Vox Populi, our live weekly chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 5 hours ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 3 hours ago
hey Ad! back soon for the mayhem!
3 hours ago
Seeya then!
AdLib 3 hours ago

3 hours ago
I wish I’d said this: Trump taking credit for Obama’s economy is like someone inheriting millions from his dad and bragging about what a smart businessman he is.
3 hours ago
Evening, Ad and g’day, PPO.
3 hours ago
hi, glenn. How are you this warm afternoon?!
3 hours ago
PPO–not to mention that the unemployment numbers are “real” now, they were “phony” when PBO was in office. Of course, nothing has changed about the computation of those numbers; just our so-called president now saying they’re “real”. SMH!
2 hours ago
Doing well, PPO. How about you?
2 hours ago
fine at present, glenn. usual aches and pains, like all old fogeys!
2 hours ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Reports here that SCROTUS will be asking Merckel how to handle Russia when she visits soon!
2 hours ago
Well, yeah, we old fogeys all have aches and pains….but any day above ground is a good one, eh?
2 hours ago
glenn, yup, seeing the flowers from above is good
2 hours ago
PPO–Yeah, I saw that too about Merkel. Guess the press will now gush all over him about how “presidential” he is being. 

2 hours ago
Unless you’re Trump, then everything hurts, especially sunlight.
AdLib 2 hours ago
abrogating USA’s position as#1 country
2 hours ago
Ad–how are you? What do you think about those now “real” job numbers?
2 hours ago
Trump has a great PR team promoting him and the Merkel trip is just that but as soon as he gets on Twitter, he blows it all up.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–he may ask Merkel what she thinks; doesn’t mean he will agree with it, right?
2 hours ago
Doing well, glenn! What real joob numbers, I thought there was 70% unemployment and the numbers are all cooked?
AdLib 2 hours ago
glenn, I thought that His Nibs knew already the best way to do deals with Russia. Yet another lie, from the looks of it
2 hours ago
Merkel is in the midst of an election, wonder if she thinks this will help her? I thought she was smart.
AdLib 2 hours ago
C’mon, Ad, get with the program! Today Seanie told the press that the numbers before were phony, but February’s are real. Did you miss that? So, the great orange one speaks, and everything is fixed!
2 hours ago
agree, Ad. She doesn’t have to show who is the stronger leader.
2 hours ago
PPO–He does know the best way; he’s just asking Merkel to be “inclusive”, dontcha know?
2 hours ago
When Flynn was campaigning with Trump to put “America first,” he was also being paid $500k to put Turkey first
2 hours ago
Ad–thinks what will help her? Meeting with our so-called president? Or giving him advice? From what I read, it’s just the orange one’s PR team putting forth some nonsense, as usual. Don’t think Merkel has responded in any way.
2 hours ago
How do they think anyone outside of his base is buying all their lies? He can’t win re-electioon with just his base or can Repubs win in 2018 that way.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–no, no, Flynn wasn’t putting Turkey first; he was just using that as a backup.
2 hours ago
PPO – We really dodged a bullet having Flynn fired, he is sick and twisted. And hopefully, Dems win back one of the houses of Congress next year and hold a real investigation of all the traitors and croks around and including Trump.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Here’s hoping, Ad.
2 hours ago
glenn – But Merkel’s agreed to meet with him so she wants this meeting too. Maybe trying to undercut the rival populists?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–I don’t think there’s a lot of thinking involved. It’s just gut reaction, and the “art of the deal.” I read recently that in his book, he actually said that you have to inflate/exaggerate the bad, so that when the deal is done, you come out looking like a winner. It’s all about perception; facts have nothing to do with it. So, what’s a little lying between “friends”?
2 hours ago
PPO – Yep, that’s Ryan all over. He sure seems a lot dumber than he’s been touted. This plan sucks and if he got his wish and passed it, Repubs would be despised by all those who have been voting for them.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–in Merkel’s defense, she’s kind of damned if she does, and damned if she doesn’t. If she refuses to meet with the president of one of Germany’s allies, she would probably get creamed by her opponents. Then again, she’s likely to get creamed by her supporters by having the meeting. Do you know who initiated the meeting…her or him?
2 hours ago
glenn – Flynn is angry at the US for firing him and happily prostituted himself to dictators who despise democracy as much as he does.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–but Flynn was taking money from Turkey BEFORE he was fired. He was working for them during the election; he filed papers “retroactively.”
2 hours ago
Hey, have you seen Roger Stone’s admission he spoke with the DNC hacker? Why’s he not in jail?
2 hours ago
glenn – But it’s become a cancer in Trump’s brain, he NEEDS to constantly lie to manipulate and shape everything to fit what he wants. It’s not just aboout “the deal” anymore, it’s pathological and serves his narcissism neurosis.
AdLib 2 hours ago
The miasma of stench from the WH gets ever stronger
2 hours ago
glenn – Don’t knoow who initiated the meeting, could be either of them. Trump’s people could do it to try and distract from the Russia mess and make him look “presidential” and Merkel is being hammered by anti-immigrant populists so maybe she sees Trump helping her with thoose voters.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Harleigh!
AdLib 2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Ad–I’m not so sure that repubs will be despised if ryan’s plan passes. The orange one (I just cannot call him the president) is going to hold rallies to drum up support for trumpcare. And, if the plan doesn’t pass, or even if it does, they’re going to blame it on the Dems. They say that Obamacare will fail, (and, of course, they’ll pass legislation to make sure it does fail), and so then Dems didn’t help to get trumpcare passed, AND Dems are the ones who wouldn’t “fix” Obamacare. The pubs have their strategy of blaming someone else already in place.
2 hours ago
hey floks!
2 hours ago
folks… lol
2 hours ago
What about us Floks?
2 hours ago
glenn – Filing papers retroactively is like slowing down after you’ve been caught on camera driving 100 mph. He broke the law, nw who’s going to enforce it? The “Law and Order” President? I doubt it.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Harleigh–I kinda like being a “flok”. We are the POV “flok”. How are you?
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Folks flok!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–I doubt it, too. And, we certainly can’t depend on Congress to do anything. Republicans rule, and don’t you forget it!
2 hours ago
Doing ok, made it thru another week without having to neutralize anyone.
2 hours ago
H, don’t know if you sound happy or sad!
2 hours ago
glenn – But Trump has so ruined his credibility that he only appeals to the minority of voters who elected him. If Trumpcare fails, Trump fails. He can try and blame Dems but as Colbert said, that’s like a fireman letting a house burn down then trying to blame it all on the space heater. Trump’s in charge and if anything falls apart on his watch, it’s his fault foor not finding a solution that would work.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Little Jeffie Sessions will suddenly shock the whole fucking world and start charging… these… shit…. never mind… that was a acid flash.
2 hours ago
glenn – They rule right nwo but Dems coould get one of the two houses back next year, it’s not that far away. Benghazi was investigated many years afterwards, the Trump mob can be investigated after 2018 just the same.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Harleigh – Is that like “terminating”?
AdLib 2 hours ago
yep muhahaha
2 hours ago
Ad–well they’ll just keep changing the goalposts with trumpcare. After all, the new repub line is that this isn’t about insurance; it’s about government intervention in our private lives, or some such nonsense like that. Plus, poor people can still go to the ER, and they don’t need insurance anyway. Those are just some of the excuses I’ve heard so far. So, if trumpcare passes, and I really think it will, despite all the supposed opposition from repubs, it will be deemed a success. One, because it passed, and two, because repubs passed it.
2 hours ago
Don’t forget, there is a lot of secret info the intel community has been sitting on, we’ve just seen the tip of the iceberg. Sessions, Pence, Trump, etc. could go down big time if Repubs are pressured by more leaks to bring on an independent prosecutor. And if Trump loses on Trumpcare and his budget, they won’t be as afraid of turning on him (and trying to rescue themselves from losses in 201

AdLib 2 hours ago
CBO says it will kill 10’s of thousands of lives and cost more for less but they are still calculating and that takes tons of work.
2 hours ago
Ad–here’s hoping Dems can get voted in. After this past presidential election, I’m not very hopeful. And, not so sure how the Dem ground game is going, either, despite the new DNC chair. I live in the 6th district in GA (Price’s district), and I haven’t seen anything from the Dems yet. And the election is April 18th, I think.
2 hours ago
glenn – Yes, if Trumpcare passed it would be a short term win but as Medicaid is slashed and the healthcare system spirals downward, it would be a midterm and long term nightmare for Repubs.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–here’s hoping the intell community lets out that information at the right time. Would that be part of PBO’s “shadow government”?
2 hours ago
getting dems to run especially in the gerrymandered red states is a challenge unless the rural whites and blue collar see what is happening.
2 hours ago
Harleigh – I think the CBO Report will help in a big way to block Trumpcare from passing. Repubs in purple and blue states will recognize that the campaign against them will be easy, they voted to take away healthcare from 15 million people. You can’t spin that one.
AdLib 2 hours ago
glenn, great ‘Shadow Coup’ that Pres. Obama perpetrated. So shadow, you can’t see it at all. Of course it is still all Obama’s fault!
2 hours ago
Ad–not only a nightmare for repubs, but for the poor people of the US. I still don’t have as much hope as you do that it will translate into votes for Dems, though.
2 hours ago
glenn – Actually, the DNC is involved in that GA race and the Dem has over $1 MM thanks to them and moreso, Daily Kos rallying donations to him.
AdLib 2 hours ago
true AD… a fellow DEM in OK just got elected by those people. I was fucking speechless. oklahoma!!?
2 hours ago
Harleigh–I agree. I’ve lived in GA for almost six years now, and voted in every election that has been held. There are some races that don’t even have a Dem running; the only people running are repubs. That’s what I mean about the Dems getting their ground game going. They don’t seem to be nurturing candidates to run against the repubs.
2 hours ago
And Dems have been getting much higher percentages and wins in the few small races that have taken place since Trump won. The momentum is clearly on our side, just ask those in Indivisible and The Women’s March.
AdLib 2 hours ago
glenn – Yep, the IC keeps leaking because they can’t allow Trump’s treason to go on like this. It’s what they’re dedicated to.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–I know that Ossoff has a lot of money. But it’s mostly from Daily KOS readers, not the Dems. Anyway, you have to give me a boost now and then; I’m just not hopeful about Dems in GA.
2 hours ago
Sorry, ad, what’s the IC?
2 hours ago
Well DOLT45 did have a few million invisible ninjas the lirul media didn’t report on and all those women just showed up a day late right?
2 hours ago
Ad–I’m hoping that you’re right, and I’m being a “nabob of negativity”. Just bear with me, and keep giving me hope.
2 hours ago
never give up glenn. ever.
2 hours ago
Harleigh, I am hearing that there is a loot of growth in thse seeking to run against Repubs across the country. People are energized and each thing Trump does only energizes them mroe. 2018 is positioned for Dems to win big but it will take smarts, coordination, money and dedication to realize that.
AdLib 2 hours ago
glenn – It already is translating in votes. In CT, in VA, we are winning stronger than in 2016.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad–according to Robert Reich, trump has already committed four impeachable offenses. Once again, my negativity about Congress comes to bear. It seems that trump can do anything he wants, and Congress will not impeach him. Don’t know if the tide will turn, but right now, it doesn’t seem so. Hopefully, when we get closer to the 2018 elections, and repubs have to save their skins, we may see some movement towards impeachment, but…damn, 2018 seems a long way away!
2 hours ago
Harleigh – Yep, that’s pretty stunning, a Dem winning in hard RW OK! But Dems are learning they can win anywhere post-Trump.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Harleigh–I’m not giving up…just trying to be realistic.
2 hours ago
glenn – Since Perez woon the DNC chair, the DNC has sent people to GA to support Ossoff and do the legwork. Don’t know hw much they’ve sent in but they are there.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO – Intelligence Community.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Yeah well AD we’ve ‘known’ each other awhile and remember times that the likes of Dana Perino had to spin and yap for Bush43 for a week for 1 of his flubs. Conway and Spicer have to come up with 10 lies a day for drumpf. It’s a shitstorm.
2 hours ago
Ad–you’re correct; Dems are making progress, but it is a long road! Perhaps, I’m just playing devil’s advocate tonight. And make no mistake, the repubs are the devils, as far as I’m concerned. Any party that can vote to add billions to our defense budget, yet vote to strip millions of people from health care and gloat over it, are devils in my book!
2 hours ago
Thanks, Ad.
2 hours ago
fab shot that, Ad!
2 hours ago
Ad–Glad to hear there are some Dems on the ground here.
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
PPO–that cap was picture perfect. What a orange moran!
2 hours ago
glenn – I know it’s tough being surrounded by Repubs where you are but trust in history and what we’re seeing around the country. America likes there being checks and balances on the WH and the party in power historically loses in off year elections. Plus Trump’s favorables are below anything we’ve seen and he lost the popular vote. Repubs will lose big in 2018.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO–That teeshirt is great!
2 hours ago
But AD, how do you count all those white areas of millions KKK members dressed white robes??
2 hours ago
glenn, not surprisingly, they’ve taken down the page!
2 hours ago
Harleigh, if each KKK moron occupies 1 square foot of space, simple maths! 

2 hours ago
glenn – Trump can be impeached in 2019 as well as be defeated in 2020. And once Dems start running against him in 2019, his negatives will get even worse. People also need someoone to root for and that’s what we’ll have in 2019.
AdLib 2 hours ago
yes, Ad, but who? No one coming up the turnpike so far.
2 hours ago
Ad–I hope you’re correct that repubs will lose big in 2018. Just a long way away. I probably need to stop reading what’s going on; go into a news “coma” until next year or so when the races start to heat up. I’ll be better soon, thanks for keeping me hopeful.
2 hours ago
PPO–who took down the page? Twitter?
2 hours ago
PPO–the page of the tee shirts? Or the page of the hats?
2 hours ago
Harleigh – Yep and I think most Americans will be suffering from Trump Exhaustion by 2020, he’ll lose bigger because of that. The Dem just needs too run on, “Make America Sane Again” and will win in a landslide.
AdLib 2 hours ago
The hats were taken down by the GOP! Too friggin late! Hehehehe ( sniggers like Muttley)
2 hours ago
Ad–I know you’re correct about trump being impeached. My problem is I want him to be impeached NOW before he does much more damage to my country. Because, damn it, this is my country just as much as the right wing nut jobs!
2 hours ago
PPO – Yep, that’s funny. Trump’s team and he himself are truly dolts!
AdLib 2 hours ago

Hey folks!
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
Hey, FD!
2 hours ago
Hey Fuzzy!
AdLib 2 hours ago

wazz up P?
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago

Hey Ad! How you be?
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
PPO–speaking of things being taken down, did you see where Congress is scolding trump for deleting his misspelled tweets? Seems that now he’s president, all public “correspondence”, such as his stupid tweets, have to be preserved and archived by law. Of course, following the law is not one of trump’s strong suits, as we all know.
2 hours ago
The hats are now undocumented and have been deported.
2 hours ago
The senate is a possibility in 18 but the red state gerrymandering I don’t see taking the house but it should close the gap for 2020 and the census!
2 hours ago
Hey Fuzzy-how’s it going?
2 hours ago

Hey Floridian, how goes it?
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
Harleigh – You count Klansman using a cattle prod of course.
AdLib 2 hours ago

Glenn, always a delight to see ya. I’m doing fine.
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
PPO–and the kings in Nigeria will be wearing them soon!
2 hours ago
hey KT! I been spreading DOLT45 on all my travels! thx
2 hours ago
yes, glenn. Fuckface constantly thumbs his nose at the law and no one has the cojones to insist he doesn’t. Sad.
2 hours ago

Fucking great Harleigh. It is so fitting.
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
Always good to see you, too, FD.
2 hours ago

Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
glenn – Whatever works. I am actually enthused by all the leaks filling in the blanks around Trump and his cronies being traitors. It gets worse for them each week, there is no escape and eventually, Trump’s head may just explode.
AdLib 2 hours ago
but but…. AG jeffie Sessions will charge them right????
2 hours ago

I don’t think that duplicitous old cracker will be around, this time next year. I certainly hope that is the case.
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
Ad–that’s what I hope for the most…that trump gets tired of “playing president” and goes away. I’d write his speech for him and even blame Obama for it, as long as he goes away!
2 hours ago
PPO – There will be plenty of Dem noms for 2020, the polls will shoow a generic Dem beating him and who wouldn’t want to be in that position. Just as Obama and Bernie rose from relative obscurity too prominence, a strong Dem will win this time around.
AdLib 2 hours ago
FD–which duplicitous old cracker? There seem to be so many of them in Washington, nowadays.
2 hours ago

I was never into the Christian teaching of “love thine enemy.” I think it is bad advice.
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago

Jeffery Beuaregard Sessions.
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
glenn – I’ve actually come to the conclusion that Trump shoouldn’t be impeached, he should be de-fanged by a Dem Congress. He is the best Repub to run against in 2018 and 2020, Pence is much scarier because he can pretend not to be the lunatic he is.
AdLib 2 hours ago
2 hours ago
I love how Dolt45 takes credit for all things he has had no part of like the continue of job growth and stock market records..
2 hours ago
Hey FD! Doing well, and you?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Harleigh, I don’t know, there are enough House Repubs in districts that went for Hillary that they just might be able to retake the House.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Beauregard? Must be near whuppin time on the ol’ plantation. what a schmuk
2 hours ago

I’m doing well, Ad. The mom and I are doing what moms and sons should be doing, at this stage of her life. A bit trying, because of hearing loss and very poor vision, and scetchy memory, but we’re together. That’s what counts.
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
I hope so AD… it sure would help the rural white folks at what all they are losing…..
2 hours ago
glenn – I think that if investigations start closing in on him, Trump could indeed quit. Or go raving mad.
AdLib 2 hours ago

Yeah P. A classic cracker nom de plume!
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago
I see Sean Spicer had a Freudian Slip wearing his US pin upside down. an Upside down flag is an international distress signal
2 hours ago
super rich white trash
2 hours ago
Harleigh – It is so ridiculous, Trump claims that anything in the economy is positive because of him. It’s been 2 months and nothing has changed even after his EOs. But really, what did we expect. Now, when the econoomy and jobs dip, what will be the story? “OBAMA!!!”
AdLib 2 hours ago

Maybe Spicey is secretly calling for help, P!
Fuzzy Dunlop
2 hours ago

Everything is about him, Ad. Surely you know that by now.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
FD, I do wonder sometimes how he puts up with the spin and the scorn he engenders.
an hour ago
FD, I completely understand, my mom is needing a lot of attention right now because she can’t do as much for herself.
AdLib an hour ago

Future financial security.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Harleigh – Yep and FINALLY taking the House gavel out of Repub hands will be like a huge breath of fresh air for the whole country.
AdLib an hour ago

Yeah, ad. it’s just a sad part of life. Mom is one of the strongest women I have ever known. That includes Maggie Thatcher, Hillary, Harriet Tubman…etc.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
PPO – Spicey always seems too be in distress…and in the midst of lies. He should come out to Monday’s briefing with his pants on fire.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO drumpf never hears about any of the shit and contempt people have for him now and its growing. His aides and kids tell him only positive alternative facts.
an hour ago

Bring back Melissa McC. She traumatizes Spicey.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
SCROTUS ‘Successes” so far. Pissed off Australia, Britain, Germany, Mexico Canada. OK’ed failed Yemen raid. Upset Middle East even more than usual. Like Dubya said about Katriona, ‘Fine Job, Brownie’!
an hour ago
Always remember the Lincoln quote, “…but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” Trump’s game is already growing stale. By the 2018 elections it will have grown as fetid as the inner workings of his mind. His con is obvious to most of us, by then, it will have run its course with the non-zombie Trump voters.
AdLib an hour ago
And it’s only 50 days!
an hour ago
FD–scrolling back to see what I missed when I was gone. Glad to hear you and your Mom are together. You’re a good son, and she sounds like a good mom! Nice to hear about strong women!
an hour ago
FD – It is sad but as you know, you become a bit dutiful about it and just take care of her without a great deal of dwelling in that negative place. Yoou’ve got to do what needs to be done because that’s just the way it is…and of course, you love her.
AdLib an hour ago

Ad, we need to really get lazy ass dems to the polls in 2018. Too many think the president is all powerful and only vote in presidential elections. We need to school these folks and teach them that congress is even more important.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
FD – Seconded, I’m having withdrawals from McCarthy not being Spicey on SNL!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–when the economy dips because of trumpcare, then we’ll see how trump supporters justify his misdeeds then! I really hate that people will suffer, but as you said a couple of weeks ago, Americans only wake up when it hits them personally.
an hour ago
Hey Sue!
AdLib an hour ago

I made it, only doing two auctions this weekend. How is everyone?
an hour ago
PPO – And the indictments against Trump folks haven’t even started! Think of how far he has to g! He thought he was Reagan and never saw that he’s really late Nixon.
AdLib an hour ago
FD–totally agree about getting Dems to the polls in ALL elections. Maybe they’ll wake up now that trump and congress are gutting every regulation, law, and tradition that helps middle-class and poor Americans.
an hour ago

Absolutely Ad.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago

It is called Privilege, Glenn It only matters when they are personally effected
an hour ago
Around 70% of all assistance programs like SNAP and LEAP and ACA are rural/suburban white people…tbags and rednecks. They will be devastated and now vouchers to send their kids to 5 day a week Sunday school for ‘freedumb’?
an hour ago
Hey Sue!
an hour ago

or is it affected?
an hour ago

Hey Glenn
an hour ago
Hey Sue, at least 2 auctions is manageable! Dn’t knw how you handled so many last week!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad, this piece of crap is a whole new even-more-toxic that either Nixon or Reagan. At least they started off being somewhat Presidential.
an hour ago

an hour ago

We have to make sure they understand, glenn. street protests look good, but accomplish little. The real resistance lies in the voting booths.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago

Hey Harleigh, Adlib PPO, KT
an hour ago
FD – Excellent point! I think that if the Dems take a house of Congress in 2018, the importance and power of Cngress will become far more understood by Americans.
AdLib an hour ago
Sue–whichever one it is, you’re right.
an hour ago
Hiya Sue, welcome!
an hour ago

I don’t think we have that time, FD
an hour ago

Thanks PPO
an hour ago

So nice to see ya Sue. How goes California? I used to live ther, and often miss it.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago

Did y’all hear? Pence lied, surprised?
an hour ago

California just might be my saving grace KT
an hour ago
Ad, if things change in 18, does this mean we will be eternally repealing and replacing Healthcare legislation till the cows come home?
an hour ago
FD–I’m with you. This is the message that Dems have to keep repeating, that ALL elections matter!
an hour ago
glenn – On that matter, the issue of the debt ceiling is going to come up before tooo loong, if he’s as insane about that as he has been aboout everything else, he could sink the economy overnight if he insists again that America doesn’t have to pay its debts. He is the King of Bankruptcy who doesn’t pay contractors.
AdLib an hour ago

I hear ya, Sue.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago

Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Sue – Pence is such a POS, he is far more slippery as a liar, so comfortable lying. Would be great if Dems win a house of Cngress and grill him like the El Pollo Loco he is!
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–good question! We’ve been “debating” about health care since the 90’s; seems as though we’ll be debating it forever. I think we have to go to single payer when Dems are in control; have it work for a few years, then people will be devastated when it’s taken away; just like Social Security. That’s why repubs fight single payer so much; they know if it passes, they’re doomed.
an hour ago
Well, I’ve got to go. Fascinating as usual. Don’t forget to get your Hats for UGH ‘St PATTY’s DAY’ UGH !
an hour ago
PPO – I’ll tell you what could happen if Trumpcare somehow did get passed. Dems would get in afterward on the platform of Single Payer and that would never be undermined.
AdLib an hour ago
Please let it be so AD. Cheerio.
an hour ago
Seeya PPO! What’s a clover look like again?
AdLib an hour ago

This time around they are going to hurt everyone. There is a clause in there to help employers stop subsidizing healthcare
an hour ago
an hour ago

Later, PPO
an hour ago
Hey Funk!
AdLib an hour ago
Evening everyone!
an hour ago

Hey Funk
an hour ago
it will show who the worst is of the congress to hammer them with in 2018. single payer HC solves that and raising SS tax on the first $200,000 solves that… so I believe from what I’ve learned about them.
an hour ago
Everyone filed their foreign agent report?
an hour ago
Hey Sue, how you been?
an hour ago

funk is in da house! How are ya?
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago

I did, I work for Russia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia..SA pays the best
an hour ago
Funk, watch those Wikileaks Turkish baths, they really do leak, made of inferior quality in Russia.
AdLib an hour ago

I have been fine, Funk, you?
an hour ago
CLover 
an hour ago
Ad–Yup. I fully expect trump to be insane about the debt ceiling as he is about everything else. And repubs don’t seem to think much of paying our debts; they’ve shut down the government twice over that. Once again, I’m hoping trump gets to the point where his head explodes from all the “work” he needs to do, plus all the people who are against him. Right now, as some one said a while ago, he’s only getting the positive and far right wing news from his staff. Sooner or later, he’s going to realize he’s not as “great” as he thinks he is. Or, more specifically, that the people don’t think he’s as great as he thinks he is. That time can’t come soon enough for me. The man is a menace to society.
an hour ago

I like turkey and cheese subs?
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
I’m good! Better than the 46 prosecutors being forced to resign
an hour ago
Hey Pink, good to see you on Twitter!
an hour ago
glenn – We’ll have to see but this Trumpcare battle could really push Trump near the edge if he loses on it.
AdLib an hour ago
Harleigh, you keeping Florida in check?
an hour ago
G’night PPO. Was typing when you said g’night. Or in your case, good afternoon. Have a good one, and hope to see you next week!
an hour ago
Clover on Trump St Patricks day hats: 
an hour ago

No kidding Funk. He is doing similar to Erdogan after the false flag coup
an hour ago

Seriously, the situation in and around Turkey is very volatile. Ans we have a CIC that doesn’t know his ass from his elbow.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago

They have also installed spies in every agency
an hour ago
Interesting how the prosecutor that was preparing to investigate Trump just lost their job today
an hour ago

Pro Publica reported on all they could find as of yesterday
an hour ago

I am proud to say I am of Irish descent. About 50%. Hey, on St. Pat’s Day, everybody is Irish!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Hey Funk–how are you?
an hour ago
Funk, well, you have too clear out all the Fed Prosecutors when you’re afraid oof being prosecuted.
AdLib an hour ago
they are cringing in fear of me on the alt-right funk!! LOL
an hour ago

Hey KT me too, 44% Irish/Scot and 21% Brit
an hour ago

As they should be, H!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Hey FD–me too! Half Irish and half Italian!
an hour ago
Harleigh, thanks for not calling them nazis. That’s awkward.
an hour ago

The rest of me is Heinz 57! 

Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Hi Glenn, good to see you.
an hour ago
Trump is going to run the government with 20 dudes.
an hour ago

Half Irish, half Mutt!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
FD – Lots of volitile areas in the world now, and US troops are going into Syria. That’s going to go well. And North Korea?
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–yup, just like Nixon, as you said a while ago. Gotta get rid of those damn prosecutors if they’re going to do their jobs!
an hour ago
That’s why Bork got nominated. He was promised a Supreme Court gig as a reward for firing Nixon’s prosecutor.
an hour ago

I think this is a great opportunity for all those “alphas,” to prove how alpha they are. Enlist now boys, and become dead men.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago

Hoo Ahh!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Funk–and we all know how well that turned out for Bork. Hope the same thing happens to all of trump’s men!
an hour ago
One can hope.
an hour ago
NO SHIT Funk… they can’t find the next 2,000 people that are educated enough and they can trust to fill all those jobs
an hour ago

wouldn’t it be the height of irony if the Donnie had congress reinstate the draft? Whoops “alphas.” How you like me now?
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
My turn to say good night. Have a good week, all. Ad, thanks once again for helping me to see the bright side of the political scene right now. You all take care!
an hour ago
Why bother? If your goal is to loot the commons, the less people the better.
an hour ago
Night Glenn
an hour ago
night glenn
an hour ago

You too glenn. Sweet dreams and pleasant afternoons.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
glenn – Yep, Bannon’s vision is to take apart all the systems that government uses to function. Now the cabinet choices are crystal clear and all of these other moves, like hollowing out the State Department, EPA, etc. They want government too collapse, truly. Then they think they can replace it with an autocratic kind of plutocracy that allies with Russia in splitting the world between them. But the Intelligence Community won’t let it happen!
AdLib an hour ago
Night glenn!
AdLib an hour ago

night glenn
an hour ago
So who thinks that Trumpcare will become law?
AdLib an hour ago
Or will it fail?
AdLib an hour ago

It will fail first go round for sure
an hour ago

I think the senate has a problem with the house trying to ram i through, without financial info. No scores, yet.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Sue – Will they be able to revise it to get it to pass?
AdLib an hour ago
Ad, the impression I am getting is that it is getting shoved through so it will fail and then the GOP can tut tut and then move on to tax reform
an hour ago
FD – I doo think the CBO scores will sink it in The Senate.
AdLib an hour ago

Oh those lame asses will keep on trying, just like they did with repealing
an hour ago

I think they’ll have to Ad. Too many repubs’ jobs on the line.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
I guess we’ll have to pass it to find out what’s in it.
an hour ago
the house voted overwhelminly to repeal ACA almost 60 times and now when their time comes they gots no plan!! never did
an hour ago
Funk – But if Trumpcare fails, Trump and Ryan fail and lose power.
AdLib an hour ago
I think they just want to move on.
an hour ago

Me too ad. That’s why ryan and the turtle are trying to rush this through.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago

Absolutely right H!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago

maybe it is the only way to get dumbshit in the WH to understand
an hour ago
Funk – We’ll have to pass a change to 18% oof the economy in a few weeks without any assessments of what it will do. Sounds conservative to me.
AdLib an hour ago
it’s gonna kill an bankrupt hundreds of thousands
an hour ago

The new bill is just another tax benefit to those greedy pigs who already get unfair benefits.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
What’s interestin is all of the goals that they laid out for the bill, and none of them are in the bill. Hight deductibles, higher premiums, less choice, no crossing state lines. None of the top things Trump insisted on are in the bill because too many of them don’t qualify for passing via reconciliation
an hour ago
FD – Yep, they are obviously trying to pass it before anyone finds out how hoorrible it is but that’s crazy! Everyone would find out what a disaster it was if it passed, what’s the actual plan here?
AdLib an hour ago

I can no longer be kind or polite to anyone associated in any way with this duplicitous administration.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago

Nor can I FD, it is impossible to be polite to them
an hour ago

They are truly stupid Ad. I’m not kidding. Thier intoxication, derived from their newfound power, has made them thick as bricks.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Funk – What’s intersting and amusing to me is that Repubs in The Senate have said that very thing, that they see nothing in it that lowers deductables or premiums. This big lie just doesn’t work. Ryan looks more like an idiot than a budget genius.
AdLib an hour ago
What’s even weirder is that it spikes premiums for older Americans (the GOP base) and cuts them for younger
an hour ago

That is because he is, Adlib
an hour ago
an hour ago

right on Sue. They knew what a scumbag Trump was when they voted for him. They had base, personal concerns, none for the future of this nation.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago

I consider them traitors at this point FD
an hour ago
FD – I’m with you on that. I’m tooning down the animosity toward Trump supporters because they’re being attacked by him and some will finally recognize it but Trump’s admin is deserving of every drop of comtempt.
AdLib an hour ago
They are Sue!
an hour ago
Less people covered AND higher premiums? Sign me up!
an hour ago
Funk – And the insane thing is, those over 60 rural and poor white voters who would be the most screwed…is Trump’s base!
AdLib an hour ago

I do too, Sue. What is really astonishing is, they think they are “patriots.” There are none so blind, as those that won’t see.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago

Adlib, but they never learn. They go right back for more every single election period
an hour ago

Agreed FD
an hour ago

Not me, Ad. They are the enemy. Time for finding common ground is over. In my humble opinion!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
My propositioon is that you can’t expect the poorly educated, those whoo don’t have the ability of critical thinking, to use that. They are rubes to Trump and exploited by him, they are his tools. They may never realize it but the real enemy here are the monsters who are exploiting and trying to destroy them at the same time.
AdLib an hour ago
I love the story I read recently of a 1st time voter (55 years old, thanks for getting around to it) that voted for Trump and has found out that her subsidy of $8500 is going to be cut to a $3500 tax credit. Her repsonse? “Why did I even vote?”
an hour ago

I am done with them, have been for a while now.
an hour ago

BTW, That is what John Adams said to Alexander Hamilton, who wanted to appease the British!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago

Funk I would tell them all to stay home next time
an hour ago

Me too Sue!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago

BBack in a bit
an hour ago

I will not collaborate.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Funk – As annoying as voters like her are to those of us who saw this nightmare for what it is, it illustrates that there are many non-dedicated voters, who could vote Dem, that voted for Trump.
AdLib an hour ago
I had a friend of mine say to me yesterday: “I can’t wait for the ACA to be repealed”…..”but I don’t want anything to happen to your family”…. :-/
an hour ago
Ok Sue!
AdLib an hour ago
Sue, that might be best
an hour ago

It is best!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
an hour ago

We have a nascent dictatorship on our hands, and anybody who doesn’t understand that, is extremely myopic. If there were ever a time to resist, it is now.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Funk – These type of people are emotional voters, some driven to resentment as a race issue, others because they were happy to follow Trump’s blaming of minorities and immigrants for their economic problems. They can’t be reasoned with, they need to be bypassed.
AdLib an hour ago
the ‘best’ would be to gotv with a huge dem increase that would turn some of the gerrymandered districts.
an hour ago

Ad, I think you are trying to understand the understandable. These people knew damn well who they were voting for, and if not, they’re too stupid to take up space in the 21st century!
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
FD – But the truth is, many Americans are poorly educated and not so sharp. We can’t turn them into Sherlocks, they’re Larry The Cable Guys. We can overcome their chooices thugh without demonizing them. Just like I oppose executing the mentally ill, these foolks aren’t mentally ill but they are limited in their abilities to reason.
AdLib an hour ago

I just cannot be kind towards these cretins.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
FD, you know it.
an hour ago

Ad, we should never play to the lowest common denominator.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
Ad, I agree. I will not and can not scold someone for their vote for Trump. They had their reasons, and whether they were complicated or simple, that water is under the bridge now. Oppose the dealer, not the addicts.
an hour ago

Too many brilliant thinkers have advised us otherwise.
Fuzzy Dunlop
an hour ago
FD – I don’t know if they are as smart as you’re saying. I think they were conned because they aren’t that sharp and weren’t wise enoough to see hoow they were being exploited with promises of rainbows and unicorns and easy blaming of others for their unhappiness.
AdLib an hour ago

The “addicts,” helped him get elected, and they still support him. Never forget that!
Fuzzy Dunlop
44 minutes ago
FD – Not advocating kindness, just suggesting that our energies are best invested in protesting and beating Trump and Repubs than focusing on his voters.
AdLib 43 minutes ago
The more financially unstable a society becomes, the more susceptible to certain messages they become. “Who to blame”, “What to be afraid of”, “It’s not your fault”, “I’ll make it all better”.
43 minutes ago

I never said they were smart. Maybe you misunderstood my comment. I was referring to some of the world’s greatest philosophers.
Fuzzy Dunlop
43 minutes ago
Funk – That nails it, blame the pusher not the adidcts. There’s nothing t be gained by just hating his voters.
AdLib 43 minutes ago
Funk – Yes, we avoid the Hitler coomparisons but that is the moost obvious one.
AdLib 42 minutes ago
FD, I’m not excusing they decisions or actions, but I’m not going to get anywhere by attacking them for being idiots. That is a sure way to entrench them
42 minutes ago
I am happy however that the unemployment rate has dropped from 45% to 4.7%. That’s a big win
41 minutes ago

I’m not directing any action against his supporters, I’m just relating how I see them and how I value them as, not only Americans, but as human beings. Their kind has always been with us.
Fuzzy Dunlop
41 minutes ago
another chunk of his base is RWNJ, white supremacists, KKK. they are dangerous and voted for open bigotry.
40 minutes ago
Nationalism and jingoism are not exclusive to the nazi regime
40 minutes ago
No doubt Harleigh, that is the segment of his voting base that deserves no sympathy, peace or privacy
40 minutes ago
FD – Just meant you were saying that his voters knew what they were voting for. I don’t think so. They were in denial over all the terrible things aboout him, believed all of his promises and excused his horribleness by saying that he didn’t really mean it. They were in denial, ignorant and emotional. But as Funk says, they were the addicts, they NEEDED to guzzle down all the lies Trump fed them because they aren’t bright enoough to figure out what’s gooing on aroound themselves on their oown.
AdLib 39 minutes ago
Funk – And in only 50 days!
AdLib 39 minutes ago
I really hate that faction Funk. 1937 germany in my estimation.
39 minutes ago

This administration is populated by the dregs of humanity. And their supporters aren’t much better. Not all people are good, deep down.
Fuzzy Dunlop
39 minutes ago

I am not sure about all of you, but I am really skeptical that a vote in 2018 is even going to be on the up and up. Who is there in DC to stop Trump? Not one person is stepping up to stop him and he is dismantling the government at an alarming rate. I don’t know how much you know about Turkey but he has shut down most liberals in a very short amount of time. Some arrested on trumped up charges, some lost their livelihood, some were accused of being traitors and ostracized. All of this since that false flag coup. There were only 20 people involved in the supposed coup but thousands have been arrested. He is now working with Putin and modeling his country after Russia. Trump is on the same path.
39 minutes ago
FD – Yep, we’ve seen these types of Americans in every era and once in a while, they get their candidate in office. Then the wheels fall ooff and they losethat ability for many years to come. That’s what I want to see now. I just see it as a diversion to invest time and energy in attacking people who can’t help themselves, literally.
AdLib 37 minutes ago
Harleigh, this faction is a chronic illness in American society.
37 minutes ago

I am probably on the other side of you FD. I despise them all. They brought this on all of us, plus the far left. All of them refused to believe Trump was a bad hombre and now we all are going to pay.
37 minutes ago

funk, very good points. I think it will be our intel agencies, and our judicial system that will rid us of Trump and hopefully, several of his co-conspirators. Then, we get Mike Pence, unless he’s involved in the conspiaracy.
Fuzzy Dunlop
37 minutes ago
it don’t look good at this point Sue. you’re right Funk
37 minutes ago
Funk – The through line here fr Trump voters is authoritarians. They are scared of multiculturism, economic times, etc. and they just want a stroong man to come in, point at and punish the enemies and make everything great for them (white folk).
AdLib 36 minutes ago
Sue, but what is so different about this now than in the past? Autocracy is always the most attractive option for the power-hungry. Just because our move to autocracy has been slower and more subtle because of our institutions doesn’t make us immune
35 minutes ago

The other side? I don’t really think we have a “far left,” any longer. Just a bunch of rowdy kids in love with Che Guevara.
Fuzzy Dunlop
35 minutes ago

Agreed Harleigh. I just don’t get why people cannot see what is happening.
35 minutes ago
If the judicial system steps in exactly who is going to enforce their decisions?
34 minutes ago
Sue – Thanksfully, elections are controlled by states and within those states, by counties and districts. So Trump can conspire with Repubs to a degree in states and districts but it’s too diverse for him to really grab complete control of.
AdLib 34 minutes ago

Adlib he just grabbed control of a national election with the help of Putin
34 minutes ago
Harleigh, that is my real fear. That is the tipping point that is hard to recover from. Once our institutions simply ignore the rule of law and the judgements against them, we are in very dangerous territory
33 minutes ago
Sue – But would you agree or disagree that Trump conned them to vote for him? Trump didn’t come from them, he went after them since bama’s first term and the birther garbage.
AdLib 33 minutes ago
Sue if you find the answer you’ll be the next POTUS. seriously… how can they be so dumb?
32 minutes ago

This is why Sessions has to be deposed, in one manner or the other.
Fuzzy Dunlop
32 minutes ago
FD, a reactionary left is a common byproduct of creeping authoritarian regimes.
32 minutes ago

Harleig, what judicial system? He just fired 44 prosecutors today. I agree he conned them but I also know he worked with Putin to turn the election in his favor and Comey helped, anothe traitor
31 minutes ago

I hesitate to even call it “left.” I think of it as highly reasoned.
Fuzzy Dunlop
31 minutes ago
What I’m getting nervous about is that because the Trump administration is so full of fuck-ups, that they won’t be held to the same standards that other administrations have had to live by
31 minutes ago
yep. true SUE
31 minutes ago
Sue – Have to add Comey and the FBI into the mix too. And Trump only won by like 22k votes in MI and the other rustbelt states, just barely. Take out the Comey hit to Hillary and maybe even the Russia attack fails.
AdLib 30 minutes ago

That’s where “we the people,” come in. Don’t ever believe we can’t make our voices be heard. Those voices can, and have, brought about great change.
Fuzzy Dunlop
30 minutes ago

It is not going to happen, FD. Not one Republican in congress has the balls to step up and speak out. We have a mix of fascists and dominionists in this administration and that is exactly what the RRight wanted.
30 minutes ago
Sue – I’m concerned by the firings to, very concerned. RIght now we have the courts and the Inteligence Community standing between our having a democracy and an autocracy. It’s scary but they do seem to be holding their own so far.
AdLib 29 minutes ago

Sue, what is not going to happen. I’m a bit buzzed right now. 

Fuzzy Dunlop
29 minutes ago

All I can say is ask the Turkish people about that, FD. The justice department stepping up and doing their job is not going to happen
27 minutes ago
We need to be careful with this Russia issue. They are our competitior. Putin hated Hillary Clinton. They are convinced we interfered in their elections (they might be right), and they also wanted sanctions lifted. I would have been shocked if they didn’t interfere. We can absolutely agree that Russian tried to influence our elections without losing our minds, seeing a Russian in every corner and starting WW3. Also we can absolutely continue to poke, prod and investigate the Russian/Trump connection without putting all of our eggs in one basket. If the Dems are going to run on “Russia/Trump” in 2018 they are going to get smoked.
27 minutes ago
Funk – Just look to The Resistance movement, Trump is being held to appropriate standards even now. And that movement can only grow from here. Have you seen the paltry turnouts for pro-Trump rallies? The momentum is clearly growing on oour side.
AdLib 27 minutes ago

ok FD, Turkish we the people and not going to happen, the justice department
27 minutes ago
Sue you are so right about that. The ends solely justify the means with this crew
26 minutes ago

oh, I remember. The intel and justice department. I think these folks are Trump’s biggest worry now. Hence the crazy shit that Trump tweets. It’s jus a distraction from what’s really going on.
Fuzzy Dunlop
26 minutes ago
Ad, no doubt. I’ve been very heartened by this
26 minutes ago

Fuzzy Dunlop
25 minutes ago
Folks I got kiddos to put to bed. Keep up the fight and have a great weekend!
25 minutes ago
nice seein ya funk
25 minutes ago

I am all for the resistance. I will help them in any way I can. But I do believe their activities are going to go underground to a certain extent, by force. Later funk
25 minutes ago

Have a great weekend funk. Give those kiddies a hug, from all of us.
Fuzzy Dunlop
24 minutes ago
Funk – If the Dems are smart, they will let the investigations into Trump/Russia continue on it’s own negative PR track for Trump while they attack his insanity and destruction of government. As I said before, Dems should run on returning America to normal, “Make America Sane Again.”
AdLib 24 minutes ago

FD, the turkish people never thought, a year ago, that they would be living under a dictator
24 minutes ago
Seeya Funk! Glad you made it!
AdLib 24 minutes ago
I think the admin will start using agencies for their politics.
23 minutes ago
Sue – What do you mean about them going underground?
AdLib 23 minutes ago

I got ya Sue. You are right. That’s a highly volatile area of the world now. Think Yugoslavia in the early 1900s.
Fuzzy Dunlop
23 minutes ago
Sue – Turkey was never a strong democracy, too religious to begin with which made it ripe for a dictator.
AdLib 22 minutes ago

Like the groups did in the 60’s. Many went underground because the Feds were infiltrating their groups.
21 minutes ago
2018 will be a battle and the repubes will use every trick they can…. and personal attacks against some supporters.
21 minutes ago

They became as good at nailing the spies as the spies thought they were in their infiltration
21 minutes ago

That’s nearly impossible now, Sue. But I love the idea. Hoffman and Reuben lived off the grid for nearly two years. Then.
Fuzzy Dunlop
20 minutes ago
Harleigh – I wouldn’t be surprised, you saw Nixon doing that but what happened? It heightened the aggressiveness of the opposition. I see that being the response. Millions were in The Women’s March and if Trump used government to silence them, they would march on the WH.
AdLib 20 minutes ago

No doubt that the odds are against Trump and his pack of jackals.
Fuzzy Dunlop
19 minutes ago
There has been pushback your right AD.
18 minutes ago
Harleigh – I do think 2018 will be ugly but the numbers will be heavily on our side. As I mentioned, compare the size of the protests on both sides. Pro-Trumpers in the dozens, anti-Trumpers in the millions.
AdLib 18 minutes ago

And this country is too dumb Adlib. Ask anyone on the street, talk to someone in line at the supermarket, they do not know what is going on. You are most likely in a position where you run in to smart people all day long, people who are wise to what is going on but the majority out there have barely a clue. I hope you are right, Adlib but I am thinking worst case scenario most days.
17 minutes ago

Well folks, gotta sign off now. Morning comes too soon for now.
Fuzzy Dunlop
17 minutes ago
Sue – I think the massive amount of marchers and protesters make that very difficult for Trump to oppress. If he does, I can see a real revolt happening.
AdLib 17 minutes ago
and we have had a few wins in the first 6 weeks of this ridiculous admin.
17 minutes ago

VOTE, as Barack told us, don’t protest with your feet…VOTE!
Fuzzy Dunlop
16 minutes ago
Sue – I can’t argue there are way too many dumb Americans out there but electioons are more about which side has the more motivated voters. In a midterm election, dumb and uninformed voters don’t vote, they never do. It’s going to be about the core Dems vs. the core Repubs and we outnumber them. We just need to turn oout and I sure see the energy on our side, nto theirs.
AdLib 15 minutes ago

I hope you are right, I just don’t have a good feeling about this. Every day something comes up that catches people off guard. I just don’t have a good feeling. Night FD. I am goig to have to get off here too, auction is waiting. I sincerely hope you are right.
15 minutes ago
Harleigh – Goood point, Dems are winning over Repubs already!
AdLib 14 minutes ago

ha ha, we are both typing too fast and spelling words out of order Adlib
14 minutes ago
Seeya Sue, thanks for coming tonight! Great seeing you here!
AdLib 14 minutes ago
Heh! Too true, Sue!
AdLib 13 minutes ago

Ha you prob wish I had not come. I get so worked up over this trump business. Night to both you and Harley
13 minutes ago
I like the conversation, Sue!
AdLib 13 minutes ago
nite folks. see yall next week
13 minutes ago
Seeya Harleigh!
AdLib 13 minutes ago
You bring up many of my concerns, Sue.
AdLib 12 minutes ago
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