Vox Populi, our weekly live chat on the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 7 days ago
Trump,how did he become the standard bearer of the GOP? I have been following American politics for 40 years from my home in Canada.My Mother was the one who followed it from the McGlauglin group and Washinton week.I started to find it captivating for the drama and comedy,it had both.I stopped laughing on 9-11.What came afterword changed our world for ever,in ways we won’t fully put into context for decades.GWB changed the course of history in a series of policy decisions that changed the balance of power in the middle east,to benifit America’s biggest foe,Iran.Now they want to blame Barack Obama for the whole mess because he honored a deal made my Dick,oops,I mean George,on the status of force agreement.They don’t bring that part up.And the R’s want us to believe that despite Donald Trump’s racist views(aired daily) can handle these tough problems by force of will.If only he would stop those darn petty attacks! I could go on,Thoughts guys and girl
7 days ago
Beat, to quote Sean O’Casey, ‘De world is in a state of chasssiss!’
7 days ago
buy shares in toilet paper companies in Red States, they’re all shitting themselves now, having reaised what kind of a monster they have spawned and let loose on society.
7 days ago
back at the top of the hour.
7 days ago
Hey There!
AdLib 7 days ago
Beatlex – Really appreciate your thoughts posted above, about your introduction to US politics, your fascination and how it’s turned to disappointment…mirroring that of most Americans. Watching the Repubs try (and fail) to blame Obama for all of their Presidents’ mistakes is annoying but unsurprising. I must say that it is surprising though that they have disintegrated into the dregs of a party by Trump being able to win their nomination and now be the head of the GOP. They had to hit rock bottom to ever have a prayer of being a via ble party again but they’ve c rashed right through rock bottom!
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO – The Red States have no idea what deep shite they are sinking into with Trump as the figurehead of their party. Many of them may be panicking now because of Trump’s racist attacks on the judge but come on, he’s been spewing racism since the day he announced his run. They’re just fine with having racists as leaders as long as they’re not too obvious about being racist.
AdLib 7 days ago
Right enough, Ad. Looking forward to the carnage when these nongs lose in the GE. Of course, it will be Obama’s fault, but they can’t make that one last long after year’s end.
7 days ago
PPO – I’ve called this from the beginning, if Trump won the Repubs will lose big. He was never genuinely attacked in the primary and the MSM propped him up, never calling him on his lies and con man ways. Now…when people really have to consider making him one of the most powerful men in the world? Now, he’ll be really examined and in that hot spotlight, a piece of “muck” like him will melt.
AdLib 7 days ago
Can’t wait, Ad! Imagine the panic at Romney’s little retreat. their heads must be exploding already.
7 days ago
They’re trying to draft Romney as a 3rd party indie? How crazy and hilarious would that be?
AdLib 7 days ago
Trump,Trump! Trump? He is incapable of changing his message,He IS what he is.A self promoting buffoon.All he has is juvenile retorts”Crooked Hillary” “Pocahontas” blah blah.Can’t he at least get a sentence constuctor? LOL
7 days ago
I’d guess Romney is serving Caviar with crushed Valium mixed in to that crowd.
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey hey!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hiya, Ad, murph, glenn, beat!
7 days ago
Good evening all. Ad, I think the recipe must be at least 47% Valium. They’re going to need it!
7 days ago
Hey glenn
7 days ago
Beatlex – I’m imagining that Trump is bursting blood vessels having to hold back from “counterpunching” against Hillary, Bernie, Elizabeth, Joe and Obama who have all been hammering him this week. SO funny, his handlers are trying to keep him from blowing up!
AdLib 7 days ago
Well, another opportunity to clobber Don the Con is here! Actually, the meeting at Romney’s pile is well named – a RETREAT!
7 days ago
glenn – Maybe it’s Valium with a touch of caviar?
AdLib 7 days ago
Beatle and PPO….Trump is both a creator and a creation. He has created a movement that is made for a narcissist because it attracts narcissists….those who believe they are the world and all that counts. And he was created by a cynical GOP strategy that want to make supply economics, neocon foreign policy, fundamentalist social policy and a corporate based oligarchy acceptable, and indeed embraced by the base….thus was born the Tea Party movement and mindset….which in turn created the likes of Palin….and Trump.
7 days ago
PPO – You get 10 points for nailing so much in one sentance!
AdLib 7 days ago
well, put, Murph, and now the ogre returns to bite ’em in the arse.
7 days ago
Ad, 

7 days ago
I watched his entire rally in Va….he is like a pit bull on a leash…..
7 days ago
Beatlex–a thoughtful message at the beginning of VOX tonight. You hit the nail on the head; speaking of heads, mine is shaking lately at all of the antics of the repubs. “I think he is a racist” from Ryan; “He doesn’t know anything about the issues” from the turtle; yet both of them will vote for him. I don’t get it.
7 days ago
Ad–probably so. The Valium is so much more needed.
7 days ago
Adlib! FOR SURE! He must hate this,He is so thin skinned,poor boy!
7 days ago
glenn, Rubio will vote for him, even though he wouldn’t trust him with the football.
7 days ago
Murph – I don’t know that Trump’s followers are narcissists or they wouldn’t be such blind followers, they seem more like the fearful and ignorant who need to believe that the 1950’s can be brought back by force of will and repitition. They need a tyrant to force the badness in their lives to stop and as in history, blaming all those who aren’t the “pure” ones racially as the main threat, makes hating for them easy.
AdLib 7 days ago
On Monday, Trump (with the RNC in the wings) will launch is full assault on the Clintons.
7 days ago
Medusa’s hair has nothing on the tangles the GOP is squirming through to try and justify – somehow – trumps existence right now.
7 days ago
Ad, what you describe is the underlying motives for these narcissists….their core position is that only they matter, only they count.
7 days ago
Murph – Yep, Trump looks like he’s about to blow a gasket, he wants to shout hatefully so badly. It’s funny!
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…..he is letting off steam via Twitter…..I wonder when the plug will be pulled on that?
7 days ago
Murph. yes, all th dirt like the YUUUUGE revelations about POTUS’ Birth Cert.! Oh, just discovered who Don the Con is noominating as VP – none other than Sheriff Joe Arpaio!
7 days ago
PPO–Rubio too. They are all so stupid. That’s the best word I can come up with. It’s pure stupidity to say you’re going to vote for an ignorant racist whom you wouldn’t trust with the nuclear codes. Yet, you’re going to vote to make him in charge of the nuclear codes.
7 days ago
Elizabeth Warren is destroying Trump! His response is the “Pocahontas” meam.He can’t form a cogent resopse
7 days ago
PPO…I think he will focus on insider business deals, favor trading, and the globalist Clinton Foundation with a bit of Benghazi, and the E mail server tossed in.
7 days ago
glenn – I think we can look back to this week as the real moment the GOP self-destructed. Trump winning was swirling the drain but once the estab Repubs endorsed Trump then watched his racism and fascist talk about the judge and said, “We oppose his racism but we support him to spread his racism as President,” The GOP deased to be a viable party.
AdLib 7 days ago
That was awesome, Beatlex. Hope there will be more from her. She’s a great attack animal ( PC!)
7 days ago
PPO–Is that really true about Arapio? Isn’t he under federal indictment? I wonder if his judge is Mexican.
7 days ago
OZ-She is just getting warmed up.Trump is a mental midget in comparrison! LOL
7 days ago
When McConnell makes a public statement that their nominee really does not much about the issues and therefore needs a VP who does…he is laying it out there as escape clause if all else fails…….and as warning, a public warning, to Trump to get in line or lose big.
7 days ago
Ad–exactly. I just can’t wrap my mind around those contradictory statements.
7 days ago
Murph – But I’m thinking that Trump’s nasty playground bully style now will boomerang back on enforcing what a horrible person he is. It may hurt Hillary to a degree but I think it will cement him in as distasteful and unpresidential. What do you think?
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph, they can respond with trump Vodka, Trump Games, Trump Charity for vets, Trump U, and the litany of failed resorts with the Trump name used to con people out of their heard-earned.
7 days ago
glenn, nah, it
7 days ago
‘s a gag!
7 days ago
Ad….I think you are correct…..even on Teleprompter and on Message he cannot help but sneer and look disturbingly smug…..he will make some points but he will lose many.
7 days ago
Ad–I know you asked Murph this question, but someone needs to remind the gop that there is no “etch-a-sketch” and trump cannot now pivot to being “presidential.”
7 days ago
There are some who say Trump does not want,or can handle the job,That he is self destructing on purpose( as long as he has someone to blame) thoughts VOX?
7 days ago
PPO–It’s sad that I could believe that trump would want Arapaio for VP. However, as McConnell says, trump needs someone who knows the issues, and Arapaio ain’t it!
7 days ago
Beat, I voiced that thought a while back. I think his publicity stunts have gone too far and he’s scrambling to exit without looking too much like a fool. Too late!
7 days ago
glenn-Arapaio? wow!
7 days ago
glenn – My questions are always for everyone to answer and yours is perfect! I think Trump is petrified wood now, nothing turns him back into a human being who could be seen as a reasonable choice for Pres.
AdLib 7 days ago
Beatlex–I truly believe that trump started this whole presidential run to get back at President Obama, and in the beginning, it was just a “lark”. However, now his narcisisim and fifth-grade ego will not let him quit. From the beginning, he always had a scapegoat if he lost; that was a given.
7 days ago
Beatlex – I don’t believe tat. Of course Trump wants to be President Trump, what egotistical blowhard wouldn’t want to be? It’s just that he wants the best aspects of the job without having to become knowledgable or actually help anyone. He’ll “hire” people to do the real job of President. He would just get to tell other world leaders to go to hell and try to force out judges who aren’t pure Aryan race.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad, the media is now echoing what you have been saying for a year, namely that there aren’t enough white male bigots left in the US to vote him in anyway. O Prophet of ours!!!
7 days ago
Beatlex–and for the record, anyone who loses a race of any kind can blame his/her opponent for losing. After all, the opponent is why he/she lost!
7 days ago
Folks, PPO was joshing! Trump has not picked Arpaio to be his VP. The sad thing is that with Trump the nom and with the state of the GOP and its overt racism, what should have been an absurd joke is not outside the realm of actual possibility!
AdLib 7 days ago
Trump needs the GOP establishment….for the money if nothing else. Mark Cuban, a billionaire from “Shark Tank” fame, set his people to figure out what Trump was really worth (i.e. resources he could use….the cash he could create) and came up with the number $140 Million….a far cry from his proclaimed value. He cannot fund his own campaign.
7 days ago
Ad–exactly what I was trying to say.
7 days ago
glenn,I just hope that he costs them both houses.Which is possible.Trump shows no sign of changing.It is all good for we people who would like to see real progress
7 days ago
PPO – 

AdLib 7 days ago
Murph – Why won’t Trump release his tax returns EVER? Because they will show that he’s not a billionaire at all. I guarantee, we will never see any of his returns.
AdLib 7 days ago
Beatle….the House has been so gerrymandered that it would be nearly impossible to retake it until the next census…..and even then everything depends on who controls the state governments but the GOP hold could be weakened quite a bit if all goes badly for Trump et. al.
7 days ago
Beatlex–me too. An epic loss all the way around. That being said, I hope Hillary continues to listen to Bernie and Elizabeth to really effect some progress. I’m so sick of hearing about abortions, transgenders using bathrooms, and climate change denial, that I could scream sometimes. I’d really like to talk about the issues.
7 days ago
Ad….absolutely AND they will show he gives nothing to charity, works every loophole and has taken advantage of government give away programs.
7 days ago
Can you imagine Trump in a debate with Hillary? As she tries to get under his skin and his face grows a bright red then he finally explodes and calls her something too horrible for anyone to ever forgive? That is, if Trump would agree to any debates and I could imgine the possibility of his team urging him not to do so.
AdLib 7 days ago
Tonight the word is the CLinton campaign is bringing on lots of the Sanders staff…and in key positions…
7 days ago
I’d really like to hear Hillary continue to talk about the issues. IMO, she should begin ignoring trump’s personal taunts and begin taunting him about the issues. Like, “how much is your wall going to cost, and how many new federal hires will you need to round up 11 million people for deportation?” That’s what she should be taunting him about.
7 days ago
If Trump refuses to debate his base will buy the bs…but the rest of the country will call him chicken shit.
7 days ago
Murph – True, unlikely that Dems could win back the House due to gerrymandering but…if Trump’s disastrous campaigning keeps Repubs in those gerrymandered districts from going to the polls??? May not be probable but it is possible.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph–just as trump is a racist; he is also a chicken shit, like all bullies.
7 days ago
I would love it if Trump the overt racist were to be put on a NO-FLY list while he is overseas later this month and isn’t allowed back into the US. But then I wouldn’t like to impose the creep on another unsuspecting country.
7 days ago
Glenn….good points….taunt him while by challenging his policy and proposal idiocy.
7 days ago
Murph–you mean his “suggestions”?
7 days ago
good idea, glenn.
7 days ago
Glenn…whose suggestions.
7 days ago
glenn – The Repubs only want to take away rights from people and remove government policies that help people. Oh yeah, they also want to give wealthy people more money and power. The GOP is a black hole, all they want to do is suck everything into darkness. And man, do they suck.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph–remember when trump said his wall and his deportation ideas were only “suggestions” until he becomes president.
7 days ago
Ad–as my husband used to say, “the gop sucks and blows simultaneously.”
7 days ago
Glenn…ah…..he said that only after he had won the nomination and then thought that was the way to move to the middle…
7 days ago
Murph – Yep! Trump’s returns would be the most powerful indictment against everything he’s said to represent himself to the rubes. Of course we’ll never see them.
AdLib 7 days ago
ad…..Tax Dodging Donald….that should be the outcry….nip at his heels with it…AND demand that report from the private investigators who do HI to nail down the Obama birth certificate……
7 days ago
Murph – Smart of Hillary if that’s going on, a great way to bring Sanders supporters over is for them to see the people they believe in working for those same goals alongside Hillary.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph–so, I guess they’re no longer “suggestions”? There is no “middle” with trump (or the gop for that matter). You’re either “with them or against them.” I think that’s the worst thing the gop has done to MY country. Pitted us all against each other when we could accomplish so much more with sanity and compromise.
7 days ago
Ad–I saw some of the same today online; that Bernie’s top staffers are going to work for Hillary. One, because they want to stop trump; and two, because they want the paychecks to continue.
7 days ago
glenn – Hillary’s current strategy is smart but as you say, attacking Trump shouldn’t remain the primary strategy. She will have Pres. Obama, Warren, Sanders, Bill, Biden, etc. doing that. Once they’re hard at work on that, she should present a more issue oriented campaign, how she will really help make life better for Americans…as opposed to just wearing a red cap that says that.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…so far, she (her staff, the Obama people, the Biden people) are doing this well. Obama wants, really wants to do what only FDR, and Reagan have done in modern Presidential Politics, have someone from their own party succeed them.
7 days ago
Glenn…that approach….one side or the other and nothing in the middle that his crowds love.
7 days ago
Ad…your strategy is one I would endorse.
7 days ago
Murph–unfortunately, I know. That’s what worries me about Bernie supporters sometimes. As Dems, we shouldn’t have a “purity test”; we need to help Hillary move farther left and show the American people how that’s a good thing.
7 days ago
And, I do think that is happening now; although it’s difficult to tell because, as usual in this election season, trump is sucking all the oxygen out of the air.
7 days ago
The Sanders people could go in the direction you suggest but I think they are being engaged now…part of the struggle….with Bernie up front with Hillary.
7 days ago
I have a dream: That the American People of all color and class begin a dialogue about the real reasons for disparity in America.We will get that dialogue if America votes for the peoples party.The Dems.Bernie Sanders campaign has made this possible.I believe Hillary Clinton will surprise America.
7 days ago
Beatle…..Clinton may be able to do what Obama could not but which would not be possible with an Obama Presidency…if you get my drift.
7 days ago
Murph – Hillary couldn’t have been luckier than to draw Trump as her opponent. Having such an all star team of 2 Presidents, a VP and two of the most nationally popular Senators as the Seal Team launching an assault on Donald who doesn’t offer any specific plans to make his con man claims come true…she will wipe up the floor with him.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn, you’re right. Way too much time and exposure of Don the Con. But maybe the emphasis is now switching to his mistakes, errors, possible criminality and general bullying demeanor. this might help undo him
7 days ago
Ad, as Obama said on Jimmy Fallon- the Dems are very happy with the GOP choice.
7 days ago
Beatlex–I sure hope you are right; because your dream is mine also. The other day, I was thinking about how long we’ve been talking about immigration reform, income inequality, and reining in the 1%. Seems like we’ve been trying to talk about it in sound bites instead of thoughtful dialogue
7 days ago
I heartily agree, Beatlex. I reckon a lot of people will be pleasantly surprised.
7 days ago
glenn – There are absolutists in every spectrum of both parties. Just as there are purist Progressives, there are purist Repubs and Purist centrists. Don’t be concerned about those Bernie supporters who say at this point that they won’t vote for Hillary. A small fraction may stay defiant but as the GE gets under way and the contrast between the madman Trump and Hillary become very alarmingly clear, most will vote against the madman by voting for Hillary, even if they still aren’t crazy about her.
AdLib 7 days ago
Yes Murph.I knew that the R’s would stop at nothing to deny Obama any victory.He still did well.They are un-patriotic.They suceeded in squandering his Many attemts to help the country for real
7 days ago
Ad…..yes…I know of half a dozen Bernie or Bust advocates who have quietly taken off their buttons and are planning to work for Hillary.
7 days ago
Ad, CBS news showed a graph of Bernie supporters who would not vote for HRC, and who would vote for the Don. 7% for the don, 11% not vote for HRC. not bad numbers.
7 days ago
I said the night Obama was elected that the R’s would squander Barack Obama’s Presidency.They stopped a lot,but I think he had many big wins
7 days ago
Beatle….and if Obama gets an extension of his two terms with Democrat holding the WH the GOP will lose even more.
7 days ago
I agree, Beatlex. It’s frankly amazing what he has accomplished with such a nasty Congress who decided on Day One not to allow him to succeed anywhere.
7 days ago
Murph – Obama knows what he’s talking about. Trump is a human land mine in the GOP and idiots like Ryan and McConnell are both pointing at it as a problem and riverdancing all around it. When Trump fully explodes, whether during the GE when it becomes obvious he will lose big or after a massive loss, he’ll take the GOP with him. Can’t wait for the 2016 autopsy report from the RNC. And remember, you only do autopsies on the dead.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad, yes, that will be a post-game analysis worth waiting for!
7 days ago
Ad….there are several GOP’s and the states are working hard to separate their elections from the national one. So there may be a stroke at the national level but I suspect the state GOP will remain strong.
7 days ago
Who could have guessed that The Donald would have pulled this off? It is F’n crazy even for the R’s! It is all good for us sensible people around the world.I think he will be crushed.There is no there,there
7 days ago
I wonder if there might be a last minute medical report on Trumps heart making him unable to continue. A report like he hasn’t got one!
7 days ago
PPO – By Nov, those numbers will be a fraction of that. Even those Bernie supporters with good intentions who right now vow not to vote for Hillary, after 5 months of Trump’s racism, fascism, hatred and all around craziness, they will want to just vote against him becoming President.
AdLib 7 days ago
He is the “Trillion Dollar Man Oz”! but his parts are generic
7 days ago
Murph – But in order for the GOP scheme of disconnecting themselves from Trump to work, the Dems would have to let them do so. And they won’t. Remember in 2010 when Repubs tied all Dems nationally to Obama and the Death Panels of “Obamacare”? The Dems this year will tie every Repub to Trump so tight there will be no escape.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…the GOP are much better at that than Dems are…..maybe it will work this time.
7 days ago
Murph – And remember what happened to most Dems who tried to campaign against or aside from Obama? They lost because Dem voters were discouraged by that. Repubs will be harming enthusiasm towards them if they break from Trump who the core supports. They will be hurt either way.
AdLib 7 days ago
Here’s what I think. The repubs screwed themselves when they wouldn’t give President Obama any credit. They have to keep up this pretense that the economy is in the dumps when what they should be saying is, “Look what we did when we were in Congress. The Dow Jones is up to record levels, corporate profits are at record levels, the deficit has been reduced, unemployment is at record lows. All of this has happened while we were in Congress.” They have convinced a portion of the American electorate that things couldn’t be worse when we are better off in many ways than we were eight years ago. Yes, we still have a lot of work to do for the people who are underwater on their mortgages, college debt, and income inequality, but we are heading in the right direction, but the repubs can’t admit that because it would mean that President Obama would have to get some credit too.
7 days ago
Ad…hope you are correct….but the part of the world I live in colors my thinking….and always leaves me concerned…..I am working on the governor’s race and the senate race here….tough sledding.
7 days ago
Murph – Trump makes it very easy for Dems to tar Repubs. Won’t take any more work than posting a Trump awfulness and saying “Fill-in-the-blank-Repub says he will vote for Trump for President. Is this who you want in office?”
AdLib 7 days ago
He is not Hillary and the case being made against her will move many…
7 days ago
My problem with the MSM is not so much about their rush to get a story and make it a big deal,it is their apparent glee they get from the whole process.They really love it! Their is serious shit going on,and the worse it gets,the more they seem to love it.Orgasmic levels of delight.It is about them more than who they are covering,and to whom they are reporting
7 days ago
PPO – Nailed it! Trump must go to Dick Cheney’s cardiologist…Dr. Satan.
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO–but trump has already released a report from his doctor that says he is in the best health of any patient he has ever treated.
7 days ago
Beatlex–Nailed it as to the press. They’re not journalists; they’re stenographers. Stop already with this “he said, she said” shit. Let’s have some investigative reporting into what trump’s budge (LOL) will do as opposed to Hillary’s. Let’s have some investigative reporting as to how much it will cost to build trump’s wall and deport 11 million people.
7 days ago
glenn – That is very true for whichever party is out of power. The only argument they have for swapping control of the WH and/or Congress is that America is being destroyed so you need them to take over to save us. Much harder case to make when too many things are going okay. The economic inequality remains a powerful issue so that should never be undermined but non-stop job growth and business prospering so outrageously, that’s not what happens in a country that’s supposedly being destroyed.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn, he certainly has the glow of goo…..er, something. Then again, it could happen that he could also have the BIGGEST heart attack!
7 days ago
Do you people think Trump would like the job? I think it is way out of his comfort zone.He is as surprised as anyone he did this IMO
7 days ago
Murph – I would think that as time goes by and Trump is nailed into the ground while Repubs like you’re describing are tied more and more to Trump, the tide may turn dramatically.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–that’s true about the party out of power. Have to agree with Bealex, though, in that the MSM doesn’t seem to be reporting on those things. All I hear is republican doom and gloom; not once do I hear so-called journalists pushing back with those facts and figures when repubs say things like, “we don’t want four more years of an Obama economy.” Why not? is my response.
7 days ago
Beat, you may very well be right. It is one thing to hire ( and fire!) a bunch of ‘experts’ to advise you, but when it is time to put the pedal to the metal and actually make a decision, or order a strike, then I think panic will loom.
7 days ago
PPO–in a panic mode, trump will change his mind and policy within five minutes. “Launch the nukes”. “No, don’t launch the nukes; it was only a suggestion.” “Now let me tell you how great I am.”
7 days ago
Candidates always promise more than they can deliver,that is part of the game.I think Bernie was guilty of that,in spades.Free this,free that.He would have been savaged in the general.While America wants change,free stuff rings bells with a lot of people still.
7 days ago
Murph – The only people who would vote for a racist, lying, bigoted fraud because they think something Hillary’s done is improper, are not sensible people in any case. Remember what happened when it came to late deciders in the GOP primaries. A huge majority voted against him. Indies and late deciders will not be drawn to someone as hateful as Trump, at that point, personality is what matters most to such voters. I predict Trump will lose by a bigger-than-anticipated margin when late deciders vote for Hillary in huge numbers.
AdLib 7 days ago
Beat – we trust his decision making now, don’t we? Like his actions on Trump U, Trump Vodka, Trump resorts, Casinos ‘I Can’t Believe It’s Not Trump” butter, steaks whatever.
7 days ago
7 days ago
Ad..the culture here is so defined, and defined by local politics and the deep social divides that I think the national scene has much less impact than one would presume.
7 days ago
Ad–I think you’re right. The poll numbers are already beginning to change in Hillary’s favors. Although at this early date, poll numbers don’t mean much, it is interesting to see them rising in the Dem’s favor. The more that comes out about trump’s business dealings; the more he will turn people off. Not to mention his childish twitter rants. It’s only going to get worse for him and the repubs who have him as an albatross around their necks!
7 days ago
Does anyone here thinh Trump has a chance?
7 days ago
Beatlex–Yes, he actually has a chance, but a very slim one, IMO.
7 days ago
Ad–Do you think people will vote for Hillary in huge numbers or just not vote at all? If that happens, then I think trump’s chances go up considerably, don’t you?
7 days ago
glenn – Agree with both you and Beatlex that the MSM refuses to expose the GOP’s lies about the country going to hell. They seem to think it proves they’re impartial…as opposed to unprincipled and not providing the truth to their viewers (they don’t want to alienate those Repub viewers, it’s all money!). It’s up to Hillary and her surrogates to press the case about how Obama’s Admin has made life better for so many Americans. That’s what Gore didn’t do in 200 and lead to the race being close enough for Bush to steal it (can’t believe how casually we regard that coup today). I think Bill and Hillary know better after that.
AdLib 7 days ago
The only thing that can defeat Hilllary, IMO, is Herself. She must have iron dicipline for both herself and her campaign spokespersons.
7 days ago
Trump is so juvenile in his retorts..”Neeener neeener” I know you are,but what am I?” Even the dummies on his side will notice sooner or later? LOL
7 days ago
Ad…all I know is what I see and hear in my own backyard. The most horrid reports about Trump are dismissed here as media bias and misrepresentation. It is extraordinary but denial is very powerful. You could well be correct but right now those from areas where Blue is more common color are riding a bit of a wave right now….my memory always goes back to 2010 and how quickly we lost what was so hard won.
7 days ago
Would love to be a fly on the wall at Romney’s place and watching all the headless chickens running around.
7 days ago
BRB coffee break!
7 days ago
Beatlex–the dummies on trump’s side will notice his childish behavior, but that won’t stop them for voting for him. Witness McConnell, Ryan, and Rubio calling him out on his racism and lack of knowledge, and in the next breath telling us how they’re going to vote for him.
7 days ago
OZ,She has the Prez,Warren,Sanders soon,the President will make him look really stupid,and enjoy it!
7 days ago
The Koch’s and others in the Big Money crowd are going to fund from the state level up…a strong strategy and a firewall against the Trump effect.
7 days ago
glenn,yes,but they are not going to put themselves out there to far.They want to save there own scrawny necks
7 days ago
Glenn……and if McConnell, Ryan and Rubio can make sense of the fundamentally moronic, the guy on the street will certainly do the same.
7 days ago
Beatlex, have to disagree with you on that, Bernie was laying out policies that could indeed get passed and I think he would have won the Presidency if he ran against Trump. But making big changes in a country requires the commitment to something bigger than what status quo types say is practical to get accomplished. Every major change in the nation policy wise was looked at as fantasy…until the public came to insist on it. And isn’t it optimistic to think a Repub House will work with Hillary on all of her “more practical” policies? Wouldn’t that be promising much more than she could deliver…unless Dems take Congress back? And in such a case, Bernie could pass a lot too.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph–yup. That’s what we have to fight against. The cognitive dissonance. Not easy, especially with people who think Hillary is the devil incarnate.
7 days ago
Ad,I think Bernie has been given some assurances of that.It makes sense.The President has already given him credit,I think they know it is for the good
7 days ago
Beatlex–they may not put their scrawny necks out too far, but they’re still going to vote for him…or so they say. That is the problem, IMO. There’s nothing any Dem can say or do that will convince the “true” trump supporters to change their minds. Dems just have to keep pointing out to the Indies and “on-the-fence Dems” how stupid (without using that word) it is to vote for someone that leaders of their own party admit is an ignorant racist.
7 days ago
glenn-there is no way he is getting Latino and Black voters,game over
7 days ago
Beatlex–as long as they actually turn out to vote; I agree.
7 days ago
I don’t have a doubt that the “I don’t like either of them” mentality will fade away as November approaches and Trump’s obnoxiousness and hatred has been pounding on the public for 5 months. FOlks always need to remember that how people feel today is just how they feel today. The dynamics of a race change over time. Revelations come out, candidates make big gaffes (sometimes attacking entire races, that make up a big part of the electorate, as not being fit to be judges). And so many factors are unrecognized. Voter registration for new citizens has been skyrocketing, Latino registration is up hugely, etc. The polls today are IMO, not reflecting all the anti-Trump citizens who are registering to vote against him in Nov. Again, I predict he will lose by bigger margins than many polls suggest. I’ve been wrong before but I’ve been right a bit too.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn,Trump should be all the motivation they need.He still has months more of stupid statements I am sure.
7 days ago
Ad–You were right about the 2012 election, so I trust your judgment. However, my pessimistic side says, there’s no telling what could happen between now and November.
7 days ago
Ad….Bernie would have had that same GOP House…and I think as the campaign raged on the labels of socialist/communist. revolutionary, atheist would have done their work….Sanders escaped the kind of rough treatment that would come his way during the general because CLinton did not want to drive a wedge and Trump et. al. wanted to face Sanders….
7 days ago
Glenn…you and I are from Red States and the reality keeps smacking us in the face……I live in a state that was purple, next to a state that was purple and both are now blood red.
7 days ago
++Great Comment++ Murph.Nailed it
7 days ago
Murph–I agree. There would be cries of socialism, etc. and the biggest bogeyman of all–higher taxes.
7 days ago
Murph – I concede that Trump is bulletproof in the reddest states but those states are voting Repub down the ticket anyway, for the most part. Dems start off with a huge electoral advantage and they need so little from the swing states to win the WH. And same goes for taking back the Senate, plenty of Repubs in swing states and other states that aren’t blood red that can give Dems back the Senate. Nationalizing the race is key, Dems have to tie Trump around the necks of every Repub running for office in the state and let him drown them like the dead weight he will be.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph–maybe that’s where my pessimissim comes from. When I have a member of my state delegation praying that President Obama gets killed, then I become pessimistic about how the American electorate really feels.
7 days ago
Ad, my comment to Glenn is germane…..Glenn…you and I are from Red States and the reality keeps smacking us in the face……I live in a state that was purple, next to a state that was purple and both are now blood red. Tat national electoral map is of some comfort but the trends at the ground level are distressing and show no signs of ebbing.
7 days ago
Is there precedent for constitutional conferences my American friends? That is what it will take to make the changes you need on campaign finance.IMHO
7 days ago
So..gentleman, I am going to take my pessimistic self off to bed now. Love all of your perspectives on this fascinating race. Always makes for interesting conversation. Good night all, and I hope everyone has a great weekend and week. Hope to see you all next week.
7 days ago
Glenn…I think we think as we do because we live where we do.
7 days ago
bye glenn
7 days ago
7 days ago
g’night, glenn
7 days ago
Beatlex….the U.S. Constitution has provisions for both amendments and for constitutional conventions…..the Framers of the Constitution expected that such a convention would be necessary every 20 years or so…..so far not one called….the power of the parties and their investment in the status quo.
7 days ago
Good night Glenn.
7 days ago
. Murph – That’s a Hillary meme about Sanders I never bought. Having Trump, a proven liar, bigot misogynist, tyrant, etc. badmouth Bernie as a Socialist would simply not be as damning. All the people that would see Bernie as worse for those attacks are already Trump supporters. Indies won’t see Socialism as worse than bigotry and fraud. I think that is a convenient but unproven claim to justify the proposition that Bernie could never win. Why is he beating Trump in so many polls by far more than Hillary? Are the folks that believe in that meme really calling all the people supporting Bernie, ignorant and clueless about him? Don’t buy it.
AdLib 7 days ago
I’ve just found out where the GOP new voting blood is coming from. A Huffpost report says that a Lawyer Is Fighting To Give Chimpanzees Legal Rights!
7 days ago
Night glenn! Have a great weekend!
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph,start a conversation on that! Write your congress person and get it out there.The status quo is bullshit
7 days ago
Bernie was beating Trump because he did not face the burning scrutiny and the nasty labeling and pigeon holing that would have been very hard on his candidacy.
7 days ago
Beatle..I have raised the issue of a convention in a number of forums and there are groups that do the same but it gathers no steam.
7 days ago
Murph,for sure,Bernie’s claim there is smacks of clutching at straws
7 days ago
Murph – Many people today forget that CA used to be a purple state. We had Repub Senators, Governors, the state went for Reagan. But CA turned from purple to dark blue especially after Pete Wilson and Prop 187 went after Latinos. This is what will likely have to happen to the deep red states, more immigrants will need to move in before they can turn purple again. The pro-white party can only thrive for so long now.
AdLib 7 days ago
Well….I need to toddle off to bed. I have to drive to Southern Ill. for a Tammy Duckworth rally….boy is the GOP pulling out the stops on her….nasty, nastier, nastiest.
7 days ago
Night Murph! Keep up the good work!
AdLib 7 days ago
See Ya Murph! it has been a pleasant slice
7 days ago
Good night, Murph. Give ’em hell!
7 days ago
Ad…given that river in the purple states as been running red since Reagan….I have to wonder.
7 days ago
Take care.
7 days ago
BTW, don’t agree with that meme about Bernie not being attacked is why he leads in polls but otherwise, with you!
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO – Chimps for Trump!
AdLib 7 days ago
How do you feel about Hillary Ad?
7 days ago
“If anyone knows monkey business well, it’s Trump! Monkeys for Trump 2016!”
AdLib 7 days ago
Beatlex – Which Hillary ad?
AdLib 7 days ago
Oh sorry, you meant how do I feel about Hillary! My bad! I’m voting for her.
AdLib 7 days ago
Yes, Ad. Think about it! If it succeeds, Chimps will then have to be factored in to populations. I see Mr. Gerry Mander drooling!
7 days ago
Not Ad,What are your thoughts about her as President
7 days ago
(message blocked by the system)
7 days ago
I don’t think Hillary is a genuine Progressive but I think the powerful current of Progressivism that Bernie has helped generate will force her to stay with many of their positions. She would never be re-elected if she abandoned the Progressive core of the Dem Party, I’d like to think she’s smart enough to know that.
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO – “Donald Chimp for President!”
AdLib 7 days ago
beat, my nickel’s worth, even though I can’t vote for her, is that she’d do pretty well. she knows Washington, has good contacts from her Sec.state days, and I’m pretty sure some of Obama’s staff might stay on to help.
7 days ago
Planet of the Apes looms nearer! at least Donald is made up already to play an orang-utan!
7 days ago
PPO – There’s a bottom line for me, there is no contest between Hillary and Trump. At worst, if Hillary adopts Bill’s triangulation, we’ll have a tone deaf Dem Pres who hands off hard won gains but our nation remains solid. At best, she accomplishes great things by staying aligned with her Progressive views. With Trump, there is only doom and destruction possible.
AdLib 7 days ago
Well, folks, my lady calleth and so I must trot off into the sunset and go get the makin’s for dinner. What does my Missus make when she’s hungry? Reservations! Night night.
7 days ago
Yes Ad,she wants to do well for the people I am sure.She is not the ogre of wall street as many fear IMO.Nor do I think she is a war monger.The Huge mess GWB left cannot be fixed easily.
7 days ago
You can’t burn reservations, PPO! Have a great day!
AdLib 7 days ago
Night OZ!
7 days ago
Night Beatlex
7 days ago
Beatlex – I don’t think even Hillary would deny that she is a hawk. That’s been an issue for me in the primary and whay I supported Bernie instead. She and Bill and Chelsea are heavily tied to Wall Street (Chelsea worked for a hedge fund and her husband ran one), and Bill uses his close relationships there to fund his Clinton Global Initiative. Will Hillary really go after the bankers funding her husband? Hard for me to believe that but not saying it’s impossible.
AdLib 7 days ago
You know more than me Ad.Please flesh that out for me a bit.Is Bill beholden to other governments?
7 days ago
Hawk is different than war monger,no? GWB and Cheney were mongers
7 days ago
Beatlex – I’m not willing to go that far, the CGI does have relationships with wealthy people around the world. I don’t know that he would support them benifiting if it was bad for the US but Bill killed the Glass Steigal Act to free up banks and Wall Street to go crazy and destroy our economy as they did in 2008, his CGI is financed heavily by Wall Street, his Presidential campaigns were, Hillary’s Senate campaigns were, she was paid a massive amount by them for giving speeches which she won’t disclose the transcripts of and her daughter and son-in-law ran hedge funds. The Clintons are married to Wall Street. Would they be willing to harm that marriage for the benefit of Americans? I just can’t say.
AdLib 7 days ago
Yes, I look at a hawk as someone who is ready to go to war as a first choice, doesn’t see wars as things that are ultimately destructive. War Mongers in my book are aggressively promoting wars for any and all reasons. I don’t think Hillary is one of them but I do think she sees wars as often the best first choice of action and doesn’t see how they ultimately make everyone worse off (except the Revolutionary War and WWII, but 2 exceptions in thousands of years of wars is hardly justifying that opinion).
AdLib 7 days ago
Yes Ad,that was a big blunder.I don’t think that they,or anyone really knew the end game with that.People got greedy,as they are prone to.I think the country has changed,with regards to war too
7 days ago
They did a lot of favors for Wall Street, tried to pass the anti-consumer Bankruptcy Bill that nearly passed under Bill but was passed under Bush while originated and supported by Bill. And do I have to mention NAFTA?
AdLib 7 days ago
Unintended consequences Ad. America strove to be the strongest,and now are the worlds policeman.The military problems go back to the days of Britain and other countries occupying much of the 3rd world for their own gains.Might makes right.America did the same.OIL being the big incentive.Look where it got Us
7 days ago
I think Bernie’s issues will resonate and Hillary must address them Ad.Trump is actually going to prove to be good for America in the long run,IMO,You?
7 days ago
Beatlex, you’re so right about that. The old and defunct way of thinking was that Might Makes Right. Using weapons kept a country strong. In the long run, all those “strong” empires crumbled because of their wars.
AdLib 7 days ago
Agreed, Trump is exposing the bigotry and resentment of the core Republicans, proving the GOP has nothing else to offer those it forces to suffer but fool into voting for them. And he is the beszt uniter the Dems could have.
AdLib 7 days ago
I think he is going to be exposed in this campaign Ad.He is a thin skinned bigot,he can’t change
7 days ago
Elizabeth Warren flayed him,and all he has for a reply is a racial insult,dummy.He should count to 10 before he tweets.HA!
7 days ago
See you Ad.Good dscussion
7 days ago
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