AdLib : Same here, Beatlex, really enjoyed it! See you here soon, have a great weekend!
Beatlex : Big time,George knew this was his last album,Try Pisces Fish and p2 Vatican blues.It was fun Ad! Hope to see some of your new blogs in the near future.Goodnight
AdLib : You can hear the Jeff Lynne influence on this one.
AdLib : Have all of George’s albums (including Wilburys) except this one . Will listen to this whole album on YouTube, thanks for choosing this one!
Beatlex : There we go
Beatlex : From George «link»
AdLib : Looks like there’s extra code at the end. Just copy the URL so it ends like this: watch?v=5k4ja6yq iPw
Beatlex : I will try another one Ad!
Beatlex : «link»
Beatlex : Hang on! I fucked something up
AdLib : Link’s messed up…
Beatlex : «link»
Beatlex : From Tom’s Wilbury brother George.P2 Vatican Blues From his last album. Some gems on there check it out when you can Goodnight Ad,it was fun dude! Don’t forget to review it «link»
AdLib : Over 40.
Beatlex : Punk? how times have changed,how old are you Ad? if you don’t mind me asking
AdLib : Your turn!
AdLib : Great documentary on Petty by Peter Bogdanavich, 4 hours but really epic. So underrated on what they contributed to reviving and energizing the music business when it was foundering. They were considered kinda punk when they started out.
Beatlex : Tight band
Beatlex : I saw a long interview just a few days ago of him on Canadian TV,listening…
AdLib : A more recent Tom Petty and Heartbreakers song that gets your toe tapping and doesn’t let go (I use it for my ringtone!): «link»
Beatlex : Cool! Make it a goodie.LOL
AdLib : One more each?
Beatlex : you next A!
AdLib : Great pick, he really delivered such a fresh and inventive sound back then.
Beatlex : «link»
Beatlex : We Are The Dead-Bowie,I was in this head space at the time«link» .be/5k4ja6yqiPw
AdLib : Go!
Beatlex : The Kinks were good,hey they had Graham Nash! My turn?
AdLib : True that.
Beatlex : Exactly Ad,but he owned the 70s Diamond Dogs was way ahead of it’s time,Dark,but beautiful
AdLib : Absolutely but he crafted a mystique and a style that was all about being outside the mainstream and eclectic. When he dove full on into the mainstream, it was like an abandonment of the sensibility so many fans had become drawn to.
Beatlex : Brilliant musician,but he was at his best changing styles.innovatin g at times bowie,listening to the Kinks now
AdLib : Trying to decide between a variety of lesser known Kinks songs, going with this one, Live Life: «link»
AdLib : It really was the illustration of selling out. Maybe he never really was his image in the first place?
Beatlex : I find Bowie’s last few efforts devoid of excitement,kind of downer really
AdLib : Remember Tin Machine but the hey days were behind him.
AdLib : Yep, just deciding…
Beatlex : Got one?
Beatlex : Count me among them,he admitted as much in an interview later.He rebounded with Tin Machine,a trio he started,familiar ?
AdLib : Always felt bad for Bowie that Let’s Dance was both a big pop hit and considered a sellout by his hard core fans, downhill popularity-wise after that.
Beatlex : LOL
AdLib : Listening, haven’t heard it for a while!
Beatlex : Did I lose you Ad? feel free to check out
Beatlex : Somebody up there Likes Me-Bowie «link»
Beatlex : I have this song on file Ad,a fine tune,pre nicks,buckingham .They were big in England at that time
AdLib : An earlier Fleetwood Mac song, the Bob Welch era, great song to chill out to: «link»
Beatlex : Cool! as I was not with Floyd!
AdLib : Wasn’t familiar with that song of theirs, great fun!
Beatlex : Thx you next,I have 5.1 surround sound! I like me music Ad
AdLib : Listening and enjoying…
Beatlex : «link»
AdLib : Your turn.
AdLib : Cool!
Beatlex : I like!
AdLib : From the album Meddle, a very offbeat, bouncy song from them.
Beatlex : What is this from? it is way different for them
Beatlex : listening…
AdLib : Saint Tropez – Pink Floyd: «link»
Beatlex : You first,and an opinion I shall give,and vice versa?
AdLib : Okay.
Beatlex : Lets play a couple of cool tunes for each other,you game?
AdLib : Yep.
Beatlex : You still here Lib?
AdLib : Same here, Beatlex! Have a great weekend!
Beatlex : Good night fine people of the Vox! I like you people! It is always a pleasure
AdLib : Very cool, Miles! Sleep well!
Miles Long : Good night, all…
Miles Long : Playing myself off: «link»
AdLib : Well, looks like it’s time to wrap this edition of Vox Populi! Thanks to all for a rollicking evening! Looking forward to next week!
Harleigh : {{[[((POOF!))]]} }!!! weed only for last 25 years.LOL
Miles Long : I’ll play you out, Harleigh: «link»
AdLib : Sleep well, Harleigh and dream of free love happenings!
Beatlex : Have you been DRINKING Harleigh?? I have had a few,LOL
Harleigh : well I’m gonna nod out and hope I don’t pull something on my flashy exit…
AdLib : Five second rule, Harleigh!
Harleigh : oh man… I dropped my acid!!! LOL
Beatlex : «link»
Harleigh : Miles!! ROTFLMFAO There was a ad on the tune for Christian HC!!! wahahaha
Miles Long : Busted link, Beatlex…
Beatlex : See if this one doesn’t get your legs going!(«link» utu.be/UNQKf-JIP VI)
Harleigh : OH YEAH!!! Now it’s startin to comeback…
Miles Long : Here you go, Harleigh: «link»
AdLib : Harleigh – You paint each other’s nails.
Harleigh : Now all I need is 2 naked women in my old chevy van… and… I forget the rest
Harleigh : great old tunes
AdLib : Great soundtrack tonight!
AdLib : Harleigh – Yep. Americans don’t get a full picture of the world, just a warped one.
Miles Long : «link»
Harleigh : adlib or Limpbag or Beck. Make it up as you go.
Harleigh : Miles just LOOK at those dirty long haired HIPPIES!!! LOL
AdLib : Harleigh – We don’t get much in the way of any perspective of people who have lived in and know foreign countries. Instead we get Sarah Palin explaining why Russians are afraid of her.
Beatlex : Beautiful Night «link»
Harleigh : I have a friend here that is from Ukraine and was a LT in the Russian Army. We don’t get the perspective or background in our media.
AdLib : Another fave, Miles, playing now.
Miles Long : «link»
AdLib : “Invaded Ukraine and shot down a plane, he did.”
Harleigh : yep
AdLib : Playing it now Beatlex!
AdLib : Harleigh – Is that Yoda as a political pundit?
Beatlex : «link»
Harleigh : ruined merika he did along with his whole cabal.
Beatlex : How about a song? https://youtu.be /fZUb_NJZ4To
AdLib : Bush ran his Presidency about as near a dictator as we’ve seen in recent times.
Harleigh : LMAO
AdLib : People make good footstools.
Harleigh : Yep, gotta have some dictators in the mix like we do in central and south merika. LOL Anything but he people I always say.
AdLib : Of course, religion is mixed into both conflicts but the ones in power who are being ruthless aren’t religiously driven.
AdLib : Harleigh, I agree to a degree but look at Syria and Egypt, more about dictators than religion.
Harleigh : We got teabaggers
Harleigh : The whole ME unrest is all religious leaders and theocracies. Lukid is a good example as the muslim sects too.
AdLib : Night Sabreen!
AdLib : Night Funk! You’ve got to work on making a flashy exit.
AdLib : Sabreen – I don’t know who ran that poll but it’s not surprising that in the midst of a military conflict, polls might show that people rally around their government and against their nation’s adversary. But before the fighting, polls showed a majority wanted peace.
Sabreen60 : Well I’ll say good night, also. Be good and stay safe.
Sabreen60 : Good Night Funk. You take care, too.
Harleigh : nite funky
funksands : Take care all
funksands : Frances Perkins
funksands : Folks I’m gonna turn in too. Long week and I am looking forward to a beautiful weekend
Beatlex : Sabreen-I saw that about FDR,but he was brought around by the women,can’t think of her name now,Who was largely responsible for SS and other things
Sabreen60 : AdLib, I have heard several times that polls show 85% of Israelis agree with the bombing of Gaza. Bibi believes he has a mandate. I read where even Joan Rivers said that they should “wipe out Gaza”.
AdLib : I think a lot of countries would be so muc better off if only their countries didn’t have leaders.
Harleigh : nite glenn
AdLib : Night glenn, have a relaxing weekend!
Sabreen60 : glenn, I thought you were already gone. Oops. Good night and see you next time.
Harleigh : Old Warsaw ghetto in the early 40’s… c’mon fingers
AdLib : glenn – Yes, that needs to be remembered. Most Israelis want peace for land with the Palestinians, they want a resolution that allows all to live in peace. It is the loud and hostile minority (the Israeli version of Tea Partiers) who are the rabid ones always beating the drum for war and killing and no compromise. It’s not most Israelis, they just want peace and not to have a bomb frop on their house…just as Palestinians feel (most of whom do not support Hamas’ tactics).
Harleigh : Israel has now become like the rulers od Warsaw in the earlu 40’s.
glenn : Always, funk, always.
funksands : Nght Glenn! Keep it real
glenn : Okay, folks, I’m out the door, too. G’night all. A great night of much laughter, as well as some serious “shit”. Have a great weekend, everyone.
funksands : Sabreen, you got it
Sabreen60 : Funk, I’ve see videos of FDR on Youtube. People want to believe that Republicans were once a honorable party. But some of the stuff FDR was saying about them sounds awfully familiar. It may not have been as bad, but some of it was on point. Of course, PBO being “blah” and all has driven them over the edge.
funksands : I like a cold Monkey Monsoon on a sultry night…
AdLib : Harleigh – Then RhinoVirus?
Harleigh : Nite KT
glenn : Funk and Harleigh–Ad and some others were talking earlier about the difference between the Zionists and Israelis. So, it’s difficult to put it all into one neat little package. Kinda like the U.S.
funksands : Sabreen, it will never go away until they pay a heavy heavy price at the polling booth. Sure I think PBO’s race has a lot to do with the virulence with which they pursue their strategy, but ANY Dem President would have gotten the same treatment.
Harleigh : Nite KT
Harleigh : Monkey Monsoon was partially covered in a old Chuck Norris B movie about him saving the US from a Cuba invasion.
AdLib : Funk – That plan can never work because once those “Damn Gubmint!” folks stop getting their SS or Medicare, they scream about how “Keep your gubmint hands off of my SS and Medicare!”
funksands : Harleigh, I think the Israelis have become something they wouldn’t recognize 40 years ago. I think living as armed camp for 60 years has turned them into something they don’t want to be.
glenn : ‘Night, KT. See you around the Planet.
Sabreen60 : Night KT. Take care.
Harleigh : It is way past time for AIPAC to be registered as a foreign lobby and it’s now time to curtail all monetary and military aid to that country/race/rel igion called Israel. That money could be much better spent on our own people and infrastructure. Israel is a bigoted, offensive, apartheid country and should no longer receive anything from the US except our condemnation. At least they are only targeting, killing and stealing from heathen Muslims…. right?
Beatlex : Killgore,from day one they have tried to ruin this President
funksands : KT
AdLib : Sleep well KT! See you tomorrow!
Sabreen60 : KT, But will ODS just go away when PBO leaves office? These idiots will just shut down all this nonsense?
funksands : KT, this started with the Clintons. The GOP has piled all its chips in on burning down the government. The trick is to make Americans ask for it.
AdLib : Harleigh – How about Monkey Monsoon!
KillgoreTrout : Well good peeps. Time for me to call it a night. Hope to see you on the music thread.
glenn : KT–It’s not so much the selling of arms I object to–although I don’t think we should be selling them to anyone–it’s the giving of foreign aid. Look at Israel, for example. All of the aid and arms we’ve given them, and they Netanhyu (sp.) is just going on and on about how awful the U.S. is.
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, it’s Obama Derangement Syndrome.
funksands : Glenn, especially when our track record is so poor.
Sabreen60 : “here” geez.
AdLib : Funk – There is a time when change is in the air, sometimes good, sometimes bad. This actually seems like part of the same cycle that generated the Arab Spring. A period of unrest led to a sense of threat to the status quo then those in power turn around and assert themselves militarily to re-establish their control.
funksands : We exported nearly $100 billion in weapons last year
Sabreen60 : I think people in many countries are suffering. They see their leaders living is palaces, but they don’t have enough to eat. They have no free press. In Gaza, they live in a walled up prison. In Israel they are running from bomb scares. Now why the Repubs hear are batshitcrazy is anybody’s guess.
KillgoreTrout : Well, president Eisenhower did warn us.
Miles Long : The two biggest exports in this country are weapons and entertainment…
AdLib : glenn – That was a brilliant bit on Stewart, he demonstrated on a map how we are arming the world…then watching them use those weapons on their neighbors and their own people…then needing to buy more arms.
funksands : Ad, I would agree. It just seems so convenient that all of this is breaking at the same time. Or maybe that’s just my perception filtered through the media. I can say one thing for sure though; financial panic nearly always gives rise to xenophobia, ultra-nationalis m and politicians that take advantage of them
Harleigh : I can barely afford enough ammo to safely drive on I-95
glenn : Funk–I really think it’s time we “pulled back” a lot more. Just think of all the problems we could solve in this country if we used some of our foreign aid money for the people in our country. Call me an isolationist, but the older I get, the more I tire of the US trying to be the world’s “kindly uncle”.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, that’s what America does. We’re the world’s arms merchants. A very large part of our economy comes from production for war. It’s shameful.
funksands : Glenn, we are the biggest destabilizers on earth for sure.
AdLib : Funk – I think the two things are unrelated. It is a myth that the US has overriding control over what happens in the internal politics of oppressive nations. I see no correlation between the US pulling back militarily and the internal wars in Syria, Ukraine/Russia, Israel, etc. Russia invaded Georgia while Bush was President and invading every country that begins with a vowel, that destroys that theory.
glenn : Funk–I think it’s a little of both. Jon Stewart had a great piece the other night about how on one hand, we’re trying to get Israel to agree to a cease fire, and on the other hand, we’re giving them more money for their Iron Dome, while we’re also selling arms to Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and other Middle Eastern countries, as well as Ukraine.
funksands : KT, I definitely am referring to lower case world order
Harleigh : benghazi! Bengahzi!…. memo…. Border! Border!
KillgoreTrout : I know there is a global economy now, more than ever before, but I don’t put much belief in a New World Order.
Beatlex : Fucc=ers sand! you,my American friends,it must be hard to deal with this shit
Sabreen60 : Funk, I’m not the most observant person – to put it mildly. But I’m seeing and hearing shit that I never expected. Can you give some examples of what you mean.
funksands : Because that’s all it was about. Border security.
funksands : X, they passed a bullshit bill that’s dead on arrival.
Harleigh : Next they can do Pirannacane or something
Beatlex : I have been out,What happened with the vote on border security??
funksands : Is all of the drama currently going on the necessary by-product of the United States pulling back into itself? Is this something that has to happen before a new “world order” asserts itself? *Or* is it just simply what I think: Shit that’s been brewing for a while finally getting settled?
AdLib : Night CL, great to see you! Sleep well!
Sabreen60 : Take care glenn.
AdLib : Harleigh, I know the Sharknado producers set out to make an over the top bad sequel but even knowing they wanted it to be bad…didn’t stop me from yelling “WHAT?!” every few seconds.
KillgoreTrout : Take care CL. Get some rest. It’s a big country.
Harleigh : nite CL
Sabreen60 : Good Night CL. I know I’ll see you around.
choicelady : glenn – great talking with you, too. Be well!
KillgoreTrout : B, how did he go?
Miles Long : Funk: Sorry, what’s the question?
Sabreen60 : What Funk?
funksands : Just cover your eyes.
glenn : G’night CL. Great chatting with you again.
AdLib : I mentioned Beatlex, didn’t know him but sorry to hear he passed.
Harleigh : Funk I got reaally stoned and watch Sharknado… how horible.. I laughed at how bad it was.
funksands : Sorry Miles
funksands : X, really? That’s really sad. I really liked him.
Miles Long : Funk:?
choicelady : I also think I’m heading for sleep. First day back from a 2000 mile road trip is always tiring. Hope to see everyone next week! good night all!
funksands : So I do have a semi-serious question that revolves around recent events around the globe.
Sabreen60 : Oh is THAT what causes your computer to crash? Just kidding….
Beatlex : Any of you here that knew BoyinBoycott from HP.He passed away last night,he is being remembered at “JacholesRealm ” Cool guy
Sabreen60 : AdLib, I thought it was my server. Night, night Monica!
AdLib : Cheers CL, appreciate it!
funksands : Probably Kes downloading too much porn again…
glenn : Ad–so before we “burped”, my question is, what works better for the prep–beer or whiskey?
choicelady : That was a fast fix, AdLib. Thank you.
AdLib : Night Monica!
Harleigh : nite Monica honey. great to see you again
AdLib : A server burp, this is why I’m seeking a new chat app. Thanks for your patience!
choicelady : Sorry – didn’t know my force field was so strong! Thanks for fixing everything, AdLib!
KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams Monica.
funksands : Night Monica!
glenn : G’night, Monica. Have a great weekend.
funksands : BTW, I took the kiddo to see Guardians of the Galaxy today. Really surprised how much I liked it. It was a really good movie
glenn : Funk–okay, that’s a good explanation.
monicaangela : What happened? I lost connection with the page. I guess it’s past my bedtime anyway, so I’ll be saying good night, see you all next week.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, it used to be “the angle of the dangle.”
Miles Long : Maybe something I ate?
funksands : There was a disturbance in the Force…
glenn : Miles–was it something we said?
Miles Long : wow! The place sure cleared out in a hurry…
glenn : Okay, don’t know what happened, but couldn’t post there for a while.
monicaangela : Good night Murph
KillgoreTrout : CL, a pup older than his years.
Sabreen60 : Oops. Forgot the “r” Murph
AdLib : Funk – It’s an automatic reaction for me, if the MSM is whipping up a meme about something happening, you can usually make money betting against it.
Sabreen60 : Night Muph! See you next time.
glenn : Funk–I saw that article. Definitely the dumbing down of America. Although, when I taught third grade, my students, especially my male students, used to snicker when I taught “perpendicular lines”. They just loved saying “perpendicular “. Even if the line was a parallel line, they’d answer perpendicular just to say it. Cracked me up!
choicelady : KT – you’re just a pup in my firmament! Not a LOT younger than I but YOUNGER yes.
KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams AB. Thanks for the smiles!
funksands : More like acquaintances
choicelady : Good night Murph – thanks for all your great blogs. I’m catching up on reading. Great stuff.
funksands : Harleigh, that could bring about the apocalypse all on its own
kesmarn : G’night, Frennie! I was so busy reading about funk’s homophonic friends that I missed your good bye!
AdLib : AB – The best thing about an anniversary for an alley pee is the prep.
KillgoreTrout : CL, my daughter turns 40 in November. I turn 60 in August! Wow. Tempest fugit!
monicaangela : Yeah Harleigh, they would make a good match up for the Saturday Night Fights.
choicelady : Harleigh – I can’t see a Palin-Bachmann ticket because they’d kill each other for top billing. Fight to the death over which was ‘God’s Chosen’.
AlphaBitch : Nite CL, Monica, Kes, Funk. Love you all. Cross eyed now….
funksands : Ad: I agree. There are races in Ohio, Penn, FL, WI, IL, IA, and NH that are all in play
AdLib : Michele Bachmann: “Will somebody please treat me like I matter? Anybody?”
MurphTheSurf3 : I know I have been quiet tonight but like the guy who happens upon the street fair, I had a good time jut standing around. Good night all.
AlphaBitch : AD – it’s the anniversary of the alley pee, so I may go out with mates. But we will see. I’ll try. I can pee your name and post photo…..
choicelady : KT – that’s young, yes indeed.
Sabreen60 : CL, I don’t know why. I can remember back to when I was two or three. At least I remember specific incidents.
choicelady : Hey AB – good night and sweet dreams! Great talking with you!
funksands : CL: Dead serious
Harleigh : Speaking of politics I still want to see a Palin-Bachmann ticket in 2016 fer jebus! glory!
monicaangela : Good Night AB!
AlphaBitch : Remember the Assholes! New battle cry for TX. You gots it Funk.
choicelady : funk – SERIOUSLY??????? ??? I will read it, but it creeps me out on the face of it.
KillgoreTrout : Oh, she was CL. A great lady. We just married way too young. I was 19 and she was 18.
AlphaBitch : Nite Harleigh Bob.
monicaangela : I guess you’re right KT. The right doesn’t seem to have anyone worth voting for anymore.
glenn : AB–okay, I’ll say g’night for real then. Once again, enjoy your visit with your pup.
AdLib : AB – Sleep well and hope to see you back here next week!
funksands : Night AB. Get some rest. And I still want that shirt if you make one
Sabreen60 : Good night AB. Take care.
choicelady : Sabreen – I barely remember my teachers, even the ones I liked. I hated school even though I was a good student. A liberal kid in a conservative town? Not a good experience.
AdLib : Funk and CL – I agree, I have been thinking all along that the Des will hang on to The Senate this year (then extend their hold in 2016).
Harleigh : nite AB
monicaangela : Okay Harleigh, you got it.
KillgoreTrout : Monica, I used to critical of those who voted straight party ticket, but these days, it’s the only logical thing for dems to do.
funksands : Oh before I forget, my wife wanted me to share this article with you: EDUCATION More: Schools Dumb English Language Utah Education Blogger Says He Was Fired For ‘Promoting A Gay Agenda’ After Writing About Homophones Read more: «link»
choicelady : Harleigh – we who remember were a tad older and gotten past the blurry stage.
AlphaBitch : Okay loves. Bed time. I always date the boys from the west coast and have to turn in early. Curfew! Carry on with real topics now. Thanks. I can go to sleep with a smile on my face – first time in weeks….
Miles Long : Adlib: I’ve got the body of a 20 year-old, but I keep it locked in the closet when I leave the house.
glenn : Harleigh–you’r e just a baby, then. My daughter was born in 1967.
Sabreen60 : Harleigh, Hubby can’t believe I can name practically all my teachers from Kindergarten on and I’m 65.
Harleigh : MA- ‘informed voters?? HAHAHAHAHA good one.
choicelady : KT – she must have been something! Liza was lovely.
AdLib : I have Beyonce’s legs but she has good lawyers, I think she’ll get them back.
choicelady : glenn – you’re totally correct. No coincidence that when conservatives began the fight back, first thing they did was take over school boards and eliminate Civics. Even progs don’t have a clue.
monicaangela : Beatlex: You have to remember the low information voters and those who vote straight party ticket no matter what. The only way this will effect the vote is if informed voters go to the polls in huge numbers.
AlphaBitch : I always pick on the young uns.
funksands : I think the Dems will hang on to Arkansas and Lousiana believe it or not. That’ll give them 51
choicelady : Sabreen – I don’t think Boehner can attribute his odd orange quality to anything but bad facial tanning lotion.
Harleigh : How do you guys even remember the 60’s or 70’s or 80’s? I turned 12 in 1960 and everything got all bluury like until anround 1992.
KillgoreTrout : My ex was almost an exact double of a young Liza Minelli!
funksands : Exactly. Didn’t stop AB from picking on me though.
glenn : Beatlex–I keep reading that most people in the country don’t understand how our government works or who is charge of the House and/or Senate (surprise, surprise), so when things don’t go the way they want, they just blame the President and his party. So unless the lazy ass Dems who didn’t vote in the midterms in 2010 don’t get out and vote, there probably won’t be much change.
Sabreen60 : Funk, Boehner is a wino? Really? Does that have something to do with his color? Seriously. I seem to remember drunks being red – if they were white to begin with
choicelady : KT and AB – yeah I was cute. But sunburn set me on the straight and narrow…
monicaangela : I bet they are Harleigh.
AlphaBitch : CL: Wow wow whee wow. She was a looker.
KillgoreTrout : OO LALA CL!
choicelady : funk – that’s because you were 8 years old or something…
funksands : I think the Dem’s keep the Senate by 1 seat. They don’t take the House though. 2 more years of absolutely nothing.
AlphaBitch : Ad – shame on you! That’s the built in floaty.
choicelady : AB – I looked like Natalie Wood. Glad I did not come to the same end.
AlphaBitch : Funk – I kicked sand in your face…
funksands : Glenn, Boehner is a merlot drinker. No wonder he’s so messed up
choicelady : Beatlex – Seriously I think the Dems might just keep the Senate. Only real problem is MT where the Dem was just found to have plagiarized his MA thesis at the Army War college. He will lose the seat AND his degree. Dumb AND dumber.
AdLib : glenn – Yes, remember thet picture of Rangel: «link» I still am bewildered by men who develop that balloon below their middle. Is it an airbag to protect them in case they run to fast towards a urinal?
Miles Long : Sabreen, It was strictly a joke. I’ve still got it going on! {laughing}
funksands : AB, I think I weighed 70 lbs in the 70’s.
AlphaBitch : CL: I weighed 100 lbs in the 70s. I looked like Cher – that tan. Was the Mexican part of me, thank God.
Harleigh : Monica-sure they do.. and the excersises are way easier on the couch with junk food and soda too!
Sabreen60 : Miles, Stop it! You sound like a friend of mind.
Tell you what. On cruises, people don’t care. You see ALL sizes and shapes.
choicelady : Harleigh – hey! You obviously set a national standard! The Keg Abs. They’re the in thing most beaches.
funksands : X, probably not. Americans would have to give a shit for it to matter. Sorry to say.
glenn : Ad–“if you can follow a corkscrew, you can follow repub logic”…that’ s a good one. Although I thought the great orange one’s drink of choice is bourbon…or is it scotch? Guess it gets easier and easier to follow a corkscrew with enough of either one in you.
Beatlex : Are the R’s handing the dems a chance to keep the senate over all this crap?OPINIONS PLEASE!
monicaangela : Harleigh: LOL!! That’s a good one. Do they believe you?
choicelady : AB – in the 70s I had cute curves, was tiny, wore a bikini. Got a second degree sunburn. Never went to the beach again. That hurt SO MUCH any desire to be sexy was laid immediately to rest.
funksands : Bring it on girl
Harleigh : All these idiots talk about their 6-pack abs andI tell them I went for the single ab keg look!
KillgoreTrout : Ad, at least a corkscrew has a use.
AlphaBitch : Harleigh: I had reverse liposuction!
monicaangela : AB: No need to apologize, it is good to change the topic from politics, war and destruction etc., to some light comedy. I’m really enjoying your comments.
Sabreen60 : KT, Absolutely.
AlphaBitch : I’m going to Marfa in September w/ friends from Seattle to look for aliens. Want me to bring you some?
AlphaBitch : In the 80s I was invading the Pacific NW.
choicelady : Harleigh – that’s the BEST comeback EVER!!
KillgoreTrout : AB, no apology needed. This is good for us.
funksands : harlidgh that’s awesome!
glenn : Funk–yup, that’s the one! You really are showing off tonight!
Harleigh : Anytime anyone says something about my gut I tell them I defeated bulimia AND anorexia
funksands : 1981 was still the 70’s AB
funksands : 80’s? Wha…?
funksands : AB, its the rebound effect from a truly awful heartbreaking week
AlphaBitch : 70s I was the little surfer girl.
AdLib : Beatlex – Yep, Repubs don’t want to do anything on the border issue. They ask Obama to do it…so they can sue him for abusing his power. If you can follow a corkscrew, you can follow Repub logic.
AlphaBitch : (((((80s FUNK))))))
choicelady : Miles – That is just GREAT!!! Though I’m sorry for your pain!!
funksands : Glenn, this one? «link»
Harleigh : miles-LOL
AlphaBitch : Guys: Seriously. Apologies to all who might have been offended or dismayed at frivolous topics. Just been gone a long time, and missed my buds….
Miles Long : I’ve given up…
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, I think it’s needed. Laughter IS the best medicine.
Miles Long : I can’t go to the beach any more. Every time i lie out in the sand some environmental asshole tries to roll me into the water shouting, “Save him! Save him!”
funksands : Glenn, if I get that relaxed, I’d be dead.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, yeah, but the man was chillin!
choicelady : glenn – didn’t see it. Do not wish to think about it!
funksands : X the ladies are just reminiscing about peeing standing up in the 70’s for women’s rights
Sabreen60 : BRB
AlphaBitch : Funk – I don’t know cylon. Was he borned in TN?
choicelady : Beatlex – we moved right past the House into how to pee. Logical progression.
glenn : CL–did you ever see that picture of Charley Rangell (former Congressman)in a bathing suit that Jon Stewart shows on his show? The epitome of what you’re talking about.
Sabreen60 : CL, Me too. I’m filing that one away. Isn’t great we can be so silly after the last couple of weeks we’ve had – politically?
AdLib : CL – A good reason to go to the beach with the industrial size Silly String to spray areas of old fat men that are sadly on display.
choicelady : funk – ohhhhhhhh that’s AWFUL.
KillgoreTrout : I’m still in pretty good shape (except for a slight middle aged paunch).
Beatlex : What did I miss? The idiots who told the President to deal with the border issue with his powers.Having sued him 24hrs earlier of suing over that very thing.Did I miss something other than what they voted for tonight?
funksands : And Han Solo
choicelady : AdLib – too funny!
funksands : AB, my wife thought she was a cylon for a while.
AlphaBitch : Funk: I lubs you!
Sabreen60 : AdLib, ROTFLMAO!! I’d pay to see that
funksands : Choice, that is really well put. I’m going to file that one away
KillgoreTrout : cl, now that is funny!
Miles Long : Funk: I loved Burr’s take on Jobs.
monicaangela : Wow funk, that is so cool. I love it.
choicelady : Sabreen – anything goes is inappropriate when everything went.
funksands : Miles, that was pretty funny man
AdLib : Funk – Oh no you didn’t!
Sabreen60 : CL, AdLib, absolutely. But it appears now days with some people, almost anything goes.
AlphaBitch : I’m a gal of many talents. Not the least believing I was Davy Crockett, as many of my friends here know.
Harleigh : OK I think I’m caught up here. Go to the Hollywood FL beach if you want to see old fat people in thongs and Speedo’s…. and go blind
AdLib : I once peed an Escher drawing in the snow and fell down in it trying to climb the steps.
funksands : Ad: «link»
choicelady : AdLib – seriously I want something on those fat, hairy old guys more than their bellies. There is that REAR view…
KillgoreTrout : Ad, unless they “turn the other cheek!” Holy shyte!
monicaangela : AB: What can I say, peed the name of your friend Dick…LOL!!
choicelady : Sabreen – I have no doubts you’re more lovely!
glenn : CL–thanks, I always like to help out my peeps.
AdLib : Funk – Now you’re just showing off.
funksands : Monica: «link»
Sabreen60 : Funk, I actually look better
AdLib : Sabreen – I can’t stand the old guys with the huge bellies at the beach who have the speedos on. When you’re that big, you don’t need a bathing suit, your belly covers everything.
choicelady : Sabreen – one can still look gorgeous in old age, but yeah – no G-strong bikinis please. No matter what. Of course a lot of very YOUNG women shouldn’t either.
AlphaBitch : Funkie doodle! You looks beeyouteamoss.
monicaangela : Okay, thanks everybody. I’ll have to try placing a link as soon as I gain confidence.
choicelady : funk – Well, SABREEN I can see. I sure hadn’t got you pegged as a sexy Black woman. Guess I’m glad it’s not you.
kesmarn : And there are so many characters around here, that is not always easy.
glenn : Ad–you are a man of many talents. Riverdancing!
KillgoreTrout : Ad,
Sabreen60 : CL, I know older guys may get a little loose, but they don’t go around showing off like they think they’re all that and a bag of chips. Hell, I’m old. I know I’m not what I was at 20, but you’re not going to see me on the beach in a g-string.
AlphaBitch : I once peed the name of my friend Dick in an alley in Austin. It was 8/8/81. I remember. I did great until I started laughing out loud and then ….. splat.
monicaangela : Glenn: That’s way too much information, but I am going to remember it, you never know, it just might come in handy some day.
funksands : See? Totally had you fooled with Charile Sheen. That’s actually Sabreen coming into the local watering hole.
AdLib : KT – Special shoes and goggles.
choicelady : glenn – never thought about going to the bathroom as a multi-tasking skill, but you’ve shed new light here. I’m in awe.
funksands : Moncia, just copy the link and paste into the message box. “IMPORTANT” there has to be a space between the link and any other character
AdLib : monica – Just paste a URL and it automatically becomes “link”.
kesmarn : Monica, if you just put the URL in your comment, it should automatically appear as a link.
choicelady : funk! Is that YOU in the video? Well knock me over!
glenn : Monica–no dribble when the toilet is a hole in the ground and you’re standing over it. Always carry extra tp in your purse. And learn to have a purse with a short strap so you can get to the tp without getting your purse in the “mainstream”.
KillgoreTrout : That sounds tricky Ad. Does it require special shoes?
AlphaBitch : glenn – you betcha.
Sabreen60 : Funk: There you go again!
monicaangela : Okay, you guys are going to have to let me know how you place these links.
choicelady : AB – we avoid dairy for that reason. Apparently Putin has not.
AlphaBitch : Ad – LOL
funksands : Hey bud
AdLib : Funk – I stand corrected! Hi pal!
AlphaBitch : Ad – don’t be a quitter.
choicelady : Sabreen – no problem. Most places have seat covers in N. America. In Canada in 1990 huge scandal around that. gov’t gave a no-bid contract to a crony for automated plastic seat covers that scooted around the seat for a fresh ‘sit’. The press called the scandal the “Bum Rap”/”Bum Wrap” incident.
glenn : CL–a very useful skill, indeed.
AlphaBitch : KT – no that is cute.
glenn : AB–although I don’t know of any confederate ancestors, I knew we were sisters “under the skin”.
Sabreen60 : KT,
I’m sure you’re not alone!
AlphaBitch : CL; Actually eating a lot of dairy products that have cows treated with BSH (the hormone??) makes men have moobs.
funksands : Ad, I do not like to “make an entrance” «link»
AdLib : glenn – I learned to pee while Riverdancing. You have to wear a rain slicker though.
Miles Long : I have to pee standing on my head, otherwise I splash all over the place… {sigh}
monicaangela : AB: LOL!!!!!LMAO!!!!
Sabreen60 : K
AlphaBitch : Monica – I said it’s the fault of the AlphaBitches of wolves that they don’t stand up to pee. I did have a female dog who loved to lift her leg….
Sabreen60 : glenn, if you MUST sit then go ahead. I’m just saying….
glenn : Ad–only if you’re a female. See we’re bilingual. We can pee standing up and sitting down.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, the gals are boasting! I pee sitting down. I’m just lazy and have poor aim!
monicaangela : Glenn: How do you get past the dribble?
glenn : sabreen–okay, but what do I do with all the toilet paper I put all over the seat?
AdLib : Okay, I was away far longer than I planned and come back to peeing while standing up???
AlphaBitch : glenn – I know that trick!!!!!!
choicelady : glenn – that’s a very useful skill!
Sabreen60 : glenn, since y’all are taking it there, never ever sit on a public toilet, okay!
monicaangela : AB: Que dijiste?
choicelady : AB – I’d not thought of Chernobyl, but it all makes sense, doesn’t it?
glenn : AB–I can pee standing up, too. And, I learned how to pee standing up with a dress on. It’s a little more difficult with pants, though. Have to hold your pants down and up at the same time. One of the things I learned when I lived in the Middle East.
Miles Long : Listen to this too the end for a great hunk on Bill Gates: «link»
monicaangela : KT…Moobs connected with Chernobyl…it doesn’t get any better.
AlphaBitch : Well, Monica = that’s their fault. Let’s just say Mi Tierra in the 1980s. My sister and I in some kind of tequila haze trying to outdo the other….some woman with a camera….
KillgoreTrout : “Moobs.” I love it!
AlphaBitch : So do you Frennie. You always make me smile…
choicelady : Sabreen – first time I saw that I remember the “Manzier” episode of Seinfeld. He needs one.
AlphaBitch : Sabreen – he does have a set of moobs on him. I guess Chernobyl.
monicaangela : AB: The only females that are supposed to be able to do that aren’t from the wolf pack.
kesmarn : You do liven the joint up yourself, Miss AB.
AlphaBitch : Thanks Monica. It’s just a sad, tough week. I come to VOX when I am around to see pals and laugh. What a great group of folks! So proud to see you all.
KillgoreTrout : LOL! Oh, damn my eyes!
Sabreen60 : CL, I forget the blog, but there was the picture of shirtless Putin. Someone in the comment section asked why he was considered manly showing his “manboobs” riding a Shetland pony? I’m just repeating….
glenn : Monica–yup–gra ndpa munster’s looks with mccarthy’s tiny brain.
AlphaBitch : KT – I’m not ALWAYS a bitch….
monicaangela : AB: You win the prize for best comedic postings tonight. LOL!!
kesmarn : Awww…c’mon…
KillgoreTrout : We thank you for that AB!
AlphaBitch : Monica – yes it is. But I can pee standing up. I do have photos to prove it, but will not post.
choicelady : AB – Yup. Totally true.
MurphTheSurf3 : HI CHOICE.
funksands : BRB
KillgoreTrout : I always wonder who our 1 “guest,” is. Someone said it’s Google.
monicaangela : AB: Sometimes it’s hard to be a woman…..:)
choicelady : Hey Murph – didn’t say hi earlier. So HI!!!
AlphaBitch : CL- it’s true and you know it.
Sabreen60 : Hi Harleigh!
monicaangela : Choicelady: LOL!!!
choicelady : AB – LOL!!!
monicaangela : Hello Harleigh !!
AlphaBitch : CL: IT cracked me up. Yep. I want to be Betty. She said “Don’t tell people to toughen up and grow some balls. They are tiny and sensitive. You want to be tough, grow a vagina. It takes a pounding and keeps on going” {paraphrased}
glenn : Hey Harleigh–how are you?
choicelady : Hi Harleigh!
monicaangela : Glenn: Yep, grandpa munster played him well in the munsters didn’t he.
funksands : Hi Harleigh!
choicelady : monicaangela – yes indeedy. Couldn’t produce those papers and then…presto. Bam. Done.
KillgoreTrout : Harleigh in da house!
kesmarn : Hey, Harleigh! How are you?
glenn : AB–what I meant to say was I loved BW before I heard that quote, love her even more now!
Harleigh : Hi Folks!
monicaangela : Choicelady, you put that perfectly, I guess is exactly the correct way to look at this…it all happened quite fast didn’t it…It appears he woke up one morning, thought about running for president, and presto chango, them papers popped up from nowhere.
choicelady : glenn – I want to grow old like Betty. Never give up I say!
AlphaBitch : I always believed leg warmers served the purpose of distracting the gaze away from child bearing hips.
glenn : AB–never heard that Betty White quote before, but I love that old broad!
funksands : Photos. Now.
choicelady : AB – my teeth hurt visualizing the leg warmers…
choicelady : AB – I’m down with Betty!
AlphaBitch : Funk, I wore them. Of course I did. Lemon yellow and lime green ones.
funksands : Choice, it never gets old.
choicelady : funk – I’ve not stopped laughing at your visual graphic of Putin on the Ritz.
AlphaBitch : Again, to quote Betty White: you wanna be tough, grow a vagina.
funksands : Puttin on the Ritz in leg warmers…
glenn : Monica–I truly get ill when I look at TC with that constant smirk on his face.
choicelady : monicaangela – there apparently was some question about whether Cruz’s mommy was actually an American citizen, but I read he’d renounced his Canadian citizenship, so I guess she finally found the (possibly authentic, possibly not) documents she previously could not produce.
kesmarn : It would be hard to get those images out of your mind. No matter how hard you tried… Ballmer in tiny shorts…
funksands : Monica:
monicaangela : Sabreen, maybe he has him by the balls, but he definitely doesn’t have them in a jar. Well at least I sure hope not.
Sabreen60 : Right CL. But Boehner let him do it.
AlphaBitch : Kes – if only I had photos. Just in my mind….His shorts were navy with white piping. Blov can authenticate.
choicelady : Sabreen – shutting down the government doesn’t take balls. It takes a brain tumor. THAT I would believe Teddy Cruz has.
funksands : AB, its the whole Young Frankenstein vibe. Every girl fell for it in the 80’s.
AlphaBitch : Did anyone see the big nose/small mouth app? Makes everyone look like Cruz.
monicaangela : Glenn, LOL!! Exactly, there are so many things wrong with TC, and that is definitely one of them. I guess he never thought about how easy it was for him to come here and become a citizen. I suppose he feels he should be privileged over everyone else in the world.
glenn : Sabreen–what is wrong with you? “Everyone knows” that PBO caused the government shutdown.
kesmarn : You DO need to write that book, Frennie. Whooo-eee.
funksands : Nope. 9 in the US, 1 in Norway, 1 in S. Africa, 1 in Israel
Sabreen60 : Monica, Maybe Charlie Pierce has it wrong. Maybe Cruz has Boehner’s balls. After all Cruz did cause the government shutdown.
pinkpantheroz : This typing has made be thirstly. BRB with Coffee
choicelady : funk – I realize that, but in my very LONG LIFE I never saw such crossover intrusion that way. As you say, Cruz has no manners about anything at all, so it shouldn’t surprise me.
AlphaBitch : Uh huh Frennie. More than once. and with the Blov at my side. K=I=N=K=Y
funksands : I believe so. Let me check
monicaangela : Funk: That would be 14 companies in this country right.
AlphaBitch : CL: No it was Ballmer. Bill was always a gentleman.
funksands : Choice, its a rule of etiquette. Not against any rule. Cruz has none so…
glenn : Monica–sure we can skewer whomever we want on VOX! That’s the fun of it. Just don’t understand why you would want to skewer such a “patriot”, though. Someone who immigrated to this country, but because he is from the northern border instead of the southern, thinks he is better than them (she said tongue in cheek).
choicelady : funk – I’m surprised there are that FEW companies making drones.
kesmarn : You got physical, physical with STEVE BALLMER, Frennie?
monicaangela : Good question Choiclady, isn’t there some kind of law against that? If there isn’t, there should be.
choicelady : AB – that may be more than I wanted to know about Gates…
funksands : Noted
pinkpantheroz : Funk, it seems to be already a 10+Billion dollar industry. Wow.
monicaangela : Okay funk, I guess you have a point. Of course my correspondence would be a lot different if I knew you were.
AlphaBitch : My husband worked for Bill in the 80s. We used to do aerobics with Steve Ballmer when guys wore those little short shorts and head bands. Ha
Sabreen60 : Hey PPO!
funksands : There are 14 companies that manufacture drones. That surprised me.
choicelady : monicaangela – yeah – what’s up with a Senator directing the House anyway???
Sabreen60 : Funk – Ain’t Too Proud to Beg – so said The Temptations.
funksands : Monica, why dispel the mystery??
AlphaBitch : PPO: NOOOOOO.
choicelady : AB – wow. You have the coolest friends!!!!
funksands : AB: Shut Up!!!
monicaangela : Glenn: Could we please include the Speaker of the House…Ted Cruz?
kesmarn : Hey, PPO!
pinkpantheroz : alpha, talking about drones, did anyone see Martha Stewart now has one. Seems the glitterati are now stalking us!
funksands : Sabreen, I figure its just safe to assume
choicelady : Moving from where to where, funk? That’s the WORST job in the WORLD. You have my sympathy!
AlphaBitch : CL- if he is Bill, he danced with me at the MS Christmas party in 1983. And he WAS MY BOYFRIEND…..
Sabreen60 : Funk? Can you see through your computer? (Hiding my glass)
funksands : Choice, that sounds like a lot better choice than seeing my wonderful family. It’s probably for the best, we’ve been in the process of moving the last couple weeks.
monicaangela : Answer the question funksands, inquiring minds want to know.
choicelady : funk – I’m hoping you’re Bill Gates. I could use a donation.
glenn : PPO–I was just about to ask where you were. We’re skewering bachmann, cantor, and king right now. And, of course, the great orange one. Anyone else you want to add to the list?
KillgoreTrout : I used to be!
AlphaBitch : WINNING!!!!
funksands : I could be…
monicaangela : Hi PPO!!
choicelady : funk – we were going to try to get dinner with you until we discovered a friend in the Olympia area has apparently gone nuts. We spent some time tracking down her son, but she did not appear to either know us or want to see us or something. It was very sad, but it took up all our time in the area trying to learn what was going on with her. So I will do my best to lumber up out of the Loch next year.
AlphaBitch : Did they send a drone?
Sabreen60 : Oh please Murph. Don’t even put that out in the atmosphere.
KillgoreTrout : Excellent question funk! Are you?
monicaangela : Good question funksands…are you?
funksands : KT, how do you know I’m not Charlie Sheen?
KillgoreTrout : I hope that’s Tiger milk!
funksands : The roar of course. Very hard to come by. Amazon Prime delivers next day tho…
glenn : Funk–whalebone corsets, your Hummer, whale oil lamps–get all that. WTH is tiger ice cream?
KillgoreTrout : funk, when did you start hanging out with Charlie Sheen?
AlphaBitch : Ah, Grasshopper Funk – but which part of the Tiger???
funksands : Sabreen CAN YOU SEE ME NOW??? I thought tequila was supposed to improve your vision??
pinkpantheroz : Hi, everybody, sorry I’m late. Who are we skewering tonight?
monicaangela : Wow Miles, that sounds like a big project.
MurphTheSurf3 : Mile…in Englewood…a community that surely could use the promise your project represents.
Sabreen60 : Oh, there you are Funk. And congrats Miles!
funksands : Yep, sprinkling it on my tiger ice cream
Miles Long : It looks like the entire $13.6M for the project is accounted for.
choicelady : Miles – that’s SUPER.
glenn : Miles–woo hoo for you! Sounds like you will be adding to the jobs total. Good on ya’ man.
choicelady : Sabreen – Michelle B. said PBO wanted to round up these kids and experiment on them. I think she wants them for ‘pray away the gay’ experiments by Marcus and is mad she can’t have them. They’re just little Brown people, so they’d be perfect for Marcus to work on, right? Now King wants them in orphanages, and she’s double whammied, this time by her own ‘friend’.
monicaangela : Glenn, Bachmann is on a roll, she isn’t going to leave any way soon, she has a lot more conspiracy theories she has to get before the public before she goes.
kesmarn : Got your powdered rhino horn ready to consume too, Funk?
AlphaBitch : Miles! That’s incredible. Congrats dude.
Sabreen60 : Hiya Funk. I’ll take the word of others that you’re here. But I don’t see your name.
Miles Long : 300 tech jobs for the community.
funksands : Miles, congrats man, that’s great!
Miles Long : We’re building a computer & 3D printer manufacturing plant and tech center in Englewood.
funksands : All my whale-oil lamps are lit my friends. Have my Hummer idling outside while I’m typing too.
monicaangela : Wow Miles, that’s great, both the 15 lbs and the pledge for your project. I hope you lost the 15 lbs because you were trying to and not because of stress.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen…repeat after me….Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell…that is when going no where bills come right at us.
AlphaBitch : You eats the cheeses with the Crazypants, you gets to author the bill.
funksands : Choice, you are like the Loch Ness Monster…Often referred to, seldom seen
glenn : Sabreen, Miles–when oh when is the “lovely” mrs. bachmann’s term up? Why can’t she quit early like Cantor?
choicelady : Miles – I know Englewood and am happy for you! Once lived elsewhere in Chicago – 72nd and Jeffrey – but the whole city is my fave place. Good for you. And even the 15 pounds dammit.
kesmarn : Funkie! Got your whalebone lampshade on tonight?
AlphaBitch : Sabreen: Cuz they both ate pizza with MY senator, Crazypants Cruz
Sabreen60 : Miles, Speaking of lunatics, Mrs. Bachmann was one of the authors of the border bill. Steve King was the other. I know the bill is not going anywhere, but geez.
Miles Long : I found out that I’ve lost 15 lbs since Feb, and the State of Illinois Dept of Econ Dev has pledged many millions of $$$ for a project my team is doing in Englewood here in Chicago.
monicaangela : Hey funksands!! Whalebone corset….LOL!!!
KillgoreTrout : Hey, leave those Whales alone!
choicelady : funk – GREAT to see you. Once again I was diverted with a crisis from seeing you in your native land. Sorry – maybe next year? Hope all is well there.
glenn : Hey Funk! What took you so long?
AlphaBitch : WOOT! Dream date!
funksands : All right, I’m here. Get your whalebone corset out of a twist…
monicaangela : I have had a wonderful week Miles. Did you ever get your technology project finished?
glenn : AB–oops! Glad you’re sticking around.
choicelady : Hi Miles – how was your week so good? We’d love to know!
Miles Long : Well, I’ve had a great week. Anyone else?
choicelady : AB – that’s very fine then. Another 45 or so minutes!
monicaangela : Good night AB
kesmarn : I should put the link to that article on the Twitter feed, Sabreen.
glenn : G’night AB. Nice chatting with you again. Sleep well and enjoy your visit with your Pup.
KillgoreTrout : Nothing like a little friendly competition AB!
AlphaBitch : HEY! I’m not leaving until the Funkster shows up. If I go till 10:30 CDT, I’m good.
Sabreen60 : Yeah kes. When I read “eunuch”, I screamed.
monicaangela : Miles: LOL!! That was the crux of my comment.
AlphaBitch : KT – I got to take Pup to meet Khaled Hosseini who wrote Kite Runner. We actually got to speak with him a bit. I warned him to hurry up and write all the books he intends to quickly, as the Pup will be ousting him soon as AFG best author.
kesmarn : Give the Pup a hug from all of us, Frennie. And let us know when the book is out.
choicelady : AB – so great to know you’re working on that with him. Keep us posted on progress. Wonderful to chat if only a bit.
Miles Long : Monica, I think they’re the same person…
KillgoreTrout : Thanks AB. I wish you two all the best.
choicelady : Sabreen – that’s so very true. I think a good fake is worth everything when dancing!
monicaangela : Miles: What do you mean by that? How could they possibly be in the same place at the same time?
Sabreen60 : CL, sorry to hear that. When my back was really bad we didn’t go. I’m still kicking, just not so high. One thing about “hand-dancing” you can pretend you’re just being smooth and it’s not about the aches and pains
choicelady : AB – if I remotely resemble you, I’m honored. I’d rather be scary WITH you than not!
AlphaBitch : I’m going to have to get up early. Have a date with the Pup. He went back to AFG to see his family -first time in 3 1/2 years. Tomorrow we start working on HIS book. So KT, I’m proud of you.
monicaangela : Kes: I believe you are correct about that.
choicelady : Sabreen – seriously? I didn’t know that was a federal requirement and thought only states mandated that. Well – is he gonna be on UI and what WILL he do when it ends?
AlphaBitch : ee uuu eee uuu = CL – we use the same phrases. Scary….
monicaangela : KT: Hip, Hip, Hooray!!!! Take your time, work through the process, I’m sure it will get easier as you go along.
Sabreen60 : Hey CL, He has to wait a year after leaving Congress before becoming a lobbyist. Some say that’s his reason for leaving early – less time before getting those $$$$.
kesmarn : I guess I wouldn’t smile if I were married to the Weeper of the House, either Monica…
choicelady : Hi Miles – that’s a VERY critical question. You are onto something there.
AlphaBitch : Miles – you must be on to something. Let’s pray it’s not Marcus…
choicelady : Sabreen – how very cool to go dancing! Haven’t done a lot of that since I managed to sprain two LEGS in 2001. I miss it.
kesmarn : Good point, Homie!
monicaangela : Kes: There is a Mrs. Boehner, I have seen her, and you probably have too if you ever watch C-span. They never seem to be together when they are together, and I have never seen her smile.
KillgoreTrout : Now that’s funny Homie! Or Lindsey Graham?
Miles Long : You ever notice that you never see Mrs. Boehner and Marcus Bachmann in the same place at the same time?
choicelady : AB – we can be sure Mrs. Boehner is NOT the ‘new Black’.
kesmarn : Dancing? Rather than Vox, Miss Sabreen?? Demerits for you, little lady.
AlphaBitch : Kes, you bad!
KillgoreTrout : Monica, I have started writing it. It’s a slow process, and some memories are bit tough to revisit. That won’t stop me though.
Sabreen60 : AB
choicelady : monicaangela – so any bets on where Eric will lobby? Or, as they pretend, “advise”?
AlphaBitch : Question: Has anyone ever seen the Mizzrizz Boehner? What color is she?
Sabreen60 : kes, I missed not being here last week. We went dancing.
kesmarn : IS there a Mrs. Boehner? Has anyone ever seen her? (And Mitch McConnell in the same room?)
choicelady : AB – well. There you go. Nothin’ beats that biscuits and gravy.
monicaangela : AB: You got that right, not because he won’t be in congress though…it’s because he’ll be on K Street before we have time to take a good breath.
glenn : BRB, folks.
choicelady : glenn – only Eric Baby would think they needed to SPEND MONEY to get the 10 days filled. Apparently wasting state money is a GOP family value.
AlphaBitch : CL: Of course. Mrs. Boehner calls it “fine dinin'”
KillgoreTrout : I know that may seem trivial when some really horrendous shit is going on abroad and our support of it, but it’s past time to put away the lies and stop locking up decent people for partaking of Mother Nature.
kesmarn : Too funny.
monicaangela : Kes: LMAO
choicelady : AB- if he drinks booze from Mason Jars – does that automatically make him a lifetime patron at Cracker Barrel?
AlphaBitch : Cantor’s bitch face won’t be missed.
monicaangela : Great advice choicelady. KT can’t go anywhere until he writes his book, and then he will have to stick around for years and years to sign autographs. I’m also happy to hear he is going back to help his mom.
kesmarn : Sabreen — awesome article. Here’s another line: “Holy mother of god, what a eunuch. Somewhere in the Speaker’s Lobby of Purgatory, Uncle Joe Cannon is pounding his head against the wall, Sam Rayburn is reaching for the bourbon again, and Henry Clay is vomiting into a potted plant. “
choicelady : KT – never mind the article. Across the country most US Attorneys are directing major stand downs on medicinal weed. Look to the actions, not the rhetoric. This president has to be careful in word. He’s bold in deeds.
glenn : AB–and did you see where Cantor’s last day is going to be before the end of the term? And, he wants the governor in his state to hold a special election in Nov. to fill his seat for ten days that the House will be working in Dec. Someone said today he “pulled a Palin”. Loved that line.
Sabreen60 : Hey GreenChica, Wouldn’t call it cranky. More like totally disgusted with Republicans and even more so after the racist bill they ushered through the House tonight. Well, yeah I guess you could call it cranky.
AlphaBitch : Sabreen: I’m betting Boehner has located every last Mason jar. Not for balls, for booze.
KillgoreTrout : I’m a little miffed at the president over his reaction to the Times articles about legalizing weed. It’s no joke and people who are suffering could really use it. It’s also a very serious matter of liberty.
choicelady : KT – it’s not how you spent your misspent youth. It’s how you live now. And you’re doing fine. Glad you’re headed back – I think you do yourself AND your mother well when you’re there. And I live in total envy as a Cape lover. Sigh.
monicaangela : Sabreen: LOL
kesmarn :
Sabreen — that is wonderful!
choicelady : Sabreen – literal LOL!!! Inquiring minds want to know where that mason jar IS!
KillgoreTrout : CL, I doubt it. Too many years in the fast lane. I’m in Ohio right now, but going back to the Cape in a few weeks. Mom’s alone now, and that should not be.
AlphaBitch : CL – wish I had a tack to put under Cantor’s butt on his last day. That would have been good for a laugh….
Sabreen60 : How’s everone? I couldn’t resist. This is the first sentence of an article by Charlie Piece over at Esquire: “There were those of us who thought that when Eric Cantor was defeated in his primary for re-election that he would leave office without ever telling John Boehner the location of the Mason Jar in which Cantor had buried the Speaker’s balls.” «link»
choicelady : AB – dear heart, your mind NEVER splutters! Sharp as a tack is our AlphaBitch!
glenn : Hey Sabreen–I can only sue you if I can use taxpayer money to do it.
GreenChica : First time I’ve ever been really mad at Obama — over these sonic cannons. I can’t stand that they’re doing this.
choicelady : KT – balderdash – you’ll see the century mark, no worry. Are you still on the Cape?
monicaangela : Hi Choicelady, I’m enjoying your conversation already.
AlphaBitch : CL: Your mind is great. Mine is just sputtering.
glenn : GC–oops, sorry, I get so pissed off with repubs these days, I think everyone else is pissed at them, too. I know there are other things going out there. I read the other day where the BP oil spill has done more damage to coral than originally was thought. It’s a shame what we’re doing to our planet, and especially our oceans. I used to live in the Florida Keys, and I really appreciate our beautiful Atlantic Ocean.
choicelady : Hi monicaangela – lovely to see you!
kesmarn : Well, he has his grumpy moments. Good thing his daughter never does….!
MurphTheSurf3 : Phone call….back now…
KillgoreTrout : I’ll be lucky to see 72!
GreenChica : Sabreen, you cranky?
choicelady : AB – today lawsuits took on an entirely different tone, didn’t they? Great minds, AB. Great minds…
KillgoreTrout : That’s great Homie. I hope he is content.
choicelady : kes – that’s how I want to be at 92! With perfect eyesight and hearing, of course.
monicaangela : LOL Choicelady!!
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, we don’t have “standing.”
AlphaBitch : Jinx CL
kesmarn : Homie, he has some hearing and vision problems but still lives in his own home.
choicelady : Sabreen – can’t sue you. The GOP have that wrapped up with PBO.
monicaangela : Hello Sabreen60!!
AlphaBitch : Sorry Sabreen. You are not the president. Not suit worthy
KillgoreTrout : kes, that’s great. How’s his health?
kesmarn : Sabreen! Missed you last week!
choicelady : kes – that’s marvelous. My Dad lived to be 89, so yours is cooking on high octane! Very wonderful!
Sabreen60 : Hello Planeteers. I’m kinda late, so sue me.
kesmarn : Doing well, c’lady. The dear old dad’s 92nd B’day coming up this next week.
AlphaBitch : CL: Good to see you, as everyone says. Semi retire? Ha ha.
choicelady : Great to see you, too, AdLib. How is life these days>
monicaangela : AB: I lived in the valley for about 3 years in a small place called Edcouch Elsa, worked in San Carlos at Right Away foods when I was first married.
GreenChica : KT– there’s an idea.
choicelady : kes – I was supposed to semi retire a year and a half ago. You can see how well that worked. Not. How are you?
AdLib : Hey CL!!! Just stepping away for a few, great to see you!
kesmarn : C’lady! Good to see you! You’ve been a busy lady
KillgoreTrout : GC, MUSIC!
choicelady : Hi glenn – been many weeks of either work or abandoning ship for other places! Lovely to see you, too.
AlphaBitch : GC: Your secret is safe with me!
GreenChica : Adlib — how does one protect oneself from the toxic influence of too much information
AdLib : BRB!
KillgoreTrout : Hey CL, good to “see ya.”
glenn : Hey CL–good to see you back on VOX.
kesmarn : Haven’t seen Polly yet, Monica. But the night is young.
AlphaBitch : I know La Feria! Spent a lot of time in the valley and across the border. The mayor of Matamoros’ son went to A&M with us. Fun kid. Let me kick a soccer ball around even tho I sucked.
AdLib : GC – It is overwhelming but the only way we can turn people in this nation to acting against the hatred and war out there (instead of wanting more hatred and war as Repubs are cheering for) is to stay connected and informed.
GreenChica : AB — I discovered my other disguise was outed on a friend’s resume posted in 2002!! So I had to disguise my disguise.
monicaangela : Kes, did Polytics make it?
glenn : All–Loved Rep. Gutierrez who called republicans “cowards” today for passing this bill, and for letting Cruz, Bachmann, and Palin set their immigration policy…which is “deport them all.”
kesmarn : She be the gatta verda. Izzat right?
AlphaBitch : So cat, you move from Colorado and now you are green? What’s up with that?
choicelady : Hi everyone. Just home from vacation, exhausted, but wanted to say hello. Picked up that ecat is now GreenChica – WOW! Good to see everyone.
KillgoreTrout : Oh Jeebus, what will they come up with next?
monicaangela : AB, I have Spanish blood, and my late husband was Mexican from the Rio Grande Valley. La Feria to be exact.
GreenChica : KT — sonic cannons….helps to find the oil and gas. But how do you think it affects the marine life?
AlphaBitch : kes – no way! Cat? You now Green? Hidee ho!
GreenChica : Add–can’t even watch it any more.
KillgoreTrout : Sonic cannons?
AlphaBitch : Monica: Mine stopped in TX. One of my great uncles was a famous traildriver here and traversed quite a bit of land. I have some Mexican blood of which I am immensely proud. Deport this, Teddy Crazypants Cruz!
AdLib : GG – I doubt it, the amount of brutality and killing going on worldwide and the hatefulness continuing in this country is quite a lot to witness…though we’re lucky being spectators than living that horror every day.
monicaangela : Chica: You are definitely not the only one.
kesmarn : Chica may be familiar to ya, Frennie. Remember a gal named escribcat?
GreenChica : Glenn–I’m pissed off about oil drilling in the Atlantic and the use of sonic cannons.
GreenChica : Alpha, it’s me, e-cat
glenn : GreenChica–I doubt you’re the only one pissed off, etc. about the shenigans in the HOR today and yesterday. I assume that’s what you’re pissed off about.
monicaangela : AB: My people are from Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas.
AlphaBitch : Hello Chica – nice to meet you. Nope. I’m wit ya.
Miles Long : GC: Been there, still doin’ that.
AlphaBitch : Oh silly Ad! Instead of! You know how he wears that lampshade. Why it’s not polite to discuss in such esteemed company…..
kesmarn : Well, there’s certainly plenty to be fed up and pissed off about, Chica.
GreenChica : Am I the only one who is fed up, bummed out, and pissed off?
AdLib : AB – Instead of the lampshade? Or with it?
KillgoreTrout : Ah, that’s no fun!
monicaangela : KT, I’m doing very well thank you.
AlphaBitch : Ad – will he be wearing the prom dress again?
GreenChica : Green Tea?
AdLib : Hi GreenChica!
glenn : ‘Evening, GreenChica
KillgoreTrout : Hey little burro, what’s in that keg?
AdLib : AB – Funk usually shows up later, he likes to make an entrance.
AlphaBitch : Monica – from what region? We had Lipan Apaches down here in TX
KillgoreTrout : Hey GC!
monicaangela : AB: My mother’s father was Apache.
kesmarn : Hey, Chica!
kesmarn : Perhaps wining and dining before he joins us, Frennie.
GreenChica : Hellooo childrens
KillgoreTrout : Hey Monica. Doing well, and you?
AdLib : Kes – I say vote for schools, not against! Good to see you!
AlphaBitch : Donde esta el Funk Sands?
monicaangela : Hello Miles, Hello KT, Hello AdLib, hope everyone is doing well this evening.
kesmarn : Doing well, glenn and all. Getting ready to work a special election this coming week at the polls — school issue only this time.
glenn : Miles! You’re with us early tonight!
KillgoreTrout : Hey glenn.
AlphaBitch : Monica – what tribe? I wish I did and maybe I do, but am unaware of it.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Ad! Nothing new on this end.
AdLib : Hey Miles!
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes,Kt,Monica and Me, just got off the same bus…what’ the chatter.
monicaangela : Hello Glenn!!
glenn : Hey KT Hey Kes. Hope you are both well.
AdLib : What’s up, KT?!
monicaangela : AB: I have Native American heritage, I’ve heard those stories from relatives as well as having to read them while in school
AlphaBitch : Ring ring Frennie!
Miles Long : Everyone…
KillgoreTrout : Hey Homie!
AdLib : Hey Murph!
AdLib : Evening Monica!
AdLib : AB – I look at the Zionists in Israel, which are not all Jews in Israel by a long shot (most want a peace plan and integration figured out) like children of an abusive parent. They see the history of the suffering of Jews as good cause to be violent and hateful towards those they see as enemies, as protection, instead of recognizing that they have become the power that oppresses and uses prejudice to justify killing.
glenn : Hey monicaangela; Hey Murph. How are you all?
kesmarn : Good Friday evening, friends! I’m on the tin-cans-and-wir e connection tonight so I hope I can stay with y’all!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Planet peeps!
AlphaBitch : MONICA! So nice to see you. I read your post about native americans. OMG – when I was in school at A&M, I took a Native AMerican class and we had to read “Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee”. I would read a chapter a night, bawl for two hours. Quit the class 9 days later.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey Monica, just walked in the door with you….
glenn : AB–sounds like your DNA got a little twisted along the way–twisted to the left, and in a good way, I mean.
monicaangela : Hello Murph, what’s the topic?
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi there…..
monicaangela : Hello everyone
AlphaBitch : glenn – he had gonorrhea. Went to West Point. Youngest Major General in the Confederacy and General Robert E. Lee’s favorite. Reading his biography now – A.P. Hill. BEST NEWS EVER: he never owned slaves, opposed slavery and was not all that keen on secession. He resigned army post and joined CSA because of Virginia, and his family. Kind of a precursor to tea party folks, he thought the govt. should not take away slaves without reparations to landowners. Slight disagreement with him there – reparations should be to those beaten, bred and sold – but nice to know he wasn’t a dickwad. My actual great great great great granddads and such were slave owners. Yuck. And I voted for Obama, almost 400 years later. Woot!
AdLib : AB – Yes, got that link! Hard to get along with? What gave them that idea?
AdLib : AB – Zionists are often extremists who display that hatefulness. Hamas is right there with them on the hatefulness scale. When there’s little difference between one and their enemies except which side they want to see obliterated, there is no moral high ground for either.
AlphaBitch : Ad – Course I am. I’m tougher than shit. did you get that link to the story about the 90 year old TX woman who banished a shotgun at construction crews? Cracked me up when the person said she could be hard to get along with…..I want to be HER in 30 years.
glenn : AB–Oh my, sorry to hear about your bile problems. All is well now, I hope. Looking forward to hearing about your Confederate ancestors, as only you can tell it!
AlphaBitch : Ad – Agree. That’s what I don’t get. Why do the Israeli PR peeps keep saying ISRAEL has a right to defend itself, HAMAS must stop shooting rockets. That’s apples and oranges for the most part. Israel is a nation – a piece of land. Palestine is a territory – also a piece of land. ZIONISTS are RW ideologues who believe God is a real estate agent and all Arabs in their promised land should be exterminated. Same with HAMAS, only for Jews. One is about land and government, the other are terrorists. And in Gaza and Israel, they are one and the same.
AdLib : glenn – Doing pretty well. Very hot out this way though!
glenn : Evening Ad. How are you tonight?
AdLib : Holy mackeral, AB! Are you okay?
glenn : AB–read an article in either Slate or Salon today that today’s millenials do not understand the US’s blind allegiance to Israel; especially after seeing the havoc Israel is wreaking on Gaza.
AdLib : AB – Zionism is not Judaism…unless you’re a politician then they are inseparable.
AlphaBitch : glenn: I’m pithier than thou these days! You? I did a trip to VA to see my DAR ancestor’s grave, check out a Confederate ancestor (have a good one for that later), and then came home and had emergency surgery to have gallbladder removed. Must have been the bile over the CSA ancestor…
AdLib : Hey glenn! Evening!
AlphaBitch : I would wear anti-Semitism as a badge of pride. You know, all the years working with the kids, I never once let them say they hated Jews. I wouldn’t even let them say they hated Israelis, since many good Jews and Israelis oppose what is happening. But Zionists? Have at it, my pretties.
glenn : Good evening, all. AB, nice to see you here; you’ve been gone for a while, and I for one, have missed your pithy comments! How are you?
AdLib : AB – Because the most important thing is getting re-elected.
AlphaBitch : Why do we let foreign govts tell us what to do? I just don’t get it…
AdLib : AB – Just realized I forgot to reset Blov’s account! Will do so!
AdLib : AB – It’s about as unanimous as you can get. No Senator wants to be called anti-Semitic…a nd have the Israel lobby spending against them.
AlphaBitch : Ad – I mean who cosponsored SB 2673. Blov left Warren a “disappointed” phone message today.
AlphaBitch : I have a tummy ache from the wars and ebola and general crap. you?
AlphaBitch : Esteemed leader! Thanks for the update on all the pricks who voted on SB 2673. Ugh.
AdLib : Hey AB! Nice to see you? How are things with you?
AlphaBitch : Uh…hello? Anybody home?
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “Hi” or “A Boehner Named Sue” when you arrive!
AdLib : I didn’t know BoyinBoycott but very sorry to hear that a friend and comrade is gone.
Beatlex : To those that knew BoyinBoycott from HP,he passed away yesterday after a short illness,BBL
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PDT! Hope to see you then!
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