It’s Friday once again and Vox Populi, our live weekly chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey, Ad! Success
7 days ago
Woo hooo!
AdLib 7 days ago
Sorry about that! Overzealous security software!
AdLib 7 days ago

7 days ago
The Pink is Back!
AdLib 7 days ago
grabbing a brew back in a jiffy
7 days ago
Sounds good!
AdLib 7 days ago
Roll up, Roll up see the fat lady standing on the skinny man’s COCK your eyes over here and see the leopard with the 14 spots on his WILLY close the door, theres a draft coming in from the elephant’s HOLEd your tickets for the next performance! We’re off to see the Wild West Show……….
7 days ago
AdLib 7 days ago
Intro to scouting song about all kinds of wierd animals.
7 days ago
It had that kind of feel!
AdLib 7 days ago
How is your PM doing after Trump’s punch in his nose?
AdLib 7 days ago
I think there is a lot of news fatigue going around. I mean, how much utter tripe caan one absorb?
7 days ago
PPO – That’s the scheme. Overwhelm the public and press then grab dictitorial power.
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib 7 days ago
Good evening/afternoon Ad and PPO. How are you all doing?
7 days ago
Bannon said Cheney was a role model, he did the same thing.
AdLib 7 days ago
I think trump is the one that got the knee to the grin. Turnbull ( not Trumbull as Sean called him)may be a millionaire businessman and a condservative, but he’s a street fighter
7 days ago
hi glenn
7 days ago
glenn, doing well after that federal judge blocked Trump’s full EO:
Seattle judge blocks Trump immigration order
By Dan Levine and Scott Malone SEATTLE/BOSTON (Reuters) – A federal judge in Seattle on Friday put a nationwide block on U.S. President Donald Trumps week-old executive order…
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO–I can almost agree with you about “news fatigue”. Almost, but I think the press needs to stop focusing on trump’s tweets and start focusing on what Congress is doing. Seems to me Congress is just operating in the shadows of trump’s antics.
7 days ago
Down goes Trump! Down goes Trump! Down goes Trump!
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–but will trump comply with that block? Seems he’s not complying in VA–aren’t they suing him?
7 days ago
problem is that, like the other orders, they will be totally ignored by all the Jobsworths at the borders ( Jobsworths are overly rulebound bureaocrats whos mantra is ‘ It’s more than my Job’s worth!)
7 days ago
7 days ago
Just looked it up. MA, NY, and WA state are suing him too. Perhaps one of these days, our courts will finally bring the tweet dictator down!
7 days ago
glenn – I do think it’s a trap for the press to get too caught up in Trump’s stunts, they do need too be able to cut throough and focus on what really matters. Like Trump’s lying, cheating cabinet, Russia pushing into Ukraine, Trump alienating Mexico, Australia and other allies, his bigotry in his EOs and selling off Americans to Wall Street.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn – This is a Fed Judge saying the entire EO is blocked. No wiggle room on this and if he defies it, we have an impeachable offense…and it ain’t even 3 weeks in!
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn – They are dragging their feet but they still insist they’re following the other court orders. This is different though. He has to fully stop or he is violating the Constitution straight up.
AdLib 7 days ago
ad, how do we work out if the new order is being complied with?
7 days ago
PPO – Maybe Trump will “get even” by lying and telling the Customs officers to keep vioolating the judge but some oof them will have to be arrested for contempt then watch them all straighten out.
AdLib 7 days ago
quis custodat custodes?
7 days ago
glenn – All of those orders addressed the application of the EO to those in the US. This order is different, it blocks the entire EO, everything in it.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–I sure hope this stops him. Do you think a republican congress will actually impeach him, though?
7 days ago
And, if he is actually impeached, does he have to leave office?
7 days ago
Can you imagine the uproar on the conservative side if he is actually impeached?
7 days ago
glenn, they might have no choice. I’d love to see that!
7 days ago
Ad–I think your
7 days ago
PPO – Then it will go to The Supreme Court, Trump violating the Constitution and the federal order. The country will rise up as they already are and occupy DC until an impeachment begins.
AdLib 7 days ago
oops–“scenario”–where trump throws customs officers to the wolves, so to speak, is probably what he’ll do. After all, nothing is ever trump’s fault.
7 days ago
It would be the end of The Constitution and our democracy if Trump was permitted to ignore the courts…as a dictator would. This growing movement will bring torches and pitchforks to DC, it will be like something we’ve never seen before.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn, but WE – and the world – see differently to his supporters
7 days ago
Ad–considering trump is “unpresidented” and something we’ve never seen before, the reactions should be something we’ve never seen before.
7 days ago
glenn – The only way a Repub House would ever impeach him is if he did something like this, that was a flat out attack on oour democracy and Constitution…and they saw it could mean their massive defeat in 2018 and 2020. It’s only about self-interest for Repub pols.
AdLib 7 days ago
Also, what happens if it’s a split SCOTUS decision? If I remember my civics classes correctly, then the lower judge’s order stands, correct?
7 days ago
I see him imploding under the strain of trying to run the US like a company without enough staff
7 days ago
glenn – Impeachment is a two step process, The House impeaches then The Senate would vote on remooving him from office. If he resited after losing that vote, we would be in for hell.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn – Conservatives would love to have a President Pence.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–frankly, I don’t see trump complying with the court order, so I hope it does lead to his impeachment. But for the past two years, pundits on the left have been saying that “this” (whatever it is) will lead to his downfall, and nothing has. So, I don’t trust the repubs to go to impeachment. They’ll justify it somehow….and it will be Obama’s fault.
7 days ago
I think that the kids in the candy store will soon run out of everything and leave the place in a shambles. As for Pence, he may well be a dick, but at least he knows Something about how washington works.
7 days ago
glenn – Yep, Trump would gladly destroy the careers of obedient Customs officers if it meant he could tell the courts to screw themselves.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–Well, people have always said that pence was trump’s “impeachment insurance”. Not only do we have to get rid of trump, we have to get rid of bannon, too. After all, Bannon is the acting president.
7 days ago
glenn, it is getting further and further away from ‘blame hat-on-backwards’ for everything. DG.
7 days ago
glenn – Yes, it would be somewhere we’ve never been with Trump removed, a Pres. Pence would then be seen as just as much of a traitor by most Americans as he kept all Trump policies in place…except the impeachable ones. America would be in a New Civil War that was more social conflict than actual war but just as dangerous to our democracy.
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO–I agree. trump, bannon, and conway will leave the place in a shambles. And, I really don’t see trump going willingly if he actually is impeached. I think federal marshals will have to “escort” him out in handcuffs.
7 days ago
glenn, I’d really pay a lot to see that!
7 days ago
glenn – Yes, that’s right. But I think it would be at least 5-3 against Trump for violating the Constitutional separation of powers.
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO – Yes, running a nation like the US is nothing like schmoozing around boardrooms and expensive restaurants. Trump wants so badly to be loved and respected, being President is about enduring be hated and disrespected. He is going to blow a fuse sooner or later.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–agreed. The only “good” thing about pence is he doesn’t inspire the kind of blind loyalty that trump does, so it’s a tossup as to what he does. Also, I hope that trump loyalists will vote out the repubs who voted for his impeachment (if they actually do it). Of course, we could get even worse reps, but hopefully Dems will grow a spine and offer up some good candidates.
7 days ago
PPO–me too. I’d like to see that picture on every website, newspaper, tv station, and every where else!
7 days ago
7 days ago
glenn – I don’t think that argument, that people have been wrong before about Trump, applies here. There are actual laws that apply to his behavioor noow, that was never the case. Courts don’t care about popularity and no amoount of Trump supporters can ooverrule the courts. If Trump violates the Constitution by refusing to follow court orders, he will be impeached eventually.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–I hope you’re right about the SCOTUS count, but I’m not so sure. After all the repubs bitching about PBO’s executive orders bypassing Congress, they seem to have absolutely no problem with trump doing it. Even using their aides to helpNo him write the EO’s, and they have still supported him.
7 days ago
Now that they have power, I don’t think they’re going to give it up easily.
7 days ago
PPO – I think you’re right, they’re trying to grab all the low hanging fruit now but as his EOs are either blocked or exposed as being little more than paper tweets that are unenforceable without Congress passing laws, the grind of the presidency will begin and Trump is in for hell.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–I hope you’re correct. So, my next question is…do you think trump will comply with the court order?
7 days ago
glenn – Impeachment would get rid of Trump, Dems winning in 2018 and 2020 will take care of Pence.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn – Yep, if Repubs impeached Trump, the GOP would be torn into pieces.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn – I think when it comes to the SCOTUS, they would have to realize that if they approved of Trump ignoring the courts, that would include them. They may be Repubs on the SCOTUS but they don’t want to give up their power.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–once again, I hope you’re correct. I hope trump hates the grind of the presidency and I hope he goes through hell. I hope he has so much stress he explodes. I have never wished ill on any president; have strongly disagreed with several of them; but have never wished ill on someone like I do on trump. The man is single-handedly destroying our democracy. And repubs in Congress are allowing him to do it.
7 days ago
glenn – I think Trump will publicly attack the judges and courts but not admit he’s violating their orders…meanwhile I think he’ll be secretly telling Customs to follow his EO. The coverup is always worse than the crime, if he dooes that and it leaks, he is so gone from the WH.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–yup–I hope the GOP is torn into little, tiny pieces, and that they realize that lying, cheating, and ignoring the Constitution when it suits them, is not the way to govern.
7 days ago
glenn – They’re basically eating all the dessert now, the vegetables come next and they’re not gooing to like eating them. The slow, negotiating process of actually drafting and passing laws. Yes, some things can be passed without Dems but the filibuster will come into play on many issues and how will this petulant brat deal with being stopped from getting what he wants?
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–trump covering up for himself is probably exactly what he’ll do. However, it won’t be much of a cover up if the customs officers keep applying the EO. So, I guess we’re back to the customs officers being thrown under the bus, and trump lying about it. Kinda like Nixon…as so many people have compared trump to, lately. Plus, you can bet that there won’t be any secret recordings of trump telling customs officers to defy the courts. If he turns off the recorders for his conversations with putin (which is also a violation of the Constitution), then he won’t be caught recording anything that will incriminate him.
7 days ago
Ad–the petulant brat will just tweet about how unfair the media is by reporting what he says and does.
7 days ago
glenn – After McConnell goes public attacking Dems for trying to filibuster Trump’s SCOTUS picks, the charade of the GOP having any morality or principles is completely destroyed. They represent pure greed for money, power, and their own interests. The GOP has been hollowed out and stands for nothing.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–oh yeah, the GOP has been hollowed out, but as long as they hold the majority in Congress, their SCOTUS pick will be confirmed, IMO. I just don’t think the Dems can stop them. It’s kind of an empty “victory” of sorts for Dems. They have been proven correct about mcconnell’s motives for blocking PBO’s nominee, but repubs will still get who they want on the Supreme Court. Frosts me to no end!
7 days ago
It is very interesting that Trump saw himself as a new Reagan but everyone else sees him as a new Nixon. After a year in office, he will be hated enough and there will be so much hatred of Bannon and others close too Trump, that leaks will be fre flowing out of his admin and even proof oof his violating the Constitution. He may try to hide everything but pissed off aides will leak.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–oh, I so hope he doesn’t last a year in office. I’d like to see him gone before summer. Wishful thinking, I know, but I just can’t imagine the damage he can do to our country, our international relations, and our military in a year’s time.
7 days ago
glenn – I don’t agree, Dems can and should filibuster any and all Trump SCOTUS picks that are extremists like this douche. If McConnell really wants to use the nuclear option on this one, it means a Dem President and Dem Senate in 2020 can confirm the most liberal justices ever.
AdLib 7 days ago
Pissed off aides are already leaking behind the scenes fights. Don’t know how true they are, because of the secrecy, but they sure sound genuine.
7 days ago
I hate to say this glenn but Trump needs to have all the rope he needs to hang himself. There will have to be some horrible things that happen at Trump’s hands, that’s the nature of Trump and the nature of his making himself so hated, he can be impeached.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–I hope you’re correct. Dems need to start taking the long view, and filibuster every nominee. They also need to start getting in front of cameras and repeating how repubs stole the SCOTUS seat. Every. single. one. of. them.
7 days ago
I think this is nothing compared to how they will be leaking after a year of being in Trump hell. Trump has no idea how hard he’s going to be taken down…and that he is the one making it happen!
AdLib 7 days ago
I think that if Dems filibuster this SCOTUS pick, it will give them the momentum to keep blocking Trump and be a real show of power.
AdLib 7 days ago
Dems will prove to all f America how much they’re needed too be in power in The Senate as a counterweight to Trump.
AdLib 7 days ago
I agree that trump has no idea how much he’s hated. I just hope he’s taken down hard, as you say he will be. He is his own worst enemy, and I hope he keeps it up!
7 days ago
Yep, his obliviousness and thinking he actually has a majority of Americans behind him will be his biggest downfall.
AdLib 7 days ago
I sure hope that Dems keep filibustering, and keep blocking every damn thing they can. Not just for revenge, but to show how asinine repub policies are.
7 days ago
Yup, and I hope he hits every bone in his body on his way down! Ohhh, that was mean, I just can’t help it.
7 days ago
An example needs to be made of him, he needs to be taken down very hard and ugly.
AdLib 7 days ago
On a lighter note, didn’t you just Arnold’s tweet to trump that they should switch jobs? That trump should take over “The Apprentice” again and Arnold should be president? I know Arnold can’t be president, but it was really funny, and a great comeback!
7 days ago
sorry guys, distracted here by stuff I need to do. SO I’ll sign off and say sayonara for this week.
7 days ago
‘Nite, PPO. Have a good week.
7 days ago
America has to show the world that it won’t stand for tyrants and bigots as leaders.
AdLib 7 days ago
Night PPO!
AdLib 7 days ago
Or Day PPO!
AdLib 7 days ago
3.00 pm sat afternoon Byeeee!
7 days ago
oops…didn’t you just love….
7 days ago
Yes, we do need to show the world that. Hopefully, with all of the protests, the world is seeing that not ALL Americans are tyrants and bigots.
7 days ago
Yes, that was a good response by him. And can you believe this creep used the National Prayer Breakfast to insult Arnold’s ratings?
AdLib 7 days ago
Do you think that the world is seeing all of our protests and rejectioon of Trump? I’d like to think they are.
AdLib 7 days ago
Creep is just too mild a word for him, but I really don’t think I can come up with a good word for him. There is just not one word that covers his odiousness, and too many to mention.
7 days ago
Yes, I’d like to think the world sees the protests as a rejection of trump. The problem is, he’s still president, (oh, how I hate typing that), and there’s not much we or the world can do about it for now.
7 days ago
It’s not the way we’d like but it seems like the majorities of the people of the world are coming together over the man they all see as their common enemy. It’s like all the Sci Fi movies where an alien attack brings all the countries together to fight them…only in this case, it’s Trump as the alien.
AdLib 7 days ago
Creature? Beast? Monster? Trump?
AdLib 7 days ago
True but the longer he is President, the shorter he may be.
AdLib 7 days ago
Yes, and no. He is emboldening many right-wingers all over the world. I read a report that his conversation with the Aussie president showed the Aussie president as weak, according to the right-wingers. I was hoping to ask PPO if that is correct, but he left too soon. From what I’ve read, the Aussie president is only holding to his presidency by the skin of his teeth. And many right-wingers all over the world agree with trump. I do think sane people see our protests as repudiating trump, but it
7 days ago
…but it’s by no means unanimous worldwide, just as it isn’t here in the US.
7 days ago
Good names, but they still don’t cover it. Alien comes close, though. It’s going to be interesting to see how the name “trump” is going to be used negatively in our national slang.
7 days ago
Yes, no question that having a racist tyrant in the WH is emboldening other scum around the world but they are always a minority in their countries. It will take a popular global movement to push back this hateful, tyrannical movement
AdLib 7 days ago
AdLib 7 days ago
“My precious…”
AdLib 7 days ago
So, another change of subject. Any big plans for the Super Bowl? Here in GA, we’re very excited about the Falcons being there. They’ll probably lose, but I’d love to see Brady taken down a notch with a loss. Would not make up for the idiot we have for president, but it would soothe my soul somewhat. I know you don’t watch football, but you have to admit, it would be nice to see the “patriots” taken down!
7 days ago
Good one, Ad!
7 days ago
You know, I hate to show my ignorance, but who or what is a Gollum?
7 days ago
Actually, I’ve read that The Falcons are favored! I’m rooting big time for Atlanta! The Patriots represent Trump, the owner and QB being Trump Klan.
AdLib 7 days ago
Gollum was a villain in The Lord of the RIngs.
AdLib 7 days ago
I don’t pay much attention to who is favored, but I sure would like to see the patriots lose “bigly”. Even before they were associated with trump, I didn’t like the team nor Brady, so him losing another Super Bowl would be great!
7 days ago
Thanks for the info on Gollum. Was he a real asshole like trump?
7 days ago
He was the embodiment of greed, starting as a simple villager but corrupted by the greed that the power of The Ring whipped up in everyone who possessed it. So the parallel continues…
AdLib 7 days ago
It turned him into a monster. Like…hmm…who else might that apply to?
AdLib 7 days ago
And, BTW, I agree completely with your article the other day that trump and bannon are trying to inspire a terrorist attack. That way, they can run roughshod over the Constitution just like gwb did after 9/11.
7 days ago
Same here, I have never been a Patriots fan and have always rooted for whoever opposed them. Don’t forget, they’re liars and cheaters too!
AdLib 7 days ago
Oh, Gollum is a great name for him, or maybe we should make it Gollump to incorporate some of trump’s name into it.
7 days ago
I like it! Gollump!
AdLib 7 days ago
Never forget Deflategate!
7 days ago
That’s what I was referring to. Liars and con artists like Trump.
AdLib 7 days ago
Here’s Wiki on Gollum: “The Ring, which Gollum referred to as “my precious” or “precious”, extended his life far beyond natural limits. Centuries of the Ring’s influence twisted Gollum’s body and mind, and, by the time of the novels, he had “come to love and hate the Ring, just as he loved and hated himself.” Throughout the story, Gollum was torn between his lust for the Ring and his desire to be free of it. “
AdLib 7 days ago
Wow! that sounds like Gollump to a tee!
7 days ago
Thanks, I have worried about this since his election. Whether on their own or with Trump’s/Bannon’s goading, if there is a terrorist attack while Trump is President, I really worry for our democracy and freedoms. Too many people out there are cowards and easily manipulated by fear.
AdLib 7 days ago
I’ll have to create a graphic foor “Gollump”.
AdLib 7 days ago
for, I mean. Have to get my “o” key fixed! Keeps typing multiple times on one tap!
AdLib 7 days ago
Thanks for saving my sanity again, Ad. Not only do you give me additional insights to politics, you agree with me about the patriots. “You’re a good man, Charlie Brown”. Take care and hope to “see” you next week.
7 days ago
A Gollump Graphic! I love it!
7 days ago
Thanks glenn, back at ya! Enjoyed our chat!
AdLib 7 days ago
Have a great weekend (no soccer I assume?).
AdLib 7 days ago
Trump is proving to be more of a horror than imagined Ad
7 days ago
Hey Beatlex! The horror is actually as bad as expected.
AdLib 7 days ago
sorry i am so late! Duh,I got waylaid
7 days ago
No worries! You were missed!
AdLib 7 days ago
Do you think he will last 4 years? I don’t,the r’s will toss him overboard if his poll numbers keep nosedivig
7 days ago
I was always skeptical about his getting impeached by Repubs but he’ll become so toxic to them, impeachment may be their only desperate shot at surviving the following elections.
AdLib 7 days ago
And he will give cause for impeachment if the last couple of week’s are any indication.
AdLib 7 days ago
that is what I think Ad,they do not to follow him over the cliff,and they certainly don’t want to spend infrastructsure and save Obama-Care.But they own it all now.Like Schumer said,the are the dog that caught the bus
7 days ago
Yes but the slashing of taxes will send our economy into a tailspin and they will have their fingerprints all over it.
AdLib 7 days ago
Of course,Trump will preside over that too.He is clueless.He is a bad joke played on the less educated of your bretheren.Sad but true it seems
7 days ago
It is disappointing to know how many really uneducated saps are in this coountry but thankfully, they are a minority.
AdLib 7 days ago
I did not think we would see a more inept President than GWB,but here we are.At least George had a “braintrust” as flawed as they were,as opposed to the Donalds winging it
7 days ago
But Bush also had these same rubes believing in him. They are embodiments oof the definition of insanity, trying the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.
AdLib 7 days ago
Donald Trump actually makes me feel a bit ill.He is a low life who rode the horse of ignorance into the white house.America can absorb the blow,but dissent is a must,Don’t let that Bannon and Trump defile the name of Americae
7 days ago
The only “win” at this point is to make sure Trump is humiliated and destroyed, to send a statement about what the majority of Americans believe in…namely sanity and democracy.
AdLib 7 days ago
That saying is borrowed from the 12 steps of alcoholism ad,it fits in this situation
7 days ago
Actually, it goes much farther back than that but it is one of my faves. Really nails the foolishness of too many human beings.
AdLib 7 days ago
The doing the same thing over and over expecting a different out come beig the definition of insanity 

7 days ago
Yep! Too many insane people running around out there!
AdLib 7 days ago
Do you think Trump will be impeached?
AdLib 7 days ago
I have to admit Ad that I was taken by surprise that Trump won! I thought no way that Americans would elect a sleezeball juvenile.It took me a while to wrap my head around it,It is still tough,seeing him signing orders with that smirk on his face….AHHHHHH!!!
7 days ago
Yes I think there is a good chance of impeachment,Watch is poll ratings,if the are low 30s they will turn on him in a nano second
7 days ago
It was a shock to most Americans too! We had to get past the shock though and the protests are very inspiring, the majority of the country and the world are coming together.
AdLib 7 days ago
I think you’re right, it seems only a matter of time before he commits more impeachable acts and Repub pols will turn on him if it becoomes most likely they’ll lose the next election.
AdLib 7 days ago
He is such a smug bastard,he LOVES the spotlight,he is in his glory now.Lets hope the fall is more spectacular than his rise
7 days ago
Yes but I think the historic protests and hatred of Trump is also eating at him.
AdLib 7 days ago
Yes ad! He cares what people think,it must kill him to read the negative stuff,He is basically insecure.He cannot let a slight go,real or perceived
7 days ago
And I think it’s going to get worse as things go wrong and some who voted for him start feeling betrayed.
AdLib 7 days ago
The R’s would love to have Pence take over,he is one of them! Right? Trump has only begun to make huge blunders,it will get worse,Not even the R’s can kiss his ass forever
7 days ago
Indeed, they would love Pence in the WH but I don’t think most people would support him. If Trump’s impeached, core Repubs would be pissed at Pence and of course Dems would oppose him. But as long as Trump isn’t doing horribly in the polls, they will follow him out of fear since they’re such cowards.
AdLib 7 days ago
Yes Ad,but firmly believe that Trump will continue to slide in the polls
7 days ago
He’s planning on taxes of imports that will cause a lot of inflation. People will turn on him big time then!
AdLib 7 days ago
He is tone deaf and has offended everyone except Putin.And yes,his tarriff will cost HIS sappy voters the most.As repeal of the ACA will hur them too.They were to uninformed to know that he was screwing with them.Some of them said”I did not think he meant to do those things” DUH
7 days ago
Do you think Trump is a patriot Ad? I don’t,he is out for himself.We have all met people of his ilk
7 days ago
What is good news but kind of amusing is that now that they have the power to kill the ACA, they’re admitting that if they do, it will cause death and havoc so it’s on a back burner now. Yep, soo much easier to claim Obamacare is destroying the country than too help the country on healthcare. I do want his voters to be the ones most hurt by him. It’s only fair.
AdLib 7 days ago
And the have no replacement after 7 years of bitching,At least the debate is at the right place,Even the R
7 days ago
s know they can’t go back to the old system
7 days ago
I think Trump is a traitor to the nation. His questioning of our democracy as rigged and claiming millions of illegals voted, attacking the press as the enemy, supporting neo nazis and bigots and putting one on the NSC…and colluding with Putin on manipulating our election. He’s an enemy of this country and its democracy.
AdLib 7 days ago
Right, their replacement has always been kicking all those 20 million people off of healthcare to cut the taxes of the wealthy. The reality of that is looking a bit scary for them now.
AdLib 7 days ago
I agree Ad,He is a loathesome person who is only out for himself.He does not give a rats ass about the well being of his own country,I abhor him,and I am the kind who looks for the good in people.He has no redeeming qualities
7 days ago
Have to agree, he is himself a swamp of the worst aspects fo human beings. And to think that one of the worst human beings was exactly what the fools who voted for him, wanted in the WH just because they’re scared and angry about the future. Sad indeed.
AdLib 7 days ago
America will muddle through somehow.He will self destruct soon enough,Bannon(Goebbles) will see to that
7 days ago
I think so, he’s too flawed and emotional not to screw up.
AdLib 7 days ago
Lets keep a good thought Ad! see you soon
7 days ago
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