AdLib : Night pal!
Harleigh : later adlib
Harleigh : well I’m off to bed. see ya next week! same bat time…
AdLib : Well, better to have them removed…and sold on eBay.
Harleigh : Light up the night sky!
Harleigh : Well we made over like 60,000 of them since 1945 and all the bs about reducing… like just because you take off a part it is no longer a bomb. with a 10,000 year or better half life. The Russians had just as many.
AdLib : Man, I got those coming out of my ears, just used a bunch for 4th of July!
Harleigh : triggers
Harleigh : by xmas those will drop to the $600 range and the new stuff will be even more amazing. Not to mention I still need to post some plutonium troggers and spare W54 parts on ebay tommorrow. x
AdLib : Yep, for all my work for the NSA I really need a more powerful…whoop s…I wasn’t supposed to say that…
Harleigh : When it is like ‘top’ of the line it’s about $1300 or more but I am not into development or gaming.
AdLib : Got it. Well, Black Friday isn’t THAT far away, maybe they’ll come down a bit by then.
Harleigh : I got a 17 HP pavilion for $379 at Best Buy.Works fine for surfin and video and the usual word stuf which is abot all I do. Next step up and touch screen is abut $250 more.
AdLib : I’m getting ready for a new laptop, I like the ones that also have a touchscreen.
Harleigh : I need to duct tape the caps lock key too. Still way better than my 12 year old pentium 4 PC
AdLib : Call me old fashioned but I have carrier pigeons delivering my bytes of data.
Harleigh : it speed that counts when surfin an I cAN watch every show on cable now too. it is awesome. I was debating on getting 4 more mg of rAM BUT DON’T NEED IT YET .
AdLib : Whoa! That’s one mean machine!
Harleigh : Yeah… I’m all trimmed out in my new 17″ laptop and wireless mouse!And a 12 up and 43mbps down speed connection! lol
AdLib : Those damn Chinese hackers! Bring it on!!!
Harleigh : hee hee
AdLib : Personally, I blame you, Harleigh.
Harleigh : Iswear I didn’t touch a thing.
Harleigh : peekin in the ruble…
AdLib : Sorry folks, the chat app crashed! All is back up and our conversation has been saved here: «link
Harleigh : I was gerrymandered out of Debbie’s districk. Rep is now Frankel.
pinkpantheroz : Yeah, Murph, I hear you, unfortunately. Isn’t it so rotten that the not-so-almighty dollar looms so large in the calculations.
Harleigh : adlibI’ll strike fear into every woman that if they don’t get out and vote for the dems then I get a job in the new gubmint as a General in the Gina PO-leese!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…as to the courts (which the DOJ depends on for backup) at the top of the judicial pile, as final arbiter is the SCOTUS and four of its justices serve the plutocrats virtually without question.
AdLib : ppo – No one knew who Obama was at this same point in the last cycle, which would have been 2006. It’s way too early to assume there won’t be a strong opponent(s) for Hillary in the Dem primary…maybe someone you’re not even that familiar with…like Obama was in 2006.
pinkpantheroz : back in a sec.
Harleigh : Floriduh is one of the worst fraud states, MS level education system for over 20 years, Skeletor for gubernator… and Allen West in a pear tree. We are surely fucked down here. The brightest spot here is the fantastic Debbie Wassermann-Schul tz.
MurphTheSurf3 : PPO- the Clintons will bring the $$$$$$ and the connections to the game that no one else can manage.
AdLib : Murph – Obama won in 2008 by a very big percentage compared to recent Presidential elections and 2012 was a strong win too. Even with the voter suppression, I think a quality Progressive Dem can do the same (and hopefully the DoJ and courts will keep overturning the worst voter suppression laws in red states too, which would help). I wouldn’t support Hillary in a primary for that reason, I don’t know that she would fare better than an exciting new Dem candidate.
pinkpantheroz : Murph, I sadly agree. I don’t particularly want a Clinton Dynasty, but it may be the only thing available. I’m nnot hearing anything over here in AUS that any other credible Dem is putting their hand up.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib-+- and that, sad to say, may be why HRC and the Clintonista Clan may be the road we have to take
AdLib : Harleigh – Well, with the threat of Repub men controlling their access to abortion and contraceptives, they sure have a lot of motivation to GOTV this year and in 2016.
pinkpantheroz : Agree, Miles. The DNC needs to mobilize challenges to those swingeing regs and level the playing field. Right Now would be a good time to start.
AdLib : Murph – I know, what it means is that Dems have to win by bigger margins now just to win by a little. But that’s how we’re going to have to do it until we can get rid of this Repub gerrymandering.
Harleigh : Women are going to HAVE to show up in big record numbers if thy ever want any chance of being equal.
Miles Long : One problem, PPO, is that the working poor have a hell of a time voting when absentee, early voting, weekend voting, etc are all reduced.
AdLib : ppo – Yes, I saw that and was very pleased! Apparently, the Repubs had violated the state law requiring non-political district drawing and transparency. Repubs in the Legislature had secretly hired a Repub consultant to skew the districts. Only two were called illegal but it still meant the judge required a brand new drawing of districts.
pinkpantheroz : Right, Miles, But the Dems need to target the poor, the pissed, the angry masses and get out the vote!
Harleigh : Three teabaggers in a new Lexus drove off a cliff. Why is that a shame? A Lexus has four seats! In other news a Teabagger in a fraching area lit a match in the bathroom one morning and his Winnebagger house exploded right off its wheels.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad LIb…I keep coming back to the issue of who wields the power and how structures can be unfairly shaped to permit misrepresentatio n.
Miles Long : Women are also playing a bigger part in the political landscape too, a lot of them are royally pissed.
pinkpantheroz : Murph, (sigh)
AdLib : PPO – Not sure, I think some of it will just have to be overpowered by demographics. Public education isn’t going to get better unless taxes are raised in those red states so it’s a vicious circle, less taxes, less money for education, continued voting for Repubs by a poorly educated public who cut taxes more. Once the old white RWs die off and are replaced by Latinos, we may be able to reverse things.
MurphTheSurf3 : PPO- expect to see that ruling appealed and overturned.
pinkpantheroz : Ad, can’t come soon enough. did you see that a Florida judge rukled that the gerrymander of districts was illegal. I wonder how many more can be salvaged this way.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad- you assume that control of the district maps will be the hands of those who might come close to drawing them up fairly. THAT will depend on the elections of 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2010…and the GOP is working hard to ensure that their minority status will not interfere with their representation.
pinkpantheroz : Sounds good, Harleigh. See what a bit of competition can do! Now that’s America in action!
AdLib : The tables are turning though, as demographics shift away from the Repubs. I’ve said this before but we will have to wait until the next census and drawing up of districts, so 2020, until the GOP could be reduced to it’s authentic size, a minority national party, just able to win regionally and locally in the South and plains states…unless Latino population turns some of those around. Can you imagine what will happen once TX is flipped to blue because of Latino growth? How could the GOP as it is now ever win the Presidency over the next generation?
pinkpantheroz : Seriously, isn’t it utterly pathetic, yet scary, that the level of political ignorance is so, so high? What can we do to reverse this downward spiral?
Harleigh : Pink I lived in CO years ago, weed was better and cheaper then. Word from folks back there is there is really good weed as usual on the street at less than 1/3 legal cost.
pinkpantheroz : Wahddya call a bagger with half a brain? Gifted.
MurphTheSurf3 : Living in one of the Stupid Homelands….I can tell you that the kind of ignorance you all are speaking of is regarded as common sense, patriotism and love of (the Christian) God.
Harleigh : Very understated miles.. gohmert, palin, bachmann…. way too stupid.
AdLib : For the GOTP, stupid is the new ignorant.
pinkpantheroz : Harleigh, betch wish tou were in WA or CO right now!
Miles Long : You have to be a special brand of stupid to believe anything that the GOPTP feeds you.
MurphTheSurf3 : Harleigh…ribal d
pinkpantheroz : Right, Miles, they couldn’t even comprehend. I wonder has it sunk in that the movie is a satire on them?
AdLib : Miles – The GOTP looks back at The Know Nothings as intellectual elitists.
Harleigh : Never give a sucker an even break! In 2009 The Koch brothers through Dick Armey and his Freedumbwerks front created the Astro-turf Teabaggers. I’ve concluded that all Teabaggers are Koch’s suckers in an Army of Dick’s.
Miles Long : PPO: Here’s the thing: the GOPTP have made ignorance a badge of honor.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…having fun are you?
Harleigh : LOL pink. I’m Ft Lauderdale but I’ll be here tokin late.
pinkpantheroz : Miles, do those Apes have any better thoughts about running the place than the GOPTP? Maybe we could insist it becomes compulsory viewing by them!
AdLib : More documentaries about the Tea Party: The Losers, Clueless, Killer Clowns From Outer Space.
Miles Long : That’s what I heard from a number of sources, Murph.
Miles Long : PPO: {snicker}
MurphTheSurf3 : Miles – Dawn of….is supposedly fantastic.
pinkpantheroz : Good night, East Coast Wimps!
Miles Long : {watching the original Planet of the Apes on the other screen}
Harleigh : nite sabreen
Sabreen60 : Night glenn. I’m right behind you.
MurphTheSurf3 : Goodnight to Glenn and to Sabreen
AdLib : Night Sabreen! Take care, see you next week!
Miles Long : Nite, Sabreen…
Sabreen60 : It’s just about midnight here in Maryland, so I’ll say good night, too. Y’all be good until the next time
AdLib : Night glenn! Have a great weekend with the family!
Miles Long : Later, glenn…
glenn : So, folks, I’m following KT out the door. G’night all.
AdLib : Documentaries about the GOTP: Dumb and Dumber, Idiocracy, Zombieland.
Harleigh : nite kt
Miles Long : No kidding, Harleigh!
AdLib : Murph and Miles, exactly!
Harleigh : miles the baggers believe that the Flintstones was a documentary… 6,000 yeas old, Oh miss!! Id like anothe brontosaurus burger please.
Sabreen60 : Good night KT!
Miles Long : Ad: From Brazil…the movie?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…I do!
AdLib : Sleep well KT! See you in the Music Thread tomorrow!
glenn : G’night KT. Take care.
AdLib : Murph – You recognize my avatar?
KillgoreTrout : Night Murph.
Miles Long : KT: I’ll be working at a school all day, but I’ll drop in from time to time and see what musical delights appear…
Sabreen60 : AdLib, I agree. But how did Germany find out? Why didn’t the CIA inform PBO that the agent had been kicked out. It’s my understanding that PBO spoke with Merkel and didn’t apologize because no one in the CIA have told him.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT-+- good night to you…
glenn : Miles–unreality TV, and unfortunately for a portion of the American people, they don’t understand reality any more.
AdLib : Sabreen – I love that too, Palin so desperately NEEDS to be talked about and Obama ignoring her has got to make her crazy…er…cra zier.
KillgoreTrout : Well folks, I gotta hit the hay! I feel a bit brain dead right now! Hope to see ya on the music thread tomorrow.
AdLib : Sabreen – I’m surprised it took so long. Germany is completely justified in taking action in response to our government spying on them. This is symbolic, the CIA chief will be back in Germany after a while but Germany had to do something.
glenn : Sabreen–don’t think it’s a far drive to insanity for sp. Our prez knows it doesn’t do much good to engage with an idiot.
Miles Long : Hey, because of the T-Party, Idiocracy has migrated from a movie into a documentary…
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…it makes sense to me that one who likes Idiocracy is also one who likes Brazil…I know I do.
Sabreen60 : AdLib, I bet it drives Sarah absolutely insane that PBO has NEVER given her the time of day. Never even mentions her name. It’s like she doesn’t even exist in his world.
Harleigh : drum roll for miles
glenn : Miles–a dumbed down gorilla?
KillgoreTrout : Yeah Harliegh. Their campaign slogan could be “Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte!”
Miles Long : A: A retarded gorilla.
Miles Long : Q: What do you get when you cross Palin with a Gorilla?
AdLib : There was a movie called Idiocracy which was an absurd fantasy about American society becoming mornoic in the future…a fantasy that is unless McCain/Palin had won.
Harleigh : I think the ME problems would be solved by sending the Repub 2016 ticket Palin-Bachmann and giving them each a live mic!!! Talk about splodin haids.
MurphTheSurf3 : 52 Percent want Palin to shut up…if the rest were really listening to her that number would be far higher.
Sabreen60 : Another question. What’s the back story behind Merkel kicking out our CIA agent. Conspiracy folks say Snowden may be behind the whole thing – feeding info to Russia who feeds it to Germany.
glenn : KT–good one!
KillgoreTrout : Would that require Artificial Unintelligence?
glenn : Ad–every time sp vomits more of her word salad, I am so glad she never became our vp. So…sometimes we do get what we want.
pinkpantheroz : Maybe force the Gitmmo detainees to translate SP into Arabic. that’d keep them out of mischief for a decade or so.
AdLib : Harleigh – Palin plays the game of Operator with herself and always gets the words wrong.
KillgoreTrout : Great one Harleigh!
AdLib : Sabreen – Palin wants Obama impeached? I want Palin to spontaneously implode while she is hugging Scalia and Thomas but we don’t always get what we want.
Harleigh : KT it cannot be done…. Sarah speaks through a Salad Shooter into a MR. Microphne and no translation device exists or is planned,
KillgoreTrout : Ad
That would be cruel and unusual punishment!
pinkpantheroz : KT, :LOL:
KillgoreTrout : PPO, the North Pole!
Miles Long : Harleigh: I seem to recall that Congress owes the SS fund $2 trillion that they’ve borrowed.
AdLib : Why didn’t anyone suggest that instead of waterboarding, the CIA should have locked a terrorist suspect in a room with Sarah Palin when she is practicing a speech? They would have confessed in 5 minutes! Though…the UN might consider that a war crime.
Sabreen60 : PPO, She’s not satisfied with the law suit. She wants PBO impeached.
pinkpantheroz : KT, what a job. trying to decode gibberish. Luckily, I can speak it like a native, so where do I apply?
Harleigh : true miles… no stash is safe.
Sabreen60 : KT, You definitely have a point.
Miles Long : Okay, Murph.
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, would YOU want to try to edit her? I’d end up shooting myself.
Harleigh : nite kes
MurphTheSurf3 : Miles…literall y, whenever you can…the work you are doing is so important…
Miles Long : Harleigh: I think that brings us to the 2040s. The other half of the equation is keeping Congress from raiding the SS fund.
AdLib : Night Kes! Have a great weekend!
pinkpantheroz : Oh, God, not more of SP!. I heard her parodying herself with that ‘cojones’ bollocks and the threat to ‘go Rogue’!
kesmarn :
G’night for real this time, kids. Love y’all and have a great weekend.
Sabreen60 : KT, I read the Tundra Twit’s article. Geez. Talk about word salad. Doesn’t she have an editor?
KillgoreTrout : Definite rim shot Harleigh!
Miles Long : Murph: It will have to wait until next weekend. I have a presentation in front of the Illinois Gov’s people about building a computer assembly plant in Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood and am replacing all the computers in a West Side school starting tomorrow; I’m an idiot when it comes to saying no…I just can’t do it.
Harleigh : KT you mean Palin’s SCREECHwriter.
AdLib : PPO – I’ll bet that the Brazilian forces will be very big and the game will be protected…but after the final, FIFA absconds with all the money and the poor who live in that area will find themselves abandoned.
kesmarn : AdLib, that would be one crazy hallucination. But I wouldn’t be much nuttier than the rest of the FOX “News” crew…
pinkpantheroz : Good night, Kes. take care.
Harleigh : Miles I am definitely not an economist but I read that putting the SS tax cap on the first $200,000 would get the first SS raise in decades and pay past like 2080 or something way down the line.
MurphTheSurf3 : PPO- I agree re. the World Cup….there is SOOOO much anger in Brazil about this.
KillgoreTrout : Or be Sarah Palin’s speech writer!
Sabreen60 : kes, I’ll miss you. Have a good night.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes- good night to you.
kesmarn : They did, Homie! But it will mean jobs, so it’s all good. I hope.
glenn : G’night Kes. Sleep well.
AdLib : Aw Kes, that would be the fun part! Can’t you stay long enough to describe your hallucinations? Who knows, you might get an offer to host a show on Fox News!
KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams Homie. Did they decide on Cleveland?
MurphTheSurf3 : Miles-+- When you get some wiggle room, gather your ideas regarding how to fund the future into a post….I will volunteer to do anything you need to have done in support of the effort. You seem to have the wideness of scope that would really inform the discussion.
pinkpantheroz : BTW, I’ve got a sinking sensation in my lower regions with the final of the World Cup this Sunday. I feel that bboth the Argentinians and the Germans will be playing in a stadium build over the backs of the Brazilian poor, and because Brazil isn’t playing, I fear for the safety of all in the stadium.
glenn : Miles–the idea of removing the SS cap has been around for a while now. I truly believe Congress doesn’t act on it because it removes a “political football” in perpetuity, and we can’t have that, can we?
Sabreen60 : kes, It’s Friday. I only take a drink when I talk to you folks. Really. Why is that???
kesmarn : But before I really start to babble, I should probably sign off for tonight, kids! Going on midnight here in the Land of the GOP Convention. God help us!
AdLib : Miles – I agree with all your propositions. Tax investment trades by a measly 1% and remove the SS cap. That would reduce the debt, finance programs like infrastructure repair and fund SS for the forseeable future.
Sabreen60 : kes,
kesmarn : And I just took a half of a pain pill, so that’s how I understood you!
Sabreen60 : kes, I don’t exactly know what that says about you. I did just finish a shot of 1800
Miles Long : Also, removing the cap on Social Security collection, making EVERYONE pay their fair share, not just the middle class, will make the program solvent in perpetuity.
glenn : Murph and Ad–Thanks for the info. I like Harleigh’s idea of a commodities tax.
pinkpantheroz : Miles, I could work with that.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- a flat tax is regressive and will hurt the bottom rung far more than the top as the bottom has very little discretionary capital and the top has tons….thus the tax on the bottom is ALL about necessities while the top just cuts back a bit on luxury.
KillgoreTrout : You are wise man PPO!
Harleigh : Flat tax always works out to hurt the lowest income folks.
Miles Long : Glen: A flat tax is horribly unfair to the working poor. A flat tax will ONLY work if you exempt anyone making under $90,000 to $100,000 a year.
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, because they just don’t care. They’re a bunch of sociopaths.
kesmarn : And yet, I totally understood it, Sabreen! And it seems to be their usual “let’s obstruct the thing that we just asked you to do yesterday” tactic.
pinkpantheroz : KT, ask him a question.
MurphTheSurf3 : Miles- understand…..
KillgoreTrout : How can you tell if an orange man is angry?
glenn : PPO and Harleigh–the tax changes such as the ones you propose seem to make sense. However, I keep hearing that a flat tax would impact people on the lower end of the income level more. Anyone care to discuss that? Harleigh, I like your idea, because it impacts the people who have the money to invest; who overall, have more disposable income.
Miles Long : Murph: If I wasn’t so damn busy round the clock. I’ll think about pulling together the math and trying to get it done. But in all honesty, these next two months are going to just about bury me.
Sabreen60 : WOW! I completely screwed that sentence
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes- his temper flare was in reply to the only tough question from a reporter about what his house is not doing…it was a dodge and a transparent one…if you are informed..
kesmarn : Sounds like the Libertarian Utopia, Harleigh! Freedoms!
Sabreen60 : How do the Repubs get out not approving the funds PBO has asked for to help with this humanitarian crisis?
kesmarn :
Harleigh : Real savings could be realized by eliminating all red state welfare like socialist roads, bridges, tunnels, clean water, sewage treatment, and flood control. All Medicaid, HC, CDC involvement, food inspection and EPA should be eliminated along with money for fire and police and prison services. Most military installations in those states are total waste and need to be closed or consolidated into the blue states. The biggest waste of money in the red states is for education. While that has been lowered the remainder could go to the richest 1% allowing those children to go work in factories. Praise jebus!
MurphTheSurf3 : Miles-+- how about writing a post on your 1 Percent tax idea. One Percent from the One Percent as it were.
KillgoreTrout : 999
kesmarn : Boehner’s “anger” looks so phony too, Sabreen. You can tell he’s indulging in theatrics for the benefit of the Tea Party.
glenn : Miles and PPO–those tax ideas would make sense. And, we can’t have those, can we? However, the argument against a “flat tax” l
MurphTheSurf3 : Miles..yep, get the folks who are making money no matter what the economy does put up something in support of the country that houses their money making machine…good idea.
pinkpantheroz : Another round for everybody! On Me!
kesmarn : Did!
kesmarn : It **hic
KillgoreTrout : The Planet hiccoped!
Sabreen60 : glenn, They must. Did you see the very angry Boehner? He’s such a clown. Or maybe sociopath is a better word. At any rate he’s a liar.
Miles Long : Actually, a 1% tax on all stock and commodity trades would wipe out the entire national debt and start showing a net surplus in 7.5 years.
kesmarn : Oh — just saw it now!
kesmarn : Missed that, Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes- I just wrote the same thing…..great minds thinking alike.
pinkpantheroz : Here’s a Tax Idea that should appeal to the Evangelicals – Tax EVERYBODY by tithing! Yep. 10% of your earnings . No ifs, buts, or deductions. that would go for the 1%, Corporations and all classes. NO deductions. With the contribution of the 1% in that mix, we’d have no deficit in no time. The only ones moaning would be the Tax Lawyers and Lobbyists.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sab- precisely…Obam a tends to make calls that make the most policy sense. In going to the border he associates himself visually with a flood of people who the right says he invited in, and, at the same time, takes personal possession of the issue. His purpose now is to put it on Congress….you know, the people who actually are supposed to pass bills…
kesmarn : I lost a comment too, Sabreen. It was a remark by an analyst that photos of the Prez with the refugee kids might not be a good idea, because without text it would look as though he was caring for them personally and possibly welcoming all comers. Kind of a cruel false hope message.
glenn : Murph–I truly believe that the repubs have two headlines for everything PBO does–both of them negative, of course. It just depends on which side of negativity they want to focus on. BTW,Sabreen, my comment on this got lost, too. Seems my computer “froze” for a moment. Thought it was just me.
Sabreen60 : Murph, I love WC Fields AND Mae West!
AdLib : Sabreen – Yep, it’s about time that folks just accepted that the GOP is nothing more than a petulant 5 year old who hates the other kid for getting what he wanted.
Harleigh : we should de-annex the entire Texassissippiana homasas region!
KillgoreTrout : Jeebus, the president can’t even put brown mustard on his burger without getting slammed for it. Remember Burgergate?”
Sabreen60 : Murph, I don’t know what happened to my comment. But PBO is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. Afghanistan = Texghanistan. So why would he announce it.
AdLib : And WC as well.
AdLib : Harleigh – Love it! Big fan of the boys!
MurphTheSurf3 : Harleigh…no wonder you like WC Fields.
kesmarn : That’s the second Laurel and Hardy reference tonight!
KillgoreTrout :
Harleigh : You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead. LAUREL AND HARDY
AdLib : Murph – Not surprising, the Repubs play that game every time, if Obama does something, he’s a jerk and if he doesn’t do something he’s a jerk. The only agenda Repubs have anymore is telling the nation that Obama is a jerk. Yep, that’s why we pay their salaries and elect them.
kesmarn : Illegitimi Frittata, KT!
KillgoreTrout : Go for it PPO!
pinkpantheroz : OK, Ad. I’ll post in a few days. Wish me luck!
KillgoreTrout : Homie, that sounds like a spaghetti and egg dish!
Harleigh : kesmarn one of my favorite quotes;
glenn : Kes–Love it. Either way, the sentiment is good!
AdLib : Sleep well CL, looking forward to your staying in one place for a week!
kesmarn : “Illegitimi Non Carborundum” glenn. That’s “Don’t Let the Bastards Grind You Down” in Latin.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL-+- take care…
Harleigh : nite cl
MurphTheSurf3 : ABOUT OBAMA NOT GOING TO THE BORDER….A friend from Texas (who I worked with during the Obama campaign). He said the the GOP were posed to condemn Obama no matter what he did. If he went- “he was just doing a pr drop by and was not leading…..” If he did not go- “he does not really care” and the optics would give Fox and its fellow travelers lots of images to tie the “Obama” immigrant tsunami down ever further. SO…he went with robbing them of the optics…
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, I was a bit diverted from my original point about Reich’s book on the selling of the Iraq war.
AdLib : Sabreen – Right with you, MSNBC sucked on the immigration coverage, focusing on the meaningless optics of Obama walking along the border or visiting facilities. He proposed a $3.3 billion dollar bill to solve the problem!!! That means a hell of a lot more than walking along a fence!
Harleigh : I think if the rich fascists need us to go back to 1955 then so should their tax rates and tax their churches also too!
glenn : G’night CL. Here’s a John Wayne quote for ya: “Don’t let the bastards get you down.” Not a JW fan, but I do love the quote!
Sabreen60 : Have a good night CL. Take care.
kesmarn : I will try!
choicelady : kes – always delightful to see you, too. Be well!
kesmarn : Rest when you can, C’lady! Always such a pleasure to see you here!
Sabreen60 : KT, I agree. And the multi-national corporations hiding their money off shore. But CL is right. He never mentions NAFTA or any of the other awful things Clinton did.
AdLib : CL – I stand corrected, 29 Dem Senators voted for the Iraq War authorization and 21 voted against.
KillgoreTrout : Heads would explode Homie.
choicelady : Well everyone, I’m tuckered out from finishing a major grant again. Heading for bed even at this early hour. LOVELY to see you all if too briefly. I will be back in three weeks. My travels will be done, the grant in, and I will be human again. Have a good remains of the month – see you in August!
Harleigh : Holy crap CL!! For awhile I thought they were gonna get disappeared!
Miles Long : {back in a moment}
kesmarn : Or even 30% more for that matter, KT!
KillgoreTrout : I don’t think it’s asking too much of those fuckers to pay 3% more.
AdLib : PPO – You can click on “New” then “Post” on the black menu bar at the top of any page. Give it a title before or after you write the article, write in the main area and I’ll help with whatever else you need. If you look under our FAQ menu item, there is a step by step article on how to post an article, that should help walk you through the whole process!
choicelady : Harleigh – I totally agree about Wilson and Plame. I correspond with him on other issues.
kesmarn : I must admit that raising taxes on the rich does sound delicious right about now, though!
choicelady : kes – ask yourself if he has ONE idea above and beyond raising tax rates on the rich. I’m sick of him.
Harleigh : Valerie and hsb Joe got my attention and soon the scam was exposed… too late.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- I think 58% of Democratic senators (29 of 50) voted for the resolution.
glenn : Harleigh–I think the gwb administration and the reagan administration did more to make the American people mistrust their government than any other administrations. Unfortunately, and as usual, PBO, and other Democratic administrations pay the price for republican president’s lack of ethics.
KillgoreTrout : Oh CL, I don’t know, economics issues make my eyes glaze over.
choicelady : Sabreen – I’ve not watched much of anything lately. I listen to BBC a lot, but not much TV.
kesmarn : I do have to say that Reich puts out some good stuff on his FB page these days.
choicelady : KT – read Piketty not Reich on the global crises of capital.
Sabreen60 : CL, Frankly I’m sick of CNN and MSNBC. I try not watch. Case in point – every pundit on MSNBC including Lawrence was more concerned with the optics of PBO not going to the border, than anything he said in his speech. And don’t get me started on Andrea Mitchell
choicelady : AdLib – I did not know the majority of Dems voted AGAINST the war in the Senate. WOW!
KillgoreTrout : CL, well, it’s a good read.
pinkpantheroz : BRB.
MurphTheSurf3 : Harleigh…your reference is to the Iraq Cabal, yes? If so, they had me going for a while too…..
choicelady : KT – I won’t read a thing that rat has written. He sold out labor and the American jobs under Clinton. Now he pretends to care. SOB won’t get me to read him. I heard him speak – 90 minutes about HIM, almost nothing of substance. So no – I’ve not read Reich.
AdLib : Hey Harleigh! And I agree, Powell, Rice, the whole gang, they were all aware to some degree that they were collaborating on a BS campaign to go to war with a country that was no threat to us. I don’t buy that, “Everyone believed there really was a threat!” excuse. No they didn’t and a majority of Dem Senators voted against the war authorization (but not Hillary).
pinkpantheroz : Ad, I’ll give it a whirl. How do I start?????/
Harleigh : Hey murph… I am VERY sad to say the liars had me going for a couple months and I was thinking “well maybe”. The truth about those people is disgusting.
KillgoreTrout : As I said, it wasn’t a “war,” vote. I think the neo cons did a really devious job of selling the “war.” Have you ever read Robert Reich’s book, “The Greatest Story Ever Sold?”
choicelady : PPO – I can’t get a lot of those, but yes I agree. Competition IS making CNN better, and REAL news is to be found elsewhere.
kesmarn : I know, PPO! Who watches cable news anymore?
MurphTheSurf3 : CL..I will have to tune them in as MSNBC bores me a lot now.
pinkpantheroz : Choice, CNN needs us more thatn we need it. there are now great alternate News sites like BBC world, Al Jazeera, NKH japan all with REAL NEWS!
choicelady : Murph – I can’t get AJ. But I’m seeing better reporting and analysis at CNN than any time since Ted Turner sold it out.
kesmarn : c’lady, FOX even jumped on the journalism bandwagon for a while. I’m not surprised about CNN. I haven’t seen numbers, but I’d bet they were ALL starting to lose viewers.
Sabreen60 : Hi Harleigh.
MurphTheSurf3 : Harleigh…hey, hey, hey!
Miles Long : Sabeen: All very true…
choicelady : KT – the ONLY thing anyone needed at the time of the war vote was Hans Blix’s declaration that there were NO WMDs. You did not have a case without his support, and even we rubes knew it was a lie by W.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- CNN is casting about for an identity that will draw a crowd- AND frankly MSNBC and Fox are doing the same…they have all gone squishy of late….one AJA keeps on going…the benefit of being global and having really deep pockets dedicated to telling the whole story.
KillgoreTrout : Harleigh’s in da house!
Sabreen60 : Miles, those “liberals” who complain must not understand that he has to have his judicial nominees confirmed by the Senate. A far left socialist would never have been approved to the Supreme Court. Besides the two women have been doing a pretty good job. And had Harry Reid not fought for removing the filibuster from judicial nominees, PBO would never have any nominee approved.
pinkpantheroz : Choice, yes, I have. CNN has to rebrand itself pronto or it will go the way of Murdoch’s cretins.
AdLib : PPO – Yes, every time I read about what’s going on in Australia, it fascinates me. I do think folks here would be very interested in hearing about what’s going on.
Harleigh : pink… always time to toke.. hi kes
choicelady : Hi Harleigh – don’t think we’ve met, but I hate Condi with a passion! I’m about three hours from her, and that’s way too close! Ugh!
KillgoreTrout : I don’t know if a majority of Americans opposed the “war.” They were still pretty angry about 9/11 and many Americans just wanted to bomb the shit of somebody! I didn’t but far too many did.
glenn : Hey Harleigh–how are you?
kesmarn : And Harleigh, I agree. The whole Dubya administration knew they were lying — the whole time.
kesmarn : Hey, Harleigh!
Harleigh : hey guys! I don’t think Powell or Rice were fooled. Rice is still lying about proof… at Stanford no less.
pinkpantheroz : Agree glenn about PBO. But we need to hammer that the current foundations of the GOPTP are set in sand and shifting all over the joint…. speaking of joints, is anyone taking advantage of the happy baccy in WA or CO?
choicelady : Anyone – have you noticed that CNN is suddenly acting adult? The reporters and anchors are asking the GOP tough questions, calling their declarations into account. Maybe their lousy rating are making them grow up?
MurphTheSurf3 : Miles- and he worked hard to be that President but was kicked in the teeth by the right from the day of his inauguration onward……stil l he tried and has only kicked aside all traces of bipartisanship in the last six months. BTW, those folks on the left who were not happy are among those who failed to show up in 2010 costing us the House and many state governments.
AdLib : KT – My view is that Hillary voted for the authorization as a methodical move to enhance her Presidential prospects. As a woman, she knew that she would be attacked for being too weak on defense by the chauvinistic Repubs so her war hawkishness seems to me to be her way of insisting that she would be a strong president. It’s always a problem when anyone, man or woman, feels they have to prove they’re tough. And many of us who did the research and a huge amount of the American population opposed the war, seeing it as a war for oil, which it was. I don’t think Hillary is dumb or a fool, she knew what was going on but didn’t want to endanger herself politically if she voted against it and that would be hung around her neck as proving she was too weak to be President.
KillgoreTrout : No argument here Murph!
choicelady : Murph – that’s a very cogent point about the war. Good analysis.
Miles Long : Sabreen: That’s what I was saying. It’s people’s perceptions that don’t match reality, not some “bait and switch” on his part.
MurphTheSurf3 : kT- I share your understanding of the Iraq War BIG LIE…hell, if it fooled Powell then I say the Senators get a pass…but the LIARS should not….Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz…all of them….
choicelady : glenn – I am SO in agreement on Congress! Think where we’d be!
pinkpantheroz : Oh, Hi, KT, Murph Miles, sabreen and all.
Sabreen60 : Miles, The Obama Diary has posted writings and speeches from PBO when he was in college. You’re swear is was from yesterday. He’s been pretty steady on the issues, with the exception of marriage equality for gays. He admits to “evolving” on that issue.
Miles Long : CL: My feeling exactly.
glenn : I’m back. Hi Sabreen and PPO. Murph, add my agreement to your thoughts on PBO. As Beatlex said a while ago, just think how much more PBO could have accomplished with a Congress that works with him. Not agrees with everything he wants, but brings up reasoned and well-thought-out opposition.
choicelady : Miles – tough. That in itself was freaking refreshing. Even single moms in trailer parks in Kentucky deserve a kind and thoughtful president. And with Kynect they got one.
pinkpantheroz : I could, as be say here, Ad, ‘give it a go’, but I’m not as politically savvy as most here. But do you think people would be interested?
MurphTheSurf3 : PPO- resistance to your conservative PM is good news….
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- it is mutual!
Miles Long : Plus, he also said he was going to be POTUS to everyone, red and blue, which didn’t sit well with the far Left.
AdLib : PPO – Very interesting to hear this. Actually, would be cool if you would consider writing a post about what’s going on there politically.
choicelady : Miles – his appointees have been boffo on ALL issues.
Miles Long : CL: Exactly.
KillgoreTrout : Hey PPO! How are things “Down Under?”
MurphTheSurf3 : Miles- most of those who utter the “he hasn’t lived up to his promises” meme a) do not understand how the government actually works, b) do not know how much he has really accomplished, c) do not pay much attention to the news, d) expect fast and easy answers to long term and very complex problems…..
Miles Long : Most Liberals castigate PBO because he hasn’t been Liberal enough, for example, in his Supreme Court Justice selections. Progressives and Linerals complain that he doesn’t go far enough to the Left.
pinkpantheroz : typos! Palmer United Party, lead by a mining billionaire, of all things!
choicelady : Miles – I lay that to a general lack of understanding of both democracy and our federal process. I’m absolutely convinced even progressives haven’t a clue how the system works. That, not PBO, is the ‘fail’.
Sabreen60 : Hi PPO.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, that’s good to know. I don’t really hold the Iraq war vote against anyone. We were ALL lied to. It wasn’t actually a war vote either. You remember, it was only to “disarm,” Saddam and it wouldn’t last longer that “six days, maybe six weeks…at the most six months.” The neos never had any intention of leaving.
pinkpantheroz : Brilliant. We have had a new batch of federal Senators sworn in, and they’ve already stuch a wrench into the cogs of the GOP Prime Minister by refusing to pass the repeal of the carbon tax Law. this new party, the egotistically named Palme United Party holds the balance in the Senate and are not licking up to the current load of shits!
choicelady : Murph – one of many reasons I love you!
Miles Long : Okay already. I knew in 2004 that PBO was going to be the next POTUS and caught mush poop for having said so after his speaeh. I was talking generically. However, I’ve watched 5 years of people complaining that he wasn’t what they thought.
Sabreen60 : Miles, I don’t know. There are a lot of us pragmatic liberals who saw PBO exactly as he is. Maybe the Emoprogs saw something else. We knew he wasn’t a firebagger and was very happy he was not.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL- we are of one mind in this.
AdLib : Hey PPO!
choicelady : Miles – those of us who do policy analysis knew exactly who he was. Anyone who didn’t wasn’t listening. He has always presented a very honest picture of himself, and I like what I heard then, what I hear now.
AdLib : CL – I agree 100%, voting for Obama in both elections was a most affirmative vote from me for him.
AdLib : Miles –
MurphTheSurf3 : PPO -+–greetings
choicelady : Murph – on PBO? AMEN!!!!
choicelady : Hi PPO – sorry to hear you’ve rainy days though, in dry to the bone CA, I’d trade you hands down!
Miles Long : CL: Mostly true. However most people saw PBO through their own lens and didn’t realize that he wasn’t exactly what they thought in the first place.
MurphTheSurf3 : Miles…with all due respect..Obama was a historic choice for many reasons and the correct one for the nation. I remain very proud of him and of what he has accomplished against odds that have not been seen since the days of Lincoln…
AdLib : KT – What I do agree with is not demonizing Hillary into something she isn’t. What I’ve tried to do instead is to fight against the propaganda about her and lay out who she really is and why she isn’t likely to support many key Progressive values. You saw her campaign in 2008, she voted to authorize the Iraq War before that and threatened to obliterate Iran with nukes. You can call it saber rattling but she did put her vote where her rhetoric is when it came to Iraq.
kesmarn : Hey, PPO! How are things in OZ?
choicelady : Sabreen – as a kid whose family supported the charismatic-less Adlai Stevenson, I say go for it! We have to stop with the looks issue. It’s the policies stupid (to paraphrase Bill Clinton here.)
KillgoreTrout : She’s doing OK, my brother is with her now, but he has to go back to Oman, for his job there. I’m back in Ohio, for now. I will most likely go back to the Cape though. I have a little business to attend to here, at least until the end of this month. Thank you for asking.
kesmarn : C’lady and Murph, yes, there seems to be something there that they really fear. That gives me a bit of comfort.
pinkpantheroz : ‘evenin’all . Cold, chilly damp day in MEL.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes…Rove and Cheney hate HRC because she and Bill have called both out personally and often……Bill mocks them and Hillary critiques them.
choicelady : Miles – I NEVER settled for the lesser in 2008 and 2012. That was a clear and vibrant victory to me.
Sabreen60 : CL, Major problem for O’Malley is that he does not have name recognition. But I would like to see him throw his hat in the ring. He may not have the “charisma” but it’s clear on his values and his stance on issues.
choicelady : kes – even w her conservatism, she’s not like THEM. She does believe in the rule of law, and they simply don’t.
Miles Long : The sad circumstance that we have faced for over a Century is that at the bottom line, we’re ALWAYS forced to pick between the lessor of two evils. We sold so much of this country to people with no scruples that we have little left for the majority of those who live here. Hillary 2016!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad- what my friend and fellow campaigner was suggesting was that those who push her to the left need to be widely, loudly and strongly supported so that it is clear to the Clintonians that we know the Empress is not really one of us.
KillgoreTrout : Well CL, I think waiting is the best way to go.
kesmarn : Why do people like Rove and Cheney hate Hillary so much, though? I mean, it’s really visceral hatred coming from them.
choicelady : KT – very sensible. BTW – how is your Mom and are you still on the Cape?
KillgoreTrout : Ad, as far as Hillary is concerned, I’m just going to wait for the primaries to get a better picture.
choicelady : KT – I have reason to LIKE Hillary. She did several very kind things for a friend of mine. But I look at her values and her policies – and I dislike them a great deal. I am keeping an open mind, but what I see would set us backwards to Cold War mentality. I cannot tolerate that.
AdLib : Hey Miles!
AdLib : Murph – Oh, Hillary will be cornered to stake out her positions on policies throughout the Dem primary, you caqn count on it.
Miles Long : Hey, everyone!
Sabreen60 : Hiya Miles.
choicelady : Sabreen – I’m sorry, you’ve said that before. I REALLY need to pay more attention to him. He sounds GREAT!
KillgoreTrout : I just used the term loosely Ad, for lack of a better one.
MurphTheSurf3 : Evening to you Miles…..the long-awaited Miles!
Sabreen60 : CL, yes. O’Malley is Gov of Maryland. Really good guy and strong liberal who supports PBO. MD has is #1 in education, strict gun laws, marriage equality, expanded Medicaid, raising the min wage and looking at legalizing marijuana, etc.
Miles Long : Just got off the tennis court, had the night off from doing the radio show.
choicelady : kes – yes he is, and I love his wife who writes for the Plain Dealer, too. Good people.
KillgoreTrout : What’s up Miles?
AdLib : KT – You’re mistaken if you think opposing Hillary as a candidate because she is conservative and not Progressive is “hate”. Shouldn’t all Dems be open to the candidates they may have to choose from? Why should anyone buy into the cornation of Hillary that the Clinton PR machine is pushing for? How does that reflect Democratic values?
choicelady : Hi Miles – nice to see you, and yes, I agree. Hillary is better than any GOP plus the PARTY is always an issue.
Miles Long : {evening all}
kesmarn : Hey, Miles!
kesmarn : C’lady, just saw your comment on Brown. That is so wonderful to read. He’s a good man.
choicelady : Murph – that’s Hillary’s entire history. Nestled w GOP values.
Miles Long : However, Hillary is better than ANY Republican…
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib et. al. A person I really respect from the 2008 Obama campaign says that Liberals/Progres sives really have to press HRC in a very public way compelling her to make policy statements that pull her to the left. If not she will be nested in neo-GOP thinking and will say, from the WH, I am just doing what I said I would do.
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, as long as her hawkishness is just talk to scare our enemies, I don’t have a problem with it. I don’t think she would be quick to go to war. She’s smarter than that.
choicelady : kes and KT – if Hillary gets the nomination, I’ll vote for her yes. But I don’t trust her an inch.
glenn : BRB
AdLib : Murph – Very interesting. As time goes by, I think we’ll see more and more of a mainstreaming of this view of Hillary. The Dems running against her in the Primary will hammer her on her conservative views and she can’t help but make missteps, tell untruths and campaign in a less than positive way which will hurt her.
glenn : Murph–IOW, the “content of her/his character”, not political party, skin color, ethnicity, or any other “classification .”
choicelady : Sabreen – who’s O’Malley? Is that MD? God – how ignorant I am!
kesmarn : OK. Don’t hate me, but here’s a question I’ve wondered about. If HRC is so acceptable to the rich and the GOP, why does the right hate her so deeply? I mean Rove basically calls her a senile brain-damaged old hag? What are they afraid of?
Sabreen60 : KT, I don’t hate Hillary. I think whomever is advising her is making a big mistake if they are telling her to distance herself from President Obama. And I don’t like her hawkishness.
choicelady : KT – Bernie also isn’t very nice. When PBO gave Vermont the right to use single payer in 2014 as their plan, Bernie NEVER told anyone. Only because I happened to find out did I let other single payer people know, but he gave PBO NO credit for that! That’s dirty pool, IMHO.
AdLib : CL – No worries about Sanders, he can’t win the nom. I too like Brown as a possible candidate. There will be others too, this is not a slam dunk for Hillary. As I mentioned in my post, she is already trying to position herself as a conservative to get Repubs behind her, this opens up a big area on her left and in a Dem Primary, she’s vulnerable.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- please post your comment at my front page post…it is terrific! What counts is the nature of the person not the categories they fit into.
KillgoreTrout : Me too Homie. We could do a lot worse, I think.
kesmarn : Homie, I’m for sure going to vote for her if she’s the candidate.
KillgoreTrout : Exactly kes!
choicelady : kes – I worked with his office on health care. Brown made his staff available to a national group of progressive faith people to update us on conference calls. That is a mensch! He also showed up, unannounced and unhearalded at an event at the Cleveland Public Library on Labor History. Just sat, listened, asked a question – never said who he was. Wow. Just WOW!
Sabreen60 : I like Sherrod, too. But I like O’Malley more.
kesmarn : Right, Homie, That “S” word would finish Bernie off before he even started. Sad to say — but those are the facts…
KillgoreTrout : I’m not jumping on the hate Hillary bandwagon. I don’t think it’s good for the party.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…yes, and I got a bunch at DK for my own diary on the same subject. I was told that DK was “in the bag” for HRC….not so…
KillgoreTrout : CL, pluse Bernie is an avowed socialist, which doesn’t bother me, but that is still a dirty word in America.
choicelady : EmoProgs don’t like Hillary, but I’ll be damned if I’ll vote for Jill Stein who has almost identical policies to PBO but who seems to think she can go it alone, no congress. That’s just stupid.
Sabreen60 : CL, You’re trying to get us thrown out the courtroom. Yikes. What have I started?
glenn : Murph, CL, etc.–Sometimes it seems as though we’re going backwards in this country. I don’t care if the candidate is white, brown, blue, purple, black, Dem, or Repub, as long as her/his policies are sane and work for the majority of Americans. More power to her if she’s a woman, but as you all have pointed out, not just any ole woman will do!
kesmarn : Sherrod here for me too!
MurphTheSurf3 : Thank you Sabreen
AdLib : Murph – 230 comments on that Hillary post, many if not most from women. Sorry for them that their BS scenario is blown up but trying to claim that the comments against Hillary are only coming from men is lame and evidence of intellectual bankruptcy. I mean, Hillary gets in trouble again and again for lying and her supporters think dishonesty is the path for defending her? Kind of amusing, actually.
kesmarn : And yes. Peanut brittle. I could also pop some bubble gum…
Sabreen60 : Murph, I’ll oblige. But suffice it to say, I don’t like Hillary.
choicelady : kes – not at all. Some people are pushing Sherrod Brown, and I’d lean that way. Otherwise – nope.
kesmarn : Candidate that is!
kesmarn : C’lady, do you have a favorite at this point?
choicelady : kes and Sabreen – I can bring the peanut brittle. You want obnoxious noise? I can make it happen.
choicelady : AdLib – I’m waaaaay behind in my POV reading, so I didn’t see it yet. But I do NOT want Bernie Sanders! He has done too little and is an excellent gadfly, GREAT critic, but he’d not have effective leadership as president. We have to stop pushing people beyond their talents and strengths.
kesmarn : And candy with crackly celophane wrappers…
Sabreen60 : CL, I’m glad to have the job.
Sabreen60 : kes
kesmarn : Right, Sabreen. And let’s bring Slurpees too. And “SLURP” ’em good and loud.
choicelady : Sabreen – text us all the dirt in the court battle! You’re our point person on the scene!
MurphTheSurf3 : ALL- Please if you have some thoughts on Hillary- could you leave them at either my or Ad Lib’s post…I want to refer those three to them as I think it might be a teaching moment….maybe.
AdLib : CL – Don’t know that you had time to read my Hillary article yet but that is one of my concerns that I expressed. She is appearing more and more like a moderate Republican and no one should be surprised if a true Progressive candidate is in a position to beat her in the primary.
kesmarn : She’s too modest (Warren). When was the last time anyone saw modesty in a politician?
choicelady : Murph – one of the reasons I like Warren is exactly that. She knows her strengths and knows where she’s not strong. GOOD ON HER!
Sabreen60 : Sure kes. We’ll share the popcorn. Hope the judge doesn’t get mad at us for eating in his court.
glenn : Hey Sabreen–will you provide court transcripts?
kesmarn : Sabreen, can I sit next to you in court?
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sabreen.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice and Kes- Warren does not think she would be a good President. In her interview with the Boston Globe she said that she knows what she knows and she knows where her heart is.
kesmarn : She’s a wonderful Senator, c’lady, no doubt!
AdLib : Murph – That kind of reasoning sounds like the NRA. Really? The reason you elect a President is because it satisfies a wish to have a woman President? I suppose they’d be just fine With a President Palin?
Sabreen60 : I’m doing okay folks. Hope everyone is fine. I’m waiting for the court date for Boehner’s suit. I’ll be in court
choicelady : kes – I love Warren, but I’m not sure she’d be a good president. I think some people are great at what they do – not at everything. I love her where she is. And she says she’s not running, so OK.
AdLib : Hey Sabreen! How are things by you?
choicelady : As with any man, Murph – it’s the POLICIES that matter in a female candidate, and I worry about hers.
AdLib : Kes – Very cool about The Fave!
kesmarn : Most of us mysterious wimmin folk would vote for Elizabeth Warren in a heartbeat!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- good insight re. HRC- would you leave it at my article too? I want these folks to see that there are strong reasons that people, women and men alike, are not automatically for Hillary.
choicelady : Murph – saying women have to lead the nation without some sense of who that woman is opens the door to Phyllis Schlafly.
AdLib : CL – Very funny about the watch dog! Just hook up a GoPro video camera to it as well and you’ve got double duty!
choicelady : SABREEN!!! How are you? GREAT to see you!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello Sabreen
choicelady : AdLib – there is a major crossover among faux liberals and real conservatives that is not well known. We need to make it clear. I do NOT want her if we’re going back to hubby’s policies of capitulating to Wall Street.
kesmarn : Hey, Sabreen! How are you?
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes (and ALL of the women in our group)….Quote from the CLINTONISTA E MAIL TO ME…”We know that you are a guy and suspect the other writer is too…why don’t you want a woman to lead the country? It’s time, Murph. It’s Murph. Men need to accept that.”
Sabreen60 : Hello Planeteers!
AdLib : Murph – Doesn’t matter a whit to me, the more that Clinton supporters act like Republicans, the easier it is to convince Dem voters that they are.
kesmarn : The Fave in going into 8th grade, but — take heart, all — she still wants to come over for overnight movie/popcorn visits! YAY!
choicelady : Murph – Wow – that’s nuts. We may not be the biggest fans, but we’re all they have. Clintonistas – check Hillary’s past associations with the Religious Right before you snipe at us! Jeff Sharlet’s “The Family” is required reading on her associations.
KillgoreTrout : Back in a few.
glenn : CL–Doing my best. It’s as Mark Twain said, “It’s amazing how much my father learned between the time I was 16 and the time I was an adult.” I’m paraphrasing a little here, but I think that the essence of the quote.
AdLib : glenn – My daughter is the same age, doing into middle school. Same here, she’s hanging out here this summer instead of camp, trying to make the most for it before she grows older and being with Mom and Dad is “uncool”.
kesmarn : We will even give them tea and cookie, Murph. Before we pummel them. We’re known for pummeling.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes- when I wrote back I said I would be bringing this up at our chat room and I hope that they are indeed going to check us out.
choicelady : AdLib – sorry = a ‘twofer’.
choicelady : AdLib – now that’s a scenario I like. A
kesmarn :
That is one beautiful scenario, AdLib! You must have watched Laurel and Hardy as a child!
Beatlex : Sarah Palin is stupid,and has no clue as to what is really going on in the country.But the media can’t seem to get enough of her pearls of wisdom.She is a great self promoter,I give her that
choicelady : kes- Yup. It continues. I am fighting BACK. So far it’s working. I have a homeless man living on the front porch, sleeping there with his dog. I’m delighted! The dog is a ‘watch dog’ – she’ll watch anyone do anything! But they don’t know that.
kesmarn : Tell ’em to “Bring it!” Murph!
AdLib : CL – Cheney will tell Palin that the snipe are plentiful and to come out to the ranch for a hunt. Then, as he tries to shoot her in the back while imagining her to be the American People, Palin quits, falls down and accidentally shoots Cheney with the gun she’s dropped.
choicelady : glenn – enjoy while you have it. Adolescence is proof that putting your kids out to apprenticeship was and is the answer. NO ONE should raise their own flesh and blood.
MurphTheSurf3 : ALL-+- THE CLINTONISTAS ARE LURKING…just to let you know that there are WATCHERS out there who check out our pages – I got the nastiest e-mail today from three people I know who are part of the Clinton 2016 movement….reac ting to the articles written by Ad Lib and myself. BOY…were they royally ticked off….I invited them to join us and put their comments on the record….no reply.
kesmarn : OMG! C’lady. It continues! Yes, she just published the article today.
glenn : CL–I really am trying to enjoy this summer–it may be the last one that Mimi (that’s me) gets to be “someone”. My granddaughter is going into middle school in the fall, and I probably will be the “voice in the wilderness” for a while.
choicelady : AdLib – I’d pay for that. Indeed!
choicelady : kes – I missed Sue’s article entirely. Both Mikey and I are under siege from the same people. I finally put up a sign in the backyard: “Smile! You’re on Candid Camera. We’re wired on all four sides – Go ahead. Make our day!” We’ve not had a moment’s trouble since.
AdLib : Murph – I think Palin would take Cheney in a showdown, now I want The Planet to sponsor that for a Pay Per View special!
KillgoreTrout : I think Sarah would win. Cheney would perish from death by babble!
kesmarn : Sue just wrote an article on the religious right, c’lady, and she mentioned the harassment that Mikey Weinstein had endured. I said that I thought you knew a thing or two about that…
choicelady : AdLib – I don’t think July is hunting season for anything except, maybe, Sarah? Cheney will find a way…
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib…I would like them both armed and dangerous.
choicelady : glenn – oh that’s super. Enjoy!
AdLib : Murph – Wow, Palin is more disliked than Cheney? That’s quite a feat! Bet Cheney’s going to invite her hunting this weekend and…oopsie!
KillgoreTrout : Where are you off to, CL?
glenn : CL–I’m having fun with the kiddos this summer.
choicelady : Murph – VERY glad to hear that!
choicelady : Hey KT – lovely to see you. I’ve missed you all!
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…..no flooding at all.
choicelady : HI MURPH!!! Hope you’re OK – saw flooding in MO and hope it’s not your area?
KillgoreTrout : Hey CL!
MurphTheSurf3 : HI CHOICE
choicelady : Hi AdLib – nice to see you, too.
choicelady : glenn – all over the damned country! And I’m off again next week for awhile, so I wanted to say hi to everyone. How are YOU?
kesmarn : Glad you liked that one, AdLib.
AdLib : Hey CL! Great to see you!
kesmarn : C’lady, I’m not sure I’d want to actually witness Palin doing that, but I think it would be interesting to read the lab report!
glenn : Choice Lady–so good to “see” you. Where have you been? Anywhere interesting?
MurphTheSurf3 : BE QUIET SARAH, SAY 52 PERCENT…Accord ing to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Annenberg poll that asked respondents to weigh in on six prominent figures. More than half – 52% — of people surveyed said the former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee should just “be quiet.”Ms. Palin, still a tea party favorite and who maintains an active television and social media presence, scored worse than fellow former pols Jesse Jackson (45%), Dick Cheney (42%) and Newt Gingrich (39%).
AdLib : Kes – “Weathered Vain” –
glenn : KT–Shock collars with remote controls so we can all push the buttons when they “stray off topic.”
kesmarn : AdLib, I hope the cycle will wind down. It’s just so darned profitable to sell arms to both sides…
choicelady : kes – yes indeed and the second round of grant writing. But I’m off next week for travel again, so I wanted to say HI. I love the image of Sarah peeing in a cup. Thanks for that great laugh!
kesmarn : C’lady! So good to see you! Back from your travels?
AdLib : kes – It is cyclical, we’ve seen violence gripping the world at times then calm finally taking its place. Around and around, like seasons. The global violence going on now can’t be sustained in all the places where it’s going on…at least, not forever. It could be many years though until some semblance of sanity re-emerges around the world.
Beatlex : KT,Good one! I had kind of forgotten that one,he had so many,George Carlin was great
glenn : KT–The palindora box of lunacy is as ugly outside as she is inside.
choicelady : Hi everyone – hope you’re all doing fine. Saw you’d raised the specter of Sarah – almost left because of it!
kesmarn : I think so. If she ever wandered into the ER looking and talking like that, the first thing they would ask her to do would be to pee in a cup.
KillgoreTrout : How about shock collars?
KillgoreTrout : Ooooooo, kes! She is looking a little haggered these days!
glenn : Ad–Hey, I like that idea. Or, if we could get close to them, we should just cattle prods.
KillgoreTrout : B, George Carlin said that when we’re born, we get a ticket to the freak show. When you’re born in America, you get a front row seat!
Beatlex : KillgoreTrout,th at women is a demented creep who should just shut up.I loath her
AdLib : glenn – Would you settle for implanting electrodes in Dem politicians so that whenever they don’t talk about the successes of Dems and the Obama Admin, they get shocked?
kesmarn : She’s a sort of Opposite Weather Vane for the GOP, Homie. Or maybe that should be Weathered Vain?
KillgoreTrout : I see Palin has raised her empty head again about impeaching the president. If the GOPers really want to help themselves, they should automatically do the exact opposite of whatever Palin says.
kesmarn : glenn, thanks so naming all those positives here! The world news can get you down!
Beatlex : America is like watching a slow motion train wreck you can’t keep your eyes off of politically.Or a game show,”I’ll take door number two!
AdLib : glenn – There were teachers that made very big differences in my life and whatever positive impacts I can make in my life, they contributed to.
kesmarn : I know! I realize that one of the temptations of getting a little older (just a little) is to start wheezing about the “world going to hell in a hand basket,” but geez! Things are kind of a mess right now!
glenn : All–Since we’re talking about lawsuits, I think we should sue the Democratic party. No, I don’t think I’m an emoprog, but I do think every Democrat should be touting the Obamacare numbers, the unemployment numbers, and the shrinking deficit numbers. They should be shouting them over and over and over again. No matter what a republican says, the subject should be brought back to those three things. Otherwise, Dems are not doing their jobs. Oh…and they should be showing every republican/tp “no” vote for immigration reform/funding.
AdLib : Kes – This is such a horrible time around the world, so much violence in the US (gun deaths are climbing), in Central America, in Syria, in Iraq, in many countries in Africa, in Ukraine, in Israel and Gaza…the world is a very deadly place right now.
kesmarn : And I’m sure you did, glenn! Half the battle is believing you can!
glenn : Ad–As I’ve said before, I am an eternal optimist. That’s why I became a teacher–I thought I could help make a difference.
kesmarn : Hey glenn! So good to see you!
kesmarn : I have the news on in the background and this situation in Gaza is going to make me cry. I should turn it off during Vox!
glenn : Hey Kes–glad to hear you’re with us.
AdLib : glenn – Logic and reason can never get even a toe under the Republican tent.
KillgoreTrout : Not bad, and yours? “back Homie,” I like it. No ocean though.
kesmarn : Doing well, AdLib. At home on a Friday evening for a change. No cottage today. Maybe tomorrow.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ok…message got cut off…Also HI to Ad Lib, Beatlex,
glenn : Ad–OMG! Sticking my finger down my throat now and gagging!
KillgoreTrout : glenn, Mama Mia!
kesmarn : Hey back, Homie! How’s your Friday?
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi Glenn-+- Hi Kes -+– Hi KT -+— Hi Beatlex -+— and Hi AdLib
AdLib : Hey Kes! How are you doing this evening?
KillgoreTrout : Hey Homie!
glenn : KT–I think so, since I’m Italian (and Irish), I heard it in Italian and Gaelic, too, I think.
Beatlex : AdLib-LOL good one buddy!
AdLib : glenn – Very impressive! My dog is great at dramatic monologues, just before the final line of her speech, she gives a dramatic paws.
KillgoreTrout : ‘sup Murph?
kesmarn : Good Friday evening, folks! LeBron is returning to Ohio, now can we send Boehner to Miami?
glenn : Surf’s up–Murph is here!
KillgoreTrout : That depends glenn. Could he whistle in Italian?
Beatlex : Glenn,The R’s are a disgrace.Can you imagine if both parties worked together to improve the lives of Americans? Me neither
AdLib : Hey Murph! Hope all is well your way!
glenn : KT and AdLib–well, my cockatiel could whistle “Pop Goes the Weasel”. Does that count?
KillgoreTrout : Touche Ad!
MurphTheSurf3 : I am in the house!
KillgoreTrout : Gee, that was a real groaner!
AdLib : KT – My dog could sing, “I Am The Barker of Seville!”
AdLib : KT:
KillgoreTrout : Thanks Ad.
glenn : Ad–I know I keep trying to inject logic into the argument. I keep forgetting logic is not an operable word in repub/tp circles.
KillgoreTrout : I had a dog once who could sing Poochini!
AdLib : KT – Thanks for the head’s up! I will do so!
AdLib : Beatlex – You can’t describe the size of the world to an ant. Trying to reason with trolls is like trying to teach your dog to sing operas in Italian.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I left a comment for you on the contact us link, asking you to give Sally my e-mail address. You may not have seen it.
glenn : Beatlex–but, dontcha know, America is “exceptional”. After all, we’re the only industrial nation that does not have universal health care, while at the same time allowing guns to be carried openly. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Why don’t you understand that?
KillgoreTrout : Hey Ad.
AdLib : Hey KT! Glad all is well!
KillgoreTrout : What’s up B, eh?
AdLib : glenn – The Boehner/Repub lawsuit gimmick is as meaningless as their 50 votes to kill the ACA. The Senate would also have to pass a bill allowing The House to sue AND Pres. Obama would have to sign such a bill. It’s just a publicity stunt intended to satisfy the Baggers who would rather have the House try to impeach Obama. Meaningless kabuki theater to throw red meat to the Baggers, that’s it.
Beatlex : Trolls at HP used to tell me to mind my own business and be grateful that America was protecting us.I would tell them it is the WORLDS business when the actions of America cause hardship to millions around the world caused by the idiotic polices that were in place for a good chunk of the 2000’s I am Canadian for those here that don’t know
glenn : KT–can’t complain.
KillgoreTrout : Not bad glenn, and you?
glenn : Hey KT–how goes it?
KillgoreTrout : Hey peeps!
glenn : Ad–all is well with me, too. Trying to keep up with my granddaughter, her cousin, and the neighborhood kids.
glenn : Ad–I know we discussed this some last week, but since President Obama is not the first president to issue executive orders, even EOs that changed laws, how does Boehner’s lawsuit have any legal standing? Haven’t all of the other presidents’ EOs set a legal precedent? What makes the EOs regarding Obamacare any different from previous EOs?
AdLib : Hey glenn, just livin’ on The Planet, all is well my way. How about you?
AdLib : I don’t know if it would be that different from where we are now, if Repubs had a majority in The Senate. The increased “badness” would be The Senate blocking appointments and judges which is bad but not permanently bad as long as a Dem Senate and President takeover in 2016…just a delay in the nation’s progress.
glenn : Hey Ad, what’s new?
AdLib : Beatlex – What’s happening now would be funny if it wasn’t screwing the country over so badly. The Repubs are basically saying, “We want no one doing their jobs in DC and if anyone dares to do what they were voted into office to do, we’ll sue them!”
glenn : Beatlex: It is indeed a scary thought if repubs take both houses of Congress.
AdLib : Hey glenn! Evenin’!
glenn : Good evening, AdLib, Beatlex,Boehnerg azi!
AdLib : Hey Beatlex!
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “Hi!” or “Boehnerghazi! ” when you arrive!
Beatlex : The Republicans are impeding progress in America,to understate the obvious,Suing the President? Of course they are out to set their base on fire.My only advice my American friends is step up your work to fire up progressives.Can you imagine if they win both houses? I can,and that is one scary thought.
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins right here tonight at 7 pm PDT! Hope to see you then!
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