reaction is swift. All of these men have lost contracts, their jobs, etc. Yet Roy Moore gets defended. Or the people say, “IF the charges are true.” Not one person said that about the men previously mentioned. IOIYAR.
an hour ago
glenn, HP reports that it is true, that Moor let it slip
an hour ago
Oh! The Dem message this past week was, vote against Trump and we will truly represent your interests.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–basically, Moore said he “didn’t ‘generally’ date young girls. A non-denial denial, something at which repubs are great at!
an hour ago
glenn – Yes, this has made the hypocrisy of Republicans so clear, especially in the light of very severe issues.
AdLib an hour ago
near enough – good enough for me, g!
an hour ago
glenn – I think that’s a big confession. If you’re asked “Did you murder anyone?” and you answer “Not generally”, instead of “No!”, you’ve screwed yourself.
AdLib an hour ago
Spot on, Ad.
an hour ago
Ad–As you know, I’ve been saying this since the presidential election. It’s not enough to say “vote against trump”, although that is persuasive right now. But for 2018, Dems have to say “Here’s WHY you should vote against trump.” As you say, most of trump’s die-hard base won’t vote against him, because they want to stick it to liberals. The Dems have to give indies and Dems a reason to get out to vote, not just “vote against trump.” If that’s the case, those voters will stay home; and trump voters won’t.
an hour ago
If any of the victims feel that they could do a tv interview, it would be the final straw against Moore.
AdLib an hour ago
Maybe, Ad, but don’t Mid-terms usually go against the incumbent party? Still, I agree the Dems need to say why you should vote Dem, not just ‘against Trump’
an hour ago
Ad–I agree. Moore has basically said he did what he’s accused of. However, as many have pointed out, repubs aren’t going to vote for a Dem, no matter what the repub candidate has done. Our current “president” has proven that.
an hour ago
sad but true, glenn
an hour ago
Ad–one of the anchors on CNN had a repub on today, and when the repub started spouting how it was Moore against the Washington Post, the anchor very forcefully corrected him. “These are not the WP’s words, these are the words of this woman, her voice, her words, and the corroboration of about 30 other people. It’s not the WP.” Thought that was a great answer. And, I don’t think it will be long before the woman or some of her “supporters” will be on TV.
an hour ago
glenn – I do think it’s best for Dems to have a specific agenda of what they want to do. However, two realities. First, with Trump in the WH, Dems won’t be able to pass anything. Secondly, the anti-Trump fervor, those who despise him and every horrible thing he does, are going to be far more motivated to vote for Dems.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO – Yep and the generic Dem/Repub congressional vote is polling way in favor of Dems.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–which is exactly why, IMO, Dems have to have a coherent, consistent message. Here is what we want to accomplish if you elect us to Congress. And, in 2020, if Dems are in power in Congress, or even one of the chambers, they should further that with “here’s what we can do with a Dem president.” Of course, Dems have to put up a good nominee, preferably someone young.
44 minutes ago
exactly glenn
43 minutes ago
glenn – This is Trump’s GOP, where child molesters, Nazis and bigots are fine.
AdLib 43 minutes ago
ANd lose Bernie Effin Sanders while they’re at it!!!!
43 minutes ago
Ad–I do agree with all you’re saying, but I hate to see the Dems become the new party of “here’s what we’re against” rather than “here’s what we’re for.”
43 minutes ago
43 minutes ago
glenn – Very glad to hear that CNN response. I do think it would be helpful if one of the victims would go on tv but they’re already being so attacked by RW assholes.
AdLib 40 minutes ago
PPO–I think Sanders’ influence on the party has been mostly good. He has pulled them more to the center, rather than less to the right of center, if that makes sense. The Dem party has been pulled to far to the right, IMO, and needs to get back to at least the center before we can go the left/progressive side. That is Bernie’s contribution; like any politician, though, he has let the influence of “self” outweigh what he’s really fighting for.
40 minutes ago
Ad–agreed. I would love to see one of them on TV. I’m sure every news outlet is vying for them to be on.
39 minutes ago
glenn – I don’t think it’s necessary for Dems to run with a single message aside from, “Put a check on Trump’s dictatorial power”. The party out of power naturally can run against the party in power in off year elections. Would be good but not necessary as this Tuesday proved. But for 2020, very important.
AdLib 37 minutes ago
Well, one thing the Dems will have, is plen ty of negative stuff to air, but they’ll have to be careful not to overload
36 minutes ago
Ad–see, we are in agreement. You are absolutely correct, we definitely have to put a check on trump’s dictatorial tendencies.
36 minutes ago
PPO–yup. They need to pick two or three of the biggest negatives (will be hard to choose, I know) and go with those over and over, just like repubs do to Dems.
35 minutes ago
Ad–you’re correct, the first thing Dems have to do is regain control of at least one of the chambers in Congress. Then we can work from there.
34 minutes ago
glenn – I liked Bernie but I don’t think 2020 will be his year. Still, the Dem primary will be better with him in it along with many other Progressives. I think we’ll have a very big slate of noms in 2020 and that is a god thing.
AdLib 33 minutes ago
Ad–I have a question for you. The other day lyin’ Ryan said that the House has passed ove 400 bills since trump has been in office. I’ve been trying to do some research on what they are, or if they are just bills the House has passed, and not the Senate. Do you have any further clarification on this?
32 minutes ago
Ad, I thought Bernie was a positive during the campaign but ever since it seems to me here that he has been white-anting (termites nibbling away in the dark!) the dems and can’t seem to get over the dissapointment
31 minutes ago
PPO – I think The Resistance will only become stronger after each election. We have to run against Trump because that is the most pressing issue for mst Americans. If his power isn’t checked, nothing else matters.
AdLib 31 minutes ago
Ad–I’m hoping 2020 is not Bernie’s year; as I say, I think he’s better suited to help bring the party further to the center/left. Who do you see as 2020 noms? Any predictions?
31 minutes ago
glenn – Will check, the House passes all kinds oof crazy bills but few also get passed in The Senate and even fewer ever get signed into law.
AdLib 30 minutes ago
True, Ad. glenn, the ‘bills’ are all normal day to day approvals for spending stuff, purchasing stuff and minor day to day workiings of Gov’t that need formal approval( rubber stamp stuff)
30 minutes ago
Ad–I know. That’s basically what I was asking. Ryan was just trying to cover his ass. It’s like saying, “I wrote a list of what I’m going to do, but just haven’t done it yet.” He was just trying to “show” how “productive” republicans are. What a jerk!
28 minutes ago
PPO – The problem in the Dem Party is the infestation of anger. The 2016 election is now a year old. Dems on both sides need to live in the present and quit battling over something that happened a year ago. I’ve seen Bernie and Hillary supporters frothing at the moouth against each other. What’s accomplished by this? Nothing. Both sides need to pull up their big boy and big girl pants and focus n ur mutual enemy, Trump and the GOP and defeating them.
AdLib 26 minutes ago
Saw this list of “up and coming” Dems a few weeks ago. Copied it into my notes on my computer, but didn’t put the source in. Joe Crowley, N.Y.; Hakeem Jeffries, N.Y.; Cheri Bustos, Ill. Bottom row, from left: Linda Sánchez, Calif.; Joe Kennedy, Mass.; Steny Hoyer, Md. The only ones I’ve ever heard of are Kennedy (of course) and Hoyer. What do you think of the list? Do you know any of them?
26 minutes ago
Could not agree more, Ad. Dems need to refocus forward. You can’t go anywhere looking in the rear view mirror, except backwards. Losing baggage will be a help as well.
25 minutes ago
glenn – Not sure actually, I wonder if we’ll see a fresh face lik Obama was, rise up in the primaries. I think Kristen Gilibrand might be someone like that.
AdLib 25 minutes ago
Ad–boy, you’ve got that right. Dems need to get their act together, beginning with the head of the DNC. He needs to start appearing on the Sunday shows and getting people fired up about voting against trump.
25 minutes ago
glenn – Exactly, Ryan and McConnell have failed to pass any major legislation so they make a big deal about the number of minor bills they’ve passed.
AdLib 24 minutes ago
Ad–yeah, it would be nice to see a fresh face like Obama.
23 minutes ago
Sorry, folks, gotta go its 3pm Sat here so shopping to do. Take care. BTW, I see KT of old on twitter. did we upset him here?? 

23 minutes ago
Have fun PPO. Hope to see you next week. Take care!
23 minutes ago
Those are mostly centrist and even center right Dems, not my cup of tea for the most part though I like Kennedy. Steny Hoyer??? Yuck! Pew!
AdLib 22 minutes ago
Ad–it would be nice to see another woman candidate for the Dem nom. She would a perfect foil for trump. But whoever it is, let’s hope s/he is strong and progressive.
21 minutes ago
Elizabeth Warren would be a toough opponent for Trump too.
AdLib 21 minutes ago
Ad–Alrighty, then. Your opinion means a lot to me.
21 minutes ago
So, do you think 2020 would be the time for Warren? Do you think she’d run? Are Dems still better off with her in the Senate?
20 minutes ago
Cheers glenn! Just my POV, I’m more Progressive and think a centrist would be a big mistake. The energy of the base is Proegressive and Progressives are more ambitious.
AdLib 19 minutes ago
I would love to see Warren debate trump. That would be awesome!
19 minutes ago
Ad–I’m with you on that, too. Dems need to stop being centrist, and start being progressive.
18 minutes ago
Okay, I’m done for the night. Take care, Ad, and hope to see you next week.
18 minutes ago
I do think Warren is running and though I’m a big fan of hers, I would be open to supporting other Dems too. I think having a big variety of candidates in the Dem primary will excite and enthuse all kinds of Dems and indies. Last year’s sort oof coronation of Hillary was a big mistake and spawned a very divisive split between her voters and Bernie voters. The more wide open it is, the less chance for division.
AdLib 17 minutes ago
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