AdLib : Sounds great! See you then and inbetween! Get some rest and feel well!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, thanks for everything you do also. This place is a treasure! I can’t thank you enough! We’ll do this again next week! Can’t wait! Good night!
AdLib : Well Emerald, looks like it’s closing time, You can take your beer with you if you like. Thanks so much for all you contribute here, can’t say enough how wonderful it is to have you here again! Have a great weekend!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I agree! I’m not up on the Top 40 artists anymore, but surely somebody like Bono could come up with something.
AdLib : Cher – Ditto on all that Emerald said, you are a treasure!
AdLib : Em – Good one! I can think of many songs that fit OWS, some big name singer or group should come out with a populist song right now, would be a big hit and maybe an anthem for OWS.
Emerald1943 : Cher, a big thank you for all your hard work on DP! This is such a good feature for PPOV and I look forward to it every day! You’re a good friend too!
Have a good night!
AdLib : Night Cher, sleep well!
Emerald1943 : Cher, I LOVE this! Brings back memories! But I still think the OWS movement needs to adopt the song from “Les Miserables”, “Can You Hear the People Sing”
Chernynkaya : Anyway friends, that’s all I got. Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow!
Chernynkaya : Em–that’s the song I tried to post and AL saved me. “Every vow you break, every smile you fake–I’ll be watching!”
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I could have been very, very good to him! LMAO
AdLib : Anytime!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, now that’s a good song! Love me some Sting!
Chernynkaya : My hero!
AdLib : Cher: «link»
Chernynkaya : Ah, fergettaboutit!
Chernynkaya : https://www.yout ube.com/watch?v= cEnJDaqT3-0
Chernynkaya : DANG!«link» youtube.com/watc h?v=cEnJDaqT3-0
funksands : didn’t work
Emerald1943 : Cher, that link isn’t working.
funksands : Cher:
Chernynkaya : Oh yeah Funk! well, here;s the OWS song:«link» youtube.com/watc h?v=cEnJDaqT3-0
Emerald1943 : Funk, that’s great! What a set of pipes that Barry has!
AdLib : Thanks Funk, you have a great weekend too!
Emerald1943 : Cher, if we can just give the rich a few more tax breaks and let them have just a bit more money, then maybe they will make jobs for the rest of us slaves! That’s the ticket!
funksands : This song goes out to all of the rich folk out there from little Eric Cantor. «link»
Chernynkaya : Heh–don’t laugh. That IS the speech. seriously!
Emerald1943 : Adlib,
Chernynkaya : They keep shoveling the same shit–don;t hurt the rich’s feelings! I hope they stick to that talking point.
AdLib : Actually, I have video of his speech: «link»
Emerald1943 : Funk, sleep well!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, the article says that the speech contained NO policy proposals…typi cal!
Chernynkaya : You too, funk!
funksands : Ad, its ready to go. Have a good weekend everyone!!!
Chernynkaya : here’s a preview of Cantor’s speech «link»
AdLib : Em – I can hardly believe that people saying the things that Cain and the other Repubs are saying…could be considered for the Presidency. It’s a bit insane.
PatsyT : That was missing an L Love you All
Emerald1943 : Good night, Patsy! Great to see you here!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I’ve got some bucks to throw in for that too! Anything to get that little b*stard out of Congress!
Chernynkaya : Ok Patsy–good to see you–sleep tight!
AdLib : Night Patsy!
PatsyT : ong distance phone call Have to say goodnight
AdLib : Cher – No idea but I know whoever challenged him would get a ton of contributions. Including from me.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, like Cain says, “if you’re not rich, don’t blame the banks. Blame yourself!”
Chernynkaya : AL–know if Cantor has a good challenger?
Chernynkaya : Em–I don;t know who if anyone is running in his seat.
AdLib : And the thrust of Cantor’s speech was that we’re all wrong for talking about inequality, we should instead give them more money to create jobs and then we’ll all be wealthy!
Emerald1943 : Cher, what a slimy little coward! I hope the Dems have somebody good running against him for his seat!
Chernynkaya : The University was the host of the speech. They told Cantor up front that it would be open to the public ahead of time. But Cantor said he thought his speech would be before a hand-picked audience–not true.
Emerald1943 : Cher, that’s great! He doesn’t have the b*lls to face the OWS people, not after he called them “mobs”!
Emerald1943 : Cher, Penn did what??
Chernynkaya : Em, Cantor was to give a major speech today on income inequality–whic h in itself is preposterous. Then the OWS-PA said they were coming and he cancelled.
AdLib : EM – Cantor was scared off by the attendance of OWS and many other groups that were there to confront him at his speech…so he bailed and never showed. Coward!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, now Cantor is one little slimy weasel that I really, really want to see defeated! I loved it that the President took his bus tour to Richmond, Cantor’s district, to push the Jobs bill.
Chernynkaya : And weasely wussy that he is, he claimed it was because U Penn changed the attendance–whic h they refuted.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I had forgotten that he was supposed to do that. What happened?
AdLib : Cher – I LOVED that! And it’s the change I’m talking about. These Baggers, when they are back in state and campaigning, are going to face the people like never before. They’re all in for a rude awakening.
Chernynkaya : AL It’s still true and I’d still forgot!
Chernynkaya : AL–YES, that’s true.I forgot!
Chernynkaya : As a change of subject–how wonderful was it that Cantor cancelled his speech today–the one where he was going to address income inequality–HAH!
AdLib : Cher – You’re giving way too much importance to the polls. Remember the polls we put up earlier from last time? They we’re all way off. If you want to know if people want the Repubs in office, look at the longer term polls like historically low numbers for Congress and the OWS protests growing. Looking at that, you have to see that it is happening.
Chernynkaya : AL–yes–cannot forget the useless media!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, how is the petition going on the voter suppression thing?
Emerald1943 : Patsy, the Koch’s have so much money they can throw it away until Dooms Day and still have plenty left over!
AdLib : Patsy – But paying taxes would help other people whereas the Kochs throwing money away on their own agenda wouldn’t. Simple greed-related logic.
Chernynkaya : AL–sadly–MANY idjuts would answer “Romney.” I don;t want to be pessimistic, but I don;t see a sea change yet in the voters. I can’t understand it at all, but until I see the polls really changing–and to tell you the truth I have an increasingly hard time believing the polls–it’ll still be closer than it should be.
AdLib : Cher – Afghanistan and Iraq for that matter aren’t big issues because the MSM won’t cover them much so the public doesn’t think about them. This is good though, getting out of Iraq though I agree, announcing a bigger draw down in Afghanistan would be a great thing to hear soon.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, the President has taken away much more than foreigh policy from the thugs. He has also blown a hole in that old meme of the Dems being soft on terror!
PatsyT : throw opps
PatsyT : Gee do those Koch bros really want to though all this money away Maybe they should just pay their taxes
Chernynkaya : I don’t understand why Afghanistan is not a bigger issue–given the cost if nothing else.
AdLib : Hey, if Obama ran a “Who do you want picking up the red phone at 2 am?” against Romney, who’s going to choose Romney?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, the talking points are getting funny. Today, I noticed that every single one of the rethugs who got the chance to put down the President, all of them used the phrase about “thanking France and Britain” for getting Qaddafi. It was comical to see them using the exact same words. Boehner’s copy machine must have been burning up!
PatsyT : Cher Yes It could happen!
AdLib : Romney is an expert at double talk but he can’t change his past. Taking foreign policy away from the Repubs, which Obama has effectively done, could be more powerful next year depending on events.
Chernynkaya : Wouldn’t it be awesome if next years’ “October Surprise” is the announcement that we are withdrawing from Afghanistan ASAP?
Chernynkaya : Yep–that was perfect! All he knows about foreign policy is shipping jobs overseas. That’ll stick with some Indies, I bet.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, OH SNAP!! That was a great response! I saw that earlier on Lawrence and laughed out loud! Romney deserved that one!
AdLib : Bam!
AdLib : I did like the Obama admin’s response to Romney: “The President kept his pledge to the nation to end the war in Iraq in a responsible way, he has promoted our security in Afghanistan and eliminated key Al Qaeda leaders while strengthening American leadership around the world. Mitt Romney didn’t lay out a plan to end the war in Iraq in his foreign policy agenda – he barely even mentioned Iraq – but he is apparently willing to leave American troops there without identifying a new mission. Mitt Romney’s foreign policy experience is limited to his work as a finance executive shipping American jobs overseas.”
Emerald1943 : Cher, I knew you didn’t mean it personally…did you????
Foxx is an imbecile! It is almost comical to see her get up and make a “speech” on the floor of the House. She reads what Boehner gives her to read. And when he is speaking, she tries to get her mug into the camera shot by just wedging herself into the frame.
Chernynkaya : Well that’s what drives me insane–the fact that NOTHING Obama can do and has done is good in their eyes. It’s truly blind seething hatred. It’s the very worst because it proves how stupid raccsim make one.
PatsyT : Oh I have Issa as my new congress man Let me tell you We are organizing … Em I did not mean you in person Do you guys have a candidate running?
Emerald1943 : Patsy, thanks for your vote of confidence! I’m entirely too unqualified to run for US Congress, but I would if I could!!! She is such an embarrassment! The district is HUGE and there are lots of repugs in it. Hard to find someone to run against her.
Chernynkaya : Oops so sorry, Em. But you can’t be held accountable for a whole district. And I just read the explanation–so that’s good.
PatsyT : Em get out there and take her down! Never think it can’t be done!
AdLib : How can anyone take the Repubs seriously? In the couple of months, Obama killed Bin Laden, took out the #2 in Al Qaeda, helped defeat Gaddafi…I mean hell!
Chernynkaya : AL–I LOVED that Romney said the “mission isn’t accomplished.” Love it! He stepped in a shit pile of his own making.
Emerald1943 : Cher, be careful! That’s my home you’re talking about!
PatsyT : Wow Em even in death she is committed to the cause
Emerald1943 : Adlib, yes, this is a pretty red area. But I am proud to say that we went Blue for the President. Foxx also lost in this county, her home county last election, but the rest of the large district brought her in.
Chernynkaya : She’s a talking douche bag, that idiot Foxx. She must be from a real retarded district.
AdLib : What did you think of Romney attacking Obama for adhering to the Iraq withdrawal plan Bush negotiated?
Emerald1943 : CL, Foxx died years ago. They just bring her out and flip her switch so she can stand there and repeat talking points. What a good little foot soldier!
PatsyT : Cher, I wonder if they can put a fix in on the polls with more ease then election day
choicelady : Thank you all – love you right back! You keep me going with ideas, strength, laughter, and great insights! ‘Night all!
AdLib : Em – Isn’t Foxx in a very red district though? Who else would elect such a tool?
Chernynkaya : Oh well, then goodnight CL– sleep well!
Emerald1943 : CL, it was great talking with you tonight! You’ve been working too much…and we’ve missed you! Rest well, my friend! And feel better!
PatsyT : Love you for all you do ChoiceLady! Nighty Night
choicelady : Em – I don’t think you can outs Foxx since I’m not at all convinced she’s alive.
AdLib : Night Cl – Have a relaxing evening and a wonderful weekend!
Chernynkaya : Em– Hawaii IS blue–polls mean nothing at all this far form the election.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Sabreen
AdLib : Ford is not a good guy but Corker is a weasel. Ford represents everything that has undermined the Dems doing things for the people, he’s a corporate DLCer and a fraud. Glad he’s not running and maybe a real Dem can beat Corker now.
Emerald1943 : CL, now if we can just find somebody to oust Virginia Foxx!!! We had a pretty good candidate last time, as far as his creds were concerned, but he didn’t have much charisma. Didn’t catch on with the voters.
choicelady : Well folks – even tho I’m on Left Coast time, I’m packing it in. Up at 5:00 to get hubby to the plane and not much sleep anyway – the hip problem is still annoying and painful. It sucks that picketing for labor now costs me my back when I did that for YEARS without any problem. I refuse however to admit it MIGHT be because I’m older. Cough. So good night all! See you soon!
Chernynkaya : Oh AL thanks–that ending is still uplifting. I also loved the scene when he’s on the chain gang and they show the Marx bros (?) at movie time, and he has his epiphany.
AdLib : Night Sabreen!
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, have a great night! Sleep well! See you tomorrow, I hope!
choicelady : Night Sabreen.
Sabreen60 : Well folks I’m gonna call it a night. Everyone take care and stay strong.
choicelady : As for why Nelson doesn’t change parties, I can’t say. I think he’s too lazy to start over courting new allies. I just wish he’d BEEN a Republican and be done with it.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, Ford may not have been “all that” but at least he is a Dem. Corker is so smarmy! I cannot stand to hear him talk. He has that typical repub holier-than-thou attitude.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I thought that Hawaii was solidly BLUE!
AdLib : Em – Right with you! I’d love to see Corker trounced!
Sabreen60 : CL, Really?? Come on. He can’t be THAT stupid. Well, if you say so
Emerald1943 : CL, I don’t get Nelson. Why doesn’t he just change parties? Others have certainly done it.
Chernynkaya : They day Hawaii senate seat is up for grabs and Linda Lingle (R) is climbing in the polls, but I know HA, and don’t buy it.
choicelady : Hey – I hail from Nebraska and I can assure you Ben Nelson does not have to be bought and paid for. He’s just stupid.
AdLib : Ending scene of Sullivan’s Travels: «link»
PatsyT : Right on Sabreen B Nelson is bought
Emerald1943 : Cher, I don’t know much about Ford, but that campaign was really something! Very ugly! I lost all respect for Corker.
choicelady : AdLib – I think most of the midwest Bagger seats will prove to be one term operations. They have SO disgraced themselves! Not sure about some of the others, but the buffoons who voted against Medicare then whined it was MEAN of the Dems to hold them accountable – they will DIE from the sheer embarassment of the ads showing their weasel words!
Chernynkaya : Em true about Corker, but I cannot abide Harold Ford either.
Emerald1943 : CL, I think West was on Bill Maher’s a few times…for money, of course, to promote the first AA President. But after that, nothing!
Sabreen60 : Nelson is straight up bought and paid for. I don’t even consider him a Blue Dog. He’s not a Democrat. He just has a D after his name.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, thanks for the link. I would love to see that mealy-mouth Corker from Tennessee get taken down a notch. I will never forgive him for the slimy campaign he ran against Harold Ford.
choicelady : ‘Night Murph – glad things here got a tad easier for you!
Chernynkaya : AL and CL and the message of the movie was so wonderful!
choicelady : Em – but what did West do for Obama during the campaign? He was nowhere visible I can recall.
Emerald1943 : CL, he’s just pissed off that President Obama didn’t invite him to the inauguration with special tickets.
AdLib : EM – Yes, Nelson is up for re-election in 2012. Here’s a list of Senate seats up in 2012. I think we can keep the Senate: «link»
PatsyT : Nighty Night Murph
choicelady : Em – West said on Ed last night that he’d been held 24 hours with cuffs and ankle shackles. That’s LYING isn’t it?
Emerald1943 : CL, Nelson Mandela!
choicelady : Cher – I liked Sullivan’s Travels. It was really good.
AdLib : Cher – Sullivan’s Travels is one of my all time favorites! Love Preston Sturges!
choicelady : Em – NO one under those circumstance is charged with anything, not even disorderly conduct. Violations are almost meaningless but DO put you through the system a little in the sheer faint hope you’ll never come back. West makes it sound like he’s Nelson Mandela. Give it UP man!
PatsyT : Think of it this way… every pack of cigs makes repubs rich Don’t give them any of your dough!
Sabreen60 : Nite Murph
Chernynkaya : Good work, Murph!!
AdLib : Take care Murph!
Emerald1943 : CL, the video I saw of West did not show any leg shackles. Only zip strips on the wrists. They walked him into the building. He was not charged but was released a few minutes later.
PatsyT : Hey smokers .. I was there a good 25 years ago .. It can happen, you can do it, don’t be tough on yourself, I did it with out any of that stuff the big pharma wants to sell you.
Chernynkaya : AL–I’ll have to read that–missed it! My favorite depression movie is Sullivan’s Travels.
Emerald1943 : CL, it was reported tonight that West was not charged with anything.
choicelady : Em – oh, I am sure West did it for theater. What gripes me is the numbers of people who buy it as “sacrifice”. He said he had leg shackles. Bet NOT. I’ve been around a bit – they don’t bother. Too much hassle for what is probably a violation not even a misdemeanor. I used to watch busts of Operation Rescue – exactly the same, always violations, and they do NOT keep you hanging around unless there are a LOT of people to book. But you aren’t even fingerprinted or photographed. He’s not telling the truth. it’s right up there with the whooping and hollering about how Dan Choi is gonna be clapped in irons and do hard time for picketing Obama at the White House. Nope. He was on talk shows almost minutes later – it’s pro forma and carries very little weight. The 11 clergy (some of them whom I know well) got ordered to stay OUT of the Capitol for 6 months after their arrests. They had to do drug tests though! Moral to the story – get busted OUTDOORS not indoors – fewer penalties!
Emerald1943 : Murph, good for you! I know they need you! See you later, I hope!
AdLib : Funk – If you can do WMT so it can be up by sometime tomorrow morning, great!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ooooh gotta run, I am still doing resource work for two small Occupy groups and they NEVER plan ahead….their nature and a worry I have….need to lend them a logistics hand.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, is Nelson up for re-election?
Chernynkaya : Sabreen totally agree about teh Blue Dogs! except Nelson. I checked his record and he’s really a Repub in all his votes.
Sabreen60 : Commit Lozenges worked for me. But then I got hooked on the lozenges and had to kick that habit. I used Ice Breakers to kick the lozenges. Now I’m hooked on Ice Breakers, but it could be worst
AdLib : Sabreen – I’m okay about Blue Dogs being elected except for those who block the most important bills, as Blanche Lincoln, Ben Nelson and Lieberman have. Blanche is gone, Lieberman will be gone and Nelson, don’t know but he’s an enemy of most things we support so I wouldn’t be sad to see him go unless it meant losing control of the Senate. I’ll take a 50 + VP majority rather than have Nelson any more.
Emerald1943 : Murph, that’s what makes me so mad! When the chips are down, the blues seem to vote with the rethugs! What’s up with that?
PatsyT : I will be fascinated watching how OWS pulls the county and the election .. I think this is the ticket
Chernynkaya : Oh gee! Night Funk and kes! Boo hoo!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen….there are not many Blues left and their tightrope walking backfired on several on the list I posted. I do not know in the current environment if one can have a foot in both camps. In seems on the critical votes the Blues go Red.
Emerald1943 : Kes, it was good to see you here! I love our conversations! See you later…and rest well!
AdLib : Night Funk! Night Kes!
Emerald1943 : CL, too bad we don’t have the ol’ pork barrel to bribe them anymore!
choicelady : Night kes and funk – see you soon. Sweet dreams!
AdLib : Funk – I wrote an article a while back about a film, Gabriel Over the White House” that was made in the 1930’s, in the midst of The Depression, which gives a Capra-esque view of America as a dictatorship. A weak president has a religious moment and becomes dictatorial and we’re supposed to be rooting for him because he rights all the wrongs and turns the country around, before dying. There is indeed a flirtation with dictatorships when things are bad and people wish someone had the power to just change things. It can be very dangerous.
PatsyT : Nighty Night Kes
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, I guess you’re right about the blue dogs, but I am really pissed off at Nelson for the way he votes. This jobs bill was so important. I know his vote would not have made a difference, but it is principle to help the President.
choicelady : Murph – yup. Those would be the Blue Dogs. I’d love to get rid of some of them but NOT if it means losing control of the house. I believe in incentives, blackmail and threats within your own party. Time honored politics.
Sabreen60 : Night Funk. Night Kes.
Emerald1943 : CL, West did that to increase his “creds”, not because he really believes in the protests. I cannot abide that man!
Sabreen60 : I think my attitude about Blue Dogs is evolving. They vote with the liberal Dems about 80% of the time. If it comes down to a Blue Dog winning an election in a conservative state or a Republican, I’ll take the Blue Dog. I know the Republican will vote zero times with the Democrats. At least with the Blue Dog there is a chance. A progressive won’t get elected in a red state or a red district.
kesmarn : G’night, funk! I think it’s time for me to call it a day, too, friends. Have a wonderful weekend!
PatsyT : All the Best Funk!
MurphTheSurf3 : Adios Funk……
choicelady : Sabreen – I thought Wise was marvelous. I have had a belly full of people who get busted like this – out quickly – and act as if they should be treated like martyrs. A whole bunch of union people got busted here last week – they do that over and over and over. West? Fugeddaboudit.
Emerald1943 : Funk, rest well my friend! See you later!
Emerald1943 : Cher, hurry back!
funksands : I have to go folks. Its been real. Ad, if still need the WMT, I should have it done soon. Been a busy week.
Chernynkaya : bbl
Emerald1943 : CL, I certainly can! I wish I had half the money back that I’ve spent TRYING to quit! Patches, filters, gum, hypnosis, etc., etc….all to no avail!
funksands : America is in an official fascist-curious phase. Not sure where that is headed. Congress being utterly broken makes people long for an even stronger Executive branch.
choicelady : Em – then you can utterly sympathize with Obama on doing without nicotine!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I really hope so! Walker is so smarmy!
funksands : Cher, not sure.
MurphTheSurf3 : Here is the actual Blue Dog breakdown that blocked health care and a whole host of reforms in the Senate when Pelosi had the House. Evan Bayh (Ind.); Mark Pryor (Ark.), Blanche Lincoln (Ark.), Mary Landrieu (La.), Ben Nelson (Neb.), Jim Webb (Va.), and Mark Warner (Va.) plus Joe Liebermann – who is an independent which means he spies on the dems in their caucus meetings and then votes against the.
choicelady : AdLib – Tester was a pretty good middle of the road Dem. He got his hat handed to him though – his refusal to vote for cloture last time got him a wave of rage from his own, so he DID vote this most recent vote. That ought to get him to be who he is that got him elected.
AdLib : Em – The Dems organizing the signature gathering to recall Walker are prepping to launch their petition next month. I think they only have 30 days to get the total signatures needed which is quote a lot so they’re trying to get all ready so they can make the most out of that time. I think they will succeed and if they do, even with all the Koch money pouring in, Walker will be gone!
Sabreen60 : Yeah Murph about as mad as I get when I see West. I turned on the TV and saw West being handcuffed in Harlem. I saw Tim Wise on the TV and talked about elite whites (he could have included blacks) gladly marching off to jail because they don’t have the same frame of reference as the black and brown guys who actually live in places like Harlem. Both Michael and West attempt to sell the meme that there is no difference between Dems and Repubs. That all are work for Wall Street. That’s crap.
PatsyT : Yes Choice he needs to retool or something… he is missing the point
Emerald1943 : Cher, I think I saw an article on the animal ban over at Think Progress, but I could be mistaken. I read several blogs every day and forget where I saw stuff!
kesmarn : Cher, my impression is that Kasich dropped the ban on exotic animal ownership as a sort of libertarian statement. Now he’s beginning to understand why laws exist. I hope.
choicelady : Murph – I used to think Michael Moore walked on water. Now I think he’s all wet. He just does NOT get a lot of stuff I’d expect him to. He’s become a buffoon.
Emerald1943 : CL, as I light a ciggie, I am amazed at the man’s abilities! Call me an Obamabot…I admit it! I love my President!!
Chernynkaya : Redd Foxx–Oh my! THAT”S a blast from the past!
AdLib : CL – I don’t know MT well enough to know if a real Dem could be elected there. It may be the only way to get a Dem majority, to have some turncoats with a “D” on their backs. If we can just limit the filibuster, we could make it work for us!
Chernynkaya : Em–I’m not sure Kasich did ban them. I read conflicting reports.
choicelady : Em – I’ve been amazed Obama has taken this criticism so well. I read the policy stuff and solid analysis, and I KNOW what he’s accomplished, but the PL does not bother reading and want instant gratification – to wit West’s drumbeat of Obama’s using Executive Orders. He would if they were LEGAL – W did not care if they were not and West doesn’t either. So I’m aware of what he’s done AND he quit smoking all during that. Now THAT’s impressive!
Chernynkaya : Funk–going down which way though?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, have you heard anything about the signatures to get Walker? I wonder how that’s going.
Chernynkaya : Murph–me too! Moore is really a shallow thinker and not a good Dem. I find him hard to watch now.
AdLib : The Walker recall is going ahead and Dems may indeed take back the Governorship there early next year. Kasich may be Gov for a couple more years but his days are numbered. We can take back our states from the corporate raiders, it’s happening.
funksands : Cher, there is no room for moderates anymore. Its eventually going to lead to some major shit going down.
PatsyT : Yes Murph I am conflicted
funksands : Murph: YES
choicelady : AdLib – I worry about Tester in MT and other of his ilk. He’s trying to run to the Right but that just makes it likely to get picked off by a REAL Republican. Dems need to man up and BE Dems (when they’re men, of course…)
Emerald1943 : CL, did you see that Kasich re-instituted that ban on exotic animals today?
funksands : Em, he asked for the job. I don’t care if he exits the office looking like Redd Foxx. Just do the best you can.
MurphTheSurf3 : Anyone else crazy mad when they see Michael Moore speaking “for the 99 percenters and the Occupy movement”?
kesmarn : Yes, c’lady, it was Moamar Kasich’s fault. He’s the one who dropped the ban on those places. Poor critters!
Chernynkaya : CL–and a number of Blue Dogs won’t be back. It’s down from 33 to the mid 20’s. I wonder if that’s because they are too centrist or too Democratic?
Emerald1943 : CL, I don’t know how the President can stand the ugly things said about him. I guess he’s got really thick skin. I couldn’t take it. I’m too sensitive to be a politician!
choicelady : kes – I did see Mr. Ksich backpeddling like crazy. Do these idiots not EVER think about consequences when they do stupid shit? That Zanesville massacre of wild animals was horrid. And it IS all his fault!
PatsyT : Choice Ed has really backed off of that Obama bashing crap… he know what side his bread is buttered on … and he is checking out the OWS and seeing $ signs
MurphTheSurf3 : Choice- the inventors of “C” apple code and the Unix apple operating system created the computer, Jobs created the brand. They got virtually no credit (or money).
Emerald1943 : CL, absolutely!
choicelady : Em – I think the Pres can withstand ads and the Dems in the House and Senate can do the same. It’s the STATE levels I worry about. We need to keep all of that working well.
kesmarn : c’lady, Moamar K-Sick is showing signs of weakness in other areas, too. Now he’s talking about banning exotic animal ownership and taking another look at redistricting. Hmmm. Wonder why?
AdLib : We do have to be very active on the state and local front, absolutely. I’ve looked at the Senate races and I think, especially with Elizabeth Warren putting MA into play, that the Dems should be able to hold on. As for the House, I think a number of Baggers are going to be sent packing, I think it will be a good year for Dems in the House as long as they and we fight hard. The Repubs only offer destruction, that’s not what people like to vote for.
Emerald1943 : CL, I did see that info about the SB5 bill in Ohio. Great news! Kasich is sweating this one out, I’ll bet. Too bad he can’t be re-called like Walker.
Chernynkaya : I don’t watch ed any more–actually, rarely watch anything. They’re all so stale. but I read that Ed and Lawrence are swapping time slots.
choicelady : Murph – I’ve heard the same thing from people who worked for Jobs. Sorry – NOT impressed by bullies, don’t care who they are.
funksands : Patsy, that’s a good point.
choicelady : Em – that said, I find the polls in Ohio very revealing – No on 2 (SB 5) is leading by 20 points despite Koch money and their ads AND voters said if they had a governor vote do-over Strickland would lead by MAJOR double digits. Too bad too many Obama voters listened to Ed Schultz. I think people are beginning to see that it did not ‘stick it to the Dems” it stuck it to the PEOPLE. Ed’s been much more low key since we started saying that about his stupid ‘don’t vote’ mantra.
Chernynkaya : The only Ok thing about losing the senate while keeping the presidency is a pretty big one–the Veto.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I’m not so worried about the Pro-Wall Street ads as much as I am about the negative ads aimed at the President and the Dem Congress.
PatsyT : Funk if only more assholes were like him…
funksands : Anyway, enough about Jobs, lets talk about jobs.
Sabreen60 : Murph, That’s my concern also. I believe there are more Dems up for re-election than Repubs. If we lose the Senate it won’t be good. However, I think maybe that’s why the Dems won’t touch the filibuster rule. Should be in the minority, we’ll have to do the Repubs what they have done to us.
AdLib : Em – The negative ads will be flooding in since this will be the first Presidential election after Citizens United. But the OWS movement didn’t exist in 2008 either and I don’t know that all that advertising is going to convince someone who’s out of work because banks and corps took away their job, that voting for a pro-bank and pro-Wall Street guy is going to help them.
funksands : MTP3: I have a couple of people who knew him professionally that back that up.
Chernynkaya : Funk yes, he gets that much. Major a-hole!
Emerald1943 : CL, I’ve been really worried about this. They may be looking at putting their energies and money into getting state houses and governorships. This is where they seem to be doing the most damage.
MurphTheSurf3 : JOBS….I have a lot of info re. Jobs from insiders who knew him well. Not a very likeable fellow. He used to have assigned seating at his meetings (via place cards) which indicated how much or how little in favor with him you were. He never spoke with anyone about their performance…he just manipulated them.
funksands : Oops, too soon?
funksands : Cher, but one thing you have to hand Jobs, he was a major asshole.
choicelady : Cher – yes, I’ve had that TT moniker for some years now.
funksands : Ad, Obama still has to step it up a notch. The voter can only be inspired by fear of the GOP so much.
choicelady : Em – I am with you on this. I want Obama for sure, but we NEED the House and Senate, even creepy Blue Doggers. It’s critical, and that IS where the redistricting may impact things badly. That and voter supression.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I am dreading the flush of negative ads that are coming. It will be depressing, I’m sure!
Chernynkaya : Jobs also told Obama he’d be a one-term president. Fuck him!
Emerald1943 : Cher, we’ll have to start calling CL “TT”!
AdLib : Murph – All you say is right on the money. Which is why we have to fight hard this year in what might otherwise be a less competitive election without the voter suppression and Citizens United financing.
funksands : Cher, that is excellent.
choicelady : Cher – I saw the same cartoon – LOVED it! I hear he was pure hell to work for. His biography is so his kids will know WHY he abandoned them for work. Ya think that’ll help?
Emerald1943 : Cher, that’s hilarious about Steve Jobs! Would love to see that one!
funksands : Ad. I agree 100%
Chernynkaya : Tidy Terrorist! That’s gonna stick now, CL!
AdLib : Funk – Romney’s a very flawed default, whose supported things that Baggers hate, is not personally liked or likable and has a big part of his party, the Evangelicals, upset at the notion of a “cultist” in the WH. He is far more beatable than today’s polls would show.
Emerald1943 : Murph, that is definitely a danger. It won’t do us much good if we win the White House but lose both Houses of Congress!
funksands : Romney’s support is a COMPARATIVE support. Not an OBJECTIVE one.
choicelady : funk – that’s great advice! Keep your house clean enough to keep your kids. Well said.
kesmarn : I’ll remember that c’lady and funk. If you’re going to indulge in terror, grooming and housekeeping do matter.
Chernynkaya : Gotta say, I was not so enamored of Steve Jobs. I saw a funny cartoon after he died–remember how the cartoons had him arriving in heaven, and many pointed out he was a Buddhist? well this cartoon had him arriving in the afterlife and his karma had him reborn as a Chinese worker in an Apple factory.
funksands : Choice, that’s awesome.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad-+– the 25 Percent Solution….yes I buy it but I fear that voter suppression of the left, along with voter enhancement on the right, along with legal challenges in every direction….wil l blunt the rage….limit our energy and….in the meantime they work on a GOP Senate and a retained House while grabbing some more state legislatures and Governor’s Mansions.
Emerald1943 : CL,
funksands : Ad, he’s the default. That doesn’t inspire anyone.
choicelady : kes – I once came afoul of an undercover cop from the LAPD terrorist squad. She said I was well dressed and neat in appearance. Led my friends to label me “The Tidy Terrorist”.
funksands : Kes, keep you house clean enough to keep the state from taking your kids away. That’s my motto.
AdLib : CL – You make a great point. If Romney wins the nom, not only will Baggers be discouraged but many Evangelicals simply will not vote for a Mormon and will sit it out. So polls showing Romney stronger against Obama are flawed because they don’t calculate this in.
Emerald1943 : CL, how about that Mrs. Perry? What a fruitcake!
kesmarn : I believe Lincoln was quite a tidy person, too, funk.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, now I can type a comment and not have to scroll back to the top of the page.
choicelady : funk – duty and enthusiasm can be worlds apart. Poor Mrs. R – stuck with that stick.
AdLib : Em – Great!!!
funksands : Isn’t that what everyone remembers Steve Jobs for? His immaculate housekeeping?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, that worked GREAT! Many thanks!
AdLib : Em – Heh! There are no small comments, only small fonts.
kesmarn : funk
funksands : Em, that is a good suggestion.
Chernynkaya : Funk–that’s my motto! Other mottos: I won’t say on my deathbed “I should spent more time at the office.”
choicelady : funk – You mean I don’t want a tombstone saying, “Her house was immaculate”? Wow. Better not tell that to my mother…
Sabreen60 : Funk, Got that right!!!!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I just shrank the entire page and that helped. My touchpad is too sensitive and it keeps moving it around. Most annoying…but that’s just my laptop.
funksands : Choice: No, its her duty.
funksands : Sabreen, might as well burn it at both ends. You aren’t going to end your life wishing you cleaned your house more.
choicelady : funk – Not evern MRS. Romney?
kesmarn : Em, I guess I shouldn’t have said “shrink”– The font is still the same size but the dialogue box is smaller.
AdLib : Em – As Kes said, you can adjust the size of the comment box using the plus and minus signs (+ -) under the bottom right hand corner of the comment box.
funksands : Choice, he really doesn’t appeal to anyone.
choicelady : Hi Murph!
Sabreen60 : Yeah Funk, I’ve been on this computer far too much. I was suppose to do some cleaning. But when you’re retired you get to slack off every now and then.
choicelady : Hi funk – did not see you when you first arrived! Interesting idea having Romney keep the righties down. But I worry he’d appeal to the wobbly independents.
Emerald1943 : Kes, if I shrink it, then I can’t see it! It’s a bitch getting old!
Chernynkaya : Murph–we like it this way. after a while you will get used to it. We cannot redesign the site all the time. Trust me–just take your time and like everything else, soon it will seem natural.
Emerald1943 : Murph, that’s a good idea IMO. I have trouble with it too.
kesmarn : Murph, you can shrink the size of the box with those little plus/minus signs at the lower right corner, if that’ll help.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, Rev. Al reported that 63% of the American public are in favor of the AJA
funksands : We need Romney to win the nomination so he keeps the hard-righty turnout low
MurphTheSurf3 : Can this message window be a the top of the page? I am going crazy trying to follow a discussion 40 lines above the box. Help.
AdLib : Murph – The faithful will be out there to vote like the fanatics they are but they don’t represent much more than 25% of voters. We will need is a strong Obama campaign, hard work by us, donations of time and money and strong GOTV but I think a wide majority is behind Obama’s agenda.
funksands : Em….not sure I’m sorry to say. Nor have I been promoting it. Hmmmm
PatsyT : Thanks Murph we need some brave folks like yourself
Emerald1943 : Funk, they certainly haven’t tried to cover up the voter suppression thing. BTW, how’s our petition going?
MurphTheSurf3 : Em…I don’t partake of the Dark Side every day, but I do it enough to know my enemy.
Sabreen60 : Geez Murph. You must have a really strong constitution
Chernynkaya : Murph I marvel at your intestinal fortitude!! But it’s smart to hear what they say. I can’t take it.
funksands : Ad, the GOP’s goals are no longer the nation’s. I don’t even think they try to mask it anymore.
Emerald1943 : Patsy,
PatsyT : GOP secret weapons … These are not the droids you are looking for
Emerald1943 : Murph, you are one brave soul! My stomach would not take it!
Chernynkaya : Funk, it’s OK for now. Thanks!
AdLib : And don’t the repubs come off as anti-American when attacking Obama for everything including Gaddfi’s death and withdrawing from Iraq (which was negotiated by Bush).
funksands : MTP3: What up?
MurphTheSurf3 : The GOP’s Secret Weapons….a really dumb base, a very effective negative message, a large propaganda machine, boatloads of cash to fund their lies……I listen to Rush, watch Fox, and surf Savage and Drudge….their faithful believe
Sabreen60 : Night, AD
funksands : Hi Cher. Home front still good?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, yes! And he’s given them better gas mileage to get to the edge while he was at it!
funksands : Hi Ad!
AdLib : Murph – What are the GOP secret weapons?
funksands : Patsy. Good evening.
funksands : Hi Sabreen. I’ve really been enjoying your twitter roll lately.
AdLib : Hey Funk!
Emerald1943 : Funk, absolutely!
AdLib : EM – Many of these Firebaggers have no vision or long term thinking. All that is going on now will pay dividends for Obama in the 2012 campaign a year from now. He will be for jobs, the Repubs are on record voting against teachers, police, firefighters, rebuilding schools and infrastructure. They are like lemmings walking right off the cliff Obama pointed them at.
PatsyT : Hey Funk@!
MurphTheSurf3 : The GOP secret weapons.
Chernynkaya : Yay–Funk!
Sabreen60 : Hey Funk!
Emerald1943 : Cher, they still think the people are going to keep buying into their BS. It’s the epitome of arrogance and stupidity!
kesmarn : Unfortunately, bizzniss is booming, funk!
funksands : Em, just as I suspected. All of you are in a state of suspended animation until I show up.
funksands : Hey Kes. How’s the sick people biz going?
Chernynkaya : Again–I can’t understand how the R’s figure this is to their advantage–to keep filibustering the jobs bills.
Emerald1943 : Funk! We can start now…you’re here!
Emerald1943 : Ad, great to see you here! I’ll see you on PPOV tomorrow I hope!
Have a good night!
kesmarn : Hey, funk!
funksands : Adonai? Already? WTF?
kesmarn : G’night, AD!
PatsyT : Nighty Night ADONAI!
AdLib : Night AD!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I “say”…not saw!
Chernynkaya : Peace AD!
AdLib : Cher – Exactly, this strategy was openly discussed so it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone including the Repubs and they’re walking right into it!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, yes! This is why I saw that he is probably the most gifted politician we have ever had!
ADONAI : Well kids, I’m out. Good to talk with everyone again.I love your energy. good night folks. Peace be with you.
Chernynkaya : Not only that, but by continually voting on the jobs bills, it keeps it in the news cycle. After a few months of hearing “The 195th jobs bill was defeated by the republicans…” the npublic will eventually get the message.
AdLib : Don’t forget the discussion that happened back in August/September , should Obama come out with an ambitious plan that can’t pass to make Repubs go on record voting against jobs or try to pass small things that they might agree to. He’s having his cake and eating it too!
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, having watched how the President operates, I cannot believe that he did not do this deliberately, knowing that this would put him in good stead for the campaign. He’s got the wind at his back for sure!
ADONAI : It’s his campaign banner.
Sabreen60 : Em, I think you’re absolutely right about breaking the bill into pieces. This could go on for weeks and weeks. The Repubs are going to say no to everything and will increasingly look like aholes they are.
Chernynkaya : Me too, Patsy. she’s good!
Emerald1943 : CL, I believe the President knew that the AJA would never pass Congress. He has set up the repubs to continue their obstruction of everything he tries to do. He is making them to look like fools and they know it. There was a memo from Karl Rove today posted on Planet…not sure by whom…that said that Obama’s Jobs plan was gaining traction with the people.
ADONAI : Touche choice. But yo know what I mean. This is a re-election bill. A good one, but still a political bill.
Chernynkaya : AL–Gawd–Fred Thompson was that high? Wow.
PatsyT : I love That Angry Black Lady!
ADONAI : Everything is politics to republicans. They can’t just do their fucking jobs.
MurphTheSurf3 : Cain….a Morehouse grad from those days said there were three kinds of students there at the time. A) Party Boys, B) Radicals, C) Get Aheaders. From what he has said…his parents made it clear: Keep your head down, work hard, and do not hassle the Man.
PatsyT : Thanks Cher !
Chernynkaya : Patsy, you might enjoy the link I just gave to CL too.
choicelady : AD – anything passed through Congress can be called political. That would be true.
kesmarn : I think sometimes good politics can be good policy as well. Just never for Republicans, apparently.
AdLib : Cher, thanks for bringing that up. Here’s info: On October 10, 2007, Real Clear Politics’ Poll Average had Rudy Giuliani leading the Republican field with 29.6% of the vote, followed by Fred Thompson at 21.2%. Eventual nominee John McCain was in third place with 13.0%, Mitt Romney was at 11.0%, and Mike Huckabee at just 6.4%.
Emerald1943 : CL, I think it does serve two purposes. This economy needs a good kick in the arse and this certainly won’t hurt! We need some huge projects undertaken like they did back in the 30’s
choicelady : Cher – yes, I heard Cain say that. He reiterated that his father wanted him to stay out of trouble which is why he did nothing during the civil rights days. And I respect Melissa Perry-Harris for saying we really cannot judge people in that period – it was freaking dangerous. But she did say we CAN judge him just fine on his policies today!
Chernynkaya : CL for your later reading: «link»
PatsyT : I have been just as pissed at West and Tavis… Where do they get off? How dare they come down on this President? So what if he isn’t kissing your ass get over it he has a job to do.
ADONAI : I don’t mean anything bad when I say it’s a political bill choice. Obama’s a good politician and I believe he knows what he is doing. I trust him. But it’s a political bill.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I saw that Cain interview when he was trying to explain why he didn’t participate in the civil rights movement. He’s such a fake!
choicelady : AD – don’t swallow th4e Kool Aid here. Of COURSE the jobs bill is a short term, 1-2 years fix. The problem is supposed to be a 1-2 year wait for solution. But it’s NOT just political – it actually makes a huge difference in hiring and thus in spending and thus in recovery. It operates on the ‘rising tides lift all boats’ principle except Obama knows – tides lift from BELOW not from ABOVE as Reagan conveniently forgot to note.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, Cain is the baggers’ cover to show they aren’t racist! How comical!
ADONAI : Indeed Em.If he wants to do something serious about jobs, he has to win re-election. This bill would go along way toward making that happen.
Emerald1943 : CL, I got so mad at West last night that I actually yelled out loud at the TV! It was disgusting. I think Big Eddie was embarrassed!
Chernynkaya : CL–he was interviewed as saying that during the civil rights movement he was told by his father to keep his nose clean and RIDE AT THE BACK OF THE BUS. (I’m quoting!)
AdLib : Hey Murph!
Sabreen60 : AdLib, Cain ain’t the one. Baggers aren’t ready for “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” either.
AdLib : Sabreen, the good thing about Smiley and West being so vocal now, while we’re seeing all these accomplishments and the jobs bill push by Obama is that they marginalize themselves and look like petty jerks. By next year, anyone listening to them will disregard them and their BS.
choicelady : Sabreen – I about puked at West last night! I understand that he at least, and Smiley to a lesser degree, thought they’d be favored consultants to the Prez. Furious that they were not even invited to the inauguration – though it is not clear they ever worked for the Pres during any of the campaign. What I saw was MASSIVE ego last night – unbelievable. Simply UNBELIEVABLE. I bet it’s a cold night in hell before Ed has him back – and Ed clearly learned something last night as well.
Emerald1943 : AD, you’re right about this too. The President has set up the repubs beautifully! He’s going to make them vote NO on every piece of it, just showing them for what they are.
ADONAI : Hello murph
kesmarn : Hey, Murph!
Emerald1943 : Hello, Murph! I’m glad you’re here!
Sabreen60 : Hi Murph! Hi Patsy!
ADONAI : Jobs bill is a political bill. It’s not along term solution. But it will look good before election day.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I would bet my last buck on my way to hell that Perry is a bad womanizer!
MurphTheSurf3 : Evening all. What’s happening?
Chernynkaya : AL loast year at this time McCain was 8%.
AdLib : Cher – Baggers aren’t suddenly going to become philosophers. They vote for the person they’d like to drink a beer with and eat bacon with. That ain’t Mitt!
Chernynkaya : Hi Patsy!
Emerald1943 : CL, that guy has so much baggage. I’ve been waiting for it to hit the fan. Apparently, the baggers don’t care about the kids in poverty or the large numbers working for min. wage.
choicelady : Cher – I imagine you’re entirely correct about Cain being the equivalent of House Slaves. It’s chilling to think someone like that has never come any further down the road.
Sabreen60 : Oh CL, please don’t mention Cornel West. I saw him on Ed’s show. I must be masochistic. He said the President’s heart nor his spirit is in his advocacy for jobs. It’s all political. The idiot doesn’t know there have been job bills previously. He and Tavis Smilely have guaranteed their place in history of trying to bring down the first AA President for no good reason.
Chernynkaya : Em HAHAH– “Wide stance” and republicans should become forever welded together– an embarrassment.
choicelady : Em – Minneapolis it was, and won’t it be fun if we find the same things out about Perry?! There already are rumors. I used to discount such things, but too many turn out to be true.
ADONAI : Yeah but they was just tryin’ to make Hillary feel good. Ain’t nobody gonna elect a lady President. That’s insane.
PatsyT : Hey can he keep that Cash if he bails?
AdLib : High Low to you, Patsy!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, good point. Perry does have $15 million in the bank.
PatsyT : High
kesmarn : AD and then you have to invade a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 and tank the economy… Then swagger off into the sunset.
AdLib : Hey Patsy!!! Hi-hi!
choicelady : kes – Yup lil lady – don’t never misunderestimate Mr. Perry here. He can reup W in a flash, and don’ you fergit it!
AdLib : Don’t forget that at this point 4 years ago: Hillary Clinton – 48%, Obama – 22% Edwards – 11%. Hillary’s numbers and lead was far bigger than Romney’s is now and she lost. Who says Romney has a lock and Perry’s money can’t buy him back into the lead?
PatsyT : Hi, Hi, Hi, and Hi oh and Hi
Chernynkaya : CL– the house slaves never saw themselves as anything but righteous.
Emerald1943 : CL, yes I do! It was the Minneapolis airport, was it not??
choicelady : Patsy! Hi!
choicelady : Em – remember the LAST “wide stance” guy!
ADONAI : to really get that Bush swagger going you have to do tons of cocaine and submarine three “can’t miss” companies.
Emerald1943 : Kes, they showed a clip of Bush tonight back during the war and he had that silly swagger when he walked. Just reminded me of how much I despise that man!
kesmarn : c’lady! Yes! I’m not the only one who’s noticed that then!
choicelady : Ad – then use the V button as the Romans did. We won’t be able to read that either.
Chernynkaya : AL A bagger will win ONLY if the base is as chronically stupid as we want to think. If they really want to have a chance to win, they must vote for Mitt. We will soon see if they hate O more than they hate Romney.
choicelady : kes – I’ve had exactly the same thought! Perry is making his FACIAL expressions look like W’s. Someone did a photo-over-photo and they already DO look similar. All that head down lookin’ up at ya with narrowed and determined eyes – Bush to the core.
kesmarn : Hey, Patsy!
Emerald1943 : PATSY!! Hello! Glad you’re here!
kesmarn : Em, that’s what I think, too. I think he’s trying to imitate the Dubya swagger. Consciously.
ADONAI : Hello Patsy!
PatsyT : Hey folks great to see you all !
Emerald1943 : Kes, I always watch body language. Perry always stands with a VERY wide stance and sticks out his chest. He looks like his shirts really don’t fit. It’s not pretty!
ADONAI : I think my “u” button is about dead.
ADONAI : Perry is stumbling too much. Republicans won’t elect yo if yo appear weak.
choicelady : Cher – exactly. But – and this is the big “I don’t get it” moment – WHY would a Black man who’s been CEO act that way? Does he not see what a figure of scorn he is to his OWN constituents? Never mind the rest of us.
Emerald1943 : AD, Perry is only polling at about 8% right now. He’s really down with the second-tier candidates.
Chernynkaya : AD Hoiw coulod I ever forget that night? It was hilarious–and while he was skewering trump, they were killing OBL.
kesmarn : Perry seems to be doing something very close to a Dubya impersonation. For a while he squelched the Texas accent. Now he seems to be workin’ it. Does he think that’s a winning strategery? Give ’em back the Dubya they’re missing?
AdLib : Cher – We’re on the same page on this. As long as there are so many Baggers in the race, their vote is split and Romney looks strong because he has un-split business Repubs. But if they only represent 25% of the party…when it is down to a Bagger and an estab Repub, wouldn’t the Bagger win?
Emerald1943 : Cher, maybe the repubs will do us a BIG BIG favor and stay home like the Dems did last time! Wouldn’t that be great?!!
ADONAI : Good point Al. But if Perry takes too many more falls he may become irrelevant.
Chernynkaya : CL–I’ve said it out loud–Cain is a Steppin Fetchit.
choicelady : AdLib – that’s great for Obama! My question is – am I really seeing some comeback for the Prez from the PL (although NOT Cornell West last night whose behavior was outrageously narcissistic – yikes) on TV and even, grudgingly, Krugman and his ilk. Anyone else seeing a small movement toward the Prez?
ADONAI : And they want to debate him? His goal was to make McCain look old and out of touch. He made him look irrelevant, outdated, obsolete. They better be ready.
Chernynkaya : Hmmm. I understand that the primary voters are the most rabid, and that all the followers of the wingnuts will eventually coalesce around Perry. But he’s an ignoramus and when he’s interviewed that will become apparent. I think the R’s hate Obama so passionately, they’ll vote for Mitt. At best, they’ll stay home and Mitt will win the nom with the smallest edge ever.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, Perry is polling in the single digits. There is no way he can take the nomination.
AdLib : AD – Which is why I don’t think Romney is as solid a bet, 75% of Repubs DON’T want him and are split between the others. This race will trim down to Perry and Romney, where do Cain’s, Bachmann’s and Santorum’s voters go? To Romney? I don’t think so.
Emerald1943 : AD, that was a beautiful moment for the Pres.!
Sabreen60 : AdLib, I believe it’s going to be Perry or Romney. Repubs (even the moderates if there any) seem to really dislike Romney, but I don’t know if they’ll pull the trigger for Perry.
choicelady : I still think Cain is really Clarence Thomas in mufti. He actually embarasses me – he is such a 1920s stereotype of the foolish but winsome Black guy who will dance and sing for ya… Creeps me out. It’s almost racist in its profound drive to be stupid. Shudder.
ADONAI : Remember when Obama made fun of Trump basically to his face at the correspondent’s dinner? I know it’s unrelated but that shit was funny.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen, you’re right about the RNC. Ann Coulter, the original b*tch from the Right, made the statement that if Chris Christie did not run, Romney would get the nom and that the repubs would lose! From her venomous lips to God’s ears!
kesmarn : I think so too-too-too!
AdLib : Obama’s re-election plan is 1-1-1…Won-Won- Won.
Sabreen60 : CL, The powers that be in the Repub Party know that Cain won’t win the nomination. I really believe this. They definitely know he can’t win the general.
Chernynkaya : Cain is just winging it and it’s all catching up. He’s through.
kesmarn : And it can’t be long before it get to be “Sick-sick-sick .”
AdLib : Don’t bet on Romney though! Cain doesn’t have the money or organization to last long after January and Perry does. Running a top notch media campaign behind which Perry can hide, wouldn’t he likely attract the Cain voters instead of Romney? They clearly want an alternative to Romney.
choicelady : “Night Kalima!
kesmarn : AdLib/b’ito — good one!
choicelady : AdLib – PERFECT! Ate-Ate-Ate!!!
Emerald1943 : Kalima, we’ll miss you terribly! Hurry back!
ADONAI : Republicans will vote for ANYONE who isn’t Mitt Romney.
Kalima : I’ll miss you all too. Be back for your Sunday. Got to go.
Emerald1943 : Cher…whew! Thought you were turning on us! LMAO
AdLib : CL – Don’t know if you saw it but I said Cain’s plan is shrinking to 888 and Bito said, “That’s perfect for a pizza guy, “Ate-Ate-Ate”!
choicelady : Sabreen – you may well be onto the REAL Cain strategy! But if that’s true, it’s freaking pathetic he’s so up in the polls! The GOP/Baggers have as their lead candidate a man who does not want the job.
kesmarn : B’bye, Kalima! Don’t work too hard.
Chernynkaya : Oh, Em–not you! my family and neighbors.
ADONAI : I agree Sabreen. He can’t be serious.
Sabreen60 : Ok, so I don’t believe Cain is running for President. He doesn’t have a campaign organization. He’s running to sell his book and get speaking engagements. In fact, I heard today that he still has his day job – charging $25,000 for speaking engagements.
AdLib : Kalima, we’ll miss you!
Emerald1943 : Cher, I am soooo sorry! I defer!
Chernynkaya : KALIMA!
choicelady : 9-9-9? NEIN, NEIN, NEIN!!!!
Kalima : Hi AD, not staying, have fun everyone.
choicelady : Hi Kalima! Kes – that was my proposed counter to Cain:
Chernynkaya : Dang! people here are interrupting me. Dont they understand the VP is my “special time”?
AdLib : Kalima!!! So wonderful to see you!!!
Emerald1943 : Kalima!! Hello, good friend! How are you tonight?
kesmarn : Hey, Kalima! I notice that the reaction to Cain’s economic policy in Germany is “Nein! nein! nein!”
AdLib : AD –
choicelady : Em – My Road to the White HOuse???? Unbelieveable.
ADONAI : Hello Kalima!
Emerald1943 : CL, my god, she DOES look like Leona! I cannot abide that woman!
Kalima : Cain probably meant “On the road with my White horse”.
choicelady : ADLib – have you notice how, over the years, Arianna is starting to physically resemble Leona Helmsley?
ADONAI : Cain’s book is called “My Road to the White House”. I t features a chapter about how he had to defeat Neo from the Matrix to win ownership of godfathers; Pizza.
AdLib : Emerald said Cain’s book is called, “My Road to the White House”! What a maroon!
choicelady : AdLib – and how much has Madam Queen given to people in need? She fleeces the poor to give to herself!
Emerald1943 : CL, it’s “Herman Cain…My Road to the White House”. Really! I’m serious!
AdLib : Hey Bito! Just like HP to try and root out reasons to attack Obama, what a surprise. Bet they’re anxious to put up the 100 point headline in red, “CHEAPSKATE!”
Chernynkaya : “I can’t eat your puppy, forpetesake, I’m running for office!”
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I think if I had to listen to Cain for four years, I would definitely leave the country! He is ridiculous!
choicelady : ADLib – sorry things are going by too fast – what’s the title of Cain’s book?
ADONAI : Yep. Nothing more cowardly than anonymous hate.
choicelady : AD – but you CAN attend the Klan rally – it’s all in disguise. Always good to keep your priorities in order…
AdLib : EM – That’s hilarious, I didn’t know Cain’s book had such a ridiculous, deluded title! He is so clueless!
Chernynkaya : Bito–that is disgusting!! Oh, how I loathe that fraudulent site!
ADONAI : HA! I can’t host this Klan rally! I’m running for office!
choicelady : Bito – oh – misread that. Yes – he did send people money, and that’s not Ms.Huff’s to disclose or exploit!
Chernynkaya : AD– there were a bunch of hilarious riffs on that Romney statement: “I cant’t tie my dog to the roof of my car forpetsake, I’m running for office.”
kesmarn : Typical HP, b’ito! Get the names of the beneficiaries of the Prez’s generosity and then exploit ’em!!
ADONAI : That’s the way I took it too Sabreen. Cause that is how it is. Like Jon Stewart said, for a moment he let us in on his real thoughts. One got through
Sabreen60 : Hi bito!
choicelady : Hello bito, dear – good to see you. And I will send HP the amount of my donation when hell freezes.
AdLib : Huntsman could never win in today’s Bagger GOP. I never understood why he got in, is he that clueless about the party he belongs to? That one day they would just change their minds and decide not to be hateful and ignorant?
Sabreen60 : Ad, I not so sure. Romney looked pretty bad when he said he couldn’t have “illegals” working for him because he was running for office. Folks took that to mean had he not been running for office he would not have problems with “illegals”.
Chernynkaya : Kes–it’s just wonderful!
choicelady : AdLib – that’s RIGHT! Marco Rubio is the Havana Candidate, the commie in disguise. Good thing they figured that out before they nominated him! I still think Christie is mobbed up. Other baggage too, but betcha that’s why he won’t run.
bito : lovelyladypa @AngryBlackLady did u see where Huff Post wants the ppl who wrote Pres O letters to contact them to let them know the amt of money in a personal check Pres O sent them to help them out
Emerald1943 : Adlib, You have to hand it to Cain for his arrogance and self-confidence! He even called his book “My Road to the White House”!
Chernynkaya : seriously, the only candidate the R’s have that has a chance–and I dare say a scary chance–is Mitt.
ADONAI : McCain was better than Cain.
kesmarn : OOOooh, Cher, that’s harsh, that Palin story!
“Damaged-goods dingbat Sarah Palin is so unpopular and forgotten these days that only Florida’s state GOP wants her around, at a trade-show rubber-chicken dinner, at Disneyworld. Palin has apparently accepted an offer to jabber for a few minutes in exchange for a platter of convention food and a bag of soiled dollar bills.”
Emerald1943 : AD, I think you’re right about Romney. He’s going to get it.
ADONAI : Also, “i can’t have illegals on my staff! I;m running for office!”
choicelady : AdLib – he is the quintessential Dominionist – make the poor pay for everything while the Elect get off scott free. The fact he, Perry, Santorum (Catholic version) and Backmann are all so WEAK is of great interest to me since usually they are not. Cain would be fine – he’s very beatable. I’m seeing even Romney as crumbling and the rest collapsing. Huntsman WOULD be scary – but he’s SO different from the base, I just don’t see it happening for him.
AdLib : Anyone else see Cain as this year’s version of McCain? Just as bumbling and having to correct himself all the time but so confident in his ignorance?
ADONAI : Romney owned every motherfucker on that stage. Ate them up. Probably sunk Perry’s nomination. I mean, he’ll fail miserably debating the President but he is head and shoulders above these apes.
Emerald1943 : Kes, Huntsman is probably the smartest one the repubs have put up there for a long time. But he can’t get traction. He’s too much elite for their likes. They like ’em down and dirty!
Chernynkaya : AL OMG–that’s right!! Lt Marco!!
kesmarn : Huntsman appears sane and that’s a problem. But he’s as RW as any of them a millimeter under the surface.
AdLib : Cher! Do you remember what Sinatra’s name was in Manchurian Candidate? MARCO!
ADONAI : Not that it’s bad. It just can’t go unchecked
Chernynkaya : Sarah is now reduced to hosting dinners as the opening act at DisneyWorld HAH! «link»
ADONAI : Yeah, Huntsman may care but he’s stuck in that private business is good mentality.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, President Obama will make hash out of Cain if he gets the nom. But that ain’t gonna’ happen. The RNC will not allow it.
Sabreen60 : Huntsman hasn’t been vetted. I think once it is known that he agrees with Paul Ryan’s kill Medicare/Medicai d people will not support him. I hope.
choicelady : SAntorum is a bully. In this group he is outmanned. He looks at the floor ’cause he peed on it.
AdLib : CL – Cain is a mental midget and would be crushed in a one-on-one campaign so I welcome him winning the nom. He’d be easier to beat than Perry and Romney! Cain has and will be just destroyed by all of his BS. Today I saw video of him saying in the same interview, he is pro-life but when asked about abortion in the case of rape, said government shouldn’t involved and that’s the choice of a woman. He’s also running scared on 999 and is adding exemptions and 909 for the poor…he is so dead if he has to be held accountable for anything he says. And if he’s the nom, he will.
Emerald1943 : AD, he looks like the proverbial deer in the headlights anyway, especially when he got that question from the gay soldier.
Emerald1943 : CL, I thought about that after I typed it! I’m afraid she’ll raise her ugly head soon. She’s been out of the spotlight too long.
ADONAI : Rick Santorum seems lost and frightened all the time. When eh was arguing with Mitt he kept staring at the floor. Alpha dogs don’t stare at the floor
choicelady : Cher – LOL!!!!
choicelady : Em – shhhhh. Sister Sarah will hear and go get ideas again!
kesmarn : Ahhh…cl, I should have seen that coming!
Chernynkaya : Hey Marco, how about a cigar to pass the time?
Sabreen60 : AD
choicelady : kes – the abortion DECISION is up to a woman. The ability to DO it however will be made utterly illegal.
ADONAI : No, no. Kill works for republican audiences
kesmarn : Sabreen, Huntsman scares me more than the rest of ’em.
Emerald1943 : CL, of course! You can think about illegal things all you want to!
Chernynkaya : Cl– I am kvelling.
choicelady : Em -well Cain makes perfect sense, don’t you see? It is illegal to have an abortion, but it’s your decision to think about it. Now – that’s good, isn’t it?
ADONAI : I have always thought that choice!
Sabreen60 : Oops! “King of the hill”. Not KILL
Emerald1943 : AD, Michelle didn’t know that Libya was in Africa! I’m tellin’ you, she’s making Sister Sarah look good!
AdLib : Cher – I saw that, props to you and Bito! Saw BradBlog adopting it! Very cool, you really hit that one out of the park! They need to be occupied!
kesmarn : The Hermanator says the abortion decision is up to the woman??? Seriously? Those Dominionists aren’t gonna go for that!
ADONAI : I’m just waiting for Perry’s poll numbers to drop far enough for him to punch Romney in the face. Like Texas wouldn’t re-elect him
Chernynkaya : OH damn–I have started a terrible trend–fetal anythings!
choicelady : AD – at ANY point did you think Bachmann did NOT require meds? We’re listening very carefully to your answer, dear – pay no attention to the men with the nets and little white jacket.
kesmarn : AD…whew…
AdLib : CL – And instead of the Queen of Diamonds playing card to trigger him, you just show Rubio a cigar and his programming snaps in.
choicelady : Oh Cher – #OccupytheMedia is SUPER and to get support already and this fast!! Hey to you and bito!!!
ADONAI : Of course not kes. That bitch is insane! But I would vote for some of his ideas.
Emerald1943 : Kes, Herman has thrown his back out trying to turn himself into a pretzel over abortion. He is “pro-life” and thinks abortion should be illegal. However, the decision to have one should be left up to the woman. WTF???
Sabreen60 : Huntsman seems to still believe he’s in it to win it. He’s waiting for NH and he’s going to show everyone that he’s kill of the hill.
kesmarn : You may man-crush to your hearts content, AD, but please tell me you’re not going to vote for Ron Paul!
ADONAI : Bachmann says crazy things. Not dumb, or comical, but “oh my she should probably be medicated” things.
choicelady : See I think CAin is really scary – he’s a major Dominionist who says nothing at all about religion. Stealth Dominionism. What does he say about fetal issues? That will tell us a lot. BTW – I about plotzed seeing Perry actually defend immigrants at some level. Gotta be for his rancher friends, though it was about college. Man – he’s got a hole in his Dominionist armor there…
Chernynkaya : Speaking of OWs branching out–here’s some news: Bito and I came up with a twitter hashtag (#) Occupy the Media, to be used when ever we see a incorrect or bias news story. well, I used it today and OWS-LA adopted it to Occupy Fox Studios today, and I got Tweets from a couple of journalists telling us that they are using it too!
ADONAI : Still man crushin’ on Ron Paul so nothing bad to say about him. SO, who’s next?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, Newt is beginning to remind me of John McCain..just an angry old man hollerin’ “get off my lawn”!
kesmarn : Cain has an opinion of fetal issues? I might have known… What did the Hermanator say? I missed it.
AdLib : CHer – Fetal bride –
choicelady : Cher – well there now you’ve done it! The Fetal Bride give cover to the life at conception people. Now they’ll be demanding we provide wedding gowns and tuxes to in utero kids. See what you’ve started?
ADONAI : If you quote one historical fact wrong, that’s o.k., it happens. But it was over and over again.
Emerald1943 : Kes, Have you heard Herman Cain’s opinions on fetal issues?? Now that’s one deep thinker!
AdLib : Cher – I LOVE that the Birthers are going after that “furaner” Rubio as not legally American. Talk about the snake devouring itself!
choicelady : ADLib – I’m thinking that would do it. Bush, Battista – you know, all those oppressive ones. Look out GOP – Rubio may be the – GASP – Havana Candidate!!!!! (Cue the dramatic music…)
Chernynkaya : Duly noted CL–I’ll be more precise and educated int eh future–thanks!
AdLib : AD – Thank you for saying that. Just as Michael Jackson self-appointed himself as The King of Pop, Newt self-appointed him as “The Great Thinker” of the GOP. Despite there ever being evidence of it. He is a total fraud as is his rep, he’s a fool, not a genius.
ADONAI : Marriage begins at conception!
kesmarn : Somehow I think the RW is going to run with fetal betrothal, Cher. Don’t give ’em any ideas!
ADONAI : He really is choice! I was surprised at how incredibly short sighted and flat wrong he constantly was
choicelady : He kes! Cher – Rubio would NOT be eligible – foreign born AND a lying sack of shit. Tho I’ve not precisely determined the latter disqualifies you…
Emerald1943 : Kes, the B/P was 96/52 at the doctor’s office. And yes I do…I was five when I had her! LMAO
Chernynkaya : kes, I was a fetal bride!
choicelady : AD – GOOD FOR YOU giving up the idea Newt’s an intellectual. That man is as dumb as a post and as mean as a rabid pit bull. Bad combo.
kesmarn : Em…that was/is one helluva a headache. Hope the BP is OK. And you CAN’T have a 48 year old daughter!
AdLib : CL – Hmm, maybe when Rubio was saying his parents lived under an oppressive regime, he meant Bush?
Emerald1943 : Kes and Cher, I’ve got a 48 yrl old daughter! Stop your belly-aching!
choicelady : Cher – the one great shining hope of the New World really was New England. Too bad it did not last. The Puritans were remarkably interesting and tolerant people save for one group they abused wretchedly, most Native peoples. The Pilgrims did not – the Puritans did. It’s a disgrace. But intrinsically – even racially – they believed in and practiced political and economic means toward equity and balance. The Catholic church? Definitely not. Anglican? Certainly not. But not all faith groups were the same – note the Quakers who, ironically, were far more like Congregationalis ts than any other faith. Very confusing.
Chernynkaya : Rubio is also being challenged by the birthers as unable to become President. Ah, karma–Sweet!
kesmarn : We were both child brides, Cher…surely?
Emerald1943 : Kes, I’m OK. Still have the H/A, but the brain scan came out normal! OK..no snarky comments!!
ADONAI : Hello kes!
kesmarn : Hey, Sabreen! How’re you doing?
AdLib : Hey Kes! Nice to see ya!
Chernynkaya : Kes! I am not old enough to have a 30 Y/O son, but ther it is.
ADONAI : And, before these debates, I bought into that whole, “Newt Gingrich is a worldly scholar” nonsense. That motherfucker is dumb. He says NOTHING but stupid things. Even Cain puts a ball in play every now and then.
AdLib : CL – I am right there with you and that’s what OWS represents to me. I have a new allegory for them. I see OWS now as like a reservoir of populism and activism which can be tapped to flow to all kinds of populist causes. They have been joining numerous other protests, such as the one today in NY against the fascist Stop and Search policy of the NYPD which has mainly targeted minorities (police are legally allowed in NY to stop and search anyone without any cause, just their feelings that someone may be suspicious). With that moving America as a conscience, there can be some big sociological changes towards community and people first.
kesmarn : Hi, Em! Crazy week, but then what else is new? How’re you feeling?
Sabreen60 : Hi Kes !
Emerald1943 : KES!!! Hi there! I’m so happy you’re here! Whassup??
Sabreen60 : Rubio fell into that age old trap. Instead of fessing up he tried to cover up. I doubt if the folks in FL will be too concerned, but he had aspirations of being the VP. I think he forget about that.
kesmarn : Good Friday evening, Pals! Daughter’s birthday dinner this evening. I can’t possibly be old enough to have a 30 year old daughter….
Chernynkaya : AL–not only $$ student could aew–also , better still, remain uneducated. Two -tier society.
Emerald1943 : AD, Herman Cain…bwhhahaha hahahahaha!!!!
Emerald1943 : Cher, follow the money! Churches are into the filty lucre too!
ADONAI : Most definitely Cher.
choicelady : AdLib – I’d not heard the Rubio REbuttal! That’s PERFECT. Now he has to deal with claiming he lived under oppression – of a highly conservative and corrupt regime! Hey – maybe he’s really a COMMIE!!!!
ADONAI : Herman Cain is grossly unqualified to be leader of the free world.
Chernynkaya : AD–I agree about the corruption of religion. Still, it is fair to say that some religious INSTITUTIONS have joined forces with power to control peasants.
Emerald1943 : CL, great comment! I would agree with you! I still believe in this country and our potential!
choicelady : Em – communism IS perfect on paper. And it gets f’d up just like capitalism. All forms of human society have one common weakness – people!
Emerald1943 : sabreen, I saw that Paul Ryan thing. He was such an ass to that student. I got so mad that I wrote Ryan’s opponent, Zerber (?) and told him about it. If that kid is working 3 jobs, when is he supposed to go to class???
AdLib : EM – And the Bankruptcy bill carved out credit card debt from being cleared…that and student loans IS the majority of debt young people have and most people have who don’t owe on a mortgage!
ADONAI : I comment first, then read. See how close I got.
Chernynkaya : Hi Sabreen!
choicelady : Everyone – there was a time when we reached the best of what we were, not perfectly, but there were other times when we allowed oligarchs and their supporters to ruin things. We’ve waxed and waned, but when we’re good, we do things brilliantly – and it’s entirely possible to recapture that if we so choose.
Chernynkaya : need a minute to catch up–forgive me.
AdLib : This is why Repubs want to de-fund Pell Grants, that’s all money that students could instead owe to banks!
Emerald1943 : CL, that bankruptcy act passed by the Village Idiot was horrible! It insured that students would be paying until they went to their graves.
ADONAI : Cher, indeed. A story as old as civilization.
choicelady : Cher – Congregationalis ts did not pair up with wealthy merchants. They existed as a check on their accumulation. The churches – no hierarchy – were based in the towns and run by the people of those communities. Very different from the hierarchical structures of the Victorian era!
Chernynkaya : AD, yes, our society. But let’s not forget the role that advertising and other nefarious institutions play in SHAPING our society. We are all products of it.
Sabreen60 : Paul Ryan is on tape talking to college students telling them to forget about Pell Grants. He said he worked 3 jobs to pay off his student LOANS. Jerk! Half these kids will be lucky to find one job if the Repubs have their way.
Emerald1943 : CL, you’re right. When America works, it works well. I got into trouble once for saying that communism was perfect on paper. But what they left out was pure human greed…that always f*cks up the best of plans.
ADONAI : It’s tricky with religion. Religion never really corrupted anything. Evil men corrupted religion. As they do with any system they create.
AdLib : CL – Rubio has built his whole political career on being the son of refugees, always going on about how they lived under oppression and escaped…but it was all a lie, they left BEFORE Castro came to power. A total fraud!
choicelady : Em – there was a piece on college loans and how much they cost people. One couple is paying HALF of her salary for the loan she took out. Obama is moving people away from these high interest private loans though – some of this should be better for the next generation, but those saddled with this debt are really suffering. And it cannot be reduced in bankruptcy court.
Chernynkaya : CL Rubio was caught lying about his family’s emigration from Cuba. NOT after Castro–way before, HAH!
ADONAI : Lot’s of people have an undeserved sense of entitlement. And some of them achieve positions of power. It’s our society that produces them.
Emerald1943 : CL, have you heard anything about OWS getting their manifesto together to consolidate their demands? I saw something about it a few days ago, but since then, nothing else.
Chernynkaya : Cl–fascinating! But I still think one can make the case that early American religion–in fact, let’s be honest–all religious institutions –have partnered with the powers that be to keep people under their thumbs. and I say this as a religious person.
AdLib : Hey Sabreen!
AdLib : CL – Thanks for the background on that! Victorian…I knew I hated that Queen for something! It does seem odd that such a religious nation of people, whose religion teaches about charity and community, could turn so far away from community. These extremist Baggers and Repubs who cheer people without HC dying, how can they rationalize it?
choicelady : AD – I agree. When America works, it works well. We just keep fighting off the oligarchs who think they’re entitled to it ALL.
Emerald1943 : Sabreen!! Hello, my friend! Good to see you here!
ADONAI : Hello Sabreen!
choicelady : Hey SAbreen – welcome!
Emerald1943 : Cher, good point about the jobs, I guess. But does it make sense to pay $100K for college?
Sabreen60 : Hello Everyone !
choicelady : Cher – missed the Rubio “outing” – what did he do or say?
ADONAI : No matter our economic or political climate,I believe people still come to this country because of everything great we still represent. And that’s not gone. We just need to dust it off.
Chernynkaya : AL–I’m loving it so much! another fraud! And his outrage is delicious. He’s been caugh with his pants down and will pay for it at the polls I think.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I gotta’ jump in on this Marco Rubio thing. In the grand scheme, it really doesn’t make much difference. But it does show another repub lying out his arse!
choicelady : AdLib and Cher – that anti-communalism is very recent and NOT Calvinist so much as it is Victorian individualism. Colonial America was run entirely on “moral economic” princples in which the goal of economies was to assure the greatest level of sufficiency for ALL. The rich did NOT govern – it was ordinary people both at the town and Great and General Court levels. Women participated when they were heads of households. It was amazingly equitable even with a handful of very rich people. That was all systematically stripped away, law by law, after the REvolution when the political economy became centralized and class power began to assert itself on individual property rights over communitarian well being. By 1802 MA eliminated every single price regulation that had existed since 1620. Gone. And the capitalist market system of competition was thus born.
AdLib : IOW, a Republican.
Chernynkaya : Em, because graduating form a US university = better jobs?
AdLib : Cher, as you’ve mentioned Marco Rubio a bit, what do you think of him being exposed as an outright liar and fraud?
Emerald1943 : Cher, yes…I’m very relieved. It had worried me. The H/A’s have really been bad.
Emerald1943 : Cher, I read that link yesterday. Very interesting. Why do the Mexicans come up here where they have to pay through the nose for a college education? Makes no sense!
Chernynkaya : Hey Em, speaking of brains–so glad your is intact and more, just fine!! Whew, huh?
AdLib : Cher – I thought so!
Chernynkaya : Ooops- AL–it is Bachman’s Brain!
Emerald1943 : CL, we think that it is a combination of meds that I have to take. That’s the only thing different in my life.
Chernynkaya : CL «link»
Emerald1943 : CL, thanks! I have been a little worried about it.
AdLib :
Cher, that is hilarious! Sure that’s not Michele Bachmann’s MRI?
ADONAI : Out of state tuition costs in this country are insane
choicelady : Em – seriously – very glad you’re OK. Now – can they explain the headaches? Besides “life” I mean.
Chernynkaya : CL used to be that the govt subsidized higher ed. No more.
ADONAI : states running up huge debts. Got to get that money from somewhere.
choicelady : Em! Congrats on the Brain Scan! That’s wonderful news! Maybe they can find mine?
AdLib : Cher brought up the Calvinist influence on American Society and how anti-communal society generally is. The idea of everyone pitching in to make sure all could attend college just isn’t “American” to many.
Chernynkaya : This is a Google crawler «link»
choicelady : Adonai – you have a point I cannot wrap my mind around. I got a BA, two different MAs and took my orals for a doctorate – and left CA owing no one a dime. Faculty lived well, communities had affordable housing – what the HELL went wrong and why is it now costing kids upwards of $100K of debt? What CHANGED? I don’t faculty get all that much more. What’s going on?
Emerald1943 : I got some good news from the doctors that I want to share! I had to have a brain scan two days ago for an unrelenting headache that has lasted for almost two months. They FOUND a brain! And it was all normal, believe it or not!
AdLib : AD – Very cool!
choicelady : AdLib – oh, my yes – outlawing abortion is how you revive the economy. Biggest issue EVER.
Emerald1943 : CL, unfortunately I AM old enough, dammit!
ADONAI : Indeed. Higher education should be “free” and guaranteed to anyone who wants it.
choicelady : Em – 1000 legs and eyes. Both. Goo-goo-googly eyes (you have to be old enough to remember Barney Google…)
Emerald1943 : AD, I also like the idea of student debt forgiveness.
AdLib : CL – Sorry about the conference being canceled. It would seem that jobs has eclipsed just about everything else…except outlawing abortion of course.
choicelady : Em – yes I agree, but there were competing events, and I think people were just tired of it all. I know I am even if it was my event! Can’t say I’m sorry to be home.
ADONAI : I have to admit,I’m liking Al’s “credit card bail out” idea more and more as I linger on it.
Chernynkaya : I can’t understand why more people don’t see health care as important as the economy, when the two are so related.
Emerald1943 : I’m trying to figure out what a “Google” looks like…four legs, eight, 100???
choicelady : The image of bito riding a crawling Google is, well, weird.
Emerald1943 : CL, that’s too bad. It’s still really important and will help the economy in the long run as the President said.
Chernynkaya : Sorry, computer fart.
choicelady : Well I wasn’t supposed to be here tonight – was running a conference that had to be cancelled for lack of interest. Was on health reform – but I think everyone wants JOBS. So we’ll fall back, regroup, and do it later linking all that together.
AdLib : Bito, jump off now!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, they’re crawling! LOL
ADONAI : It’s still too early to judge what effect OWS will have on the elections.
AdLib : Aha!
AdLib : Bito will be riding into Vox on the back of Google, he’s just waiting for them to crawl over.
Emerald1943 : Bito, are you lurking again???
Chernynkaya : Many thanks, Em.
ADONAI : There’s no profit in murder. Rove knows that. Making people sick and charging them insane amounts for treatment? That’s all turd blossom
Emerald1943 : Cher, you really did a good job on DP today! Great items and comments!
choicelady : Hey bito – come on down when you’re ready!
AdLib : AD – Forget the polls today, just look at OWS and the anger in the nation at nothing being done to help. I think it will boil down to who is actually going to fund jobs and make the wealthiest pay their fair share. The Repubs have no push back except, “Please leave our wealthy overlords alone, you’re being so mean to them!”
Chernynkaya : Hi Em–ditto!
Emerald1943 : Hi Cher! Glad you’re here too!
choicelady : Hi AD- yours is the thread that made me look twice on mass murder. At first it was ‘huh’? Then I realized you were NOT talking about Karl Rove. Coulda been. Weren’t.
Chernynkaya : CL–Finally!
Emerald1943 : CL, you are kind to say so! I always look forward to your comments. I know I’m gonna’ learn something!
choicelady : Hey AdLib! Nice to see you!
Chernynkaya : Good point, AL. They have Sharia but their system of justice is not the same as ours.
ADONAI : Hello choice!
choicelady : Hi Cher – hi Em – yes, missed you, too!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, good point! They never received any justice from him. It’s going to be really interesting to see them set up the democratic process in the months to come.
ADONAI : Polls make the people look incredibly indecisive. And no branch of government looks good in poll numbers right now. But, again, we’re just talking about poll numbers.
choicelady : Cher – I think finally the voters get it. I got feedback that when the MT Senator voted against letting the Jobs act come to the Senate floor, he heard from HUGE numbers of angry people. He did NOT vote against it this time.
AdLib : Hey CL!
Emerald1943 : CL!!! Hi there! I’m so glad you are here! I’ve missed talking with you!
Chernynkaya : Hey CL!
AdLib : AD and EM – And consider that there was no example in Libya of the principle of justice so why would they think, “Let’s give him a fair trial.”
Chernynkaya : I just hope the American voting public is angry at the right groups.
Emerald1943 : AD, yep! He was so kind…called his people “rats”
choicelady : Hi all! Y’know – walking into this and having one thread about mass murder and the other the tax plan, it’s a jolly good thing I keep up with everyone! Could be VERY confusing otherwise.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, this man may be the most proficient and talented politician we’ve ever seen! He knew good and well that the entire Bill would not pass. He could make them vote on all the pieces. He set them up just great!
AdLib : Plus, the American public is angry, OWS is growing, people want something done and voting fro Repubs is voting against getting something done that will help the economy.
ADONAI : He stated openly that eh would murder thousands of civilians. I gotta think you are pretty much fair game after a statement like that.
Chernynkaya : Yep! I read today that KarlRove said Obama’s tax message (aka class warfare) is working.
AdLib : WM – And with his throwing piece after piece of his jobs plan at them, their repetitive “no” votes make them look worse and worse and sure would seem to make a campaign against them easier.
Emerald1943 : AD, I figured when they caught him that he wouldn’t make it for much longer. He had murdered so many people there that somebody was going to take revenge.
ADONAI : Indeed Al. I have to agree
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I think they are just setting up the President beautifully for his campaign. He can simply continue to pound them at every chance. The message is resonating with the people!
AdLib : AD – There was no way they were going to let him live, I think it was a forgone conclusion.
ADONAI : Hello Cher!
AdLib : Hey Cher!
ADONAI : That was kinda my feeling too Em. And I saw several Libyans being interviewed. They also would have liked to have had a trial but were not sad a tall about what happened to him.
Chernynkaya : Howdy, folks.
AdLib : EM – Indeed, I think that as the campaign really gets underway, the Repubs will only have their blocking of progress and improvement as the thing that describes them. And they have no jobs plan except allowing corps to pollute and the wealthy to get more tax breaks.
Emerald1943 : AD, I would rather have seen him on trial in the Hague, but whatever. This was up to the Libyan people just like Sadaam!
ADONAI : So, Gaddafi pretty much got the death people like him usually get, right?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, they look worse than awful! I think they are doing the Dems a big favor right now!
ADONAI : And always good to see you Em
Emerald1943 : Adonai…HELLO! Glad to see you!
AdLib : Hey AD!
AdLib : And amid all the other accomplishments of Obama’s this week, and their refusal to give him any credit, I think they look awful.
ADONAI : Hello
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I would have to vote for the Jobs Act getting NO vote from the Senate. That is deplorable!
AdLib : Oh man, like you said this week has been jam packed! What’s your fave story this week?
Emerald1943 : Hi Adlib! It’s been quite a day today! Lots going on! What are we going to discuss?
AdLib : The world was about to end but it saw Vox populi was about to start and thought better of it. Hey Emerald!
Emerald1943 : Hello Adlib, Cher, and Google!
Did the world end and I missed it??
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
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