AdLib : Great, hope it goes smoothly! See you on the music thread tomorrow!
Beatlex : Hey AdLib,gotta go,I am changing service providers tomorrow,and have a few things to do.See Ya for the music thread tomorrow!
AdLib : And the meaningless gestures they’re making now on immigration aren’t going to fool anybody.
AdLib : Agreed, they are demographically hobbled. Even with a great candidate, and there is no such thing right now, they would have a very hard time winning without all of those demos.
Beatlex : AdLib,I think whoever they come up with will lose anyway,They still are warring with women,and pissing off Latinos
AdLib : Feel better Funk. Get some rest and fight back that cold. And FWIW, I’m rooting for Seattle on Sunday.
AdLib : Beatlex – Not a bad strategy but I know in my soul that a Bush will never be President again in our lifetime (sorry Jenna).
Beatlex : I think some are paid AdLib,But for the most part,it is stupid rednecks who think Roosh is god
funksands : 3 years away. That makes me tired just thinking about it. I better turn in. Under the weather and need to get better before Sunday. Hope the Seahawks win guys, because if they don’t I think this city is going to have a hard time shaking this one. Way too much emotionally invested in this stupid game.
Beatlex : Good insight Ad,the election is 3 years away.Jeb can sit back and watch the other idiots destroy themselves
AdLib : Beatlex, do you think most trolls are just individuals who are loser or are they being paid to promote their hatred and havoc?
funksands : X, there really are only a couple of species of trolls. They multiply rapidly and can move in a herd, but thankfully they’re stupid and cowardly.
AdLib : Beatlex – When you know how devious creatures like the Bush family are, it becomes almost predictable. A mother who was First Lady publicly repeating she doesn’t want her son to run for President when he was the son they wanted to run for President instead of George? How does that sound even a little believable? And if it doesn’t make sense, there must be another reason. And Jeb coming out to “chastize” his mother in public? And both of them hammering the concept of Jeb as President? Seems pretty obvious to me.
Beatlex : I have been going onto CNN’s site and doing some commenting and Troll slaying.The Trolls are the same everywhere.Incre dibly stupid and ignorant
Beatlex : LOL FUNK True
funksands : X, I’m not sure you can pardon someone for being an idiot. Obviously not a crime in the US.
Beatlex : ad,i saw that ,it makes a lot of sense,the stealth campaign!
funksands : What torture?
AdLib : funk – SCOTUS Justice Dick Cheney.
AdLib : Beatlex – And pardon him for war crimes against the Geneva Convention including torture.
funksands : Supreme Court Justice Condi Rice
Beatlex : Funk,pardon him for being an idiot who harmed America seriously
AdLib : Hey, Jeb could nominate George as a Supreme Court Justice! Perfect!
AdLib : I think Biden will be smart and run against Hillary in the primaries. he should, something could happen and you can’t win if you don’t play.
funksands : Jeb can pardon his brother too.
AdLib : “Jeb will make a great President just like me, heh-heh!”
funksands : X, so true. House reps don’t ever stop.
AdLib : Funk, yep, pretty much just January to June but in fairness, that’s about the same time frame Dems use but their primaries aren’t as rigged to eliminate time between primaries to keep a non-establishmen t-favorite from getting too much momentum after winning a primary.
funksands : Never mind, Rinse Prebius says that he wants to hold the GOP convention last week in JUNE! Whoa.
Beatlex : The way things are now in American politics,many years of a Presidency are squandered with your never ending electioneering IMO
funksands : They’ll welcome him back with open arms. He and his squint.
AdLib : Funk – So if Jeb is nominated, will George still not be invited to the RNC’s convention?
funksands : Ad, that’s a really good point. Don’t the primaries only last something like 6 months now? That’s wild!
AdLib : Funk – But the RNC has just skewed their primary so it will be very hard for anyone but an establishment Repub with the most money to win. So I don’t think the Baggers will get their candidate this time either…and maybe they’ll respond by not going to the polls and helping the Dems in Congressional and local races.
Beatlex : A lot is going to depend on whether The President succeeds with health care and the economy.Another accomplishment for him would be good too.Maybe immigration
funksands : Ad, I guess they figure that Bush fatigue only lasts 8 years.
funksands : Ad, I agree. She seemed inevitable in 2008 too. I would prefer a robust race with a lot of strong candidate hashing it out.
AdLib : I wrote this earlier tonight Funk, Beatlex saw it so apologies for the repetition: I’ve been mentioning the stealth campaign for Jeb Bush BY Jeb Bush and his evil mother and that campaign is continuing. They have concocted a reverse campaign, getting press repeatedly by having Barbara Bush repeatedly putting out statements that she doesn’t want Jeb running. It’s a false humility approach, intended to soften the anti-Bush feelings, “Oh, it would be awful if another Bush was President. I mean, he would be the best President ever but there are other families, it should never be another Bush. But if it was, he would be the greatest ever!” And this week, guess what? Jeb Bush was in the press saying, “I’ve asked my mom to stop repeating that she doesn’t want me to run for President.” Jesus! Is this not so supremely obvious, what a ridiculous propaganda campaign this is to keep his name in the press alongside the word “President”???
funksands : Frankly I think it is going to take a Rand Paul / Ted Cruz nomination followed by a 49-1 state thumping to cure the GOP of their fever.
AdLib : Funk – The thing is, it’s always possible. Or what if there is a new and legit scandal over something really substantial? What I would suggest that would have the biggest possibility though is a health emergency. She’s not a teenager, it can happen and if you’re not in the primary if that happens, you can’t be the nominee.
funksands : X, I think they tried that in the last election. Didn’t get them very far. That wing of the party is in a fight to the death with the teahadists.
funksands : Ryan and Bush are leading the last two national polls by a pretty wide margin.
Beatlex : Who knows Funk? They need someone who can SEEM moderate to have a chance for the White House
funksands : Ad, I think that’s smart to think that way. She’d really have to fuck it up not to win.
AdLib : Funk – I find it hard to believe that any of those could be seen as a competitor but I do think that a Repub GOvernor like Walker might be more attractive to the party even if he’s a sure loser in the GE. Would another Bush be nominated? I find that very hard to imagine.
funksands : X, I think Jeb has got to be reeaaaaaally tempted to get in with the party in this much disarray.
AdLib : Funk – I am a contrarian in situations like this, Dems shouldn’t discount the possibility that Hillary could have a health issue, could say something very damaging, who knows. Bill Clinton got in when Dems had given up on having a chance at beating Bush I because he had such high approvals after the Iraq War Part Un. Hillary may not be the nom.
Beatlex : Jeb Bush maybe Funk,he is the only one who is half sane
funksands : What do you think?
funksands : Paul Ryan could win it he ran, which he doesn’t seem interested in doing. Scott Walker? Rick Santorum. I’ve never been so clueless about who it might be.
AdLib : Paul Ryan? Rand Paul? Another Repub with the “Paul” in his name?
funksands : It literally could be anyone. Anyone. I find that very entertaining. A lot more interesting than the Bataan Death March to Hillary for 2 years.
AdLib : So who do you think wins the GOP nom in 2016?
Beatlex : Funk,I know!,Can you imagine?
AdLib : Funk – It’s like an Adopt-a-Pet fair for Billionaires, “Hmm, look at that scruffy one over there, he looks pretty good. I’ll take him!”
funksands : It would be so awesome if he did though.
AdLib : Funk – Polls this early are only about name recognition so it’s not surprising that the last Repub nom is at the top. No way he would run again or stand a chance at winning the nom.
funksands : I’m really interested to see who gets their first pet billionaire. They become the favorite right off the bat.
funksands : X, that is messed up.
AdLib : funk – More like a Head Trauma Time Machine.
AdLib : Funk – If Romney ran again the Baggers would revolt. But yes, I have been very aware of the image buffing that he has been engaged in lately.
funksands : We could have a Clinton, Romney and a Bush running for President. It would be like Hot Tub Time Machine all over again!
Beatlex : Funk,Chris Matthews had a poll that Romney is leading in!
AdLib : Funk – An object at rest, like Christie’s ass, stays at rest in the governor’s chair, agreed. But once that object has to be making motions…in court…it will stay making motions.
funksands : This opens the door for Romney to run again. Have you noticed how busy the image polishers have been lately? I think it would be a scream if he ran again.
Beatlex : To put it bluntly,Christie is a prick,and I would relish seeing him go down
funksands : X, that may be true. We’ll see. But you have to have a sense of dignity and professionalism to realize when its right to step down. GOP govs don’t have that.
Beatlex : LOL AD!
AdLib : That crack is the sound of the camel’s back breaking.
Beatlex : Funk,he may not resign,but he is finished nationally for sure
AdLib : Funk – Good point but I think once he is indicted and the damning evidence is leaked, he might want to take a flight to the South Pacific and get lost before he’s convicted.
funksands : However, that rushing sound you hear is people running to be the next one to the prosecutor..
funksands : Ad, he’s not going to resign. They could find Jimmy Hoffa’s bones in his stool and he wouldn’t resign
AdLib : Funk, we’re still open though it’s just the three of us now.
Beatlex : Hey Funk!
AdLib : I’m thinking of starting a betting pool for what date Christie resigns.
Beatlex : Killgore,I will talk to you tomorrow about the Beatles music thread.It is 50 years ago Feb. 9th that they played Ed Sullivan
funksands : Hi Ad/X. You guys closing up shop?
AdLib : Hey Funk!
funksands : “late” that is.
funksands : A lat howdy “everyone”
AdLib : No worries!
Beatlex : Damn! Just got off a 40 minute Skpe call from my brother in Thailand.Seems like I missed a lot
AdLib : See you then! And have a great Superbowl weekend yourself!
KillgoreTrout : Thanks Ad. Hope to see ya tomorrow. Have a great weekend.
AdLib : KT – That is my kind of theme, just talking about that topic this week so great timing!
AdLib : Take care Murph, sleep well and feel good! Have a great Superbowl weekend!
KillgoreTrout : Have a great Superbowl weekend Murph.
MurphTheSurf3 : Great discussion tonight. Thanks all. Busy day awaits. Take care.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I’ve done the music thread and I’m not sure how ell it will go over, but I thought it might be fun. I hope so.
AdLib : Night KT! Looking forward to the Music thread as always!
AdLib : KT – For someone not to be able to comprehend that the Sun is not just an image in the sky but a massive set of explosions that use fuel to operate, like everything else in the physical world, and that fuel always runs out eventually, is to deal with someone who can’t conceive of reason. No point in arguing with her.
KillgoreTrout : Well, I too will be disappearing for the night.
KillgoreTrout : That’s the sacry part Ad. These people are “adults.” and yet they still think as children think.
AdLib : Murph – You can have arguments with a 5 year old in the same way though when you confront them with something they can’t explain, they say, “Just because.”
AdLib : Murph – Don’t know that Deal was pressured, he may have been, he just seemed to be more interested in protecting the bottom line of his corporate contributors than the people. He said his biggest fear was calling an emergency and shutting down business and if there was no snow, he would be attacked. So, his image and re-election came first.
KillgoreTrout : Holy crap Murph. The old vindictive prick in the sky, huh?
KillgoreTrout : No doubt Ad. People like Einstein and Hawking and so many other great minds just don’t matter to these people. Anti-science to the bitter end.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT…The pastor told me that God sends suffering as a purgative to redeem to sinful heart and that ACA was an effort to interfere divine judgment. WTF.
AdLib : KT – Well, no point in having a discussion with someone who doesn’t even believe in the most basic and simple science. They are beyond reason so trying to argue reason is a pointless conflict.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…so Deal got “played” by the business and denier anglers. Nice.
KillgoreTrout : Wow Murph, no thanks. I just won’t argue with crazy people. Not anymore, at least.
AdLib : Murph – Deal claims that if he had called an emergency and people were ordered to stay indoors, commerce would be badly impacted and he would catch hell from all the businesses and stores affected. So, put profits and the concern of campaign donations from those who might be pissed off that an emergency was called when it wasn’t necessary, ahead of the public welfare.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT…I have had many similar discussions here…..try dealing with a fundamentalist pastor who believes you are subverting his flock (in this case over ACA).
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad….correct Bond is safe because of his name, his rep, and his age….
AdLib : Murph – Yep, it’s harder to get through to that type that Climate Change is real than getting through a frozen Atlanta highway. They simply can’t afford to believe anything that isn’t approved thinking by their authority figures, religious and political.
KillgoreTrout : That’s some scary shit Murph. I once got into a discussion with a very religious lady, about the sun dying out one day. Pure physics, yet she was horrified and said that god would never allow something like that to happen. I told her that stars (like our sun) die out everyday. She just could not accept that. Poor lady.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…how was Deal’s decision a business decision? I am missing the point.
AdLib : Murph – I guess you can only remain in the GOP as a pragmatist and a moderate if you’re semi-retired.
AdLib : Murph – I think Deal was just displaying the petrified mind of today’s conservative, more adverse to taking precautions and over-protecting the people than the possibility that businesses might bring in less revenue. Money before people.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT…here in Mo. they are denying both…no change that is out of the normal cycle AND it is ALL in God’s hands.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…I saw Kit on a local program on two days ago and he said the GOP are not well represented by knee jerk ideology..he said that…he also said he did not like ACA but it was now part of the landscape…so the GOP had to deal with it.
KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreans Sabreen. Hope to see you on the music thread.
KillgoreTrout : Many RWers will not deny that the climate is changing, they deny that mankind’s activities have anything to do with it. Like 200 years of industrializatio n and fossil fuel burning vehicles have no impact Morons.
AdLib : Night Sabreen! Get lots of rest and feel better!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…not saying the governor bought into it but from what I was told he figured that if he acted and there was no snow, the right would have a field day all over him….not acting meant apologizing and hope it blew over.
pinkpantheroz : Good night, glenn and CL. Hope your team does well on Sunday. I’ll be watching it live on Monday Morning Aussie time!
AdLib : Murph – That is encouraging news about Kit Bond. I’m sure there are a number of old school Repubs who can’t believe what the GOP has turned into.
Sabreen60 : Good night CL, I’m right behind you. I have a cold and still don’t feel good so I’m calling it night guys. Take care.
glenn : Okay, I’m leaving now!
glenn : Murph–not sure of the answer to your question. I didn’t get a chance to read much about it. The governor wasn’t so much denying climate change as he was denying the reality of the situation, if that makes sense.
MurphTheSurf3 : Good night CL….best to ya.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…still here…good…an ything on your radar about deniars.
Sabreen60 : Night glenn.
AdLib : Night CL! Have a great Superbowl weekend!
KillgoreTrout : Exactly glenn. You hit the proverbial nail on the head.
Sabreen60 : yuk – “weren’t wanted”.
glenn : KT–Sadly, I think you’re correct. However, I still don’t understand why they can’t live in the modern world–after all, I’m no spring chicken–I grew up in the 50’s too. But then again, that’s the definition of “conservative” –afraid of change, and resistant to change.
choicelady : Good night!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn….friends in GA tell me that the right wing was full of all sorts of anti climate change stuff as the storm was bearing down and that is what put the Gov off of moving into action. True?
KillgoreTrout : Have a great weekend CL! See ya later.
AdLib : Night glenn, hope the weekend brings a full melt and everyone out your way can get back to normal.
Sabreen60 : I’ve had gay friends since the 70’s. A few years ago I meant a couple over a friend’s house in Maryland. They said they had moved from their neighborhood in Virginia because “they were wanted’. These guys were two of the funniest people I have known. They literally had me ROTF. Granted I love to laugh, but these guys were funny and two of the nicest people I know. We kept in touch until they moved to CA.
AdLib : PPO – It does make the future very predictable though, the GOP simply won’t be able to hold onto power once their crooked advantage in filibustering is undone. By making it clear to a majority of voters how awful they are, the voters are out there to take them down once the filibustering can be reversed.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…forgot you are in Hotlanta…Coldl anta right now I guess. Hope you are not gone. I have one more thought for you. Still there.
choicelady : glenn – goodnight to you three hours ahead of me, but I am ALSO saying good night to everyone. I’m exhausted. Everyone have a glorious and SNOW FREE weekend if you can!
glenn : Ad–I hope you’re right–on both counts. That we can get the House back in Dem hands, and that there will be a bailout of the GOP.
KillgoreTrout : Sleep tight glenn, and don’t let the republican bed bugs bite!
MurphTheSurf3 : Watching the GOP fraying….here in Mo. Kit Bond, former GOP longtime senator working with an alliance of health care advocates to push the legislature to accept medicaid expansion. Bond….unbeliev able.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, I think it’s because they dwell in the past. Their America is the America of the 1950s and before, when coming out could ruin a person’s career, draw scorn from their families and communities. These people just don’t live in modernity. And they are basically cowards that would rather attack others to draw attention away from themselves. That’s how I see it.
glenn : Okay, my friends, bedtime for me. Have to get a good night’s sleep so I can clean my driveway tomorrow morning, and finally get my car back in the garage. Poor little car of mine has been sitting out for three days in the snow, and she is not happy! Take care everyone, and have a good weekend.
choicelady : glenn – it’s always people who have something to lose, like being white but a civil rights sympathizer in the 50s and 60s. Giving up all the people whom you love? Losing your livelihood, your friends? For some people it is simply too much to bear. They CAN sometimes find a peaceful coexistence, but too often they go into radical denial and reaction against those who are openly what they are too afraid to be. But the losses are real for them. And that is a load we cannot even think about because it isn’t ours.
AdLib : glenn – I remember during the Reagan era when Dems kept deserting to become Repubs, it makes a big psychological difference. Since Bush, it’s been the reverse though not in droves yet but once the Repub House is beaten back into minority status, I think there will be a real bailing out of the GOP.
choicelady : PPO – I’m watching the Loony Left make a polling difference AGAIN. I’m not happy about that.
glenn : KT–I just don’t get it. Why are they afraid of being gay? I mean, I get, but I don’t get it, if you know what I mean. If you are true to your self, gay, straight, or somewhere in between, wouldn’t your life be much happier? I truly think fundies are afraid of being happy–that it’s a sin or something. Goes back to puritanism, I guess.
choicelady : KT – for sure.
pinkpantheroz : AdLib, Choice, I agree. It is a big pity that real debate is now impossible with the current GOP/TP. I feel that any moderated remaing just don’t know how to reverse the slide into utter lunacy, as is happening right now. the country deserves better. It’s also a wake up call to Dems to keep their act together, otherwise the USA wil be anything but United in ANYTHING!
KillgoreTrout : It sure does. I have known many gay people that I was quite fond of, precisely because they had the courage to be honest about themselves, not to mention, they were very decent, caring people.
AdLib : CL – Which is why their party is likely doomed for a generation to decline. I look forward to the Dems retaking the Governorships and Legislatures of all swing states when the next redistricting time comes around because looking at demographics and the deterioration of the GOP, they wouldn’t be likely to regain power for a very long time and so much would be able to get done.
choicelady : KT – that is often enough true to make you wonder, doesn’t it?
KillgoreTrout : And might I say, cowards too.
choicelady : glenn – I’ve seen quite a few decamp. The party is not a party – it’s a jail cell.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I think those who cry the loudest against gay people are secretly afraid they too might be gay. Self loathers all.
glenn : Ad–Yes, and I see a couple more repubs have left the party. I think they are in AZ.
choicelady : AdLib – all the mod GOP I used to know are gone. There is no place for them in that party anymore.’
KillgoreTrout : Thank goodness for that PPO!
AdLib : glenn – Crist was the kind of moderate Repub that deserved consideration. Don’t know that any are left in the GOP…which is why he’s now a Dem.
choicelady : PPO – I’m with you. Until we see that notarized note from God, I won’t believe she has even taken NOTICE of Haggard.
glenn : CL–The ironic thing is…that’s what the repubs in FL accused Crist of when he was running…that he had Dem ideas. That’s when he changed to “independent”; then he needed a party behind him, so he changed to “Democrat”. He’s a pretty decent guy; but he’s still a politician.
choicelady : KT – he cannot admit it even to himself. It takes almost superhuman courage to give up everything you’ve known to admit your own needs when the society you’re in loathes all you are. Of course they can’t admit it – because HE can’t.
pinkpantheroz : CL, I havent seen anywhere the note, email, Tweet or Facebook entry by God that She has forgiven the Dick of Haggard. He’s irrelevant, anyway.
AdLib : I am looking for a big triple win in Governorships this year and maybe more. FL, MI and PA. All three governors are underwater as they should be and two of the three are swing states so with Dems as Governors in those states, having fair votes will likely bode well for Dems. We’ll see what happens in WI and OH, to other possibilities but not as probable.
KillgoreTrout : Great point CL. I hate to judge a book by it’s cover, but I am amazed they didn’t know he was gay. I took one look at the guy and I knew.
choicelady : glenn – we all knew he shoulda been a Dem. Very decent guy.
choicelady : KT – that was precisely TO gall you! Look! It worked! But they revile him, he is on thin earnings these days. THEY do NOT forgive him because he is too much what they fear they are.
choicelady : Sabreen – it is the states where the serious games are played these days.
KillgoreTrout : You’re probably right CL. It just galls me that they forgave him publicly.
glenn : Ad and Murph–You know, I voted for Crist when he was a republican when I lived in Florida. He wasn’t a bad governor, IMO.
choicelady : glenn – Oh. That MUST be it.
choicelady : KT – well they may have said Ted Haggard is forgiven by God, but trust me on this – THEY have NOT. There is no one meaner than a born again person who sees another fall, repent, and get kicked in the stomach. They’re terrified of their own feelings and failings, and they will never let him back in.
KillgoreTrout : Indeed PPO.
glenn : CL–You can’t figure out what Davis has lied about because you haven’t been saved. Only the saved know the truth!
pinkpantheroz : Kt, I heard that! Delusional is too soft a word for the poor schmucks who buy such drivel.
AdLib : Murph – Yes, I saw today’s poll on Crist ahead by 8 points on Scott and I agree, I think the margin will hold or increase. They are two known commodities so there really isn’t much room for minds to be changed.
Sabreen60 : CL, You’re right, I think. As long as ALEC and other RW organizations are writing laws for states, Repubs believe that if they can win those state elections their agenda will win.
KillgoreTrout : Excellent point glenn.
choicelady : glenn – I cannot for the life of me figure out what she is supposed to have ‘lied’ about. NOTHING.
KillgoreTrout : Hey PPO, the leader of the largest mega church in America was found out to be cavorting with a male prostitute and snorting meth off of each other’s bums. The church members forgave him and said it was the devil that made him do it. Unbelievable.
glenn : KT–I think you’re right. The GOP has absolutely no respect for women! Look what they’re doing to Wendy Davis, a woman who personfies the republican “bootstraps” saga, but not for long enough, or by herself, or not enough children, or something like that!
Beatlex : AdLib-Right on! Fla needs to be fixed
choicelady : Sabreen – they seriously believe they can take over by saving souls one at a time at the local level. They don’t need the White House or even really Congress.
AdLib : glenn – I think after the last three years of responses to the SOTU that turned out to be disasters, the GOP was just playing defense this year, just trying not to have a disaster and that Stepford Wife played it safe with a bland recitation of dishonesty. So, for them, having a trivial instant forgotten speech was a win.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad….Crist has a 6 to 8 point lead right now and I expect it will grow. Crist has been boxed in by his own legislature on Medicaid expansion- he now wants it and the TP crowd won’t budge…hung by his petard.
pinkpantheroz : Isn’t it so very ironic that the SO upright GOP are reduced to looking at flashers, mensroom stalkers, adulterers, addicts – sex and drug – for a candidate.
choicelady : Sabreen – I do think they see even LOCAL politics as far more fruitful. They always have – they run for school board and county offices where they can shut clinics, introduce creationism in the curricula, kill stray animals – you know, all the things Jesus would want them to do.
KillgoreTrout : The GOPers will NEVER put a woman on top of the ticket.
glenn : CL–but…but..b ut, she is a republican woman! That disqualifies her right there.
choicelady : glenn – but but but – SHE IS A WOMAN! I don’t think they are remotely ready for a quiet person like that who is not OBVIOUSLY a RWNJ. Sarah maybe. Not her.
AdLib : Murph – That would be very sweet, to see Crist come back as a Dem and trounce Rick Scott…and expose and reverse all the terrible things that Repubs have been up to. As well as making FL a far more friendly state for Obama and Dems and a big problem for Jeb who threw the 2000 election.
KillgoreTrout : Amazing, isn’t it glenn?
Sabreen60 : Sometimes I think the GOP is not interested in the WH. They have turned off women, gays, minorities, immigrates and young people. I think they may be more interested in state houses and Congress.
KillgoreTrout : Maher said that Jeb should have been named George and George should have been named Jeb! Too funny.
glenn : KT–That is funny–Jindal! Does anyone think that the woman (can’t remember her name) who gave the SOTU response is the “up and coming”? Isn’t that why they trotted her out for the response? After all, wasn’t that Rubio’s “role” last year?
KillgoreTrout : Ad, that’s a good thing for us. To be sure.
AdLib : glenn – That’s why he’s lost weight! Less rats crawling all over him!
choicelady : Murph – Jeb is wiser than his brother, father, mother if he has that much good sense.
AdLib : KT – Oh I completely agree, another Bush is never getting elected in our lifetime to the WH but the campaign is underway anyhow and they now see room for him as a “moderate” now that Christie has fallen off of his seat.
KillgoreTrout : I saw someone the other day recommend Bobby Jindal. I burst out laughing.
MurphTheSurf3 : Bush will not let himself be put out to slaughter as McCain did…he just won’t.
glenn : KT–Awww, what a gentleman!
choicelady : AdLib – there is no one left in the GOP who would remotely be interesting much less energizing.
glenn : Hey Sabreen
KillgoreTrout : glenn, I don’t kiss and tell!
pinkpantheroz : Choice. Riiiiight.
AdLib : CL – Romney had baggage too. I don’t think any of that would stop Jeb from jumping in if Christie is out. Things have gotten so bad for the GOP that a name being floated as a substitute for Christie…is WI Gov. Scott Walker!!! A Bagger/ALEC governor with no appeal to women, Dems, most indies and minorities? Sounds great, bring it on!
choicelady : Murph – spot on about Jeb. LOTS of skeletons indeed.
glenn : KT–Under whose cover?
MurphTheSurf3 : Greetings Sabreen.
KillgoreTrout : Saving the saved! Wow, what a concept!
choicelady : PPO – It’s PROTECTING the Saved from the evils of secular society, etc., etc., etc., etc.
MurphTheSurf3 : I think the problem for Jeb Bush is that it is looking increasingly like there is going to be a Dem. governor in FL and he has lots of skeletons in his closet.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sabreen. Glad to “see, ” ya!
KillgoreTrout : Damn glenn! I thought I was undercover!
glenn : AdLib–now I know why Christie is losing weight–it’s those damn rats leaving!
choicelady : glenn – go safely in the knowledge that if Ann and Sarah were all that was left, Jesus would commit suicide.
pinkpantheroz : KT, Is it true she is ‘Saving the Saved?” WHy, if they’re already saved? Great logic on her part – make a statement which sounds good but means absolutely zilch! Par for the course.
Beatlex : HI Sabreen! fashionably late?
glenn : CL–Uh oh! Between the romneybitch and the palinbitch, I guess I really am doomed! Oh my, what shall I do?
KillgoreTrout : It’s way too soon for another bush. The RNC didn’t even invite W to their convention. Bush is a name the GOPers want to forget, or want us to forget.
choicelady : KT – I’m quite partial to the slogan, “Jesus saves, all others pay cash.”
AdLib : Hey Sabreen, IOW, the rats are scurrying off the sinking ship, the SS Christie.
choicelady : Hi Sabreen! LOVELY to see you!
glenn : KT–Why, from your “evil, liberal” ways, of course!
choicelady : glenn – WHAT???? Don’t want to be SAVED???? You’re TOAST!
choicelady : Beatlex – I bet there’s a LOT of nasty stuff in Trenton in his office we are not seeing. He is too evil to sit still!
KillgoreTrout : glenn, I always ask, “saved from what?”
Sabreen60 : Hello Planeteers! Seems as though the fed prosecutor is causing people to have second thoughts about protecting Christi.
glenn : KT–I’m curious. What don’t you think Jeb has a snowball’s chance in hell?
choicelady : AdLib – Jeb has major baggage including being part of a Medicare fraud package back in the 80s. Mother Jones did a profile of the Bush Boys and their scandals – they all had them, and Jeb’s is a doozie.
pinkpantheroz : KT, unfortunately, they said the same thing about Dubya. Whoever runs, we Dems MUST get out the Vote!
Beatlex : AdLib,very interesting comment.The Stealth Bush campaign!
glenn : CL–But what if I don’t want to be saved?
KillgoreTrout : I don’t think Jeb has a snowball’s chance in hell.
choicelady : glenn – all you ever needed to see was the tape of her with the witch hunter. THAT she totally believes – there are demons and witches around us all – and that SHE, Lady Sarah, has been picked BY GOD to save the saved from perdition.
Beatlex : CL.he is hoping things settle down.Problem is,for him,is he has no control now.It must be killing him
AdLib : I’ve been mentioning the stealth campaign for Jeb Bush BY Jeb Bush and his evil mother and that campaign is continuing. They have concocted a reverse campaign, getting press repeatedly by having Barbara Bush repeatedly putting out statements that she doesn’t want Jeb running. It’s a false humility approach, intended to soften the anti-Bush feelings, “Oh, it would be awful if another Bush was President. I mean, he would be the best President ever but there are other families, it should never be another Bush. But if it was, he would be the greatest ever!” And this week, guess what? Jeb Bush was in the press saying, “I’ve asked my mom to stop repeating that she doesn’t want me to run for President.” Jesus! Is this not so supremely obvious, what a ridiculous propaganda campaign this is to keep his name in the press alongside the word “President”???
pinkpantheroz : Beatlex, I think he’s too occupied with the impending Superbawl to deign to speak to the riff-raff reporters.But he can’t hide much more after the weekend.
glenn : CL–Holy cow! That woman becomes scarier and scarier every day.
choicelady : Beatlex – standing in the shadows regrouping is NOT being beaten down and submissive. He’s honing his blade on his razor strop. He’s just standing where you cannot see him.
choicelady : glenn – oh it’s TOTALLY true. Several of us who do tracking of RW religious extremists have learned the insider info – and that is one of them. It’s the work of the Devil, and they may NOT read the major dailies because even when they support good issues, they are not ‘holy’.
Beatlex : PPO,He has been quiet lately,when was the last time he took a question?
KillgoreTrout : Ha, true dat, Murph.
choicelady : PPO – Absolutely true of Gov. C.
glenn : CL–Please tell me that’s not true–that her church forbids her to read newspapers. I’ve not heard that one before.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT…I think Katie did spring a Gotcha on SP since as we know ALL reading is fundamentally of the devil and the word for book in latin is liber as in liberal…so come on.
KillgoreTrout : Wow. I thought it was just intellectual incuriosity. I know she did get an “exorcism.”
pinkpantheroz : I think that Christie suffers from what most pollies these days have, namely an utter lack of morals, honor and conscience. Until the jail door close on him, he’ll keep blustering and bullying.
choicelady : Murph – honest to pete, I think he will fight to the finish. I do NOT see that bully going quietly.
choicelady : KT -the dog whistle on the ‘reading’ thing for those of us studying her is that her church FORBIDS people to read unapproved secular materials including – especially including – newspapers.
KillgoreTrout : Murph, AKA “family time.”
glenn : Murph–a quiet resignation from the RGA, or the governship of NJ? Or both?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib..I think Christie will leave as you suggest he will…sabbatica l and then a quiet resignation.
KillgoreTrout : What magazines or newspapers do you read? Gotcha!
choicelady : glenn – yes, true, but he has legions of allies who’ve done it for him, Steve Schmidt and Megan for two.
glenn : CL–I have to give McCain “credit”. He has never renounced his choice of the palin. He sure is a “maverick”, that one.
AdLib : Murph – But it would be a huge black eye for the GOP to kick Christie out as head of the RGA and only call more attention to the fact that this is the man they chose to lead them. They’ll have to at some point, probably doing it by announcing that he has to take a sabbatical from the RGA because of how busy this has made him…but we’ll all know what’s going on.
choicelady : Beatlex- that is seriously scary.
choicelady : PPO – I doubt McCain would be anywhere NEAR the bitch. He never wanted her in the first place – the Dominionists shoved her onto him. He hated her.
Beatlex : CL,i don’t know,but he showed one,I was doing other things and missed it
KillgoreTrout : How about the GOPTPers turning on McCain? I love to watch them eat their own!
choicelady : glenn – AND God told her so…
pinkpantheroz : wouldn’t it be glorious if SP ran again, with John ‘Crash’ McCain as the VP!
glenn : CL–Of course, that’s what I meant! The palindora box of lunacy has has so much executive experience, with what being a half-governor, winning all those beauty pageants, and being such a “pundit” on foxso-callednews , dontcha know? Why would you think she “deserves” anything less than the top of the ticket?
KillgoreTrout : Oh, of course. All the dems would have to do is rerun Game Change all over the country! That’s a scathing portrait of Palin.
choicelady : Beatlex – WHAT? which poll is THAT?
MurphTheSurf3 : I really don’t know if the GOP is going to work hard for the presidency. I think it is all about the House and Senate. If Republicans flip 6 of the 7 — without losing any of their own vulnerable seats — they would control the Senate in 2015. Overall, 13 of the 15 most vulnerable seats are held by Democrats. Just two GOP-held seats are even somewhat in danger of flipping parties: Georgia, where Republicans could nominate a controversial candidate like Rep. Paul Broun, and Kentucky, where Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell isn’t popular and faces well-funded primary and general-election challengers. The seats that are generally considered the main battleground for control of the Senate are South Dakota, West Virginia, Montana, Arkansas, Alaska, Louisiana, and North Carolina. The one thing that these states all have in common, of course, is that they are states that Mitt Romney won in the 2012 Election. Each of the states is more red, sometimes significantly so, than Blue.
AdLib : PPO – I concur, I think Christie’s one argument was his appeal to Dems and indies as a good guy. That’s gone now and it ain’t coming back.
Beatlex : Chris Matthews showed a poll that ROMNEY WAS LEADING IN!!
choicelady : KT – with lipstick.
KillgoreTrout : CL, full pit bull?
AdLib : Beatlex – Agreed, though I wonder what he’s thinking, living in his bubble, maybe he thinks, “I can get them back!”
choicelady : glenn – Sarah would agree with you, but THIS time, no submissive little housewife. She will demand the TOP of the ticket!
Beatlex : CL,LOL,really,he is a doofus
choicelady : AdLib – it thought the GOV govs were trying to get him to resign? He won’t, but they seem to want him OUT.
AdLib : glenn – I can see Christie running anyway just as you mention, no matter the polls and odds. This is what he’s wanted to do and he may feel, why not, what have I got to lose…before going to prison?
KillgoreTrout : Rick Scott is Lex Luthor!
glenn : Beatlex–oh yes, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, don’t forget. Personally, I think they should run Palin again.
choicelady : BEatlex – I LOVE that Rand may be their only viable candidate. The more he talks, the more he kills his OWN chances with everyone. He hasn’t a clue what he believes much less says. He just prattles on – HE makes MITT sound coherent!
AdLib : Murph – I agree, the stink around Christie is growing too strong for Repubs to keep hanging around him. And the very funny thing is, he’s still the head of the Repub Gov Assoc! He’s the face of Repub Govs! In an election year! Sure hope he hangs out again with Rick Scott!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad…Christie has a good chance of being booted from the RGA chairmanship…. when the GOP in your own state won’t have photos of you on their websites and scrub all mentions of you…relative strangers are not going to hid you in their closet.
choicelady : glenn- aaaaahhhh yes. There’s ALWAYS Benghazi!
Beatlex : The funny thing is,Christie was seen as viable by the “establishment ” Who do they have now? Rand Paul?? BAH_HAHAHAHA!!
glenn : Ad–polls, schmolls. Since when did repubs believe in polls that make them look bad? But…Benghazi!
choicelady : AdLib – He very well might as a “stick it up your nose” gesture to those who counted him down.And he will lose. And he will never admit he had anything to do with it.
AdLib : All – If he’s not indicted before then, do you think Christie will run anyway for the 2016 GOP nom, even if his polling is bad?
choicelady : glenn – I will totally agree that with his ego, even bigger than his waistline, he might think he’s golden no matter what. That WOULD be fun. Popcorn is heating even as we speculate.
glenn : Murph–you sure have a way with words. Mule meat, indeed!
KillgoreTrout : Hey, among the baggers, Christie was dead right after he hugged Obama.
pinkpantheroz : AdLib, I don’t think it’s too soon to write of any chance of Christie being POTUS. No party (who hates him in the first place would be able to counter the negatives of his candidacy now.
Beatlex : AdLib,I think he is toast,the Tee’s don’t like him,and the “bully” thing will hurt him with the evangelicals,and anyone else with half a brain
glenn : AD–I don’t think Christie has much support from republicans, let alone the rest of the country, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Christie thinks he is “above it all” and tries to run in the primaries. Which, IMO, ought to be entertaining…t he primaries, that is. Even though the repubs are trying to restructure them to make them less of a clown show; it still should be a clown show.
KillgoreTrout : LOL PPO!
choicelady : AdLib – I think Christie is OUT because the Baggers hate him, and his poll numbers have dived. I don’t count him convicted, but I do count him out of the presidential contention.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….as you said…Christie was the mule meat that most GOP did not want to munch on to start with and sure were not happy with the idea of having to swallow it…so they will not hang around for the lynching….
pinkpantheroz : CL, I hear that the only good thing to come out of NJ is the George Washington Br….. oops!
choicelady : glenn – Indeed! LOTS of America is good to be FROM. My nephew lived in Barnagat for three years and fled. He ran afoul of someone, but I never knew who. I suspect. I don’t know. But he’s lives in Philly – a city I detest – and is in fact safe there.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I don’t watch the show. I just see articles and vids about her.
SallyT : It has been raining here, CL.
AdLib : SO what’s the consensus here? There are those in the media who caution that it’s far too early to count Christie out of the 2016 Presidential race and of course, those who think he’s dead in the water. What do you think?
choicelady : KT and all – I don’t have HBO or any premium channels so a synopsis would, I agree with Beatlex, be very useful.
glenn : CL–Hey now, not all people from Jersey are like that. I’m from Jersey–however, the operative word is FROM Jersey. As I always say, Jersey is a good place to be FROM!
SallyT : I am still watching, CL.
KillgoreTrout : If it’s not late June to Halloween, Portland almost always gets rain, right Sally?
KillgoreTrout : I love Maher’s New Rules.
choicelady : Sally = HI! How’s the weather up there. WE had RAIN and hope you did, too.
AdLib : Hey Sally!
Beatlex : Lets see Christie tell someone now “It’s none of your business”…LOL
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally….hi….. still owe you and am planning on doing it. Watched Maher tonight and I agree it is good.
choicelady : KT – THAT is pretty mind blowing. Sarah smarter than ANYONE?
glenn : Hey Sally–Can you give us a synopsis of Real Time? I don’t get HBO.
AdLib : CL – It’s just wrong for any entity including the Feds to provide money to banks or states without built-in accountability. How is that responsible?
KillgoreTrout : CL, she makes Sarah Palin look like Einstein.
choicelady : glenn – your life just is loaded with problems when you’re from Jersey, the shore, AND named Snooki. She should have taken up accounting or something – broken the jinx.
SallyT : Just dropping in to tell you that if you can, you should watch Real Time tonight. It is very funny! Also, Iaas is on but nothing powerful in the group.
choicelady : KT – Oh. Don’t know her but she SOUNDS awful.
glenn : CL–Snooki is a jersey whore (oops, “housewife”) who was on a reality show, which led to her being on Dancing with the Stars, even though she was just a two-bit star. Now, she’s just a has-been, I think.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…I think that a lot of relief money goes unwatched…I have seen it here in Mo. at Joplin and that is a much smaller place than Jersey.
choicelady : AdLib – Christie got the relief and FEMA money on the same terms as everyone else. NO one thought he’d be THAT corrupt! I’d like to think the funds given to The Terminator were properly used for various disasters – and they always were despite Ah=nold’s ego.
KillgoreTrout : CL, she is a reality TV star from the mind numbing show Jersey Shore.
AdLib : KT –
KillgoreTrout : LOL glenn, probably not.
choicelady : glenn and KT – who’s Snooki?
AdLib : Murph – Look at Bob McDonnell in VA and how much of his taking of bribes was legal. NJ allows way too much of that too. SOme huge ethics reforms are needed in that state. And…why did Obama and Dems allow Christie to have all that Sandy money without attaching accountability?! That was just begging for him to misuse them.
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice I have written a number of pieces on him at HP and am proud to say that I have gotten lots of faves for them and tons of comments. The right wing trolls come after me but the facts are SO on my side that they quickly packed it up. He is bad from the start.
glenn : KT–Snooki probably doesn’t know who Christie is.
KillgoreTrout : Christie does have skeletons in his closet, and they’re all cows.
choicelady : Murph – I can understand that! He represents a kind of machine politics I CAN appreciate when it benefits the little guy (Mayor Daley style) but NEVER when it benefits the rich and the corporations they run.
Beatlex : AdLib,you are right,he was hedging in an interview earlier
MurphTheSurf3 : ALL….every mean and nasty thing you think I was saying about Christie is what I was meaning to say about Christie. I do not like him or his politics.
KillgoreTrout : What does Snooky have to say about all this?
AdLib : Beatlex, Giuliani flipped on Christie this week, I think he may have heard that Wildstein was going to finger Christie.
choicelady : glenn – given the doofus count on the Right, you could never be as “mean girl” as theirs are! So keep those barbs coming!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib. Have to agree about NJ politics. His Dems allies were on his side because they were able to dive into his goody bag. It is all payola there….much of it legal though.
KillgoreTrout : Ha, Thanks glenn.
choicelady : KT! Murph is a gentleman! That WAS funny though…
glenn : KT–Good one!
glenn : Murph–Awww, that was just mean! And, I love it! I’m on a “mean girl” streak tonight.
KillgoreTrout : Murph, was that a double entedre?
Beatlex : Rudy Gulliani is still sticking up for Christie,What a stupid man
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…there is no other way for Christie to go down. His poor wife.
KillgoreTrout : I would love to see some mob ties revealed. Maybe they should look into the garbage hauler’s business.
AdLib : Murph – NJ is the curse, it’s been such a home for political corruption for so long, it’s hard to escape. I’ll tell you who may be the person to break that in the NJ Governorship, Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer who stood up to Christie’s corruption.
glenn : AdLib–I do hope that when Christie goes down, he goes down HARD!
choicelady : Murph – I agree, but I think there’s a ton of stuff waiting to be revealed.
glenn : CL–Thanks for the confidence!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad LIb…I think your Christie Predictions are spot on…I think he is facing impeachment for malfeasance if nothing else…
choicelady : KT – no doubt. The fancier the gadget, the greater likelihood it won’t work.
choicelady : glenn – I have EVERY confidence you can take the bitch!
KillgoreTrout : Maybe her car elevator will get stuck!
glenn : CL–As another repuke once said, my reply to the romneybitch is “Bring it on!”
AdLib : I think there are a variety of reasons why Christie won’t get the usual GOP rallying of support that others have. First, Christie now looks like he’s going down and none of them want to be connected to that (look how that weasel Giuliani flipped on him so quickly and they were close allies). Christie is hated by Baggers, he has many jealous competitors for the 2016 nom and he’s a Northeastern Repub whose hugged Obama. Watch how isolated he becomes…before going down.
choicelady : glenn – I am wrong. annromney is going to have a SERVANT hunt you down. She can’t get her designer shoes wet.
KillgoreTrout : PPO, if they’re not, they bloody well should be.
KillgoreTrout : Absolutely glenn.
choicelady : glenn – now annromney is gonna hunt you down and slap you! Keep praying for snow!
KillgoreTrout : LOL, Thanks Murph. I have no empathy for a guy like Christie.
glenn : KT–I saw that about the reporter. They truly are sociopaths. It’s the sense of “entitlement” that gets me. It’s like “how dare you ask me questions I don’w want to answer?” Same as the defeated annromney (won’t give her capital letters; she doesn’t deserve them) whining about how her husband should have won, and the American people are to blame! Of course, we are to blame–we didn’t want to see a romney presidency, and I, especially, didn’t want to see that sanctimonious woman as FLOTUS!
choicelady : KT – well I sort of understand that, but to act as he did shows he is NOT fit for public office. Being pissed is one thing. Being violent is totally WRONG.
pinkpantheroz : KT, I saw that! boy, they’re pissing their pants right now. Good!
KillgoreTrout : Yeah CL. He didn’t take it very well, did he?
MurphTheSurf3 : KT-+– so cruel, so good.
choicelady : Murph – if the mansion wasn’t curse, it is now!
Beatlex : CL,Oh they will sing alright,to save their own useless hides
KillgoreTrout : Maybe they couldn’t find a wide enough lens!
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…the gov who never was. Is the Governor’s Mansion in NJ cursed?
choicelady : KT – that’s what the reporter was asking him about. Campaign finance laundering I think.
choicelady : Murph – THAT is amazing! No Christie pix? WOW!
KillgoreTrout : CL, I sure hopt not. He’s already under investigation for some such crimes.
MurphTheSurf3 : I lived in NJ for 3 years and got to know a local mayor in a small town….I called him, now retired, today and asked where things were going…He said that the best sign of the times that he can name is that every GOP web page in the state has been scrubbed of Christie Photos and mentions…UH OH!
AdLib : glenn – I agree that Christie hill hang on as long as he can, using BS and silence to stall the process of exposing him but eventually…the bigger they are, the harder they fall.
choicelady : KT – Yup – that was an amazing display of sheer insanity. He will NOT recover from that.
choicelady : Beatlex – oh I sure hope those rats know how to sing!
KillgoreTrout : I think the GOP is becoming even more psychotic than ever. Did you guys see about that republican prick who threatened to throw a reporter off of a balcony? Holy shit, these guys are sociopaths.
choicelady : glenn – lucky for us, it’s not up to the Pubs on Christie. It’s up to the DOJ – and their memories are very, very, very long.
Beatlex : Adlib,The rats are jumping ship on him to save themselves
glenn : Ad–I know you asked Beatlex, but IMO, Christie will hang in there a while longer. The pubs base has such short memories when it comes to one of their own. They only remember the bad things about President Obama, not any republicans. IOKIYAR, dontcha know?
choicelady : KT – I lobby with a woman who is about 4’6″ wears stilettos, dresses beautifully – and is 92. Never say die.
MurphTheSurf3 : Christie….how desperate are the GOP today…here is actually talk about Romney Part Deux.
AdLib : Beatlex – Same here, very satisfying after watching horrible people like Cheney and Bush get away with crime after crime.
choicelady : Beatlex – lately most of my friends and I have been having problems with electronic things JUST as these idiots have been hanging themselves. I attribute it ALL to solar flare.
KillgoreTrout : CL,, unfortunately, that is life at such an age.
Beatlex : I LOVE seeing arrogant bastids getting their comeuppance!
choicelady : KT – that’s too bad.
MurphTheSurf3 : PPO OMG A double Christie with (turn)pike to gain extra points from the judges!
KillgoreTrout : I don’t think so CL. She is also a diabetic and the docs keep telling her that her hip muscles are inflammed, due to her diabetes. I think it’s their go to answer when they don’t really know what’s causing it.
glenn : Murph–we always want to hear about other POVers. We can always bash Christie and the other repubs.
AdLib : Beatlex – What do you think, is Christie done or too soon?
choicelady : Murph – we’re grateful for the news!
MurphTheSurf3 : Thanks Ad Lib…..I will pass a Planetary Wide- GET WELL SOON- to her….She is not on line right now…all of her energy going into recovery.
choicelady : KT – is your mom going to get a hip replacement? Even at 84 she has good years that would make it worthwhile.
glenn : Beatlex, yes we were talking about Christie. You should scroll down to the beginning of tonight’s chat and read PPO’s joke about Christie. It was a good one!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sorry to have derailed the conversations… please return to your regularly scheduled programming.
choicelady : Batlex – we are waiting to see if he attends the Superbowl and if so as Macy’s Dept. Store or a float. He has a special seat, and AdLib notes this is probably his last time as an unindicted governor.
KillgoreTrout : My 84 year old mother has severe hip pain. Some days she can’t even walk.
AdLib : Murph – That’s so terrible. So hard to endure and heal up from. So sorry!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…yes and there were complications. So…I call her everyday in the convalescent home.
KillgoreTrout : Ouch Murph. That’s terrible. It’s got to be very painfull. Does she have someone to take care of her?
Beatlex : Are we talking about Christie sinking deeper into never never land?
choicelady : Beatlex- doing fine, thank you.
choicelady : Murph – that’s HORRIBLE! I can’t think of anything worse – hips are the whole infrastructure! Yikes!
MurphTheSurf3 : Thank you KT.
Beatlex : Good Choicelady! You?
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….you got Bourne correct. She left us for a while and was ready to make her return when she fell in her house and shattered a hip.
glenn : Hi Beatlex. Hope all is well with you.
KillgoreTrout : Oh, thanks CL. I do recall her. My thoughts go out to her.
AdLib : Hey Beatlex!
choicelady : Hi Beatlex! How are you?
MurphTheSurf3 : Thank you Glenn. Thank you Choice. Thank you Ad Lib. I will pass on your messages.
Beatlex : Good Evening folks!
choicelady : KT – BourneIdentity was her handle I think – I might be getting it wrong – and she was here often. She and Murph are offline friends, too.
KillgoreTrout : I’m not familiar with Bourne.
AdLib : Hey Murph! So sorry to hear that about Bourne! Please send our best wishes and thoughts to her.
choicelady : Murph – please tell her I send my best wishes. She is near me as I recall, so if she could use anything, please tell AdLib and he will tell me?
glenn : Hi Murph–Sorry to hear about Bourne.
choicelady : Hi Murph – that’s not good news about Bourne at ALL. I hope she is getting steadily better?
glenn : Oops…”when the levels IN Lake Okeechobee”…
choicelady : glenn – I recall that in FL yes.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello ALL…I wanted to provide an update about Bourne…several weeks ago I mentioned she was planning to rejoin us but had an accident at home. Her recuperation has been very long and difficult. She is still in a convalescent home getting physical and occupational therapy. Keep her in mind if you will.
KillgoreTrout : Exactly CL. They were very short sighted. But you know, hey that global warming thing is just liberal propaganda!
choicelady : AdLib – it all has to end. We do need natural gas, but there has to be a better less water-destructiv e way.
glenn : CL, Ad, and KT–The water situation you’re describing is scary. Drought conditions are all over. I remember a few years ago when the levels Lake Okeechobee in Florida went down drastically; we were under drought conditions for over a year.
choicelady : KT – I do know that Vegas is quite responsible on water and reuse.
AdLib : CL – Yes, I know that about WV, I was just adding the poisoning of water on a daily basis by fracking to the mix.
choicelady : KT – CA should have prepared three years ago, but noooo.
KillgoreTrout : Vegas reuses 90% of it’s water. But that won’t help much in Lake Mead continues to lower, which it is predicted to do. Another 20 feet in just one year from now.
choicelady : glenn – I remember Atlanta being much more hilly than I’d imagined. It is a pretty city, but it’s not where I’d like to have snow and ice.
choicelady : AdLib – the WV mess had nothing to do with fracking, but that issue is big in Bakersfield! We do need to stop that process since it’s hugely polluting.
AdLib : Killgore – That still won’t be much help since tourism requires a great mount of water usage.
glenn : CL–That’s exactly what happened. The roads here are also very hilly, which didn’t help the situation one bit!
choicelady : KT – I lived for years with the principle that one should root for the most economically embattled city. This time is two that are in pretty good shape, but often it’s Rust Belt v Sun Belt, and I go with the Rust every time.
KillgoreTrout : Actually Vegas has very strict water usage rules.
AdLib : And WV still has to import drinking water. So combine drought with fracking poisoning groundwater and you have the possibilities of a perfect storm.
glenn : KT–OMG! A Pats fan!
choicelady : AdLib – Vegas can get by if they have enough booze.
KillgoreTrout : Exactly Ad. This is not good at all.
choicelady : glenn – I heard everyone, schools, jobs, etc. all let out at the same time in conditions no one knew how to navigate. So sorry that happened!
AdLib : If the Colorado River dries up, Lake Mead will too and since Las Vegas is in the middle of a desert…the whole city would be a disaster zone.
KillgoreTrout : Hey glenn, I have no dog in this fight coming up Sunday. I’m a die hard Pat’s fan.
choicelady : All – our drought is severe, rationing still voluntary, and our mayor STILL lets Nestle bottle our TAP water and sell it.
glenn : Ad–The reason it’s called “clusterflake” is that no one was cooperating with anyone else, not to mention that no one was prepared for the number of people on the roads at the same time. It was gridlock taken to the “nth” degree.
choicelady : glenn – we all have eqrthquake kits, yes. But our flood preparation is now a joke!
glenn : CL–May not need a hurricane kit, but I know I need a tornado kit, which I actually do have.
AdLib : glenn and CL – The Mayor shouldn’t have been at the celebration of himself during such a dangerous time but Mayors have far less power to address this kind of emergency than governors.
choicelady : KT – save for Vegas and maybe Reno, there is not much else IN Nevada, but those two are heavy users of water. Reno does not drain from us though.
glenn : KT–Hey back atcha! I’m going to root for Denver, because of the “old man”, Manning. However, I think it would be a hoot if the Seahawks pulled off a win!
choicelady : KT – well sorry AdLib – we up here have nothing to share! We had a MAJOR downpour last night for an hour. That’s it. Think the snow is still going on, but we are major behind in northern CA water.
KillgoreTrout : That’s right CL. Lake Mead is lowered by over 30 ft. It feeds Los Vegas. California is in big trouble without the Colorado river.
choicelady : glenn – life being what it is, you probably need both!
choicelady : KT – The Colorado? That is a major source of water for the southeast part of CA and I think much of AZ. Not good at ALL.
glenn : CL–We have all decided that instead of a hurricane kit, we now have to have a snow kit. Who’da thunk we’d need that in GA?
KillgoreTrout : I just read today, that the Colorado river is drying up. NOT GOOD!
choicelady : glenn – wow. Those will be family stories unto the seventh generation!
KillgoreTrout : Hey glenn!
choicelady : PPO – I don’t think the mayor was alone in GA. The entire state was unprepared. Lived in TN years ago – same problem.
AdLib : Evening glenn! Wow, it’s still so awful there! I assume most people are staying home this weekend if at all possible?
glenn : CL–I was fine; I had picked up my granddaughter from school before the worst of it hit. She and I were fine at her house, where I stayed for three days. I just got back home tonight. Had to leave my poor car in the driveway, which is on a slight incline, and still frozen. But I’m safe and warm inside and ready to chat.
pinkpantheroz : Hey there, glenn. are they all OK. That’s scary, and from the sounds of it, the Governor dropped the ball on safety of children. Dumb and dangerous
choicelady : glenn – as a long time NE resident, I NEVER go anywhere without a blanket and food and a coffee can (for, you know…) when snow is predicted. I guess with climate change YOU all will have to learn or re-learn all those rules.
AdLib : CL – Oh, you bet he will! He doesn’t want to miss what could be his last event to attend as an unindicted Governor.
KillgoreTrout : When Christie sits around the house, he SITS AROUND THE HOUSE!
AdLib : PPO – When I don’t have a personal stake in a game, as I don’t in the Superbowl, I usually root for the underdog which is Seattle so though Denver may win, I’m going to root for them. Both are great teams. Yes, looking forward to the close ups on Christie during the Superbowl!
choicelady : PPO – could Christie be a parade float?
KillgoreTrout : That’ll work CL.
choicelady : glenn – OMG – how awful for them!
pinkpantheroz : Of course, CL. He’s got more front that Macey’s, and he won’t want to miss sitting in the extra-reinforced seat they made specially for him.
choicelady : Hi glenn – anything left of you after the snow storm? Hope you came through it all OK!
KillgoreTrout : Ha! I don’t think he’s going to get back up though.
choicelady : KT – I vote for ‘tracks’ because it’s a song I actually KNOW.
glenn : Good evening Ad and PPO. Greetings from the land of the “clusterflake” . Took my daughter and son-in-law 14 hours to go 19 miles on Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 until Wednesday morning at 4:30 a.m.!
AdLib : KT – That works! Or “I Get Knocked Down”?
KillgoreTrout : Hey Ad, CL and PPO!
choicelady : PPO and AdLib and KT – so will Christie have the CHOOTZ-PAH (per Michelle Bachmann) to show up do you think?
AdLib : Hey CL! Doing well!
KillgoreTrout : Que pasa Planet peeps? How about “Tracks of My Tears,” for Christie?
choicelady : Christie’s Superbawl! How is everyone?
pinkpantheroz : OK, here we go! I think that Denver will win, that the seahawks will go home with their feathers ruffled, and all the hot air out of Sir Cumference de Joisy will melt the snow at the venue!
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “Hi!” or “Christie’s Superbawl Sunday!” when you arrive!
AdLib : Christie has been doing his own freestyle skating away from the truth in a figure eight.
AdLib :
PPO! So funny! The judges gave your joke a perfect 10!
pinkpantheroz : Ain’t this a kick in the head! Wildstein is skiing down the slippery slope towards perdition, and what does he do? A double Christie with (turn)pike to gain extra points from the judges!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you there but on your way, beware of falling Christies!
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