Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey Ad! How gozit?
7 days ago
All well on this side, how are your legs doing?
AdLib 7 days ago
Mending well, Thank Goodness. No need for a stick anymore. Just a few jabs as the scars heal. I am one VERY lucky guy
7 days ago
Hey glenn!
7 days ago
Very glad to hear this! Glad you’re also a pro at healing!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey PPO–so glad to hear you’re mending so well. Goodonya!
7 days ago
Not a pro at anything, sadly, now, but muttering on.
7 days ago
Hi Ad–how are you doing?
7 days ago
thanks glenn.
7 days ago
So, Ad and PPO–what do you all think about the new and improved “presidential” trump?
7 days ago
Doing well, Glenn! All well your way?
AdLib 7 days ago
All well here, Ad.
7 days ago
glenn, Wow! As if we here at POV didn’t know – it was all a Yuuuge con! Wonder how he can spin this little bombshell!
7 days ago
PPO–LOL! It’s kinda like romney’s “etch-a-sketch” thingy, isn’t it?
7 days ago
It just shows how pathetic the politicians and the MSM are that this insanity lasted so long, and, from the looks of it, will continue.
7 days ago
t to change the subject or anything, but as a doting mother and grandmother; my heart just melted when I saw the pictures of President Obama and little Prince George. How adorable were they together?
7 days ago
PPO – This would be the equivilent of Nixon saying, “Yes indeed, I am a crook!”
AdLib 7 days ago
oops–“not to change…”
7 days ago
PPO–I think the trump insanity will continue until he suffers a YUUUGE loss in either the convention or the general election.
7 days ago
glenn, shuddering to think this will go on for many more months. Enough Already!
7 days ago
Ad, Yup!
7 days ago
What gets me is how exposed the political game is and how pols now openly tell us, “Yep, I’m going to pander to the extreme side to win the nomination then move to the middle in the General Election. You know, display that I have no principles and will change my positions to get the power of the Presidency. You sure can’t trust anything I promise you, that’s for sure!”
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–does the definition of a “flim-flam man” also include “crook?
7 days ago
‘Cause trump certainly fits both.
7 days ago
Glenn, little George is CUUUUUTE. Pity the little bugger won’t be king until about 2100, if ever. there is a growing feeling in the UK that they may ditch the Royals affter Her Maj kicks off.
7 days ago
Isn’t Manafort publicly stating, “Don’t worry, Trump is a total phony”?
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO–I know. On one hand, I’m kinda looking forward to repubs tearing themselves apart at the convention. On the other hand, do I want to watch and/or listen to and/or read about it? Like a train wreck that you can’t help but slow down to watch, isn’t it?
7 days ago
Ad, di you see where little Old Ireland has told b ully Drumpf he can’t build an Atlantic Wall to protect his precious Golf Course?..Hee Hee!
7 days ago
True, glenn, but look what’s happening to the USA’s reputation while it happens.
7 days ago
PPO – No, I missed that! Very funny! Have a feeling there will be a lot of yellow grass growing on that golf course.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–your explanation about sums it up. However, everyone knows that the repubs are the “stupid party” and that they’ll believe anything someone on the right tells them.
7 days ago
glenn – I’ve been debating that myself as well, is it better to have a convention battle or Trump win the nom. I think Trump winning the nom would make the convention just as crazy and we’d be assured that the Dem would face that hated loser. What do you think?
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad, some of the sand traps will be unplayable when the tide comes in!
7 days ago
PPO–I know. It just fries me that the repubs keep saying that “the world is laughing at us” and claim it’s President Obama’s fault, when the reason the world is laughing at us is because of the stupid antics of the right! Did you see where the Brits warned their citizens not to visit “certain Southern states”? It’s not even funny any more; it’s just pathetic, IMO>
7 days ago
PPO – I have an ides that some of the sand traps will look like kitty litter boxes.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn, yes, it is pathetic, and becoming more so by the hour. Most are asking ‘How did it get this far in the first place?’ IMO, ask Murdoch, and MSM bosses.
7 days ago
glenn – Trump boasts proudly about winning “uneducated voters”. Of course he loves them, they make up most of his party’s base.
AdLib 7 days ago
grabbing a mouthful of coffee. BRB
7 days ago
Ad–I’m still not sure which I want to happen. If trump wins the nom, the convention won’t be pretty, but if he doesn’t, it will be really ugly! As for the GE, if Hillary is the Dem nom, I truly think it would be a close race, because from what I read, a lot of independents do like trump and don’t trust Hillary. So some days I’m not sure I wouldn’t like to see cruz become the nominee, in which case I think Hillary would win by a landslide!
7 days ago
PPO–I agree. Ask the “fox” and the MSM. For the MSM to call trump “presidential” because he didn’t insult anyone in his primary victory speech, is just so beyond the pale, I just don’t have words for it. It’s not so much “how did it get this far” as it is “how did it get so low”?
7 days ago
glenn – Maybe the best scenario is for Trump to be very close but not have the full 1237 delegates. Then it can get really ugly but Trump can win and have a damaged party under him. Cruz would lose to Hillary but polling shows her with only a 5% lead over him, she does better against Trump. Bernie of course beats both by much larger margins.
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey Ad–as another change of subject–do you know if Murph is okay? Haven’t seen him around the Planet in a while!
7 days ago
glenn – The thing is, as the MSM french kisses Trump, more and more Americans are repulsed. Let them have their disgusting love affair, both will be left at the altar by Americans. I expect cable news viewership to plummet after the election, lower than it ever has been.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn – Don’t know about Murph, he may show up tonight.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–Even if trump does have a damaged party under him, repubs will be repubs and will either stay home or hold their noses and vote for him. It’s kinda like what people are saying about Hillary, so in this case I really have to say, “both sides do it.” As much as I’d like to see Bernie become the Dem nom, I don’t think that’s going to happen. As I said a couple of weeks ago, I’d like to see both Bernie and Hillary become “statespersons” and use each other’s ideas to move this country forward, no matter which one is the nom. Hillary needs to soften her stance on Bernie, and vice versa. I liked it a lot better when they stuck to the issues.
7 days ago
glenn, I agree, and it sounds as if Hillary is embracing at least some of Bernie’s less controversial ideas. Hopefully their campaigns will stay less fractious than the other buunch of nutters.
7 days ago
Ad–I agree. I am just absolutely disgusted by our media. As PPO says above, “how did it get this far”? One of the reasons is cable news networks, and not just fox. Bernie should have been given just as much air time as trump, since the media keeps portraying both of them as the “outliers”. But, all we heard was the crowds that trump was drawing, and not a word about Bernie’s crowds or policies. At least in the beginning.
7 days ago
PPO–I’m hoping that their last debate “scared” both Bernie and Hillary into going back to being adults. They caught a lot of flak for that debate, and hopefully, they learned from it.
7 days ago
glenn – But what wins elections is an energized constituency and Trump won’t have that outside of the fraction that represents his core supporters in the GOP. Other Repubs will stay far away from him so as not to be associated with his crushing in Nov. and that will peel off supporters for him as well. Dems will be far more motivated. I’ve said it before, I don’t like or trust Hillary but I will vote for her enthusiastically because it will be about defeating Trump and the GOP. But many of the indies that support Bernie and would give him a far bigger win over Trump may drift away from the Dem Party. These aren’t Dems for the most part who are threatening not to vote for Hillary, many are indies who aren’t attracted to the old fashioned machine politician Hillary represents.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad and PPO–Also, I’m a little worried about all this blowback about Wall St. I agree that those who were responsible for those horrible mortgages and shady hedge funds should be prosecuted. However, I’m also aware that I cannot be the only one whose savings is quite dependent on Wall St. stocks and such, so I worry about what will happen there. My savings account is much healthier since President Obama took office, and I’d like to keep it that way!
7 days ago
Ad–I agree with what you’re saying about the independents; but we need them to put the Dem nom over the top, too, don’t you think?
7 days ago
good point glenn. The mind boggles as to what might happen on Wall street if the GOP get the Presidency. Would there be any controls at all to stem the greed?
7 days ago
glenn – We saw the same thing when OWS was becoming a real force, the MSM wouldn’t cover it and when they did, ridiculed it as meaningless. Bernie was treated the same way, ignored as long as possible until they had to report on him. It’s pretty simple, there is an elite running the corps that own the MSM and anything that represents a change for them and the status quo is smothered as much as possible. Trump isn’t smothered because he’s making them lots oof money and that’s their only mission in owning the MSM, to make tons of mooney even if it destroys the country.
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO–it’s not only the greed. Like it or not, our financial system is tied to the rest of the world, and if the rest of the world can’t trust the “full faith” of the U.S., then stocks are likely to drop like rocks! That’s what worries me.
7 days ago
glenn – We completely disinvested our retirement money from the stock market two recessions ago and since the 2008 crash didn’t impact our savings, I think we’re way ahead of where we would have been. Wall Street is a rigged game, all the most wealthy and powerful know in advance what each other’s corps are doing and they make their billions from ripping off the people who invest their savings in the stock market. It’s a fraud and over the long term, I think one would end up with more money staying out of it than staying in it.
AdLib 7 days ago
true, glenn. We see our comparatively weak Aussie Dollar firming against the softer USD.
7 days ago
Ad–I know. IMO, our media stopped becoming reporters a long time ago. It began with the repeal of the “fairness doctrine”, was exacerabated by fox, and then blew up with the advent of 24-hour cable news cycle. Not to mention that news is now a part of the profit system; and no longer a “loss leader”.
7 days ago
Ad–not to be nosy, but where do you have your retirement savings now? Do you just have them in savings accounts? Money markets?
7 days ago
Agree, ad. I have my miserable retirement fund cashed out and in a good money management account, getting a reasonable rate, but totally risk free.
7 days ago
PPO–same question. If I can be so nosy as to ask what you mean by a “money management account”.
7 days ago
glenn – I really wish we could get indies to vote for Hillary against Trump, hopefully some will in the “better of two evils” way but it’s hard to see what indies would be inspired by in Hillary. She is an old school politician, pandering and flipping from day to day on issues just to win. There’s a reason why a majority of voters see her as untrustworthy and that is what has and may continue to keep indies away from supporting her. The higher margin that Bernie has against any of the Repubs probably comes from all the indies that would come out to vote for him. Hillary doesn’t get those now, hard to say that she would even against Trump.
AdLib 7 days ago
Oh, well, it is an account with a mainstream bank where I have parked the money for some years and can’t access it until it matures ( next August). In the meantime it is earning more than 5%, better than a lot of places, and no risk. It is also available if I need it in an emergency.
7 days ago
Ad–exactly. That’s why I would rather see cruz as the nominee that trump. I think indies would either stay home or definitely vote against cruz, even it’s Hillary they’re voting for.
7 days ago
PPO–so, it’s like a CD?
7 days ago
“rather see cruz as the nominee than trump”
7 days ago
CD glenn?
7 days ago
7 days ago
glenn – Yes, we moved our savings into CDs, Treasuries, etc. The returns are minimal but if the market crashed tomorrow, we’d have all our savings intact. We know for a fact that the stock market is designed to boom and bust, that’s a risky game to play when you can’t afford to lose a big chunk of that money.
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO – That’s a smart way to go! The way Wall Street is rigged today, with high speed trading computers gaming all the regular investors who have no access to that technology or inside info, it’s too crooked a game for me.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad, isn’t it the art of politics that negotiation and compromise are tools for reaching accommodations? But in Hillary’s case, that’s pandering and flipping? I think that’s a bit of a stretch, not that I have any particular love for her.
7 days ago
glenn – I do think Cruz would get crushed too so either way, Dems win. I just think that Trump stirs up so much anger towards him, he could rally a bigger turnout for Dems than Cruz.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad, true, but the Dems need now to pound the airwaves with Trump’s campaign’s words and really denigratethe con man for what he now so blatantly is.
7 days ago
PPO – What I’m referring to is how she has openly geared her campaign in the primary to adopt nearly all of Bernie’s positions to undercut him. I don’t think these are earnest positions because they are new to her and not coincidentally the same stands Bernie was taking from the start.
AdLib 7 days ago
Oh, I haven’t seen anything on those lines in the media here, so don’t know. I’ll bow to your expertise!
7 days ago
PPO–A CD is a certificate of deposit. You put a certain amount of money in an account for a specified amount of time. If you take it out before the specified time, you have to pay a penalty. So, it’s not readily accessible, but then I have to pay a tax on the money I take out of my funds, so although I can take it when I want to, I pay a “penalty”.
7 days ago
This is what The Clintons have a long history of doing, they triangulate to take away the issues of their opponents and undercut the reasons for voting for them. Bill did this to win the Presidency in 1992, adopting all of the Republicans central issues. This is what they’ve done, her campaign actually announced that she was going to do this before she did (she started her campaign positioning herself to the right oof Obama and criticizing him…when his poll numbers were down).
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO and Ad–I’m going to research moving my money. Ad, did you have to pay a penalty/tax for moving your money? Although you probably moved it at the right time, since your “profits” were low since stocks were selling so low at that time.
7 days ago
glenn, about the same, right enough. But my limited amount doesn’t earn enough to pass over the tax-free threshold here. Yes, I would have to pay a penalty for early access, but haven’t had to so far, than k goodness.
7 days ago
PPO–yup–Dems really have to start pounding the differences between what repubs do when they get in positions to “govern” and what Dems do.
7 days ago
glenn – Not at all, our IRAs are at banks that offer a variety of investment options. They do charge a small fee when you “trade” from one to another, like a brokerage, but there are no penalties for doing that OR moving your IRAs from the bank they’re in to a bank or brokerage that provides more investment options.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–As PPO says, I bow to your expertise. You were right about Obama, hopefully, you’re right about the Indies, too.
7 days ago
Ad–meaning right about the Indies rallying against trump.
7 days ago
glenn, be very, very careful about what advice you are given. Interest rates are very low right now, so locking in a rate could be a disservice. Do get professional help from a few experts and remember that they also can have agendas to relieve you of your money!
7 days ago
Ad–my problem is my funds are with a brokerage firm. If I switch them to a bank IRA, aren’t those IRA’s also invested in stocks?
7 days ago
glenn – Absolutely, the best way to win the Senate (and maybe even the House?) in this election along with the WH is to nationalize the election, IMO. Attack the Repubs for how they’ve controlled Congress, shutting down government and now refusing to do their jobs to put a SCOTUS judge in place…let alone stoonewalling everything good that is pursued. And use that to attack the sneaky Repubs who are trying to claim they’re not part of the problem by saying, “Whether they personally voted to shut down the government or not, refuse to confirm a SCOTUS jusdge or not, they empower those things to happen by giving Repubs a majority and control in Congress. They have to go if you want to fix Washington.”
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad, get that video made and out there! Perfect!!
7 days ago
PPO–Yes, I will be careful. I will research it on my own for a while; I spend a lot of time on my computer, so I can spend time doing that research. I am quite aware that the brokerage firms want my money to make money off me; that is what capitalism is all about, isn’t it?
7 days ago
Ad–and not only how the repubs have shut down governments in Washington; how they have bankrupted their states when they control both the legislature and the governorships.
7 days ago
glenn, yes, but their advice can be colored by the amount of commission they get from other firms
7 days ago
7 days ago
glenn – Just an assumption on my part, I may be wrong but I really can’t see anything that could happen as a US or world event, anything that Trump could say or do that would reverse the ongoing slide of women to oppose him, Latinos to oppose him, young voters, black voters, Muslim voters, on and on. Indies generally dislike the games politicians play on the public so that hurts Hillary too because she is a game player but Trump is so obvious and offensive. She will win against him…but I wouldn’t be so sure about her chances in a re-electioon against a non-extremist Repub.
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO – Will get to work on that!
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–are there any “non-extremist repubs?” You certainly can’t call Kasich a “non-extremist”; because hasn’t he bankrupted his state?
7 days ago
glenn – I’m not crazy about brokerage firms but some provide more options than banks on safe investing. It does help to research but don’t be concerned about penalties or such for moving your IRA to different investments or a different institution. You can rollover IRAs to wherever you want once a year.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn – Excellent point! There should be a straight line drawn through the Bush crash of the economy under “trickle down” and the crash of Repub states using it as well. Trickle Down should be Beaten Down for good and all and take down the Repubs with it.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–I know you’re a lot younger than me; so even at my age, I can rollover my IRAs? Don’t worry; I will research it on my own; just curious.
7 days ago
glenn – It’s a standard rule in the law about IRAs, you can always change the investment vehicle, say, moving your money from a mutual fund into Treasury bills and you are allowed to take part or all of your IRA out of the bank it’s in now to any other bank or brokerage as an IRA Rollover once every year (every 365 days). I’m not an accountant so this is not officially investment advice but a quick Google of “IRA Rollover” and “once a year” will bring up that info from reliable sources.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–I like that–“trickle down should be beaten down” for good! Should be a bumper sticker for Dems! It’s just amazing to me that “taxes” have become such a dirty word. When our tax rates were a lot higher; we were a much more prosperous nation. I just can’t understand why people can’t see that. We have become so polarized that if it happens under a Dem president; it’s all bad, at least according to repubs.
7 days ago
Ad–thanks, I will definitely look into that.
7 days ago
My husband always used to say, “the reason I’m paying more taxes is because I’m making more money.” It’s a unique way of looking at it, and certainly more positive than, “I don’t want poor people to have any of my money.”
7 days ago
glenn – My daughter came home from school explaining that they talked about the election in History class and her teacher said she liked Bernie but she wouldn’t vote for him because he would raise her taxes. So here’s a teacher who is ill informed and sharing that fear of taxes with her class…unaware that the taxes she would pay woould be far smaller than the savings she would get from Single Payer and free college for her kids (I think the health care savings alone annually would be a net of at least $5,000 per household under Bernie’s plan). It’s that fear of taxes that blinds people to how taxes can help them if used to doo so.
AdLib 7 days ago
Just saw Gov. Of Virginia has allowed convicts and ex-cons to vote!
7 days ago
PPO – That is a big victory! Not a huge fan of McCauliffe, he is far better than any Repub though and has done some good things. This is sure one of them!
AdLib 7 days ago
My damn “o” key keeps repeating on its own, sorry about that!
AdLib 7 days ago
my fingers type all the right letters, but not necessarily in the right order!
7 days ago
Ad–I’ve always said I’d rather have my taxes go to fully fund public schools, fund poor kids to have something to eat, and fund infrastructure repair than for expanding our military. If we just flipped what we pay for our military to helping those things, plus fully funding the VA, then taxes wouldn’t be the “bogeyman” that repubs make them out to be.
7 days ago
glenn – Your husband sounds like a good guy, sharing the coompany of Warren Buffet, Ben and Jerry and many more millionaires and billionaires who are fine with paying more taxes than they do to help oothers and the country.
AdLib 7 days ago
glenn – We should indeed sharply reduce our military spending and funnel a lot of that money into rebuilding infrastructure, attacking poverty and supporting the futures of the younger generation. We’ve screwed up the future (not us personally but our generation) and we owe it to the younger generations to give them a better future. And cutting taxes for the wealthy and tearing up regulations against polluters and Wall Street fraudsters ain’t the way that’s going to happen.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–I know; I just don’t those millionaires and billionaires, either. I mean, how much money can one person spend? How many houses, cars, jets, does one person need? Even if you have a gazillion kids, how much can one person spend?
7 days ago
Ad–AMEN, brother!
7 days ago
On that note, I’m checking out. Not an early game tomorrow, but I want to get a few things done before I go to the game. Anyway, take care and have a great weekend! Good night to you, too, PPO!
7 days ago
G’night glenn. Pity so few here tonight.
7 days ago
glenn – It’s true, in the real world, who could not live like a king with $20 million in the bank? We should have the tax rates back to Eisenhower rates, a 90% tax rate on any earnings above, say, $10 million a year. Who couldn’t live well grossing $10 million? And if they earned $100 million more, they get to keep $10 million. The deficit would collapse and the economy would boom as it did in the 1950’s.
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO–I agree. It’s certainly a lot livelier when there are more people here; but yours and Ad’s insights more than make up for it, IMO! 

7 days ago
Night glenn! Enjoy the game tomorrow!
AdLib 7 days ago
blushing here, G! Good night
7 days ago
So kind of you glenn but don’t leave yourself out of that trio!
AdLib 7 days ago
What Ad said!
7 days ago
Have a great rest of your day, PPO!
AdLib 7 days ago
Thanks, Ad, getting ready for my ‘surprise’ 70th next week! 

7 days ago
How cool! Wish I could attend!
AdLib 7 days ago
Happy early birthday!
AdLib 7 days ago
How I wish we could all get together one day and see what a bunch of crazies we all are! Maybe one day on skype!
7 days ago
Thanks Ad. Cheerio.
7 days ag
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