The news on the prospective Republican presidential nominee this week has been fast and furious and has nothing to do with a Darrell Issa bogus investigation even though it does seem contemptible. Dribs and Drabs it isn’t, a new story, angle, article or accusation seems to be popping up almost hourly about Mitt and his financial entanglements.
Thus and therefore, Ipso Facto, and whereas we need a spot to put “da stuff” and here it is! A mini TO/OT, if you will, dedicated to Willard’s walk on the financial wild side. PlanetPOV’s very own collection of opposition research collected from your comments.
To follow our policy though, you may disagree with the Democrats and think they have gone to far, that it’s unfounded or that “Bainers” are no better than “Birthers” and it is clouding the policy debates that this country is badly needs.
This is the place to express it.
My take that I think many, no most, are either missing, avoiding or ignoring is not just the Bain story and when Mitt was or wasn’t running Bain, but his foreign accounts, investments and investment companies. So little is even know about them and so little can even be discovered about them, that’s why they exist, they are there to be hidden, to be secretive. Offshore accounts now may hold as much as 17 TRILLION dollars of unregulated, unreported and secretive accounts and how much of that is Mitt Romney’s? No one knows nor does any regulator know what it is investing in. Who are the invstors?
Are his accounts invested in gun or dope running? Laundering those enterprises money? Are they invested in dictatorships, are the dictators investing in them. Paramilitary groups, are they getting a good or poor return investing in the accounts? How much is Mitt Inc. making? We don’t know.
OK, I did pick some very nasty and nefarious people and activities, but if Mitt chooses to not disclose, can’t I make the worst of assumptions? Paul Krugman stuck that note the other day, we can only assume.
It can neither be slanderous nor scandalous, I am not making any accusations, I can’t, because I don’t know — Only Mitt knows and he’s not talking.
The very secretiveness of these accounts would seem to make him unelectable to me. And don’t fall for what he said in his Friday night dump that these accounts are controlled by his “blind trust,” they were set up well before he had any such thing, another lie.
Now ask yourself this: Without knowing what the accounts are invested in, who the investors are, how much they are worth or how much the other investors have invested. How would they effect his presidential decisions? Would he make a decision not based on information from his Secretary of State, Secretary of Commerce or the Secretary of Defense but from knowing that it would harm one of his investors even if that person was violating human rights?
Along with his unseen tax returns, this is just way too secretive for me. The American people deserve better from “the leader of the free world.” We deserve to be an informed voter.
After all, “he is running for President of the United States, for Pete’s sake.”
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Why am I not shocked at this, there is hardly a scrap of paper that the American voter can look at that hasn’t been destroyed, personal proprietary or hidden.
2002 Olympic papers unlikely to shed light on Romney’s leadership
Operational details of Salt Lake 2002 Games will not be included
And of course the alibi:
And this is handy:
I heard on Lawrence ODonnell tonight talking about Romney and his flip flop on abortion and his meeting with the church when he was running for Governor of Mass. So, I found this article on it and that meeting.
He even lied about the girl! She wasn’t an aunt but his sister husband’s sister! You cannot believe anything he says!
So, Romney, when are you just going to say that the President copied from your many speeches?
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The other part of it Sally, is that his whole “success” at Bain was done using “Other People’s Money including the workers pension funds, tax loopholes, the local and state taxpayer breaks and grants.
Anyone stealing a fifty year old working persons pension for the own enrichment is about as low as one can go in my book. Then he turns that loss over to the government so that the taxpayers can pick up the tab.
Yes, Bito, and they put the company in debt by borrowing against the company’s assets and take that money before filing bankruptcy on the company as their management fees.
But the point of this article is that Romney is again saying just about the same thing as the President did when he said you didn’t build a company by yourself. Romney took that out of context and has it in an ad and trying to put the President down as not giving people any credit for building their business. Of course the President was saying that we all have help in one way or another. But Romeny is basically saying the same thing when he addressed the Olympics Openings. The Dems should use this in an ad back showing that this guy is a liar and a cheat.
Bito, another thing is if you are a holding company (which Bain is) you can carry those tax losses from the company you put in bankruptcy over to another operating company you have for 10 years! A real savings on that company’s taxes. No matter what, they are making money on the horse that is already dead!
I’m not really sure which way to interpret this from Mitt.
Carr says Romney quoted his ‘US in decline’ remark out of context
FOREIGN minister Bob Carr says he wasn’t criticising America when he spoke of a nation “in decline” during a private conversation with Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
How many ways is this wrong? Why did Mitt take a private semi-diplomatic conversation and make it public for political purposes? How is it that he relayed the conversation 180 degrees from what the foreign minister meant, doesn’t he understand the Australian language? Is this what we can expect from him when he talks to foreign leaders? (I thought he said stand-up when what he said was shut-up?)
I know this may seem minor, but it just so wrong and fits into all of Mitt’s lying so sickeningly perfect. It’s not how one does diplomacy.
😆 VIDEO: I Didn’t Work At Bain
I Didn’t Work At Bain (by Hockey Mama For Obama)
H/T @GottaLaff http://thepoliticalcarnival.net/2012/07/22/video-i-didnt-work-at-bain/
Romney Campaign: We Don’t Buy Twitter Followers
That may be true, but something mighty weird is going on with the number of followers. An anomaly this large begs an explanation or it’s just another lie.
See graph>>> http://www.buzzfeed.com/zekejmiller/romney-campaign-we-dont-buy-twitter-followers
I would like this question asked to Mitt:
You say you don’t believe that the recovery act worked at all nor does government spending help stimulate the economy even as a last resort, however you lobbied congress for 1.5 billion dollars for the Salt Lake Olympics, did that not stimulate the economy of the area and make huge private profits through public spending?
Was that a proper role of the federal government, was that a good use of taxpayers money? Would you and the SLOG been as successful without the federal money? Would it and you have been as successful had you had the same amount of money as the Atlanta games (plus inflation) and not the very large amount you lobbied for the Salt lake Games?
This is just more Romney hypocrisy and mendacity. He said we need a stimulus back in 2008. Republicans keep on forgetting GWB did a stimulus in 2008 and two previous stimulus efforts. Then again if you are in the GOP that automatically makes you a hypocrite and liar now.
Interesting long article.
David Corn is not going to let the questions of Mitt’s money go to the wayside and this article is another good example http://planetpov.com/2012/07/14/all-thats-mitt-that-fits/comment-page-1/#comment-186819
He said the other day that he wish he had a staff of 100 reporters because there are just too many leads for him alone to follow.
Romney Adviser Stumped On How Romney Would Reduce Debt
Almost hard to believe that this interview was done by Luke Russert
Just How Blind Are Blind Trusts, Anyway?
Mitt may be trying to “change the subject” but both David Corn of Mother Jones and the Boston Globe keep digging. Both of these are new today.
Romney Invested Millions in Firms That Pioneered High-Tech Outsourcing
Much, Much More >>>> http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/07/mitt-romney-bain-outsourcing-flextronics-jabil-circuit
And this from the Globe:
Romney kept reins, bargained hard on severance
Again, much more >>> http://www.boston.com/news/politics/articles/2012/07/20/romney_kept_reins_bargained_hard_on_severance/?page=full
(I did send this tweet to David Corn and he retweeted it. Hope he got a chuckle out of it
David Corn cut his teeth at the Nation with one of the best investigative reporters that ever lived, I.F. (Izzy) Stone)
“In a profile in Chief Executive magazine, Marks dismissed concern about shipping US jobs overseas. “Outsourcing is good for America,” he insisted. The magazine crowned him the king of electronics outsourcing: “Marks, more than anyone else, is responsible for the outsourcing trend in the tech industry.” And Romney had provided him capital for his efforts.”
4 Pinocchios for an unproven Romney claim of ‘crony capitalism’
I don’t know if this story even made a full 24 hour news cycle before it was shot down.
Did Mitt just flip-flop on his own attack from yesterday, today?
Mitt Romney: Okay, businesses do need government, after all
And this:
Is that all that much different than what the President said or even what Elizabeth Warren has said? How about Hillary Clinton ans “it takes a village….” comment/book?
I guess it’s how he distorts it.
Read more>>>> http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/post/mitt-romney-okay-businesses-do-need-government-after-all/2012/07/18/gJQAezDHuW_blog.html?wprss=rss_plum-line