KillgoreTrout : Thanks Ad. It really was.
AdLib : Fergie – Heh!
AdLib : Well, looks like it’s time to wrap Vox for the night. Cheers to all for another great chat! Looking forward as always to the music thread KT, last week’s was a lot of fun!
Fergie1 : Hey, one last thing Funk – go Broncos!
KillgoreTrout : Take care Beatlex! Looking forward to it.
Fergie1 : Thank you all good people! Ad, Funk, KT, CL and anyone I’ve missed. Take good care, stay safe and those in the colder climes, stay warm. Cheerio!
AdLib : Seeya Beatlex! Have a great weekend!
Beatlex : I have been staring at this monitor for 4 hours.Goodnight folks,and see you tomorrow Killgore for MUSIC!
AdLib : Fergie – It can be a real trauma, being harmed by someone like that. Like a physical trauma, one needs time to deal with being stabbed in the back and eventually, get past the pain…for the most part but its remnants remain to a degree. Like a scar, the outcome of being alive.
KillgoreTrout : Got any “spice?”
AdLib : KT – I’ve got a Thumper, no worries.
Fergie1 : Thanks Funk. That works for a lot of the time until something else pops up. Our minds are both amazing and unpredictable.
KillgoreTrout : Look out Ad…Sand Worms!
AdLib : The Sleeper Has Awakened!
AdLib : I dream of rain now, CL. Ever seen the movie or read the book, Dune?
Fergie1 : Thanks CL. Yes, it’s been a roller coaster of a ride. Had some great, exciting, fun times though. I’m sorry to hear that you have had some desperate times also and hope they are behid you now. Have a great weekend. Toodle pip!
choicelady : You, too, AdLib. Hope we all get a little rain soon. Yikes.
AdLib : Night CL! Have a great weekend!
choicelady : KT – you, too. Sleep well tonight!
Beatlex : See Ya Funk!
KillgoreTrout : Take care CL. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
choicelady : funk – see you in TWO weeks then!
choicelady : Hey all – I think I’m packing it in, too. VERY busy week. Hope to see everyone here next Friday? Sleep well.
funksands : Next Friday I will not be here. I will make up for it the following though. Night.
KillgoreTrout : Later funk. Have a good one. (whatever that may be)
choicelady : Goodnight, funk. Have a wonderful weekend. See you next Friday I hope.
funksands : Have a good weekend everyone. Go Seahawks!
AdLib : Night Funk, great to see you here!
funksands : Folks, I gotta go. Really awesome conversation tonight. Fergie, I told you you’d enjoy sticking around.
choicelady : Be well Fergie! We know you rock!
AdLib : Take care Fergie! I know what you’re talking about and with you on that!
choicelady : AdLib – it may happen in other ways with Dimon. One sometimes just never knows what fresh hell their lives become.
KillgoreTrout : Fergie, we may not always be around to witness it. But I do believe that it does happen. It’s like every action has an equal reaction. Have a great weekend and hope to see you on the music thread tomorrow.
Fergie1 : Thank you so much Ad. You put it so well. It most certainly is not an absolute. Warm and fuzzy as the concept is, reality has other ideas.
funksands : Fergie, sometimes you just gotta set that heavy load down and walk away from it.
choicelady : funk – well it has yet to catch W, that’s a fact. Though he really cannot leave the U.S. He’s gone to ONLY South Africa because there are arrest warrants for him via the International Criminal Court. So he’s under ‘house arrest’ of a sort.
AdLib : CL – Sometimes it catches up with people sometimes it doesn’t. Look at Wall Street, how many crooks stole from regular folks and went on to just profit more. Look at Jamie Dimon, he just got paid $20 million more despite having to settle criminal charges for huge amounts. The evildoers don’t always get their comeuppance.
choicelady : G’day Fergie – remember ultimately “living well is the best revenge”. I REALLY believe that, and with my history, despite some desperate times, it has proven true. So come on home and LIVE!
funksands : Choice, not always. That’s why its great when it does happen.
funksands : Karma is very satisfying when it strikes. Just don’t go expecting it to walk into the bar every day.
Fergie1 : True KT. But it never happens for some. It would be good to know how to move on because otherwise they win twice. I know all the philosophy one should be following but it doesn’t change the facts. I’ll leave it at that for the present as about to sign off and it’s getting late your end.
choicelady : funk – I don’t believe anything is preordained, but people who skirt the law and ethics on one issue tend to do so on many, and it WILL catch up. Fergie’s case is personal, and it doesn’t always work, but on a societal scale it often does.
AdLib : Fergie – Very sorry to hear that! I’ve crossed paths with my share of crooked people who have made life difficult too and sometimes they just go on without paying any price. But not always. Because of that, I find the concept of Karma having a basis for belief but not an absolute.
funksands : Karma is a very elastic term. That’s one reason why its got such staying power. Retribution, pre-ordained destiny, payment for past sins. Very handy.
choicelady : KT – of course. That’s all it does mean!
choicelady : AdLib – the DOJ would not have filed if it did not have a VERY strong case against McDonnell and his wife. I worked with the US Attorneys on violations of a federal injunction, and we never moved without STRONG evidence. So I think the McD’s are toast. I’m waiting on Christie – but today the DOJ issues subpoenas. We shall see what comes of that.
KillgoreTrout : That’s great CL. I see Karma as just an eastern term for “What goes around, comes around.”
AdLib : CL – That’s reassuring to hear. I think too that Christie’s handing out of Sandy related contracts to cronies who donated money shortly before getting contracts will be even more damning. Christie is going down along with McDonnell. BTW, the MSM keeps saying the McDonnell charges aren’t a slam dunk but the obstruction of justice charges sound pretty clear, that’s good enough to nail them.
KillgoreTrout : Karma comes in many forms.
choicelady : KT – I have a very funny track record as an advocate. Several GOP and one RW Dem trashed me in public. Every single person who did that lost their next election or are headed to jail for various reasons. The joke among my friends is – don’t dis the Churchlady! So since I did nothing about these things, KARMA moved right in and did it for me!
Fergie1 : Ad, I have to agree with you. Having had my fill of a nasty individual who ruined my 25 year career and a lot of my life as a result. And not just about me. It’s about all the other despicable people who get away with the unspeakable. I see very little justice.
choicelady : AdLib – I agree. Too many decide ‘they’re all crooks” when it’s not true. But let a few spectacular misfits fill the airwaves, and the low information voters think it’s everyone.
KillgoreTrout : Well Ad, Karma is one of those metaphysical things, for sure. I do think people eventually get what they deserve, even if it’s not in the news.
AdLib : CL – True, I qualified that though, saying that those who believe in their superiority become filled with such hubris. I don’t think Biden or Obama for that matter, feel superior to others.
choicelady : AdLib – Karma, thy name is the Department of Justice. People RARELY escape the feds because they do not indict unless they have a very strong case. I think it’s not the Bridge for Christie – I think it’s the misuse of FEMA money and failure to help those who needed it so desperately. THAT will be his undoing.
AdLib : Have a great day, PPO! Great to see you at Vox!
Beatlex : Goodnight PinkPantherOz!
AdLib : KT – As a rule, I don’t believe in Karma per se because so many horrible people get away with so much but one can see a degree of cause and effect at times that validates a belief in justice.
KillgoreTrout : Have a wonderful weekend PPO. See you on the music thread!
funksands : Night Pink, not far behind you.
choicelady : By bye PPO – have a lovely day. Hope it’s not hot there. Be well.
KillgoreTrout : Fergie, it will come some day.
pinkpantheroz : Well, I gotta go do stuff. Take care everyone and please keep on keeping it real. Such a breath of fresh air. Cheers.
choicelady : AdLib – I don’t see everyone who gains positions of power as being intrinsically corrupted by those positions. Look at Biden – the ‘poorest’ man in the Senate his whole career. Many elected people do NOT succumb to corruption.
KillgoreTrout : Power is an aphrodesiac.
Fergie1 : KT, wish I could believe that. I’m still waiting for Karma!
choicelady : KT – that is for sure. Karma’s a bitch.
AdLib : It seems that once one buys into their being superior because of their position or wealth, they grow to believe they can do whatever they want and get away with it because they are entitled to it.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, their Karma is coming. It may be slow sometimes, but it is always assured.
choicelady : AdLib – they seriously did not and DO NOT think they will ever have to pay for their actions. They seriously think their actions were ‘warranted’. They have NO sense they did anything wrong.
AdLib : CL – Exactly. Did Christie think for one minute that he couldn’t shut down the GW Bridge lanes without getting in trouble? And McDonnell casually took all that money and gifts confident that he could do whatever he wanted. Hubris is the downfall of the powerful and famous.
KillgoreTrout : It is among the “Thugs.”
choicelady : AdLib – Look at all the recent indictments of elected officials and pontificators. The sense of entitlement is deadly.
KillgoreTrout : Fergie, these days? All the time. I’ve sure had my fill of chaos.
AdLib : CL – Celebrities and the “successful” can become to think they can do anything they want to do. That’s how so many stupid things are done by so many high profile people. Ask OJ.
choicelady : KT – hip? Murder is HIP?
funksands : Pink there is no help for a Redskins fan.
choicelady : funk – fascinating insight. And it makes the story more sad.
KillgoreTrout : CL, the allure of “being hip.” It’s the only thing I can figure.
funksands : Richard Sherman is a misunderstood individual. He is a really good guy. He personally visited on of my son’s classmate’s sister that is dying of brain cancer. No one outside of Seattle sees that.
choicelady : Beatlex – I love Twitter. It forces me to be concise.’
Fergie1 : Give me an S, give me an E…..etc etc.etc.
choicelady : Fergie – NOW!
choicelady : KT – When one is a celebrity, a success, well paid – what the HELL leads you to that horrific behavior?
KillgoreTrout : CL, it’s true wisdom.
Fergie1 : KT and Ad – Serenity – when do we want it.
Beatlex : I have never been on Twitter.I only have so much free time,and twitter is not in the cards for me
pinkpantheroz : Funk, the only thing I can say about the Seahawks is that at least one of them is stone deaf, so can’t hear all the trash talk from Sherman. It was a good game. I’m a redskins fan, God help me!
AdLib : CL – It’s a downward spiral, HP can only get worse. Corruption is like that.
KillgoreTrout : Oh cl, it truly is. He’s being investigated for yet another murder.
choicelady : KT – Serenity Prayer always! I’m Alanon and ACA. It’s very helpful.
choicelady : AdLib – HP seems to me to remain as pernicious as ever. Not useful, don’t go there.
AdLib : KT – Serenity now!
KillgoreTrout : The Serenity Prayer..anyone?
choicelady : KT – I haven’t followed the story more than an occasional headline, but it just seems so hopelessly stupid to me, too.
Fergie1 : Funk – that game was not awesome – you Seattleite!
AdLib : There should be one of those drug commercials for HP, “Use of Huffington Post can result in high blood pressure, a lowering of IQ, depression, sore throat and pains in the ass. Ask your psychologist if HP is for you.”
KillgoreTrout : CL, I can’t believe that moron threw away a multi-million dollar contract, for the “Thug Life.” What a collosal idiot.
Fergie1 : AdLib – agree re privacy issues. Plus the downright nerve of insisting that one be on FB to participate in their forum. No way! I will never be on FB.
choicelady : Beatlex I’ve not gone to HP save via a Twitter link, and then I usually don’t bother to read and NEVER comment anymore. It’s just too damned debilitating to the nerves.’
choicelady : KT – it’s that murderer thingy that gets teams down.
funksands : As a matter of fact, I’ve signed off every social media site for a while. With the exception of this site of course.
Beatlex : Hp free since Dec. 16 for me
KillgoreTrout : I’m sorry that the Pats are out of it. Too many injuries and one murderer.
choicelady : funk – do whatever you must. I’m glad to see you here, and Twitter isn’t THAT interesting. Glad you’re Twitter Free for the time being.
funksands : *Back to Twitter* HP is dead.
funksands : Fergie, that game WAS AWESOME!!!
funksands : I’ll totally head back in June. I just need some extra time and space to work on other things. Feels pretty good to tell you the truth
choicelady : funk and PPO – if you fly any airline in the US that has earphones so you can hear the towers and pilots, as they move from point to point, the tower signs off ‘G’day!”. I find it interesting and charming.
AdLib : Fergie – And all those people have given up their privacy too, now HP has their identity and even cell phone number through Facebook. Yeow!
Fergie1 : Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I’m crying in my cups about the 49ers/Seahawks game. A Travesty!
funksands : “Hi, my name is Bob, I’m a crappy, low-rent, aggregation site junkie. It’s been 60 days since my last log-on”
pinkpantheroz : G’night glenn. take care.
choicelady : funk – I KNOW you have been, but I miss you. I’ve culled my list to the point I don’t deal with the RWNJs much at all, and I like the other folks just fine.
Fergie1 : I’m with you PPO and Funk. HP – never again – pure rubbish. I’m surprised at some of those who have stayed.
funksands : Funksands: Twitter-free for 22 days. (Much harder)
KillgoreTrout : There but for the grace of PPOV go I!
pinkpantheroz : Beatlex, that’s brilliant. Now all we need is for the Beeb to spend a while in the Grey Bar Hotel and they’ll elect him Prime Minister of Canada.
choicelady : AdLib – the couple of times I found them via a Tweet, I’ve regretted it.
AdLib : Beatlex – One can only stand on principle for oneself. After being away from that garbage fight and feeling clean again, it’s hard to imagine diving back into that muck.
choicelady : funk – we should have chips for your recovery markers.
choicelady : glenn – Sweet dreams under a warm comforter!
KillgoreTrout : Have a great weekend glenn!
funksands : Funksands, HP free for 60+ days.
choicelady : funk – and we missed them almost immediately. Sigh.
KillgoreTrout : I think it’s hilarious that Bob Ford’s brother is named Doug. Bob and Doug from the great white North! LOL!
Fergie1 : Night Glenn! Think I missed you in the earlier conversations. Take care.
choicelady : glenn – lovely to see you. Hope it warms up! So sorry YOU have the cold and snow and stuff. Huff and puff and send it west – we NEED it.
pinkpantheroz : AdLib, what a shame. Well, it’s their choice. But not me ever again.
funksands : Night Glenn!
Beatlex : AdLib,I for one will NEVER go back! It is in the rear view mirror for me.And I haven’t looked at it in a while
AdLib : Night glenn! Stay warm!
funksands : Choice, I’m surprised we ever fought a war! Those English must have been total douchebags.
AdLib : CL – More like addiction. After being betrayed and dissed, the abused sometimes return to the abuser.
glenn : Okay, folks, it’s approaching the “witching hour” here in the GA tundra, so I’m going to call it a night. Enjoyed our chat tonight, as usual. Take care everyone, and have a good weekend.
choicelady : KT – Yucky but accurate!
choicelady : funk – that is so true. We are suckers for the accents.
KillgoreTrout : People who broadcast stories about the Bieb, should shampoo my crotch! Stolen from Jack Nicholson!
choicelady : AdLib – Masochism. Only thing that explains the return to HP.
funksands : Pink thank you. Americans will accept any abuse from an Aussie or Englishman as long as it is delivered in the accent we are helpless to resist.
AdLib : BTW, HP traffic is nearly back to where it was. Seems many who swore off of it have quietly returned.
Beatlex : Bieber&Ford,Cana da’s bad boys.Whoa Look out!
choicelady : AdLib – I find the best reporting is usually on shows heavy with POC whose commentary is still very insightful.
choicelady : PPO – By God I think he’s got it!
AdLib : MSNBC has become such a wasteland with a few exceptions. Not a coincidence they rely so much on HP hacks.
pinkpantheroz : Hey, funk, Quit yer bloody whingin’, ya flamin’ galah. Go stick yer head up a dead koalas bum!!
KillgoreTrout : Ad, that was a real FOX Snooze move. MSNBC should be ashamed.
choicelady : AdLib – Breaking announcement on BIEBER???? That’s absurd!!
funksands :
AdLib : Good one, Beatlex!
Fergie1 : Funk – I’m going to start screaming at you if you call me an Aussie!
choicelady : Fergie – so sorry! Well is your husband needing to be employed or, in other words, can you pick and choose where to live when you come back without needing to be locked into a job issue?
funksands : X, that is awesome. He could totally govern Toronto
AdLib : CL – I was unfortunately watching Mrs. Greenspan when she did that and I tweeted my disgust immediately. My disgust was validated by many others who wrote articles and similarly expressed outrage. I yelled at my TV and though it protested its innocence, I kept yelling, “No way!!! You’re kidding me!!!”
Beatlex : It seems Justin Bieber has just what it takes to be Mayor of Toronto!
choicelady : funk – I brought a charge against the Buffalo PD for similar issues, and it changed EVERYTHING. They began to enforce laws at clinics evenly, stopped beating the shit out of the Black community – it really did matter.
funksands : Fergie, that’s more like it. I like my Aussies to sound like Aussies.
Fergie1 : CL – No I’m “retired” as in was screwed by said company!
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I did see that Andrea Mitchell journalistic travesty when she interrupted a relevant guest to go to a “breaking story,” about Bieber’s arrest. That was just pitiful.
choicelady : funk – violence ‘under color of authority’? Yikes. Scary.
Fergie1 : Ah now Funk – stop taking the piss!
funksands : Ad, I’ve seen that. Awesome.
choicelady : AdLib – can you BELIEVE Andrea Mitchell interrupted an interview to announce Bieber’s DUI arrest? WTF???
funksands : Choice, true. Seattle does have a serious violence problem. Not sure why, but they do. We’re under Federal Watch for it.
Beatlex : Got to Get You Into My Life «link»
AdLib : KT – Well, if you watched the crap that passes for 24 hour cable news, you’d think Bieber is more popular than Jesus.
choicelady : KT – I remember Alice Cooper warnings, too. But lots of people said the Beatles promoted drugs – Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and all that rot.
Beatlex : THX Ad
KillgoreTrout : CL, actually, that was Alice Cooper.
You are right though, especially when Lennon said the Beatles were more popular than Jesus. That sure made a lot of conservative heads explode.
choicelady : Fergie – do you need to be tied to anyplace for jobs?
AdLib : Beatlex – Remember to have a space at the front and end of the link. Try it again!
choicelady : funk – at least the SPD has good things going for it. Could be Oakland where NOTHING good can be said.
funksands : KT, I’ve seen people openly smoking on the streets. Does my heart good I guess. Hmmm
Beatlex : Help AdLib! I screwed up the link!
choicelady : Fergie – it IS very expensive in SF. But there are surrounding areas LESS so that still have the ‘Bay essence’. Come home!
funksands : Choice. They still are. Seattle PD are known for cracking skulls and progressive policies. We’re weird that way
KillgoreTrout : Yeah funk. Isn’t that great? I bet a lot of cops are glad they don’t have to waste their time with petty pot busts. At least the honest ones.
choicelady : Beatlex – that’s why oldsters hated the Beatles. Though they led us to perdition!
AdLib : Funk – I don’t know, this may be the best clip about “driving” stoned: «link»
Fergie1 : CL – hopefully back to my beloved SF, but may not be able to afford that.
Beatlex : Paul McCartney wrote this song as his ode to pot,Got to Get You Into My life«link» .be/u9RIctX9TWY
glenn : OOPS–…may miss your exit..
KillgoreTrout : Quite true glenn. And think of the reduction in road rage incidents!
choicelady : funk – that’s the same PD that supposedly beat the shit out of the World Trade protesters? Wow – things have changed!
funksands : Fergie, let’s hope you get out of that hellhole soon!
funksands : KT, did you see this? «link»
glenn : KT–You may miss you exit, but it won’t bother you.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I fing it just bewildering why weed is still classified as a schedule one drug, right up there with coke, heroin, meth…etc. Simply mind boggling.
choicelady : glenn – I’m a crunchy doodle person. To each her own.
glenn : CL–Ahh, but the important question is crunchy or puffy cheese doodles? Personally, I prefer puffy.
choicelady : AdLib – pot is a ‘gateway’ drug ONLY because it puts the young in a criminal culture. Make that go away, and the drop off in drug use is LIKELY. No one around to entice to the other things.’
Fergie1 : Funk, I was transferred by my company in SF, then met my husband and the rest is history. And No, he’s not Australian!
KillgoreTrout : Frito Lay stock must be soaring.
funksands : Great clip about driving while stoned. «link»
glenn : CL–sure, let’s give the gop some pot. Nothing else has worked, so maybe that will.
AdLib : CL – Exactly. There’s a massive difference between pot being legalized and meth, coke or heroin. It’s been dishonest from the start, classifying pot as “bad” as those other dangerous drugs. How many people have died of a pot overdose? How many have become violent? Now ask the same about alcohol. Indeed, prohibition of non-dangerous substances makes crime thrive and makes people disrespect government. This is only sensible. And as Funk mentioned, once all see that the states that have legalized it aren’t being overrun by crazed mobs “hopped up on maryjawanna”, all of the fearmongering (as with the ACA) will just fall away.
KillgoreTrout : The danger of driving stoned is always missing your exit.
choicelady : KT – I see the dangers of pot lying in the increased ingestion of Cheese Doodles.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, as long as there were plenty of munchies.
choicelady : glenn – I did rape and domestic violence victim advocacy, and we all knew that NO woman was ever accosted by someone high on pot. NEVER. So I say we give it to the GOP, right?
funksands : Glenn, really slooooooow traffic jams too.
glenn : CL–yeah, but they would be mellow traffic jams!
choicelady : Fergie – where will you go after leaving ‘Stralia?
funksands : Fergie hope it happens when you want it to.
choicelady : glenn – I never found out. Wouldn’t that mean a dozen or more people would FOLLOW it wherever it went? Traffic jams!
KillgoreTrout : CL, who would a thunk it?
choicelady : KT – that’s funny of Murray.
Fergie1 : Funk – too bloody long! About 15 years. It was supposed to be for two! But will be leaving in the next two years after I get all my ducks in a row!
glenn : Choice–does the car made from hemp smoke much?
funksands : Fergie, why’d you guys (
) move down there?
choicelady : funk – now you’re sounding like the Chamber of Commerce – get government regulation out of our hemp growing! LOL!!
KillgoreTrout : Bill Murray was recently asked what he thought about legal weed and he said “I guess the terrors of marijuana were a bit exagerated.” Classic Murray humor. So subtle.
funksands : Pink: “Plastic Ponce” I’m gonna file that one away.
funksands : Canada has legalized hemp growing, but its so regulated and monitored that there’s very little profit in it.
choicelady : KT – Cheech and Chong as prophets?
choicelady : AdLib – my organization supported prop 19 with very little pushback from our members. We freaking learned from the 1920s that Prohibition makes things WORSE. Now with something such as meth – NO freaking way. I can’t understand how ANYONE could take that because it’s disastrous for the body. Might as well take rat poison.
funksands : “cotton picking”. That’s a dead giveaway
AdLib : Funk – That is a key thing, once banks will allow marijuana businesses to have accounts, everything changes and the legitimacy is in place.
KillgoreTrout : Wow cl, that’s right out of a Cheech and Chong movie. They made a van made of weed. Too funny.
pinkpantheroz : funk, I most certainly did not vote for this cardboard cutout replica of Rick Perry. Every time I see Abbott in a forum, I cringe at what the rest of the world thinks about this plastic ponce.
Fergie1 : CL, just one more thing on being in Australia. When I mention to people here that I’ve been here a while, they say “but you still have your American accent”! I would love to say Damn right I do and proud of it, if you think I would ever have an Australian accent, you’re out of your cotton picking mind! But I refain and just say “Of course I do, why wouldn’t I?” I’m also not married to an Australian!
funksands : Once the nation sees that WA and CO didn’t slide into the abyss and that the feds didn’t send in the stormtroopers they’ll get brave enough to pull the trigger.
choicelady : KT – I saw something on the web that said there was now a car constructed entirely from hemp. Not sure how that works, but it was interesting.
AdLib : CL – Consider the multiple pluses for the nation in legalizing marijuana. Tax revenues, billions less on law enforcement and imprisonment costs, defunding of Mexican and South American drug cartels, less violence between dealers here in the US and maybe less alcohol use and a decrease in the expense of alcohol abuse.
funksands : KT: *ding*
choicelady : PPO – Well we have started calling Columbus Day “Indigenous People’s Day” for the same reasons. Glad you have an escape valve!
funksands : Pink that’s what you get for electing Rick Perry as your Prime Minister
KillgoreTrout : I think legal weed is here to stay. More and more states will start seeing the huge benefits from it. We also need to legalize industrial hemp. There are sooo many good uses for it.
funksands : Fergie, how long have you been in Australia?
choicelady : funk – Ohhhhhh THAT Sybil! Got it and agree!
pinkpantheroz : Gottit, Funk, Thanks. Australia day has two sides. The Aboriginals call it ‘Invasion Day’ for obvious reasons. At least the Aussie Gummint is recognizing their land rights (in a limited way). I’m originally from Ireland – still have that passport! Never know when I’ll need it if this new GOP Prime Minister mucks around much more with this place!
choicelady : KT – I once worked a show for A&E as a consultant. This was back in the 90s. They screwed it up SO BADLY I had my name taken off. HORRIBLE. They’ve always had a tendency to go for the simplistic, and if it’s wrong, they really did not care.
funksands : Choice: «link»
funksands : Ad, Holder is making noises about decriminalizing banks opening up bank accounts for legal pot growers and dispensaries in WA and CO. BIG step.
choicelady : funk – ???? It’s eluding me.
KillgoreTrout : CL, A&E should really be ashamed of themselves. They used to be a pretty good network.
choicelady : AdLib – We have the sanest president in my lifetime. So Bill ‘didn’t inhale” – yeah, right – but PBO put his rep on the line on this issues. We need to end pot Prohibition if ONLY to end that part of the drug wars.
funksands : Choice: Liberals: The Sybil of politics
Fergie1 : BRB= Be right back.
choicelady : KT – I know. At first I thought people were making that stuff up, but it’s true. They are TOTAL phonies pandering to the trailer park folks (who are good people with bad understandings). They are SO PHONY!
funksands : Pink: Be Right Back. Oh by the way: Happy Australia Day!
AdLib : As the RW keeps trying to pull the nation into the past, gays are getting married in more and more states and marijuana is getting legalized…unde r a black President named Barack Hussein Obama. And America is alleged to be a “center-right” nation? I don’t think so.
KillgoreTrout : It sure is CL. I also saw a group photo of them before their show was made. Very yuppie looking and no beards. They’re just another group of RW phonies.
pinkpantheroz : Funk, BRB????? Que?
choicelady : KT – It’s nice to think that people have good enough values to dump DD!
choicelady : funk – yup. I agree. Because I work policy on a “read the bill” kind of level, I have followed the details of a lot that has been done, and I’m very impressed. The biggest problem is that I get press announcements of major stuff almost daily from the WH and various cabinet and agency offices that NEVER sees the light of day in the media. I know a lot of things that happened that no one who doesn’t get those announcements would ever know. The Washington press corps has turned into the National Enquirer. Disgusting.
KillgoreTrout : I see the Duck Dummies’ ratings are down. Glory be!
pinkpantheroz : Right, glenn. Proper Tower of Babel in the Party. thinnking about it, it really is incredible how much we get done.
glenn : Funk–therein lies the dilemma of being a liberal. Because liberals believe that everyone should have a voice, then we hear too many voices!
choicelady : AdLib – ohhhhhh. Shhhhh.
funksands : BRB
funksands : Choice, I will give the administration credit for two things: Rolling back some of the more odious Clinton policies and by definition disowning them from the Democratic platform, and holding the trench against the GOP. It’s not pretty, but it’s been incredibly important.
AdLib : CL – I’m yelling quietly.
KillgoreTrout : funk, sounds like you’re good to go. Good beer is liquid bread.
choicelady : AdLib – no you’re not. No caps.
choicelady : KT – oh. Guess you were NOT yelling at me. Sorry. Well everyone stop yelling! At whoever.
AdLib : Just so everyone knows, I’m yelling at everyone.
choicelady : Hey KT – stop yelling at me!
funksands : KT, I’m trying that too.
choicelady : funk – I used to be. I am always and constantly amazed at this administration’ s steadfast commitments to issues. Clinton was a major wuss, Carter sold out to the Trilateral Commission, and poor McGovern – whom I adored – was just not ready for prime time. But PBO has been very strong on good policies and has seen them to completion. Dodd-Frank’s Volcker Rule was a major case in point – took four years, but it got accepted. That is leadership.
KillgoreTrout : funk, they say red wine is better for you.
funksands : Ad, its like the worlds worst parade float.
pinkpantheroz : Yes, Ad, how good would that be. But….. we need to be front and center to make it possible. GOTV!
AdLib : Funk – Heh! I guess lame ducks would roll!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Pink, stop yelling at Choice.;)
funksands : Ad, last chance before the lame duck rolls into town.
funksands : KT, I’ll have yours then.
pinkpantheroz : Hey, Choice, stop yelling at funk!
funksands : Choice stop it!! You’re scaring me!!
AdLib : At the same time, imagine how much could get done with a Dem majority in Congress and the WH for 4 years or more.
Fergie1 : Funk – LOL!
funksands : I for one find liberals tend to be challenged by being in charge.
choicelady : funk – when have I EVER yelled at you? Not ONCE.
glenn : Funk–I will try the coconut, too. Thanks.
KillgoreTrout : funk, that’s what I hear too. I can’t drink the stuff myself. Nearly ODed on it years ago, and now, even the smell makes me queasy.
AdLib : See you in a bit, Fergie!
choicelady : glenn – that ‘alternative unthinkable’ may be the Dems’ best solidarity issue!
funksands : KT, they are defined by the pout. One can hope though.
funksands : Fergie, stick with us. It gets better. Wait until Choice starts yelling at me.
glenn : CL–I really believe that is the appeal of the Democratic party–we have a big tent, and we can agree to disagree. But when the important elections happen, we always choose the “D” lever, because the alternative is unthinkable, IMO.
choicelady : Fergie – see you soon I hope!
KillgoreTrout : funk, maybe they’ll have less to pout about this time around. Obama has been pretty progressive lately.
choicelady : PPO – it’s harder for corporatists to buy Dems these days. Used to be the ‘Democratic disease’ but not so much now. They CAN be bought by AIPAC etc., but not as likely by hedge funds etc. Some yes – Bachus is a shining example – but not as many as GOP who go in with both hands open!
Fergie1 : Cl – Way cool about your husband and the Gater. What a stand-up guy. They sure were amazing days in my beloved SF. Sorry, I can’t keep up with only one ‘useful’ eye. Taking a break now and will return! Be good you all!
funksands : KT, I hear Jack Daniels does that too.
funksands : Glenn, try shredded coconut in it. Yummy.
KillgoreTrout : Funk, I have oatmeal almost everyday. It’s supposed to lower cholesterol.
glenn : Funk–ooh, I’m going to try that–oatmeal for dinner. I’ve been eating a lot of soup for dinner lately because it’s great in this cold weather, so oatmeal will work, too. Thanks for the tip!
funksands : KT, by definition that is what “emo”-progs do. You might as well shout at the wind.
AdLib : glenn and CL – The GOP will implode but it won’t be destroyed. The Dems imploded during and after Carter and had a lot of trouble competing for the WH. It took years for them to get their act back together, I imagine it would be the same with Repubs too.
choicelady : PPO – I very much agree about the need for solidarity. But Will Rogers said it back during the Depression “I belong to no organized party. I’m a Democract.” Then. Now. Always was. Probably always will be.
KillgoreTrout : funk, if we can get the emo-progs to stop pouting about whatever they may be pouting about, then the dems are a shoo in.
pinkpantheroz : Well said, AdLib. The big boys don’t actually care who is in power, as long as they can buy them.
funksands : KT, I had oatmeal last night. I’m with you.
choicelady : glenn – I think the extremists will run the GOP for several years, making them utterly irrelevant nationally. But it will take time.
funksands : Choice, true. Any party held together by their comparative distaste for their opponent will have trouble keeping that cohesion once the opposition is rendered helpless.
pinkpantheroz : Funk, I think that that is the achilles heel of the Dems. They do not present a united front to the GOP/TP. There is and always will be internal strife, unfortunately. But we must at least TRY to show solidarity.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, often times I have breakfast food for dinner. Like pankackes and bacon! Mmmmm!
choicelady : funk – any party that is unopposed will become bloated and fraught with hubris and infighting. The problem is the Dems are ALREADY doing it from the Lefties who have no solid info or base. Hype is not policy, fear is not motivation, and we’re already eating our own.
funksands : KT, that might be a close bet. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Dems retake the House and the GOP the Senate.
glenn : Funk and Ad–one of my biggest concerns is if the republican party implodes, who will take their place? The tea partiers? Or something even more right wing? Do you really think that if the republican party implodes, that the so-called moderates will take over?
AdLib : Funk – Well, in the past we saw the Dems become corrupt and get into bed with the corporations and wealthy. I could imagine that happening again since the wealthy will want to get close to whoever is in power.
KillgoreTrout : Some RWer today made a bet with me that dems would lose big in the midterms. I told him the TP doesn’t have the influence it did in 2010, and that Dems aren’t going to stay home like they did in 2010. Also, the RW is still alienating women, minorities and gay people.
funksands : Ad, this would be around 2022.
funksands : Ad, once the GOP implodes, does the Democratic party become a hegemonic party, or do they squabble and splinter too?
choicelady : funk – it DID. It isn’t now. In many ‘red’ states in special elections, Dems are winning. They will hold a great deal, but they’re losing a lot they thought was solid.
glenn : KT–My husband liked it for breakfast.
AdLib : And with the Repubs drastically shrinking the primary period, thinking it gives them less time for Americans to see just how awful they are…but it will also give them far less facetime with the American public while the Dem will have much more time to establish their image and familiarity with Americans. Genius!
pinkpantheroz : Totally accurate, Fergie1. GET OUT THE VOTE!!
choicelady : PPO – who suggested Weiner? Funk? No way. Little troll. He has no record other than a perv.
funksands : Choice? Wha????? It’s worked beyond their wildest dreams?! Define “Well”. (Snark off)
choicelady : funk – I know they’ve slotted millions into the states, but it’s still not working as well as they want.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, I really like it too. It was a staple when I was growing up.
funksands : Pink, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
glenn : Fergie–Agree 100%. We have to VOTE!
choicelady : KT – that’s how it should be done.
funksands : Fergie, spot on.
choicelady : Fergie – right on the money!
KillgoreTrout : CL, it is pretty good. I get the gravy nice and brown, no food coloring.
pinkpantheroz : If Christie were to rehab in time, he’d eat Weiner up. Oh, he already has!
funksands : Personally I don’t think the GOP gives a rats ass about the Presidency. Alec and the Koch Brothers have proven that.
choicelady : glenn – anyone elected who is not a thug cannot control everything. Christie, a Koch puppet, thought he could. Well – surprise!
Fergie1 : I think the most important item on the agenda are the 2014 MidTerms. Even with all the gerrymandering, what is important is for every Dem to get out and vote. If it’s impossible to wind some of the seats, if the race is tight it will put the GOP into a spin for 2016. The strategy should be to show strength from the Dems, and I mean ALL Dems – progressives et al. If any Dem shies away from voting because they are not 100% happy with President Obama it will show weakness and we’ll shoot ourselves in the foot once again at the Midterms.
glenn : KT–OMG–that was one of my husband’s favorite meals!
choicelady : KT – sounds delicious. Seriously!
glenn : PPO–The kochs don’t want to run–they want to control, and as has been demonstrated by President Obama’s presidency, you can’t control as President.
KillgoreTrout : Homemade SOS. Ground beef gravy. Yum.
choicelady : PPO – Kochs do it from behind the scenes. They desire no accountability, and manifestly elected officials HAVE to be.
funksands : Pink, running for President sucks. It’s more fun just to buy it.
KillgoreTrout : Hey CL, good to see you too.
pinkpantheroz : Actually I’m rather surprised that one of the Kochs hasn’t put their hand up. They’re running the GOP as it is.
funksands : Choice, always the optimist.
glenn : Hey KT–what did you have for dinner?
choicelady : KT – good to see you!
funksands : Weiner
choicelady : funk – Christie’s legal problems are JUST starting. He has more than two years of hell in front of him, and he may pull time in federal prison. We really don’t let criminals run for office from their cells.
AdLib : glenn – I sure hope it is a Begger who gets the nom because that should completely crash the GOP. Cruz would be great. Rubio is such a lightweight and a liar, he wouldn’t have a prayer. And Jindal is underwater even in LA, he wouldn’t even win his own state!
KillgoreTrout : Hey folks, I’m back and the hunger is gone. Can anybody tell me of just one dem that has ever said that women couldn’t control their libidos?
glenn : PPO–Oh, what a campaign that would be–the palindora box of wordspeak!
choicelady : PPO – Arrrggghhhhhh! Sarah??????? Well I know she’s ready. She said so. OMG. THAT again?
glenn : CL–Oops again!
funksands : Ad, you could be correct, but give him a year of image repair, and I think he’s got a shot to launch a campaign. He can’t win, but he’s still viable.
choicelady : glenn – I can still freaking READ!
glenn : All–speaking of cruz–has he managed to renounce his Canadian citizenship yet? And his father…I think he should be cruz’s campaign manager, don’t you?
choicelady : funk – Cruz PERSONALLY scares me, but as a candidate he’d be boffo. He’s SO EXTREME he’d get about 20% of the vote.
pinkpantheroz : Don’t worry Folks. there’ll always be Sarah as the last resort! Bring it on!
glenn : CL–Now, you just admitted that you have vision problems, so how can you “see” that the gop is all a lie?
funksands : Jindal: Zero minus Zero chance. He is persona non grata in Lousiana and a non-entity nationally. Cruz is the one that scares me. Rubio is the ultimate lightweight serious GOP sociopaths mock him.
choicelady : glenn – not so much any of them! All have shot their wad and have NO cred with anyone outside their very small circles.
choicelady : funk – Uh huh. A lie I see.
glenn : AdLib, Choice, and Funk–You guys haven’t even mentioned cruz, rubio, or jindahl. I think they’re right up there in the running, dontcha know?
funksands : Glenn it is a slanderous lie that the GOP has a race or woman or poor or muslim or immigrant or science problem
choicelady : funk – TOO FUNNY! Always suspected!
funksands : Choice: GOP Iowa caucus «link»
glenn : Funk–oops!
choicelady : Fergie – cool! My husband was the editor of the Gater – the paper that refused to shut down when Hiakawa demanded. He stood up to the man, kept the paper running, and spent 60 days in jail for defying the cops. Amazing days.
AdLib : Funk – My proposition is that the thin ice of Christie’s BS persona has been cracked and all the sludge will keep spilling out. He is no longer the “ideal” guy he was, can’t put that toothpaste back in that tube.
Fergie1 : No CL, San Francisco College for Women ’68 which is now USF – University of San Francisco.
choicelady : glenn – thought the white thingy was a given.
funksands : Glenn: Shhhhhhh
glenn : Funk–You forgot to add: Legitimate=white .
funksands : He won’t run again. OR WILL HE???
choicelady : funk = Noooooooo not NEWT again!!!!!!
funksands : That’s all it takes for the GOP. See: Gingrich
choicelady : funk – whole new meaning to ‘legitimate’ then.
funksands : Choice: “Legitimate” = A) Thinks they can win B) Has pet billionaire.
choicelady : Fergie – were you SF State in ’68????
choicelady : funk – there WILL be more issues. Man is a voracious power monger.
glenn : CL–Here’s my take on the Christie bridgegate issue. If terrorists had shut down the busiest bridge in the world, the rwnj crowd would be screaming for somebody’s head! Probably President Obama’s. Yet, a group of non-elected officials shut it down, and it’s no big deal in gop world. BTW, that goes for the water pollution in WVA too.
Fergie1 : Hey CL, please,please don’t think I’m Australian! I’m not! Just been here too long but keep up with ALL things American for my sanity. I was very politically active in College in SF and afterwards during the 70’s.
choicelady : funk – define “legitimate” in the GOP please. Is that those whose mommies and daddies were married when they were born?
funksands : Choice, that could do it. My guess is that this issue simply leads people to more issues.
funksands : Ad, very true. The lack of direction inside the GOP means that there could be 30+ legitimate candidates for the presidency come Iowa caucus time.
choicelady : funk – yup. Glad we have PENSIONS, not just 401Ks which, some wag noted in 2008, was more like a 201K.
AdLib : glenn – My bet is that Christie is over. The core Repubs (Baggers) hate him anyway and his only argument for himself was that he was attractive to moderates. No more, I think he’s over.
choicelady : funk – I think the FEMA fund blackmail is the key issue with Christie, and that WILL sink him since every part of the US has had experiences with needing those relief dollars.
funksands : Choice, #1 reason people run out of money in retirement. They get ill and beat it and LIVE.
glenn : CL–The gop plan for old people is pretty ironic when you think about it–they want old people to die–but then pubs lose their base! Oh well!
choicelady : AdLib – but Tories are elite no matter their family origins.
funksands : Waaaaaay to early for Christie to get counted out because of some petty bridge issue. There may be other issues that come to light to sink him, but that in and of itself won’t hurt him much outside of Jersey. Most Americans haven’t even heard of the scandal.
choicelady : glenn – Yup. The GOP plan for old people. DIE!
Fergie1 : Ad, you got that right re the Tories = criminals. Give to the rich and take from the poor.
AdLib : Smot – Oh, no way that America would elect Jeb Bush, just saying that he is already being positioned as the moderate alternative to Christie. I don’t think the GOP base would elect him, let alone voters in a GE. The Repubs simply don’t have a good competitor for 2016.
choicelady : funk – those are the ways. We have insurance, but it’s for only three years, so we may get divorced, too.
glenn : Funk–You forgot #5–the repub. version of health care: Die quickly!
choicelady : glenn – Christie is toast, Jeb is NOT likely (huge scandals in his own past no one will pass over now) and the rest of the pack is either slavering zealots or dead. OK they may technically be alive, but it’s not obvious.
funksands : 1. Out of pocket $200 a day / 2. Your kids pay for it / 3. Insurance / 4. Go broke and have Medicaid pay for it.
choicelady : funk – yup. Age old dilemma.
funksands : Four ways to pay for chronic illness:
AdLib : CL – Isn’t Fergie saying that the Tories ARE the criminals deported to Australia?
Fergie1 : Ad, there are no statistics! A true case of taxpayer waste but they want to mess with other social security benefits for the less well off. Not to mention that they give $500 to anyone who has a BABY! Even if they are millionaires. It’s all stupid batchit crazy. Let me outta here!
glenn : Ad–I’m not so sure Christie is out as the pub nominee. Actually, I don’t think he was ever in. However, not sure we need another bush–and I’m still not sure we need another Clinton, either.
choicelady : glenn – Medicare covers the MEDICAL part of long term care, not the CARE. For that you either expend your entire saving and assets or go on Medicaid. Horrible.
SmotPoker : If America is dumb enough to elect yet another Bush to be POTUS, it will deserve all the misery, and suffering that follows. I hate to say it, but come on man… Bush?
funksands : Fergie, noted. Thanks.
funksands : “There are two dilemmas… that rattle the human skull. How do you hold onto someone who won’t stay? And how do you get rid of someone who won’t go?” – War of the Roses
choicelady : Fergie – we keep hoping the mythology of ‘criminals deported to Australia’ would have made it a much more sane nation, but clearly not. Love of my life was from Melbourn and came from a well off family. He was wonderfully democratic, but I learned quickly that all was not Eden in Australia never mind our own myths about you all.
AdLib : So, if Christie is out as probable GOP Presidential nom in 2016…who will be their front runner? Again, I say we might see Jeb Bush slithering in.
SmotPoker : I’m sure she was as tired of the view from her side as well too.
funksands : Smot: Valid Reason
glenn : CL–the ACA was the first thing I thought of when I read the article. However, don’t you think the capt. is eligible for Medicare? Doesn’t that cover long-term care?
SmotPoker : I got divorced because I couldn’t stand to look at her one more day.
funksands : I personally know a few couples that got divorced purely for benefits reasons.
Fergie1 : Funk, don’t believe everything you hear/read/see about the laid back country of myth that Australia has tried to project. The ruling ‘class’ are all the remnants of British Tories (GOP) transported here 200 years ago and still clinging to Queen and Country!
choicelady : funk – well I never did it for money.
funksands : Choice, #1 reason people get divorced: Money
choicelady : glenn – may I point out ACA? Of course if it’s long term care issues, those aren’t covered. They may have divorced for financial issues, yes. I would not blame them.
funksands : Triple Jinx
AdLib : Smot and CL – Sometimes it’s fun to be the “straight” man.
glenn : CL–I did read somewhere that it actually is because of insurance. Seems the captain has some sort of condition similar to Parkinson’s and the tenille didn’t want to be burdened by his medical costs. And, no, I didn’t read it in the National Enquirer; read it on the internet thingy, so I know it’s true!
choicelady : Smot – jinx!
choicelady : AdLib – perhaps, I say gently, she got tire of him not saluting (cough) her?
SmotPoker : Maybe he became unable to salute her, if you know what I mean…
funksands : I keep waiting for my wife to get tired of my papal mitre
choicelady : funk – Poifect! Ta-da DAH!
AdLib : CL – Maybe he just got tired of her not saluting him?
choicelady : funk – OK. THAT reason for divorce I can get.
funksands : Ad: «link»
choicelady : AdLib – but after 40 years – why BOTHER getting divorced? It seems kinda late in the game to be annoyed.
funksands : Glenn, I can see it now. One morning she woke up and thought: “Damn I hate that stupid hat.”
choicelady : funk – LOL!!
AdLib : glenn – Guess Love didn’t keep them together.
choicelady : glenn – freaking broke my heart. LOVE Teneille. Never did have it on for the Captain…
funksands : I put my Obama dartboard right next to my oil-on-velvet painting of “Crown of Thorns Reagan”.
glenn : Hey AdLib and Fergie–speaking of divorce, did you hear that Captain and Tenille are getting divorced after over 40 years of marriage? I guess “Muskrat Love” isn’t forever!
AdLib : Christie-McDonne ll 2016!
choicelady : choice – that was “funk”. Sorry.
choicelady : fun – well of course. Blame Obama. It’s the new ‘in’.
glenn : Hi Fergie–sorry to hear you’re “infected” with the rwnj crowd too.
choicelady : glenn – I lived in Buffalo, NY I once thought would become balmy and a new tourist destination with climate change. Did NOT count on the Polar Vortex. Now I have NO idea what is ‘moderate’ since what’s not freezing is in drought.
funksands : Glenn, it shouldn’t be that cold there. I’d blame Obama
AdLib : Hey Fergie1! What a terrible waste of taxpayer money! Where are the statistics that a couple sessions of chatting stops people from getting divorced years later?
funksands : Fergie, I was surprised to learn how many RWNJ’s there are in Australia. I’ve been a couple of times and thought they were genetically predisposed to reject that gene.
glenn : Funk–love the icon! I am in Georgia–about 40 miles NW of Atlanta. Definitely not the place for weather in the teens and 20’s!
choicelady : HEY Fergie! Sorry to hear you’ve been taken over by RW nut jobs. That’s insane. We don’t have ravening Catholics here so much as demented End Times extremists. You are probably better off, but only marginally.
funksands : Ad, for sure. It’s going to be soooo ugly.
funksands : Glenn, where are you? Nicest January I’ve EVER seen in Seattle. 56 and sunny today.
AdLib : Funk – I think 2016 will be Dems sitting in the VIP section of a stadium watching Repubs smashing up each other in a demolition derby.
funksands : Glenn:
choicelady : AdLib – whether it’s corporate bigwigs or Dominionists, there is a serious notion of ‘entitlement’ which makes them indifferent to hostile to the rest of us.
Fergie1 : ‘Evening All! 2:30 pm here in Melbourne. So I’ll be popping in and out. I really can’t be bothered trying to understand the “mindset” of the RW Gopers like the Hukster. They are stark raving loony. The new RW Australian Prime Minister has just announced a $200 giveaway to people planning to get married for pre marriange councelling sessions to lowere the divorce rate! His mentor is ‘Cardinal’ Pell!! The PM is an ex-semanarian known as ‘the mad monk’!
funksands : Smart lady.
glenn : Funk–I’m freezing my ass off–well only when I go outside. My house is nice and warm, and I have three layers of clothing on.
funksands : Ad it will never stop until they have their Goldwater/McGove rn moment
choicelady : I learn from you
funksands : Smartest person I know.
AdLib : glenn – It’s not logic but the central concept behind the RWNJs is, they hate everything that helps anyone except them and those they see as being on their side.
choicelady : I knew that
funksands : But you knew that….
funksands : Stunning.
choicelady : Hey funk! How are you?
funksands : How are you?
funksands : Hi Glenn!
funksands : 2016 will truly be the year of the armed madhouse. Its going to be dark, funny, scary, but ultimately end in sadz.
glenn : Hey Funk, what’s up?
AdLib : make that “good thing”
glenn : Ad–That truly is the part of the argument that I don’t understand. Personally, I’m very fortunate, and I am not on any prescription medications. Therefore, I should be very pissed off that my insurance company covers prescription medications for diabetes, high blood pressure, and yes, even Viagra, since I’m female and will never use Viagra. Or, at least according to rwnj “logic”, I should be pissed off about that. We have to get the sex and libido out of birth control and treat it as a women’s health issue. Of course, I know I’m dreaming, but that’s my take on it.
AdLib : Evening Funk!
AdLib : The goo thing about this is that Repub hopes to court moderates, women and minorities in 2014 are continuing to nosedive! Not to mention hopes for a competitive 2016 nom for President…and Jeb Bush ain’t gonna cut it!
funksands : Evening everyone!
choicelady : Smot – that’s demeaning to squirrel poop.
SmotPoker : Nuttier than squirrel poop?
choicelady : AdLib – twisted would be the word.
choicelady : glenn – Huckaee is master of both classes of stupid – hypocrite AND asshole. Multitalented.
AdLib : glenn – As I pointed out in my article, Huckster is actually trying to say that it is demeaning to women for the U.S. to mandate that they have their medical prescription expenses covered by insurance just like men. From the minds of the twisted comes that kind of logic.
glenn : Smot–I think in the huckster’s case, flaming asshole and hypocrite are interchangable.
SmotPoker : Us sinners can sense each other. It’s the journey that makes the life.
choicelady : AdLib – yes, there IS that hypocrisy…
choicelady : Smot – sexuality is not sinful it’s LIFE. So I’m glad you found lively women! The RWNJs who think it’s icky really are people you don’t want to know.
SmotPoker : I was thinking of Huck as more of a flaming asshole, but hypocrite works as well.
AdLib : glenn – Very well said. Huckabee is a flaming hypocrite for signing a law that does exactly what he’s railing about! The RW Christians do believe women are inferior and should be subordinate so is it any surprise Huckabee obliviously describes them as such then is surprised women are offended?
choicelady : glenn – They think they appeal to women by denying healthy sexuality and ‘elevating’ women to purely spiritual creatures. Don’t look for logic here. It’s all a game.
SmotPoker : If it wasn’t for some very sinful women I’ve ran into in my life, it would have been a very boring life indeed. We need more sinners not less.
glenn : Beatlex–yes, according to Huckaberry, this is part of their outreach–as he so helpfully pointed out that we Dems are telling women that they can’t control their libidos. Don’t you get the outreach? BTW, neither do I.
choicelady : AdLib – I piss off an every more exalted level of people. Yup – they sold out. I don’t care WHAT they think anymore.
Beatlex : Tone deaf idiots,it’s all good,for dems
AdLib : CL – I dislike the ACLU anyway for that very reason, they have ended up on the wrong side of history in supporting Citizens United and its anti-democratic results. So, screw them and good for you!
choicelady : glenn – when you think women are sinful, none of the logic you just laid out will move them. Why is the highest use of online porn in the Red states? Uhhhhhh…
choicelady : Beatlex – I do agree with you! I hope they keep doing what they’re doing. Murph gave us real insight into how much that turned GOP women away last election. Indeed Mikey – please proceed!
Beatlex : So,this is part of their “outreach to women” campaign? Wow
glenn : Ad–I really think republican men need biology lessons. It takes a woman and a man to make a baby–not just a woman. And, they need to understand that you don’t take more birth control the more you have sex. And, they need to understand that birth control is a HEALTH issue, not a sex issue! You would think that adult men could understand the difference, but sadly, not so. And, Huckabee was for birth control before he was against it. As governor, he mandated that the insurance companies in his state cover birth control. He’s not just a hypocrite; he’s a damn hypocrite!
AdLib : CL – Not rude IMO, well said. Exactly, many of the types pointing fingers at women for using contraception have big families from not using it. Sounds like jealousy to me.
choicelady : AdLib – I think it’s the ONLY way. I will retrench for 2015. I have gotten very good feedback – no ‘bites’. So we need to show broad based support. It will NOT include the ACLU whose policy person I just seriously pissed off for her work STOPPING democracy. Long story I’ll tell you later.
AdLib : Beatlex – Yep, one would have to incur major head trauma to be in a mindset where one could understand the logic of RW Repubs.
Beatlex : All I can say to Mike and the rest of those neanderthals is …Proceed!
choicelady : AdLib – I will be rude here, but when we were fighting off the anti-abortion folks at clinics, it was clear they had kids galore. One prochoice woman noted they “fuck like bunnies” which earned her the wrath of the bunnies.
AdLib : CL – I guess the most reliable path is to build a support network first with other orgs?
AdLib : glenn – And yet how many Republican families have many children? So even without using contraception, women can’t control their libidos? Crazy talk but appreciated as a reminder to women why they should never vote GOP.
choicelady : glenn – our normal for now is 52. Being 76 is scary bad.
Beatlex : AdLib,the day you “Get” them.The men in white coats will drop a net over your head and cart you to the loony bin.They defy logic
choicelady : glenn – I do agree – somehow men seem to have nothing to do with reproduction…
glenn : CL–Damn right it’s ridiculously cold for my area, and your weather is just a little too warm for your area, right? Although, when I lived in the Keys, 76 was just right for January.
choicelady : AdLib – doing OK. Not a peep from ANYONE on HOPE. So I’m moving on to our other organizational friends to gear up for next year. I’m well and truly peeved.
choicelady : glenn – at the core of Huckabee’s rant lies “original sin” and the ‘sins of Eve” temptress that she was. I want the bumper sticker: Eve was framed! He’s a literalist, and he REALLY believes women are evil.
AdLib : Hey CL! Doing pretty well! How are you?
glenn : Ad–I “love” Mr. Huckabee. I love how it’s all because of women’s libidos that women get pregnant. Somehow or another, we seem to have a bunch of “virgin marys” in our country, because it seems as though men have nothing at all to do with women getting pregnant. And…the “logic” of it all escapes me. Women shouldn’t have abortions, but shouldn’t take birth control to prevent pregnancies. I just don’t get it…sigh.
choicelady : Hey AdLib – how are you?
choicelady : Smot – LOL!!!
choicelady : glenn – that’s ridiculously cold for your area! Today, JANUARY, we had 76 and it’s creepy. The normal green season is brown, dry, and fire hazard. Scary changes. I hope yours warms up, ours cools down!
SmotPoker : Thanks. I did go for an MRI on my brain today, I don’t expect them to find anything….
choicelady : Smot – I can understand that. I fear the same with concerns about hearing now. I have had tinnitus for ages, but I’m totally used to it – just don’t want MORE to go! Hope they figure out what’s gone wrong for you.
AdLib : glenn – Warm and way too dry, here in Cali.
glenn : CL–The weather sucks! And blows! It’s cold and windy. And, I’m talking cold…in the teens and 20’s. I hate cold weather! I think this is the only thing I disagree with Murph about; he likes the cold weather. I’m looking forward to spring!
AdLib : How about Mr. Huckabee? He really knows how to flatter women.
SmotPoker : I’m coping with it a bit better this week. I can say that. Losing my vision has now become my number one fear. I lay down, and constantly open my eyes to make sure they still function. Losing stuff in your sleep like that can play tricks on your mind that’s for sure.
AdLib : Smot – If it’s lottery numbers, please share.
choicelady : Hi glenn! How are you? What’s the weather there?
choicelady : Smot – sorry to read of your travails with your hearing. I have vision problems, so I know how scary sensory issues can be.
glenn : Hi Choice, how are you?
AdLib : So, ain’t it funny how two prospective GOP Presidential candidates who have been Governors…are crashing and burning? I am hearing Jeb Bush’s name mentioned again by Repubs…includi ng that devious mother of his.
choicelady : Evening again all – hope there’s cake left even tho I can’t eat it anyway. Is everyone well?
SmotPoker : On the plus side, after 10 days or so of this constant noise in my head I have been able to determine a pattern. I’ve got it about 65% decoded. I’m having some problems with what I think are conjunctions and adverbs. I’m working on it though…
AdLib : Smot – Well…just hope there’s at least some gradual progress soon!
SmotPoker : Just the standard you have SSNHL could be caused by any number of things.
SmotPoker : I remember Linda Carter, I think every man my age or so remembers Linda Carter…
AdLib : Smot – Any theories from the specialist?
SmotPoker : Still no progress on getting my hearing back. Still deaf as a stone.
glenn : Hey Smot, hey Beatlex. Sounds like everything is wonderful with you, Smot; how about you, Beatlex?
AdLib : Here ya go, Smot: «link»
Beatlex : Smot! How is everything?
AdLib : Hey glenn! And very good answer!
SmotPoker : I picked up some of this the other day, and I must say I find it rather pleasant. My master grower is a beast. One of the best.
glenn : Corruption is to GOP Governors like lying is to Tea Partiers. Neither one of them…governors or t/partiers can help themselves from being corrupt or being liars.
AdLib : Hey Smot. “You’re a wonder, Wonder Woman!”
AdLib : Wonderful to see you here! Night Kalima!
SmotPoker : My conversational aide for the night: «link»
glenn : Kalima–Hello and good-bye.
Kalima : Well actually, bye from Tokyo.
glenn : Good evening, all.
AdLib : POV Quiz #1: Corruption is to GOP Governors like ___________ is to Tea Partiers.
Kalima : AdLib, last two Admin emails urgent. When you have time. Thanks. Have fun everyone. By from Tokyo.
AdLib : See you then!
KillgoreTrout : I think I’ll pop out and make a quick dinner. Be back shortly.
AdLib : Send your frost down here!
KillgoreTrout : Ha, actually, my fridge does need defrosting. It’s an old one.
AdLib : Yep, it’s quite warm here but you have to suck on your undefrosted freezer for water.
KillgoreTrout : It’s colder than a polar bears ass here. Maybe Uncle Sugar can help me out and sent me a ticket to California.
AdLib : Pretty well here too. Now that I got me some Uncle Sugar.
KillgoreTrout : Pretty good Ad, and you?
AdLib : Hey KT! They’ll be back shortly. How are you this evening?
KillgoreTrout : What’s up fellow early birds?
AdLib : Stay cool! See yu then!
Beatlex : Mike Huckabee is a hypocrite,as are all of that ship of fools.The right response is to mock them.They don’t “debate” seriously
pinkpantheroz : Back in an hour. Gotta go get groceries in advance of another scorching week ahead.
AdLib : PPO – I’d say it’s more about when the Neanderthals went away.
pinkpantheroz : True, AdLib! We’re on the downhill slope! I just hope Christie isn’t right behind me!
AdLib : PPO – Actually, they seem to be proof of devolution.
pinkpantheroz : I feel that the whole sanctimonious hypocritical bible basher movement is actual proof that evolution has driven the Human race. How could a perfect God ‘create’ such odious cretins? I rest my case!
AdLib : Hey CL! See you then!
choicelady : I’m going back to finish dinner. Will return at 7. See y’all then.
choicelady : Hey – this is like guests coming early and eating all the cake! How is everyone?
AdLib : PPO – Repubs only get upset that government money isn’t being spent on them and their backers.
pinkpantheroz : About Sugar and Birth Control. I would have thought that they would be grateful for the Gummint to subsidise birth control for their mistresses and boyfriends and not out of their pockets. Oh, Thats Gummint money too!
AdLib : Birth control, just little Uncle Sugar pills.
pinkpantheroz : Hopping in and out just now. Will be back for the fireworks!
Beatlex : Uncle Sugar! got birth control?
AdLib : See you then!
Beatlex : See you guys around 7….
AdLib : Just looking for a little Uncle Sugar.
Beatlex : Early birds!
Beatlex : Hey PP!
AdLib : Hey there!
pinkpantheroz : Hi, Beatlex! standing by!
Beatlex : Okay,who else is here?
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