Emerald1943 : …’
AdLib : See you next week!
AdLib : But, it does look like time to bring tonight’s edition of Vox Populi to a close. Thanks Emerald and Bito and everyone else for a fun and intriguing discussion!
AdLib : Nope!
Emerald1943 : Well Google, it’s just you and me and I’m leaving. You just continue to crawl! Good night, all!
Emerald1943 : Bito, are you still here, or am I all alone?
Emerald1943 : Has everybody left already?
Emerald1943 : Chris, good nite! Hope to see you later!
ChrisR266 : I’ll be back next week to see where you’re going with this, Em, so get cracking!
Emerald1943 : Chris, I’ll work on your bumper stickers for 2016! This will be great! You’ll see!
ChrisR266 : Everyone enjoy your weekend, ok?
ChrisR266 : I’m out of steam for the evening, as well.
Emerald1943 : Funk, have a good night! Hope to see you here tomorrow!
ChrisR266 : good evening, Funk.
funksands : I’ve gotta go too. You all take care of yourselves!
Emerald1943 : Well, we didn’t really stay on topic like our fearless leader wanted us to do, now did we?
ChrisR266 : Em: and all those stomachs, tee-hee.
Emerald1943 : Chris, sounds like a plan. A good rumination always cleans out your pipes!
ADONAI : Charades? Wait. That won’t work.
Emerald1943 : Adonai, noooo, don’t go! What ever will we do without you?
ChrisR266 : LOL, Em,: neither am I. I do, though, think it is useful to think about what we everyday, normal squeezed people want in a Presidency. I think I got the good. I shall ruminate on this further…
funksands : ….or teeth….okay I better stop now. Night Adonai!
ADONAI : Well kids, I must retire. As you suffer know that I have betrayed you. Good night folks!
Emerald1943 : Funk, that’s just because of the number of toes and/or fingers.
funksands : Em:
That’s a good one…
ADONAI : We’re in serious talks to bring on Watson, the new IBM living computer, to shore up the robot vote.
Emerald1943 : Funk, only to TEN!
Emerald1943 : Chris, I may be old but I ain’t dead!
ChrisR266 : Funk: con’t GOOD!
ChrisR266 : Aw, Funk, that was GOO
ADONAI : D’oh!
Emerald1943 : Bito, where you been? Is that so? I didn’t know that.
ChrisR266 : Em: I see you understand the meaning of “tap.” LOL
bito : Em 14% is above the total progressive total of the country.
Emerald1943 : Chris, I’d tap him too! heh heh heh!
funksands : Adonai, the last time I checked you needed to be a US citizen to be President. Does Kentucky count?
ChrisR266 : Em: Matt Damon.
AdLib : Em – Donna Edwards is solid!
Emerald1943 : Chris, who are you tapping for your “vice”?
ChrisR266 : Aw, ok, Adonai. You know I’m going to throw my support your way.
AdLib : Sanders is right on the issues for Dems and Progressives but he too has exaggerated and created outrages out of whole cloth to maintain and build his visibility. I have liked him, I hope he too will pull it together now, put the invented outrage aside and keep things real.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I admit he is a putz sometimes, but he is a good progressive and we need a few more of them. We only have about 14% of the House. I really like Donna Edwards too. She is one strong lady!
ADONAI : Sorry Chris, but I already declared my candidacy months ago. I expect to sweep PlanetPOV voting and end pretty much right there.
ChrisR266 : Damned straight, Em. I’m 1/3 serious, and I won’t need an “explloratory commiteee” to make my mind up about the other 2/3.
ADONAI : If we had passed bills Bernie Sanders wrote we wouldn’t be so bad off…… Oh. I see what you’re saying.
Emerald1943 : CHRIS FOR PRESIDENT 2016! Yeah! That’s the ticket!
AdLib : Chris 2016!
AdLib : Em – I think Grayson could win his seat back. I like expressive Dems but Grayson showboats a bit too much for my taste. If he can dial it back enough to keep the outrage seeming genuine (not overdramatic), he could be very effective if re-elected to the seat he lost.
ChrisR266 : Ok, I’m going to think about it, but I just might run in 2016. It will be dependent on what happens in 2012, but I might have the goods. I ain’t one of any of them, whatever group they are. I am smarter than them, and as a woman I get extra cred on the smartness scale since most see female smart as a aberration or a scary sight to behold. I am beholding to no body or no group, and I plan to keep it that way. I don’t want to get elected for a job, because I have one. My household budget is balanced, I know how to save dollars, and I won’t need a darnded thing by that election.
bito : Wow, let’s look at all the Bernie Sanders bills that have passed into law!
AdLib : Saw Ralph Nader making the rounds to rail about the obvious and surprisingly, declare that a 3rd party candidate run is folly unless a billionaire like Bloomberg runs. Yep, you heard right, Nader promoting a Bloomberg run. What a loser and sell out Nader turned out to be.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I understand Alan Grayson is running again in Florida. I always enjoyed his speeches. He was a lot like Weiner.
ADONAI : Or we elect Bernie Sanders’ handpicked protege. One or the other.
AdLib : Em – For a freshman, Franken has made a big mark in The Senate and has helped pass a number of smart and tactical bills.
ADONAI : If we want outside the box thinking, which we desperately need, we gotta go outside the box.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I missed the first part of that conversation. But Franken is a pretty smart dude!
AdLib : Chris – Were the skunks wearing hats with tea bags hanging off of them?
ADONAI : Exactly Em! You don;t have to be a career politician to serve in high office.
Emerald1943 : Chris…whew!
AdLib : Em – I think that’s what Ad’s saying, a non-pol who has come in and kicked butt!
ADONAI : If Perry takes on the “Bush II” moniker he’ll lose.
ChrisR266 : Em: Had to go check on the skunks. They’ve ambled off my lot.
Emerald1943 : Adonai, Franken got really, really serious. From what I know, he seems to be doing a bang-up job.
AdLib : How do you like Romney’s “strategy” of laying back and just hoping Perry loses his appeal? Romney looks so small and weak right now, can’t wait for the debate after Labor Day, will be great entertainment and Romney, who’s already looked shaken on the campaign trail at losing top status, will look even weaker I’ll bet…especially side-by-side with Perry’s being “The Decider Part II”.
ADONAI : Al Franken is a U.S. Senator. That dude wrote jokes and did cocaine for a living. Come on. No more politicians.
Emerald1943 : Chris, you’re still here! I thought you’d gone…
ChrisR266 : night, Kes.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I really wish we could do Vox Pop more than once per week. Any chance of that happening? I really enjoy it!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, that’s what I thought too. He knew he’d never get her confirmed. He can’t get ANYBODY confirmed!
ADONAI : nite choice!
AdLib : Night Cl! Rest up and feel better!
ADONAI : nite kes!
Emerald1943 : Kes, good night, dear friend! Get some good rest!
AdLib : EM – I don’t buy that rumor at all. The reason Obama didn’t nominate her is because it would guarantee that the leadership position for the Consumer Protection agency wouldn’t be filled. Repubs made crystal clear that they would never approve her.
Emerald1943 : CL, I’m sorry you have been sick. You didn’t mention that before. Hope you feel better! Sleep well!
choicelady : ADLib and all – I’m back on antibiotics for my stupid ear infection, and I’ve suddenly hit the wall, too. So g’night everyone and sweet dreams of a fair, just, balanced nation with leaders who actually LIKE the American people. We CAN dream!
ADONAI : Arnold and Ventura. As destructive as Bush and Nixon? I don’t think so. So government is for the elite? For charlatans and gladhanders? I don’t believe that. I don’t want them to know how it works. Cause how it works right now sucks. Fucking lawyers and politicians. Enough of it.
AdLib : CL – She will be running against Brown who has decent approval ratings but doesn’t stand a chance in blue MA against a Kennedy-type liberal Dem fighter like Warren.
kesmarn : Oops, I’d already jumped ahead to Warren for Prez in 2016, not the upcoming Senatorial election! Time to go to bed!
Emerald1943 : CL, there was a rumor out there that she and the President didn’t see eye to eye. That was supposedly the reason that he didn’t appoint her to head the new Consumer Protection Agency. But I think that was just BS!
AdLib : Here’s the link to Elizabeth Warren’s simple exploratory site page: «link»
choicelady : AdLib – and she ALSO knows and respects the president. That would be cool!
Emerald1943 : CL, yes. Brown.
choicelady : Em and AdLib – who is she running against? Brown? I can’t keep up. She’d not run against Kerry I wouldn’t think – so was Brown’s term short as a sub for Kennedy?
kesmarn : Well, friends, ’tis the midnight hour here in corn country, so I’ll depart. Warren sounds good to me, with Michelle Obama as veep? G’night all!
Emerald1943 : Adonai, maybe Warren could give some of those spineless jellyfish Dem Senators some gumption!
choicelady : Adonai – no you don’t. You think you do. You don’t. There is no way in this complex society the untrained and inexperienced “citizen governor” can possibly do the job the way it NEEDS to be done. It takes experience, connections with others, and a lot of failure to know what really works. The idea is great for, oh, 1776, but not today. Don’t glamorize it – think of Arnold and Ventura, and you have your answer.
ADONAI : I’d back Warren in a heartbeat. definitely.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, boy do we need her in the Senate! She would be terrific!
AdLib : AD – Warren comes from the real world and is a proven believer in fighting for what’s best for the people. She could be the fighter that Progressives want in DC.
ADONAI : Government ain’t complicated though. Making it seem that way keeps questions to a minimum.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, remember Massachusetts is a REALLY blue state and Scott Brown’s win was a fluke!
choicelady : AdLib – well that may be true. I know the nurses’ union, but I fear they will find her more her own person than they like. But hey – good luck to her! She’s great!
ADONAI : Crazy websites
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I think Warren’s going to run. I also think she can beat Brown.
choicelady : funk – the web site was done by outsiders on her behalf NOT necessarily her permission.
ChrisR266 : Hi ya, Funk. All well with you?
ADONAI : Most people in Washington have no idea how our government works.
ChrisR266 : Adonai: Oh, ok. I guess I’ll do it for you.
choicelady : Adonai – oh sure. That’s Michael Moore’s pick. Another freaking actor who has NO idea how government works. I don’t CARE if he’s liberal – he’s ignorant.
ADONAI : I want someone who wasn’t a politician. Ever.
Emerald1943 : CL, yes! She thinks my lap (and my laptop) are her private domain!
AdLib : CL – I’ll take bets on that, Warren is in MA now and prepping her exploratory committee, has already been endorsed by a big nurses union and has a Progressive Machine already beating the drum for her. She has alluded to it repeatedly. I say she runs and wins.
ADONAI : O.K., Oprah’s out. My new hero Matt Damon?
kesmarn : Oprah would cry more than Boehner, too. DC would be awash in saline.
choicelady : Em – did your doggie “send” for you? My cat does that.
choicelady : kes – I agree with the weatherchannel.c om back and forth. It’s hard doing this AND that!
funksands : That’s a pretty serious looking exploraty website she’s got up.
Emerald1943 : Adonai, Oprah is the whore of Babylon or something like that! Remember the creepy preacher that sponsored Perry’s prayer fest?
choicelady : AdLib – I’m not sure Elizabeth IS going to run. I think she’s sticking with Obama for a mid term appointment. She got everything up and running – I’m not sure she is at all political as she is interested in great regulatory capacity.
AdLib : Pres. Oprah? No, the Harlot will reign over us!!!
Emerald1943 : Adonai, damn this doggie! She did it again!
Emerald1943 : Adonai, Oprah can’t run…remember she’
choicelady : Em – Debbie would be too liberal even thought I think she’s smart, pays attention to the middle, and is well spoken. Remember also – she is a woman AND Jewish. That would hammer her, too.
funksands : I still like the Gov. from Maryland. He seems like a good dude. Totally anonymous though.
ADONAI : Dems need to push Oprah.
kesmarn : AD, I can’t multitask fast enough to toggle back and forth with the Weatherchannel.c om. It’s a curse.
ADONAI : Dammit Al , i was just about to mention her
choicelady : funk – most of our presidents were governors first. It’s neither good nor bad since it’s really the person. I’m not that knowledgable about Dem governors, so I can’t say who’d be good. Or even plausible.
AdLib : Thanks Kes!!!
Emerald1943 : Funk, maybe not in 2016 but I think she would be a little later down the line. She’s really strong!
AdLib : 2016 – Dems could nominate another one term Senator for their Pres nom…Elizabeth Warren (I can dream, can’t I?).
ADONAI : wash some of that guido smell away
kesmarn : AdLib, you are the Planet’s Nate Silver!
funksands : Em, she’s great. Electable?
funksands : The whole state of New Jersey is scheduled to get whacked by this thing.
choicelady : kes – yes, his appeal is to the racists etc. But he will NOT convince the independents and old GOP folks. They’re sick of that from Bush. And they’re sick of STUPID. That IS Gov. Goodhair’s claim to fame.
ADONAI : kes, weatherchannel.c om weather at your fingertips!
Emerald1943 : Funk, I really like Debbie Wasserman-Schult z but she may be too young for 2016
AdLib : Thanks all! I’ve done the electoral math and even giving Romney CA, NY, MI, NV, OH and CO, he doesn’t win. He needs FL and he won’t win it. He needs all of the West and he won’t win WY, UT, MT. The numbers are very convincing, Perry takes TX and the South, some of the West, he wins.
ADONAI : I still think a platform of burning Mexicans for fuel would give Perry the nomination going away.
choicelady : Em – I have friends and family in NYC, Boston, the Cape – all worrisome. This is a HUGE storm even if it’s ‘only’ a 2 – it’s moving so slowly!
kesmarn : I dropped my cable subscription so I have no way to follow the storm news at the moment.
Emerald1943 : Kes, I just don’t think that there’s enough of them any more. Their numbers have declined, especially since the debt ceiling debacle!
funksands : CLady, any good Dem Governors out there? I’m getting tired of the frigging Senator carousel.
Emerald1943 : BTW, the hurricane is almost on shore in North Carolina. They are taking a beating down there. I have friends who live on Emerald Isle and I hope they have gotten out OK.
kesmarn : Will Perry’s “tough-talking Texas Christian” schtick appeal to the fundies and the racists enough to be worrisome?
funksands : What up lawd?
choicelady : Adonai – I doubt, if the economy recovers, that Pawlenty can pull it off since he’s been on record for privatizing various key programs. That will haunt him. A milquetoast DEm – now you’re talking! though I DO fear extremists in both parties!
ADONAI : Hola funkenstein!
ADONAI : Yo make a good case Al.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I agree that Romney cannot win the South.
choicelady : ADLib – I think that’s solid analysis.
funksands : Cap’n.
funksands : Hello C’lady.
AdLib : Hey Funk!
funksands : Kes, she’s enjoying being wealthy more than she ever enjoyed being governor
choicelady : Hey funk – great to see you!
choicelady : Chris – LOL!!! OK – I AM willing to believe she will opt for being the well paid public persona until 2016!
ADONAI : 2016 is gonna be fun. After 8 years of partisan bullshit the country is gonna elect the most benign, milquetoast candidate out there. Say hello to President Pawlenty!
AdLib : My take on this is that the Baggers who control the overall results in primaries will elect Perry as the GOP Nom, barring any massive mistakes from Perry. All the bad press and exposes by the MSM will only strengthen the Bagger resolve in favor of Perry, he can do no wrong in their eyes other than be reasonable. And he won’t be that. So, there really isn’t a scenario I can see where they would abandon Perry. Romney was only ahead because of name recognition, just like Giuliani was ahead by 20% of all others at this point 4 years ago. But when the race got going, he had no constituency in the early states and was eliminated before FL. Perry will likely do well in IA and will likely win in SC. If he has a 2nd place showing in NH, which I think he will, Romney’s advantages will have been neutralized and the momentum will be with Perry. Looking at the states available to Romney and those likely for Perry, Perry wins. Romney will lose the South for the most part and he can’t win without it.
kesmarn : Hi funk! She does seem to be losing the “Big Mo”mentum, doesn’t she?
funksands : Hi Em!
choicelady : Adonai – he cannot claim he balanced the Texas budget even WITH stimulus money – they had a shortfall equal in size to California’s and they spent waaay less. So how does he explain THAT since the state of TX is at the bottom of every single category of living standards? Nope – no government handouts there!
Emerald1943 : FUNK!!! Glad to see you!
Emerald1943 : CL, do you think that the Dems are already thinking about 2016? Who would you think they might groom for the race?
funksands : Hey all! Wanted to say hi briefly. Palin ain’t running. She’s the female Gingrich.
kesmarn : Oh, I see now, c’lady. You said “enter on the 3rd” (of Sept), NOT that Palin would enter on a 3rd PARTY ticket. I misunderstood.
Emerald1943 : Adonai, I’m with you on that! I want to see Perry explain a lot of things while our wonderful President stands there all cool, calm and collected!
choicelady : Adonai – 2016 is the REALLY dangerous time. It will be a free for all everywhere. That could be dicey on both sides if both parties pick an extremist. I tend to think the nation has had a belly full of the religious right – but you never know…
ChrisR266 : I think the accountant is going to win with palin, by a small but important percentage.
ChrisR266 : Choice: Palin may have ego to spare, but I think it will come down to a throwdown between her political advisor and her accountant.
Emerald1943 : Kes, not when she can spend her PAC money on that big, pretty bus to take vacations and learn about Paul Revere warning the British! LMAO
ADONAI : I just want to see Perry on stage in a debate against Obama explaining why the President’s stimulus package is so bad even though he took shitload so fit to balance the Texas state budget.
kesmarn : Good points on Palin, guys. She wouldn’t want to kill the cash cow this early on.
choicelady : kes – Sarah has ego to spare. I doubt she’d run third party, but I think she will compete in the primary. There are two different issues here – who gets the GOP nod (and that’s REALLY the interesting race) and who is in the general. I think a wingnut will be the GOP pick, and that is fantastic for Obama. Even Baggers won’t vote for him!
ADONAI : Yeah I;m leaning that way too. Palin is testing the waters for 2016. Keeping her name out there as a viable candidate.
Emerald1943 : Chris, Romney cannot survive up against Governor Goodhair! He’ll get beaten to a bloody pulp!
AdLib : There is no room now for Palin to run, if she was to get in, she’d have to give up a lot of money including her Fox deal. She’s too greedy and being trashed in the primaries, as I think she would be, would ruin her brand permanently. I say, no way, she won’t get in and take such a huge risk which she is likely to lose.
ADONAI : true Al. I hope Perry wins though. He’ll be destroyed.
kesmarn : c’lady I see Palin as a possble 3rd party candidate, too. But — while I used to really worry about her — I don’t any more. All the steam seems to have gone out of her. She looks visibly deflated.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: I think the Media will force a showdown between Romney and Perry too soon. Which one survives will be so battered he will be unable to overcome it before November. By the time this blood bath is done, no moderate, liberal or progressive will see either as electable. I’m not even sure that a middling conservative will be able to vote for either one.
choicelady : kes – the core will pull for Perry. If Romney should eke it out, the core WILL NOT VOTE in the general. They believe Mormons are only a notch below, well, me. And the pope. And Protestants in general. And everyone else. So yeah – not voting for a Mormon. They won’t, can’t do it.
ADONAI : Anybody see that video of Romney shouting down that guy at his own town hall? Very Presidential.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, to answer your question, he may take the primary. There just doesn’t seem to be anyone else to take his place. Palin may get in but she doesn’t have it anymore. I don’t think he can beat Obama in the GE though.
AdLib : AD – Christine O’Donnell and Sharron Angle had little chance of winning too but they won their primaries. The powers that be have already been proven impotent against Baggers, don’t count out the Baggers.
choicelady : ADLib – NEW TOPIC – I think he’s a serious contendah (you have to be my age to get that) UNLESS Palin enters on the 3rd as many of us think she will. She will draw off enough, Bachmann has a following, so it might be a dead heat. I PRAY that any one of them wins. They cannot beat Obama. They are simply too over the top for even the Baggers who WANT Social Security and Medicare! And who have their OWN faith, thanks – don’t need theirs. The Dominionist Baggers are way too sure of their centrality, message, and power to change who they are, and who they are is way too extreme for America.
kesmarn : If there’s a choice between Perry and Romney, the fundies will go with Perry over a Mormon any day.
Emerald1943 : Adonai, usually I can’t watch the rethugs debate, but this one I just may have to tune in.
Emerald1943 : Kes, Em’s doggie doesn’t like him either. She barks when he comes on TV, I swear!
ADONAI : Perry will ride his crazy all the way to a one on one battle with Romney. The powers behind the scene of the GOP will kneecap Perry and Romney will win. Perry can’t win a national election and everyone knows that.
Emerald1943 : Chris, yes it does keep things in the proper perspective!
AdLib : EM – Do you think he’s going down before or after the primary is decided?
kesmarn : I think we should ask Em’s dog. He wants to share.
ChrisR266 : Em: LMAO! sure reminds us of where we stack up in all of this, yes?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I think he’s going down…hard! Just wait until all this stuff about him goes national!
choicelady : Em – I have decided that my disbelief in hell is actually a disservice on matters such as these! There certainly should be some eternal damnation for the rapacious rip off types. Indeed!
Emerald1943 : Chris, my doggie just walked across my laptop and my lap! Sorry!
kesmarn : Especially people who prey on the bereaved. My late M-I-L was bilked out of a lot of $$ by shady “Spiritualists ” who could “communicate with the dead” for a fee.
Emerald1943 : Chris, v b1222222222qw
choicelady : ADLib – what an excellent way to put that – FOTF mimics Scientology! LOL!!! No – Leah only found out about the story a couple of weeks ago from me, so it could not get in the book so far as I’ve seen before the final edit. But she is on various talk shows – she WILL be making that public! The man who told me is to remain anonymous but is a very good ally.
Emerald1943 : Kes, I’ve not booked my reservation yet…have to figure out my doggie issues before I can definitely make plans. But I think it will work out.
ChrisR266 : Em: I as well am not happy with that cancellation. I tend to take it as a sign of bad moon rising. But since 2012 is not so far away now, I’m not getting all funked out about it.
kesmarn : I love that MLK monument. That reminds me, Em, thank you for the very kind offer to share a room and such for the Van Jones thing. I still don’t have the Oct. schedule yet. But thank you!
Emerald1943 : CL and Kes, there has got to be a special place in HELL for people who scam ignorant folks like that.
AdLib : Night Chase!
AdLib : Night Cahse, sleep well!
choicelady : Em – it is mind boggling that people would actually believe an electronic blip was the soul of someone. And pay MONEY for it to rise to Heaven by hiring “prayer warriors”. Good lord – there IS a sucker born every minute.
ChrisR266 : Golden slumbers, Chase.
AdLib : So Focus on The Family is taking the Scientology route? Is this covered in the upcoming book?
ChrisR266 : Choice: may the force be with you. you have a generosity I just can’t seem to find for skunk.
Emerald1943 : Chris, I just hate that the MLK dedication had to be cancelled. That is really going to screw up a lot of people’s travel plans. I would love to go when they re-schedule it.
ADONAI : nite chase!
ADONAI : It’s mediocre ideas versus the collapse of the country. O.K. that one probably doesn’t help.
kesmarn : g’night,Chase! Good luck on the paper.
choicelady : kes – yes, that is EXACTLY what it is! They have a massive electronic studio they call a “chapel” for this purpose alone. How DO they live with themselves?????
ChrisR266 : Watching MSNBC hurricane coverage: I don’t think 500,000 more sandbags are going to do the job…
chasethis : AdLib & choicelady, thank you. I’m gonna sign off and hopefully access vox populi history tomorrow. Sweet dreams, kids.
choicelady : Em – glad you like it!
Emerald1943 : CL, I’m stunned! I know that there are lots of rednecks in the south that handle snakes and all that stuff, but I find it hard to believe that anyone would buy that line of crap!
choicelady : Chris – just to keep you on your toes, of course. Skunks make us all more alert, yes?
kesmarn : c’lady — almost literally a “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” scenario. For shame!
ADONAI : Sure, he still does all the little things you hate but he hasn’t invaded anyone yet!
AdLib : CHase – Whoops…left out, taxes on the wealthy to pay for massive jobs program employing millions.
ChrisR266 : FYI: just went to the patio to get some fresh air. All I got was eau de skunk. I just don’t understand why the force embraces skunk. just saying.
AdLib : CHase – Re-election of Pres. Obama – Lightning Round: Keep Medicare and SS from being killed, elect him and a Dem Congress and taxes on the wealthy to pay their fair share.
choicelady : Em – YESSSSSS they ARE! They believe the electronic blips are REALLY evidence of their loved one’s SOUL. What I want to know is how does the technician behind the scenes deal with his freaking GUILT????
Emerald1943 : CL that comment was beautiful!
ADONAI : It’s pragmatism versus polarization. An absolute divide on class and economic priorities. A healthcare plan versus the dismantling of social services. There;s so much to choose from.
ChrisR266 : ok here, Chase. Just trying to gear up for another year molding the young minds. We start on Monday. I’m hopeful, as ususal. Got to be.
choicelady : chase – this is a man whose life was shaped by the profound patience and courage of those who sat in at lunch counters. With malice toward none and compassion for all, he governs for the restoration of democracy, for programs that endure, for a society that helps people rise to stand on their own two feet, and for a peace among Americans to be restored.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, they are like crickets from hell…no redeeming social qualities at all! They live usually in the basement but try to come up into the house at times. They are aggressive and nasty! I do not like them at all…guess you could tell!
kesmarn : c’lady, that is really awful about the Focus on the Family scam! Where is Martin Luther when you need him to smite indulgence-peddl ers?
chasethis : Well, Chris. You?
AdLib : Em – Cave cricket? We have common crickets out here which I have to pickup and toss out of the house time to time, prying the occasional Heineken out of their clutches.
chasethis : kesmarn–perfect ! We cannot go backwards.
ChrisR266 : How ya all are, Chase?
Emerald1943 : CL, NOOOOOO! People are simply not THAT stupid, are they??
chasethis : Emerald–I don’t suffer baggers gladly.
ADONAI : Hmmmm……. We didn’t die?
kesmarn : One sentence, Chase: “CONSIDER THE ALTERNATIVES!”
Emerald1943 : Chase!! You’ve come to the right place! Not a bagger in sight!
choicelady : Em – true story about Focus on the Family: people with a recently departed come to them for prayer for the departed. They have a screen with electronic blips that supposedly hone in on the soul and it goes up – or down -and the more it goes down, then for $5000 they will bring in prayer teams to “pray your loved one to Heaven”. My friend who saw it learned they’ve fleeced up to $25K from desperate people wanting to “pray their departed into heaven”. Is that not gross beyond belief? Common occurrence at FOTF in Colorado Springs.
chasethis : I have a writing assignment this weekend and that is to make a case for the re-election of the President. I’m taking all comers.60 seconds.
AdLib : As for smiting Baggers at the polls, I think God would not only smile upon that, he might even chuckle.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I smote a cave cricket the other day…I despise those things! They jump AT you!
kesmarn : Oh wow…I haven’t seen that version. I’m thinking of the 1935-ish one. And hi, Chase!
Emerald1943 : Kes, it was Renfield! Played in the movie by Tom Wait!
ADONAI : Frickin ants. EVERY SUMMER!
AdLib : Hey Chase!
AdLib : As for ants that have swarmed on the kitchen trash can or cockroaches that skitter around your house late at night, I think God may turn a blind eye to smiting them.
chasethis : Hello, lord.
ADONAI : Hello chase!
choicelady : kes – you are obvious right with God! Good for you!
kesmarn : Oh yeah, Renfield!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, what has become of Vox Pop?? We’re talking about squishing spiders and flies???
chasethis : Spiders ARE wonderful. Just dropped in to see what the ppov’s condition was in. Good to see you all thinkin’.
ADONAI : Renfield I think
choicelady : AdLib – I always knew that about God. I rescue most insects (flies – it depends) and put them outside. Always seems like the right thing to do. Hope God approves. Though I’m still wondering – why cockroaches?
kesmarn : We’re beginning to sound like that guy in Dracula…what was his name? Remley or something? “Spiders…flie s….master!
ADONAI : I try to keep just 2 house spiders during the spring and summer. I shoo the other ones out the door before my dogs eat them.
Emerald1943 : Kes, you crack me up! I spray them with Clorox Clean-up! Sin?? I wouldn’t know about all that! Now karma…I’ve probably got some bitchin’ karma coming!
AdLib : EM – That’s why I’ve taught my daughter how wonderful spiders are and never to squish them, they catch those flies and it gives them life. Killing flies is killing spider’s meals.
choicelady : kes – the book should be hardback, paper, and e-book on Amazon yes. And I think you can order it from her blog site, godsownparty.com for $14.95. I will write a blurb for the Planet next week about it all.
kesmarn : Is it a sin to spray them with Pledge? Flies I mean? ‘Cause I’ve done that, Em.
Emerald1943 : CL, if you send in your prayer money to the good preacher, he will pray for you and you’ll get that new sofa too!
Emerald1943 : Kes, as a Buddhist, I value all life…but I can’t stand flies!
choicelady : Em – the issue of wealth through being born again is disgusting. They NEED Jesus and the disciples to be wealthy so they can justify their own greed.
ADONAI : Em, It’s so weird and deeply hypocritical. It’s the polar opposite of every word Christ supposedly spoke.
Emerald1943 : Adonai, it’s easy for them to justify their greed…God wants his people to have their hearts’ desires…and if you pray, God will send you that new fridge you want!
ADONAI : They’re nihilists? Well, that actually makes me more interested in them.
AdLib : CL – Don’t forget that the author is welcome to be our guest in a special Vox Populi edition.
kesmarn : I’m a shoo-flier. I am so IN!
ADONAI : Couldn’t have put it better myself Al.
choicelady : Em – C Street represents the highest level politically powerful group (though I swear they actually believe in NOTHING) followed by the Perrys, Bachmanns, Palins, et al. down to the community level. But they have the Seven Mountains Mandate to take over key aspects of society – and with the military, they’ve damned near done it. They are NOT to be dismissed.
AdLib : God is not very judgmental actually (he’s never voted in American Idol). He likes people who try to do good for others, are honest and principled and shoo flies out of their houses instead of squish them.
ChrisR266 : Choice: ok. Will follow up.
Emerald1943 : CL, Wow! That’s great! I want a copy for sure! Will it be out for Kindle?
ADONAI : kes, that’s been a big thing in the mega-churches the last decade or so. trying to find a way to justify wealth and greed. It’s sad.
kesmarn : c’lady will that be available on Amazon?
Emerald1943 : Chris, their reach is reported to go all the way up to the Supreme Court. They take unauthorized trips to “visit” with foreign leaders, among other things. Very scary bunch!
choicelady : Everyone – my friend and colleague, Leah Burton, is coming out with her book on Dominionism on Sept. 4. It’s “God, Guns, and Greed:A Dangerous Path for America.” It’s written in a very chatty personal style NOT academic because she is from Alaska and knew Sarah et al. which led to her own break with her mother’s church and focus on outing these people. I helped edit the book and now have a chapter in it, so I encourage everyone to read it – it will be the best entree to the topic outside of Sue’s marvelous posts.
kesmarn : Em,he was one of the Perry backers at that Rally. I caught a vid of one of his sermons called “Jesus Was Not Poor.” (Really???) All about how God wants us to be wealthy.
ADONAI : I’ve noticed that kes. His publicist!
ChrisR266 : Em: I’ve done a good bit of research on the “c street” gang, too. I didn’t know whether to shit or go blind as I got deeper into this stuff. Wow.
Emerald1943 : Kes, Can’t say that I have right off the top.
Emerald1943 : Chris, we started out looking into the “C Street” group of Congressmen that lived in that house near the Capitol in Washington. They are a bunch of religious nuts too, but have some very familiar and powerful members in their group.
ADONAI : The arrogance about it is a little offputting though
kesmarn : AdLib knows him firsthand, Adonai!
ADONAI : choice, GOD will judge you for your works. Not your faith or your weakness for drink and smoke. He’s actually a lot more liberal than people make him out to be. And born again is not a restart of your life. You are born into the Spirit. A second birth. Not of the body but of the soul.
kesmarn : Em, have you ever heard of a preacher named John Benefiel. I think he’s in Oklahoma?
choicelady : kes – I am, thanks. VERY careful. I do NOT trust them, and , as some of you know, I have had five friends and acquaintances murdered by them. I don’t take them lightly. At ALL.
Emerald1943 : CL, I was supposed to help her with the research on that but got sick instead.
I did do some reading on the subject, enough to scare me. These guys are serious about their agenda.
kesmarn : c’lady, seriously, do be careful.
choicelady : Em – thank you! I AM careful. Even of klutzy Grim Reapers.
choicelady : Em – SueinCA did an amazing job with her series on these extremists! She and I know each other, and she will be back with us soon. Her knowledge is awesome!
ChrisR266 : Em: I’ll look up Sue.
choicelady : Adonai – well I DO have first hand info that many of them left a life of drugs, drink, smoking, and fornication to be born again – into a life of drugs, drink, smoking, and fornication. But to quote one of them: “I’m born again. I can do anything I want.” Must be nice.
Emerald1943 : Hey CL, you just watch your back! We’d like to keep you around! Some of these nut jobs…well, you don’t know what they’ll do.
ChrisR266 : Em: I shall take this up now. I suspect that if this dude were to get the nomination, the GOPTEA becomes even more toast than if Bachmann were to wrangle it. I think they’re doomed either way, because all of Mitt’s money will not buy him this nomination. The wackos are too far right to see straight.
Emerald1943 : Chris, we have a member here at PPOV named SueinCA who wrote an amazing series on these guys. You can actually find out a lot from her writings here…without the Google!
choicelady : Em – you are right. As a political movement they are dead serious. They are NOT to be taken lightly! But individually they’re nut jobs and good for a laugh or two. Unless, like the wackos who killed the abortion providers, they have guns. Then – not funny at all.
kesmarn : The gun-happy right is probably responsible for more loss of life than any segment of society, especially if you throw in denying people health care. They do well to dress the part.
ADONAI : choice, it is not what goes into the mouth that corrupts you but what comes out. so smoking is excused.
ChrisR266 : ADonai: {{{clink}}} so can I. Death is under the table in a drinking match with me. Hmmmmm. Wonder what that says about death–and me, LOL>
Emerald1943 : Chris, it will scare the bejebus out of you! These guys are determined to take over the US government and establish their heretical theocracy! Seriously!
choicelady : kes – it really was more funny than anything. I know these folks can be seriously dangerous, but this guy was just NOT competent. And honestly – if you’re born again, aren’t you supposed to STOP smoking? Doesn’t God or Jesus give you the POWER? Stupid, stupid people.
ADONAI : Chris, It’d be better than playing chess. I could outdrink Death.
Emerald1943 : CL, it can’t be very bad if these guys are dressing up in halloween costumes! That’s hysterical!
choicelady : Chris – yeah and I think it was the same guy who stomps around outside a women’s reproductive center, so it’s probably the only costume he owns.
ChrisR266 : Em: ok. I have let that largely untouched simply since there is so much else to go after. I shall pursue it now.
choicelady : Em – my organization and I personally have taken them on with the Military Religious Freedom Foundation trying to stop the incursions of ultra Christians in the command structure and mandated programs the academies and troops face DAILY. I got found out, and for the past year plus they’ve been harassing me at home. But they are NOT very competent at it – the GOOD news!
ChrisR266 : ADonai: I like that a lot. Drinking with death. WE all got to try that.
ADONAI : But, now that I think about it, they’d want California too so I guess that idea is out.
kesmarn : I hope you got a picture of that, c’lady.
Emerald1943 : Chris, you should dig into Perry’s religious buddies that helped him put on his little prayer show. They are some of the most dangerous guys in the country!
kesmarn : c’lady! That is hilarious and terrifying at the same time! Too bad he didn’t ignite his “Reaper” costume!
ChrisR266 : Choice: Damn. If you’re going to be stalked, couldn’t it be by something better than the Reaper? Really? Geeze.
ADONAI : choice, I would have went out drinking with him. Drinking with Death. God that would be just asking for it.
Emerald1943 : Kes, I resemble that remark!
Emerald1943 : Adonai, I’ll vote for that!
kesmarn : I didn’t mean to imply you fell off a barstool, Em!
ADONAI : You know, Mexico still considers Texas, or Tejas, their territory. Taken by force. we could just kinda slip it back to them under the table.
Emerald1943 : CL, what have you done that you are being stalked by the grim reaper???
choicelady : Everyone – you know the Dominionists are stalking me? Well last night someone sat on the steps of the building across the street dressed as the Grim Reaper. He stared at me – but he tried to manage his cell phone, a cigarette, and the mask all at once, and I fell out laughing. If they want to intimidate, they need better and less klutzy actors!
Emerald1943 : Awww Kes, you’re so nice!
kesmarn : I’m virtually certain the RWers in my family would vote for Perry. That 08/06 prayer rally cinched it for ’em.
Emerald1943 : chris, yes, that was mentioned here yesterday on PPOV. I remember something about it when it happened.
ChrisR266 : Em: part 2… teachers in texas? seriously? the more I read about this one, the more I’m wholly stunned.
ADONAI : Indeed choice.
choicelady : kes – I find a lot of Perry’s utterances funny, but I am totally in agreement about how dangerous he is. TOTALLY in agreement!
kesmarn : Just took care of a gal who fell off a barstool in Detroit and broke her hip. Why she came to Toledo to get it fixed I’ll never know…
ChrisR266 : Em: me, too, I admit. What a whack job. I wake each day so excited to see what comes out about this dude next. Which brings up another point: what is it about these guys, do they think we’re not going to find out what absolute skanks they are? I mean, really, Perry wanted to run a scam with insurance on the lives of teachers in
choicelady : Adonai – that is my mission: shine the light on them and what they really want. Perry may well get the nomination – and he will send average voters screaming with his extremism. Social Security is UNCONSTITUTIONAL ??? He’s wonderful for spouting off exactly what he thinks!
Emerald1943 : CL,, I didn’t fall on my ski trip! I fell back here in N. C. It was devastating! I used to teach skiing and I dearly loved it!
kesmarn : Like c’lady, I am extreeeeeemely wary of the dominionists and Perry is one of ’em, so his comedic value is dinged for me…sadly.
choicelady : Em – that does NOT sound like a fun ski trip!
ADONAI : choice,Let them try to establish a theocracy. I’d love nothing more. A minor example would be Paul Ryan’s budget plan. When people actually know the truth they may surprise you by making the right decision. Le them come out into the light. And be burned by it’s glare. It’s easy to be powerful in secret.
Emerald1943 : Chris, not necessarily! I just want to see him shoot himself in the foot a few more times before the establishment drops him like a hot potato!
choicelady : Em – once you’re IN Sacramento, it’s lovely. Outskirts – worth driving by! I love living here, but I’d be even happier someplace that wasn’t flat as a pancake and given to 112-degree summer days. And nights… The last 2 years though have been much cooler, so I’m back to liking it more.
ChrisR266 : Aw Kes: You’re such a better mother than I, ha! I’ve said to the daughter “open your own damned pickle jars.”
Emerald1943 : Adonai, that was my last one…before I fell off a retaining wall in a parking lot, hitting the concrete and shattering my right hip! OUCH!! I’ll never ski again, damn it!
ChrisR266 : all: just wondering, but am I the only one taking joy that Perry has thrown himself into this GOP mosh pit?
kesmarn : Right, Chris. He lives with me and that saves him a bundle. Plus I have on-site tech support and someone who can open jars with stuck lids.
choicelady : Adonai – the problem is that too many people label these folks “social conservatives” and expect them, like Bush and Reagan, to provide lip service but not substance. The Dominionists are qualitatively different. They MEAN what they say – and creating a Christian nation is definitely their goal. People dismiss them then vote for them thinking they’re just the same as Bush. They are NOT.
ADONAI : Off on a ski trip! well la de da!
Emerald1943 : CL, oh I’m sorry. I thought you said SF the other day. I drove through Sacramento on my way to Heavenly Valley to ski. Not much to see there, I’m afraid.
ChrisR266 : Kes: good. He can’t live on that, but at that age, abject poverty isn’t so bad, ‘eh?
choicelady : Em – I’d agree but live in SAcramento which is hot, flat, dry. It’s a pretty city – very much like Oak Park in IL, but it’s most decidedly NOT SF. That is a gorgeous place indeed!
kesmarn : Yes, Chris. He’s on an assistantship — full tuition waiver and a $10,000 stipend, so it could be worse.
ChrisR266 : Adonai: It won’t. I have to believe that.
javaz : My mother used to always say that they’re all crooks, and she was right – they are all bought and paid for, and as much as this pains me to say, but Obama is, too. He’s pushing yet another free-trade with South America, and those NAFTA deals never work out for Americans. We’re screwed.
ADONAI : Religious control of a wholly secular country? don’t see it happening. It’d take something unprecedented in American history for that to happen.
Emerald1943 : CL, I envy you living in SF! I visited there several years ago and I loved it!
kesmarn : I made a hand-made sign back then and stuck it in the rear window of my car prior to Dubya’s Iraq invasion: “PEACE: No War on Iraq” but I was in a smallish minority.
choicelady : Em – I live in CA now, but my roots are in NE and IL.
ChrisR266 : Kes: your son has rotten timing, LOL. Is he on assistantship?
Emerald1943 : Adonai, well how else is the MIC gonna’ make some money??
choicelady : Adonai – it’s dangerous to dismiss him as insane since it means you can think he’s someone to ignore. The Dominionists are forces with which we MUST reckon no matter how bizarre they sound. Think of the Nazis – their philosophy was based on Teutonic myths. Do NOT turn your back and think he’s a nut job – he’s a megalomaniac just like Adolph. NOT insane. Fervent and a zealot!
Emerald1943 : Adlib, it’s terrible! I foresee a letter writing campaign in my immediate future!
ADONAI : Can’t blame Bush. He really didn’t need to do much to sell the war to us. America loves war. It’s our highest rated program.
kesmarn : Yes, my son picked an unfortunate year in which to be born and hence ready for grad school now, Chris. Not an ideal time to be there.
ChrisR266 : Adonai: yes, it is safe. Perry is insane, and a shyster of the lowest order.
AdLib : Em – That’s what I was worried about. His penchant for compromise and an intransigent House was what worried me he would approve this, the greatest increase in carbon emissions any president may have approved.
Emerald1943 : CL, but you live on the West Coast?
Emerald1943 : Adonai, the Village Idiot had all of us scared out of our wits! It’s no wonder that they all voted for the war! Remember the mushroom cloud speech?
choicelady : Em – I’m from Nebraska – the Ogallala aquifer is a HUGE issue with me!
ChrisR266 : Kes: we’re at 14:1, even through the worst of 2008 and 2009. Usually bad economics are good for private institutions, but this recession has beat up all of us in higher ed.
ADONAI : choice, It’s cool to call them beliefs. But when you start claiming GOD talked back to you, you’re insane.
choicelady : Adonai – because everyone was for it does not make it inevitable. We can push NOW for a rational answer.
Emerald1943 : CL, yes! State Dept. had to approve because it crosses our border. I hope others will convince the President to veto this one.
ADONAI : Everyone was for the Iraq Invasion. Democrats, republicans, most of the country. That shit was inevitable.
choicelady : ADonai – NO Rick Perry is NOT insane. He’s a Dominionist. That is a structured set of beliefs that are, to us, irrational but to them are coherent, verifiable, and true. I wish he WERE insane. But he’s a zealot, not a nut case.
ChrisR266 : Kes: no, we’re not. We’ve managed to hang on to the student/faculty ratio we have even through the worst of it two years ago. Wep
Emerald1943 : CL, the damage to the aquifer would be incalculable if that damned thing leaks!
javaz : Obama is still popular but the country is disgusted with the Congress and Senate, and well, I’ve been angry with Democrats for awhile. Democrats were cowered into voting for the Iraq War, because if they didn’t, they’d be considered weak on terror. Well guess what? They were considered it anyway.
choicelady : Em – well Hillary would. Like to hear from EPA and Interior before we make a decision…
kesmarn : 120!! Oh Lord! That’s impossible. I have a friend who teaches film theory to classes of over 100. It’s crazy. Takes her many days to grade their papers. And they have to write papers, of course.
ADONAI : But I think it’s safe to say rick Perry is insane. Right?
choicelady : AdLib – then we have to push the issue. There are better alternatives than this, and we need to help him define what is best for all of us short AND long term. McKibbon says the damage would be incalculable.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, the State Dept. issued a report saying that the project should go ahead. That was today…quite a set-back for the environmental folks.
choicelady : kes – I was at one of CA’s “granola universities” as a grad student and used to have 120 students! No WAY could I do a good job with each of them! And that was a 2-assistant class so the lectures had 240. And those were the Golden Days of CA higher ed, too!
AdLib : EM – Yes, I have and I understand that Obama has until the end of the year to decide. I’m concerned he may put short term job gains over long term damage to the nation.
kesmarn : Hey, Chris! North Coast is getting cooler and drier and I love it! Are you facing larger class sizes too this fall?
kesmarn : Yes, c’lady. My son is in grad school (math) and he does grading (among lots of other things) for his grant $. Grading 60 papers is so much more time consuming, needless to say!
choicelady : Em – I only know Bill McKibbon, one of the faith world’s faves, led the march and got himself arrested. His depiction of the problem was truly scary.
ChrisR266 : Evening, Kes. How’s the north coast?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, have you kept up with the pipeline issue that’s being protested in Washington?
ChrisR266 : Choice: yeah, I can handle it (I’ve been on every possible delivery system as an undergraduate, graduate student and professor), but I am partial to quarters. When you have a bad class, you know you only have it for nine more weeks…
choicelady : kes – good to see you, too! Yes – the class sizes are growing and becoming impossible. Bet there are cutbacks in student assistants, too? The Right thinks if you were “worthy” you’d be in a private college so public colleges and universities need to suck it up and live with poor education.
kesmarn : Awwww, Em. You know when I need a little “affirmation.” Thanks!! And Adonai, too!
ADONAI : Hello kes!
Emerald1943 : KES!!!! O happy day…you’re here! I’m so glad!
kesmarn : Right at the moment Perry is the Golden Boy, but that seems to change every week.
Emerald1943 : CL, that is exactly what I’m dreaming of…all three!
choicelady : javaz – that is the crucial issue: taking the House and keeping the Senate. Not to say I don’t care about the president because I do, but I want all three so we can make sane policy and get it passed.
ChrisR266 : Em: Oh chit, could right well be,
Emerald1943 : CL, I agree with you. He’s not crazy enough for them now.
javaz : Perry and Bachmann are too crazy, and Wall Street doesn’t back either of them, regardless that BAC was caught on tape backing Perry – that was an anomaly. Huntsman has the looks, has the sanity and he’s the one to watch. We’ve got to work to take back the house and retain the Senate.
ChrisR266 : Adonai: You know, things get better with age. That’s why I drink cognac now.
choicelady : Em and javaz – I do think Huntsman is viable, but he will NOT be picked by the party. So if he runs as an independent, it will draw from the GOP more than Obama.
Emerald1943 : Chris, no…I’m a retired nurse with a small business. I just have young people who work for me. They are treasures!
kesmarn : My son tells me that the calculus classes are going from a limit of 40 students up to a limit of 60. (Almost impossible) Thanks to Kasich budget cuts.
ADONAI : Em, that’s true. It’s refreshing to just disagree with a republican and not think he’s out of his fucking mind.
choicelady : Chris – I know you can handle it, but quarters ARE better.
ChrisR266 : Em: you teach too?
ChrisR266 : Choice: I loved and always will love quarters. But, my fate is sealed so I’m doing the best I can without betraying my utter disdain of the change.
Emerald1943 : Adonai, he is rather dry, but he’s no “nutter” like the rest.
choicelady : Chris – does ANYONE listen to faculty? My ex teaches in Ohio – totally disgusted with the admin at his university. NO one listens.
Emerald1943 : Chris, perhaps it was your avatar??
ADONAI : Huntsman is Bob Dole 2.0. But I don’t know if he’ll be as appealing.
kesmarn : Hi all! Huntsman was interviewed on PBS the other night. He’s def going for the non-crazy vote. Are there enough non-crazies to vote for him, though?
ChrisR266 : Choice: Yep. I’m freaking out for the first time in 20 years, LOL. I did not vote for the semester change, but no one listens to me, LOL.
choicelady : javaz – yes, but he has to secure the nomination, and he won’t. Crazy defines the GOP!
ADONAI : The great thing about college is you spend 4 or more years studying and hustling your ass off only to wind up making $1,000 less a year than the guy who drank his way through. God bless America
Emerald1943 : Javaz, I agree about Huntsman. He may be the ONLY one who has any common sense of all of them! He’s been a diplomat and talks like one.
ChrisR266 : No worry, Em. I always forget that one can’t tell tenure by one’s communication on blogs.
choicelady : Em – I think I “see” you on TPV? Anyway HI!
bito : KQ, posted the R’s primary schedule and it favors the crazies, not Huntsman
javaz : Hello all! But Huntsman is NOT nuts, he’s a viable candidate that will appeal to Independents – he’s the one to watch.
Emerald1943 : CL! Glad you’re here! Haven’t seen you today…missed you!
choicelady : Oooo Chris – that’s heavy duty! Were you on quarters before? I always like those better than semesters.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: hectic, yes. We’re on semesters for the first time since 1974, so I’m scrambling. Spent all the short summer trying to put four new courses together, egad.
ADONAI : 2016 will be a pretty open field.
choicelady : Hi Chris – good to see you so early. Gather you are swamped, so it’s extra nice to see you here.
Emerald1943 : Chris, I humbly beg your pardon! I have been talking with students today and just assumed…and you know what happens when you assume! So Sorry!
ADONAI : Indeed Em. I need to buy a few hundred acres of worthless land and sell it to dumpers.
AdLib : Huntsman is positioning for 2016, he doesn’t have a prayer at anything this year.
choicelady : Hi AdLib!
choicelady : javaz – nice to see you – and yes, that’s worrisome. But the core of the GOP will NOT elect a Mormon!
ChrisR266 : Evening, Choice. Good to read you here.
ChrisR266 : Em: I teach it, not study it, thank the force! I’m a communication professor, teach advanced public speaking, persuasion, comm theory and a communication/so ciety capstone course at a liberal arts college.
ADONAI : Huntsman is weird. Like he tries to be a moderate but can’t quite fully commit.
AdLib : Hey Choicelady!
Emerald1943 : Adonai, we’re in the wrong business!
According to the story, that guy was going to make billions taking toxic waste from 34 different states.
AdLib : Chris – It’s got to be a bit hectic for you then, glad you have a bit of time to be here tonight!
choicelady : Hi Adonai!
javaz : Watch out for Jon Huntsman, because he is just getting started and when the crazy wears off, he will be the candidate left standing and he’s got what it takes to be elected –
ADONAI : Hello choice!
choicelady : Good evening everyone!
ADONAI : You can make a lot of money burying other people’s shit.
Emerald1943 : Chris, what are you studying?
Emerald1943 : Adonai, according to Rachel, the dump was going to place that crap only 14 feet from the ground water. The people didn’t want it there, but they approved it anyway…with Gov. Goodhair’s buddies on the committee.
ChrisR266 : AdLib: Pretty well, thanks. Starting new semester on Monday, so I’ve been scrambling all week.
ADONAI : I don’t like dinner conversation. Let’s eat. Then talk. My eating style isn’t conducive to conversation. In fact, the Surgeon General warns parents to not let their children watch me eat.
Emerald1943 : We’re all getting ready for Irene! I’m way away from the coast so I don’t have to get any extra water or anything. I’m just waiting for the rain.
AdLib : Chris, thanks for asking, doing well! You?
ChrisR266 : Glad to hear it, Em.
Emerald1943 : Chris, things is great!
ChrisR266 : Evening, AdLib. You well?
ADONAI : Seriously though. We’ve shoved tons of radioactive waste into the ground. Good luck with that future generations.
ChrisR266 : AD: Complain away. Just had a great dinner with raucous conversation, so I’m up to it, LOL.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I think so too! I am encouraged! I plan to work my butt off for him!
Emerald1943 : Adonai, I guess Texas is as good a place as any!
AdLib : Hi Chris!
AdLib : Em – If Obama, at the lowest point in his presidency can poll well in NC and CO, that says volumes about his chances in 2012.
ChrisR266 : Hi Em. How’s things?
ADONAI : Can’t complain my friend. But I will.
Emerald1943 : Hi Chris! Glad to see you!
ChrisR266 : Evening, Adonai. Hope you are well.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, I got a huge chuckle out of that! How shallow and silly! But she does have cankles and ugly shoes…otherwis e, she wears pretty clothes.
javaz : The Republican who I think we should be watching is Jon Huntsman – he’s breaking away from the crazy – but we should worry about him – he’s anti-woman, anti-gay and anti- entitlements – he’s the sane Republican and he’s running a very smart campaign
ADONAI : Hola Chris
ADONAI : Gotta dump that shit somewhere.
ChrisR266 : Evening, everyone.
Emerald1943 : Did anyone see Rachel tonight with her segment on Perry’s corruption in his state, something to do with building a toxic waste dump in West Texas?
AdLib : Hey AD!
ADONAI : Look, tell him I’ll pay the money back! I just need a few days!
AdLib : Em – Yes, I saw that and Cher nailed HP with that article. It was the perfect HPAOL article, said everything about what the site is…criticizing Bachmann solely for her choice in shoes. I’m just surprised that Howard Fineman didn’t write that article.
Emerald1943 : Adoani!! Glad you’re here! I was just asking about you!
ADONAI : Hello
Emerald1943 : Adlib, that’s good news. Obama is polling even in NC.
AdLib : javaz – CO is favored for Obama right now, it has been trending Dem.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, Michelle Bachmann DOES wear ugly shoes! Did you see that in DP today?
Emerald1943 : Michelle Bachmann has “cankles”! LMAO
AdLib : Em – Yep, Ron Paul should set the example and stop taking federal health care benefits and salary, the hypocrite.
Emerald1943 : Where is everybody tonight? Kes, CL, Adonai, KQ? I haven’t seen KQ today. Hope he’s OK.
AdLib : As for some other crazy headlines: 1. Perry bills feds for housing illegals. Texas Gov. Rick Perry has asked the U.S. Department of Homeland Security for nearly $350 million to cover the costs incurred detaining illegal immigrants in state prisons and county jails. 2. Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann said Friday she wouldn’t rule out changes to the federal minimum wage as a way to lower the cost of doing business and lure corporations back to the United States.
Emerald1943 : If I remember, there was a terrible hurricane down there that devastated Corpus Christi, killing hundreds of people. That was before they built a seawall.
javaz : I thought that Colorado was RED, but it’s not. The campground owner has GOBAMA stickers on his truck, and there are lots of Texans here and Oklahoma people and those people are flying Teabagger flags, but Colorado is not RED, or it’s not in this section.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, he said it should be like in 1900. People could take care of themselves and didn’t need no stinkin’ govmint!
AdLib : Em – I’ve been out most of the day, what did he say?
AdLib : “Socialism caused this hurricane! The Free Market would solve hurricanes!”
Emerald1943 : Where’s jkk?
Emerald1943 : Adlib, he’ll be accused of causing it, I’m sure. Did you hear what Ron Paul said today about FEMA?
AdLib : javaz – Sounds wonderful, wish I was there!
javaz : B’ito!
Emerald1943 : Javaz, that sounds like heaven! 8,000 feet and cool fall weather! It will snow there soon!
AdLib : Hey Bito!
AdLib : What’s sad is that whatever tragedy there is will be used by Repubs and GOP candidates to attack Obama. Aren’t people fed up with this stuff>
Emerald1943 : Bito!!!!! Glad to see you! I know! I tried to scare him into getting the heck out of there. These things are nothing to mess with.
Emerald1943 : He told me he was visiting his 82 yr. old mother. He needs to get her and go inland.
javaz : We’re in Colorado at 8,000 feet and 20 miles up from Pagosa Springs and out of the 117 degree heat of Arizona and it’s cold here, for us desert rats, and raining right now and rain is something that us Arizonans rarely see.
bito : Em, KT seems to think the West side of a ‘cane is harmless–it ain’t!
AdLib : Good! Best not to take chances…rememb er Katrina.
Emerald1943 : He KT left Martha’s Vinyard and went out on the Cape. The hurricane is headed that way.
Emerald1943 : Aw Shite! I can’t type tonite!
Emerald1943 : He left Martha’s
AdLib : Don’t know his status, he was here earlier.
Emerald1943 : Adlib, forever and ever!
Emerald1943 : Anybody seen Killgore Trout? I spent a long time this morning trying to get him to leave the coast up there.
AdLib : Heh! Yep, you’re my bff, javaz is and everyone at The Planet, totally fer sure!
javaz : Okay
Emerald1943 : Adlib, my bff! LOL
AdLib : Hey Emerald!
Emerald1943 : Whaassssup, javaz?
AdLib : javaz – try clearing your cache then using the Vox Populi page at this link: «link»
javaz : (((Emerald))))
Emerald1943 : Hi everyone! Glad to see you Javaz and Adlib too!
javaz : I can’t see the live thing correctly – tell me what to do, as I have changed to the front page, but it’s a struggle
AdLib : Pretty well! It’s very hot and humid in LA. How are you bearing up out there?
javaz : most excellent, and how how are you, AdLib?
AdLib : Nope, just beginning. How are you this evening?
AdLib : Hey javaz! What kind of help.
javaz : Is it over and did I miss it?
javaz : HALP!
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi” when you arrive!
AdLib : Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT Tonight! Hope to see you then!
Vox Populi – 8-26-2011
AdLib is online.
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