- AdLib : Righty-O! You take care of yourself!
choicelady : AdLib – I totally agree. I know the Oxy takes the “burn” away and that’s a lot of help. In these circumstances, “Just say Yes!” G’night dear friend. Talk with you soon.
AdLib : Night Choicelady, sending my healing thoughts to you!!!
AdLib : I suppose that if you’re not in pain and take Oxy to feel good, it can feel good at the time but like all painkillers, you wake up the next morning with a head full of fuzzy cotton and are somewhat useless. Not a desirable way for someone who wants to live a life to burn through their days. However, I am a strong believer in using pain medication when in pain, people shouldn’t suffer unnecessarily.
choicelady : I see food, funk, and KQ on line – hi guys. I think I’m signing off for now. Hope to be more sprightly next week! ‘Night all!
choicelady : AdLib – hmmmm. Never underestimate the power of mothers. Mine was always pissed she had a 6-hour labor with both me and my brother. Never could guilt trip us. Your mother may have nothing wrong at all – but you FELL for it. But now, don’t you feel virtuous? A Good Son and all that? Never mind the reason.
choicelady : LOL!!! I should probably get in MY jammies, take another “Rushie” and hit the hay. I can’t see the big attraction for Oxy since it merely takes the edge off and then leaves me loggy the next day. I’m not getting a lot of work done – muzzy minded is not a good state! Why would ANYONE get hooked on this stuff? It isn’t any good?
AdLib : Unless it was all just a clever ruse to get me to lift heavy things for her most of my childhood!
choicelady : Well your mother probably got into the hands of someone whose knowledge was still pretty limited. That’s a damned shame. The whole practice has come a long, long way since the 60s.
AdLib : “Here’s Godiva but with her pajamas on!”
choicelady : Oh I love Lydia, dear darling Lydia, Lydia the TAT-tooed lady! One of my faves!
AdLib : I’m surprised at how genuine it is after hearing all kinds of discounting about it and my mother’s experience. Now, I swear by it.
AdLib : Then do you know how to sing this: «link»
choicelady : AdLib – oh wow I am so sorry for your mother! That’s awful! But the art has come a very long way over the years, and I love my chiropractor with whom I’d worked a lot on GLBT justice issues here. He’s been wonderful to me and for me.
AdLib : My mother had a bad experience with a chiropractor who ruined her back for good when I was a kid. So I was very wary about them but my wife found a fantastic guy who worked on an Olympics team as a trainer/therapis t and he rescued me from some pretty bad injuries.
choicelady : AL – NO! I don’t want my spine to fly! Not yet!!! I just want what I think is a pinched nerve to UNpinch. I walk like Groucho when it gets bad and that, as you can imagine, is NOT the look I’m going for!
choicelady : AL – I love mine. I feel better in a lot of ways thanks to him. The pain meds help take the edge off, but around 3 every afternoon it all wears off, and it’s still agony. But the chiropractor is clearly making it better as it gets less and less awful. It’s especially important in the “tense up in reaction” prevention. I try not to limp, but one does, and he keeps things from getting worse.
AdLib : Hope the MRI helps figure out a swift path to recovery! That’s great news about HOPE, look forward to your update on it. And tell your spine I’m pissed off at it and it better straighten up and fly right!
choicelady : AdLib – I may have some news soon about HOPE. Had dinner with a staff person who LOVED the idea and works for someone who might be very interested. Just too bummed this week to do anything about it. Next week for sure – luckily said staffer is a longtime friend. I’ll keep you posted.
AdLib : CL – Damn! I’m sure you get all kinds of advice but I had an amazing chiropractor who solved some serious alignment issues.
choicelady : AdLib – that’s always been one of my faves! Good way to toddle off to bed, even without one more for the road!
choicelady : AdLib – no, not a lot. Chiroprator helps. Drugs do NOT, at least not reliably. I’m all “Rushed up” and can’t see why this stuff is popular. It does very little good. MRI Monday, so I should know what’s going on. But I think it’s wait and let it heal. Bummer.
AdLib : This was a reply video to Patsy but you’ll appreciate it: «link»
AdLib : Not at all, missed you!
choicelady : Hi AdLib – sorry to come in right at the end! Talk with you soon!
AdLib : Are you feeling any better?
AdLib : Hey CL!
choicelady : Well hello, goodbye! I hope to catch everyone next week, out of pain and raring to go!
choicelady : Hi everyone – just dropped in during a “Rush” moment to say howdy to all! Sorry to be such a dud, but the hip is hurtin’ again!
PatsyT : Nighty Night «link»
AdLib : Well Patsy, looks like it’s time to bring tonight’s edition of Vox Populi to a close. Thanks to all for a rousing discussion! See you next week. Night Patsy!
AdLib : Patsy – True insanity in the aftermath of Japan’s disaster but if Repubs were to win, you can bet that billions for energy company cronies to build nuclear reactors will be carved out of social programs. Man, there will be a huge list of really scary reasons not to let Repubs get back into power!
PatsyT : Yes, I hear it on Nuclear sites at times, I am waiting for which one the repubs wind up with to tell them you will have the MIC and the Nuclear Industry calling the shots with them. At least with President Obama there is a some slow down of the industry.
AdLib : Night Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ok. Cut and pasted that memorable Moore jump the shark quote into my archive and I am off…for sure.
AdLib : The RW does have Baggers attacking moderate Repubs, the few that are left, but otherwise, they have lock step, mindless drones marching to whatever tune they play. It sucks not having a fascist core to our party!
AdLib : And the drag is that many well meaning Progressives see people like Moore and Nader and Huffington and Kucinich and West, etc. as legit and echo their attacks on Obama and Progressives.
PatsyT : AdLib… I really want him to get healthy and think… He can do it if he wants to.
AdLib : Patsy – Moore is on his own side and back. He can’t help it, his mass just shifts that way.
AdLib : This is what’s so messed up, you have the establishment “renegades” on the Left who make a profession out of being renegades and then when the opportunity comes to accomplish something…but it would disempower them…they turn around and try to sabotage progress to protect their position and meal ticket. The Firebagger Story.
PatsyT : Hmmm AdLib you have a great point there and he has a lot of side
funksands : Ad, thanks for digging that up. Really. I gotta go folks! Goodnight and keep up the good fight. It will never end.
MurphTheSurf3 : AsLib…so glad I am not going mad….although some would dispute that.
AdLib : Patsy – Moore is on Moore’s side.
AdLib : Heh! Cheers Murph!!!
PatsyT : Thanks ALib, Thats it all the subterfuge! I here him loud and clear. Hey Michael, you are either with us or you are against us
AdLib : Link to transcript: «link»
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib…have got a link for Moore on that one? GOOD WORK!
AdLib : Here’s the quote: “MOORE: You’ve got these nine Republicans running, all right? And, of course, we all laugh, and there’s the joke about — you can make about each one of them. And we know that our fellow Americans, at the end of the day — they’re not going to go in the voting booth and vote for crazy. Even though they might be upset at Obama, they’re not going to go crazy. So, it begs the question then. If this is the party of the rich — the Republicans — if this is the party of wealth and Wall Street, the party that brought about the crash of ’08, why don’t the wealthy — why aren’t the wealthy — making sure they have a Republican that’s running that’s gonna win? It doesn’t look like they’re concerned at all about making sure they’ve their man on the Republican ticket unless — unless they believe they’ve got their man on the Democratic Party ticket?”
MurphTheSurf3 : Patsy….I guess that excuse beats “I have to wash my hair”….by about 20,000 miles.
AdLib : October 27th, 2011 – Michael Moore on KO…
PatsyT : Well It was that or I have to go get my nails done
funksands : Patsy, that’s a pretty flimsy excuse.
PatsyT : Well the volunteer organizers for President Obama have been calling me and I have told them I am a little busy trying to get this Nuclear Waste Generating Station shut down, so I will not have as much time as I did before but I will vote for him, of course.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen….all I need another crusade but I will add it to my list. Calls to make on Monday.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….the Sherlock Holmes of data digging. Got that quote in my craw now….
PatsyT : OK Sabreen, Now back to bed with you!
funksands : Thanks Sabreen, Microsoft is a whole different company than it was even 10 years ago.
Sabreen60 : Good Night for real this time.
AdLib : I’m narrowing down the date on Moore’s statement…
PatsyT : Nighty Night Chris… I am crossing my finger for Ohio
Sabreen60 : I had to come back just for this. «link»
funksands : Night Chris, I’ll give it a listen again. Good to see you.
funksands : Patsy, I have a sneaking suspicion that support, however grudgingly given, will begin to coalesce the closer we get to election day. Bomb throwers are very brave in off-election years.
PatsyT : I have issues with our President too but I still support him and will VOTE for him! Geez get over it and move on!
ChrisR266 : Got to go listen to some Beatles now. Golden Slumbers to you all. Send the forces of good to Ohio this week.
PatsyT : Hey if he starts showing support for the President , all is forgiven. Thats all I ask.
funksands : The guy is long-time movie maker and self-promoter. Always has been.
PatsyT : Ewww I will look at that later, Stop it Michael! I went to Catholic School too and this is not in that bible either.
MurphTheSurf3 : MOORE’S MOM MUST NOT HAVE HUGGED HIM ENOUGH….attent ion hound.
AdLib : Disgusting self-promotion on the backs of OWS!
AdLib : Holy Mackeral…go to Moore’s site and he has a huge list of videos of him at OWS!!! Click here to see for yourself: «link»
PatsyT : Sometimes Em and sometimes it is time to fall into the pillow….
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….I can’t find the Moore quote….were we hallucinating?
funksands : Doctors are supposed to (1) wash their hands with soap, (2) clean the patient’s skin with chlorhexidine antiseptic, (3) put sterile drapes over the entire patient, (4) wear a sterile mask, hat, gown, and gloves, and (5) put a sterile dressing over the catheter site once the line is in. Check, check, check, check, check.
ChrisR266 : Sleep well, Em. Enjoy the weekend.
Emerald1943 : Okay…admit it, you guys! After you sign off, you hang around to see who will wish you a good night! Hahaha!
Good night all…and thanks!
PatsyT : All the best to you Em, Nighty Night
funksands : Goodnight Em! Pleasant dreams! No watching tv before you go to sleep!
AdLib : Night Emerald! Have a wonderful weekend!
Emerald1943 : Hey everyone…it’s after midnight here, and I’ve got to put it down for the night! It’s been a real pleasure! You all are the best!
funksands : Ad, maybe we can get Peter Pronovost to make an OWS Checklist.http:/ /www.newyorker.c om/reporting/200 7/12/10/071210fa _fact_gawande
PatsyT : SO TRUE EM, !!! Ugggh I want to slap him! Cut it out Michael, how did anything ever get done in the past? Did the Civil Right Bill get passed because people stayed home?
Emerald1943 : Funk, you’re probably right. I’m just trying to imagine what regular people can do to protect themselves and the credibility of the movement from these hired thugs.
funksands : Em, it doesn’t have to be right away and it can be anonymous. I simply can’t imagine a group of peaceful prostestors being called upon to subdue 10 rock-throwing thugs.
Emerald1943 : Oatsy, we have to counter what Michael Moore is saying! We cannot NOT vote…or we’ll have more teabaggers!
PatsyT : Thanks Em! That needs to be the major meme! VOTE!
Emerald1943 : Funk, yes if the police would listen to you.
Emerald1943 : Oatsy, I’m right there with you!
AdLib : Funk – Exactly! An OWS security checklist. “What you need to stay safe and protected in case of emergencies.”
Emerald1943 : Adlib, there is safety in numbers. It should not be tried by only a few people, but a big group. Like I said, I don’t know if that would work, but it might.
funksands : Em, they need to be documented if possible, identified if possible, and turned in if possible. That type of cooperation with legitimate law enforcement efforts would go a long way to taking the “high road”.
PatsyT : Em, then change your shorts and get with reality… Voter registration and education!
AdLib : KQuark!! What’s up?!
Emerald1943 : Murph, I’m still here. Thanks!
AdLib : Em – That’s a good idea but I saw what was happening in Oakland and some of the infiltrators had rocks and other things that could be used as weapons and could just hurt people encircling them. Then again, if enough people restrained them within a circle…
Emerald1943 : Funk, I was thinking more of how to control individuals in the street.
MurphTheSurf3 : Em….if you are still here…a Moore story that captures the sentiment we were discussing. «link»
PatsyT : Hey KQ… Always great to see you
funksands : Hey K!
Emerald1943 : KQ! Great! I’m so glad you’re here!
funksands : Ad, taking your thought a bit further, there needs to be a “checklist” for OWS’ers. Like the Emergency Room trauma checklist for each incoming patient.
KQuark : Hey peeps
Emerald1943 : Patsy, I agree that the RW would probably have to change their shorts. But how to get the OWS movement into the politics? Many of them just don’t want to have anything to do with it.
AdLib : Funk – Absolutely, I think it behooves OWS and all those supporting this movement to come up with a prepared and thoughtful strategy to deal with the violence that is already taking place and, IMO, will greatly increase in 2012. OWS really needs to get ahead of this and in doing so, will “occupy” the higher ground in how they deal with violence.
ChrisR266 : good night, Sabreeen
PatsyT : opps that should be Good
ChrisR266 : funk: did you give it a listen? Golden Slumbers is still my favorite of the whole Beatles album.
PatsyT : Godd Night to you Sabreen
Emerald1943 : Adlib, what about making a human circle around a trouble-maker, walling him off? I don’t know if that would work, but if enough people surrounded an individual, that should make him unable to break windows at least.
funksands : Night Sabreen!
PatsyT : What would really scare the RW is a massive voter drive tied into the OWS movement.
Sabreen60 : Well I’m going to say good night. Everyone, please stay safe and keep up the good fight.
AdLib : Funk – No, I don’t know if this is being addressed or not. Which is why I mentioned I’d like to explore this in an article next week. Expecting violence in 2012 against OWS and Dems and how to deal with it smartly, creatively and in a way that tamps it down.
funksands : Ad, I tweet and chat with one of the OccupySea guys occasionally. Would you like me to ask/suggest something to him? If so, what?
Sabreen60 : Em, absolutely. Thanks what I’m talking about. Folks have got to know what and what not to do.
PatsyT : Oh well in that case #######
Emerald1943 : Adlib, that is a subject that should be considered in every general assembly at every OWS site…every day! People should know how to respond if violence erupts.
funksands : Sorry, “Golden Slumbers” got me for a minute.
AdLib : Oatsy, I’ll see your ???? and raise you ?? !
funksands : Ad, do you have any whiff of this idea or strategy being implemented anywhere?
Sabreen60 : Good Nite Murph.
PatsyT : ????
AdLib : Funk???
PatsyT : Nighty Night Murph… good luck on the paper
Emerald1943 : Murph, good night to you! It was great talking with you here. I am anxious to see your piece on your group’s ideas.
ChrisR266 : Good night, Murph. Get that paper done. Enjoy the weekend.
AdLib : Night Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Good night all….got to work on a paper…Got some great ideas here tonight.
AdLib : Funk – Yes, that’s what I’m completely behind. Coming up with creative ways that anticipate and mitigate violence that absolutely will continue, if not increase, from PDs and RW provocateurs.
funksands : ???
ChrisR266 : Golden slumbers, Sue.
Emerald1943 : Sue, got it! I’ll send it when I get off VP.
PatsyT : John Glenn! Thank you! «link»
ChrisR266 : Em: the voting shutdown is a different issue. that’s being dealt with through gathering of signatures to get it on referendum right now.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, you’re right. I wasn’t really looking at it that way. I guess the police have to worry about losing their paychecks too.
SueInCa : Em send it here «email»
Sabreen60 : Night Sue.
funksands : Sabreen it has to be
ChrisR266 : Funk: yes, he did. Ads running all week.
AdLib : Night Sue!
Sabreen60 : I know OWS is leaderless, but they really have to understand that they have to remain peaceful and non-violent under all circumstances. Everyone is not able to do this. It’s really hard not to fight back.
ChrisR266 : Em: the polls last week showed a 25 point gap between SB5 going down and being upheld. Going down was 25 points ahead.
Emerald1943 : Sue, have a great night! I’ll send you an email a little later.
AdLib : EM – The police work for that city’s Mayor and Police Chief, not the people. They are required to follow the orders of politicians, not people. So those who are ordered to attack and disperse, will do so or be in big trouble. This is why those OWS protesters in Repub cities are among the bravest out there.
funksands : RE: Ohio, didn’t John Glenn come out publicly against issue 2? That’s pretty cool
Emerald1943 : Chris, the fact that they shut down the early voting this weekend in Ohio is stunning in its arrogance! That should fire up the people!
SueInCa : Night all, see you over the W/E and will be sending tweets.
funksands : Shouldn’t the focus be on strategies to minimize it, without the expectation that it will cease?
PatsyT : AdLib You are so right … they will stop at nothing and go ahead and hire thugs to make the Occupy folks look bad.
Emerald1943 : Chris, I am so excited and anxious at the same time about the Ohio SB-5. Are there polls at this point?
ChrisR266 : Patsy: indeed. The folks who didn’t really give a crap are finally energized and walking with open eyes about who really cares about them. They see Kasich for the thug that he really is. I am so encouraged.
funksands : Shouldn’t protesters be prepared for arrest and injury? When has this NOT been the case in cases of large-scale civil disobedience?
MurphTheSurf3 : Em- police riots…what was old is new again.
AdLib : Chris – That would be so energizing, such a shot across the bow of the RW, Wall Street and the GOP, if 5 goes down.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, I hear you about the random acts of violence. But we know when we take to the streets that something can happen. That is the price that must be paid, apparently. It would be nice to think that the police would actually protect the people. But we may need protecting from the police. The whole world is upside down!
PatsyT : Music to my ears Chris!
AdLib : Sabreen – I don’t think we’ll see the National Guard shooting students but I do think we’ll see more cars running over OWS marchers and infiltrators starting violence to trigger police into violence. there’s a whole RW machine out there that will stop at nothing to complete their takeover of this nation.
ChrisR266 : I should tell you all, I was up in far north central OHIO this week and the folks up there are pretty pissed about SB 5 too. Watch Ohio on Tuesday, I think the Governor’s pet union busting bill is going to go down pretty big.
Sabreen60 : Good night KT
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, it would be strange for PBO to have to ask for the National Guard to protect protesters. Weird thought!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Kes, all the best to you…
Sabreen60 : Peace Kes.
MurphTheSurf3 : Thanks Em….
Emerald1943 : Kes, have a good weekend! We’ll hold down the fort so you can get some shut-eye!
ChrisR266 : Good night, Kes. Keep the faith.
Sabreen60 : My suggestion would be to watch some old civil rights protests. Be prepared for anything. No one is going to have to do anything menacing. I don’t think things will get as ugly as during the civil rights struggles – I don’t think Prez. Obama would let that happen. But random individual acts of violence against the protesters is very likely.
MurphTheSurf3 : S’long Kilgore…thanks for the help today…computer phobe that I am.
AdLib : Night KT!
Emerald1943 : Murph, I would be happy to look.
kesmarn : Stay safe, KT. I’m gonna have to depart, too. So sorry I faded away there…family member started a conversation I couldn’t refuse! Have a great weekend.
AdLib : KT – So, I think an Occupy Protection Backpack could be prescribed. A helmet of some kind, a heavy jacket (to absorb clubbing), tear gas remedies, etc. Everyone just carries them along on a march and if the PD gets violent, every one just puts on their gear. It would be so cool!
PatsyT : Nighty Night KT… you have a wonderful weekend
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib and Em…I want to find that Moore quote re. “the conspiracy”. Will you look too?
Emerald1943 : KT, good to see you, my friend! I hope you’ll be online tomorrow. If you attend in Columbus, just be careful! Come back in one piece, please!
ChrisR266 : Hey Kilgore, I hope tomorrow is great in numbers and in rally. Stay safe and strong.
PatsyT : No Em, I am so glad you put that in words. So many corporate messages are so wrong.
SueInCa : Later KT
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…which is why my crowd of old veterans is treading very softly in this “Vision” thing…..we were asked by two organizing assemblies and we are responding. We do not want authorship or be the representatives of what they adopt.
KillgoreTrout : Well, I gotta call it a night good peeps. Tomorrow’s going to be a busy day!
Emerald1943 : Hey everyone, Sue just reminded me. What do we think about this drumbeat for war with Iran??? Don’t mean to change the subject, but I think it’s really important. Several items in MB about it.
ChrisR266 : Em: so do I. I just finished a unit teaching my sophomores about semiotics, and they managed to do quite the number on those swiffer commercials. I was proud of them.
Emerald1943 : Chris, I have a bad thing about being equated with “dirt” on the floor to be picked up!
SueInCa : Jaysus Issa is talking about a coup against the government like Maher says a government who has nuclear weapons and he said it correctly
Emerald1943 : Oatsy, I thought I was the only one who would think that was a strange ad campaign.
AdLib : Chris and Murph – This is the same syndrome that occurred during the civil rights era, when altruistic white people wanted to keep leading the fight for civil rights for blacks and black people had to tell them to step back, “We have to do this for ourselves.”
ChrisR266 : Kilgore: you got that right. He has those big googly eyes, too. Getting it off on the floor.
KillgoreTrout : Exactly AdLib. I keep thinking of that poor vet that got shot with the CS cannister. And the crowd was not being provacative.
ChrisR266 : Em: agreed. and very subversive. girls = dirt and grime? a wow.
Emerald1943 : Funk, big ego is an understatement! Moore is trying to remain relevant, just like Sister Sarah! There, I said the name!! Ha!
AdLib : Cheers Murph!
Sabreen60 : Patsy
ChrisR266 : AdLib: That’s my take, I agree with you. Nobody likes to see the marginalization actually come to fruition. Instead of understanding that he did his job, he can’t take being realized out of his job. Sad.
PatsyT : Thank you for that Em, You are on to something there!
AdLib : Bike helmets, skate helmets, motorcycle half helmets and even full face motorcycle helmets. My suggestion is that they aren’t worn while marching, just carried in a backpack with other supplies that prevent harm. Keep them handy but don’t wear them so as to appear provocative. Problem solved.
KillgoreTrout : Hey, Stanley is one horny mo fo!
SueInCa : Murph yep
Emerald1943 : Chris, same thing with the Swifter mop that “picks up” girls (dirt) off the floor! Very strange!
MurphTheSurf3 : WORTH REPEATING: Moore who has railed against power throughout his career now prioritizes having power over the movement that wants power back in the hands of the people. AdLib…genius.
funksands : Patsy, that’s niiiiice.
funksands : RE: Moore…guys with big egos aren’t new. I expect to see a lot of flailing as liberals and progressives try to understand and adjust to the quickly changing dynamic on the ground.
ChrisR266 : Okay: I’m watching the stanley steemer guy make love to a tile floor. Something is just plain wrong with that.
Emerald1943 : KT, I do, I do! That was amazing! Must have been thousands of birds…and not one collision!
AdLib : Chris, that’s exactly it. Moore has held this position as being a leader of the Progressive grass roots and suddenly, he’s not needed. Instead of just supporting the movement he represented and led, his focus is on regaining leadership. Kind of ironic, Moore who has railed against power throughout his career now prioritizes having power over the movement that wants power back in the hands of the people.
SueInCa : KT always gets the best nature shots
Emerald1943 : Sue, those are probably the best for the purposes here. Not as out of place as a football helmet would be.
PatsyT : Well we need some music if Funk is here «link»
KillgoreTrout : Em, gotta love Mother Nature!
kesmarn : I saw that starling video, too. That was amazing!
SueInCa : What about skateboard/bike helmets? They look non threatening enough.
KillgoreTrout : Oh funk, my pleasure.
ChrisR266 : Oatsy forever.
Emerald1943 : KT, ditto funk for that video of the starlings! Cool!
ChrisR266 : Funk: make that cool down cold.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, the trouble with violence is that it is so spontaneous and difficult to deal with once it starts. I think one good way to help avoid violence is to keep a good dialogue with the cops and make them feel more at ease. The infil-traitors are another matter. I think they are the real threat.
funksands : KT: Thanks again for that Starling video. Way cool. My son loved it.
ChrisR266 : Hello dear Funk. Hope all is well.
AdLib : Too bad they don’t make that expanding foam publicly available, would be perfect to use on any who turned violent in the OWS, legit or infiltrator.
Emerald1943 : Funk, we are discussing the use of various types of head gear for demonstrating… and chicken bones and Oatsy! You figure it out!
ChrisR266 : AdLib: I think MMoore has been feeling marginalized and is now having delusions of grandeur.
funksands : Hi Sue / KT / Patsy / Ad / Chris / Kes / Murph / Sabreen / Jesus, I’m going to have to go cool down now.
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib Plus Kilgore = helmets/goggles in backpacks. How about soft helmets- as effective and not threatening.
Sabreen60 : Hey Funk!
kesmarn : Hey, funk!
Emerald1943 : Funk, and I didn’t think you cared!
AdLib : Funkadelic!
funksands : Em, that is such a nice greeting. Here I’ll eat another brownie for you.
PatsyT : Hey Funk!
AdLib : KT – I think keeping helmets in backpacks, handy to put on in case the PD goes nuts, is not provocative at all. I’m also thinking that there must be a clever, creative way to deal with those who turn violent.
KillgoreTrout : Hey funk, how’s it going?
Emerald1943 : FUNK!! Wow! You’re here…and we’re happy!
SueInCa : Hey Funk
ChrisR266 : Murph: Ok. I got the impression somehow that you were up north. From what I can tell, The GOPTEA up there is still flailing with no ground game whatsoever. I used to live and work up there, and WI seems to be getting its progressive act together.
PatsyT : Yes KT, be prepared for anything
funksands : #OccupyPlanetPOV
Emerald1943 : Adlib, that is stunning! I know he’s been down on PBO, but that’s going way too far! Grrrrr!
KillgoreTrout : Patsy, that cannot be stressed enough. I’m just saying be prepaired IF the shit hits the fan.
AdLib : EM – Actually, I posted a comment about Moore saying that a week or so ago, that the reason for the weak GOP field is that maybe Wall Street already has their man in place. I saw it live on KO and that sold me off Moore for good.
Sabreen60 : For those who tweet, Michael is @MMFlint
MurphTheSurf3 : Chris- I am in Missouri
PatsyT : Can we start to put it our there That this need to remain non-violent and mostly leaderless?
SueInCa : AL I follow him on Twitter, I keep sending him notes to butt out
ChrisR266 : Murph: are you in WI?
Emerald1943 : Murph, I don’t have Current TV on my cable. I’ll have to watch it online later. That’s amazing that he would say something so out in right field!
SueInCa : Patsy I agree PD;s have their own problems
KillgoreTrout : Murph, that’s a good point. but wearing protective gear alone, is simply not provacation, no matter what the cops think. I firmly believe that it is better to be prepared than not.
AdLib : However…poor Michael Moore…when you’re a figurehead of Progressive values leading others, legitimately, and a real populist, leaderless movement arises…you lose your raison d’etre. So, Moore can’t lead the group so he is trying to lead the public into following his encouragement of them being leaderless. It’s kind of sad, kind of pathetic and kind of offensive. You have to know when to step out of the way and not insist on being a savior.
Sabreen60 : Yeah Murph, I heard that on the video. The stuff he said was jaw dropping.
SueInCa : Moore is smoking he should put he pipe down
MurphTheSurf3 : Em- I saw it on Last Work and on Countdown with Olbermann.
kesmarn : Murph, I don’t think just wearing a helmet could be viewed as a provocation.
MurphTheSurf3 : Kilgore…and those protective items frighten them. The more we speak of this, the more I think night time action is a very bad idea.
PatsyT : Murph, they could use a bit of the training that the Civil rights workers had on non-violence
SueInCa : Em new email «email»
Emerald1943 : Murph, when did Moore say that? That’s ridiculous!
KillgoreTrout : Murph, no. They are just taking precautions. maybe it’s best to have these items and not wear them UNTIL the shit hits the fan. There will be confrontation, no matter what. You know that it doesn’t take much to set off a bunch of frightened cops.
Emerald1943 : I’m back…with cake!
MurphTheSurf3 : Moore’s newest line: He came out with a conspiracy theory about the GOP, not in jest, in all seriousness. He asked, “Why would the wealthiest and most powerful people allow such a flawed and weak GOP field to represent their potential candidate in the election? Unless…they already have their person in that position. Obama.”
MurphTheSurf3 : Kilgore, but then don’t the peaceful protestors become provocateurs?
kesmarn : Yes, the cops also target young women who aren’t expecting a face full of pepper spray at close range…
AdLib : I tried to hang in there with Michael Moore because I think his films have all been powerful and effective arguments for the 99%.
PatsyT : Neighhhh Neighhhhh Neighhhhh
kesmarn : When it comes to gluten: “neighhhhhhh!”
KillgoreTrout : Murph, so what? screw them Much better to be prepaired than not. The cops know the world is watching.
PatsyT : Ok thats good to know someone is gluten free around here
kesmarn : Oats, here.
PatsyT : I am cake free!
KillgoreTrout : Mmmmmmmm, chocolate cake!
kesmarn : SRH
MurphTheSurf3 : Kilgore…the police will tell you that they target groups wearing helmets and face masks….self fulfilling prophecy.
PatsyT : SRH too
AdLib : SRH (Staying right here
Emerald1943 : Time for a chocolate cake break…BRB!
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen, Moore sometimes get way too full of himself. He IS a media hound!
kesmarn : I think the young ones will turn out. They don’t seem to crave or give much credence to “leaders.” They’ve been burned.
SueInCa : BRB don’t go away lol
ChrisR266 : short break, brb, folks
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, we just have to keep reminding them what happens when the Dems don’t vote…we get teabaggers!
Sabreen60 : Thanks everyone. At least I know that I’m not alone in my observations about Moore. I too hope the young people will not be persuaded not to vote.
SueInCa : Naw Patsy, he is a distraction that is all.
Emerald1943 : Kes, I have always like Michael Moore too, but he’s off the rails right now.
ChrisR266 : Em: The WI folks will get the signatures to recall Walker. Then they face the real battle of the actual recall vote. They are two different phenomena, and the first is much easier than the latter. The latter is where we’ll see the REAL money pour in.
MurphTheSurf3 : AsLib….you are among the mos creative folks I know…please put your thinking cap on re. this mutual violence issue. There is NOT a lot of creativity in this matter out there right now.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, that’s why I am adament about helmets and face shields. It’s easier to endure violence when one is well protected. You can be sure the cops are well protected.
PatsyT : Geeezz do you think he has been set up to be the fall guy to prove how lowly the Blacks are?
kesmarn : I have to confess to a fondness for Moore in that I think the doc “Sicko” actually was a factor in getting HCR passed. There is a part of the left that is beyond desperate and I think he feels he’s giving them a voice. I do think he’s now lost his bearings and needs to re-evaluate. He should repeat over and over what he has said: “I intend to vote for Obama in 2012.” And leave it there.
SueInCa : Glad to hear others see what I see in Cain
Emerald1943 : KT, maybe he is really a pimp! That’s what those sexual harassment comments were all about. He was just trying to give his “stable” a boost by recruiting the good lookin’ girls!
SueInCa : Patsy, I know…..Pimp hat
ChrisR266 : Michael Moore is sucking air, Sabreen. I’m not quite sure what he’s smoking right now. He’s off the curb and in the traffic.
MurphTheSurf3 : Em and Chris….the recall folks are actually promoting how much money is pouring into the state as A REASON TO GO FULL TILT FOR THE RECALL. Outsiders are buying our state.
KillgoreTrout : It’s funny, I commented earlier that Cain looked more like a pimp than a presidential candidate. And it’s true.
Emerald1943 : Chris, I am really hopeful on this. What’s your feeling? Will he be recalled?
PatsyT : Very True KT… this is the stuff that is so hard…. I think of the kids that went into the south to sit in the lunch counters
AdLib : KT and Murph – That’s why I say that OWS and Dems need to be creative and get out ahead of what could be upcoming violence.
SueInCa : Thanks Em, Sabreen I hope the kids are smarter than that, he is trying to insinuate himself as some spokesman or something. Just tweet him away…I will too
ChrisR266 : Patsy: It will go our way. If it doesn’t, everyone will know it was election fraud. EVERYONE will know that.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen- Moore has a messiah complex and he hates both the Dems and Obama….he is NOT a good voice for the movement. He needs to be sidelined. Narcissistic personality at work.
PatsyT : Sue See, It’s plain as day the make up of that guy/
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, he is just self-promoting! I don’t think he knows what he’s talking about. he keeps insisting that the movement is “beyond” voting. What a putz!
KillgoreTrout : Patsy, self preservation is a powerful instinct!
ChrisR266 : Em: that is correct. It is a loophole never closed because it never was problematic before. But,as far as I can tell from my friend, the money is not impacting the efforts on the recall side. The GOPTEA support side is blithering in its disorganization. The recall side is already on the road, as they laid the groundwork in the assembly/senator ial recall efforts.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, the cops will initiate any violence by the protesters. Things can turn ugly very fast. The anti-war movement started out peaceably too.
SueInCa : Hey Em Maher just called Cain;s hat the pimp hat, we were right
PatsyT : In other words always travel with a wing “person/cameram an”
Sabreen60 : I’m going to bring this up because it’s bothering me. ABL has a video on her web site of Michael Moore saying some pretty off the wall stuff. I know he has said not to vote or voting is not that important. This is giving me heartburn. What’s going on with him telling OWS that voting for Dems is not important?
Emerald1943 : Sue, I’m not going into the details of what to look for in the next few days in this forum! I’ll send you an email!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib…filmed scenes at night make it hard to differentiate aggression from defense. A lot depends on who is airing the film. (Film!….giving my age away)
PatsyT : KT when they are clubbing you over the head get it on youtube and ruin the clubber
kesmarn : Did I hear whiskey?
SueInCa : Thanks all I drank a lot of fluid to make it go down easier
AdLib : Murph – What I meant is that, though they are human, I don’t think we’ll see OWS being the aggressors in any violence or ganging up on attacking police. It is antithetical to the core of OWS people.
KillgoreTrout : So far AdLib. But it’s pretty hard to be a pacifist when someone is clubbing you over the head.
ChrisR266 : Damn it Kes, I’m talking whiskey, too
Emerald1943 : Murph, honey and a LOT of whiskey!
ChrisR266 : Sue: Like Murph said, whiskey. Heavy.
Emerald1943 : Kes, LMFAO!!!
PatsyT : Hey Chris, I hope it goes well in Ohio… my brother in Columbus thinks it will go our way.
Emerald1943 : Chris, I saw a report tonight about Wisconsin and how the money is rolling in to Walker. They have some law there that allows him to take “unlimited” donations to fight the recall.
Sabreen60 : Kes
you’re sick!
KillgoreTrout : Kes, that is too funny!
AdLib : KT – Maybe so but these folks seem like pretty convicted pacifists. I find myself betting on the better nature of OWS people than worse.
kesmarn : I love these parallel discussions. The men are talking demonstration tactics and the women are talking chicken bones and oats!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue….if there is no object….honey and a bit of whiskey.
KillgoreTrout : Exactly Murph. Confrontation is a volatile thing, especially when sel preservation is concerned. And protection of friends and lovers.
Emerald1943 : Sue, Sabreen is right. Bones if they have a sharp point can stick into the gut and cause a BIG problem. As I said, if you have any pain, stomach or bowel, or any evidence of bleeding, get to an ER.
ChrisR266 : I got a call last night from my daughter’s godmother in Wisconsin. She had hunkered down at her computer to call 25 people in Ohio to urge them to vote no on issue 2 here in ohio. She thought she’s call to say hi since she knew how I’d be voting already. Things are heating up in Wisconsin, again.
PatsyT : Yes Kes, I like Oats «link»
SueInCa : Sabreen Thanks, and thanks to everyone for making me feel better I was a little worried
AdLib : What’s needed is creativity in dealing with violence intended to provoke. And the OWS crowd seems up to the task, some very sharp and creative folks out there.
Sabreen60 : Sue: I did a quick search. More than one possibly. The bone could be gone but scratched your throat thus the feeling of it still be there. People say eat a banana. I say if you have any effects go to hospital/doctor.
kesmarn : Likewise, BFF!
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib….since many of the folks are young people, especially at night…and alcohol and drugs are very present….and hormones are very powerful in matters of protection of hearth and home….I worry that learning from the past may not be effective when a police line grabs your girlfriend or boyfriend.
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, I think the longer people occupy, the more that their nerves may become a bit frazzled. And once police start a confrontation like they did in Oakland, protestoers will be more prone to fight back. It’s just human nature.
SueInCa : Kes Haven’t we all sown those? I know I have lol
Emerald1943 : Oatsy! I really like it!
kesmarn : Sue, I think Oatsy is pretty cute. Patsy’s usually feelin’ her oats on Friday nights, and maybe she has sown a few wild ones, too!
Emerald1943 : Murph, OK…I see what you mean. I would agree with Adlib though. You can’t get into a routine that lets them know what you’re doing at any given time.
ChrisR266 : Sue: LMFAO!
PatsyT : Ha see I just did it … “alway” needs to be “always”
AdLib : And personally, I don’t see throwing tear gas canisters back at police as violence, as long as the intention isn’t to hit them in the head with it.
SueInCa : Patsy I started to answer and wrote Oatsy again lol
AdLib : Murph, I get what you’re saying but this generation seems to have let the last generation educate them and seem to get that returning violence, as tempting as it may be, is destructive.
ChrisR266 : Sue: Don’t! it’s just too much fun and we need that in our lives. Consider it inspired.
Emerald1943 : Sue, chris is correct. But if you have any stomach pain, get in to see the doc.
PatsyT : Sue you are alway cool in my book and I think everyone one would agree
MurphTheSurf3 : Em- If OWS did not sanction, sponsor, promote,condone movement outside the encampments after dark….then ANY movement would not be OWS…..darkness covers those who want to start trouble on both sides very well.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, good point. I don’t understand why a march outside the camp would not be sanctioned. You lost me.
kesmarn : Sue, I would think the main concern would be not getting it into your respiratory system. If that doesn’t seem to be happening — as Em said — nature will take it’s course!
SueInCa : Em and Kes, thanks, Chris I feel bad I misspelled it
ChrisR266 : Sue: if it went down ok, it won’t cause any damage. Digestive enzymes are marvelously powerful.
AdLib : Also, I don’t think an absolute policy against marches at night would be supported by the majority of OWS, it’s a slippery slope to allowing intimidation to control the protest. You have to keep the other side guessing, as soon as a movement like this conforms to a convention, they can get in trouble.
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib as someone who was in Grant Park during the anti-war demonstrations that were both a police riot and a protestor melee I know how hard it is not to throw things back at the cops, or to charge their lines, or to try to grab your people to safety when they have been snatched by the cops.
ChrisR266 : I like Oatsy. Got a certain panache.
Emerald1943 : Sue, watch out for any stomach pain or any evidence of bleeding.
ChrisR266 : Sue: No, no, no, it’s Oatsy!
SueInCa : Nope none at all and that was supposed to be Patsy
Emerald1943 : Sue, it will probably be OK if it was a soft one.
kesmarn : Any wheezing or trouble breathing, Sue?
ChrisR266 : AdLib: I agree, the provocateurs are problematic.
Emerald1943 : Murph, I don’t get your point.
SueInCa : Em and Kes Yes and very soft
Sabreen60 : Hi Patsy!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Patsy, glad you could make it!
Emerald1943 : Sue, was the bone soft?
MurphTheSurf3 : Em- if we could do this then ANY action beyond the encampment would automatically be unSanctioned by OWS
AdLib : Murph, I’m not concerned about violence from OWS as much, mostly from PDs and provocateurs from the right and the anarchist left.
SueInCa : Em very small and very thin
kesmarn : Sue, did this happen to you??
Emerald1943 : Oatsy, kinda’ has a ring to it!
SueInCa : Em
PatsyT : Ohhh new identity, Oatsy, I like it!
Emerald1943 : Sue, how small?
kesmarn : Hey, Patsy-Oatsy!
SueInCa : BFF what could happen to someone who swallowed a small chicken bone, very small but felt it in the throat?
Emerald1943 : Murph, that may be the best idea. Gives the police less to do at night! Use of retired military could help at the camps.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: ohhhhh, very good.
MurphTheSurf3 : As Lib I am very worried about the issue of sanctioned violence on both sides.
KillgoreTrout : chris, yeah, last year was an old fashioned winter.
AdLib : Mmm…clever and full of fiber! Oatsy!
ChrisR266 : Sue: Oatsy. I like that. LMAO.
SueInCa : That was Patsy
SueInCa : Hey Oatsy
Emerald1943 : Patsy! Hi there! Great to see you here! :-0
MurphTheSurf3 : Watching coverage of Oakland right now on two screens. Night time is THE problem. We need to keep night marching off the table. The encampments can be secured with evening teach ins, discussion, singing, AND those security guards Em mentioned.
KillgoreTrout : Chris, that’s cool. There are many ways to contribute.
AdLib : Hey Patsy!!!
ChrisR266 : Evening, Patsy.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, the Scott Olsen thing in Oakland really changed people’s opinion, at least about police brutality.
PatsyT : Hey Hi everyone I’ll read you comments for a bit to catch up…
ChrisR266 : Kilgore: I commented to the husband tonight that we had snow on the ground this time last year.
SueInCa : ?Closing your acct is gaining power. Group of moms went downtown to WFB in Oakland to close their accounts
KillgoreTrout : Em, so far there hasn’t been any “permanent,” members. I think that is going to change starting tomorrow. We still have mild temps and sunny days.
ChrisR266 : Kilgore: I have duties at Otterbein tomorrow, or I would be there. That’s why I commented that I could do some electronic message spreading.
AdLib : Murph – There is a concern that violence against OWS becomes more and more sanctioned, the more it occurs. Then there is the POV that as more heroes from the military and regular people are injured, outrage will grow against the establishment. Maybe both will occur?
Emerald1943 : Kes, at my age, you have to take what you can!
ChrisR266 : Em: I suspect there will be an huge increase in that number after Tuesday, 11/8. When SB5 goes down, it will energize people further.
kesmarn : Whoa, girl! Em…not Google!
Emerald1943 : Sue, Beau Biden rocks! I saw him on TV last week about suing the banks. I think he’s on to something.
KillgoreTrout : chris, are you going tomorrow? You from Westerville, right?
Emerald1943 : Kes, I don’t have ANY!
Emerald1943 : KT, how many people are “permanent” in Columbus? Do you know?
kesmarn : Google, I do have some standards.
SueInCa : Yeah Beau Biden suing the banks
MurphTheSurf3 : A second American Military veteran is now hospitalized in Oakland, California following an alleged attack by police during this week’s General Strike on Wednesday. Kayvan Sabehgi, 32, has been admitted to the intensive care unit of Highland Hospital for a lacerated spleen that he says he incurred by police officers earlier this week as he peacefully walked in Oakland away from where thousands were marching in conjunction with the Occupy movement.
SueInCa : Funny Em
ChrisR266 : Kilgore: Thanks for mentioning that. I can spread that around central OH-IO pretty quickly.
Emerald1943 : Sue, I know! Makes it more fun!!
SueInCa : Oooh Em he is a real drunk
KillgoreTrout : On the Occupy Columbus site, there is also a list of things that people can buy and/or donate to the movement such as tents, generators, extension power cords…..etc. People who can’t be there in person can donate stuff, if not for Columbus, but elsewhere too.
SueInCa : BFF Google think you want to go out with him
Emerald1943 : Sue, Google just “crawled” up my leg! Ooooo!
ChrisR266 : Stand up google, you wussie!
SueInCa : Chris google is crawling too, drunk?
Emerald1943 : Foodchain, are you here??
AdLib : I broke Google’s kneecaps for party crashing. Now it can only crawl.
kesmarn : Google never misses a Friday night. Google,don’t you have a date?
Emerald1943 : Murph, I understand. The price of a “collective” in setting policy.
SueInCa : No problem it is fun
AdLib : Thanks Sue, Bito’s mastery of our Twitter and folks here retweeting has been making a big difference.
ChrisR266 : Damned google is here again. Who let him in?
MurphTheSurf3 : Em- Getting the money, organizing the money, dispersing the money….all without cries of corruption and irregularity.
Emerald1943 : Chris, I was thinking the very same thing. The movement is now large enough with some talented people, I’m sure. Could they produce their own?
kesmarn : Sabreen, that was actually pretty balanced — for FOX. Someone’s bound to get demoted for not spinning that properly.
SueInCa : AL Bito taught me how to @PlanetPOV today so I am doing it as much as I can
ChrisR266 : Sabreen: I suspect the followup will remain local. That is the way of coverage now. OWS might need to make its own coverage.
Emerald1943 : Murph, I hear you. But what price do you put on safety for the people and credibility for the movement?
SueInCa : Thanks Sabreen
AdLib : Kes – Thanks so much! You and other Planeteers have been so kind. However, I do see such situations as a success for the entire Planet Community.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, thanks for the link.
MurphTheSurf3 : Em- Security, especially good security, is a big expense. Further, it seems to run against the sensibilities of a number of the organizers. This is very tricky.
kesmarn : I know vandalism is not the right way to go, but I confess to having major schadenfreude when I see BoA windows being shattered. Can’t help it.
Sabreen60 : I know this is FOX, but it’s what came up after a quick search about DC protesters hit by car. «link»
ChrisR266 : Murph: I think if any of them start shouting “socialist whores” you can probably zero in on the, LOL.
SueInCa : Good deal Murph. They are being outed but the media is so damn lame……
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- the shit stirrers are a huge concern. Spotting them and neutralizing them. Yes, we have thoughts but are hoping the folks in this think tank will have more.
AdLib : Thanks Em! It is something that hasn’t been discussed enough and waiting too long, until the Bagger and pro-corporate thugs are already on the attack would be too late.
Emerald1943 : Murph, I know what happened in Oakland…late at night and away from the camp. But what about internal security in the movement itself? Not just for the encampment but for marchers. Might help to keep the police in line.
kesmarn : AdLib, congrats on the reception of your “SupeHerman” post; I think that one’s getting very wide crculation!
bito : I don’t know if it’s another one or not, checking.
MurphTheSurf3 : Em- that is one of the suggestions. The problem is these things seem to happen beyond the encampments (purposely we think).
AdLib : KT – Like “Infil-Traitors “!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, good idea. I know you could do it justice!
SueInCa : Murph anything in the draft for dealing with provocatures?
kesmarn : Well put, KT.
AdLib : This might make for a good and cautionary article, the potential violence ahead in 2012.
Emerald1943 : KT, good one!
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, I like to call them infil-traitors!
Emerald1943 : Murph, has your group considered security at the larger OWS sites?
Emerald1943 : KT, that’s exactly what I was thinking! They don’t have to go back to work for another week…party on!!
kesmarn : True, Chris…maybe they’re all too “in-control”?
AdLib : OWS, Dems and the Obama campaign need to design and implement strategies for dealing with violent provocateurs and infiltrators…a s well as hit an run drivers and thug brigades.
MurphTheSurf3 : One of our old guard members was much involved in Oakland and says that the trouble was generated by a combination of anarchists, gang members, general troublemakers who were well lubricated, and some folks who were clearly there to try to pull others into it. Guess who he thinks they were. What is needed is a way for the true OWS folks to react to this and send a message to those watching in the crowd or from home.
ChrisR266 : Em: I know, but I think it is wholly probable.
KillgoreTrout : Em, and some of them are congress people. They love their cocktail parties!
Emerald1943 : Chris, that’s a scary thought!
SueInCa : Em more like asshats and on purpose
ChrisR266 : They most certainly are not out of control drivers.
Emerald1943 : Kes, it’s Friday night in DC! Lots of drunks I guess!
kesmarn : Seriously, b’ito? Is that two outta control drivers in DC?
SueInCa : Hey Sabreen
Emerald1943 : Bito, is that the second one?
SueInCa : word is getting out about the vandals in oaktown
ChrisR266 : AdLib: turnout, turnout, turnout. it again will be key.
Emerald1943 : Chris, they called them the “Black Bloc” or something like that.
bito : Another crazed and pissed motorist just plowed into some #OWS people in DC
Emerald1943 : Murph, good on you!
ChrisR266 : Em: agreed. And the assholes wouldn’t show up unless there was something in it for them. Payola, I think.
AdLib : EM – I agree, I don’t think the public will switch over to voting for full on plutocracy, which the GOP is offering, but they may be thinking, if they can at least sour people on all of this and depress turnout, maybe they can prevail.
SueInCa : KT and Chris all is well I bought sweatshirts today, nice and warm in Mid California. To close to the bay – cold winds
KillgoreTrout : Kudos Murph for all your work and determination.
Sabreen60 : Hi Sue!
Emerald1943 : Chris, it was so obvious what happened in Oakland. The entire day was completely without incident until the assholes got there to cause havoc!
kesmarn : Excellent!
MurphTheSurf3 : AdLib and Em-+-Writing by committee at a distance is really interesting. And really challenging. Hope you all have some good feedback.
SueInCa : No Kes that was me and my beloved McCovey
ChrisR266 : Hi Ya, Sue.
Emerald1943 : Kes, I’m sure Rush and his friends will be putting out that message. But there have been so many reports on TV that show only peaceful demonstrations. The video is hard to refute.
KillgoreTrout : Hey sue! Hope all is well.
SueInCa : Hey Em, Chris, Kt BFF
ChrisR266 : Occupy Oakland has already been compromised by the vandals and inserted rabble rousers. They would not come to wreak havoc and violence unless asked/paid to do so.
SueInCa : Yes Murph can’t wait to read it.
kesmarn : Hey, Sue! I think I became a follower of yours this evening. Or else it was another Sue who looked like you!!
AdLib : Murph – Looking forward to your article!
SueInCa : Hey AL you have a way with words lol
Emerald1943 : Adlib, yes, I think you’re right about their ideology. But this time, I don’t think the majority of American people will buy into it.
KillgoreTrout : Em, The Bill of Rights and peaceful assembly.
AdLib : Sue-ger Pops! Hi Sue!
kesmarn : The RW spin machine is already putting out the message that the protesters are breaking windows, vandalizing property, and harassing drivers in whatever neighborhood they’re in. Or so my RW radio listening friends tell me.
AdLib : Chris – Yep, that’s what I’ve been saying as well. It seems intuitive that there will be a concerted effort to create and provoke violence and chaos. As Baggers proved in The House, their agenda is helped if the system can be sabotaged. If the very idea of popular sentiment, as reflected by OWS, can be publicly painted as a threat and scary to Americans, the thinking is, the American Public will just throw the whole populist baby out with the chaotic bathwater.
Emerald1943 : SUE!!!! We couldn’t start until you got here! I have to admit that I fell asleep and the “pop” woke me up!
ChrisR266 : Em: I do believe so, as well. We’re going to see some crazy ass shit, especially after things like SB5 goes down and the Walker recall gains momentum.
KillgoreTrout : chris, that’s correct. The people in OWS stress the need for peaceful assembly. But there will surely be more infil-taitors, as the movement grows.
SueInCa : Hey E, I was on twitter and heard pops, just dawned on me it was Vox
Emerald1943 : KT, what are you going to speak about?
Emerald1943 : Chris, it’s going to be a long, cold winter! I have so much respect for the people who are hanging in there.
Emerald1943 : Murph, I can’t wait to read it! This is very exciting! I want so much to see the movement succeed!
ChrisR266 : Yeah, Em and Kes, I really do believe this will be the way until the election. I put nothing past the monied backers of the GOPTEA.
KillgoreTrout : Em, I don’t know. If I get a shot, I will have to speak my mind.
MurphTheSurf3 : All- “A Vision of and for Occupy America” is in its third draft. You guys were the source of the first draft. Tonight’s on line with the civil disobedience old guard looked at the third draft. I am planning to publish here sometime this weekend in some capacity. A BUNCH OF YOU HELPED. Many, Many Thanks.
Emerald1943 : Chris, that’s heavy!! Paid subversive entities!
kesmarn : Chris, you and AdLib are definitely on the same page.
AdLib : Em – True Oakland PD has an awful track record. LAPD have had their terrible Rodney King moments too. Right now though, I think it’s better.
ChrisR266 : Kilgore: I think, despite my more rational mental partition, that the violence will escalate because of paid subversive entities injected into the fray, not because of violent ideological entities colliding.
Emerald1943 : KT, are you going to speak?
KillgoreTrout : Em, yes it’s Occupy Columbus. It’s a general assembly for people to state goals and ways to achieve goals. Everybody gets a chance to speak, for three minutes. Or that’s the plan anyway.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, anything on your head is better than nothing. Bike helmets are not too sturdy but might deflect a blow or a canister.
AdLib : KT – At least a lightweight bicycle helmet could be handy to bring and use if necessary.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, Oakland PD has a terrible reputation!
Emerald1943 : KT, is that an Occupy thing tomorrow in Columbus? Do you have your helmet ready?
KillgoreTrout : So far, things haven’t gotten too out of control, but I fear that the larger this movement grows, the more potential for violence against the people. Better to be safe than sorry.
AdLib : Em – Absolutely, the Mayor of LA has much to do with the tone of the police here. But in general, I think there is less of the Oakland PD sensibility here.
kesmarn :
Sabreen60 : Murph in the Hiz-zos. Ok I’m trying to sound like Michael Steele – yuk.
Emerald1943 : Hey Murph! How’s it going tonight?
AdLib : Hey Murph!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I would think that comes from the mayor of LA.
kesmarn : Hey, Murph!
Sabreen60 : WOW Bito. Talk about bringing back memories.
MurphTheSurf3 : Hi, all
AdLib : KT – Absolutely, motorcycle helmets and heavy padded coats are great things to have on if police are expected to be “protecting” the public at an OWS protest. Not to say all cops deserve concern, here in LA, the LAPD has been great.
KillgoreTrout : Em, I think they do. Both types of helmets would work fine. No more brain injuries from CS cannisters!
Emerald1943 : Kes, it’s pretty bad that to exercise freedom of speech in this country, you have to wear a helmet and a face mask! Sad state of affairs!
Emerald1943 : KT, yep! They make those for football helmets, don’t they?
kesmarn : KT, I’ve thought that too. The Occupy people need to get some protection from clubs and tear gas.
ChrisR266 : Good evening, AdLib.
KillgoreTrout : Em, gotta have the face shields. Pepper spray!
AdLib : Hey Chris!
AdLib : KT – Agreed, OWS will result in, at the very least, a strong anti-GOP sentiment by next year. There is a hesitation about voting for Dems though among the OWS protesters though most Americans agreeing with them may be more driven to vote.
Emerald1943 : Chris, I’m OK, thanks. Just hangin’ out, bitching about the usual stuff!
ChrisR266 : Hi Kes.
Sabreen60 : Hi Chris!
ChrisR266 : Hi KT–hear you’re on your way downtown tomorrow. Looks to be an exciting day.
kesmarn : Hey, Chris!
Emerald1943 : KT, at least…football helmets would be better!
KillgoreTrout : Hey chris!
ChrisR266 : I’m fine, Em. I hope you are the same?
Emerald1943 : CHRIS!! Great to see you again! How are you doing?
KillgoreTrout : The protesters really should look into getting motorcycle helmets with face shields.
bito : Hot off our twitter feed: The Revolution Will Not Be Televised «link»
ChrisR266 : Good evening everyone. How y’all are?
Emerald1943 : Kes, Brietbart and O’Keefe tried to get themselves into the New York OWS, but they were recognized.
AdLib : O’Keefe types will be part of the assault but I think violence is likely, it is a prime tool for undermining populist movements.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, my gut tells me you are right. It’s going to get ugly! I hope OWS is ready for them.
KillgoreTrout : I think the OWS movement will be a plus for Obama’s re-election. Because there are many, many RWers that are hurting too.
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib, fertile ground for the James O’Keefe crowd.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, you know they will vote it down! I really kinda’ hope they keep it up. They are going to pay for it in spades at the polls next year!
AdLib : There will be some pretty brutal efforts against OWS, Dems and Obama supporters this year. I fear that it will get ugly, these monsters know what’s at stake and whether they try to suppress the vote or pose as Dems or OWS and commit crimes, be prepared.
KillgoreTrout : kes, you are probably right. These people have no souls.
Sabreen60 : Kes
kesmarn : Jinx, Sabreen!
Sabreen60 : Bito, it would not surprise me if they voted it down. How is it being paid for?
kesmarn : They’ll probably insist that any $$$ that go to Vets for jobs must be balanced by cuts in healthcare and food to small children.
Emerald1943 : KT, the timing is PERFECT! With Veterans’ Day, it’s just the kind of thing PBO would do!
KillgoreTrout : bito, crapping on the vets would really, really look bad. I just think the GOPTPers don’t care. Stopping Obama is their only priority now.
Emerald1943 : Bito, that’s what I was talking about. That will put them between the rock and a hard place for sure! Support the troops, remember???
kesmarn : Cars plowing into demonstrators seems to be growing in popularity…unf ortunately. And they make it look so “accidental.”
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, that’s too bad. I don’t want to see anyone get hurt.
bito : Next week the the Vet’s part of the jobs bill comes up, let’s see those bastards block that part!
KillgoreTrout : If bito went out for pizza, he better bring back enough for all of us!
Emerald1943 : KT, I would bet that PBO will put out the next part of his Jobs Act this coming week. It will be for the veterans…just in time for Veterans’ Day on the 11th! Now that should get Cantor’s panties in a wad!
Sabreen60 : Em, No at least one protester, I think.
kesmarn : Hello, b’ito! (Missed your earlier greeting!) are you still lurking or did you go out for pizza?
KillgoreTrout : Oh kes, I gotta go. Such an event in RW Columbus is not to be missed!
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, what? Did they run over the Kochs? Well, we can only hope!
KillgoreTrout : The repubs are really going to have to answer to the people why they are standing in the way of job creation. Those sick bastids!
kesmarn : Oh…I am praying, AdLib! And glad I already voted!
Sabreen60 : I just read a blip about a car plowing into people at the OccupyDC at the Koch offices. Anyone have info?
AdLib : 4 days until the OH election! What a symbol it will be if the people defeat Repub Puppet Govs!
kesmarn : KT, just saw the news about Occupy Columbus and very proud of you for going tomorrow!
Sabreen60 : No worries Kes.
Emerald1943 : Kes, you forgot to include the AA community that goes to church on Sunday and then to the polls.
kesmarn : OOPps! I mean Sabreen…see whatta mean? Tired!
Emerald1943 : Kes, you said you voted already…probab ly good that you did.
kesmarn : Hey, Sabeen!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sabreen, good to “see,” you!
Emerald1943 : KT and Kes, I want to come too! That would be so exciting!
kesmarn : Em, that early shut down on absentee was part of a general “reform” in Ohio that was calculated to disenfranchise the poor, the elderly and minorities.
bito : Hello, I will probably be lurking as usual.
KillgoreTrout : Hey kes! Did you see that there is going to be an Occupy Columbus rally tomorrow, in front of the state house?
AdLib : Hey Sabreen! And I resemble that remark!
Emerald1943 : Sabreen! Glad to see you! Whassssup??
Sabreen60 : Hello sane folks!
kesmarn : Poor Angela! So smart and still the “butt” of a lotta bad jokes. And Em, I am still ambulatory after a loooooong day!
Emerald1943 : Kes, how come your state AG shut down the early voting in Ohio??
Emerald1943 : Kes! Hi there, sweet lady! How are you tonight?
AdLib : “no organization”
AdLib : Evening Kes!
Emerald1943 : BITO!!! Glad you are here! I’m sure Cain could do a much better job of it! He might even try to rub something besides her shoulders!!!
AdLib : Hey Bito!
KillgoreTrout : hey bito!
AdLib : Cain is a clown, unelectable and has now organization to get him elected in primaries. We really shouldn’t be bothering with him. Perry has enough cash to manipulate Baggers via tv ads and Romney has Wall Street and the Kochs pulling his strings. Yet, I still have to say that Romney is not a slam dunk. So many people see him for the fraud and jerk he is.
kesmarn : Good Friday evening, friends. Been doing a little home health care with the Fave 5th grader here sick today. She’s gone home now and her nurse is winding down fast.
bito : Wonder if Cain could out do Bush w/ PM Merkel in offending her?
KillgoreTrout : Everytime I think of Cain and the Koch Brothers, I can’t help thinking of the movie “Trading Places.”
Emerald1943 : Adlib, if the unemployment numbers will keep going down, even if it’s just a little at the time, should put PBO in a good place by next November.
AdLib : And it sure looks like despite all of the GOP’s efforts…things may be getting a little better.
KillgoreTrout : I really do think Romney will be “the chosen one.” At least he looks a little presidential. In a Ken Doll sort of way!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, that works for me! This guy is unbelievable! I don’t know what to think anymore. Performance artist, jokester, Koch brothers clown, ?????
AdLib : KT – Every woman he “presses”?
AdLib : How can we not discuss Cain and the state of the GOP race?
Emerald1943 : KT, his wife is a little skinny thing!
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, who would be Cain’s “Olive Oyle?”
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I yam too! Now what are we going to discuss tonight? I need a little heads up to get my thoughts going.
AdLib : Or, “Eat my shorts”?
AdLib : Now that we know Cain likes to use cartoons for his poetry, how about, “I yam what I yam and that’s all what I yam”?
Emerald1943 : KT, he definitely wouldn’t understand it.
KillgoreTrout : Cain wouldn’t like my stuff. Too human!
Emerald1943 : KT, just keep writing that beautiful poetry! Maybe Cain can use some of it for inspiration!
AdLib : AB – Your new theme song, “Hello, I must be going!”
KillgoreTrout : I don’t know if they make one short enough for the likes of me!
Emerald1943 : KT, don’t complain to the admin…it won’t help you at all!
KillgoreTrout : AdLib, gggrrrroooaaan!
Emerald1943 : KT, short bus??? BWAaahaha!
KillgoreTrout : I live just outside Columbus. Just a short bus ride away.
AdLib : EM – Saw that about Cain’s “poetry…but didn’t he get in trouble for his Pokewoman as well as his Pokeman?
Emerald1943 : AB, You’ll be the first to know!
AlphaBitch : Do I WANT to see? Hell yeah!
Emerald1943 : AB, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!
KillgoreTrout : Absolutely Em. It’s all I can do to manage wordpress.
AlphaBitch : Hi and now bye. Always the Mad Hatter – MIL is leaving tomorrow, so must dash. Just wanted to say, loved the EM & KT exchange of “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours!” (Photos) Wow, this gets racy. Now bye, and y’all bein’ have now, heah??
AdLib : Cool Killgore!
Emerald1943 : KT, wow! That sounds great! Do you live in Columbus?
Emerald1943 : KT, technologically challenged!
KillgoreTrout : I’m going to the Occupy Columbus General Assembly tomorrow. !0,000 are expected. If we get that many, it will be awesome.
KillgoreTrout : Same here Em. A computer wiz, I am not.
AdLib : Em – You can just go to gravatar dot com to change it.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I would love to be there. I’ll bet it will be really interesting. I hope somebody puts video online.
Emerald1943 : KT, I can’t remember how to change avatars. I have a picture that would work, but don’t know how to do it.
AdLib : Em – I would like to go, don’t know if I can.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, are you going to the Occupy LA Teach thing?
KillgoreTrout : A shihtzu in the snow? Now there’s a sight! LOL. I don’t look anything like KV. Younger looking .
AdLib : Emerald – Rainy day and night in LA so kind of an offbeat day today but okay.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, did you see what I posted about Herman’s poetry? Rachel has called him out!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, perfect! Especially the Sarah Pain part!
AdLib : Sarah Pain and Herman Calin.
Emerald1943 : KT, I don’t know who I look like, but I can tell you that I don’t look like a shih tzu in the snow.
KillgoreTrout : Love it AdLib, Herman Calin!
Emerald1943 : KT, I could handle that!
KillgoreTrout : Em, I’ve been told that I look a lot like Peter Fonda, only shorter!
AdLib : Herman Calin.
Emerald1943 : KT, I’ll change my picture if you will!
KillgoreTrout : Herman Cain, the male Sarah Palin!
Emerald1943 : KT, we seriously need to change our avatars. I know what Kurt V. looks like, but I would like to see a picture of you! :-0
Emerald1943 : KT, you know Jon Stewart is going to have to get this one! I can’t wait!
KillgoreTrout : Em, sort of “seeing “you.
KillgoreTrout : Roadkill is right. Yeah Em, I think it’s hilarious. I can’t wait to see Stewart or Colbert take this up.
Emerald1943 : KT, Sort of good? Or sort of “seeing” me?
Emerald1943 : Hi Adlib! What’s happening??
KillgoreTrout : hi Em. Good to see you. (sort of)
AdLib : KT – You mean “road kill”?
Emerald1943 : KT, isn’t that story about Herman’s poetry just priceless!!
AdLib : Hey Emerald, good evening to you!
Emerald1943 : Hello everyone!
KillgoreTrout : Good, just enjoying the Herman Cain Roadside Attraction! LOL
AdLib : Hey Killgore! Doing well myself, how about you?
KillgoreTrout : Hi, what’s up AdLib?
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
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