AdLib : Sally, always appreciate the heads up on Maher! Thanks and sleep well!
SallyT : See you later.
SallyT : You do the same and just catch the New Rules on Real Time. That is the best of it.
AdLib : Sally, great closing the Vox Pop Bar with you once again! Have a relaxing and wonderful weekend, I’ll see you here!
SallyT : Nope, I see them pop up over there when I log in!
AdLib : Heh! Haven’t sent any to The Planet’s shredder yet!
choicelady : ‘Night!
SallyT : Enjoy a restful weekend, CL!
choicelady : Will do! We’re off to a day in San Fran tomorrow. That will be fun. See you soon!
SallyT : Okay, you try to catch up but you have lots of time. Adlib hasn’t deleted them, yet.
AdLib : CL – You were missed while you were away! So glad you’re back! Get some rest this weekend, you’ve earned it many times over!
AdLib : George and Laura seem to me like that kind of petrified couple that just couldn’t move on to any other relationships. I doubt they’re estranged, they probably have the kind of old, conservative marriage you’d expect.
choicelady : Well Sally and AdLib, I am about to fold like a cheap suit, so I am bidding you both good night. I am SO glad I made it through the whole evening – I’ve missed everyone terribly. LOVELY to have this long and fun evening with you. Sweet dreams to you both – hope to be here next week for more. Sally – I will definitely be on Sunday’s funnies this week! Can’t wait! I will try to catch up on last week, too. Good night!
SallyT : Nope, its his art teacher. Just wait and see.
AdLib : Cheers CL!
choicelady : Sally – unfortunately for us, Condi is out here at Stanford University in Palo Alto, so she and W are not playing nookie in Texas.
choicelady : Sally – I read once he referred to Condi as his ‘wife’. So…
choicelady : Sally – I’m thinking the dog house for W?
SallyT : Hey, I even read something about him having eyes for Condalessa Rice!.
choicelady : AdLib – you can do the screenplay! Your writing is SO clear and flows so beautifully. You’re a natural, and it’s good you’re in charge of the PPOV. It always is good. Always.
AdLib : CL – Very amusing indeed! Looking forward to the book and the movie adaptation!
SallyT : Well, it looks to be a big house, so, she can get away from him. Maybe he lives in the guest house?
choicelady : Sally – “spread out” MAY be an understatement! That’s a huge place! I guess after you’ve lived in the White House, you’re inclined to want a lot of rooms!!!
SallyT : Went through a lot to get that damn picture and read a lot just to prove you right there, CL, on the house having two stories. I remembered it being spread out and at least that was true.
choicelady : Sally – I suppose I should be glad they’re NOT estranged, but honestly how can she stand him?
SallyT : I read another true or false that it was a rumor but was determined to be false from this reseacher.
choicelady : Sally – well, then, the reports of their estrangement MAY well be exaggerated. Or that was then, and this is now… : )
choicelady : AdLib – yes, my interchanges with the police were very funny. They were very patient most of the time. But I told one of them someday I’d write about our work and call it “The Feminist and the Cops” and focus on the cement wall between us on communication. They thought that was a howl. But we got on fine. Their reports of what I said were about 1/20th of mine.
SallyT : Yep, I had to go through a lot to find the picture but I did read an interview with Laura in 2010 that George had his man cave at the house and another about a car running into their yard in 2011 and both were home at the time. So, I don’t know if they are separated or not.
AdLib : A nice house, surprisingly not as garish as I’d have expected.
choicelady : Sally – Wow – not too shabby is it??? I DO recall the outside. That’s the image I had in my mind. Thanks! You really GOT that – amazing!
choicelady : Sally – oh gosh – that’s what I remembered! I’m NOT SENILE! thanks, friend. You saved me!
SallyT : «link»
SallyT : Hey, CL, I found a photo of George or Laura’s house in Dallas. It may have two stories! From the front there appears to be dormer windows but from the back it doesn’t have any. They maybe fake.
AdLib : CL – Now that you describe cops that way, it makes perfect sense that they want just the core information, that’s how they’re trained.
choicelady : kes is GREAT at it!
choicelady : When I worked with cops, the joke was that I would tell them ALL the nuances of an event when they were all “Joe Friday” – just the facts, ma’am. They thought I was hilarious. I learned to be more precise there, too. I am NOT short winded by nature (someone calls it ‘high context talking’) and having to do that paring down is very good exercise for me.
AdLib : Kes does a fantastic job on our Twitter account, I just pop in with a few jokes from time to time…so much to do, so little time!
choicelady : I like tweets – they help me refine my ideas. It’s fun.
AdLib : Well, not quite a Tweet but close!
AdLib : Wow, that’s good writing, distilling that sprawling history into the size of a Tweet!
choicelady : Yup. I must say it’s the most boring thing I ever wrote! I have three published books, dozens of peer reviewed articles, and this by far was the worst. It IS all in the rewrite indeed! I also know I have to “kill my darlings” since I have a horrible tendency toward the use of subordinate clauses that wind up like spaghetti. Unpacking my verbiage is hard. But I once had to describe the closing of the US frontier and opening of urban society in 140 WORDS and DID it. Took eight rewrites to get there, but I did it.
AdLib : CL – Writing is easy, writing well is hard. And another cliche, there are no great writers, only great re-writers. It’s that second pass and the ones that follow that make what you write its strongest. So I have no doubt, you poured a lot of time going over and over this proposal!
choicelady : AdLib – I have several friends who want to write books. I have written them. It is the hardest work EVER. Finding a ‘voice’ and sticking with it is very difficult. Keeping the work ‘in trim’ to keep flowing is awful. So yeah – just ’cause you know letters does NOT mean you can put them in order and come out with something! I learned – even after winning $10 in a short story contest in 8th grade – that I have NO talent for fiction but do have it for NON fiction. That’s another aspect – knowing where you shine. It’s just not that easy. Sigh.
AdLib : CL – Great, I like the Progressive channel concept and I think it will do well.
AdLib : CL – A famous writer once said, “Everyone who knows the alphabet thinks they can write.” Most people never write lengthy technical works or creative ones after they leave school. You can attest though, it ain’t so easy!
choicelady : Max will be working on the grant, so maybe we should talk, the three of us, soon? I might get another friend in to help Max – he will be inundated, and he’s over 70 years old. I REALLY want to do the stream – it’s a matter of deploying resources well enough not to kill any of us off! Never a good thing, IMHO.
AdLib : And I’m also interested in the radio concept, there are times where it’s come to mind during some discussions here, times when I could imagine it would be a great synergy to Planet chats.
choicelady : AdLib – I ran into an acquaintance at 5 am in the airport when I left. She writes RFPs, and I told her about this one. She said that people think grant request writers are too expensive, but that’s WHY – they have to think ahead to all the things needed from different types of entrants, and clearly they did NOT. I told her I wished SHE had done the request – I worked 12 hours a day right before I left for the trip, and consequently I was exhausted right up until my panel. It went GREAT, but I did not feel I was at my best. Just too damned tired. And I’ve not had a day off in weeks. Getting too old for this, and it’s all their fault!
AdLib : CL – Hard to imagine they NEED anything at this point. Just crazy!
choicelady : AdLib – running amok is much more dependent on skill than just running. So I need to get in shape!
choicelady : AdLib – they do keep moving the goal post. We have people waiting to start. This is just disgusting. And I have other things to do that, with any luck, this 2.5 weeks of waiting will let me do, more on HOPE among them. My conference back East was AMAZING on worker cooperatives, and I want to do that, the radio programs, and HOPE, so I’m trying to see this as a GOOD thing. But I’m well and truly sick of it. The RFP is 126 pages. I now know it by heart. And yet – they keep demanding things not originally asked for. It’s sickening.
AdLib : CL – Can The Planet have your exclusive interview after you run amok? And how does one run “amok”, is it more or less exhausting than just going for a run?
AdLib : HOPE you’ll have a window of time now to get HOPE back on track! With all the lies building up for 2014, I sure hope it’s in place by 2016.
choicelady : AdLib – I can see it now: “Churchlady runs amok! Film at 11:00!!!”
AdLib : CL – Wow, it just doesn’t end! Running a race where they keep moving the finish line ain’t no fun! Hope you’re done with all the work on that now and the grant comes in as it should! If they can’t make up their minds with all the info they have, what more could they need?
choicelady : AdLib – that, along with EVERYTHING else, has taken a back seat to the *&^#% grant proposal. It’s all I’ve done outside of some visits on HOPE. Nothing has popped on that either, but it’s committee time, and that’s normal. I will keep on keepin’ on. They pushed back the grant notification until mid May, and if there IS a God, they won’t keep asking for MORE INFORMATION. They called Wed. with another request and told us we were finalists, but honestly – if they ask me for more, I’m marching down to Fresno to the grants manager and committing mayhem. In person!
AdLib : CL – That reminds me, as you mention talk, what happened to that Progressive radio project?
choicelady : Murph – be well! Hope we can talk next week!
SallyT : True!
choicelady : Sally – more like no one will bother WITH him!
SallyT : Well, maybe he lives there because no one will bother him????
choicelady : Good night Murph. We’re glad you’re pretty much OK.
AdLib : Night Murph!
choicelady : Sally – Austin! It’s BLUE!!! That can’t be fun! LOL!!!
MurphTheSurf3 : Well Good Night…long two days.
SallyT : CL, I think he lives in Austin, now that I think on it awhile.
choicelady : AdLib – well, I did not have mid air collisions, so all is well on THAT score!
AdLib : CL – And minor compared to your tense flight!
choicelady : Murph – THAT is a HUGE relief! I’m sorry about your lakes, but we didn’t know if you’d been inundated. I flew over MO on Tuesday, but there was so much cloud cover I could see nothing at all and, not knowing where you were, it wouldn’t have told me anything at all anyway. But you sure have been in my thoughts! Sorry about your computer problems – but those are minor compared to floods. Whew!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- when you get a chance….all is fine.
AdLib : That’s messed up, Murph. Hope your computer is working as it should now!
SallyT : That’s okay, CL, I am pretty good on houses….
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi Choice and CL…no floods of significance where I live….I have lakes (water retention ponds and spring fed) and they have been a small headache. I had a complete breakdown of computer services for almost 2 days. So..hello and hope you are well.
choicelady : Sally – LOL!! I thought the house in Crawford was ONE story. See why I’m not a presidential historian?
SallyT : Here you go, CL, on Crawford «link»
AdLib : Murph – I owe you an email! Been a crazy week, sorry about the delay!
AdLib : Hey Murph! Glad to see you, the floods out your way had us concerned here.
AdLib : CL – Perfect example, Nixon has gone down as a terrible President in the minds of most and no amount of whitewashing changed that. Yes, he had his successes and his supporters will focus only on those but the legacy of Watergate is the hatred, partisanship, racism and dysfunctional government we have today. There would be no Tea Party without the Nixon Southern Strategy nor a devious Bush Admin in office following Nixon’s evil example of using the Presidency to attack enemies. Nixon and Bush will always be seen as terrible to most and historians for obvious reasons and all Bush can hope for is that he is less hated than he is today.
choicelady : MURPH!!! We’ve been so worried! Are you flooded? Hope NOT!
SallyT : The house in Crawford was two stories.
choicelady : Sally – I know he’s NOT in Dallas. Wonder where he is?
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi….computer problems…major …just saying hello.
SallyT : CL, I am not disagreeing with you but he is not in Crawford. There was a big article on here that the town is broke and he never comes there. Last time was Christmas a couple of years ago.
choicelady : Sally – my recollection of the house is that it was two stories. I seriously do NOT pay attention!
choicelady : Sally – oh, I do think I remember that! Yes, he showed up there, but I don’t think he was there very long and not sure he’s ever been back. Maybe they have a fiction of a loving couple, but it’s that. They live separate lives as far as i can tell. He’s always in Crawford. She never is. He might go to Dallas for ball games and maybe stays – bet he has a separate room!
SallyT : They talked to neighbors but they said they leave them alone.
SallyT : Well, this was not long after they left WashDC. It is a pretty ranch style house, all one level. She was giving a tour and he was there. I will try to find it online, if you even care to see it. Not that he hasn’t move out by now. Probably has a nice place in Florida, too.
choicelady : AdLib – I never believed in Nixon’s ‘rehabilitation ‘ in the eyes of the American public and KNOW that will not happen with Bush. He will always have his supporters (I have family who think Nixon walked on water) but it won’t spread, and he won’t become a fave with anyone. He so screwed up! He will DIE before anyone would DARE try revisionist history with him.
AdLib : They may all be fighting to stay in denial but it’s clear on the Bush family’s faces, especially George’s, they know he is a failure. He can’t even bring himself to say that he did anything wrong, how insecure does that look? “History will be the judge of my administration. ” Right, more like, “The more time passes and people forget how bad I was, the better I’ll look!”
choicelady : Sally – then that’s the first I’ve ever heard he’s visited. He lives his life (with whoever) and she lives hers. I must say she is looking good these days – lost a little weight, very pretty. Life on her own must be going well for her!
SallyT : Really, CL? I saw a picture of him outside with his dog before he died. And, the neighbors talked about him out there. Its a gated community, though.
choicelady : AdLib – I know. That anyone gives Sanford a pass on anything at all is despicable.
SallyT : And, he adds, but Sally lets me live there.
choicelady : Sally – George, master of possessive individualism, would NEVER not say “our” house! There is not a shred of evidence he’s ever been there.
AdLib : CL – If anyone reflects the utter absence of morality and humility that is the GOP today, it’s Sanford. And don’t forget, a majority of Repubs in that district think he should be their leader! How corrupt are they as human beings? To let this criminal who stole money from taxpayers to finance his affair, have a shot at lying to them and stealing from them once again? Just because he has an “R” next to his name?
SallyT : Really though, maybe Georgie said Laura’s house as my hubby always says it’s my house. He always calls it Sally house, too.
choicelady : AdLib – THAT is absolutely boffo! Good for them! Outright assassination cannot be ignored! Wow – that’s one to watch!
choicelady : Sally – it’s bad enough Gov. Appalachian Trail now has made his mistress his fiancee. Yuck. I don’t think the folks in South Carolina forgive him quite as readily as he thinks God has. (Jury still out on THAT.) I saw – for real – a sign on a Methodist church last week: “God loves you. I’m working on it.”
AdLib : CL – And don’t forget Pakistan, this news was posted just 5 hours ago: Former Pakistani president was arrested on Friday over his alleged role in the 2007 assassination of Benazir Bhutto, an ex-prime minister of Pakistan, following a court appearance in Rawalpindi. Pervez Musharraf was charged with the murder, a reiteration of charges laid against him in 2011, while he was in exile. He was already under house arrest since last week, over an unrelated case stemming from his firing of the top judiciary in 2007. The courts have ordered that he be kept under detention at his home, a heavily protected mansion on the outskirts of Islamabad. «link»
SallyT : Well, he spent a lot of time down there with the art teacher.
choicelady : Sally – Laura bought that house long before they left the White House. But the idea of George being sexual is disgusting.
SallyT : I didn’t support going to war the last two times!
SallyT : I think he might be, CL……..lets watch and see……maybe that is why Laura is getting her own place.
choicelady : Sally – are you saying Bush is having a dalliance with his art teacher? Eeeuuuuwwww.
AdLib : Sally – Assad is a more complicated subject, he’s got Russia and China protecting him and we’re just getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan, the American people just wouldn’t support going to war against Syria right now.
SallyT : I wonder if there might be more with this art teacher. Have you seen her picture. she’s pretty cute.
choicelady : To my knowledge, the FIRST nation EVER to prosecute their own save in times of war (think Mussolini) is Guatamala and their prosecution of Rios Mont. He thought he was cool – and they arrested him, are trying him for the murder of indigenous Mayans,and he is going to be convicted. I know of no other case where that ever happened. Lynched and shot, yes. Tried? Only this.
SallyT : Yes, I guess there is justice in that.
AdLib : That is satisfying to know though, Bush, as an ex-President who wielded that power against people in his own country and around the world, is forced to be on “house arrest” in his own country for the rest of his life. With all that money he and his family plundered, he can’t use it to travel anywhere in the world. There’s some justice in that.
SallyT : He hasn’t been to the ranch in over a year or so. I read that the little town is pretty much dead and businesses have closed. He doesn’t go there. He goes to Florida to his art teachers place.
SallyT : But Assad is a different subject!
choicelady : Sally – if Laura won’t let him into the Dallas house, and he spends his days on the tiny “ranch”, it’s fine. It’s a narrow, purposeless world of boredom and routine. I am OK with that. Cheney needs to have duct tape on his mouth though – he’s geographically limited but still manages to get air time. Gag.
AdLib : Sally, right, I knew what you were saying and you’re right. Whether Saddam or Gadaffi, the US is fine with taking out the leaders of other countries for crimes against humanity but when one of our Presidents is guilty of that, no way should he ever have to pay a price for that.
SallyT : Well, he won’t go anywhere and that ain’t such a good thing either.
choicelady : AdLib – I have no idea what would actually happen, but I do see that W is not going anywhere. He keeps making then cancelling trips. Cheney, too. That’s good enough for me! These guys don’t want to spend two seconds in custody. That would be, for them, intolerable.
SallyT : I remember that, too, CL.
AdLib : CL – I don’t think there is any country that would hold Bush for the ICC that wouldn’t fold under pressure by the US to return him. I do think there would be outrage from a majority of Americans that another country would arrest one of our ex-Presidents. It would be felt as a loss of sovereignty and the crazies on the RW would have all of their paranoia about World Government taking over validated. No way that would ever happen, whoever would be Pres at the time would use the power of the US to bring Georgie back home…and he’d be seen as a sympathetic figure after that. So, let’s be glad it will never happen, I like him being hated as he is.
choicelady : Sally – I know what you meant!
choicelady : Sally – actually the Brits sent him back since he was in their country. I can’t recall the dates, but I think that was Thatcher. We never made a peep.
SallyT : Damn it, I meant wouldn’t let it happen here…..oh hell
SallyT : That was what I was getting at, AdLib, when I said we would let it happen to ours but we would another country’s Prez.
choicelady : Sally – we have turned a blind eye on several former heads of state facing their music. Pinochet, once defended by Nixon, was ignored by us when Spain got him. They did return him to Chile because he was dying – and he died. Too damned bad. But we did nothing.
SallyT : No, I didn’t mean a US President but a head of state of another country.
AdLib : Only leaders with imaginary WMDs.
AdLib : Sally, nope, not a US President.
choicelady : AdLib – if Bush is here, I agree. If he is OUT of the U.S., there really isn’t much we can do about it. I’m not sure there’d be any REAL outcry other than from the GOP – the American public seriously would not care about George. I suppose the GOP could whip up “insult to America” issues, but I think W is SO unpopular, it would not go far. PBO would go through the motions, period. He would not actually be able to force an ally to relinquish Bush if said ally were going to try Bush. What could we do? Make growling noises is about it.
SallyT : In fact, didn’t we let one get hanged ????
AdLib : CL – Yes! He went from POTUS to POS, he didn’t care what happened T U.
SallyT : I agree, it wouldn’t happen but we sure would some other country’s Prez!
AdLib : CL – Not sure what you’re saying, a country wouldn’t need an extradition treaty with the US to have signed onto the ICC. But no way would Obama or any other President allow a former President to be tried in an international court, the precedent is unacceptable and there would be a wave of support for Bush if that happened…and huge pressure on Obama or any other President to bring him back. Would never happen.
choicelady : Sally – Or emergency landings!
SallyT : Better hope there are no layovers anywhere else.
choicelady : Sally – once it was Uruguay or Paraguay. I don’t really remember.
SallyT : Where, the Cayman Islands?
choicelady : AdLib – from POTUS to POS. Or maybe always WAS just POS.
choicelady : Sally – Yes indeed. That’s why he can’t go anywhere much. He’d have to limit his travel to those few places the ICC can’t reach him.
AdLib : CL – It is the kind of humiliation that Bush deserves and that he has continued to “bathe” in. He could help people out in the US, he wouldn’t need to do an international project but he won’t even do that. What a POS.
choicelady : AdLib – I think that was my point, actually. If they have no extradition with us they don’t with the ICC either. Bush has to be somewhere safe as the former Pope can’t leave the Vatican property. Too bad they have refuge, but it does nicely limit their damages!
SallyT : BUT, CL, they could expet him to another country……..t here are many that South America would send him.
AdLib : Just to be clear, there are no charges in the US against Bush or Cheney so an extradition treaty between the US and any other country doesn’t matter. What matters is if a country is committed to the ICC or any other international organization or country that does want to prosecute Bush and/or Cheney.
choicelady : AdLib – Several commentators noted W’s lack of engagement, but what can he do? He has no empathy, and he can’t travel. So he might as well paint his bare legs in a bathtub. Nothing else is left.
SallyT : I said that to hubby today. Look at the Democrat ex prez’ they keep on working to help others and the Repugs, including Reagan before he forgot where he was, just retire to sunnying.
choicelady : Sally – I think Laura is fed up with Georgie.
choicelady : Sally – there are a couple of South American nations with whom we do NOT have an extradition treaty. I don’t know which though. Canada would hold him in a second – even under Harper. He cannot leave the US unless it’s in a private plane that never lands anywhere but here or the fashionable South American retreat that will keep him safe. So ghastly!
AdLib : Did Bush look like a small, sad, pathetic old loser this week or what? All the other ex-Presidents are spending their time trying to help other people in the world and greedy, small-minded Georgie, along with his father HW, along with Cheney, just spend their time pleasing themselves and trying to further harm the 99%. What scum, hope his library fails miserably.
SallyT : Probably had her buy it in case someone brings him up on war crimes. But maybe she is tried of him, too.
choicelady : Sally – Parade Magazine in the paper last week had an interview with the Bushes. George, without thinking, noted that “Laura bought a house in Dallas”. Not “we” – Laura. Said a whole lot!!!
SallyT : Besides, didn’t they not bless Georgie but did Obama down there?
SallyT : I wouldn’t count on that from South America, CL, I think they would turn him over, too. Canada would, South America had too.
choicelady : SAlly – LOL! Everyone SAID that George was investing in some nation in Latin America because he wanted a place to go where he could NOT be extradited! Water issues may be the excuse!
SallyT : Gee, AdLib, I can’t remember but basically they own the water rights.
AdLib : Sally, yep, was it Columbia?
SallyT : There is some water deal down in South America that the Bushes are involved in, too.
choicelady : AdLib – since no ambulance went, it’s a fire. With an ambulance, it’s a homeless person in distress. I’d rather have the fire – it’s not that dry yet.
AdLib : CL – Will contact him after Vox.
choicelady : AdLib – I think you neatly summarized the entire issue in one paragraph! I was horrified at this, and it’s a scandal of major proportions. That Dan Rather could be fired over telling the TRUTH is just to-the-bone scary.
AdLib : CL – Hope it’s not a fire, so soon in the spring!
choicelady : Sally – we had the tan ones. I hated them – proportional spacing looks cool but is uncorrectable if you typed a W but wanted an i or vice versa. Ugh.
AdLib : CL – Dan Rather was betrayed and setup. CBS was afraid of Bush and didn’t hesitate to throw him overboard just to be in Bush’s good graces. Not sure but I think that at the time, the Telecommunicatio ns Bill was still going through the process and I seem to remember them wanting Bush to pass it because it could have had big benefits for them. As for IBM, I don’t know how they could have gotten away with their lie but that was before the web was what it is today. Nowadays, such a lie would be destroyed in an hour. And yes, the history of the Bush family exploiting the Presidency is legendary, they all rushed to cash in with the lobbyists of their choice, such greed and corruption hadn’t been seen in modern times. And need we mention Haliburton or the Wall Street companies?
SallyT : Knowing Murph, he is out there sand bagging the river.
choicelady : AdLib – I’m very worried about Murph – he’s usually here by now. If you can reach him, please tell him we’re thinking of him?
SallyT : For sure, CL, I even used one at Business School in 1969 and 1970! They had the round ball and everything. Green ones and tan ones.
choicelady : Whoops – fire engines over the hill to the river. We may have grass fires in the field already. And so it begins – the long, hot summer…
SallyT : I can see it being used that way, AdLib, but I think it will backfire on her that way, too.
choicelady : Sally – See???? How could this be allowed to fly? EVERY secretary, student typist, etc. KNEW the IBM Executives were indeed around in 1971, but Rather got fired over it, and IBM lied about it! Horrible! I tried to call CBS to tell them – no one would listen.
SallyT : CL, I typed on one in High School in 1968!
AdLib : CL and Sally, I posted a comment on this, someone on MSNBC (can’t remember who) had the best explanation for why Queen Babs Bush said we didn’t need another Bush. He said she never just says something, she is after all the Queen and the Queen Mother and she sure would like to be so again. Instead, this was to separate Jeb from George, lower expectations about Jeb and deliver a backhand to Hillary, who she knows is the favorite to win in 2016, by saying, “The Presidency shouldn’t come from just four families”. Still, it’s all for not, no way anyone with the last name of Bush will ever be President again.
choicelady : Sally – well, Cheney WAS responsible for the F-ups AND the F-bombs!
choicelady : Sally and AdLib – I remember a Mother Jones expose of the Bush crime family years ago. Every son had a big stinko mess they’d made. Jeb was involved in a Medicare fraud case. Too bad not enough has been made of all this. Neil was the only one – the Silverado S&L mess. The others got a pass on their scandals from the MSM. BTW – that letter about W’s going AWOL that Dan Rather unearthed that was supposedly typed on an IBM Executive that ‘didn’t exist’ in 1971? THAT is a LIE because I worked in an office that used them all the time. They were around in 1971 indeed!!! I can’t believe IBM lied about it – we had them at Cal State Dominguez Hills and every president’s office had them in 1971 and on.
SallyT : However, I think the whole family blames Cheney for the F-ups!
SallyT : I think he probably thinks like any other baby brother that big bro F’d up but he is still my bro. (But, don’t make me go to bat for him again, okay?) I think Jeb knows he disgraced Dad, too.
AdLib : CL – It goes back to the wonderful theory discussed here, of the battered wife syndrome and the Reconstruction mentality where the poor white people who had been beaten down by the white elite as below them, clung to that system for security and loved them back for it to get their love, approval and generosity. Sad to see people embrace others being superior to them, them being beneath others and needing to please their betters to get their imagined rewards.
choicelady : Sally – I wonder what Jeb really thinks of Georgie?
SallyT : I don’t think Mom was selling him out as much as not wanting him to go through it all and have to defend George W all over the place. Making one speech about George not being a bad guy is one thing but having to do it everyday is another.
choicelady : Sally – I know. It’s all kind of perverted. They wear rings, too. But most of them see it as merely symbolic. It’s the male hierarchy – “the boys” as a nun friend says – who take it LITERALLY. For the women. NOT for themselves, obviously.
SallyT : No, AdLib, they get all dressed up in wedding gowns and go through the it all. Well, except the wedding night……
choicelady : AdLib – the nuns I know all take it with a grain of salt. Don’t tell the Pope I said that.
choicelady : Sally – I know, I was thinking here Jeb thought HE was the fave, and Mom just sold him out!
AdLib : CL – Yep, I understand the metaphor of being brides of Christ but it is a bit creepy…and I don’t think they all see it as a metaphor.
SallyT : I wonder how Jeb felt about Mom saying that he needs to stay home!
choicelady : Sally – I was whomperjawed when Babs said that!
SallyT : Hey, didn’t you love it when Barbara Bush said that we have had enough Bushes! That is the only time I could agree with cotton candy hair Barb!
choicelady : AdLib – it’s reinforced by the ‘born again’ idea – if you take Jesus into your heart he will reward you with a condo in Florida and a Mer SAY Deez Bends. If you don’t get those things? Your fault. Herman Cain said so – you’re broke? Don’t blame the banks – blame yourself.
AdLib : Sally –
AdLib : Night KT! Have sweet and musical dreams!
AdLib : KT – These poor saps in the GOP keep being promised that they too will become millionaires if only the current millionaires and billionaires can control the country and carve out tax cuts for themselves. This has been going on for over 30 years, since Reagan. Instead, they’re standard of living has been declining under Repub policies. How stupid are they? Is there any number of years that could pass or any diminished lifestyle they could live that would finally make them say, “Hey…wait a minute, have they been playin’ me?” I don’t honestly know, so many of these people need to believe in the GOP bringing them wealth just like they believe they can win the lottery one day.
SallyT : Sweet dreams, KT! On the Road again, can’t wait to get on the road again
choicelady : KT – good night! Dream up some good stuff you seriously enjoy!
choicelady : KT – Most people aren’t celibate by choice, so why would you choose to be? I guess, knowing a ton of nuns I really like, that I can KIND of see it in their case, but still – you can’t have a sex life AND a social conscience? The idea they’re ‘brides of Christ’ is kinda creepy. We have to get over the idea that sexless lives are “God’s desire”. How incredibly weird and distorted is that?
SallyT : It was CL, they had a Mariachi Band and all dressed up. Great time!
KillgoreTrout : Good night planeteers. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Going to start dreaming up this weekend’s music thread. Ciao!
choicelady : Sally – Sounds fun!
choicelady : KT – the non-Catholic religious right would primly declare they’re ‘saving themselves’ but for what? I can’t imagine they ever stop even when they marry. Ick.
KillgoreTrout : sure is CL. Oh course I’ve never been celibate by choice!
SallyT : CL, I was abducted by aliens once. I went to a Mexican wedding! It was fantastic!
choicelady : KT – Yeah. Celibacy is vastly over-rated.
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, celibate sounds too Catholic.
choicelady : AdLib – LOL!!! That is so sick it’s hilarious!
KillgoreTrout : Funny Ad, our brain waves often come close to “crossing stream.” I was thinking about movement, travel, road songs, that sort of thing. I think I’ll get right on that. Thanks. Plenty to choose from.
AdLib : CL – Yep, saw that story too, Rick Perry was in Chicago trying to promote people moving their businesses to TX because there’s less regulation…wit hin the week of the West explosion. “Come on down to TX, we’re blowing away the competition!”
choicelady : Sally – well better that than you were abducted by aliens!
SallyT : Wow, I lost my internet connection! That damn Comcast just keeps trying to get me to upgrade!
choicelady : KT – Celibate fool lacks the zing of Fucking Fools, so I’d go with what works!!!
AdLib : KT – How about in recognition of this sequester move, a music theme of travel? Leaving on a Jet Plane and that kind of thing?
KillgoreTrout : Celibate fools?
choicelady : AdLib – I agree it’s essential to wait. But right after a group of us who monitor hate crimes began comparing notes, and it was chilling. One of them was FROM that area, and she has her suspicions, too. We just don’t know yet. And that’s the very hard part. Waiting.
KillgoreTrout : Ha CL. abstinant fools?
AdLib : CL – That’s sobering info to keep in mind and justifies keeping that suspicion in mind about the West explosion. At the same time, that plant had created itself to be a ticking time bomb that would go off eventually so it can’t be too surprising if that’s the cause of it. And in some of the cases you mention, revenge plays a big role. It is hard to see how they could have a grudge against people in West…unless there was someone who was from West and held a grudge against people there. I don’t rule anything out, just feel more comfortable waiting to hear if facts arise that dispute the most obvious and likely scenario.
choicelady : KT? fucking fools? I thought they had to be abstinent…
KillgoreTrout : Oh for sure Ad. I think they really believed that if Romney won, they too would be members of “the big club.” Fucking fools.
choicelady : Sally – I have not had a second to even read this week’s (last week’s?) selection. Maybe tomorrow if I can. I miss you!
KillgoreTrout : CL, the date is a bit suspicious.
SallyT : CL, I was really surprised when I didn’t see a comment from you last Sunday. You know it they are still there…….
choicelady : Sally – for REAL Perry was promoting being able to blow up your own biz? Wow – that’s NOT much of an enticement in my book.
AdLib : KT – Great point about Romney. The rank and file really disliked him, did everything they could to stop him from getting the nomination (yep, Herman Cain really was at the top of the polls at one time in the GOP primary!). Then, when their party forces him on them, nearly all seemed to eat up the talking points and propaganda and convinced themselves that Romney was in fact the man who should be President. Like puppets.
SallyT : Yep, KT, I’m sure it was and old Perry was up there in Chicago campaigning for more businesses moving there right after. No regulations, come on down!
KillgoreTrout : Ad, as far as the music thread goes, I’m a little stumped on the theme. Got any ideas?
choicelady : KT – it may well be an accident. But the date and place give me the willies.
KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams glenn.
choicelady : Sally – can hardly wait for this week’s funnies since I missed the last round! Especially looking forward to the LieBerry ones!
KillgoreTrout : I think the explosion was accidental, but it would never have been so devastating if they stuck to the regs in place. I’m sure much of the explosive was kept in areas that were unsafe for storage.
SallyT : glenn, lots on Bushie’s lieberry in the funnies! I will see you there. Have a good night.
glenn : AdLib–yes, if it doesn’t get rained out.
choicelady : glenn – have a good rest and great weekend!
AdLib : Night glenn, you have a great weekend too (another soccer game with the granddaughter?)!
choicelady : AdLib – look at all the targets that are just local officials. In Stanislaus County the militia targeted a county clerk because she would not file their phony liens against judges etc., and they hired an Oregon militia guy to jump her in her garage and savage her. They have the names, addresses, children’s names of every local cop, game warden, etc. – the county is under siege by them and are terrified by them. It’s happening all over the country – the four off duty cops in Seattle, etc. It’s ANY public official, not just feds. Fire fighters in NY state were enticed to an upstate fire – and gunned down. Horrid acts against ordinary law enforcement AND NON law enforcement officials. That is the long term legacy. I have a friend who’s a wildlife biologist in MT and Alaska – he carries a gun to protect himself against them. Nuts!
SallyT : I am not saying they get out of responsibility but just get everyone focusing on terrorist and them still out there.
glenn : Alright folks, it’s getting late here. Time to turn in. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Looking forward to the Weekend Music Thread, KT. And, of course, the Sunday Funnies, Sally. Take care all.
KillgoreTrout : CL, thought control is paramount among the GOP. Just look at how many middle class and poor republicans that were willing and proud to vote for Romney, a man that would sooner spit on them as help them.
AdLib : Sally – Much as they’d like to blame terrorists to escape responsibility, it ain’t gonna work. They had tons of amonia nitrate stored which was illegal, they didn’t report it as they legally were required, they basically built a massive bomb and left it out in the public for anyone to light the fuse on. No way they escape responsibility.
SallyT : Still, if they can get the attention focused on terrorist, they will go for it.
choicelady : glenn – I agree. But the entire RW mindset is about punishing you for ‘incorrect thought’. It’s Brave New World, 1984, and Animal Farm all come to life.
SallyT : Well, CL, that would be. However, it is going to be scary not knowing if your next flight has had the plane inspected.
AdLib : CL – The “enemy” for McVeigh and the anti-government types is mainly Feds. True that police and firemen are technically government employees but in a town like West, many could be part-timers who are just regular people. It could be that terroists could see it as a strike against the evil government to blow up firemen who are just regular folks in their community but it seems to be so crazy, it’s hard to believe…but not impossible.
choicelady : Sally – the ATF won’t raise terrorism if there is no evidence. If there IS, they will find it. That actually does not let the owners off the hook if they had actions that abetted the horror. There is proportional culpability. They will be liable one way or the other.
glenn : CL–I agree about the punative being the mindset of the gop. What I can’t understand is the “why”. I’m around the same age as most of the gop in congress–lived through the same presidents, wars, etc. And, my take, and I venture to say, the take of most of the people here, is to STOP the punative and work on the healing. As Rodney King said, “Can’t we all just get along?” I’m not asking them to come around to my way of thinking–I’m just asking them to quit punishing me for thinking differently than they do!
KillgoreTrout : I don’t think this kid was doing any rational, delibrit thought.
choicelady : Sally – I just made a cross country flight Tuesday – the problem I had, as I’d mentioned earlier, was looking out the window at other planes TOO DAMNED CLOSE. It was truly scary!
SallyT : Well AdLib and CL, if there is a way for that company to blame it on a terrorist, they will to get out of charges against them.
KillgoreTrout : I’ve never been in a firefight, but I have many friends who have, and they say it is sheer terror. I tend to believe them.
choicelady : AdLib – that could well be true. I just think we will never really know what happened. People’s own memories of their own actions are as capable of distortion as anything. Oh, well…
choicelady : glenn – the punitive is the essence of the GOP. Cannot have compassion work. Shows them up for their evil. So they manage to institute harsh treatments so they can pretend they are doing something good.
SallyT : Right now I think the middle class is pissed at a lot of them in Congress’ rush to get their flights on time and to hell with all of us in the middle low class and our problems.
KillgoreTrout : CL, for sure. How totally futile their efforts were. They accomplished nothing but making the US look strong and together. The opposite of what they set out to do. The love and support for Boston and the victims, from all parts of the US is a tremendous testament to our solidarity.
AdLib : CL – I would agree with KT’s take on this, sounds like a moment of absolute panic, with bombs going off, bullets flying everywhere, I think Dzhokhar just panicked and hit the gas trying to escape, not thinking about he was going to run down his brother.
choicelady : AdLib – the only reason it fits is the majority of deaths were government employees. Any doofus without McVeigh’s military training might pick what was handy, near Waco, easier. Copy cats rarely are as good as the original. And McVeigh DID know and ADMITTED he knew about the daycare center. He clammed up when he discovered the outrage – huh? He thought we would not CARE???? But he admitted to his attorney and my friends who wrote the book, “American Terrorist” about him that he knew. And did it anyway.
AdLib : glenn – Agreed, I hope 2014 is a shocking win for Dems and a takeover of the House, stunning Repubs out of their mindset that this policy of Just Say No is stripping them of more and more power. And as you say, hope the middle class can hold on long enough for that to take place!
KillgoreTrout : I agree completely Sally. I mean really, the kid was only 19 years old.
glenn : CL–isn’t that the truth. Which state was it that the republican lawmaker wanted kids to have to sweep the floors for their free lunch? While he himself was receiving a free lunch. And, in Ocala, FL, they have just re-instituted paddling in the elementary schools. Even though suspensions were down because they had an alternative program which was working. That’s why they had to put paddling back in–the program was working. I will NEVER understand their “logic” and “reasoning”. Women can’t have abortions; but don’t you dare ask us to help you after that baby is born–even if the baby’s daddy won’t help you, either!
KillgoreTrout : I really do think it was sheer terror that made the younger brother do what he did. It was pure panic.
AdLib : CL – Well…don’t agree that it’s the same as McVeigh’s bombing because he still bombed a federal building when he murdered those innocent children in the daycare facility (he claimed he didn’t know it was there but I doubt that, it probably was acceptable collateral damage in his mind for bombing a fed building). This was a fertilizer plant, there was no federal government connection, just local people with a local business. I think it’s less likely it was terrorism but I will keep following the story to see if it turns out otherwise.
SallyT : CL, I was wondering that, too, and if he didn’t want his brother to blow up others. I think the kid just wanted to get the hell out of there and knew it was all over.
choicelady : KT -I see the brothers the same way. Rambo wannabes. They thought they could get away with it – be heroes. How dreadful it all is.
KillgoreTrout : ad I hope so too. I really do see these two as naive amatures who spent too much time on the wrong websites, seeing themselves as hardened terrorists, with no idea of what a hardened terrorist is. Like trying to emulate a Hollywood movie.
choicelady : AdLib – I will always wonder though if Dzokhar did it on purpose because Tamarlan forced or coerced him into doing the bombing. We may never really know what REALLY happened!
glenn : Ad–personally, I hope the repubs continue to play their losers’ game. And keep losing. I hope it happens before they completely destroy the middle class.
AdLib : Whoops, night Kes! Get some rest!!!
SallyT : Yep, glenn, that it!
AdLib : KT – Agreed but the fact that his last minutes of life were possibly knowing his brother, who he had possibly trained to be a killer, killed him, is something I don’t think he would have been happy about. And it is fitting that Dzhokhar will have to remember his whole life that he ran down his brother in cowardice and possibly killed him…the brother he had so revered. I hope it tortures him, that’s the only torture I support, the emotional self-torture of a killer’s mind.
choicelady : glenn – the Oliver Twist mentality of the religious right about kids is disgusting. Poor houses next. Gruel, one bowl, and that’s that.
choicelady : kes – good night! HOpe your weather is good and you have a lovely weekend!
glenn : Sally–kind of reminds you of Newt wanting to make them janitors, right?
choicelady : Sally – I am in a ‘wait and see’ mode. Almost April 19 (Waco, OK City), same stuff – fertilizer – with two blasts, the second one of which killed the First Responders. I’m just NOT going to dismiss the possibility until the ATF says it was conclusively NOT sabotage. West, TX is very near the Davidian compound. Just too freaking possible that the negligence of the owners played into the hands of RW zealots. I’m just WAITING to see what’s what.
SallyT : Good night, Kes.
SallyT : Kes, I thought they would make the kids empty the Air Traffic Controllers waste baskets and get their lunches for them.
KillgoreTrout : Take care Homie. Have a great weekend.
glenn : Good night kes. Sleep well.
AdLib : glenn – The Repubs are playing such loser’s game though, having to rely on people being too stupid to believe their own ears and eyes. Polls show it hasn’t been working and isn’t working but they are such committed ideologues, they can’t change course and prefer to think that if they believe hard enough that people can be fooled, they will be.
kesmarn : Well,kids, I think it’s getting to be time to call it a day here in corn country. Let’s hope the GOP doesn’t decide to pay for air traffic controllers with kids’ school lunch money. Have a great weekend, all!
choicelady : AdLib – Emily is indeed amazing. She has lost much of her vision, but her wonderful husband got her a computer set up with HUGE type,and she can read and respond to email etc. She will NEVER give up. She stuck it to Rudolph pointing out to him she was alive, had a loving family, a full life,and he was going to jail forever. He was FURIOUS.
KillgoreTrout : I think due to the sheer tonage of explosive material was ther, much of it was probably improperly stored, maybe in areas that weren’t to safe for storage.
SallyT : You really think so, CL? I think it was just greed on the owners fault and Perry cutting regulations.
choicelady : AdLib – it’s the same as McVeigh killing all those babies in the daycare center. He knew it was there. He just had to make his anti-government statement, never mind “collateral damage”. Same in West – tough luck to workers. It was the responders someone might have wanted REALLY to kill.
AdLib : CL – She sounds amazing! Emily is a real hero, overcoming all she did and refusing to see herself as a victim after all of that, very cool!
KillgoreTrout : I will do that Sally.
AdLib : CL – I don’t know, I don’t like to jump to conclusions as the RW does on every thing that happens in this country (and I know you don’t either). I don’t see though how blowing up innocent citizens and a clearly rural and doubtless Repub/Conservati ve/Religious community makes an anti-government statement.
choicelady : glenn – I’m sorry I keep forgetting where you are. Keep your nose above water wherever you may be!
KillgoreTrout : Ad I think his younger brother was just scared shitless and possibly thought Tamerlan was already dead.
glenn : Hi Sally–you must’ve sent your rain our way. Supposed to rain all day tomorrow and Sunday here.
SallyT : Great KT! You let me know when!
KillgoreTrout : Glad to hear that Sally. I might be in Portland around the middle of july!
glenn : AdLib–exactly. However, repubs think that if they keep shouting “it’s all President Obama’s and the Democrat’s fault” that they will be absolved of all responsibility. Look at the sequester. They brought the country to its knees, downgraded our credit for the first time in history, and when President Obama tried to get them to understand the consequences of what they were proposing, went for the consequences anyway. Hence, the sequester, which is now President Obama’s fault. And..consequence s which some in Congress are saying they were never told about… Ayyy!
kesmarn : Wow…impressive that Emily’s fear level went down, rather than up!
choicelady : kes – it would have been radio activated which is why the second explosion is so scary. Meant to kill First Responders IF it was sabotage.
KillgoreTrout : With that sheer amount of ammonium nitrate, it would only take a small initial explosion to set off all of it.
AdLib : KT – That sums it up, Tamerlan does indeed sound like he was going out Tony Montana style but there was nothing glorious about your brother running you over and dragging your body.
SallyT : Beautiful day here today, KT. 77 all day long! Going to be dry tomorrow, too.
choicelady : AdLib – She is amazing, is Emily. Her biggest loss? She can’t play the piano anymore. I have NEVER met anyone so powerful – she simply is phenomenal in her courage and strength. She said to me that she’s not afraid of anything anymore – she’s already been through the worst anyone ever could do.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Lady from the great (and soggy) Northwest!
kesmarn : Hey, Sally!
kesmarn : Would they have to have planted some sort of device to ignite the explosion, c’lady? Seems as though it would be a suicide mission to “toss a match” as it were. You’d think a device would be traceable.
AdLib : CL – How horrible, so sorry Emily had to go through that.
SallyT : Oh, I haven’t been bombed in years! The pain meds make me a cheap date but I like to stay longer at the party!
choicelady : AL – thanks. I just CANNOT keep those names straight save Tamarlan since that’s world famous though spelled differently from our way.
KillgoreTrout : Tamerlan sleeps with the fishes!
KillgoreTrout : Oh absoluetly. Think of the symbolism.
AdLib : CL – Yes, Dzhokhar is the younger brother who is alive. Tamerlan is the older brother.
choicelady : Hey Sally! Great to see you! We’re talking bombs. Join right in!
choicelady : KT – if I were a RW McVeigh-type avenger, I’d LOOK for a plant disregarding all safety. Could not do better than one near the compound outside Waco.
SallyT : Hey, what’s you all talkin’ about?
AdLib : glenn – Repubs are notoriously wrong about predicting cause and effect, witness the Iraq War and their extremism in Congress bringing a re-election for Obama. I think that arming more people in America may indeed turn people against government…but instead of their ignorant view that only Dems represent government, as you say, those people could turn on the Repubs who are also government and the ones responsible for ruining their futures.
choicelady : kes – Yup. If it’s malfeasance, it’s beyond disgusting. I’m just wary.
KillgoreTrout : I did read that the fertilizer plant had something like a thousand times more ammonium nitrate that they shouldn’t have had. A total disregard for safety regs.
choicelady : AdLib – the higher profile location IS West, TX for its proximity to the Davidian compound. What they need to look for is oil in the fertilizer – if it’s there, it’s sabotage.
kesmarn : Nothing like zero state regulations/insp ections to set up a tinder box of a situation.
choicelady : AdLib – that may well be the case, but the time, location, and double explosion all give me the willies for the similarity to OKC and the use of fertilizer in bombs by McVeigh and others. I will accept the verdict from the ATF, but…
AdLib : CL – I would bet that the West explosion was from company malfeasance and not a purposeful act. Terrorists would want to pick a higher profile location, the records show that they were storing huge and illegal amounts of amonia, doesn’t take much for a small flame to blow it alal up.
kesmarn : That news item — it casts some doubt on the notion that it was just the two brothers working without any outside assistance, doesn’t it?
choicelady : AdLib – I hope those are righteous arrests and detentions. Wow.
choicelady : kes – oh, that’s beyond comprehension. That poor man!
KillgoreTrout : Ad’ oh I agree. I was just commenting on the reports I’ve seen by the cops. I think Tamerlan was doing his interpretation of Tony Montana. A last ditch effort to kill as many cops as possible, He failed of course. Thank goodness.
choicelady : kes – I know Emily Lyons, the nurse Eric Rudolph blew up in Birmingham, AL. I’ve SEEN the nails in her legs. I cannot tell you…
kesmarn : The bizarre thing is that this guy also has a niece who attends Sandy Hook Elementary!
AdLib : Here’s a news item from today: “nvestigators in white hazmat suits are searching a landfill for a laptop tied to the accused Boston Marathon bombers, a potential lead that emerged as a result of interviews with two men from Kazakhstan who knew the terror suspects, law enforcement sources told ABC News. Immigration officers arrested the two men, Dias Kadyrbayev, 19, and Azamat Tazhayakov, 20, on Saturday on suspicion that they had violated the terms of their student visas because they were no longer attending classes. They are being detained on the administrative charges at the Suffolk County (Mass.) House of Corrections. ” «link»
choicelady : kes – OMG – I am SO sorry for your friend! One of my colleagues was about half a block away, and he’s having nightmares, too even though he was not injured. I cannot imagine the horror.
KillgoreTrout : I’ve never been in a shoot out with cops, but the younger brother was probably scared shitless and just wanted to get away at any cost.
choicelady : AdLib – with red face I have to ask – is that the younger brother??? I just can’t keep their names in my head.
kesmarn : I found out shortly after the Boston bombing that an old college friend was there at the finish line. He had to get some sutures due to BB and nail wounds but is otherwise physically OK. Having terrible nightmares, though.
glenn : AdLib–IF the gop has considered the hopelessness of people when they are pushing more guns, it is only from the perspective of blaming the hopelessness on the “evil gubmint”, and that’s who the gop thinks the people will turn on. Notwithstanding that a lot of those gop ARE the “gubmint”. Makes your head spin, doesn’t it?
AdLib : KT – I would just caution everyone not to believe what Dzhokhar is saying, he is not a reliable source.
choicelady : KT – all bombers, possibly with the exception of Algeria, have changed NOTHING but have left huge human misery in their wake.
choicelady : kes – I agree. The very fact we have to THINK West, TX could be sabotage says a whole lot about America.
KillgoreTrout : kes, I agree. The sheer stupidity and senselessness that that these tow displayed just makes me shake my head in disgust. What did they really think they could accomplish?
choicelady : KT – that may well be true. So much for brotherly love.
kesmarn : Isn’t it sad that we actually have to sort of second-guess any disaster like the West, TX one? To double-check for the human sabotage possibility?
choicelady : kes – also having a second explosion when the First Responders arrived is another hallmark of the extremists. They set those explosions to kill First Responders. I will wait for the ATF. However, they MAY keep it under wraps if they find it WAS sabotage in order to deflect concern by the perps and give them a sense of ease.
AdLib : glenn – I wonder if the GOP has considered that while they are pushing for more Americans to be able to have more guns at any time, that a whole class of younger people could become more violent as they become more desperate and turn on them for forcing the desperation onto them.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I think he was just trying to save his own ass and maybe take out a couple of cops in the process.
choicelady : kes – it has all the earmarks of sabotage. ALL of them, and being just outside Waco a couple of days before 4/19 the date of Waco and then OK City – too weird if it’s just an accident.
kesmarn : KT…awful. What a way to end a young life.
AdLib : CL – From the sounds of reports, seems that the older brother was shot multiple times first then his younger brother ran over him and even dragged his body a ways under the car so he could have killed him. But police might have shot him up a bit after all of that too, he was shooting at them and did have a bomb strapped to him.
choicelady : KT – but why did the younger brother DO that? There is something really horrifying about that. Maybe an accident, but maybe – not?
kesmarn : Now that is one theory I had NOT heard, c’lady. I’d hate to think that fertilizer explosion was not an accident.
KillgoreTrout : kes, from what I’ve read in this rapidly changing story is that Tamerlan was shot repeatedly before being run over. He was probably on his way out before he got run over.
choicelady : glenn – I do agree, and this is a huge point we all need to keep reinforcing. Hopelessness breeds violence, no matter who, no matter where.
choicelady : Again anyone – Many of us following extremism are waiting to hear if the West, TX fertilizer plant explosion was a McVeigh style sabotage. I will NOT be surprised if it is – date, place, style all match.
kesmarn : glenn, well said.
AdLib : CL – Excellent comparison with the Reconstruction days and poor whites not wanting to join black sharecroppers with whom they had the most in common. That’s why I wasn’t referring to the Elite Repubs, they only represent a very small fraction of GOP voters, most are ignorant people voting against their own interests.
KillgoreTrout : Great point glenn.
choicelady : kes – I heard it eventually was the cause of death. Don’t really know though.
KillgoreTrout : I think of The Weather Underground and their militant stance on the Vietnam War, but these two brothers who claimed their actions were motivated by Iraq and Afghanistan, is just pathetic. Talk about being late for the game.
kesmarn : Now that you mention it, I think I did hear that he ran him over. Don’t know if that was the cause of death, though.
glenn : CL and KT–and that’s exactly why the GOP has to blame the attack on “radical Islam”. If they had to reflect on why young people in the U.S. feel such despair and hopelessness and I might add, helplessness, than they might realize their complicity in the despair, hopelessness, and helplessness of not just young people, but many in the poor and middle classes.
choicelady : Anyone – I heard in a press conference that police said the death of the older brother, Tamarlan, was due to his younger brother seizing the car and running him over, killing him as the police scattered. Anyone else heard more about that?
kesmarn : KT, I’ve heard speculation that there was that sense of hopelessness with the Boston bombers, too. They felt they were getting nowhere and were isolated culturally.
AdLib : Once again CL, we are indeed on the same page!’
choicelady : KT – I agree about the Boston bombers. Totally.
choicelady : AdLib – No, never have been, but the photos all made me think that the GOP gave them empty stares. “Washed my brains this morning and can’t do a THING with them!”
AdLib : CL – Have not heard anything from Murph about problems, expected him to be around tonight if all was well…
KillgoreTrout : I think the Boston Marathon bombers are a good example of the hopelessness that young people must be feeling these days. It does not excuse what horrible things they did, but I have no doubt that such despair was a contribution.
kesmarn : To go back to your question about Murph, though. No–I don’t think I’ve seen a post from him in the last 24 hours or so. Hope everything is OK.
AdLib : CL – Repubs do give you acne, ever been to a Young Republicans rally?
choicelady : ADLib – I think the well off are stress free. You are totally right about the marginalized ones tending toward the GOP. There is such paranoia, and they really are blaming the WRONG person! I don’t know how to get them to see who is really harming them – just as poor whites threw in with the KKK back in Reconstruction. They allied with the planter class that exploited them instead of with Black sharecroppers just like themselves. Not until the 1920s and the Tenant Farmer movement did that change – and it did not endure.
KillgoreTrout : Horrible indeed. At least our generation had hope. I don’t think teens now have any hope at all. At least those in the middle class and poor.
kesmarn : Yes, c’lady! Self-esteem comes from feeling competent.
AdLib : CL – Some are stress free living in their delusion but I see far more who are ready to blow a gasket over how much they hate the black President, how the government and Muslims and foreigners are taking over America, how everyone wants to take their guns away…the paranoia and hatred that so many Repubs are filled with doesn’t seem very relaxing on them.
choicelady : kes – I remember years ago in a flood I think in 1993 that in Indiana when the bucket brigades were filling sandbags, the KIDS turned out in droves to help. Everyone was amazed, but it was clear they NEEDED something important to do and were proud they’d done it!
kesmarn : Limbaugh…he always has provided more heat than light.
KillgoreTrout : I remeber the sheer angst that our generation had, after the assassinations of great men, the Vietnam war and the draft and the threat of nuclear annhialation. I can only imagine the angst of present day teens.
kesmarn : I wouldn’t doubt that, AdLib. Unemployment is still high here and they’re angry and bored. Not a good combination.
AdLib : Kes – I think both meth and Repubs are flammable, Limbaugh would be a walking grease fire if a flame was put under him.
choicelady : AdLib – I see we’re on the same page!
choicelady : KT – this has been a long standing problem with our young. The lack of opportunity that they fully see and absorb has turned so many hopeless and toward gangs, violence, waste of their lives. It is horrible.
AdLib : Kes – Maybe the adolescent destructiveness that comes from being unemployed, not having money to do more legitimately fun things and expressing jealousy and resentment that’s only building up out there.
KillgoreTrout : Extremism is a form of blindness and contrition.
choicelady : ADLib or anyone – has anybody heard from Murph? I am desperately worried about the flooding and don’t know precisely where he is. Hope his farm is not under water!
AdLib : KT – Maybe that’s just the tell-tale sign of extremists, they have to be conditional about which truths they accept and which they don’t because extremism is fatally flawed and would never stand up in the light of the full truth.
choicelady : kes – I will definitely agree with that! Maybe it’s invisible acne?
KillgoreTrout : It’s so sad, but I think too many teens are picking up on the senselss violnce and malevolence that seems to prevail these days. Thanks to the bloody MSM.
choicelady : AdLib – but anyone devoted to the GOP is probably stress free in self delusion.
kesmarn : They do give you the impression that there’s something “under your skin,” though.
glenn : CL–I don’t know about that acne thingy. Stress can cause acne, too.
choicelady : AdLib – I think the ONLY thing about the GOP you can distinguish is that they don’t give you acne.
glenn : KT–well said–“constitu tion a la carte”!
kesmarn : And/or were so easily flammable?
AdLib : Thanks Kes! Hard to argue against the comparison. Just wish Repubs we’re also stored in baggies.
choicelady : kes – boys have to have their fun. Sigh.
KillgoreTrout : kes, yeah, I think it was pretty well done, but the absolute feudalism is so senseless. So many died for nothing but pride.
kesmarn : The latest fad in this area is stealing cars and driving them into trees, houses or the lake, c’lady. Not sure what the amusement factor is there. Keeps the police busy on Saturday nights, though!
choicelady : AdLib – See? Even YOU can’t tell the GOP from meth!
AdLib : CL – Actually, I think it’s hard to find a difference between meth and the GOP…aside from one being the choice of the self-destructive and ignorant and the other…er…
choicelady : glenn – honorable to a stars and bars person, yes.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, people like Hannity and Coulter and their minions are just like fundamental Christians. They pick and choose what amendments they like and what bible teachings they like. Constitution ala carte.
glenn : CL–how could I miss that “honorable” part?
choicelady : glenn – I suspect most younger people who like NASCAR don’t really know the origins, but there IS a sense of us v them even there.
choicelady : KT – YIKES! More and more I see putative shiners in NASCAR style vehicles on my city streets. Getting positive dangerous out here.
glenn : Kes–Interesting . No wonder NASCAR is so popular.
KillgoreTrout : Nothing like a 200 mile per hour left turn!
kesmarn : KT, the movie with Kevin Costner on Netflix? I started that one but was interrupted.
AdLib : KT – Thanks pal! Their hypocrisy has become 24/7 at this point, what would be unusual is for Repubs to say or do something that isn’t dishonest or hypocritical. And they do hate the Constitution except for part of the 2nd Amendment.
choicelady : glenn – yes, they ARE part of the 47%, but they’re stiffing the feds the HONORABLE way!
kesmarn : AL, that is brilliant! About the GOP and meth!
choicelady : kes – I think you’re right about NASCAR.
choicelady : AdLib – you mean there’s a difference between meth and the GOP? Even the stench is the same I thought.
KillgoreTrout : Funny, I just finished watching The Hatfields and The McCoys. Not much has changed within the GOP.
glenn : CL–Got it. So…that makes “shiners” part of the 47%, but it doesn’t count because….?
kesmarn : And if I’m not mistaken, the roots of NASCAR are in the souped-up vehicles that shine manufacturers came up with to outrun the feds.
AdLib : Crystal Meth and Republicanism are very similar, one makes you delusional, dangerous and destroys you from the inside out and the other is a drug that has a majority of addicts who are poor rural white people. You figure that one out.
choicelady : glenn – yes, the real evil is selling it and not paying federal taxes. That’s why locals rarely enforce the issue.
glenn : CL–Oops, sorry. You and kes hit the nail on the head. If it’s a federal violation, it doesn’t count.
kesmarn : I think the original deal was that if you made and sold shine, glenn, you’d better be paying income taxes on the money you made.
choicelady : kes – yup. My family lore holds that one of my forebears was a ‘revenooer’ in eastern TN, but I don’t know the whole story only that he really had to keep moving! Apparently dodging the religious right is a long standing family tradition.
KillgoreTrout : Oh, I must say, once again, kudos on your piece about republicans and the constitution. You hit that nail squarely on the head.
glenn : CL–So, distributing shine is against the law? But not making it?
choicelady : glenn – We all know the Red States think nullification of federal laws is just hunky dory. So good ol’ boys making shine are, you know, just boys being boys.
kesmarn : And therein are the roots of their hatred of the feds and the “revenooers” no, c’lady?
KillgoreTrout : That’s about right CL. Can’t have people happy and thinking outside the programmed norm.
choicelady : glenn – define ‘against the law’. It’s usually a fed issue on revenue not a local one for producing it.
KillgoreTrout : For sure CL.
glenn : CL–isn’t shine against the law, too?
choicelady : KT – but there are clear reasons for the marijuana penalties – HIPPIES use that stuff and REAL MERCANS use shine. And meth.
glenn : Kes–thanks.
choicelady : AdLib and glenn – the image of damp and gnarled pork rinds is making me ill…
KillgoreTrout : Meanwhile, John Q Public sits in prison for an ounce of marijuana.
KillgoreTrout : Oh Ad, I think the “shine,” would be a huge contributing factor.
choicelady : KT – that IS the million dollar question. Who would witness God’s authority? That’s even more knotty than the # of angels on the the head of a pin.
kesmarn : Good one, glenn!
glenn : Ad–well they certainly do suck!
KillgoreTrout : cL, that’s very funny. Who would bear witness?
kesmarn : KT, this has been a field day for Beck and Jones. Sadly.
choicelady : glenn – the big cat fight between Palin and Bachmann was over WHO had God’s ear. Never did get settled.
AdLib : Kes – I understand that the Gohmert Goobers who don’t have teeth just prefer to suck on pork rinds.
choicelady : KT – OBTW – you dont’ actually have to stop doing the sinning. You just have to give the C Street folks the intimate details so they can get off on them. THEN you’re cool.
glenn : CL–well doesn’t she have a direct line to God? Or is that Bachmann?
kesmarn : Would there be enough teeth in the whole room to handle the pork rinds, AdLib?
KillgoreTrout : kes, the government conspiracy nuts are all over the marathon bombings. Egged on of course by Glen Beck and his minions like Alex Jones. Truly insane nutters.
AdLib : glenn – I have it on good authority that God is suing Sanford and many others on the Right for identity theft.
choicelady : glenn – Palin? !!!!!!
AdLib : I would like to see a room filled with all the people who find Gohmert credible, throw in a bag of pork rinds and a jug of moonshine watch survival of the wackest take place.
choicelady : KT – I wonder where God would find a notary…
glenn : CL–Love it–a notarized memo from God. Perhaps we could get palin to notarize it. I would believe it if she notarized it, wouldn’t you?
choicelady : KT – Sanford IS welcomed back into the Dominionist fold! He had already been forgiven when he got off the plane and tearily confessed his Seventh Sin “mistakes”. That’s the function of C Street folks – blessing and anointing the Tom Cats. Once you repent – you’re back in.
KillgoreTrout : I wonder CL, does god have a FAX machine?
kesmarn : There’s no limit to how low they’ll go, c’lady.
choicelady : kes – Cruz wins the McCarthy look-alike contest, so Gohmert is left with doubling down on lies and screed.
KillgoreTrout : Great point Ad. Does Sanford really think people are that stupid as to welcome him back into the Christian fold?
choicelady : AdLib – YES!!!! As one of those innocent people stuck in a metal tube hurling through the sky, I am soooo in agreement!
kesmarn : Did you see that Gohmert blamed the President indirectly today for the Boston bombing because he is too “politically correct” when it comes to Islam?
KillgoreTrout : glenn I don’t think he has any idea. Just as out of touch as before his mountain excursion.
AdLib : glenn – Hadn’t heard enough about how the deterioration of air safety had been happening but after CL’s experience, I think we have to take what we can right now to keep innocent people from being killed.
choicelady : KT – I agree. We have to start demanding a notarized memo from God before we take them at their word.
KillgoreTrout : Italways make me a little nauseous when GOPer think they know what god wants them to do.
choicelady : kes – I think Gohmert is competing with Cruz for “McCarthy impressionist of 2013”!
AdLib : KT – I’m very encouraged by Sanford’s winning the Repub nom while being too toxic to win a GE…even in a Repub district! Just means that more situations like that, where out of touch Baggers put up House candidates could lose to Dems in 2014.
glenn : KT–It is a scene from the House of Cards–Sanford debating a cardboard cutout of Pelosi. LOL! Does he know who is opponent is?
choicelady : kes – that’s a perfect description of Goober!
glenn : Ad–I’m sure you’re correct (hate using the word “right” nowadays). President Obama is in a tough spot, and I sure would hate to see an accident.
kesmarn :
c’lady, someone online described L. Gohmert today as “a vocalizing howler monkey.”
choicelady : KT – Never saw that, but yes – that’s gall. He thinks God has forgiven him. I say – it’s not his call.
AdLib : And it is early, just because K-Sick is up now, doesn’t mean he will be in 2014.
kesmarn : Right, glenn. But as AdLib said, he’s in a tough spot.
KillgoreTrout : CL, I really am stunned a bit by Sanford’s outright gall in trying to get back in the game. It’s almost a scene from House of Cards.
choicelady : kes – I have one question: why do all the GOP boys look like drunken frat kids with fat lips and seeming drool? Quayle started the look, and doesn’t anyone find that repulsive as I do?
AdLib : CL – I don’t know if K-Sick’s approval helps those in federal office, state and local Repubs can be very different and the US Reps are the ones blocking progress for the whole country on both social and economic issues.
glenn : Kes–I doubt it, too. I was just trying to see if I was the only one. I wish he would veto it, and say exactly why he is vetoing it.
kesmarn : c’lady, you are right. Kasich’s numbers are up. So frustrating that peoples’ memories are so short.
choicelady : kes – I don’t know the terms of the sequestration take back bill – I’ve been hermetically sealed for quite a number of days!
glenn : Ad–I don’t think enough repubs have had enough yet. I think it’s still going to be up to Dems/Progressive s/Independents to make sure we get out and vote. I do love how righties are crying for Muslims to denounce terrorists, (which many have done), but aren’t crying the same thing about the terrorists in their (repub/tp) ranks.
KillgoreTrout : kes, I think even Obama underestimated the childishness and hate of the GOP. I know he’s learned a lot after his first term, but he is pretty adamant about bipartisanship. I think it stems from his love of the constitution.
AdLib : glenn, no way, Pres. Obama is in a tight spot and can’t allow the Repubs to label him as vetoing air safety. As CL mentioned, just imagine the firestorm and paralysis that would result if there was a plane crash after Obama vetoed this.
choicelady : AdLib – only thing worries me is that in Ohio – and KT and kes, confirm or refute this as you see it – Kacich has 52% approval. I have no idea if that has spill over impact on Congressional races. I am over the moon at the SC race though – Colbert Bush up 9% over Governor Appalachian Trail!
kesmarn : glenn, I must say I kind of doubt it. Although a part of me wishes he would.
AdLib : CL – Then even with gerrymandering, do you think enough disgust has built up, even among rank and file Repubs, that Dems could take the House back in 2014?
glenn : So…do you think President Obama will veto the “sequestration take-back” bill?
kesmarn : The President tried to warn folks weeks ago about the consequences of the “meat cleaver” approach to cuts, but would they listen?
KillgoreTrout : Aloha glenn. Glad you could make it.
glenn : I’m doing well.
KillgoreTrout : Ah, thanks guys! I would certainly be on the side of the American people. Even if it would cost me reelection. Some things just have to be said and done.
choicelady : glenn! How are you?
AdLib : Evening glenn! Doing well, and you?
kesmarn : Hey, glenn. Doing well. How about you?
choicelady : Nah AdLib – I happened to have lunch in a restaurant in the heart of GOP turf on my trip – and even THEY were grudgingly blaming their own. (I eavesdropped…)
glenn : Good evening, all. How is everyone?
KillgoreTrout : Same here Homie. The weather is improving though.
AdLib : KT – I’d vote for you!
choicelady : KT! Of COURSE you could do better than the spoiled brat GOP. That goes without saying!
AdLib : CL – One of many, many reasons I’m glad too you’re home safe and sound! BTW, do you think most Americans are buying the two-faced Repub BS? First they force these indiscriminate cuts and refuse to revise them then they blame Obama for the consequences? Really, that’s credible?
KillgoreTrout : I just am amazed at the pure juvenile nature of the GOP. I think sometimes, I could do a better job than these spoiled brats.
choicelady : kes – as a former Head Start type preschool teacher (BEFORE Head Start which is showing my age!) I definitely agree. I do know public outcry had an impact on the FAA stuff – now if we could just do the same with OTHER things…!!!
kesmarn : KT, not too much going on in the northern part of the Buckeye State this week. Yourself?
KillgoreTrout : Thanks Ad.
choicelady : KT – estoy bien, que tal?
choicelady : AdLib – it’s one reason among many I’m glad I did not die in a plane crash. DAMN if I’ll give the GOP a reason to diss Obama!
kesmarn : c’lady, I hear you. And safety is the priority, of course. But I wish Head Start were also a priority, as I know you do too.
choicelady : kes – I’m well now I’m back on the ground in one piece. I’m the proverbial white knuckle flier – this sequestration mess had me with my heart in my throat! Glad they’re restoring controllers and towers. I can handle anything on the ground. There’s not room for error in the skies!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Kes, CL, Que Pasa?
AdLib : KT – I was trying to use the “Elite” frequent Flier status with this bailout meant mainly to help Elite Americans.
choicelady : kes – I understand that personal desire on the part of individual congress people was on the table, but my own experience of close calls AND many people calling – ordinary people – had a LOT to do with this change.
KillgoreTrout : Oh, thanks. Befuddled is pretty much my norm.
AdLib : CL – Glad you’re home and safe! You know that if there was a disaster in the air, the Repubs would stampede to blame Obama, trampling right over those who had died and those who had lost family and friends due to the Repubs refusing to budge on the cuts.
kesmarn : Hey, c’lady! How are you?
choicelady : Hey Sally if you’re here!
kesmarn : KT, the reference is to the way congress suddenly found the will to “fix” the part of the sequester that was delaying air travel, but no other part of it.
KillgoreTrout : The whole Frequent Flier thing??
choicelady : Hi AdLib, KT, kes! Hope you’re well.
AdLib : KT – Which comment of mine?
choicelady : Hi – Frequent flier! I have to say I am deeply relieved since my flight home Tuesday was scary – planes waaaay too close three times in the flight. Happy am I the air traffic people are coming BACK!
kesmarn : So true. They probably would have preferred to have individual jets supplied to each of them at taxpayer expense, but that would have looked even worse.
AdLib : I really am sick of these blatantly self-serving pols, mostly all are on the Repub side but some Dems in there too. We really need to clean House.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I’m a bit befuddled as to what you are saying. I think I must have missed something.
AdLib : Kes – Or when they have to fly home and don’t want to be inconvenienced.
AdLib : Hey KT, all Elite members can relax in the deluxe lounge, the other 99% of passengers can wait outside in the rain.
kesmarn : Amazing how fast congress can move when they have to face their constituents in a week or two, no?
AdLib : And as for these Congresspeople once again displaying they only care about themselves and the wealthy people who donate to them, we really need a “throw the bums out” election in 2014.
KillgoreTrout : Hi! Elite Frequent Fliers?
AdLib : Evening Kes! Yep, I remember when millions of Americans were losing their jobs and homes, those weasel CEOs came to DC to argue for their private jets and bonuses. Makes me a bit nauseous, thinking about it.
kesmarn : Remember when the CEOs of all the auto companies were made to drive to D.C. to beg for their bailout funds, rather than use the corporate jets? My how times have changed! Senators would never stoop so low as to get behind the wheel…much less wait in line! And a good Friday evening!
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” or “Elite Frequent Fliers” when you arrive.
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib : Thanks! See you later!
SallyT : You have a good night sleep and I will see you later around the planet.
AdLib : Okay, I’ll roll the dice this week! I’d imagine it will be good just because they can talk about nailing the bombers! Sleep well Sally and see you here tomorrow!
SallyT : Gee, AdLib, I have to read my post a dozen times to catch all my mistakes!
SallyT : So, I can’t give you a heads up.
AdLib : Leave ’em laughing!
SallyT : Okay, I will let you go and I didn’t watch Real Time so I can give you a heads up.
SallyT : Nothing political just a funny.
SallyT : That is how I try to end it. With a funny funny.
AdLib : Yep, always end with a smile!
SallyT : End with a little mix of climate, TV, and such.
SallyT : After the states and local i go to world news.
SallyT : Thanks, I try to keep to a pattern. I just figure it is Boston and it belongs in the states and not Washington DC stuff.
AdLib : Right, you make the call, it’s always well done!
SallyT : I kind of start with a couple touching on it at first but go into the usual Washington DC topics. More on how the week goes.
AdLib : Well…it is a national story though. I think that’s your lead, the biggest national story of the week.
SallyT : I am leaving the Boston bombing in the local State section. I figure it was best there. Comes after the gun control bill and congress.
AdLib : Right! Well, should be a lot of great, feelgood comics this weekend and I’ll bet a strong readership!
SallyT : When I sort them by topic as much as I can.
AdLib : Gotcha!
SallyT : Right, I use that. But, sometimes the other is easier to find and move from.
AdLib : The button I’m talking about isn’t the preview function, it’s a full page editing page. Much better for writing and inserting graphics than the regular box IMO.
SallyT : I think it is the different cartoons from different sites that gets it all mixed up.
AdLib : That happens to me too sometimes when using graphics, I always preview and re-read my own posts before posting.
SallyT : But, I just use the preview as a map and go back to edit and fix.
SallyT : I do use that at times. It is funny tho, I think I have everything the right size, in order, and spaced. I hit preview and it doesn’t look anything like I thought it would!
AdLib : Excellent!
SallyT : I also finally figure out where to change the font when it goes into different sizes on me.
AdLib : One more helpful hint, in the toolbar, click the square icon next to the ABC icon, it will give you a full screen view which makes posting much easier IMO because you can see everything. Then you just click “Exit FullScreen” to go back. Try it, I think you’ll like it for composing.
SallyT : If I get it too long it goes into a second line.
SallyT : I met mark my screen with a mark
SallyT : I have to make my screen with something each time to make sure I don’t get the line too long.
AdLib : Perfect!
SallyT : I figured out on my own that if I add an underline between the cartoons, it keeps them from running into each other.
AdLib : That was the software’s bad, those boxes should have been checked.
SallyT : I have it now! Thanks! I will get better!
AdLib : Everything showing up now?
AdLib : Cool!!!
SallyT : Well, that made a difference!
AdLib : I find it easier to navigate with 2 columns but if you don’t like it, you can keep all the sections in one column.
AdLib : Also make sure you’ve selected the button beside “2 Columns” in the Screen Options pulldown.
SallyT : I have it open in another window. I will go look.
SallyT : Below is the Tags, Categories, Featured Image.
AdLib : Hmm, maybe your screen doesn’t have that option selected. Can you go to your Edit Post now? In the upper right corner of the screen, just under where it says, Howdy Sally, there is a pull down box labeled “Screen Options”. Click on it and make sure all of the boxes are checked, especially the Excerpt box. Then they should all appear.
SallyT : I see Edit Post, the tile space, the tool bar, then where the cartoons would be entered.
SallyT : I am so sorry AdLib, but I don’t.
AdLib : Right, at the top it says, Edit Post, below that comes the toolbar, the post text entry box where you write then the next section should be labeled, Excerpt. Do you see it?
SallyT : I will try to find it. I don’t see it now. What is slug?
AdLib : The Excerpt section is below where you enter your post, in the same middle column. So after you’re done with your post, scroll down until you see the Excerpt header then in the narrow box, paste a brief paragraph introducing that week’s post.
SallyT : I am looking at it now and it says EDIT POST, then the title.
SallyT : Now one more time on the excerpt. It is at the top?
AdLib : Oh! Well, you can do that, it works just the same.
SallyT : That is because I cut and paste it from the week befores.
AdLib : Like you usually do, it’s always there when I review the post!
SallyT : I insert it?
AdLib : Yep, it should be there!
AdLib : That is, once you’ve added the comic strip image at the top of your post, the file appears as an option for Featured Image. So insert it in the post first.
SallyT : And, it will be there when I preview?
AdLib : You’ll find the Featured Image link on the right column at the bottom of the page, same column the categories are in. Once you’ve added the comic strip image, it will show up as a choice for Featured Image.
SallyT : Got it!
AdLib : You’ll have a whole new happy batch tomorrow! Thanks so much! And the excerpt section is labeled just that, in the same column as the posting box, just below it.
SallyT : And, the comic strip….I hit feature and even though it doesn’t show up top, it will be there?
SallyT : And, where do I put the excerpt?
SallyT : And the date.
SallyT : I’ll try to remember the tags!
AdLib : Looking forward to them!
AdLib : Absolutely, that’s totally fine!
SallyT : Can I have until 10pm tomorrow?
SallyT : Yes, same here.
AdLib : It’s been a while but nice to close the Vox bar with you again, Sally!
SallyT : Sounds about right.
AdLib : The plumber?
SallyT : Okay, the smartest guy in the room then.
AdLib : He has a scientist?
SallyT : He has his scientist checking to see if they can use a rice cooker.
AdLib : Actually, NK is a giant pressure cooker.
SallyT : True.
AdLib : Kim Jong Un can actually fit inside a pressure cooker.
SallyT : I met launch!
SallyT : lauch
SallyT : Kim is still trying to figure out how to lauch one tho.
AdLib : Sally – Well, we know it’s not for food because they don’t have any in NK.
AdLib : No good guy in that fight.
SallyT : I heard that NKorea, Kim has ordered a shipment of Pressurer Cookers from China!
AdLib : Yep. In some cases, both sides of a fight could be nasty. That’s the Russia/Chechen battle.
SallyT : Right, that was it, AdLibl.
SallyT : Putin said that he knew all about the, whatever that was they are from. Told the President he didn’t have to tell him how dangerous they are.
AdLib : Putin did an “I told ya so!” on Chechens being in league with Al Qaeda, to justify his iron fist against them.
SallyT : The President did talk to Putin today.
AdLib : Night Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ok checking out for good.
AdLib : Good thing we don’t have a President Romney, we’d probably have launched a war against Russia by now.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…I don’t think they were able to use a robot because the boat was high off the ground and there was no ramping device. From the conversation,I think they decided to take a gamble.
SallyT : Oh, maybe it was a robot and not a bomb sniffing dog.
AdLib : Night Funk, I’ll second that boring week request!
SallyT : But, I couldn’t remember what it was called. Thanks Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…yep…th ought you might like the link.
AdLib : Murph – True, I’ll bet the infrared images helped them determine that he was not as much of a threat. And knowing he was bleeding from a gunshot wound for an entire day, probably a good guess that he wouldn’t be able to do much. And I heard they sent in a robot to check it out first, is that the case?
SallyT : Right, Murph, that is what I was saying.
SallyT : I thought they sent a dog in to sniff first?
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…gun powder tracers called taggants are old news…blocked by the NRA…see «link»
SallyT : Good night Funk!
funksands : Night all. Here’s to a really boring week next week. *clink
AdLib : Funk – The NRA is actually on a campaign to tell people to “chill out” and basically, forget about guns. Not this time.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey- I am back….for a moment…just listening to some last minute news and the question was asked- how is the police made the decision to go to the boat and get him when he was not responding. it could have so easily been a trap with an explosive device to take out anyone he could. Brave police.
funksands : It feels like there is a shift in perception out on the hustings. The NRA is ceasing to be politically useful for too many politicians. Keeping them in the public eye month after month is not good for these blood-suckers.
AdLib : Sally – That’s using common sense and you know the NRA opposes that. Because of course, one day when the US becomes a tyrannical dictatorship, we can’t have our guns and gunpowder registered because we’ll need it to defeat the US Marines, Navy, Air Force and CIA. And all we’ll need are handguns and homemade bombs.
SallyT : As my hubby said, why would a good guy care if you could trace the bullets or the powder?
AdLib : How does that not apply to the NRA? Here’s the link to the definition: «link»
AdLib : Funk, here’s the definitions of terrorism: terrorism Use Terrorism in a sentence ter·ror·ism [ter-uh-riz-uhm] noun 1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes. 2. the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization. 3. a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.
SallyT : I think they are afraid for their money guys, the manufacturers, don’t want anyway for them to be traced and held in anyway responsible.
AdLib : Sally – Right, that makes a lot of sense…so of course the NRA opposed it.
funksands : They are minions sent to do a very dirty, bloody job.
AdLib : Sally – I say it as no exaggeration, the NRA is a terroist organization, the very definition of terrorist.
SallyT : AdLib, that was there, too. But, the gun powder could help with tracing bombs and the NRA was against it.
SallyT : Funk, it was something like that but the NRA didn’t what it because that could trace you back to the seller and the gun.
AdLib : Sally – No, I didn’t know about that. I do know that there was a bill about putting serial numbers on bullets that was killed. Now that would be a great idea to bring back.
funksands : Sally, I think so. Sounds familiar.
AdLib : Funk – Heh!
SallyT : Did you guys hear that there was a bill years ago that wanted to put a coloring of some sort in gun powder so it could be traced but the NRA had that over turned?
funksands : Ad, it was pretty funny last night. You’d be reading the the #Watertown timeline and all of the sudden you’d see 30 tweets saying “Is that cop listening to Bruno Mars?…”
AdLib : Night Patsy, good to see you, hope to see you more often!
AdLib : I don’t think anyone but the braindead Baggers will give much attention to the Repubs attacking Obama over trying Dzhokar in criminal court. They will look like the unpatriotic asses they are, trying to use a terrorist attack to slam our President.
SallyT : Good night Patsy!
funksands : Patsy, great seeing you. Stay out of trouble.
PatsyT : It is great to check in with you all I have got to turn in.. still have a bad cold and another jam packed weekend coming up kid duties. So nighty Night to you dear planet folks
AdLib : Funk – After your filling me in on that, I downloaded a police scanner app for my iPhone. I am prepared now…
SallyT : Funk, that hurts! I have done it, too, before it had cooled enough.
funksands : Sally, I’ve done that. Once.
AdLib : It’s great for cooking up Republican talking points, just one sniff and you say, “That’s a load of crock!”
PatsyT : Now crock pot don’t blow up, they are peaceful
SallyT : Just don’t pick one up while plugged in and heated.
funksands : Ad, Boston PD were trolling twitter reading the postings even as twitter users were listening to them. Apparently it even led to a few wrong turns by the police! Wow.
SallyT : Crock pots are much safer, AdLib!
AdLib : Does that count?
AdLib : I’ve got a crock pot.
AdLib : Sally – Sorry to hear that!
AdLib : Funk – There was so much social media involvement marbled through the events, each affecting each other. Kind of amazing and not at all what I’d bet the inventors of Twitter ever envisioned…tha t they would be an indispensable anti-terrorism tool.
SallyT : My mother had one blow up and burned her arm very badly!
funksands : Ad, wouldn’t it be terrible if that’s all it was about? Sheesh, I hate even thinking something that stupid.
PatsyT : Ha tonight for dinner… that was a one dish explosive mix of exciting south of the boarder flavor
SallyT : Those damn pressure cookers are dangerous when used for their intended purpose.
AdLib : Patsy – What’s for dinner tomorrow night?
funksands : We had almost 500k people listening in on police scanners on their computers and phone and triangulating that with social media postings from locals in Watertown. Staggering what effect that had on the case, both positive and negative.
AdLib : Sally – And what about the coincidence that the mother may have been caught shoplifting at that very Lord and Taylors that caught her sons setting down the bombs? Wow…
PatsyT : Now I am going to have to keep an eye on that pressure cooker in my cupboard
SallyT : Well, that store camera did help.
AdLib : And very satisfying, of course. And healing can begin for many now.
AdLib : Funk and Patsy, so true, thanks to this digital/social media age, we were able to identify then catch these terrorists. It’s just kind of stunning.
SallyT : Funk, I think that did play a big part.
funksands : How much longer would it have taken without social media?
PatsyT : ADLib that news in the digital age
AdLib : Just as so many were getting their fear on…it’s over.
AdLib : Very weird but it does seem like a condensed event that’s happened, it began and ended in the same week. Kind of surreal for something to be so huge yet be resolved so swiftly.
funksands : Amen Sally. Back to normalcy for a while.
SallyT : Good night, KT! See you later around here!
AdLib : Night KT! See you on the Music Thread!
PatsyT : Nighty Night KT!
funksands : Night KT!
AdLib : #CNNHeadlines: John King reports UFO landing on WH lawn. Correction, WH lawn being watered.
SallyT : The boat sunk!
KillgoreTrout : Goodnight dear folks. Hope to see you on the weekend music thread.
funksands : “…wearing a hoodie…”
PatsyT : Dark Skinned Boat
SallyT : I hope that we can get back to yelling at congress for not doing their job on the gun bill!
AdLib : Patsy – Will check them out. Do they all include the phrase “dark-skinned” ?
PatsyT : #CNNHeadlines … just in .Suspect on a boat, coast guard being called in. … Wolf?
AdLib : KT – Agreed, this is a moment for relief and ease, totally agree!
SallyT : Patsy, I have a lot of cartoons on the Media mess ups this past week. Some are really funny.
PatsyT : AdLib, no its on Twitter… Some of the #CNNHeadlines
AdLib : Really weird, just had a cutaway to a crowd cheering on MSNBC and at first I thought it was a replay of the crowd screaming after the bombing…actual ly, kind of cool that the exhortations of people in Boston have changed from one end of the spectrum to the other.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I am somewhat divided on making this weekends music thread about triumph or tragedy. I have decided to make it about fun and less about human misery. Just a brief respite from such heavy events and emotions.
SallyT : The axle of evil!
AdLib : Patsy – How do you know, did someone start watching CNN again?
SallyT : Oh, yes, KT! I forgot about how we reacted to it and how that effected the world!
AdLib : The US panicked after 9/11 and changed in a very bad way. There were many ways we needed to change but sacrificing so much power to the President and giving up so much of our right to privacy was not necessary. And the Bushies took advantage to force through many bad changes to our laws. So, we didn’t have to change in such a panic and to such an extreme but we did need to change.
funksands : KT “We have met the enemy….”
KillgoreTrout : Sally, of course. But look at our influence in the middle east and Asia, because of the events of 911. Two wars and thousands of bombs and innocent people killed. We’ll never go back to the way it was.
SallyT : Okay, but I do want you to have them in time to get them posted as early as possible on Sunday. So, after 10pm on Saturday is still okay? I really need to help the hubby with planting the garden tomorrow.
funksands : It’s okay Patsy, the walking dead feel no pain. They’ll get over it.
PatsyT : Speaking of funny… CNN is really getting grief
AdLib : Sally, I can always publish the Funnies on Sunday so whenever you can, we’ll make it work!
SallyT : KT, can I make a correction? The US changed after 9-11, the rest of the world had already been living with this kind of thing happening way to often.
funksands : The relief in that town must have been palpable. Locals were posting pictures on line of answering their doors to National Guardsmen, pictures of snipers on top of their tool sheds, pictures of soldiers looking in basements. Very stressful I would imagine.
KillgoreTrout : Exactly Sally.
KillgoreTrout : The world changed after 911 and will never be the same as it was pre 911. This is a double edged sword.
SallyT : Union police and tax dollars at work!
SallyT : Patsy, I did, too.
KillgoreTrout : Funk, it was quite impressive and/or scary, depending on how you look at it.
SallyT : AdLib, off topic….how late do I have to turn in the cartoons on Saturday?
PatsyT : I liked how the folks cheered them on after they caught the guy.
funksands : Ad, for sure. Just striking is all.
SallyT : KT, you would think they would see from this that they can’t stand off the government, not even the local government! No way they have enough gun power to do it!
KillgoreTrout : Later Murph, keep those plants alive.
AdLib : Funk – The downside to the militarization of the police was seen during OWS but in this case, have to say I’m pleased it was there.
KillgoreTrout : Ha Sally, that is exactly what about 98% of the assault weapons freaks believe.
SallyT : Good night Murph!
funksands : KT, you are right of course. I was just struck at the sheer size of the mobilized force. I forget how militarized our metro police forces have become.
AdLib : I tried to get into Game of Thrones this season…like trying to stick your head into a keyhole.
MurphTheSurf3 : The best to one and all.
PatsyT : Thats what I thought funk… maybe over the summer
funksands : Night Murph! Keep it real and have a great weekend!
AdLib : Thanks Murph! Will email you back over the weekend!
funksands : Patsy, its really good. But DO NOT start anywhere but the beginning, you’ll be totally lost.
KillgoreTrout : Funk, it wasn’t exactly a moment’s notice. After 911. all police and intell agencies were required to share info and responses by law enforcement. I think this is why they could assemble as quickly as they did. This wasn’t seen as just an attack on th city of Boston, but an attack on the entire nation.
PatsyT : Great to see you Murph!
funksands : Sally, it so easy for RWNJ’s to parrot intellectual dishonesty isn’t it? I’ve got a whole set of in-laws who can do it instantaneously.
PatsyT : I want to see Game of T but from the start… hate to come in to it midway.
SallyT : You would think after see the government in action, they would see how stupid that thinking is.
AdLib : Funk – We saw this with OWS, when those in charge want to put force out there to dominate, they can do it quickly. Just glad that this time it was aimed at America’s enemies instead of citizens exercising their Constitutional rights.
MurphTheSurf3 : Well folks….I am up at dawn these days to plant and I need to get the covers off the plants before the frost melts on to them…so adieu….glad to have this fine forum to think rationally, to analyze well and to laugh.
SallyT : Funk, but that is why we all need guns, so we can face off the govenmt when it comes to put us in those camps!
funksands : I have this picture in my mind of Pope Ratzo wandering around his new house shouting “Winter is Coming!” (any Game of Thrones fans???)
KillgoreTrout : Patsy, I don’t know the terms for such dress, but they are dresses and robes and jewels.
AdLib : Or bomb bears.
funksands : Patsy, his name is Gunther and Ratzo is not Pope anymore….
AdLib : Patsy – Yep! Just waiting for the NRA to lobby for A New 2nd Amendment that gives Americans the right to bear bombs.
SallyT : I got a thing from one of my RW friends that said they are going to make you register your pressure cooker now. I said I don’t have a problem with that if they register their guns.
funksands : Kind of off topic, but geez is it easy to mobilize a huge highly weaponized police force at a moment’s notice. Very interesting.
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy..khakis and a T
KillgoreTrout : Murph, LOL!
AdLib : Funk – Yes, the idea that these two could literally mass murder their friends and neighbors…then go right back to going to school with them…shows such a disconnect from humanity. They killed or injured at least some friends or relatives of people they knew! So yes, they were capable of doing this on their own.
PatsyT : What does the Pope were when he plays dress up?
MurphTheSurf3 : KT….if you have ever seen Cardinal Burke, the makeup comment would not be there.
KillgoreTrout : Murph, the pope and his minions dress in drag. Sans makeup.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…yes…the zeal is pumped in and just enough direction to be a potential source of mayhem. Then send them home.
PatsyT : AdLib, I am going to having the kids put some of those pressure cooker bombs in their backpack before school… cause you know they may run into a bad guy with a …
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy….isn’t the Ayatollah already in drag
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I know from experience, that in such a state you either don’t dream at all, or you don’t remember upon awakening. I do get your point thought. I would say he’s probably thinking..how in the world did I let myself get talked into this insane scheme.
AdLib : Very clever image, Patsy!
PatsyT : Cross dressing Iranians …
AdLib : Murph – Yep, similar to the Times Square attempted bomber. Someone sucked into the extremist mindset then sent back home to launch an attack. Not necessarily as literally being soldiers following orders but made into madmen and turned loose on the US.
funksands : Murph, that is my most sincere hope.
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy…how about Gay Koreans in Blackface?
PatsyT : AdLib Opps bad for the Neo Cons They want the bomber to be Koreans or Gays
funksands : Patsy, no right is safe when it comes to terrorists if we can save one life. Not one life matters when it comes to protecting gun rights.
AdLib : Night Bourne! We’re going to go toe to toe with the NRA, they’re not used to it but they’ll need to get used to that…and losing.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…we are on the same page re. the issue of local guys doing local dirty business with inspiration, and little else, from abroad.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- an auto weapon, really. Now that would be interesting.
KillgoreTrout : Have a wonderful weekend Bourne.
AdLib : KT – You’re probably right, he could be unconscious now…but what is he dreaming about? Police shooting at him?
SallyT : I agree with your gut, Murph. I think they would have had an exit plan and money if they had backing.
PatsyT : Have you guys seen this… its precious «link»
KillgoreTrout : Murph I think one of the brothers had an automatic weapon. You can’t get those on the internet. The explosives? I don’t know. I do know there are instructions on the internet on how to build IEDs.
AdLib : Sally – Oh, I’m sure they were following the MSM closely right after their attack and feeling overconfident on that first day.
MurphTheSurf3 : Good night Bourne….see ya later.
funksands : The fact that these guys were locals harming the town they live in leads me to think there isn’t much beyond the surface.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT … we shall see how correct I am, but my gut takes me there.
PatsyT : Hi and Bye Bourne
AdLib : Patsy – Look for Repubs to attack Obama for being anti-business for not launching a war against an unrelated country before catching the terrorists.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad….if there is a network, I suspect it is very loose and that its training was more indoctrination than developing a super soldier with a tactical edge.
funksands : Bourne good night and good luck!
SallyT : Patsy, I don’t know but it can lead to sex sometimes.
BourneID : Hey all. It’s been so interesting but I’m beginning to fade here. I have to do my own housework now since I can’t pay the servants any more. I vacuumed today and that did me in. Have a good weekend and good week. What are we going to do about the NRA?
PatsyT : Isn’t Tequila truth syrup?
KillgoreTrout : Murph, I think you are absolutely right.
AdLib : Murph – I think you nailed it, agree with your proposition. Only thing I’d add is that it would be connected to a terrorist network, the one in Russia that trained and set the older brother on his mission.
SallyT : How about some truth syrup?
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- their weapons, the bombs, can be found on the internet and instructions for attacks can be found at the AQ on line Mag, Inspire…the guns…well I do not know what they had but we know how easy it isto get guns.
PatsyT : Hey KilgoreT Fine & Busy Thanks for asking
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I’m pretty sure he is unconscious right now. He lost a lot of blood and he surely has received some pain killers. Maybe even an induced coma.
SallyT : I wonder what they thought, if they were listening, when it was thought they bomb the JFK Library, too?
KillgoreTrout : Hey Hey Patsy! How are you?
PatsyT : Well we got that terrorist and did so without foreign war adventures that cost umpteen Billions
MurphTheSurf3 : I think when it all shakes out we are going to find that older brother went to Russia and got religion. He came back all juiced up with ideas, a little training, and a general plan. The fever he got there, he passed on to little brother who had always looked up to him as a father figure. And thus two mini amateur jihadists were born. Both bright. And they planned the bombing (and I suspect subsequent targets) well…). They were not prepared for it to come apart as it did and their amateur status showed last night and today. And yes, they are not part of any network or cell system.
AdLib : Or would he need to believe what he did was worth it and will somehow lead to the Black Banners of Khurasan?
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I have to believe that others were involved, if it was only to supply them with such dangerous weapons.
SallyT : Regret getting caught.
AdLib : What do you think is going through Dzhokhar’s mind right now? He and his brother thought they were so clever, could commit their horrific act and then just go back to their lives as they prepared to do it again. Now, his brother is dead, he’s shot and he must know that he will likely get the death penalty and not have a meaningful death. Wonder if there’s any regret?
KillgoreTrout : One of the brothers actually went to class the very next day after the bombings. And they never thought about all the cameras in this world?
SallyT : Of course, if they were suppose to blow themselves up, too, they didn’t follow the plan.
PatsyT : Say Hey Murph!
SallyT : Funk, I am with you on that. I think if it was more involved, they would have had a better exit plan.
PatsyT : Thanks Funk
AdLib : Funk – Either way, it is two disturbed young men who literally did this. Only question is, are there others who helped set them on that path.
funksands : Patsy don’t you lift your boot off their neck!!
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy…greeting s…did not know you had joined the party
PatsyT : Hey AdLib!
funksands : Ad, this strikes me as very “Colombine-ish “. I really hope its just two really disturbed young men.
PatsyT : Ha Ha Funk no destruction just decommission
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…Verizon was doing it to force me to upgrade from 3G to 4G….and since then no drops, so far…..
AdLib : Hey Patsy!!!
funksands : Destroyer of San Onfre! Welcome to the Planet!
SallyT : Murph, is that what it is? I thought Comcast was just trying to make me pay more for a faster connection or something.
AdLib : I think mist people want him to live so we can find out what was in their minds to do such a horrible thing. But most importantly, to learn who else might have been connected to them and the attack.
KillgoreTrout : I have no doubt at all, that law enforcement got the right guys. No question at all.
funksands : Apparently there were almost 400,000 people listening on on the Boston PD scanners last night. Wow.
PatsyT : Funk, it starts out with April fools… so maybe that has something to do with it.
SallyT : I’m there for ya, Funk!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…Verizon does the same thing…a fakeout.
SallyT : I hope he lives, too. I hope we get some answers to all the some of the questions out there at least.
funksands : Sally that is so sweet.
KillgoreTrout : Well funk, blood is thicker than water, as the saying goes.
AdLib : KT – There is a massive amount of evidence against both brothers. Just the eyewitness who was carjacked and to whom they confessed could have been enough but they shot at police and the older had a bomb strapped to himself when he was shot!
SallyT : I would tell them, Funk, you are a nice guy for a nutjob!
funksands : I sure hope this kid lives through the night.
funksands : Bourne, when it comes to family I don’t how objective anyone is going to be in situation like this. If I was ever on the run from the law, I would hope my aunts would go on tv and let the world know what a nice guy I am. (My aunts don’t like me much though, so wishful thinking).
KillgoreTrout : Well, the shoot outs with the cops and the killing of an MIT gaurd pretty much points to their guilt. Plus car jacking and attempted robbery.
AdLib : KT – True, Madoff is in jail.
AdLib : Bourne – The father, mother, aunt and no doubt other family members are nutjobs. No wonder the kids turned out so twisted. And none of the family has been in touch with them for years!
KillgoreTrout : The wealthy don’t always get away scott free, but many of them do. How to stop that sort of thing is beyond me.
funksands : What is it about April and Nutjobs??
AdLib : Sally! There you are!
SallyT : Bourne, I was typing for you to call the FBI right now and I lost my internet! dumdada dum!
funksands : Sally, just the NSA doing a little spring cleaning…nothi ng to worry about.
KillgoreTrout : Funk….LOL!
BourneID : Pj Gpd O dod ot agaom/ Tje aunt said the boys were set up. She was always set up in Chenya. They’re innocent and it’s the same here. they were just set up. Had I interviewed her I would probably have asked if it is the same here, why did you come?
AdLib : KT – Point well taken. We do need to fix our justice system when it comes to allowing the wealthy an escape hatch but we don’t want to further compromise it.
SallyT : Hey, I lost you all! My internet went off. It said I was connected but I guess it lies. Comcast!
funksands : KT!! Welcome to the Planet!
KillgoreTrout : Oh, I feel so dumb. I guess they were talking about the baseball team.
AdLib : Bourne – When someone goes to the lengths this nutjob did to stalk you, that’s too far. And you’ll be helping others he’s stalking by having the FBI pay him a serious call.
BourneID : Sally did you see the interview of the suspect’s aunt? She said tje bpus were
KillgoreTrout : Funk…? They are Yankees.
AdLib : Funk – But when they said, “Yankees suck!” they said it with love.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I’m not so sure about corruption when it comes to rich folk.
AdLib : Night glenn! Cheer her on indeed! My daughter has a baseball game tomorrow and I’ll be doing the same! Night!
BourneID : I should know better. I worked for a federal investigative agency and that is why I haven’t done anything yet because I over-think whether or not I shold report this. I know I should. <ur[h and AdLib I read upir cp,,emts ear;oer abpit Bog Brother and how we value our privacy. {eople like these to San Diego guys know more about us than we know about ourselves. Access to my unlisted phone makes me uneasy. <ir[h, one very clos friend knows about this. I forwarded the link and he was as disgusted as i about the truly deranged people who hate this president. I read that the President receives more threats in one month than most did in an entire term. Thanks for your good advice. I’ll let you know what cmes up. I took this really seriously on Sunday.
funksands : I love how the crowd in Watertown erupted in “Yankees Suck” as the police were driving away!
funksands : Night Glenn!
AdLib : Funk, “If anyone’s gonna trash our town, it’s us!”
KillgoreTrout : Funk, I don’t know about that. They are known to keep a well stocked shelf.
glenn : Good night all. Granddaughter’s early soccer game tomorrow, and I have to get my sleep to be able to cheer her and her team on! Once again, kudos to the Boston PD, FBI, and all law enforcement agencies involved this week!
funksands : Ad, put that cah in pahk and come on in…
AdLib : KT – What I think should make our justice system great is that we don’t allow anything to corrupt it.
funksands : They’ll probably burn the city to the ground. That’ll show the terrorists they can’t win.
AdLib : Video of a crowd at Boston Common right now, cheering and celebrating. Fantastic!
KillgoreTrout : What I would suggest is not exactly an American ideal. I was thinking more along the lines of Russian or Chinese “justice.” But really, I wouldn’t want that to be the norm in America.
funksands : Boston is going to run out of booze tonight.
funksands : I fear for our nation. A few liberal posters on twitter saying how if we weren’t bombing Chechnya, perhaps these men wouldn’t have been so radicalized (facepalm)
AdLib : Funk – Serving Boston lagers and Cape Cods at the Vox bah…
AdLib : Night Sabreen!
AdLib : Hey Funk!
funksands : Hi KT, just here having a glass of wine from my bah.
AdLib : KT – I don’t know that they think that far, look at these murderers. They didn’t even think that they would get caught, they thought they were so clever and no one would ever know it was them who set the bombs down. Criminals are overconfident, none of them go into a big crime thinking they will get caught.
KillgoreTrout : Have a great weekend Sabreen. Hey, is funk in da house?
glenn : Good night Sabreen. Sleep well.
funksands : Night Sabreen. Any week will better than this one.
Sabreen60 : Hey Funk, I didn’t know you were here. I’m going to say farewell. Hope we all have a peaceful week.
MurphTheSurf3 : Bourne- it’s unanimous.
AdLib : glenn – Yes, we didn’t have a Guantanamo back when McVeigh struck. And he was white and Christian, the Repubs wouldn’t have lobbied to have him lose his Constitutional rights to stand trial. Only minorities should lose them.
KillgoreTrout : Good point. I do sometimes think that our incredibly slow judicious process gives a bit of hope to these monsters that want to slaughter Americans. They know, that even if they are caught, they can live for years in an American prison.
AdLib : Bourne – I second everyone else’s advice, notify law enforcement immediately about this scum and I might suggest having his number blocked by your phone company.
glenn : Ad–Then why wasn’t Timothy McVeigh called an enemy combatant? Or was that before 9-11? Sorry–sometimes all these horrible events just run together in my mind.
funksands : Bourne, that is exactly what the FBI is for. Don’t screw around with a person like this.
Sabreen60 : Bourne, I would report this guy, ASAP.
AdLib : KT and glenn – The President COULD declare anyone an enemy combatant, as he did with the American Al Qaeda leader he okayed being killed by a drone. That’s what the Repubs want but it would be outrageous to do that to an American citizen who committed a crime on American soil. And, it’s acting like a terrified coward. Really, we’re afraid to try a 19 year old for mass murder? Then how can we try the Aurora mass killer?
KillgoreTrout : Bourne, the sooner you call, the better. Sounds like a real nut case.
glenn : Bourne–please do be careful. Hopefully, the FBI will be able to help you.
glenn : Ad–LOL–let’s just romney just doesn’t resurface at all.
MurphTheSurf3 : Bourne….what did you do in response to stuff…who knows about it….just in case this person is not just a talker.
SallyT : It was an FBI case and that means it will be a Federal Trial.
KillgoreTrout : Good point glenn. But Romney is an idiot.
BourneID : I do some writing and I think I may be targed by a hate grou for my support of the president. I received a personal letter from with a San Diego post mark with the return address on the sticker that said ONCE A MARINE ALWAYS A MARINE. The letter was typed below the my rmarks on Hannity. it was not very nice with typical liberal crap. There was a link that the writer offered suggesting I learn something. i opened toan Obama hate group and what I saw was terrifying and disgusting. Thie person found my address and sent it to me with my full name including my midle initial. I still have it/ I googled his name and phone number and there were several others who have received letters. Last month, I started receiving phone calls from a San Diego area code. I have an unlisted number. Calls that come flash up on my TV screen. The name was different. I answered but no one responded. I googled again and 3 others received calls as well. One reference to him was a piece that talked about “Scum Jews.” He has called 2 or 3 times a week; I no onger answer and there is no message. Monday I’m going to call the FBI – Don’t like this.
AdLib : glenn – Whoa, you could have predicted something, might not Romney resurface to say, “I told you Russia was our #1 enemy!” Not.
glenn : Ad–there was a segment on rachel maddow about that too. The complication with that is Dzhokhar is an American citizen.
MurphTheSurf3 : Bourne….such a day…not much at HP….this discussion is better…more insight….hate as the common denominator…ye p.
Sabreen60 : glenn, it was Romney – our #1 geopolitical enemy. So I guess he’ll say “I told you so”, now.
KillgoreTrout : The military court plea is understandable if the perp was caught on some foreign battle field. But this is not the case with these two creeps. They were civilians, attacking civilians. Fortunately there is only one left, and he may not make it long enough to be tried. From all reports, he’s pretty seriously injured.
AdLib : KT – I get it but if Russians come to live in America, they can’t have it both ways. Either America is an evil dishonest place they shouldn’t live in or it’s not. I do understand the distrust though, living in Russia would do that to anyone but they have to work through it.
Sabreen60 : Thanks Sally. You know some parents live in denial. They will always say “oh no not my child”.
glenn : KT–Among many Americans, mittromney included, there is still a distrust of Russians. Didn’t romney say the soviet union was our number one threat? Or was that some other ignorant republican?
KillgoreTrout : glenn, it makes sense. They are both religious extremists.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ok Back again…call from my Muslim friend….I shared Planet insights with him. A fine doctor, a good leader who could be a great one.
AdLib : Great, now Chris Hays says the next “battle” that will start right away is Repubs battling Obama to not have Dzhokhar tried in criminal court but sent to Guantanamo as an enemy combatant. They can go to hell. Dems came together to support Bush after 9/11, these weasels can go fuck themselves over another “Fight Obama On Everything” over this!
glenn : AdLib–I just googled it, and there are several people who have done just that–compared the taliban and christianity.
SallyT : Sabreen here is a link on the Dad: «link»
KillgoreTrout : That’s a good way to put it Ad.
KillgoreTrout : Among many older Russians, there is still a strong lack of trust concerning America. They have been taught for decades that we are the enemy and not to be trusted.
Sabreen60 : AdLib, I didn’t read all the comments, but I figured someone had heard it.
AdLib : Night Kes, sleep well and have a great weekend!
AdLib : KT – If you but a list of demands down on paper and just interchanged “Muslim” and Christian”, both groups would sign onto the same list.
Sabreen60 : Nite kes. Have a good weekend/week.
AdLib : Sabrenn – Mentioned this below, the father is babbling, paranoid idiot.
KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams Homie!
KillgoreTrout : Oh, without a doubt Ad. I have seen people, many times, refer to fundamental Christians as the “American Taliban.” That’s exactly the way I see them. Not all, of course, but surely the majority.
AdLib : Sally – Right, can’t leave out the domination of women for both extremists.
Sabreen60 : I heard on the news (hope it wasn’t CNN) that the father is in Russia and says he believes his sons were framed.
glenn : G’night kes. Sleep well.
AdLib : Kes – The aunt is just a loon who didn’t care about her nephews…or what they did for that matter.
SallyT : And, control of women, AdLib.
kesmarn : I think I might have to call it a day as well, friends. May you all sleep well, and may the citizens of Boston sleep especially well tonight!
AdLib : KT – What’s not surprising is that the Islamic Extremists have so much in common with the RW in this country. They’re Truthers, believe governments should legislate religious beliefs, are obsessed with their hatreds and are intolerant of those who believe differently.
Sabreen60 : Nite AB. Take care of yourself.
glenn : Bourne–You’re right–hate is hate. It’s just easier for the haters to find each other nowadays. On the other hand, you can find people like those here on the Planet, also.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Bourne, que pasa?
AdLib : Night AB, feel better and get some rest. And drive safely!
KillgoreTrout : Yeah I saw that she mentioned “those two buildings, more than a few times.
AdLib : Sabreen, remember, the Olympics bombing, very similar to this one, was by a Christian Extremist, Eric Rudolph. Didn’t hear any calls to jail all Christians after that.
kesmarn : G’night, Frennie! Don’t let the bed bugs bite.
glenn : Sabreen–thanks for the link. I’m going to check it out.
BourneID : Glenn, that for the information. Hate is hate and we’ll always find something won’t we.
glenn : ‘Night AB. Hope your circle of friends continues to grow. Hope your circle of spider does NOT!
kesmarn : Yes, KT and AdLib, and she was mugging and almost laughing during the interview. Very strange demeanor for such a serious situation.
KillgoreTrout : Sleep tight AB.
AdLib : KT – The same aunt hasn’t even seen the brothers for years. She’s a loon. And their mother was a truther as Tamerlan was.
KillgoreTrout : kes, she sounded like her loyalties were to Chechnya, and not America.
AlphaBitch : OK peeps. Time for bed. It’s been a terribly long 2 days fro me, too. Love to all, and a shout out to the Feds.
Sabreen60 : glenn his web site is TimeWise.org. There is a list of books, CDs etc.
AlphaBitch : Look at all those “immigrants” in Watertown – you think those are white Christian faces???? Some, not many.
AdLib : Bourne – Actually, only about 30% of Americans are admitted Repubs and that’s about the percentage of news viewers who watch Fox. So, the racists are only preaching to their fellow racists. I don’t think anything changes other than more open racism from the same racists. I don’t predict an anti-Islam sentiment being generally prevailing in this case.
glenn : Sabreen–where do you find his writings?
kesmarn : KT, I saw part of that interview with the aunt. She struck me as a very odd person.
glenn : Bourne–I think it’s always been this way–that we’ve had these fringe groups. I remember as a teenager driving from NJ to FL and seeing John Birch Society signs for the first time and asking my mother who they were. She didn’t know who they were either. The difference now is that these fringe groups all have an “equal” say on the internet. And they certainly get more than their share of time on foxso-callednews .
Sabreen60 : Yep kes. That’s the truth.
KillgoreTrout : I saw an aunt of these two monsters earlier today, asking repeatedly for evidence that her nephews were guilty of the bombings. She was adamant that there had to be some sort of evidence against her nephews. She said the videos did not show them actually placing backpacks on the ground. Well, after last night and today, I’d say there is no doubt to their innocence or guilt. Why get into a fire fight with police if you are innocent?
kesmarn : Frennie, brown recluse bites are serious business, as you know. You’re internist is a funny guy…as long as it’s not happening to him!
AlphaBitch : He dead by now AdLib.
AlphaBitch : You know guys, something Blov and I did on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 when everyone was all atwitter about Muslims is actually GO to a mosque in a show of solidarity. Murph, you might go with your doctor friend. Tell him you want to stand shoulder to shoulder in support of their right to worship as they please.
AdLib : AB – I’ll bet the spider is more worried about the swelling a Texan’s blood is doing to his mouth.
Sabreen60 : Tim Wise, white guy, is a writer and educator who condemns racism and speaks about white privilege.
BourneID : Hi Murph, how could there not be backlash against Muslims when half of the population listens to Fox hate every day. We are dealing with a level of ignorance that we may never have witnessed before. On the hand, maybe it’s always been this way and our 24/7 news cycles have made it real. Tonight i listened to the press conference of the law enforcement agencies involved in this remarkable achievvement. It took less than 10 minutes after the suspect was in the ambulance for the stupdity of the press came on ful force. One kept shouting as the Commander of the MA Stte Police was speaking and when he finally acknowledged her she asked if they had read the guy his Mirandarights. unbelievable. Th real danger is that the real anti-Islam do not differentiate people by anything but skin color. Fetures may be similiar among various mediterranean people who are Christian or non-Muslin. I have Lebanese friends who are Catholic and terrifid their son may be injured or killed because someone mght think him Muslim.
AdLib : Hey Sabreen! Many terrorist attacks by the Dominionist/RW Christians in America, assassinations of doctors, bombing of and setting fire to clinics, etc. And no, all Christians aren’t blamed by these same people who blame all Muslims for the acts of individual Muslims.
kesmarn : Sabreen, this sentence stood out: “White privilege is knowing that if the bomber turns out to be white, he or she will be viewed as an exception to an otherwise non-white rule, an aberration, an anomaly…”
AlphaBitch : Premature entry again…..When I asked “brown recluse?” with a look of terror (OK, to me spiders are the most formidable terrorists), he got an equally freaked out look and said “I dont’ know!” to mock me. Then he said “We’ll see if it turns black and all the skin dies in a week then we’ll know.” Then he laughed and drew a circle around it. I’m watching it, and it almost got to the circle. I see him again Wed. Will know then….
glenn : Hi Sabreen–who is Tim Wise?
SallyT : I didn’t say he was sane, just where he said the family was from.
Sabreen60 : Hey Kes, KT et al. The thing about bringing religion into the equation, is that it’s never done to white Christian terrorists. I don’t know how you feel about Tim Wise, but IMO he tells the hard truth. The side of the truth no one wants to talk about. We all know about the problems in many black communities, because we read about it all the time and we see young black men in handcuffs on the nighty news regularly. We know about the extreme Muslims for the same reasons. But we seldom hear about the religious beliefs of those domestic terrorists named in this article. «link»
AlphaBitch : Kes – my “new” doctor (one of the best internists in town) cracks me up. He said “no cellulitis. I think it’s a reaction to the sting/bite. Could be a spider bite.” When I asked “Brown recluse???
AdLib : AB – That’s why I don’t mess with Texans.
glenn : KT–intellectual ly lazy indeed. That’s why sound bites like “death panels” “Obama is a socialist, muslim, communist, etc.” work so well with them. They get that in their minds, and despite all evidence to the contrary, cannot accept that evidence.
kesmarn : You make Ann Richards look like a fainting debutante, Frennie, when it comes to tough.
AdLib : Sally – Their father sounds insane. Have you heard his ramblings? His crazy claims about who his sons are and claiming this was all a frame up by the FBI?
AlphaBitch : Ad – we are tough. I’m Texan – and liberal – remember.
SallyT : I don’t know, AdLib. That was from the father.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, the majority of working class and poor RWers are just plain ignorant. They are ripe for the RW brainwashing that continues, day in and day out. I also think they are intellectually lazy.
AdLib : AB – WHAT??? You and the family are all okay???
AlphaBitch : Sigh. Waiting for the third thing…
kesmarn : AB! Seriously?? Spider bite and auto accident this week?? Glad you’re OK!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…another winner…the Westboro connection.
AlphaBitch : Thanks Kes. I guess I just heard “last year”. 1985. YIKES.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn….you are so very welcome.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…my friend Muhammad acknowledges his community must do better and he is a newly named leader. I told him I was going to ask a think tank tonight for its thoughts. I will boil them down and send them to him.
AdLib : Sally – I think we’ll find this was connected to Islamic Extremism, I don’t think being Chechnyan is key to this (the uncle confirmed that they were Chechnyan).
AlphaBitch : In the Boston scenario – if you could have played a part, which job would you have?
kesmarn : Here’s where I got the 1985 inspection info for West, TX: «link»
glenn : KT–I wish rw-ers would understand that blaming all Muslims for the actions of a few reactionaries is the same as blaming all Christians for Westboro Baptist Church.
AlphaBitch : So I got bitten by a spider and it is really nasty looking. Then as we were going to buy new snorkels so we could go snorkel in the desert on Wednesday (no, I’m not kidding), we had a pretty good wreck. We got sandwiched. All are OK, and that’s all that counts. I felt bad for the young guy who rear ended us – he was only 22 and so shook up. Bismullah al rahman ir rahim.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sabreen.
AdLib : glenn – Yes, Cruz believes in the free market and not government? Let’s see him get the millions to rebuild West from the private sector.
kesmarn : Hey, Sabreen! one for the history books…
KillgoreTrout : I do believe that there are some mosques and Muslim learning centers that do promote Jihad, here in the states. But I would never blame all Muslims. Never.
glenn : Murph–Glad I could give you something to hold on to. You have done so much to inform me.
kesmarn : I’ll have to do a little more research, Frennie, and — yes — thank God they were not Afghans!
SallyT : Right, Glenn, and they have insurance. They were only fined a few thousand dollars for their fine back a few years ago. They have the money.
AdLib : AB – Let’s face it, Tamerlan was a POS. To murder children and other innocent people, abandon his wife and child, good riddance to him.
Sabreen60 : Hi everyone. Just wanted to check in. Helluva week, y’all.
AlphaBitch : Kes – I thought I heard it was cited/written up like a year or so ago. Haven’t followed it – too into the Boston thing. I held my breath that the perps were NOT Afghan. I have enough to contend with as it is…..
kesmarn : I read that the last safety inspection on that fertilizer plant was in 1985.
AdLib : Whoops, I meant Sally! Elvis Jesus!
AlphaBitch : Moi? I don’t think that was me…
SallyT : Just read this: “The Boston bombing suspects have nothing to do with Chechnya,” Karimov told Interfax on Friday. “Preliminary information received from corresponding agencies suggests that the Tsarnaev family moved from Chechnya to another region of Russia many years ago. Then the family lived in Kazakhstan for a long time and then emigrated to the United States, where all members got residence permits,” Karimov said. “The persons in question did not live in Chechnya as adults. If they have become ‘bad guys’ save your questions for those who reared them,” he said. «link»
AdLib : AB – Elvis Jesus? I think you’re onto something there!
glenn : AdLib–Cruz should be asking for money from the fertlizer company. After all, they “built” that explosion all by themselves! However, I do feel for the people in the town who are caught in the middle, so to speak.
AlphaBitch : Thanks, Sally. They should – but I love sending faxes. Costs them $$ for paper and time for someone to pick the damn thing up. Emails get deleted quickly.
AdLib : Murph – Your point is right on target. It is a vital part of the solution to anti-Islamic bigotry for American Muslims to stand against the extremists but their discomfort in publicly doing so plays into the hands of the bigots.
SallyT : AB, there are several doing that on FB right now.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- good comparison. I will hold on to it.
AlphaBitch : We need everyone to call Cruz – better yet – fax his office and call him out on his hypocrisy.
glenn : Murph–agree with your comment as to what Muslims need to say, but it’s no different from what many Americans have been saying about the insane republicans/tpar tiers who come out with their stupid statements, and no one in the r/tp condemns them. In fact, they support them!
SallyT : That corporation has insurance. They need to pay for it.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kes….in Mo. it has been more like a quick statement of condemnation for the behavior…and then hide. Not effective. Ohio sounds better.
AlphaBitch : I have no earthly idea, KT. Their mom was arrested for shoplifting recently – anyone hear that? And Tamerlan had NO job and a wife (Christian) AND a 3 year old daughter. What arsehole would leave his new baby for half a year? ESPECIALLY to go “train”? Shit for brains.
kesmarn : Murph, I have to say the Muslim community here in Ohio has done an amazing job of reaching out to the community and making it clear that they condemn this sort of violence. They are wonderful folks.
AdLib : glenn, yes, that’s for the town of West. I’m kind of torn, I feel for the poor people in West who will have a hard time picking up the pieces from this corporate destruction of their homes and town but I resent Cruz asking for money after refusing any for Hurricane Sandy victims.
KillgoreTrout : True AB, do you think they had different mothers/fathers? They don’t really look like blood brothers.
SallyT : AdLib, I am sure they would call him an impostor. Unless, he had an Elvis outfit!
MurphTheSurf3 : ALL…I brought up the questions of an Islamic backlash and mentioned that one of my doctors, who is also a friend, and is a leader in a local Mosque. He wanted my thoughts. Here is what I said and what he said: “The Islamic Community in the U.S. needs to figure out how to say more than “we did not do it.” They need to say who did and to condemn them- not just the individual actions but the “particular religious philosophy that is a subset of Islam” which we call jihadist or militant that motivates a culture of terrorism. That would help a lot. It’s what eventually happened in Ireland when the IRA found itself being roundly condemned by those on both sides of the Troubles. By the way, I have discussed this with my doctor, a specialist I see for a very serious condition. His first name is Muhammad and his last name is Turkish. He tells me “Your point is very well taken, but it is no easy thing to do given the fullness of our roots.”
glenn : Hey-speaking of Texans–Cruz and another Texas legislator who voted against the Hurricane Sandy relief bill are now asking for federal help for the fertilizer plant explosion. Don’t you “love” them Texans?
AdLib : AB – That has to be nerve racking, especially considering the frequency of bombings and attacks in AFG!
kesmarn : Counting is apparently a “higher order thinking” skill, AdLib and that’s against the law in Texas — except in the AB household.
AdLib : Sally – Heh, imagine that Jesus came back as the RWs all insist and they refuse him entry to the US because he’s Middle Eastern and dark skinned!
AlphaBitch : KT: One was born in Russia, the other in Kyrgyzstan.
MurphTheSurf3 : Thanks AB….trying to plant early to get deep roots for summer heat, a good idea, but it is tough.
AlphaBitch : Having worked with all those children from AFG, I can tell you it’s damn frightening to hear about a bomb and not know everyone’s whereabouts/stat us . It’s the ONLY thing I ever used FB for – they knew to post an “I’m OK” as soon as anything happened, and SOMEONE would see it. I always got a call right away from FB crowd.
AdLib : Kes – Can Perry count to three using Secession and FEMA as the two he can remember?
SallyT : AdLib, they would recognize Jesus as a terrorist. He had dark skin.
KillgoreTrout : Actually one of the brothers is somewhat dark skinned, and the other is definitely more white. I’m guessing different fathers. or different mothers.
kesmarn : Those are amazing stats, AdLib. The terrorism vs. gun mortality numbers.
AlphaBitch : Good job, Murph. I envy your cold. We are cool – 50s – and everyone is so happy.
KillgoreTrout : It is a very good thing that terrorism happens so infrequently here as opposed to the Middle East. They live with terror attacks quite frequently. It’s part of their lives. For us in the USA, we are fortunate that it doesn’t happen more than it does.
kesmarn : Right. And the town of West is going to need all the help it can get — regardless of the source. I think that finally dawned on his little cranium.
AdLib : Wonder if John King is reporting the suspects still as “dark skinned”?
AlphaBitch : Love that Chris Hayes. He’s my “American son” (all the rest Afghan.
SallyT : People in other parts of the world live with what happen here everyday and even worst.
MurphTheSurf3 : I am back. All tucked in.
AdLib : AB – Chris Hays crunched the numbers, in the last 40 years, 3,500 deaths from terrorism, 900,000 deaths from guns. Now which should we be more panicked about?
AlphaBitch : Kes – Even dumbass Perry can read the way the winds is a blowin’. Without Eagleford Shale (fracking) – he’d really be up shit creek.
AlphaBitch : But I would never, ever, ever be brave (is that the right word?) enough to go look under the freakin’ tarp if I saw blood on my boat’s tarp. Crap no. That’s what 911 is for.
kesmarn : Funny how Perry doesn’t mention secession any more these days, isn’t it? In fact he seems downright fond of Big Gummint at the moment.
AdLib : AB – Kind of cold but that sign does ironically fit the situation.
AlphaBitch : Shit, Ad. We have more people killed in car wrecks and gun fights than terrorism. Whose afraid of the little terrorist??? Yep, as long as the police have my back! Go Feds, state and local guys. I’m proud of all youse.
KillgoreTrout : People in such a diverse community learn a lot about other countries, that you can’t necessarily learn in schools. It’s really a wonder.
AlphaBitch : Good one, Sally! And your funnies are great. I just never comment – too worn out by VOX
AdLib : We have to live with the reality of global terrorism. If we can have the confidence that our law enforcement folks will do a great job to protect us and catch the terrorists, we can move forward confidently whatevermay come.
SallyT : AB, I posted on FB about Perry and the explosion that: “Once the Shit hits the fan, you can succeed, Perry!
AlphaBitch : My folks came in 1635, but to Virginia.
KillgoreTrout : Boston and NY are two of the oldest cities in America. They have always been the dropping off point for immigrants. Italian, German, Irish, Poles…etc.
AlphaBitch : Ha, AD! Had to go back and see WHICH sign. “Live chickens – killed fresh daily”. I could stop with the first half.
SallyT : And Bourne!
SallyT : I know, AdLib, I know. But, it is just my insecurity. I have my loyal ones that always let me know they are there, too. Like Glenn!
AlphaBitch : KT: Nope. We were close enough to spit, but with the fire, the panic attack I had on the “trolley” (which in my dictionary means “on top of the street”, NOT “under the water”), AND the earthquake on the same day – we didn’t do it.
AdLib : Hey Bourne! Welcome!
AdLib : AB – Couldn’t we hang that sign on the Terrorists? Just joking, I’m not a death penalty supporter but I can joke about it.
SallyT : Thank you Glenn! I think it is interesting to see the other sides thinking, even if it is stupid, but I like to know just how confused they are on things!
kesmarn : Sleep deprived as usual here, Frennie!
BourneID : I hte when I do that – I press return and it sends…why?
BourneID : Did ya read him his Mirnd rights/
AlphaBitch : Kes – look at that brain fire up! Yep, Secret – you-know-what – Society.
KillgoreTrout : AB, were you in Harvard Square?
BourneID : Hi all, a little late. I had to watch the briefings by the law enforcement people. Glad I did because I might have missed the reporter shouting out to the Chief of ht MA state police,
AdLib : Sally – As I always explain, most people at The Planet just read, they don’t post. And especially on the Sunday Funnies, folks just read and enjoy and not everyone has a comment to add. You’ve got a loyal and growing readership!
AlphaBitch : Oops. Premature entry. Sorry! Meant to say – we were near Cambridge St. – was where the laundry fire broke out at the Sudso Laundrymat and where for a brief moment – we were the heroes for calling the fire dept. What I loved was the INCREDIBLE diversity of the neighborhood -so many immigrants from everywhere. “Live chickens – killed fresh daily” – my fave sign.
glenn : Sally–your cartoons are the highlight of my Sundays. It is so interesting to see how you present both sides–even though I growl, bitch, and pound my fist on my computer table–it’s always helpful to see the other side’s “thinking.” Please know that there are many of us who look forward to and appreciate your hard work.
kesmarn : Oooohh…never mind, Frennie! Yes! Just recalled — always Secret You Know What!!
AdLib : Kes – Beck wanted Obama impeached over the terrorists being from Saudi Arabia. Whoops…at least most other people would say that, Beck just erases his memory and continues on with his BS.
SallyT : AB, I said that same thing on here earlier. That it is the hatred in some people.
kesmarn : Frennie…I know I should know “SMS” — but hey, it’s been a long week here!
AlphaBitch : KT – the Blov and I were in Cambridge in October, staying 3 blocks from Cambridge St.
AdLib : AB – Love it! “If I was a drone and you were a Taliban…”
KillgoreTrout : Ad, one thing I love about Boston is the general intelligence of the people there. Even those who only graduated from high school. It gives credit to a diverse community.
SallyT : Murph, I am so happy to hear that. Sometimes since no one says anything, I fear I am not getting anyone looksing. It takes hours to do it. AdLib will tell you that I worked from 11am to nearly 7pm last Saturday. And then I forgot to do my tags and other stuff that AdLib had to touch up for me!
kesmarn : The RW can certainly spin anything toward the dark side: anti-immigrant, anti-Miranda rights, and — of course — Glennda Beck wants to impeach the President. As usual.
AlphaBitch : Frennie – are you still SMS with me????
AlphaBitch : Islam is not to fault. Hatred is.
MurphTheSurf3 : Stepping out for a few minutes I need to make sure my plants are covered….frost on the way.
AdLib : I wouldn’t think that the terrorist types out there are feeling to confident right now about participating in an attack in the future.
AlphaBitch : Ad: Is that that El Condor Pasa song? I’d rather be a drone….than a brainless clone….like most Republicans….
glenn : Pete Williams on now discussing miranda warnings and the public safety exception. Also discussing whether the suspect will be tried in a military court or civilian one. Complicated by the fact that the suspect is an American citizen.
KillgoreTrout : Hey AB. Don’t mess with Beantown!
AlphaBitch : That should make them STFU about immigration and “preventing” such acts.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally….you need to realize that your work is coming to be a benchmark for the week….so its fans, and the number is growing….
AdLib : KT – I would bet you’re right, that there was at a minimum, guidance from Islamic Extremists and if that comes out…I wouldn’t want to be them, I’d rather be a drone.
AlphaBitch : You know looking at all the cheering faces, all I saw were immigrants!
KillgoreTrout : kes, crazy isn’t it? Murph, that has to be frustrating.
AlphaBitch : Hey Ad. Funny meeting you here….
AlphaBitch : Listening to Ry Cooder and the Buena Vista Social Club to celebrate….
AdLib : Hey AB!
AlphaBitch : FRENNIE!!!!!
AlphaBitch : Me too Murph. My fave drink is an Old Speckled Hen – an English ale,very creamy.
glenn : AB–my trip was great, but too short! How was yours?
MurphTheSurf3 : AB….wonderful to “see” you….Ad Lib is serving Boston Lager or a strange Cranberry and Vodka concoction called a Cape Cod. I am a Lager guy.
AlphaBitch : Yum! Hey Glenn – how was your trip? Sorry I’m behind.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, most assuradly they had help. Like I said before, the guns they had are very difficult to legally obtain in Mass. Also the explosives. I do realize though that ammonium nitrate is a commom fertalizer.
kesmarn : Frennie! Beans and bacon…mmmmm!
AdLib : KT – Agreed, I don’t think most Bostonians would turn on those of them who are Muslim because of this. Anyone who saw the angry uncle’s statements will keep those in mind, I think.
glenn : HeyAB–and you can get a Cape Cod too! Ad is making them!
SallyT : Oh, I see Murph. Yes there were cartoons out within the hour of the bombing. Most of those were in support of Boston and the First Res ponders.
AlphaBitch : What’s shakin’ bacon? Can I get some Boston Beans?
kesmarn : KT, it was 80 here yesterday and in the low 40s today!
MurphTheSurf3 : KT…as you know, I farm, and tonight I have to cover my first transplants because we are getting a frost….
AdLib : Sally, unfortunately, that’s the kind of casual racism that’s out there.
glenn : Kes–after enjoying a week of beautiful spring weather–even had to turn on my a/c–it is not cold again and I had to turn off the a/c and turn on the heater. Ahhh-spring! After almost thirty years of living in FL and other warm climates like Guatemala and Saudi Arabia, I had forgotten what spring is like!
kesmarn : You’re very welcome, AdLib. I think one of the big questions will be: if they had weaponry, grenades, etc. who supplied them?
KillgoreTrout : Kes, I walked to the store earlier. The cold wind blew right through my woolen cap. I was thinking, damn, this is still going on?
AdLib : Hey Kes! Thanks for doing a great job on keeping our Twitter on the cutting edge of the day’s news!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…I think they were wondering if the topic would be too soon, too hot, too hard….
AdLib : KT – My bet is that the older brother was convinced on his trip to Russia to follow Islamic extremists and convinced his brother when he returned. The real question is, did they have handlers who helped them?”
SallyT : Murph, most certainly. But when they asked you if I would be dealing with the bombing, how did they mean that?
KillgoreTrout : The Islamic community in Boston is very much worried because of these bombings. I think the majority of Bostonians will not blame them. There may be a few ignorant ass holes that do, but they will certainly be a small minority.
kesmarn : Doing pretty well here is cold and windy Ohio, glenn. Yourself?
AdLib : Sally – I bet the RW are nuts enough to want us to bomb Chechnya!
glenn : Hi Kes–how are you?
AdLib : Murph – I think there will be more anti-Islamic hatred swelling in the usual suspects, the racists on the RW but in this case, I don’t think it will be seen broadly because there seems to be a recognition that it was just two young men and we took them down.
SallyT : KT, I heard a member of the family or a family friend say that they/or the older brother were upset that others were getting ahead in this country and they were getting anywhere or any breaks. Don’t know if that is it but that was said.
glenn : Murph–I think you can count on backlash–it’s the rw way. Chris Hayes had a good segment on the other night as to the differences in the way we treat American citizens such as Timothy McVeigh, when they commit terrorism, and the way we treat Muslims when they do. We didn’t round up and denigrate all young, white males when McVeigh did his dastardly deed, but we have no problem denigrating all Muslims.
KillgoreTrout : Hey kes! Indeed. They stuck together and caught these two monsters.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- I have gotten used to picking out my top five. Doing a screen capture on them, one by one, and then printing up on little packets that I give out to friends or in a file I sent to my list serv (with an invitation that they look at your entire Sunday funnies. I got an e mail today from one of your fans wondering if you would be dealing with the bombing. I told her that knowing how you tackle all comers, I was sure you would.
kesmarn : Good Friday evening, friends! And this is a good one for the people of Boston. They must be so relieved.
AdLib : glenn – Exactly! “Obama came up with a cure for cancer to bankrupt Social Security!”
SallyT : AdLib, are they nuts enough to think we should go after Russia????
KillgoreTrout : I would very much like to know the motive for these attacks. I know Islamist extremist hate America. but there has to be more to it than that.
AdLib : Sally – So true, the Repubs will probably diss Obama for not even going into war against another unrelated country before catching the terrorists.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- I got a call earlier today from one of my physicians (a specialist for a condition I have- we are personally close- joined by powerful political interests)…his first name is Muhammad and his last is Turkish. He is a leader of his Mosque and wanted to ask me if I had any thoughts about possible/likely? anti Islamic backlash. I had some thoughts. I wonder if others do.
glenn : Sally–sounds as though you have your work cut out for you this week!
AdLib : Sally – There were many potential terrorist attacks in addition to 9/11 while Bush was President. Remember the Shoe Bomber? He only failed because of his own incompetence, not anything Bush did. Of course Repubs twist everything, they don’t have reality on their side.
SallyT : Murph, yes lots on the failure of congress to pass a vote on gun control and with the Boston bombing. I will be working tonight and Saturday getting them in order.
AdLib : Graham is a fool and his fearful crying over shipping Dzhokhar to Guantanamo only makes him look like a coward.
glenn : AdLib–a cure for cancer? Just think of all those doctors and chemotherapists that would be out of work, and it would all be President Obama’s fault!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally….looking forward to your weekend selections…giv en this week….I suspect you will be busy right on through to posting time….
AdLib : Sally and glenn – I knew they had no principles and would jump right into it. If Obama discovered a cure for cancer, the Repubs would attack him.
glenn : KT–most of them have no memory before Jan. 20, 2009 when President Obama was inaugurated.
SallyT : Better to take the time to get those that did the attack than to rush off and bomb a country with innocent people that had nothing to do with it.
KillgoreTrout : Sally, most of the RWers have no memory before 2004. Selective memory indeed.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn…actually the brothers came into the U.S. more than 10 years past….but that is a fact and the Goopers hate facts.
glenn : “staying true to the unity and diversity that makes us strong”-+-perfe ct!!
SallyT : Many saying Bush protected us from terrorist attacks and under Obama there have been two. Yes, they seem to forget that one under Bush call 9-11. I can’t believe how stupid they are.
AdLib : Murph – I am a strong believer in the right to privacy but when there is an attack on the nation, I am glad law enforcement can go after data connected to the potential terrorists. We don’t need our emails read and our calls listened to at all times but working backwards from an attack, that only makes sense.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…Lady Lindsay of South Carolina has already dissed O for not shipping the guy off to Guantanamo….al l before he was ven captured. So….
glenn : Ad–Hate to tell you, but they already started on HP. It’s President Obama’s fault these muslims were allowed into the U.S.
SallyT : All ready have seen it, AdLib.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, you’d have to blast her off the Cape with dynamite.
AdLib : Okay, now how long until a Repub disses Obama for the attack and not getting the terrorists sooner…or before they attacked? 5,4,3,2,1…
SallyT : Thank goodness for all those Union police for their bravery in doing their duty.
KillgoreTrout : I was really surprised when I turned on my computer today, to see that one suspect was dead and they were closing in on the second. Truly remarkable.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…in this case Thank’s Be to the Gods that Big Brother really is watching.
AdLib : It’s such a charming and wonderful place, KT. Your mom must love it.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- thank you…consider this your official comment. Appreciated.
AdLib : Pres Obama speaking…
glenn : Murph–really enjoyed your “gutless shame” article the other day. Read the comments, and since I had nothing to add, did not say anything. Well done.
AdLib : Would any of us have thought that on Monday, after the terrorist attacks, that just four days later the murderers would be killed and in custody? Just amazing!
KillgoreTrout : Ad, I have a special place in my heart for the Cape and the people living there. My mom lives on the Cape. Her nieghbors are so good to her. She’s 83, and they really look out for her. An amazing little community.
glenn : I see the President will be speaking shortly.
AdLib : KT – I’ve been to Cape Cod and really enjoyed it!
AdLib : Hey, you can hear the bottle cap pop off when a comment is posted!
MurphTheSurf3 : Glug, glug ad lib! Cheers!
KillgoreTrout : There are many cranberry bogs on the cape. They really add to the beauty of the Cape.
AdLib : Pop! There you are, Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…Lager it is.
AdLib : Cape Cod – Cranberry juice and vodka.
glenn : AdLib–once again have to show my ignorance regarding drinks–what’s a Cape Cod?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- What’s a Cape Cod?
AdLib : Murph, we’re serving Boston lagers and Cape Cods! What will you have?
KillgoreTrout : Absolutely Murph.
SallyT : AdLib and Glenn, they just said on Rachel’s show that he will not be given his rights for about 48 hrs. Legal after 9-11. Will try to get info on other bombs and such first.
KillgoreTrout : Oh, very true, but I was referring to these two suspects. They come from an Islamic region in Chechnya. I think the older brother had a great amount of influence on his younger brother.
glenn : Hi Murph–yes we are.
AdLib : The High Value Detainee Evaluation Group – The name of the top Fed interrogators. They get 48 hours to question him before he can have representation because this qualifies as a public safety issue.
MurphTheSurf3 : Greetings all….are we joining the folks in the street at Watertown?
glenn : Sally–no, not at Elvis impersonators, but supposedly the ricin guy had bumper stickers on his car that says he was a “Christian Democrat”, so it’s okay to round up all Democrats.
AdLib : glenn – The Bagger types are already prejudiced, they can use any event to justify it. But as you say, the other 90% of Americans would never fall for that.
SallyT : KT, that is what they are saying but there is hatred in people that aren’t Muslim, too. How about the guy that sent the ricin letters. What is his religion? Are we now suppose to throw rocks at all Elivs impersonators now?
glenn : Sally–from another report I read, think it was from the HP, he was read his rights in the ambulance.
KillgoreTrout : That’s exactly right Ad. Besides, the cops have plenty of evidence
AdLib : Hey Sally! I don’t know enough but the take on Dzhokhar is that he was a follower to his big brother so maybe despite his being okay about America otherwise, his brother’s indoctrination got him to rationalize becoming a mass murderer like his brother. Not an excuse, just a possible explanation why he turned on everyone he knew.
glenn : AdLib–Once again, those of us who are sane, who use critical thinking, and who don’t reduce life to “sound bites” will not use this attack to justify prejudice against Latinos–I’m not so sure about the low-information rw base.
SallyT : Are you sure he wasn’t read his rights?
KillgoreTrout : Greetings Sally. To me, I think these guys were brainwashed by Islamic extremists. They were descibed as Muslims, but were pretty secular. I guess they became much more involved in Islam.
AdLib : So they haven’t read Dzhokhar his Miranda Rights, I think the plan is that the Fed’s top interrogation team will get all they can from him first, legal under post-9/11 laws, then he’ll be Mirandized.
SallyT : I call it hatred in people.
AdLib : glenn – Using this attack to justify prejudice against Latinos ain’t gonna work.
glenn : Hi Sally–yes, there are indications that the older brother got the younger one involved in his….I have no idea what to call it…delusions, paranoia, conspiracies, ????
KillgoreTrout : Glenn, From what I know, they have assimilated well into Boston. Most are very harworking law abiding citizens. But, there is an element of Russian Mafia there. I guess that comes with any group immigrating to the US.
SallyT : The 19 yr old has been here since he was 8 yrs old. It isn’t like he came here with evil intent.
AdLib : KT – Yep, that was good fortune that the citizen used good sense, found the blood and called in law enforcement. What he did was just plain smart and look what resulted. We’ll be seeing interviews with him soon…and he’ll be getting lots of Thank You cards!
glenn : Correction–shou ld not HAVE given them a “path to citizenship.”
KillgoreTrout : AD, for sure. Within hours of the bombing, people from all over were cheering for Boston.
glenn : AdLib–they will probably say that we should not give them a “path to citizenship.”
AdLib : glenn – They were immigrants but Dzhokhar is a naturalized citizen. So what will the prejudiced RW say about that?
glenn : KT–interesting about the Russian population in Boston. Have there been incidents or has it been pretty peaceful? Prior to this, I mean.
AdLib : KT – I think the whole country will be thinking of the words “pride” and “Boston” as a pair.
KillgoreTrout : Glenn, Boston has had a growing Russian community that began in the late 80s.
KillgoreTrout : The vigilance of the people also really helped get these two. It was increddible good fortune that this man Dave, found the 2nd suspect in the boat. Great work by law enforcement and the people.
AdLib : glenn – Yes, I remain stunned at how quickly all of this transpired. So true, the word “hero” is so cheaply used but in this case, with public safety on the line and mass murders on the loose and cornered, law enforcement folks really acted as heroes for our society.
glenn : AdLib–from what I understand, these guys were immigrants, but had been here legally for many years, or at least the younger brother had.
glenn : AdLib–Great tweet!
KillgoreTrout : AD, for sure. Both cities residents have tremendous pride in their cities. I had a good friend in the Marines from Boston. He was born and raised there and the pride he had for being a Bostonian was quite amazing. He was born and raised there, in Southie. Irish all the way.
AdLib : I’ve just ignored the GOP and RW asses who have used this time to promote their asinine gun worship or anti-immigrant rants. Forget them, they don’t matter right now.
glenn : AdLib–The speed with which these suspects were caught is amazing. It could have torn the city, and possibly our country, apart with speculation, rumors, and downright hate-mongering. The law enforcement officers involved are indeed heroes. I know we “throw” that word around a lot lately, but these men and women deserve that title.
AdLib : KT – Like Bostonians, New Yorkers are tough but ultimately compassionate people. I had no doubt they would come back stronger than before, I can see it’s the same for Bostonians.
AdLib : glenn – I Tweeted that a little earlier: “What does this brilliant and courageous work by US and Boston law enforcement prove? Government works! “
AdLib : I have to say, if this had taken months or years to find the terrorists, it could have been a real heavy burden on so many. Instead, the swiftness of our law enforcement to catch the bad guys really gives Americans and Bostonians such a needed lift. We will not be beaten, we will not be victims, we will have justice.
KillgoreTrout : Oh yeah, big mistake to attack NYC. People there may seem uncaring and cold, but we all saw how tremendously well they came together on 911.
glenn : AdLib–I hope that all Americans will realize that we can be confident in our government.
AdLib : KT – So true. They dared to attack New Yorkers. They dared to attack Bostonians. Big mistakes.
KillgoreTrout : Like Obama said, these guys picked the wrong city to do this in.
AdLib : glenn – I think that after this kind of brilliant and quick work by our government, Americans will be more confident against any attacks that may come in the future. We caught Osama. We caught these terrorists. They come after us, we’ll come after them and we’ll have the final say.
glenn : Hey KT–good to see you too.
glenn : AdLib– “Come back stronger”, indeed.
AdLib : glenn – It was remarkable how the people of Boston came together and did what was best for their city and their safety. Well done Bostonians!
AdLib : KT – I’m with you on that, I want Dzhokhar alive and talking. If there is a connection to Islamist extremists in Chechnya, we need to know that. And anyone else who may have been corresponding and sympathetic with these twisted brothers.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Glenn. Glad to see you.
glenn : AdLib–I was amazed that the “lockdown” seemed to be successful, and didn’t seem to be violated.
AdLib : Police Chief speaking…
KillgoreTrout : I hope the suspect lives. I’m sure he has some valuable info for law enforcement. I am afraid he may have lost too much blood to survive. We don’t yet know the extent of his wounds.
AdLib : Hey glenn! It really is affirming! We can’t prevent terrible and mentally ill people from doing terrible things in our free and open society but if we can endure the damage they do and come back stronger, we can’t be defeated.
AdLib : They have a lot to be proud of, those Bostonians are showing the nation how to be a strong and compassionate community. Very proud to be fellow Americans with them!
KillgoreTrout : Surely nothing will bring thos killed, back to life, but the families of the victims surely have gotten a little comfort from the killing and capture of these monsters.
glenn : Hey AdLib and KT–Glad to hear the suspect has been captured alive. Watching Rachel Maddow and seeing the people of Boston celebrating. Good job, law enforcement officers!
KillgoreTrout : Bostonians are tough people. They live through severe winter conditions, every year, and I think that makes them a little tougher than those in warmer climes. Even RW Emerson said that in the mid 1800s.
AdLib : Hey Killgore! Big cheers indeed! All our law enforcement agencies worked together so effectively. And great respect and sympathy to the families of the officers who lost their lives.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Ad, good decision. There is so much going on right now, we might as well communicate in real time. Hooray for BPD, WPD, the FBI and the ATF. Just a remarkable job.
AdLib : The joyful people on the streets of Boston is a real salve after the shock and horror just five days ago. Americans and Bostonians are too resilient for such hateful people to ultimately succeed.
AdLib : Vox Populi is open now, a bit early. Feel free to jump on in!
AdLib : BREAKING: Dzhokhar has been captured alive and is being treated.
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
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