AdLib : Night!
SallyT : You, too, AdLib! Good night.
AdLib : Looks like it’s time to wrap Vox for the night. Enjoyed it again as always, closing the VP bar with you! Have a wonderful weekend, Sally!
SallyT : Closing with you is always fun.
AdLib : Exactly!
SallyT : Why do they vacation here??
AdLib : Mitt doesn’t understand why Mexicans risk coming to the US when they have Cabo San Lucas and Acapulco down there.
SallyT : Mamacitas?? Yep, I can see it.
SallyT : He loves how hard Mexicans work. He always have them mow his lawn, wash his cars, and clean his pool.
AdLib : I got it! Hmm, wonder if it was a mistake for Romney to say he ate Mamacitas.
SallyT : Horse flies/Mexican fries….same thing
AdLib :
AdLib : Ouch!
SallyT : Or would he say Mexican Fries are a real bother for his wife’s horses?
AdLib : Romney thinks Montezuma’s Revenge is a popular Mexican tv series.
SallyT : And, I have had Mexican Fries. Yep, I stayed out too long in the sun in Arizona once
AdLib : Thanks Sally, enjoyed yours too! It does look like it’s about that time, a pleasure as always to close the bar with you!
AdLib : “I love Latino music, it’s just the right volume. I love Mary Atchie performers and your salasa music. Oil of olay!”
SallyT : Good NIGHT, CL!
choicelady : AdLib – I have NO desire to see the world as GOPers do, but I will take care. You, too – and I will be in touch early next week about our project. Good night everyone!
SallyT : Good not???? I think it is time for me to go, too!
SallyT : Good not CL and I will see you later around here!
AdLib : CL – Please take care of yourself. Maybe get some gravity boots and hang from the ceiling? Then you can see the world the way Republicans do. Sleep well and have a wonderful weekend!
choicelady : AdLib – I’d LOVE a post of Mitt’s Spanish fox paws.
SallyT : No, CL, he uses that for the fried beans.
choicelady : Sally – THAT’s funny! Are you sure it’s not the silver spoon he was born with?
choicelady : Well everyone, I think I’m following AB’s retreat and taking my own. My neck is starting to ache from computeritis, and I have to go do cervical compressions. It’s just exercises to relieve the strain, not a derivation of the Inquisition. Be well everyone!
AdLib : “I enjoy eating your small burros, I believe you call that dish, burritos?”
AdLib : Sally –
AdLib : CL – Okay, I confess, it was a joke. I should write a post about all of Romney’s faux pas while trying to court Latinos.
SallyT : And, he eats tacos with a silver fork.
choicelady : AdLib – Oh please – tell me he did NOT say he ordered a case of dias! PLEASE tell us you’re making that up!
AdLib : AB, a pleasure as always to have you here at Vox! I am an enigma wrapped in a dichotomy wrapped in a flour tortilla.
SallyT : AB, all my best friends are potty mouths. Glad you are one of them! Sleep well.
SallyT : And, his favorite Mexican restaurant is Taco Bell.
choicelady : AB – get some rest and hope to see you next week! Stay cool! And you’re just funny, not potty mouth!
AdLib : I think Romney hurt himself when he told the audience he loved Mexican food and loves to order a case of dias when he dines at their restaurants.
AlphaBitch : Folks, I have to cash in the chips. I’m pretty tired. Tomorrow is a full day (aygin), so I need to catch a few zzzzs. Lubs to you all. See ya soon. It was fun – and AdLib – how come your nom de plume does not match your personality????? ???? Night night.
SallyT : AdLib, those Latino’s that were born in Mexico like Romney’s dad?
AdLib : Sally – There are some conservative Latinos out there who have an “I got mine, screw those who haven’t” mentality, as in every ethnicity. 25% support him, that’s about the applause Mitt got.
AlphaBitch : OK, now I’ve gone potty mouthed. When oh when will dear Kalima return? I miss her horribly.
SallyT : Well, AdLib, if anyone there eat up anything that Romney was saying, they had the trots once they left there.
AlphaBitch : Because they knew he was #2, CL??
choicelady : ADLib – and they were’t wearing “He’s Number 1” foam hands either.
AlphaBitch : I think they were having to swat the fruit flies that follow Romoney. One is named Karl Rove.
SallyT : I think a few just clapped for Romney because they didn’t want to appear too rude.
AlphaBitch : AdLib!
AdLib : Romney was a couple of trots short of an equestrian medal.
AlphaBitch : Romoney was a couple tacos short of a #2 dinner.
choicelady : AB – he IS astonishing. I felt that way about Adam Lambert, too. His voice is like liquid gold and he’s adorable to look at as well.
AdLib : Sally – They gave Obama a big hand and Romney a finger.
choicelady : AdLib – I saw part of Obama’s speech, and it was HOT! He called it OUT.]
choicelady : Sue- maybe we’re watching the wrong end of the telescope and we should be watching the Mormons! I suspect they, ultra conservative Catholics, and Dominionists are about to make a huge pact. Triple the fun. It won’t last, but it can scorch the earth until they themselves burn up or out. Keeping out eyes open is critical – we’ve alreayd seen the Catholics ally with Focus on the Family around Yes on 8. Anything is possible from now on.
SallyT : I did, AdLib and he got rousing applause and Romney got the clap.
AdLib : Anyone watch Obama’s speech to the Latino community today?
AlphaBitch : CL: He is also so very beautiful.
AlphaBitch : Don’t ask me. I know little about them. Never allowed in temple, you know.
SallyT : AB, yep, that is it!
AlphaBitch : Told ya, CL. That’s truly amazing and a gift from the God-particle.
AdLib : AB – Didn’t Smith just make the word up? Like planet Kolub?
AlphaBitch : Wasn’t that Moroni? As in moron?
choicelady : Sally and AB – just watched it and WOW! That is amazing! I hope he can go on to great things!!!
SallyT : AB, it comes from the Angel that gave Joseph Smith the tablets in NY.
choicelady : Night funk! See you next week!
SallyT : AdLib, the Mormons are here, the Mormons are here. Hide your underwear!
choicelady : AdLib – that claim by Issa is beyond horrific! I don’t even have words…
AlphaBitch : Where does the word Mormon come from, anyway?
AlphaBitch : AdLib – you funny!
AdLib : “The Mormons are coming, the Mormons are coming! If they’re coming from MA, hang one Latino in the window. If they’re coming from FL, hang a woman and a Latino! It’s the GOP way! The Mormons are coming!”
AlphaBitch : Or Ah-greed!
AlphaBitch : Sally – AGreed
SallyT : AB, too many!
AlphaBitch : Good gravy! How many Mormons on this train???
AdLib : Another reason Rubio won’t be VP…he was baptized Mormon!
SallyT : CL, when you watch that young man sing he is amazing. And, his parents didn’t even know he could sing! They were in the audience and were so surprised!
AlphaBitch : adios funkchito.
AdLib : Take care Funk! Have a great weekend!
AlphaBitch : AdLib – I agree. It is tortious interference, not to mention treason.
AdLib : Night Sue! Take care of that neck and sleep well tonight!
SallyT : Funk, I have to take my vitamin D, prescription or I could die. s
AdLib : CL – Yet, Issa who claims he needs to get to the bottom of all of this…refuses to have the Bush era DoJ folks testify about the previous incarnations of the program of course. Issa is intentionally being dishonest, I saw the video of him lying on Fox and making the insane claim that Obama is involved in intentionally bringing about the death of the agent through this evil scheme so he can have an excuse to take away everyone’s guns…and Issa said that’s exactly what happening now. He KNOWS it’s all a lie, the Repubs should be prosecuted for treason if they knowingly lie to subvert our democracy.
AlphaBitch : He look Lebanese.
choicelady : Sue – good night and good luck with the offer! We’re rooting for you!
choicelady : AB – yes, I did know Issa’s mom was a Mormon. I looked him up – he’s Arab but is Antioch Eastern Orthodox, and NO my organization has nothing to do with them, don’t even know what they believe.
AlphaBitch : Thanks, Funk. Will do. Beer ok?
AlphaBitch : THAT will blow you away, CL. I actually teared up. I’ve watched it dozens of times since. Google goth opera singer america’s got talent. Andrew De Leon is his name.
funksands : Sally, take your vitamin D supplements.
SueInCa : yes Sal gal i am on the down side of tired
funksands : Guys, I’m headed out too. Have to go wet down my gills. Have a great weekend. AB remember to stay hydrated
choicelady : AdLib – I surely hope you’re right that we will have good sense prevail in November.
SallyT : Are you fuckin kidding me! You are going Sue?
AlphaBitch : Yes m’aam Sue. Good job.
choicelady : AB – no, but I will look! I love unexpected talents. STILL a big fan of the “Susan Boyle Moment” – its’ stunning to hear that gorgeous voice emerge from that funny woman! And she’s STILL good. So thanks – I’ll look for it!
AlphaBitch : Did ya’ll know Issa’s mom is a Mormon??
SueInCa : Well guys I am starting to fade out. My neck is hurting from the pc all day. Have a great night and fuck the GOP. Is that good enough AB?
SallyT : AB, he was great, wasn’t he. And he never had performed before.
AlphaBitch : CL: DId you see that goth opera singer on America’s Got Talent? Caught it on You Tube -A – mazing.
funksands : Ad, every time I hear this get brought up I think “briar patch”. These guys better be careful what they ask for.
SueInCa : I saw that one too AL
AlphaBitch : Night Sabreen and Funk.
AdLib : Night Sabreen!
AdLib : Funk – And if at the same time they’re concentrating on a witch hunt against our first black President’s choice of our first black AG…while they let interest rates leap up on millions of students and block all jobs programs, won’t their standings just sink even deeper? I saw a poll today on generic Dem vs. Repubs for Congress and Dems were gaining a bigger lead.
choicelady : Sabreen – good night. BTW – I think I recall that at one time Issa was a practicing Muslim. Now he’s Eastern Orthodox labeling himself “Christian” which means he’s gone over to the Dark Side. Just something else to make you wish to have him sing soprano over.
SueInCa : Night Sabreen and Funk when you go? Nighty nite
SallyT : Goodnight Sabreen!
funksands : Night Sabreen, I’m not far behind you.
SueInCa : multi million homes on the coast for a song? did she catch that one
choicelady : AdLib – now THAT twist on ‘Fast and Furious’ I had not heard. I know the Boys on the Hill were crying crocodile tears about the murdered DEA agent. I seem to recall that under Bush several were killed in the line of duty by drug lords in Mexico, but this poor man has become the rallying cry. Mind you, were he alive, they’d be bitching about his pension and health care costs, but dead – he’s a saint. These people are beyond disgusting – it’s pretty clear from chronology that Issa was briefed a few months ago, that they have all the papers save current ones needed for prosecutions, and that Bush’s implementation of the program was supported by Issa and reconfirmed fairly recently. Do these people not get that there are RECORDS of their actions that come out when they get weird????
Sabreen60 : And with that good folks, I’m going to sign off. But just let me say I was so disgusted with Issa, if I had been in reaching distance he might be talking in a soprano voice.
AlphaBitch : Darryl Issa LIAR
SueInCa : sabreen he should have been in jail a long time ago but thanks i will catch it
AlphaBitch : Sabreen – loved the list of his REAL crimes.
AdLib : AB – Darryl Issa Weasel.
Sabreen60 : AbLib, et al try and watch Maddow’s video on Fast and Furious. She did a fantastic job. Issa should be in jail.
SueInCa : oh hell no CL the day I wear green…well it is not going to happen
funksands : Ad, I think that as long as this was confined to the opium dreams of the right that it was more effective than expose to the light of day. When the lights come on, the GOP looks pretty ridiculous. My fantasy is that is an elaborate plot by Holder to hoist the GOP by its own petard.
AlphaBitch : Yep, AdLib – now you gots it. He was hip-motized.
AdLib : And it’s widely known that Fast and Furious was a continuation of Bush’s plan so as Stewart parodied, did Obama hypnotize Bush into starting it?
AlphaBitch : Darrel Issa issa bad guy.
AlphaBitch : Love how the wheels came off that with the ole 2nd Amendment bullshit, AdLib
SueInCa : people are ignoring it completely AL and Issa is having a fit
choicelady : Sue – always thought bankers should wear green, the shade of money.
AdLib : On a different topic, does it seem to folks here that the Issa-driven GOP witch hunt against Eric Holder is backfiring with the public? They’ve sunk to the depths of lying about Fast and Furious, claiming it was Obama’s secret plan to trick the nation into accepting his oppressive gun laws…which he’s never presented.
SueInCa : i actually had a pink suit once in my banker days but mostly black suits i had black of every hue
choicelady : AB – MUCH more comfortable. I don’t think I’d do jeans though when it’s 108. Linen maybe. Not denim. Ugh…
funksands : Pink’s not really my color. I’m more of an autumn
choicelady : Sue – I had one I made in 8th grade home ec. Last time I did pink for a dress.
AlphaBitch : Funk – I dream of you in pink dresses.
AlphaBitch : Smooth on CL. I’m a tee shirt and jeans gal now.
SueInCa : pink dresses are for sissies
AlphaBitch : The morons will cheer it on and look blindly. They’ll lose those Joseph Smith glasses if it means they get the WH
choicelady : AB – somehow the idea of you in a pink dress does NOT compute, and I’ve never even seen you!
funksands : Too bad.
SueInCa : funk sometimes his gramma does it too lol
AlphaBitch : Ha Funk. I gave up pink dresses years ago.
funksands : Sue, that’s a good point.
AdLib : AB – I thought I only gave it one poo? I moved her up because the Latino vote, in light of Obama’s move, has become even more difficult for Romney to chase. Still, I would put more money on Portman and Pawlenty because Romney is a chauvinist and a boy’s club type.
choicelady : AB – while I totally agree about Martinez fitting the demographic bill, those are both reasons Mitt could not tolerate her as VEEP – she’s a woman and she’s Mexican. Can you imagine how patronizing he’d be to her? In public?
funksands : AB, was that last week?
SueInCa : ab mitt cannot even let a woman into the temple the Moron church will freak with a lady vp
funksands : It sucks when your grandma catches you swearing like a sailor. LOL
AlphaBitch : I once said F*ck off, I’m Davy Crockett to a lady at ST. Timothy’s Lutheran Church when my mom made me wear a pink dress for Easter. I really thought I WAS Davy.
SueInCa : No he was talking to friends on xbox i looked in and he sheepishly said sorry lol
funksands : Sue, was he saying it to you? Ack!
AlphaBitch : AdLib: You poo-pooed my Susanna Martinez – but I tell ya, she’s woman, she’s Mexican. Two demos he seriously needs to reach.
choicelady : AB – it’s always good to be in a place where you can speak freely! Supporting Jon and Stephen is perfect.
AlphaBitch : Because I like the use of the phrase: Are you fuckin’ kidding me???
SueInCa : Qyeen L made the faces Gwen Ifell was not able to make
choicelady : Sue – Ben STein consorts with Dominionists! He was (maybe still is) a board member of the Life Legal Defense Foundation that protected those who’d signed the ‘defensive action statement’ justifying killing abortion supporters AND were the “legal team” behind trying to keep Terry Schiavo’s husband from making decisions about her. Ben STein is to the right of Attila the Hun. Boring he’s NOT.
AdLib : My thought is that the top VP choices for Romney would be Rob Portman, Tim Pawlenty and Susana Martinez.
AlphaBitch : I vote for Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.
funksands : Ad, Virginia might swing the whole schmeer. He might need him.
SueInCa : I watch him on a pbs type station we get here in the bay area
funksands : Sue, do you watch his online news show? Its really quite good.
SueInCa : Did everone see the SNL with Queen Latifa playing the lady that modded the vp debate? It was hilarious
AdLib : Sue – Yep, Dan Rather would be another great pick.
Sabreen60 : Well, whomever is the moderator I hope he/she won’t let Mitt get away with “I’m going to say what I want to say” as Palin did.
funksands : Sue, I’d love to see that. I’d even dust off Ted Koppel for one more fling. Just not Tom Brokaw again. Ugh. How this guy got a rep as a journalist I’ll never know.
AlphaBitch : Agree AdLib.
AdLib : Funk – I think McDonnell is on the outs with all that’s happened in VA on forced medical rape and his admission that Obama’s stimulus helped VA.
SueInCa : I have immense respect for him
AlphaBitch : To defend Texas, both Bill AND Dan are from here.
AlphaBitch : Dan would be good.
AlphaBitch : Touche Turtle McConnell. Now that’s a real show stopper. You betcha.
AlphaBitch : Funk – whew. You had me worried (about you) for a minute.
funksands : McDonell, not McConnell. Sheesh.
choicelady : I just want a debate moderator who asks REAL questions, not personal ones, not gotcha ones. Yesterday at the Sac Press Club someone apparently asked our state treasurer about his errant wife and their marital difficulties. He just refused to answer. Good for him. I want REAL questions! I’d like Bill Moyers to do interviews with each candidate, but I think he’d not contain himself with Mitt’s stupid answers in a debate.
AdLib : Sue – You read my mind, at the top of my wish list would be Bill Moyers. Bob Schieffer would also be up there for me.
AlphaBitch : I’m watching Portman now AdLib. You’ve got me watching him.
SueInCa : Two more boring guys you could not find unless it was ben stein
funksands : I’ve thought from the beginning that it would be McConnell, I stand by that.
AlphaBitch : They couldn’t Sue. He just would not AGREE to a debate. That’s all they have to do.
SueInCa : AB and look how it affected him in the primaries he was a dunce. Too bad someone did not force that debate
AlphaBitch : CL: Paw Paw and Romoney – that’s like white on rice.
funksands : AB, you got it. Mitt gains NOTHING by debating. He’ll just stand up there and do his best Colonel Kurtz impression and bomb.
AlphaBitch : Funk: Rick Perry refused to debate Bill White cuz he knew he’s get crushed. That’s the Rove the Cockroach motto – keep ’em quiet.
choicelady : Does anyone think Pawlenty is the Veep apparent? All I could think was “Two boring white guys”. Yuck.
SueInCa : AB I agree he is a freak for sure there is some baggage in that family
AdLib : Sue – Again, I don’t give much credence to polls, I don’t think Brown is really up in the polls, I think he’s behind with likely voters and will be a loser as we get closer to the election and MA folks are familiarized with his participation in the war on women and other RW BS.
funksands : Ad, I’ll be shocked if there are more than two debates. Mitt wouldn’t do any if he get away with it.
AlphaBitch : Sue: YEAH!
SueInCa : i want to see Bill Moyers do a debate
AlphaBitch : Funk, hon, I think he’d even swing his “girls” for a lousy…..
choicelady : Sue – sorry I missed her.
choicelady : AdLib – I think Mitt will come off even more weird and wooden than did McCain. He cannot answer questions anymore – he used to do so badly, but now he just blathers.
funksands : AB, you think he’ll swing that way for a lousy…oh yeah I guess he would.
SueInCa : She was here a few weeks ago CL
AlphaBitch : AdLib: who would you most like to see moderate?
AdLib : Take care KQ, great to see you here. Rest up and have a relaxing weekend!
choicelady : Hey – anyone ever hear from Chris these days? Miss her!
AdLib : CL – This is why I’m really looking forward to the debates. Yes, Mitt will do his best to be the windup toy he’s rehearsed to be but if Obama or moderators can nail him with the right question, his lack of connection with the real world will be like a landmine in his campaign. He is a walking landmine and once the press stops giving him such enormous leeway, which they can’t do in a debate, I think it all comes into stark focus.
AlphaBitch : Funk: Or he can be a lady date on the phone…
Sabreen60 : Nite KQ. Take care.
AlphaBitch : Funk: Hey Brown – read THIS!
choicelady : KQ – have a good night and better weekend. I will be thinking of you when SCOTUS rules. Indications are the High Risk Pool will survive, one way or another. But you will be on my mind!
SueInCa : night KQ feel better
AlphaBitch : Night KQ. Sleep tight and watch for the God particle.
funksands : Night KQ, hope you feel better
choicelady : AdLib – has anyone noticed how ALL the Baggers have that “brain circuits overloaded” syndrome?
SueInCa : AL I was amazed at what he is saying and still in the lead must be losing their marbles too
funksands : AB, maybe he’ll start selling readings over the phone. Of course he’ll need to throw in a genuine Brazilian Power Crystal
KQµårk 死神 : Take Care all. I’ve got to get some rest.
AlphaBitch : Sue: it made vomit magically appear in my throat and coke travel through my nasal highway…
AdLib : Sue – Brown’s all over the map, he’s like one of those androids in Star Trek saying, “Can not compute…” before the smoke rises out of their ears and in a shower of sparks, they blow their circuits.
choicelady : Scott is sounding dangerously like “I can see Russia from my porch” Palin.
AlphaBitch : Funk – he channels the barbarians. Talks to K&Q.
SueInCa : AB I agree putting his girls up for the taking at that speech too
choicelady : Scott said WHAT???? What Kings and Queens if not a 50s do-wop group?
funksands : Does he also talk to 3000 year old barbarians?
AlphaBitch : Seems Brown had some loose marbles to begin with – that Playgirl spread was not at ALL appealing to me (I wrote appalling, which it was)
SueInCa : Kes was all over that samwich thing yesterday with scott said he talks privately with kings and queens
choicelady : AdLib – I am whomperjawed at how absolutely OUT OF TOUCH Mitt is with the world. From donuts to Cold War, this guy is just not linked in to anything at all.
Sabreen60 : Mitt also likes his chicken and noodles – that good old German food.
AlphaBitch : Jinx CL
AlphaBitch : Haven’t followed politics of late – whas up w/ MA pols?
AdLib : Sue – Mitt gets hungry after playing sport, then he goes to the touchtone machine to order one of those chocolate goodies (donuts to most Americans).
choicelady : Sue – I’m not keeping up with the MA race. What’d Scott Baby do now?
SueInCa : Brown is losing his marbles
choicelady : Sue – have family in MA. They are nuts. I love MA but you’re right about their being crazy.
SueInCa : Myth sure does like his samwich in a touch tone machine
AdLib : AB – Sure it’s not the jumblebrag?
AlphaBitch : No no AdLib -it’s mumblebrag
SueInCa : Scott brown is a certified freak MA must be crazy
choicelady : ADLib – Sue nailed it!
SallyT : I’d say Romney is more the ShitloadBag.
AdLib : Or might Romney be remembered as the fumblebrag.
choicelady : Sue!!! PERFECT!
KQµårk 死神 : Not named Kennedy that is.
SueInCa : He may end up being the king crumblebrag
AdLib : Or was it the bumblebrag?
KQµårk 死神 : AdLib what is it about MA pols?
choicelady : KQ – oh, well, Queens. I work with a lot of them. Sigh.
AdLib : And ROmney’s the king of the stumblebrag.
SallyT : KQ, if I was God that is where you would find me, somewhere between Switzerland and France.
SueInCa : Oh I know about that KQ
choicelady : AB – I thought that was MY specialty, the stumblebrag. Nice to share it!
KQµårk 死神 : Well I never met a King but I have met a few Queens in my life CL,.
AdLib : I am familiar with the Bryant Gumbelbrag.
choicelady : ADLib – yikes. Humblebrag just crashed and burned! Well, easy come, easy go.
KQµårk 死神 : Actually it’s somewhere between Switzerland and France.
AlphaBitch : I gots the stumblebrag
choicelady : KQ and funk – you mean God has been living in MELBOURNE all these years? Who’da guessed it?
KQµårk 死神 : The Higgs Boson which will pretty much make up all the particles in the particle physics standard model.
AdLib : Funk – I own the humblebrag. Whoops, just lost it!
AlphaBitch : I dunno. God and Funk all in the same place…..
funksands : AB, that’s the conference where they are expected to unveil their results.
KQµårk 死神 : Yup.
SueInCa : KQ I don;t know anything about the god particle
SallyT : Hello Sabreen!
choicelady : ADLib – funk is right. Humblebrag indeed!
AlphaBitch : Zat when you will be there, Funk?
AdLib : KQ – I read a story about that a little while back, that they were going to re-test to see if they could recreate the results.
KQµårk 死神 :
I just heard that phrase for the first time on Maddow last night.
funksands : KQ, in Melbourne next month right?
Sabreen60 : Hi Sally!
choicelady : KQ – the God Particle? REALLY???? How very cool! I don’t know a lot about it, but it fascinates me!
SueInCa : We have mild summers here some hot days here and there
funksands : Nice Humblebrag Ad.
KQµårk 死神 : Not yet funk. Rumor is the will announce it July 4th. Obviously they are confirming and reconfirming the results.
AdLib : Sue – Yep, it’s been amazing here so I was keeping mum.
choicelady : AB – I was in Wichita in 2001 fighting the siege of Dr. Tiller’s clinic. It was 106 and about 99% humidity. HORRIBLE! The day they threatened to throw themselves into the street, one prochoice guy said, “If they go down on that blacktop in this heat, we’re gonna have to flip ’em like burgers!” NOT my idea of good weather. BTW – they thought better of it and did NOT do it. Shows they had SOME sense even if it was just self preservation.
AlphaBitch : KQ: Do tell.
funksands : KQ, did they confirm it????
AlphaBitch : AdLib – yeppers. Just busy and overheated.
Sabreen60 : Funk, I did a quick search, but didn’t see what I mentioned. It’s going to require a bit of reading considering the length of the ACA.
AlphaBitch : Shut the Toby Keith UP, AdLib. Congrats on you. May the quakes spare ye.
KQµårk 死神 : And now for something completely different. Anyone hear they may have found the God Particle?
AdLib : AB – All well with the family?
SueInCa : Hey AL my sister just got back she said it was beautiful
AlphaBitch : Sabreen et al!!!!!!!!
AlphaBitch : CL: Humid as can be. I get up at 6AM to go walk and be DONE by 7:30.
Sabreen60 : Hey AB!
AdLib : I’m just not going to mention the weather in LA.
AlphaBitch : Everything, AdLib
choicelady : Hey Sally and AB! AB I could not stand that because aren’t you also humid?
funksands : AB, no. However you can move here when the climate zombies overrun your farm.
AdLib : What up AB?!
AdLib : Hey Sally!
AlphaBitch : Hello folks: Well it will be 100 with a heat index of 108 next week where I live. That’s August in June! Want to trade, Funk?
SueInCa : Probelm is Funk is where they built in low lying areas the rising seas are eating from below as well no sea wall is going to save you then
choicelady : Sally – I saw you’re cool and rainy, too!
choicelady : funk – it’s my hypothesis based on not much that it is the polar ice melt that is chilling northern waters and making it so cold for you and everyone no the northern part of the western coast.
SueInCa : It was cool here in SF as well. Maybe mid 70 for a part of the afternoon going to be cool til next week
funksands : Sue, WHILE they build higher sea walls. IF they were actual deniers instead of political whores, then they’d even fight that.
AdLib : KQ – I wonder if it won’t give Obama something new to fight for, a distraction from the economy issue and a stark contrast between him and Romney’s declaration to take the rest of it away. A great tactic in negotiations is the takeaway, sometimes people have to be threatened with losing something before they really consider how much they actually want or need it. All those tens of millions of people out there who would lose their insurance…I think this kind of thing would make them very motivated voters.
SallyT : Portland is at 50 degrees right now and raining
choicelady : funk – come on down here to Sacramento! It’s in the 70s for several days. I LOVE your weather, so I’ll trade you!
SallyT : Funk, you aren’t the only one cool here.
SueInCa : Sea rises are starting to be felt and cons are trying to play it off as propaganda. Honest to God they are so frustrating
KQµårk 死神 : Yeah I’m buying shore front property in the Poconos AdLib.
funksands : Seriously, it sucks so bad here right now. It seems that the hotter it gets everywhere else, the colder it gets here. It’s like all of the heat is being sucked away from us.
AdLib : Too bad we can’t force all the Climate Change deniers to move into low lying areas on the seaside.
funksands : KQ, you are totally right, but that tipping point hasn’t been breached yet.
KQµårk 死神 : I really don’t know AdLib. People spin it as positive for Dems but to me it just seems like it would be a huge defeat for Dems and Americans hate losers.
funksands : Lowest High Temperature for June EVER!!!! 56 degrees! Yeah!
AdLib : Funk – Thank you Climate Change!
KQµårk 死神 : Believe me funk when more and more people are covered (if some kind of mandate holds) more providers will refuse self payers.
AdLib : How does everyone here think it will affect the Presidential race if the mandate is struck down?
funksands : HEY! By the way! Seattle set an all-time RECORD today!
funksands : KQ, why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?
AdLib : Hey Bito! I remember Obama stressing during the campaign for the ACA that the IRS would not be coming after you if you didn’t have health insurance.
KQµårk 死神 : They are all a bunch of hypocrites CL. They don’t want guvment till they need it.
choicelady : AdLib –
From your lips to Rick’s ear!
choicelady : funk – conservatives and esp. Libertarians are FINE with private capital requiring you to do any ol’ thing. Just not the gummint.
AdLib : CL – Your group represents a powerful ally for Courage. It would be in their interest to make sure you were in business to help them on this and maybe other pursuits.
KQµårk 死神 : True BITO I think compliance will be low at first like it was with MA but once people realize the world is not going to end and how generous the subsidies are they won’t pass it up.
funksands : That’s what I was concerned about with possible failure of the mandate.
funksands : Bito, thank you.
choicelady : AdLib – I’m not sure about fines IF the requirement to cover is gone.
funksands : I just find it interesting that conservative equate economic freedom to not being forced to pay for insurance, but NOT equating economic freedom to NOT being forced to pay 30% of their disposable income for health insurance.
KQµårk 死神 : Thanks for the info AdLib.
bito : Sabreen, You are right, Ezra Klein read the enforcement section the other night and it has zero teeth
choicelady : KQ -if they over-ruled the individual mandate they would also over-rule the employer mandate, yes.
AdLib : KQ – I read a piece that said the fines on employers would remain intact.
MurphTheSurf3 : Well I have returned…..int eresting conference call….
choicelady : AdLib – wouldn’t THAT be ironic if he ponied up for us? It’d be worth it being screamed at in public.
choicelady : Hey Murph – good to see you again!
choicelady : funk – I think that is true, but the medical economists and docs DO worry about adequate compensation to cover ALL costs. Not worrying about lavish salaries but just about covering what things COST. Medicaid in CA pays $7 for a visit to a podiatrist. It’s cheaper to treat people for FREE rather than pay to do the claim form! We need to get realistic about what things cost. But we cannot be “consumers” – we are patients. We cannot “shop around” when we’re having a heart attack!
KQµårk 死神 : I just realized I’m clueless whether the SCOTUS ruling would affect the employer mandates to buy insurance for employees.
Sabreen60 : Funk, someone was reading it from the actual bill – can’t remember whom. I’ll do a little research and see if I can find it.
AdLib : Hey Murph, welcome back. How did the teleconference go?
AdLib : CL – I was thinking that myself, Courage could really smooth over things and strengthen a valuable ally by sharing a bit too.
funksands : Sabreen, where did you hear that? Curious.
choicelady : AdLib – it’s not that “every single person needs it” but that every single person WILL use the system and therefore needs to pay for it. (Only really good way around the RW hype is to stress “personal responsibility” !!!)
SueInCa : KQW that is how I feel too. Let’s see who screams the loudest
MurphTheSurf3 : I am back.
KQµårk 死神 : Exactly CL and that 2% is very soft and has a low ceiling. I forget the number.
AdLib : KQ – Yes, that makes sense. I would just suggest that a loss on the mandate, though I hope it doesn’t happen, could be a big win for HC reform. The fact that we’d all be staring down the barrel of ongoing price hikes could actually make single payer more likely.
KQµårk 死神 : CL I’m more draconian than that. If you don’t buy insurance, you opt out of even the ER care mandate.
choicelady : KQ – the “fine” is only 2% of income, too as it stands now. Hell- that’s freaking reasonable! The tax is a very good idea. I’m for it.
Sabreen60 : It is my understanding that the IRS has no authority to do anything to anyone if they don’t enroll in ACA. They cannot charge penalties, they cannot execute levies against your property and you cannot go to jail. If this is true than the mandate has no teeth anyway.
funksands : 70% of doctors prefer a public option to the current system or universal healthcare. I thought that was interesting.
choicelady : AdLib – now, if I can schmooze enough to get MONEY out of him…
KQµårk 死神 : CL it will also depend much more greatly on the state you live in. Many blue states will have some kind of mandates like MA with the fed subsidies it won’t be that bad in some states.
AdLib : CL – I agree with you about gov’t being able to mandate participation, just saying that going in that direction opened up this line of attack for the opponents. Going at it as a tax would have cut off this avenue of attack. As you say, health care is not an option, every single human being needs it so it is not the same as any other commerce matter.
choicelady : KQ – That’d work. Hit the people who game the system. A friend’s kid did that – had a payment plan and walked on it. He deserves to be wrung dry for that! And he’s conservative and doens’t like the government doing things for people – even though his entire family is either on a social program or has screwed us by shoving their costs off on us. Screw him – make him pay!
funksands : CL, I trust you implicitly.
SueInCa : If people knew no more seeing you in the ER w/o insurance would they scream for a policy or scream that is inhuman?
KQµårk 死神 : That’s the thing CL it’s not even really a mandate. You don’t have to buy insurance. You buy or pay a tax.
choicelady : Sabreen – all those options are on the table. I get updates about 17 times a day, and every ‘fall back’ is actually QUITE good. The Obama administration has a contingency plan for everything. It won’t all just disappear thank GOD!!!!
AdLib : CL – That’s fantastic news and I’m really pleased to hear that! You stood up and shared what was messed up about the single payer bill and it was very appreciated. Cheers to you on that and fingers crossed that this may lead to big things!
SueInCa : I am with you KQ I think it will root out the righties who are the biggest complainers against aca
funksands : The problem is that the mandate “pre-funds” some of the liability the insurance companies and providers will have with the repeal of pre-existing condition limitations. Medicare can tread water for a long time because it is funded by payroll deductions.
choicelady : AdLib – The gov’t can mandate participation. It’s never before mandated said participation in using a private commodity. I actually HATE that – but health care IS different since we ARE required to scrape you off the highway, patch you up if possible, and get you somewhere safe. Since we pay for it if you don’t, the mandate MAY survive. personal responsibility and all that…
KQµårk 死神 : The only possible solution without mandates are huge penalties for people that game the system. Like back pay premiums if they get sick or some kind of huge enrollment period penalty if you miss enrollment initially. This is what Obama wanted to do during the 2008 primaries.
choicelady : ADLib – I’m being courted by Courage! Apparently there is a guy who thinks my group rocks, and he’s gotten Rick past his hissy and to the point he DOES want to include us. They read my piece on the death of single payer and actually want to know more since Courage wants to take it up. Then, I have to say, there is a fighting chance of its working in CA. For all his ego, Rick J. is much more focused and far better connected than the single payer folks now.
Sabreen60 : What about the opinion of some that if the mandate is struck down ACA could function similar to Medicare – If you don’t buy in, the cost will continue to increase over time.
AdLib : CL – Yes, the whole argument against the mandate was that it WASN’T set up as a tax. Government can tax anything they want so if it had been set up that way, the argument against it would be very weak. As my grandfather used to say, sometimes you’re so smart, you outsmart yourself.
SueInCa : Wow there is so much I don’t know about aca
funksands : Sue, the problem is that the mandate makes sure the insurance co’s are whole going in. The tax penalty makes sure they are whole coming out. Take one of the away and I’m not positive how effective it is.
KQµårk 死神 : The nation simply goes broke.
SueInCa : oh i was thinking fed tax or state tax
KQµårk 死神 : If they try to keep the subsidies and guarantees for the people with preexisting conditions. You’ll have people only buy insurance who need it when they need it. Costs will get much worse than the pace they are on now. Then conservatives will not fund subsidies claiming that the Dems messed it up.
choicelady : Sue – one way around the mandate may BE a “ER” tax, yes. You sure can. But without everyone IN, it would be more expensive for the gov’t if not the individuals who are being subsidized.
SueInCa : Then that is how you work it out no harm no foul
AdLib : Hey Sabreen! I won’t go as far as Pelosi, I think there is a reasonable chance for the mandate to be upheld or struck down. But I find it more likely that the rest of the ACA will stand.
funksands : Sue, yes. A couple of the conservative justices have said so multiple times.
choicelady : Sabreen! Interesting about Pelosi – I’d not read that! I hope she’s right!
choicelady : KQ – well states MAY have mandates even if the feds don’t. That’s on the table in CA. I just want it tied to ACA and NOT to “romneycare” which purely sucks. That’s my technical analysis, of course.
SueInCa : Can you require a tax without a mandate?
AdLib : KQ – I don’t know that it all unravels, I do think that the costs will probably go up…but that could spur the demand for more action instead of repeal and losing everything. And with the state exchanges coming on line shortly, they may provide the relief valve needed in the near term. Eventually, single payer must happen or health care will be only for the wealthy.
Sabreen60 : Hi everyone. I’ve been reading the comments. I think I’ll put my money on Pelosi who believes ACA will be uphelp 6 to 3. (Fingers crossed).
KQµårk 死神 : Yep that’s the crap we have now CL with so many people not covered.
choicelady : KQ – they may have to provide more to stabilize you enough to move you…back to the streets. That’s why the mandate is not about a consumer item. It’s like flood insurance in some areas that gov’t can require you to have to get permits to build, etc.
KQµårk 死神 : That’s indeed the ridiculousness of our system now CL.
choicelady : funk – yes, it was a priest in resistance to Franco. Many MANY Catholic priests I have known are amazingly wonderful and totally devoted to social justice!
SueInCa : KQ what happens when that is widespread? People whining oh why did we not listen to the left. SCOTUS needs to be completely cleaned out
KQµårk 死神 : Without the mandate it all unravels when states tried HCR without some kind of mandates it got worse.
funksands : Ad, I’m with you. I think the mandate goes, but the tax penalty is allowed. What that means I’m not sure
choicelady : KQ – I actually think they might uphold the mandate as well as everything else for EXACTLY this reason. Legally your hospital cannot refuse critically ill people – health care is the only thing society is mandated to give to YOU in a crisis, so you need to accept responsibility for that and not “socialize” your costs through negligence.
AdLib : KQ – My bet is that the SCOTUS would only strike down the mandate. I don’t see what Constitutional grounds they have for striking down the rest of it.
KQµårk 死神 : Especially in a red state Sue.
choicelady : Sue – REALLY!!!!! Wow – and the jury never heard the testimony of his adopted son. NOW I want to go after Mrs. Sandusky who apparently abetted her husband’s abuse of some of the boys.
KQµårk 死神 : As long as the provide ER coverage that’s all they have to do.
AdLib : Sue – Unfortunately, the Mormon Church has racism and prejudice engrained into it and only recently “whtewashed” out of it so that’s not unexpected.
SueInCa : KQ wow that is something. I know they have done that sporadically but isn’t it against the law
choicelady : Good night Bourne! Have a lovely weekend!
KQµårk 死神 : Sandusky is as bad as it gets with pedophiles
funksands : CL, I guess the founding of Mondragon shows the Catholics weren’t all bad.
choicelady : AdLib – there are 11,000 employee owned businesses now, and they are THE most consistently profitable in America. Some are employee owned AND managed which works even better. And these are NOT all artisanal bakeries – Southwest Airlines is one. It might have something to do with their consisten profitablity, hmmmm? Sue you and I have talked about WinCo and other businesses. It already has a toehold in America – and nobody noticed.
AdLib : Sue – Thanks for the update on Sandusky. This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. He can rot in prison.
SueInCa : Adlib Mormons as well they have all joined under the CNP
KQµårk 死神 : So is the right wing controlled SCOTUS going to overturn the ACA? My local hospital group will not even accept people without HC insurance now.
funksands : KQ, I hope its getting better.
SueInCa : Bye Bourne
AdLib : Nice to have you here, Bourne! Have a wonderful weekend!
KQµårk 死神 : Tough month funk. Long story.
SueInCa : Sandusky guilty on 45 of 48 counts
choicelady : Hey KQ! Great to see you!
AdLib : Sue – Well…it’s disappointing if the Catholic leadership wants to go down the Crusades road again but it wouldn’t be the first time. They were hell bent to destroy the Muslim faith back then.
choicelady : AdLib – yes the leadership in many parts though also hunks of the laity are snuggling up with the Dominionists. Opus Dei for one. It’s scary to me that Benedict has let Society of ST. Pius X back into the church – they make Opus Dei look liberal.
BourneID : All, I’m going to say goodnight now. I’ve been eating dinner as I read and I must say you are all excellent company. I’ll see you next week. Have great weekend.
funksands : Hey KQ, what’s new?
choicelady : funk – it IS Ratzinger, and Sue, yes, Ratzo Rizzo is a good way to remember.
SueInCa : Hey KQ
AdLib : KQ! Nice to see ya!
SueInCa : Throckmorton thinks it is because of their joint hatred of Mulsims/Islam
AdLib : CL – Very cool! Wish we could break through the corporate MSM BS to get the idea of employee owned businesses as a central solution for what’s ailing our economy and economic imbalance.
KQµårk 死神 : Sup gang?
SueInCa : yes the leadership regular catholics except for opus dei is prob not aware. maybe charismatics
choicelady : Sue – THAT to me is scary. Dominionists think the Church is the Whore of Babylon, but they ARE working together. That’s not good.
AdLib : Sue – You’re saying that the Catholic leadership is closer with the Dominionists, not Catholics in general, right?
choicelady : AdLib – it’s actually work. Going to Mondragon, the Spanish employee-owned industrial cooperative that has over 100,000 members in several hundred businesses. Even with all the hell Spain is experiencing, they are holding their own, and they have ZERO unemployment. I want to bring back the principles and tactics to see if it can help in CA.
SueInCa : the catholic church is so out of touch now with the new leadership but they are stronger with the dominionists…. .
funksands : Ad:
AdLib : “I’m excommunicatin’ here, I’m excommunicatin’ here!”
funksands : Ratzinger. Even better.
AdLib : CL – That’s fantastic and you hugely deserve such a wonderful vacation!
SueInCa : cl i always think of Ratzo in what was it Midnight Cowboy?
funksands : I think it was Ratzenburg wasn’t it?
SueInCa : bueno verte that is how you say it
choicelady : Sue! That made me laugh! Now he’s Pope Benedict. Then he was Ratzoff or some such.
funksands : Spain? Wow, I am jealous. That is one place I’ve always wanted to go. What’s the occasion?
AdLib : Muy bien, gracias!
SueInCa : CL when he told Africa condoms did not prevent aids it was over for me with Catzenberg or whatever his name is
choicelady : funk! Great to see you. Don’t quite know how to say THAT in Spanish. Yet. Going to Spain in September so I’d better brush up.
funksands : Bien, y tu?
AdLib : Hey Senor Funk! Como estas?
SueInCa : Even my fatherinlaw who was always strong Catholic started attending a non denominational church
choicelady : Sue – the church had REAL vitality under Pope John XXIII and Vatican II. Conservatives everywhere plotzed at his real ecumenism and interfaith outreach though. No one could survive the March of the Theocrats, and we likely will not see a revival of that kind of amazing outreach and theological brilliance in our lifetimes. Back to, oh, around the time of Galileo. This Pope has declared evolution “JUST a theory”…
AdLib : Sue – Same here, the more that the leadership tries to bring the hammer down on those who ARE the Catholic Church, the more meaningless they become. All churches are about those who follow it, not those who seek to have power over them.
funksands : The Pentecostal Latinos
SueInCa : Hey Funk what capris and shorts?
funksands : That was the name of my band in high school….
SueInCa : I refuse to get out of my capris or shorts sorry folks
choicelady : Wow -AdLib – take a photo.We’d LOVE to see you in a suit and tie. I guess I’d better do more than jammies and sweatshirts then…
choicelady : AdLib – I think the church is fracturing seriously. The hierarchy is SO at odds with the people! The single largest movement in religion globally is “walkaways” from hidebound and repressive denominations and religions.
SueInCa : You know of all the catholics I know (latino family) not one I know takes the pope seriously. in fact if they go to church regularly they go somewhere else but still say they are catholic
AdLib : CL – Heh! That’s funny! I know what you mean though, I always dress up in a suit and tie for Vox Populi then once it’s over, I realize, no one can see me.
AdLib : CL – The child molestation coverups created fissures in trust that rightfully should be there, between the laity and the leadership of the Catholic Church. There are very faithful Catholics now who take what the leadership says with a grain of salt. And in light of their attack on the nuns who want to focus on caring for the poor instead of anti-abortion and fighting gay marriage, the fissures have grown even wider.
choicelady : EVeryone – just a diversion. My hubby wanted to check the voice messages and I stopped him at first BECAUSE I DIDN’T HAVE THIS CONVERSATION ON MUTE AND DIDN’T WANT TO BOTHER ANYONE. That’s how seriously I take this “discussion” – I lost track that it’s TYPED. He got the messages…
choicelady : AdLib and Sue – when it comes to Mexican and Central or Latin Americans, I agree – they are NOT conservative in the majority by far. They know who’s on their side = and who can’t be bothered to figure out an answer to their questions.
choicelady : AdLib – don’t over estimate the relationship between birth control and politics. On political issues more tend to listen. On the other hand, the church is becoming a fossile even in the eyes of the faithful. E.J. Dionne is the tip of the iceberg – faithful, present, and pissed.
AdLib : Sue – Good point, FL might remain close because of the lockstep conservatism of the Cuban population there but in CO, NV, NM and even AZ…all states Romney must win, I don’t see how he gets enough of them.
AdLib : CL – But isn’t it true that most American Catholics don’t feel compelled to follow the leadership of the Church? When 99% of women in America use birth control, are they going to vote for the party that wants to take it away because the men in charge tell them to? I don’t think so.
choicelady : I think only Cubans and some Pentecostal Latinos could be persuaded to vote Romney.
SueInCa : He may win FL but I don;t see him winning any other latino factor. I am not familiar with Puerto Ricans but I know Cubans tend conservaive and Mexican dem.
choicelady : AdLib – yes, but they’re scary! I’m actually worried now about the Catholic church. The monsignor in Philly got convicted and sentenced to prison for the coverup of molestation there. When that happens – the church goes screeching bonkers with some over-reaction against someone or something else. I’m worried they will actually preach Romney to focus on abortion and same sex issues. Obama is closer by far to Catholics on social justice – but they seem to repudiate it for conformity on sexual issues.
AdLib : So back to the Latino factor, how is this a close race if Obama is winning Latino’s 75% – 25%? Romney simply can’t win many must-win swing states if that’s the case.
SueInCa : I hear you AL I like Rev and Bashir the rest can fly away
AdLib : Sue – I’ve laid off quite a bit and it’s like withdrawing from a bad habit, when you get a taste of it after being off of it for a while, it tastes much worse.
SueInCa : Shit cl he does? I would love to find an excuse to go there when I know he is there
AdLib : CL – You should spin that, you are on top of all of them.
SueInCa : Well AL I have not needed their opinions for a month or more now and I am keeping up on the news LOL
choicelady : Sue – did you know Rodriguez has his church here in Elk Grove? How did I get so lucky – they’re ALL around me!
SueInCa : well he does influence a few but the ones he does are into that “tell us what to do priest and we will” they are actually a bit crazy
AdLib : Sue – The MSM folks are terrified of not having a close race, who needs their lousy opinions when the race is not close enough for Romney to win?
choicelady : Sue – someone has to out his extremism. But the percentage of Dominionist Latinos is actually quite small.
SueInCa : AL you should have seen Cilliza squirming all around that Bloomberg poll. He was having some real problems. Wish I remembered where I saw it I would post at ot./to
AdLib : Sue – I would think that Rodriguez would have as much influence on bringing Latinos over to the party that hates them as Michael Steele had bringing the black vote over to the racist GOP.
SueInCa : Tweeting works CL I will try to remember when I am on after tonite
AdLib : CL and Sue, you know what the Romney response would be, a straw horse about his family and religion being attacked. He’d never answer, just play victim and some in the MSM would join in with their “question news”, “Is it over the line to ask such a question?”
SueInCa : Yes yes yes. Latinos are not going to move over to Myth. One concern I have is Rodriguez, Samuel. He is a dominionist and is advising Myth campaign
choicelady : ADLib . In answer to your question – Yes.
choicelady : Sue and ADLib – whom do we know we could send out? Of course we COULD just start tweeting the question – it would get HUGE attention!
AdLib : Just going to repost our first topic: “Both Repubs and Dems say that Romney has to win 35% of Latinos to win the Presidency…and all the money of the Kochs and Rove doesn’t seem like it will be enough to push the needle that far and get Latinos to vote for the Self-Deportation , Anti-Dream Act guy. So…could Romney’s prospects be much smaller than the MSM memes are portraying and might Obama have a much greater actual lead in polls than others, aside from the recent Bloomberg poll, represent?
SueInCa : CL 15.15.15 coke fries and burger at Mickey D;s
choicelady : Sue – prfect grandmother! Mine was very cool but entirely different. Yours sounds perfect!
SueInCa : CL need to find someone willing to go into one of his stops and submit a question real bland then ask the real question. Make sure it is someone who does not mind being hauled out lol
choicelady : Sue – and McDonald’s had those 15 cent burgers that were actually better than anything they have today. NObody respects tradition!
SueInCa : yeah she was so hip too she kept our secrets and was just a wonderful lady
choicelady : AdLib – I really, REALLY want someone to ask Romney the Grandmas question!!!
SueInCa : CL they ignore it they are famous for it.
AdLib : Sue – Sounds like she was very close to you, that’s very cool.
choicelady : Sue – it’s lovely you had that experience of root beer floats, but it’s not my memory. I HATE root beer. We called them “Black Cows” and everyone loved them except me. But I totally understand the pleasure of the experience!
SueInCa : So did my grandma and she loved milkshakes. she taugh me how to shave and pluck my eyebrows in time for my first tween party
AdLib : CL – WOuldn’t that be a blockbuster moment, an interviewer asking Mitt, “How many grandmothers have you had?”
AdLib : Sue – Loved A&W, root beer floats!
choicelady : Sue – how can the birthers worry about Obama MAYBE having been born in Kenya when it’s clear he had one father, one mother, when Mitt’s father was part of a polygamous family, white, rich, and expatriated to Mexico so granddad could have several wives. Mitt therefore has MANY grandmothers – so Obama, by comparison, is NOTHING to worry about!
SueInCa : i will forward the email with the listings and identify it
SueInCa : mls has it blocked if i can figure it out i will send it to you
AdLib : Murph said he was expecting a conference call with I believe the McCaskill campaign and he’d have to pop off then.
SueInCa : my grandma never made fruitcake she took us to A&W she was before her time
choicelady : Sue – the link you posted did not work for me, so if you can resend or give a different route to the view, I’d LOVE to see it!
AdLib : CL – Wow, you know that I’ve never heard anyone mention that but it has to be true, Mitt would indeed have multiple grandmothers. That’s a lot of fruitcakes to eat on the holidays.
SueInCa : CL what? kenya?
choicelady : Hey – where’d Murph go? I missed his departure if it was a departure and not a tech glitch.
choicelady : Sue – and people worry about Kenya? How perfectly ridiculous. Worry is a LOT closer to home – and it’s white!
AdLib : Hey Sue!
SueInCa : we put an offer you know how reo;s go around these parts, cross your fingers it is lovely
AdLib : CL – No worries! I agree with you, this is a prime year for a populist message. Polls show that 3/4 of Americans want the wealthy paying more in taxes and spending on teachers, police and firemen, Claire would probably benefit from supporting the majority of Missouri citizens on that.
choicelady : Hey Sue – how are you? Any luck househunting yet?
SueInCa : yes he does if the marriages were legit
SueInCa : Hello everyone
choicelady : AdLib – does this mean Mitt’s got multiple grandmothers? Seriously?
choicelady : Hi AdLib – didn’t mean to leave you out! Great to see you!
choicelady : Hi Bourne – isn’t the weather GREAT? Actually chilly this morning. Had to put on a jacket at 6:30 am to read the paper on the porch! Wow.
AdLib : Bourne – Romney’s Mexican connection isn’t a Latino one so it’s meaningless. His grandfather moved down there so he could keep practicing polygamy. Yes, they still have family down there but Romney was born in the US and has little connection to his Mexico family anyway.
choicelady : Murph – I wonder if McCaskill actually spoke out in favor of tax increases on the really wealthy, the things she waffles a lot on, whether she might not catch fire. I’m not totally possessed of the belief that MO is 100% sheer nuts.
BourneID : Hi CL
AdLib : Hey Choicelady!
choicelady : Murph = how are you doing? Hi everyone!
BourneID : AdLib, the more I watch Romney try to deliver an intelligible speech, I think of a really bad new TV series that’s on the verge of cancellation. He is so dull, so boring that it’s impossible to watch him. He has a Mexico connection yet cannot even speak to the Latino community which, I’m sure, is mostly Mexican. He doesn’t even seem to connect with that group. The man is living on some other planet in some other galaxy.
AdLib : Murph – A lot of grass roots level work will be needed to counter that.
MurphTheSurf3 : McCaskill is being hit by a series of generalized PAC ads from Crossroads that are outright lies. She is hitting back, but is being outspent 9 to 1. AND this is before the GOP has its candidate.
AdLib : Murph – Excellent! We’ll be here.
BourneID : All, MTS is what I call Murph; my fingers just can’t find the right keys when I type the name.
AdLib : There just doesn’t seem to be a cohesive view of the election and that’s probably intentional. The views of all the factors seem separated and only those that fit the MSM’s hunger for a close race or the Repub’s desire to deny Obama a lead. Who is putting all the pieces together, especially the Latino and women factor against the other alleged “game changers”?
BourneID : MTS, we’ll hold your place, but come back. How are things going for Senator McCaskill/
MurphTheSurf3 : Early warning…..I am expecting a phone call sometime soon from someone I am working with on the Senatorial campaign re. a big meeting. I may be off line for quite a while at some point.
AdLib : The MSM meme is all about the money race and how the economy will decide everything but if Obama wins 70% of Latinos, and a majority of women, does any of that really matter?
AdLib : Murph – That’s nice for a change.
MurphTheSurf3 : Well enought, ad lib….slow week
AdLib : Hey Murph! How are things by you?
AdLib : The topic I wanted to start with is the Latino factor. Both Repubs and Dems say that Romney has to win 35% f Latinos to win the Presidency…and all the money of the Kochs and Rove aren’t going to push the needle that far. So…maybe Romney is much farther behind than these other polls say.
BourneID : Hello Sally T.
MurphTheSurf3 : checking in….howdy
AdLib : I think it’s a lot closer to reality, using probable voters, than the other polls which just use eligible voters.
BourneID : Yes. Is ever less than excellent? I read that Bloomberg is giving him a pretty substantial lead but the really, really, smart people (NOT) say there’s something amiss here. What do you think gentlemen? (assuming Bito is a man?)
AdLib : It’s been so mild down here in LA, can’t complain at all.
BourneID : First day of summer and in Sacramento it was 78 degrees (a drop of 24 from yesterday’s 103)…unbelieva ble. It was 51 degrees at 5 a.m.
AdLib : Did you see Obama’s speech today?
AdLib : Doing well, thanks.
BourneID : I’m great thanks, how about you?
AdLib : First day of Summer!
AdLib : Hey Bourne! How are you tonight?
BourneID : Hi AdLib, Bito, Murph
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “Howdy do!” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm. See you then!
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