Vox Populi, our live weekly chat on the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 5 hours ago
Hey PPO! Once again, well done!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Thanks a bunch, Ad. see you soon.
2 hours ago
AdLib 2 hours ago
Well, rudi’s out, thank goodness. now which billionaire will Drumpf pick for SecState?
2 hours ago
I’ll see you a Rudy and a Christie and raise you a Romney!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Apparently, an ex Exxon CEO is now the top pick
2 hours ago
The way you drain the swamp is first fill it up fuller. I think.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Add more alligators
2 hours ago
And more slime.
AdLib 2 hours ago
with plenty of toads to make noise
2 hours ago
This is all going to come crashing down on Repubs and Trump so massively.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Don’t forget the bacteria!
AdLib 2 hours ago
yes, but we know who’ll get hurt the mmost, and it wont be the 1%
2 hours ago
Just stopped by to say “Hi”….there is an emergency meeting of my co-op tomorrow. We have been fighting a battle with a local fertilizer plant whose runoff is endangering our ground water. The EPA was a key player in this. Now….we need to look at our options. I am tired and tomorrow will be a long day.
2 hours ago
Best of luck, Murph. Am assuming the effort to remove you and your friends failed?
2 hours ago
Murph – That is pretty serious and if you don’t get it addressed before Trump is in, it could be very hard getting the EPS to do anything then.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Or by supporting Trump and his love of pollution, they may be getting rid of themselves.
AdLib 2 hours ago
put it another way, Murph, they saw sense?
2 hours ago
We have been at this for three years…..we had another case 7 years ago and the EPA sorted it out. This one is more complex….I don’t know what we will do.
2 hours ago
well, go get some rest. You’ll b e no good if you’re out on your feet. G’night!
2 hours ago
What do the Trump supporters in your coop think, since he opposes the EPA stopping things like this?
AdLib 2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Yes, PPO the effort died away…..no one else wanted to take up a leadership role and now this ground water matter. You all know that nearly all of the co-op members are Trump supporters. The mental disconnect is extraordinary.
2 hours ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib 2 hours ago
So Murph, they are strongly in favor of addressing this yet they support the destruction of the EPA? I don’t get it.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Good evening, gents. How is everyone?
2 hours ago
Nor do I. BTW I have not decided if I am willing to continue to work for these idiots any longer. The co-op does little to benefit me.
2 hours ago
Not bad tonight, glenn. And you?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph – Will you be affected by that contaminated groundwater?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad, I’ve been better. Between the cold weather, (which you know I hate), the holiday season (which depresses me), and the trumpelthinskin being president elect, I’m a little down. I’m trying to work through it, so came here for some sense and cheer.
2 hours ago
The news about the russian connection to the last election and the intent to swing the election to Trump…and how the GOP leadership in the House and Senate voted to keep it quiet. Stunning.
2 hours ago
Murph–hope you can work things out with the co-op.
2 hours ago
Ad, the run off streams will most affect a dozen or so of our members and I am not one of them. I am at the far end of the run. BUT the person most affected had Trump/Pence signs all along his fence line. Irony.
2 hours ago
glenn – Our music thread this weekend is about cheering each other up with humorous videos from tv and film. It’s pretty widespread, that perfect storm of less sunlight, the cold, the holiday pressure and of course Trump. We need to bring each other up.
AdLib 2 hours ago
There will be many more things that the repubs will keep silent, Murph. They have now equated President Obama’s playing golf to trump’s producing his stupid reality show. The hypocrisy is stunning. Overheard a conversation in a restaurant at lunch today where some deplorable was saying how we are so much “better off” now that trump has been elected. And, this was in a Mexican restaurant!
2 hours ago
Murph – So it’s very good news that Obama will not let this biggest story of the election…or coup…remain covered up.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hi, glenn, sorry you’re chilly. Can’t believe what I’m seeing on the TV about winter storms. nove to Australia!
2 hours ago
2 hours ago
I agree, Ad. We do need to cheer each other up. Didn’t mean to dump on you; I try not to dump my problems on others; sorry about that.
2 hours ago
Glenn…I have been swimming in a cesspool of gloaters here as I spy the speeding trump train bearing down on their lives without them being in the least aware.
an hour ago
Murph – Maybe not irony as much as typical. These emotional voters whoo eshew reason and facts often vote directly against their own interests. But they have so much fear and hostility inside them, they can’t stop themselves or change.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–I would move to Australia in a hearbeat if it weren’t for my family here.
an hour ago
glenn, stay where you are. It’s not all Beaches and sunlight ( although there IS a lot of that).
an hour ago
Murph–do you think they’ll ever wake up? Or will everything be Obama’s fault from now on?
an hour ago
glenn – We will be in a BS downpour for 4 years. No matter how many terrible things go on, Trump and his minions will declare utopia!
AdLib an hour ago
Ad, and all the Twits in the Twittersphere will be conned all the way.
an hour ago
Glenn…you are correct there is more to be revealed and I hope it is….as to waking up…Yes, in the seconds before the train wipes them out.
an hour ago
The problem is that the Mainstream Media, while they may be writing articles and reporting all Trump’s lies, is not where people are looking for their ‘News”. they want to get all the shite from facebook, Twitters etc..
an hour ago
Ad–I remember when I used to say that trickle down economics was just pissing on all of us. Now, as you say, we won’t just get pissed on (and pissed off), we will be constantly wiping the BS off. And, there is nothing that any liberal, Democrat, progressive, or independent can say or do that will seemingly change the minds of the trump cultists. Because, in my mind, that’s what they are, cultists. Nothing else explains their behavior.
an hour ago
glenn – You’re not dumping at all, we all need to express what’s going on now. We have a big section of the country truly depressed and despondant but pulling back into their caves to lick their wounds. That’s healthy but the way to move forward is to get it all out and help each other move forward.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad…I cannot wait to hear how that guy is going to address this. Tomorrow may be my last day with the co-op.
an hour ago
I have run out of patience and forebearance.
an hour ago
Murph, if it is your last day, please be sure to let fly fully about your thoughts on Trump voters. Give ’em an earful!
an hour ago
Murph – It is exactly like drunken fools walking down the train tracks about to be run down by the train they helped build. No question what’s going to happen to these “uneducated voters”.
AdLib an hour ago
an hour ago
PPO….in a land of nasty people with guns….I will bow out gracefully suggesting that given the election it seems clear they need leadership that reflects those results.
an hour ago
PPO – How do you coon someone whose home is being foreclosed and has no maney that he’s better off? Or those who no longer have groundwater to drink? Or healthcare when they fall ill? Words can’t “trump” suffering.
AdLib an hour ago
an hour ago
glenn – As Kes and I were discussing on my recent post, the Trump Tools will only realize what fools they have been when their level of suffering reaches a high point.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–so sorry you are out of patience. I admire your fortitude and your willingness to work for your community. Just remember that we here at the Planet admire and appreciate you.
an hour ago
con someone, that is.
AdLib an hour ago
Thank you Glenn….you have shared your own frustrations in the Southland so you know from whence I come….I appreciate the support.
an hour ago
Murph – Considering that they wanted to get rid of you, maybe the best thing you can do for them is let them fail and suffer. Only then might they come to their senses. If you help them, might they only resent you and blame you as part of the problem when things get worse?
AdLib an hour ago
In a feeble effort to make you smile, and of course to blow my own trumpet, let me suggest that you check out Time Out for O/T for a laugh.
an hour ago
Ad–will the trump cultists’ suffering ever reach a point where they abandon trump? I’m beginning to believe that it never will. It will always be someone else’s fault. Just look at the recent events with the union leader. Now trump’s cultists are harassing him on social media and threatening his children. It’s not trump’s fault he lied (trump, that is); it’s the union leader’s fault for pointing it out.
an hour ago
glenn, and the correspondent he’s now targeting for doing the same thing
an hour ago
Just following up on PPO’s suggestion, maybe it’s time to think about moving to a blue state? You’re all invited out here to Cali! When the tax cuts come and billions are pulled from red states, who take more in tax dollars than they pay, blue states will actually have moore money to back their own versions of the ACA and other Dem programs. I’m certain that’s what will happen out here in Cali, if the ACA is gutted, we’ll follow MA’s example and set up a state version of the ACA here. Meanwhile, health care will be coming apart in red states.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad…I agree….there was no formal move made but I was aware of the plan to call for me to resign with a vote of no-confidence as the lever. They could not gather enough votes. However, your summary of likely action is correct. I am 90 percent sure that I will be very passive during the matter and let them rant. Then when nothing has been done and they turn to three of us on the Executive Board I am 75 percent certain that I will indicate I am stepping down.
an hour ago
I must agree with PPO, the video on TO/OT had me smiling throughout, so much fun! If you haven’t watched The Chase yet (with a very special co-star), you really should.
AdLib an hour ago
an hour ago
PPO–exactly. And once again, the media tries to portray “both sides” instead of pointing out that it was trump who lied; and not the union leader’s nor the correspondent’s fault for pointing it out. The media needs to start asking pointed questions, and not let trump, nor his minions, get away with not answering them.
an hour ago
glenn – Absolutely! When the Trump voters are finally hurting soo badly that BS doesn’t work anymoore, they will see through it as they did with most all Repubs before Trump who they loved but now despise. He’s next in line.
AdLib an hour ago
glenn, Trump won’t let the Press anywhere near him. He thinks he’s doing just fine spreading his crap via Twitter.
an hour ago
Murph – It seems like a losing situation if you stay in. The very likely failure to be able to address this will be blamed on you and if you helped in addressing this, they would remain the smug and hostile Trump lovers and might try to oust you after it all anyway. I don’t know the situation well enough but with what little I know, it’s hard to see how remaining in the co-op could ever work out well for you.
AdLib an hour ago
PPO–the sad thing is, that trump IS doing just fine spreading his crap via Twitter. The media should play his game where he is and ask him pointed questions on Twitter. Sooner or later, he’ll have to answer, or blow up at them for being “dishonest.” I’m still trying to figure out how the press is “dishonest” for quoting trump’s words exactly. Blows my mind.
an hour ago
glenn – It is disappointing but a fact of life now that the MSM in general (there are journalists out there fighting the good fight) is an adversary to our democracy.
AdLib an hour ago
glenn and PPO – This Twitter/shutting out the press thing won’t work for a long time, it works now because he’s not President yet. As President, those who are good journalists out there will rain a coonstant barrage of attacks oon Trump and he will become unhinged.
AdLib an hour ago
I wonder what the Tumpeters will react when he shatters yet another promise. He’s apparently admitted that sending HRC to jail was just a ploy for votes.
an hour ago
Ad–I swear, I’m beginning to long for the “good old days” when we had journalists who were proactive instead of reactive.
an hour ago
Hope so, Ad. this pre-swearing in posturing and trating the US people as contestants in a reality game has to stop sometime.
an hour ago
PPO – After it all mounts up, no wall, no Hillary imprisonment, no manufacturing jobs returning, no prosperity for the uneducated…it will all unravel for him because all he has is the con job and once the con is clearly blown, he’s got nothing.
AdLib an hour ago
Glenn…I like your twitter idea.
an hour ago
an hour ago
PPO–yes and no. Last week or so, trump’s barbie doll, Kellyanne Conway, still threatened HRC with an investigation unless she stops supporting the recount. It will be a sword he will hold over her head for the whole time he is president. Meanwhile, his daughter is sitting on foreign government meetings, he is still running his businesses, he will have his own TV station, and he will produce a television reality show all the while being President. And the conservatives will continue to complain about President Obama playing golf, and taking his wife out for their anniversary. SMH!
an hour ago
No health care, no job training, no college loan help and shrinking funding for the social programs so many of them depend on. The hammer is going too fall on them the hardest, it’s not a guess, it’s as clear as day. And only after it has crushed them and left them terribly beaten down…will they drop away froom Trump.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–If I were a journalist, that’s what I’d do. Play his game so he loses it.
an hour ago
ad….I agree with your assessment. I spoke to the other two on the Exec earlier this evening…Neither will stay on the Executive if I don’t. I won’t leave the co-op and would be willing to continue handling the joint and shared talents/services component of the co-op if they ask. Beyond that….nothing.
an hour ago
glenn – There are still some good ones out there but the majority all seem like servants to the profit motive of their corporate bosses…and Trump at least was good for business. That will change now.
AdLib an hour ago
glenn – Not really, the President has no control over prosecuting anyone. And even the conservative SCOTUS judges wouldn’t sit by if he tried to get the Feds to do his bidding.
AdLib an hour ago
That’s fair enough, Murph. And it should be only if they overwhelmingly ask you to do so. Having the majority aligned against you…no good deed will go unpunished.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–as much as I’d like to agree with you, I just don’t see them blaming trump. It may change, but so far anything he’s done hasn’t changed anyting. And, it’s not just the middle class I’m talking about. It’s the congress critters who are blithely letting trump get away with all of this crap, like not attending security briefings, not divestig himself of his businesses, letting his daughter, who has been neither elected nor appointed nor has a job with the government, sit in on foreign government meetings. People like ryan and mcconnel are so focused on destroying our economy, our safety net, our insurance programs, Social Security, Medicare, that they don’t give two hoots what trump does. As long as he signs what they put in front of him, they’ll excuse anything! And, I mean anything! If President Obama or HRC had done or said even half of the things trump has, the repubs in congress would be screaming bloody murder. Instead, trump lies, tramples people’s rights, and silence!
an hour ago
As upset as a majority in this country are, Trump will turn even more against him and a wide majority will be standing against him. They threatened pitchforks and muskets if Trump lost, I think the rhetorical pitchforks and muskets will come out because he’s in the WH and he will be taken down.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph, if there is no cooperation in the co-op, why keep hitting your head on a wall?
an hour ago
Thanks Ad….you make a good point. I probably need to step down from that coordination role too and if the new Exec comes hat in hand I can consider dispassionately.
an hour ago
Murph–it seems as though you’ve come to a decision, difficult as it may be. I think, from the little I know, that that’s the best decision for you and your mental health. Perhaps, as Ad says, they will ask after they screw it up so badly that they need your help.
an hour ago
Glenn – you make a compelling case about how oily Trump is….he scoots out of one dead end after another.
an hour ago
glenn – I do think it’s apples and oranges. As of now and until Jan 20th, Trump can only talk and BS. He isn’t responsible for anything. Once he’s in the WH and signing bills by the Repub Congress, they are the only oones to blame as the economy sinks and healthcare becomes unaffordable. They will of coourse blame Obama and the Dems but that won’t work for 4 years. There’s a difference between buying the BS and actually being hammered by someone who is in power. Many Trump voters will get upset and turn on him as time passes, just watch. That will be a big meme in the near future.
AdLib an hour ago
Glenn…I thank you for your assessment. And I think you are spot on. AND I have other fish to fry now. I am thinking of joining a progressive action group that has spun off of the Duckworth campaign.
an hour ago
Murph – If your goal is to help, even those who stand against you and your joint interests, much better to doo it from an ancillary position than as a leader who they’ll be happy to blame for what happens if Trump guts the EPA as he’s promised.
AdLib an hour ago
Ad–I agree with you to a certain point. However, his talk and BS are getting dangerous. Just look at the gunman who went into the DC restaurant looking for the baby killing ring of HRC. And the idiots who are threatening the union leader because of trump. His words are making things worse, so although he won’t take responsibility, he is responsible. We’ll see if it changes once he becomes president.
an hour ago
Murph–I think you need to go where you are appreciated and where you will be able to make positive change. That seems to be what you do best and what is the best for you. I still remember your story about the grocer and how you helped him understand Obamacare. That is where your talents lie, IMO, and where you can do the most good.
an hour ago
Ad….the trick is that coordination is really leadership….the more I chat about this the less interested I am. I am having a similar reaction those who are now speaking to me about fears of the loss of health care coverage….coverage I helped them get.
an hour ago
Ad–we’ll see if the people supporting trump now will turn on him once he becomes president.
an hour ago
glenn – I agree that his words are dangerous too but actions speak loudest. If he strips them of healthcare, sends inflation up and jobs down, as I think is pretty certain, they won’t be able to support just words anymore, they would be facing personal destruction. When it comes to survival, which many of them will have to face if all the promises are followed through, you can’t survive on oonly a diet oof BS.
AdLib an hour ago
Glenn….he more I chat about this the less interested I am. I am having a similar reaction those who are now speaking to me about fears of the loss of health care coverage….coverage I helped them get.
an hour ago
At some point people have to deal with the outcomes emerging from their choices.
an hour ago
Murph–good. I’m glad we can help you through this decision. To those who are fearing the loss of their health care, so be it. I’m sure you talked to them before the election about what would happen, and now that you have been proven correct, they have no one to blame but themselves, and I believe you should tell them so.
an hour ago
Murph – You only have so much time and energy to give, only so many hours in a day. Investing it in the Progressive group you mentioned will yield much greater benefits than trying to help thoose who are undermining you and themselves with every breath. As glenn says, put your energy where it will help the most people…and won’t be wasted and taken for granted.
AdLib an hour ago
Glenn…I was honest from the start of the general election campaign and became more earnest as time went on. They would not listen.
an hour ago
an hour ago
glenn – It will take a while, it won’t be soon but it will happen. The only way it wouldn’t is if Trump wasn’t conning them and can really perform all the miracles he promised. His presidency will be a sea of broken promises and broken people. Not a doubt in my mind.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph–then there is nothing more you can do for them. As you say, they have to deal with the outcomes emerging from their choices. And I would not be the least bit hesitant to tell them so.
44 minutes ago
Glenn and Ad…heading to bed with a clearer head….will fill you in next week. Oh, by the way, the meeting is Not on my farm as they have been almost from the start but at a local church hall. I think that was set up as the place for the vote of confidence. It works for me.
44 minutes ago
Murph – I wonder though, can people who are so solipsistic and always blame others for their failings, ever accept responsibility for them? I doubt it, they will blame minorities, politicians, etc. even though they are the ones putting power in the hands of those destroying their lives.
AdLib 43 minutes ago
G’night Murph. Glad we could help, and also glad that the meeting is at a church hall, and you won’t have to waste time and energy kicking all those ungrateful bastards off of your farm! 

42 minutes ago
Murph – Very telling. Get some rest and please let us know what happens.
AdLib 42 minutes ago
Ad….we will find out. I fully realize that this could be the first step in the unraveling of the co-op.
42 minutes ago
“Release the hounds!”
AdLib 42 minutes ago
41 minutes ago
Murph – Sometimes, like the Phoenix, something must burn to ashes before it can rise.
AdLib 41 minutes ago
AdLib 41 minutes ago
night, Murph. Give ’em Hell!
41 minutes ago
Night Murph!
AdLib 41 minutes ago
What do you two think, will Trump supporters turn on him or be more motivated after 4 years of him being president?
AdLib 40 minutes ago
Ad–it seems to me that what Murph is facing is a microcosm (sp) of what we are facing now in the entire country. The trump cultists have gotten what they asked for; we’ll see what they do with it. And, Ad, I think they are determined to burn the US to ashes. I just hope we can rise from it.
39 minutes ago
My poor old laptop is beginning to overheat, so I’d better sign off before it does it for me! Everybody have a good weekend and I’ll see you next week, where I hope Murph has found a good resolution.
39 minutes ago
And don’t forget that the biggest attraction to Trump was that he was an outsider. After being a failed president for 4 years, he will have lost his strongest campaign tool.
AdLib 38 minutes ago
You too PPO and again, really enjoyed The Chase!
AdLib 38 minutes ago
38 minutes ago
Ad–I’m inclined to think the answer to your question is a 50-50 gamble. I’m hoping that the cultists come to their senses, but given the past few weeks, I don’t see it. However, I’m hopeful that, as you say, Ad, they will lose so much once he becomes president that they will finally begin to lift the veil off of their eyes. The thing I”m worried about is if the congress critters gut all of these programs, will we ever get them back again? Do you think the pendulum will swing that far back?
36 minutes ago
glenn – Yes but it’s a microcosm of where things are in this period after the electioon but before his presidency. He has failed at nearly every venture he’s tried, this will be no different. The talk will no longer be all he does, he will affect people’s lives and they will pay a price.
AdLib 36 minutes ago
But glenn, how have the lives of Trump supporters been changed in the last few weeks? They still have Obamacare, the fantasies of jobs and a wall and Hillary being put in jail and mexicans being deported, nothing has change yet.
AdLib 34 minutes ago
One part of me wants these people to pay a price so large that they will never, ever again fall for a charlatan like trump. The problem is, that we will ALL pay the same price. That’s what worries me. And, to be frank, it’s not so much trump I’m worried about as it is ryan and mcconnell, who are determined to shove their agenda through no matter what the cost!
34 minutes ago
Trump is still promising BS as he has for the last year and a half. Everything changes once he can’t just promise what he woould do if President.
AdLib 34 minutes ago
Frankly, I just think that they are noot intellectual people soo they have a lot of trouble learning life lessons. They will put their hands over a flame and not reason that they shouldn’t and could get burned. They will wait to get burned then say, “Fire bad!” but a year later, they’ll do it all over again. They are emotionally driven, not driven by logic, reason or wisdom.
AdLib 32 minutes ago
Ad–you’re right that the cultists lives have not changed much in the past few weeks. As I said, I’m hopeful that they will finally realize what they’ve done. But, will it be too late? Ryan and mcconnell are practiaclly salivating at the thought of gutting everything progressive in this country. There is no way the Democrats can stop them, as far as I can see, so will we ever get these programs back again?
32 minutes ago
Therein lies the problem. They are emotionally driven and no amount of logic or reason or wisdom will help. That’s what worries me the most. We have been fighting these fights for the last 40 years; will this be the end of it? Will the repubs be able to turn our government into a government for the 1%?
30 minutes ago
glenn – The pendulum has always swung back and forth. First, they’re already learning the disaster they could have at the polls if they really doo all that they’ve been promising. And if they do and people are going throough hell, 2020 will be a landslide for Progressives on the platform of moving the country back to where Obama was leading it. In 4 years, a big majoority fo this country will look back to Obama’s presidency as the good old days.
AdLib 29 minutes ago
What I’m saying is that these are short term minded people who only act and vote on how they feel today. No long term vision or wisdom. In 4 years, when they are suffering and recognize Trump lied to them, they won’t be behind him.
AdLib 28 minutes ago
Ad–I’m so hoping you’re right. I’m already looking to Obama’s presidency as the good old days. It’s getting late here, so I’m going to sign off now. Take care, and I’ll look forward to the music thread this weekend. G’night Ad.
27 minutes ago
They are only motivated by their emotions, primarily fear and hatred.
AdLib 27 minutes ago
Night glenn, hang in there, we will have a long fight on our hands but we will win in the end.
AdLib 27 minutes ago
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