AdLib : Same here…hope the optimism bug is catching!
Have a great weekend, Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Well, we shall see….nice chatting….it may be that the fates hold a better future for us than I had was predicting a few weeks past…time will tell the tale. Good night.
AdLib : I remember the statement they made and they did mention both the lack of cooperation that the Bagger hostage crisis caused but also made it clear that substantive debt reduction had to be reflected. So, the process was a disaster and the debt needs to be reduced…but S&P was acting politically if you ask me.
MurphTheSurf3 : The key to the rating is not the percentage but how clear it was that we were good for it…..the S and P review made it clear that the problem was the failure of Congress to act in a way that inspired confidence.
AdLib : And the GOP “no tax increases” mentality is like holding back the firemen from putting out the fire. Wonder if they’re concerned about that or in such denial because of their greed to get more cuts?
AdLib : Hmm…wonder why they would think that AAA rating wouldn’t be affected once deficits grew to a certain percentage of GDP?
AdLib : The market and economy had been going south after each time the Fed declined to act over the last several month. It seemed inevitable but I wasn’t sure they’d do so before the election.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL No doubt the debt was a device to bring down Obama…but I think the rate drop was a surprise and a shock – the bankers hear the GOP making the same noises again, encouraged by the billionaire boys club and do not like it.
AdLib : Remember what Cheney said when Repubs were in power? “Deficits don’t matter.” To hedge fund guys like Romney, their whole business plan is “Deficits don’t matter,” that’s irrelevant to their profiting from companies they take over.
MurphTheSurf3 : Bankers tend to be longer term thinkers and the FED is bankers..conserv ative in the old sense of that word…10 of the 11 gave the GOP the bird in voting as they did. I have not talked to my friend yet about his but will this weekend. BTW he predicted strong action.
AdLib : Murph, IMO, the craziness about the debt was just a ruse, manufactured to have something to mask the hatred of racism and classism.
AdLib : Yep, the old saying, “Be careful what you wish for” may be applicable. The wealthy know that the Ryan budget and Romney’s plan are frauds and will only result in greater debt or drastic cuts to government spending that would crash our economy. They are short term thinkers typically, yes, they would benefit hugely in the short term from tax cuts but I think some are thinking a little bit farther ahead now and seeing that everything could come crashing down when unsound economic plans are executed.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL…to add to that. Quote from my banker friend: “Where the hell was all this passion about the debt when they were running it up and turning the country into a bad credit risk…damn Bush and the neocons.”
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib….you could have been in the room when we talked about it. Precisely the scenario he spelled out.
AdLib : Makes sense, Murph. Consider if the Repubs controlled Congress and the WH and the debt ceiling vote comes up again. And they simply refuse to raise it. And the US credit rating along with the economy spirals down, China doesn’t want to keep buying debt we refuse to service…financ ial Armageddon? I do think they’re realizing how much they need an adult in the room to stop the insane ideologues from destroying the economy.
MurphTheSurf3 : Let me say a bit more…he says that there is a growing sense that the interests represented by the biggest money people run contrary to the interest of the the next brackets below- the bracket which a bank and banker like my friend represent. I wonder if the GOP has overplayed its hand in…..well in everything….
MurphTheSurf3 : I ask the question because of a banker I know in St. Louis who says the business community is really souring on the GOP play in all of this that goes back to the S and P downgrade in our bond rating. I tie this into the comment from another friend about the money shift thatmay be happening.
AdLib : I do think that there are some pragmatic conservatives out there who really do see the fiscal disaster that could occur with Baggers slashing spending and cutting taxes so yes, I think there is a political consideration here. At the same time, I think they held off longer than they should have, trying not to be too political but with the weakening of the economy continuing for so long and the prospect of BS economics that Repubs could enforce, I think they took steps now because though they may not like Obama, they are afraid of the Baggers controlling the economy.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL-+- How do you read the Feds very significant decision of the last two days- I read it to mean that they wanted to move now before the election in a belief that Obama is a more trustworthy steward of the economy than Romney. You?
AdLib : The more debates, the better. Putting Claire up against him like that is in her favor. If she could lure him out on more crazy beliefs, could really cement things for her.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL-+- The where, when and what of the debates with AKin is being fought over by the campaigns. Akin is so arrogant that I am sure he will want to debate at least twice.
AdLib : And SOTU speeches.
AdLib : Thanks Murph, it’s a heck of a lot of fun to have the live chats here, especially for debates!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…great….t he Planet does this so well.
AdLib : We’ll use the Live Events page, the link to it is on the menu bar above. We last used it for Obama’s DNC speech.
AdLib : Murph – It will be identical to this Vox Page but with a live feed video embed if available.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL I saw your not about doing a live chat for the Debates. Can we do it on Vox? This works so well compared to posting in a regular stream.
AdLib : Great! I assume she has at least one debate with Akin coming up?
MurphTheSurf3 : AL…the polls are even with Akin…Claire has just hit on a great campaign theme. A Congressional rating agency that puts members on a scale from most conservative to most liberal has her in the 50 out of 100 spot. 50 right in the middle – perfect for Mo. is her pitch. I think she is going t do it.
AdLib : I saw one poll that showed a tie and another showing Claire up by several.
AdLib : So Murph, before you go, how are you feeling about McCaskill right now and where do you think the polls are now?
MurphTheSurf3 : AL I am taking off as well….been a long week. Working hard for Claire….and doing what little I can for Obama here.
AdLib : Night KQ, sleep well!
KQµårk 死神 : I’m going to get going a little early myself. Take care folks.
AdLib : Murph – Well, they just broadcast it again right now. It seemed ridiculous but I have to say, it’s amusing having a bogus claim out against Romney for a change. I’ve made a number myself but always expect them to be recognized as satirical.
KQµårk 死神 : Yeah the ABBA thing was actually a David Brooks satire.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL the Abba story was a put on and has been retracted by MSNBC
AdLib : too
AdLib : Just saw this again with MSNBC in the background, this is true, did you know that Romney cancelled a company event because ABBA was going to play and he found their music to harsh?
AdLib : Of course the GOP allowed applauding and shout outs of hatred, they just wanted to whip up their base. And it certainly led to many base moments.
AdLib : KQ – I can almost guarantee that applauding won’t be allowed during the debates. It is inappropriate in a serious Presidential Debate and is typically barred.
AdLib : Night Kes! Have a great weekend!
AdLib : Murph – As you say, the CU money is a factor but not one-sided as it was for Romney in the GOP primary. And, research has proven that lots of negative advertising is only effective in the short term, after using it for a while, the one it supports is harmed…which is why Romney’s likability numbers plunged in the GOP primary and have never recovered. Neg ads are a sword that can cut both ways over time and I think Romney has established himself as a nasty person in the minds of a majority through it
kesmarn : And on that happy note, I think Ill say g’night!
KQµårk 死神 : Sleep well Kes.
kesmarn : G’night, Sabreen. I’m right behind you! And yes, AdLib, I suppose we should send a thank you note to the Kochs for employing all those homeless people to ride T-Bag busses, cheer in audiences, and post trollery on HP. After the election, it’s back to the soup kitchen.
KQµårk 死神 : TC Sabreen
KQµårk 死神 : I doubt they will let the crowd participate in antics like the GOP debates anyway.
AdLib : Night Sabreen!
MurphTheSurf3 : Read today that the first victim of Citizens United were those who were taken out by the Mitt Money Machine in the early days of the Primary…that advantage will not be in play as it will be a surprise.
Sabreen60 : Folks, I’m all in. Lets hope that Romney continues to have hoof and mouth disease. Be good until next time.
AdLib : Kes – Actually, haven’t the Kochs and Rove unintentionally helped stimulate the economy by pouring in hundreds of billions in advertising, troll payments, rallies, etc?
kesmarn : He’ll be the first presidential candidate to giggle himself to defeat in the debates.
AdLib : KQ – Well, I bet that Romney will stack the debate audience as best as he can. But so will Obama so it won’t be like in the GOP Primary when Romney was the only one with money to do that. I was amused by the poll out this week favoring Obama over Romney if they had a fight. Romney is a coward, he’s never had to have a fair fight with anyone and in the debates, he’ll have to so I am pretty confident he’ll lose.
MurphTheSurf3 : Git Romney is De Bait for Shark Obama
kesmarn : Romney’s secret job creation program: paid audience members.
KQµårk 死神 : ‘RomneyLiedInDe bate’
KQµårk 死神 : AdLib Remember when the GOP debate crowd was so bought by Romney that they actually cheered for the HC mandate. That was something.
kesmarn : I want “BidenCrushedRy an” for mine!
KQµårk 死神 :
Sabreen60 : KQ, I turned in my badges at HP and never looked back. I don’t even link articles from HP. I have a sensitive stomach.
KQµårk 死神 : Also AdLib Romney is not going to have the Brooks Brother riot boys behind him like he did in the last GOP debates. I can’t believe he bought the audience.
AdLib : KQ – Hey, sign me up for “RomneyLostDeba teBadly”.
kesmarn : I visited HP for about 5 minutes last week. Same old Aryana, using the same old “let’s-you-and -him-fight” techniques.
KQµårk 死神 : Who wants to take ‘BidenWonDebate ‘
AdLib : Kes – Romney will be poor in these debates though because unlike the GOP Primary, he’ll be facing someone who’s smart and strategic. And, Romney has so many lies under his belt and refuses to give specifics on everything, just having a debate means Romney will be at a disadvantage because two other people get to ask him questions that he can’t just pretend not to hear.
KQµårk 死神 : Murph Yup I used my Twitter avatar.
KQµårk 死神 : I still like poking the troll cage once in a while. I haven’t posted there in well over a year now maybe two.
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ So that is your screen name? Ah! What is your avatar?
kesmarn : I might have to check out HP just to catch you under that moniker, KQ!
AdLib : KQ – Good thinking! I try to read the comments over there but the venom and low IQs of the Repub haters over there just make replying pointless.
KQµårk 死神 : I named myself ‘ObamaWonDebate ‘. Last year I had the name ‘ObamaWinsDebat e’ but they banned me.
kesmarn : Romney is not a terrible debater like Rick Perry, but when he gets flustered, he gets mean. And when he gets mean, he loses voter sympathy. He proved that this past week.
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ what do you mean “secured the moniker” at HP?
AdLib : Kes – Don’t know if bear hugging pizza guy is typical but I do think Obama may have a lot more moderate Repub support in FL on election day than polls reflect. The more Romney displays what a disaster he is, the more moderate Repubs will abandon him. And that’s all Romney has left, his only strategy now seems to be, go as hard right as possible and hope the racists and haters will outnumber everyone else. How did that work for McCain/Palin?
Sabreen60 : Mruph, I haven’t done any research on NC. I have to some homework. Geez.
KQµårk 死神 : Excellent idea AdLib but I still secured the moniker ‘ObamaWonDebate ‘ on HP just to drive trolls crazy in between as well.
AdLib : Less than two weeks until the first Obama-Romney debate. I can’t wait. FYI, we’ll have a live chat here during it. I know Romney will have all of his lies and personal attacks well honed but I expect Obama to have some tactically clever questions and responses for Romney that back him into a corner. If Obama could KO Romney in the first debate, I think Romney goes down big time.
Sabreen60 : It’s all yours, Kes.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen NC has a Dem Senator who might as well be GOP, active suppression of the black vote going on, Bev Purdue their Dem governor has vetoed a number of bills and the Obama hate machine is in full force
kesmarn : I hope that bear-hugging pizza guy in FL is typical of their Repub population.
AdLib : KQ – I’m optimistic about FL. If Obama nails Romney on Vouchercare in the debates, I think enough elderly voters could defect from Romney to give Obama the state. And you know Obama has a monster GOTV campaign in FL. All of these toss up states could fall towards Obama if Romney continues to look like a probable loser and Repubs just stay home.
kesmarn :
Love it, Sabreen! Mind if I steal it?
Sabreen60 : Oh Kes, I just said that Romney is so slimy he puts okra to shame.
KQµårk 死神 : What I was utterly stunned by was that the TB area in FL had a 12 point lead for Obama in a recent poll.
KQµårk 死神 : I think NC having a Dem gov almost hurts Obama there because they have not experienced as much right wing overreach as VA so they may be taking things for granted.
AdLib : Murph – Even though I think the Voter ID laws are BS anyway, the way to disarm them is just as you describe GA, take years to make sure all adults have IDs and then…aw…Repu bs lose their “clever” tool to disenfranchise voters. That really is the key, “What’s the rush?”
Sabreen60 : What’s up with North Carolina? The polls are not moving for PBO.
KQµårk 死神 : I think OH and VA are in the bag. I still don’t like FL for Obama but it’s just a bad feeling. Even Clinton lost FL his second term. They are just a weird state and having lived there for eight years a while back I still could not tell you what drives them politically.
kesmarn : Sabreen, I missed your okra comment! Can you re-cap?
AdLib : Kes – Yep, I think it could be that a certain percentage permanently has gone to Obama after the DNC and Romney’s fail this week. Romney may narrow the overall gap but those percentages will remain I think.
Sabreen60 : I think the Prez will keep most of the bounce. Clinton was definitely a factor, IMO. But I think the entire Convention may have helped to increase the bounce. BTW, was my okra comment over the top?
AdLib : KQ – I think it was a combo bounce just as you do, short term and long term portions. Half and half perhaps. Romney was exposed for being in his magic underwear when he thought he was wearing the Emperor’s New Clothes and that loss, which is Obama’s gain, will never be lost. I expected a portion of the bump to evaporate but I say Obama keeps a lead in all the swing states he’s leading in now through election day.
MurphTheSurf3 : AL Georgia has a very good model. Two years, mobile id labs, grandfather clauses for the elderly and financial assistance for the poor seeking to get ID’s. Did it right.
kesmarn : Yes, KQ, the numbers went over the 50% mark then.
KQµårk 死神 : Kes I think you are right and I think BC’s speech may have solidified OH for good.
kesmarn : I think the post-convention bounce was heightened by Bill Clinton’s speech, but it was really given legs by Romney himself. I think he truly made a fatal error this past week.
AdLib : Murph – Good to hear. I saw some of the Dems that were in the hearing express that as well. Yes, heard about that line by the judge and loved it! Just hoping Dems can get in office before then and at the very least, make any official ID valid for voting.
KQµårk 死神 : Personally I think Obama keeps about 60-80% of his bounce.
KQµårk 死神 : So do people think this was a post convention bounce or break out for Obama with the polls.
AdLib : KQ – Great point, the corporate way of thinking is short term, do what you can today to profit the most and don’t think about the long term damage it could do. That’s the thinking that caused the economic crash.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad I watched the hearing via Live Stream from PA and the judges seem disposed to keep the law but require implementation across several years with the resources to get to everyone who wants one. The judges really mocked the Solicitor General. The best was when the most senior member, a Republican produced his Supreme Court ID which is encrypted, photo and bar coded and said “You know, according to your rules, this is not sufficient ID because there is no expiration date.” The SG was more than embarrassed. He kept saying he was representing the state legislature.
kesmarn : I missed that latest Romney comment, AdLib. (Traveling from the lake.) What a clown!
AdLib : Sabreen – That is a huge story! The voter ID laws are being hammered down, only the one in PA left and from reports about the hearing, it sounds likely that they will delay it from taking effect this year, instead allowing 2 years for it to come together. That will pretty much be a clean sweep!
KQµårk 死神 : And if Obama said the same thing Romney lied and Obama never apologized.
kesmarn : Sarah Palin and Limbaugh, AdLib. Now there’s a pair of losers to model a campaign strategy after. Lately I’ve been reading the transcripts of Limbaugh’s show and it is verbatim the script that you hear a few hours later from the Romney people.
KQµårk 死神 : Great point Sabreen. That was always Romney’s only real path to winning.
AdLib : Kes – It’s not so far fetched though, today Romney tried to escape the disaster he created for himself by saying that Obama said the same thing he did. Trying to stand beside Obama. Of course, I don’t remember Obama calling himself disgraceful and attacking himself for siding with terrorists.
KQµårk 死神 : Romney’s campaign is the epitome of reactionary thought and he just thinks one news cycle ahead. But that’s the way most business people look at the world these days too.
Sabreen60 : It appears that another of Romney’s hold cards may not work. The courts are knocking down the voter ID laws. I just hope all of these laws are overturned before the election. I think it’s even more important to GOTV. Repubs are going to try to steal this election however they can.
kesmarn : Heh… I was kinda kidding on that Hail Mary plan, AdLib. But you’re right. At this point — he’s got nuthin’.
AdLib : That’s right on the money, Kes. I mean, who would have thought Romney would be using the Sarah Palin script from 2008 to try and beat Obama? Isn’t that the definition of insanity?
KQµårk 死神 : Kes I think if he did that a bit earlier but it’s way too late now.
AdLib : Kes – Actually, that would blow up Romney more destructively than staying the psychotic course he’s on, he’d lose his base and everyone else by swerving back to being a moderate.
kesmarn : The best poster I’ve seen for the Romney campaign has been a revolver aimed at a foot with an expensive shoe on it.
AdLib : Kes – When the GOP primary was going on, that’s all I could think, what great Obama campaign ads! But now, Romney IS the best anti-Romney advertising out there.
kesmarn : Mitt’s only Hail Mary shot would be to totally repudiate Dubya and Rove and to say he’s been kidding so far and the MA centrist he posed as is the real him.
kesmarn : I’d love to play back some of Newtie & Ricks’s primary debate attacks on Mitt, AdLib. They’d make great campaign commercials for the Pres. Between those two and Clint Eastwood…well, you can’t buy that kind of publicity.
AdLib : KQ – I think Romney has a choice of cliffs to fall off of and repeating the unemployment numbers may not be as steep as talking about social issues or foreign policy but they’re all terminal.
kesmarn : I think those people are right, Sabreen, and you as well. There’s something “off” with R-Money. People noted his smile after he defended his indefensible statement about the Pres. Totally inappropriate.
AdLib : Hey Kes! You mean I have to be grateful to Newt and Rick? Well, if it gets Obama re-elected, just this one time.
AdLib : Murph – Indeed, the QE3, the envisioned bump from iPhone5 sales, students back in school vacating jobs, I think the numbers for September will be quite positive and the howls of Republicans will be ear-splitting.
Sabreen60 : Hi Kes. I have read on so many blogs that people really think Romney has mental issues. I don’t know what’s going on with him, but he seems to be lacking in social skills plus he’s a pathological liar.
KQµårk 死神 : I’m not saying it would work, because Romney would still probably lose but it’s much better than what he’s doing now.
kesmarn : Yes, KQ, Gingrich and Santorum certainly softened him up for us!
AdLib : Sabreen – If Obama leads Romney or even ties him on the economy issue but leads him on everything else by big margins…Romney has no hope and has no weapon to use against Obama.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib And then we have the other BIG Story speaking of unemployment. QE3 or Bernanke has Balls.
KQµårk 死神 : Absolutely kes Bain is now a negative with voters thanks not only to Obama but to Gingrich and Santorum too.
AdLib : KQ – But repeating the unemployment numbers isn’t working anymore. Remember, the allegedly poor numbers came out after the DNC and had no affect. Only inside-the-beltw ay people think that is what regular people think about, they don’t.
kesmarn : I think Romney’s Bain cachet has worn off, Sabreen. (Almost typed that “Vain cachet.” That works, too.)
KQµårk 死神 : I saw that too Sabreen and if that number is near a tie, Obama wins at least 300 EVs
AdLib : Sabreen – Great minds think alike! Yep but such a lame attempt isn’t going to affect Jim Lehrer who’s moderating the first debate..
Sabreen60 : There was a poll out today that has President Obama leading Romney on “who do trust to handle the economy”. It’s a slim lead, but it’s the first time the President has led Romney.
KQµårk 死神 : Exactly sabreen but that playbook is so well known now it can’t work.
kesmarn : Well, Mitt should be saying: “My opponent is a sociopathic schizophrenic,” then, according to Rovian principles. Hi, friends!
KQµårk 死神 : If I was Romney my whole campaign would be reciting the Unemployment rate and the number of people out of work over and over again.
AdLib : Romney has no gravitas or traction in any area but the economy so each day the economy isn’t the topic of conversation, Romney goes nowhere or loses ground.
Sabreen60 : KQ, I heard that from Romney. Maybe he’s “playing” the refs? Calling President Obama a liar is Rove 101.
AdLib : KQ – Remember the Rove principle, always attack your opponent on his strength and accuse him of your own weakness.
KQµårk 死神 : Like you said in the beginning WTF happened to talking about the economy in the Romney camp?
KQµårk 死神 : Like Romney’s absurd statement Obama lies in debates which is Romney code for I’m gonna lie a shitload so when Obama calls me on those lies he’s lying.
AdLib : KQ – Yes, it’s like a campaign on meth. Erratic behavior, incomprehensible statements and reversals, taking two opposing positions at the same time…it’s like watching a campaign have a nervous breakdown.
KQµårk 死神 : And his desperation is just not showing on this issue either. He’s playing helter skelter now with his campaign.
AdLib : I think Romney and his team know that unless something massive happens, the course is set for them to lose.
AdLib : And how about Romney’s desperation??? That he would make his offensive attack on Obama on 9/11 then double down on it?
KQµårk 死神 : Is that a Freudian slip AdLib.
AdLib : nad=bad
AdLib : KQ – True, Americans can be very simple minded about things sometimes, refusing to recognize the complexity and slow path to resolution of some things (witness the 2010 elections) and just want the nad thing to be over. In this case though, there really isn’t much oxygen out there to keep this protest going for long, nothing that can be accomplished, no demands that can be met. It has no point except for extremists to show their hatred and after a while, it will become obviously futile. I may be wrong but my prediction is that this has mostly calmed down by Monday.
AdLib : Sabreen – That’s what I was annoyed by, those trying a “gotcha” on Obama by saying Egypt wasn’t an ally. If he had said that they were, the MSM and RW would jump all over him for “pallin’ around with terrorists that killed our ambassador! This was the right chess move that resulted in the change in Egypt that was sought. Another Obama victory the MSM and Repubs won’t give him credit for.
KQµårk 死神 : First off I think the odds are relativly low that it continues, especially at this pace. Just saying if it did people tend to forget the words and speeches and just want things to get better in real terms.
AdLib : KQ – Yes, I think you’re right, this overreach and travesty by McDonnell and Cuccinelli to strong arm the health board and essentially outlaw abortion in VA should create a powerful backlash for Dems.
Sabreen60 : KQ, And the media’s hair was on fire over the Ally/Enemy comment. When will people stop underestimating President Obama. I don’t think he says stuff without thinking it through – at least seldom.
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ and Sabreen….when the the Muslim Brotherhood said they would join arms and circle the American embassy to protect it, I knew that Morsi and Obama had spoken.
AdLib : Murph – That is exactly what it seems like, an opening for radicals in these countries to exploit the weak and fledgling non-tyrannies to use this situation to build some power and get media attention.
KQµårk 死神 : Sabreen that was vintage Obama. He knew exactly what he was saying when he didn’t call Egypt an ally. Morsi has been slow to befriend the US and Obama lit a fire under him.
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ-+- McD and Cucch are crazy. How can they think this is a winning tactic for them?
AdLib : KQ – I’ll take the reverse view on that. If the protests continued and grew, I think Obama would have no choice but to take some actions and even have an address to the nation over this. That would make him look even more Presidential and Romney even more insignificant. However, my bet is that these protests will peak this weekend and wind down next week. After all, their goal is so much less focused and sensible than trying to take their country back. There is nothing that can be accomplished and after people have vented, I think they will slowly come to realize that. Also, once the suspects in Libya are pursued, a strong message will be established.
Sabreen60 : KQ, What I’ve read is that after President Obama called Morsi and told him to get his act together, Morsi came out and told people to cool it.
KQµårk 死神 : After Governor Ultrasound’s heaving handed decision in VA to pretty much force most PP clinics to shut down I think VA could be in the bag for Obama with the female vote as well.
KQµårk 死神 : I heard that same perspective from Richard Engel Murph. I think this is another situation where most of the media focuses on the loud few.
MurphTheSurf3 : Another friend- lives in Cairo, works for a Spanish company, married to a Moroccan….she says that you go one block in any direction from the U.S. embassy zone and it is business as usual. The mob is heavily thugs, malcontents, and intentional disrupters…The se folks are very bad for the local governments and are as much about disrupting them as pushing at us. It is a very much more complex picture when you get close.
KQµårk 死神 : Absolutely AdLib. I don’t think it would be fatal for Obama or anything for the reasons you state. It’s just a view some could have.
AdLib : Murph – The fact that it’s as close as it is in MO, though I doubt Obama will be able to beat Romney there, speaks volumes. Obama has lucked out throughout his career by having terrible opponents, I have to say that I think his luck is holding out. As KQ says, Romney has run an even worse campaign than McCain, who had at least some Repubs respecting him. No one respects Romney and each day he gives them another reason not to.
AdLib : KQ – Sometimes it is the subtext of a situation that has more power than the context of everything surrounding it. I do think that what Romney’s actions said about him as a “decider”, not even the details of what he said, were so damning and cementing of what an unprincipled, greedy and heartless man he is. And those are pretty offensive traits for a potential leader of an entire nation. I mean, even top Repubs slammed him! No escape from this.
KQµårk 死神 : I think the alternate view whether it’s something even the president can control or not is if things stay out of control it’s going to make Obama look weak.
MurphTheSurf3 : Enthusiasm for Mutt and Ry-Boy was never great in Mo. (where the popular vote in the primary went to Santorum but the state convention went to Romney) but it is even less so now. If this state were not SOOOOO Freakishly RED Romney would be losing ground big time.
AdLib : KQ – Agreed but my thought on this is that no matter how bad things look, it only harms Romney more when people think about him being the one making the critical decisions and dealing with the world. We’ve seen him cause havoc when he traveled the world, insulting nations and peoples wherever he went. And with his new racist tone against Obama, reminiscent of Palin, I think he has alienated himself from most indie voters.
KQµårk 死神 : I think it does AdLib of course with the caveat I mentioned earlier.
AdLib : What do folks here think, was this week the one that cemented Romney as a loser in Nov? Will a bad appearance in the debates be needed to put the stake in his heart or do you think people will begin flocking to him for some reason?
KQµårk 死神 : I hope so too AdLib I just know these types of things take on a whole world of their own sometimes.
AdLib : Hey Murph! That’s great news and yes, absolutely a sign that the wealthy are worried they will be on the outs with the next President.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello KQ and Ad Lib…here is a bit of cheer…one of my friends who tracks these things says the money stream is beginning to shrink and to split between the GOP and Dem. Hedging their bets?
AdLib : Hey Sabreen!
AdLib : KQ – I don’t think they will continue much through the weekend. Today was a holy day and no one had to work so they could go out and protest. Monday, it’s back to work.
Sabreen60 : Hi all! Mittastrophy!
KQµårk 死神 : I’m a little concerned that if these protests continue through election day it could seriously hurt Obama though.
AdLib : KQ – He is a hedge fund guy so should we be surprised that the tactic he relies on most is hedging?
KQµårk 死神 : You can tell the idiot is is own campaign manager. He hasn’t had a coherent message since winning the nomination.
AdLib : And can’t wait for Obama to corner him on the details of a Romney foreign policy…war, war and more war?
AdLib : Now, people have got to be concerned about how dangerous things would be with a neophyte on foreign policy in the WH.
AdLib : Hey KQ! It’s amazing that Romney had one “qualification ” and one strategy for winning. Tout Bain and talk only about how the bad economy is because of Obama. Too bad reality doesn’t follow what the entitled ones think it should.
KQµårk 死神 : Ya got that right, hey AdLib.
AdLib : It’s all about foreign policy now and the Romney/Ryan ticket is the least qualified on this than any ticket in memory.
AdLib : And Romney is so desperate, he’s now relying on his inner Palin.
AdLib : So much falling apart for the Repubs and Romney this week and that works for me.
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “Mittastrophy! ” or “Hi!” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. See you then!

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