AdLib : Night Killgore and Sally! Have a great weekend! Looking forward to Music Thread and Funnies!
SallyT : Good night AdLib
SallyT : There is a tribute to all the Bonds this year at the AAwards.
AdLib : Brosnan #3 and that’s where it ends. Didn’t like Moore, Dalton and don’t even mention poor George Lazenby.
KillgoreTrout : Well Sally and Ad, I think I’ll say goodnight, for now. You two have a great weekend!
SallyT : Well, my gentlemen friends, I think I will have to call it a night.
KillgoreTrout : Great minds Sally, and Ad Lib as well.
KillgoreTrout : Connery was just too cool for school!
SallyT : We are still thinking alike, KT!
AdLib : Connery is #1 for me, Craig is #2.
SallyT : Me, too, but I think there is only one Bond….Sean Connery.
KillgoreTrout : Craig plays a good Bond, a little draker than the original. Sean Connery will always be the best Bond.
AdLib : I was a bit disappointed in Skyfall, and I’m a Bond fan from the beginning…but discerning.
SallyT : I don’t usually go for westerns but this was like the old Clint Eastwood ones but mush more action. I liked it better than Skyfall.
AdLib : Sally – I will be seeing it soon, will catch up with you on it then!
KillgoreTrout : I always wait for movies to come out on DVDs. I don’t like going to theaters.
AdLib : KT – Yep, society progressing and being less wasteful is “commie”!
SallyT : I did last night. It is great!
AdLib : Sally, haven’t seen it yet, what did you think?
KillgoreTrout : The curly ones are the brainchild of the communist global warming freaks.
SallyT : Seen it?
SallyT : I have to give you a movie review. Django Unchained.
KillgoreTrout : Have a great weekend kes!
AdLib : You too Kes, have a great weekend!
SallyT : You too, kes!
KillgoreTrout : Oh, they don’t like those curly ones.
kesmarn : Have a great weekend, friends!
SallyT : LOL, that is right AdLib, they did.
AdLib : KT – Actually, Repubs oppose changing light bulbs, rmember?
kesmarn : Whew…midnight once more in warm and rainy corn country here. I may have to call it a day. But first, I’ll guess “none” because R’s don’t like change!
AdLib : KT – How many?
KillgoreTrout : None, because they can’t stand the light!
KillgoreTrout : How many repubs does it take to change a light bulb?
AdLib : “Ted Kennedy, Jr., the eldest son of the late Ted Kennedy, will not run for Senate in the Massachusetts special election.” But, he could run for the full term.
KillgoreTrout : Good ones kes.
SallyT : Oh, AdLib, I didn’t hear that. I heard none wanted to. I thought they tried to get Ted’s wife to but she won’t.
KillgoreTrout : Ted kennedy Jr. lives in Connecticut I believe.
kesmarn : KT, bags of hammers, 9 watt bulbs, and brick walls as well.
AdLib : Sally – Yes, I read about one Kennedy who could run for Kerry’s seat against Brown. Can’t remember which one right now.
AdLib : Yep, that WV seat will go to Repubs, have to let that one go.
kesmarn : Yeppers. Someone on PBS called him “the last living Dem in W. Va” tonight.
SallyT : I don’t think there is a Kennedy to run right now there.
KillgoreTrout : Lots of dining room tables out there, along with mud fences, big stumps, concrete walls…..etc.
SallyT : I know, Kes, and that is scary as his seat will probably go Repug now.
AdLib : Now the question will be, which Dem will run against Scott Brown for that Senate seat? Will it be a Kennedy?
kesmarn : Sorry to see Rockefeller won’t be running again in W. Va.
AdLib : Sally – I think that would be cool and why not? A great way for him to go out!
kesmarn : I was just going to mention that one, KT! The guy can think on his feet.
KillgoreTrout : Kes, he is. I just loved that video of him telling a woman that arguing with her was like arguing with a dining room table.
SallyT : Elizabeth Warren wants him, she said so today.
SallyT : He is that, Kes, and such get one liners!
kesmarn : Not to mention the fact that he is amazingly funny!
SallyT : I hope so because these next few months are so important and we need his experience to fight in there.
KillgoreTrout : Sally, I think it’s very likely.
kesmarn : I hope so, Sally!
SallyT : Do you guys think that the Mass Gov will appoint Barney Franks to the temporal senate seat?
KillgoreTrout : Dr. Seuss is more like Romney’s speed.
KillgoreTrout : “Peacocks, jerks and whiners, and closet queens!”
kesmarn : KT, I think you are correct!!
kesmarn : “Peacocks, jerks and whiners”…that says it all!
KillgoreTrout : kes, I think Emily Dickinson would be beyond Romney’s intellectual capacity.
SallyT : The point that she was making is that Obama needs to strut like a Peacock more. (That is because Obama said today that the Treasury has a saying, “There’s (an) unofficial thing over at Treasury – no peacocks, no jerks, no whiners. That would be a good thing for all of Washington,” Obama said. Read more: «link»
kesmarn : I thought of Romney the minute I read it, AdLib.
AdLib : Kes – WOW! That Dickinson quote is just amazing!
KillgoreTrout : Another aspect of today’s GOP is racial bigotry. They are scared shitless of any minorities coming to power. They are so afraid of loosing the “good ole boy,” network of rich white men.
kesmarn : Found a Romney descriptive poem by Emily Dickinson tonight: “A face devoid of love or grace, a hateful, hard, successful face, A face in which a stone would feel as thoroughly at ease as were they old acquaintances — first time together thrown.” And she died long before he was born!
AdLib : Kes – As we’ve seen, those who are most vocal and “passionate” about religion, rights, etc. are usually the ones who are the least trustworthy on them. There’s a reason they have to howl about these things, they don’t believe in them and have to use their loudness about them to prove they aren’t the frauds they truly are.
AdLib : Sally – More great facts that everyone including Dems should know. Dems need to know why it’s so important to keep a Progressive Dem in the WH!
kesmarn : And it’s ironic that they have that fundamentalist thing going at the same time that they put all of their faith in money and guns. Their “god” is too weak to care for them, apparently. And he isn’t able to tolerate any competition from the Muslims or Hindus either. Their false version is kinda puny.
KillgoreTrout : I absolutely agree kes. They see moderate conservatives as being too liberal. That is, if there are still any moderate conservatives in the GOP.
AdLib : Kes – Mitt Romney was the personification of the current GOP: Hollow, all about power and greed with no moral core. Willing to lie about anything and everything just to get what he wanted and eventually, his lying only called attention to what a liar he was. The GOP’s game just doesn’t work as it used to and that’s all they’ve got (part of being a “conservative” under their definition…IOW , dumb as mud and just as thivk).
KillgoreTrout : kes, I think they see wealth as a means to power. They certainly want the power to control anybody they want to control. Mix that with religious fundamentalism, and you have one really dangerous combination.
kesmarn : Sally, Paul Krugman would totally agree with you on that one!
kesmarn : KT, they not only resist moving forward. They want to go backward. To the 50s — when women and minorities knew their place and Commie-hunting was the national sport.
SallyT : And, that in truth, we really shouldn’t be lowering it but using stimulus to build with.
kesmarn : It’s all about fear, all the time. It amazes me that wealth — for them — brings no sense of “security.” (The reason — they would say — that they accumulated it in the first place.)
SallyT : That is since he took office.
KillgoreTrout : Good point kes. I can understand the concept of moderate conservatism. The very nature of conservatism is to resist change, but today’s GOP is totally insane. They want no change at all.
SallyT : On Rachel Maddow tonight she showed that Obama has lowered the deficit faster than anyone since WWII. Like over 200000000million .
kesmarn : KT, I think they’re also scared witless that this continuing crackdown on illegal banking practices, enforcement of environmental protection laws, limitation of gun sales, etc. will go on for 4 more years. They REALLY do not want that.
AdLib : KT – So true. They are mentally petrified. Whether it’s trickle down, racism, chauvinism, etc., the GOP is a collection of closed minded people who won’t stop believing what they believe no matter how it is blown up by reality.
KillgoreTrout : It is so insane for the repubs to continue trying to make Obama look bad. He can’t be reelected. It’s sheer spite I think. Like spoiled children.
AdLib : Kes – the proof is indeed in the pudding, all of the nations that went the austerity path fell back into recession while the US, even with a weaker than desired stimulus, has recovered, slow though it may be. It has been proven, austerity is not the path to recovering in a recession.
kesmarn : Kalima linked to a good article by Tomasky on the mistakes the Repubs have been making. His feeling was that the only reason R’s were considered to be adept at playing the political game was that they were so totally willing to lie, cheat and steal. Now they’re finally being called on it and they should be.
AdLib : Kes – These lunatic Repubs need to be disarmed, they want to protect the right of mentally ill people to have guns and possibly kill innocent people…because it reflects them. They should not be allowed to be “armed” with a “fiscal cliff” or shutting down government over the debt ceiling. Obama does the country a huge service by disarming Congress of the right to damage the nation for political purposes.
KillgoreTrout : Absolutely Sally.
KillgoreTrout : They just never seem to learn Ad. They keep making the same mistakes over and over. Their ideology is one of the past. They just don’t know how to face a changing world.
kesmarn : I’m also hearing that the IMF guys are seriously reconsidering their stance that austerity is the way out of this world wide slump. If only people had listened to Stiglitz and others like him years ago.
SallyT : Our rating was lowered on their threats last time, even before Obama agreed. The threats alone again can cost us.
AdLib : KT – Yes but we’re accustomed to the Repubs accusing Obama of the destruction they cause. Its the Rovian/Orwellian way.
kesmarn : From what I’ve read, AdLib, this is really a much more dangerous situation than the vaunted fiscal cliff. I think the rest of the world is getting worried and weary about this constant threat of economic collapse thru artificial crisis.
AdLib : Sally – Looking forward to seeing them, I can imagine there are some pretty funny ones!
AdLib : Kes – I think that Obama knows much better now that you can’t negotiate with lunatics. Is it better to play chicken and hope most Repubs don’t support shutting down government or have them howl and sue when he keeps government open using legit tactics? This is big game time, the stakes are too high to bet on the Repubs doing the right thing for the country and harming their whole reason for being in office.
KillgoreTrout : What gets me are these repubs that blame Obama for our credit downgrade, when it was they freaking repubs that caused the downgrade through their obstructionist practices.
kesmarn : AdLib said it better, KT…
But you get the idea.
SallyT : AdLib, got lots of cartoons on that coin for Sunday!
KillgoreTrout : Pretty sharp idea kes!
kesmarn : Krugman is all for it. And he’s not usually into wild-eyed stuff.
KillgoreTrout : Thanks Ad, that makes sense.
kesmarn : I gather that there’s a loop-hole sort of situation which involves the fact that the mint can make a coin that can be worth literally any amount. So if they made a trillion dollar coin that Obama had control of, the country could not technically be broke or in default.
AdLib : KT – Well, the 14th Amendment states that the debts of the US must be paid. Another law allows the President to call for the minting of a platinum coin that has whatever value he wants to assign and in essence, would allow the numeric ability to pay our bills. The Pres could also use a financial script in the same way. I think he has to be prepared to do one of these to prevent another Repub debt ceiling crisis with all of America held hostage.
KillgoreTrout : Oh for sure Sally. They’d probably start shooting at each other.
kesmarn : It wouldn’t surprise me, AdLib. I think he’s very determined not to get sucked back in to that tired old game.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, how would that work?
AdLib : On another topic, do you think Obama will change his mind and use the 14th Amendment or the platinum coin or federal script to navigate around the Repub debt ceiling hostage crisis?
SallyT : If they won, KT, and that is a BIG IF, they would turn around and be a government of marshal control and more like the Taliban. That is their thinking.
KillgoreTrout : Have a good one glenn. I think you’ll enjoy this weekend’s music thread.
kesmarn : G’night, glenn. Catch you earlier next time, I hope.
SallyT : They will be there, Glenn! See you later!
AdLib : Night glenn, have a great weekend! And same here, looking forward to Weekend Music and Sunday Funnies as always!
KillgoreTrout : Let’s say they won, then what would they do? They’re all too stupid to run a country!
glenn : ‘Night all.
glenn : I’m following Murph and AB–wow–I’m not first to leave tonight! I’m looking forward to Weekend Music Thread KT, and of course Sunday Funnies Sally.
KillgoreTrout : They sort of remind me of the Mansonites, and their theory of Helter Skelter. They think they would actually win such a war.
AdLib : Sally – But that’s my point. In their delusion, if the military would join them, they wouldn’t need guns to fight the military. It’s the thinking of lunatics.
SallyT : Good night, AB! Have a great weekend!
kesmarn : G’night, frennie! Sorry I faded away there. Son just arrived back from an evening out.
AdLib : Sleep well, AB and glad to hear things will be getting back to normal shortly!
KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams AB.
glenn : ‘Night AlphaBitch. Have a good weekend.
SallyT : The gun nuts think the military would join them. Hell, the police wouldn’t help the Occupy people and they were fighting for them! They turned on those people and they will turn on them.
AlphaBitch : Allrighty mates. I’m off to bed. Twas fun.
AdLib : The thing is, gun nuts are fearful, right? That’s all we hear from them. They are admitted cowards. Really, would cowards go into the streets and bravely fight against the military of a “tyrannical government” where they are likely to be obliterated? They are such delusional cowards.
glenn : AdLib–these morons have lost a long time ago; they’re just not smart enough to realize it. Like you said in your article a few days ago, they’re just filling the air with their mouth farts.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, they have no critical thinking skills. They’re lucky that breathing is automatic!
SallyT : Good night Murph!
KillgoreTrout : The gun nuts would think so.
AdLib : Night Murph! Get some rest!
AlphaBitch : The Attaboy Militia?
AdLib : KT – Of course, their BS makes no sense. If the military would be on their side, then they don’t need their guns and don’t have anyone to fight against to “take our country back”. If they need guns, it’s to use against our military which would be treason. Either way, these morons lose.
SallyT : The Confederacy couldn’t get any foreign country to help them either.
glenn : ‘Night, Murph. Sleep well.
KillgoreTrout : Very fitting name.
AlphaBitch : Murph – I’m right behind you, buddy. But I don’t have a gun.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Murph, hello and good bye!
glenn : KT–Would those joining the so-called revolution be like the general in the book/movie “Five Days in May?”
AlphaBitch : KT: How about confederacy? A confederacy of dunces, my fave book!
MurphTheSurf3 : I am checking out early tonight. Long, long day.
SallyT : They don’t even know that we didn’t fight the Revolutionary War all by ourselves. We needed France’s money, troops, and ships. Now, our government is bigger than Great Britain and our government is not across an ocean. I don’t think France will lend them anything.
AdLib : Murph – There is no reasoning with those who are religious in their faith about guns and/or the GOP. They don’t display reason, don’t value it, only paranoid fears which have been whipped up and instilled by the gun manufacturers’ control over the NRA. Very cynical capitalism at its worst.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, invariably there answer is, “weel, many in the military would defect and join the “revolutionarie s.” Though they would probably call themselves something else. They think revolution is a commie word!
MurphTheSurf3 : AB….ignoring is getting harder to do, but I try not to fan the flames.
AdLib : AB – It is so laughable that these morons think having a lot of guns will somehow help them defeat the US Army who have fighter planes, bombers, drones, tanks, etc.? They are like four year old boys!
KillgoreTrout : Ask them if they have ever read The Turner Diaries.”
SallyT : AdLib, they would answer my with GUN and yours with, you pull the trigger.
AlphaBitch : Ad: Have em look down the barrel to figure it out….
AlphaBitch : Glenn, no she just looks rode hard and put up wet.
AdLib : Sally – Or how about asking them to explain scientifically how a gun fires a bullet?
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, so they can easily be recognized!
glenn : AlphaBitch–Isn ‘t palin all used up by now?
KillgoreTrout : Good one Sally. Or, have you been home schooled?
AlphaBitch : Glenn: I use a Palin myself.
kesmarn : Back in a moment!
glenn : KT–is the social compact what we use to put lipstick on a pig?
AlphaBitch : Murph – just laugh at the nraers and tell them “Guys in blue helmets taking away my guns” is soooooooooooo old school, just like them. That ought to cheer them up. Then show them a photo of a drone. That should make em crap their pants.
SallyT : KT, I think it should be…. can you spell the item you are about to buy?
AdLib : Question #2: Are you more scared of the government creating another 9/11 or using chem trails to control your mind?
KillgoreTrout : I think the first question should be, Explain the concept of the social compact!
kesmarn :
AlphaBitch : Teach your children well, Ad.
AlphaBitch : Question #1: Customers who bought this gun also bought the teeny penie body armour suit. Will you do the same?
AdLib : AB – When I ask my daughter what’s in Taco Bell burritos, she says, “Sand”. She remembers what Dad taught her and we don’t eat sand burritos.
KillgoreTrout : Good idea Ad. I would love to see the questionaire!
AdLib : AB or in the gun nuts’ monds, “An Orwellian Regulated Militia”.
AlphaBitch : Youse a gal, kes
AlphaBitch : Taco Smell we call it here.
kesmarn : I kinda like “chickem”
AlphaBitch : Yeppers chicken is real fucking macho.
AdLib : chicken
AdLib : AB – Doesn’t Taco Bell have a Macho Burrito? And it’s filled with chickem?
AlphaBitch : Amen KT.
AlphaBitch : Is that well, regulated militia?
KillgoreTrout : AB, or stop a tank! Or shoot down an Apache Helicopter!
AdLib : KT – How about psych tests as part of any gun licensing? Those found to be emotionally immature or unstable would be prevented from getting guns as part of having “a well regulated militia”.
AlphaBitch : Isn’t machismo just spanish for bullshit anyways?
KillgoreTrout : Ad, they are the most frightened people in America. That’s why they act so macho.
AlphaBitch : KT: howzabout we offer them the chance to actually use one of those super duper most necessary weapons – like a Bushmaster – and see if they can hit a drone or copter?
AdLib : AB – So don’t the ones who want guns most, prove themselves to be too immature and emotionally stunted to have guns by being so fearful and emotional?
AlphaBitch : I simply cannot fathom how worked up Alex Jones makes himself. Sad really. Bless his little………. .heart…..
KillgoreTrout : The assault weapons defenders are the truly crazy people in this country. They think they can defend themselves against the most powerful military in the world, with rifles and pistols! Ha!
kesmarn : That Alex Jones guy is a case-in-point, AdLib>
AlphaBitch : Nopers. Whaaa babies.
AdLib : I know it’s kind of cliche but have you ever seen more “macho” guys come off as more fearful than a 5 year old girl than those who are gun nuts?
AlphaBitch : Ha Sally!
SallyT : AB, my live in weenie use to be an automatic, went to semi automatic, and now is just a pistol shooting blanks!
kesmarn : They’re compensating for somethin’ glenn!
AlphaBitch : Amen, Glenn
glenn : AlphBitch–Weeni es with a weenie complex.
AlphaBitch : everything, KT. Even me.
kesmarn : Well, glenn, I guess I got here at the right time.
glenn : kes-or their teeny weeny weenies. Isn’t that why they shout so much?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…the GOP State Committeemen just chose Tea Party Conservative Ed Martin as the State Chair by a vote of 34-32. I know one of the Committeemen- he calls Martin a “troglodyte in Akin mold”…..
KillgoreTrout : What’s up AB?
AlphaBitch : Glenn – if they are gun nuts, they ARE weenies.
KillgoreTrout : Well Ad, I won’t recoil over that!
glenn : kes–we are talking about the gun nuts and their weenies.
AlphaBitch : I have my live in weenie. And I’m not ashamed to admit it.
kesmarn : AB, so nice not to have to pay the guy or call the weenie in. And -+- wow — I just realized how that would sound to someone who didn’t know what we were talking about…
AdLib : KT – Thanks, Gave it my best shot!
AlphaBitch : whoa whoa whoa, KT. Got some priestly misconduct here, son?
KillgoreTrout : Keep your filthy paws off me you dirty ape!
AdLib : Hey Kes! How are ya?
AdLib : Sally –
Yep, I guess Heston could probably be taken up on his dare right about now. Maybe Michael Moore will do it?
AlphaBitch : Kes – I have my own techno-weenie. The Blov. He’s working away on his ‘puter even as I type.
KillgoreTrout : Right on target Ad!
kesmarn : Hey, glenn and all the good folks online tonight!
AlphaBitch : Not to mention the pissed off gamers, Ad. Let’s see – a new game perhaps “Smoke the NRA’s Ass?”
AdLib : Hey KT! We aim to please here.
glenn : Hey kesmarn!
glenn : AdLib–the gun nuts sure need to work on their “messaging” lately.
AdLib : Murph – Think about all the extremist positions the GOP is going to be defending at once! Trickle down, controlling women’s bodies, killing SS and Medicare, racism against blacks and Latinos and now, fighting against keeping the mentally ill from getting guns…how can they be seen as a reasonable alternative nationally and how can they gain any leverage politically against the Dems?
kesmarn : No, frennie…I called the cable company and they helped me with the techie stuff.
AlphaBitch : I was just dancing, Kes.
AlphaBitch : So you hangin’ out at the Mickey D’s w/ their wifi Frennie?
AlphaBitch : Yep, you got it Frennie. Frennie get your gun, my fave movie.
kesmarn : Was it my frennie, AB, who ran into the poll with the transformer on it and knocked me offline for 8 hours? Good Friday evening, pals!
AlphaBitch : Ha! I’ll get the shovel.
SallyT : Let’s dig up Charleston Heston and take the guns from his cold dead hands! They got to be really cold by now.
AlphaBitch : This is a GOOD good ole’ boys network, fer shure.
KillgoreTrout : Hey glenn!
AdLib : glenn – I think you’re right, the more nuts like Alex Jones howl like madmen in support of more guns and all the sane and calm people call for sensible gun control laws, the majority will keep shifting away from the NRA and they will be as toxic as the GOP to reasonable indies.
AlphaBitch : KT! Gosh I’ve missed you boys. And you, too, Sally.
glenn : ‘Evening KT
KillgoreTrout : Hey Planeteers, what’s u”gun nut control!”p? Oh, and
glenn : Sally–whatever works!
SallyT : Glenn, I have a layer of fat that will protect me.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….I agree….the speed with which Biden is moving is going to create a set of public policy issues that the GOP is going to be asked to respond to and they do not want to be associated with Newton et.al.
AlphaBitch : Amen, bro. They never bother to read the bills (those who can, of course) anyways.
AdLib : AB – That about covers it. What Repub wants to run as someone who voted against God, Reagan, Patriotism and Freedom?
glenn : Hey Sally–better put on your shit protector. We don’t use body armor here.
SallyT : Well, AdLib, I am always packing for that!
AlphaBitch : If I have six guns – let’s just say all semi-automatics – and I can only shoot one at a time, does anyone hear it if it falls in the forest? That’s as stupid as their arguments. Fight stupid with stupid, I always say.
glenn : AdLib–just as the extreme tpartiers were in the election, these gun numb nuts out there screaming are the best weapons we gun control advocates have, in my opinion.
AdLib : Hey Sally! We’re just shooting the shit here.
AlphaBitch : “The God Loving Debt Reduction Ronald Reagan Religous Liberty Patriotic Freedom National Security Act” it is, then. Try and vote no on that, McTurtle!
SallyT : Okay, put all your guns away, sit down, pass the peace pipe, and lets sing some Joni Mitchell!
AdLib : Murph, Like AB, I do think they are panicking because the momentum is going against them. Looking at the lunatics in the media frothing at the mouth as to why they need to have all the guns they can shoot seems to only be convincing more people that we need to limit how many guns are out there.
MurphTheSurf3 : AlphBitch…..I agree…there is an edge to their voices, a pathetic whine, a barely concealed rage….all evident at different moments in the discussion.
glenn : Alpha and Murph–We’d hear some screaming then! Music to my ears!
AdLib : Love it, AB! Don’t forget to add “God” into the bill’s title though.
AlphaBitch : I wanted to put “Debt Reduction” in, but the Blov said it was too long and even the stupid ones would catch on.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn….ObamaNo Armor Act…love it.
AlphaBitch : LOVE it GLenn!
AdLib : AB – Oh yeah, put a $1 tax on each bullet and put that money towards mental health. People will buy less bullets and will finance help for potential madmen.
AlphaBitch : Especially high octave screams.
glenn : Alpha Bitch–How about the President Obama In Your Face Motherfu….ers 2nd Amendment No Body Armor Act. Or we could shorten it to Obamanoarmor Act.
AlphaBitch : Murph – I can smell their fear and sense it in the pitch of their voices. Confident people don’t scream.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- I have been arguing sane gun limits on two blogging sites. HP and Daily Beast. On both – I have been hit by a tidal wave of gun zealots. I wonder if they sense that there is real change in the air.
AdLib : Murph – I think that split will be widened, between regular American gun owners in the NRA and the NRA’s full court press against ANY sensible gun control. Most NRA members probably would support keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill…but that would cut into the profits of the NRA’s key members, the weapon manufacturers.
AlphaBitch : That’s me Ad. Solving the problems of the world, one dilemma at a time.
AlphaBitch : How sad to live in such a scary little world.
AdLib : AB – Which is why there is no legit argument against prohibiting types of body armor and limiting access to any of it. No reasonable person needs body armor.
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- if the facts are in opposition to their world view…never.
AlphaBitch : The Ronald Reagan Religious Liberty Patriotic Freedom National Security Act.
AlphaBitch : Ad – and think of the debt buy down we could have with a tax on bullets!
MurphTheSurf3 : AB….good motto.
glenn : Murph–Since when did facts and logic phase extreme right wingers?
AlphaBitch : Murph – my motto is “you can’t argue with crazy”
AdLib : AB – I think you are “right on the mark”. There are no 2nd Amendment rights for body armor, magazines or bullets, it would be smart to go after the specific items that aren’t specifically mentioned in the 2nd Amendment first.
MurphTheSurf3 : AB…..there is full court press going on here in rural Mo. The local NRA rccruiters are running a campaign in my area called “100 Percent for America: Join the NRA”. I am a gun owner and they are mystified that I have turned them down. I told one of the most persistent that I was a member as a kid and young adult but that the NRA now represents manufacturers and retailers and not me. Did not phase him.
AlphaBitch : In the words of John Prine “It’s a big old goofy world”
AlphaBitch : And why does the 2nd Amendment trump my rights in the 1st Amendment to life? Where the fuck is that logic?
AlphaBitch : Ad: I would guess paranoid people with guns would buy body armour? Or those expecting to be shot at?
glenn : To all–Is it just me, or is this thing about “the government taking away my guns” and “I have to protect myself from the government” just recent? I’ve been around a while and I don’t remember anyone in my childhood or even as an adult hearing people having to protect themselves from the government. How/when did this happen?
AdLib : glenn – I didn’t see that survey but I did see several surveys post-SH shooting where a clear majority was shown wanting stronger gun control laws.
AlphaBitch : Murph – I hate bullies like that. Watching Alex Jones pissed me off. I’m too Texan. Point at me like that and I’ll slap your hand away, no matter the consequences. In the words of my mother, “You just don’t do that.
AlphaBitch : That’s my point Ad. Why haven’t more people asked this? It’s the piece of the puzzle no one has found yet. Body armour does not equal sport shooting, or hunting. This is a big fat red flag to me.
AdLib : AB – Yes, it was a clue and if body armor was background checked and licensed, red flags should go up with a purchase of that and a gun (though the SH shooter used his mother’s guns). Think about it, who would buy body armor?
AlphaBitch : I think it is imperative for young children to make videos that express their feelings of what it is like to be hunted at school. I had two children of my best friends locked down at elementary school after SH. Talking to them was – well, it was breathtaking. And not in a good way.
glenn : AdLib–Didn’t I read a survey recently that 85% of Americans want to see some form of gun control? Can’t remember who conducted it; did anybody else see it?
MurphTheSurf3 : AB….I asked one of those who was trying to recruit me for the NRA how he justified body armor. What is its legitimate purpose. He told me, in the most sincere of voices, that it was to make him more of a threat when the time comes to stand up to the government in defense of liberty. I did not respond. These people are scary.
AdLib : AB – If you’re raised by parents that hunt, it’s natural to see it as they do. On the other hand, sometimes kids have the inside track on compassion that the hunter is missing.
AlphaBitch : Thankee kindly, glenn.
glenn : Alpha Bitch–good ones, “armed with puns” and “pun nuts”.
AlphaBitch : Canada has all the same videos, music, movies. AND they have guns. What’s the diff?
AdLib : Murph – It’s not unexpected but I think the NRA will find a very formidable majority against them this time. Blaming video games and movies but not guns or bullets for killings? Ain’t gonna fly this time when young children were the victims.
AlphaBitch : Ad: that’s what I’m talking about. Both SH and the Aurora theater guys had body armour on. Clue?
AlphaBitch : Pun nuts, they be.
AlphaBitch : Duck, Glenn. These guys are armed with puns.
AdLib : Hey glenn! Just taking pot shots at the gun nuts!
AlphaBitch : My daddy once went deer hunting and came home with a deer strapped to the hood of the car. My sister and I wouldn’t speak to him for a week. He never hunted deer again. He then shot a bunch of sparrows once, and I found an injured one. I cried for days. He never shot at any living thing again. From the eyes of babes…
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey Glenn…lock and load.
AdLib : AB – Should body armor be publicly available? Why shouldn’t that be licensed or limited as well?
glenn : ‘Evening, all! Have I wandered into a shooting range?
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- You and Niemoller…..Se riously, NRA and several other gun lobby groups are pulling out all the stops in my neck of the wood. I have been e-mailed, called and approached personally. Folks know I am a gun owner and cannot understand why I do not belong to a group.
AdLib : AB – Yep, I could never hunt and shoot defenseless animals but it doesn’t make people “bad” who do.
AlphaBitch : One thing that bothers me is why did the SH shooter have a full body armour? Wouldn’t that have been a tip off that he was needing protection from being shot?
AdLib : Murph – I see it as a slippery slope, first they took away my neutron bomb and I said nothing. Then they took away my napalm and I said nothing. Then they took away my IED and I just blew up!
AlphaBitch : I learned to shoot when I was six. Grew up in a home with rifles and pistols. Never killed a living thing, but was hard on bottles and cans at the family ranch.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…now that’s what I call weapon’s safety!
AdLib : Murph – The tin foil helps deflect the CIA’s control over my targeting. And the laser site on my neutron bomb prevents it from harming anyone outside of the 300 mile radius I shoot it in.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- be sure to wear your tin foil hat for protection.
AdLib : Hey Murph! Can’t wait to try out my Neutron Bomb at the firing range!
AdLib : Yes, I have shot a hand gun, on a rare occasion, not my own because I’d never own one but I thought it was just fine and enjoyed target shooting.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello all….just back from the target range where I got to try out my new Shoulder Mounted Stinger Missiles- perfect for bring down those Obama Black Ops Copters that are spying on us.
AdLib : Biden’s report is supposed to come out next week I think, that should be the beginning and I would bet Obama’s SOTU speech will bring this up as a major initiative. The momentum will build!
AlphaBitch : Have you ever shot a gun, AdLib?
AlphaBitch : People have to stand up, call their reps, engage in discussions but demand those pesky things called “facts” and “verifiable statistics”, not just let people say any old thing they wish without calling them on it. Many a friendship will fall, I predict.
AdLib : Yeah but temps are supposed to be paid in addition to regular workers.
AlphaBitch : Hey Sally!
AdLib : I do think we may have reached that tipping point, as we did with tobacco. They won’t go easily but the NRA and RW are now digging themselves a deeper and deeper hole as a minority opinion.
AlphaBitch : I am the temp one, I am the temp one, goo goo ga choo.
AdLib : That’s a drag. In the old days, they’d hire a temp.
AlphaBitch : As for guns: remember Big Tobacco used to be the big boogy man who bullied everyone and look how far they have fallen.
AlphaBitch : I get my job back at work. I’ve been doing fill work for my friend who is on maternity leave till 2/4. Doing 50 hours work in 30 hours time. I’m pooped.
AdLib : How’s that? What changes next month?
AdLib : Sometimes you feel like a gun nut, sometimes you don’t.
AlphaBitch : Same old same old for another month, then my life becomes mine again.
AdLib : How’s the New Year treating you?
AdLib : Hey AB!
AlphaBitch : Nuts? Did someone say nuts?
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” or “Gun Nut Control” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!

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