AdLib : Tax increases cause swine flu, make you lose hair and turn your children against you.
PatsyT : Gee if Tax Cuts can do all this, imagine what Tax Increases would do ?
AdLib : The only things Tax Cuts won’t do is make you unhappy, shorter or less desirable to the opposite sex. That’s about it!
PatsyT : Oh boy, Is there nothing those Tax Cuts won’t do?
AdLib : Soup lines? Bread lines? Unemployment lines? No problem, you’ve got Tax Cuts!
PatsyT : Brother can you spare a dime? No! Try Tax Cuts!
AdLib : Patsy –
And I love this song, despite what it’s about. We’ll all have to get to know it if Repubs ever win Congress and the WH back.
PatsyT : «link»
AdLib : Night all!
AdLib : CL – “Child Labor, polluted water and air, dustbowl days, poor and elderly sleeping on the streets, are you nostalgic? Vote Bagger and return to a golden era! Don’t forget your apple cart!”
PatsyT : All the Best… Nighty Night
AdLib : Night CL and thanks to you and Patsy for all you’re both doing! Looks like time to end this edition of Vox Populi, have a great weekend and thanks to everyone who helped make it another great discussion!
choicelady : AdLib – “If you liked the 1890s, you’re gonna LOVE the Tea Party! Forward to the past – vote Baggers in 2012.”
choicelady : OK all – the energy expended on Amazon, on setting up a panel at the UN, on writing activist letters to get people going on the Jobs bill advocacy – and I’m wiped. I won’t be here next Friday, but I will ‘see’ everyone the Friday after. Sweet dreams y’all – and NOT about TAX CUTS!
AdLib : CL – Funny you say that, the Baggers were also considering to name their party, “The Redundant and Repetitive Party”.
choicelady : AdLib – isn’t that redundant?
PatsyT : Oh Geeeezzz you beat me to it AdLib! Why haven’t they thought of that … Spent Fuel Rods keeping you up at night? TAX CUTS !
AdLib : CL – Maybe the Baggers could start the Domestic Terrorist Party?
choicelady : AdLib – of COURSE! Tax cuts!
choicelady : Patsy – I have visions of them lugging spent fuel rods around the globe on velvet cushions with tassels. I can’t explain that, but it’s what comes to my mind…
AdLib : Patsy! That’s the solution to storing spent nuclear fuel!!! Tax cuts!!!
PatsyT : I am sure that they will announce the “Spent Fuel Tax Cut World Tour” Fnn Yeah!
choicelady : AdLib – will get it done! Thank you. Never know when a new member will show up…
AdLib : CL – Yes, you could write it for her or a new member could.
choicelady : AdLib – who needs terrorists when you have the Tea Party running for Prez? Patsy – do you know if they could reopen it?
AdLib : Patsy – Excellent points. Though if a RW became President and said Yucca is back on, could they make that happen? It is outrageous that the water supply to SOCA could be radiated! Who needs terrorists when you have the Nucular industry? One other thing, with Repubs in power, gutting the EPA and regulatory laws, who knows what they would do with spent fuel? Many reasons why the Repubs must be stomped down in 2012 and on and on.
choicelady : Patsy – i did not know Obama had shut Yucca Mountain!!!! That is part of what our “ask” was for Complex 2030 in redeveloping nuclear warheads!!!!! I am over the moon! Belong(ed) to a group, Faithful Security that worked on that but in the Bush years. Wow – we got it done. Who knew?> Thanks for that update! Missed that entirely!
choicelady : AdLib – I could write it for her so she can’t be sued or anything. You’ll keep my cover won’t you????
choicelady : AdLib – that point about when things fly on Amazon is that when the book is ready, it gets posted and sold. Takes no more than 48 hours. It’s now been three weeks. Something stinks.
PatsyT : AdLib… Pres Obama has done more to put the nail in the coffin of Nukes by closing down Yucca Mountain. ( He and Harry Reid) He has to walk a fine line here but here is where I see him playing that advance game of chess. Yucca MT. has water table issues along with seismic issues, and not to mention that that is Ancient Native American Land. That water table issue is the Colorado Basin the main water source of Southern California. Now if you can not put that Nuclear Waste in Yucca Mountain that appears to be in the middle of nowhere… Where can you put it? That is what is making people wake up and notice … There is no AWAY they you can put that nuclear waste in. 10,000 years or more? How do we keep that stuff from natural hazards and terrorists.
AdLib : CL – Excellent! You know, Leah could write an article here about her book but also about what Amazon has done, if they refuse to make it available, and that will get a bit of play around the web.
choicelady : AdLib – I can’t determine that he wrote ANYTHING about Dominionism other than the word. He knows nothing. So if he’s pressing to keep her out of the public, he’s in a world of hurt. She’s nobody’s pushover.
choicelady : AdLib – Monday if there is no response, no improvement, there will be a lawsuit. I told her she needed my former attorney who had three letters he’d write on client’s behalf: One was “cease and desist or there will be action.” One was “cease and desist or we will sue.” The third, my fave, was “Cease and desist or I’m gonna smoke you like a cheap cigar!” I told Leah to pick a lawyer who started with Number 3. She did.
AdLib : And since when does Amazon choose the dates that a book will be available? Isn’t that up to the publishers and author (in self-publishing cases)?
AdLib : McG has been on shows talking about his book and the Dominionism angle seems to be a very minor part of the book, not getting much play. Do you know if that’s the case?
choicelady : AdLib – he claims not, but…
AdLib : CL – Just checked out the comments there and Bubba does indeed sound like an Amazon shill.
choicelady : AdLib – Amazon is not even responding to the attorney, the publisher (who has published some 200 other books and gotten them on Amazon in 24-48 hours). Something stinks here. Either it’s censorship or they are pushing Joe McGinnis’s sleazoid book on Sarah. Now Levi’s book is out next Tuesday, so maybe after THAT is panned as badly as McG’s then Leah can be launched in clean, fresh air. But this is seriously stinky if it IS censorship. The LGBT book loss was NOT a computer error at all.
AdLib : Patsy – One constructive thing to come out of the terrible disaster in Japan is killing the construction of new nuclear reactors…which Obama supported!
choicelady : OK – forgot that posts – the blog page is: «link» There is some guy named “Bubba” who says he’s just a guy but who is shilling for Amazon. The thread is open to anyone, so feel free to ask why this is being held up. Remember Amazon last year suddenly “disappeared” 57,000 books of interest to the LGBT community? Just an oopsie? So we have lawyered up and are ready to go if the book is not on Amazon by Monday. Sorry to anyone who ordered it but has not gotten it – I’ve not either. We WILL get this done, but it looks like the hard way!
AdLib : CL – Have the publisher’s lawyers gotten any response as to why they are refusing to sell it?
PatsyT : Wall Street will not touch the Nukes… not with out heavy backing from the gov to indemnify them. They can not stand on their own even after 50 YEARS!
choicelady : Well folks, after a long hard day, I’m fading. I want to say that Leah Burton’s book, “God, Guns and Greed”is being totally censored or held back or something by Amazon that is handling her book differently from ANY other anyone has seen. After 3 weeks of NO APPEARANCE on Amazon, it is beyond anyone’s understanding. If anyone has ordered it, it WILL be shipped, but Amazon has the book and won’t ship it out. Can you say CENSORED? We are outraged. You can chime in on the blog page if you want to demand it:
PatsyT : Wall street IS investing in the Solar, Wind and other alternative energy, Why, because you do not need to carry the heavy insurance that the other industries need and oh by the way you can not get any private insurance co to insure nuke energy. That is where if you did not have the Price Anderson Act they would be out of business.
AdLib : CL – There is a Communications Office in the WH? Why do they seem so incompetent? In the Bush WH, the smallest story came out against them and they responded with flamethrowers. Obama’s WH seems to whisper with a sore throat.
AdLib : Patsy – Which is why I don’t understand the passive response to attacks like this against Obama. Why didn’t he come back and describe how much is thrown away on Nuclear energy and how much oil companies get in tax loopholes and subsidies\?
choicelady : AdLib – that is the one issue I do not understand about Obama. Where are the good talking points and good shout outs for what is going well? Back to – he needs a Carville. Only NOT Carville.
choicelady : Patsy – that is very true. I once thought the safety issues were paramount in turning away public support, but one very cranky dude said no it was the ECONOMIC issues. I think now he was right. It costs more to boil water with nuclear energy than by any other means. Add to that the “all gone, too bad” accidents, and it is absurd to use this means to generate power.
AdLib : CL – That’s the kind of story Obama should have responded with, listing the many companies that are doing well and how many they are employing. Much as I support this WH, I think they have been terrible at dealing with the topic of the day again and again.
PatsyT : Solyndra, Is chump change compared to the vaste $$$$ that the Nuclear industry has raped the taxpaer/ratepaye r
choicelady : ADLib – absolutely! Solyndra is one. Bankers? Too many to count.
AdLib : CL – Poor judgment, as it appears to be with approving the loan to Solyndra (and in 20/20 hindsight we can all be geniuses about what should or shouldn’t have been done) is far from being the same as handing the keys to the US economy to a drunk driving Wall Street.
choicelady : Patsy – thank you for all that!
PatsyT : The Nuclear industry could not stand on it’s own.. Talk about Taxpayer money going to waste . What happened to “Too Cheep to Meter” ?
choicelady : AdLib – I understand that part of the Korean trade agreement included penalties for dumping and guarantees of their taking US made equipment. But an NPR story on Solyndra said the vast majority of “green producers” that got stimulus money are doing well.
PatsyT : Choice, the best sites are «link» and «link» and «link» there are others
choicelady : AdLib – yes, that mess at Solyndra is disgusting and dangerous. But there are hundreds if not thousands of similar ventures ALL of which are working really well. This project, BTW, was started by Bush… One business failure is not unexpected. I notice the whooping and hollering are fading out. One reason – there are ethics charges pending against Issa who otherwise would have been chortling in his beard over this. It needs to be investigated, but it is NOT a biggie compared to, oh, BP, the banking collapse, and a few other disasters under the GOP.
AdLib : And on Solyndra, I have rarely seen the full story told on what happened in the solar panel industry, with China flooding the market with cheap panels and bankrupting many competitors including Solyndra. There are aspects that are troublesome, on why this loan should not have been made in the first place but China’s actions were just as crucial.
AdLib : Patsy – I read the latest article and the one below right now and talking about solar, just fumed at how this Solyndra debacle could be just the ammunition the nuclear and oil corps have been looking for to get govt funding pulled on solar.
choicelady : Patsy – that is a great site and a wonderful cartoon! Yes – for all the “fault tree analysis” and double safety systems they boast about – it too only ONE GUY with an oopsie to put San Onofre to sleep. Had the operators been on night duty with people at the helm with the nods, who KNOWS what might have happened???
PatsyT : «link» This is a site on the San Onofre Nuclear WASTE generating station
AdLib : Patsy – That is very hard work but I can see how rewarding it has already been for you. People aren’t used to others in their community treating them like they are part of a community. And when it comes to protecting one’s family and life, I would think people of all political persuasions would be open. Great work Patsy! Do try to document it if you can, would be very inspirational and instructive for people to see how it can really work!
choicelady : Patsy – their salaries are paid by the INDUSTRY?????? OutRAgeous! I had no idea, and I though I knew a lot about them. Incredible!
PatsyT : Most folks don’t know what the NRC is, I didn’t, not really and I didn’t know that their salaries are being paid by the Nuclear industry.
choicelady : Patsy – you are doing amazing and wonderful work! I’m in AWE!
choicelady : AdLib – I think, reading things here and over at The People’s View, that things are shifting. The armchair crybabies are folding. The purge at DK and the sell off of HP are cases in point – so I’m hoping that people are shifting away from whining and toward action. The adults are beginning to win!
AdLib : CL – Which is why I am concerned that these “victims” make it possible for the victimizers to gain greater power and oppress them harder. The blindness that accompanies victimhood is self-destructive .
PatsyT : Choice Thanks, You know I get lots of inspiration from talking to our Planet Community!
choicelady : “Night Sabreen. Lovely to see you. Sleep well!
PatsyT : Nighty Night Sabreen!
AdLib : Night Sabreen!
choicelady : Patsy – that is precisely the way to do it. People need to SEE who are the people behind the movement. Good for you!
Sabreen60 : I’m going to call it a night, also. Take care everyone.
AdLib : The real question is, are there enough Americans who at this point are willing to stand up to the continuing class warfare against the majority or do they need to be far more terribly oppressed before they finally decide to push back? And the lame act of blindly voting against whoever is in power is worthless.
PatsyT : AdLib, right now we are trying to make face to face contact with local people to gain awareness … This is time consuming but oh so worth it.
choicelady : AdLib – I always figured there was SOME answer to almost every question. I can’t understand the “poor me” drumbeat I see around me everywhere. It’s bad enough at a personal level when solutions go unheeded, but politically there are just way too many options to be a hapless schmuck.
Sabreen60 : Nite Adonai.
AdLib : CL – That’s at the crux of all of this. If people are being oppressed and act like victims, the oppression continues. If, as we see with the Arab Spring, people rise up and say, “No more!”, things change.
PatsyT : We had to fight for those meetings, many visits to the city council meetings. It is very tough so many would rather not be bothered but hey how about being radiated to open the eyes lazy overwhelemed
Sabreen60 : Good night Kes.
choicelady : Adonai – good night! Stay corporeal. We want you back. If it’s sleep you need, then go to it!
AdLib : Night AD!
ADONAI : Well kids, I’m ghost. Good night folks. Peace be with you.
AdLib : Night Kes!
AdLib : Patsy – Someone should be shooting video of your grassroots work, is someone doing so? You could post it on a dedicated YouTube channel, Facebook and Twitter it and leverage your great work into greater support and participation.
choicelady : AdLib – that really is a very good question. Some – too many – see themselves as victims. Others don’t. I bet there is no good way to explain who goes which way.
kesmarn : G’night, Cleveland, and all!
PatsyT : Good Night Toledo!
ADONAI : Nite kes!
choicelady : kes – good night! Sleep tight, and dream of a Dem takeover of Ohio!
AdLib : Patsy – It’s very energizing to see all that you and others are doing on the San Onofre issue. You’re demonstrating how the public can have power. CL does the same with all of her good work. People should be encouraged by this and become more involved. I don’t know, or most people more likely to act like victims in their own lives or heroes?
PatsyT : Sorry if that is OT but we are standing in front of grocery stores, parks, walking all the neighborhoods passing out info at neighbors doors.
kesmarn : Well, kids. Midnight here in the Land of Ever Shifting Districts and Ever Shifty Politicians, so I must say good night!
ADONAI : Lots of lessons to be learned. Hope attendance is high.
choicelady : Patsy – I will be at the UN on the 11th so cannot be there, but I hope it is a GREAT success! Invite Rochelle – I bet she’ll be there in a heartbeat!
choicelady : Patsy – that is positively AMAZING!
choicelady : AdLib – I pray Perry is it. He is SO outrageous! But remember that ALL of them signed that pledge to investigate ALL groups backing LGBT rights – that includes mine, and that inclueds ME.
ADONAI : well I guess that explains where Patsy has been.
ADONAI : you’re welcome choice. I greatly respect and pay attention to your every word. Agree or disagree
PatsyT : Hey I don’t kn ow if this works but talking about grassroots.. Here in SC in the OC We are moving! “Nuclear Power is Heating Up in San Clemente It turns out that we have a lot in common with the residents who suffered heavily (or died) in Fukushima. Like the Japanese, we all live close to ageing reactors with poor safety features built on a fault zone with questionable protection from tsunamis and terrorists and housing vast quantities of exposed radioactive fuel rods. Many are naturally alarmed over this, and so the San Clemente City Council is sponsoring a series of two meetings to inform the public. The theme is called Lessons Learned from Fukushima. The first meeting will be at the San Clemente Community Center at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, Sept. 27, a week after our own meeting on the same topic. Speakers will be representatives from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Southern California Edison (operators of San Onofre), and Emergency Disaster Planners. This group would not allow any speakers who oppose nuclear power, so a second meeting is scheduled for Oct. 11 which will include experts not affiliated with the nuclear industry. Promises to be quite a show, so be sure to attend both meetings. For more details, visit www.sanclementeg reen.org.
AdLib : Cl – Great advice. I’m wondering if it may take until the GOP has a nominee that Americans finally get engaged in doing something. Looking down the barrel of a President Rick Perry may be what’s needed to get people off their asses.
choicelady : Adonai – but thank you for the compliment!
choicelady : Adonai – don’t help! My husband is a native Californian. He’d die the first flake of snow. And I’m way too old to have the energy all that takes!
kesmarn : Mr. Daley might pout.
ADONAI : I dunno. Why don’t we just start an e-mail campaign to the White House to get choice installed as Chief of Staff?
choicelady : kes – WE need to define the enemy since Obama does not. He has started to call out the GOP, but we need to keep doing it more.
AdLib : I can’t imagine that the billion or so Obama will have for the campaign won’t include spending on ads that attack and rightfully blame the GOP for tanking the economy. If not them, I would hope some Progressive groups would be doing so.
kesmarn : And it’s hard to tell the voters they need to stand up to Repubs when there seems to be so much emphasis on bipartisan cooperation in so many speeches. The word “Congress” is always plugged in, instead of “Repubs.” Define the “enemy.”
choicelady : AdLib – YES AGAIN! But let me say, as a person who pushes grassroots people to action, don’t just do “click and send” letters you get. Do them – but do your own as well. You can go to your rep’s web site and in the ‘contact’ are – send your OWN letter. Best bet – write one and FAX it. Ten individual letters can turn a vote, an attitude, an outcome.
Sabreen60 : I know Kes. It was just funny – but true.
ADONAI : HA! He;s a shady motherfucker but he’s okay!
AdLib : Sabreen – I did say at the end that other than being a weasel, he’s okay.
ADONAI : I’ll be his PR guy. I’ll be fired on the first day after CNN cuts my mic off but I’ll give it a try.
choicelady : Adonai – YES! One of the most discouraging things is watching so-called progressives sit in armchairs and do nothing to work for their issues!
AdLib : AD – The damn American People need to get up off their butts and demand action from Repubs instead of just whining. Planeteers here take action, join protests, send emails and letters, if most Americans just did a little of that, things really could change.
Sabreen60 : AdLib: Why don’t you tell us how you REALLY feel about Carville
I hear you. I haven’t forgotten.
kesmarn : THAT’s what I mean, c’lady!
choicelady : kes and AdLib – I also don’t want Carville, just a Carville-like loyal person. Obama’s talking heads are dull. We need a fighter!
ADONAI : Amen Al. Obama needs the people to fulfill their end of the bargain.
kesmarn : But he stands out as an example of someone who would fight grizzlies for his Captain. Obama needs fierceness and loyalty like that. But with more principles.
ADONAI : Yeah did anyone else notice that at the end of Empire Strikes Back, Lando Calrision is wearing Han Solo’s clothes?
AdLib : What Obama needs is the public to step up and demand the Repubs quit tanking the economy to help them take over the WH…and demand spending bills for public sector jobs.
choicelady : kes – that’s a damned shame. She is one of the smartest people on basic social justice issues and amazing on restoring manufacturing. I hope she can survive.
AdLib : Carville, or Pumpkinhead as we call him around Halloween, is an unprincipled hack whose lies and manipulation against Obama during the 2008 primary should never be forgotten as reflective of who this reptile truly is. Other than that, he’s fine.
kesmarn : I should have been clearer, Sabreen. The Pres doesn’t need THE actual James Carville. He needs someone who’s as loyal to him as Carville was to Clinton. And then multiply that by 20!
ADONAI : Prez had Rahm Emanuel. Rahm actually pulled feuding dems together and told them to get their shit in order and get on page with the President. Then he wanted to be mayor. Sheesh.
Sabreen60 : Kes, Carville? He’s the guy that said the President should panic. Yeah right. All we need is President Obama acting as though he’s in a panic.
ADONAI : I dunno. that sounds entirely too reasonable.
kesmarn : Yes, AdLib. And in Ohio they’re so busy hacking up disricts — who knows where the District Office is or who is your rep any more? Looks as though I’ll be losing Marcy Kaptur…
AdLib : AD – Or how about starting a Dem club called, “The Reasonables”?
AdLib : Kes – You’re right, it is a burden so CL’s idea of District Offices is great but they won’t be back until the holidays, right?
kesmarn : Gosh, that’s kind of a disturbing thought, Sabreen. I mean the ides that the relationship between Congress and the Prez being cool. I hope not. He needs about 20 James Carvilles. Guys who would take a bullet for him.
AdLib : CL – I think being a Firebagger is all about needing to feel important and superior, reflective of emotional insecurities and feelings of inferiority. It always seems that their coming off as more principled than even the president is more important than any actual issue.
ADONAI : Democrats have a lot of gangs. I should think about joining up. Fly my colors. Maybe start my own group. The “Easily Satisfied”
Sabreen60 : Kes, I don’t know. For a while I thought maybe they couldn’t get on the talking head shows. But that can’t be it. Even when the President’s poll numbers were very good, he didn’t have strong Dems speaking out for him. I heard a talking head (can’t remember whom) say that the relationship between the WH and Congress is not good. I don’t know if that’s true or not.
kesmarn : The hard part about organizing big demos in DC is sort of logistical, though. So many people either can’t afford to travel (even by bus) and/or have to work.
choicelady : AdLib – would we have to learn dance routines though?
choicelady : AdLib – YUP!!!! I think that really would work!
AdLib : CL – How about flashmobs at the District Offices of Reps and Senators, coordinated at the same time?
choicelady : AdLib – oh – I’d do it when they were HOME. But since many won’t BE home until probably Thanksgiving, maybe DC is better.
choicelady : Adonai – firebaggers are lefties who may actually be Fifth Columnist righties. They are people who blow up like Roman candles at everything since they never really read bills or understand anything at all – but my, my they DO like the sound of their own fireworks!
AdLib : CL – Would it scare them enough though, with them not seeing it first hand and being in DC?
kesmarn : Sabreen, a friend and I were talking about this issue this morning. The fact that the Prez needs a strong cadre around him to support his efforts and defend him from attackers. Why don’t we see more of that, I wonder?
choicelady : AdLib – that’s a GREAT idea. We could save money though and take over District Offices all at once, on the same day. Then we’d just need bus fare.
AdLib : CL – If Dems are so easy to scare, why don’t we get a march for the AJA in DC and march right into the Capitol and occupy their offices. That should make them scream for weeks!
choicelady : AdLib – well labor stood with Obama in the signing. If they did not like the bill, they should have stayed out of the Rose Garden. I’m suddenly fed up with Trumpka, once really my hero. He’s become a nasty piece of work.
ADONAI : So the Blue Dogs appear to be the corporate Left. Who are the fire-baggers?
choicelady : Sabreen – I think most of them had not read the Jobs Act. They are doing knee jerk. I wish they’d just shut UP until they READ. They are running scared of the TP on one side and the PL on the other.
AdLib : Sabreen – Casey is a Blue Dog and as for Hoyer, I don’t have an answer on that. Maybe he’s trying to please labor by whining that it’s not enough?
ADONAI : Well who is the Progressive’s Walt Whitman?…… Wait a minute. Walt Whitman is the Progressive’s Walt Whitman isn’t he?…. Shit.
choicelady : AdLib – across the country, at least on health reform, we moved them a LOT. The 100% vote was CA, but we have some nervous and reticent Blue Dogs here. It is, I think, easier here than Louisiana, but we had success in a lot of otherwise conservative states. Again – House, not Senate.
AdLib : AD – Hmm…most writers are liberals so just about any book would be doing that. As Kes says though, it takes a real poor writer who’s myopic and a narrow minded, egotistical ideologue to write like Rand and the RW are just so much better at that.
Sabreen60 : But it’s not just blue dogs this time. Steny Hoyer (one of my Senators) sounded a little shaky. I immediately sent him an email. And what’s up with Casey – the President’s friend. I never thought of hims as a blue dog. Also, there are Progressives who don’t want any tax cuts in the bill and so they are bitching. They don’t have the President’s back. Dems get on my nerves and I’m one.
choicelady : AdLib – now I think you might be onto something. I think it’s loads easier to move a Representative than a Senator. Districts are vastly smaller, constituents are more in your face, and the money is less focused. So I will say yes, with senators I think you have larger problems.
kesmarn : I don’t think there’s a Progressive out there who could write as badly as Ayn Rand, AD. That takes skills that come from a very dark place.
AdLib : CL – Well done! BTW, are you talking about Blue Dogs just in CA or nationally?
choicelady : The staffer is a woman, a longtime friend of my husband’s, and we’re having dinner at her house. I will mostly listen and learn what he thinks then unleash the March of the Blue Haired Church Ladies once again. They are a force to be reckoned with!
AdLib : CL – Good to hear that at least one or more Blue Dogs are reachable. Blue Dogs like Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu and Manchin don’t seem like anything could sway them.
ADONAI : Who’s the Progressive’s Ayn Rand? Can’t we get a terrible movie made out of one of their books?
choicelady : AdLib – they CAN be moved! Not all of them, but more than you’d think. We sent clergy and people of faith to the hold outs on health care – we got 100% Dem vote for health reform in CA. We started with about 25 hold outs. We DID move them!
kesmarn : c;lady, charm the daylights out of him. You can do it!
AdLib : I can say one thing, I won’t be contributing to the DNC, I will contribute to the Pres and through Progressive groups funding Progressive candidates. The Blue Dogs can pay with their corporate money but I’d rather focus on helping Progressive Dems.
choicelady : Next Friday I’m having dinner with a Congressman’s staffer – he’s a Blue Dog and I already moved him on health care by getting droves of church ladies to lean on him. He totally reversed his position. So we will do that on jobs, too! What liberals don’t tend to get is that Blue Dogs are often that because that’s all they hear from. We need to get liberal and progressive voices out there much, much more!
AdLib : CL – Blue Dogs don’t seem interested in much more than keeping their seats so as long as they feel their corporate contributors are pleased with what they say and do, they’ll keep at it.
kesmarn : The worse they make themselves look by running, the better the Prez looks in comparison by standing his ground.
choicelady : Sabreen – Last time the ones who lost were mostly Blue Dogs. You’d think the remaining ones would see the handwriting on the wall?
AdLib : I too like the Rev. Al segment and folks should be finding ways to confront the Dems (mostly Blue Dogs) who care more about serving themselves than the welfare of most Americans.
Sabreen60 : Ooops. Hit the enter key. Anyway, Shrum wrote an article calling those Dems the Crybaby Chorus. Landrieu says she will NEVER vote to raise taxes on oil and gas. The other crybabies are running scared and putting their own jobs first. However, they are stupid to run away from the President.
choicelady : SAbreen – I hardly ever see Rev. Al, but I LOVE that idea!
kesmarn : Fiendishly clever, AL!
ADONAI : What happened to “Can we talk about this”? Now it’s “Crybaby”? Are we 10?
choicelady : Garamendi is so odd – he looks like a sleaze with his (I am sure) face lift, slicked hair, tan and smile – but there is a LOT to him. I advanced for Moscone during his run for governor and he was the same – seemed too pretty, too slick, but there was substance to him.
AdLib : Kes – It’s just a gimmick. Voting for Obama only provides increased sexual performance for 4 hours, they’ll never get to 8 but it looks like we’re being impartial, see?
kesmarn : Go Rev. Al!
Sabreen60 : CL: I mentioned earlier that Rev Al is doing a segment on his show call “The Crybaby Caucus”. He will name those Dems who are crying and whining about the AJA and not supporting the President. He got the idea from Bob Shrum’
kesmarn : OOoops! I just knocked myself off the Planet briefly by hittin a random button. Sorry. AdLib: Great slogan, but I don’t think we want to encourage them to stop voting for Obama under any circumstances. Even 8 hours of moaning with pleasure…keep on voting.
AdLib : Patsy – I have liked Garamendi for a long time, I would support him.
AdLib : CL – That is something we should step in on (Dems dissing the AJA). Blue Dogs are an disloyal bunch though, whether we’re in the minority or majority. At the very least, we should raise our voices to affirm our support of the AJA and leave them deserted.
ADONAI : That’s the booze business. Profiting from the shame of others!
ADONAI : There was a great piece on the daily show the other night where a ready made Obama controversy fell right into FOX News’ lap. Jon Stewart told FOX News to call a doctor cause the erection they have will last longer than 4 hours.
choicelady : Adonai – that will attract all the right people. They will all wind up in jail, but you’ll be rich!
AdLib : Kes – “Voting for Obama may cause greatly improved sexual performance. If eliciting moans of pleasure for longer than 8 hours, you may want to stop voting for Obama.”
ADONAI : I was gonna market my own beer. Call it “Shirtless Fistfight In A Can”.
choicelady : AdLib – it’s not fair to judge Harris on one thing, but it is a signal that there may be more ego than substance to her. I have yet to see anything she has DONE. She talks a lot, but…
AdLib : CL – I put a lot of weight into your take on people and issues in CA so your thoughts on Kamala matter to me. Thanks for the heads up.
choicelady : AD – that would be the UK and several Scandinavian countries. They do work well.Pasty – I LIKE Garamendi.
PatsyT : Choice, How about Garamedi? «link»
ADONAI : I think the best government would be a mix up monarchy and democracy.
choicelady : AdLib – what ARE we going to do about the Dems who are talking smack about the jobs bill?
kesmarn : That would work, AL!! Also there need to be a way to reach the Cialis market demo, too.
AdLib : Kes – How to appeal to the uninformed indies? Sell Obama as a weight loss program, “I lost 10 pounds just by voting for Obama!”
choicelady : AD and AdLib – I agree Bush was thinking he was a dictator, but I have often said people working for social justice WOULD be better off with a BENEVOLENT monarch than the rasty public!
ADONAI : Al, I know I set that one up but I mean a qualified monarch.
kesmarn : The uninformed do though, AD.
AdLib : AD – America had 8 years of ironfisted rule from an undisputed monarch, we’re trying to recover from that.
ADONAI : HA! Never saw the appeal of Red Bull
PatsyT : Choice, Thats a shame. I hope she can amend that.
kesmarn : More like Skittles and Red Bull ad campaign,AD.
AdLib : Patsy – Yes, that’s a great suggestion, I like Kamala too!
ADONAI : Least informed and least knowledgeable? well that calls for a Starbucks ad campaign!
AdLib : Patsy – I didn’t know that about the pilot. I can say, I would feel more comfortable flying with a pilot who was 60 than one who was 80.
choicelady : Patsy – i have a personal peeve about Harris in that she made a big deal out of working against hate crimes but has utterly blown off everyone doing anti-hate crime things and won’t meet with us. Kinda makes me wonder if there’s really anything trustworthy about her.
AdLib : CL – As I said, not a diss about people who are 80, just saying that such a job really works best for the people one is supposed to represent if that person is sharp and full of energy,
kesmarn : Now the question is: how to package the Prez to appeal to least informed and least knowledgeable?
ADONAI : What America needs is about 15 to 20 years of ironfisted rule from an undisputed monarch.
PatsyT : AdLib … who do you see taking the Feinstien I like that Kamala Harris!
choicelady : kes – indeed! Carter now would be great.
AdLib : Sabreen – My theory about Indies is mainly that they aren’t very bright and don’t really follow politics. So they don’t belong to parties and come to each election like rubes at a carnival, whoever can convince or manipulate them best will win them and the election. So, our elections, IMO, are decided by the least informed and knowledgeable.
choicelady : Adonai – there is no contest. They are equally dreadful. Can’t sort slime.
kesmarn : Although, I would take Jimmy Carter right now over Michelle Bachmann. Age wouldn’t matter.
choicelady : Patsy – yes, how horrid! That was the first thing I thought.
ADONAI : More Terrible President: Rick Perry or Newt Gingrich?
PatsyT : Adlib, that guy that was the pilot in NV was over 80.
choicelady : AdLib – those of us slouching toward 80 have to disagree! (I”m a ways off…) But I’d like someone with more zip, in POLICIES more than personally.
kesmarn : Sabreen, I think that many indies should change their title to “mercenary.” A lot vote their pocketbook and nothing else. They can be bought.
choicelady : kes – they just want ALL services and NO taxes. Sorry – does not work that way.
AdLib : CL – DiFi is also 78, another term and she’d be 84 or 85 at the end of it…I feel this way about all politicians, I don’t want someone over 80 in any position. Not agism but practicality, you don’t have the same mental acuity and energy at that age as someone even in their 60s.
ADONAI : I pay attention
choicelady : Sabreen – look at any comments to online news stories. They are not the brightest bulbs in the closet. They don’t know what they want because, like disaffected progressives, they have NO clue what policies mean or how they work.
kesmarn : Absolutely, c’lady. Even more corrupt this next election in Ohio,if that’s possible.
choicelady : kes – I know the Ohio story very well. That was Blackwell or something – the Diebold story, the too few polls in minority neighborhoods story. Ohio just stunk. Bet that’s true this coming election, too.
Sabreen60 : So someone explain to me why Indies which from one party to the other. Is it that they just aren’t paying attention? What is their thought process?
ADONAI : Remember Clinton vs Dole? Kerry was Dole
kesmarn : It was the same story for Kerry in Ohio. A crooked Sec. of State (who was also the Repub State Chair and who owned stock in the Diebold voting machine company) Too few machines in Dem precincts, too many in Repub ones. etc. etc.
choicelady : AdLib – oh I agree. But I don’t see anyone primarying (is that even a word?) her.
ADONAI : Bush was the new idiot and they loved him.
choicelady : AdLib – well I’d switch to a liberal Dem computer then. You need accuracy and not mindless drifts to the right……….. ..
ADONAI : Bush said there was a liberal media bias. Go back and look a that election. They carried Bush to the White House.
AdLib : CL – DiFi has alienated a number of Progressives with her conservative lean on a number of issues and personally, I would like to see a more Progressive Dem in her place. That aside, I surely would vote for her over any Repub.
choicelady : Adonai – it WAS over with the popular vote. Gore got millions more, but the electoral college system screwed him though the FL numbers should NEVER have been in Bush’s count. It was a fraud.
ADONAI : I blame the media more than I do the SCOTUS. the media is the reason the SCOTUS even had to get involved
AdLib : CL – Of course I have a Republican computer but being such, it doesn’t compute properly.
choicelady : AdLib – numbers not good for DiFi. Makes me worried.
ADONAI : It should have been over long before Florida. Tipper should have been picking out curtains for the Lincoln bedroom by then.
choicelady : Adonai – Dude did NOT beat Gore. Gore got the popular vote then got screwed by the SCOTUS decision not to permit a recount of FL ballots. Read a really good book on this: Greg Palast, “Best Democracy Money Can Buy”. Excellent expose.
AdLib : CL – I’m not buying the “throw the bums out” mentality applied to Dems about their reps. As the numbers show, though they’re frustrated, Dems are not as angry at their reps as they are at Repubs. Meanwhile, half of Repubs dislike their Reps. Personally, I can see this working out positively, with Dems keeping the WH and Senate and winning back the House.
ADONAI : Many republicans are quite pissed right now at their Party.
choicelady : ADLib – you have a Republican computer????
kesmarn : Gore had a lot of “help” from FL in losing that election, AD.
choicelady : AdLib and all – I’m getting nervous about the “throw the bums out” mentality. It will do no one any good if we mindlessly vote against GOOD people.
AdLib : CL – I just said the magic words “Tax Cuts” and the right web page appeared on my screen!
ADONAI : It was still better than Bush’s strategy of mumbling incoherently til his time was up. good lord Gore. How’d you let that dude beat you!
choicelady : AdLib – where are you reading all these stats while we’re out here typing silly jokes?
AdLib : Here’s the link to the quote below: «link»
AdLib : Republican voters were more dissatisfied with their own party representatives than are Democrats. Half of Republican voters said they disapproved of Republicans in Congress, while 43 percent of Democratic voters said they disapproved of Democrats in Congress. Independents were slightly less approving of congressional Republicans than congressional Democrats.
kesmarn : AD, it was just a figure of speech for the plan to protect SS funds from being raided constantly. The lock box thing
ADONAI : People have always hate Congress though.
choicelady : Adonai – it’s a policy term meaning a line item in budgets that cannot be raided. GREAT idea, but policy wonk talk. I know. I say stuff like that.
AdLib : In the poll showing 12% approval of Congress, Repubs got a 19% approval, compared with Dems at 28%. So Dems have an approval in Congress that’s 50% higher than Repubs! How’s that Bagger thing workin’ out for ya?
choicelady : Adonai – and Congress asked, “Which one?” OR-
kesmarn : Thank you, c’lady! I knew that could not have been true.
ADONAI : gore talking about a lock box was so stupid and made so many people tune him out after that. I mean, come on. A lockbox?!
choicelady : kes – and Gore NEVER claimed he invented the internet – he said he supported its value very early on.
ADONAI : Congress walks into a bar. Bartender says, “Get the fuck out.”
kesmarn : I remember people laughing at Gore about the “lock box” for SS. Now that sounds pretty sane. Al was pretty sane about a lot of things.
choicelady : Adonai – I think you can put money (from your tax cut) on Romney having a terrible “fix”.
ADONAI : I actually agree with that. Politicians grab money from SS and Medicare and blame the program for the “losses”. I’m sure he has terrible ideas to “fix it” though.
choicelady : AdLib – OK RAIDING Social Security is probably criminal, but SS itself is certainly NOT. Reagan and Ford and the Bushes raided SS- I am unaware of the Dems doing the same.
kesmarn : Patsy, that’s a good question. Maybe those 12% were actually IN Congress.
ADONAI : You’re probably right choice.
AdLib : Here’s the link to the NR article: «link»
choicelady : Adonai – I’m not convinced Romney’s heart is anywhere but in his chest. He says what he thinks people want to hear. I have no respect for his slippery changes on isues.
AdLib : Here’s what Romney said and below is a link to a National Review article titled, “Romney: Social Security Is Like a Criminal Fraud”: “The example Romney gave in his book is this: Two grandparents go to their bank and create a trust fund to provide for their grandchildren’s education. As the kids grow up, the bank is spending the money from the trust fund on something else. When the kids are ready to go college, there is no money in the trust fund. “What would happen to the bankers responsible for misusing the money?” Romney writes. “They would go to jail. “But what has happened to the people responsible for the looming bankruptcy of Social Security?” he writes. “They keep returning to Congress every two years.”
PatsyT : Hey Kes what drug did they have to give the 12%?
kesmarn : I heard before work that congress’s approval rating is now at 12%. 72% negative for Repubs. 60-ish negative for Dems.
ADONAI : or Tax Cuts/The Conservative Memory of Ronald Reagan
choicelady : Adonai – now THAT is a winning GOP ticket!
PatsyT : That 3 am phone will be answered by President … Cuts
choicelady : AdLib – do these people EVER check what they say before saying it? John Quncy Adams a founding father, Revere warned the Brits, it is getting bizarre, and the more you tell them they are wrong, the harder they defend what they said. Wow.
ADONAI : Tax cuts/Tax loopholes 2012
PatsyT : Oooo if Tax Cuts are on the top of the ticket who will they run as VP?
ADONAI : He said that and some other very silly things. His heart was in the right place but he has TERRIBLE ideas.
AdLib : CL – Yes, it was from an older speech but Romney did call SS a criminal scheme.
choicelady : Adonai – oh, please – tell me he did NOT say that? LOL!!! Tho it’s a good sentiment in its way.
AdLib : “And now, The President of the United States, John Q. Taxcuts!”
choicelady : AdLib – ROMNEY said SS was criminal???????
choicelady : Adonai – well I guess we could see that coming…
ADONAI : Romney said he wanted to make the average American the highest paid worker in America. Let that one sink in.
AdLib : Kes – Whoops, I meant Perry! Romney did say in the past that he thought SS was a criminal scheme.
PatsyT : Why don’t they just nominate … Tax Cuts
choicelady : AdLib – it was Perry who said SS was a Ponzi scheme. What did Romney say? I do agree – as horrid as Perry is, he’s the glow-in-the-dark idol that “the base” will support. GOP know that Romney can’t fly as a Mormon or almost rational person.
ADONAI : I’m still backing Romney. he’s a modest kind of stupid
kesmarn : AdLib, did Romney call SS a Ponzi scheme too? I thought Perry did that.
AdLib : What do you think about the GOP primary right now? Will Perry win? Romney? Someone else?
ADONAI : And…. Bartender says “What’ll ya have?” Tax cuts says “tax cuts”.
Kalima : Loves you back Patsy.
AdLib : So, I have been predicting Perry will win the nom. Many folks thought Romney was badly hurt by his “Ponzi Scheme” crack about SS but he remains ahead in the polls. I think Perry keeps in the lead because when Baggers attach themselves to someone, nothing can separate them. Except maybe a crowbar.
choicelady : Adonai – and…???
PatsyT : Go On …
ADONAI : Tax cuts walks into a bar.
choicelady : Patsy – tax cuts – your personal flotation device.
kesmarn : Exactly!
Kalima : Kes
Bath water not draining, tax cuts
PatsyT : Love to you dear Kalima!
ADONAI : Tax cuts? tax cuts
PatsyT : Flooding in New Jersy… don’t worry your tax cuts will save you.
choicelady : AdLib – it is fun, isn’t it?
ADONAI : I don’t think we can choice. Don’t think we can.
AdLib : Bye Kalima, feel free to pop in!
kesmarn : Doorbell not working, Kalima? tax cuts
Kalima : Just a little break, off again. Have fun.
choicelady : Adonai – Sorry – shows how out of it I am. Apologies to wrestlers and wildlife, if anyone can tell the difference…
AdLib : I’m loving it. The Repubs no longer can campaign on ideas, only personal attacks and fabricated ones at that. So of course, that would have to be what happened in the primary. \
PatsyT : Hey Kalima! Dose your kitty have a hair ball> Tax Cuts!
choicelady : Kalima! What are you doing up at this awful hour! LOVELY to see you!
ADONAI : It’s WWE now. World Wildlife Foundation sued them.
choicelady : AdLib – YES! It beats WWF smackdowns!
ADONAI : Hello Kalima!
AdLib : Kalima –
ADONAI : What about Romney’s insane plan to never pass a regulation unless an equal regulation is repealed?
kesmarn : YAY, Kalima!
choicelady : kes – what would God and Jesus do with more money? No pockets.
Kalima : “Just me and my tax cuts, walking down the a-ven-ue”.
AdLib : CL – We started talking about the GOP fragging going on and how enjoyable it is. Romney and Perry in a slap fight with Bachmann throwing spitballs at Perry. Ah, so fun and it should last for many months.
choicelady : Well tax cuts ARE Perry, Bachmann, and Romney. It works for me.
ADONAI : Need to drop those love handles? Tax cuts
kesmarn : What would Jesus cut? taxes
kesmarn : Over-active bladder? tax cuts
choicelady : “God loves you – but he loves your tax cuts more!”
ADONAI : which led to tax cuts
PatsyT : Unsightly Age Spots? Just apply tax cuts!
ADONAI : Perry vs Bachmann vs romney
ADONAI : Lemme see…. tax cuts rescue baby from burning building… not as good
choicelady : Sorry to be late – do we have a theme (beyond tax cuts, of course)?
AdLib : “Thanks to tax cuts, I’m no longer bald!”
AdLib : Thanks CL!
ADONAI : HA! that’s a good one Al
choicelady : AdLib – I LOVE that!
ADONAI : Just found out your spouse was unfaithful? tax cuts
PatsyT : Tax Cuts will cure your Gout!
kesmarn : Tax cut Spanx, Patsy!
AdLib : “Man stranded on island – survives solely on tax cuts.”
choicelady : Patsy – tax cuts! Better than Viagra!
PatsyT : Tax cuts or genie bra?
kesmarn : “When I grow up, I wanna be a tax cut.”
ADONAI : Yeah but I need to stop before I get out of hand.
choicelady : kes – that’s “every child”. Dyslexia of the fingers tonight.
Abbyrose86 : The Beatles had it wrong….doncha no…you don’t need love…all you need is tax cuts!
choicelady : kes – I know very child in America longs for a tax cut!
kesmarn : When the kiddies are bored on a rainy day? tax cuts
AdLib : Hey, we should do a parody of the “Head On” commercial only with “Tax Cuts” substituted: «link»
ADONAI : Tax cuts defeated the Nazis
choicelady : Tax cuts – better than sex!
PatsyT : Tax cuts will find your lost keys every time!
choicelady : Adonai – these are GREAT slogans!
ADONAI : Tax cuts got my cat out of a tree!
choicelady : Adonai – well if anyone would make something out of T-chirts, it would be thee.
kesmarn : Jinx, Patsy? tax cuts
PatsyT : Ji9nx Kes!
AdLib : “Tax cuts cured my blindness. Now I can see…my savings!”
ADONAI : Well I could put it on a T-shirt but I’m intrigued by these “t-chirts” you propose.
PatsyT : Got Acne? Get Tax Cuts!
kesmarn : Bunions? tax cuts Acne? tax cuts Fibromyalgia? tax cuts
choicelady : T-SHIRT. Sorry.
Abbyrose86 : LOL Adonai
choicelady : Adonai – well, there you go! That is so funny you should put it on a T-chirt!
AdLib : No more Viagra for the guys, all they need is tax cuts!
PatsyT : Hey Choice and theres more … you can reduce your cholesterol!
Abbyrose86 : tax cuts are da bomb
ADONAI : Unemployment? tax cuts. Debt? tax cuts. War? Tax cuts. Corporations? Tax cuts.That feeling you get around 2:00 in the afternoon when you just wanna go to sleep at your desk? tax cuts. Vampires? Tax cuts. Robocop? Tax cuts.
choicelady : kes – OH! That’s the problem. I hate it when my teeth curl..
AdLib : Patsy – And I hear that what will really help get rid of those extra pounds and inches…is tax cuts!
Abbyrose86 : I heard Tax cuts can cure cancer,too.
kesmarn : Tax cuts make your hair white and your teeth curly. Or, wait…
choicelady : AdLib – Susan may turn out to be our best bet. I will keep you posted, but I’m away this whole next week offline. Only way to keep sane!
PatsyT : Did Ya know, Tax cuts cure hangovers!
AdLib : CL – Believe it or not, had to wrestle with internet access problems this week, had a response to you written then the internet went down. Anyway, yes, I’ve been following it and am quite excited!
Abbyrose86 : Choicelady…ass es…yes they are asses! I shouldn’t have insulted the ponies.
choicelady : Abby – what GOOD news!
choicelady : Patsy – REALLY? I’ve been looking for something that will get ring around the collar out. Think a big, smacking tax cut will do it?
Abbyrose86 : The job is awesome…and I can’t believe I’m going to say this…the company I am working for is pretty damn cool. They actually treat their employees well…what a concept!
PatsyT : Now AdLib don’t you know tax cuts will remove stingy grey and stubborn toilet rings!
choicelady : Abby – you got that right! One trick ponies! Or burrows. Or something related…
ADONAI : Getting the back but nothing on the forth.
choicelady : Hi AdLib – how ARE you? Have you been getting my back and forth with various folks?
kesmarn : Big step forward, c’lady.
AdLib : Abby – Hope the new job and the move are going very well! You’ve been missed.
Abbyrose86 : Oh Adlib they are one trick ponies
choicelady : kes – thank you! We are very pleased indeed! One step forward!
ADONAI : Indeed Al. And I think many of their constituents don’t want to hear it.
Abbyrose86 : Hey there Sabreen.
AdLib : Hey Choicelady!
PatsyT : Good Evening Sabreen!
ADONAI : Hello choice!
kesmarn : Hey, c’lady! Congrats on the victory for religious freedom in the military.
Abbyrose86 : Hi Choicelady…it was tough, but I getting stronger everyday. I needed to get away for a while.
AdLib : Notice how none of the Repubs have a real plan to fix anything, just blabbing “tax cuts” and “cutting regulations” like aspirins for everything.
Sabreen60 : Hi Patsy and Abby !
PatsyT : Hey Abby Hope the new job is working well for you.
choicelady : Hi everyone and a big shout out to Abby! Great to have you here! What happened to you was huge, and I’m so sorry! Sorry, too that you moved.
Abbyrose86 : How are you Ad lib? I’ve Been crazy busy. I took a new job and moved. A lot has changed since I stopped in last. Part of the reason why I haven’t been here.
kesmarn : Oh, Abby, so sorry to hear that. I hope things are going better now.
Abbyrose86 : Hi Patsy
ADONAI : Hello Patsy!
Abbyrose86 : Hi Adonai!
AdLib : Kes –
Abbyrose86 : Kes,…I dropped out….my life changed substantially back on July 4th weekend. I couldn’t do it…instead I moved out of town, I took a job In Corning NY. But thanks for asking. How are you?
AdLib : Abby!!! Nice to see you! What’s up?
kesmarn : Hey, Abby! How’s the candidacy going?
kesmarn : Bachmann’s program is “Idontcare.”
PatsyT : Hey Abby!
ADONAI : HELLO ABBY!!!!!!!!!!!
PatsyT : All is well and busy in the O C !
ADONAI : It’s like there are 2 Republican Parties. The people at the debates and the people at the town halls. The debates have a hand picked crowd who love all this stuff but the town halls don’t. And there is no on applauding ANYTHING at these town halls.
Abbyrose86 : Just stopped by to say Hi….Its been quite awhile, I hope everyone is doing ok!
AdLib : Hey Patsy!
AdLib : Bachmann called Perry’s HPV program, “PerryCare”! Heh, now neither he nor Romney have clean hands on attacking Obama on the ACA (I will not call it “Obamacare”).
kesmarn : Hey, Patsy! How are you?
PatsyT : Hi Kids !
kesmarn : AL with no cable now I miss a lot of the fun stuff. What are the latest words flung between the GoodHair Twins. And is anyone still listening to Michelle after the “vaccines cause mental retardation” comment? That might have sunk her.
AdLib : AD – A very valuable 3rd wheel for Dems, Bachmann is stabbing at Perry like the visious creature she is, the only way she knows how to operate as a politician and Perry is taking some big hits.
ADONAI : I didn’t see the Tea Party debate though so I missed any shenanigans she may have pulled
ADONAI : Bachmann seems like a third wheel at this point.
ADONAI : Really? I thought I had seen every Bond movie. How did I miss that one?
AdLib : So, how is everyone enjoying Bachmann pounding on Perry and Perry and Romney throwing rocks at each others’ heads?
kesmarn : I keep a ball of string and some extra cans around for when the satellites go down.
AdLib : AD – George Lazenby played Bond in the one that Connery skipped, “In Her Majesty’s Secret Service”. Terrible script and very weak actor. Connery came back after that one in “Diamonds Are Forever”.
ADONAI : It’s good to have a CB radio. when the satellites go down you’ll be glad you have it.
kesmarn : I think he made one Bond movie. Is that right, AL? And in answer to your other question: Does anyone still have a CB radio?
ADONAI : They do still say breaker and good buddy, yes.
AdLib : Kes – Do they still say, “Breaker-breake r good buddy”?
ADONAI : Lazenby. Who tha Hell was Lazenby?
kesmarn : And yet, somehow it all went tragically wrong…
ADONAI : People who know a Roger. Perhaps certain military folk.
AdLib : With a name like Lazenby, you know he has to be a good Bond.
kesmarn : The question I asked was: Do people still say Roger?
ADONAI : I would have started a conversation about Airplane. Roger, Roger
kesmarn : I imagine he wanted to strangle his agent after that one. Diana Rigg. As I recall she had ultra cool hair.
AdLib : Worst Bond film of that era, that is.
AdLib : Lazenby had the worst film of that era, in which he had to be helpless in a “harem” for most of the film in a “fembot” plot. However, Diana Rigg rocked!
kesmarn : AD, somehow this all started when I signed off to Kalima using the word “Roger.”
kesmarn : I think I remember laughing myself silly over Lazenby.
AdLib : Hey Ad!
ADONAI : Connery was the best Bond. Why do people even try to argue that?
AdLib : Kes – I would place Brosnan 3rd, I did like him. Moore comes next then Dalton and Lazenby.
kesmarn : Hey, AD!
kesmarn : I like the new look of your name: “SabreeN” !!!
ADONAI : Hello
Sabreen60 : Hi AdLib: I’m still here :>)
AdLib : Whoops, sorry for the caps!
kesmarn : Yes, Brosnan was a little more professorial. And Hi, Sabreen!
Sabreen60 : Hey Everyone.
AdLib : He was fine though there was a sense of threat and roughness to the character under the other two that Brosnan didn’t quite have but I would rank him third over Moore.
kesmarn : I’ve totally blanked on the name of the guy I liked best. No,wait. It’s coming to me. Pierce Brosnan.
AdLib : Moore’s Bond was a bit of a dandy, not at all what most think about Bond.
AdLib : Connery and Craig, that’s about it for me.
kesmarn : I can hear it now: “Who was the best Bond ever? Why, Roger, of course. His fans were shaken and stirred.”
AdLib : He’s an actor, I figured he talks about himself in 3rd person at times.
kesmarn : Or at least Mrs. Moore must, AL…
AdLib : I know that Mr. Moore still does.
kesmarn : Do people still say Roger??
kesmarn : Roger!
Kalima : Bye 4 now. Stay safe. Over and out! X
kesmarn : Have a good day, Kalima!
Kalima : Oops, have fun everyone, I’ll read it later so please try to behave.
AdLib : Bye Kalima! Nice to see you on Vox!
kesmarn : Either that, K, or one of them painted “softie” on the curb in front of my house!
Kalima : Thanks kes. Off I go.
Kalima : They know your heart kes. Lucky guys and girls/
kesmarn : Hope everything is in working condition by the end of your day, Kalima. Hugs to you.
Kalima : I know kes, one is coming this afternoon to fix the bath. I’d better get a move on.
kesmarn : Kalima, when I got home from work tonight there were 8 stray felines waiting for a snack. That’s a record, I think.
AdLib : At least we know there are angels there too.
Kalima : I didn’t ask them to come unless my prayers have been drifting.
AdLib : Kalima – Rain and quakes…does sound like locusts are waiting in the wings.
kesmarn : So good to be here. For once people showed up at 7pm on a Friday for work and released me. Kalima, you’ve had your share of home improvements lately!
Kalima : Take care.
Kalima : Hello kes, I’m just off to start my day in the “House that Jack built”.
AdLib : Hey Kes! Nice to see you so early…for you.
kesmarn : Good evening, friends. I love getting home early from work on Friday night!
Kalima : Actually it might have been the Ark, and I was leading in the animals two by two.
Kalima : I think I was rowing a boat in my dreams and didn’t feel it.
AdLib : Hey Kalima! Are you holding up ok after today’s earthquake?
Kalima : Hi AdLib, thought I’d alert everyone with the first pop before I leave.
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
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