PatsyT : Nighty Night Chris Say goodnight to Ohio for me
KQµårk 死神 :
Patsy with $100 bills spread across the bed I bet.
SallyT : Good night Chris. Swim fast and safe! See you later on here.
KQµårk 死神 : Good luck Chris and sleep well.
PatsyT : How about “Sex is wrong unless you are Filthy Rich and on your 3rd wife”
ChrisR266 : I must bid adieu as well, folks. Got to get up in 5 hours to help run the biggest high school swim meet in the state tomorrow, ugh. Big, hot, sweaty, noisy, you name it natatorium in my future for 13 hours. Take care all.
ChrisR266 : KQ: Ouch! (I think). ‘eh?
PatsyT : Man o man the just put it out there to start a rumor and then they hope it sticks
KQµårk 死神 : Yeah right should they need to codify sex with knot holes in trees is wrong next.
ChrisR266 : I saw this KQ. Spit out my diet coke laughing. The absurdity of it all is even testing the abilities of the SNL crew, and they’re pros. How much more bizzare can it all get?
PatsyT : KQ they will stop at nothing
KQµårk 死神 : They are removing the first part for obvious reasons but c’mon do you really have to codify sex with animals is wrong. I think that’s common sense.
SallyT : Oh,give me a break! I thought that was Santorium?
KQµårk 死神 : Did anyone see the new tantrum from the right. In the next military budget they removed the “sodomy and bestiality” clause out of the code of conduct. They are claiming Obama is for bestiality.
ChrisR266 : It was so painful his staff refused to comment after the committee chairwoman published a letter she sent to Kasich the day before. She reamed him a new orifice and demanded that he stand down publicly on his effort to take over the GOP committee.
SallyT : I did get a call asking if I thought Obama was doing a good job.
KQµårk 死神 : I never got polled in FL or GA.
PatsyT : Chris, I hope that sounds rude and painful
KQµårk 死神 : Wow Chris that’s amazing.
ChrisR266 : KQ: I’m getting Rassmussen’ed almost weekly now. Got a call the night of the election last months and haven’t been left alone since.
SallyT : However, it is usually on ballot issues.
KQµårk 死神 : Actually I usually worry more about FL than Ohio but with the Ryan Budget I think it’s gonna be very tough for the GOP to beat Obama in FL.
SallyT : I have. They do it a lot here in Portland.
PatsyT : No KQ makes you wonder hmmm who are they polling?
ChrisR266 : I’m surprised that I’m not worrying more about Ohio, and I live here, ha! I sense that the brain cells have really kicked back into operation here, and even the most conservative voters are seeing how destructive total GOP domination really is for the average citizen.
SallyT : That is so right, KQ, the old vote.
KQµårk 死神 : BTW has anyone here ever gotten a call from a pollster in their life? I haven’t.
PatsyT : These debates are like a Pagent/Reality show No wonder Trump has to stick his nose in them
KQµårk 死神 : Actually Sally I think they will come around a couple polls I saw he was weakest from 35-55. All in all I would rather Obama have seniors because they come out to vote.
PatsyT : They may toy with the idea of a GOP but Pres Obama will have a strong campaign there
SallyT : Also, could it be that the Repubs are getting all the attention right now with the circles and debates?
ChrisR266 : Kasich is a mini-gingrich, only much more genetically refined.
KQµårk 死神 : Oh I know it’s early Chris. I just thought so soon after SB5 was defeated they would know better.
ChrisR266 : KQ: Hold your breath on Ohio. The deal is by far from over here. Kasich just suffered another big blow this week because of his brazen and unwelcome attempt to oust the very popular state GOP chairman. His staff has actively positioned candidates to run against the duly elected commission members. The old men and ladies are really pissed off. They went public on his ass. It is glorious.
SallyT : Could it be that the young people are holding back in commenting right now?
KQµårk 死神 : I think they have Gingrich and Romney beating Obama in Ohio in a poll I saw.
SallyT : Damn, that makes me crazy! People, people, people! Wake UP!
KQµårk 死神 : I know it’s early but I’ve been reading the national polls and Ironically Obama’s biggest problem is less that 55 year olds. He has solid numbers with seniors because of the Medicare debacle with the GOP.
SallyT : Really, KQ? All of Ohio?
SallyT : No kidding, KQ. I would love to watch Obama keep from rolling his eyes in a debate with Perry.
KQµårk 死神 : I thought Ohio woke up too but they are still seriously considering a GOP candidate for president.
PatsyT : Perry is a meme now The Kids are all over this «link»
SallyT : Good night Murph.
SallyT : Chris, I think Wisc woke up a lot all over.
KQµårk 死神 : Night Murph
PatsyT : Well you take care Murph Have a great night
ChrisR266 : Good night Murph, and may the force be with you.
KQµårk 死神 : One of the crazier things we touched on earlier was Perry. For me I would love to see him run the most because he’s a Bush clone.
ChrisR266 : Wisconsin will survive. My friends up there are taking care of business better than they have in a long time. They needed this smacking around to wake them back up (as one reminded me a few weeks ago). I used to live up there. Miss it greatly. They will come through this.
MurphTheSurf3 : ChrisR266, funksands, kesmarn, KQµårk 死神, PatsyT and SallyT …. Thanks for the conversation tonight and the sage advice. I am going to run. Patsy, good job herding the cool cats tonight. Best to all y’all.
KQµårk 死神 : Take care funk.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Funk … All the Best
SallyT : I hate that when it happens, KQ!
KQµårk 死神 : Cheers browser problems again.
PatsyT : I see you KQ looking good
SallyT : Well, there you go, Funk!
ChrisR266 : Good night, Funk. Keep the good words coming. I thoroughly enjoy reading you.
KQµårk 死神 : Am I back?
KQµårk 死神 : Ugh this is a test.
SallyT : Yes, Chris, Rome wasn’t built in a day. But, it burned down in a night.
funksands : Folks I gotta run. I really enjoyed chatting with you. Murph, good luck with your Michigan problem. Good thing they’ve got a guy like you to consult with.
SallyT : And, I’m not a witch, oh, she would be fun! NOT
ChrisR266 : To all: our little upstart nation, in its admittedly short history, has never done the reactionary gig very well. We do have a tendency to need smacking around until we remember that.
PatsyT : Geez you are right KQ we really dodged a bullet there
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk….the gov plus allies in the state leg. like Dennis Baxley who sponsored the voter id legislation….a n entire generation of “turn back the clock” public servants…ugh.
funksands : Fascism always rises in times of great economic unrest. When the populace is unstable, scared, and broke. That’s when the thugs tend to take over. Those govts. always fail, either at the ballot box or the battlefield, but they always fail. (credit to Orwell)
SallyT : No kidding KQ. They could be exchanging chickens in Nevada!
PatsyT : Of all things my kids say Rick Perry is a big deal on Tumbler Tonight and they are laughing their tail off at this ad check out all the views and dislikes! «link»
KQµårk 死神 : The worse part is we could have ended up with even more crazy GOPTEAs in NV and CT.
funksands : Murph, Count Scottula is setting back that state decades. He will permanently damage it.
SallyT : Yah, but I bet I can point to more scares on my body!
MurphTheSurf3 : funk….Florida. ..talk about ruthless lawmaking that aims to disenfranchise entire population segments…..
funksands : Aye, lassy. You have city hands, Mr. Hooper. You been countin’ money all your life. (I love that line)
KQµårk 死神 :
you two are a comedy team.
SallyT : Patsy, LOL
PatsyT : We are going to need a bigger boat.
SallyT : Am I the only one that got it, Funk? You were quoting Quinn when he was describing Jaws?
funksands : KQ, spot on. Florida is being run by a con man grifter who is going to run it into the ground. While it might be a good idea for the feds to come in and dissolve his govt. it would be deeply deeply wrong
PatsyT : Oppps I did a Rick Perry again -you can’t see his reflection in a mirror either-
KQµårk 死神 : Good plug for AdLib’s latest post about the sociopathic GOP.
ChrisR266 : Smoke break, brb.
PatsyT : Funk! Thats it and him reflected in a mirror either.
SallyT : Okay, Funk Quinn, we see the shark!
MurphTheSurf3 : Chris…yep. It is why I got the call.
ChrisR266 : Funk: I think of Chuckie every time I look at him.
funksands : he’s got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll’s eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn’t seem to be living… until he bites ya,
ChrisR266 : Murph: Your last comment is what concerns me. It’s Kasich’s economic terrorism leading to gubernatorial monopoly efforts in Ohio, as well.
KQµårk 死神 : The people should always speak first.
KQµårk 死神 : I have no problem with States intervening it’s how they are doing it that’s wrong starting with dissolving the local government. Even if the government is terrible the most drastic thing that should be done is a special election.
PatsyT : Funk that is the message you read when you looking into Scott Walkers black eyes.
MurphTheSurf3 : AND LET’S ALL REMEMBER….this is also a party of the GOP’s Block the Vote effort….remove those from power who animate a base which does not support the GOP….
SallyT : Right, Murph, perspective. Funk gave you good advise.
funksands : Patsy, isn’t that the Wisconsin State motto?
PatsyT : Funk why take the high road when you can just Kill Crush and Destroy!
MurphTheSurf3 : I think FunkSands’ advice was best….I need some perspective to be able to respond reasonably. Research and phone calls tomorrow. Really unsure about how OWS intersects with this without further muddying the waters.
KQµårk 死神 : I’m just recalling how I’ve seen financial emergencies in the past but the way MI is doing it is drastic. I’m old enough to remember when NYC went bankrupt and the Feds set up a sort of commission to handle it.
SallyT : Like voter fraud.
funksands : Murph, these communities, poorly run or not, just emerged from the biggest economic collapse of their tax base maybe ever. The State’s response? “You suck, and we’re taking over”. This from the same state that took stimulus money? A real govt. would have found a way to band everyone together around a common problem
SallyT : Also, I don’t like when there is just one or very few and than it is proclaimed that it is happening everywhere.
SallyT : I understand, Murph. KQ is right about maybe a freeze. I just have a problem when one area is picked out or used as an example when there are others too.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally…what I know is that as cuts in city services were taking place, the Mayor and his managers were getting raises every year…the city council per diem also went up….folks were up in arms about them….seems to me they are playing this too.
funksands : Man Chrome is really lagging tonight
SallyT : In percentages where were they worst off than say a poor white neighborhood?
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ…I am taking notes….good thoughts all.
SallyT : How much in raises and how much closer to BankO than the other cities?
KQµårk 死神 : Freezing the budget is step one including salaries for politicians. I just think you can do it within the system of democracy.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk…I am all ears. Your thoughts. This was a cold call and a surprise tonight….I most listened….lots of emotion by those who want to “take it to the streets”not a lot of reflection.
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ….don’t know enough about the whole scene and am trying to figure out how to come up to speed. Here is an example of how tricky this is….Benton Harbor’s pre-seizure administration kept getting raises as the city went bankrupt….how to work with those leaders? So in a slash and burn piece of legislation, they have just been set aside.
SallyT : Yes, Patsy, that was one that they put out there to the others and said “Top that.” And the race is on.
KQµårk 死神 : Or set up commissions for recommendations the elected officials must act upon. But I don’t see how you bypass elected officials totally. That’s just un American.
KQµårk 死神 : Assign a finance executive who comes up with solutions and then give those choices to the elected officials. Just make sure they have to pick some of the recommendations.
funksands : Murph, may I suggest you take a step back and examine the Michigan sit a little differently?
SallyT : You know I meant competition?????
PatsyT : I am looking for a video of the Red Carpet thing OWS did on K Street
SallyT : Yes, I heard that they have a compation among the different branches, Patsy, on who can come up with the most creative.
KQµårk 死神 : Murph I don’t know how they can’t work with elected people instead of getting them fired. Time and time again government has worked with problems that way.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi Chris…your 47 percent seems about right. But, there is truth here that local elected government was failing miserably but the solution makes things worse, I think.
PatsyT : I like that they are getting creative
KQµårk 死神 : It seems to be going to a more cellular organization which may be less visible but more effective in people’s lives.
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ…my instinct is to say that the fiscal emergency IS real and that administrative governance has been piss poor in many of these towns and school systems, but that the remedy feels like a coup which should be opposed…..conf licting messages…strat egy muddled….tacti cs hard to identify.
SallyT : That gets a lot of attention.
SallyT : I really see them going more after the elected officals at their offices and maybe more in WashDC
PatsyT : Thats a good point KQ
KQµårk 死神 : Patsy I think the recent evolution of OWS actually means it’s going to last longer.
SallyT : Patsy, I don’t see it going away but I do see change in their approach.
KQµårk 死神 : It’s up to you dude just use your instincts.
SallyT : Yes, that him. Thanks Chris!
ChrisR266 : Sally: Charlie Rangel?
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ….how do you think this should be approached. I got pulled into a conference call….seems like a mine field to me.
PatsyT : Speaking of OWS… A Topic
ChrisR266 : Murph: Did I read that around 47% of michigan’s black vote is under this kind of “receivership” municipal government right now? Not even counting Detroit?
KQµårk 死神 : Good job Murph
SallyT : I am really missing on names tonight. Who was the Africa American that was found guilty of fraud and go reelected?
MurphTheSurf3 : I am back…just off the phone with a OWS group in Michigan that wants to take on the city and system government seizures under emergency financial powers legislation that had disenfranchised a large portion of the state’s black population.
SallyT : Okay, we have elected a few no so good, too.
ChrisR266 : If the sun doesn’t supernova in the next few months, Newt will blow it, all by himself. It is the way with him. And, my parents will never, ever let him get elected to anything again. Neither will about 35 million more elderly voters just like them.
PatsyT : I want to see Newt get the glitter bomb again… my kids loved that!
SallyT : McCain was a war hero and he was excused.
KQµårk 死神 : And the GOP was the same party that reelected a whore monger Vitter and elected an economic child abuser Joe Walsh. Believe me ideology matters most to them.
SallyT : Yes, KQ, but only once that we know of.
SallyT : Romney has way more money.
KQµårk 死神 : Chris that hurts him with women I think but not with men. Anyway if Newt wins Iowa it’s over for Romney. Romney will win NH and then Newt SC going into the big primaries. Remember McCain was an adulterer too.
ChrisR266 : Sally: That’s the rub. Newt IS another McCain.
SallyT : Primaries are a different matter. They don’t want another McCain.
ChrisR266 : Watch it off and on, KQ
ChrisR266 : KQ: You are probably right about that. But they’re already starting to bristle at being called hypocrites for boosting his poll numbers, although the charge of hypocrite is well earned. The heat will get worse, his edge will blunt, and he will get stupid mad about that. He’s only in this to make money off his and helmet head’s book. He gets angry when you step on his money making gravy train.
SallyT : You are right, Funk.
KQµårk 死神 : But the base hates the establishment and the media even Fox News believe it or not.
PatsyT : Thanks KQ !
funksands : But they do have all of the money. That helps
funksands : Sally, the wild card in this is that the GOP establishment isn’t really in control right now.
KQµårk 死神 : Any “The Big Bang Theory” fans here.
SallyT : KQ, I am with Chris. I just don’t think the establishment is going to let it go to Newt.
PatsyT : KQ Newt is a spinner
KQµårk 死神 :
bok! tah! ook! to you funk.
SallyT : That’s okay, pop one for me, Chris.
funksands : Chris, I am there with you. Newt simply cannot and will not stand the harsh glare of the frontrunner spot for long without imploding
ChrisR266 : I know, Sally. I just had to go with it. I need another beer.
KQµårk 死神 : See I think Newt embodies the bitterness of the GOP base. I hear Newt can blow it but how. He’s already said real stupid things and his past is known. To blow it you need to be an unknown quantity like Perry or Cain.
SallyT : I was playing Chris on Nixon’s claim he wasn’t a crook.
ChrisR266 : Funk: Well, there is THAT about Nixon.
funksands : Says the guy with the Klingon script for a name
ChrisR266 : Who the heck said a Quaker can’t be a crook? Amish can be felons, why can’t quakers be crooks?
funksands : Nixon was also a douchebag
KQµårk 死神 : OK I finally got it. Well I choose not to participate in your madness. You are Patsy to me.
SallyT : But he was a crook!
funksands : Nixon was a Quaker
ChrisR266 : KQ: I am absolutely convinced that the Newster will blow it big time in a matter of weeks, maybe even before the New Year. The fuse is already lit. His own party infrastructure, old and young, want nothing to do with him, and he doubled down this week with his “poor kids need to learn how to work by scrubbing toilets so we can kick the unionized janitors out of the schools.”
KQµårk 死神 : Oh year Patsy she and Newt are BFFs from waaaaay back.
PatsyT : KQ One night on VOX the sillies attacked and my name has never been the same… It’s ok I like my multiple personalities
SallyT : Quaker Oats
funksands : Patsy = Oatsy (but don’t ask me why)
SallyT : Quaker.
KQµårk 死神 :
I’m half the way their who’s oatsy.
funksands : Patsy + Oatsy = POATUS
PatsyT : KQ He could do it… wouldn’t that make AH happier then a peach pie?
KQµårk 死神 : I’m still lost and obviously slow Patsy.
SallyT : KQ, I would think it would but the Governor got it into law.
KQµårk 死神 : IDK Patsy my money is on Newt now.
PatsyT : POATUS is our invisible friend KQ
KQµårk 死神 : I know it could eventually go to SCOTUS but doesn’t it have to go to states first.
SallyT : I worry when people think their vote doesn’t count. That is how we could get Newt!
KQµårk 死神 : Can the feds do anything though if it’s state law?
PatsyT : KQ, I wonder if our Newt is just making a big mess to make Romney look good, Newt is bound crash and burn … maybe its all scripted
SallyT : KQ, I have heard people saying in those areas why vote? It doesn’t matter.
KQµårk 死神 : Dumb question who is POATUS funk?
funksands : KQ, Holder is investigating the law as we speak. Not that the MSM is reporting on it.
funksands : POATUS you are 100% correct.
KQµårk 死神 : I was trying to think of remedies for the whole “city dictators” law. I guess you would have to bring the state to the state’s supreme court.
funksands : Sally, their only chance is to shrink the size of the city boundaries by about half. But they need state approval to do that, and that has been difficult to obtain.
PatsyT : The Michigan issues has not been out in front as much as Wisconsin or Ohio but they are UN AMERICAN !
SallyT : Okay, I don’t know for sure about Detroit but I did see was it Rachel? well, somebody interview their mayor and he did seem to be making head way and had plans that looked promising.
KQµårk 死神 : Chis the plutocrat the GOP wants is Romney no matter what they say. They know he’ll will not cut government which the GOPTEA wants.
ChrisR266 : Funk: Yes, but the absolutely do not want reactionary ideology run amok.
KQµårk 死神 : Sorry Chrome crashed.
funksands : Detroit is a tough city, but they were broke even before the meltdown, now they are simply helpless
SallyT : If you can’t get what you want, make sure the other guy can’t either.
funksands : Chris, corporations are having their most profitable year EVER. Maybe they’ve decided Gridlock cooking is to their liking
SallyT : To me, KQ and Funk, that is the scarest thing to happen. A real dictorship!
ChrisR266 : Here’s how much I can be paranoid without provocation: I do think that although they tried, the corportrocacy just cannot buy into any of the GOPTEA candidates on the horizon, including the Newt, and they’re loosening their grip on the economy to edge it along more quickly toward recovery-like numbers in the first 1/2 of 2012. They are realizing how utterly destructive it would be to have any one of that crowd in the Presidency.
funksands : Yep. Naomi Klein could have only dreamed of this scenario
KQµårk 死神 : Yup Funk cities like Pontiac and Detroit might have their democracy essentially ended.
SallyT : Now I heard they have plans to put one a City Manager in Detroit!
funksands : They have the ability to fire workers, eliminate contracts, invalidate elections.
PatsyT : KQ, Its like watching jackals eat their own! Newt is really pouring on the poison
SallyT : I know. They took over that park for the Africa Americans and want to make a golf course.
funksands : Michigan
KQµårk 死神 : Sally that is super scary.
SallyT : Where is it that they have put in those “city managers” and are making all the decisions?
KQµårk 死神 : I got here late and missed the discussion on Newt does anyone thing Romney will still win.
PatsyT : They like their volume turned up to 11
KQµårk 死神 : Exactly Patsy all Wall Street cares about is the volume. They make as much money if the market goes up or down. Wealth is a different factor but that’s an afterthought to them.
funksands : And there you are.
ChrisR266 : Patsy: Agreed. Also, notice that Europe is now talking turkey as the Economic numbers coming out of our nation are not nearly as bleak as some Corporate and Bankster presidents wish they would be…
KQµårk 死神 : I know what you are saying Chris. I think Europe will survive but it will slow down the global economy. As to the markets they look for any reason to be volatile because a stable market means less money for the brokers.
SallyT : Right, Funk. I never said they were in the EU. I was just making a statement of how Iceland took control of their own and didn’t cave to the powers to be.
PatsyT : Sometimes I wonder if all this “Market disturbance” is overly manufactured because Wall Street loves the extremes.
ChrisR266 : Oh, and travel safely back to warm land, Choice. Maybe we’ll catch you the next time you’re back in Buckeye nation.
KQµårk 死神 : Sweet dreams CL.
ChrisR266 : KQ and Choice: I know the market is going whacko about Europe, but I’m not so disturbed by it all. They have no choice but to get their proverbial shit together over there, and Germany is holding the economic cards to help the rest of them from disaster. They’ll buck the hell up and things will settle down, for a while anyway.
PatsyT : Choice you take care and safe travels! Nighty Night
funksands : Night Choice! Travel safe
funksands : Sally, I think you are referring to Britain’s demands so they could seize assets to make UK public pensions solvent
KQµårk 死神 : I’m starting to think that mega countries like the US are just very difficult to govern. Small government is just ridiculous but I think you do need to have compartmentalize d government.
choicelady : Well I like now knowing about Iceland, but with that, off I go to sleep. Busy day tomorrow, so I will catch up with everyone next week when I’m back on CA time. I KNOW I’m growing old when 10 pm seems like the middle of the night. Yikes. Good conversation all – sweet dreams when you get there.
KQµårk 死神 : CL well said.
SallyT : That is where I came with others should be like Iceland. Not that they were in the EU. Sorry for the confusion.
funksands : It is part of the Euro trade zone, but it was never pulled in as a member state. Good thing too, because their meltdown would have dragged everyone down with it.
choicelady : KQ – I never understood why we cannot grasp the idea of “enough” – steady populations, shared resources, increased stability and self sufficiency. We seem since the 1970s to be in the throes of “just so I got mine” – I get it all, you get zip. Zero sum analysis. It just never works.
KQµårk 死神 : I just don’t think you can have world government until we solve all our other problems first.
SallyT : I don’t know about the EU but they were being told that Iceland needed to file Bankruptcy and that is where they said no they weren’t going too.
KQµårk 死神 : Cheers for clarifying funk.
funksands : Iceland is not a member state of the EU, nor has it ever been.
choicelady : Sally – that’s awesome! Good for them!
KQµårk 死神 : Europe is just struggling since their populations have been declining. Unfortunately economic growth depends on population growing which is just nuts when you think about it. Anyone see that video on a carbonless future. It explained how population growth is part of this mess.
SallyT : No, CL, they left because they didn’t like that they had been mislead by some affiliant of Goldman Sachs. They said they weren’t going to pay the high interest and be dictated to in there recovery. They said they weren’t going to pay it back and were starting over in their own country with their own resources.
choicelady : KQ – well good for Iceland then. Their experience should be instructive to the EU that they may be in major over-reach that threatens ALL the members.
funksands : I bet Norway is happy it stayed out of all this.
KQµårk 死神 : CL I have to look it up but that’s my understanding about what happened in Iceland.
ChrisR266 : KQ: I remember that happening. But, that’s Europe for you. It’s the leftover ethnocentrism resulting from an upstart like America suggesting any other country might want to re-think how it is acting…
KQµårk 死神 : funk it’s a huge gamble right now but it’s basically bailout followed by austerity which does not help the world economy at all just to save the Euro.
choicelady : Sally – I thought Iceland got more or less kicked out onto its own. Sort of put on an ice floe, so to speak. But it beats dragging the WHOLE system down with you!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Sabreen Hope that works out for you … take care
KQµårk 死神 : The real problem with the EU is they should have acted quickly and decisively in 2008 but because they dragged it out the measures needed now are more severe. Actually Obama warned them when he became president to act and they did not.
SallyT : I think more should be like Iceland and tell them goodbye and we will take if from here.
funksands : I still don’t know what the EU is going to do when this happens next, which it inevitably will when countries no longer have their debt in their own currency. If you can’t inflate your currency in times of severe economic calamity, you are doomed.
choicelady : funk – indeed. All is now well, so the last few days have been fun instead of worrisome.
choicelady : KQ – this is not good. I was hoping that the EU would loosen its grip not tighten it. NOT good at all!
funksands : That’s good to hear. Lot more relaxing coming back than going out I bet.
KQµårk 死神 : CL Scandinavia is in but they were probably forced.
choicelady : funk – I’m still “back east” in Ohio but headed to CA on Sunday. Things now are fine, so home I go.
funksands : My back feels pretty good….
SallyT : Good night Sabreen. Relax!
KQµårk 死神 : OUCH! Sabreen thanks for spending some time with us.
choicelady : Oh SAbreen – what happened to your poor back? I’m doing my best to avoid that! Take good care of yourself!
ChrisR266 : Take care, Sabreen. Sorry you’re struggling with that back.
funksands : Night Sabreen!
PatsyT : I am HOSTSY tonight
Sabreen60 : Well, I can’t hang. I had 4 injections (blocks) in my back on Wednesday and I want to lay down. Have a peaceful week and stay in the fight. Good night y’all.
funksands : Hi Choice! Good trip back east?
choicelady : funk! Hi there!
ChrisR266 : All good Funk. You?
funksands : Hey POATUS! Thanks for hosting tonight!
choicelady : KQ – where are the Scandinavian nations in this? They have had the highest standards of living to date. Does this not endanger them?
ChrisR266 : KQ: You are correct about the Franco-German ascendancy.
funksands : Hey Chris, what up?
PatsyT : Did you mean to say Keg? Funk how ya doing?
KQµårk 死神 : It’s really a Franco-German “dictatorship” now.
choicelady : KQ – yes, I’d agree. That’s another arguement for relative autonomy and diversity. Bigger is not better!
ChrisR266 : Evening Funk, my friend and best dude.
MurphTheSurf3 : Funk, you rascal.
funksands : Hey is this where the key party is tonight?
KQµårk 死神 : The biggest problem I see for the US, CL is that the EU is the US’s biggest importer. If they go all in on austerity it could make a second recession likely.
PatsyT : KQ, Who is leading the charge for that expansion of power?
choicelady : Mur[ph and KQ – I think, I fear, that the EU reveals that when diverse populations and economies are artificially united with currency and financial policies, they actually endanger one another. The “weakest link” issue pertains. We don’t have to resort to “Balkanization ” to understand that relative autonomy can be very useful in preventing the fall of the ENTIRE house of cards.
KQµårk 死神 : The changes continental Europe is making with their finances is huge. From now on the EU will trump individual countries when it comes to approving national budgets. That’s a huge expansion of it’s power.
MurphTheSurf3 : Good night Em, my friend.
Sabreen60 : Yes, the Surgeon General. I couldn’t believe it.
ChrisR266 : KQ: The UK never really wanted to go Euro, anyway. I’m not surprised by this at all.
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ…the EU fascinates me, and I think I am basically conversant on the issues in play. Still, economics is hard to toss back and forth AND there are so many players at work in this.
KQµårk 死神 : It is CL but it could affect the whole eurozone. Basically the UK does not want to put skin in the game and I think it means big changes to the EU.
choicelady : Sabreen – that was the woman who was Sugeon General under “no spine bill clinton”. I don’t recall her name.
ChrisR266 : Take care and feel better, Em.
Sabreen60 : Oh, I’m so sorry you’re know feeling well, Em. Try to get some sleep and take care of yourself.
SallyT : Good night, Em!
choicelady : Oh Em – I’m sorry your head hurts! Take care and get better!
PatsyT : Em, You feel better Nighty Night….
KQµårk 死神 : Well it looks like continental Europe is going to have a fiscal bailout followed by austerity plans. But the UK vetoed so they are isolating themselves.
SallyT : Sabreen, that was in Clinton’s term?
PatsyT : KQ, Do you think this will help any of the turmoil?
choicelady : KQ – I thought the only thing the UK split over was the Euro – which they don’t use anyway. Was this larger than that? I’m not paying attention, and the Y’town Vindicator is NOT the NY Times!
Emerald1943 : Hey everyone, I’ve enjoyed this, but I’ve got to sleep this headache away. I still have a pretty bad one. It’s getting in the way of my blogging! No fun! Take care, y’all! I’ll catch up with you later!
PatsyT : KQ, Lets have at it. I only heard some bits about that.
Sabreen60 : I read an article, but I’m having brain lock, so I can’t remember where. The gist of the article was making the point that many parents want to opt out of having the sex conversation with their kids. It’s too hard. They want to pretend that the schools or the churches on somebody, anybody, will have the conversation and answer the questions so they won’t have to do. I don’t know, but obviously something is missing with educating our children. Who was the woman, that got drummed out of office because she dared mention masturbation?
choicelady : Em – where are you? I’m in Youngstown. Snow is expected but yet to materialize except as flurries this afternoon.
KQµårk 死神 : I guess nobody wants to talk about the EU. I thought it was pretty big news today about UK splitting with them.
SallyT : But, Patsy, we need to also realize that one answer doesn’t fit all.
ChrisR266 : Em: Whew! I might have had one glass of Hayman Hill too many tonight for that, LOL
Emerald1943 : CL, I have a little snow on my porch right now. We got a couple of inches night before last. It’s been pretty cold…so I’ve stayed inside with the pups.
SallyT : Maybe Patsy.
choicelady : Sally – poverty makes everything awful. THAT is what must be addressed.
PatsyT : Hey, how about another topic…
PatsyT : Maybe we have to stop looking for the “easy answer”
Emerald1943 : Chris, not really! LOL
choicelady : Chris – I do know this has been “temperate” and will be again next week. But the nights have been colder than I’m used to anymore. I do want snow though – an inch or two will be fine, thanks!
ChrisR266 : Aw, Em, do we have to THINK tonight, too?
PatsyT : No Murph no easy answer
Emerald1943 : Murph, the one thing I love about PPOV is that all the folks here are so smart…they make me think!
ChrisR266 : Choice: We’ve been quite “temperate” (if Ohio can be that) until just these last few days. I still have warm moments, so the cold hasn’t driven me out of her yet.
choicelady : Chris – yes, thanks, VERY well. But it was scary for a bit, and I’m glad I came.
SallyT : Also, poverty does have an impact.
SallyT : Murph, if every child grew up in a loving and caring family the answer might be simple. But not the case.
choicelady : Murph – all of us are definitely multi-faceted in our opinions. Unlike a lot of people, we have had to look at ALL sides of issues.
ChrisR266 : Hi Choice: Just read that in my catch up time. Hope your family member is doing well.
KQµårk 死神 : Oh I know CL just saying PP mostly does good. I don’t like when the left politicizes health issues like what is going on with Plan B. I take your word for it. It’s just not proven safe for minors to act on their own yet and maybe never.
Emerald1943 : Chris, fine…thanks! Just cantankerous as usual!
MurphTheSurf3 : I must say I am finding the Plan B discussion both disturbing and heartening. The Planets crew once again shows that there are no easy answers in matters like this.
choicelady : Hey Chris – good to “see” you. I’m in NE Ohio at the moment on family issues – next time I come, I will try to connect in person with you OH folks. I’m headed home Sunday. Stay warm all you Ohioans – I’ve lost the knack!
PatsyT : Hi Chris!
ChrisR266 : Evening Sabreen and Em. Hope you are both well.
SallyT : Hi Chris!
Sabreen60 : Hi Chris!
Emerald1943 : Chris!!! Hi, my friend! Good to see you!
SallyT : Boys too.
SallyT : Exactly, Em.
ChrisR266 : Good evening everyone.
choicelady : KQ – yes, I wish to protect PP, but they do not always act in the wisest manner either. I have some real problems with them on issues such as this.
Emerald1943 : Sally, that’s a good question. I saw a tV program about growth hormone being injected into cows and thus into the milk from them. This may be the reason that we see very young girls reaching puberty way too early. Scary stuff!
KQµårk 死神 : Yes Murph but that’s why we need to protect PP.
choicelady : Sally – I guess I’d not be surprised about UT. But Dominionists would likely be the first runners up! They are simply horrid about this in far too many cases.
SallyT : I feel the pill, like any form of birth control, needs taught in the school. Now the age to start is the debate.
KQµårk 死神 : I was at 16 Patsy, well maybe today too.
choicelady : Sabreen – I’d not read that. That makes it even scarier. I did rape and DV victim intervention, and EC was given EVEN BY CATHOLIC HOSPITALS. But pro choice people did not believe it, made a stink, and the Catholic hospitals stopped giving it. Here is the same thing – this is being done to protect girls. What the HELL is the pro choice community doing being angry about that? Sometimes my allies are the biggest dopes.
SallyT : CL, I don’t mean to pick on any one religion but I never met so many woman that had been incest victim as those in UT.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, that was my point too. A very young girl may not have enough information to know whether she needs the pill or not. She may think that she is pregnant if she has intercourse at all.
PatsyT : Ewww Choice… that is horrible
MurphTheSurf3 : KQ….Planned Parenthood is being decimated by the GOP…schools cannot give out aspirins or offer personal advice…the social net continues to shred.
PatsyT : You are right SallyT .. I think there are some national hotlines or at least there should be.
choicelady : Patsy – schools HAVE to be immunized to be able to receive that information from children AND act on it in the child’s best interests. Too many religious fundies protest the school’s right to do that – and I have immediate knowledge of how many of them are engaged in incest themselves seeing their children as their property. Stories that’d curl your hair!
Sabreen60 : CL, I haven’t verified this, but I read that this pill has a limit on how many times it can safely be taken over time. If a young girl is having unprotected sex on a regular basis and believes she can take this pill after every encounter, she’s in trouble.
SallyT : I’m not saying they should have the pill. I am saying they need help beyond any pill.
SallyT : And, sometimes the school doesn’t want to get involved.
KQµårk 死神 : Murph shouldn’t they go to authorities or planned parenthood clinics depending on the circumstances.
choicelady : Sally – THAT is the big issue, isn’t it? Plan B won’t solve that problem. Kids are neglected by schools, neighbors, relatives – THAT is horrid. Incest victim education is woefully short, and it goes way beyond possible pregnancy.
PatsyT : KQ You a Knucklehead? Say it ain’t so
SallyT : Patsy, they should but they can’t. They are scared that it will get back to the parents and it maybe one of them.
PatsyT : SallyT They should be able to tell someone at their school
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally T – the victim of incest, the kid with rabid parents, the girl with parents who are all absence….yes, what about them….your thoughts?
KQµårk 死神 : I’m old fashion I guess. I don’t even like 16 year olds on the road driving with me. I remember what a knucklehead I was at 16.
choicelady : Murph – what a wise 14 year old!
PatsyT : They may think they have to take it everyday …
choicelady : Sabreen – you have a very good point. Very young girls will not be good judges of what to do. Of course I feel for them in whatever might have caused a pregnancy at that age – but do we want LONG TERM consequences of infertility, cancer, whatever because they resorted to a drug the impact of which we do not now know?
SallyT : Who does an incest victim go to?
Emerald1943 : Patsy, good point. Another is that a young girl who has her first sexual experience may think that she’s pregnant the next day. She may not have the education necessary to know. Taking a drug like that could really cause problems.
MurphTheSurf3 : CL…..ANTHEMS FOR YOUR STANCE ON PLAN B. I have a 14 year old niece who is bright, clever, well informed, and very responsible….o ne of her great lines. “Never ask me to make a decision I am not ready for…..”
choicelady : Patsy – wow I had not thought about adult males forcing girls both into sex and then into EC. Wow. Mind boggling.
KQµårk 死神 : CL and face it girls that young would take it after every time they had sex without thinking about the consequences just so they would not have to tell their parents they need to be on the pill.
choicelady : KQ – I totally agree, but thank you for your sensitivity. With adolescents and PRE adolescents, parental involvement has to be a factor, or at least a doctor. We do NOT know all the consequences. I know the bottom line for some is that if she is an incest victim…but that does not rule out her desperately needing adult care from SOMEONE.
PatsyT : There is that whole thing of that drug being used by Child predators so they don’t get caught.
Sabreen60 : These are children. I have friends who have kids with Juvenile Diabetes – a killer – and they won’t take their medication 100% correctly. Since when did parents abdicate their parental responsibilities . Why should a young child of 10 be allowed to make an adult decision on her own. These people, IMO, are nuts.
Emerald1943 : CL, spot on! There are way too many drugs out there that they don’t have a clue about the long term effects. Young girls have no business taking something like that without a doctor’s care and parents’ involvement.
SallyT : Of course, Patsy.
KQµårk 死神 : The other part I never understood was that birth control itself needs Rx unless I’m wrong.
PatsyT : All my girls will always be my babies!
choicelady : Em – Plan B has never EVER been tested with young girls. I am more than aware of how dangerous unplanned pregnancies in very young girls can be, but you don’t give an untested drug as the alternative. Too many sad tales later of things we once thought were safe, especially in young women’s bodies!
SallyT : All depends on the age of the girl. Some people aways think of them as a child.
Emerald1943 : KQ, if it were my daughter, I certainly would want to have some say about it. Taking hormonal treatments of any kind can have bad consequences.
PatsyT : Em Have you see what some young girls do with the make up they buy? You can not trust them with something like that
KQµårk 死神 : CL I’m glad you put it in perspective for me. I don’t like to state my opinions about women’s health that much because I feel it’s not my place. It just seems to me a parent can still purchase plan b for minors. I don’t think a parent wants their daughters to make that decision alone but I could be wrong.
Emerald1943 : CL, I’m glad to hear that from you! As a nurse, I was appalled that young girls could buy the morning after pill over the counter without any supervision. That, to me, is very dangerous!
choicelady : Patsy – there is an irrational part of the pro choice movement. Seen it for years. Do NOT get it.
SallyT : Yah, EM, like the squirrel is about to jump off.
Emerald1943 : Sally, I love it when Trump is making some appearance and the wind is blowing the wrong way! His hair looks like it will take off down the street! LMAO
PatsyT : Sabreen Geez they have got to grow up … I have three girls and I can see Pres Obamas point very easily.
choicelady : Sabreen – as a longtime activist for women’s right to choose, I was GLAD HHS made that decision! We argue for good doctors who help us make good health choices – until it comes to reproduction, then we want Mr. Goodwrench. Taking account of girls’ very fragile systems is GOOD and RESPONSIBLE health care protection! I am fed up with the “we want everything” whether or not it’s dangerous.
Emerald1943 : Sally, NO, emphatically NO! There is nothing that I like about that scumbag!!
PatsyT : Choice … its that Tiffany Touch
SallyT : Em, you like Trump’s hair?
Sabreen60 : Why this article inspired me, especially this week, was the over-the-top and often foolish responses from the firebaggers about HHS Secretary and Prez Obama’s agreement with not allowing children unsupervised to medication that could have detrimental side effects if not taken properly.
Emerald1943 : Murph, it’s always nice to hear of the repubs LOSING money!
choicelady : Murph – never discount the Dominionist factor. What relieves me is that they do not seem to be powerful enough to push a real turkey (fresh or slimy). Newt though – he is NOT a Dominionist but courts them AND the old guard like Rove. I think he’s truly dangerous.
KQµårk 死神 : What does everyone think about the situation in Europe. The UK is going isolationist and the continent is going all in on austerity.
Emerald1943 : CL, there are two things I can’t take in a man…fat or bald. Newt does have a nice head of hair, but the rest of it is a total turn-off!
KQµårk 死神 : Bingo Murph
MurphTheSurf3 : Em….Rove put Perry on the country road circuit when he ran with Bush and has never liked him. Rove knew what a fumbler he was and is. Now the political machine in Tx which has invested so much in him is trying to recoup its bet. Good luck.
choicelady : SAbreen – that is a really good article, thank you!
PatsyT : Em Maybe thats why the old white guys like him… They think they can trade up just like Newt and the Donald.
choicelady : Em – and over and over and over… Newt may have married only three, but he’s apparently boffed quite a few more. My question is what the HELL do women see in him other than money and power? I guess, as with Heffner, that’s enough?
Sabreen60 : Patsy, I think most of the comments are very good, also.
KQµårk 死神 : Murph Texans are totally delusional about Perry. His big chance was when Cain got out and he got no more support.
PatsyT : Nice link Sabreen Thanks
Emerald1943 : CL, my mom once told me that if a married man will leave his wife for you, then he will leave you for another woman! In Newt’s case, he proves her right!
KQµårk 死神 : Thanks sabreen I just browsed by it and I’ll have to read it all later.
Emerald1943 : Murph, after Perry’s latest blunder on the SCOTUS members, I don’t think he can do much to repair his image!
choicelady : Hi Sabreen!
Emerald1943 : Murph, after Perry’s latest blunder on the SCOT
PatsyT : Hey Sabreen! Great to see you.
choicelady : Em – I’d worry about the hair spray if I were Calista – Newt divorced wife one for cancer, wife two for MS – she’d better hope she’s not making herself sick or wifey No. 4 will be waiting outside the door!
Emerald1943 : Hey Sabreen! Glad to see you here!
MurphTheSurf3 : KQuark…friends in Tx tell me that Perry is still in because he needs to patch up his image before he exits. His future in state politics is shakier now….damaged brand.
PatsyT : Choice, that hair on that Calista is a wonder. Is it a helmet or hair?
Sabreen60 : Hey Everyone! I thought I’d come out the gate with an article that may get the juices flowing. Actually, I think it’s great article on the Washington Monthly blog: «link»
Emerald1943 : CL, I was looking at her on TV tonight. She’s really rather frail looking. But that hair??? What’s up with the little swirl that always stays perfectly in place on the left side? She must use GALLONS of hair spray!
KQµårk 死神 : When is occupy congress happening because time is running out this year
choicelady : Murph!!!!!! That’s the freaking best news you could give me!!! Whoooppeeee! Now I’m excited!
Emerald1943 : Murph, do you think Occupy Congress will be big enough to get press coverage? That will be so important.
choicelady : Em – when I first saw Calista, I honestly thought Newt was with Cindy McCain. What is with the Ice Queen blonde wives? How can Calista tolerate that fat, gooey man anyway?
MurphTheSurf3 : CL….you are not alone in your fears which is why a group of old warriors has emerged to share our experience. It seems to be taking hold…..for one thing the more extreme elements of the left are no longer showing up at meetings….we have had gate crashers from libertarian right but they tend to be sincere and often move to the middle…..The Occupy Congress effort is shaping up as a “call the GOP Congress” on its malfeasance and malpractice.
KQµårk 死神 : Perry will never ever be the nominee fortunately. But Gingrich is another story.
Emerald1943 : KQ, I really like your characters! They’re neat! They show up on my computer.
choicelady : KQ – that’s beautiful! Sorry I can’t see them. Nice cubes though.
Emerald1943 : CL, you got that right!
God, I cannot tolerate that man!!!!!!! He nauseates me! What a total scumbag!
PatsyT : I am going to have to put on my Brokeback Mountain Jacket
KQµårk 死神 :
choice it’s just two Japanese language characters meaning shinagami or soul reaper in english.
SallyT : Do the Koch BROS like Newt?
choicelady : Patsy – I guess you’re right, I’d actually NOT noticed they’d crept away.
choicelady : Em – then slimy Newt and the slimy tea baggers deserve one another, right?
PatsyT : I get to be Rick Perry again and say “Opps”
PatsyT : now hardly a mention
choicelady : KQ- oh sure, I really understood that explanation. Sigh. Remember you’re talking to the Queen of the No. 2 Pencil here. It doesn’t matter, just that they are ever so cool.
SallyT : I don’t think the TP is really anything but the rich now. The old folks have gotten lost.
PatsyT : Choice, the MSM was wall to wall coverage of tea party this and tea party that and not harley a mention.
Emerald1943 : CL, the tea party is about as popular as that left-over green turkey in the fridge! They have really fallen from grace lately. The only place they have any cred is Fox news.
choicelady : Murph – I worry that unless people honestly get a grip on what has been done (e.g. knowing what’s IN Dodd=Frank and health reform) they will focus on the wrong things and ignore the extremist right while pounding inaccurately on Dems.
PatsyT : Choice, they aren’t getting much air time
KQµårk 死神 : They should show up as Kanji characters. Some browsers don’t show all unicode characters.
choicelady : Patsy – I thought the Tea Party was alive and well. Have I missed something?
choicelady : KQ – what are those two cute little cubes before your replies? That’s so cool!
SallyT : Cheers to you KQ!
KQµårk 死神 : good cheers for asking
Emerald1943 : Hi KQ! Glad to see you! :-0
choicelady : Hi KQ – great to see you!
PatsyT : Hey KQ How are you doing this evening?
PatsyT : Is there anyone left that still calls themselves a Tea Partier?
KQµårk 死神 : Hello folks
choicelady : Patsy – I dread this, but I think he may have staying power. The up side is that his negatives are HUGE, but with the evangelicals anointing him “King David” to excuse his adultery, it’s dangerous. (They anointed Perry last August – guess it didn’t stick.) He’s nasty though – and that is partly what killed McCain. The Dems need to emphasize his “let poor kids clean their schools and fire the adult janitors” while emphasizing his Tiffany’s bills…
Emerald1943 : Murph, thanks! That sounds like something right up my alley!! I’d love to go!
SallyT : Gingrich may become more to TBaggers but I don’t think he is with the establs
Emerald1943 : Patsy, good topic. He’s going down! The establishment can’t stand him. Teapartiers just don’t have that much clout anymore.
MurphTheSurf3 : Em…Occupy protests have moved away from public squares for the time being- one of the current actions being Occupy Goes Home, involving localized efforts to protect homeowners from foreclosures- street theater – small demonstrations -call in and e mail campaigns…..bu t all that is set to change on January 17th. Calls are being put out for a “million tents” and corresponding protesters to Occupy Congress and petition the government for a redress of grievances. Although the Occupy Congress movement doesn’t officially have a website yet, there is a Reddit thread that currently has 911 replies with users across the country voicing support and making plans to attend the rally.
SallyT : You got it CL!
choicelady : Sally – but, but, but by now the T’giving Turkey is slimy, disgusting, and yucky. Yup – Gingrich.
Emerald1943 : Patsy, that would be fine!
PatsyT : Ok Ok we can play more later How About A Topic?
choicelady : Patsy – I LIKE Miracle Whip, if it’s fresh. Left too long, eeeuuuwwww. Santorum. Yup.
SallyT : Gingrich is Thanksgiving Turkey in the frig now.
PatsyT : Miracle Whip
Emerald1943 : Murph, I was out of pocket for over a week with no internet access and lost track of what was going on. What’s happening with Occupy Congress in January?
SallyT : Thanks Choice!
choicelady : Patsy – OLD, stinky mayo, right?
PatsyT : Choice I was thinking Mayonaise
choicelady : Sally – Santorum – YOU nailed it!
PatsyT : Santorum and Bananas Great Match!
choicelady : Patsy – Gingrich is my escargot entry: unpalatable but rich.
MurphTheSurf3 : Em…the camps went out in a blaze of good pr for the movement….citi zens exercising their rights forced to leave the place of protest, and doing so in peace….and then taking up the battle elsewhere (in the real world and the virtual one).
SallyT : Santorum, that carton of milk you forgot about in the back of the frig.
choicelady : Santorum is my choice for bananas.
PatsyT : Gingrich …..
choicelady : Sally – have to disagree on the wheat bread. NOTHING about Paul is good for you!
PatsyT : OK Ding Ding Dog Food Takes it … poor dog
Emerald1943 : Santorum
SallyT : Ron Paul, stale wheat bread
Emerald1943 : Murph, I would love to catch up on what’s happening. I’ve been concerned about the direction of the movement now that the camps are broken up.
choicelady : Ron Paul was my dog food entry. Or entree. Take your pick.
SallyT : Perry, bananas
PatsyT : OK How about Ron Paul?
choicelady : Escargot – unpalatable but rich.
PatsyT : Rick Perry – Wonder Bread
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice…I have taken a number of your insights (from our conversation in ref. to my post on Occupy’s Future). One of the things I bring to the Steering Committee (one of many) is my gray haired head and the contacts it has. More coming.
SallyT : Patsy, I tried to cover them all.
Emerald1943 : Gingrich
choicelady : Dog food.
PatsyT : Whoa SallyT you read my mind!
Emerald1943 : Ron Paul
choicelady : Hey Patsy – glad you’re our Fearless Leader. You want to play GOP Candidate or Food Product, we’re fine with that. With this crowd of candidates, it’s perfectly appropriate.
PatsyT : Rick Perry
SallyT : Nuts!
Emerald1943 : Patsy, fire away!
PatsyT : OK the game goes like this. I say the name of a GOP Candidate and you say the first food product that pops into your mind….
choicelady : Murph – I hope the Congressionally oriented folks take time to talk to those of us who work policy and get some insights about who is doing what – and who isn’t. I’m glad to see it diversifying – it needs focus. Differences are great, but each part needs to move beyond the camp sites. Glad to hear it – gladder still you’re involved!
PatsyT : Choice AdLib really should not trust me with this
Emerald1943 : Patsy, I’ll take Food Product for $200!
MurphTheSurf3 : CL….we have AdLib’s duly appointed surrogate…Pats y!
PatsyT : Well we have a choice… We have a few serious topics and also I thought it might be fun to play ” GOP Candidate or Food Product?”
Emerald1943 : CL, I think we’re in trouble!
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy…the movement is either diversifying or fracturing (depending on your POV). I think it is diversifying a getting very creative and politically pointed. The Red Carpet last night at the Chamber, the Declaration on line, the Occupy Congress event in January, lots of individual actions. Herding cats, but they are very cool cats.
choicelady : Is AdLib on tonight or, God forbid, are we on our own?
choicelady : Patsy – you do it better than Rick!
PatsyT : There, I have done my Rick Perry imitation for the night.
Emerald1943 : What have the powers that be designed for our mental calisthenics tonight??
PatsyT : opps “like”
choicelady : Patsy – There’s cold, and then there’s the Midwest. I hate that I’ve lost my tolerance since I grew up in Illinois and lived all over the Midwest and NE. I get cold when it’s in the 50s. Ridiculous.
PatsyT : Nothing live fiber!
Emerald1943 : Hey Oatsey!
PatsyT : Hey Em!
PatsyT : Well Choice if it’s any consolation its cold in CA
choicelady : Murph – what is the steering committee advocating doing now?
Emerald1943 : Hey all you wonderful Planeteers! Whasssup??
choicelady : Murph – just as I thought. A young’un. I’m about the same age though a bit older. I do understand the “too old for this” theme though!
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice….61 going on 62…and on some days much older (and to be fair, on others, much younger). But I am a Cold War Baby.
choicelady : Hi Patsy – family medical issues, all nicely resolved. If it had been anything else, I’d have had time to meet up with you! Sorry I couldn’t do that this time.
PatsyT : Murph, I am so glad folks like you are involved!
choicelady : Murph – how in the world can you be too old? Thought you were a young’un.
SallyT : Not me but my dog’s ears perked up.
PatsyT : Hey Choice, what brings you to Ohio?
PatsyT : Mmmm did someone say cookies?
choicelady : Yup – there I am. Choicelady coming to you from beautiful NE Ohio, at least tonight. Damn cold here, BTW…
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy…well enough….workin g with an Occupy steering committee….ins piring and frustrating.
PatsyT : I am going to an Occupy event tomorrow. «link»
choicelady : Hope this works – it registers me as a guest since I’m on a different cookie link. Hi everyone!
PatsyT : Hey Murph, How are you doing tonight?
MurphTheSurf3 : Hope my typing fingers work better as the night goes on. I am too old for the late night meetings that have become part of my life since I got involved with Occupy.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi Patsy…wising Ad Lib he best tonight…..glad to have you as our mod.
PatsyT : Hey guys, just say Hi when you arrive….
PatsyT : Jokes about haircuts?
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Filling in for me as moderator tonight will be the lovely and witty, PatsyT. Have a great time tonight, I’ll catch up on the discussion later…so watch those cracks about my haircut! Enjoy!
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