Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 11 hours ago
Hey Beatlex!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Ad! I will be back,quick trip to the store
2 hours ago
Okey doke!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hi glenn!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Ad, how are you tonight?
2 hours ago
Pretty good, how about you?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Pretty good, too. Looking forward to a visit from my sister, her son, and her granddaughter tomorrow. Then we’re going up to the GA mountains for a road trip!
2 hours ago
That sounds wonderful!
AdLib 2 hours ago
How cool!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Yup, looking forward to it.
2 hours ago
Had a recent trip to Colorado, loved being in the mountains!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Well, these mountains aren’t the Rockies, but they’re still beautiful. And cool…
2 hours ago
So, how low do you think trump can go?
2 hours ago
Hope to get to Georgia before too long and see them!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Really? You do have to let me know if you’re coming; maybe we could meet up somewhere for a lunch or coffee.
2 hours ago
Breaking news out tonight, that rich weasel who claimed to be working with Mike Flynn when trying to get Hillary emails in collusion with Russia…also claimed to be working with many Trump folks. Collusion looks real now!
AdLib 2 hours ago
I absolutely would contact you if I came, would be great to meet you in person and chat!
AdLib 2 hours ago
I’ve always been convinced that the collusion is real; just wasn’t sure how much trump actually knew about it, other than the financial part. I truly believe he keeps calling it fake news, because he truly believes he has done nothing wrong. He just borrowed some money from Russian banks, so what’s wrong with that? And, as many foxsocallednews pundits have pointed out recently, collusion with Russia isn’t so bad; it’s not illegal, right?
2 hours ago
That would be great, Ad.
2 hours ago
I’ve been trying to figure out why he was so desperate to keep Flynn from being investigated, what did Flynn know that could hurt Trump? This looks like what it was, he was working with this Peter Smyth character in colluding with Russians who hacked. This looks to be pretty big news!
AdLib 2 hours ago
I just wish Mueller would hurry and get this over with,one way or the other.Trump has to go.Things can go sideways in a minute.s
2 hours ago
Would be a lot of fun! Have heard so many great things about GA and Atlanta.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Maybe. I’m not getting my hopes up that it will come to anything. At least in Congress. It has to come from Mueller. And, you’re right; I wish he would put some speed into it. I’m guessing he’s trying to cross all his t’s and dot all his i’s so trump can’t weasel away, but as you say, the world isn’t standing still while our whiner in chief is screwing up any and all of our relationships with our allies.
2 hours ago
I don’t know too much about Atlanta venues, but am learning about the “countryside” outside of the city.
2 hours ago
The republicans have proven to be worse in charge than was thought.No scruples,I don’t think they are going to get away with it this time
2 hours ago
Beatlex, I think this conspiracy is so wide ranging and complicated, Mueller might need to continue into next year to check out everything. I mean treason, violation of election law, Trump’s potential criminal money laundering with Russians going back years, obstruction of justice, so much to investigate! But like you, I can’t wait until he drops this bomb on Trump and his cronies! In fact, maybe it’s best that it happens closer to the 2018 elections?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Beatlex–welcome back. Boy, ain’t that the truth about republicans having absolutely no scruples! Almost every time trump sinks to a new low, I think, “Can you imagine the outrage if PBO had said and done even 1/10th of the things trump has said and done?
2 hours ago
Ad,you are right,I just don’t know what will happen in the meantime,it will probably get real ugly
2 hours ago
Agreed glen, I think the Repubs in Congress will do their best to sabotage their investigations but Mueller won’t be stopped.
AdLib 2 hours ago
glenn – Really enjoyed CO and am now even more interested in countryside as well!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–I’m of two minds about all this coming out closer to the 2018 elections, because by that time, what will have republicans done to our health care system? It’s scary to think of the damage they can do between now and then.
2 hours ago
Canada turns 150 in scant hours.
2 hours ago
glenn and Beatlex – But how Trump is trashing the presidency just seems to make the 2020 election to replace him more of a slam dunk. Americans will want to, ironically, make the presidency great again.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hello glenn! I hate Trump,the worst person EVER to be President.It is truly scary
2 hours ago
Congrats to Canada. So, Beatlex, are Canadians as enamored of their prime minister as Americans seem to be? I get a lot of gushing reports about Trudeau on my FB page. Now, mind you, I think he’s an intelligent, good-looking guy. Just wondering if Canadians feel the same way.
2 hours ago
What kinds of celebrations are going on for the 150th?
2 hours ago
glen – I think the Repubs are already starting to run scared from messing with Healthcare and they will be hammered over the July 4th holiday. A poll came out today showing Repub Senators losing massively in 2018 if they pass a repeal of the ACA.
AdLib 2 hours ago
He is green glenn,but he has old pros helping him with policy
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Beatlex–I’m with you. I hate trump with every fiber of my being. I still cannot believe he is the president. He is a danger to our country, and as Ad says, has trashed the presidency. I just hope we can get him out of there with minimal damage to our country.
2 hours ago
Beatlex – Been istening to an internet radio station today celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday with songs from artists and about Canada. Congrats, we only love Canada more each day with each day of Trump. Millions of Americans might need to crash on Canada’s couch for the next 3 years!
AdLib 2 hours ago
And, so how most Canadians feel about his policies?
2 hours ago
….how do most Canadians….
2 hours ago
Trump’s being re-examined for asking Russia to hack Hillary’s email server, maybe he did so because it was on his mind as his people were trying to get them.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–you know, the repubs have been declared in “defeat” before, yet they manage to keep pulling out wins. If they don’t pass repeal this time, I don’t think they’re ever going to give up! I just wish Dems would come out with some clear, consistent plans to fix the parts of Obamacare that need fixing, so they have something concrete to offer, instead of just saying “no”. I’m really sick of the “no” game!
2 hours ago
Ad–that very well could be, because we know trump blurts out the last thing he’s been told. So maybe people were discussing Hillary’s emails, and that’s what was on his tiny little mind. The ironic thing is he can plead ignorance, and no one would think twice about it. IOW, everyone knows he’s ignorant.
2 hours ago
Great point glenn, Dems do have to accept that Repubs and plurocrats never give up, the war never ends, just battles within it. I do think that it’s different for The Senate than The House, Reps in the house have customized their districts to be so loyal to them they can do anything awful. But Senators have to win statewide elections and the massive backlash against Repeal and Replace is terrifying them now. As long as we can block this until the 2018 elections, we could see Dems take back one house of Congress and the threat is blocked.
AdLib an hour ago
glenn – Yes, that’s what some are saying now, that because Trump repeats what he heard last, maybe collaborating with Russia against Hillary was indeed what was being discussed just before that speech of his/
AdLib an hour ago
This is a house of cards that can’t help but collapse and the Mueller indictments will be the blow that truly knocks Trump down. And with it, all these Congressionals Repubs who have been supporting the traitor who has been giving aid and support to America’s enemies.
AdLib an hour ago
BTW, do you think a Repub will run against Trump in the 2020 primary? I think so, even if it is a lesser known Repub but I think someone representing the more establishment Repubs will challenge him to at least try and salvage a little of their party.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–It would be nice if Dems could take back one house of Congress, but once again, I have my doubts. Already, repubs are lying through their teeth about “cuts to Medicare”. So, you know the base will believe them, because they won’t actually lose their insurance, or have to pay higher premiums until after the 2018 elections. At least that’s my understanding. So, the repubs could keep lying, keep painting themselves as victims, and the base will eat it up. Just as the 2016 presidential election was the Dems to lose; so will the 2018 election be. And…given their performance in 2016, I am not optimistic about Dems actually taking back one house of Congress. They have to get a unified message, and as I said before, come up with a plan that makes sense to fix Obamacare, and keep on topic. Quit playing trump’s stupid insult/dominance games and put some policies out there! Not only do Dems have to put policies out, they have to educate people as to how these policies will benefit them (the people, not the party). A daunting task, I know, but one that would work if they just let trump hang himself, and go with positives.
an hour ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib an hour ago
Hey Murph, how are you?
an hour ago
Hello….sorry to have missed last week….I was was running a phone bank….never caught up as a result.
an hour ago
glenn – Actually, polls show that only 12% – 17% support repeal and replace. The Trump and Repub propaganda is falling on deaf ears. Even Trump supporters aren’t buying it, they remember Trump’s promises to end the ACA and they’re scared.
AdLib an hour ago
No worries Murph, nice to have you here tonight. How did the phone bank go?
AdLib an hour ago
Beatle…just saw you…..howdy! And howdy to Glenn and Ad LIb.
an hour ago
Ad–Yeah, I agree. I think trump will be challenged by a primary opponent. And, if he/she is a rational human being, there is a good chance that repubs could keep the presidency, especially if they keep both houses of Congress in 2018. If trump doesn’t overcome the primary challenger, and that person wins the repub nomination, then repubs have an excellent chance of keeping the presidency, IMO.
an hour ago
glenn – I agree completely with you. It’s not enough for Dems to just point at Trump, it is EASY for them to spend their time crafting fixes they’d propose to the ACA and honing a truly populist message and agenda to help working people. As Reubs won back Congress under Clinton in an off year with The Contract With America, Dems should commit to an agenda to help all Americans and be specific.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I know what the polls show, but that didn’t stop the House from passing their bill with approximately the same approval rating. I realize it’s different for Senators as they have to be elected statewide, but we’ve become so tribalized that I don’t think it will stop people from voting “R” just because…
an hour ago
Ad…..we were talking to constituents in my Congressional District, which means mostly GOP with a lot of zealots……25 of us….mostly navigators or close to it….doing conversations with folks about the nuts and bolts of the medical insurance coverage they now have and what the GOP plans call for…..we had the ability to send them documents and to forward their names to a “More Info Please” list for after action conversation. We wanted to get a feel for what people knew, what they wanted to know and where they were totally off.
an hour ago
glenn – I don’t think it would happen like that. The majority of the Repub base is extremist, they blindly support Trump. An opponent would be great for damaging Trump, which is likely what that would be about, getting him out of office. But the Repub base won’t support an opponent to Trump. So the Dem will be an overwhelming alternative for most everyone else.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–what an excellent plan! What were your findings/results as to what people know and don’t know?
an hour ago
glenn – People are hard to move out of their political tribalism…but threaten to take away their and their family’s healthcare? That’s a very different story!
AdLib an hour ago
Happy facelifts every body!
an hour ago
Glenn…a simple question but a really complex answer. We have tons of data and it is still being analyzed. When I have a good synopsis I will bass it on.
an hour ago
Murph – Very cool! Did many have a general concern already that they would end up in a worse situation on healthcare with repeal and replace?
AdLib an hour ago
Ad, we have so much data and its being crunched by experts in this…when I get the results I will pass them on.
an hour ago
I think the groups is going to be used again outside our district…we may be a model for wider use.
an hour ago
Ad–not so sure that the repub base won’t support an opponent to trump. I think it would give them an excellent excuse to dump trump and still vote for someone with an “R” attached to his/her name. Granted, trump’s base is extreme, but I don’t think he has quite as much rabid support as he did five months ago. Don’t forget, the moderates and independents who voted for trump did so because they didn’t want to vote for Hillary, or any Dem. So, I think, once again, if they are given a choice to get rid of trump and still vote “r”, they’ll do it.
an hour ago
My job on the bank was to keep it working…..I did not make calls…next time I will.
an hour ago
Sounds good, Murph! Looking forward to hearing about it!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad..another image from “Brazil”
an hour ago
Reading back here. Murph, YOu’re doing a grand job, Keep it up.
an hour ago
Murph–That is important data and the analysis should be very interesting.
an hour ago
PPO….thank you so much….it took a lot to put it together…a fine team…we will likely be doing it again.
an hour ago
Hey PPO–how are you?
an hour ago
How many of us think that the GOP is going to end up working with Dems to fix ACA and then rename it. Obama gave the idea his blessing months ago.
an hour ago
OMG–trump has had a face lift and he still looks like that? Time to sue the surgeon! 

an hour ago
glenn – The GOP has shed much of the “moderate” members who are now indies. The base is extremist, they love Trump and hate moderates and estabishment. Nothing can change their minds, they will assure Trump’s nomination…unless he’s indicted/impeached by then. Even so, that might make them even more wild about getting him re-nominated.
AdLib an hour ago
hi glenn doing OK as well as can be expected.
an hour ago
Murph – You caught it! Yep, don’t know why a dystopian society came to mind!
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–oh yeah, I think they’re going to have to go there. I predicted this last year, remember. And, how wonderful is our former president to work for the good of the country, rather than complain that his signature legislation is being changed? Still one classy guy, IMO.
an hour ago
Ad….you and I share a fascination with that film…which feels creepily current does it not.
an hour ago
CAn the US survive as it is for 3 more years of the same crap?
an hour ago
Ad–isn’t it great that we live in such interesting times? I agree with you about one thing; trump’s extreme base will be wild if trump doesn’t get re-nominated. That would be a joy to see.
an hour ago
Class personified
an hour ago
Murph – I think there will be a real effort by many Repubs fearing 2018 to work with Dems on repairing the ACA but Trump will spitefully stand against it. Still, the effort at bipartisanship on actually helping Americans would garner a lot of popularity for all involved. And Trump hating Repubs could see it as killing two birds with one stone…one of those birds being an Orange Helmet Cuckoo.
AdLib an hour ago
Glenn…I do recall your prophetic stance.
an hour ago
PPO–My uncle used to say, “I’m in pretty good shape for the shape I’m in.” LOL!
an hour ago
Ad…I begin to see your scenario as more and more likely as Trump because less and less tolerable.
an hour ago
Murph – Yes, it’s kind of fascinating to see how some films about dystopian futures seem to cycle around and become prescient again and again.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad….that it is.
an hour ago
glenn – We thought Trump would tear the GOP apart and it kind of has. But Trump losing the nom in 2020? The GOP would go up in flames!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad, look out for ‘The Manchurian CAndidate!
an hour ago
We have been seeing more hate crimes in Canada in the last 6 months.Trump is a world wide danger
an hour ago
As you all may recall my field of academic study was/is political history with a focus on constitutional structures. I regard the current admin as another example of how badly the American System is designed and how poorly it functions. The awfulness of this current admin is simply amplifying what is always there.
an hour ago
Murph and Ad–My granddaughter, who will be a freshman in high school in August, has had to read Fahrenheit 450 over the summer. I was asking her about it today, and she was fascinated by the premise in the book that books were dangerous. She doesn’t take to science fiction much; she’s more a math gal, but she did get it that if we take books away, then we take away critical thinking.
an hour ago
glenn – There’s also, “I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in.”
AdLib an hour ago

an hour ago
Ad–Oh, how I would love to see the GOP go up in flames! It’s about damn time!
an hour ago
Glenn…your grand daughter is edgy….she reads and she understands what she is reading. A rare gem is she.
an hour ago
Murph – I do think that Trump will be primaried but do you think a challenger could beat him?
AdLib an hour ago
Murph,you have hit the nail on the head! It has proved to be a faulty idea that is easily gamed by a determined foe
an hour ago
Murph–certainly trump has brought out all of the imperfections in our system, but hasn’t it worked pretty well up until then?
an hour ago
Ad…the entire structure favors the incumbent…so, barring an impeachment and trial, and/or a flood of indictments…..very hard to see that happening.
an hour ago
Beatlex – That is terrible to hear. Trump is a cancer that needs to be removed in 2020…and treated in the meantime like the illness he is.
AdLib an hour ago
an hour ago
Beatlex–It’s scary that trump is exporting his hate-filled agenda. I see stories of hate crimes happening in Canada, and it makes me so sad!
an hour ago
Ad,can we wait that long? It is unravelling already
an hour ago
Glenn….the system has collapsed several times…the Civil War and the Great Depression are two such periods. but we have come close many other times.
an hour ago
glenn,it has always been here,but leaders like Trump embolden them
an hour ago
Murph – I think The Founders tried to be cautious but they couldn’t forsee the monsters like Trump and the power hungry/greedy GOP willing to destroy the nation in the pursuit of an agenda that goes against the welfare of the nation.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–I think it’s enough that trump might face a primary challenger. Can the party allow that to happen, or will trump automatically be the nominee, assuming he is still in office? And, here’s another scenario. If trump is impeached and out of office, would pence face a primary challenger?
an hour ago
Murph – I agree, I think that what we’ll see in 2020 is a terribly damaged, vicious and paranoid Trump emerging from a primary that drives him to become even more unhinged then a Trump-Exhausted public happily votes against him.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–yes, the system has collapsed several times, but we have always managed to “right the ship”. Do you think that is NOT possible now?
an hour ago
It is my belief that the American constitution is out of date.Sure,at the time there was a real fear of invasion,thus the right to bear arms.Etc. Is there a hope of a constitutional conference/ Is there a mechanism for that?
an hour ago
Beatlex – We just need to make it until November 2018, a year and change, and turn a house of Congress Dem. Then Trump is blocked and ivestigated until 2020.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad…the Founders launched a system that was little more than a skeleton in a framework that made filling out that skeleton very difficult to do and even more difficult to change once done.They also diverged from the far more flexible Parliamentary System where there were not fixed terms of office and where the executive was chosen from and operated within the legislative. The federal/state split was also inherently unstable. The BIG FIX was supposed to be regular Constitutional Conventions…how have they gone?
an hour ago
Ad–It’s scary to me that trump will become even more vicious and paranoid if he faces a primary challenger, but he definitely will become more so.
an hour ago
Murph–so are you answering Beatlex’s question in the positive….that we do need another Constitutional Convention?
an hour ago
glenn – One thing Repubs will never do is impeach their own President so Trump will absolutely run in the 2020 primary for re-election and probably win. But he will be so damaged by a challenger, a Repub jumping on the opportunity like Evan McMullen.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–so even if Mueller comes up with evidence sufficient to impeach trump, you don’t think repubs will do so?
an hour ago
Beatlex – I agree, The Constitution really needs to be fixed to protect our democracy but unfortunately, the ones who really want to open it up for change are The Kochs and other plutocrats who want to strip the many of rights and give them all to the few. So a Constitutional Convention would open the door to some horrible things being done to our Constitution.
AdLib an hour ago
Did you see where a State told Trump to go jump in the Gulf while refusing to release voter data? A RED state at that!
an hour ago
Ad,but would it stand? Anything they try to change to favor them won’t fly,I would hope
an hour ago
glenn – No, I think Repubs will bite their tongues, maybe even agree Trump did wrong but claim impeachment would be a terrible and traumatic event for the country and instead just recommend that Americans use the 2020 election to decide for themselves. Reubs are too authoritarian to remove their own President…even if he was on video shooting someone on 5th Avenue.
AdLib 44 minutes ago
Glenn…we have been lucky so far….but the Civil War could well have shattered the nation, as could the Great Depression.
43 minutes ago
Murph–I think one of the great points you make in your answer is that in the parliamentary system, the head of government is chosen from within the legislature. That has a good and bad side. The good side is that the chief executive has experience; the bad side is that the chief executive has experience. The president we now have certainly is a great example of why we need to elect someone with legislative experience.
43 minutes ago
PPO – Yes, it was MS! And about half of the states have said the same to him already…even Kobach won’t submit to his own commission!
AdLib 42 minutes ago
But on the other hand, someone with a lot of legislative experience, is also vulnerable to being accused of “playing politics” and many of the things that proved too great for Hillary to overcome.
42 minutes ago
The idea of a convention was never a good one……incremental change works best.
41 minutes ago
Until Trump was elected,the worst President of modern times was GWB.Trump makes George look like Ike! “sad”
41 minutes ago
Glenn…and existing within the legislative, the executive can not duck and cover, hide and shift as our seperated sysem does.
41 minutes ago
Beatle…Trump is record setting in all the worst ways.
40 minutes ago
Beatlex – The plutocrats own the GOP, they could get a vote on changing the Constitution theoretically. Right now, studies have shown that our national government is completely disconnected from what most Americans want. They could do this, better not to take the chance.
AdLib 40 minutes ago
So how badly is Trump damaged if Repeal and Replace dies?
AdLib 40 minutes ago
Gentlemen, I hate to leave when the conversation is getting good, but it’s getting late here, and I need to rise early in the morning. Take care my friends, and have a safe and happy 4th! And to our Canadian friend, Happy 150th Birthday! You don’t look a day over 100!
40 minutes ago
The subject of actually changing the constitution is “Yuge”! But really it would take a big setback to unite Americans in the debate
39 minutes ago
Murph–good point about the dodging and weaving!
39 minutes ago
Take care glenn!
AdLib 39 minutes ago
Good night, gents!
39 minutes ago
By glenn! Happy 4th!
39 minutes ago
Nite Glenn…I will be leaving soon as well…..I have a lot of farm work to catch up on.
38 minutes ago
Beatlex – Or a Trump Presidency! I’d love to see an amendment requiring presidential nominees to release their tax returns for the past decade.
AdLib 38 minutes ago
I worry thatthe wrong kind of people are now seeking election. These neophytes haven’t a basic clue about how the gears of government mesh. And then they put a simpleton in a boss! Spare me!
37 minutes ago
Yeah Ad,how long does an audit take?
37 minutes ago
Trump is just winning so much!
AdLib 37 minutes ago
Ad….the immunity the president has from the most ordinary provisions of the law is fucking insane…truly
37 minutes ago
Beatlex – Not long enough for Trump to avoid the results!
AdLib 37 minutes ago
PPO – There was the era of the Know Nothings, this kind of thing has happened before but just not had as much temporary success.
AdLib 36 minutes ago
I was at my favorite, and only, bar earlier tonight and heard neighbors laughing at the Joe/Mika story….another neighbor asked them if they would want their wives and daughters treated that way. The response….our folks aren’t liberal sluts. I, and a few others got up and left.
35 minutes ago
Murph – It is crazy that a president could commit any crime and the worst possible punishment is that he could be removed from office.
AdLib 35 minutes ago
Murph – It’s getting to be a trump Monarchy – all the courtiers protecting him from the peasants. Proclamations from behind a band of protection. Immunity to anything real! THis needs to be stopped.
34 minutes ago
Ad…yep….And as our current dilemma shows….no matter how awful, it is so hard to remove the one in office that it makes a mockery of justice.
33 minutes ago
Murph – I overheard a rural Repub type today badmouthing CA and to do so, he said “In CA, it’s not what you can do for your country, it’s what your country can do for you! I’ll be glad to move out of there!” His ignorance of what that JFK quote means is astonishing.
AdLib 33 minutes ago
PPO….your image is a horrifying and compelling one.
33 minutes ago
Ad….stupid as a patriotic virtue.
32 minutes ago
PPO – Thankfully, Trump really doesn’t have the levers of power to stop the press, the protests and the majority of Americans opposing him. Not that he and his cronies aren’t trying.
AdLib 32 minutes ago
So is Trump going to hand Putin all kinds of “wins” when he meets with him?
AdLib 31 minutes ago
Ad, isn’t it utterly pathetic and worrying that the only brake to Trumps hegemony is the Media, and not the Congress? Terrifying!
30 minutes ago
Is the House going to pass that bill adding sanctions on Russia and Iran and that prevent Trump from unilaterally removing sanctions on Russia or fold to Trump?
AdLib 30 minutes ago
Ad….I think the WH Press Corps is moving toward only broadcasting televised briefings. If they are audio only they will do the excerpts they choose. If they are no recordings…they will sed a representative pool.
29 minutes ago
PPO – It’s very sad that we don’t have divided government when we need it most! But The Founders did imagine this could happen and created the 1st Amendment to protect the press as the unofficial 4th Branch of government.
AdLib 29 minutes ago
The House bill then goes to the Senate and is then signed by who?
28 minutes ago
I have any embryo of an idea as to why America ended up here.The R’s rabid opposition to the first Black President gave permission to those harboring rabid ideas to gain a foot hold.Ergo Trump Any thoughts?
28 minutes ago
Murph – I know it’s a tough decision for the press to not pass along information to the public but they do need to leverage coverage with Trump to force him back to at least a shred more transparency.
AdLib 27 minutes ago
Beat, you have it in one. Add Congress’ decision to block each and every Obama initiative, ad hominem attacks on He and his family opened every closeted redneck racist in the country
26 minutes ago
Murph – The Senate passed the Russia/Iran sanctions with over 90 votes, a veto-overriding number. They don’t need Trump to sign it. Now we have to see what The House does.
AdLib 26 minutes ago
Beatle….your read on Obama’s place in all of this strikes me as very much to the point.
26 minutes ago
Thanks Oz,just trying to make sense of this stuff
25 minutes ago
Ad…Trump must sign it. He can veto it or pocket it. Then the Senate must over-ride…a direct rebuke. Will they?
25 minutes ago
Ad….I think many in the press believe they are being used to pass on fake news….yep, I said it….and they are less and less willing to do so.
24 minutes ago
Beatlex – I think it is all down to race and white supremecy. We got here because of The Civil War, The Civil Rights Act and Obama winning the Presidency. Rural white Americans have been crushed by automation and globalization and they have been whipped up to blame other races for their suffering. Along with the racism many harbor of course.
AdLib 24 minutes ago
Ad…good synopsis.
23 minutes ago
Trump WILL fall out of favor with the congress,sooner rather than later IMO.There iIS there there with Russia,and financial crimes.They will dump him in a nano second when he becomes a liability
22 minutes ago
Beatle….consider how long Nixon was able to hold off the inevitable…
22 minutes ago
Murph – If Trump vetoes it, The Senate will override him. Just don’t know what The House will do.
AdLib 21 minutes ago
Murph – About time the press realized they’re being used to broadcast propaganda.
AdLib 21 minutes ago
Ryan and McConell are ghouls of the first order.They will do anything to satisfy their overlords.The rich
20 minutes ago
Ad…so the Senate will be forced to publicly rebuke Trump. Will they do it?
20 minutes ago
Murph,different time,24 hour cycle now
20 minutes ago
Ad…agreed that the press have been played.
20 minutes ago
Thanks Murph, not complete but a thumbnail of how race has driven us to Trump.
AdLib 19 minutes ago
Beatlex – I do think it will become okay more and more for Repubs to oppose and criticize Trump…as the 2018 elections approach and Trump’s approvals nosedive.
AdLib 18 minutes ago
Beatlex – Sad but so true, Ryan and McConnell have no bottom too low to go.
AdLib 17 minutes ago
Well on these hopeful notes I retire to my bed of pain! See you all next week.
17 minutes ago
Yes Ad.There are already sories that people see him as weak
17 minutes ago
Murph – I think the 97-3 vote for the sanctions is a statement that they will go against any veto.
AdLib 17 minutes ago
Beatlex – And it can only get worse for Trump. He’s a disgusting and hateful man.
AdLib 16 minutes ago
See you then, Murph! Keep us updated on the results of the phone bank!
AdLib 16 minutes ago
Ad- if that happens then the tide will be turning….
16 minutes ago
Sorry Lads and lassies, got to go – mid winter supercharged stew to do! Sayonara
15 minutes ago
15 minutes ago
Murph – It is already happening, see the universal condemnation of Trump over the Joe and Mika attack/
AdLib 15 minutes ago
Seeya PPO!
AdLib 15 minutes ago
By oz
15 minutes ago
Well, looks like time to close the Vox bar! Take care Beatlex! See you next Friday! Happy Canada Birthday!
AdLib 14 minutes ago
Happy 4 Ad!
10 minutes ago
AdLib 9 minutes ago
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