Vox Populi begins tonight at 7:00pm PST! Hope to see you then!
AdLib 3 hours ago
The word of the week is Moron! How apt!
2 hours ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Ad
2 hours ago
Make Morons Great Again!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Morons Are Governing America
2 hours ago
The Moron the merrier!
AdLib 2 hours ago
This is gunna be flogged to death, believe me!
2 hours ago
Is Kelly still in, or out?
2 hours ago
In and out?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Well, what a week. Was anyone you know in LV and are they ok?
2 hours ago
No, no one I knew was in Vegas. How about you?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Thank goodness, no. Won’t do much for LV tourism
2 hours ago
Not at all! We actually have to head up there this month!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Business or slots?!
2 hours ago
Daughter’s softball tournament!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Important! Enjoy! grabbing a coffee brb
2 hours ago
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Evening, Ad. How is it going?
2 hours ago
Looks like I just missed PPO. Hope he’ll be back.
2 hours ago
Pretty good, how about you?
AdLib 2 hours ago
My kitchen is almost finished! Woo-hoo! Only one more coat of paint and finishing touches, and it’s done!
2 hours ago
Yep, he went to get a cup of coffee.
AdLib 2 hours ago
So I’m good!
2 hours ago
Congrats! That’s a big job!
AdLib 2 hours ago
What color?
AdLib 2 hours ago
It’s a pale lilac because my living room is a deeper purple. And, I didn’t do any of the work; so the only big thing I had to do was write the checks!
2 hours ago
That’s the best way to paint! Sounds very pretty!
AdLib 2 hours ago
So how about our Moron In Chief?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Yeah, I think so. Not for everyone, I’m sure, but it goes with the rest of my house, which is very different from most in my neighborhood.
2 hours ago
Remember when Obama had his SoS call him a moron? Oh yeah, he didn’t.
AdLib an hour ago
What can I say about the MIC? Remember when anyone in Obama’s cabinet called him a moron? Me neither.
an hour ago
My wife painted our front door purple, she saw photos of front doors like that in Europe and loved it. It looks great!
AdLib an hour ago
Once Mueller comes out with indictments of Trump, his family and campaign aides, watch the cockroaches scatter!
AdLib an hour ago
Hey Harleigh!
AdLib an hour ago
I sure hope Mueller is coming up with some good stuff. I sure wish he would hurry before our MIC gets us into a war. “You’ll see” is such a great diplomatic move, dontcha think?
an hour ago
Back! Hi glenn, Harleigh
an hour ago
Welcome back PPO!
AdLib an hour ago
Hey PPO, Harleigh.
an hour ago
I think our MIC is the storm before the disaster!
an hour ago
Are my ears deceiving me, or has the NRA actually advocated banning bump stocks ( after they’re all sold out, of course)?
an hour ago
And keeping people on edge about war is such a great strategy?
an hour ago
PPO–haven’t heard that about the NRA and bump stocks. And, of course, you know the Obama approved bump stocks, so it’s alright, dontcha know?
an hour ago
MIC loves to tease, bait and bluff the MSM, and the poor bastards keep biting
an hour ago
I’ve been thinking the same thing, glenn. I don’t want Mueller to endanger the cases against Trump and cronies but I want him to come out with them ASAP, before we’re in a nuke war with North Korea/Iran/Russia.
AdLib an hour ago
BRB, my browser is acting strangely, have to restart it. Will BRB!
AdLib an hour ago
an hour ago
Now, what mischief can we get up to while Ad’s away?!!
an hour ago
PPO–Yup, reality show host working the MSM. I’m waiting for the commercials and teasers. “What will he do? Will we have a war? A nuclear disaster? Or will Jared bring peace to the Middle East, while Rex wipes out North Korea? Stay tuned for next week’s episode of The Moron in the White House.”
an hour ago
Don’t ever put a bumpstock on a sex toy… I heard what it did to a friend…..
an hour ago
PPO–Can we pass out the martinis?
an hour ago
Harleigh–wow, you have some kinky friends!
an hour ago
glenn, it would almost be funny, if it weren’t for the fact that NK, China and Iran have no sense of humor about stuff like that.
an hour ago
I am just back from a meeting the Gun Club to which I belong…shoot me now!
an hour ago
Oh yeah Glenn
an hour ago
Too late, I’m back!
AdLib an hour ago
Harleigh, must have put it on backwards!
an hour ago
PPO–I don’t understand why those countries have no sense of humor, don’t they get how the MIC is just trying to MAGA?
an hour ago
Murph! No shooting allowed on VOX!
an hour ago
Oh Geez PPO… that may be it!
an hour ago
glenn, just think about diiplomacy, where every word is nuanced and all the players know what each other says and means. Not now, they don’t and so are always on edge. Bad for the World
an hour ago
glenn…left my guns at the door….
an hour ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib an hour ago
hiya Murph
an hour ago
Murph–glad to hear that. And, we don’t want to shoot you, anyway. How are you, my friend?
an hour ago
HOwdy to Ad, glenn, harleigh and ppo…….Anyone interested in what happened at the Gun Club Meeting? We are a sport/contest group and a hunting group.
an hour ago
let it rip murph
an hour ago
PPO–well, we all know trump doesn’t do nuance; not sure he even knows the word itself, much less what it means. And, considering he doesn’t know many words anyway, the world has no idea what to do with this moron. Of course, neither do we.
an hour ago
glenn – All should stop falling for Trump’s vague “teasers”, it’s all a game, to keep everyone talking aboout him, seeing him as powerful and dividing the country. If his lips are moving, he’s lying. That’s all we need to know.
AdLib an hour ago
Sure, Murph, I always like to hear what you have to say.
an hour ago
Harleigh – Very funny aboout bump stock and sex!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad, you have it in one.
an hour ago
Murph, I think I can safely assume that your gun club has little need of bump stocks?
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I know. I wish we could have one day where the media didn’t report on any of trump’s tweets, speeches, and no one showed up in the press room to listen to Huckabee.
an hour ago
I wanted to check as a lot of people are so angry right now that any conversation about guns enrages them. This was a scheduled meeting. Most of our meetings (once a month) are about scheduling contests, social events, and safety/training programs. We do not do gun sales, or display. We do not permit our members to buy or sell at the club.
an hour ago
I’m not into guns but if it acts like a machine gun…..
an hour ago
glenn, that would be bliss……sigh
an hour ago
Murph–conversations about guns don’t enrage me. Conversations that begin with “Now is not the time to talk about gun control” enrage me.
an hour ago
glenn – Amen! If the MSM woould just treat Trump and his cronies as propagandists, they should just report briefly on the latest attempt. But the MSM is making a fortune whipping up anger over Trump, they’ll never stop being accomplices.
AdLib an hour ago
Our average age is 55. There is a bar (that serves snacks too) and it is that bar that I usually refer to here.
an hour ago
Murph–sounds like your club is a lot like the way the NRA started out.
an hour ago
there were many heroes in LV. One saved many people while wounded in the neck himself. He is black. What’s the betting there won’t be any medals given to him?
an hour ago
We started our meeting as usual with the Pledge of Allegiance (we close with God Bless America). The minutes are read and then we are on to business. Tonight a post meeting discussion of the events in Las Vegas and their implications for gun law, gun ownership, and gun legislation. The discussion would take place in our meeting space with the understanding that there would be NO discussion in the bar at all tonight.
an hour ago
He probably wouldn’t go to the WH to get his medal!
an hour ago
Murph – I also think there are plenty of folks like me who don’t want to own a gun, that don’t have issues with reasonable people owning reasonable guns of a reasonable amount. That people want to own guns doesn’t upset me, that lunatics are obsessed with owning 40 guns and bump stocks and silencers does get me going though.
AdLib an hour ago
Sensible , Murph
an hour ago
So there was no discussion about the Vegas murders?
AdLib an hour ago
We had 35 or so at the meeting…a bit larger than usual but not a whole lot. Our membership is more than 100 with 20 who are always there with the remainder rotating through the membership. You have to attend two meetings a year (and we meet 15 times) or get a hefty fine.
an hour ago
Ad, I can’t get over the fact that the majority these guns and rifles and such are for sport, not hunting and who needs an AK47 to stop a burglar? So the USA is held hostage over big boys TOYS! Disgraceful
an hour ago
We need to be able to have rational conversations about what limits on gun ownership there should be. Noo one shoould have an automatic weapon or any weapon that acts like one. We should be able to start there. Then, we should discuss why assault weapons shoould or shouldn’t be outlawed. Debates are necessary instead of mindless paranoia and “slipper slope” lunacy.
AdLib an hour ago
Meeting started at 6:30 and our business was done by 7:15. There was a five minute break. I had to make a phone call so I got back at the end of the five minutes and the room had everyone who was at the meeting there. There was coffee, lemonade and cookies. We talked until 9 PM when we adjourned with a decision to close the bar then as well.
an hour ago
ost of the gunnuts I’ve met think they are protectin duhmurikkka ala Red Dawn. LOL
an hour ago
One-Fifth Of Australia’s Illegal Guns Taken Off Streets In Just Three Months under an amnesty. Why can’t the US do the same, or buyback?
an hour ago
that’s not many by US standards, but 51,000 ain’t bad
an hour ago
PPO – Those who are brainwashed with the NRA mania about guns can argue why all weapons should be lawful including tanks and bazookas. But you’re right, no civilian should be allowed to own military weapons of any kind. .
AdLib an hour ago
Ad, is it true that 75% of gun owners are NOT in the NRA? Why can’t they organize and overthrow that bunch?
an hour ago
The discussion was very frank. It was heated at times but still respectful. Every topic you can imagine was brought to fore. What was clear is that we, almost unanimously, expect our governments from local to national to serious address this issue in study, in open interchange, and with legislation. As a group we believe that they are shirking their duty because of the power of money (on both sides of the question but most heavily on pro-no gun legislation crowd.
an hour ago
PPO – Because the NRA has their thumb on Repub pols and they’re all afraid of being primaried so they happily block any and all actions that are contrary to people owning and buying tons of guns.
AdLib an hour ago
And only then are thir thoughts and prayers coming from their bloody lips. Riight
an hour ago
HAHAHA TnP… that’ll hep em boy howdy….
an hour ago
PPO–There have been a lot of posts about Australia’s gun amnesty program. I don’t think it would ever work in the US, though, because of the many people who believe the 2nd Amendment means we should be able to own any type of weapon and as many as we want. For, after all, we have to protect ourselves against the government. The same government that the righties have their panties in a wad over if an NFL player kneels to protest that government that the righties want to protect themselves from. Circular logic at its finest! Or, should I say a circular firing squad?
an hour ago
PPO – I think there are only 3 million people registered with the NRA, that’s less than 1% of the population and we know many more own guns. Also, here’s a stat, 3% of Americans own 50% of the guns in the country…that’s about 160 million guns owned by 9.6 million people!
AdLib an hour ago
What we ended up doing was asking 4 of our members to put together info, ideas, thoughts on the issues with info citations as a basis for our discussion. We are calling a special meeting for two weeks from tonight with plans to e mail our work to all members a week prior to the meeting.
an hour ago
Murph – Got it! Very smart! Defining the boundaries of a discussion/debate that can be explosive is very wise.
AdLib an hour ago
One final note…our club has very few middle aged members and hardly any young ones. Those groups say we are too tame, too old fashioned….too like the NRA used to be.
an hour ago
Murph, sounds like a logical and sober approach to a very difficult subject. Good for your members.
an hour ago
Murph–where are the members going to get their info?
an hour ago
Murph – Sad that being thoughtful is “tame” to them but that defines them as radicals.
AdLib an hour ago
I just wanted you all to know that there are some sane Missourians.
an hour ago
Info sources…..the group of 4 (and yeah, I am one of them) are going to meet on Sunday afternoon to define our work and that topic will be among the first.
an hour ago
Murph – You were already evidence of that! Smart people know not to generalize like that oor be hypocrites about generalizing.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–Just like the NRA used to be. Will we ever be able to discuss guns in a rational manner?
an hour ago
BTW, Dodgers now up 3-0 in the 1st!
AdLib an hour ago
Home run!
AdLib an hour ago
!st what?
an hour ago
1st Inning.
AdLib an hour ago
an hour ago
World Series playoffs!
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–I agree with Ad. We already knew there were some sane Missourians, you being among the finest.
an hour ago
Now? oh, OK Thought it happened at another time of the year.
an hour ago
Modest Missourian Murph!
an hour ago
When I raised my hand saying I would be part of the group…a bunch of folks yelled out: “Token Liberal….Yeah!” and laughed. Another guy yelled: “A well spoken token.” And then one of our gals chipped in with: “And spoken, and spoken, and spoken and spoken.” More laughter.
an hour ago
Ad–must admit I don’t follow baseball that much, how many more games in the playoffs? When does the World Series begin?
an hour ago
Murph – that’s funny!
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–sounds like they know you well! 

an hour ago

an hour ago
glenn – Best of 5 games in the playoffs, first team to win 3.
AdLib an hour ago
Thanks to all of you for your kind and supportive comments. Frankly I was all in for Newtown and devastated when nothing came of it…if the gunning down of little kids does not raise the pot to a full boil then we are lost….tonight was a surprise.
an hour ago
Ad–so the playoffs have just started, then…
an hour ago
All true. A number of members are part of the co-op.
an hour ago
sorry… fell asleep… later folks. Long day. Night
an hour ago
Night, Harleigh. Sleep well.
an hour ago
Sorry, Ad, some dumb stuff like Trump , PR and LV got in the way of the baseball!
an hour ago
Yeah they know me…..

an hour ago
‘night, Harleigh
an hour ago
glenn – Yes, tonight is Game 1 for the different playoffs. World Series follows directly shortly after those are over.
AdLib an hour ago
Nite harleigh
an hour ago
Murph–I know you’re proud to be the “token liberal” and will wear your mantle with pride!
an hour ago
Murph – I think the only way we get the kind of gun control we desperately need is either Dems run aggressively and bravely on it in a national campaign or more likely, a gun-sanity group is financed to rival the NRA and guarantee that those who support sensible gun control will get campaign funds matching anything the NRA spends against them.
AdLib an hour ago
The Token Has Spoken!
AdLib an hour ago
Token with a Toke!
an hour ago
Murph–what would you, as a responsible gun owner, like to see in the way of gun control?
an hour ago
Adlib, that’s a brilliant concept. Now, how can we spread that idea?
an hour ago
Ad-isn’t there already a group out there like that? Isn’t it called Moms Demand Action on Guns?
an hour ago
PPO – GoFundMe?
AdLib an hour ago
Actually, I think it’s just called Moms Demand Action. So, PPO, there is a group you can donate to.
an hour ago
Ad, one problem I see is that the NRA is a tool f the Gun Manufacturers, with unlimited funds to corrupt, bribe, out-advertise
an hour ago
I drove one of the guys home. His wife was at an auction with their truck and his other car has no lights! He is a big enthusiast who has a bunch of weapons including semi-autos, expanded magazines, and a lot of different ammo. He keeps it all carefully locked in a gun safe. His kids have picked up his interest. He did not say much until I was in his drive. His comment: “Murph, you know that XXXX (his wife) and I love to get away twice a year. We love it. We are carefree. We go to Vegas. Shit!” And then he got out and slammed the door.
an hour ago
glenn – They guarantee campaign funding rivaling the NRA?
AdLib an hour ago
Okay, just looked it up. The name is: Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.
an hour ago
OK, g, will look into it. BR B
an hour ago
PPO – There’s a finite amount of tv ad time, if both sides max out, nothing more NRA can do on that. And as Russia has shown us, doesn’t cost much to advertise on Facebook!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–their funding probably is nowhere near the NRA, but if more people begin to get the word out about the group, and more people contribute to them, it will be a start. Also, they need to do as much lobbying as the NRA does.
44 minutes ago
Glenn….track every weapon, every ammo sale. Gun registration, and gun user licensing. Limit on magazine size. Limit on total ammo held. No “combat” tech (in guns and in defensive gear), In other words, what I grew up with.
44 minutes ago
Ad–their website is momsdemandaction.org
43 minutes ago
glenn – They could be just the entity to provide that financing but it depends if they’re set up as a non-profit to do that. I don’t think they can.
AdLib 43 minutes ago
glenn – Yes, briefly checked on their site. They’re doing great work!
AdLib 42 minutes ago
Murph – How about Smart Guns and retrofitting current guns with that tech?
AdLib 41 minutes ago
Murph–sounds like some commonsense ideas. Why is it so difficult to get them into the national conversation? And, then, of course, what do we do about all those people who have “combat” tech guns and gear?
41 minutes ago
Smart guns are great….interesting that NRA opposes Print Based Tech to produce guns (we know who owns them)….
39 minutes ago
Ad–yes, I think so, too.
39 minutes ago
Ad–set up as a non-profit to do what? Lobbying? Are non-profits not allowed to lobby?
38 minutes ago
Murph – The reality is that most gun owners and non-gun owners agree on most of what you listed. I’ll tell you what prevents this. Gerrymandering. Take that away, if Reps have to appeal to a less monolithic constituency, they coouldn’t afford to be NRA pawns.
AdLib 37 minutes ago
Glenn….in the mid 1970’s as the number of guns being sold and the number of gun owners was declining year by year…gun manufacturers, whole salers, and retailers finance a coup in the NRA leading to its take over by their people and they (and the even more radical Gun Owners of America) have engineer a gun culture that hits on so many themes that they effectively strangle real debate.
37 minutes ago
Ad–to retrofit guns, we need to find out who owns those guns. Given the level of paranoia that the NRA has instilled into most gun owners (Murph excepted), how will ever get people to register their guns, let alone retrofit them?
37 minutes ago
glenn – I’m pretty sure that when you apply to be a non-profit, you can be limited on being politically involved and direct donations to campaigns may not be made.
AdLib 36 minutes ago
Ad…I agree. Let me add in Citizens United and the Lobbyist Culture.
36 minutes ago
Did you all catch the comment about my friend who I drove home? Because this shooting struck him at his heart…..there is a hint of movement.
35 minutes ago
Murph – Good point. But if we make gun owners register the ammunition they buy and it’s serial marked…
AdLib 35 minutes ago
Ad…how do we get to the point that we used to accept as the natural landscape.
34 minutes ago
Murph – But lobbyists can only be successful if pols won’t lose their seat for opposing their constituents. So get rid of gerrymandering and safe districts and opposing gun control is more widely suppoorted.
AdLib 34 minutes ago
Murph–that’s where we have to begin. We have to make gun owners “feel” gun control with their hearts. Right now, the NRA owns their hearts.
34 minutes ago
Ad….as with most things….chicken and egg….
33 minutes ago
Glenn….I agree…change begins in the gut and moves up to the mind.
33 minutes ago
Murph – Good question. The paradigm has to change. As long as there’s gerrymandering, SuperPacs with dark money and other lobbyists, nothing will really change. Those things have to change first.
AdLib 31 minutes ago
Sorry, folks, gotta get out and about shopping this afternoon, so cheerio for now. see you next week, and STAY SAFE
31 minutes ago
See you then, PPO!
AdLib 30 minutes ago
So Long PPO
30 minutes ago
Murph–I have seen a few people who have changed their minds about gun control because of Las Vegas. A country music singer by the name of Caleb Keeter who was singing at the LV concert, wrote an op-ed about how he has changed his mind. And, there was a conservative columnist who came out in favor of gun control. It’s happening slowly, but maybe the killing over 50 people and injuring over 500 finally made some see the light.
29 minutes ago
Murph – Were your gun club folks upset by LV? Did some share the RW meme that it’s the price of freedom?
AdLib 29 minutes ago
Ad…as you may recall I have a rifle for hunting (not semi-auto), a shotgun for protection, a handgun for sport shooting. All keep secure. Limited ammo. I do have a shrapnel vest. So I have a vested interest in this.
28 minutes ago
glenn – Yes, I read about them as well. It is meaningful and perhaps why Repubs, the NRA and Trump claim, “We’ll have to look at that.” It explodes their whole BS about how more guns are needed to keep Americans safe.
AdLib 27 minutes ago
Murph – Heh!
AdLib 27 minutes ago
Las Vegas is one of those iconic cities thats symbolizes freedom and care free fun. It appeals to a lot of folks who also love their guns. The dissonance created by the Mass Shooting is palpable.
27 minutes ago
Important bullet points, Murph.
AdLib 26 minutes ago
On the mark, Ad.
26 minutes ago
Ad–just as the NRA did, as you say, Dems have to keep up the commonsense reforms that could happen and keep pounding them home. I don’t know why Sandy Hook wasn’t the turning point, and LV is, but whatever is the turning point, I hope this is it.
25 minutes ago
Murph – Yes, Vegas is as “gun-ho” as any state. And again, this massacre destroys the main justification for not having gun control.
AdLib 25 minutes ago
Well, folks – a grand discussion……I will keep you all in the loop.
25 minutes ago
Alright, gents, time for me to call it a night. Take care, and Murph, good luck on your committee!
24 minutes ago
glenn – Again, I’d suggest Sandy Hook didn’t foorce gun control because Repubs in RW gerrymandered districts feel too scared to oppose the NRA and be primaried.
AdLib 24 minutes ago
AD and Glenn…I just remembered one comment tonight in the discussion. One of the guys cited the quote that “it takes good guys with guns to stop bad guys” and than asked when that was going to happen.
24 minutes ago
Take care Murph and glenn!
AdLib 24 minutes ago
Murph – Exactly. No “good guy with a gun” can stop a bad guy on the 32nd floor with an automatic weapon.
AdLib 23 minutes ago
How many gun owners in the crowd were firing up at the 32nd floor?
AdLib 23 minutes ago
One guy was interviewed who said he headed out from the concert venue intending to get his own gun and come back. A cop heard him say this and asked him how the police were to know he is a good guy. He suggested he stay home.
22 minutes ago
And if they did, how coould they ever hit the sniper? And wouldn’t they risk shooting through an innocent person’s window instead?
AdLib 22 minutes ago
In the middle of a shooting massacre, a “good guy with a gun” is still a stranger shooting a gun.
AdLib 21 minutes ago
Remember the theater shooting in colorado and how the police chief responded to the idea that had there been armed movie goers the shooter would have been taken out. His answer: “In a dark theater, with the noise of the film, and panic all about…..a lot more people would have been killed.”
20 minutes ago
When has any mass killer been stopped by “a good guy with a gun”? Of course it’s just BS.
AdLib 20 minutes ago
Ad….other B.S…..gun owner has stopped crimes….except for potential home invasion I see no evidence that this is so.
20 minutes ago
Murph – Great point! The crossfire woould have been horrible. If someone behind you is shooting a gun and you’re armed, what would you do? How wold you know who’s shooting whoo?
AdLib 19 minutes ago
Madness. On that note…good night to you….AND my continued encouragement that you cross post at Yabberz sometimes….you have a sharply focused wit and poignant insights and I would love others to be exposed to them….
17 minutes ago
Murph – I’m sure there are rare incidents where a store owner or someone with a gun stopped a robber but never has any “good guy” used a gun to stop a massacre. Because nothing can be done to avert the element of surprise.
AdLib 17 minutes ago
Night my friend. I will doo so, been preoccupied getting The Planet squared away on our new server!
AdLib 17 minutes ago
Ad…just so…that is vastly exaggerated……I admire your commitment to the Planet. I really do.
16 minutes ago
Good night.
16 minutes ago
Thanks Murph! Night!
AdLib 16 minutes ago
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