Vox Populi, our live weekly chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 7 days ago
Haruko! How are you?
AdLib 7 days ago

Hello, long time no see!
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
I know! What’s going on?
AdLib 7 days ago

Mmm,,, quite busy with graduation, have two kids graduating from high school next week
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Congrats!!! You should be very proud!
AdLib 7 days ago

We are … swinging between proud and trying not to freak out!
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Are they both heading to college?
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib 7 days ago

yes, they are both going to Pepperdine
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Haruko – Fantastic! What are they studying?
AdLib 7 days ago

Astronomy, maybe astrophysics.
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago

Hello, Murph
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Very cool! And what a great school!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hello Ad Lib and Haruko! Haruko, it has been a while! Congrats on the two grads!
7 days ago

I know, but they play my school in sports, so it’s hard who I should cheer for. 

Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Heh! What school did you go to?
AdLib 7 days ago

Saint Mary’s of California
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Pepperdine….a very fine school and one of the lovely campuses in the U.S.
7 days ago
And you always cheer for your kids’ school, right?
AdLib 7 days ago

I dunno …. that’s a hard choice!
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago

It is beautiful, we’re so lucky, they got full ride scholarships.
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Well…you’re going to be sitting on the Pepperdine side with them (or cheering them) so cheering for St. Mary’s there would be very gutsy!
AdLib 7 days ago
Wow!!! Academic scholarships?
AdLib 7 days ago

Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Academic scholarships are rightly the source of great pride.
7 days ago

We couldn’t afford Pepperdine, we’d be lucky to be able to send them to community college. 

Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Murph – I pass Pepperdine often in the summer, right on Pacific Coast Hwy and one of the canyon roads to the beach. Just amazing campus and location.
AdLib 7 days ago
Haruko, that is just so damn fantastic!
AdLib 7 days ago
I went to two conferences there…..how do they manage to keep anyone inside their buildings (as beautiful as they are)!
7 days ago
Such a big deal that they can graduate without student debt.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph – And they don’t have to waste money on Trump spray tans.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad….yes…au naturale!
7 days ago

awww.. thank you!
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
So…anyone believe the polls showing Trump neck and neck with Hillary? BTW, Presidents aren’t elected via national numbers anyway, it’s state by state of course.
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey Beatlex!
AdLib 7 days ago

Hello, Beatlex!
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Hey POV!
7 days ago

I read a story today saying that pollsters don’t believe their own polls showing Trump and Clinton neck and neck
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
I think the polls are a testament to how woeful unprepared the American electorate is to make informed decisions.
7 days ago
Haruko – That makes much more sense to me. I think white males are being very overpolled.
AdLib 7 days ago
And hello to kes and to beatle
7 days ago
Hey Kes!
AdLib 7 days ago
Happy Friday, Planeteers!
7 days ago

They said the polls aren’t taking into consideration how a lot of Bernie supporters will likely fall in line and support Clinton after the race is over. I’m trying to find the link
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Please assure me if you can my American friends that Donald Trump will not be elected president.It almost seems possible! Hillary has a lot of baggage…what say you my friends?
7 days ago
Beatlex, if it’s any consolation, Nate Silver of 5-3-8 (very respected pollster) says Trump will not win.
7 days ago

I can’t assure that, American voters can be dumb
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Murph – I think it’s two things. The GE hasn’t started yet and too many people are still uninformed about the threat Trump poses if he was President. Second, the Dem race isn’t settled yet so support for the Dem nom is still splintered (but won’t be eventually). Third, polling has been so wrong over the last two Presidential elections, I think the pollsters are using methods that don’t work as well today, many younger voters and less affluent voters don’t have landlines and don’t participate in polls.
AdLib 7 days ago

Hillary has a LOT of baggage
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Beatle…I would like to assure you but I cannot……given how his base is so excited and how often the democratic electorate takes a pass on exercising the franchise.
7 days ago

But, I can’t envision how Trump can possibly win by alienating women, Hispanics and blacks to the degree that he has. There’s only so many white males in the U.S.
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
I so have to say that I think a number of GOP women will vote for Trump.
7 days ago
Haruko – I just posted a couple of comments about that, I agree. Once the Dem Convention is held and a deal is worked out between Bernie and Hillary, I think support for Hillary will strengthen and outpace Trump.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad….your first two points are ones I largely agree with but I think pollsters have adapted their models after years of miserable performance.
7 days ago

I sure hope so, I sure hope there isn’t that big of a rift there. I see a lot of #neverHillary people posting online
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Trump IS intelligent,and is media savvy,but has the morals of a gutter snipe.The media as usual has blown it.Especially at the start of the campaign
7 days ago
Tonight, it was revealed that the Sanders campaign is challenging the leadership of the two key committees at the convention….making a mess.
7 days ago
I am hearing from millennials that there is a “Bernie to Trump Pipeline,” (amazingly) but how many are in it I don’t know.
7 days ago

Oh, here’s that link, I found it: http://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/Trump-fires-up-crowd-in-Fresno-with-speech-free-7949975.php
Trump fires up crowd in Fresno with speech free of policy ideas
“No other Republican would come here for dinner,” Trump said Friday at a rally during which he spoke for 68 minutes in the 9,200-capacity Selland Arena — there were hundreds of emp…
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Beatlex – I assure you, Trump will not win. There aren’t enough white bigoted men to outnumber women, Latinos and all the many big voting groups he’s attacked and will continue to attack. He will lose by a clear and solid margin. Remember, this is about state electoral votes, not national popularity. So while millions in TX may support him, they only get one set of electoral votes to give. And Dems start off with almost all they need based on the states that are Dem or lean Dem.
AdLib 7 days ago

No, that’s not it, dangit: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2016/05/27/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-polls/85029966/
Tight Clinton-Trump polls have skeptics: pollsters
Hillary Clinton faces a fierce general election battle against Donald Trump, according to recent polls, but one group remains unconvinced: pollsters.
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib 7 days ago
Good evening all. Haruko, congrats on the scholarships for your kids.
7 days ago

Thank you!
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Trump who denied climate change, again, in his energy speech….has just filed an application to build a massive see wall at his golf curse in County Clair Ireland citing the danger that GLOBAL WARMING poses to the property…..massive tidal surges, overall sea level rise, and huge storms…so he has to build a wall…..HYPOCRITE….BUT WILL ANYONE NOTICE?
7 days ago
Hey, glenn! (And also meant to say welcome back to Haruko!)
7 days ago
HOWDY Glenn!
7 days ago

Today, I saw someone *claiming* to be a Bernie supporter saying they would vote for Trump because Nazis in Germany helped turn Germany into a socialist country in the long run and now Germany has universal health care. I really hope that person wasn’t for real 

Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Murph, I think with Trump supporters it’s 100% emotion. Logic is lost on them.
7 days ago

Hello, Kes, I know I’ve been away for a while, thought I would check in tonight!
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Adlib,that is my thinking too,but this is a crazy year.Just the possibilty has me nervous
7 days ago
Haruko…in my experience that is precisely what passes for sound thinking among his supporters.
7 days ago

It has a lot of us nervous, Beatlex!
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Murph – That’s not making a mess, Sanders is helping to create a Dem convention that can attract his and Hillary’s supporters. This is not an election year where Hillary or the DNC can crow that they won and everything will be their way, they would alienate a huge portion of Dem voters. This will be a tough, negotiated process, Bernie and Hillary and the convention. But when it is done, I think the party will be bigger and more united.
AdLib 7 days ago
Kes, I think that your perception is right on..emotion……first and foremost and all else does not matter.
7 days ago
Good to see you, HH. And — wow — that was quite a comment you say. Nazis were socialists??? I think not.
7 days ago
Ad…hope you are right but I see deep rifts forming….I am pleased that Trump chickened out on his debate with Sanders…..
7 days ago

No, this person’s point was the Nazis ruined Germany and thanks to the Nazis, now Germany is socialist … so vote Trump because he’ll burn it all down
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
OH! I see. The “blow it all up” philosophy! Yes. I’ve heard that too.
7 days ago
Murph – Yes, I think Trump’s complete hypocrisy will be exposed and become very damaging as we go into GE debates. I think Hillary will slice Trump into dog food.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…again, I hope you are right but Hillary does not seem to make the emotional connection to people that makes room for the reasoned dissection.
7 days ago
Haruko – That is not reasoning you can find outside of a Tea Party basement. Definitely a troll.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–Hope you’re right. I do think that Dems need to have the “convention conversation” and hopefully adopt a progressive platform. Hillary needs to fully embrace the platform; Bernie needs to fully embrace Hillary as the nominee.
7 days ago
Murph, they were saying on PBS tonight that E. Warren is much more effective against Trump because she can make that emotional connection.
7 days ago
Murph – Remember the severe rifts between Hillary and Obama in 2008? The charges of playing the race card, the woman card, the Muslim card, the PUMAs…that was far worse and Dems came together.
AdLib 7 days ago
HH–How can you call yourself a “patriot” as those on the right do, and want to burn your country down? Instead of burning, we should be building–and not walls–bridges!
7 days ago
Kes…..there ya go…I love Liz!
7 days ago

I dunno, I think at least half the Bernie supporters saying this kind of stuff online are Republican plants
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
I do too, Murph. So many Americans really have bonded with Warren. I wish this were her year.
7 days ago
ad…I do recall those differences….but in the first week in June she whole heartedly endorsed him…what will Sanders be doing in the first week of June.
7 days ago
Murph – I agree, Hillary does not have the ability of emotionally connecting with people but I think that the contrast, having Trump attacking her viciously and her standing up to him and knocking him down, will bring the kind of respect and support she got from the public as SoS and after weathering the Benghazi hearing.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…my worry is that emotion seems to be the currency that has the most value and Clinton has very little credit in that category.
7 days ago
There is some kind of clash going on now after a Trump rally
7 days ago
The hurdle I’m going to have to get over is the attitude of some of HRC’s supporters. They outdo the so-called Bernie Bros in the Nasty Dept. Yikes! HRC herself has taken the high road for the most part, but some of her supporters are genuinely obnoxious I have to say. On the other hand I have friends who support her and are totally classy.
7 days ago
What’s going on Beatlex?
7 days ago
glenn – I think you put it perfectly! That convention negotiation is what needs to happen before there can be unity. Progressives are the activists in the party, they need to feel invested in the platform and Hillary’s campaign and I think they will. And don’t forget these two turbo boosts for Hillary…her VP pick could energize Progressives and she’ll have President Barack Obama, whose approval ratings keep going up, as a loud advocate. Trump has nothing like that in his greasy bag of tricks,
AdLib 7 days ago
Kes..I must agree….and the nastiness between the HRC and BS factions seems to be growing.
7 days ago

Trump has Ted Nugent 

Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
And Ben Carson, HH!
7 days ago
Kes-in DanDiego I think,protesters clashing with Trump-Bots
7 days ago
Haruko – I agree, I think most of those spouting ‘Bernie or Bust” are Repub trolls trying to sow division. There are legit Bernie supporters getting hysterical like that but I don’t think it’s a big percentage.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph, I’ve seen Bernie called an “impotent old slob” and a “victim of advanced Alzheimer’s” by HRC people. Really awful stuff.
7 days ago
Trump’s branding with nicknames would have been rejected by a public that valued rational argumentation but instead it is embraced as wisdom on the hoof….I do not see that ebbing.
7 days ago

I’ve been seeing it on all sides, Kes, it depresses me.
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
A race to the bottom in terms of civil discourse.
7 days ago
And yes — Trump has set the bar at a new low.
7 days ago
Murph – I don’t think it will be the 1st week in June that he throws in completely behind Hillary but by the end of the convention, when it really matters, he will. It’s a different situation this time around, Bernie has been campaigning on changing the Dem system as well as economic systems. In order for him to fulfill that promise, he can’t just roll over next week. His movement would disperse and he wouldn’t be able to bring them over to Hillary.
AdLib 7 days ago
Kes…a GOP friend says that Sanders will be targeted as socialist/communist; atheist; revolutionary, and legislative non performer. And there is evidence in support of all three.
7 days ago
If I’m not mistaken, Hillary did not concede defeat before the CA primary. And yes, Murph. The GOP would pull out all the stops on going after Bernie too.
7 days ago
I keep losing “contact” tonight, but just wanted to address Kes’ point about Hillary being emotionless. To me, the perfect campaign strategy for her would to play to that. Let Warren taunt trump on twitter to get his knickers in a knot. When Hillary asked about trump’s insults; she should relate his insults to a policy. For example, if he insults women, she should bring up $15 minimum wage; child care, etc. Even if a policy doesn’t exactly match one of trump’s insults; just bring up policy. IOW, play his game on your terms. Don’t answer his insults; pivot to policy
7 days ago
Murph – Remember New Hampshire 2008? Remember the debate where Obama said, “You’re likeable enough”? By being such a monstrous person and attacking people so viciously, watch as Hillary becomes more “likeable” and garners more support as she stands up to him. This is an ideal situation for her, as she stands up to the fascist, getting savaged by him, she will become more sympathetic and respected.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad….again, hope you are correct….I fear that the longer this drags on, the less likely there will be time for the opposing forces to come together and then work together.
7 days ago
Stands up to Trump, that is.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn — a sort of “good cop-bad cop” tactic? That might be their plan.
7 days ago
Kes..June 8…she endorese.
7 days ago
Yes, I think CA’s primary is 6/7?
7 days ago
Ad..hope you are correct….
7 days ago
Kes – I think the most hostile Hillary supporters who are attacking Bernie and his supporters will change their tune quickly once Bernie backs her wholly at the convention. These things are quickly put aside when opponents come together.
AdLib 7 days ago
People just seem so turned off to serious discussion. They presume that anything serious comes from “the politicians” the hounds of hell!
7 days ago
Kes – Yes, June 7th. Looking forward to doing my part in having CA go to Bernie.
AdLib 7 days ago
Kes–kind of. More like “control the narrative”. When Hillary brings up a policy, she should ask the interviewer, “ask Mr. Trump what is his policy on this issue?” Since he changes policies daily,
7 days ago

Has anyone lost Facebook friends over this election? I’ve lost three.
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
AdLib, I wonder if a sudden switch from “you ill-informed naive slackers” to “Fellow Democrats!” might not be a little too obvious to Sanders supporters? Well, kids, the son is in town so I may need to sign off. Have a great Memorial Day weekends all!
7 days ago
con’t. he will have to defend his policies daily. Make him do so!
7 days ago
G’night Kes. Have a great weekend!
7 days ago
Murph – I think that only the Repub haters are eating up Trump’s abusive language. Polls prove this, he loses in every demo except white men.
AdLib 7 days ago
Night Kes!!!
AdLib 7 days ago

G;nite Kes, nice talking to you again
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
7 days ago
So little time Kes! Well, good night.
7 days ago
Murph – The only way you convince the Bernie supporters to get behind Hillary, is for them to see that they are included in the platform and her campaign. It won’t matter that it happens at the convention, when it happens, Trump is doomed.
AdLib 7 days ago
Haruko, it is disappointing that this Dem primary has been so bitter between fellow Dems who support different candidates. It seems reflective of the narrowing that hurts us as a society, wanting only to hear what validates our choices and seeing it as an attack if someone has an opposing opinion. Hate to hear it’s cost you friends.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–Agree wholeheartedly! We need to hear progressive voices. But, no “purity tests”. If we want republicans to compromise with us; we must be willing to compromise with each other first!
7 days ago
A Bernie Win in California Could Crush Clinton’s Presidential Chances http://www.huffingtonpost.com/carbonatedtv/a-bernie-win-in-californi_b_10155072.html That is what worries me.
7 days ago
glenn – With you on that. It has been troubling for me to see Dems applying a purity test to Bernie and his supporters. Elections are about building support from everywhere possible, trying to tear down others who aren’t “oure” enough is self-destructive.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph–my computer is quite wonky tonight, so if I click on your article, I’ll lose contact. Can you explain how a Bernie win dooms Hillary’s chances?
7 days ago

I see the purity tests on both sides: “You can’t be a real progressive if you’re willing to vote for Hillary in November …”
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Murph – That’s just silly, don’t you think? That poorly written article is presuming that if Bernie wins CA, Hillary will lose CA to Trump? Crazy!
AdLib 7 days ago
Glenn…it is a complex article …..worth looking at.
7 days ago

hah … she won’t lose California
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Ad…there is more there than that.
7 days ago
Ad–it has been troubling to me to see Dems trying to use repub tactics, such as the “purity test”. That’s not who Dems are supposed to be–we’re supposed to welcome new ideas; and work to put them into practice. There is that old adage
7 days ago
Haruko – Good point, it’s not acceptable in that direction either. My response to someone who says that would be, “So a real Progressive would allow Trump to become President needing one less vote to do so?”
AdLib 7 days ago
“half a loaf is better than none.” Look at the baby steps Dems created to get laws passed for same sex marriage. We need to keep pushing LGBT rights, etc. One thing we can take from the repubs is “never give up.”
7 days ago
Murph – I find such opinion pieces so narrow minded. Yes, Hillary is not winning the states that have more Progressive voters. So? Does that mean Progressives in those states will vote against her in a GE and vote for Trump? This is a small snapshot of this one moment in time, it will not matter that Bernie won WA, CA, etc. in November because Hillary will win those states.
AdLib 7 days ago

and yet I’ve seen Bernie supporters wail, “Bill Clinton signed DOMA!” Sigh ….
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
HH–that was my point. Those “purity tests” shouldn’t be on either side. As Ad says, “are you not willing to fight trump with your vote
7 days ago
Ad–will have to read it tomorrow. As you can see by my disjointed posts, I’m having trouble somehow or other tonight.
7 days ago
glenn – So true, I’ve seen it every cycle though, those claiming to be Progressives or Dems who act just like Repubs on party purity. Terrible no matter who does it but more hypocritical for anyone calling themselves a Progressive…there’s nothing Progressive about it.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…i think the momentum issue is crucial here and Obama had it going into the convention, further Clinton ha these anchors holding her back…the e mail issue in the SD comes to mind with an FBI report yet to come.
7 days ago
HH–One of those “baby steps” I mentioned.
7 days ago
glenn – You may need to clear your cache and restart your browser, that should help!
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph–so is the email “scandal” going to hurt Hillary?
7 days ago
Ad–I did try that!
7 days ago
BRB going to try again!
7 days ago

I think it will … people won’t look into the details of it and it will just reinforce the idea that she’s crooked and a liar
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Murph – The most important momentum to a Presidential campaign is coming out of the convention. Better that Hillary takes some blows now and by convention time, there’s nothing else coming at her on the email thing. Remember 2008? Going into his convention and coming out of it, Obama had all the momentum, McCain was viewed as toast. Then he brought on Palin as his VP and she got media hype at the convention, then it was a race again. So what’s more important is after the convention.
AdLib 7 days ago
Glenn…the controversy does not help…the IG report gave a lot of cover to those who say she acted criminally, even though the report did not say that.
7 days ago
Haruko…with you on that.
7 days ago
Haruko – I assume that the Hillary camp will launch an all out campaign showing Trump to be crooked and a liar and by equalizing him with her, it will become something that isn’t determinative. If that is equalized, then the issue will be experience and Trump would get creamed on that.
AdLib 7 days ago

yeah, I still to this day can’t believe how much damage was done to John Kerry over the non-existent Swiftboat scandal.
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
The convention…if it is contested by the sanders crowd then it will feed the narrative that the dems are not capable of offering a common front and that weakens them in the public mind.
7 days ago

But, somehow Obama overcame Rev. Wright … they threw everything they had at him and couldn’t make it stick
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Hillary is no Obama.
7 days ago
Murph – The truth seems to be that Hillary did indeed ignore the rules and did what she wanted to do. Then again, hasn’t Trump done that in a big way? I think that Hillary’s campaign will be about equalizing her negatives with Trump then focusing on her positives as a potential President where Trump could never match up. Not being cynical, just strategic.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…Trump is teflon don…and Hillary is a sticky pad.
7 days ago
Haruko – Yes, that swiftboating of Kerry was so awful. Very ugly chapter in election history.
AdLib 7 days ago
Well….I am heading off to bed…..tired, tired, tired. Take care all.
7 days ago

Me, too, gotta log off, this was fun, I’ll try to come around more!
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
As a Canadian,who cares,I do not want to see an dangerous idiot like Trump as your president.So WORK for the Dem nominee my friends.Hillary is not the monster they try to make her out to be.And Bernie is not the answerIMO
7 days ago

I agree, Beatlex. I saw someone calling her EVIL today … I thought, “my god …”
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
Murph – That’s just not true. Trump has 70% disapproval from women, Latinos, blacks, young voters. Trump is only teflon to his Repub base. Seen the protests against Trump’s every stop in CA? What do you think all those activists will be doing and voting for? They are far undercounted IMO.
AdLib 7 days ago
Seeya Haruko! SO nice to have you at The Planet!
AdLib 7 days ago

thank you, and thanks for the welcome back!
Haruko Haruhara
7 days ago
And on Vox!
AdLib 7 days ago
Look forward to seeing you soon!
AdLib 7 days ago
Bernie is promising everything,for free.I like him,but I don’t think America is quite ready for the “Bern’s” revolution
7 days ago
HAI Haru!
7 days ago
Beatlex – You’re in Canada, he just wants the same kind of health care system. He’s been attacked for explaining that taxes will go up to pay for it (but people will save more by not paying for insurance). So, he isn’t promising free stuff.
AdLib 7 days ago
And “free college” is actually paid for in his budget plan by taxing Wall Street for each transaction they make.
AdLib 7 days ago
Working any better, glenn?
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey guys! sorry I’ve missed a lot. time differences are a bad thing
7 days ago
PPO – You should switch to PDT!
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–Seems good so far!
7 days ago
Hey PPO.
7 days ago
If only, Ad! Would love to live in the USA. House prices and cost of living so much cheaper, but health care is a killer
7 days ago
Great, glenn! Hate when that happens!
AdLib 7 days ago
hey glenn
7 days ago
Yes Ad,but he does say free,to describe his plan,the tax hike is played down.For the “average” voter,it sounds free
7 days ago
PPO – Depends on where in the US you are, definitely some areas that are nice and very affordable but here in LA, costs a bit more.
AdLib 7 days ago
Beatlex – Yep, I think that’s a mistake. He shouldn’t have ever called any of these programs “free” and explained that they are just like going to public school, you pay taxes but don’t pay to go to school.
AdLib 7 days ago
yes, Ad can appreciate that. we watch ‘Million dollar houses LA and New York’. a bit outside our price range, but other shows have houses nicely priced for their size and area.
7 days ago
Beatlex–I watch a lot of shows on HGTV, and I see sky high prices in Canada. At least on one show that I’m pretty sure is filmed in Canada mostly.
7 days ago
Hey Oz! How is it going down under?
7 days ago
PPO – That’s the case, there are a handful of pretty expensive cities in the US but there are often suburbs or nearby towns that are much more reasonable. As they say in real estate, it’s all about location, location, location.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad, Beatlex, it’s the same all over thwe world where there is ‘free’ education. don’t believe it for a second! You are gouged for Clothing, books, ‘contributions’, extra-curricular stuff. Never stops..
7 days ago
PPO–goes to that old saying, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.”
7 days ago
Yes Oz,but we have it compared to a lot of other countries
7 days ago
Hey, Beatlex. Fine at present, we’re in the middle of an 11-week Election campaign for the Federal Government. Too long and boring as all hell.
7 days ago
PPO–at least the tuition is free. Right now, students are paying for tuition and all of those other things on top of it!
7 days ago
PPO–Oh, if only we could have a “long, 11-week”campaign for the Federal Government here in the US! 

7 days ago
An elderly lady who lived next door to me passed away, she was a sweetheart and a wonderful neighbor. Her estranged son inherited the house and sold it to a developer who tore her house down and is building a massive monstrosity in it’s place. This is happening all over LA. The trend is making it so that only the wealthy will eventually be able to buy houses. Home ownership nationwide is sinking, the wealthy, hedge funds, the Chinese, etc. are buying up both commercial and residential property madly. The future they see is America as a land of people paying rent to the wealthy, not home owners.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn, true, but it costs one way or the other. Maybe the taxation path is more bearable than having to fork out big cheques every so often
7 days ago
Yes glenn! It must be almost unbearable there!
7 days ago
Agreed, PPO. I’d rather have my taxes going to students getting an education than to sending those same students to war!
7 days ago
PPO – 11 weeks? How can you stand it??? 

AdLib 7 days ago
PPO – At least with taxation, those who can pay are the ones that pay and the poor aren’t doomed to a virtual indentured servitude of paying off $80,000 in student loans.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–I read that it’s not only in LA. Apparently no one in SF can afford to buy a house any more and rents are outrageous, too.
7 days ago
glenn – Yes, SF is now just ridiculously unaffordable and Silicon Valley is to blame for that too. A reflection of the economic disparity out there, some with huge amounts of money and a majority just getting by or worse.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–that, too. I remember when state governments actually funded education. Now we’re funding charter schools who don’t have to follow the same rules as public schools. Of course, that’s the whole idea, isn’t it? Plus, charter schools don’ do any better than public schools on the state-mandated tests, either.
7 days ago
Ad, yes, it’s a trial! they normally last only 6-8 weeks! about the late old lady, the same is happening in Australia. Older houses in tree-lined areas being torn down and McMansions shhoting up. Local Government seems to be powerless to prevent the rape of once beautiful suburbs. KIn our suburb here, a lady was asked by a chinese lady to sell her home. When she refused, the Chinese lady said in horror, ‘But this is Chinese area now!” We Irish, greek and vietnamese migrants happen toidisagree!
7 days ago
Just looked this up: One bedroom apartments in San Francisco rent for $3096 a month on average and two bedroom apartment rents average $4126.
AdLib 7 days ago
Here’s the link to that data: https://www.rentjungle.com/average-rent-in-san-francisco-rent-trends/
Average Rent In San Francisco, San Francisco Rent Trends and Rental Comps
As of May, 2016, average apartment rent within 10 miles of San Francisco, CA is $3770. One bedroom apartments in San Francisco rent for $3096 a month on average and two bedroom apa…
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–holy cow! That’s downright crazy!
7 days ago
Alright, folks, time for me to call it a night. Hope everyone has a good weekend, and remembers to honor our service men and women. Take care, all.
7 days ago
glenn – And consider that there are plenty of Starbucks, McDonalds, etc. in SF where workers are getting paid minimum wage. They can’t afford to live where they work.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn – Have a great weekend, Happy Memorial Day in advance!
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad, Melbourne prices: Apartment (1 bedroom) Outside of Centre 1,238.83 A$ 1,000.00-1,500.00 Apartment (3 bedrooms) in City Centre 3,135.28 A$ 2,300.00-4,000.00. g’night glenn
7 days ago
Ad–just realized that it’s only you and I to honor our military members. Anyway, thanks for the wishes!
7 days ago
glenn – Well, we are PlanetPOV, folks from all over! Cheers!
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO – So how does the election over there look?
AdLib 7 days ago
It looks as if the current Liberal ( i.e conservative/GOP) lads are struggling, with Labor/Greens doing a little better. But I don’t spend any time on it, as I’ll be voting Labor, even though I’m in a Blue-ribbon solid Liberal electorate, dammit! But maybe one day…..!
7 days ago
Is the nation more Liberal or just where you are?
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad, pretty much 50/50. but my suburb is in a ‘well-heeled part of Melbourne, so the 1% have a big say. Generally, the Labor, Greens and National(Farmers) poarties are better in the country, but the City Gerrymander of seats ensures that the Liberals are always a major force.
7 days ago
Now that sounds familiar!
AdLib 7 days ago
Yup. Well, better go make lunch for my lady. Take care all. Sorry I’m so late these days for a good chat. see you all.
7 days ago
I’ll have a ham on rye. Have a great weekend!
AdLib 7 days ago
Well Beatlex, looks like it’s time to wrap Vox for the night! Have a great weekend and see you next week!
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