Happy Friday! Vox Populi, our weekly live chat on the week’s events starts at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 8 hours ago
Don’t forget to say “Peace Prez” or “Hi!” when you arrive!
AdLib 4 hours ago
Hi Ad, Harleigh, I LOVE our Peace Prez!

4 hours ago
Hey glenn! Same here!
AdLib 4 hours ago
What’s up Harleigh?
AdLib 4 hours ago
It’s pretty awesome. Hope over ride aipac too…. again.

4 hours ago
So, what’s the deal with HP moving the rump’s presidential campaign to the entertainment section?

4 hours ago
glenn – It’s really mindblowing to think of all of the huge accomplishments Obama has accomplished in his 8 years. Especially compared to the last President. Obama has cemented his place in history as one of our best Presidents.
AdLib 4 hours ago
Harleigh – AIPAC is out of luck. Is is me or have the Israelis been destroying their image and influence by being such nutters over this Iran deal?
AdLib 4 hours ago
I don’t think tRump will file financials at the end of this month with FEC and drops out.

4 hours ago
We neednto dump aipac and israel

4 hours ago
Ad–I totally agree.

4 hours ago
glenn – It was a ridiculous attention getting stunt by the BS filled HP. A way to keep covering Trump’s every word while trying to act like they’re not the sniveling panderers they are…and also knowing that maybe Trump will attack them back and help promote them across the MSM. And he did insult them but only HP covered it as a story. How messed up is that and how scummy is HP?
AdLib 4 hours ago
Ad–once again, you’ve hit the nail on the head. I do get a “kick” out of HP sometimes, though.

4 hours ago
HP has a troll infestation problem equal to The Hill.

4 hours ago
Evening all Peace Prez

4 hours ago
Harleigh – I don’t believe Trump is not worth 10 billion, he lies about everything and exaggerates constantly. If he submits his financials, he’ll be proven a liar. But being that he’s leading the pack in the GOP, he may feel it’s worth it to take the hit (he’s often exposed as a liar and brushes it off) and keep the biggest platform for bragging about himself as long as he can.
AdLib 4 hours ago
hey all

4 hours ago
Hey slm!
AdLib 4 hours ago
Harleigh–You may be right. The rump may have accomplished his goal of getting tons of publicity. Although, I don’t know why he wouldn’t file his financials. After all, according to him, he is worth ten billion dollars. Which is, of course, a criteria for a presidential run, dontcha know?

4 hours ago
Yo, Bros!

4 hours ago
Hey SLM–how are you?

4 hours ago
Hey PPO–how is everything in the land of OZ?

4 hours ago
Ad – According to sources in the know (accounting speak for we’ve seen the spreadsheet), Trump is at best a tens of millions millionaire. His alimony alone is cost prohibitive. Lol. Wonder how he’ll be making a living next year…

4 hours ago
Hi Good Folks. Hope everyone is well.

4 hours ago
Effin Freezing, glenn. Snowing in Queensland, which is like saying it is snowing in Panama!

4 hours ago
Hey Glenn – things are really good here. lovely summer so far. how are things by you?

4 hours ago
Hi Sabreen

4 hours ago
I think Trump will be a Ross Perot-type flash in the pan.

4 hours ago
PPO–Oh my! Snow in Queensland? That’s amazing!

4 hours ago
Harleigh – Absolutely, this blind loyalty to Israel’s policies is moronic. They are an ally but when their leaders are such liars and war mongers, they should be treated as such. Of course, Repubs are looking into a mirror so they like what they see. But that weasel Chuck Schumer has already said he would vote against Obama on the Iran agreement. And he’s going to be the next leader for the Dems in the Senate. He is so corrupt, don’t expect a lot of good things from him.
AdLib 4 hours ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 4 hours ago
hey Ad!

4 hours ago
SLM–Going well with me, too.

4 hours ago
Hi Sabreen!
AdLib 4 hours ago
Ad – but you have to understand we are addicted to Israel’s products (tech, medical and military of course)

4 hours ago
Glenn – good to hear

4 hours ago
Last time threatened to run Lawrence Odonnell called him out on financials and he dropped out right before the deadline. I’m betting he chickens out this time too.

4 hours ago
Hey Harleigh have to fill a bowl will be passing in a minute

4 hours ago
slm – That’s exactly what I’m thinking, Trump is nowhere near worth what he claims. But being #1 in the polls may make him willing to expose that…then lie about it and still claim he’s worth $10 billion.
AdLib 4 hours ago
Ad, and everyone–Can someone explain to me why any pol would be against the Iran deal, let alone a Democrat? What is their objection to this deal–other than it was brokered by the President and SOS Kerry? Are they really that shortsighted? It really does make me shake my head.

4 hours ago
Ad – of course new information is never processed

4 hours ago
i hate all the aipac loving liebermann types. the alternative would be catastrophic.

4 hours ago
There’s been heavy snow in Australia and people don’t know what’s going on
Even the ‘Sunshine state’ Queensland has been blanketed.


4 hours ago
PPO – Ross Perot wasn’t a flash in the pan. He got the biggest percentage of a Presidential vote an indie has in modern times. He did trip and fall in his campaign then have to come back but Trump can’t fall amongst the GOP idjits, his whole campaign is about saying the wrong things so he can’t falter as Perot did.
AdLib 4 hours ago
Harleigh – it is so antithetical to Jewish teaching. It really pisses me off!!!!

4 hours ago
glenn – I don’t know, but I caught the tail end of Senator Kaine on PBS saying that he’s not committed to the deal and he has to read it to make sure it covers everything he wants, blah, blah, blah

4 hours ago
SLM–If I may, I’d like to alter your post. It’s not that “new information” is never processed. It’s that information itself is never processed. Whatever a repub says first is always true and everything that is said afterward is just the damn liberals trashing those poor, hardworking repubs.

4 hours ago
slm – We depend on products from many countries, including Saudi Arabia and other ME countries. The problem is that in general, pols don’t want to ever stand on principle against money or political advantage.
AdLib 3 hours ago
PPO–great pic! Of course, I bet that kangaroo doesn’t think so!

3 hours ago
Glenn – darn it all that was what I wanted to say but tempered it

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
rubio is against peace, have no idear what Nelson thinks.

3 hours ago
SLM–no need to temper your posts here. I’ve been known to go on a few rants here at the Planet! It’s a “safe zone”.

3 hours ago
rants can be fun! not that I ever did that.

3 hours ago
Harleigh–your rants are always tempered by a sharp wit and biting humor!

3 hours ago
lol thx!

3 hours ago
Ad – of course. you know that I worked in the DoD contractor field, right? If Americans knew where their money actually went and how it was thrown around, they would be in the streets in an instant. The thing is that all 50 states depend on those monies for existence. So that addiction makes us ally with nations that keep creating newer military technology. For better or worse the Israelis are excellent at it.

3 hours ago
glenn – The only reason these pols are against the deal is for political reasons. Dems like Schumer are locked arm-in-arm with Israel and would never say a word or act against what they want. Repubs have been against every Obama accomplishment since he was inaugurated (except the TPP for obvious reasons) so they just spout all kinds of crap to justify their kneejerk opposition. The bottom line is, it’s either negotiate an agreement or try to bomb Iran into doing just what the Israelis want and that will never happen. It’s a false proposition and the war mongers in Israel and here know that, it would be an endless war. Iran has had their nuke program attacked militarily, economically and even cyberattacked but it continues. These warmongers know that.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Sabreen–well, at least there is one person in DC who actually will read the deal before shooting off his moth!

3 hours ago
Harleigh – Rubio wants to maintain a war against Cuba that didn’t work for decades. He’s got the mind of a child. A very thirsty child.
AdLib 3 hours ago
All I have to say is **raspberries** to those that scoffed at the President’s Nobel Peace Prize

3 hours ago
glenn – I hope so. Bernie Sanders said he hasn’t read it but blasted it. Of course he bashes PBO all the time so…

3 hours ago
Ad – Rubio’s a tool. A thirsty tool.

3 hours ago
oops–shooting off his “mouth”–not “moth” LOL at myself!

3 hours ago
slm – I’m with you.

3 hours ago
SLM–Many headlines said just what you did–the President earned his Peace Prize. Let’s see if you, Sabreen, and I can do our raspberries all together now! Ready?

3 hours ago
His parents came to Miami in 1956 years before Castro came to power in 1959. He has always claimed to be a ‘Refugee’ although he was born in the US in 1971! Anchor baby.

3 hours ago
Here’s mine—phhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsssshhhhhhhhhhhhh!

3 hours ago
Sabreen – May I ask what you have against Bernie Sanders? I went to a rally in Boston and it was well attended. The millenials that will be eligible to vote are organizing. This may be a primary and election season that will awaken the sleeping masses.

3 hours ago
I hope Schumer doesn’t take Harry Reid’s place.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Harleigh–did his parents come legally? If they did, then he’s not an “anchor baby”. If they didn’t, do they have citizenship now?

3 hours ago
slm – Great to have your expertise and perspective on this. It is a slimy part of our nation’s structure, for political reasons. The Merchants of Death have slyly and strategically spread out their operations around the US so that any attempt to cut military spending can be used to outrage all Americans at the loss of jobs in their states. And this kind of thing happens with other countries like Israel too. In order to keep this leverage over our democracy, the military manufacturing corps bribe Congress to approve all kinds of wasteful spending so they can make a fortune and increase military jobs around the US. Income security for them, financial insecurity for the rest of the nation.
AdLib 3 hours ago
glenn they were here 3 years before castro. It was real easy back then.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Ad – all I have to say regarding that is I am glad that they are using those monies for the mass migration that is inevitable and not as far off as we need it to be to be truly prepared.

3 hours ago
Rubio is such a sham as a candidate, he’s not very bright, has no vision, has adopted all the old classic Repub positions as “new” and can’t control his thirst when in public like a 4 year old, “Mommy, I’m thirsty!” He reminds me of a 2016 version of Dan Quayle.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Pink – thanks I love Muttley!!!!

3 hours ago
Harleigh–oh, you mean in 1956 when Eisenhower, a republican, was president? Hmm

3 hours ago
slm – Oh Bernie – well – he voted against closing Gitmo; voted against gun background checks; said AA’s vote for color of pol; hasn’t even attempted to reach out to minorities in Dem Party; blast Dem Party all the time, but is running as Dem; I just don’t see Bernie Sanders as presidential material. I really don’t. I can’t see him sitting in a room with foreign dignitaries of every stripe – conservative to socialist to communist. I don’t see him being able to bring people together by acknowledging their commonality on issues and not highlighting their differences.

3 hours ago
Sabreen – Very sad to say but Schumer is taking Reid’s place and the Dems in the Senate will be pulled towards the right and protecting Wall Street when that happens. Not a good future for Progressives and most Dems.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Sabreen. I equally shudder to think how Trump would do in those circumstances.

3 hours ago
we have called him rubitard for years.

3 hours ago
Sabreen – you should attend a meeting in your area. you have it all wrong. I don’t want to harsh my buzz so maybe we can take this up another time.

3 hours ago
PPO – Trump is an idiot. He doesn’t even count.

3 hours ago
Harleigh…. rub it hard?????

3 hours ago
Pink –

3 hours ago
slm – Ok. Then by all means don’t read Spandan at the Peoples View. Personally, I’m for Joe Biden – but I don’t know if he’ll run.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
i halways liked Bernie but I don’t see him winning a national election. Webb is just being stupid.

3 hours ago
Hello Everyone…guess where I was last night….?A TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT ORGANIZING MEETING…..(no- I have not lost my mind- just intrigued). The organizers were the Tea Party Crowd in my county!

3 hours ago
As glenn mentioned above, how ridiculous has HP gotten that in order to justify its gobbling up every word that Trump says and putting it on their front page, they say, “We don’t think anything he says is serious so we’re tagging it as Entertainment.” And they run that as their top news story! HP finds new ways to jump more and more sharks.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib 3 hours ago
Harleigh – I think Webb is being Webb. I read excerpts from his book. He’s definitely a “good old boy”.

3 hours ago
LOL Murph…. baggers and bigots for tRump. beuutafull

3 hours ago
Harleigh, I think Webb is just trying to get a gig at Fox News after the election as their token Democrat who can be counted on to crap all over Dems.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Hiya Murph. How are you.

3 hours ago
Murph – What would organizing have anything to do with Trump’s candidacy?
AdLib 3 hours ago
Hello Ad, Harleigh and Sabreen….doing fine…

3 hours ago
Murph – As expected, who else would be going crazy over a racist candidate but Tea Partiers?
AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey Murph–WOW! what nuggets of wisdom did you get from the rump’s meeting?

3 hours ago
sabreen – I will check it out. But I will also check the record to see what was also in the bill that Sen Sanders felt trumped that aspect of it. As to who I saw in the crowd, realizing this is Boston was a variety of people. Indians and Pakistanis. One young woman who will be able to vote for the first time in ’16 described herself as a black, queer female. I sat next to a millionaire in the break out group that discussed taxation solutions. That is the type of cmpaign that he’s running so you understand. It is grassroots and these are our future leaders.

3 hours ago
Hey Murph

3 hours ago
slm – I thought you didn’t want to talk about it.

3 hours ago
So Murph, what did you learn at your meeting?

3 hours ago
Ad, Glenn…..my question exactly….I sat and watched….most of the meeting was about “getting the word out” and telling people that Trump is “the real deal” – they mostly jawed…..have you seen his campaign website?

3 hours ago
Sabreen – sorry I did want to talk tonight about my experience, but I don’t want to get into a pissing contest as I don’t have a penis and neither do you. LOL

3 hours ago
slm – That’s why I think all Dems should be pleased about Bernie being in the race. He is activating the grass roots that no other Dem candidate is and if Hillary wins as she probably will, they will add to the Dem’s numbers at the polls.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Murph–getting the word out about the rump? You mean he hasn’t had enough publicity? What exactly is the “real deal”? A real lying, blowhard, racist, misogynist?

3 hours ago
Trump this and Trump that. All I can see is that none of the declarers on the GOP side have shown any Presidential backbone to call this nong out. Great showing for them, isn’t it?

3 hours ago
now i gotta piss….

3 hours ago
Donald J. Trump is the very definition of the American success story, continually setting the standards of excellence in business, real estate and entertainment. Show support for his presidential campaign here.

Make America Great Again….Policy as Bloviating….and the crowd last night was a fine match……Empty headed posturing…..


3 hours ago
Murph, No, I haven’t seen the rump’s website. Is it awful?

3 hours ago
Harleigh – Is it the weed or what? I’m never in a pissing contest.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Murph – Yep, the silver spoon millionaire (I don’t know that he really is a billionaire) is “the real deal”. Simple minds need simple thoughts to process.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Ad – emphasis on the last sentence of my previous comment. they actually realize that the game is rigged and that it may take decades to get this done. change always takes time. which is why at this point in time, I’m glad the military is getting prepared.

3 hours ago
Pink – nong?

3 hours ago
slm…. blundering eejit!

3 hours ago
Murph–wouldn’t that be bloviating as policy?

3 hours ago
sabreen my dr actually prescribed some pee pills to keep swelling down in my legs. lol

3 hours ago
What would be the top 5 things President Trump would do on his first day as President?
AdLib 3 hours ago
Sabreen – sorry it has been a long week of arguing with family members who think I am a traitor to my gender. It doesn’t help that I throw back their being a traitor to the very principles that he speaks to that they learned in Hebrew school.

3 hours ago
Harleigh–so you would win the pissingcontest?

3 hours ago
Harleigh – Then by all means go pee!

3 hours ago
Ad…. 1. Presidential Medal of Freedom to his hairpiece

3 hours ago
whew! that’s better.

3 hours ago
Glenn….works either way as the result is the same…policy as BS and self agrandizement

3 hours ago
Ad – sell off all the antiques, take a piss on Lincoln’s bed. Rub his naked ass on ALL of the presidential portraits except Reagan.

3 hours ago
brb – talking about peeing..

3 hours ago
SLM–eeww! I need some brain bleach now!

3 hours ago
Harleigh – passing…

3 hours ago
Don’t touch those drapes!!! LOL

3 hours ago
glenn – sorry

3 hours ago
*toka toka* pass

3 hours ago
SLM–it’s okay.

3 hours ago
Well folks I’m cooking. My high school has a yearly “all class picnic” in Rock Creek Park in DC. I’m waiting for the brine to cool down, so I can put my chicken in it. But I’ve got to go finish my deviled eggs. Plus I’ve got to get up early to cook the chicken. But y’all behave and have a wonderful week. Nite. Nite.

3 hours ago
‘Nite, Sabreen. Have fun at your picnic!

3 hours ago
Sabreen – that sounds yum!! Have a great time. Nite.

3 hours ago
Sabreen….you would fit in nicely here in Missouri…..sounds like the kind of small town picnics that the Hoosiers here do so well.

3 hours ago
night sabreen. have fun

3 hours ago
All–would the rump fire his vp on the first day? And, who is his vp?

3 hours ago
It’s a blast. So good seeing folks I’ve known for 45+ years.

3 hours ago
palin i hope

3 hours ago
My top 5 things President Trump would do on his first day: 1. Change the name of The White House to “The Trump Castle”. 2. Offer the position of First Lady to the winner of Ms. Universe. 3. Change the design of paper money so it says, “In Trump We Trust”. 4. Fire Congress and hire low paid Chinese to take their places. 5. Make it a federal offense punishable by life imprisonment to make fun of his hair.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Glenn..trump would want both offices…P and VP

3 hours ago
Harleigh – would Michelle by SoS?

3 hours ago
Ad – that’s why you’re the man!!!

3 hours ago
batty bachmann could add a touch of jebus!

3 hours ago
Murph – one for his id and one for his ego

3 hours ago
Harleigh–I’m not sure there is enough room in DC, let alone the WH for two narcissists like the rump and palin!

3 hours ago
Wrestle for the MIC!!

3 hours ago
Harleigh – that was supposed to be be not by. Dang new keyboard

3 hours ago
SLM….and for his SuperEgo…….????

3 hours ago
Murph – good question…

3 hours ago
I think Trump might want to pick someone like Joe Arpaio as his VP so they can go hunting Mexicans on their vacation.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Murph – his ego and super ego are one and the same

3 hours ago
Ad – now that sounds about right

3 hours ago
SLM…maybe he could be First Lady too? Or maybe Lindsey Graham (who South Carolinians refer to as Lady Lindsey a lot) would be interested.

3 hours ago
Murph – now that actually makes sense. scary. lol

3 hours ago
Murph – Still think Kasich is going to be a front runner? He’s not going to qualify to even be in the first Fox debate. I think he’s in big trouble of getting knocked out quickly.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Crazy Ben Carson is not reality based.

3 hours ago
Harleigh – are any of them?

3 hours ago
Harleigh–so? Since when does a repub have to be reality based to run for president?

3 hours ago
not really

3 hours ago
Hey peeps!

3 hours ago
Glenn – excellent point

3 hours ago
hi KT

3 hours ago
Hey KT long time no

3 hours ago
Wazzz up Harleigh?

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
How are slm?

3 hours ago
Ad….I expect Kasich to emerge as time goes on. Note that he is not complaining about the situation….he has a real record of accomplishment AND moderation (not for a progressive minded person but by comparison)…so, yes

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
Hey KT–how are you?

3 hours ago
Hey KT!
AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey Murph, how goes it?

3 hours ago
KT – well and you? how’s your mom?

3 hours ago
Hi glenn and Ad! Hope all is well.

3 hours ago
KT….well, thank you…..weather is at long last cooperating…..and you?

3 hours ago
slm, the mom is doing OK. I’m going back to the Cape in September, after I finish some personal business.

3 hours ago
KT–all is well here. The Cape must be beautiful in September, no?

3 hours ago
KT–actually, it should be: yes?

3 hours ago
Murph – How long do you think any candidate can last in a race when they can’t make the cut to appear in debates? Who’s going to keep financing someone who can’t get national exposure?
AdLib 3 hours ago
i’m doing OK Murph. I’m getting a little tired of this apartment though. I have been here 11 years now. There always seems to be something that needs fixing. More than what can normally be expected.

3 hours ago
KT – cool, I love the Cape in the fall

3 hours ago
Yes? glenn?

3 hours ago
I have been pretty pissed off lately, because at least two more unarmed citizens have been murdered by the cops. (pigs)

3 hours ago
Ad….I expect that Fox is in for a world of pain…..the part insiders are pissed, the big money people are pissed….the debate disaster will be fixed once fox fucks it fully.

3 hours ago

3 hours ago
KT….sorry about the apartment…would you like my 100 year old farm?

3 hours ago
Ad – unfortunately I think there is a lot of money to go around for the clown car. I’m interested in seeing the Democratic debate schedule.

3 hours ago
cape is too cold for me. my sister in boston now hates snow forever.

3 hours ago
Probably too much work for a lazy liberal like me!

3 hours ago
KT….I have a deputy sherrif friend and he is as angy as you and I.

3 hours ago
Harleigh – you have to understand we had a LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT of snow. The last snow farm just melted this week.

3 hours ago
Hareigh, she does have a point, but it is really beautiful. You just need the hide of an Inuit.

3 hours ago
Murph – That may be too late for those who don’t make the debate, they will already be tagged as the 2nd/Lower Tier candidates. And actually, I think Fox is loving having this power over who the GOP nominates. This was an original goal for Murdoch and Ailes when Fox News started up.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Computer issue, will be out and back in a jiffy!
AdLib 3 hours ago
I so can’t wait for the GOP debates. They’re bound to be a hoot.

3 hours ago
Ad….I have the “privilege” of knowing some really good Missouri GOP who are part of the Danforth generation….they are clear…the institutionalist are certain that if the GOP does not find a path back to middle in this election, its days as a national party are over.

3 hours ago
Ad – and their last chance before sonny boy takes over

3 hours ago
Well Murph, they aren’t doing so well with the Latino population, not to mention black people and women.

3 hours ago
i hate that they eliminate any of those whackdoodles! i want every fuckin one of them onstage each trying to outcrazy the others.

3 hours ago
Ad–it’s the gop’s fault fox is calling the shots in the debates. As long as the gop goes along with it, I have no sympathy for those who don’t make whatever criteria fox sets up. Doesn’t matter to me one whit.

3 hours ago
Living in a Red State, in a very Red County and being the wonderfully personable guy that I am (gag reflex kicking in)- I get invited to some crazy stuff but it gives me a wide perspective than I had in NJ or Il.

3 hours ago
I heard an interesting theory the other day. It says that maybe the GOP is not all that concerned with the presidency, but more focused on having a majority in both houses of congress.

3 hours ago
slm – Yes but money likes winners and if they see a bunch of Repubs can’t even get into debates, they will jump ship.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Is FOX going to pick who can or cannot be in the GOP debates? It seems like they are really trying to.

3 hours ago
KT–and in the state houses, too. Look at all the damage repub governors and legislators have done to their states. Love LePage who doesn’t even understand his own state constitution!

3 hours ago
Murph – I think the GOP is over, hence the importance of extreme gerrymandering and Voter ID laws. The only way they can hold onto power is by cheating which actually means, they no longer can win fairly as a major party.
AdLib 3 hours ago
KT……that theory is praixis now with the GOP….the problem for them is that without the WH all they can do is hold things off….as the possibility of getting enough leverage for a veto override is close to zero….

3 hours ago
dems should take back the senate and a chunk of house seats but maybe not a majority

3 hours ago
Ad – they have A LOT, a drop in the bucket to them.

3 hours ago
Murph, I think they will be hoping for more GOP governors as well.

3 hours ago
Although they may cull the herd to three or four, who knows?

3 hours ago
The GOPers can block a whole lot of progress if they control both houses and keep, or add more GOPer governors.

3 hours ago
slm – Yes but consider this. If the candidate that ulttimately wins has been the opponent of the weak candidate they supported, what influence will they have over that candidate? These guys have no loyalty, once they see it is a losing battle, they’ll buy up stock in the winner because they want leverage.
AdLib 3 hours ago
They could also try to stack the SC with GOPers.

3 hours ago
Time for me to call it a night. G’night all. I hope everyone has a good weekend and week!

3 hours ago
Have a great week, glenn.

3 hours ago
KT – Not unless they win the WH. That’s why a Dem winning the WH, for the SCOTUS picks, is so important.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Night glenn, have a great weekend!
AdLib 3 hours ago
KT – the reality is that it may have to get worse before it gets better.

3 hours ago
Ad, can’t the GOPers hold up any nomination by the president?

3 hours ago
nite glenn

3 hours ago
True that slm. It probably will.

2 hours ago
Look at the debate schedule. Fox has 2. CNN has 2. CNBC has 1. Fox Business has 1. ABC, BBS and NBC/Telemundo

2 hours ago
KT true that

2 hours ago
Murph – and where are the D debates? anyone know?

2 hours ago
is it 19 candidates and counting now?

2 hours ago
Look at the debate schedule. Fox has 2. CNN has 2. CNBC has 1. Fox Business has 1. ABC, BBS and NBC/Telemundo have on each and no other has said they will follow the Fox format for selection.

2 hours ago
If the Dems get a strong turnout, and with the Latino vote energized against the GOP and the youth vote stirred up by Bernie, I think the Dems have the advantage in regaining control of the Senate. If so and a Dem President gets to replace SCOTUS judges, that will be an ideal situation.
AdLib 2 hours ago
A dream come true Ad.

2 hours ago
Ad – I think that is an excellent point and very doable.

2 hours ago
One thing worries me…Gerrymandering!

2 hours ago
Or is it Salamandering?

2 hours ago
There’s supposed to be the first Dem debate in Aug/Sept but couldn’t find details.
AdLib 2 hours ago
KT…governors are going to be a problem for them. They are likely to lose 6 to 8 in the next 4 years because of how poorly they are doing. State legislatures are a different story thanks to gerrymandering.

2 hours ago
KT – That won’t affect the Senate races, those are statewide elections so gerrymandering doesn’t affect them.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Thanks Ad

2 hours ago
That would be great Murph. Thanks Ad!

2 hours ago
Dem Debate Schedule

2016 Democratic Primary Debate Schedule
Here is the most up-to-date and complete schedule we have for the 2015 / 2016 Democratic Primary debates. These debates are between all the Democratic candidates running for President. The Democrat…


2 hours ago
I can absolutely imagine a Dem sweep in 2016 that brings in a Dem Senate, since Repubs have so many more seats up for election than Dems.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Well, the rich old white guys are going to use every dirty trick in the book, that much is ensured.

2 hours ago
Murph, yep, just as I found, few details on the Dem debates. They’re being a bit casual about it, don’t you think?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph – cute

2 hours ago
Ad – they are scared of Bernie, I mean petrified.

2 hours ago
KT – Well, we can at least hope many of them realize their dream of going to White Heaven over the next year and a half.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ha, I read today that The Donald want’s Rick Perry to take an IQ test before being allowed in the debates. Too funny.

2 hours ago
Works for me Ad.

2 hours ago
KT – did the Donald say he would take the same test? Lol!!!

2 hours ago
Of couse he left himself out of that requirement. The Donald is omniscient, don’t ya know?

2 hours ago
slm – The Hillary campaign is actually admitting they’re worried about Bernie. Much safer feeling to be the surging outsider who was never expected to do well than the establishment candidate who has to fight off the sense of entitlement to the nom.
AdLib 2 hours ago
They all should take an IQ test, and the lowest score gets the nomination

2 hours ago
Ad – twice

2 hours ago
Oooo PPO, that would be quite a race to the bottom.

2 hours ago
Only Hillary can be embarassed by the results in IA and NH, Bernie will either be energized or scrappier.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO – How about, first Repub candidate to score in the triple digits on their IQ test wins the nom?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad, but when it comes to the crunch, Hillary’s campaign will triumph, merely because of the brand recognition

2 hours ago
I like Bernie, but I see him having a difficult time winning a general election. I hope I’m wrong.

2 hours ago
Hillary is having painful flashbacks to 2008 when someone the insiders said could never keep pace with her began to outpace her.

2 hours ago
Ad, NO! The tea Party would never want a smartarse as candidate!

2 hours ago
We must keep in mind, a lot can happen between now and election day!

2 hours ago
Ad – from what I saw, this is what the President got the ball rolling on. There are a lot of young people who realize that they will be the first generation poorer than their parents if nothing changes. They are college students that are making themselves laden with debt post college knowing they may have no real prospects for getting a job.

2 hours ago
Yes, KT. But it will be fun watching the winnowing out down to one Candidate.

2 hours ago
Murph – and won. twice.

2 hours ago
PPO, it would be hysterical.

2 hours ago
BUT….a big diffence is that while Obama got lots of little people money, he also got lots of Big Money….Bernie will not. AND, Bernie will not get many endorsements….his rep in the Senate is poor, poor, poor. Difficult to work with and after so many years in Congress….has hardly a thing to which his name is attached.

2 hours ago
PPO – It is clearly a David and Goliath race. Hillary has so much on her side and even though Bernie is doing well, she remains so far ahead of him. I think that many of those supporting Bernie are supporting him for the issues he represents but I think many are ready to accept that he would have to beat enormous odds to win. The only problem is what Kes mentioned on my post, if the Hillary supporters push things as the PUMAs in 2008 did, and get nasty towards the Bernie supporters, they may discourage many potential Hillary voters in the GE.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph, I wonder, at this point, if that will matter much. Different office.

2 hours ago
Murph, please educate me way down here. How much has Hillary got in Legislative kudos?

2 hours ago
PPO – You’re right! Reverse that, the one with the lowest IQ wins the GOP nom!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Slight side note….I am getting a lot of contact now from BO staff I worked with and for and they are a part of a large Dem crowd that is really pushing a 50 state strategy…put the GOP back on its heels even in red states.

2 hours ago
Murph – well the youngsters are sick of the game and they don’t want a dog eat dog world. they are inspired they are going to rock the vote. they know if they don’t and keep fighting until they win that it is game over and they won’t have any grandchildren to outlive.

2 hours ago
Ad, all Hillary has to do is adopt some of his (and Obama’s) more populist platforms and he will fade into the ether

2 hours ago
KT…a president who cannot work well with others, who cannot broker deals, engineer compromise, play the careful tactical game gets nothing done.

2 hours ago
slm – This is the challenge for Hillary. If she is only pretending to support Progressive positions but in the GE, goes back to her DLC positions, she will lose many of those young voters.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph, I’m not sure that accurately describes Sanders.

2 hours ago
Pink – she can’t, she is dancing with the ones that brung her

2 hours ago
Murph, so we don’t have to bother about Trump, then!

2 hours ago
PPO….HC has a lot of legislative chops…..did very well in the Senate. ….as Sec of State worked very well with Congress….she and Bill amassed a significant record in “their presidency”

2 hours ago
Ad – they will rock a ‘uge write in vote

2 hours ago
Working well with others implies a certain amount compromise. Maybe compromise is what we don’t need, at this point in time. Look how Obama’s efforts at bipartisanship have worked out.

2 hours ago
Thanks, Murph. gottit.

2 hours ago
SLM…I have very little confidence in the young to rock much of anything….they record of the under 30’s is poor. They represent the adage that “When all is said and done much more gets said than done” very well.

2 hours ago
The GOP doesn’t work well with others.

2 hours ago
We still need to mobilize to attack the restrictions on voting well before the day.

2 hours ago
PPO – That’s what Hillary’s strategy has been but many Progressives, especially younger ones, don’t buy her conversion, seeing it as convenient and temporary. Personally, I see it just as a strategic move, I don’t have confidence that she will retain those positions in a GE or when President. So, best to hold her feet to the fire as long and hard as possible so it’s harder for her to slip out from under them and Bernie’s candidacy is doing that.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO…..Trump or any other GOP must be taken on as the threat they are…to all of us.

2 hours ago
KT….Obama has proven to be a master at the legislative game…..patience….wearing away at the oppositon….using other leverage to force (or suppress, or counter) Congressional action. The man has game and anyone at 1600 Pennsylvania better have the same.

2 hours ago
Murph – Hillary didn’t come out of Bill’s Presidency looking good. And take away the surplus from the Clinton record, which was because of the dot com boon, not his policies, and his Presidency was pretty bad for most Americans.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Agreed, Murph. But can anyone REALLY believe that Trumpet is a credible candiate for POTUS?

2 hours ago
Murph – I think you’re wrong they are reading what the scientists are saying, they are following the articles about our preparation. They may very well be giving birth to the last generation of humans and they aren’t fucking around. They don’t care about race or sex. They care about survival and demanding a decent life.

2 hours ago
well folks, I must bid you all adieu! I just wanted to drop in and say hi to everyone, and drop a thought or two. Have a great week, all.

2 hours ago
ad….we disagree about the Clinton years on several planes apparently…..a wider discussion.

2 hours ago
“Dot com boom” that is.
AdLib 2 hours ago
G’night, KT!

2 hours ago
Nite KT

2 hours ago
SLM….what did I say about scientists?

2 hours ago
So long KT….

2 hours ago
well i’m headin to bed later everyone

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
Night Harleigh!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ta Ta Harleigh

2 hours ago
good night, harleig

2 hours ago
Murph – I am talking about the 17 – 30 crowd. Ignoring them is pissing them off.

2 hours ago
Nite Harleigh

2 hours ago
Murph – Killing Glass–Steagall, NAFTA, Welfare reform, DOMA, on and on. His triangulation made the Clinton Presidency a virtual Republican Presidency.
AdLib 2 hours ago
SLM…..the 17-30 crowd is, as a whole, unengaged and uninterested, the MEism that permeates their culture has that effect.

2 hours ago
slm, I don’t think anyone is ignoring that demo, but, seeing as their attentionspan is less than a gnat’s, they will be addressed closer to the day.

2 hours ago
Murph – actually it permeates the boomer and X generation. not the millenials

2 hours ago
Pink – they are organizing.

2 hours ago
Ad….that triangulation was a transitional movement that cut a hole in the GOP Reagan Wall….and, I think, set the stage foran Obama Democratic Return.

2 hours ago
I think if you put the accomplishments of Obama beside those of Bill Clinton, again, not crediting him for something he wasn’t responsible for, the booming economy because of the once-in-a-lifetime commercialization of the internet, Obama far exceeds Clinton on Progressive issues.
AdLib 2 hours ago
The President taught them that they have to fight for what they want. And they are their own Obi Wan.

2 hours ago
SLM….the millenials vote as little and as poorly as the boomers and X’s did UNTIL they old enough to have a lot of their real skin in the game (which usually means mortages, kids, retirement/health worries.

2 hours ago
Ad…Obama is going to emerge as a truly great president…..Clinton….not so much…agreed.

2 hours ago
Ad – definitely on social issues. healthcare, weak but effective. evolving of SSM. Lily Ledbetter. I’d give him an A

2 hours ago
Murph – I don’t know, white conservatives may have voted for Clinton but I don’t think they voted for Obama.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Murph, someone should remind them that they are now in the same arena as boomers, with vast student debt. Here’s an idea, why doesn’t the powers that be FORGIVE all current Student debt and bail the generation out like Greece?

2 hours ago
Murph – not to burst your bubble, but the millenials are just coming of age to vote.

2 hours ago
Murph – And with the killing of Glass–Steagall leading to the crash of 2008, I think Clinton’s Presidency is capped with a very dark result.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad…Blue Dogs did not…correct……but the party had become a liberal caricature in the reagan years, Clinton and the Democratic Leadership Council did for the Dems what no one in the GOP is doing for the Republicans rightnow.

2 hours ago
Both parties have sold out the American people.

2 hours ago
SLM….a millenial, as I understand it is defined as those reaching 18 in 2000 Plus….there are millenials in their 30’s now.

2 hours ago
Yes, 90s to 10s, not quite 30…

2 hours ago
Murph – That’s a very good point, I agree with that, by being Repub-Lite, Clinton and the DLC did change the image of the Dems to being much closer to Repubs and more palatable. But I would propose that the election of Obama had nothing to do with that, I think the disasters of Bush pushed the nation to look elsewhere. Voting for Obama is just the opposite of what Clinton did, he tried to make the Dem party look more similar to the GOP. But voting for a black man named Barack Hussein Obama? That is about as far away from Republican as you can get…and without Bush driving voters away from the GOP for anyone but a Republican, I don’t know that he would have won.
AdLib 2 hours ago
If we want to connect with Millenials and those following, it’s dead easy. Develop a great App and robodownload to all the smartfones!

2 hours ago
Ad – and if the white establishment hadn’t freaked out and brought all the cockroaches out, we wouldn’t have needed Bernie to run.

2 hours ago
Murph – And I’d even suggest that great damage was done to the country by Clinton’s pulling the Dem party over so far right to win over white conservatives. In 2000, enough Dem and indie voters complained that there didn’t seem to be much of a difference between the two parties so they felt okay to vote for that moderate Repub Bush or Nader. Had the Dems stayed defined as very different from Repubs, Nader may not have gotten the votes he did and Al Gore might have faught off the coup that pushed Bush into the WH.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Well, I’d better get going and do my shopping. Great as always chatting. See you all next week.

2 hours ago
Seeya PPO!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Nite PPO

2 hours ago
AMERICA TODAY: 3 Million Overlords And 300 Million Serfs
The biggest problem facing this country: extreme inequality.


2 hours ago
Ad – my reading is that no Party succeeds in the long run if its move too far from center in the U.S. That is the motion I am referring to.

2 hours ago
It’s almot game over

2 hours ago

2 hours ago
slm – I’m sure there are some people who voted for Bill Clinton but today are haters of Obama.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Well, I am calling it a night…..good night the remnant, happy few!

2 hours ago
Murph – The thing is, the “center” as defined by politics and money is disconnected from the center that the American People are at.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Night Murph!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Nite Murph

2 hours ago
Ad – without a doubt

2 hours ago
slm – The problem is that most Americans are not very activist. They have to be in very desperate situations before they will step up.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Look how far the wealthy have been able to push the 99% as it is and the 99% is more depressed and stressed than angry enough at them to protest.
AdLib 2 hours ago
But look at Greece and Europe in general, activism is a part of their society. They go out in the streets when they’re upset.
AdLib 2 hours ago
See I think we are at a different time. Barack taught them to organize, Bernie will teach them how to get elected, they will be running for office as soon as they are eligible. This won’t happen overnight.

2 hours ago
slm – Nope, it will take time and as you say, growing up knowing that life won’t be as good for them as it was for their parents is a hell of a motivator.
AdLib 2 hours ago
I am trying to get people to see that we need to remember that the Ds once had a platform that didn’t include a huge corporate dick in our asses while we starved and died in the streets. This next generation gets it and the flood comes soon.

2 hours ago
I meant flood of voters

2 hours ago
slm – Time is on our side. More old RWs with petrified minds die out, more Progressive young people become adults. There will be a breaking point, when this oligarchy is confronted by the majority, not in the streets but with ballots. It won’t be this election but it will come.
AdLib 2 hours ago
They KNOW this is a long shot, but they can’t stop. And from their point of view they musn’t stop. They’ve all read de Touqueville and Marx and they understand what they were talking about. They dig the new pope.

2 hours ago
slm – Pot is being legalized in state after state, gay marriage is the law of the land, we have virtually universal healthcare and the Confederate flag is being taken down in the South. The nation is moving forward despite the corruption of our system. We need to go a lot further but I think we will.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Of course we will or WE will be the generation that caused a mass extinction and did nothing about it

2 hours ago
slm – I don’t blame the people, I blame the politicians who have collaborated with the wealthy to override the will of the people. But it is the people who have to come together to overpower them and set things right.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Great game. You watching the Red Sox and Angels?

2 hours ago
I will now, what’s the score?
AdLib 2 hours ago
0 – 0 Bottom 8th

2 hours ago
Is it at Angel Stadium?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Of course, and at the same time convinced swaths of people that voting wouldn’t matter while giving away the farm

2 hours ago
Ya, its midnight here lol

2 hours ago
Apathy sucks but we do have a system that doesn’t make voting as important as it should. Everyone should be pre-registered when they’re 18, why not? Voting should be on the weekend, over a week or there should be a holiday, as many democracies do it. Instead, we have a campaign to make registering and voting difficult and as you say, the whispers of the wealthy to the many that their votes don’t matter.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Watching the game now!
AdLib 2 hours ago
Bernie’s got a national holiday as a priority. The thing is there is a segment of society that would rather have a female president than the right president. I knew that President Obama has been playing 3D chess all along. In the end the community organizer will be credited with getting the ship righted.

2 hours ago
Into the 9th inning!
AdLib 2 hours ago
I know. And our pitching sucks!!

2 hours ago
That will be hard for Bernie to overcome, aside from everything else. Many women, especially older women, have dreamed of living to see the first woman President. It will be difficult to convice that strong segment of the Dem Party to vote for another man instead, regardless of the policy differences. And with Hillary adopting most of Bernie’s positions, it’s even harder.
AdLib an hour ago
I just kind of like the idea of Bernie playing Moses and leading us to the promised land. And Elizabeth Warren continuing his work. I think he only would do one term if she would agree to run in ’20. I don’t know that that’s the plan if there is any plan, that is what I suspect at this point.

an hour ago
Ad – she has balked on Glass-Stegall and no word yet on the TPP. She’s awfully quiet. And with no debate schedule. I think even they can feel the shift.

an hour ago
I don’t think there’s a plan to such an extent, Bernie didn’t know he would catch fire. I agree though, his presence in the race has been and will be important past this election. He keeps that Progressive segment going and growing and hopefully there for Warren if she runs.
AdLib an hour ago
He knows what must be done and I saw several women who may not see a woman president saying they’d rather get a new new deal

an hour ago
It seems like an obvious game, everyone in the MSM knows what Hillary’s doing. Her Wall Street friends keep donating to her so they’re not taking her threats seriously. She wouldn’t be as bad as a Repub but she wouldn’t be as good as a moderate like Obama, let alone as good as a Progressive like Bernie or Warren.
AdLib an hour ago
Have you decided who you are voting for in the primaries?

an hour ago
I want to wait to make my final decision, as I did when eventually choosing Obama in 2008, but voting for Bernie would be much more in line with my positions than voting for Hillary…which I can pretty much say I’m not going to do in a primary.
AdLib an hour ago
If Biden gets in, I’d be interested to see a debate that he and Bernie were in,
AdLib an hour ago
Everyone who is paying attention or have been impacted by the downturned economy not yet turned around, which is almost everyone. I read something the other day that said in ’08 85% of the country had 15% of the wealth. Currently it is 80% of the country with 8% percent of the wealth.

an hour ago
Have to agree about Biden. I was hoping he’d run, but Bernie may need him to stay as VP.

an hour ago
Yep, even if people don’t know the details, they know that the money is going to the wealthy and not them or others like them. But activating that frustration is the key.
AdLib an hour ago
So are you set on voting for Bernie in the primaries?
AdLib an hour ago
Remember this is actually President Obama’s strategy. He has daughters and he’s no fool. He plays long ball. And I think he got a lot of coaching from Ted Kennedy before he passed. Sometimes I think that’s why the Rs hate him and that it really isn’t about his skin color. At least not for the power players in the R party

an hour ago
Yup and writing him in if he loses. Its MA, so who knows who we’ll go for…

an hour ago
If Hillary wins and the least that she does to really push Progressive policies is change the balance on the SCOTUS to 5-4 moderates, that could be good enough until a comitted Progressive is President.
AdLib an hour ago
AdLib an hour ago
That’s the way to end a scoreless game!
AdLib an hour ago
Kennedy’s last fuck you to the Rs and thanks for playing. Setting up what his brothers set out to acheive. Of course, you guys are the better team!!!!

an hour ago
Right, it is a long path and decisions that recognize that pay off.
AdLib an hour ago
There are a lot of people who don’t like the idea of inevitability. I think this is strike two for Hillary and she will end up bitter like McCain and Romney

an hour ago
Still, that was a close game!
AdLib an hour ago
Ya, it must have been our star pitcher starting. I’ve only been glancing up waiting for a score. lol

an hour ago
Nice long home run though beautifully hit.

an hour ago
I like Bernie’s being the candidate of Progressives, I think it’s unlikely that he can beat Hillary in the end but he can infuse Progressivism in her by fighting her aloing the way so in a way, Bernie will still win for his supporters even if he doesn’t win the nom.
AdLib an hour ago
AdLib an hour ago
Maybe but I’m an eternal optomist and I don’t want to call game over before the first ballot is counted.

an hour ago
I’m not saying he can’t beat her, just think it will be very hard for him to do so. But I want him in there fighting the fight the best he can.
AdLib an hour ago
There’s one other big difference with the millenials. They actually believe that what Jesus taught is how we ought to live. Not give lip service to.

an hour ago
Of course, there is tremendous push back from Hillary supporters. The thing I find so appalling is that they still don’t know the details of her platform and they have a hard time with the enthusiasm of the Bernie supporters

an hour ago
slm – I recognize the difference in them compared to the older Dems but they don’t outnumber the older Dems yet so it is an uphill battle this time around. But by the next presidential election, not as much.
AdLib an hour ago
Maybe, but they won’t stop trying to convince their parents and grandparents that the time is now to fix the problems.

an hour ago
I agree. This is the future of the Dem Party, where it’s headed. Like all the other movements, it may not happen yet but it will eventually happen as long as people keep caring.
AdLib an hour ago
Much as it wasn’t the AA community that fought for civil rights (not that they got them but that’s too big a topic) by themselves nor the LGBTQ community. They could pull in a large segment of people. You aren’t a woman but you keep voting for pols who support a woman’s right to choose. I equate it to the shampoo commercial from the 70s. They told two friends and so on and so forth.

an hour ago
I totally forgot it was Friday!! 🙁

an hour ago
Hey Funk

an hour ago
I’m encouraged you guys are still going! Hey SLM

an hour ago
Hey Funk! Well, better late than never!
AdLib an hour ago
Well I think I turned people in early… or am I just being parnoid. Must be the weed. lol

an hour ago
Are you talking about Hillary? I bet you are! What are you saying? How dare you?? Grrrrr

an hour ago

an hour ago
OMG. But Bernie did this or didn’t do this and how dare he run as a D.

an hour ago
Yes, that seems to be the way real change takes place. In fits and starts but in the end, it takes a long time then things can change suddenly.
AdLib an hour ago
I just popped over to see what the day’s post brought and popped right into the chat room. Oops

an hour ago
I kinda feel bad for her supporters.

an hour ago
Funk – Yep, there seems to be a phenomenon developing where Dems supporting Hillary are getting really unpleasant about Bernie even running against her.
AdLib an hour ago
As Kes mentioned, it’s reminiscent of the PUMA situation.
AdLib an hour ago
In 2008.
AdLib an hour ago
What do you think it is? I’m trying to figure it out. It’s like someone is trying to steal something from her.

an hour ago
It reeks a little of entitlement, that Hillary is owed the Presidency and Bernie is a horrible person for trying to deny it to her.
AdLib an hour ago
I’m waiting to be called a party pooper.

an hour ago
It’s her turn? Is it that again? Is it that simple? I think its more complicated than that, but I can’t put my finger on it

an hour ago
Funk you need to change your location to Hillary Strategy Room lol

an hour ago
I know many women want to see the first woman President and many feel that Hillary was screwed in 2008 by Obama winning instead and that she is owed the nom. But that’s not Progressive thinking.
AdLib an hour ago
SLM, I’ve already been called worse for simply saying that its okay that there’s more than one candidate in the race!

an hour ago
It’s the woman thing. We have to have a woman president.

an hour ago
Even if its the wrong one.

an hour ago
Funk – I don’t know, it sure feels like that when you hear the same kinds of strident attacks by them against Bernie and anyone who supports him.
AdLib an hour ago
I posted on kos about my definition of feminism and told I was wrong lol

an hour ago
By a woman of course

an hour ago
Maybe its as simple as she’s the best chance for the team to win. Primaries always re-expose people as liberals, progressives, socialists, moderates, and Democrats. I think liberals and Democrats don’t always play well together.

an hour ago
SLM how dare you state your opinion

an hour ago
People that I have followed for years on HP that moved over to kos I can’t even have a decent conversation with. It’s getting vicious. And her supporters are starting to take on the traits of trolls with lots of talking points and projection

an hour ago
I think Loyalty to Party clashes with policy ideology on occasion. I think that’s happening now.

an hour ago
Ad – so where can I read and comment without having to connect via facebook. Although at this point I really could care less. I can’t go back to HP.

an hour ago
What’s funny is that I think Hillary sees Bernie for what he is and is more comfortable with him in the race than her supporters are

an hour ago
Funk – But if they are so confident that Hillary is the best candidate, why are they so upset about her proving that? At least, that’s some simple logic. And Democrats are Liberals…and moderates and conservatives. But all people are vulnerable to being intolerant when they’re not getting what they want.
AdLib an hour ago
I thought liberals were supposed to be better than that. The truth is I know better. But I can’t help myself. His prescriptions really can right the ship.

an hour ago
I think after feeling compelled to defend Obama night and day against the most vicious and inane attacks its left people a little sensitive and thin-skinned. Any criticism, real or implied must be met with force.

an hour ago
Yes but our party once stood for everything that Bernie is proposing. How can anyone object to that?

an hour ago
slm – During the 2008 election, while I was still at HP, the majority there were together on supporting Obama. After he was elected, many of us moved to another site after HP became more of a corporate, restrictive site. And you wouldn’t believe how horrible these recent allies became once the common enemies of Bush and McCain/Palin were gone. People are people and just being liberal or Dem doesn’t change how uncivil and small minded someone can be.
AdLib an hour ago
SLM its about winning. Not policy. If you are concerned about policy, you simply want unicorns and rainbows. It’s about beating the GOP and keeping them from destroying the earth. Hillary is the best chance to stop that. (in their view)

an hour ago
I thought we were the party of policy not the party of I want that one to win because…

an hour ago
Ad, well stated

an hour ago
Ad – totally agree

an hour ago
slm – That’s why we started The Planet, to be a site you don’t need to expose your personal info on via Facebook or put up with hostile and intolerant people.
AdLib an hour ago
Anything that hints at the disrespect that Obama was shown for the last 6 years is simply unacceptable. Knee-jerk defensiveness

an hour ago

And they carry that gospel with them.
AdLib 44 minutes ago
Ad – not to be too rude, but I sometimes feel that the anti-Israel sentiment on this site is deplorable. But I respect people’s right to be wrong (see what I did there blush:

44 minutes ago
On this site? The Planet?
AdLib 43 minutes ago
Yes. While I feel that any criticism of Bibi is well warranted, sometimes the Israeli people are broadbrushed in. As an American, I feel their pain. lol

41 minutes ago
How can she follow him I wonder? She seems so level headed. Or am I missing something?

40 minutes ago
slm – When Bush and the Repubs ran this country, I was very aggressive about my opposition to them and what our country was doing. Israel is in the same situation, they are being run by warmongers and liars but I always make the point that it is the Israeli leadership that I am opposed to, not the people.
AdLib 40 minutes ago
I’ve noticed that too.

39 minutes ago
Yes, you do. But you are a wordsmith. And sometimes the comments I read are well rather angy.

39 minutes ago
Well, I’m glad I found you malingerers. Have a great weekend

38 minutes ago
Funk – Noticed what?
AdLib 38 minutes ago
You too funk. Nite

38 minutes ago
You too Funk, thanks for stopping in!
AdLib 38 minutes ago
I’ll peek in there from time to time and its expressed very clearly that Bernie supporters are not welcome and will be drummed off the site

38 minutes ago
Ya I wanted the answer to that to.

37 minutes ago
too. well that’s not very nice. a little exclusionary for a big tent…

37 minutes ago
not by the people that moderate the site, but just the regular posters

37 minutes ago
Funk – Right, and when our members who spend time there come here, they spout the same unpleasantries about Bernie and his supporters.
AdLib 37 minutes ago
Oh you’ve noticed?

36 minutes ago
AdLib 36 minutes ago
Yes. they do. And it is simply a remarkable phenomenon, they’ve become the tea partiers that they loathe.

36 minutes ago
I just don’t understand how people who complain about emos can become a different version of emos.
AdLib 35 minutes ago
Oh but they’re different

35 minutes ago

35 minutes ago
Have either of you attended a meetup?

34 minutes ago
Funk – Of course, because one group is intolerant of those who see things differently and the other…er…
AdLib 34 minutes ago
It’s okay, everyone will realize soon enough that its going to be a loooooooooong election season and that eventually everyone will need to come together again. In the meantime people are just gonna have to do their thing

34 minutes ago

34 minutes ago
Funk – My concern is more that good people are being convinced into becoming emo-like against Bernie and Dems who don’t agree with them.
AdLib 33 minutes ago
Funk – for Bernie’s campaign or are you not a voter/US citizen. I forget since you always change your location. Or are you supporting Hillary? Undecided?

33 minutes ago

Ad – and the danger of that is a Donald Trump presidency. Sorry, couldn’t help myself.

32 minutes ago
And betraying the Dem Party by opposing something Obama supports.
AdLib 32 minutes ago
Oh no I’ve already donated to Bernie and offered to volunteer. Plenty of opportunity to do both in my little blue bubble in Seattle. I’ve also said that I will gladly vote for Hillary if she wins the nomination against any Republican any day. I’m comfortable with that position

32 minutes ago
slm – Nope, even that won’t help Trump.
AdLib 31 minutes ago
Ad, don’t even get me started on TPP and that crowd. Jesus Christ that has been a thorn in my side

31 minutes ago
Because everything he’s supported has been the right thing to do.

31 minutes ago
Funk – A very sensible position. I’m leaning towards Bernie right now, barring an entry by Biden, I won’t vote for Hillary in the primary but absolutely would if she won the nom, no Repubs in the WH please!
AdLib 30 minutes ago
Oh Funk that’s great. I’ve been to a mini rally in Boston 400 attendees. It was supposed to be a meetup of about 25 people.

30 minutes ago

It’s not Bernie at all that I am voting for, its his policies and the fact that we need a high profile candidate to finally yank the conversation away from neoliberal groupthink. If Uncle Joe wants that mantle, I’ll vote for him too

29 minutes ago
Ad, c’mob you understand how nice it is to go somewhere online where you have bright, informed people that you don’t have to be on guard with. It’s like Cheers. It’s not very interesting, but I see the attraciton

28 minutes ago
I stood next to someone who had just come over from Greece. He was excited to see that people were talking about Greece. I sat next to a self-described millionaire who wants to pay more taxes.

28 minutes ago
slm – I thought it was a hallmark of Progressive thinking to use critical thinking. To be honest in your view of the world around you, no matter the party involved. That’s Repub thinking to me, that your party can do no wrong and that anyone who doesn’t toe the party line is a heretic.
AdLib 27 minutes ago
Ad – I have some video on my phone. Not sure how to upload it not how good it is. If you want, I can email them to you.

27 minutes ago
Wow SLM, that’s really cool! People are really hungry for what he is saying. I don’t think Bernie is considered a rock star by any measure. He’s too cranky and old. But his anger is real, and his solutions ring true in a lot of people’s hearts.

27 minutes ago
Funk – so with you on that. I was waiting for him to announce. Bernie is 100% right on all the issues

26 minutes ago
I don’t agree with Bernie on everything either, plus I have no idea what kind of Foreign Policy guy he would be (I have my suspicions) But the cancer is deep now and we need helps.

25 minutes ago
Funk – I’m saying something very similar about Bernie, that his campaigning on Progressive policies is making them viewed more mainstream, especially because Hillary is being forced to adopt them to undercut him. That works for me.
AdLib 25 minutes ago
EXACTLY Ad. I am 100% comfortable voting for Hillary if Bernie stays in long enough to permanently shift the party line where it needs to go

24 minutes ago
Funk – he’s not angry. he’s pissed off and so are a lot of people. I live downstairs from MA rednecks and they’re voting for them. My landlord and I voted together last year.

24 minutes ago
Funk – I know, from the start of The Planet, we had to hold the line against those who wanted trolls here so they could go back to throwing their feces around as they did at HP. It does attract more people to have a car accident but it’s easier on the drivers and passengers not to get into constant crashes.
AdLib 24 minutes ago
slm – Yes, please do email it to me and I’ll upload the video.
AdLib 23 minutes ago
SLM his candidacy has come about because people are really scared. They’re one paycheck away from ruin STILL after all of this “recovery”. They know now the fix is in and they’re pissed.

22 minutes ago
Funk – for that with a promise, not a wink and a nod if we can flip the senate and a few more rep seats get peeled off I’d hold my nose and vote for her. Difficult as it is to fill the little black circle whilst holding one’s nose.

22 minutes ago
Thanks Ad I will

21 minutes ago
SLM I will do it gladly. Ultimately federal elections are comparative, not objective exercises. Primaries are our chance to exercise our objectivity. It’s healthy

20 minutes ago
Funk – When you arrived, we were just talking about how trying to change a society can be a long road but you need people passing the torch as the movement grows. If Bernie forces Hillary to commit to Progressive views then Warren or another true Progressive comes along to carry that torch in 2024, we’ll be closer to that goal.
AdLib 20 minutes ago
Yes, and when people who wouldn’t normally have to make really tough choices have been doing that too long it could get violent. That is why he is giving us an alternative. Don’t panic. Just fix.

19 minutes ago

Could Donald Trump become the next President of the United States?
Donald Trump’s announcement he was aiming to be President of the United States was greeted as a bit of a joke and with early criticism, but polls suggest he may be the most popular Republican candidate, so how likely is he to succeed? Republican strategist Ford O’Connell discusses…


19 minutes ago
Funk – One last thing I mentioned earlier, if the only Progressive thing Hillary accomplishes is shifting the SCOTUS balance away from the RW, that will be huge.
AdLib 19 minutes ago
Exactly Ad. Hillary would have to eat a baby on stage for me to vote for any Republican in the general. And maybe not even then. She really can’t screw this up. She simply needs to co-opt enough of Bernie’s message, stay calm, stay focused and she’ll cruise.

17 minutes ago
Hey Pink, ya the Rs ain’t too thrilled with The Combover

17 minutes ago
PPO – Heh! To win the Presidency, Trump would need at least 40% of the Latino vote. He’s got 13% and falling. Adios, Trumpos!
AdLib 17 minutes ago
Ad, just popped in and to my surprise, you’re all still going! Great stamina! Even the GOP pundit in the interview above reckons the bubble will eventually burst

17 minutes ago
My pet belief is that he still isn’t even running. I don’t think he’ll file a financial disclosure

16 minutes ago
Funk – They are just campaign promises though, worth the paper they’re not printed on. I fully expect Hillary to reverse herself on a number of them come the GE. But again, as long as it’s not a Repub in the WH, Progressives will gain.
AdLib 16 minutes ago
Funk – her owners are telling her if you promise that shit and don’t deliver the people will ressurect the guillotine. And we should. Bernie offers a different way.

16 minutes ago
Funk – spot on. Aren’t they due soon?

15 minutes ago
PPO – slm deserves the most props on stamina! Only 10:30pm for me, it’s 1:30am for slm!
AdLib 15 minutes ago
funk, I’m sure the IRS will be very interested!

15 minutes ago
I could talk all night about why the time is now. The train is leaving the station. Hop on board.

14 minutes ago
well, gotta go again. Cheers to all. great chat tonight.

14 minutes ago
Pink – they already know. Nite again

13 minutes ago
Funk – I wonder…I don’t think he expected to become the front runner and now that he is, I wonder if he will endure the embarassment of being proven a liar about being worth $10 billion just to keep that big stage for himself and the dream…that maybe he can become President.
AdLib 13 minutes ago
That’s what’s fun Ad.

13 minutes ago
I gotta go for reals this time. Night all!

13 minutes ago
Night Funk! Have a great weekend!
AdLib 12 minutes ago
Ad – you see he’s not actually worth 10 billion its just that Adelson promised him 10 billion, so he’s gonna spend it on the campaign. There lie fixed.

12 minutes ago
Nite Funk.

12 minutes ago
slm – Maybe. Either way, Trump doesn’t have any conscience about lying so it wouldn’t be as big of a deal to him.
AdLib 11 minutes ago
Thanks Ad for staying and chatting a while longer. I guess I should have reread your Hillary article or read Time Out (I haven’t in a while).

10 minutes ago
That was snark Ad

10 minutes ago
slm – My pleasure, same to you, thanks for the very enjoyable chat! And I know you were joking!
AdLib 10 minutes ago
I’ll try to keep my enthusiasm about Bernie down. Although if you need some assistance in that endeavor I’ll be glad to help.

8 minutes ago

Anyway, as you pointed out it is late and I have a long day tomorrow with a very bitter friend at the tail end of his divorce clean up the house he now has to sell because his ex wants it all. I am trying to get him to see the light so he can move forward in his life but he is fighting it tooth and nail.

4 minutes ago
Wow, that is a lot to have to deal with. You’re a great friend to be there for him right now. Good luck, hope you get a good night’s sleep and things work out the best they can for your friend.
AdLib 3 minutes ago
If we could just stop focussing on ourselves for one minute and realize we’ve always had the power to do this…

2 minutes ago
I agree.
AdLib 2 minutes ago
Night slm!
AdLib a minute ago
They won’t because he won’t let them. But I got the Bernie fever and it truly makes me love living and I’m really excited about the future. Not really afraid.

a minute ago
Nite Ad

a minute ago

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